Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1906, Page 5, Image 5
TIl OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY,. JULY 25, 1906.. 5 MUMS TO STAY IN OMAHA Coitrol af Iron FlanU h Otbtr Cities Dosi lot Effect Eiii3Bc. MAKES THIS CITY GRtAT CENTRAL POINT Policy Will II Iaarrre4 ef Ellmlaat la Middle Meat tellta Direct frota Pradaeer NEW CLUB GETS GOOD START laiesesleal Palttiml mm Heelal Claa Keeps Osea Haa.e. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 3C 0i Andrew Eom water Aooepted at City En- riaeer With Poor Grace. rr n cSxpps "aaWssWanl J. n. Bum rtinM Tueadsy from PL lul. where ha snd his brother lmit wvk completed tha desl fnr the purchase of the rad1ock-Hswler Iron company of Bt J-niils. lie hu tvn cut the first authQ)ta- tlre statements regarding th transfer anil regarding the organisation and purpose of the New Paddork'Hawley company a; Omaha. The purrhase of the business of the Psd-dnek-Hawlsr Iron company of St.- lunula inak-a Omaha the central point for a very l.irge volume of business In the Iron and h.-avy hardware trade. It la known that the Haiima era already In control of sev eral wholesale houses In thla Una locatad In western JoVihlhg polnta, and that they ere alao largely Interested In a rolling mill Mild horseshoe factory at South Milwaukee, and by the acquisition of thla new concern at St. Iuls they come Into control of hrge manufacturing plant In the line of wtjton end carriage wood atock located at Fayetterllle, Ark. The capnclty of this p ant will be Increased to serve the other Louse rt which the Haumt are interested. 1 hey wilt thua be able to work out to atlll g'-rater perfection their policy of ellmlnat Irg the middle men In furnishing auppliea I'lrer-t from producer ti consumer. In nddlllnn to the grent advantages thua si-cured to thrtr different business Inter im ts la lsr the large advantage of buying fr.t a number of strong concerns, thua en isling them to c-intrart for enormous quan t:tles cf matertels, giving the manufacturer an ontiorlunity to nuk a special run, auch ' will enahle Mm to produce at the loweat possible, cost. Omaha will remain the home cf the 'Hiiuma, although their Interest! In Pt. Louis will be of auch Importance as to require a great deal of personal atten tion. . .. Corporation Thirty Years Old. The Psdrinek-Hawley- Company la a cor poration that hae been . In existence for thirty years, and haa been doing a business approximating two million dollars per an num, occupying a building about liO feet square, fcix stories lt height and resem bling very much In lta general style the 1 ee-Glass-Andreesen building of thla city. The building was especially constructed for this business acme years ago by the Samuel Cupples Warehouse Co., and Is part of what Is known ae "the Cupplea warehouse system" and la located on the tracks of the Pt. Louis Terminal Co. Buslnesa extenda f:-im Ohio to the Pacific coast and as far north as the Canadian line, and an exten .ve trade Is done in Mexico. Th new organization, known a the New Padrtnrk-Hawley company, haa been Incor porated under the laws of Nebraska! with D. A. Baum, president; Pan Baum, Jr., vice president, and J.: K. Baum. secretary and treasurer. Prominent In the local or ganisation at St. IOuls will be Charles T. Brace, Fred Hawley and Oalua - Paddock, Jr., all of whom are young men who have grown up with the business.' It 1st a notable fact that Omaha, while boasting of some of the largest Individual Jobbing houses In the United States in certain lines, at the same time controls more Jobbing houses located lh other cities than any other west ern community. It Is a tribute to the en terprise and Success of the Jobbers of this community that such Is the fact and the growth, at amr principal Jobbing- houses Is most remarkable as compared with, the Job bing houses of any other city In the west. Mr. Baum vouchea for all the statements made above. Open house was beld last evening In tha new rlub rooms of the Independent Politi cal and Social club of Omaha, to whloh the friends of the members had been In vited and moat enjoyable time was bad by all present. Although there was no formal