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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1906)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY 25,' 1906. , GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Cerelopt Stronger Tone, Closing; Price Higher. rith SENTIMENT FOR REACTION AFTER BREAK Iral ftltnatloa, but Domestic Crop Prospects Favor Burt-Or. mI4 Can Higher Prices, OMAHA. July 24. 19 The wheat market snow.-d a stronger tone t Kij, . I i.r opening was unchanged, but 1 1 1 . turned strong early, advancing r. Ii1i .ii,n H f the advance wm not he.d. 'i !. i lose Ola - above ycsierdiy. Home t,n n ir.. km rtuw'd ainnrm tinders by ii ft I. h i l.t. Uhnrli m-or IrK'ltned tO ' i rver. irsrt... wan llnht. hut .entlment "d to fi.ror a rchiin ttoni tin recent ln"-tk. The tiutl reports came of rust t.a.uagr- In the northwest, hut they are i,.ii.illy discredited. Receipts ate large tutu piling up rapidly. Fifty-seven cars of wheat were Inspected at- UmHha today. i.AporiPis are In tne niartft In a small urn was up at Ihe clone more than c i i jr'atTdny. It was a case of ttie i...ikc bring oversold. The weather u .!.. ii.iy tavnrahle, thMlh there were a. ..... damage icports from Missouri and l...n'i .reljita overran the estimate i.r. i ih'i were stronger. Imaty wheat recelpta were i i- i.a , 1 . ""T- I it.'he'.a. lenrancrs were, barrels flour. 8.rifl huslicle 134,(JO bushels .. .111 and ll.if usbels oats. l.lverpcol elosed unchanged to '4d lower t ti w heat and higher on corn. I."" il runpe of optiona: Articles ! Opon. A asked, n bid ' Omaha fas galea. WHFAT No. 2 hard, 2 csra. 7"C. CORN No. 3 yellow. 1 car. 47c. Omaha Caan Prlcea. WHKAT-No. 2 hard. 7(vfT70Hc; No. 3 hard. Mtr7'io: No. t spring, 69Hc. CORN-No. 3, 47c; No. 4. Bfl46Hc; No. I vellow. 47p; No. 3 whit.., 4Sc. ' OATS-No. 3 ml- o. 32V.C; No. 3 white, S3',e; No. 4 white, He. RTB-No. 2. Mc; No. S. 53c. Carlot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata. .747 2S2 68 Chlngo K.insas City Mlnneipolls Otmha ruluth St. Iiula ... ..Wl .. .. 2 .. M ..151 IS 68 TMICAOO ORAIS AI PROVISIOJtS Feetorea of Ibe Trdi Cloalng; Prlcea on Board of iTaae. CHICAGO. July 24 -The altiiatlon III R"- in. less favors bl. reports ,'he"0" r t and slightly decreased local reeelpts c-used a fairly strong wheat . ... i,..,. sentemher wheat waa up WW Oats wero up unchanged to He. Corn waa c niBii-i. 'iiff'o and provisions wero The market opened steady and unchanged chiefly because of the uncertainty , regarding fu'ra shipments from R"";'" '",1 fcrlnas Trade waa light and the principal aenere " were, caah houses. After prlcea had "dvanced about He report, were received from North Dakota declaring that the crop i th northern part of that state would he 2" er cent leas than last year Other repots were less peaatmistlc hut Ajed tl at tho crop had undoubtedly Buffered damega Tt was also declared that rust In considerable quantity had made Its appear nnca In Manitoba. In addition to these ad vances a letter from an English statistician neolared that importing countrlea would huv at least 200.000.01)0 bushela of wheat ihVa fall from the United States. ,b,.fe bullish advices, which held the mar-l-et very stiffly, were the large local ra reirts which exerted a atrong influence In chccklrk the upward movement. The close . .... arm Remember opened at 7:'c -old between 714c and 77V.O and closed it 7'.'ff77e. which was V'S'Hc higher than ! rwrnncea of wheat and flour ' . iuiih hushela. Primary re . - i Kiim hushela. against 1,00.- coa hushels last year. The world s visible sunp'v. according to Bradstreet s, in i iwmn hushela. Mlnnearxilla. Pu luth nnd Chicago rettorted receipts of 902 cars, agulnst 9S cars last week and 669 oars a vear ago. . T Dry . weather reports from Illinois, In xriaaniirl rauaed active covering bv shorts and resulted In a firm and higher nitrkrt throughout the session. In addition to the covering for short account there was fnlrlv good buying by rash interests and commission houses. Offerings were light all hv and country acceptances almost noth ing September opened at 60"i 6040. sold between 60Vo and 61Sc and cloaed firm and .n hiirher at He. Ical recelpta were 253 n-m ..iih u mm of contract grade. The oat market ruled firm partly In sympathy With corn and partly because of m'mnU reeetnta and some reports of damage to the crop. Offi rings were light and coun try acceptances small. Commission houses mji uh interests were buyers all day. Beptember opened at ec. Bold between Ze and KVyifSHNc and cloaed firm and KfiiMc higher at 33.33Hc. Local receipts 111 ran Thai nrnvlstona market was dull, but firm. Irtl and rlha cloaed higher and pork was ateadv and unchanged. Commission bouses w.r fair hi. vera of lard and the small packers and local longa the principal aell ers. Hogs were lo small supply snd So higher. At the close 8ptember pork waa unchnnKed at 117.82. 1-ard and rlha were each 2Wf.c higher at tS.t71ff9.27WS.30, re spectively. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 4n cars; corn, 128 cars; oats. SO cars; hogs, 30.OU head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.l Tes'y Wheat Julv Sept. Deo. Corn Jtly Pci.t. Mny o .te .T.tlv Pept. liec. Mnv Pork July I std Htpt. ,- nv. rih tulr Pel.t. Oct. 76l 76's 78'. 76 ft 77! 7RI 7vm 78 77H! 79l 76 78i j7St(7!t Kl Ifinvh. l48Vil I 34! a".-.1!'-.! I3SV4.4MiI l35S(n36 7 78fj S.1 4V4 Sll 61 50 5m 49t, SIN, 34, 36. 51 48 4S Sll 34 33 V 3? SSS-h 3'S 33U 3 S4 S6! 36V 364iaji In: 37!17 J7i 17 32l 17 32 17 32 '4 00 9 06 00 9 05 t 00 30 8 96 T 8 96 ffl 3 96 25 r?! 05 t 00 30 30 9 06 8 7l t 7 t 27J 9 r,' 02l so 9 9 05 t 07 t 02 No 2. Ctsh ouotatlmia were as follows: FI.OUH Steadv: w inter patents, t3 SO ? a- straights. 13 Joi3.tiii: spring patents, ' -.(; straights. 13.4Mi3 75; bakers', 12.30 WHEAT No. I spring. 77W7V; No. sn--nr 74ti77c; No. 2 red. 77Vti78c. CORN No. 2. 6H,f62c; No. 2 yellow, 22f? fvc. n4T8-Vn. 2, 34c; No. 2 white, 37c; No. w-Mte. 33fl(.T7r. RT-No. J. 5.VUV. liARLEY Oooft feeding. 4.V: fair ta , Kio, mal'lna. 43tn'V. fH.D8-V.i 1 flax. 1 0Ki4: No 1 north e.,rri. ti rjii. Prime timothy. tfOO. Clover, arsde. 111.3. P""1S"NB 6n"rt rlha sides (loo eel toreito Mesa pork, per hbl , $19 16 lord -e .. 18.14V Short clear aides tboxedl t v9.87ti. Following were the receipts and ship tnents of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments ''-in- bhls !3n0 SI. 100 'Vbat hu 8SS 4" 7 f-r.. hu 2o.-on 181. son "a bu l8ino 171 bi 3.000 2 0 Prlv. hu ; 115.10 1 noi) " the Produce exchange today the but market was steadv: creameries. '9' :. 'aires. iwi'V, Fggs. firm: at mark, c-sa le uded' li!"k-: ftreta. lMilsic; prime flrj's !. Che. ae. firm. lljl!c. llalhle npply of (iraln. NEW YORK.' July !4.