Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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IUy. , & Booty ef WTrlj, Dlinois,
May Euooeed rlsom.
ClWl4 loperttr Dom !et
Falflll ! of the Tnen f
Him Who Is of
"The Supremacy of Jnui Christ" was the
subject of Rv. W. 0. Bugeby of Waverly,
IU.. in his sermon at Tlymouth Conjuga
tion! churrh Sunday morning. He Is a
candidate for the pulpit ,Wt by Rev. A. J.
Folsom and will prearh sraln next Sun
day. ;Wi havo brn prosperous for a dossn
years and strvsms of mony have rolled
unoeaelnKly scross our land, but today
In Omaha dssplte Its wealth. Its prospects
and Its material advents , there Is a
multitude of kneeling and crouching men
and women who need the touch of Hlra who
has the power to give health and strength,"
said the clergyman. "Without that power
try touch and bless us we know we are
the verleet orphans In the universe.
'I prefer ' pictures 1 of (lirlet radiating
health and help to representations showing
him borne down hy the wooden cross on
the way to Cslvsry. for It seems to me that
the Christ weigher! down bodily by a mere
chunk of mood Is not significant of His Im
mortal life snd strength.
Jeaas th ill In All.
'Tor Paul, a scholar among scholars. It
was neceaaary that Jesus should appeal to
the Intellcrt. snd Paul shows us the pre
emlnnce He Is to have over men led by
brtlns. Each msn, as 'he goes to his work,
no mstter what It Is, ran find In Jesus
Christ what he longs to be. We behold the
figure if Christ dropping words of explnna
tlon and solution of the problems of man.
In the supreuincy of love Jeans matched the
need of John, who was a man more of the
lir.irt than the heiid than Paul.
"Considering Jesus Christ, the creator,
we find that srlence discusses the method
ami not the fact of creation. Whether It
be by flat, by law or by evolution there
lien something else and that aomethlng else
was In the grip of Jesus.
"In the historic view Jesus gave us re
ligion, the unity of Ood and family life.
From Calvary the light of the cross has
lllinnlned the progress of civilization
through the world, nation by nation and
century by century.
"The supremacy of Jesus has not yet
reached the degree of teaching It should
In our church life. It should dominate all
Christian sects and make them cnc. Change
the reremonlHls and pliice In their stead
the spirit of "Christ, something that the
chu-ches themselves do not have to give
but which must come from higher
Wider Version, Deeper Sense of Ite
aponalblllly and Consecration
Rev. Newman It; Burdlck discussed
"Three Things We Need" In Ills sermon at
the Second Presbyterian church yesterday
morning. In part he said:
" "Dr. Chapman once said the church Is
not holding Us own.' I do not believe this Is
true In Its rullest sense, but in one sense
the church Is not holding Its own. We all
know of people who have been In the
church or within Its Influence who have
fallen Into sin. If the church were walk
ing altogether worthy of Its vocation do
you think there would be many such cases?
I say In the entire city of Omaha there
Is not a church that Is doing a great work
Some are a little more than holding their
pwn. 'some are not. but point me one that
Is remarkable for lir spiritual power. What
we iioed is a revlvul of religion. Many
ministers are feeling thst something must
be done for the kingdom of Christ In this
"If we are to do this we must have three
things. We must flrat have a widening
vision of our opportunities. We have been
too contented. Wc go to church If it Isn't
too hot or too cold or too wet or too dry
or too something else. A vision of the
whitened Held of opportunity Is what we
"The second thing we need Is a keener
sense of our personal responsibility. If you
are a Christian you cannot escape your
responsibility. There Isn t a man or a
woman In a church In Omaha today who
Is nut personally responsible for a share
of the sin and Qodlessness that exists here
today. So I put part of the responsibility
'for the lapsed memberships upon the mem
bers themselves. We are also responsible
for the unconverted.
"The last thing we need Is a deeper con
secration.' The man who Is consecrated to
Ood must give up all forms of self-tnd.ul-gence.
