Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OilAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 22, 100(x
Afoidt Indoor Functions and Lnjoji Small
Affairs at the Olnba.
(&ltir for This Week skews
Xolklac Owtslte f Few
FTata Taeailaae Aft
Moat Poalr.
Loir'i Ijibwr Leader.
By Boy Ferrell Greene,
It seems, since Dan Cupid e er foes hand
In flora . ... .
With what wa hear mentioned aa "labor
of love," . ,
Tla ahsmeful an Idler to rail him. a eln
To aay that ha tolla not and neither eoih
That he works much'lilmielf, I decline to
think true;
Me almply prode others lore a labor to do.
A winged and bold walKInf delegate a he.
Whoa always encouraging- unions, you
Borlal Calendar.
M (WD AT Mr. and Mr. A. C. Bmlth,
dinner at Country club.
TUESDAY Mra. C. C, Oebri J-,?nCu?Jl
at Country club for Miss Wallln; Mlaa
Florence KOhn, luncheon for Miss iora
WEIJNKSDAT Miss Edith Locke, l'n'h;
eon at Country dub for Mlaa Walllnj
luncheon, dinner and dance at lela
Club; luncheon at Country club.
TH L H8DAY Mra. Ella Nash, luncheon at
Country club for Mlaa Whiting.
FRIDAY Mre. Hen Cotton, meeting of
Hrlnre club. . M
SATURDAY Dinner and dance at Field
club; dinner and dance at Country
There la little In prospect, socially, for
the coming Week. It is almost impossible
to make o. an Invitation list for any
affair ae ao many people are out of town
nd the warm weather preventa one mak
ing any plana for parties of any kind.
All entertaining la dona at the cluba. for
all, one haa to do is to telephone and re
serve places for luncheon and dinner. The
Wednesday luncheon at the Field club la
brooming popular, a number of luncheons
being given the last week, whllo many
women in groups of two and three lunched
there. This Is a feature which the women
wanted very much last year and when
It waa established this year the fair
membera of the club were not slow In
taking advantage af it. The Wedneaday
lunrhron af the Country club la one of
the most popular features of that place
and la always well patronised.
For this season of the year there have
been more social affairs than for several
seasons past. Several large luncheons
and bridge parties the last week, most
of them being in honor of several visiting
women, and then Mrs. Harry Cu minings'
bridge and Mrs. Zallnskl's bridge luneheon
brought out society In large numbers.
The Melkle dance was a "brilliant affair.
which waa enjoyed by about 200 guests
and was notable on account of the many
beautiful gowns worn by the women.
There were also many small luncheons
and dinners, so that the week was a full
The friends of one of Omaha'a most pop
ular bachelors are laughing at an experi
ence which ha had a night or two ago,
and which he tried In vain to keep quiet.
At a late hour he left Lake Manawa,
where he spends most of his time this sea
son. In his automobile, bound for home
Half way home hla machine ran Into a mud
hole and after 'trying for some time to
extricate It he gava up and made for the
nearest . telephone, where ' he asked the
Council Bluffs chief of police for an of
fleer to etay In the automobile all night.
while he went to the Grand hotel and regis
tered for tha night.
For some time membera of the Field club
have been asking the directors of the elub
why they did not arrange to have a series
of entertainments similar to those being
given at the Country club, whk-h. have
prove so enjoyable, as the Field club, with
Its large dancing hsll and stage, la ad
mirably adapted to muslealea or entertain
ments. At last there are rumors of a
uslcsls being given In tho near future.
which, by the way. Is said to be something
entirely UllfTerent from the usual program.
hlch those who have been desirous or
having besides golf, tennis and dancing
will greatly enjoy.
Several large dinners were given at tha
Country club last evening and many small
partlea of four or six people. The largest
of the dinners was thst of Colonel and
Mrs. Van RenSaeller Hoff, whose guests
were: Oenersl and Mrs. J. C. Cowln, Gen
eral T. J. Wlnt. Mr. and Mrs. G. H.
Prnchett. Mrs. Horbach. Mra. Bourke,
Major and Mrs. Zalinkl, Colonel and Mrs.
Bhsrp and Mr. Luther Drake.