-Ppe.lal telegraphic eominiinli at It.t.s received by Brmlstrce.a show the ftill.vwlng changea In visible up r'los of grain with accounts: W-et. United State and Canada. fst at Hovales, increased 3.484, (M) bu.; afloat , J",:r , J,?m,. Jl.r ,f'T.. oi huVn-1 bu. Spot market firm; No. 2, 67H". ela h& '-.lift r'Tlptr ant yar fif i,.okj nusn-. j . n , , vniiow s Slllpment. of t4A bushels. Corn v'"r. f. o. v floa No. 2 yellow ifcrl.t. 4.fn.tfl huatiola hucI snlnmetils c; No 2 white. W. VV Tnon h.jsnMs. aualnst iec-irts I.. at year of opened firm and higher with wheat and cm i .-. .. i .k r,t fi..A liKht rece Dta and short coverings, with High Vow. I Close.l Tea'y. Julv j f.!',R ! WV.BI tB Pert... '3HB 70 B fiit 6SSA Dec... 72',A 7:4A 72 72StB rr.lU!v...l 47 B 47n' 47 P 47SB 4AVtR Pcpt...l B 4 B45SA 4f.'B 4n- May... 43 B I H VA VeVt I 0 B SOB for and In Europe, decreased hu. ; total supply, Increased 2 04,0"0 bu. Corn, I nlted B'ste and Canada, east of Rorkiea, lncresse.1 3-t.onO bu. Data, Cnlied Ptatea and Canada, east of Rockies, increased l.JTC.tKO bu. The leading Increases reported thla week are lfii,oH) hu. at the Chicago private elevator. 23I.(I at Nashville, 2ti,a0 bu. at Inulavllle. 11T0 bu. In Lincoln, Neb . and vicinity; !''.() bu. at Cleveland. 1W.0U bu. at Fort Worth, 62.0") bu. at Omaha and &...000 hu. at Dallas. Leading den eases are 607.000 bu. In Man itoba and 88.000 bu. In Ooderlch, Ont- !FW YORK GEJF.RAI. MARKF.T Qaotntlona f the Day bn Vnrtone C'oiniaodltlea. NEW TORK. July J4 -FIUR-Bwelpti, 27.8;4 bbls.; exports. 1.131 bbls: market teady with moderate, trade; winter patent, tt 0"tl4 26. winter straights, 13 75S3.95; win ter extra, f- 8i33 40; winter low gradea, t2.tViH4.25; Minnesota patents. W 34 .60; Minnesota bakers. H 4o'03.5. Rye (lour dull; fair to good. 33.434.90; choice to fancy, $3ff4.30. .14 . t irt.VMEAU-Steady ; fine white and yellow, tl.2otil.26; coarae. 11.10&1.12; kiln dried t2.75ni3.80. , , R YK Dull ; No. t weitern, 67c, nominal, f. o. b., New York. , WH EAT Receipts. 29.800 bu.; spot market firm; No. 2 red. X2V elevator; No, 2 red. MSc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, KTSc, f. o b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, 84c, f o. b. afloat. Wheat opened He higher on rumora of large expert business, which, however, failed to materialise, but furthar advancetl on Russian social and political unrest and talk of crop nut In the North west. The cloaa waa firm. July. b3v,i&3c. rjoaed at tSc; September, 83 16-WjfhS 7-lXc. closed at 83c; December. 8oft6c. closed at .c. r-CIKNHecelnta 96,- g'.od deiiinnd for cash property. The close wns firm at c. net advance. July cloaed at r7ic; September. 67f)o7Sc closed at 67HC; December. 6S"iiio6Vc. cloaed at 66V4C OATS Receipts. l3.Mi0 bu.; exports, 4.K75 bti. 8pot market steadv; mixed oats, 2. to 32 pounds. 3Pe: natural white. 30 to 33 pounds, 4o'.i42c; clipped white, 3 to 40 pounds, 444tf47c. HAY Firm; shipping. &Mj6ic; good to choice. 96cgtl.00. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, l" crop, 10f,17c; 19,14 crop, nominal: olda, nominal; Paclfle coast, 1905 crop, Witl'ic; crop, 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steadv: Galveston. 20 to 28 lha.. 30c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 21c; Texas dry. 24 to 80 lbs.. l!lo. LK'ATHKR Quiet; acid. 2Ga27Hc. PKOViaiONfr-Beef. steady: family. tlO.OO 610.05; mess, 38 OOfcg.50; beef hams. t21.0o 22.50; packet. t?.0O&9.60: city extra India ieaa. tlft.OixfT 16 00. Cut meats, firm: Dick- led bellies, in.6n13.60; pickled shoulders. ifu.75: Pickled hams. 112 11.4j12.76. Lard. firm; western prime, t9.WKji9.iii; nominal; refined, firm; South America, 110. 00; com pound, 17. 00 7 37c; continent. 19 46. Pork, firm; family. 119 Mi; short clear, tl"-0018.75; mesa, 118 6uftl9.00. TALLOW Qqulet: city (12 per pkg); 16-16c; country (pkgs. free), 4T4Q61c. RICK Unlet: domestic, extra fair. 31.9 PAc; Japan, nominal. nul l Kit steady: street price, extra creamery. 20H'&21c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, H'S'Wtyc; renovated, common to extra, n'a'c; western tac- tory, common to firsts, 13617c; western Imitation creamery, extras, 18c; western flrts. lW(-17He. CHEESE-Strons: new. state, nill cream. large, fancy, l c; fair to good, l()Vullo; mall, fancy, live: lair to good. lOVtOic: Inferior, 89c EGaS State. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 24c; choice, 22'&23c; mixed extra, 22c; western -firsts, 1718o; Seconds, l&-il6Hc; southern, 15tflo. POULTRY Alive, steadv; western spring hickens. 17c: fowls. KtWc: turkeys, luc. Dressed, steady; western spring chickens, 19a23c; turkeys, ll&13c; fowls, nil 14c. 84. Loots Geaeral Market. 8T. LOUIS, July 24. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, caah elevator, 74 c; track, 74 4l75c; September, 74 c; No. Z hard. 737i8c CORN Higher; No. 3 cash, 60c; track, 61 c; September, 60 c; December, 48c, OATS Higher; no. 2 casn, sac: tracx. 85f36e; September, 83c; December, 34c; No. 2 white, 37 38c. OATs Firm; jvo. 2 casn, soc, nominal: track, 36c; September, 32 c bid: De cember. 13 He: No. 2 white, iHffj37c. FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents, 4.3o 4.60; extra fsncy and straight, 13.76S4.30; clears. 12.7&08.26. SEED Timothy, steaay. x3.7bqp1.00. CORNMEAL Steady, 12.80. BRAN Dull; sacked, east rack, 73 75c. HAY Steady, timothy. tlal7: prairie. Iron cotton ties ti. BAOOINO e. HEMP TWINE 70. PROVISIONS Pork. 'Steady: lobbing. 117.07. Ird, lower; prime steam, 18.46. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra snorts, 19. 60; clear ribs, 19 76; short clears, 19 87. Bacon, steady; bexed extra snorts, 110.26; cl.-ur ribs, lio.eo; short clear, fio.62. 11050: short clear. 110.02. POULTRY Weak ; chickens. 10c; springs. itc; turaeys, 140; aucaa, vo; geeee, oc. BUTTER Steady; creamery. ISWZlc: dairy, 14 6 18o. KUU8 b teady; iso case count. Receipts, enipments. Flour, bbls 4.000 8.000 Wheat, bu ..151 .C .. 67.000 .. 78.000 37.000 Corn, bu Oats, bu 51,000 62.000 Mloaeapolts Grata Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 24. -FLOUR First patents, 34.204.30: second patents, 14 061? 4.10; first clears. 13.Zo-aJ.36; second clears, 62.608 to. SHAN in bulk. lis.BOtru Tt. (Superior Board of Trade Quotations for Minneapolis and Chicago delivery). The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day et to., uu-ui itoara or 1 raae, was: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.j Low. Cloee.j Tes'y Wheat- I May... July... Sept... Dec... 81 t? 8iV8ie 81 75'&781i 76-4 1 ?6S-k 76Si76wSk 78 I 77 77, 7e7f Flax- July... Sept... Oct.... 1 12 1 11 1 It 1 13' 1 13 1 12 l ! l 13 1 " 1 12 1 10 I 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. hard. 78c: No. 1 northern, 78c; to arrive, 77c; No. 2 northern, 76c; to arrive, isc; P.O. 1 northern, 14 w lac. Kanaae City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, July 2 4. WHEAT 0 1c higher; July. 68 c: September. 70c December. 72Vc. Cash: No. 2 hard, 70 r71c; No. 3. (870c; No. 4. 