f THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 21, 19CK?. r ttAIS AND PRODUCE MARKET JIff (imw Vto-WneAt, aid Bwi' r rr . arovs ueavieT. - v. FRACTIONAL DECLINE MARKS CLOSE Repnrte Regardlag Raet a Nerthweet ery Cillngr,,, r.. wlk Dll Tha., Cloelag at Bot taai Recelpta Ur(,r OMAHA. July 39, 1908. . , wiin wnrii iwur open ing prices wrra u,;,',u i,... 'o" and north wont weather wss SH?,w-.A.ftr ",m'"ln stesdy a whlla th marge turned strong on Antwerp quota tion, reflecting tha mnriltlnn n a. ra-.nl l..a . ,J. . ? nvimrrl to yesterday a clow on spirited buying. A reaotlon set In and I m1kt e'oaed Vio lower than yester- f .:ii Th.?r. wer connictlng reports re arfllnt black runt In Minnesota and North JSi . Rc'P were large and overran eetlmataa. The corn market was weak, being off l-a At tXIO Cloaa for Rentanhr llnanlm .4 . "ha lower and the market was teady for a time, but pressure by beari rk'" it. Receipt, were, larger thai IT ,,m nd the eaeh demand was mow. Thera waa conMrahia mi, t condition o the crop and reserves In farm- w'"r7T1,,'n nlpmnl thla weak i OOJbuahela ,,a"n1 corn hipmanu X763,.. lJ.'!1lLw,l".t.ta,b,f1nnlD to arrive on the ST TJ?. '1 'V"" quantities Eighteen 2 Inspect tcy. 'n- 1 IlirT WnMt raalnt aa inA aaa ft... hlPmenta ?72.O0O bu.. Against receipt inrtV K0M bu. and ahlpmente of w ooo bn. Com refelpta were 3K5.O0O bu. And. hlnmnta 477.000 fan . Z,Lnyrt "f . bu. and ahlpirvnta of av.000 hll r iilMnMa . -i r.,.. t. . 1 . . uur, 4os,uw ou. corn and zao bu. 1!rp'w!., clol H1 lower on wheat and Unchanged to ",d lower on corn. Kraaler wired W. C. Sunderland: "t never J tha corn market In any poorer condi tion for Increased movement than It la at rrpaent. Any recelpta of corn would break me market wide open.- Now we may not P reoeipta until a little Inter on. but Ne braaka la buvlna more mm ! Ail the dealer reported heavy purchases. Terre Haute reports that there will be a move ment Of Corn down thera In f w Ava an1 that the eorn la looking fine, and that thera la a very large amount of corn back In the Local range of options: SEW YORK CntlAJ. . MARKET taut) Artlrlea Open. Hlgh. Low. Cloee.l Tey Wheat July... 4 Sept... torn uly.. ei ; J ata V "aw f l'i. . ita Sept. 70 A J 71V4B 47VA 40HAI -t I TIB 70SA SA 42V A .... 4TU A i(Al 43 H 70ViAl 71 A 70HA 71HA RVA . 46A 42VAI 47B eSA 43 Sa S1A v- A' aaked. B bid. r ' ? t. Oanaha Caah Baiee. WHEAT No. t hard. 1 car. Tltte. CORN No, I yellow, rc; No. 1, lcart. , Oaoafco, CaaH Prtrea. WHKAT-.No. hard, 72c; No. 1 hard. Tie; No. t aprlng. 71c. "ORN-No. a. i7V.c: No. S yellow. . 474c 4. .1 watte, 4Hc k ATS-No. S mixed, tic; No. I white, 34 He 4TBVNo4 t Mc; No. . BZHc . L'arlot Reeelata. ChicajTO 1 Kanaaa City, . Minneapolis ';. Omaha Duluth ..v. BC IxiUfa ..... Wheat. Corn. Oats. S3 3X6 140 T. . 84 147 Ti 29 67 150 33 M Tariaaa CanC AGO nAI ASU PROVISIONS reatarea of the Trading; and Closing v Prteaa aa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July 2. Favorable 'crop r porta cauaad weakneaa today In the local wheat market, .the September delivery closing at a net decline of 44c. Corn was down msiltc Oats were oft. l. ., pro visions were 7 He to 20a lower. The, wheat market waa weak all day with the exception of a moderate advance about the middle of J he sreslen. Clear weather in the northwest and lower prions at. Liverpool together with large local reoeipta cauaed an eaay opening. Reports from tha norlhwoat were conflicting aa to tha rust situation, but the prevailing opinion armed to be that the crop-would escape serious Injury. About the middle of the day tha market rallied on covering byt shorts, 'but prices soon weakened to a lower level than before. The statement of a At. Louis trade paper that crupa of Kanaaa and Nebraska will not only be un usually larger per acre, but of exception ally heavy teat weight per bushel weak ened tha market materially. Another le preaslng Influence waa the large primary receipts, ..the total arrivals today- , being 1.1(0,000 buahela against 114.000 bushels for tha same day laat year. The mari-Xt closed weak with prices almost at the 1 v WVc Tower at 78o to 7 8c, sold up to ;TS4 Wnd declined to 77H477Se. Final ) quotations were at 77 e. Clearancea of vhit anrt flour m-ara annal til 1A9 00O boahels. 'Exports for the week ah shown by Bradstreet'a were equal to 1,15,900 bushftla.j- Mlnneapolta. Duluth and Chi cago reported recelpta of 703 cara against 31 cars last week and 117 cara a year ago. s v '. m .w -"i' A'i Tha corn market was weak all day. Ad-, dltlonal rain throughout the' corn belt cauaad sales by country traders and there . waa also tree selling by caah houaes. Buying waa scattered. Tha market cloaed weaa wiin pncea mi in, iuwmi pvuii. ui tha day. September opened hc to Ho lower at BO Ho to 61c, sold oft to 49140 and. cloaed at 491460c Local recelpta Were 211 cara, with it of contract grade. Optimistic reports regarding the new crop of oata cauaed a decidedly week market. September opened H6"f lower at 3He to lle, sold up to lie and then declined to 31af32 4c. The close was at llfco. Local recelpta were 150 cara Provision were easier because of sell ing by outside holders. The volume of trading waa email. At the close Septem ber pork was off 10c at 117.40. Lard waa down 7 He at M.90. Ribs were oft 7 He t i.27H. ' ' Estimated reoeipta for tomorrow were: Wheat. 