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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1906)
TITE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. JULY 25. 1P0G. 10 55 i 5 I 5 m i m H H $ t M . s mm Store Closes at 5 5 p. in. Wednesday Bio Sales Children's Dresses 98c i All Arcs From I to 14 Eight hundrod Children's White Lawn xand India Linon Dresses, handsomely trimmed with embroid . 'ii ni ii . ery, Jace ana riDDons, au oi inera this season's styles, many Russian blouse effects, ages """N TN C from one to iour- h I 1 1 I .nrm kjiIo Wed-I I I 1 V VT nesday on our main floor, at New White Shirt Waists 69c All dainty new styles, short or long sleeve effects Peter Pan outing $3? styles, etc., just about forty prettv htyjes, at Pretty Waists in lingerie effects, very eharnnnirlv trimmed with laces, em broidery and insertions the styles that are most popular this sumer, at... s 98c - 98c 15. $2 UMBRELLAS Made of silk serge with Paragon frames (the bent imxlo), natural wood or horn handles, will give you splendid service in sun or rain S1.25 Parasols at 59c Blacks, whites, browns, etc., ruffled or plain, bamboo, ebony or natural wood handles on front bargain square at each 96c 59c SUIT CASES BIG SPECIAL SALE ENTIRE SAMPLE LINE We bought this lot at about one-third the price usually paid Kerotal, waterproof elephant grain and cow hide leather, linen and silk lined worth up to $10, at i 98c445-2-39M9-8 SHEET MUSIC eJ 5c Copy Offer for one day only. Bay this sheet music Wednesday Black the Double Kasrle. Frolic of the FroKS. 5th Nocturne, C Flower Sour, Home, Sweet Home, Last Hope, Largo, Paderewskl's minuet, Over the Waves, Valse Blue, Cavalry (In 3 keys), Palms, etc, your choice Complete and moderate priced line of Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos and Music Rolls. S OXFORDS MUST GO. 25 PER CENT OFF All Men's, Women', Misses, Children's and Boys' Included. WOMEN'S. Hunan's patent kid welt sole oxfords $5 Hunan's kid oxfords, welt sole $4.60 Foster's patent kid oxfords, and turn sole IB s Foster's kid welt oxfords $4 Armstrong')! patent colt welt oxfords $4 Armstrong's welt oxfords ' -r-$a.50 Five styles! 3 oxfords, patent rolt and gun metal 1 1 C calf ,,,0 Two lines 12.60 oxfords, f OA turns and welts J3 All pumps In patent colt, gun metaJ calf and canvas 25 per cent off. 3.75 3.35 rds, welt 3.75 .3.00 3.00 2.65 MEN'S, nanan's patent kid colt oxfords $6.60 and patent .4.15 Hanan's gun metal calf t TP and kid oxfords $5. . . J, i D 3.75 4.15 4.15 Borden's gun metal calf $5 Borden's genuine French calf $5.50 Clapp'a s;un metal calf $5.50 Ten styles oxfords, (run metal calf, patent colt and kid T "f C $5 J.I J SU styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 300 100 pairs odds and ends $3.60 and 14 C( oxfords ,D3 23 Per Cent Off on all of our nn's, Women's. Boys' and Hisses' Taa Shoe as well as Oxfords. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 F&Lrn&m St 2L ei" TWO FAST TRAINS TO MINNEAPOLIS AND ST. PAUL VIA ' ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Leave Omaha 8:00 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. Bound trip Summer Tourist Tickets ($12.50) on sale daily. Special round trip rate ($10.75) in effect July 24, 25, 26. nomeseekers' tickets on sale every Tuesday to points in Minnesota, North and South Dakota and the Canadian Northwest Information and ticket at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent OMAHA WKATHKR FORECAST YVrduUy fair VJJ (5 Close Every Evening 'cept Saturday at 5 Art Red-Lettcr Specials Mahogany Frames, 8x10, white A O mats, glass and backs OC Forty Green Trading Stamps with each. (Limit two to a customer.) 40c Glove and 'Kerchief Boxes for Pyrography Work Ten Green Trading Stamps with each. (Limit two to a customer.) Double Green Trading Stamps on Picture Framing. Get in on our Big Discount Sale of Framing and Pictures. Only a few days more. Art Second Floor. 