67CP 68c; No. 2 red. 7172c; No. 3, 70 Cf 71 VkC: NO. 4. BSi 9C. CORN July. 4c; September. 48 wc: De cember. 4 3 He. Cash: No. 2 mixed, 4&4J 4HV,r; No. 3.-4i4c; NO, 1 while, sou' (OUr; No. I, 50c. OATS No. 2 white, 3G3c; No. mixed. 86 c. RYE Steady. 66r?iic. HAT-Steady; choice timothy. tl00Ogl0.60 choice prairie. 19 a-ns 60. EGGS Higher; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood caaea Included, 17c; caae count. 16c; cases returned, c less. BUTTER Creamery, 19c; packing. 14e. Receipts. Shipments Wheat, bu... Corn, bu Oats, bu .WI.O 112,000 69 000 30.000 26.000 6.000 Peoria Grata Market PEORIA. July 24 CORN-Hisher; ; No. yellow. Mr: iso. s, sic; jso. 4. wc. OATB Higher; No. 2 white, new No. 3 white, new, 84c: old. 34c; white, new and old, 23c. WHISKY On the basis of 11.3. S4C JNO Mulatto Grain Market. PIXI'TH, July 24.-WHF4.T-To arrive No. 1 northern. 7SWc; No. ?. 764c On track No. 1 northern. 78c; No. t northern. 7ti'4C July, .vc; Btptemurr and December. 7. ' '33c! OATs lo arrive, on track and July. Liverpool Grain and Provlaloas. LIVERPOOL. July 24 WHEAT- Spot nominal: futures, quiet; July. 67'rt; Sep tember. 6t4d; December, tut 7:d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old 4s 9d. Futures, quiet; September, 4a t",d London Cc-. Slocka. LONDON, July 24. Cloalng quotations on tht BtocK exchange were: Consols. atAoey do account Anarond Atchlh.a do sfd Bltlmro Ohio... Cnsdl,n Pacific ... rhos Ohio Chicago 0-t W c . u A St P DoBoors Doom A O do (.Id gno do lot p!4 do 14 l!d llllnola Central LouitTlllo a Kaah. M . K. T SILVER- Bar. .. 17V,. N. T. Cantral , . ITa Norfolk W . . 11V do Vti . . t , Ontario ft W ..101 iraanaylvanla. . 1! Rand Him ..14Kt, Roadlni .. do lot aid . . UV, da Id rd ..1MH Sosthera Railway .. 11 I do prd .. 4lta Soutsrrn Paclac .. a4 I aloa Paciac .... .. 4. a do fd .. Tv4 1'. a. Sts4 . . T 1 do sfd ..1U Wabaah ..147,1 do fd .. Spaslak 4s lit to ac 444, K 1 IH4, IT lt tl steady. Sod per ounce. MONEY I per cent The rate of discount in t; open market for elmrt bill is 3-4i Ut icr tent; for three luuntlia UIls, 1 ir cuU to xnL hu vnnrfi. NEW 0RE STOCKS AND BONDS Operator! Working far aa Adraaot Doiitt Bather Abruptly from Their ActifitUa. SITUATION IN RUSSIA THE CAUSE ealatera teeaa Mere larllaefl te View the Oatlook Mere rL oaaly Taae the Day Be fere Close Is Heavy. NEW YORK. July 14 The operating forces in the stock market, which nad em barked In a movement for an advance In prices of stocks, apparently reconsidered their immediate plana today and desisted rather abruptly from their actlvlt'.ea. These activities were quite strikingly manifest yesterday In the face of the Dis turbing news from Russia, making Wall street an isolated Issue of strength among the group of the world's great securities markets. It did not develop today what waa the motive for the change' in mar ket tactics, but It waa the general sup position that a revision of previous esti mates of the Importance upon the world s financial outlook of the Russian situation lay at the root of the matter. It did not appear Immediately that the tone of the market had undergone an al teration, although the opening dealings showed the same response to the foreign disturbances as yesterday. Then followed a vigorous recovery In response to sup porting orders. It was then thai an out pouring of atock to reallxe gave the algnal that accumulation and support waa no longer to be In order. The temporary up ward spurt was attributed to the in initia tive ot traders, who aimed to follow the leadership pointed out by yesterday's ac tion of tha market. The day's principal activity was exhausted by the end of tne first hour, and there was a marked shrinkage afterwards and a growing apathy in speculative Interest. the as sistance to be realised for the New York market from tranquil conditions abroad was given more force in the nay's specula te consideration. The anruit cnange rouglit In the foreign exchange market by the Russian developments and the to- al cutting off of New York from access ) the large incoming gold arrivals in ondon waa polntrg to aa a striking ex- mple of the Indirect effects here to be ppreliended from disturbed foreign mar ets. With foreign markets under pres- ure. any attempt to advance prlcea in New York would have the effect of Invlt- ng realizing sales on securities marketanie ere and to afford means for protection or ess favorably Disced holdings aoroaa. Hitherto the argument haa been advanced hat tha growing weakness or nussian securities would serve to divert French nvestments from them into other fields. hus nromlslne well or applications to French capital to spare In American bond ssues. But it was realised mat tne ef fect of the disturbed conditions abroad unpropitlous for any new commitments. The New York money markrt waa un changed today and 'call loans remained ery eaay in spite or pronaoie preparat ions for tomorrow's sale of tl2,600,000 of New York City bonda. The outcome f thla flotation la awaited with much 1n- erest for the light It will throw on tne late of investment demand. The an nouncement of the extent to which the aovernment funda are being deposited In banks In connection with the Panama canal bond laaue, the amount reaching IJs.000, 000. was a reassuring factor on the money Ituatlon. Reports of a 16.000,000 note ssue by the American Telephone company n anticipation of subscriptions to L'lvlted States bond Issues was regarded as evi dence of the continued heavy require ments of corporations for new capital. nterest waa shown in the reported snie of a stock exchange seat at 178.000. as against the preceding price of 181,000, and a high record price above 330.000. The drop of prices waa due aa much to withdrawal of demand as to any selling pressure, and there was some recovery from the bottom prices, but the closing was heavy. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, tl. 325,000. United States 3s and new 4s advanced three-fourths per cent on call. The following are the quotsr.ons on in Stock exchange: ales. High. Low. Cine. 140 Adama Eipreas Amalgamated Copper 41.400 4, 4k 1,004 15 1414; 104 lom, 1004 400 80S . 80 44 4 American C. ft r American C. ft F. pfd American Cottoa Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Expreaa w 4 1:5 1 14 14 41 43 111 144 114 134 144 4 American H. A U pfd American loe. securities.... 7,100 4444 81V, American Llneeed Oil Am. IJnaeed Oil pfd American Locomotive Am. Locomotive pfd 4.444 1044 xi.'m 144 41 '4 14444 ii'44 '; 1421 4'4 MS American 8. A R Am. 8. ft R, pfd American Sugar Refining .. I .TOO 100 11.000 l.ino 104 134 n n HVi Tobacco pre ctra Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoa Atcbtsoa pfd Atlantlo Coaat Line le. Baltlmor ft Ohio Bal. ft Ohio pfd Brooklrn Rapid Traaalt.... 4.100 U1'4 1184. 114 2 14 10 120 04 11 144 114 11 14 1 41 (4 44 44 140 H 1444 111 635 l .41 44 40 74 144 lt 111 17 (1. 