32 cars; corn, Itl cars; oata, 110 cara; hogs, 17.000 head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Opeo.l Hlgh. Low. Clcsa Tes'y. f tha, Day CoaaaaowUlaa. . ' N15W TOWIC Jtilv B - ntrR-TaclPt. 14.4o bUa; e 1 ports, 4.aw bole.; market. ieoT, witn ugnt trade. atinneeoia patenta. 4Jnai4.aTI: Mlnnraota bakers. U 46 W; winter rtnte, K0H?i winter iralghta. B.7Mji.96; winter xtra. II V v; low a-radea. tl sk Hre nour. steady; fair to good. Si.4Otfa.90; choice to rancy, 11 -3. - , i.UKNf.ALr-nr!T steady tine wniie and yellow. l lo1.2; coarse, (LKKgLS; kiln rel. K strea m. RTB-Iull: No. 1 western. THc. f. O. b. New York. WHEAT Recelota. t.QOO bu.: exports. 1S.7M bu.. Spot market, easy; No. 1 red. K3ic, elevator, and IBe f. o. b. afloat; Na. I northern. Lniluth. 8Ho f. o. b. afloat; No. t northern. ASHc f. O. b. afloat. Tha opening waa lower on account of eaay canica and dlftturMng nnanriaj news rrom Ixndon. Wheat re Iliad on bullish Argen- Ine crop news, further reports of rust and covering, it lacKed gooo duii support, now ever, and In the last hour weakened again under a bearish Modern Miller report. liquidation and small weekly clearances and closed c net lower: May, Skrpiv cloaed at Wc: July. rov.O4C. cloeea CtHc: September. Al'tflM ll-lftc, Cloaed at 374c; TVcember. ISVfl7e. closed at Ho. CURN Recelpta. .70 bu. ; exports, no.OT bu.; spot market, weak No. 2, ele- tor. and 5-"Vac. f. o. b. afloat: No. I yel low. 69Hc; No. 2 white. Bc. The option market waa generally weaker an favorable weather news, cloeina lc net lower. July. SC'.6Tc. cloaed at War: September. Mi9 STHc. cloaed at S6Vc; Decembers cloaed at 55Hc. tiATB Receipts, 87.000 DU. ; exports, aw bu.; spot market, easy; mixed oats. K to 32 lbs., 42Hc; natural white. 30 to ii lb., 4ZVk 44c! cllnued white. IS to 40 lbs.. 4CW49c. FfcEl Btesdy; spring bran. 118 6 prompt snipment; mhldlloga, (U.oo Jiuy anipment; cltv. i2inori22.HL HAT Steady: shipping. J633c; good to Cholre. BMr. . HOPS Steady: slate, common to choice. lfio crop, ineisc: 1904 eror, nominal; ias. nominal; racinc cosst, ive crop, iwouc 1914 crop. 13c: olds, nominal. Hlohd-Steadv: Oalveaton. 10 to JR lbs.. 20c; California. 1 to 2a lba... 21o; Texaa, ary. 14 to in ins.. ic. I.FTHrtt.-Bti1y. add. 9An77Ua. PROVISIONS Beef. Arm: family. 310.00 liV50; mess. Ior5.0. Beef hams, $21.00 43 22.&0; packet, 39.n0ti9.tn; city extra India maes. iib nniion. fnt meats, nrm picnmi bellies, 311 Soft 18.50; pickled shoulders, W.26 G.7T; pickled hams, $12 2f.ei2.76. Trd, easv; western prime. $WSfl9.00: refined, barelv steadv: continent. $9.40: South Amer ica, $10.00: compound, $".00137 . Pork, firm; ramny, $i.t: snort nos, its "ff ii.se. TALLOW-Steady; city ($2.00 per pkg.), 416-lc; country (pkgs. free). 4T4iffHe. RICE-Qulet; domestic, fair to extra. o. Bt'TTER Steady; street price, extra creamery., f"H&21c. Ofllelsl prices: Cream ery, common to extra, leHfllOHc; renovated, common to extra. 12yiHc: western fac tory, common to firsts, 13fll7e; western Imitation creamery, extraa, 18HC; western nr-. iftuijiTHc. CHEESE Strong ; new, state, full cream, laige. tancy, Lu; fair to' good, 10fHc; small, fancy. HVc;, fair to good. " WMl'100; Inferior. S'S94ic EOGS State. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white. 84c; choice, . 22(&23c; mixed extrs. 22c; western firsts, 1718e; seconds. lrrlHc; southern, 15H81c. POtLTRT Uve. eaaler; western aprlng chickens, 18c; fowls. 14c; turkeys. V. Dressed, quiet; western spring chickens, 2MaMc; turkeys, 13c; fowls, 14c. St.. I.oala Oeaeral Market. . ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 20.-WHKAT-Lower NO. t' red, cash and elevator, i5o; track, .' 1 .-: September, "47(u)ibc; Le ceinber, 77Tc; No. 2 hard. 75-&17HC- CORN lwer; No. 2 cn, 4lc; track. B2H'fWe; September, 4?Hc; Uecemoer, 46SC. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 3&Hc; truer., STSjSTllic: September, $3c; Lcemoer. . iiCi No. z wnite. mH'uac. FI.Ol'R Steady ; red winter patents, $4 35 4.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.7bB4.30; clenr, $2.75'ga.2. SKEl Timothy, steady: $S.7Bfl4.H. CORNMEAL Bteady; $3j60. BRAN Dull: sacked, east track, ib$c. HAY-Steady; timothy, $12.5Ca 17.00; prai rie. ClrtVnll.tO, .... IRON COTTON TIES-11.00. BAQOINO-SHc. HKMP TWINE-THe. , , PROVlSION-Pork. lower; Jobbing. $17.15. Lard, lower: prime steam. $J.50. Dry salt meats, steady; boked extra shorts. $9.75; clear rlba, $.8?H; short cleara. $10.00 Bacon. steady; boxed extra shorts. $10.50; clear ribs, $10.62H; short clear, $10.75. POLiyiiii Steady; chicken, lOViC, springs, ItiHc; ., turkeys. 12Hc; ducks,. 