Consecration means that the 1-ord
ahar everything you have. You have your
social position and your business. They
are not yours, but God's. Are you using
them for Him? There Is only one way
consecration can be shown and that Is by
Power of Vuath Seated la tha Boy
Rev. E. R. Curry of Calvary Baptist
church preached on "The 1 Ad and His
Lunch" Sunday morning. The application
was to (how the Importance of "the lad"
In the religious, commercial and political
Interests of the world today as It was
when "the lad" was found among the mul
titude that had gathered to hear Jeeus
prsach ss( taach, with His lunch of five
barley loaves and two fishes by which the
1,000 were fed. said Rev. Mr. Curry. "At
' the time of the miracle of feeding the
1,000 Jesus we at the height of his popu
larity and ministry and had gone to the
other side of the lake to rest, but there He
found the multitude awaiting Him. His
disciples appreciated their own weakness
m 22. SEPT. S 110 19
1001 Faraaxn Bt,
or addraaa
UXKRX B. sIOORKfl, O. A. F. D,
Wabash K. R,
Omaha, ' . Ne&raauta
for Obstinate Constipation. BUUouanoaa,
Sour Stomach. Bick Headache, Nervous
nesa, Nauasa, Insomnia, Jaundloa, Torpid
tivar. Try one. Ibe par bottle, postpaid.
Ifimnim AiinpniUTc i
nun uiiUkniiu i uiii i u
In meeting the msterlal wants of the mul
titude, but they had the Master with them,
and It was then Andrew told Him there
was a lad among the multitude who had
fire loavea of barley bread and two small
flshea from which the multitude was fed.
TVs have the lad always with us and In
him Ilea the resources of the future. The
lad has been prominent In all history and
In all times as a most potent factor In the
world's destinies. All the great activities
of life have been wrought out by nrl who,
as boys, were brought up In poverty, as
In the rases of Joseph, Moses, Jesus,
taither, Lincoln and Oarfteld.
In the boy at today Is the president of
tomorrow. Jewua said: It Is better that a
millstone should be about your neck and
ve dropped Into the sea than .that ye
should cause one of these to stumble.'
Benedict Arnold wan a traitor, but not
a greater traitor than he who sells the
spiritual birthright of his child. He who
educates one boy strong In morals Is bet
ter than he who piles up great wealth. It
Is for our day and generation to see that
child Is trained religiously. The problem
of human life la closely woven on the
thread of poverty. However little we bring
will become great by the will of Ood."
Ran Franrlsco Will Proflt by Disaster,
ays Rev. K. H. Hadloek.
"San Francisco will be rebuilt more beau
tiful than ever." said Rw. E. H. Hadloek,
a preacher of the Oolden Gate city, at
Grace lyutheran church Sunday morning.
"It will be a better city from the moral
standpoint than before. People say San
Francisco was a wicked city. Well, In
some respects It was not so bad as other
places; It had not the vicious slum ele
ment of Chlrago; it had not the extreme
poverty of many other cities. Yet I will
not deny that It was the home of much
wickedness gilded with gold. But I do not
think God destroyed It because ' of Its
wickedness. It was a city of great Influ
ence, situated at the gateway between the
orient and the Occident, and If It should
rise from Its ashes as corrupt as It. was
before. It would corrupt the nation and the
"We are going to build up the churches
and Increase the slse of the congregations;
It Is our purpose to reform the social and
civic life of the community; It Is our am
bition to make it a more moral city.
"Although the city Is smitten, Is down
In the dust, and some parts are dead and
burled so that resurrection is seemingly
hopeless, yet the people are possessed of a
faith that overcomes great obstacles. It
will rise from Its ashes more beautiful and
stately than It ever was."
Mr. Hadloek was speaking from the text,
"This is the victory that overcometh the
world, even our faith," and took the spirit
of the people of San Francisco as one il
lustration. "Our churches are in a crippled condition
on account of lack of funds." he continued.
"In my church on Kaster Sunday there sat
700 people and the Easter offering was be
tween $750 and $800. On the Sunday after
the earthquake the collection was 49 cents
and since then it has never been more than
9. The debt on our church is $9,000 and it
was badly damaged by the earthquake,
so that now we need about $15,000. Many
other churches are in similar circum
stances, and very many even more un
fortunate, for their buildings were totally
destroyed. But in thi face of all this there
is one most encouraging circumstance the
disaster seems to have made people think
more of religion, and the congregations ate
larger each Sunday than they were before
the earthquake."