program, music rung through the rooms and when Mayor Dahlman appeared he was called upon for a speech In which he was very fellrtjoue In his remarks snd wished the club members success In their new undertaking. The club open under most auspicious circumstances Vtth elghty-nve members snd the club rooms on the third floor of the southeast corner of Fourteenth snd Douglas have been most tastily snd con veniently fitted up. The north end of the large room has een partitioned off with brass railing and here la the secretary's desk, with writing desks and flowers In profusion. Billiard tables have been In stalled as well as a pool table and every thing will be done to make the rooms a pleasant place for the members to spend the evenings. The board of directors consists of Al. Plummer, Frank Douglas, Full Thompson. William Coleman, Emery Smith. John A. Ross and Jamea Brown. The offlcera are John Ross, president; James Brown, secre retary. and Charles Coleman, manager. The club haa been Incorporated under the laws of the state of Nebraska. The mem bership fees of the club are 60 oenta per month with each paid up member carrying a key. Many visitors were present last evening looking over the new rooms and accepting the hospitality of the new club, which la brganlxed for social, political and -chari table purposes. Successfully attacks creaM and dirt In any forha, removes It quick ly and completely, and with one- half the time and labor required with ordinary cleaners. Cheese) fiS I CLEANS Chases) R iXssaj2j SCOURS SCRUBS POLISHES told hi Urge stftJg toy rtai. At eUl Grocer. lOO j ' i Seat FTtKK en request, a hand some lUaetrated booklet. "HlnU for Haoawwirea", ooatainlns many valuable and tianaJy suf gestlons. Adareaa: .1 tW cciaxy riavw c, . fc c in Seth Omaha, Meb. SfX-YEAR-OLD BOY BURGLAR Police Have Ko Record of so Tosnv Person Arrested for so erlons an Offense. In the arrest of F.rliest Clark, aged ( yvare, on the charge of burglary, a new record In Omaha's police annals for youth ful criminals has been set. The police do not remember that so youYig a prisoner has been taken to the station on a serious charge before. The lad, who has begun life with a crimi nal recornC Is the son of C. W. Clark, a tinner living at Sixteenth and Davenport streets. He was caught in the act of rob blng the cash drawer In the grocery store of Welnsteln A Oreenherg. 3ng North Six teenth street, early Tuesday evening. The proprietors Vf the store sre In the habit of leeving about 12 In change 4n the drawer over night, and for several nights the money has persistently disappeared Tuesday It w-aa arranged to watch after the store closed at 6 o'clock. A trap was set to give an alarm when anyone should enter, and the proprietors and a clerk waited upstairs. Before hiding themselves they saw the Clark hoy peer Into the front windows to satisfy himself no one was In, and soon afterward a noise told them the tran had been sprung. The little boy was captured Just aa he had his hand on the cash drawer. It was learnf d that the diminutive burglar gained entrance by crawling through the Iron bars protecting a rear window. The lad protested he waa not the one who did the other Jobs, but that he only entered to see If the real robbers were In there.. As sistant Probation Officer Carver took the prisoner to the detention home. PACKING HOUSES ARE CLEAN oath Omaha Plants Look All Rlht to William MrMarray of Portland. William McMurray of Portland, the new general passenger agent of the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company and the Southern Pacific lines In Oregon, spent yesterday In Omaha and In company of Grrlt Fort, assistant general passenger agent of ths Union Pacific. He made "a tour of Omaha and South Omaha, visiting the great packing plants in the Ma (tic City. '1 must assure you." said Mr. McMurray, In speaking of the one plant he visited. Which happened to be Armour's, "that If all are as clean and carefully maintained as that one they are all right and T under stand It Is a fair criterion. I shall take baok to the Paclflo coast the best of re ports o fthess packing bouses. They have been misrepresented out there by people whose only information Is what they hearj It will be my pleasure, to correct these falsa Impressions. ' .