Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Championf Dtrtnr three of Pa'i Superb
' .Pitcheri, H inninc 15 to 1.
ttrii, Xllssea Bad MnrrUnn oar
Aroand While RoarkrltM Menage
to MtkfFair Hklnar
Thnmim. lb 4
Fnlon. rf . . . . I
Osgnler. as 4
Zlnran. r 4
Barton, 2b I
Zackert, p 1
Total 1 5
Conk, If 4
McOtlvray. lb 1
Phugart. 2b 4
Mel.-hotr. rf
ttlwert. Sb 4
Renlcker, c I
Firk, ss r. 4
Pader. rf 4
Minor, p . t
Morgan, p 1
Mepeltt t
Hinux Pity..
.Incnln ....
Ilaydra. rf..
Parent, ...
SSH1. rf...
Karris, lb...
Mwy. If
Fryman, lb.'
Morgan, ah... 4
Armhruater. c i
lount;, p.
fVee of the men ho draw pay from Pa
at pitchers went up la ballooons at Vinton
street park Tuesday afternoon, and aa they
did not carry sinkers thy are probably
flfufng yet, for the Des Moines team. In
dividually and collectively, had on Ita batting-
clothes and tilt the ball when and
where It pleased, making twenty aafe hits
and fifteen tuns, while Omaha was getting
fouf measly little lilts for a total of one run.
Although the game " one-ruieo. sun 11 tft
waa lull of Interesting features. The filn
etsrted right from the Jump when. Cantll-
lbn-refused to tell Blats Imvls who his I Dc Moines
battery wss to be. Slats announced the
Omaha battery and Mid he would tell
Tiar Maine Inter
The gshie started wl'rt Corns In the box m
A ... .....j , - i, Games todny:
ror, umliii ana ni- muni iuue -m""i,
get one man out and that one, Wefdny,
ssrrtflced. himself. Four runs and four
hits were made off the southpaw from
Boor before Herman long called upon
Nllssen. who had been warming up. N'lls
sen la the t'ntverslty of Nebraska pitcher.
Who tB beaten ttje.Ornaha an dworks In
it he I'nlon Tariflp shops. He pitched for
the shops team this spring when the
Rourke family was beaten by that aggre
gating NiKen responded to the rll and
went to the pitcher's box, but Slats Davis
refused tn let him work, ns he had on the
red and White stockings of the rntvorslty
of Nebraska team and Hints nild he was
not in an Omaha uniform. Kill Morrison
then hod to go In without an opportunity
of warming -up, hut he retired the side
without further dum.ige. Andreas hit to
Morrison and Msgoon struck out.
.".flats Gets the Fine First.
A little Incident occurred when Magoon
came o bat. DhvIs refused to let him play
until he hurt paid Inc. flue assessed the day
before .when he was put out of the grounds.
Mily CantllHon had a check all written
nut,, and when It was handed to Davis the
game went n.
Morrison pitched good bull Mid hut one
run was mnde off his delivery until the
venlh -Inning, when he went up 'in nn
airship to overtake Corns. Starting with
Slugger pill, four men In succession lilt
him surely," which, added to two errors
of Bnsseys. was putting the game to the
bud. when Pa called ifr Nllssen, who had
changed his stockings. Nllssen hit the
first man up ,and the next man hit him.
Magoon walked and Manske struck nut.
Caffyn flew out to Runkle, who touched
first and'mnde a double piny ' unassisted.
Nine men faced the two pitchers in that
lucky seventh and ten men faced Nllssen
In' th'c eighth, j Five hit, an error and a
base on hHlls netted six runs in the eighth.
While but .four hits were made off
Manske, all. the way through he was wild,
and Omaha's lone run was made in the
second Inning without -a hit. and In the
second and third both the bases were filled
and a good hit would have tied the score
and might. have changed the result. .
Welch made one of his phenom runs for
Moggie's Short hit ln: the fifth. ' One of
Hossfy's errors was a bad throw, .and he
let the ball scoot by him for the other.
Two of Runkle's three errors were made
by standing like a dummy and not touch
ing the bag after the ball had been thrown
straight at him: - ...-u...!.; . , -
Two games will be played this afternoon,
the first opening out at 2:80. i
The score!
AB. n. H. PO. A. E.
... I
1 T 1 0
0 S 1 0
1 0 i ,0
l a
1 t 1 0
t I 0
7 27 12 1
H. PO. A. E
110 0
11 0 0
10 11
1 0 0 n
0 18 0
I) 10 0
1 I S 1
- 0 I , . 0 0
I 0 1 0
0 0 3 0
0 0 0 0
"I 24 li 1
Trollej Docker Gi Leaden ths Wont
Drnlbine; of the Eettoi.
' "
Errors of the Windy City Team Are
Also of the Most Costly Ktad
tcorea of Other
CHICAGO. July 34 Brooklyn furnished
apnlhnf mrariu ImIsv K Bi,.n t Via Iaa.I.
............ 0 0 1 J 0 0 0 i 0 I ! one ' ,ne worBt defeats they have had
mis season, ana making 11 tnree out 01
Batted for Renlcker In ninth
F.arned runsr Lincoln. 1; Pueblo, i Two
bsse hit: Qulllin. McOtlvray (2. Sacrifice
hits: Holmes (2i. McGllvray. Stolen bases:
Fenlon 1). Tnomaa. Gagnler. McGllvray.
Double flays: Zsckert to Tbomaa. Fenlon
to gulllln. Bases on balls: Off Zuckert. 1:
off Minor, 1.. Htrurk out: By Zackert. 1; I
by Minor. 3. Wild pitch: Zackert. Time of i
l fl .. . .
( .. 3h. ..
Pet. I Liimley, rf.
( ' Janlan. lb .
' fHunn'el. 2t
urviR, - aa.
four in the series. Both Lundgren and
Rculbach wers hit hard and generally at
the proper time to score runs. The locals
found Eason very puxtllng, and their errors
.were all of the costly kind. Score:
B.H.O A B. B.H O A B.
