THE 0 MALTA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 22, 190& SPECIAL NOTICES Ad vertlaeanenta for Iktit cola aa trill be taken natll IB m. far the erealnic edition and antll H s. m. for the mnrnlnx anil onilar edition. Rntea 1 l-2a n word flrat Insertion, le n word thereafter. Xnthlnsr taken for lea tfaau SCOe for the drat Inser tion. Theae advertisements annat ran eonaeeatlvely. 'dTertlaera, by reaneatlna; nam. bered rherk, can baTO answers a1. dreaaed to a nnmbered letter In ear of The Dee. Ananrra so addreaaed will bo delivered on prraentatlon of check. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Every day Is enrollment day. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and English. Catalogue free. Address H. B. boy lis, Prea., Boyle Bide, Omaha, Neu. R M.'V WHERE THUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks. suit rani ami iihopping bs. Old trunks t;ik-n In exchange; recalling. FKKI.INU A STfctNLK, 410 N. loth St. Phono Doug. -4996. R 1W JyJ6 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spa clalty of flro eacapea, shultors, Uoors and safes. G. Andrcen, prop.. luJ S. loth St. R-2W BION PAINTING S. II. Cole, 1302 Dou gins. R 211 TRT Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug.-3f.30. K 212 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. KUi ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug.-1779. Res. phone L'oug.-7i61. R-214 ELSASSER & PRICE, Machinists, 317 South ltu St. Tel. 537. ' R 21j TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes Fox Typewriter Co. 1823 Farnarn. $2.50. . R-M357 AuglH AUTOMOBILES Clearance Sale of I AUTOMOBILES AND THINGS 1905 Pope Toledo, 1904 White Steamer, 1903 Olds Runabout, 1905 National. Two gasoline engines, blacksmith's drill, a 3 h. p. motor, a 20 h. i. motor and some second hand safes. J. J. DERIGHT & CO. 1818 FARNAM ST. MB79 24 One 14 horsepower, air-cooled Knox Tour lug Car, in Hue condition, $700. Otio 10 h. p. side entrance Cftulluo Touring Cur, flno condition, $676. One Model K Rambler, 2 -cylinder, 18 h, p., canopy top, side curtains, glues storm front und side touring baskets, $7f0. Ono single-cylinder, 10 h. p. Kamller Run about, recently overhauled, $&6. One brand new Cadllac Touring Car, $850. One 14 h. p., double-cylinder, 4-pasaenger cur, $376.- Ono side entrance, 18 h. p. Surrey, typo 1 Rambler, In A-l condition, $900. One 19o6 orient Buckbourd, good shape, 8225. One 36 h. p. Royal Tourist, line shape, with top: cost new $3,360; now $1,760. One 1903 Olds Runabout, new tires, $250. One 1306 8tcvens-Duryea, 4-passenger, with top; good snupe; list $1,800; now $760. One 19u4 2-cy Under Wlnton, excellent con dition, $1,CiO. One 1905 White Steamer, with top, almost new, 11,750. , H. E. FREDRICKSON, 15th and Capitol Ave- M397 FIVE-PA8SENGEn touring car, rully equipped, standard make, 1905, good as new; aiso 16-h. p. runubout. flno condition; will sell f..' cash or real estate. Address J 4, Bee. M979 AUTOMOBILE RENTAL CO. Office Niles & Moser, loth and Farnam. Tel Loug. 19J6. :72jiii3ox CLAIRVOYANTS WHAT DOE3 THE HANDS REVEAL? BY SUBMITTING YOUR HANDS TO MADAM BUDDHA, The Leading Palmist of Omaha, . No. 113 SOUTH 16TH HT., OFP.. BOSTON STORE, WILL CONVINCE YOU MOST SUR PRISINGLY THAT THE PAST, PRES ENT AND FUTURE HISTORY OP YOUR CAREER CAN BE THOR OUGHLY DESCRIBED. WHATEVER MAY BE YOUR DESIRE a consultation with the noted palmist, MADAM BUDDHA, will no doubt convince you that the hands reveal much. Satisfaction is assured or no fee accepted. No.- 113 SOUTH 1CTH ST.. UP STAIRS. 'PHONE ENGAGEMENTS "MADE. DOUGLAS 4596. MME. BUDDHA, LEADING PALMIST Call at No. 113 South 14th SU, upstairs." Resultful prediction absolutely given. S-2?T PATENTS 11. A. STl'RGES, registered attorney; pat ants; trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful 617 1M. V. Life, Omaha -i-4 F. I. LARSON ic CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. liee Bkig., Omaha, Neb. -Kto 8HARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patenta procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-6U a. utu st. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Investment Co., 63 Douglas Elk. " hloTsi AukS CONSULTING ENGINEERS V. H. GARDNER, BU First Nat. Bank. Power plants, manufacturing processes, ice plants, tests, inspection, reports. -M974 All WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY. SECOND HAND tL.i.Mii.ii, aiuvea, carpets, clothing end shoes. Pay the vest prices. Tel. Douglos-8971. N Mwi Augi . .strips, total adder; must be cheap' and In b'aiu vonumou. Auureaa ilox 26t, Plain- ". is aia.j .J SECOND-HAND brick and building n. terlal, give locution and state whether In wan or omeiwise. uui iyr, Omaha WANTED, TO BUY 8 or t-room house cen trally located. What have you got? Ad- areas f. u. uox i in, city. N 621 22 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE W1B Ril C V.. r kn ..-,1. ' .... - " - - . ... .t., iamiiy horse with harness and phaeton. :u' vaa oi. I &a Zz JTIR 8AI.K--year-old full brother to Rita E., S it1; flue Individual and can trot a 2.JU gait. -. u. iieti, Tirana island. Neb, tr L.a -ax ; FOR BAI E Hanilnonie young spot pony, IS lianas man; sate ror ciniciren or woman; rubber tired Stanhope and harness; all In , line condition. Room 31, Barker Block. P Mil6 Ox FOR SALE 8-year-old full brother to Rita 11. 