Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Dee.
Entered at Omaha Poetofflce as second
class matter.
Dally Bee (without Sunday), one jrear..$i.o
Paily baa and Sunday, ona year too
ftundapr Baa, ona year J-JJ
Saturday Bee, ona year W
paily Baa (Including Sunday), par week. .17c
Dally Bee (without Sunday), par week.. 12c
' s-venlng Bee (without Sunday), par week c
livening Me (with Sunday, par n..i
Sunday baa. par copy
Address cooiDialnts of Irreaularltlea In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The Bra Building.
South Omana Oty Hall Building.
Council BiufTa 10 Pearl Street
Chicago lt4u L'nlty Building.
New York lf Home Lne ln. Building.
Washington fil Fourteenth Btreel.
Communications relating lo news and edi
torial matter should be addressed; Omaha
bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamps received as payment of
mail accounts, personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
6tat of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss:
C. C. Rosewater, general manager of The
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says thst the actual number i iuli and
complete coplea of The Dally. Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the
month of June. !!, was as follows:
t 91.TB0 It 33,460
1 33,610 17 30,800
1 30,760 II 31,680
4 31.660 II 3U810
I 3180 20 33,000
38,070 II 31,840
7 33,010 22 3160
1 31,600 23 33,370
I 38,410 24 30,340
10 30,680 21 31,730
11 33,300 2t 31,800
12 3180 27 31,850
13 3110 21 31,780
14 81,830 it 31,700
15 31J.V0 30 33,350
Total 954.160
Less unsold copies 10,496
Nat total aalea 843,654
Dally average 31,466
General Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
befi re mo this Sum osy of June lgoti,
(Seal.) M. B. HL'NOATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving; tha city tem
porarily should have Tha Bee
moiled to them. Addreaa will ba
changed aa often as required.
The report that the Duma defies the
czar is gc.Brc.ely Interesting. The time
for defiance in Russia Is past and con
structive work should begin.
Crop reports issued by the railroads
of Nebraska should be notice to the
operating departments to get ready all
cars within reach before corn shipping
King Ak-Sar-Ben has at last ini
tiated a real count into the mysteries
of his royal den. The number of no
counts who, have been initiated is al
most countless.
The county board will employ a
watchman at the court house who will
have "nothing to do but watch." The
next thing should be .a second watch lo watch the first one.
Russians afe said to be planning a
massacre of Jews on the anniversary
of "Russia's conversion to Christian
ity.'' The founder of Christianity
would have difficulty In recognizing
such a "conversion."
Prince Hilkoff of the Russian council
of state ha decided to remain in the
Interparliamentary conference. Evi
dently the dissolution of Parliament at
St Petersburg is understood better at
home than abroad.
If Councilman Zlmman persists In
pulling .that democratic platform on
his democratic colleagues at every
council meeting he may, be charged
with cruelty to animals and put under
bonds to keep the peace.
Colonel Bryan Is having a really new
txperience. In this country all people
have applauded his oratory, but found
fault with his theories, while the In
terparliamentary union adopts his
Idea, but changes his language.
Is not 3 mills more on the school
levy than last J'er. notwithstanding
the. 'increase In assessed valuation,
laying It on rather heavy? What if
the city levy and the county levy were
to lie proportionately Inflated?
With typhoid fever In the Naval
academy, the marine hospital service
would seem to have been so busy
watching the stegomyia on the canal
zone and lower Mississippi that it
overlooked other vulnerable points.
For the first time In twenty years
Uncle Joe Cannon will attend a con'
gressional convention in; his own dls
trlct. "Vox populi" is sounding in all
place this year and all political as
pirants are getting close to the people
President Gompers cautions mem
bers of trade unions not to let the
labor political movement degenerate
Into "a scramble for office." He may
rest easy on this point until the move
ment proves that it has a good chance
to wis out,
If the Central American republics
enforce their agreement to prevent po
litical refugees from plotting against
neighboring states aspirants for office
Id opposition to the several adminU
tratlons will be compelled to conduct
their campaigns at longer range or
raise the stronger army before they
The statement that the enforcement
of the eight-hour law will drive con
tractor out of government work may
not be an unmixed evil, and It shows
beyond question that builders have
heretofore counted on Ignoring one of
the statute of the United Statei
something decidedly unpopular with
xh present administration.