Mr. and Mr. & A. McWhorter gave a
dinner In honor of their son, Mr. Oardner
McWhorter.' Their guests were: Miss
Helen Davis. Miss Mary Alice Rogers, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Tuttle and Messrs. Hugh,
Gardner and Donald McWhorter.
Miss Crounse, Mr. Henry Burnett, Jr., of
New York. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doorly and
Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hochstetler enter
tained Mr. and Mrs. W. D.' Baneker, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hill Clsrke, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Butler, Dr. and Mrs. R. 8. Angllo
and Judge and Mrs.. Vlnsonhaler.
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Keller, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Brogan. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Lowe, Dr. and Mrs. B. B.. Davis and Dr,
Mr. Harley Moorehead gave a delightful
dinner In honor of Miss Whiting snd Miss
Wallln. His guests were: Miss Whiting.
Miss Wallln. Miss 'Klrkendall, Miss HuT
glnson, Miss Congdon, Miss Moorehead.
Messrs. Harry TulCey, Lee McBhane, E. A.
Cope, Frank Haskell and Lawrence
Mrs. Lewis 8. Reed and her son Cave a
dinner In honor of Mrs. Charles Marple of
Manila. The other guests were: Mrs. Ella
C. Nash. Mrs. Marple, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Greene, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock. Mr.
E. M. Falrflsld and Mr. J. K. Chambers.
Others giving dinners were: Mr. .and
Mrs. Q. L. Hammer, who had eight guests;
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Haller, four guests;
Mr. Nathan Merriam, five guests; Dr,
Davis, six guests; Dr. C rummer, four
guests, and Mrs. Stewart of Council Bluffs,
four guests.
Announcement -
Ws wish to announce to our patrons that
we are now permanently located In our
new building, at 12& Harney SU Ws have
spared no expense in fitting out our plant
to make it the most complete plating house
west of Chicago. We have Installed alt th
most modern machinery (or handling gold,
silver, nickel, copper and braas plating.
Our facilities are unexcelled for handling
the work, as each piece of machinery la run
by a separate motor, thus saving time from
breakdowns, and Insuring promptness to
our patrons.
The plating room Is entlrsly separata
from the rest of the work, and Is personally
upervlsed by the proprietor, Mr. Slavln.
We are now prepared to' do all kinds of
work either light or heavy, especially the
lacquer work, on brass bedsteads and gas,
or electric 'fixtures, and you ars aaaured
the finest quality of work.
Mr. Btavln Is 'a man of wide experience
In this work and the auccess of the estab
lishment haa been due to his untiring
energy. ' It - has been his ambition to sea
themselves located In their own building.
Hia ambition was satisfied when they of Mr- E. M. Morsman, has returned to her
Come aad Go Gossip
Mra. J. C. Klnsler has gone to Galveston,
Tex., to visit relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Ie O. Krats and son have
returned from Galva, III.
The Misses Agnes and Ella Durr returned
from Chicago yesterday,
Mr. and Mrs. John Steele have returned
from a trip to Wisconsin.
Mr. Richard Baum hns gone to Laramie,
Wyo., to remain until fall.
Miss Maud Marriott leaves today for
Toronto, Can., to visit friends,
Mrs. Edgar Allen has returned from a
two months' stay In California.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele hsve spent thl
week In Chicago and Milwaukee.
Mra. J. A. Davla haa gone to -Excelsior
Springs, Mo., for a month's rest
Mrs. B. B. Davis returned yesterday from
a sojourn at Madison Lake, Minn.
Miss Evans of Racine, Wis., Is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. J5. A. Hlnrlchs.
Miss Mary Durr has gone to Colorado to
visit Denver and Colorado Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Clarkson and son
have gone to Casper, Wyo., to reside.
1 Mrs. Harry "Woodward haa returned from
an outing among the Wisconsin lakes,
Mrs. George Mysrs of Dubuque, la.. Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs, E. W. Nash.
. Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Gtiion are expected
home today from a trip among the lakes.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gllmore and
family have gone to Lake Geneva for the
Mrs. M. E, Adams returned on Tuesday
from a trip of six weeks through New
Miss Marlon Chittenden of Jaynesvllle,
Wis., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. C,
Mrs. H . H. Fish and her guest,, Miss
Rasmussen, have gone to Colorado to spend
two weeks.