9c; 'geese, Sc. HIJTTER Firm; creamery. l9Hc; dairy, .4ttc- ' ; BOOS Steady; 13c, case count. ' neceipts. snipmrniB SEW0RE STOCKS ASD BONDS Mir let ia Actir And tht 0nets,l Eadt of Frioei it Either. ST. PAUL AND UNION PACIFIC LtADLRS Besirarlsg Adviees Over ltaatlna la IoaAaa s4 OsjUook lor Favor- ale Book Statesaeat tha Poattoroo. NEW TORK. July 20-Soon after the turn of the flret hour In the stock market today the aalea of stocks had mounted to a total aa great aa for the whole day yes terday. Thla rate of Increase In the anima tion of the market was by no meana sus tained throughout tbe session, but the dsy's total Amounted to the largest for any day of tha week. Buvtng at times waa very active and well puraued on the ad vances and the speculative tone ahowed a decisive change from the hesitation and timidity lately prevailing. There waa a momentary dip at the opening In response to the decided upset In the London mar ket, but the placing of large orders In tiie leading, stocks promptly swept price to a higher level. There waa a congestion of demand In a few stocks which have been conspicuous market leaders tor some time. St. I'aul. Union Pacific. Southern Pacitio and Reading absorbed a large proportion of the dealing In thA later trading some other stocks were brought forward from time to time and tha discrepancy In the movement partly rectified, but the stocks designated held a market prominence In the dealings throughout. The movement waa still regarded as due largely to cover ing operations by the shorts. Observers discovered some operations of Importance on the long aide of the market, but they were supposed to he directed against the vulnerable short Interest. The high prices at the recovery today showed an excess for a number of promi nent stocks over the prices touched on the recovery which culminated early laat ween and this waa taken to Indicate an Improve ment In the technical condition of the market- The depression In Ixmdon wss at tributed largely to Ruaslan affairs, but anxiety has been felt over conditions In London aver since it waa known tnat neip had been emended to some large accounts to enable them to be carried through the last stock murket settlement. Reassuring advlcea over the present situation there were received In Wall street todsy. Senti ment over the money outlook waa Improved. Accepted authorities estimate the caah gain by the banks on the week's currency move ment at upward of $,ono.000 and a strong bank atatement la expected ' tomorrow, ljtrge payments were made at the . eub- treaatirv todav on account of the surren der of government deposlte. ' today being tha laat day set for the. payment of $10. OOO.OCO. An offset Is expected to be shown, however, aa a result of the redenoalt of part of the proceeds of the Pansma canal bond subscriptions which will be announced from Washington tomorrow. Inqulrlea from London were received In New York as to tha nrohahla amount of American gold re- ntiirementa between now and the end of the year and the Inference was drawn that the London market will relinquish without 'opposition a sufficient amount for the purpose. Arrivals of new gold ex pected In Iondon next week amount to $5,000,0110 and It Is hoped that an effective portion of thla will be secured tor New York. The prime motive for the covering operntlona by the bears In today's market waa believed to be the uneasiness caused by the lack of response yesterday to a number of occurrences which might be re garded as disappointing to speculative hopes, especially the non-action of the St. Paul and the Unmn Pacific dlrectore at their meetings and the leaving of the Amal gamated Copper dividend unchanged at the previous rate of disbursement. The ab sence of selling pressure at the excessive stages of today a advance kept up the confidence of the buyers and sustained the raise at nearly the top until tne Bonds were Irregular. Total ealee, par value. $1,046,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. - The I0II0V.111K ara tha quotaj.ons on tna Stock exchange: gold reserve, shows: Aral labia rash bal ance. $171,152.(39; gold cola and bullion, $97.2.281; gold certificates, $37.t0!,0S0. Jew Tork Mooey Market. NEW TORK. July Ja-MONET-On rah. easy at HSH per rent; ruling rata, $a$2H per cent; closing h4 t per pent; offered at 3M per cent. Time losna. slightly esster; sixty days. 4 p"' cent; ninety day a, 4a per cent; six months, 3'4i Per Cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER- H per cent. STERLING EXCHANOB-Flrmer at $4 lUtoiM MflO for demand And a w M.8175ai nw for slxty-dsy bills; poet. rates. $4 ft?H snd $4 85H; commercial bills, $4 81V PlLVBH-mr, , Kc; aiexican aoiiars. 0Vc. ... BONDS Government, dun; railroad, lr regulsr. Quotations on 75ew tork bonds today were as follows! V. 9. rf. . rag 1MV Jap . M serial 4o muana 13 to 4 elf, V rag K'JVt, in etfa ;.." do Id arrln V. . eld 4. rag I "J It, AN. uni. 4a... do ceupen V. . a. 4. reg do coupon . . . . At. Tobacre 4s. . do ta Atrhleon fan. 4s. ds Sdl. 4 AtlaoUr C. L. 4s.., Bal. A Ohio 4 do tna Brx. T. e. 4a..., Central of Oa. ta . do Id Inc do Id Inr Tha. Okie 4 Ha rhlrago A A. ta C. B A Q. s. 4a. C. R. I. A P. 4a 4o col, la CfT. A St. U ' Man. c. ...IKH Mai. r.iul 4a... ...irV do lat lar ... T7: Minn A t. L. 4 ...111 I M . K A T. 4a.. o.tt! do la ... v N. It. P. of M. t. ... N. T. C. I IHa.. ...10t N. 1 C. I.... ... n No. Patlllr 4a..... ... IS4 . ds ta ; ... . ...11I;0. 8. U rto 4a. ... Wig'Tnn. conT. I4a.. ... 