Haster's at Rlvervlew sad Green's at
Hanaeom Park Delight Maay
Bight thousand people who were at
Hanscom park yesterdsy afternoon were
charmed by the program rendered by
George Green and his band. The weather
was tine and the crowd the largest of the
season. The cornet solo, "Ave Maria," by
Dr. A. D. Laird, proved one of the most
popular musical numbers given at the park
this season and was loudly applauded. Al
most every number on the program was
An immense crowd at Rlvervlew park en
Joyed a popular program by Huster's band.
Every number was liberally applauded.
One of the favorite pieces was the piccolo
solo by Arthur Wehl. The patronage of
the concerts shows how popular they have
become among the people of the pity.
Never Sent a Mas to tha Hospital.
Curing the Spanish-American war I com
manded Company G. Ninth Illinois Infantry,
During our stay in Cuba nearly every man
In the company had diarrhoea or stomach
trouble. We never bothered sending a man
to the surgeon or hospital, but gave him a
dose or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and next day he
was all right. We always had a do(on
bottles or more of It In Our medicine chest.
Orra Havlll. This remedy can always be
depended upon for colic and diarrhoea and
should be kept on hand In every home.
Aaaaal Eiririlaa ta Dalath.
Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux
City at 6:30 p. m., Thursday, August I, ar
riving Duluth Filday rooming. Return
Ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August t. Round trip fare only
I&. Special through trains will be run
consisting of tourist sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth In sleeping car (1
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable points for a few
days outing. Boat trips may be made to
many places of interest In Lake Superior
at small cost.
Persons desiring berths should make
reservations as early as posalble In order
to Insure getting accommodations. Apply
to Agent Great Northern railway, Sioux
City, or to Archibald Gray, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Sioux City, la.
DIAMONDS Ed holm, lath and Harney.
On Fara for Trip.
From Chicago, plus 14.00, for thirty-day
limit, and one fare for the round trip plus
12.00 for fifteen-day limit, to Cansdlan and
New England points. Tickets on sale via
Nickel Plate road from Chicago August
I and n. Information given upon appli
cation to John T. Calahan, general agent.
No. 107 Adams St., Chicago, La Salle St,
station, Chicago, the only depot on the
Elevated Railroad Loop.
18.60 ta St. Paal MlaasapalU
sad Hataen
'"rm Omaha, via Chicago Great Westers
Railway. Tlckete on sale dally after Ma)
n ta September N. Final return limit,
October U. Equally low rate to otlter
points In Minnesota, North Dakota, Wlacoa
aln and lower Michigan. For further la.
formation apply to H. H. Churchill, general
agsau itu arnam atraet, Omaha.
w ta law York oat tha Labia-a.
Doable track acanla highway. Coaaeota
at nuttalo or Niagara Fall with ail linte
from the weat.
Writs passsnffar department. Latalgk Vai.
y R. K, Ul South Clark BU. Caleago, Hi
aaxsiar Toava.
The Wabash has Issued a beautiful
SA," Thoae planning a summer trip
should ask for one. Wabash City Oroca,
1401 Farnam St., ar address Harry kL
Moor.a, O. A. P. D.. Omaha, Nab.
Sterling: silver rreoasiy leth asd Dodf a.
On Family Btrra Alone Btrtet by MoTin
Trolley Car.
Miss Flora Dfius at Graa Islaad
Steps Backward fro a MoTisg
Car and gaffers Ceaeas
sloa of tha Brala.
James Kavka. 401 Walnut street, and his
whole family, consisting of hie wife and
two little children, were strewn along the
street rar tracks at Sixteenth and Harney
streets, dropping along the way from the
steps of a Hanscom park csr, at o'clock
Sunday evening.
Kavka and his household bad been at
Sheeley during the afternoon visiting an
uncle, and In the course of the visit the
host hsd put forth such viands as could
be depended upon to further conviviality
and good cheer, as Is the beloved custom
In the fatherland. When the visitors at
last took leave to return home, they
boarded a car and secured transfers to be
used st Sixteenth and Harney streets.
As they neared Hsrney street, Kavka
signalled the conductor, and gathering the
baby In his arms went to the rear plat
form followed by Mrs. Kavka leading the
other child. The car was one of the large,
new ones that go fast and stop suddenly.
and when It rushed up to the corner as
though express-bound for the South Dakota
line the head of the little brood lost his
wits In the fear of being carried too far,
and as the first cross-walk was being
passed, with a child In his arms Jumped
blindly to the street. Man and little bsby
went downward with a rush. Kavka strik
ing on his head but the child fortunately
landing on top of him unharmed.