-. V "rw.h. i. . Tl k.. lie. energy and enterprise. I was much Im pressed by Nebraska's metropolis." Mr. McMurray succeeded AL L. Craig, who left the Oregon Railroad and Naviga tion company to return to the service of James J. Hill, taking the position of gen eral passenger traffic manager of the Great Northern, made vacant by the resignation of F. I. Whitney. Craig went from the Northern Pacino to the Oregon Railroad and Navigation company only a few years ao. STREET RAILWAY TRANSFER ORDINANCE Meaaare Satisfactory to Cotnpoay Knocked Oat as Sot Coming l to the t'alversal Traasfev Idea. No action with reference to City Engineer Rosewater's contention that he is entitled to hold over the office was taken by the city council last night, but communications and recommendations from the engineer were received and acted on ami laborers for the sewer and asphalt departments sub mitted by him were approved. Though some disposition was shown to make diffi culties over his bond, the council seemed disposed to let the matter rest where It Is. By accepting communications from the official It was presumed that hla claim to the engineers hip was recognised. His bond had been approved by a Judge of the district court and merely filed with the city clerk, who nevertheless brought It before the council. Bridges. Brucker and McQovern were Insistent that the bond he not accepted, but Zlmmrfn raised the point of order that the document, upon which the American Bonding company appears aa surety, wss not s proper matter for consideration as the letter accompanying it showed Mr. Rosewater's purpose was simply to die It with the clerk. After dis cussion President Johnson sustained Zlm man'e srgument and the question was ruled oft the course. Implacable at Work, Later, when a communication was re ceived from the engineer to the effect that he had reappointed George W. Craig as assistant city engineer five councllmen tried to adopt a resolution refusing to confirm. It was colnted out that the charter makes this form unnecessary, but Bridges, Han sen, McOovern and Johnson refused to ap prove Craig's bond, succeeding as only ton councllmen were present. This will not hamper the latter, as he can have the omission rectified by a district court judge In the manner followed by his chief. Just after he had ruled the point of order In Zimman's favor President Johnson called the former presiding officer to the chair and entrusted the gavel to him during most of the session. Zlmman, the sole re publican member, was surprised to find himself on the stand where he stood three years, ' this time directing a democratic body. He dispatched routine business with great speed and In a manner generally satisfactory to his associates. Elsaaier's Latest Carre. The Initiative and referendum law may become an operating factor In the muni cipal government of Omaha If Councilman Elsasser has his way. He Introduced an ordinance for the purpose of having the city formally accept the law. Until this Is done the statute does not apply to any munici pality. No debate was awakened tiy the measure, which was referred to the Judici ary committee. If the ordinance Is passed it will open the doors to a whole catalogue of things. Street Railway Transfers. Bridges snd Zlmman, Assisted by Hansen nd Johnson, succeeded In defeating the ordinance requiring the street railway company to grant transfers at specified points, contending that It was not of "uni versal" application, and while a forward step did not go far enough. Sheldon- and Brucker said the ordinance went as far as possible and still prevent passengers from making round trips, - but Bridges declsred that such contingencies could bo, .mat by he company by the ' issuance ' ' of different colored transfer slips snd other precautions. It took seven votes to pass he ordinance and only six voted for It, Councllmen Jackson and Funkhouser being absent. Bridges has a "universal" transfer ordinance In the hands of a committee, which he will try to have passed. Some of Zlmman's utterances about the