100 14. TOO 100 " 100 100 81.100 109 74 161 4 III ii" 11.114 1404k II 7S 1F.IS III 'if 11744 171 II Canadian PaolSo Cantral of New Jersey Cheaapeake ft Ohio Chicago Oraat Western Chicago A Northweatera.... ChloafO, Mil. ft St. r Chicago T. ft T Chicago T. ft T. pfd C, a, C. ft Bl. L Colorado Fuel ft Iron 11. ton 4444 474k Colorado ft Southern 100 44H4 14 Colo. A 80. lat pfd Colo, ft So. 14 pfd 400 414, 4144 Consolidated Oaa Cora Product 100 1144 114k Cora Products pfd Delaware ft Hudaon 1,000 tllVk 110 Delaware, U ft W Denver ft Rio Grande 1.1041 404k 40 Denver ft R. O. pfd ..... Planners' Securities 404 IT lt Erl 11.104 414 4044 Brie 1st pfd 1.100 TT44 TT General Blectrts 1.104 14 144 Hocking Valley, aaked llllnola Cantral International Paper Inlernalloaal Paper pfd International Pump 1.404 44 4444 International Pump pfd 104 144 11 Iowa Central lows Central pfd Kanaka City Southern Kanaaa City So. pfd Loulavlll ft Nashville 1.T0O 14144 114 Meilcaa .Central too to 10 Minneapolis 1 II. L 100 4544 4544 M.. Bt. P. A 8. g. M 400 141 151 41 14 3 - 41 11 41 114 40 14 111 .1(4 x 32 44 13 11 1S3 45 n 10 4 84 154 4 71 44 1 121 124 W M 24 41 23 k 41 II M 11 44 11 140 41 17 44 144 41 124 75 41 104 It 104 a 101 18 4 2M 151 41 17 J 44 M.. St. P. A 8. g. M. pfd.. Mlaaourl Pacific Mlaaourl. K. ft T 1.400 I.liM) 1.100 1.TO0 k.ioo 404 1. 100 144 3v 47 744k 13144 44 14k t ll4 44 74 1.414 44 7 M . K. ft T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of M. pfd.. New York Central New York. O A W Norfolk A Western Norfolk A W. pfd North Americas Pacific Mall 1.004 11.00 404 84 1M 10 14 U6 4 Pennaylvanla People'a Gaa P.. C. C. A Bt. L Preeaee Steel Car 1.404 44 444 Preeeed Steel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car Reading TT.400 114 111 Reading lat pfd. aaked Reading Id pfd. aaked Republic Steel .... Republic Steel pfd nock Ialand Co Rock Ialand Co. pfd 8t. L A S. P. id pfd 81. L. 8. W St. L 8. W. pfd Southern Paclflc Bo. Paciae pfd Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd ToiiBOsaee Coal A lroa Teiaa A Pacific Toledo. Bt. L. A W T . II. LAW. pfd I'nloa Pacific t'nlon PacIsc pfd , t ailed Statea Eiproa I sited State Really , lolled Statea Rubber V. 8. Rubber pfd t'nlted Btatsa Sleet I'. Steel ptd V. -Carolina Chemical .... Va -Carolina Chrm. pfd ... Wahaah Wabaah pfd W'ella-Pargo Eipreas Weatloghouae glectrle .... Weatern t'nlon Wheeling A Lake Brio Wiecooun Central Wla Ceatral pfd Northern Pacific Oraai Northern prd Ceutral Leather Central t.ealhr pfd Bloaa Shegleld Steel Inlorborougn Metropolitan. TOO 104 mo 100 14 11 2 It 8T.4O0 lioo . 10 r l.H 14 44.100 404 72 14 151 11 11 4T 1474 604 TO '.4 141 11 7i 44 141 400 loo 41.100 14.104 ioe "ioo 400 104 l 14 4 ii'' 46 41 104 34 ld! it" 4f. 104 144 iii" 8. Toe tr. t4 11 1"1 Tt IT 1M 140 14 101 71 14 75 t'a) 190 we 44 404 KM 404 4 141 11 loterborwugh Mot. pfd. 14 14 i Total aalea lor the day. lit TOO aha re. Jew York Mining; Stoeka. NEW TORK. July ii -Closing quotations nn mtnina wwvaa were; Adam Cos All.-O Rreece Briinewtrk Tee . Conutock Tunset Cos la I ft Vs.. Hors Silver lroa Sllvor Leadtlll Cos u. oflered. . te no . J . 44 . 14 . . 6 Lltll Cklef Oaurls a. Opkir Phoeals Poteol Savage glair Nevada , truall Hope ., Standard Treaaarr Statement. WASHINGTON. July ?4Today's state meni ni tne treaaury raiancea in the gen eral fund, excluaivt el the Ilrt.lw.0i4j oid reaerve, shows: Available cash balance, 1171,746,127; gold coin and bullion, r?.l.!.27; gold certificates, 139.1.t0. err York Money Market. NEW TORK, July 14 MONET On call, eaay, 3C8V, per cent; ruling rate, 2t per cent. Cloalng bid. 2 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans dull and easy for short dates Sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days. 444 per cent; six months, Pr cent. R1ME MERCANTILE FAFER-irJ6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, clos Ing easier at t4.862ijt4K26 for demand and St I4.8aavj4 .8226 for sixty days; posted rates, 14 1.H4 83 and l4 86ft4.M; com mercial Mils, 84.82. SILVER Bar. 64c. 604o. BONDS Government heavy. Quotations on New Mexican dollars, strong; railroad fork bonds today were 01 follows V 8. rof. la, 1M Unpan Id serlos M'4 lit 414 llv, 1) 44 US 84 4 ItS do coupes V. 8. la. res do coupon I'. 8. old 4a. rag. do coupon t'. 8 now 4a. ra do coupon Am. Tnbaoro 4a... do (a Atchlion gen. 4s . do adj. 4a Atlantic C. U 4a, Bal. Ohio 4s... do lva ...14 do 4a rtfa ...lot fin ctfa. . ..15! do Id aerlea ...1H L ft N. unl. 4a ... ''Van. c. ( 4a .. .1IS14 Mi Tenlral 4a..., ...tvti do 1st Inc ... tl'4 Minn, ft St. U. 4s., . . . 1 1 2 V, M . K A T. 4a do la ... 444,. N. R R. of M e 4a ... l"4 N. T. C. f. 1.. ...10l4iN. J r f. aa.... ... US No Pacific 4a ... 44 do la ... n ...1U ...I04T4 Bra. R. T. it. 4a Central el OS. la ... do lat Inc do Id Inc do Id Inc Cboa. ft Ohio 4a... Cklrato ft A. Itta... r., B. ft Q. a. 4a... C, R. I. ft P. 4a . .. 4n col. 6a Cro. ft St. L ( 4a. Colo Ind. la, ssr. A do aorloa g Cclorado Mid 4a.... Colo, ft 80. 4a Cuba to D. A R. O. 4a Dletlllers' 8ec. to EH p I. a do gen. 4a. Hor-king Val. 4a... Japan aa -uilered. ...Ill M. A W. C. 4s 10..4, ... D4 n. g. 1 rfda 4a ... M' ... I44 Pcnn. conv. Iva Mw ...17 iRoodinc son. 4a lo lOlv, St. L. I at c. 4a 1I44 4a S- L.. A S r. f 4a. N 7' at. L. 8 w .. TJ SaaNtard A L 4a a. 80. PaciSc 4. ltl4 do lat 4a rtfa... Tit 80. Ratlvar la ... T4 iTaiao A P. la .. MH .. II V4 .. I4' ..IKS lit . 11 v, .1M4 . 14 ,114 V, . II . . it 'A II T., 8t L ft W. 4a , 44 Vnlon Pacific 4a 10 V 6 Siecl Id ta... lOOH.Wahaah la ao I do deb. B l.v.14 Wcatcrn Md 4a ot tv. A U C. 4a IHcN, Wla. Central 4a "4 Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, July 24.-Csll loans. 3H4 pT cent; time loans, f,&b per cent. Official closing on stocks snd bond: Atrhlaon kdj. 4a.... do 4a Mai. Control 4a Atchteon do pfd Poaton A Albany... Boston A Mnlno.. Poaton Elevated ... Fltchbur pfd .... Mex. Central N. V.. N. H. A It. Pore Marquette ... t'nlon Pacific Amor. Arte. Chora.. do pfd Amor. Tneu. Tub.. Amor. Sugar do pfd American T. ft T. Amer. Woolen do pfd "Bdleon Elec. Illu. Maaa. Electric do pfd Maaa. Uaa United Trull ....... lpn Had Shoe Mach.. do pfd North Butte V. 8. Stool..., do pfd Bid. -Asked. . 94 iWootlnit. common .lvit Adrenture . 71 jAllouai . eaVAmaiiamated .. T4 .. 4S .. SI .. HT, .. 14., .. n ..184 .. SI .. 14 .. 1444 .. 16U, .. 10', .. 1H .. 4', ::i .. '44 .. 17 ..101 .. tt .. 13 .. w .. 14 .. k .. 41 .. 8I .. I .. 144 .. 4 .. 4V ..141 lVAtlntic .144 .ins ISO .lit Uingham (al. A Hocl.. jrentcnnlal Copper Kanga . Daly Weet .... 19H .lMviKranklln . AJ Oranby .14alsle Hoyale ... . 2t)v,:S( Mining . . 1 Michigan . It Mohawk .11.14, Mont c. A C. . 13j IUM dominion . .IHH Oareola . la'aPsrrot . ton Sa'Qulncy .47, Shannon . 11 ITamarack . M Trinity . S4l'nltd Copper .104 ,1'. f Mtnlnf... . Til, U. B. oil . Iu4t Vtah . Hv, Victoria . 