Standlna; of the Teams.
". Played. Won. Lost.
37 .
Boston Win Two Coatests from
' t lerelaod by Good afararisis.
BOSTfiK. July 24. Boston won both
games today 6 to 1 and I to 1 Consistent
batting by the locals won the first game.
Kxcept In the first Inning Cleveland could
do nothing with Tonng. who struck out
six men and did not allow a single base.
Boston won the second game In the rotrrtn
Inning ss a result of considerable batting
nnd poor fielding ny . leveiana. ncors
first game:
R H O A E. B.H.O. A B
Carter, rf .
Howard. Ub..
Perrlng, 3b....
Welch, cf
Bassey, If
Gondlng. v....
l.awler, ss
Runkle, lb...,
Corns, . p-.. ...
Morrlsou, p. ..
Nllssen, p
Rogers .......
. 4
. 4
. 3
. 4
. 4
. 3
. 4
. 0
. 3
. 1
. 1
0 ,
Caffvn. If
Schlpke,' Sb,i,
WehhoV cf ..v
Doyle, lb
Dexter, e.i...
Hogrierer, rf
Towne. rf
Andreas, ss..
0'leary, ss...
Magoon, lb...
Manske, pr. ..
AB. R.
4 27
H. PO.
1 2
Totals 45 15 20
Des Moines, runa.....4 1 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 H
Hits . 4 12 0 116 6 l-a
Omaha, runs....;...' 1 -0 0- 0 0 0 0 01
Jilts 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1.0-4
Batted 'for Nllssen in ninth.
Two-base hits: Gondlng. Bchlpke. Three
baunt lilts: Dexter, CITyn, Andreas. Bases
on bills: Off Manske, 4; off Corns, 1; off
Morrison,. 2; Nilssen, 2. lilt by pitched
hailed: Nllssen. 1. Struck out: Hy Man
.eke. 6: by Morrison, 4; by Nllssen, 2. left
on bases: Omaha. 9: Des Moines, 10. Dou
bis plays:' Perrlng to Urwler. Howard to
Runkle. llowara, t-awier 10 nunKic. nun
kle (unaaalated). Stolen bases: llunKle,
riua j 1 . 1 ' 1 " - - ........
In one-third Inning: off Morrison, t In Ave
and -two-th rda Innings, nacnnce nits: fi
duy.' Time: 1:46. I'mplre: Davis. Attend-
anrv, . .
glons Win la Math.
SIOCX CITY. July 24 Sioux City won
a ckwcly contested game from Denver to
daviln'tbe ninth Inning, after two were
out ' Wood's ainsle scored Sheehan In the
ninth, after he had reached second, on a
fielder's choice and a base on balls to
Nobllt. Nibllt went to third on the throw
to the plate to" catch the runner. Engle
then made a wtfd pitch, letting In the win
ning tauy. score:
AB. R. H. PO. A. E.
"Campbell, If."
Sheehan, rf,..,v
Nobllt. cf
Weed. 2b
Meyers, lb
Newton, ss ,
frost. 3b
Hess, t
P.itterson, p....
i Total.;.. .1
: .
McHale. lb
T. Smith, ss..,.-
Randall, rf
Bussell, cf
S.ilusky, c
Reddlck. 3b
Donahue. Sb.,,.
eW!en, If
rngl. , p..,
Des Molneo at Omaha,
Pueblo et Lincoln. Denver'at Sloux City.
Eaaon. p..
14 0 Oftlagl. cf-U . 4 Oil
tOll Rhekar4, It.. 4 0 I 1
1 1 I 0 Ogrhult. rf ... 4 0 I 4 0
2 1 0 OChflnca. lb. . . I 1 10 1 0
3 14 4 1 Stelnfrldt. h 4 1 1 0 0
II. 4 S 3 0 0 Hoffman. M .4 1 1 1
4 1 14 0 Kra. 2b 4 0 4 4 0
.1-0.3 t 0 Kllnt. c 4 1 1 1
.4 3 0 1 OLunntren, P . 1 I 1 0
Rmlharh. p.. I 1 1 0
34 13 37 12 3 Gnaler. ct....l 4 0 0 0
2 0 .1 rtlrV cf !b.. 4
1 4 0 Jarknon," It..: 4
2 0 o Tamer. 8...;1
2 2 0 Hm. cf I
I 0
0 0
0 1
4 1
0 "0
4 4
3 1
2 0
Total! 14 4 27 13 1
Brooklyn 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 6 0-10
Lhltfago 0 0 0 1 0 01 1 03
Hits: Off Ltindgren. 6 In three nnd one
thlfd Innings; off Reulbach, 7 In five and
two-thirds Innings. Left on buses: Chi
cago, 8; Brooklyn, 8. Two-base bit: Eason.
Home run: Jordan. Sacrifice hits: Mc
Carthy, Ritter, Lewis. Double play: Hoff
man to Evers to Chance. Struck out: Bv
Eason, 1. First base on bal!s: Off iAind'
gren, 4; off Reulbach. 3; off Eason. 8. Hit
with pitched ball: By Reulbach, 2. Time:
1:52, empire: Klem.
I'lttsbnrar Defeats Sjew York.
PlTTSRl-RO, July 24. In closclv plaved
and 1 interesting game Pittsburg defeated
New York 4 to 3. Pittsburg scored lis runs
on bunts nnd New York made Its on big
hits. After the end of the fourth Inning a
fist tight occurred between McUlnnlty and
Peltz. The latter was coaching and made
remarks to which the New- York pitcher
took exception. They were separated by
the other players, each with a bloody face.
McGlnnlty was arrested and locked up by
order ol Mayor Klrschler of Allegheny on
a charge of disorderly conduct. Secretaty
Knowles of the New Y'ork club went his
bond and he was released for a hearing lo
moirow morning. Score:
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Lrarb, 3b 4 3 3 1 0 Hr'mahan. c. 4 1 i i 0
Haylen, rf...
Parent, aa
Stahl. cf
Ketrla. 2b...