Twr 'ro.T.'rRrrrrrs" Fr.nrrrr.D.
Ex-President Clereland, whose
name is still one to conjure with
among "conservative" democrat, has
been notably backward about coming
forward to respond to the suggestion
of Colonel Bryan as the man of the
hour two years, hence from a con
servative democratic point of view.
Whatever he may tjave stood ready to
do in that behalf when ex-Secretary
Vilas and ex-Governor Francis vol
unteered to act as gcene-shJftera. the
significant fact appears that, almost
Immediately after Mr. Bryan's Lon
don pronounclamento declaring him
self to be now "more radical than In
1898," the ex-presldent replied to In
quiry as to his views that ha was
"going a-flshlng."
There, are clear indications that
many other democratic . conserva
tives" have likewise suddenly be
thought themselves of the ex-president's
occupation. At any rate, those
leaders who have been most closely
Identified with him and who naturally
might have been expected to follow
the line so dramatically blazed by
Vilas and Francis toward the Bryan (
leadership in the guise of an imputed
conservatism, have stopped short if
they were preparing to move that way.
At the same time some of the strongest
conservative democratic newspapers
that had been busy paving the way
for Mr. Bryan in the new character
either have become conspicuously
silent on that score or show indigna
tion at his radicalism, which he de
clares Is more extreme than when they
fought him so bitterly because of It.
For the present at least Mr. Bryan
seems nervously particular to be un
derstood as not having walked into
the parlor so invitingly arranged for
him by the "conservatives."
Notwithstanding the fact that
American railway managers have' been
disposed to take some consolation to
themselves out of the recent disastrous
wreck on one of the principal British
railroads, the casualties on the rail in
this country still exceed all warrant.
The accident bulletin of the Interstate
Commerce commission's statistician
for the first three months of this
year gives the appalling figures of
railway casualties for that period at
18,296, of which 1.126 resulted fa
tally. The increase compared with
the preceding quarter was, it is true,
not large, being only seventeen deaths
and fifty-two , injured in reality a
comparative reduction taken in consid
eration with the increased passenger
traffic? but it is still far too great and
must be materially lessened whatever
the cost.
Just how many of these accidents
can be set down as preventable is dif
ficult to say, but several factors enter
nto them and Indicate the remedy.
The adoption of automatic coupling
devices, the Installation of the block
signal system, the more rigid Inspec
tion of cars and locomotives and the
prompt discarding of those worn out
or out of repair would do a great deal.
The shortening of the period of con
tinuous service on the part of train
men, switchmen and operatives offers
another avenue of Improvement.
Along the same line would be the sub
stitution of experienced telegraph op
erators for the youthful apprentices
who are too often kept at way stations.
It might be costly to make travel
safer, but the railroads would get
good returns on the Investment, not
only in avoiding suits and settlements
for damages, but also In stimulating
travel for those who now stay at home
for fear of accidents.
It is obvious that the most conspic
uous interest in the minds of the
great majority of tha representatives
In the third conference of the Ameri
can republics Is the on which Is em
bodied in the so-called Drago doc
trine. That doctrine Is simply that,
as among civilized nations maintain
ing stable governments, no one has a
right, forcibly, to collect debt owing
to its citizens by another nation, but
all such claims must be relegated to
the courts of the latter and In general
be dependent ultimately upon Its Jus
tice and good faith.
Within a few years the threat of
forcible Interference by . the great
European powers has become ' more
serious, culminating in 1902 In the
aggressive action of the allied fleets
of Great Britain, France and Germany
against Venezuela on behalf of cred
itors, and the excitement caused
thereby throughout the South Ameri
can republics has continued until the
subject Is a paramount, common Is
sue. It has reached a point at which
they seem to have lost much of their
old-dime interest in the Monroe doc
trine, which, with the United States
back of it, was long looked upon aa
their chief guarantee against aggres
sion. However, as that doctrine, In
Its original terms at least, prevented
only such aggression as Is Involved In
European occupation of American ter
ritory and the Imposition of European
sovereignty and systems of govern
ment therein, and not employment of
force as by blockade of port to com
pel payment of debt, the Drago
doctrine sets up a new rule, denying
the right of force at all. It Is. in fact,
simply the rule which all the great
civilised powers have always enforced
as to foreign Interference In collec
tion of debts owed by themselves or
by their cltlsens.