14 iW'Inona .101 jwolvartna Foreign Financial. PARIS, July 28. Trading on the Bourse today opened calm with Russians ateadier. Later there was renewed depression In Russians with heavy offers towards the close, which wan weitk. Russian imperial 4s closetl at 67.90 and Russian bonds of Is at 469.00. Bank Clcarlnge. OMAHA. July 24. Bank clearings for today were 11,669,195.82 and for the cor responding date last year 11,586,292.06.' OMAHA, WHOLES A 1. IS MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Faney Produce. BOOS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 10c; roosters. 6c; turkeys, JiVic, ducks, Vc; spring cuick- ents. imhw twr id. BUTTKR Packing stock, 14c; choice fancy dairy. 16c: creamery. 214iilTe, HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: Choice upland, 19.00; medium, sn.w coarse. !8.0O.5o. Rye straw, Ib.eoai.Oo. BRAN Per ton. 118.00. VEflETARlJES. ' TOMATOES Illinois, per crate of 20 lbs.. 7Rc. WAX BEANS Per . market basket of about 16 lbs.. 36c. 8TR1NO HF.ANS Per market basket of ahnut 15 lha.. Sfr. TURNIPS, BEETS AND CARROTS Per t-hu. haaket. 'Ac LEAF LETTUCE Hothouse, per da. heAdn. 90o. CUCUMBERS Home grown, per dug., 40c; Texas, per bu. box, $1.26. ONIONS Home arown. 3o per lb. ORIiE:N ONIONS Per ' evos bunches, 20a RAI1SHE3 Per dos. bunches, 16o. CAULIFLOWER Per doi. heads. .5c. GREEN PEAS-Per bu., 11.00. NEW POTATOES Per bu., 75c. ni n VKflKTABLES. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 11.85; No. 2, tl.iu. 1 iv. 1 mrivfi-Per Ih 6W4c. b'b'ef.N PEPPERS Per market bas ket, 75c. TRAPirAI, FRUITS. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkgs , ti.00; n,n.,m'.n in 70-lh. boxes. ter lb.. 6c Ravers. rer lb.. 4c: walnut stuffed, 1-lb, l... ,.. . iiiu : K-lh boxes, tl.00. ritj ANfiir Mediterranean sweets, all slses, 14.00U4.50; Valencies, all sixes. to.tXXSy 6. 50. LEMONS Llmonlers. extra fsncy, 240 sise. 16.00; 300 to 360 slse. I6.6ts3r7.00; other K.., r. ,t . tl OA I ' FIGS Collfornla. per 10-lb. carton, 75 85c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. 11c Ivrrivn. 13e. BANANAS Per medlum-slsed bunch, 31.754jw.26; Jumbos, t2.6utj3.00. , rlNhArrLt.0 r Jonuu, aiace v, v eu BLUEBERKIrxi V4 lsconain, 10 qis., -.w. FRUITS. CHERRIES Calif ornls, 32.C0 per 8-lb. box sour cherries, 24-nt. crale, tl.a). OOOSEBERRIKS rer craie 01 24 qis. C9 (A pli.Al'HKlf riaiea eariy, mi, yeutiw irw stone. 11.00: Texas ,ioeriaa, per 4-oasaei crate ',bc. PLUMS-Cal fornla. 8l.bOfBi.7a BLACKBERK1ES Per 24-qt. crate, 32.26. RASPBERRIES lied, per i4-pi. crate 32.00; black, per 24-qt. crale, 63.09. A PKICD TB Jrer t-oaiMt crate, ai.ia. CURRANTS Home-grown, whits and red, per 24-qis., tl tn;. AlUAi.n. WATERMELON b Per lb., lc, or abou mma&r each. I AW I LLOl rr.o iuiuiwju anu Ariauna, er crate (standard). Wo"; ponies, 12 50 Texas. ier crate (about 4s melons), 8V1.U0 ponies 2.i CUT BEEF PRICES. No. 1 ribs, 12c: No. 2 ribs, 10c; No. 3 ribs svv No. 1 loin, lac; no. z loin, I2ic; No loin. c: iNO. 1 cnut-K, -v. - i-uut:;. oc No 3 chuck. 4c: ro. 1 touiio, sc; io. round. 8c: No. 3 round, c; No. 1 plate, 3c: No. 2 plate, 2c: No. 3 plate. 2c. V..V.V.D k-A I'll Kill' il...n No. 1. latAc: No. 2. li'c: bull hldea, 9al0c scan hides. No. 1. H'ric; No. 2. loVic: horfe. 2.54.f3.60; sheep pt-lts, 5c&11.25. Tallow, No. 1, 4c; NO. 2, 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, 1375; per bbl., 34.75. HON EY New, per 24 lbs., 13 ). CHfitHB Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick. 12c; Wisconsin limberger. 12c; I whim, jjwc; young Americas. 15c NUTS Walnuts, No. 1, soft ahelW, rew crop, per lb., 15Vc; hard sheila, per !b., 13c. Pecans, laige, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Chill walnuta, per lh.. 12l34n. Almonds, soft shells, per ") . 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, 34 per sick . 1IM1 SUGAR Granulated cane, 15 16: granulated cane, In sacks, in bbls.. 1811; gran- ulated oeet, in aacas, .va. SYRUP-In bbla.. 2.c per gal.; In caeea, ( W-lb. cans, tl-70; case 11 6-lb, cam. 4.80; casea 24 2-lb. cane. 31.85. COFFEE Roasted. No. 36, 25c per lb.; No. 20, 2c per lb.; No. 35. Ib-nC per lb.; No. 2", ln' per lb.; No. 21, 12c per il. CURED FISH-Family wnltellsh. per quartrr bbl., luu lbs., 14. uO; Norway mack erel. No. 1, 328 00; No. 2. 326.00; No. 3, UO.Oj; Irian, No. 2. IK tiO; herring, In bbls , 3'". lbs. each. Norway, 4k. $12 (a; Norway, 2k, tU oo; Holland, mixed, til 0u; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers. 0c; kegs, mixed, 70c. CANNED GOODS corn, standard west em, tou"; Maine, 11 16 Tomatoes. 3-lb. cans. $1.2641 l.bu; 2-lb , 97Hertl.ou, Pineap- rles, grated, 2-lb., 12 06$ 2 3"; sliced. 11.9 20; gallon apples, fancy, U j, California apricots, 314fd:u0; tars, 31.75(12 id; peaches, fancy, ll.7bo2.40; H. C. peaches, $.' Oicat.60. Alaska salmon, red. 1123; Uncy Chinook, F., 32.W; fancy aockeye, F., 41 8o, sardines, oil, 12 50: mustard. UitHjllu, Sweet potatoes, 26; aauerkraut, 1 '; pumpkins, kortll.u.i, wax Leans. 2-lb., 7Vf Vk; lima beans. 2-ib., 75cb11 35; spinach, $1.36; cheap peas, 2-lb., toe; extra,; fancy. 41 ijl 76. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1. 12-; No. I, Uc; full hides. l9c; green hiaea, No. 1, i"-', No. 2. 9c; norae, filial 3 26, sheep pelts. 50ca41.i$. Tsllow, Nu. 1. 4c; No. 2. 3c vsvOL Per lb. Italic OMAHA LITE SFOCI M1RKET Good Tat CUl Stead Otbra Wk. to Etroic, GOOD .LIGHT HOGS SOME STRONGLR keen and Laaaks Open Mead and Fairly Active Mosta Weak ad Dnll, Fapeclally 0 Ceaaaaoa Grades. rJOUTH OMAHA. July 34. 1801 Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday i.STS 2. ft 3.617 1.6A Official Tueaday 3.212 6.184 Two days this Week.... 7.840 ll.SM 13.864 Same days laat week ... 16td 13.798 16.167 Same two weeka ago.... 8.917 11.248 14.3V8 Same three weeks ago... 4.821 M.8.4 7.048 Same four weeks a so 7.8A7 17.9 2,163 Same days last year 7.871 16.624 84.3M ) RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. I The following table shows the receipts of I cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana.for j the year to date, compared with laat year: IDOa. 190. Inc.. Cattle 621.797 477.17 44.411 Hogs 1.5r.l7 1. 470.111 127.6" Sheep 835,200 811,247 3J,c4 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the urlces paid for tbt different kinds of came on the south Omaha market: Oood to choice corn-fed steers 16.6(8J 20 rair to good corn-fed steers t.ooue.wt Common to fair oorn-fd steers.... j"iii Good to choice cows and heifers.. 3.7l.40 atr to good cows and heifers.... 8.0SB ' Common to fair cows and helri.. Uood to cnolce stockers A feeders. 3 66a4 10 Fair to good stockers and feeders. 2 26(3 66 Common to fair stockerk 3 i4i3.26 Bulls, stags, etc 1 "04 i Veal calves 8.754(6.76 The following table ahuwa the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the lasi several dsys, wltb comparisons: Date. I 1906. 