Csptaln and Mrs. David L. Stone are
rejoicing over the birth of a daughter Tues
day evening.
Mrs. Charles Deuel Is spending a fort
night with her sister, Mrs. Joy Morton, at
Arbor Lode.
Mrs. Charles W. Cox of Oak Park. 111.,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. M. Berlin,
S75 Pierce street.
Miss Frances Standlsh returned yesterday
from a visit of several weeka In Atlanta,
Ga., and Chicago. '
Mra. Joseph Morsman, who was the guest
I.AV. both of aajhdnakr. O.. ere tha r"ts
of Mr. and Mrs. C W. PeLajnatre,
Spencer street.
Messrs. O. C. Radlok. Gsorga Redick, El
mer Redick and Harry MeCormlck left tha
first of tha week for an extensive trip on
the Atlantic coast.
Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry. Mr. Frank
Henry, Mlsa EHeenor RenU and Mr. George
Miller, leave Wednesday for Lake Geneva
to spend two weeks.
Mrs, Russell Harrison and children. Miss
Marthena and William Henry, have gone
east to spend the rest of the summer on
the Massachusetts coast.
Mrs. A. J. Downey, accompanied by her
daughters, Mrs. C. O. Carpenter or Bt.
Joseph, Mo., and Miss Frances Downey, left
ant week for a trip through Colorado.
Mrs. Edward Hayden snd the Misses
Mary and Ophelia Hayden and Mrs. Wil
liam Hayden and the Misses Clara, and
Helen Hayden are touring tho Tellowatone
Mrs. A. W. Flanders Is In 8alt Lake City
with her son, Mr. F. A. Flanders, who is
connected with the Western Pacific rail
road. Bho expects to stay about six weeks
and will visit lir Denver on the way home.
Mrs. J. ML Steinberg left for Rock Island.
III., to attend the wedding of Mlsa Sara
Kahn, also to visit Miss Mary Brady of
Davenport, la., who waa maid of honor at
Mrs. Steinberg's wedding a few months
Mr. Asa Shlvtrlck, who has been here
for a month, with his mother, Mrs. Charles
Shlverlck, will return to New York this
week. His brother, Mr. Charles Shlverlck,
leaves soon for Dome Lake., Wyo., for an
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Herdman have gone to
the Minnesota lakes for the aummer, and
after a brief return atay In Omaha will go
to New Orleans to pass tha winter. These
climatlo changes are for tha benefit of Mr.
Herdman'a health.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Copley and daugh
ter, Harriett, will leave for the east on
Tuesday. They will visit Niagara Falls,
Boston, New York, Atlantto City, Phila
delphia and Washington, and will return
about September L
Mrs. James Naylor and Mrs. Charles B.
Baldwin of Baldwlnsvllle, N. X., are the
guests of their sister, Mrs. Willis Todd;
their mother, Mrs. Van Dusen, and brother.
Hon. J. H. Van Dusen of South Omaha.
They arrived Wednesday and will spend a
month with their relatives here.
eaator Dolllver and raptala Robsoa
Will Isesk at the
Advance programs of the Fullerton Chau
tauqua assembly, to be held August 24 to
September t, contain announcements of
some unusually good features to be offered
this year. Among the more prominent of
the lecturers who will appear on the Chau
tauqua platform are J. P. iMilllver, Cnlttd
States senator from Iowa, and Captain
Richmond Fearsnn Hobson of Merrlmac
fame. Senator Dolliver will apeak Wednes
day afternoon, August 29. on "The Nation
of America." ' Captain Holwon will discuss
"The American Navy, Its Brilliant Past.
Its Glorious Future." A number of other
prominent lecturers and Impersonators ap
pear on the program, together with some
good musical talent.