Then came Mrs. Kavks's turn. Seeing
the mishap to her husband she very
promptly fainted on the rar steps and fell
to the street carrying the second infant
with her. Neither of them received any
Injury, but the shock nearly drove the
woman hysterical. Patrolman Goodrich
and witnesses gathered up the Kavkas and
the patrol wagon was soon on the scene.
Police Surgeon Raber sewed up a cut In the
man's head snd the wagon took the hapless
four to their home.
Tons Woman Badly Hart.
Miss Flora Dennan of Grand Island, Neb.,
aged about 25 years, was seriously Injured
while alighting from a street car at Six
teenth and Chicago streets, falling back
ward and striking her head on the pave
ment, shortly after 9 o'clock Sunday even-
log. She was carried Into Schaefer's drug
store on the corner by persons who saw
her fall and later taken to her room at
the Midland hotel across the street. When
first picked up the woman was unconscious,
but later recovered her senses.
Miss Dennan "came to Omaha from Grand
Island about a week ago, taking a room at
the Midland hotel. Dr. H. D. Pattes of
Kansas City, a guest at the hotel, first
attended her, then notified the police. Po
lice Surgeon Harris and Dr. Kills of the
street railway company arrived and the
injuries were diagnosed as a concussion of
the back of the head and possible fracture
at the base of the brain. There were also
minor body bruises.
Izoses Two Fingers.
William Brockmlller, aged about 19 years,
an apprentice in the Omaha Dally News
press room, lost two fingers of the left
hand Sunday as the result of getting the
members between two rollers In the press
at 6 o'clock In the morning. Young Brock-
miller was assisting In the work of guiding
a torn sheet through the machine. The
power was turned on suddenly and tha
young man's whole hand went through with
the paper. His piercing shriek was the
first Intimation the others had of his
danger, and the power was quickly turned
Brockmlller was taken to the Omaha Gen
eral hospital by Surgeons Flynn and Harris.
t'nder the supervision of Dr. Porter the in
jured hand wss carefully pieced together
and sewn, only the two fingers being re
moved. Brockmlller Uvea at 2440 South Fif
teenth street.
Slaytoa Jubilee glngera Make a
Big- Hit With the
The eenter of attraction at Krug park
yesterday was the Slayton Jubilee singers.
The troupe consists of N. T. Washington,
first tenor and whistler; Ed Goodbar, sec
ond tenor; George Horace, baritone and
clarionet soloist; William De Acklaw, first
bass; Miss E. P. Helms, primadonna so
prano: Mrs. L Goodbar, second soprano;
Miss Mayme Davis, contralto; O. W. Saun
ders, business manager and musical dl
rector. To aay that they made a big hit
would be drawing It mild. At the after
noon concert they gave twenty-eight selec
tlon. Including all encores, comprising pop
ular songs, jubilee shouts and comedy num
bers. The most popular selections were
"Joseph Johnson, Shame on You." by
George Horace, the encore being "Oh, Say
Wouldn't It Be a Dream?" "Massa'g In the
Cold, Cold Ground" and "Asleep in tha
Deep.'y William De Acklaw. Miss Helm's
best number was a Swiss cucko song, with
"Maggie" for an encore. Mr. Washington's
whistling specialty, "The Glggler," was
tumultuously encored, and he gave several
fine bird Imitations. "Picking Cotton," by
Mlsa Davis, with chorus by the company.
had "My Old Kentucky Home" for the
encore. "Song of the Nations," by Mr.
Washington and company was finely ren
dered. The engagement Is for four days
only and will close Wednesday evening
The Jubilee Singers will be on at S p. m
today. The open air performance of "Don
Caesar de Bazan," by Mr. Sanford Dodge
and his company, afternoon and evening
were very largely , attended. The play will
be repeated tonight. Jackson, aerial con
tortlonlst, hss returned to the park and
appeared yesterday In a new act which
was very well received. He will be at the
park all this week. The balloon ascension
wee a very fine one. The postponed Wise
Memorial hospital picnic will take place at
tha park today, and tickets sold for last
Wednesday will be honored today. ,
During the band concert In the afternoon
Bandmaster J. M. Finn was presented by
the band with a gold medal. Intended to
symbolise the regard of the members for
their leader.
