10 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 24, inofi. til amtmiltii si n p mm B Si J I J nn gj THREE BIG SPECIAL SALES II II II 11 WE nAVE JUST BOUGHT GREAT SAMPLE LIVES OF IUPORTED PIN CUSHIONS AND PICTURE FRAMES j $1 PIN CUSHIONS at 5c, 10c and 15c n n - w . 7 h These pin cushions come in velvet, silk, plush, leather rj ti and porcelain. artistic pocn n it 1 nil ii I n I " B n J n g -a If n n The designs are neat, grotesque or highly w novelties as come only from France and H flermanv. It is a lot we bought from an importer so won- ri derfully cheap that we can sell at a small fraction of their H $J value worth from 25c up to $1.00 in three lots at jj St1lS I H 50c PICTURE FRAMES 5c j 10c l n n n n n u n H a n n n ri u These frames are in imitation leather, lincrusta, metal, gilt J . j i - ti i i-t i- i: r ana emooesea paper, xi is an importer b tuunpie nav that wholesaled up to $6 a dozen on sale in basement, at, each. . SH ri FANCY'CHIHA SALE! New lots brought forward Tuesday. Hundreds of de- d signs not shown before in this sale. Bargains and assort- j ments just as great as ever. p C3 Fancy China Plates in mo6t 1 desims worth up to $2.50 at tl n p p artistic and desirable 10c-I5c-29c-49c n n n n n ri u p ii 29c n Itl Cups and Saucers in coffee, tea and after dinner sizes M daintiest f Jf a w p-8- Idle. OC I BRANDEIS BRANDEIS' S W2ND FIO0R SRAWlis g MAIN BLDG. UUI 9 SONb BANK 1 ri 2ND FLOOR H MAIN BLD.G P u Special fome5eekeP5 Excursion Missouri, Arkansas, Indian Terrltoru. Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma. Texas, Republic oT Mexico. TUESDAYS Aojrost Tth iirt, September 4th and 18th, October 24 and 10th. Aonmber Cth and Both. 1906, Via MISSOURI PACIFIC RY. & IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. TOM HUGHES, T. Pi A., T. F. GODFREY, P. T. A OMAHA, NEB. B. O. TOWJfSEXD, General rassenger and Ticket AfSBt ST. LOUIS, MO. ZEUJ YOU CAN CO TO AND RETURN Any Day This Summer for $17.50 Also for f15.t0 from Ssptombar 19 to 22 VIA UNION PACIFIC Ws will give you detailed Information about ths wonders, the benefits, the variety of sports and opportunities (or fun In this great state. We'll tell you where to go what can be done economically and profitably all about hotels and side trips. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1824 FAR NAM ST. 'Phone Douglas 834. TQU WIIX ENJOY TIIE DELICIOUS FRAGRANCE OF A ALWAYS THE 8AM E. ALWAl 1UK UE8T. V. E. RIOA sUUVClXTUJS UUAR CO, MaaoXctaxw, ST. LOUIS. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Twiaay, Fair and Warmer. tta tt tvtt ttt TvT7:wrr:ri j by csni nzzn siurs ixui hue Close Every Evening 'cept Saturday at5 Wednesday is Red-Letter Day Ten Green Trading Stamps Free to Each Book Produced 1 Glass Vase Special for Tuesday pretty shapes and colors, 15c and 20c values, choice each 5c 10c Omaha's Biggest Grocery Pure, Wholesome Table Products at Low Prices BENNETTS 48c Bennett's Breakfast Coffee. 2-lb. can ! And twenty green trading stamps. Twenty green trading stamps free with every pound of Tea Tuesday. HONEY SPECIAL Large Jar pure Strained QKn Honey vUL. And thirty green trading stamps. CHEESE SPECIAL New York Full Cream, )Mn pound UL- And thirty green trading stamps. 25c 23c Diamond C Soap, 10 bars for Chocolate Mnlr, weet, K-lb. cake And tn grpn trading stamp. Chocolate Menier, bitter, Orin H-lb. cake Ak3, And ten jreen tradin utamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking 24c powder pound can - And twenty Rreen trading stamps. 