1P.190i.1W8.18O2. 11901. 11900. July July 11. U. 18 '. 19. 20. 4j I 32 6 111 1 381 T 711 6 911 ( 04 S 4M 4 XI 6e 6 81 4 kl T 77 Mi ( 63 July 6 IU 6 28 I 6 Mi 14 6 13 I 10 T 73 6 01 t 19 t 17 7 6 77 July July July July 6 47 4 30 t.521 6 561 t 20 7 711 t 68 4 94 6 22 7 74 I 69. 4 87 July 6 66 5 K t 31 July I 8 61 I 6 18 7 661 i 6.1 99 July t 4l 8 471 I 691 60HII22J 16 681498 July 21 . . . 22 ... I 13... 24... 5 61 6 48, 6 101 6 I 6 07 6 i 4 94 ! 6 32 7 6Z 6 Of July 80 7 0O 5 87 6 01 Juiy I 62 I 8 W 6 81 4 97 July . 6 471 I ( 18 7 41 6 70 t It Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each rood was: Cattle. Hogs, eneep.n r s. C. M. d: St. P 1 3 Wabssh . 1 3 17 3 43 10 ( 25 10 1 1 1 121 Missouri Pacific 12 I'nton Pacific system 28 e i i 13 C. & N. W., east.... 4 C. A N. W., west..., 21 C, St. P., M. A O.... 7 C. B. U., east s C. B. A Q., west 47 C, K. 1. gc f.t east., 1 C, R. I. ft P.," west.. 3 Illinois Central 2 Chicago Ot. Western I Total receipts 139 11 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: cattle. Hogs, oneep. Omaha Packing Co 232 1.130 793 Swift and Company .... 8V) 1.260 447 140 48 54 111 i' 8 48 "l7 348 2.081 3.567 2.065 l.hOH 1,0 197 Cudahy Packing Co Armour Co Cudahy, from K. C Iihman 61 Co Hill A Bon Hamilton 4 Rothschild. Klngan Co 484 Wolt A Murnan J. B. Root 6V Co Bill lan A Kline Halstead 128 Clark Other buyers 1.676 Totals 8.589 8.382 8.083 RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha ; t2.0tU00 t.6aW) Chicago 1.2oaJ..40 .l'(t.K) Kaunas city 2.e.w osinjvj. u St. Louis 1.906. 26 6.2o4j4J90 Bloux City 1.60(06.80 .8&4i.0 MONDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of cars of stockers and feeders snipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. George Winters, Ylnisca, la Q 1 won at W., Red Oak, la. J I W. f. Campbell, Dow 4jity, ia. I. C. 1 C. Campbell, Herman, Neb. M. at 0 8 ...... Receipts of cattle were no. overly large this morning and consisted principally of ted and native siock, inerg oeing very few western rangers included among the aay's arrivals. The demand for beei steers was quite good, so much so that the market On the better grades waa iatrly active at fu .j iimy prices. In a lew cases selu.-rt, .. , ,1 had rlgni desirable cattle felt that tbey securea. if anyuung, a little betu- pi.v- than could have been obtained yeatera y. 1 i.e marKet u l.. t.u grades lhat Is, such cattle as are selling from 36.36 up wards waa active and tha off..r...k such changed hands In very good season. The medium klnda, on the other harm, were a little slow snd the tendency on them is lower every day. The fact Is that anything thai s only half fat or warmed up comes Into direct competition with grass beef and Is suffering accordingly. This la a common thing at tbls season of the year, when range cattle begin coming more freely. Cows and heifers of good quality were stiong and active and the moderate offer ings were all disposed of In very good seaaon. Common canners and cutters were about steady, but were not sought after as much as the better grades. Stockers and feeders continue slow and weak. The fart la that the country seems to regard prices on good kinds of feeders as too high and Is holding off. A'lth a lack of country buying the market Is nat urally weak from lack of support. Representative sales: xstLcr BiLiink N. 1 1 I II I 1 , 14 10 40 44 14 1 II 1 1 1 1 I 1 1..... 1 1 1 1 14 At. Pr. No. At. .. 4&0 .1040 .110 ..1001 .. 145 I 50 I 50 I 50 4 04 4 U 4 14 4 4 74 4 . 4 10 4 10 I 0 I 00 1 l 41.... II ... 40.... II... I. ... I.... 14.... 4.... 14 ... II. ... 24.... II.... 14 ... COWS. 1.... 11.... I.... 12.... 4 ... I ... I ... I. ... U ... II. ... I.... 4... 1.... I ... 4 ... I... I . I.... 10... I... 1... 1... I .. 1... 1... I... I... 1 .. t... 4... ...1015 ...1117 ...1141 ...mi ...1270 .. .12.11 ...1144 ...1S It ...U10 .. .1240 ...u: ...1114 ...1444 ... N4 ... 74. ...1450 II I 14 II I 0 I 25 I 24 I M I 44 I 44 i 44 1 14 i 44 6 M t I I 10 t II 1 10 I 14 I Tl 1 II 1 II I 44 I at I II I N I 01 1 00 I w I CO I 04 I 04 I tl I 04 I 14 M 15 21 I 24 I 15 15 I 14 40 I 44 1 44 4 44 4 no 4 00 4 18 I 41 .. no .. Ill ..iom .1141 ..nil ...1141 . .1104 ..1107 ... 110 .. 140 .. 140 ... 114 ,.. 110 ... Ill ... 171 A 144 ,..1000 ... 170 ... 140 ...Ml ... . .. 430 ...1154 ...12!5 ...1020 ... 110 ... 10 ... Ml ... 144 ... Ill ... 140 ... till ... 110 ... lit . . . 10M ...lono . ..104 ... 720 ... IM ...1421 ... 140 ...10141 ... 4-J4 I 71 I 00 I 00 I M I 00 I 04 I 15 I 14 I 14 I II I 14 I 15 I 15 I 21 I to 1 H I U I 25 I 14 t 40 1 40 I 40 I 40 1 10 I 40 1 54 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 50 .... 450 .... IM ... loo .... MS .... 144 ... 171 ... (44 ...1110 .,. 144 . . . . 1005 ... 450 ...1051 .... 104 1104 122 . ...1024 .... 127 105 ....1044 ....1041 .... 474 ....1144 .... 144 .... 444 .... 170 .... 170 ....Ki2l . ... 120 ....1444 ....1040 ....1444 1440 .... 74t .... Iro .... 141 .... 741 .... 441 .... 174 .... 174 .... w .... 74 .... 440 .... 4S4 ... 11X II 4 1 I I t 1 1 1 1 4 I 1 1 I I 1 1 II 4 I 1 ... 14 11... i ... I 4.... 1 I.... I.... 1 ... 1.... I.... 1... !.... I ... 1.... 1 ... I.... i ... 1... 1.... I ... I ... I.... I ... 3.... t 61 t 40 1... 1... I... I 10 I 1 HEIFERS. I 14 14. . 421 . 4M . 44 . 470 . 474 . 410 . 244 . 171 . 511 . 12J . 471 . TTI .1S .1144 .1100 .HOC .1104 .1440 . 14 .IIP) .114 .114 t 24 I to : 4 I 44 t 44 t 41 I 44 I 14 I 4 I 40 I 44 1 II 2 14 44 t II I 14 I ti I 24 I 2) I 40 I 71 I 71 14 ... II II ... 14. t 44 BULLS. I 14 ..14M .. TM .1204 ..US ..1214 ...e ..140 ..1341 ..1M4 ...140 ... Ill .. 144 ...107 .. 144 ..114 ... 124 .. HI .. 11 ... m ... 14 I" I II I 44 t 41 1 Tl t 44 1 44 l oa I a I M 8 44 I M I 14 I 24 I 84 I 4 I 44 I 44 1 4 I 4 I 4o I 44 t W I 14 I 4 I 4 1 44 1 4 t CALVES. 1 u I 24 I 44 I II 4 40 4 I 04 I tl 4 II 01 . MO , T 44 ill 14 14 230 II.. 10 . 44 t 1 I te t ie 4 4 ("I i 4e 1 110 I Tl t 11 Ik STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I II ID I 4s I y t 4l I 4a 1 7-4 I m 11 11 t 4 1 477 I ?4 I T4 I Tl I 44 I Bl 1 n I Tl It Tea I 14 It 141 I 4 I W Id I Til I 44 I 10 I 14 I f4 I 04 II 7f, I II 744 8 14 II 110 I 44 BTEF.BS AND STAGS. M 1114 8 . WESTERNS. J. H. Monahan-Neb. .1010 3 26 II rows 883 3 36 .1092 3 60 2! feeders. 1092 lit C. E. t-owe Neb. .1066 3 60 1 cow 100 3 00 Jehn McCowley Neb. .1070 3 00 J cow 2 feeders 31 cows... 1 cow. Spear Bros Cattle Co Neb. 113 Steers. ..1148 4 49 J. 3 cows 995 1 COW 910 F. 11 heifers. ..1133 F. Bock Wyo. 3 26 21 cows 1031 3 70 22 steers.. ..1200 G. Hoxle-Neb. 4 00 NEBRASKA. 3 70 4 70 1 steer rO 3 75 1 steer I'V'O 1 steer 1020 8 76 1 steer 1120 A. A. Marsh Neb. 24 cows 838 3 06 Harmony 14ve Stock Co. Coin. 38 steers . ..1270 6 16 32 steers.. ..1J50 tl. Ilerghofer Wyo. t steers.... 