Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    t 4
Office, 10 reirl St. TeL 43.
Clark's soda.
rvi Mill drugTi.
Utorkart Mil carpet.
ni ena-ravlna" at LHTert-a.
Ed Ror' Tony Fauat ber.
Enroll in Western Iowa college now.
Plumbing- and heating-. Blxby Bon.
Souvenir postals. Alexanders, 233 Bway.
Woodrln Undertaking company. Tel. CS.
Lewis Cutler, funeral director. 'Fhon t.
Diamond! aa an Investment. Talk to
LefTert about It.
Buy your building material from C. Hafer.
Big- stock and little price.
He Pun ran A Dean's Dutch Auction. SI
show window. 23 Bouth Main.
George lioagland haa the Kansas Shalt
Brick. All hard brick. Oet his prices.
Only ten days more for those $2S suits
at Hicks1, worth US and up. E. S. lllcks.
Bee Btephen Bros, for fire brick and firs
clay, sew r pipe, fittings and garden hose.
8t. Albsn's lodge Knights of Pythlss will
meet this evening to iIIkcuss matters per
taining to thn grand lodge.
lus Piano House, where the organ stands
upon ths building.
The P. V.'s defeated the Woodland ball
team yesterday afternoon at the grounds
on Eleventh avenue and Fourteenth street
by a score of to 0.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John s Eng.
llsh Lutheran churrh will meet Thursday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Qua
Olsen, 2109 Avenue C.
This Is the best season of the year to
put on your wall paper. We will give you
the reason why If you will call on us at
211 South Main. H. Borwlck.
We wholesale Ice cream. Shipped to
any part ' of the state. Special prices to
the retail trade. I. Muccl, ilJ West Broad
way, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 364.
We have the finest line of sample nvsiu
ments to select from In the west. Sheely
A Lane Marble and Granite works, H7
Eost Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
The Dodge Light Guards will hold an
election for second lieutenant this evening
to fill the vacancy caused by the resigna
tion of Second Lieutenant Richmond.
Mrs. Ida M. Hanchett, K3 Fourth street,
left yesterday for Chicago to tske chars
as principal of the school at Allamlale
farm, an Institution for boys near that
city. . .
$1.76, .with a U!y washing machine. Price
etl.uo. Swalne & Mauer, 3J6 and 338 Broad
way. James Mahor, who was recently arrested
on suspicion of being Implicated In the rob
bery at Wallers Bros.' harness shop on
Broadway, has been rearrested by the police
and Is being held at the city Jail on a
charge of vagrancy.
Rev. T. C. Webster will conduct a aeries
of evangelistic tabernacle meetings In the
tent at First avenue and Twenty-third
street beginning Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. Mrs. Jennie Reaves Walker will
have charge of the music.
Rev. Albert Venting, the adopted son of
Rev. Richard Venting, former pastor of
the First Baptist church of this city, occu
pied the pulpit of the church yesterday
morning, ttev. Albert Venting Is now filling
a ensrge at Greenfield, O.
'1 he city council will meet in adjourned eeeslun this exenlng. Owing to the
ab me of Councilman Maloney from the
city it is not expected that the proposed
iitfiitlng contract with the Cltlxens Gas and
hiiecnic company will be brought up.
A chicken house and coal shed at the
rear of to Kansas City house, 1606 South
Main street were destroyed by fire at 1:30
v cIuck yesterday morning. Tne origin of
ih tire Is unknown. The prompt arrival
of tha tire department prevented the names
spreading to the main building.
Gas Savers.
A complete line of favorite gas range
from $ to $35. Paddock St Ilandachey,
THREE CONVENTIONS TODAY Will Renominate Concrssiman
Walter L Smith by Acclamation.
might as well pack up Me belongings and
go too. James did not appreciate ths sug
gestion and some livelf words followed,
during; which Mrs. Jemes claims her hue
ban 3 struck her. James gave bonds In
the sum of t1"0 for hit appearance In court
this morning.