matter and the attitude of the street rail way company towards the public were ap plauded. Councllmen on the railways com mittee admitted that street railway officials had assisted them In compiling the ordl nance and that It was satisfactory to them. IOWA FUGITIVE IS CAUGHT Man Was Shot at Hla DlToroed Wife ad Broke Jail Is Castared. N H. J. Sleek, who broke out of the county jail at Carroll. Ia., soma time ago, was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Deteotlves Pruraray and Maloney at Eleventh and Douglas. streets. Me is charged with be ing a fugitive from justice. Sleek shot at his divorced wife about two mum ha ago at Coon Rapids, la., and waa bound over to the district court. Ha waa awaiting trial when he broke jail. He will bs taken back to Carroll. DMIOWrSTta'S KW4U40M. . . riUYilOYAL HLL3 lssbsl "." lTaie;, " k"!"! aataw 1 BBMtBsaMsmfegi fcaL-allL nSj W 4a sVaWMa tie i "'a,,? r r - s aw iki V,TTiT? J. W. t'arr Sella Hla Homo. J. W. Carr has sold his fins residence. Lawn Crest, just outside of the city limits. one-quarter mile south of the Center street road, to Mr. Andrew A. FUray, who sold his farm near MUlard to ths I'nioo Pacific Railroad company in connection with ths cut-off to Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Carr will move to A r Icons LVcember 1, where Mi carr nas large interests. The sale was made through ths real estate firm of J. H. pumost A Bon. ... WATCHES Frenser, l&th and Dodge Sta, Mortality Statistic, Ths following births and death have been reivorted to the Hoard of Health Jur Ing the twenty-four boura ending at noun lueaoayi Blrtha-A. Catania, M Davenport, fclri Jan-es Isli, lajt Paul, girl; Thunms Julian sen. 141 North Seventeenth, bori Albert H. Head, 2146 South Thirty-third, boy: John Halter, till Ohio, boy; Claus Luethje, Uls Wirt, boy; I. Newman, iJ'i arnani, boy (Wrsro Polsnd. 4315 Patrick avenue, alii Henry Schnauher, 4X11 Grant, girl; joef' H. Shelly, 4M( Franklin, buy; David Phulta 1714 Charles. Vey '. James Vanola. til Marcy, hoy: Juhn Vteuiaad. ll uu una, oy Deaths Anton Borteo Sanger, XI Ban inrant liars, liif wuu ,re Burke. Ittt South 1 fifth avenue, 11; Leroy Peters. la Ohio, croft. M; month I Oeor r2 v 8out am. ' h Thlrtj days: Axel Henri Olson, la Ohio. I months, William limm, iva i anion, a Automobile Ken mi C'o. Offlee NUee Meaar, atixleatua and Farimav . Tel. Doug las lMft. DIAMONDS - Frenser , Uig ead Dedfw f i7hich is Matting a Record OUR GREAT CUT PRICE MIDSUMMER CLEARING SALE OF HIGH GRADE PIANOS continues .with unabated success. Over eighty high grade instruments sold during the last week. The enormous price reductioua we made on our entire stok has attracted the greatest throng of buyers that ever attended a piano sale in this city. From every nook and comer of Omaha they come, and also from surrounding towns and counties. The stock offered is of the highest character, including the world renowned Steinway, the famous Steger, the celebrated Emerson, llardmau, A. I. Chase, MePhail and many other makes. The reductions in price are genuine and appeal to the buyer at once. Any piano purchased during this sale (as at all thm) can be returned if not satisfactory and the money will be cheerfully refunded. Uead these bargains over carefully and come early: Ebony Case Upright..... $75 Oak Case Upright.... $100 Mahogany Case' Upright $125 Rosewood Case Upright $150 Fine Chickering Cabinet Grand .$175 Slightly Used Steger, oak case $200 Ebony.vCase Steinway, big snap $250 And Many Others. Square Pianos and all makes 92.1, $50 and up. Out-of-town customers should take advantage of the above special offerings. We ship pianos everywhere. hmoSletr x (TwiJyelleir FSaim o. 1311-1313 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 1625. Omaha. ' - -- - -ir Th Oldest and Largest Piano Nous In ths Wast. 4 poratlons to repair pavements that have sunk over conduits. City's Cash Aocounl. Comptroller Loleck reported he had checked the city cash July J) with the fol lowing result: Balance in Banks. First National Mercrmnts Isetlonel .. Nehrnka National ... Unmbi National I lilted Btnuo National Kountie Broe.. New Cash In drawer .... Checks for deposit York. City Funds. $;91.hl93 ls7.4Kx.fl7 .... P2.MO.s3 ..... 