990 3 60 28 steers. ...1047 3 75 3 76 t 16 3 96 1 steer IO00 8 96 41 steers.. ..lotil 1 steer 1150 3 00 Federal Cattle Co. Neb, 1 steer NIK 60 cows. M7 3 05 3 cows 770 3 08 F. Hssche Neb. 24 feeders.. 827 8 16 J. Halley-S D. 9: 8 It 1 steer m t 36 9t 3 26 6 cows 988 3 60 D. H. Ingram Wyo. IS COSTS. . 3 steers. 21 COWS 887 2 76 4 cows 785 ! 00 1 calf 90 4 00 2 steers.. ..1446 4 60 1 sfeer 1260 4 W 1 steer 1140 4 50 74 steers... .1161 4 05 1 steer 1163 4 06 3 steers.... 97S 3 60 1 2 steers. ...lot 4 00 3 steers.. ..1155 4 00 7 steers. ...1244 4 26 8 steers. ...1188 4 16 40 cows 931 3 25 8 cows 878 2 76 14 cows IOCS 8 90 1 cow 1100 S 90 1 steer 1470 8 ?6 HOOS The martlet opened a little stronger on the better grades of light ai.ti shipping hogs. Such ..nds as suited Oliv ers looking for that kind sold strong to 6c higher than yesterdar that Is. largety at 14 6608.60. One choice load of heavy shipping hogs sold as mgn as io.si4. Heavy packing hogs were slow sale all the morning at not more thai steedy prices. In fact, in spota the market loo't-! a little weak as compared with yesterday. Fair to good parking hogs soid larguy at $4.4511 4.60, with the common -and rough loads at from tS.45 down. The market, aa a whole, averaged a shade higher than yesterday. liepresentaiive sates: No. AT. Pr No. Av. SOI ITS W2 214 114 tl IM 21 Ill 211 n5 :t in in 221 in tot in in in in in 20 151 111 Ill mi in 115 104 100 IOI til Irl 1H 151 8h. 110 110 0 lie Pr I 17 I 67 I 17 I 57 4 11 8 17 I 11 8 11 61 4 61 I 61 4 11 I 61 11 I 11 I 61 I 11 4 41 4 41 4 11 I 11 I 61 I 11 11 I 61 I 17 61 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 40 I 40 4 41) I 40 4 42 4 42 I 62 8 12 4.... 44 ... 44. ... 44..., 41.... 41... 41.... 40... 41.... 41.... 11.... 11..., 4..., 11 ... , 14.... II..., I.... 14..., II.... 44..., 44... 44... 44... 47... II... 44. .. ... 41... 14... 41... ... II... ... 16... 11... 81... 44... 71... ... ,...244 ,...140 ...101 ... I ...Ml ....171 ,...241 ....141 ....110 ....!! ...141 ....241 ...144 ...141 ...IM ...10 ....141 ....Ml ....las ....14 ...141 ....144 ...III ...141 ....124 ....124 ...IU ....111 ...144 ....154 ....151 ....144 ....104 ...104 ....mi ....214 ....mi ....204 4 4 4 40 45 I 44 4 47 4 47 4 40 40 I 40 4 54 I II 4 40 4 14 4 44 4 12 4 11 4 41 4 42 4 4t 4 62 11 I 12 4 11 I 62 I ir is I 65 4 54 4 66 66 I 61 I 46 I 67 I 11 04... 10.. 14... 72.. IV. 46 . . I... 40... St.. II.. Tl.. It.. Tl.. II.. .. 44. . Tl.. II.. 71.. 74.. 44.. 44.. 44.. Tt.. 46.. II.. 17.. It.. 44.. I.. 71.. 44. . 44.. 74.. I.. 140 14 0 40 IM ito to 4 0 0 40 40 144 80 iio 240 57 i r i ii 4 7 4 61 41. IT. 10. 44 .114 .III .117 BOARS. 1.. .KM ... 4 40 1 210 4 08 STAO. 1 404 14 I 04 SHEEP Yesterdsy's liberal run of sheep was followed by fair receipts again thla morning. In spite of the fact t at eastern reports still Indicated weak mar kets, trade here opened fairly active uid steady. Oood killers generally sold in about the ssme notches as yesterday and the big bulk of the receipt changed hands In very fair seaaon In the morning. After the opening tales some i.tii.- weak ness was developed, and sheep, especially those not particularly desirable, were lower In spots. The market, ss a whole, however,, was In very fair condition. Quotations: Good to choice spring lambs, 16 ib87.76; fair to good spring lamba. 16.26fj2 6.76; good to choice yearlings. 16.605i5.75: fair to good yearling. 15.00f5.60; good to choice wethers. 14. .66 5.00; fair to good wethers, 14-60424.76; good to choice ewes, t4. 65 4.80; fair to good ewes, !4.60f 4.41. No. 239 Idaho ewes 26 Idaho lambs 76 Idaho lambs 104 Idaho lambs 1 lamb 136 Idaho. lambs 135 Idaho lambs 141 Idaho lambs 136 Idaho lambs A. Pr. ,84 4 40 .60 C 00 ,53 6 00 ,08 7 75 ,70 7 75 ,71 7 76 ,70 7 76 ,70 7 76 ,09 7 76 . M 3 75 .84 8 50 .99 4 60 .93 4 60 .99 4 60 . 1 4 60 .It 4 75 .10 4 75 . 101 4 76 .76 7 60 MARKET 91 western ewes 14 native ewe culls .. 49 weatern ewes 1U western ewes 71 western ewes 77 native ewes 250 western ewes 153 Wyoming wethers 368 Wyoming wethers 31 native lambs CHICAGO LIVE STOCK Cattle Slow to steady Hogs Fire tl Ten Cents Hlsfber. CHICAGO, July 24-CATTLE-Recelpts, 4,500 head; marKet slow, prices steady; common to prime steers. $ 206.60; cows, 12. 754.60; heifers, $2.7690.26: bulls. 12 AKf 4 26; calves, tj.76vii.0v, stockers snd feeders. t2.4dj4 26. HOGS Receipts, 12,0(0 head; 64J10c higher; choice to prime heavy, $6.8"54i.90; medium to good heavy. 16 6.43 75; butrher weights, 16 8S4f 92; good to choice heavy mixed, t6 8n.ftf. 75; pocking. $.i0fw 0. SHEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 18000 head: steady, but alow: sheep. $4.16?j&.60; yearlings, $4.254i.25; lambs. .!Mg1iM. Kanaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 24 CATTLE Re celpta. 16,000 head, Including 2.000 southerns; market stesdy to 10c lower: top, $H.20; 4jj.26; fair to good. t4.OOu6.40; western fed aleers, 33.7&&.U; stockers snd feeders. 12-60 ya..u, n,,ui.if-iti sierra, . ia.if.ui, nouinern cows. !2.00U.&0; native cows, 13.004.60; native heifer. 13. Li 'yu. 50; bulla, 12 Vff4.0T.; calves. 2.5ta6.60. HOGS RecelDts. 13.000 head: market waa strong to 7c higher; top 1670; bulk of sales. tS bO.fl8.o6; heavy. 16.61'. ti .it'.; packers $t;.ui4! 7U; pigs and Itghts. t5.8Xir. 70. onDr.r .r.u i.A.iinn neceipis. b.ixiu head; market steady to strong: lambs. 15.60 '7 3u; fed sheep and yearlings, 14 60'd8 0n: Texas and Arizona clipped yearlings. 16.26 tiC. 10; Texas and Arliona clipped sheep, 14.75tp3.75; Texaa goats. !2.7Stj3.W; stockers snd feeders, 13.2f.ia6 (0. St. I.onls Live Stock Market. BT. LOU18 July 24-CATTLE-Recelpts. 8.(00 head. Including 2.0 head of Texan; market steady: native shipping and export steers. 14. 8f i(.j.i5; dressed beef and butcher steers. 14. 10416.40; steers under l.OuG lbs., 13 50 434.70; stockers snd feeders 12.04(4 26; rows and heifers, 12. 10415.25; rinnn, tlfO82 00; bulls, $2.40u4.ti5: calves, 13. &.,. (0; Texas and Indian teeri, $3.0Ctiv.(0; cows and heifers. $U.rp3.25. HOGS Receipts, t.fOO head; market 6c higher; pigs and lights $;." .y i 90; packers. t.i.-Mltl.SO. butchers and best heavy, 16 663 6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3.600 head; market slow: native multnns. 13 vf? 6 00: lambs. $4 00i8.CO: culls and bucks, 13 50 (fl-liS; stockers. 13.l:e:.f0. tt. Joseph l,le Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo, July 24-CATTLE-Recelpts, 2.6M head; market, steady to 10c lower; natives, 14 tia6 10; cows ana heif ers. $1 ;576..-0; stockers and feeders, $J.i) j4 (o. HOGS Receipts, I M head: market. : Utc nigner. win anvance soon lost: ligni, .!..; medium snd heavy, $u6Vub.60; bulk of sales. tt.o.'V'. 4.;. SHEEP AND LAMBSReccipts. 1.430 head; market, steady; yearlings, 10c lower; top on lamb, 17.60. Sleek la Sight. Receipts of live slock st the six principal CH'le. Hojs. Bheert. .. 2.211 i n: t.iti . . v f ..U.Ofa 13..CO 6.100 .. 2 ft 6 l4 1.430 .. . tro 1 5s) .. 4.5." 