Prison Who Was Favored Order
of Doctor Takes Freaeta Leave.
According to Sheriff Canning, Charles
Btevenson. who wss sentenced to serve one
year In the county Jail for complicity in
the theft of several overcoats from the
pawnshops of 8. Friedman and 8. Bnyder,
Democrats of Pottawattamie Coaaty , made his escape several days ago. Accord-
Will Nam Twenty-On Delegates
to the State Convention
t Waterloo.
Three political conventions are to be held
In this city tomorrow. They are the re
publican convention of the Ninth congree
sional district, the republican convention
of the Fifteenth Judicial district, and the
democratic county convention. All three
are scheduled for the morning In the county
court house.
The republican convention of th Fif
teenth Judicial district has been oaJlsd
for 10:30 a. m. and Its business will prob
ably be completed before the republican
congressional convention begins, whloh Is
scheduled for 11 a. m. The democratic
county convention is also called for the
The republican Judicial convention has
to name three candidates tor Judges of the
district bench and Judges A. B. Thomell,
W. R. Green and O. D. Wheeler will be
renominated by acclamation. The work of
the convention will be merely perfunctory
as there Is no opposition to the renomlna
tlon of the three Judges and It la under
stood that speech-making Is to be dis
pensed with In order that the delegates
may attend the congressional convention.
The Fifteenth Judicial district comprises
nine counties, which are entitled to repre
sentation in the convention as follows:
Mill .. 12
Audubon W
Cass 1
Fremont 12
Harrison 18
D. E. Stuart of this city, chairman of the
Judicial committee, will call the convention
to order and Earl Peters of Clarinda will
act as temporary chairman.
Montgomery l
' ig
Pottawattomle ... 85
Shelby 13
Congressional Convention.
The republican congressional convention
promises to be a love feast. Congressman
Walter I. Smith will be renominated by
acclamation and then the convention and
others present, and a big crowd Is looked
for, will have the pleasure of listening to
an address from the popular representative
from the Ninth district In congress. It is
probable that the convention may adopt
some resolutions.
L. 8. Koblnson, chairman of the congres
sional committee, will call , the convention
to order and will name Hon. Shirley Glllll
land of Glenwood as temporary chairman.
The counties forming the Ninth congres
sional dlstrlot and the representation they
are entitled to in the convention are
ling to Frank M. Gallup, Jailer of th county
bastUe, Stevenson was safe and sound be
hind lock and key In cell No. 6 last night.
It develops that the county authorities
have sought to keep the escape of Bt even
son from the public. They hsd hoped, al
though they admit their expectations were
none too great, to recapture him and have
him back behind the bars without any one
on the outside being the wiser. But the
feline made Its escape from the bag yes
When Jailer Gallup was questioned ovor
th 'phone last evening he asserted that
Btevenson was safe In Jail.
Sheriff Canning, when asked regarding
the report that Stevenson had escaped,
said: "Yes, Stevenson escaped, If you can
call It that. He simply walked away and
forgot to leave his addrees behind. Btev
enson was examined by County Physician
Snyder and Dr. Macrae and both physicians
gave It as their opinion that the man would
lapss Into oonsumptlon If he did not get
some fresh air. They said w would have a
sick man on our hands If we kept him
locked up much longer. We decided after
consulting with County Attorney Hess to
make a trusty out of Stevenson and give
him the freedom of the Jail. He took the
first opportunity to "git." We did not say
anything about It as we thought It Just
possible that we might recapture him be
fore he had got very far. I don't know
that any one will grieve much If he keeps
Stevenson had served two terms In the
penitentiary. He was arrested with John
Fosdlck and Charles Lloyd for the thefts
from Snyder's and Friedman's pawnshops.
Lloyd and Fosdlck each received six
months, but are out on appeal bonds.
Stevenson, on account of his criminal rec
ord, was given the limit of one year In the
county Jail.
Stevenson, while awaiting trial, manufac
tured a saw from a steel spring taken from
his shoe and hsd nearly sawed his way to
liberty when discovered by Jailer Gallup.