Hnv, If
Freeman, lb .
Morgan, 3b...
Peterson, c...
Tannehiil. 'p..
Beaumont, cf. 3
Clarke. If.... 4
Wagner, aa... 3
Nealonr lb... 3
Ganley, rf.... 4
Rlt.'h.r. 2b... 3
Oil son. c 4
iLer p 3
0 1
0 1
0 1
2 11
3 4
0 3
1 4
0 0
0 1
1 I
1 0
0 i
.0 1
0 1
110 0 ltnle, 2b-sa. 4
2 10 1 r. Rosaman, lb. . 4
2 2 2 "Conn Hon. rf 4
14 10 Harhxau, 3b., 3
1110 Buelow. c 3
Joss, p 8
Totals S3 :ill e
Totals U 7 34 15 4
Boston -. 1 0 2 0 0 0 1.1 1 6
Cleveland ' 0 0 n n 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Turner, Ijvlole, Morgan
(21, Filck. Sacrifice hits: Htahl, Haydei.
Stolen bases: Freeman. Double ;ily:
Flick to Uijole to Roadman. Bases on
balls: Off Joss. 1; Struck out. By Young.
Wild pitches: Joss l ime: 1:34. L m-
plres: Connolly and h,vans.
score seconu itiim';
B.H.O.A.E. . B.H.O.A.E.
6 2 2 0 4 Flick, tb .... 3 3 2 3 2
3 2 1 Jarkann. IT... 4 12 0 0
2 0 0 Haas, rf I 110 0
I 4 1 Lajole. aa.... 4 0 3 3 '2
3 0 Roaaman,' lb. 4 1 I I I
6 1 OCottgalton, rf 4 1 3 0
3 1 1 Hirheiu. 3b.. 4 0 0 4 1
7 2 1 Buolow. e.... 4 0 3 3 1
1 1 OHhoadea, p... l 0 0 2 0
Bela, p..:.... 2 2 10 0
Total! 24 12 37 11 4
Totala 34 I 34 14 7
Roston 0 0 14 t 0 0 2 -9
Cleveland 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02
Sacrifice hits: Parent. Freeman. Two-
base hits: Freeman. Eels. Hoey. Home
run: Morgan. Stolen bases: Siahl, Hoey,
Freeman. Hits: Off Rhoades, 9 in nve in
nings: off Eels. 3 In three Innings. Bases
on balls: Off Tannehiil, 3; off Rhoades, 1;
off F.els. 3. Struck out: , By Tajtnehlll, 7:
ty Rhoades. 1: ty . is. J. t-assec Dans. I ,.,. one Tun beiliar -nouah to win
Buelow. Peterson. Wild pitch: Tannenni. 1 a.r. .
Time: 1:40 Umpires: Evans . and Con'
0 Rrnwne, rf . . . 4
OShannon, If... 4
0 Seymour, cf . . 4
OMHlarln. lb.. 4 1 10
0 Devlin, 3b.... 8 3 3
4 Dahlrn. aa... . 8
H.I Inert. 2b.... 3
0 Mc Ulnnlty. p. 1
- Araea, p 3
I I II 1
Tola's 32 7 24 12 1
Pittsburg 0 2 0"2 0.0 0 0 4
New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 03
Three-base - hits: Rresnahan, Seymour.
Sacrifice hits: Beaumont, 2; Rltchey, i
Stolen bases--: Ritchey, HcOann. First base
on balls: Off Ames, 3. Struck out: By
Leever. 3; by McUlnnlty, 1; by Amea, 2.
Passed ball: BreRnahan. Left on bases:
Pittsburg, 7; New York. 2. Hits: Off.Mc-Olnnlty,-
7 In four innings; off Amea, 1 In
four Innings: Time: l:4u. L'mplrea: O'Day
and Emslle.
Boston Shots Oat St. Loots.
ST. IX)CIS. July 24. Bates' single, fol
lowing fluke safeties by Brldwell and
Tenney, scored the former in the fourth
Kill, cf...
Cross, 8b
Anderson. If.
Scbalfly. 2b...
Stabl. lb
Wakeflald. a..
Smith, p.
Washington Defeats "St. Loots.
WASHINGTON. July 24. Washington
won a remarkable game from St. Ixniis to
day, the local team getting only three hits.
but scoring tne same numner 01 runs, wnne
the visitors made nine hits and scored but
twice. A base on balls, a sacrifice, a hit
by pitcher, a single and. an infield out.
coupled with Wallace's error, scored ..all
three of Washington's runs In' the first
Inning; Smith was. vei-y effective . wun
runners on the bases. Score
WASHINGTON.' ' Iff. Lortli.
B.H. O.A.I. 1 1.H.0 A.E.
Altlter. sa.'...'t 0 4 4 4 Nllaa, - ef ...... 114 4
HlanWv. rf.--l 4 2 4 0 Jones, lb. .... I " 1 12 1
8 1 1 o 1 stona. if 4 . 1 I 0
8 113 0 Hanrphlll. ef. 4 1
8 110 4 Wallace, as.... 4 1
3 4 1 6 0 O'Brien. Sl.-, 4 J
3 0 10 0 1 Harttel,- 3b.. 3 0
.1 4 7 4 OKoahlar, 3b... 0 4
.3 0 0 1 1 Spencer, r....4 0
Howall. p.... 3 4
Totals 34 3 37 II I
Totala 87 34 16 t
Washington 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
St. Louis 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 02
Sacrifice hits: Stanley, Hill, Koehler.
Stolen bases: Anderson. Stone. Double
play: Bhalfly to Aimer to wakenew. iert
on bases: Waahlngton. 3; St. Louts. 9.
Bases on balls: Off Smith. 2; off Howell,
2. Hit by pitched ball: By Howell, 1.
Struck out: Hy Bmltn, . 4. Time:, . 1:45.
Umpire: Hurst.