1 lfe; line Individual and ran trot a .JU ul. V. u. uvii, Virauu island N. b - PSW ij WANTED MALE HELP WANTEI Clffar makers; I rollers and t Lunch breakers; will pay the rirnl d prices to go out of town; will send tickets Address II 12, care of Uee. BMt15 DRUG stores bought and sold: drug clerk wanted. F. V. a. riles t. C24 N. X. 1 U-0 tW YOUNtJ MEN to rrepare for firemen and nrakemen; experience unnecessary; firemen 81'W, brakemen $N0 per month, w.tii rapl'l promotion to engineer or conductor. Hundreds it positions open. Call or write for particulars nt once. National Railway Training Ass n, 640 Psxton Blk . Omaha, Neb. B M501 1 WANTED Cigar makers. M. Anson. Cas per, yo. a 4 Augix MEN with trams, to sell line of medi cines. Star Med. Co., Charles City, la. B-891 AugSx WANTED Men to learn barber trad; tha advantages we offer save years or ap prenticeship; positions walling: top wages; the rush for barbers never so &reat; special offer now Call or wrlta oler Barber college, 1118 Farnam St. B M118 aug$x MEN wanted for harvest flelli ; 8. Dakota; special rates; ship dally Iroin fcd. Kom. ery's. Ill f. 14th tit. Restaurant for sale on easy terms to right parties, fed Rothcry, ill 3. lttn, Schliti No. t. B M132 21x CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to prepare. Bee unaernilL iU-v iNnrin ni. B tA'Xb Augl4 YOUNG MAN, A-l references, to sell type writers on road. Address nailing, ioii Farnam. BM-424 A18 WANTED At once a good siusnge mnicer and all around butcher, uursmim tsros., Crelghton, Neb. B-M410 WANTED Laborers for Minnesota. Wis consin, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming; good wages; free fare at Kd Rothcry, 111 S. 14th St. BM42S 21 WANTED-100 laborers for trench work. Apply on the works, at 24th and A Hts., to Foreman W. I Murry. B 433 25x WANTED First class upholsterer; steady- work. 2018 No. 24th St. B 154 22 WANTED Brick handlers and laborers at the Avery Brick yard, two miles south of Albright; boarding house at plant. B M451 WANTED A wideawake man to travel for. largo western nrm; experience not. neces sary, but must be sober, reliable and fur nish good references; position permanent, with an assured good Income. Address, stating where last employed, J 38, Bee office. B-M470 23x WANTED Good marble cutter; good wages, steady employment. Olldea & Olldea, Norfolk Marble Works, Norfolk, Neb. B-M478 WANTED By wholesale house for city bookkeeper, young man about is years old; address In own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary wanted. Ad dress K-43. Bee. B M46S 22x WANTEI 25 laborers at Gas Works. 20th and Center; inside work. B-M474 23 WANTED Men. everywhere; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na tlonul Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111. B-633 22x WANTED Band men, claronet, baritone, slide trombone, traps, drums, tuba and cornet. Positions for stenographer, clerk in general store, tinner, carpenter, bar ber and bartender. Only sober and ex- e-rlenced wanted. Address Bloomfleld and, Bloomfleld, Neb. B-M524 24 CIVIL SERVICE examinations will be held in every state during September and October; S,'a0 appointments made month ly. . Full information and questions re cently used by the commission free. Co lumbian Correspondence College, Wash ington, D. C. B WANTED If you are a man with a fam ily, out or work, or working every uay aa a bookkeeper, clerk, meehunlc or laborer, but unable to save any money, would you be Interested In moving to the healthiest and best climate on earth, where school and church families are unsurpassed; where a good situntlnn la assured, good wages;-also an opportunity to make you a home and pay-for It out of your sur plus earnings? If so, you can get full particulars by addressing the under signed. They are building an extension and need a great many men in all depart ments. Gainesville & Gulf Railway, Con struction Dept., Gainesville, Fla. B MANAGER WANTED An Ohio corpora tion manufacturing household necessity desires Nebraska manager. Demonstra tion in leading department store; office furnished; three years' contract; salary $1,810 and commissions. Good opening for man of character and ability. Address Manager, 2di Ontario Bldg., Toledo, O. B WANTED Ten men tg travel In each stato, distribute samples and advertise our goods. Salary $21 per week and expenses, guaranteed. Expenses advanced. Experi ence unneceusary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 43 Dearborn St., Chicago. B 491 22x IN six weeks we educate you in salesman ship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address The Brudstreet System, Rochester, N. V. B 499 22x WANTED Everywhere, agen.ts to distrib ute circulars, samples, advertising mat ter, tack signs, etc. Good pay. Co-operative Adv. Co., N. Y. B 436 22x MAN wanted in the real estate business; esperience unnecessary; if honest, am bitious and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mail and earn $300 to $joo monthly as our local representative, write Immediately for full particulars. Ad dress nearest office, National Co-Opera-tlve Realty Co., 766 B, Athenaeum Bldg.. Chicago; 7C6 B, Maryland Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. B-612 22x WANTED Men everywhere to clean mon uments; new buslnoss; Immense profits; experience unnecessary; one man made $;.i0 this summer. Address Victor Rain bolt, Box S. Bloomtleld. Ind. B-603 2x WANTED Reliable man to act aa general agent for this territory; staple line; good salary and expenses paid to right party; references. J. E. McBrady & Co., Mfgs.. Chicago. B 604 ZLx WANTED Bricklayers. 