25c Wednesday is Red-Letter Day Bring Your Books RINGLING CIRCUS PARADE WILL PASS THE BEN NETT STORE AT ABOUT 11 OCLOCK A. M. WEDNESDAY RED LETTER DAY. Best viewing point in the city. STATIONERY SALE EXTRA GREEN TRADING STAMPS 10c and IBe Znk Tablets, linens and bonds Five tlreen Trading Stamps with two' tablets' Bennett s lunch paper (60 sheets) Ten Oreen Trading: Stamps Bottle Carter's Best Ink And Ten Oreen Tradlnar Rlamna "' 12S Sheets finest Ruled Note Paper JSo And Ten Green Trading- Stamps 10 yards best Lace Shelf Japer . 54 And Ten Oreen Trading- Stamps. Bicycle Playing Cards, ($1.60 dnxen) pack 15- White House Cook Book, 190 edition gso Sale Ked Letter Day Only 60 loo Bo SPECIALS IN HARD WARE WEDNESDAY 19c 26c No. 2 Galvanized Refriger ator Pans, special No. 3 Galvanized Refriger ator Pans, special Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps With 1 qt, Tin Tomato Cang, per dozen .' . . . And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Extra good Scrub Brush, at And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. 20 Century Kitchen Set House Knife, Bread Knife and Poring Knife, special . , And Ten Green Trading Stamps. No. 8 No. 9 Copper Nickle Plated Tea Kettles. $1.40 value, at And Fifty Green Trading Stamps. Crown Can Opener, special And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. 5 qt. Granite Coffee Pot, at And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. 60-foot clothes line, 9flf special ; AivC And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. BEE SPECIAL TABLE OP 10c ITEMS Ten Green Trading Stamps With Each Item. Sporting Goods Section 38c ips. 10c tamps. House 15c ips. Plated 98c )S. 10c ips. 24c Omaha's Biffffest Grocery pedal XAJsWOOMU XAKMOCXSH Hammocks with Valance and Pillows, from $2.50 QQ And Fifty Oreen Trading Stamps. Extra fine Hammocks, from $6.00 to And Eighty Oreen Trading Stamps. Croquet Sets at $1, 76c p, and OjC And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. 2.75 letter Bar fcara-aina. offer all sJoac the lime. Bennett's Excelsior Flour, en sack l.OU And 60 Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, .0- two-ponnd ran 40C And 30 Oreen Trading Stamps. Basket Fired Japan Tea, iQ. pound 4QC And 40 Gi-eeu Trading Stamps. Pickling Spice, whole, Otin pound aOC And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Cbeeae Special ITew Tork Tnll in Cwun Cheese, pound aalfw Aad SO Oreen Trading- Stamps. Velvet Coco Toilet Soap, jen six cakes jGOC one? Special ure 8 trained Te Jtonay, large jar esCJW And 30 Oreen Trading; Stamps. Uneeda Biscuits, En four packages lOw And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Punbar Dry Uhrlmps, IOC And 10 Green Trading Stamps. German-Noodles, .c. large package . 1 IOC And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Wlggle-Stlck Bluing, )s. six sticks afiOC And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Wiggle-Stick Waxer, 15. six cakes... vi eaOW Ana 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Bayles' Cider Vinegar, iA. pint, bottle..., And 6 Green Trading Stamps. Peanut Butter. Ofn two Jars UV And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Ginger Ala. 1tn bottle , IUC Baked Beana, three large OSi cans aSOC And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Batter Direct from the Best Dai ries, rresh Country Butter, Or ' pound, 22c and And Ave Oreen Trading Stamps with. Each Pound. California Ripe Olives. 