212.07P 31 190.206. M s.104.74 4.MA37 1.4'.4 K Total .4?.14 Balances in Banks. School r unds. Firet National ' Merchants National 3n.2:3 4A Omaha National r. .? 1'nlted States National- io.o- n 11 Kountso Bros.,. New lork l.jtet.m Total I..-'..' 132.013 07 POLICE RKIJEF FI ND. Merchants National I nited States National.. !.-n Total Total funds on hand.. . ...H7W.92 . .JW&.23K.49 Sever Sent a Mas the Hospital. miring the Spanish-American war I -com manded Company O, Ninth Illinois tnraniry. Purine; our stay in Cuba nearly every man In the company had diarrhoea or stomach trouble. We never bothered sending a man to the eurareon or hospital, but irave him a dose or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Plarrhoea Remedy and next day he was all right. AVe aJwavs had a dozen bottles or more of It In our medicine chest. Orra Havlll. This remedy can alwaya be depended upon for collfl and diarrhoea and should be kept on hand In every home. Annual Eieamlea to Dolnth. Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux City at 6:30 p. m., Thursday, August 2, ar riving Dulnth Friday morning. Return Ins; will leave Duluth'-at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, August 5. Roifwl trip fare only $5. Special through, trains - win m iu., consisting of tourist rteefaprs and day conches. Double berth" WarfVptne; car 1 each way. . Dululft and. vwipuy compr.E one of the most enjoyablo j.ainta ror a r w days outing. Boat trips may be maae 10 many places of Interest In Lake , tupenor at small cost. Persons desiring berths should make reservations as early ns possible In order to Insure getting accommodations. Apply to Agent Oreat Northern railway, Sioux City, or to Archhald ray. Assistant ura eral Passenger Agent. Sioux City. Ia. OMAHAMAN CALLS THE BLUFF J. H. Hamilton Offers to Bet Chicago Man on Nebraska's Output, LATTER DOES NOT ACCEPT THE DEAL Strength of Report by Chicago Trader Bnlllsh Letters on Corn Crop Are Sent Oat. New City Laws. The ordinance requiring the weighing, or measuring of all fuel. Ice and foodstuffs sold by weight or measure, the giving of he full purported quantity and holding both employer and employe responsible un der the penalty of lines waa passed. The same happy fate met the law creating the office of second assistant attorney at a sslary of $2,000 a year. City Engineer Rosewater suggested In writing to the mayor and council that for the purpose of promoting general publtn In erests a Joint meeting of the executive, councllmen and heads of departments be held to counsel mutually and to dissemi nate Information about public funds, needs and service that a full understanding may be reached for the good of the city; to eradicate false tmpreasions, bring about economical management and a good admin istration. The letter was received but no action taaen. Hxpert Aeesialaat Accepted. The mayor's appointment of John M. Gil christ at S7.M a day to examine and audit the clty'a financial accounts for two years back was approved. His honor sent In the name of V, J. Connell for city pros ecutor as an alternate to that of T. F. Lea and the council turned It down, as usual. . Treasurer Fink reported that for the pur ohase of I100.0UO, twenty-four 4 per cent sewer renewal bonds, he had received but three bids and one of these for less than par. Rhoadea A Co. of New Tork offered 1X4 for the Issue; th City Bavlngs bank of Omaha, $100, and Rollins Co. of Chi cago 14,000 less than face value. The treas urer recommended the acceptance of the highest bid, but the council referred the matter to the general committee for con sideration.' This Is one of the most disap pointing bond sales the city has held In years. Conarllmaale Palls Weak. Councilman Brucker started something by raising an unanswered Inquiry ss to why councllmen could not succeed In get ting men on the street commissioner's pay roll. He said ha doubted If a single coun cilman had "a man" In the street gangs. Davis pleaded guilty to having one, but Elssvaser said no ane had ever applied through him, but be thought the commis sioner would try to