17 Raadlns san. 4a.. St. U A I M MX .... aa .... M4 .... !" ...li4) ....li4) .... TH .... Uv, I... 14 100 .... 4a. M .... a ...Uf. ....l4 ....xia .... M .... N .... U la .114 OMAHA LIVE STOCi MAIIET CaUIa of AH liidj Blow, -hth Waai . Ttndaoy. HOGS ' SUFFER A fURTHtR OECLCTE Rbeep Trmalo Tery Hall aad Twatr nti to "glxry Uear Tkaa a Week Am Raseiyta Ukt TwAay. SOUTH OMAHA. July 20, 10$. Recelpta were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Official Tuesday .... Oincial Wednesday .. oniclal Thursdsy ... Itf&clal Friday $.H $.7M $.797 9.743 10,300 7.1.4 $.f3 A 460 3,3:11 3D . 1W St. L AS r f 4a. :H . 7'4 St. 1 i. W. c. 4a ... 7 . 7 ISaaboard A. U 4a ... -H . M' So Paclftr 4 lilt lOTHI 00 lat ta ctf 3 Colo. Ind. t. ear. A. 7 So. Rallwar hi do aerlea R 7a Triaa A P. la Colorado MI4. 4a 71 T . 91. I. A W. 4a. Colo. A 'So. 4a........ MVVntoa PanBr 4a... raba a liut I a. Riaal M la... D. A R. O 4a IWs.Wibtrt la Dtatlllara' Aac. la 14V da dab R... Erie p. I. 4a 100 Waaorn Md. aa do an. 4a .:.'.. Invaw. A U R. 4a.... Horklns Val. 4 Ha. . . .lost, , Wla. Central 4a..., Japan aa 11 Offered. in .tiS . mh .l"i .114V, . 7 . ajivi . ai4 . 10 Boston Stocks and Bonds. B08TON. July 30. Call loans. 3Hfl4H per cent; time loans, SfifiH Pr cent. Official nosing on stocks and Donna: Flour, bbla Wheat, bit.,., Corn, bu. ........ Oata, bu. 6.000 ....147.000 ..V 57,000 .... 46,000 ' 5.000 22.0i J8.10I) 38,00 Kansas City Grain aad Provtsloaa. KANSAS CITT. JMly 20. WHEAT Mar ket steady; July, ut)c; September, 70Hc; December. wc. cash: imo. 73c; No. 3, TKp.:Hc: No. 4. W 73fi:4c: No. 3. 7iH7Sc; No. 4, CORN Market H81 lower; July, i'e; September, 4oHe, December, 43e. Cash: No. 2 mlxe'- 0Vc;,fo. a. BUai; no. i wnua, oic; No. 3. 51e. , OATS Steady; Ko. white, 4014:; No. 2 mlx?d, 3Jc. . ,, E3G8 Bteady to higher: Miaaourt . and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood caaea In cluded, I 16Hc: caaa oount, l&c; cases re turned. He leaa. HAY Timothy, steady; prairie. o higher; choice timothy, 310. 00(5 10. M; choice prairie,. $9. IpaaOO. v . . . kt-stfiu, 00Q68C. BUTTER Weak; creamery.' lc; paaklnf, 14o . AtcMaon ad). 4a.... do 4a Max. Central 4a.. Atrhiaon do prd Boatnn A Albany., Boaton A Maine..., ftoathn elevated ... ritrhbvrs pfd Mex. Central N. T , N. H. A H. Pare Marquette felon Parint Amr. Arga. Chem. do prd A mar Pnaa. Ttibo.. A mar. Sugar de pfd Amar. T AT A mar. Woolen do pfd Edlaon glee. Illu llaaa. glectrle do pfd Maaa Oaa t'nlted Fruit lulled Rho Mach. , de pfd North Butt V. 8. Rteal do pfd WeatlDg. com mo Bid. -Asked. ..14 ..nm .. 74 .. .. MH ..HI ..! ..151 ..1M .. WV ,.1M .. at ..144V4 J0V4 .. .. 11 ..110 ..Ui . 1HH .. M' ..101H ..UO ... lav, ... MVt ... 17V ...IMVaT. if. Adrentur Allouei Amalfamatad .. American Ztnr . Atlantic Rlnfham Cal A Hacla... Cantannlal Oippar Hang .. Paly Waal Praaklln Oranby lata Royala .... Maaa. Mlnlnf .. Mlrhlsan Mohaek Mrnit. C. AC... Old Dominion .. Oeraola Parrot Qulary Shannon Tamarack Trinity L'nltad Copper . S. Mlnlnf.... S. on .1 rtX t lah .. Mv, Victoria .. . . 5V4i Winona .. ..74 .. m .. ii .. I74 .. .. 1JV, .. 17 . ." .. J' .. 7V .. II .. II .. 11H .. II .. H .. li4 .. 41 .. tv. .. IIV, . .101 .. M .. II .. .. II .. I .. IIV1 .. Mv, .. IS .. M', .. 44 .. ..Ml I.ondoa Closing Stock. : IONDON, July to. Closing quotations on tht Stock exchange were: Conaola, money .. M ll-i4 Norfolk A W Adam gipraea Amalsaraated Copper .. Amarlcaa C. A T American C. A F. -pfd.. American Cotton Oil.... Am. Cotton Oil pfd American Fiprea American H. A U pfd. American Ice, .acrltla..,-( 4.K' Aaiarlcan Llnaead Oil Am. Llnaaed oil pfd Amen aa . tacomotl a Am. LocomotW pfd American R At R. ..;...... Am. g. A R. pfd American Sugar Refining. Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa. ..... Anaconda Mining Co....... Atchiao Atchlaoa pfd A I Avianiio o &.u 1 Baltimore A Ohio Bal A Ohio pfd gale. High. tew. Cteae aa"" 11.500 M W' 1 me isv, I4H in inriv, inov M0 uv, MVi 44 Vi MVa ItK) 4JV 40 ,.M0 . 70, US. " 10O 114 1T4 ,4W 144V& I444j 14Vk l(K 111 it in M'4 55 V, tV, 0 Kt UV, 44 H lik 70V 111V, "l.M" 111 ill II WVS 7H t 11114 I.IOO 117 V, 1164 f.n 17, m MO ino 1.400 ins 1 hard rZa 1 Brooklya Rapid Tranalt.... M m-rl.. v-, air Canadia Pcl I redl Central of New Jeraey...... 4, 7107ic. . chcaapaak. A Ohio t ll"'4 HH 44. lS t 117 1174, 74V, 1 Receipt. ShlphienlH. 9A.0OO 70.00) ..... j9,eoo , li.ono 11,000 3.000 WTheat-J July... Sept... Tac Corn 1 July...lru.,fl'l Sept...ifWHfftl TH4 ,8UuvH.l May... Oat July... Sept... Deo.... May... Fork Sept. lavrd-Sept. Oot. Not.. Rlba July. Sept.. Out..-. 4Wi3A. SHifJS 4 ' 1 JO 17 (0 00 OS 9SS TS7V4I 79l fi 50H l 49 34 v, 3SSI WT,! T7S 7 TR'al 79l 49H 40H1 49i4i4AT.jiW 48 34H 3-SI 33: 48 T7S 7SS 51 $m 4S' 17 60 I 17 40 I on 9 u 38 9 S7V 9 17V,. $ 90 97S 9 27h' 34S'38HS $2j 0S- S4H 3M,1 36H Wheat, bu. Corn bu. . Oata, bu. . j .... MUiiopJls Oral Market, ' MINNEAPOLIS, July .-FI)VR-Flrst patents, $4.284.33: second patents, M.10 4 30: first cleara,. $3 853.45; second clears. $2.50i(f2.4t): .' " BRAN In bum,-W.uvri.. (Superior Board of Trade quotations for Minneapolis' and Chicago delivery). Tha range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day A Co.. 110-1 U Board ( Trade, was: Artlclea.l Or en. H!fh. Low. Cloac.l Tas y Wheat 1 May... . July.;. 