Cblrago Easy for ttnakrra,
PHILADELPHIA. July 24.-Philndelphla
hit Patterson hard today and easily de
feated Chicago. The visitors only run was
cored on ar. error. Chicago's catchers are
on the sick list and Isbell was compelled to
play behind the bat. He caught, a good
game. Score:'
B H O A E. at H O A.E.
Hartael. M...4 1 4 0 0 Hahn, rt......4 4 14 1
0 Jones, cf. ..... 4 I I 0 0
"bell, e 4 1 4 4 4
40. IMITls. aa . 4 1 4 0
4looobua. lb . 4 1 I 0 0
1 PoughertT. It. I 4 840
1 Kobe. 2b 4 4 3 1 4
0 Tannehiil. lb I 1 3 0 0
OPattaraon, p . 3 1 4 1 4
Armbrua"r. ef 4
H Davla. lb. 4
8boW, rf... 4
Murphjr. 3b. .'. I
Bchreck. a.... 4
Croaa. . aa 1 4
Oldrtng, 2b... 4
Banner, p.... 3 13 87 10
1 Totals. .....81 4 34 I 1
....j 0 t 0 0 2 0; 0 7
... 0 0 0 0 0 T 10 01
Left on bases: Chicago 6. Philadelphia S.
Stolen baeea: H. Davla, Seybold. Double
plays: Rohe and Donohue,. Patterson to
Rohe to Donohue, G. Davis to Rohe to
Donahue. - Struck outt By Bender 2, by
Patterson 2, Bases on. balls: Off Bender 1,
off Patterson 2. Time: 1:26. Umpire: Sher
idan. New York Bhnta Ont Detroit.
NEW YORK, July 24 Newton out
pitched Mulltn and New York won from
letrolt in the eighth. Chase singled, was
sacrificed to second Bnd scored from there
on Delehanty'a Infield hit. Mullln objected
to the decision at. the
benched Score:
B.H O A. g.
Conmr. aa. .. 3 1 I I 0 Jonas
plate and waa
B.H.O. A .
K. ler. rf.... 4
Chase, lb 4
Will. a tie. 3b. 8
Mcrlarltv. b 4
leihnir. 4
Klelnow. c... 3
HoftiitaL. c... 4
Niwion, p. . .. 8
1 014 Is.
...... 38
.... 4
' 4 . 12 V 18
H. PO.
0 9
3 10 M 18
t Hatted for Patterson In the ninth.
'Two out when winning run waa made.
flioux City 0100000124
I.enver 10001 10003
Earned runs: Bioua Cttv. ; Denver, 8.
Two-base bm: Meyers t3). Randall (2),
Zaluaky. Left -on bases: Sinui City. 9;
nver. 4 Stolen bases: Frost. Sinitn.
Saciiflce hits 1 Sheehan i2). Newton, Rna--II.
Reddlck. Belden. First base on balls:
Pff Engle. t. Struck out: By Patterson, t;
v Engle. 2. Wild pitches: By Engle. 3.
Time: r.MX Umpire: Keefe. Attendance:
u. ...... .
', Chaage of Pltrhers ratal,
f' LINCOLN, Neb.. July I4.-A batting rally
In the eighth brought victory to linooln
today after tha game seemed lost. Minor,
who had beeq pitching a strong ga,me for
pueblo, gave Way to Morgan in that Ui
ing. and three singles. lih a aacriflce
nd a bad error by Shiigart. reeuited in
three runs. Zackert. for Lincoln, waa
a.attd rather hard, but Tie managed to
jfirnent a bunching of lilts. The two teams
' 1 v s doybe header tomorrow. Score;
f AB. R.
Ketohtm, rf 4 1 If.,..., i
iiUia.--!.... ...v '4 1
1 1 4 4Srhaefer. tb.. 8
t 10 I OCiavfoM. tf. 4
4 ' S 3 Mlntyr. If., t
1 4 1 Coughlln, lb.; 4
3 1 . Lln4aair. lb..T 4
1 I I 4 0 bearr. aa... 8
13 0 6 Warner, c... 8
8 4 10 Mullln. p.. 1.. I
Eubanks. p... 4
30 11 IT 14 1
Taiala 30 t 14 12
Ne Tork 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -!
Ietrolt "., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Left on bases;. -New York. 9; Detroit, 7.
Bases on balls: Off Newton, I', off Mullln,
2. Struck out: By Newton. J; by Mullln.
4. Two-base hit: Schaefer. Sacrifice hits:
Conroy, Williams. Schaefer, O'Leary.
Stt.len lases: Chase ).. Williams, Dele
hanty, Hoffman. Mclntyre. Lindsay. Douhle
plays: Conroy to Chase, O'Leary to Schae
fer to Lindsay. Wild pitches: Newton,
Mullln. Hits: Off Mulltn. 10 in 7 innings;
off Kuhanks. 1 In l1 Innings. . Umpire:
O Loughlln. Time: 2:00. .
standing of the Teams.
for Boston. Score:
Brldwell, aa.. 4
Tenney, lb. . . 4
Brain. 3b 4
bales, cf ; 3
Howard. If... 8
Dolan. rf 3
O'Neill, e 3
gtrobel. 3b... I
ST. Long.
LlndamaQ, 0.. 3
10 4 lBurch. cf..... 3 0 1 0 0
3 12 1 1 Hennett, 2b... 4 1 4 4 0
0 3 0 1 Mertea. If.... 4 0 8 0 0
1 0 .0 OOredr. e 4 t 4 2 0
0.3 4 0 Berkley, lb . 3 0 It 0 0
0 10 0 J. Marshall, rf 8 1 0 0 0
4 .7 4 0 Hoaletter. 3b. 8 0 1 3 0
0 16 OMrBride, aa... 3 0 0 3 4
4 13 OKargcr, p 3 0 0 3 V
Totala ft- 4 2713 4 Totala 24 i 17 13 9
Boston :.';cv,.-.... 0 0 1 ,r 0 o o i
St., Louis. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 00
"Earned runs! Boston, 1. Two-base hit:
Grady., Sacrifice hit: Hostetter. Double
6 lays: llostetttr to Hennett to Beckley,
ridwell to Strnbel to Tenney. Stolen base:
Bennett. First base on balls: Off Karger.