UDviousiy, acceptance or such a
rule by the world depends upon the
co-operation of th United States, be
cause all the other American repub
11c together have not the necessary
military and naval power to enforce
it. The very fact that our govern
ment so far has not been disposed to
accept the Drago doctrine without
some qualification, such as the require
ment that claims of Indebtedness be
submitted to arbitration instead of the
courts of the debtor republic as a
finality, has caused no little alienation
of sentiment In the smaller republics
from us. This cause Is at the bottom
of questions which are so grave that
tha president has taken the un
precedented step of sending tho secre
tary of state himself to attend the
PanAmerlran congress, and Its discus
sions and action will in all probability
turn upon It
The decision of Judge Day, refus
ing to allow an Omaha gas company
the mandamus it asked for to compel
the city to Issue a permit to build an
additional tank at Twentieth and Cen
ter streets, Is hailed by the unthink
ing press as a great victory of the city
against the gas monopoly. A second
sober thought will dampen their en
thusiasm. They will presently realize
that the decision of Judge Day will
work both ways.
Under this ruling the gas company
cannot extend its present facilities for
gas-making or change the location of
its gas holders without obtaining the
consent of the owners of every foot of
ground within a radius of 1.000 feet
from the gas holder. Assume that
the gas holder is to occupy a space 300
feet In diameter. That would require
the company either to own a tract
2,300 feet In diameter or to buy the
consent of the owners of the property
within that radius.
But what is sauce for the goose is
also sauce for the gander. What
would apply to the Omaha Gas com
pany would also apply to any new gas
company that might want to enter
Omaha in competition. As a condi
tion precedent to establishing itself in
Omaha, the new company would have
to purchase a tract 2.300 feet In di
ameter, equal to nine blocks, or
nearly two acres.
It goes without saying that the gas
monopoly Is sharp enough to keep
posted on every movement made by a
rival company. Whenever such a con
cern would seek to acquire as large a
tract of land as two acres within the
city limits of Omaha. It would quietly
invest $500 or $1,000 in a lot or tract
of land within the area in the name of
some friendly Injun and refuse con
Bent to the erection of the gas tank
within the thousand feet from its
property, thus checkmating competi
tion, which might reduce its earnings
very much more than the interest on
an investment for additional ground
In the neighborhood of Twentieth and
Center streets, or for that matter the
cost of a two-acre tract in some other
section of the city.
If this is not equivalent to making
the franchise of the present company
absolutely exclusive, It comes mighty
close to doing so.
Some of the Judges of the late pri
mary election are representing that
they were not adequately compensated
In the order allowing them $6 for
their work, alleging that they put In
as high as thirty-six hours in con
ducting the election, counting the bal
lots and tabulating the returns. If
there is no way of getting the allow
ance Increased, the only thing left will
be to take it out on the Fontanelle
bosses who were responsible for in.
flicting the "rotation" ballot on the
voters and at the same time doubling
and trebling the work devolving upon
the election officers.
Another question that will be pro
Jected by the peculiar law governing
the expenditure of the fund derived
from inheritance taxes will turn on
the material to be used for county
road pavements. The law says that
the material shall be the "most dura
ble" and to be selected by the county
board, and every contractor with a
different brand of paving block may
be expected to Insist that his is the
most durable. It would not be sur
prising even to see the conflicting
claims aired in court before the re
Jected bidder Is brought to acquiesce.
Charges preferred by democratic
papers against republican candidates
should always be taken with a grain of
allowance. For that reason we are dls
posed to discredit the report emanat
ing from the World-Herald that Con
gressman Pollard hag drawn $100 per
week out of the United States treas
ury and for several months prior to
his election to the Burkett vacancy.
Such a charge is, however, too serious
to be Ignored, and we hope Congress
man Pollard will lose no time in pro
ducing a flat contradiction.
The Commercial club is about to
set out on another trade excursion
headed this time for the Black Hills
The Black Hills country has always
looked upon Omaha as its base of gup
plies and its friendship and favor
should not be neglected. The Black
Hills trade excursion Is sure to pro
duce result.