mske the jobs go round ss equitable as possible. Discussion stopped her. A challenge from the, South OmaJia city council for a baseball game st Vinton street pain, proceeds to go to the South Omaha city hospital, waa referred to Pres ident Jotinson. Several hundred property owners and residents about Twenty-sixth, Twenty-sev. entfc and Twenty-eighth streets in the vi cinity af Arbor petitioned the couru-11 to open Arbor street for trsfQc from Twenty slats to Tweatr-elghta streata and to have tba railroads build a viaduct ever the track that weuld cross the thoroughfare. On ths reoommendatioa af ths building Inspector August I at I o'clock tn ths aft ernoon was set for a hearing ef owners with reference to ths oondemnstlsn of a lot af aid Duudmga. . Blaasaar bad a resolution adoptea a! reel ing in ngtnaar to utgs public aerrlc oar- One of the l.ones ' stretches mt Doable Track. In tha World under cne management Is that of the Grand Trunk Railway System from Chi cago to Montreal and to Niagara Falls. The Geand lYunk-Lehigh Valley Double Track Houte via Niagara Falls reaches from CWcago to New York. Descriptive literature, time tables, etc., will be mailed free on application to Geo. W. Vaux. A. Q. P. & T. A., Grand Trunk Railway System, 136 Adami St.. Chicago. One Fara for Ronnd Trip. From Chicago, plus 4.00. for' thirty-day limit, and one fare for the round trip plus $2.00 for fifteen-day limit, to Canadian and New England polnta. Tickets on sale via Nickel Plate road from Chicago August S and 2t. Information given upon appli cation to John T. Calahan, general agent. No. 107 Adams St.. Chicago, La Salle St. station, Chicago, the only depot on the Elevated Railroad Loop. ' " 7 Daniel Wright, a member of the Chicago Board of Trade, passed through Nebraska lapt week and on his return to Chicago reported that Nebraska would raise iiot more than two-thirds of a crop of Corn. Some of the Chicago grain houses took his word 'for it and began to send out bullish letters In regard to ths corn crop of the state. J. 11. Humllton of Omaha, know ing that Wright had misrepresented the local situation. Offered to bet that the crop of the state would run 10.000,000 bushels jver last year, proposing to take the gov ernment's figures as authority. He placed In the hands of S. P. Arnot of the I'pdike Commission company, Chicago, a certified check for $100 to cover a bet with one of the firms sending out the bullish reports. Tuesday the check was returned to him with the following letter: J. H. Hamilton, Omaha, Neb. My Dear Mr. Hamilton: I showed your letter to Mr. Noyes this morning and asketl him to put up his check to cover the bet. He de clined to do so, saying that he saw no Mood reason for putting up the money for such a length of time and that he h wlllina to take your word If you would tak Ills. I told him that In that event I would have nothing to do with the transaction, hut that 1 -would write and Inform you what he had to sav. as I could not very well be responsible for each end of the bet as long ss there were no stakes up, es pecially Inasmuch as I was not a party to the bet. but only neglated tne atlair. He suggested I return your check, which I hirtwlth An Vnn will ktndlv advise me vhathur or not vou wish the bet to stand onh is word or whether you will deolare it off. Tours very truly. 8. P. ARNOT. Mr. Hsmilton firmly believes the state will raise 10,000,000 bushels more corn than last year, and he takes the fact that Mr. Noyes refused to put up the money as evi dence that he doesn't plabe much faith In Mr. Wright's report. JAPROSE Ns1aOl'W"WaWealll M The enlightening sun of cleanliness is Jap Rose (TraosMark) Soap Its exquisite odor of natural flowers, its transparent purity, its cleansing and soothing qualities make it the choice of discriminat ing users. For toilet and bath. James S. Kirk & Co., Chicago Large manufacturer desires services of first-class specialty man. Applicants must . . . FT IA I. ul..,.alnv oe Deiween ntc n ui ia uu w, , i , . vj uv.nn..ti j snd selling experience. Must now be em- ployed. Cheap man need not apply. Ad- i dress K 66, care Bee. Look Out For the Ea;les' stupendous annual plcnio at Bennington "park, Thursday, July 26. via "Ths Nortbweetern Line." Dancing, amuse ments of all kinds, refreshments. The pub llo Invited Tickets, $1.00; for sale by the com.nltee or St Union station. Special train. 