He was Indicted for assisting prisoners In
the county Jail to escape, but was ac
quitted because the prisoners had not sue
ceeded In escaping.
For Imported wines, liquors and Bud
weiser beer go to L. Rosenfeld, wholesale
liquor dealer, 61 South Main street.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night L691
MOO acres good farm land In eastern Colo
rado, $5 per acre and up; no Irrigation re
quired.. "'Can rate 'aft' kinds of small grain
"and corn. A few good homesteads Join
our land.' Send for printed matter, F. O.
Lougee, 124 Muln street. Council Bluffs, la.
The Title Guaranty and Trust company,
abstracters of titles. Books date back to
1S63. Books are all up to date. Work ac
curately and promptly done at lowest
prices. Office opposite court bouse, 236 Pearl
street. Council Bluffs, la.
Adair 18
Audubon 10
Cass 18
Guthrie 16
Harrison 18
Mill 12
Montgomery 16
Pottawattamie ... 35
Shelby 13
Golf Hoods.
We carry a very extensive line of golf
goods. The celebrated Wright & Dltson
and Flndley line of clubs, also the best
golf ball made, the Pneumatic. W. A.
The Knab piano will coat you more
money ithan any other piano made, because
It is the best one, and only obtainable at
A. Hospe Co., S3 Bouth Main street. Council
For Bale on Monthly Payments.
. A few beautiful lots In Highland Place
and Babbitt's Place can be sold; $20 down
and $5 per month. Tel. 61. Charles T.
Officer, 413 Broadway.
.'Enroll In th Western Iowa College now.
A. Me tsar r Co.
New Location of Wholesale Bakery'
616 Mynster St., Co. Bluffs, la.
Home-made Bread a Specialty.
Visitors welcome.
Why are McAfee's bakery goods better
than any made or sold In th city? Simply
because all of th Ingredients that go Into
their composition ar absolutely pure and
of the hlghast grade produced and will con
form to and paaa inspection under any pure
food law on earth. No compounds or Iml
tatlons used.
CENTRAL FLOUR $1.16. Every sack
t warranted. Central Grocery and Meat Mar.
. kt. Both 'phone 14.
8. M. Williamson carries th largest stock
of bicycles and sewing machine of any
dealer In th city. Give him a call. Hla
prices are right and terms easy. Hs also
carries a swell stock of Edison and Victor
taJklng machtnss and a largs assortment
of records. Sewing machines for rent.
Bicycle and machines repaired. Ind.
'phono 107 Red, Bell 'phone. Red 1167. 17
. Bo. Main Bt
. cluco msjuhk
1 axis saom ; son as otm ,
BMrr, ssost to.
Total H8
The delegates from Pottawattamie county
to the Judicial and congressional conven
tion ar a follows:
Judicial Delegatea-at-Large-A. T. Fllck
inger, . ii Stuart, G. H. Mayne, O. H.
Scott, Jacob 81ms, J. M. Ualvln, John,
first District O. Mosher. B. F. Koch, I.
T. Spangler, Dr. Maxwell.
Second Dlatrlct A. B. Johns, John T.
Jones, Thomas Strong, Charles T. Hanley.
Third District George K. Brulngton, W.
8. Edic, B. O. Auld, Perry Kerney.
Fourth DlBtrict J. W. Rounds, George
L. Wilkinson, C. R. Brandt, M. W. Davis.
Fifth District J. B. MiUtai-k, J. M. Mc
Mullen, F. A. Sackett, Ed t'arr.
Sixth District James R. Stockwell, M. C.
Sorenson, R. B. Wallace, F. J. Day.
Beventh LMstrlct r 11. Wlnfl. C. vv. At
wood. S. H. Connor. E. H. Olilendorf.
Congressional Delegates-at-Large A. 8.
Hazclton, J. F. McAneney, Paul C. DeVol,
I. Lovett, A. W. Askwlth, W. II. KUlpack,
F. G. Weeks.
First Dlatrlct N. H. Lewis. Dr, C. H.