1 22c Diamond 8 Tall Salmon, can And ten green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Lemon 1Rn Extract, bottle ,0" And twenty green trading stamps. Ginger Ale. bottle 10c, 4 B doeen I.IO Rngllah Walnuts, per pound OXFORDS MUST GO. PER CENTT OFF All Men's, Women's, Misses', Children's and Boys' Included. J WOMEN'S. Hanan's patent kid welt sole oxfords $5 Hnnan'a kid oxfords, welt sole $4.50 Foster's patent kid oxfords, welt and turn sole $6 Foster's kid welt oxfords $4 Armntrong'n patent colt welt oxfords 14 Armstrong's welt oxfords $3.60 Five styles $3 oxfords, patent colt and gun metal ,calf Two lines $2.60 oxfords, turns and welts All pumps in patent colt, gun metal calf and canvas 25 per cent off. 3.75 3.35 rds, welt 3.75 3.00 3.00 2.65 itent colt 2.25 1.90 TrEN'S. Hanan's patent kid colt oxfords $6.60..... Tfanan's gun metal calf and kid oxfords $5 . . Borden's gun metal calf $5 25 Per Cent Off on all of our Hen's, Woman's, Boys' and Hisses' Shoes as well as Cxfords. DREXEL SHOE CO. 1419 Ftxrnam St. iTR VICTOMM Broadway, Fifth Ave. and 27th St., New York Is a mod am, nrst-elasa hotsl, la the can ter of the shopping dletrloL Complete la all Its appointments and absolutely Qr ?roof. Furnishings and decorations en irely new throughout. Accommodations for 600 guests; UO suites with bath. Hot and cold water and telephone In every room. European plan. Culalne unex celled. Rooms tl.eo a day up, with bath t2M up. The only hotel In Manhattan fronting both on Broadway and Fifth Ave. GEORGE W. gWBENET - - Proprietor LAFAYETTE HOTEL ZZZ? SCHOOLS ASD COLLEGES. Western Military Academy Upper Alton. I 111m Is 28th year. Ideal location near St. Louis. Six modem building in beauti ful park. Three fire-proof barracks. Large drill ball, with gymoaiium inJ bowling alleys. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer sod military equipment furnishd by Var Dept. Tuition Jt.50. Capacity 150. Wailing list last year. Immediate application advisable for boys of good character above 6th grade. COL. ALBERT M. JACKSON'. A. M.. Sapcrlntrndeat Premium Parlor-Balcony-Wediesday IN THE CROCKERY About thirty-eight of those Beautiful Japanese f! r7 Ov Vases left from Saturday's selling be I! U D closed out at Values up to $5.00. See That China. Window for Wednesday's Selling Thousands of pieces of China, worth up to 50c, on sale Wednesday, each 10c and 8c and patent .4.15 .3.75 3.75 Boyden's genulns French J IP calf $6.60 Hf.lD Clapp's gun metal yl IP calf $5.60 f,lD Tn styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid X 7 C $6 J.I D Six styles oxfords, gun metal calf, patent colt and kid 300 100 pairs odds and ends $3.60 and $4 " Cfl OXfordB eatJU LindenwooJ College for Wo me. ST. cmrlTs mo 183M906 Diamond Jubilee College of tbe West. Academic. Seminary and CoUeae Coomi Music, t.iocullon. Art aod Uomeetlo Economy. fhysluai and btratealc Lotatloa. Accessibility to a areat cltv. Select patronaira. Limited number of boarder, fcvery rooia taiien durtt. Uat ethool year. Uunful louattoa. xaectne ear to St. ttnXa. Caialoaue on apuUoailon. aVe. Qoe Vrederto A Tree. Vb. V, rrea. &rfAfnnturniU rSVlDlllVVUIUISS P.Ulltary Academy w e uoiwr Sec America Firs! Learn something of ths Great West; pee ths Rocky Mountains COME TO COLORADO The Wonderland ot our continent The