Our old friend, Dr. George L. Mil
ler, bag taken It upon himself to ap
point a committee of his own to settle
the water works question. If thl
committee can be assured as much
time to hatch out a report as was con
sumed by the appraisers It might be
disposed to take the Job.
Colonel Bryan has suggested a reso
lution in the Interparllament confer
ence In the Interest of peace between
the nations. It Is to be hoped It will
not occasion as much debate as hla In
structlons to democratic senators on
the peace treaty with Spain.
The democratic politicians are fig
urlng on dark horses to be sprung I
their state convention for pr&rticall
all th nomination. It la always part
of the railroad program to keep their
labeled animals blanketed tn the sta
ble as long as possible before trotting
them out.
Tho testimony of one of the rail
road tax agents to the substantial ac
curacy of the work of Douglas county's
assessor Is gratifying fr It goes,
but unfortunately the railroad tax
agents are not generally regarded as
the most reliable witnesses. In this
case, however, plenty of disinterested
testimony of the same Import could be
easily adduced.
Railways of the United States show
average gross earnings of $10,410 per
mile, or about $2,280,000,000 In the
aggregate for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1906. These figures, how
ever, will have to be submitted to the
railway tax experts before they will
be accepted by the companies a hav
ing any bearing on the value of the
Omaha should exert Itself more ac
tively to become a convention city.
The big national organizations are
holding their meetings right along
now and Omaha's claims should be
presented to every one of them if for
nothing more than to lay the founda
tion for future recognition.
Collapsing of walls of a building
nder construction in Massachusetts
shows that the Yankee contractor is
not behind his New York brother when
It comes to "scamping the Job," and
Massachusetts should show the Em
pire state how to deal with such of
fenses. The discovery of a forged certificate
of Union Pacific stock emphasizes the
change that has come over that road
since the receivership. Time was
when it would not pay to take the
chance of forging a Union Pacific
stock certificate. '
Salary and Morals.
Atlanta Constitution.
Somebody asks if the salary of 11,000
will place meat Inspectors above tempta
tion. The Philadelphia Ledger answers
truly that no amount of salary places
dishonest man above temptation.
Time to Start.
Philadelphia Record.
The fact that an Ice trust prosecution
begun in June cannot be tried until Sep
tember Indicates that the proper time to
begin proceedli gs against the manipula
tors of the price of Ice Is January.
Chicago's Queer Professors.
Philadelphia Press.
That day Is counted lost In which some
theorizing professor In Chicago university
falls to exhibit some woozy or lopeared
scheme of doing over the human race.
The latest la "probationary marriage" for
the million.
Woman In the Damn.
New Tork Commercial.
A snapshot of the lobby during a re
cess of the Duma discloses many women
apparently engaged in argument with the
Russian representatives. It's the spoken
word, not "tha.. silent Influence," which
counts In strenuous times
I.nek of the Land Grabber.
Portland Oregonlan.
What's the difference. In morals, be
tween the sharpers who get away with
the franchises, and the fellows who got
away with tho government lands? Only
n the luck of the franchise sharpers. The
United Butes can't get them.
Camp Life and Kickers.
San Francisco Chronicle.
There are many discomforts attending
camp life, and the relief system, no mat
ter how carefully It may be conducted,
Is liable to work some Injustice; but it
dollars to doughnuts In almost every
case of kicking that the kicker Is an un
deserving person, who probably Is doing
much better now than when he was left
to his own devices.
Roosevelt'a lltlmate Work.
Los Angeles Times.
There is an office waiting for Theodore
Rocseve'.t when be leaves the White
House, and It Is, the greatest office ever
held by any man that ever walked the
earth with the exception of Him who
wardered Galilee with "no place whereon
to lay His head." It Is tha office of Peace
I'm pi re of the world. And we'll miss our
guess if It be not tendered to htm by the
unanimous choice of all the nations that
have troubles to be settled.
Judge J. T. Fleming of Oklahoma served
in the Confederate army, voted the first
time In his life for Grant and the last time
for Harrison.
The Mayor of Complegne, France, saya
John D. Rockefeller la a "nevroae flnan-
ciere." He waa careful, however, not to
say It until John D. had left town.