Read. Jacob Gelger, J. H. Jenks.
Second District W. 11. McRory, E. R.
Jackson, 8. K. Kllllon, Ed Young.
Third District W. P. Dinwiddle, J. K,
Osier. L. G. Mundorf, F. W. Ouren.
Fourth District J. G. Bardsley, John
Phillips, Dr. Crswford, Mst L. Clatetr
bush. ...
Fifth District J. W. Frailer, W. A. Hen
drix. R. A. Bachman. L. Poland.
Sixth District Frank Coropton, F. A. Kel
ler. Julius Johnson, Scott Bankey.
Beventh District T. A. Harrison, Carl A.
Morgan, C. M. Ilarl, A. C. Anderson.
Democratic Coonty Convention.
The democratic county convention is
merely for the purpos of selecting dele
gates to the state convention of the party
to be held at Waterloo on August 7, and
the state Judicial and congressional con
ventions which have not a yet been called.
Pottawattamie county' representation In
the democratic slat convention la twenty
one delegates and twenty-one alternates.
The convention has been called for 11 a.
m. and will be ealled to order by F. W.
Miller of this city, chairman of the county
democratic central committee. Mr. Miller
will. It Is expected, be called upon to pre
side over the convention, aa this appeared
to be the wish of many of the leading local
members of the party yesterday. The con
vention will be made up of 120 delegates.
The friends of J. J. Hughes, chairman of
the cltr central committee, hope to secure
the endorsement by th convention of his
candidacy for member Of the state commit
tee from the Ninth district, Mr. Hugnes
Is opposed by Attorney 8. B. Wadsworth.
who also seeks the place on th Mate com
A Mew Enterprise for Coanell Sinn's,
Th Is test and most up-to-date restaurant
In the west has Just been opened up under
the nsme of 'The Calumet Kestaurani
620 West Broadway. Everything is new
throushout. except th management. Mr.
Iiouta Jensen, who formerly owned and
operated the Vienna with great success. Is
the proprietor. He is a msn of extensive
experience snd is thoroughly acquainted
with the restaurant business. He Is a man
that stands for the following good quali
ties In a restaurant and will do everything
In his power to carry them out:
He stands. for reasonable price.
He stands for matchless coffee, the best
In the city.
He stands for splendid stesks. always
Juicy, served to suit the customers.
He stands for prime rib rosst, beef
roasted Just tight.
He stands for homemade pastry, he makes
It himself.
He stands for quality unrivaled.
He stands for cleanliness.
He stands for good service, and if you
go there you will get It.
He stands for your confidence and for a
first-class restaurant.
W pay $11.00 per ton for castlron; mixed,
$9.00 per ton; stoves, $7.60; rags, lc a lb. ;
rubber. 7c; copper, 14o per lb. J. Kattle
man, 803 Bouth Main. Both 'phones 650.
See Duncan 4 Dean' Dutch Auction, $2
show window.
Enroll In th Western Iowa College now.
Mnst Oo.
Thirty-one lots belonging to an old estate.
west of csr house on Avenues A, B and C,
First, Second and Third avenues, fi(ty lots,
$100 each, on monthly payments. Wallace
Benjamin, room 1, First National bank
building. Both 'phones 203.
I haul dead animals. $1 per head.
Garbage, asnes, manure and all rub
bish; clean vaults and cesspool. Ail
work don I guaranteed.
Call promptly attended
'Phone, Red Ulk
Jmas Charged With Wlfe-Beatlas;
William A. James, living on Sixteenth
avenue between Eighth and Ninth streets.
Is to have a hearing In police court this
morning on th charge of beating hi wife.
Jamea Is living with his second wife, and
his daughter by his first wifs has been
visiting him. Ths girl's mother wanted
the child back and according to James be
waa engaged in packing up th girl's be
loiujtnf whin fs Wile tif f tstsd tbet b
Paroled Man I'nder Arrest.