The program contains an Interesting sory
of the Pawnee Indians, who were the early
Inhabitants of the site of the Chautauqua
grounds and Its vicinity. The officers of
the chautnuqua are: W. H. Orton, presi
dent; W. F. Crltchfleld, vice president;
Dr. Edward Johnson, treasurer, and El
llnor Little, secretary.
praajae Street Tracks 'Will Be
Cat lp for I,ote for
Sprague Street Driving park Is to be cut
up Into lots and sold for residence pur
poses. This Is the last unoccupied part,
with the exception of Kountze park, of the
large tract of land where the Tranamls-
slsstppl Exposition was held. The tract be
longs to the Redick estate. It was platted
years ago as the Oak Chatham addition,
though but few lots were sold at the time
and the addition was practically Intact
when It became a part of the exposition
grounds. It comprises 100 lots.
Two Lots la Koaatse Place RoagM
by Raptlst Chare for
A new location for Immanuel Baptist
church hss been bousht In Kountie Place,
two lota at Twenty-second and Plnkney
streets. A new church edifice larger than
the present otre will be erected In the near
future. The new property Is located near
the southwest comer of the site of the gov
ernment building at the Transmlsslselppl
Exposition. The present location of the
church Is Twenty-fourth snd Blnney.
Transmlaslaslppt House at Coanell
Blaffa Haa tllfllentty with
Its Employes.
The employes of the Transmlsslsslppl ele
vator at Council niuffs went on a strike
Friday evening for higher wages, seklna- for
an Increase from V7V cents to 234 cents an
hour. The company declined to pay and
consequently the elevator was not In op
eration Saturday. The men are still hold
ing out. Twelve men went on the strike,
leaving only the superintendent and the
Pilot Erp of the steamer R. C. Gunter
Is considered the best pilot on the Mis
souri river. In his years at the wheel he
has not yet had a single accident, and
pleasure seekers need have no hesitancy
In trusting to him for their safety. The
Gunter Is still carrying large crowds to
Florence twice a day and much pleasure
Is found In a river trip. Stockwell's or
chestra of five pieces furnlRhes splendid
music for dancing. The" ball room on the
Gunter is the largest one on the Missouri
Proseeator Dismisses 'Marder
Charier and Tarns the
Negro Free,
moved recently.
We extend a cordial Invitation to the
publlo to come down and Inspect a modern
plating plant.
We also wish to thank our ' patrons fur
their patronage In the past, and assure
them the same high class work In the
future. .
Hew Address
Saturday Candy
Came at 10 a. m.
Saturday Morning.
The Saturday Candy did not reach
our store yesterday until 10 a. m., but
every box of It waa gone at ( p. m.
There are now hundreds of people
who make a part of their Saturday
shopping excursion a visit to our
store for a pound bos of those de
and CREAM o. Sold In one-pound
boxes only and at our store only
and Saturday only. A box for 2So.
ahlpped In refrigerator care from
Boston and sold by us only on the
day received.
Stierman & M'ConRBll Drug Co.,
Career lath aaa Deage Sta Osaka.
Z02 'Jfornam'Sf Oaixfo
home In Chicago
Mra A. J. Love, who la traveling abroad.
is now en route to Rome with a party
of Boston friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis have moved
from Thirty-eighth street to 515 South
Twenty-alxth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Crane have moved
out to Florence until their new home In
Florence Is completed.
Mrs. Theodore L. Rlngwalt haa gone eaat
to.joln Mra. Guy Howard and accompany
her on her European trip.
Mra. F. J. Dunnlgan, accompanied by
her son, Frank, la visiting at the home of
Mr. J. W. Kerns of Auburn.
Mr. and Mrs. Colt G. Campbell have taken
in apartment In the Barnard and will be
at home there after August 1.
Miss Pounsford and nephew ef Cincinnati.
who are the guests of Mrs. E. E. Batch,
rill return home this evening.
Mr. Bryant Rogers la expected home thla
week from a three months' trlD through
England. Oermany and France.
Miss Minnie Thomas left Isst evening for
a visit with relatives' In New York fit
ind other Atlantic coast points.
r. .ana Mra. Alfred Millard returned
from Prior Lake. Minn., last week on ac
count of the illness of their son.
Mr. H. H. Uarver of Grant City. Mo,
with his wife. Is visiting hia sister. Mrs.
A. V. Preher at 2501 Jones street.
Miss Mary Lee Mc8hane Is expected home
from a lengthy visit In Salt Lake City and
Loioraoo points some time this week.
Mrs. William Ruf has as her guests Mrs.