Henry Phipps of Pittsburg pays fjOO.OOO a
year for' the use of a deer park In Scot
land. Other Pittsburg millionaires have
shown that he might put his money to a
worse use.
Ellen Terry haa written the following let
ter to the students at the Leeds dramatic
college: "I have been aked to aay a word
to you. If I say one word It will be
Work." If It were two words I should
say 'Be patient,' and If it were three words,
Don't be vain.' "
Trinity college, Cambridge, possesses a
famous portrait of Bacon, which waa ahown
to the German editors on their visit to the
university. Dr. Butler told them that when
the great historian Mommaen aaw the pic.
ture some yeais ago he stood with folded
arms in front of It and observed: "So!
It Is you who gave us Lady Macbeth and
Though Emma Cushlng of Montreal Is
heartbroken over the fact that J, M. Chris
tie, a bank manager of Pentlcton, B. C,
has failed to redeem his promise of mar
riage, she has brought suit for $23,000 dam
ages; and thla Is the concluding Item in
the list of damages: "Estimated coat of
living for twenty-five years at $00 per year,
which would have been borne by the de
fendant as her husband had he married
her. tlS.OOO."
Major General John R. Brooke, .retired,
celebrated hla sixty-eighth birthday and
the fourth year of his retirement from the
United States army In his apartments at
the Auditorium Annex, Chicago, Saturday.
The general, who is in excellent health, ar
rived In Chicago from Ban Francisco with
hla wife and Miss S. H. Stearns, a relative
of his family, on a late train In the even
ing. "We have been louring the orient."
he said last night, "since last March, and
while we enjoyed the trip we are pleased
to get home, and I am especially pleased
to celebrate my anniversaries here In Chi
cago. The general believes the best good
from a volunteer or ststa militia can only
be obtained by government eontrol.
One Repnhltran ot Railroad Con
trolled. Grand Island Free Presa (Ind )
Tha Free Presa would like to know upon
what Justifiable grounds the Independent
and other members of tha "reform clique,"
better known aa the Frank Harrison presa
bureau, are supporting Norrls Brown for
United States senator In preference to Mr.
Edward Roaewater of The Omaha Be.
For thirty-five years Mr. Rosewater haa
been advocating the reforma now being
carried out by President Roosevelt, while
Mr. Brown waa never known to advocate
any reform until recently, and Is now In
the band wagon because popular clamor
bids him. Despite the opposition to Mr.
Rosewater The Free Press entertains no
hesitancy In saying that ha Is one republi
can whom the corporations cannot control.
For years The Bee haa advocated poMa.1
savings banks, and for that very reason
the banks are opposing his nomination.
To the contrary, whence came Norrls
Brown, and who sprung his senatorial
boom? A bit .of history on this point will
not be out of place. It Is a notorious fact
that his candidacy was evolved by none
other than the Illustrious R. B. Schneider
of the Lumber trust, Rosa Hammond of the
Fremont Tribune, Frank Harrison of tha
Lincoln State Journal. W. H. Harrison of
this city and George Allen of Clay county.
Figs do not grow on thistles, neither can
a man with clean hands and a pure hpart
come forth as the offspring of such politi
cal parentage. The Lincoln State Journal,
the godfather of the "press reform bu
reau," has defrauded the state eut of some
thing like $SO,000 In supreme court reports,
and while It Is now supporting Norrls
Brown for United States senator It should
be borne In mind that Mr. Brown Is Its
attorney In the case and , alt this comes
under the banner of "reform." Shades of
inconsistency!. The Free Press Is an in
dependent paper and speaks without fear,
favor or hope of reward, but In all things
let there be consistency.
How to Save the Legislature.
t Schuyler Free Lance (Ind.).
Edward Rosewater will not be the re
publican nominee for United States senator.
It will be Attorney General Brown. Rose
water will be defeated on the grounds that
his nomination means the election of a
democratic legislature. There la little to
this when summed up, but It will count.
While It Is true that some republicans
will not vote for a republican candidate
for the legislature who is pledged to vote
for Rosewater, yet more than enough
democratic and Independent voters will to
make up that loss. Rosewater Is the only
man who can secure votes outside hla
party for legislative candidates, and he
can good and plenty.