624 cents per hour; plenty of work; no labor trouble. Apply to Builders' Exchange, 310 N- Y. Life Bldg. D2-M549 24 WANTED Energetic young men who would like to become practical electricians and prepare for paying positions or start a permanent profitable buHlness for your self; write for full Information, stating age, occupation, etc. Allen Telephono Co.. Instruction Dept., 23 Duane St.. New York. B-iao 22X WANTED Traveling salesmen to devote their whole or a pure time In handling an advertising epecialty of exceptional merit; can be used by every business; samplea carried In pocket; average commission each sale. I-""; aome srtlesmen earn $10,000 yearly. Taylor Mathers, 4j9 Broadway, New York. B 55 22x WANTED Man for general work around store. Apply to engineer, Ttayden Bros. B-570 83 WANTED Amateur photographers to fur nish photographs for newspapers and inacaslnea. Address, The National Prean Ass'n, Washington, D. C. B 814 tlx LARGE manufacturing concern wanta young man to assist on ledgera; slate age. experience and salary expected. Ad dress K 41), Omaha Bee. B 697 ti WANTED Young man to travel in the country. Must be neat, with pleasing manners and a good talker. Position per manent. Good income and opportunity for promotion to the right person. Ref erencea required. Address K to, Beo office. B Mx 24x WANTED At once, experienced man as coachman and to take care of yard. Ap ply personally Mrs. J. K. Baum, 3645 Har ney SL B 602 22 WANTEDSeveral wide-awake solicitors for both town and country; work pleas ant, profitable and steady. Must furnish good references. Apply from i to 4 p. in. Room Co3- Bee Bldg. B M& -ix 16 YOUNG MEN for Freight and Passenger Train Braking and Locomotive Firing. Call or answer ayt once Ry. Dept., fitt 8. 12th St., Omaha. B WANTED Pant makera. Maloney. McEl vain & Beck. 830 8. 16th. B MeU 24 SEE our ad. In Monday's papers. WEdTFRN REK. at BOND ASA'N (INC.), Dept. li. Mo-U-t4 N. V. Life. WANTED MALE HELP WANTED-Laborers for Illinois, Wiscon sin. Minnesota, Iowa, Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming; harvest rates for Da kota. Hd Rofhery. Ill 8. 14th. B-Mti28 2X WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTET First girl, who is a good cook: small farrlly; large salary. Apply 1517 Farnam St. C M974 UNIGRAPH ahorthand. 1824 Farnam St., Omaha. C-MJ9J July27 DREPS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell System. lbi Farnnm. a C MtiJ A 4 WANTED A cook; good wages, small fam ily. lia I'ark Ave. . C 330 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no children; four In family; good wages, inquire 1106 Blnney St. C-M362 23 WANTED-Girl for general housework. Mrs. C. B. Horton, 132 North 39th. C M413 25 WANTED Experienced closk salesladies for fall eeason; .none other need apply. Address K 6, Bee. C 431 WANTED-Two girls, a cook and a care taker. The Creche, 19th and Harney. C M43S 24 WANTED Dining room girl, also one extra girl; good character required; tickets fur nished. Perkins Hotel, David City, Neb. C M477 22 A GOOD girl for first work, small family, good wages. Mrs. Richard Kimball. 1-35 I'ark Wild Ave. C-M476 WANTED Millinery makers and preparers. Apply Millinery Dept., J. L. Brandeis & Sons. C 485 24 WANTED Good girl for general house work; two in family; good whges. Mrs. Fred H. Krug, 2511 Boulevard St., south. O-480 23 WANTED Women; experience not neces sary. City Steam Laundry, 211 S. 11th. C 48S 22 LADY sewers to finish off shields at home; $10 per M0; can make two an hour; work sent prepaid to reliable women; send reply envelope for full Information to Universal Remedy Co., Desk B, Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. C 645 22x LADIES for shadow drawing, natural talent unnecessary; $-0 weekly easily , earned at home; stamped envelope for particulars. Address Bureau of Commer cial Art, 1917 Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 642 22x SEWERS Gingham aprons; make highest wages; material sent to door free of charge; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richards, 6002 Forrest vllle Ave.. Chicago. C 641 22x VICTORIA Suction Sweeper Co., 828 F St., Lincoln, Neb. Send Victoria Sweeper for $.1.60, all charges paid. C LADIES to work1 on piecework, $3.00 per doxen. All materials furnished; no can vassing; steady work guaranteed; send stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Chain plain Bldg., Chicago. C-498 22x WANTED Girl for all kinds of laundry worn, moaei steam ijaunary. C M677 23x WAITED Good girl for general house work; family of three. 1326 S. 30th Ave. C-M572 23 STRONG girls for turning bags. Steady work; good wages. Bemis umana wag Co., 11th and Jones Sts. . C ! 22 Stenographer $7). StenoKrapher $60. Ohicn girl; must understand shorthand and typewriting Jo. The above positions are open for Imme diate consideration. Apply at once. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (INC.), Dept. B. 840-41-42 N. Y. Life. C-S77 22 WANTED SALESMEN SALESMAN wanted, now selling to dry goods and general stores, small towns; complete lace-embroidery line. Standard Lace Works, 6i0 West Broadway, New York. L 639 22x WANTED Salesmen to sell the popular priced and well advertised line of "Acorn Brand" men's clothing; liberal Induce ments to salesmen with established trade In Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Illinois, Iowa or Wisconsin; all communications treated confidentially. Address Leopold, Solomon & Eisendrath, 234-236 Market St., Chicago. L 631 22x SALESMAN Aggressive and resourceful, by old established manufacturing com pany, baking powder, spices, extracts, etc.; man rtlllrg requirements $100 per month and expenses; territory, Omaha and vicinity. Address Box 617, Chicago, Hi. L 627 22x WANTED At once for each state, one first-class experienced road salesman, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska. Old established Jobbing house. Apply Room 602 Sykcs Blk., Mlneapolls, Minn. L-625 22x SALESMAN for Nebraska; experienced traveling man preferred. Line staple for general trade. Position permanent. $25.00 weekly advance, with commission. 