Mrs. Catherine M. Carlisle Attracts
Atteatlaa la tha Maaattala
Mrs. Catherine M. Carlisle, the artist
who painted tha now famous "Dutch Cow
Pasture," which was given as a wedding
present to Alice Rooaevelt-Longworth, Is
la Denver, says the News. She Is bar
to study the beauties and grandeura of
Rooky mountain scenery as an aid to her
artlstlo trend. She baa with her
har daughter. Miss Barto Carlisle Law
son. They are stopping at the Brown and
are registered from Omaha.
Mrs. Cental Is a beautiful little woman
retiring, unassuming and modest- Her
whole life seems to be wrapped up In her
art work. She was a vary do friend ef
Mrs. Roofevel tod this fao ws poeelbiy
tha Incentive that twomrted her to niak
so elaborate a gift to the Whit "House
brtda. The painting 1 valued at tJ.oon.
Mr. Carlisle has spent only a few day
In Colorado, having visited Colorado
Bprtnga, Manitou and a few of the short
trips out of Denver, but she hss seen
enough of the grandetire of the old Rockies
to cause her to enthuse with true artistic
Great Crowd at Lake Kajoys floating,
nathtng ' and Other
Lake Msnawa had another banner Sun
day yesterday, an Immense throng of pleas
ure-seekers visiting the fashionable resort.
Bathing proved the most popular feature,
hundreds taking a refreshing plunge at
Manhattan beach afternoon and evening.
An unusual namber of pretty maids were
noticeable among the bathers. Prof. Joe
Hlrshberg gave a fsncy swimming exhibi
tion which received much commendation
from all.
The musical program by Nordln's band
wss one of the finest ever heard at Man-
awa. The feature of the concert was the
Introduction of the late piece, "Manawa,"
written by Miss Daisy Hlgglns of Omahs,
which wss received by the appreclstlve
udlence with great enthusiasm. The big
roller cosster did a capacity business the
entire day, this aerial attraction always
proving a great drawing card.
Boating was well patronised, the entire
fleet of 300 rowhoats being In use during
the dsy. The balloon ascension, made by
Prof. Andrew, was a very thrilling one.
A new bill was offered at the vaudeville
theater, the Illustrated songs and singing
sketch by Bonny Dee scoring a decided
hit. The electric studio attracted many.
this photograph gallery turning out pictures
that please all. The penny arcade did a
big business, the great variety of amuse
ments here appealing to the old as well
ss the young. The Japsnese ball game.
bowling alley, ehootln gallery and merry-
go-round were well patronized. Madame
Devere's gypsy camp was crowded the en
tire day. this den of mystery drawing a
large clientele dally.
Will Spend Inmmrr In Worth anil
Wlater In Month with Ills
Family. '
Under advice from his physician that he
must leave Omsha at once on account of
his health, Lee Herdman has arranged to
spend the summer with his fnmlly at Coney
Island lake. Minnesota. He will remain
there until fall, when he will go south for
the winter. William Btull of Stull Bros.
will occupy his residence, at 3350 Hnrncy
Hawaiian Band at Aadltorlnm.
The Royal Hawaiian band, accompanied
by the Royal Hawaiian orchestra and glee
club and half a doxen fine soloists, both
Instrumental and vocal, will open a week's
engagement at the Auditorium this after
noon. The music these skilful musicians
produce Is far out of the ordinary beaten
paths and of a nature so sweet and seduc
tive thst they stand slone In the muslcnl
world. They present a program more
varied, more captivating,' than any musical
organization in the world. Captain H.
Berger, formerly a German bandmaster,
connected with the Prussian army, Is the
only member of the great organization who
Is not a native Hawallsn. Captain Berger
has been at the head of this band for
nearly thirty years and to his tireless
energy and careful training Is due much
of the splendid results made possible from
these musicians front! "the dreamy Islands
of the Paclflo." " .