Henry Otto, claiming to be the son of the
mayor of Gottenburg, Sweden, Is under ar
rest at the city Jail, charged with vag
rancy. He was picked off the front end of
the locomotive of an incoming passenger
train on the Rock Island yesterday morn
ing by Detective Weir. Otto Is the young
man who was convicted and sentenced to
sixty days in the Polk county Jail as one
of the Valley Junction desperadoes. He
was paroled by Governor Cummins at the
request of E. J. Frisk, secretary of the
Swedish-American club of Des Moines, on
condition that he remain In Dickinson
county, where tie Is said to have relatives.
Among Otto's possessions waa found a copy
of the letter addressed by Mr. Frisk to
Governor Cummins, asking for the young
man's parole. The Polk county authorities
were notified of Otto's arrest here and he
will be held pending word from them.
house with gas, city water and sewerage;
also a 6-room cottage with city water and
sewerage, both well rented. Never vacant
Must be sold at once. Will make a good
Investment or a good home. Please call
and let me show them to you. Have houses
to rent on monthly payments. Call me up.
'Phones 417 and 406 Red. D. 8. Kerr, 646
Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Blender, of High Grades Bay New Statute
Will Destroy Their Business.
Offlelnls Allege thnt Their Assess
ments Are Mneh Higher In Pro
portion to Tnlne Than
Larger Line.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, July !1 (Special. )-Th
Iowa pur food law and the Mocha-Java
coffee buslners ar st cross purposes and
there seems to be little chance of harmony
being secured. The pure food law requires
that if an article of food Is not exactly
what It Is claimed to be It must bo labeled
explaining what it I. If a food is adulter
ated or is a mixture, compound, combina
tion, Imitation or blend it must bear a
label saying: "This is composed of
the following Ingredients and none other,"
naming all the Ingredients, preservative
and coloring matter as well. If it is not
adulterated there 1 no need of a label of
any kind.
In th manufacture of coffee th height
of the art Is to secure a blend of two or
more growths of coffee. It Is claimed that
there Is no Mocha-Java coffee on the mar
ket The pure, coffee of the Mocha-Java
kind 1s so strong that It cannot be used
alone, and the art In Its manufacture comes
In properly blending It with milder varie
ties. Under the new pure food law the
mixture is deemed an adulteration and
must be so labeled, showing the Ingredi
ents. Coffee men are claiming that this
will kill the coffee business and they fear
that the Mocha-Java brands will decline
In popularity. If the pure Mocha-Java Is
put on the market people can't drink It
and If the blend Is put on the market a
label must be attached telling this fart
and this will. It Is feared, caure the puhjtc
to look askance at the article. A coffee
house traveling man exhibited his wares to
State Food and Dairy Commissioner H. R.
Wright In order to gain some information
on the new law and when he discovered
this fact he asserted that the Mocha-Java
coffee business would be ruined by the
new law.
mall Railroads Object.
The executive council Saturday completed
the assessment of the telephone lines in
the state, of which there are several nun
dred. The council has as yet only touched
on the railroad assessment, which will be
taken up Monday and probably completed
by the close of next week. The smalt rail
roads of the state, which have ever claimed
that they were assessed higher In propor
tion than the larger roads, are this year
making an effort to get the council to scale
them down and add. If any addition Is to be
made, to the bigger roads. This claim of
the small roads that they are over-assrssed
Is baaed on the fact that the per cent the
assessment bears to the gross earnings is
much larger than that of the big lines.
For Instance, the Muscatine North and
South line Is assessed at 117 per cent of
Its gross earnings according to the assess
ment of last year., .The Manchester A
Oneida at 130 per cent, the Tabor & North
ern at 151, Davenport, Rock Island & North
western st 675. the'Alhla & Centervllle at
842, Minneapolis & St. Louis at 124, and so
on. The big lines) on the other hand, are
all assessed at less-than 100 per cent of
their gross earnings. " The Rock Island at
86. the Iowa CentrnLat 9, the Northwest
ern 89, the "Milwaukee 89, Great Western
80. Burlington 9t. .The ' law requires that
the executive council shall take Into con
sideration all phases of the question snd
shall not assess the. railroads on any one
basis,' such as gross earnings, value of
stocks and bond on the market cost of
building, etc. The council has therefore
continually argued to the small roads that
It is forced to consider other things than
gross earnings, but this has been only a
mild salve to their claims of high assessments.