8. Leslie & Co., Detroit. Mich. L 623 22x TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska and Iowa, with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing the $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer $J)0.00 weekly advance. F. F, Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mien. Lr- SALESMAN First-class all round hustler to cover unoccupied and virgin territory Technical experience unnecessary. $30 weeklv expenses advanced. Sales Man- MANUFACTURER wants first-class sales man to sell staDle line to country mer chants. $76.00 a week and expenses. Add, Manufacturer, Box 78b, BU iouis, mo. L 496 22x WANTED Salesman to sell high class proposition to general merchants. Can make $6,000 per year. Box 97, Cedar Rap ids, lowa. xj WANTED Salesman to call on country dru and aeneral store trade, this vlcln Ity, to handle our well advertised line exclusively; exceptionsl opportunity for good salesman; state age and road ex perience; reply confidential. Box 665. Chi cago. oi WANTED First-class traveling salesman with established men'a furnishing goods trade In Nebraska; state volume ot aales, experience and give full references. Ad dress uuiternian uros., cu x-aui, muin. L 506 22 SALESMEN can easily moke $10 a day Hellimr our arold window letters, novelty signs ami changeable signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren . . ... 1 1 T j l 0',w bt., . nicago, hi. , - WANTED Salesmen; write for my Selling iui& 1 1 1 I i '- ' ....... .-. sion proposition; will double or qtiadru pl your income. National Business Ex change, 6in noor email a aiax . ""is ton,D.C. l-rd3-?- AGENTS WANTED FIFTY dollars a month and extras, I will give for a man 01 gooa character as my aarent. Either salesman, farmer, mer chant or banker may apply. Write Lock Box 1625. Lincoln. Neb. J M2oZ U IF YOU are worth $300 per month or mora we want you. Stamped addressed en velope fur reply. U 36, Be. J-M30S 26 WANTED Agents to represents us in the sale of our western Ksnsaa lands. Globe Land & Investment Co., Omaha, Neb., and Sioux City. la. J M44a Aug 19 JUST what agenta want: Two specialties which, once Introduced, will nnng perina nent. profitable and Increasing business. Address J. it. fatten, uuuer, mo. J-664 Cx BRAND new necessity; sella on sight: agenta' fortune. Colonial Factory. Wella- vllle. N. X. J tkll Ci AGENT9 and representative wanted to represent a Wisconsin lead and sine cor- furation; wa will make very liberal con re cts with agenta, guaranteeing expenee and commission; men have made aa nigh as $200 per week; write for particulars; great future for reliable men. The Na tional Lead and Zinc Co., 4o8 Iron Block, Milwaukee, wis. t 6JZ tlx WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man to work In Nebraska, representing larae manufacturing company; salary M0 to CK) per month, paid weekly: expenses ad vanred. Address, with stamp, J. H. Mu'jre, Oajaoa, Neb. J 64 82 WANTED AGENTS AGENTS Competent, to sell (stent, lens" or manufacture best fuel saver ant most po""-erful hester Invented. Address J. A. McDanlel. Ietta. Ia. J-6J0 Kx WE nave cornercn n nionev masing propo- si iot nipii,nni iioin tHm niy, ii'mii dim village. Secure territory Immediately be fore too late. Bherman Co., 16 Dover St., New York. J-622 Kx AGENTS Ienrn to f.t glasses. Our eye boon w-itn run Information free, jaca sonlnn Optical College, 18 College Place, Jackson, Michigan. J 630 22x AGENTS wanted. We manufacture ten splendid household articles that sell rap Idly. Our aents are making from $3 to $10 per day. A sure money winner for men and women. Write now; you won't regret It. American B. P. Co.. Cam bridge. Ohio. J 61 22x GENERAL agents and merchants to take agency for high class household necessity. Permanent agencies desired. Exclusive territory. The Monsrch Mfg. Co., 29 llearn Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. J-17 22X WANTED. AGENTS Local and traveling, to sell our 'well known Red Tag Nur sery stock; steady employment; good pay; cash every week; complete outfit free. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Established over 60 years. 600 acres; 15 greenhouses. Address PHOENIX NURSERY COMPANY, 2C6 United Bldg., Bloomington, IlL J- OUR wonderful premium offer Just out; get ever offered agents; write today for ter ritory. Davis Soap Works, 33 Union Park Place, Chicago. J PERFECTION Skirt Gage; every woman Duys. Btaais wig. Co., 1434 i, xuaaison, Chicago. J AOENT8 wanted for best side line article on the market. Implement and hard ware men preferred. Big commission for selling. Address Randolph Coupler Co., Newton, lowa. J 497 22x SIDE line. Brand new. Ten minutes' sell ing exclusive one firm earn town nets $26 commission. Samples small. Specify ter ritory and experience. E. F. R. Co.. New ton, Iowa. J 494 22x AGENTS make big money selling our gold window letters, etc.; no experience neces sary. Buckeye Novelty Co., Hamilton, O. J-614 22X AGENTS Attention; make big money sell ing our flexible gold sign letters; no ex perience necessary; easy work; cntalogue and sample free. Falls City Novelty Co., Ixuilsville, Ky. J-607 22x AGENTS Legitimate substitute for slot machines; patented; sells at signt ror $1; good territory open; particulars. Glsha Co., Anderson, Ind. J 608 22x $60 A MONTH and extras; I will give for a man or gooa cnaracter as my agem; either salesman, farmer, merchant or banker may apply. Write Lock Box 1625, Lincoln, Neb. J M646 2$ $50 DAY working fairs, carnivals, parks; Just out, photo button machine; takes, finishes picture thirty seconds; money getter everywhere. Taylor, 919, 112 Clark St., Chicago. J 557 22 T WANTED SITUATIONS COUNTRY PRINTER wants permanent position In Omaha, newspaper or joo office; 10 yeara' experience. Addresa K-6, Bee. A-M434 22x WANTED Position by young lady as clerk at cigar stand. Address K-40, nee. A-M437 21x MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this is the place to como and get It. Don't let money stand In the way of en Joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. SPECIAL RATE8 ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide. them over vaca tion period. Call and be convincea. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 307-308 Paxton Block. X MD6S 28 OUR LOANS Our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased 10 explain our manner of loans. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and it you conclude that it will now pay you to borrow, there is no harm. done. We loan on furniture, planus, live stock and other chattels and to salaried peoplo upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates aa low aa you will find and our facilities for quick and con fidential services are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our Una In the city, and we always try to please our Datrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY lit Board of Trade Bldg.' 'Phone Doug. 1M. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, elo. C i. Reed, 310 8. 13th. X 284 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels or salary. Kaay to get no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small coat, open evenings tin I. jl 2be CHATTEL end salary loana. Phoeiux t. reai i co., t fax ion . juu EAGLE Loan Otlioe, reliable, acommodat Ing; all business confidential, liol Doug. JL 2l DR. PRIBENOW'8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned ou furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc., in any amount, at less than half the rate; no red tape: perfect orl- vacy, Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended in case of sickness or out of employment. Room 314 KarDacn iiix., iifi b. idtn bt. A A MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB ana oiuera wunuui security; easy pay inents. Ottices In 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 JNew York Life Biug. X-26J FURNITURE. Live Stock. Salary Loana Duff Green Loan Co., room , Baikcr 111K. a ztw CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. t oiey un -o., f arnam ui. jl ti FOR EXCHANGE 480 ACRES clear land, will exchange for any Kina oi mercnandlse. Greeley Mero. Co., Greeley, Neb. JS M4J9 23x IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put ail ad m uut you will soon ,. r, WANT to sell good drug business In next ten days; eastern Nebraska town of 1.2io: might take part good income. Address A, aw frank bt., Council Bluffs. Z-559 "Cx HIGH-GRADE piano to exchange for room or room and board. Address K 4o. Bee. Z-M571 28 LOST LOST Gold brooch. In sr. ape of a knot. newora on return to Bee omcs. Lost M376X LOST Snake bracelet. Return to 2218 Douglas. 'Phone Red-2612. Reward. LOST M471 22x LOST 810 reward will be raid for the re turn of one alliKaior arln to O. W. Palm. Unooln, taken from Burlington train Thursday evening, July 12. No questions win om aaaea. ixn i a LOST Bay mare, weight 1.060 lbs , white iac, wnue nina feet ruooer snoes or front feet; liberal reward. 2io4 South 13th 'Phone Douglas iitii. Lost -632 'L.X DRESSMAKING ll'POWELL SCHOOL DREBSMAKINQ, 163 Farnam. ja2 Jy23 Woodruff at Arnold. US-U Neville Blk. Mill A4 BUSINESS CHANCES DoYou "Wish to Make a Change If you hava a farm, home, business or property mat you warn to sen or rhinr. write 11 a GLOBhi LAND AND INVESTMENT CO. Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, ia. Y M4U 81 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address u 4. care oi Bee. M7S PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug tock. Nemaha Co., southeast jveorasKs: rn established; sales from $60 to $75 per day; advise with owner; no tradinj atock; will require about $5,0i cash. Ad dresa H 8, Bee. Y-801 81 OLD established 14-room boardjng house; always iuii oi gooa paying uouruers; furnlteure and business at a bargain; reason for selling, falling health. Address P. O. box "63. Omaha, Neb. V 835 22x ELEGANT flrat class restaurant outfit complete for sale cheap. Tel Red osvb, 1909 Douglas St. Y-M392 23 QOOD salaried position for aggressive worker in real estate who has an nis time and some money to Invest; absolute security. For Interview address K-42, Bee. Y M467 22 FOR SALE 84.000 drug stock In central Nebraska; will pay for Itself In one year. For particulars write K-41, Bee. Y M461 26 FOR SALE $800 will buy the furniture In tne only notei in one oi tne oeai muo towna on the U. P. R. R. Address A. T. Geyer, Sutherland. Neb Y-438 20X A MONTHLY salary of $200, expenses and m. i-,Miiiii,qfioil loi P.imi a v ,,, J limit n,.,, $1,600 cash, as sales manager at Omaha; right man with executive ability and a clean record can make $3,500 or more per annum. Address Mr. Ames, Oxford Bldg., Chicago. Y-643 22x GENERAL sales manager wanted; well known manufacturing company aoing largest business of Its kind In the United 8tates, desires to contract for term of yoars with capable, trustworthy man to take charge of branch office and manage salesmen In this territory; salary $150 per month to start and expenses, also com mission; manager must place on deposit $1,000 during term of employment and furnish satisfactory references aa to In tegrity; rapid promotion assured right party. Address Manager Sales Dept., 1302 Rector Bldg., Chicago. Y 640 22x PORTLAND CEMENT Never In such de mand; 1905 production worth upwards $30, 000,000; shortage of 14,000,000 barrels on year's production; manufacturers' profits Increasing; the manufacture of Portland cement a great and growing Industry; Kansas Portland cement best made. We have 2,000 acres finest cement, coal, brick shale and natural gas land In famous Kansas cement and gas belt. Our de posit cement rock sufficient to run our plant 200 years. Low capitalisation. Treas ury stock ottered at 60c per share, cash or Installment payments. Buy now be fore big advance soon to be made In this stock. Our 1,000-barrel-a-day plunt, with our free gas fuel, will earn $1,250 dally. Interesting cement facts and prospectus sent on request. Guthrie Mountain Coal and Cement Co., 315 Hall Bldg , Kansaa City, Mo. Y 616 22x YOU can never profit by business chances unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Bran deis & Sons, Bankers, ICth and Douglas Sts. Assets over $4OO;0OO. Y -GUARANTEED- Patents Secured or Fee Returned. Send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability. Send for illustrated Guide Bock. Contains 100 mechanical move ments and LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Particulars NEW TRADE MARK LAW. COPYRIGHTS, etc. Pat ents advertised free in World'a Progress. EVANS. WILKENS & CO., Reg. Attorneys, 6S8 F St Washington, D. C. Advertise. Advertise. COVER THE UNITED STATES. If you are seeking capital, have securi tiea, real estate, mining claims, farms or a business to sell, or desire good agents and salesmen, In fact, anything to advertise, USE MY SPECIAL TEN DOLLAR LIST. For 510 1 Will Insert one time a 25-word classified adv., either under Agents, For Sale, Business Chances or under Business Personal headings, In the Boston H.rald, Indianapolis News, Fhla. No. Av.rlcaa, Omaha Uh, Chicago Inter Ocaaa, Buffalo Courier, Syracuaa H.rald, Rocheat.r I). Chroo. Pittsburg Diipatch, ProTld.nce Trlbun. Now Havan L.adr, Plain Ixwler. St. Loula Oloba-Iiem., Das Moines II. Lsadsr, Washington Post, DsnT.r Republican, Mllwauasa Free Press, Bsn Pran. Chronicle. Cincinnati nu,ulrar, Atlanta Constitution, Minneapolis Trlbun., Dsllaa News, Dstrolt Fts Pnss, Kansas City Journal. Cost for each additional 7 words. $2.60 for the entire combination. This splendid com bination reaches over 1,000,000 homes. GIVE THIS LIST A TRIAL Rudolph Guenther, 108 Fulton SU New York. Write for Combination Offers, Magraslne Lists. References: Any of the above papers. Y WHEAT $12.60 buys five upa and five downs: good for one week. 2-cent ad- vance or decline from price gives $100 proni; write ter particulars, commerce urain Co., commerce ttiag., Chicago. Y-6ul 22x BEND for "Successful System" of trading in grain with small capital. Booklet and market letter sent free. References. Corn- stock St Co., Commerce Bldg., Chicago. Y 602 22X MONEY Do you need it? We are In a position to furnish capital for any merit orious enterprises; we can sell your stocks and bonds uulckly on commission basis; money advanced on good securi ties; charters procured in any state; do not fall to confer with us, it will be to your Interest. K. Kaati & Co., bankers, i acoma Bldg., Chicago. oio m WE FURNISH capital for railroad, mining. oil and Industrial propositions and take an active Interest In forming companies. Bankers and Merchants' Credit Co., 409 Rector Bldg., Chicago. i 611 22x HAVE a business of you own; we will make a liberal contract to furnish our large and staple line of cereals on ex clusive sales in specified territory for a term of years; sufficient capital Is re quired for Introductory work; a nrst class proposition for a good salesman. Minneapolis Cereal Co., Power Bldg., Ni collet laland, Minneapolis, Minn. X-609 22x NATIONAL Information Bureau; at the seat of government; service at nominal ooat, any. subject. For particulars ad dress, enclosing stamp, 401 Munsey Bldg., Washington, D. C. V 66J 22x WANTED Competent sales manager; sev eral salesmen are pooling $1.0nu to $2,000 each to buy established factory to make their own goods; each manages several states, and by owning factory, makes both liberal salary and profit on all their business; don't miss this chance. Write for partlculara. R. J. Montgomery. 2333 Wabaah Ave., Chicago, 111. Y 661 22 CERHO De Pasco Tunnel and Mining Co., Ella Rawls Reader, prealdent; beet rising copper; investment. For full particulars write to 45 Wall Bt., New York. Y 560 22x M. O. TRADE Exclusive contracta for 8 best propositions, any scheme; flower crystals, Osona, new sachet; novel, need ful pullers; get details now. Otte, 447 West 126,lh Bt. New York. Y-661 22x I WANT to purchase the lease of $2 00 hotel In county seat town, or would trade fine aOo-acre Iowa farm for property and furniture. Send partlculara In first letter. Schiller, Central City, Neb. Y 658 22x BEST drug atock In aoutheaat Nebraska; about $5,000 cash required; aales $22,000, profit $8,000. Address K-47. Bee. Y M566 Augll FOR BALE 83,600, farm security gilt edge. 8 per cent, 4 years; will sell at face and accrued Interest. Wrlta R. E. Ingrahatn, Council Bluffe, Iowa. Y-611 x FOR BALE Clean atock hardware and Implements In good town. Indian Terri tory; owner's health Joor; no agents. Addresa a ll, Bee. I M4 lix BUSINESS CHANCES WANTEI Responsible man to manage branch office and distributing depot fr large coffee and spice compajiy owning Its own mills; salary $200 monthly and commissions; references and Investment of $1.'0 required. Addresa Manser, 18 River St., Chicago. Y 4HS 22x DRUO STOCK for sale, or trade for general merchandise or land. Am not registered. Address K El, Bee. Y 637 22 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOOK AT These Bargains Densmore No. 2 120.00 Bllckensderfer No. 6 18.00 Sholes Visible 26.00 Densmore No. 5 46.00 Williams No. 2 16.00 Smith Premier No. 2 60.00 Remington No. 2 26.00 Remington No. 6 40.00 Send for bargain list-No. 9 mailed free. We rent all kinds of machines. $2.00 to $3.00 a month. Our rlbbonfe are the best on the market, 60 cents post paid. Try one. We send out our typewriters all in first class condition. Central Typewriter Exchange, l 1603 Leavenworth St. Tel. Red 6599. Q-698 22 We Must Close Out Regardless of cost, fifty square pianos, Including Steinway, Chlckering, Kim ball, Decker Bros., and many others; all ranging In price from $26.00 to $100.00: terms, $3.00 to $5.00 cash and $2.00 monthly. SCHMOLLER & MUELLEI PIANO CO. 1311-1$ Farnam Su Tel. Douglaa 1(21. W Mile 81 BODA FOUNTAIN, any else. 1818 Farnam. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 7 , u t 517 uuiBvua, . HALL'S safes, now, 2d-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE Empty ink. barrels. Inquire ot - J. R. Campbell, if e mail room. 14 eu FOR BALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; wa lead the world in cheap bar nxtures; easy pay mente. juruns wlck-B&lke-Collender. 407 S, loth St. M219 WE buy everything In (the furniture Una, Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodgo. Q-220 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir Umbers, white basswood for burnt work. 821 N. 16th. Q-221 MILCH COWB, on easy terms. 43d and Center. v PRICE CUTTING On High Grade7 Pianos Two hundred fine upright planoa, many standard makes, in all kinds of fancy wood casings. Prices $75. $90, $100. $126, $135 and $146 each. Square pianos, Including Steinway, Chlck ering, Decker Bros, and many others, $.6 to $75 each. , Organs, $16 to $26 each. Payments. $3 to $10 down and $2 to $5 monthly, including a handsome stool and scarf. Every piano warranted to be as repre- Rented Fine new upright pianos to rent, $3 and $4 per month; six months rent auowea it pur chased. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company, Leaders In High Grade Pianos and Low Prioes. 1311 and 1313 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 162S. Q- BEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid oh $10 lota, Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omalia. Q 211 MEDIUM Else Hall safe; good condition. H. & K., 160H Farnam. Q Moot $96.00 PIANO (credit), for sale cheap. Call at 628 Be Bldg. V, 986 TWO $90 pianos (credit) for sale cheap. Call 8110 S. 13th bt. Q-130 20x $95.00 PIANO (credit) for sale cheap. Call at 621 Bee Bldg. Q-956 FINE Minnesota ice for sale in carlots. A. G. Gilbert Co., Council Blufts. - Q M364 FOR BALE Steam house heating boiler; was used to heat 8-room house; will be sold cheap. W. H. Brldgos, engineer Bee Bldg. y mwu FOR SALE Rockers, carpets, mahogany bed room suite, fiarlor suite, range, etc.; leaving city. 205 No. 20th St. Q M469 22X FURNITURE of -room house must be sold by Monday night; parlor mahogany, din ing set (quartered oak); everything extra fine and new. Fine location for roomers. Will show Sunday. 'Phone Douglas-2490. 649 8. 26th Ave. Q 487 22x FINE lot fresh cows. 43d and Center. Q 482 22 LET US be your factory; hardware spe cialties manufactured under contract, models developed; we are specialists in patent articlea; prompt service, first-class workmanship, reasonable prices. Amer ica Co., Momence, Hi. y-636 22x PARTY leaving town, will sacrifice piano and some furniture. Call at once. Any reasonable offer accepted. 416 N. 23d. Q-M560 23 X UPRIGHT piano, mahogany case, at a bargain. 1819 Davenport. Q M518 25x FOR BALE. One shepherd, one pointer puppy, one skye terrier, one French poodle, one cocker spaniel. These are all thoroughbreds and will be sold cheap. City I'ound O S17.22 PRINTING LYNGSTAD lUtfh Grrle 1907 Calendars, & JOHVL, Capitol Ave. -28 ENQRAVINO and printing. Kotera at Co., 1610 Howard. . Tel. Douglas 2007. -its TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO.. 110 8. 17TIL 961 Al FENCING WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trellis. Omuha Wire and Ixou Works, 607 Bee Bids. TeL Ked-. M918 At ANCHOR and Iron Fencing; 6c per foot. 2 N. 17tb St. Wire Fencing Tel. Red kit. -vvri A11 PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct- Wbolesals prices. Save on every article. Only first, class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 235 Harrison St., Chicago. 111. -M7x WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $10,000 at per cent Interest for tfn years on gilt edged secur ity; will psy small comrrdnelon. Addreas Lock Box It, Wsguer. 8. V. .V-M 126 2 PERSONAL' pii f; r.URPn WITHOUT AN OPKRATION-ALI tMf vl plies cureo iniemai, iiivnisi, nv bleeding or itching pllea. A guarantaa) given In every caaa treated by Xr. Max well, who has had twenty-flva years' ex pertence in treating pllea. Hundreds ot teatlmonlala given on application. Wt PM JJiclg., Omaha, lSeb. 'Phone Douglas 14S4, U-Mka) JyU FAIR, healthy, awtln akin bestowed tSua skin cream and Satin skin powder. J6o wtnn AND IRON FENCES. Bee our line. Cheaper than wood. FT catalogue. Omaha wire ana iron vv say Offloa 607 Bee bldg. 'Phone Red 8908, U M444 Aug D ANY POOR GIRL. In need oi a friend oall or write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at S&24 N. 14th St., Omaha, Neb. U-ilOO TRY KfeLLY"8 Laundry. 