John Gannon and son. Master Wallace, of
isewark. N. J., who will spend the summer
Mrs. si. E. Bmlth and son. Mr. Walter
Bmlth. have taken the residence of Mr
C. W. Hamilton on Park avenue for the
Mrs. W. H. Kellogg and daughter. Mar
garet, left Sunday for Colorado, where they
wui spend ine summer visiting frlenda and
Mr. and Mra. Warren Rogers "and Mra.
D. H. Wheeler. Jr., who have been abroad
for some time, wlU sail for home about
August II.
Congressman and Mrs. John L. Kenned v
nv uougm me nome or Mr. and Mrs.
. . . I. i . . ...
jiriuur uiiuiigiun ana wui occupy It In
Mrs. Melbourne T. Love, slater of Mr
Pleasures Past.
Mra. John M. . Larsen entertained the
8. 8. Entre Nous Card club Thursday aft
ernoon. Prises were won by Miss Bessie
Neve and Mrs. R. Nelman.
Mrs. William Ruf gave an Informal
bridge party Thursday afternoon In honor
of her guest, Mrs. Gannon of Newark,
N. J. The game waa played at three
tables, the prize being won by Miss
Katherlne Hamlin.
Mr. Charlea Saunders had as hla guests
at dinner Friday evening at the Country
club Mrs. Marple. Mrs. - Herbert, Miss
Dewey, Miss Curtis, Miss Balcombe, Mr.
and Mrs. William E. Martin, Mr. Gannett,
Mr. Fairfield, Mr. Lowe and Captain
Miss Clara Elmlger Entertained on
Thursday in honor of her cousin. Miss
Carrie' Spieler of Beatrice and Misses
Mary and Belle Hlldebrand of Morgantown,
N. C. The evening was most enjoyably
spent In gamea and music, after which
light refreshments were served,
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Brogan entertained
at luncheon at the Omaha club Wednea
day In honor of Dr. Titian Coffey of Los
Angeles, the brother of Mrs. Howard
Baldrlge. Covers were laid for Dr. Coffey,
Dr. Crummer, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hull,
Mr. and Mrs. WtlsOn Lowe, Mr. and Mrs,
Baldrlge, and Mr. and Mrs. Brogan.
.Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gibson gave a de
lightful dinner last evening In honor of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Pickens of Hastings,
Neb., the parents of Mrs. W. J. Hynes.
Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Pickens,.
Mr. and Mrs. Hynes, Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Flelshel, Mr. tfnd Mrs. H. H. Bloomer of
Council Bluffs, and Mr. and Mrs. Gibson,
Prior to her leaving for Grand Island,
Neb., Miss Clarabelle Duefford gave a
farewell party to a number of friends at
the home of her sister, Mrs. D. T. Blodgett.
A very pleasant evening was spent in
playing several Interesting games. Musical
selections by Miss Weber. Miss Whltmore
and Mr. Alvord were also greatly ap
preciated. In honor of Miss I.ora Smith of Lincoln,
Miss Cora Hardy gave a delightful ken
stngton yesterday afternoon at her home
on Poppleton avenue. Those present were
Miss Smith, Miss Florence Kohn, Miss
Jane Blanchard, Miss Florence Bloomer,
Miss Alice Baker, Mlas Grace Allison,
Miss Haxel Cook of Lincoln, Mrs. Ralph
Hart and Mra. Earl Kfpllnger.
Mrs. Wuyly of Joplln, Mo., who Is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zlegler,
and Rabbi Wax J.. Merrltt of Evansvllle.
Ind., who la visiting his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. Merrltt, were pleasantly enter
tained at Krug's park on Tuesdsy after
noon. Among those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. C. SchlanU. Mr. and Mrs. J.
Merrltt, Mr. and Mrs. Lehmann, Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Schlank, Mr. and Mrs. Zlegler.
Mrs. I. Wuyly and daughter. Miss Minnie
Rosenthal, Mrs. Sol Prince and son.
The members of the Ladles' Aid society
of the First Methodist church were en
tertained Friday afternoon by Mra. Nelson
at Manawa. Mra. Nelson entertained the
women at the cottage of her brother,
Gould Diets. A most enjoyable time was
had by all, a large part of the time be
ing spent on the water in the electric
aunches of the Manawa Amusement com-
The complaint charging disorderly conr
duct filed against Jim DIkrs by Detective
Maloney Immediately after Diggs was dis
charged on the murder complaint, was dis
missed yesterday by City Prosecutor Lee.