1 Sept...' Dec... Flsx- July... Sept... Oct.... I 8132 82 1 81 77HV4N) 7TH TTrif 7v. 78V.i6Hi79V44 781 1 1JHI 1 H! 1 1 1 1W 1 12H) 1 12 1 llVa 1 UWI 1 H 814 7W 74 v 1 13 1 12 1 n 9J4 774 v- i ir 1 1$4 1 11 s Louia . . M M. pfd.. pfd.. 17 40 I 90 $ 971, I 93 I 19 90 $ r4 8 97V4 00 I 38 2TV4I I 27 Wl 8 nW 9 U 05 I 9 05 I 3 15 Cash ouotatlona ware as follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patenta. S3 5034.00; winter straights, $3au$.70; spring patenta. lights, w-vva.u,; bak- Mllwaokee Oralo Market. - MILWAVKEE, July 20. WHEAT Mar ket steadv) No. 1 northern. S4c; No. 2 northern. 81ifJS3c; September. JTSc bid. RYE-Hlgher; No. .?.. B A RLET Dull ; No. 2, 65t5V; ampla. CORN-I)r: No. I caah, 50Hle. Sep tember, 50c asked. Dalotk Orala Market. DCLVTH. July 30.-WHEAT-O track. No. 1 northern. tOc; No. ! northern. 77V'; July, 79HO; September. TTSo; - Decembei. cTaTS To arrlva And on track, 33Vc; July. $3c. ' Liverpool Grala mm 3roTtaloaiB. . - Ttwnonni. Jnlv . WHEAT Spot. nominal; futures, Bteady ; July, $V1: Sep tember. 6a74d; December, 6o7Sd. r-riDiHrvct nuiat: American nuxeo. new. 4a 9d. Futurea. quiet; July. 4a8d; Bep- tember. 4s ' "' Peoria Grata Markot PEORIA. July 20.-CORN Lewar; No. yellow, mc; 10. a. ear; ro..a, ate.' OATS Easy: No. 8 whlta. old..; now. 36c: No, 4 white, old, Wei new, o- ito oavsis $. TfhfiJTe; $3 7lrd4 0O; aprlng atra era. z lu. WHEAT-No. I 7SJ80c; Ko. No. 2 red. TpjWac. COTKN-No. I, tvc; No. t yellow. $le. OATS No. 1 $4Sc; Io. t white, aMKaJVa; No. I whlta. HaOkVc RTE-No. 187c. BA RLE Y Mood feeding, 40c; fair to rbolce malflotr, 4SB0c. UEEIDS-No. 1 flax. tl.0H: No. 1 north western, ft 19. Timothy, prima, $4. 25. Clover, .-ootract grade.' 811.36. PKOVI8ION8 6hort rlba aldea flooael, t9.aVoA.30. Meaa pork, per bbl., $19 70 20.00. lArd. per ion lba . S&.M. Short clear aldea tbosedi. $9.754j)TH. Following were t he reoeipta and ship ments of flour ao4 grain: . i . . JUcalpta Shipments. Flour, ' bbla. 14.709; 15.100 Wheat, bu . .eJ taO 44. LW Corn, bu 3 3w) Wi.M Oata, btt.k...,M,... 3vd.A9 lol.Va) rtye, bu av 3,1110 WW, bu 11.0UU 4.3U0 On tha Produeo eichang today fha butter market wa toady; craamrtev lVfilPVao; Aauiaa, U.& ITyo. Fgga, ateady; at mark, oaaes IncludedT. Uajio; ftrat. 14c; prima flrsts. Uvo; axLraa. UVaO. LLaaoa, gtaady; mi l4-a. . ,". .... WH18KY-On tha of $3.39. TotoAo Soodl Markot. TOLEDO, O., July 10 SEED Clover, eaah. $7. 19; October, $7.85; December, $7.07 H. Timothy. $2.68. . Alalka $7.15 Certtoo Market . NEW TORK. July 30 COTTON-Bpot. steady: middling aplaada. ' lie; .inlddllug gulf. 11.36c. Maiea, i oaiea. ST. LOUIS. July 1 V 4rTTON-tady middling, lie. Saiaa.-lil bales; racalpta. 11 balea; shipments, 50 bale; atock. . 24.M4 bales. - LIVERPOOL. July COTTON Soot quiet, price 4 points lower; American mid dling fair. A47d; good middling, gg.d; mid dling. $ 07d; low middling. I jtuoa or dinary. 574; ordinary, 5 474. The aalea of tha day were t.OuO bale, tj which 5u9 were for speculation ana export Ana included 4 An balea of American; receipts. 10UU balra, including I.ons American. NEW YORK. July .-CCrTTON-Srjot market cloaed quiet; aaiea. 375 boles; low ordinary, 7 7-lac, nominal; ordinary, 7 18-lAc good ordinary, 9Ve; low mlddllag. 10 714c Bnlddtlng. li-lc, good . rnlddltng.. 11 l-ltc middling fair. 11 14- lie, nominal; fair, 13 7-llc. nomioai. itecelpta, 141 kaiaa Atoca. aj.BM pajeo. Chlcaio Oraat Waatara Chicago A Northwaetern., Chicago, Mil. A At. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfdJ C. C C. A St. L Colored Fuel A Iron. . . . Colorado A Bout hers Colo. A Ro. lat pfd Cole. A Ro. id pfd Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Product a rff Corn Prod acta Md. rfg Delaware A Hudeon Delaware. I. A w Pan rar A Rio Orand P. A R. 0). pfd... niotllleri' Securities r.n Erie lat pfd Erie Id pfd...:.... oancral Rlcctrte Hocking Valley llliuole Central Intarutlonal Paper International Paper pfd.... Interoatlonal Pump ltaraatio! . Pump pfd low Central ow Central pfd Kanaaa Clip taut bar Kanaaa City Ro. pld Loulrrlll Naah , es-41 Maalcan Central . Mlnneapolta A 8t. M , Rt. P. A A. I M . At. p. A S. 8. Mlaaourl Pacific Miaaeurt. K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Lead tlonal R. R. of M. New York Central... N. Y.. O. A W.. ai-dlr Norfolk A Waster. .... Norfolk A W. pfd North Ata art can Facile Mall PannayWanf People' a Oaa C C. A ft. L Praaaad Rteal Car Preaeed Heel Car pfd... Pullman Pal car fteadma Reading let pfd Reading Id pfd- Republic Steal Republic Steal pfd Rock liland C Rock lalaad Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. Id pfd Rt. LcAla southwestern Rt. Lou la 8. W. pfd Rout hern Pacific R. Pacific pfd Southern Railway Ro Railway pfd Teanaeee Coal A Iron Taiaa A PactRc Toledo, At. L. A W T . St. L. A W. pfd I'nto Paella t'nlea Prlle pfd t ailed Rtatea gipree tutted Rtatea Realty lotted Rtatea Rubber V. 8. Rubber pfd , t'nlted Rtatea A'aal C. 8. Ileal pfd Va -Carollaa Chemical .... V a. -Carolina Ckam. sf.... Wabaak Wabaak pfd Weile-Fars gBpraa Weatlngkoua Elaetna .... Wartera laloa Wbeallng A Lake Art.... W'tacoaat Cestral Wis. Central pld N OCT her Facia, C antral Leather Casual Laat bar pfg leee-SbeSWM ataal Oraat Nartkar pfd iBterkarMga Matroeollua. Iatarbwpwgk Mat. pfd M.lfl" ' 744 4 t,no 1UV lt 1H O0 nil 21i-a Sort 14k, UV) M hnt 17W iivt 17 l.noo ihv, larvv imv, IS. Of 1714, 1"S l7'1 100 14 II II 1M t"4 I, 17V, ... WVi .17 1 do prd 14 . IIV, Ontario A W 4 . KvMj Pannaylranla i ........ 