The matinee each dsy will begin at 3:30,
In order that the heat of the day may be
avoided, and the evening concerts will
begin at 1:30. On Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday evenings there will be a short
concert dance after the-regular concert Is
over. The - chairs will be removed from
the arena In about fifteen minutes and the
Royal Hawaiian orchestra will play the
waltzes and the Royal Hawaiian band will
play the two-steps for all who may desire
to dance. At Solitaire, Utah, these dances
became so popular that the band had
difficulty In getting away from the dance
pavilion until J or J o'clock In the morning.
Tha Desert News of Salt Lake City says:
"When the Royal Hawaiian band finished
its second program at Solitaire last even
ing with the "Star Spangled Banner" and
each of the sixty musicians, his hat laid
aside, rose to play It, there was not a man
In the splendid audience who failed to doff
his headgear and stand at attention until
the final strain of the grand old melody
died away. This band has captivated Salt
Lake City and has done It in a single day,
and during the week' which the band is to
play here it Is bound to create a sensation
which Salt Lake City will long remember."
The seat sale at the Auditorium began
Inst Thursday and has been very satisfac
tory, but the Auditorium Is large and, by
the way, it Is the - coolest building in
Omaha and there are plenty of good seats
still obtainable at popular prices. The box
office will open each day during the week
from 9:30 a. m. until 9 p. m.
Mt. Clemens, the Mineral Bath City,
Is reached without change of cars only by
the Grand Trunk Railway System.
Time tables and a beautiful descriptive
pamphlet will be mailed free on applica
tion to Geo. W. Vaux. A. G. P. T. A..
136 Adams St.. Chicago.
T.SS ta Mlaneapolla and St. Paal and
Ratarn fraai Omaha Via Chi
eago Graat Weetera Railway.
Account O. A. R. National Encampment
at Minneapolis, August ISth to Uth. Tick
ets on sale August 11th to 13th. Return limit
August list, with extension privilege.
For further Information apply to H. H.
Churchill, G. A., 1513 Farnam St., Omaha.
Special Saatmer Tourist Rates
From Chlcsgo to Cansdlan and New Eng
land points, vis Nickel Plate Road. Tickets
on sale August 8 to 22, at one fare plus 14
for round trip, with thirty-day limit, and
one far plus 12 for the round trip, with
fifteen-day limit. For reservation of sleep.
Ing car berths and detailed Information,
writs or call on John Y. Calahan, general
agent, 107 Adams street, Chicago.
Tha Lak Shore to Plttsbarc, Lowest
Through sleeping car on the Lake Shore
Limited leaves Chlcsgo f:30 p. m., strives
Pittsburg 6:16 a. m.
Call or write H. S. Giles. T. P. A., Chi
cago. W. J. Lynch, Passenger Traffic Man
ager, Chicago.
Used by
Baking S
Ponder J
Conference at Rio Will Hare Matter Before
it for Consideration.
Forcible Collection by Korelstn Powera
to Be Declared tasapported If
the Argentine Proposi
tion la Adopted.
WASHINGTON. July 2T.--ln a secondary
place in the progrsm of what is destined
to be one of the most pregnnnt of Interna
tional gatherings, the third conference of
the American republics, is set down the
Drago doctrine so named after Its ex
ponent. Dr. Luis M. Drago, a learned pub
licist of Argentina. Yet In Its bearing upon
the future, not only of the little republics
of the southern hemisphere, but upon the
nsttons of the world, even upon the great
est. In their time of misfortune and dis
tress. It should easily comnisnd first plsce.
For, according to the Ideas of the originator '
of the dictilne. It should mean the very
perpetuation of their Independent national
Reduced to Its simplest terms, this doc
trine Is a declaration thst no nation hss a
right forcibly to undertske to collect debts
owing to Its citizens by snother nstlon.
And the proposition before the ran-Amerl-csn
conference, which It Is asked to submit
to the great Hague tribunal Is, to what
extent. If at all, the use of force Is Justi
fiable In the collection of such debts. Nat
urally the question thus propounded is of
the most vital Interest to every debtor na
tion, and most of all to the practically de
fenceless republics of South and Central
Reason for the Declaration.
The three Americas were wrought up to n
pitch of Intense excitement In 1!K2 when
the allied fleets of three greet European
nations Greet Britain, Ocrmany and Italy
appeared off the coast of Venezuela with
declared Intent to collect by force debts
owing by that republic to their citizens. A
few American warships wer there, too,
but merely as passive spectators. Amer
ican citizens were large creditors of Css
trn'a government, but the American ships
had not come ns debt collectors. They
were there to guard sgalnst any Infrac
tions of the rights of neutrals; to prevent
bombardments of helpless snd defence
less ports; to restrain excesses, and above
all, to look after American Interests In
cluding the Monroe doctrine.