Not a Mere Chair-Warmer.
Chicago Chronicle (rep.).
A good many people in Nebraska, mostly
politicians, do not like Edward Rosewater,
but we have yet to hear of anybody who
believes that the editor of The Omaha Boe
will be a mere chair warmer in the United
States senste if he achieves a seat In that
distinguished body. Indeed, the opposition
to him is mostly based upon his Inability
to ait still when a fracas Is In progress
In the vicinity, and aa Nebraska haa need
of that kind of a senator, the prospect Is
that the objectors to Mr. Rosewater's
strenuoalty will really succeed In electing
tlnea and High Prices Aronae
Popular Indignation.
Chicago Tribune.
This la not the only summer that high
prices for Ice have been exacted In Amer
ican cities. A short crop has frequently
given the dealers an excuse for overtaxing
consumers. Companies have often com
bined to fix and maintain exorbitant prloes.
Consumers have fretted and scolded and
aid that "something ought to be done.-'
Nothing waa done. When cold weather
came and the need of Ice lessened, the
wrongs endured during the summer were
This year It la different. Something Is
being dope. A smaller quantity than usual
of Ice was cut last winter. The Ice men
lay the blame on the weather. They ought
to take a little on themselves. They know
that every few years a warm winter may
be expected. Therefore they ought to be
In readiness for such a winter. They should
open up new sources of supply nearer the
North Pole, where an abundant stock of
Ice can always be had. They have not done
that and, the crop being short, consumers
have been ordered to pay an advanced
If the raise had been a small one they
would have said little, but It waa (pccesslvs.
That has stung to action consumers In
many cities. They have appealed to the
law for relief. In Toledo Ice men have
been sentenced to the workhouse. In Wash
ington they have been Indicted. In Kasas
City and St. I.ouls they are being Investi
gated. In Jacksonville. Fla., there were an
Indictment, trial and acquittal, although
the evidence showed that the company
shipped Ice to other cities and sold It at a
price far below that exacted of local con
These legal proceedings In widely sepa
rated cities Indicate a change In popular
sentiment. They show that men are not so
ready to submit to unfair dealing as they
used to be. They have a keener rcal'tatlon
of their economic rights and are more
ready to fight for them. They are learning
to Invoke the aid of the law when they are
wronged, Instead of confining themselves
to that empty grumbling which never re
forms the wrong-doer.
The proceedings against the Ice men are
a part of the general movement to vindi
cate the right of the community to fair
trade In railroad transportation. In kero
sene and In a hundred other commodities
Perhaps the next winter will be an ex
tremely cold one and Ice cheap next sum
mer. Then no complaints of .the Ice men
will be heard. Whenever there Is another
shortage In the Ice crop the dalers will not
be so ready to ask an exorbitant price as
they have been In the past. They have
been notified this summer that they must
deal fairly with the public or It will deal
Judicially with them.
Country's Prosperity a Sore Care for
the Blnea.
Philadelphia Press.
No American can get the blues who stud
ies his expanding country. Here come the
reports of foreign trade during the year
which ended last month. The ngures are
Inspiring, for they show to whst extent the
rest of the world leans upon the United
States aa a ahore house.
Exporta and Importa together fell Just
short of, the actual amount
being $2,rt9,noo,oOO. But the exports far out
ran In magnitude the imports, the excess
of the former being tM7.ono,ono. This Is a
truly magnificent trade balance In favor
of the United States, and It excels thst of
any other nation on the globe.
All sections of the country contributed In
bringing about this great result. The south
sent Its millions worth of cotton and the
west Its corn and wheat, while the east
sold vast quantities of manufactured ma
terials or mineral products. So long as the
United States can sell to foreigners
Iofi0.0u0.000 more than it buys, the expendi
ture of llOO.nco.ono on the navy or llM.WM.ono
for tha Panama canal are really only trifles
, after ail.
Complies with the
pure food laws
of every state
II r 1 1 T II Calumet It made
II C H I. II slhla to select,
" """" Dread, Biscuit:. . ' fantrv; therefore, It Is recom
mended by leading physicians aud chemists.
rnnUflHY In "sins; Cilamst yen are always assured
C II M II U If I Bf . mnna haklnr! therefore, there Is 00 wstle of
a""1 malarial or
Powder on
Never Learned to Spend.