1 .IMV, Rand Mince IS Reading Its . I"4I do lat pfd.... 4' . 17V,1 do Id pfd 41 .111 (southern Railway ... 1414 . H do pfd lot . 41 1 Southern Pacific .... IIV, . 7 Vnlon Pacific IHV4 .41 f do pfd 17V, . 71V, ip. g. Steel J.i'a . 70V,' do pfd 106V, .111 fwabaah tQ .147V, v do pfd 4vt . l!,Ppanlih 4 12V, .1M) SILVER Bar, firm, 3-ied per ounce. MONEV-l44i2 per cent. The rats 01 discount- In the open market for short bills Is per cent; for three months' bills, StotfiSv per cent. do account Anaconda Atchlaon Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific Chea. A Ohio....... Chicago Ot. W C. M. A Rt. P IteBears Denver A R. O do pfd Erie do let pfd do Id pfd llllnola Central .. LeulaTllla A Naah M.. K. A T N. T. Central Five daya this week..l.fl6 43,437 25.a Five days lsst Wek....l5.1l 37.r770 11.932 Same two wcka ago.... 8.940 37.040 13.460 Bain three weeka a go.. 16.081 63.797 lO.idQ Same four weeks ago....l6.&0 67.817 4 19 Five days lsst year....l.197 61,267 S6.768 RECEIPTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATE. Tha following tabic shows tna recelpta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laat year: 1913. 1906. Inf.. Cattle 5U.699 471.2"$ 41.4H4 Hogs , l.;6.9r9 1,441.614 134.343 Sheep 8C2.588 793.327 1! KANUU OF i'KlCES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha $Uo'i4 6 4 4iv,a Chicago 1.25v-0 5 70 j.90 ivanaaa tuny X (-(i a .kv ,u ht. Louis I (ka 25 6.40 ti. Blotut City 2.5ua.76 6.85 tj.W CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the prices paid for the different kind of cattle on the South Oma ha market: Oood to rholoa corn-fed steers $5 50Q4.25 r'alr to good corn-fed ateers 5ut80 Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4 5t.0U Oood to choice cowa and helfera... $.7f'u4.60 Kalr to good cows and heifers 2.ifxg3.75 Common to fair cows and heifers., 1,7b '8.75 Oood to choice stockers & feeders.. $7fVa4.10 Kalr to good stockers & focders.... 3 2o'(.7o Common to fair stockera 2 0.SS 24 Hulls, stags, etc 2.7f4j4.10 'eal calves 4.08i.76 Tha following table shows tha Average price of nogs at South Omaha for tha laat several days, with comparisons: Data. I 1908. 105. l)0t. 1903. 1902. 1901. 11900. .July $....; July .... Juiy 10... July 11... July 12... J my U... July 14... July 15... juiy lo... July 17... July Is... Juiy IK... July 20... 52 v- 4W 4bA 57-a, 6 49S 6 504 5 291 6 17! 5 15 S 23 i 33 5 11 t tl 4 stf S e S tM t 47 5 13 6 541 6 19 6 17 6 19 $ 58! .bjVi 5 001 6 21 6 6IV41 6 i'-n 6 1 8 391 7 821 3 831 I 45 7 80 5 84 I 13 8 SJ t 88 1 4JI 8 8b 5 13 T 79 5 93) I 04 7 71 I M I 53 I 4 841 $ 14 7 73 8 08 7 76 1 71! T 721 4 661 I 02 6 201 T 71! 5 56! 4 94 4 22 7 741 6 59, 4 87 7 661 W 4 Vf 5 28 5 10 5 331 .. I 6 59 6 Oil 5 221 i 6 681 4 t) 100 u.ino 1.100 ' poo 1 400 4 4V I4H vt 4 A4l4 WoCa.aaM to 11 100 ' 14 4H 1IVI II 4714 m4 1IV4 4M MS !.!" til I0 MO 9.100 41V, VW ' I4 l.ino 17 vi . ls 11.400 41 t.4 77V4 M'4 t.g4 . v, too iaej Ml ' IJV, 14 M 44 111 uv, 2 7T1 M0 41V4 MV, 57 40 n M lt 1(4 00 171 in V, 171 I.KS) IIV, II ' lVi 104 . U MVi Uve ..v.. N 10s n o ii 100 1 rt an 10 1144 ll V 80 3IV4 M 33Va .. " 1,000 141 ' 144 l loo MV4 ! 10 VI 100 M 41 44 704 114 Hi 111 144 104 II V SOt, II 3.100 n lit, M4 00 47 44 MV, 1.100 74V, 71 Vj ' 14 1.100 IIIV4 1.P04 4li 1.400 17, IMS 444) 17 t.WO M.ieo 14 IIS MH 14V, inn imh 1.100 14 v, 111.400 114 I. oo 400 I. l.4 l0 l.Ou 1, 400 "ioo tav, 44 14 41 lea, 1I7V4 MVa iinv, 14 47 MV, Ut ii nvi 90 ti 111 II V, TT 44 Vi II Ml li0, lllv, aa T44 4 H 17 I4'4 M av, 4iv. MV U7V4 l i7s "T4 17 V, 4 144 HI', iii" iii' ioo "iiv, "to v00 MVS I K 10? V, lu 14 V, 14 lot Ifl IIS 04 4444 1U II to 04 04 44 lee rwvi l.aoe IIV4 l.io 11 lea Tt AM HI 1.100 M4 TOO Ti KVi 101 V MVi let 1V4 V4 iii" 14 11V 4414 11 MV4 let TlVt S4 41V II jnv, 14 117V1 MV, 97 V 140 IIV4 7V, 4 14 V, M in 71 V4 41 Vt 104 V, 4V4 lle SI 101 II V 44 7 ltl II t 1114 II V 44 !;. aa 111 Teaal aalaa tee the ear. 9M.T4A aaacaa. Hew Tork Mlalag Stoeka. NEW TORK. July 20-Cloalng quotations n mining atuv-aa wan; A da ma Cea Allc groove Bruoawtck Caa ... Coaaalaea Taaaal Coa, t al. A V... Hara RIlTar Iroa Rllror Laadeina Coa Offered. . A 9M . : . a . 14 . M .Ml Ui . I Little CkUf . Ontarte Opklr PkaaaU Pot oat Sa-aaa Rlerr graa Imall Hapai , .. 