1. Struck out: By Karger, 7; by l.lndu-
mnn, 6. Left on bases: St. Louis, 4;
Boston, 2... Time: 1:37. Umpire: John
stone. Cincinnati Bnncliee Hits,
CINCINNATI. July 24-Bunched hits in
thH third and sixth innings ufter two men
were out In each Instance won today's
game for Cincinnati, making four straight
from Philadelphia. Catcher Schlol was hit
on the "knee by a foul tip In the third In
ning and compelled to retire. Score: ,
B.H.O.A.E. B.H.O.A.E.
Huggina, 2b.. 4 3 14 I Thomas, rt... i 17 0 0
Kelley. If 3 0 8 0 Oc.leaaon, 2b... 6 1 3 1 0
Juda. rf ..... 4 13 4 OTItua. rf 6 110 0
Deal, lb 4 1 7 1 OCourtney, lb.. 4 10 8 0
I'elehanty, 3b 4 13 0 1 Magee, If 4 2 2 0 0
giegle. o 4 1 2 0 0 Doolln. sa 4 0 0 4 0
f ori-f ran, as.. 4 14 11 Bransfleld. lb 4 0 11 1 0
Srhlel. c 1 4 I 1 C Dooln. c 4 I 0 0 0
Livingston, e. 1 0 4 4 0 Dugglebr, p.. 1 I 0 8 0
Wicker, p 14 4 1 l'Lush 4 0 0 0 4
,Totala 81 "1 37 . 4 ToUls. . ... .88 1 24.10 0
Batted for Dugglehy In ninth Inning. '
Cincinnati ..0 0 3 0 0 1 '0 0 4
Philadelphia 1 0 "2 "0 0 0 0 ' 0' 03
Two-base hits: Magoe '2, Dclehantv.
Thre-base hit: Jude; Sacrifice hit: Kelley.
Double plays: Schlcl to Corcoran. Struck
out: By Wicker 6. Rases un.balla: Off
Wicker 1,. off , DuggU-by 2. WJltJ , pitch:
Diiggleby.. Passei) ball: 8ciilei. Time: 1:62.
.Umpires: ' Conwajj and Carjtenter.
Standing of the Teams.
. Played. Won. Lost. ret.
Chicago ;. 89. HI 2S .SS5
Pittsburg ;5 . 65 30 .K47
New York....'.... 84 62 32 .611
Philadelphia S9 42 47 .472
Cincinnati 8! 41 4 .4bl
Brooklyn SS 35 61 4117
St. Louis , 91 34 - 67 . 374
Boston 87 80 67 . 345
No gamea scheduled for today.
play out. The score In the ninth Inning
was 1 to 1. The features of the game were
catches In the field bv Trimble and Wle
gert. cstcher of the Denver league team,
and the pitching bv fnllsm.-w-e wss gTd.
Both tesms did good work in the field.
Attendan-e wss large. Score:
R. H. E.
Utlca n ft 0 O ft 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 3
Lincoln 0 1 0 0 0 0 O 0 ft ft O 1 6 4
Stolen bases: I'tlca. !. Struck out: By
Collamore. 7: bv W. Smith. 2 Two-base
hits: ftlee. 2. Lincoln. 1 Psssed halls
1'Hca. 2; Lincoln. 1 Umpire: Rsy Virgin.
Time: lift. Rsttetle- Utlca. t'ollamo-e
and Neff; Lincoln. W. Smith and Trsvers.
tree) era Win Twice from Distillers
by Sanerlor Stlek work.
MILWAI'K EK. Julv 21-Mllw nukee de
feated lAiiilsville In two gsmes today. In
the first Kenna was found "lth little diffi
cult v nnd In th second I "tinkle weakened
In the latter part of the game long enough
to allow the Milwaukee teim to pound out
four runs. Score, first g.-ime:
Mil. witters- LotiaviIJ.B
B.H.O. A. B.
B.H.O A. ft
Robinson, as.. I I I 3 0 Hallman. If
1 3
8 12
1 I
0 2
1 8
t 0
0 0
1 0
Green, rf 2
Bareman, lb.. I
Rotb. c , . .... 4
I lark 3b 1
Hemphill, cf I
MTheaney, If 6
Mc orm'k. 2h 4
Curtla. p i
OStovatl. cf
0 0 Praahear. 2b
1 t Sulllran. lb.
1 0 Kerwln. rf .
n 0 Woodruff. 8b.
(t 0 Ptener, c
8 rtQtilnlan. so..
4 4 Kenna, p....
Totala II 14 27 1J 1 Totala 2 1 !4 10
Milwaukee 5 1 0 1 0 1 3
Ixiulsville 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Two-base hits: Hemphill. Kerwln. Thre.
base hit: Robinson. Stolen bases: Hall
man. Roth. First base on balls: Off Kenna,
9; off Curtis, 2. Hit with pitched hall: By
Kenna, 2. Struck out: Bv Kenna. 8: bv
Curtis. 6. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan. Robin
son, Hemphill. Left on bssos: Milwaukee,
15- Ioulsville, 4. Time: 1:66. Umpire: Kane.
Score, second game:
Rnblnaon, as.. 4
Green, rf 4
Pateman, lb.. 4
Bed lie. a 4
Clark, Sb 2
Hemrblll. rf. 3
14'1'beaney, If 3
Hn'orm'k, 2b 8
Baga, p 3
1 I 0 (I Hallman. II..I MM
4 1 4 4StoTall. cf ... 4 1 0 4
0 12 4 OFraatiaar, tb.. 1117 4
1114 Sullivan, lb.. I 4 II 0 0
10 14 Kerwln. rf... 1 1 0 0 0
1 3 0 a Woodruff. 3b. 8 1 4 1 0
1110 Stnner. c 1 1 7 1 0
4 0 4 Ogulnlan. aa... 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 3 4 IMinkle. p 1 4 1 0 0
Puttmann, rf. I 4 1 4 0
23 7 27 11 4
Tntala 81 7 14 13 4
Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 t 4
Louisville 000001 0023
Two-bnse hit: Clark. Three-base hits:
Sage, Robinson. Stoien bases: Kerwln.