Levy May Be f,ess.
An Increase of $9,3!)8,228 In the taxable
value of real estate and personal property
as shown by the returns to the state aud
itor's office will enable the executive coun
cil to make a slight reduction In the tax
levy this year. Last year It was 8.2 mills.
This year it Is possible to reduce It to 3
mills and still raise the amount of tales
fixed by the legislature to be levied. The
real value of the personal property of the
state as finally figured from the returns is
$451,167,984, as compared with $433,848,492 last
year. The returns this year show the fol
lowing actual values of personal property
In the state:
Vehicles $ 6,419.533
rurnnure vv I.i13. 4R3
Moneys and credits lt.KtK.3lg
Corporation stock 32.9ii2.2ii3
Manufactures 2.182.i'fW
Merchandise 68,613,648
ivew Buildings not on builders'
lanrt 8.O70.3M
Other personality 15.148.738
Live stock 168.307.580
' Among
the Lakes of
And Northern Michigan there are
hundreds of ideal spots for summer
vacations, easily reached by the.
Milwaukee &
St. Paul
Descriptive folders with rates for tiekefa
and board free on request.
Three trains daily from Union Station,
Omaha, to Union Station Chicago 7:55
a, m., (:45 p. m. and 8:35 p. m. Direct
connections with trains for Northern and
Eastern .resorts.
Tickets, 1524 Fairna.m St.,
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent.
versify law school on a question concern
ing control of trusts.
Many. Generals Invited.
Although President Roosevelt will not
be able to attend the seventh annual re
union of the Army of the Philippines which
will be held here August 13, 14 and 15, ac
ceptances of the invitation have been re
ceived from a large number of the fore
mast generals of the army who were In
the Philippines during the trouble there.
Most prominent of these are Lieutenant
General S. B. . M. Young, General Bates.
General Charles King. General Irving Hale
of Denver and founder of the order. Gen
eral Wilbur 8. Metcalf of Kansas and Gen
eral Theodore Wlnt of Omaha. The local
camp, In order to thoroughly advertise the
reunion, has arranged for special editions
of the National Defender with wrlteups of
the gathering.
For rent, 6-room cottage, modern In all
respects, with plumbing and hot water
heating, 749 Madison avenue, $22.60 per
month. Inquire Stephen Bros.
Don't fall to see those new photos they
ar now making at Schmidt's. They ar
worth double ths price.
Enroll In the Western Iowa College now.
Van Brunt has Just got a few "fsrm
wagons" left, which will be absolutely sold
at cost. Farmer don't overlook this. Call
and Investigate.
John Spearman Attacked by Negro,
Robert Williams, a negro well known to
the police, was arrested yesterday morn
ing, charged with cutting John Spearman,
white, living at WW Seventh avenue, lata
Saturday night, with a knife..
Williams while under th Influence of
liquor went on the war path armed with a
big butcher knife. He and Spearman In
some way became Involved In an alterca
tion and the negro made a lunge at Spear
man, who Is upwards of 60 years of age
with the knife. Spearman stepped back. It
is said, just In time to avoid being dls
emboweled and as it was th knife cut
through his clothing and the skin of his
abdomen, but without Inflicting a serious
wound. ,
After the cutting William mad hi e
cape and although the police hunted all
Saturday night It was not until yesterday
morplng that Officer Arnold found and ar
rested him.
Big Dosennt tale.