2 bottles.. BOO And 10 Oreen Trading Stamps. Sour Pickles, quart lOo And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart 16o And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart 800 And 10 Green -Trail 11 m Stamps. Jell-O, assorted, TC- three packages aWOW And 10 Green Trading Stamps. Bew Botatoes, perk ISa Spanish Feanata, Khelled, pint 60 Bagllsh Walnuts, pound Uo imraxirs gaudies. Chocolate Brappes, finest qual- lBr lty, assorted flavors, lb. box..J-'V And 20 Oreen Tradlag Stamps. r Red Leller Day Bargains - Crockery WILL CROWD THIS DEPARTMENT All the fancy china that has been in our window Celery Trays, Case Plates, Salad Bowls, Plates, Cups and Sau cers, Etc., Etc., values up to 50c, sale price C choice, each 10c and DC THIITY GREEN TRADING STAMPS WEDNESDAY ON ALL MASON JAR SALES Ten Green Trading Stamps on Jar Rubbers, doz. 10c and 5c Cut Glass Sugar and Cream Sets, very fine cuting, pair $2.98 And Fifty Green Trading Stamps Fancy large Ioga Jug, a beautiful article, on sale Wednesday, regular $1.25, at OQ. each VOC erg and 98c j dozen 30c Crystal and Gold Water Rets. fll tumblers and Jug to match, very pretty, Wednes day, a set -r. . Thirty Green Trading Stamps on any dozen Tumblers, Wednesday, up from. RED LETTER DAY BARGAINS IN SHOES. 2.50 All, DOROTHY DODD WHITB. CAl.F. welted sole ox fords It 10 values at And thirty green trading stamps. 2.50 SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 25th. ' J. t Auerharh, Freeldent of the Auer hnoh Clothing Co. Halstesd Ft., one of Chicago's pioneer clothiers, deoldrd to retire from business and we were lucky enouah to secure this choice stock at about 60 cents on the dollar. Same hss been shipped to Omaha. Sale positively opens on the pre mises of the Uuarsntee Clothing Co., 1519 1521 Douglas Street. Wednesdsy Morning, July 26. Wt mention a few prices. Men's and Youth's Suit that Auerbach sold s high as, your choice 1300; this Includes Full Suits, also Twojpleee Outing Suits. Suits that Auerbarh sold as high as $12.50, your choice $.".O0. Suits that Auerbach sold ns high as liri.OO, your choice 19. 90. A big lot of the very finest Serge Suits, an J1S.00 value, are Included In this lot. Auer bach was known to carry the very finest of goods. Suits that he sold ss high at JT.5.0O take your choice for J14.85. Tou piy Merchant Tailors $45.00 for some not as good. Men's fine pants that Auerbach sold as high as $4.00, take your choice for $ Men's blue serge coats $1,25. Children's suits 75c Boys' odd coats, ages IS to 18, your choice 60c. Boys" long pants 4Rc. Boys' odd vests 0c. Men's shirts of all kinds, your choice 29c, some few as low as 15c. Light weight underwear of all descriptions 15c a garment. Men's suspenders 7c, silk ones 15c. Men's $3 50 Tan shoes $1.85. Boys' good weight Overalls 19c. Men's black and white stripped work shirts 33c. All sorts of odds and ends too numerous to mention at the most ridiculously low prices, so as to get rid of them quick. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-1521 Douglas Street. SUMMER SANDALS Where Is the boy or girl that Isn't tickled to death with a pair of Bare foot Sandals. Just the thing for summer. Cool as no shoes at ail, but feet protected as well as with shoes. SIZES S TO SIZES a TO 11. SIZES 11 TO 2..., e e $1.10 $1.36 $1.60 FRY SHOE CO. THE) 8HOERS, 16 It and Douglas Sts. sSSSaSaSHMI I ANNOUNCEMENT MEN'S TAN CAI.F AND CHOCOI.ATK VICI OXFORDS $.1 50 and $4.00 shoes at And fifty green trading stamps. MISPKS' AND CinTJTREN'S CHOCOT.ATE VICI KID BIA'CHERS, With extension soles, $1.75 and $2.00 values at And fifty green trading stamps. PAIRS LADIES' WHITE CANVAS TIES with extension edge, Hlucher cut, large eyelets $1.50 values at And fifteen green trading stamps. M1SSK8' AND CHILDREN'S WHITB CANVAS GIBSON AND CHKISTIK T1KS $1 6 value at , And fifteen green trading stamp. ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' CANVAS SHOES AND OXFORDS $150 value st And fifteen green trading stamps 160 PAIRS LADIES' WHITE AND GRAY CANVAS RIBBON i Kfi TIES-$2u and $2.50 valuee-t I.OU And Twenty Green Trading Stamps, POROTHT DODD TAN CALF AND CHOCOLATE VICI SHOES AND OXFORDS O fr $$00 value at UU And twenty-Bve green trading stamps 1.25 98c 98c 1.00 $3.50 We Are Selling the NEW FALL STYLES Walk-Over Shoes $4.00 Your EMfter oxfords may look a little rusty, so now Is the time to ton up your wun sonieining new. Our shoes are Just th"-right weight for mid-summer and fall wear, and the advance styles are sixty days ahead of the