Hemphill. First bHse on balls: Off Sag",
6; off Dunklc, 1. Wild pitches: Bv Sage, 2.
Struck, out : By Sage. 8: by Dunkle. 4.
Double' plays: McCliesney to Batemnn.
Qulnlnn to Brashear to Sullivan. Sacrifice
hits: Woodruff, Btoner, McCormlck. Left
on bases: Milwaukee, 3; Louisville, 10.
Time: 1:45. I'mplre: Kane.
Hooalera Win In Tenth.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 24.-Indlanapolis de
feated the locals in a rageed ten-lnnlng
game. Score:
B.H.O. A H. B.H.O.A.E.
n.mleavy. rf. 6 1 4 0 0 Pavla. cf I I 3 1 4
Athenon. 3b.. 6 1 1 1 0 Sulllan, rf... 4 0 1 0 4
0 1 0 0 Grerntng'r, lb 4
0 4 Hart, lb 4
4 0 Graham, as..
0 OOehrlnf. It..
5 OP01. 2b
I 0 Yeager, 0
Hlmea. cf.
Carr. lb...
Williams. 1
Perry, If...
Marcan, 2b
Holmes, 0.
Fiaber, p..
0 11
2 6
3 8
0 2
2 3
8 0
, 4
. 4
, 8
1 0 Ford, p 8
i 1
1 10
0 4
1 1
0 0
Totala 42 12 80 M 4 Totala 36 10 80 10 4
Minneapolis ....". 2' 0 101010005
Indianapolis 0 0 1200011 16
Home run: Gremtnger. Three-base hit:
Fisher. Two-base hits: Davis (2), Ore
mingcr Williams. Sacrifice hit: Sullivan.
Stolen base: Perry. Struck out: By Ford,
fi: by Fisher, 1. First base on balls: Off
Ford. 2; off Fisher, 3. Hit with pitched ball:
By Fisher, 1. Left on bases: Minneapolis.
S; Indianapolis, 7.. Time: 2:10. Umpires:
Kgan and Sullivan.
Kansaa City Wins With Stick.
KANSAS CITT, Mo., July 24.-Kansas
Cltv defeated Toledo today by opportune
batting. Score:- ' -
B.H.O.A.E. citngman, sa. 4 0 0 2 0
Hill, it 3 0 3 0 0J. Clarke, If.. 4 110 0
Waldrnn, rf..l 0 0 0- BOdwell, rf....l 2 10 1
Perrlna. aa... 1 0 6 4 1 Nance, rf 1 1 1 0 0
Phyla. 2b 3 2 6 4 OKrueger, lb.. 4 0 3 3 0
Burke. 3b 3 2 2 4 1 KnaMi. tb 4 13 8 0
t'aaaady. U...1 1 3 1 0 W. Clarke, lb 4 3 8 0 0
Leahy, c 4 1 1 X 4 Abbott, c I 0 4 I 0
Sullivan, .lb.. 1 0 .1 1 , 1) Putthoff. p ... 3 0 0 0 0
Bohanoon, ,. 3 1 ,4 JL 0Uemont 1 0 0 0 0
Totala'.. '...17 1 fi 'it 'S Totala. 12 i Tt'll 1
Demont batted 94. Sutthoff In ninth.
Kansas City ,... !,.." 0- 0 2 0 0 0 1 3
Toledo !..0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-2
: Two-base hlts:i: Cassaday,- Knabe. Bases
on balls: Off Bohannon 2, off 8utthoff 3.
Struck oht: Byt Sutthoff 4. Double plays:
Phyle to Perrlne to Sullivan, Cassaday to
BurKe to Perriilet Bohannon to Phyle to
Sullivan. Perrlne to Phyle to Leahy. Hit
by pitcher: Abbott. Phyle. ' Left on bases:
Kansas City 7. Toledo 5. Sacrifice hits:
Hill. Burke, Nance. Stolen base: Nance.
Time: 1:42. I'mplre: Owens.
St. Paul Defeats I'olombus.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 24. St. Paul took
the last game of the series from Columbus,
3 to i. St. Paul bunched hits off Flaherty
in the first two Innings, while Perkins was
effective with men on bases. Score:
ST. PAt-L. C0LVMB18.
B.H.O.A.E. B.H 0 A.E.
Geler. as 4 14 6 1 Plrkering. cf. 4 0 0 0 0
Bugden. lb... 4 1 I .2 0 Wrigley, 2b.. 3 114 4
4 V 4' 0 OHIm-hman, rf 4 1 0 0 0
0 -nu Her. If.... 4 110 0
3 OKIhm, lb 8 111 I I
His Hnches Two to 0ns in City Tennis
Urge nailery Watehea Fast Work of
Fvenly Matched Contestants and
gees gome High tirade
The finals for the city tennis champion
ship attracted all the attention at the
Field club courts Tuesday night, and hut
few other games were played In the dou
bles and consolations. The clul house
porch was filled by the large gallery which
had turned out to see the finals between
Bcnbner and Hughes, and they were re
warded for their pains, for some splendid
tennis waa played. Scrlbner won two out
of the three played, but the match being
three out of five the others will he played
off this evening.
The game was called at ti:,tO, which made
It too late to finish. Sorihner chang'-d his
tactics by playing a lively, fast game
right from the start, which took Hughes
unawares. His passing strokes were re
markably well executed and overhead his
returns were free 'from netted balls nnd
outs. Hughes played a game that Improved
from the start and passed Scrlbner on his
fore hand a number of times. His lob
bing, which he did not resort to as much
as usual, was accurate, but fell short.