'Rtaadard ... . I 11 Ml Bosk f learlaga. OMAHA. July 30. Bank clearings for to day were $1.490.0; 2 07 and for the corre epondiag data laat year $1.4b5.48l.5s. Treasary Statesaeat. WASHINGTON. D. C. July 26 Today's atatoonont of tha traaaary balance in thg ganeraj fund, aacIuaIva of tba 14.00,U0 Wool Jdarket. BOSTON, Mass., sJiiry 20. WOOL-The Boston Commercial -kMllelln will say of the wool market tomorrow: Thera la a better tone to the -local wool market. Bualneaa shows improvement on laat week, when buyers were aomewhat un settled, owing to the , uncertainty, of the London news. This has now been cleared away by cables received showing that on all good woola prices rule Arm and about on tha level of the 'May sales, closing rates. It Is expected that the current series .will close firm. Several pending trades have been closed. Worated woola have the best call, sales of medium un washed fleece at 33ir24o.and ot medium territory at 272Sc doing large. A good sited turnover of firm Australian la also the rula of the firmer tone at London. Boston values are firm, as previously quoted. Holders of medium fleeces are disposed to ask firmer prices. And In the west owners have marked up prices half a cent on medium grades at St. Louis. Montana values are said by local dealers to be more In Una with seaboard rates, 7n the range of 19HC to 24c aa to quality of wool aeveral tntlllon pounds have been aold at Great Falls, Billings and Olendlve. Tha shipment of wools, .front . Boston to date from December 1 27, 1905. according to the same authority are 137,437,882 pounds agalnat 131,141.265 pounds at tho aama time last year. .The receipts to date are 145.048.204 pound, against 206,924,il0 pounda for the aame period laat year. 8T. LOUIS, Mo., - July 30. WOOL Steady; medium grades combing and clothing, 24!8c; light fine. 1822C; heavy fine. 14 17c; tub washed. 82 38 He. LONDON. July 20. WOOL The fourth series of the 11 auction aales closed today. During the series values showed the fol lowing chenges: Merinos and fine cross bred, unchanged to 5 per cent lower; me dium and coarse, greasy crosa-oreos, un changed; slipes and scourea. per cent, ae- cllne; Cape of uoop nope ana rvaiai, un changed to per cent oeiow tne uuiu series. Tho withdrawals were largest in some time. Today's offerings were 10.220 balea. principally good, greaay merinos. France secured most of this class at full rates. A few lots of cross-breds sold at nrm ratoa to the horn trade. Following are today's sales In detail: New 8outh Wales. 2.000 balea; acoured, lKfflsUVpd; gressy. 7dgis md- Queensland. l.oi bales; scoured, 1 3d 01 a lid; greasy. ScVffls Id. Vic toria, 1.300 bales: aooured, la id1a; greasy. $dia4d. South Australia. 500 bales; scoured. Is6dls9d; greasy, 6dtfls d. New Zealand, 6.200 bales; scoured, la's lsUWd; greasy, 7dQls Id. Cape of Good Hope and Natal. 9u0 bales; scoured. Is 6d Is Ud; greaay, ftjjlld. Metal Market. NEW TORK. July 20. There waa a sharp advance in the London tin market with spot closing at 168 5s and fi ires at 167 10s. Locally the market was firm and higher with spot quoted at $36 55flO.0. Cop per was lower In London with spot quoted at 1)50 15a and futures st 79 17s 6d. Locally the market waa dull and nominal with lake copper quoted at $18 27Hfil8 T5: electro lytic. $13.0U18 60; casting. $17. 76318.00. Iad was Is 3d lower at U Us 9d In Ixmdon, but was unchanged locally at $5 76. g)peltei advanced 5a to 27 In th London market, but was unchanged at $6.6n?7.0t) in the New York market. Iron was lower In the Eng lish market with atandard foundry quoted at 50s and Cleveland warrant at 5tie 3d and locally the market was unchanged. No. 2 foundry northern la quoted at 318.5OrlT19.0O; No. 3 foundry northern. $18,00418.50: No. 1 foundry aouthern. $17.504313.26; No. 2 foundry aotithern. $17.0017.75. ST. LOl'Ifl. July 20. Lead, steady at $5 4 tpyoivk; spelter, ateady at as. no. ( Cofa Markot. NgW TORK. July 20 -COFFEE Market ror tuturea ruled quiet and ateady At un changed prlcea to an advance of 4 points, although European cablea war slightly disappointing and the primary news con-, talned specially bullish feature Trading here waa very quiet at fHt, but th market held steady on buying by trade and Wall street Interests, presumably on the valori sation talk, and waa very firm toward the cloae on the support from these sources. Last price were firm at a net advance of IfxuiO points. Sales for the day Were re ported of 46.500 baga. Including July at 6 90c. Auguat at 8 3tA4tic. 8-ptember At 4 36 49c, December At 4 aoflti. Tbc, Amarar aad Molaaaoa. NEW TORK. July 30-SrGAR-Raw. firm; fair refining. 34c; centrifugal, 96 test, Sc; molasses sugar, 3c; refined, No. A 4.20c; No. 7. 4 15c: No. 8. 4.10c: No. 9. 4.0Bc; No. 10, 4 0ftc; No. 11. 3 96c; No 12. 8 Inc; No. 13. $.8Bc; No. 14. 8.86c: confectioner's A, 4.68c; mold A, 4.15c: cut losf. 6.rc: crushed, 4 50c; riwdered. 4.90c; granulated, 4.8uc; tubes. 06c. NEW ORLEANS. July 20 St'OAR Bteadv; open kettle centrifugal. 3jg I-16c; centrifugal wbltea, 3j4c, sacenda, 20 3S4C- elRLP-26(30a, Sunday. THURSDAY'S SHIPMENTS. .The following ahows the number of cara of stockers and feeders shipped to the country yesterday and their points of des tination: CATTLE. Cara. D. Rutledga, Herman, Neb.-M. O.... 1 William Burgom, Silver City, la. Wab.. 1 Thomas Martin. Carson, la. R. 1 1 L. H. Lamar, Storm 1-eke, la. I. C 2 II. E. Owen, Stanton, Neb. F. E 2 John Tlarks, Ulliut, la U. W i. HORSES. Guy Scott, Manhattan, Kan. V. P 1 George Dcchert, Rising City. Neb. U. P. 1 W. N. Farley, Arcadia, 1.