10:30 a. m. . . lacreaae Yoar Income. Opportunities in all lines of business In new and growing towns In Iowa, Illinois. Missouri and Minnesota, along the line of the Chicago Oreat Western railway. Write to Industrial Department, C. G. W. Ry., St., Paul, Minn., for "Town Talk" and county map. Low Ronad Trip Hates via Chicago. Mllwankea A t. Panl Ry. ' One fare phis $2.00 for 15-day ticket, one fare plus $4.00 for 30-day ticket, on sale dally to many polnta In Canada and west ern New York, and on August 8th and 22d and September 5th and 19th to -many New England points. Tell us where you want to go and we will give you the best rates for your trip. Call at city ticket office. 1524 Farnam street, or write to F. A. NASH, Genersl Weatern Agent, Onuha, Neb. Gm to ew York on Ike Leklsjb. Double track scenic highway. Connects at Buffalo or Niagara Falls with all lines from the west. Write passenger department, Ibigh Val ley R. R, 21$ South Clark St., Chicago, 111. The following marriuge licenses have been Issued: Name and Address Isaac Noel. 81. Joseph. Mo Georgle Johnson, Kansaa City. Mo Krnest A. Beasey. Miami, Kla Edllh Carleton Hlgsins. Omaha... Harry McDonald. Tekamah. Neb.. 1011. Marsn. tiouin Omaha Jamea Petlsllka, Omaha. Uerliia TudJotk. Omaha Age. ... M ... a ... ... M ... -'4 ... M ... l ... II CAIi'T HOLD BOTH Can't hold onto both our profits and our tailors during dull season. So, we let the profits go and Insugurate this DAILY DOLLAR REDUCTION SALE during which we can cut the price of the season's suitings down one more dollar each day until they are al) sold. Now. we're ready to miks to your nieaaure ANY $50, 345, cr $40 SUMMER SUITING FOR 20 TODAY! Kvery day aees the pile shrink like a 19-cent red flannel shirt In its first washtub. Wise men will order today! MacCARTHY-WILSON . TAILORING CO. 304-3041 South- BlarteeBtli treat. 'Phons Douglas 1$0$. Next Door to Wabash Tickst Office. SCHOOLS AMI COLI.UGKs. Chicago and Return twl VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Tickets on sale August 4, 5 and 6 rith limit of August 15. ' Through Fast Trains leave Omaha daily at 8:00 a. m. and 6:00 p. m. ' Tickets and information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farjiam street, Omaha. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent. It COLLEGE scientific, phlloso- DIAMONDS Edholm, lsth and Harney.. Haaanirr Toara. The Wabaah haa Issued a beautiful pamphlet. "MOI'NTAIN, LAKE AND SKA." Those planning a. summer trip should ask for one. Wabash City Office, 1W1 Fsrnam St., or address Harry . Moorsa, O. A. I'. Omaha, Neb. DELLEVUE COLLEOE-Classlcal, chual courses. ACADEMY An accredited High School. Prepares for Wellevue or any other cul-Irk-e or university. NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary and ad vanced courses. Certlfiratee granted. CONSERVATORY Theory of music, pi ano, voice, violin, elocution and art. CONNECTIONS with Omaha; Electrlo line and Burlington Railway. Fall semester opens Bepietnoer is. Address President Wadi Neb. J worth. Bellsvus, , WILSON COLLEGE FOB WOMEN In the beautiful Cumberland Valley. Courses leading to degrees of A.. B. and Mua. B Classics. Music. Art. A moat eicellent fac. ulty. Campus M acres; 14 buildings; rates' moderate. M. H. REA8ER. Ph. D, PrWI, M Collage Ave. CUAMBERlBfRQ. PA. . Special Homeseekers Excursion Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Terrltoru. Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Texas, Republic of Mexico. TUESDAYS August 7th and 21st, September 4th and 18th, Oc tober 2d and 10th. Novembor eth and SOUu 1906, Via , MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, X. P. T. F. GODFREY, F. X. Ju, OMAHA, NEB. H. 0. TOWNbEXD, General I'aaeenger and Ticket Agent, ST. LOUIS, MO. aciiooua u com koe. AWentwortli Military Academy Ieartaatea, M.. fttiWi ass IcseM unitary im Mamie . t'U - A ' k twu,i attiM st ww itmpt. Om ef is V. aV Vn r ila af ml bsaa aa aaaaMaaa