In the second set Hughes Increased his
pace by clean passing and deep lobbing,
and won. He continued these tactics In
the third set and the gallery began to
think Scrlbner had met his match, but here
Scrlbner. with the games. 3-1 and 5-1 against
him. rallied, and by calling Into play his
fighting qualities, which have won him
many a closely-contested match evened
matters and finally won three successive
games and the odd pet.
It was then 7:4," and the umpire called a
stop In play until this evening nt R:30, when
the championship will he decided. The
Games. Points
Scrlbner 2 S 31 22 47
Hughes ..I 8 'J3 2 41
City championship doubles, second round:
McConnell and West beat Brown nnd
Neeley. 7-R. 8-10. 8-0.
Consolation singles: Newell beat F.
Potter. 7-5, 8-2. Hunt beat Rasmusacn.
0-6, 7-5. 8-4.
Cherokee Defeats Adair.
ADAIR, la., July 24. (Special Telegram.)
The Cherokee Indians defeated Adair to
day by a score of 10 to o. Adulr had the
bases full twice, hut failed to score.
- t ..
1 -lean t I I I i
' ' ! ' "'1v,
.' I -'" 4 li
' I
- " - -HI aVl i ht t i li li
;-'t . V;,;
The Reliable Specialiqts
men of all aces
2nHm.Vr,r.1"-iWh"t w.'kof f"; rho"e w'''ned vitality, exhausted energies
at ?rd VTV" ,e" Pla etory. and who are In a condition of ex
treme peril unless promptly rescued, caused In many cases bv Ignorance ex
cVHL"r erri,gl"'1. these are the very men we want to talk to and help
I hat can be more pitiable than to see a young nun. who Is lust budding
into manhood, drooping and fading away In the springtime of life? Diseases
soon robs the face of its color and the eyes of their brightness. Tha stooping
form, languid stp and downcast countenance reveal to the critical aye, tha
blight of his existence, but this Is only ths shadow or outward mark of tha
trouble existing within, and the young man soon passes from the boundaries '
of health Into the confines of disease. He Is nervous, easily confused, abaoat.
nlnded. forgetful, continually possessed of dsubts and fears, shy, sueplotorM,
Irritable, avoids society and would rathaa be alone. Night losses, day dralna,
waste In urine and marked sexnal deollne almost Invariably follow. Tba sys
tem unstrung, he has headache, backache, palpitation of the heart, shortness
of breath, dixzlness, deranged stomach, torpid liver, weak kidneys, poor otrr
latlon, and Is tired, lifeless and worn-out. He lacks ambition, confidence and
If you are ailing, call and consult us without delay. We will help you to
escape from the slavery that la holding you captive and depleting your man
hood. We cure safely and thoroughly:
Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility,
Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases.
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due ta evil habits, self-ahusoa, co
cesses, or the result of specific or private diseases.
1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Coy, cf..
Prlak. If t 41
Wheeler, lb. .1 i
nrill, c.
..iOftO Frlel. 3b..
114 10
raMerl. 2b.. 1 1 4 '6 1 Hulawltt, aa. . 4 1 4 4 0
Kelaeji. Tf I 0 0.0 4 Hlue. c 4
14 10
H. PO. A.
a i i
( ft
i a 't
Plaved. Won. Ist. Pet.
Phllad-Iphia M 52 S2 .419
New York ',..:"... 4 ' 51 31 .7
Cleveland 4 4 3 .51
Chicago M 44- 4-1 .53S
Detroit R4 4 4" .524
8t. Ixiuls M 42 4? .
Waahlngton M SI 52 .T1
Boston f ?S a .M7
Games today: Chlcsgo at Philadelphia.
St. Louis at Washington. Detroit at New
York. Cleveland at Boston.
Arapahaa Drops a Pair.
ARAPAHOE. July "24 .-(Special )-The
Arapahoe ball team received two defeats
at Hastings yesterday and today In two
close games. They play at Harvard to
morrow and next day and at Oxford on
Friday. Detail arore of Haatlnga game.
Monday's game was eleven Innings. Pcore:
Arapahoe 0 0 0 1 01 l
Haotlngs . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-J 7 I
HatteHes: Rupert end Rupert. Dort and
Potie. Struck out: By Rupert II. by Port
. bases on balls: Off Rupert 6, off Don I
Today's game: R H E
Arapahoe , 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 1 02 4
Hastings 1 0 0 4 1 1 1 1 6 4
Batteries: Tanner and Rupert. Ruegge
and Puteet 'Struck out: Four each, liases
on tails; OS Tanutr l v-
Morderat Slabs for the Mnsie of be
"Give me the old coal mine, with its
smoky lanterns, close air and hard
knocks, to say nothing of small wages,
In preference to this thing of etiseing a
National league pennant for the first
So spoke Mordecai Brown, twirler ex
traordinary of the Chicago Cubs and one
of the several men upon whom falls the
burden of the task of keeping the Chi
cago team up In the race In Its present
struggle for first honors In the National
"When I was a coal miner down In
Illinois." continued Brown. " I knew thtt
my work was done when the whistle
blew, and I came up out of the shaft
Now. however, the whistle blows for ine
never, and I don't expect to hear It until
the last game of the season has been
"The winning or losing of a game does
not completa the day's work for the ball
player who Is with an aggregation that
Is setting the pace, or is close on the
trail of the pacemaker.
"Ihe playing of nine Innings Is but an
Incident In all days work. Before the
umpire calls play there has been enougn
base ball talk and scheming to fill a doxen
guide books, and when the game Is over
every point is thrashed out again snd Its
application to future games discussed.
And sfter that it is a case of dream
base ball all night.
"Base ball is all right enough as a pas
time for amateurs or a money-making
proposition for professionals But fi r
downright peace of mind and dally men
tal snd physical relaxation give me the
coal mine, with the whistle blowing at
Quitting time." 8t. Paul Pioneer Press.
Iowa Leasjae Resalla.
MARSHALLTOWN. Ia.. July 24 -(Special.)
Following are the results in the
Iowa league:
Ottumwa I. Clinton T.
Oakaloosa 9. Msrshalltown 11.