Grandest Scenery The Most Perfect Climate The Colorado & Southern Ry. has Issued a aeries of beauti fully Illustrated booklets, de scrlptlre of this fascinating country. Send six cents la (tamps to cover postage. T. B. FISHER. General Passencw Agent, 032 Cooper Building. Denver Colo. WE DON'T KNOW ABETTER way to tempt your order than to offer you the best tailoring the choicest fabrics and the assurance of well fitting garments at a tempting mid-summer price. All suit orders include an extra pair of Trousers during July. WILLIAM J ERR EMS' SONS. "'200-11 Bo."l5th"St'"" Your Money Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best t!r. West HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER, Kaasas City, mm nissourl This majtnlflrfnt hotel has WO beau tlful rooms and Is located at 11th and McOee streets In the shopping- district. Only half a block from the Emory, Bird. Thayer dry roods store; near all the theaters. 100 Private Baths. Telephones In All Kooma. Hot and Cold Knanlns Water In Brery Boom. Unexcelled Cafe. Perfect Cuisine. Club Breakfasts and Table Biota Dinners Berred In Cafe. Bates 91 a Bay and Upward. ' Zuropean Flan Reservations may be made by tele graph at our expense. KlPl'KIt-BEXSON HOTELt CO. r. A. BEBBOB, Man afar. The Evans Hotel Hot Springs, So. Dak. Ileautlfully situated In the vale of Min nlahta. The health and pleasure resort of the northwest. Only a night's ride from Omaha. Golf, tennis, swimming, roarhlng, horse back and burro rides and other amuse ments. Excellent orchestra In attendance. Visit wonderful wind cave. Exceptionally low rates on both C, ft N. W. and Burlington. For rates and Information, ad drees: BOY M. SCOTT. Manager. SUMMER BOARD Bellevue College Dormitories July 7 to September 7. References required. Address BELLK l.'K t'Ol.l.EOK. billevue. Neb. 'Phone Bed 612, South Omaha. SCHOOLS AMI COLLEGES. lev I National Cathedral CaIcavI For Girl ML St Albss. Hsshinglos, D. C Combines the best features of the College Preparatory and Kinishintf School. Unrivalled advantages in Music and Art. Certificate admits to any college. Special Courses. Fire oroof Building. Park of 4U arres lit- mVY. H. T. 8ATTEBLEB, D. D. X,!.. , rtesldent Board of Trustees. For catalogue apply to Mrs. BABBOVB WAXXEB, Bf. A, Vrlnolpai. A Kimball Hall American sar. Conservatory Ths Lssslaf Scaoel s Heals lid Draaatls X TWENTY-FIRST StASOI. 81tT-flTemlner.t Instructuri. Uiimrod eour.e ot thKly. 'I'.schors' TrairJrg Uepartmeel. LMploiaa and Teacber's Ceroficatea. WimW Prm Advmn LlSfi. Thirty tree tcbo4antiiMaarded wtiuJt to talented swliiats of iunhed aieaai. X 11 tm m begins Sept. 1). Imb. UU'mw aisilei Area. Great Water Damage Sale See Our Tuesday Offerings ilYOlil THE RELIABLE ST9RB V J DON'T MISS This Week's Sales Thousands of Unmatchable Bargains are phown every dy iji Uiis groat sale. Clean, undamaged stocks are brought forward from our reserve and sold at prices lower than ever before known. Tuesday is Wash Goods and Linen Day All Undamaged Wash Goods at Half 1,000 pieces Arnold's printed Swisses, Arnold's printed batistes, Irish printed dimities and not a yard was sold for less than 15c to '25c, will close entire lot Tuesday at, a yard. ... $C 500 pieces of Scotch Swisses and St. Call Swisses, organdies and dotted mulls, imported direct by us, every yard will go at ex actly half the marked price. All our Irish Handkerchief Linen, all our Art