Argentina wss the first of the southern
republics to raise a note of protest, and
It csme In the declaration of the now fam
ous Drago doctrine. Directed by Doctor
Drago. then minister of foreign relations of
Argentina to the government of the United
States through Senor Garcia Nerou. min
ister of the Argentine Republic In Wash
ington, It aroused all of South and Central
America. It even excited sympathetic re
sponse from a considerable portion of the
press of America, and so strong was the
sentiment aroused that, In dread of a hem
ispherical consolidation against them, the
allied blocksding powers gladly availed of
the good offices of the United States to
submit the Issues between themselves snd
Venezuela to the arbitration of The Hague
Effect on Iitln-Amerlca.
But a profound Impression has heen
made upon the South and Central American
republics by the blockade, and Dr. Drago's
protest, and the feeling of resentment en
gendered had not been lessened by the de
cision of the august Hague Tribunal the
"packed court," as they called It, on the
ground that the judges represented only
the great creditor nations adverse to Vene
zuela. '
The United States had returned only a
most cautious and discomforting reply to
Dr. Drago's note In the shape of a re
minder to her sister republics that the
Monro doctrine shielded their territories
against final annexation to European pow
ers, but would not protect them against
any lesser action by their creditors. The
president of the Argentine Republic re
fused to accept this construction of inter
national relations and made Dr. Drago's
declaration the subject of special endorse
ment in an annual message to the Argen
tine congress and since 1902 this doctrine
has been discussed in every South and
Central American capital.
There was no lack of opposition, and
notably Brazil, through her semi-official
newspaper press, combated the Argentine
proposition, being herself on good terms
with the European creditors.but professedly
anxious to avoid the submission to a
European tribunal of a doctrine essentially
American In application, he Washington
government also was not willing at the
time to commit Itself to the Drago doctrine.
There were many Americans owning con
cessions in South and Central America and
the West Indian republics, and possessing
bonds of those republics, whose holdings
might be cancelled at the whim of any
revolutionary president, were forcible col
lection made an Impossibility.
The discussion of this Important question
was academic and without special signif
icance until it was suddenly, last winter,
thrust upon the committee on program,
composed of representatives of the prin
cipal American republics then in session at
the state department, considering the sub
jects to be submitted to the Rio conference.
The first proposition was embodied In ar
ticle IV. of the program in these words:
A resolution recommending that the Sec
ond Peace Conference at The Hague be
requested to consider the extent to which
the use of force for the collection of public
debts Is admissible.
But not all of the republics represented
were willing to admit that it was right to
use any degree of. force; a bitter conteet
ensued in the secrecy of the committee
room; In this case ths diplomatic room at
the 8ste dupartment. and finally a com
promise was reached by the Insertion of
the words "Whether, and if at all" Jtisi
after the word "consider" In the original
But some of the South Americans are
still of the opinion that this question
should not be permitted to come before The
Hague tribunal in any shape, so a spirited
contest is probable, as the Rio conference
discusses this proposition. In fact, Dr.
Drago, the putative author of the doctrine
bearing his name, refused to represent his
government In the conference, because It
was proposed to submit this American doc
trine to The Hsgue tribunal
Expansion of Calvo's Doctrine,
The Drago doctrine Is said by publicists
to be merely an expansion of the Calvo
doctrine, dear to the hearts of Latin-Americans,
but never engrafted upon interna
tional law. In its essence that doctrine
was a declaration that any claim against
a nation by a foreign citizen, or even a
foreign government, must be adjudicated
by Its own courts and under no circum
stances was a proper subject of diplo
matic representation or negotiation. That
doctrln hss often been asserted In opposi
tion to the presentation of such clsims,
but so far without success when the claim
was advanced by a nation of superior
strength. Even the United States Stat de
partment hss disregarded It, notably in
forcing a settlement of the claims of the
Salvador Improvement company sgalnst
Salvador, and Is again pursuing the same
course ae to Venezuela In the matter of
tb asphalt and other American claims.
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