Burlington I. Waterloo 6.
Keokuk 6. Fort Dodge 1.
Kearney's Hits Pali to Coaat.
KEARNEY. Neb . July 44 -fSpeeial Tele
grum.) Although Kearney batted the ball
in good aliape today they played In hard
luck and were defeated by Fremont by a
score of 4 to t. Batteries: Kearney. Wela
brod and Zalusky; Fremont. Bradley and
Shea. I'mpire: Pendergraft.
I lira Wins In the Klereath.
t'TICA, Neb , July Il.-fSpeclal Telegram )
Another good game of ball waa plaved
here this afternoon heie-n - Lincoln and
Vtlc wtUch. rsqyued stevta tunings, to
Parkins, p.... I 10 3 1 Flaherty, p .. 4 4 4 4 0
Totala 17 426 U 3 Totala S3 124 14 1
Hinchman out, liit by batted ball. .-
St. Pmil 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
Columbus . ..' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 12
Two-base hits:' Wheeler, Kihm, Wrigley.
Home run; Geier.. Double plays: Padden
to Geler to Sugdftn. Hulswitt to Wrigley to
Kihm, Flaherty to Hulswitt to Kihm.
Bases on balls: 'Off Purklns 2. Hit by
pitched, biill: Padden. Struck out: By
Flaherty 5. hy Parkins 2. Passed hall:
Drill. Sacrifice hits: Drill. Padden. Wrig
ley. Left on bases: St. Paul 5, Columbus
7. Time: 1:40. I'mplre: Werden.
Standing; of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Columbus D" 61 36 .029
Milwaukee M f.3 41 .54
Minneapolis ....-.... i 60 . 45 .51X1
Toledo S2 47 45 .Kit
Louisville 93 46 47 .4fr
Kansas City 93 42 - 51 -.4S2
St. Paul 93 4ft . 63 .4-10
Indianapolis 91 35 "' 66 .3H4
Games today: Columbus at St.' Paul, To
ledo at Kansas City. Indlunapolls at Min
neapolis, Louisville at Milwaukee.
Three Good Events Fnrnlsh Sport for
Opening: Day.
BEATRICE. Neb . July 24 (Special Tele
gram.! The circuit races opened here to
day with a large attendance. Tomorrow
is Linooln day and preparations are being
mad for th" entertainment of a large
crowd. Results:
Trotting. 2:35 class:
A Hie Conqueror
Margaret B
i Fanny C
Prince of IMIsen
listen Junior
Time: 2:22. 2:23. 2:24',.
Pacing, for 3-year olds:
Ijidv Online
King Pin
Ottawa Boy..
Mayer Gantr..
Time: 2:181,
S 3
4 4
11 1
2 4 6
I 2
4 3
6 6
If your dog is sick come to us, as
we sell ALL kinds of Dog Medicines,
For fleas get our "Dog Shampoo." Kills
every flea. Price 25c. For mange gel
"Improved Mange Cure," to apply, price,
60c and Tonic Condition Tablets for Inter
i,al use, EOc.
S herman & McConnell Drug Co.
$12.50 to St. Pail or Minneapolis and Back.
Get a copy of the "Guide to Guide Bookt'Mree. '
H. H. CHURCHILL, Csnsrsl Agent,
, - tBit Farnam Strath '
Corner Sixteenth and Sodga, Omaha. uj'.-..i-f-.i . ...u,..-.-
oma urn
& fc - t. Va.Tt.l'.'U J4ayitaayJ-larV-. a - a. . ,
a rr-' - maa-as. ar t . -"w ' -a, W7r - w rrB. :r m-wz- mw i mr
. Jt&
V 1
On top oHhe Ozarlis
Eureka springs is but a night's ride from Kansas City, in through sleeper,
on the Frisco. It has excellent hotels and boarding houses, among them the mag
nificent Crescent Hotel, located on the summit of the highest mountain. This hotd
is noted for its excellent service, splendid cuisine and beautiful.situation.
Send for the dainty little book, "The Delights of Eureka Springs."
Round-trip excursion tickets on sale daily from all principal points in Iowa
and Nebraska. Detail information cheerfully given regarding these springs upon
adtlrea nr J. C. LOVRIEN,
x Assistant General Passenger Agent, Kansaa City Mo.
iiia.y iMaiaiMssjsstr
n. 2:19'v.
Running, flve-eluhths of a mile dash.
1'nniahked won. Randall second, Reuben G.
third. Time: 1:03.
Expectation Track Record Will B
FREMONT. Neb.. July 24. (Special.)
The annual meet of the Fremont Driving
Park association will be held heie next
week. A good siring of harness horses Is
alrt-udv on the truck, which has been placed
In nret-claas rhHpe. TM best field of
horses racing In the west Is entered. The
2 in pailng race la especially promising and
horsemen are confident that the tra k rec
ord will drop several points in this class.
Much more "interest is being taken In the
races this year than usual.
Casnes la Three I l.eaiaa.
At Rook Island Decatur 5. Rock Island '.'.
At Cedar Ka plats Springfield ' &, Cedar
Rapids 1.
At Feorla Ds venpf-rt 5. Peoria I.
At Eloomtngton, 111 Dubuqus 4, Bloom
Ington i.
Phyla Trades! (or MrBrlda aad Egau.
KANSAS CITT, July 24-Second Base
man William I'hyle of the Kansas City
American Association Base Ball club, has
been traded for Shortstop George Mi tirlde
and Piicher A. L. Kgan of the Sl Louis
National league club.
Bltrliug Elivar rcubttx, lih and PoiJge.
A new section containing marvelous opportunities for the homeseeker and investor.
Rich soil, artesian wells, all-fhe-year growing climate, soft breezes from the Gulf.
This combination of conditions means the farmer's fortune.
Special excursions to this section twice monthly first and third Tuesdays. Only
$22.50 round trip from Omaha, with 30-day return limit.
Write quick for Illustrated book, and fall Information.
JOHN SEBASTIAN, Passenger 'Traffic Manager