'Phons Douglas: 8620. U X'6 DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. S 4k ft, 1506 Far-i nam. U 17$ PRIVATE confinement homa; Mrs. DB, Kins, 2018 N. 21st Bt. Tel. Doug. 866. U 278 PLEATINCi BvutosBucWng. 1 LLn 1 lilVJ Embroidering. Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Bbrlnk ing. only 6o per yard. Bend lor pries luU and sample. . GOLMAN PLEATING CO.. 800 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas IMS, U-4V.9 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. 8U B. Uth St. U Mo PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs, CardelL 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 6311 U-281 THE Salvation Army solicits cast -oft clothing; In fact, any thins you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th 8t., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'Phena Doug. 4136 and wagon will call. U all MAGNETIC OSTEOLOGY. Mrs Rlt AU.iVVJiX.Cj A tenhouse. 410 N. 16th bU Room 2, 2d floor. U M361 Alt FREE medical and aurgtcat treatment at Crelghton Medleal College, 14lh and Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. u-u THE City Garbage Co. Office. 14tl and Leavenworth fits. Tel. Douglas 1387. u-ta PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bles adopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium, 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. TeL 774. U-822 SURVEYING. Bllckensderfer, 812 Bee Bldg! U-ttJ OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Blk. U-284 MAGNETIC treatment bath, Mm a. liLa-UlXJiAAV Smith, 118 N. 15, id noor. U M938 AuglOX BYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers, illlon Drug Co., Omaha. V iS WE RENT sewing machines at' $1 per ' week: we sell second-hand machines 85 up. Nebraska Cyole Co., corner 16th and Harney. TeL Douglas 1GC3. U 26 MAGNETIC" MaMftKeJi N- itn su second floor, room i. U M149 Jy23 MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas saga. Lutle Bryant, 216 Bee Bldg. U Mk8 Jy2S LADIES, If despondent or In trouble ara given aympathy, counael and aid. Room I, 821 Bo. 16 Ih St., Omaha, Neb. U M69S A6X DRS. VOGEL. private hospital for women and for ladles before and during confine ment. 2319 8. 13th St., Omaha.. Neb. U M387 Aug. IT A MIDDLE-AGED widow, very wealthy, nice looking, tired of "single blessedness,'' wishes to correspond. Lock Box 4o6. St. Joseph, Mich. U 544 22x HANDSOME BRUNETTE, interested In business, seeks reliable gentleman; object matrimony. - 817 - North Broad,- Phlladel. J! phia. U 638 22x EYES tested and glasses adjusted through the mall; send for our eye tester, free; our prices are the lowest. Millers Op tical Co., 239 8. Uth St., Lincoln. Neb. U-636 22X MARRY Widow S9, worth 227.000; bachelor girl SI, worth $H,0utH Catholic maid 28, worth $4,000; no publicity. Family Circle, Toledo, O. U 616 22x OMAHA Steam Paste Co, manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. TeL Doug. 4621. U PERSONAL The doctor who cured me of Asthma and Hay Fever will not let me publish his name. 1 suffered all but death from childhood to manhood; tried every thing I heard of without help, and I tell you I feel thankful and propose to let other folks know who cured me, if they write. Wm. P. Btokoe, Scottsville, New York. U SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work tuaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. ife. U- MORPIIINE, opium, laudanum, cocaino habit: myself cured; will inform you of harmless permanent homa cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1212. Chicago. U RUPTURE CURED-Our new ELECTRO GALVANIC treatment cures rupture In SO to 60 days without pain or detention . from business. Our "Home Treatment," after one visit to our offices, enables you to cure yourself at home. Write for free booklet or call at our oftlcea. The WUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 611 Wood men of the World building. U HAIR TONIC $1 secures formula for un excelled restorer; prevents dandruff; strongthens; druggist fills prescription; low cost. E. Roberts, 19 .East Daniels St., Cincinnati. Ohio. U-664 22x IF In need of honest, reliable advice, call and consult Mrs. Faust, reliable palmist. Absolute satlaf action or no pay. TeL Douglas 4122. ltioe Cuming . U SS 22x MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer lor men. "Grey's Nervs Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman It McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 237 DR. PRIES, Wlthnell Blk., 16th and Har ney, room 2. Treats successfully diseases snd Irregularities o' worsen, recent or long standing. Doug. 3708 649 DR. HUTCHINSON, specialist of women and children. Office, 2206 Cuming. 'Phone lftuglai lJWT. , WANTED TO RENT WANTED By August 1, for man and wife, two connecting rooms, with board, in private family; highest price paid; W ent Farnam district preferred. Address K 29. Bee. K 432 2oX DESK room in a convenient downtown office by Insurance man. Addreas K 63, Hee. K-MU39J3X TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tlcketa everywhere, P. H. Phllbln, 15u6 Farnam. 'Phone Dong. 7S4; 231 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 6S21. .v-4 OSTEOPATHY JnHNBON Institute, 418 N. T. L TeL Doug. 164. -tvl FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 1514 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1268. -p" LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland. 80S N. Y. L. Bldg. TeL Do u g tsiS; 193 PASTURE FINE blue grass, good water and Shade, Inquire H. T. Clarke, Her Grand, ol 'pUoue South Oiuaha, Black KO. ail 2g