Buffalo Express.
With all his wonderful success In build
ing up a fortune, he never learned the
art of spending. His phllosohpy did not
grasp the Idea that a rich man might
have a purpose In life beyond mere money-
getting. He never sought culture nor
even leisure. He waa notoriously deaf
to the appeals of charity or philanthropy,
though he permitted his wife to make some
benefactions. Though not naturally un
sociable, he waa unwilling to give any
of his tim to the cultivation of the spirit
of fellowship. So far as was possible In the
busy whirl of Wall street, he lived the
life of a recluse and a miser.
Home Life Wna Ideal.
Minneapolis Journal.
There is kernel of good in the life of
Russell Sage. He was consistent in his
course. He did not preach only; he prac
ticed. His home life was Ideal. His love
for his wife was beautiful. How many
harems he could have hired with hla vast
storehouses of gold and and yet he had
none. What a flash he could have made
at the racetrack and yet he was a stranger
to the paddock. What a spectacular role
he might have played In the coarse politics
of his state and yet he retired from public
life after having served two terms In
congress and never again mentioned the
No wonder his contemporaries thought!
him queer. He was queer. He was not a
representative American, but his life served
to emphasise tho truth that the worship
of money for the sake of hoarding It Is not
worse than the worship of money for the
sake of spending It In riotous and corrupt
ing lives.
Little Good Little Harm.
Denver Republican.
Mr. Sage waa entitled to the negative
praise, however, that If he did little good
with his money, he also did little harm.
We hear much now an-' then about the
alleged evil of great fortunes, with the
Idea presented that the mere fact that an
enormous fortune exists In the hands
of one man Is In Itself an evil. It In
volves a radical error, and It la one of
which the minds of the people should
be freed. Great fortunes are aa evil
and a public menace only when they are
employed in oppressive or otherwise . evil
Devoted to Acquisition.
Dsnver News.
The great lamentable fact of his life
was that he gave no part of his un
usual powers of financial organisation for
the benefit of his fellow' man. Posterity
accords little honorable recognition
the man who misapplies his talents by
devoting them to wholly selfish ends, and
Russell Sage will be remembered as a
peculiarly constituted person who got the
fortune he spent his long life to acquire
and In the end had that and little else.
Ethics of His Environment.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
His ethlca were the ethics of his en
vironment and associates. But the phases
of his character that evoked most .sar
casms, namely, the simplicity and absence
from ostentatious luxury of his dally life,
were characteristics to be admired more
than some of the master strokes by
which he and hla associates harvested
millions. Aa a type ha waa peculiar and
he la succeeded by types of more ostenta
tion, but hardly more picturesque.
Connection with the Paat.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat;
Russell Sage waa so old that myth began
to play trlrks with his personality long
before he or anybody else ever realized
that he would be called upon to pay the
common debt of mortals. Parties, admini
strations, great financial magnates rose, fell
and were forgotten during the days of his
activity. He waa elected to crngress by
the whlgs several terms, but for more than
half a century the daisies have been grow
Ing over the whig party's grave. He was
In business during the panic of 1837, back
In the days of Martin Van Buren. The
advent of Flak and his partner, dould.
seems almost as remote as Jason and the
We Trust
If you are suffering from impure
blood, thin blood, debility, nervous
ness, exhaustion,. you should begin at
once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have known all your
life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask
him all about it. Then do as he says.
We have no secrets We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Maes ky ths t. C. Aye? Os.. LewsU, Hul
Aiao aLaaufMtivers of
ATEB'S B A1H TIOOB-For tks 61.-. A TER '8 PILLS rot const lsetloa.
ATEK'S CSBiUY PBCT0RAJL Fot owl tut. ATBB'B AGUS CURB For nalanA tad a(s.
of the finest material poa.
r- moke lieht. easily dleeited
time. Cslumsl Is put up In alr-ilpht
cant: ItwHlkeeplonrerthan any other Making
Un market SKI nas more railing
PAIIIHCT Is so carefully and iclen
UBLUMCI tlllcallv prepared thnt
Inrredlent Is abnolutrlv perfect.