After Diggs' discharge he threatened Ma
loney and said he would "fix" him. Ma
loney placed him under arrest. Diggs did
not show up for trial.
Marrlaa;e Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Issued: .
Name and Address. Age.
T. Gordon Sanders, Omaha El
Julia E. Gultiurd, Omaha '. 21
Alexander Grant, Omaha 89
Annie Raftin, Omaha 33
Very Love Raiea Tuesday.
Every Tuesday, balanct of tna year, ths
Chicago Gieat Western railroad will seU
homeseeker' tickets to Minnesota, North
Dakota and Canadian northwest at about
bait rate; to other territory first and third
Tuesdays. Write K. K. Churchill. Q. A,
IBU Farnam street. Slate number In party
and when going.
WANTED Dry goods salesman; young,
with J1.S00 to li.OiPii; good position; new
Arm. Write Box 636, Helena, Mont.
B-M642 23X
Fair Today la Nebraska and Sooth
Dakota, Cooler In West Por
tion Fair Tomorrow.
WASHINGTON, July a. Forecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Sunday, slightly cooler In west portion;
Monday, fair.
For Iowa Generally fair Sunday and Mon
day. V
For Missouri Fair Sunday, warmer In
east and south portions; Monday, fair.
For Montana and Kansas Fair Sunday
and Monday.
For Colorado Fair In northwest, showers
In east and south portions Sunday; Moo
day, fair.
For Wyoming Showers Sunday, cooler In
southeast portion; Monday, fair.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, July a. Official record of tern
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: lis. intra
Maximum temperature.... 90 75 71 8
Minimum temperature.... 67 65 Hi
Mean temperature 78 70 70 77
Precipitation .00 T .06 .12
Temperature and precipitation departures
rrom the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 75
Excess for the day
Total deficiency since March 1, 1906 162
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
Deficiency for the day 14 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 15.27 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 19.... S.P9lncheii
Deficiency for cor. period 1!16.... 7. H Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1904.... 2.74 Inches
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
l?;:iVNn';f - lis
pany. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs,
Stauffer and daughters, Mrs. F. A. Tucker,
Mrs. Henry Baldwin, Mrs. G. A. Rohr
bough, Mrs. M. O. Rohrbough, Mrs. Cam
eron, Mra. Fisher, Mrs. Henry Bowen,
Mrs. Genough, Mrs. Victor White, Mrs.
Vapor, Mrs. Hamilton and two daughters,
Mrs. T. L. Combs, Mrs. James Hod area.
Mrs. Copelaad. Mrs. Head and Mrs. Bailey.
Com low Kvvata.
Mrs. Ben Cotton will entertain the Bridge
elub Friday afternoon.
Miss Edith Locke will give a luncheon at
the Country club Wednesday In honor of
Miss Wallln.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smith will give a din
ner of eighteen covers at the Country club
Monday evening.
Mrs. Ella Cotton Nash will give a lunch
eon at the Country club on Thursday in
honor of Miss Whiting, the guest of Miss
Miss Florence Kohn will give a luncheon
Tuesday In honor of Miss Lora Smith, the
guest of Miss Jane Blanchard.
Mrs. C. C. George will give a luncheon
at the Country club Tuesday In honor of
Miss Wallln of Grand Raplda. Mich., who
la ths guest of Miss Hlgginson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hunt will give a din
ner today on the lawn of their residence,
1524 North Seventeenth street, followed by
musical numbers by several of the guerts,
Covers will be laid for Miss Vera Allen,
Miss Cortnne Paulson, Mies Hulda Jansson
Miss Grace Fale of Denver. Mr. Stockton
Heth, Dr. A. C. Stokes, Mr. and Mrs. B. J
Scsnnell, Judge and Mrs. Shields and Mr,
and Mra. Hunt
A Mew Train lor Fort Dslct,
The Chicago Great Western railway Is
now running a train leaving Omaha union
station at 18 p. m.. Council Bluffs at
I 60 p. m., arriving at Fort Dodga at T:14
f. m. An excellent train for Mlnden. Har.