12A 1S.V1 ..31.220 6i,7:i 36,'1 South Omaha S'oux City Kansas "ity St. Joseph St. IjouIs Chicago Total receipts. loax City Live Slock Market. SIOUX CITT. Is . July 24.-(Sperlal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. ) head; mar et stead; beeves, H35rj, cows bulls and mixed, USAfttTl; stoekera and feeders. 13 0fV(,d (O; calves and yearlings, 13.(4X3 8I HOH8- Receipts. 4.20O head; market steadv. selling at t Vfi "; bulk of sale v. l4.V(jt60. Wool Market. BOSTON, July 24 -WOOT c-There Is i Improved ton In evidence in the wool market. Although the woolen mills sre not s yet large buyers, thev are showing much more Interest Ihnn for acme months. Most of the trade for the last week hfis been from worsted manufacturers. Medium territories have had the call Foreign f rades are steady, leading quotations f"l ow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above. S4fc35c; X. 33c; No. 1. 414,42c: No. 3, 4D4r4.V; No 1 unwashed,- WrK7c; quarter hlofd, unwashed. SS4y84r: three-qiiarter-hlood. 845f.1V; half-blood. 83tTS4c; unwashed Pelalne. JMiJOe; fine washed Pelslne, 374J. SSc. Michigan, flne unwashed. 24ffl26c: qusr. ter-blood. unwashed, S.v.ifc: three-quart-'' blood. 3T34c; unwashed Delaine, 37tM Kenturkv, Indiana, etc, three-ntiart era blood and nuartr-tilood, J4fc. Territory and Idaho, fine. 28mC4c; heavy fine, laetoc; nie.lltim. ?3fi!4c; low medium. Wlitfle. Wyo. mlrtg. flne. 2223c; fine medl'im. Ef23f;; medium. 27.fl2c: low medium. 27tf?c. I tsh nnd Nevada, fine, 58f-?f.c; heavy fine, 11 2tV; flne medium. 13ir2nc; medium, 27l1Sc; low medium. 27(?c. Dakota. One, t2$23r; fine medium. 221i2lc: medium. 17li2c; low medium, 27ifi?Sc. Montana, fine choice. sfl I6c; fine average. ti"ir; flne medium choice. 26ff2c; nverntre. 2."4TNc; staple, 37t8 28c: medium choice. 27J"7p. ST. Il'IS. July 24 WOOI, Steady ; m dlum grades, combing and clothing. W! 2c: light fine. 1R'ii22c; heavv fine, 14ig17ci tub washed, 328sc, Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 24 -MF.TATJl-There was an advance In the Ixm.ton market frt tin, with spot rinsing at 171 2s td and futures at 170 12s 8d Locally the irmrkei wns firm nnd higher, but prices are still said to be under a normal parity. Spot rs quoted at 337.4fffS7.rA Copper was 24JSi higher In th? Iundon market, with spol ? noted at 4.81 0m ami futures at 1 fo. ocally the market wna dull and nominally unchanged. Iake ta quoted at ll&.!7tfl8.7 eleetroyltle at tlS.OogiS so and casting at 117. 76171800. Lead whs dull and unchanged at $5.75 In the local mnrket. but advanced la 3d to 16 12s 8d In I-ondoV Spelter wrss unchanged st 27 In Ixindon. locally tha market was quiet, with spot quoted at 16 95fi6.06. Iron wsa hither In the English market, with standard foundry quoted nt 60 6d snd Cleveland warrsnts st 60s 7d. Locally the market was higher with No. 1 northern foundry quoted st 118finV19.. No. 2 northern foundry at $18 Iill.75. No, j southern foundry at HS Ovfi 18 50 and No. 1 aotuhern foundry at $)7 5(Vfi18 0O. ST. liOriS. July 21.-MrTTAI.S-Lead, quiet, 35.67. Spelter, quiet, 35.91. Coffee Market. NEW TORK. July 24 -COFFEE-Futures opened ateady at unchanged prlcea. and during the early session eased off 6 points on one or two months In spite of firm Europenn csbles. 1-ater, however, there was an Improved demmd on rumora thfit the valorisation plan waa being favorably received In the Braalllrtn sennte, and there was some rather heavy European buying ns well as local support on the Improved frosnect for the eventual execution ef the Imstllan government's plan to advance prices. The market closed steady at a net advtnce of IfWilS points. Sales were reported of 106.760 bags Including Julv at 8 S6iffv!.We; Beptember, g6r.4Ttl.70c; -October. .6O7T.70c; December, 6 8M6.96c: January. 6.90c: March, 7JiT7.20c; May, 7.2rvTj7.5c: June, T.c. Spot Rio, firm; No. 7 Invoice, 8c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 24. OILS Cotton seed, firm; prime crude, f. o. b., mills. 25fr2c, new crop; prime yellow, 38 4f 89c. Petroleum, firm; refined, New York, 17.80; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17.76: in bulk, 14.65. Turpentine, quiet; 6l4f 60e. ROSIN--Steadv; strained, common to good, $3 95 fr 1.00. SAVANNAH. July 34. OIL Turpen tine, firm: 67c. ROSIN Firm. Quote: A, B. C, 33 JSiff 8.90: D. 34 054.07: R, 1415: F. 14.10; a. I4.26V4.30; H. 84 80; I, 14 14 40; L, 34.76; M, $4.t5; WO, $5.00; 1.10. Oils and Rosin. NEW TORK. July 24. COTTON Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 10.90c; m I ddllng gulf, 11.16c; sales. 7 bales. REAL ESTATE THAX8fBB8, John F. Emmert to Charles D. and John H. Beaten, lots IS and 14. block 117, Dundee 11,175 D. W. Merrow and wife to Charles D. and John h. Beaton, lots u ana 14, block 117, Dundee Fsnnle E. Hlgglns to Vaclsv F. 1,100 $50 125 909 too 1.000 $00 Kuncl. se 34-16-18....: 8. B. Knapp and wife to O. S. Bewell, lot 26. block 3, Cotner Archer's add.. South Omaha... August Radsuweit to Bertha Jetter, lot 1, block 42. South Omaha Same to same, nlOO feet lot 11 and nlOO feet lot 12, block 3. Rush ex Briny add.. South Omaha Minnie E. Fnlr and husband to Thomas Brndlnck. lot 2, block L Kent's add., South Omaha Jeanette J. Regan and husband to Christ 8. Llnd, s4 lot 23, Burro Oak John 8. Colllna to Hugh 8. Thomas, lots 3, 6, 8 and 16 and half of lot 9, block 90, Florence Thomas K. Hall and wife to r 'h western Realty company, lot 2, clc 142 W. A. Smith and wife to Joseph Schrottner et si, lot 14. Bholrs' sub dlv Omaha Council Bluffs Street Rail way company to Joseph Schrottner et a I, lot 14. Bholea" subdlv Mary A. Jackson and husband to Jennie M. Felber. middle one-third lot 11. block 8. Plalnvlew Anna 8. Anderson to Wtllard J. Estes. sublot 3, 9-15-13.... Augustus W. ClnrU snd wife to Phoenix lnd snd Cattle company, lot 8. block 362; 58 feet lot 17, block 362, and e20 feet let 8. block 382 Same to same. Iota 9, 10. 11, 12 and 13, block 5; lots 4. 6. 6. 7 and 8, block 8, snd 32 feet lot 15, block 4, Sweesy's add peter F. Hansen snd wife to Caroline Hollander, lot 12, block 12, Clifton Hill Anna Wilson to tillle G.ilbralth, w lot 2, block 23 i Delbert P. Mix and wife to Alfred D. Malny. w37 feet lot 18. block 1, Foster's add Patrick Lend company to D. W. Mer row. lots 13 nnd 14, block 117. Dundee L. D. Spalding snd wife to Hattle B. Hleronvmoua. n lot 1, block 1. Brighton add , Total amount of transfers.. .329.163 See America First Learn something of tha Qrsjavt West; fee tno Rocky Mountain! COME TO COLORADO The Wonderland of our continent The Grandest Scenery The Most Perfect Climate The Colorado & Southern Ry. hat Issued a series of beauti fully Illustrated booklets, de scriptive of this fascinating country. Send tlx centa Is stamps to cover postage. T. II. FISH EH. General Passenger Agent, 632 Cooper Building, Denver Colo- I too 175 1,600 tsoo 7.50) 1.775 .000 2,226 1 126