Therctore. food prepared witn
Calumet Is free from Kncnene well.
Alum, or any injurious substance.
given for any snhatance In
jurious to healtb found In
argonauts. Sage was In Wall street lonj
before Gould wrecked Erie, and he waa
veteran operator at tho time Flsk and
Gould organised the Black Friday gold
bubble which Grant burst. At the darkest
hour of the rebellion, when It took $2.85 of
greenbacks to buy 1 in gold. Sage wai
already one of the magnates of the "street."
His career as a financier was marked out
long before the death of the founder of the
house of Aster. Daniel Drew and Vender
bllt I., In the days of their power, found
Sage to be a force with which they had lo
reckon. To the world of our day Russell
Sage had such an air of permanence that
the news of his death creates almost at
much surprise as would the report of the
fall of a nation.
Ilia Slna of Omission.
Cleveland Leader.
Russell Sage never made himself felt m
a vital force on the side of anything worth
while. Ho paid no debt to good cltlsen
shlp. He manifested no loyalty to human
brotherhood. Ho did nothing to show that
he guided his life by worthy standards. His
sins of omlmlon were great and numerous,
because hla opportunities were extraordi
nary. America Will be less tolerant nf aiih man
aa Russell Sage hereafter. StanrtsWl. nf
citlsanshlp are growing higher. The oblige-
a i . . .
" weaun are better understood.
Misers have never been loved or lovable.
They will be more despised In the future
than they have been- In the' paat.
Patient to (pretty nurse) Will you be
my wife when I recover 7
Pretty Nurse Certainly.
Patient Then you will love me?
Pretty Nurse Oh, no; that s merely a
Dart Of the T ....... I.
- . . muni ivrr u niw
patients cheerful: I promised this morning
" 7 wim a man lea man who
has lost both his legs. Maritime Medical
An English professor wrote on the black
board In hla laboratory: "Prof. Wilson
Informs his students that he has this nv
been appointed honorary physician of his
majesty. King Edward. 'r In the course of
the morning he had occasion to leave the
room and found, on his return, that some
student wag had added to the announce
ment the words, "God Save the King."
"Ma wants a package of dye and she
wants a fashionable color," aald a little
girl to a drugglat.
"A fashionable color?" echoed the phar
macist. "What does she want It for; eggs
or clothes?"
"Well,," replied, the - girl, '. "the" drfdtor .
ays ma haa stomach trouble and ought tc
diet. Ma says if she has to dye It she
might as well dye It a fashionable color."
Maritime Medical News.
"Can't 'I sell you a painless corn cure,
madam?" said the peddler.
"No, you can't! snapped the woman of
the house. "I have no painless corns."
Then the door was shut with a sudden
slam. Chicago Tribune.
A Topeka man was complaining of rheu
matism. "There's no excuse for you being afflic
ted," said a friend. "I used to have rheu
matism. When it would strike me I would
go home and have ray wife throw her anus
around my neck and give me a massage
treatment. It helped me every time. You
ought to try It."
"I will," said the man. "When will I
find your wife at home?" Kansas City
St. Louis Resublio.
A breeze came lazily along
And to the toller sang Its song:
"The little brook still leaps and flings
It's foam upon the swaliow'a wings;
The willow's shade, still deep and cool,
Spreada aa of old across the pool.
"And down the hill the meadow blooms
Still loose their wonderful perfumes.
And every nodding clover nesd
Is lush with honey, and aa red
As It was when you used to teaae
The honry-ateallng bumble bees.
"The willow's shade, still deep and cool.
The old well chain is brown with rust;
The orchard knows the drowsy tune
Of Insects In the afternoon;
They have not chnriged field, bird and tree
Are all back where you used to be.
"The old place still remains unchanged;
From none of Its old ways enstranged;
The Inzv fence still loafs behind
1 Th vines with which it Is entwined;
I And Oh, the little path still goes
' Down through the thicket of wild roes.
I "And all of them snd word to you
' The shade, the brook, the orchard, too
That you who felt that you must roam
Turn from It all, and Journey home."
It may have been such words as these
Were whispered by the vagrant breeze,
Or did the toiler all dny long,
bii- to hlmsel' tH lnHn sung?