Ian, Manning, Carroll, Lohrvllle, Somara
Fort Dodge and Intermediate stations. For
full Information apply to H. H. Churchill,
ifit.t ' '' "f i.H).,;i-T
v 'r.ami'U'-
Take advan
tage of sum
mer prices.
Have your Furs
made and
1417 FarnantSt.
Second Floor.
Telephone Douglas 6446,
to find your Silverware, Jewelry and
Valuable Papers if they are kept in your
home. Come and see the
under the Omaha National Bank. 210 So. 13th Street.
Phone Douglas 230 :: :: Trifling Expense
Can be enjoyed la safe dell gat
on toe 6TLQ, BT&AMSlUr
s0 ijf i i ii oners an unmuausu opportunity
?vr iX
Irat Claa Onlv-Paaaonaftr aervioe Exclusively
M A n MMfM. AliMtrta lthttnt lM,nt boat tonlDMd for MOOM
f ho trtrrl rUbk Tbr lTl.i Tklf tawntn klrxa, frk-
fort. CkrleTU. Pclxker. K.rk.p hvria and Marklaa Ulma4 f
fort, CkarUT4i, Pclxker. Karkar fcarlaa and MaLIa I
J cnnaacHini for Oatralt, BaSala, Italalk o1 all riri an
(ataailaa Patata. a.ak about our Wak-and Tnua fat UnaiMae
. 6r alaa. 9 r 1 arma, noukiata ana naaaraieaa. auuraaa,
... Ja0 via. uelmlucm A a a H..i(m ftlMa.kl Ca. fikiuia
I , .ft
R. t'hlls;. Pros.
Huso BchinMt, Vice Pres.
floo. A. Wilcox. Treas.
C. M. Katon, Sec.
The very authorities asrree
that per ont of ihr hest pushes
up thmiiKh the chimney In ssses
snd Hnronyumeil smoke. Our K.X
ulll consume fully Jrt per rtnt of
ht Is lt In other furnaces. 18
July Pointers
Tske n. Haulage of our FREB
INSPECTION Rl'REAl' and hove
WATl'.R FI.ANT examined and see
that It Is In readiness for early
September upo.
Take your penknife and see how
fur It will a-o Into your furnace pipe
covering:. If It does not penltrate a
quarter of an Inch or more It Is do-
iantflfil'" tell you how to save $15 nest winter.
Omaha Stove Repair Works.
TeL Donfllas Hfc I10C-1208 Dooalu St,
WJK quarter of an inch or more it is fli
C ' X I li'K you no more ood that mosqult
v 'I nettlnsT over you In the winter tlm
"ffl You may not beat the Ice man. bu
J you can beat the coal man. let u
M m Jaw W i i si n si -i m "saw - m
Most famous of all Artists in Pen
arfd Ink, whose pictures have
made him rich.
Wouldn't you like to draw as
well as Gibson? w
Probably you never can, but
Tie Sffliiay Ece
can start you right.
It contains a Series of Instruc
tive Articles on "Pen- and Ink
Drawing," each article supplemen
ted by A Drawing by
Evans Hotel
Hot Springs, So. Dak.
Beautifully situated In the vale of Min
nekahta. Tbe health and pleasure resort of the
northwest. Only a night's ride from Omaha.
Golf, tennis, swimming, coaching, hone
back and burro titles and other smuse
ments. Kxcellent orchestra In attendunou.
Visit woiulerful wind cave.
Exceptionally low rates on both C. aV N.
W. and Burlington.
JTor rates and Information, add reset
HOY M. bCOTT. Manager.
for R.ent...
Telephone M Ttt
II. K. Wheelock.
TAWS atyen-imioa Corse, lata
aad raraaou eeUsann, mt rtaev
By Special Arrange
ment with
This Picture Next Sunday-Size, 10 x 15 Inches
Printed on heavy art paper, each on a separate
sheet, in black upon tinted background,
Absolutely Free
with every copy of
Ttos Seiiay lee.
W, DcLaniaure, ana her eoa, Mr. Donald
general m,us uauu iu, uuiaaa.