Hoosler Colony Will Picnic.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., July 21.-(8pe.
cial.) The Harrison county Indlanlans will
hold a Hoosler picnlo at the fair grounds
on Wdneoday, August S. The organisa
tion consists of John L. Bkelton as presi
dest and W. L. OotiflAJ M iccrsUxy,
Total 4M.157.R4
Taxable vslue 112.7f9.4M
Taxable vslue of land 4ttv871 ffll
Taxable value of land In 1906.. 460,810,765
' May Oppose Towner.
There is some possibility that opposition
may develops against Judge H. M. Towner
of Corning as temporary chairman of the
republican state convention which meets
here August 1. Judge Towner has been
selected by the state central committee
In accordance with time honored custom
of the party In this state for the central
committee to make such a selection of the
temporary officers. The heated camralgn
that Is drawing to a close is probably re
sponsible for the opposition to Judge
Towner. Among the Cummins men there
Is some talk now of opposing Towner, with
ex-Oovernor Larrabee as the temporary
chairman. It Is quite possible that the
talk will result In no definite action.
Herman Lee Ensign Fonntnlns.
Agents of the Herman Lee Ensign estate
have fixed on the location of two fountains
to be erected in this city. The estate Is
erecting many such In the large cities
throughout the country. Of those In Des
Moines one will be located st Eighth and
Cherry and the other on Pennsylvania
avenue Just north of Grand. Each fountain
will cost $1,000 and Is of a solid rlece of
granite, the cost being exclusive of founda
tion and erection, which la to be paid
by the city.
F. F. FavlIIe n Candidate.
r. F. Favllle of Storm Ike Is announced
aa a candidate for the republican nomina
tion as congressman from the Eleventh
district. There are two candidates now In
th field In the Eleventh against Congress
man E. H. Hubbard of Sioux City, the
other being Sam Slnlker of Rock Rapids.
Cnptnred school Honors.
A. M. Cloud of Manchester, la., who Is a
candidate for attorney general of Iowa, is
a graduate of Lennox college In this city
and while there captured the interstate
oratorical contest In 18M. The same honors
wer taken by Governor iJiFVillette in 1879
snd by Senator Beveridge In 18MI. In addi
tion, while a student in the Ann Arbor law
school he was a member of the successful
debating team f a contest with Minnesota
, Stale jiniyBfijl JUl W'.si.r.;n g:atA. uni.
Boat Containing; Fonr Men Overturned
and Two of Them Lose Uvea.
SIOUX CiiY. Ia., July 22. (Special Tel
egramsCarl Carrirk, aged 21, and Joseph
Belters, s'aged 55. were drowned In 'the SIouj(
river at Riverside park this afternoon, Two
other boys were out with them in a boat
when the boat got stuck on a post in the
river and Carrlck overturned It in trying
to release It. Berlers and he could not
swim and went to the bottom.
Charles O'Malley was drowned In the
same river while bathing Saturday.
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Rlenwood Celebrates Victory.
GLENWOOD, la., July 23. (Special.) A
well conducted celebration of the close of
the county seat contest was given at Glen
wood yesterday. The town was profusely
decorated and the day perfect. A beef and
hog were barbecued In old-fashioned stylo
and 15,000 free lunches, consisting of beef,
pork, bread and coffee were served.
Speeches were made by Senator Jenkins
and John T. Stone and music rendered by
local quartets and the riattsmouth band
furnished entertainment for a portion of
the crowd. A closely contested free ball
game was played at the park between Glen
wood and Hastings, the latter club winning
by tbe score of 3 to Z. The Chautauqua
local entertainers gave their program from
7 till 8:30 p. m, and & fine display of fire
works lasted until 10:30.
Funeral of Frank Gotham.
Frank Gotham was burled yesterday
afternoon at Forest Lawn cemetery. Rev.
H. J. Kirschsteln, pastor of the Northslde
Christian church, conducted the service at
the home of Walter Jardlne, ltri South
Thirty-third street. Mr. Gotham was a
brother-in-law of Mr. Jardlne. Frank
Gotham was killed Friday afternoon by a
live wire in the Jardlne barn. Fourteenth
and Leavenworth streets.
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