average showing. Abso lutely the finest grades ever shown in Omaha lor the price. All sizes, at the Walk-Over Shoe Store, iEdS 1521 Farnam St. Thompson, the Walkover Man. Follow fa "Follow the Fla." 1 LOW RATES NEW ENGLAND POINTS SOLD DAILY IN JUNE. JULY 18, AUG. 8 AND 22, SEPT. 5 AMD 19 Ask WABASH CITY OFFICE, 1001 Farnam St, or addresa HARRY &. MOOKKH, O. A. P. D, Waitaah II 1L, Omaha, Nebtwak HOTELS. r mm "COMFORT WITHOUT EXTRAYASANCE.' at Ike Mew Transient. StMl Built. lr.rat I0TEL WOODSTOCK m-U W Uu bl, au Broawar. K. T. City. kiorka vaet a OrmaS Caatral lea mt I eaaea M Timae tbiuar. tm v.ry aut tb. ettf . Is lb. asioat el .a a I bul.n u4 club. a4 sar IS. aiitfppiDS dlrlrtrt. tubwar .S ' L" roala and bra&4af dl.43tni. Uo4art eeoov anodatlou. fr uv Mo4rs teocu uar tAia, file. Lux nau .11 lisst ra nasi ul uiue vita snvaAe MUi. 12 a CSAlr ratMraxL MtalM. w. H. f U4i.rrra. alee Haul IwvMa. aV The Greatest Bargains Ever Known SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY THE RELIABLE STORE DON'T MISS SPECIALS The Great Means to our customers the greatest dollar saving possibilities on staple merchandise ever known in the west, Thousands of other bar gains besides those here mentioned will be shown. Grand Embroidery Clearance Wednesday morning will begin the greatest bargain sale of Fine Embroideries ever known in the west. Every piece of Fine Embroidery in our Stock that was in tho least soiled or mussed will be placed on sale Wednesday at ONE-HALF TO ONE FOURTH REGULAR PRICE. 2ic FIRST IOT VOI R CHOICE Consists mostly of fine Inserting, worth regularly 10c per yard. SECOXI I-OT Tl yorn choice J2C Edges, Insertlngs, Headings and Appliques in this lot worth 10c to 15c per yard. THIRD LOT r VOL'R CHOICE DC A full line of Edges and Insertlngs worth up to 20c. FOCRTn TX1T ml VOIR CHOICE IUC Matched Sets In this lot worth up to 25c yard. FIFTH LOT f f VOI R CHOICE I.lC Includes Embroideries worth regu Iarly up to 35o per yard. SIXTH LOT ICS I VOI R CHOICE . I J2C A star lot of Corset Cover Embroid eries worth up to 6O0 yard. A great snap. Do not miss it. vueanesaay mminery Bargain Surprises Our entire stock of undamaged Summer Hats will be closed out at once, and we are offering the Omaha public in this sale the Greatest Bargains ever known. In this sale is included all Trim med Hats from our own workrooms and the immense line of T" 1! J t W9t ! "t a m wr a aa . ceauuiui iTimmea nais ana unirimmea snapes irom tne great millinery purchase at less than cost of materials. 50 stylish Trimmed Hats, worth up to ten dollars f choice laJU 30 Elegant Hats, worth regularly up to $20.00 T r choice J,DJ A splendid line of Untrlmmed Shapes, worth up to 13. BO 'JfJ All Summer Flowers and Follaga Wednesday HALF FIUCE. Many Other Bargains in This Department. Great Sale of Ladies9 Suits Beautiful Tailor Suits, worth regularly $20.00 fh C to $35.00... A handsome line of stylish suits, made of fine Panamas, In Alice blue, rose pink, reseda green, navy blue, grays, blacks, etc, in all sizes from 32 to 42, that sold reg- jr Q C ularly up to $35, only very slightly, dam- y aged, will be placed on 6ale Wednesday at - The Greatest Bargain Ever Offered in Any Sale. - Peaches! Peaches! Now is the time to can this delicious fruit. We have just received another car of extra fancy four-basket crates of Fancy Elberta Texas Freestone Peaches. These are the richest flavored peaches that grow. Tomorrow, Wednesday, we will open this car and place them on sale 7 A per four-basket crate v .UC Single Baskets, 18c Each. We cannot supply commission men or dealers at this price. Limit, two crates to a customer. Great Sale China Glassware Wednesday Fagles Annual picnic AT lEWNMGTOW, NEB.. THURSDAY, JULY 26 Special Train Via The Northwestern Line 10:30 A. M. Returning Same Evening Public Invited Beautiful Grounds Varied Entertainments Special Arrangements for Ladles and Children Round Trip Tickets 51.00 ON SALE AT UNION STATION IE yew-4 .y! 5