Linens, all our Dress Linens will be closed at exactly half the regular price. All our India Linens, aJl our Long Cloths, all our Persian Lawns, all our white goods, all will go at exactly half the regular price. Supply Your Linen Needs Now the time; here the place, to be certain of a substantial saying on every purchase. A comparison of quality with the offerings of others will convince you of the great superiority of the undamaged linens here shown. Our prices mean a mtIiik of half and more. 40e Turkey Bed Table Da- . All Kinds of Art x.laena, i S 1.BO Rapklna, Tuea- AO Dreiser Beans. Dollies, i (lav per doi.i ..iot. Center Pieces, etc, etc AT ABOUT HALT. 15c mask, limit 8 yds to customer, at So Table D a m a s k Pretty patterns, 2iC BOe Table D a m a s k newest designs, 25C $1.50 ' T a b i Damask great snap, at, Tin yard TOWXX.S lOo Towels, In Tues day's sale SBo Towels, In Tues day's sale 35o Towels on sale Tuesday ,.5c 15c 19c day per dos Sa.RO Bapklna, Tuea- i ; day per dos S5.0O Bapklna, Tues- tn day per dos a.v All Kinds of Wash Oooda Bemaaata, worth up to 261" a yard. In new bargain ;:r.J;r...ic-2-3c-5c BIG SPECIAL SALE TUESDAY At Omaha's Greatest Grocery Dept. 6 bars best brands Laundry Soap. 15c 10-lb. sack best white or yellow Cornmeal 12 He 1-lb. package Corn SUrch 4c 1- lb. package Cold Water Starch.. 4c Xcelo Breakfast Food, per pkg... 6o 2- lb. can Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn. 5c Large bottle Worcester Sauce.. ,.7Wc 3- lb. can Boston Baked Beans... 7 He 1-lb. package Seeded Raisins 7 He Bromangelon or Jell-o, pkg 7 He 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon .... lOo Big Flour Hale Tuesday -All the best fancy high patent Minnesota Flour at low grade prices. SPKCIAL TKA AND OOFVEK KALE. Porto Hico Blond A combination of the finest coffees that grow. It has a rich flavor and a very palatable drink. To introduce It to the traMs we will sell it Tuesday only, pert pound ....20o 4H pounds for 11.00. Fancy B. F. ot Sun Dried Japan Tea, per pound 23c BIG TKACH SALE TUESDAY. Fancy Klberta, Texas, Freestone Peaches, packed 4 baskets tn crate. These are the richest flavored peach that grows and the finest kind to bijr for canning, Tuesday we will seH m r iv - - v.mvsi sj ej a s Single basket, each .18c We cannot supply dealers and cos mission houses at this price. LIMIT 2 crates to a customer. wmim One and a quarter million acres to bo opened to settlement on the SHOSHONE RESERVATION Dates of registration July 16th to 31st. EXCURSION RATES Less than one fare for the round t daily July 12th to 29th via 520 Round trip from Omaha, .00 over the only all rail route from Omaha to Shoshoni, Wy o. , the reservation border. GEO. F. WEST, General Agent, Chicago k North- Western Ry. Omaha, Neb Please send to ray sddress pamphlets, maps and infor mation concerning the opening of ths Shosbons or Wind River reservation to settlement. (Cut eat this Coupes) 21 FAST TIME TO CHICAGO VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Leave Omaha 6:00 p. m. Arrive Chicago 7:30 a. xa. Cheap Rummer Tourist rates to many Eastern point. Special 15 and 30 day rates to several Canadian and New England points. Information and ticket at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam street, Omaha. S. NORTH, District Passenger Agent. ii.eiiWP " ! i i mil- Ir j!UgBLa-SsBmSssSaBsa1sBmassSBsMa III --"- " - iBBSsBSisBasSBaaisOTssBil 3