-N. W 1 Frank Collin. Blnghamton. N. Y N. W. 1 Slgnall Bros., Msnnlng, Ia.-N. W 1 Slgnall Broa.. Halbur. Ia.-N. W 1 Sampson R., Audubon, Is. N. W.... 1 Jake Newman, Harlan, la. N. W 1 M. Boyle, Camfrey, Minn. N. W 1 J. E. McGlll. Hitchcock, 8. D.-N. W.... 1 Charlea LaFever, Camfrey. Minn. N. W. 1 C. P. Gilbert & Son, Wagner Siding N. W I Charles Hevendeen, Crystal Lake, 111. N. W 1 J. W. Hart, Montpeller, Ind.-N. W.... 1 J. W. Hurd. What Cheer. Ia.-N. W I Z. H. Clark. Newman Grove N. W 1 George C. Blcser, Odebolt, la. N. VV.... 1 Bieser Co.. Odebolt, Ia.-N. W 1 C. W. Dexter, Oneida. N. Y. N. W 1 William Hook. Cody-N. W 1 E. Kelley, Sheldon, la M. At O 1 Burna Bros., fiheldon Ia. M. AY. O 1 R. T. Hoyt. Clyde, III. Q t. 1 H. C. Partlow. Clyde, Ill.-Q 1 M. H. Williams, Ottumwa, Ia. Q 1 Hudaon Bros. A Co., Louisville, Ky. Q.. 1 J. Goodfellow. Malta Q 2 C. Valleire, Ashland Q 1 Robertson Bros., Kanaaa City. Mo. Q.. 1 O. B. Lake. Lake Charles, La. Q 1 J. D. Ewlng. Aahland C. 1 A. Benjamin, Arapahoe- 1 Charles Ogleby, Glasgow, Mo. Mo. P.. 1 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, one p. ti r a. A Novel d Valuable Vacation Tour Buy a t0. 00 excursion ticket to Worland. Wro., la tha Big Horn Pastn and register ther to draw for a laad prise In the Shoshone Reservation or make Worland roar objective point In looking up a mineral or timber claim la the Owl Creek mountains. The final limit of August lBtta will permit you to make the side trip from Worland to tha Thermopolla hot springs, whose waters and curative pro perties are pronounced as fine as any In the world; tha out flow is 18,800,000 gallons of water every 14' hours at a temperature of 186 degrees F. Thermopolls will become one of the most remarkable health resorts ot this country. Side trip tickets from Ed gemont' through the Black Hills to Deadwood and return, $7.00; to Hot Springs, 8. D., and return, $2. From Frannle to Cody and return, 11.10. Stop-overs allowed on Shoshone tickets. Fifteen day's personally conducted camping tour from Cody through Yellowstone Park over the Sylvan Pass Route, everything provided, $55.00. Another delightful mountain side trip Is that from Cody to Col. Cody'a Pahaska Tepee, or Ixig Cabin Inn, la the Yellowstone Park Forest Reserve, S miles east of tha Park boundry. This Is one ot the choicest mountain and forest hunting and trout fishing spots anywhere available, . Call or write for Yellowstone Park folders describing tours beyond Gardiner or Cody; or Black Hills leaflet; Shoshone free lands; Big Horn Basin folder, etc. Let ma describe to you the possibilities of an outing through the interesting Northwest in connection with the cheap excursion rates to Worland, on of the principal points of registration for Shoshone lands. J. B. REYNOL D, C. P. A., 1502 Karnam KU, Omaha, Neb. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1 M t M " I 1 710 1 K i to I Be 1 HI III 4 aao I t 1 410 I M II 77 3 4 1 7H I 71 II tit t U 1 41 I Tt WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 3 cows. a... 6 8 80 43 cows 872 8 10 25 cow 918. 3 10 HOGS As noted yesterday the hog mar ket this week haa been In rather peculiar condition and It 1 a difficult matter to make It plain to shippers from any de scription that one can give. This morning It opened with a few good shipping hogs selling at ateady prlcea. On the other hand, heavy hogs were 5c lower right front the beginning. Tha trade all the morning waa t!ow and It late before the mar ket was really under way. It wound up with all kinds of hogs selling lower, aa will be noted from the sales below. Today's decline carries the market to th low point of the week, the heas selling on an average today a big 10c tower than on Friday of last week. Representative aales:. bulla, 32 404 20; calves. S3 000180; Texaa and Indian steers, 43.80gj6.00; cows and heif ers. 81.lei4f2.26. HOGS Hecelpta, 4,0(10 head: market higher; plga and lights. 2A.70CA.AS; packers. $6fje.80; butchers and best heavy, 3A.70 8.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 800 head; market stesdy; native muttons, 83.ier.00; lambs, U OOHjA.nO; culls And bucks, f2.0o3e.80; stockers, 83.60406.00. 249 621 131 60 13 4 36 1 1.342 2.23A 2.88 4,344 S3 241 39 708 C. M. A St. P 3 Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific 8 Union Pacific system. 18 S3 C. At N. W. east 3 10 C. At N. W., west 7 61 C., Bt. P.. Ji. & O.... 4 13 C. B. A. Q., eaata 2 3 C, B. A. Q., west 8 29 C, R I. A P., eaat.... 1 11 C, R. I. A P., west 3 Illinois Central I Chicago Oreat West'n 3 2 Total recelpta 61 ltt 2 2 The disposition of the uiv i receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tha num ber of head Indicated: Cattle, nogs, eneep. Omaha Packing Co Bwlft and Company...... Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Company Cudahy Pack. Co., K.. C. Armour A Co., K. C lxbman A Co Hill A Son Hamilton A Rothschild.. J. B. Root A Co St. Louis Dressed B'f Co. Hodden tl.l.i a A Other buyers 28 1,147 Total i.222 11.838 1.855 CATTLD-Recelpta of cattle were very light thla morning, aa usual on a Friday. Moreover, Ilia quality was un an averas poor, there being very little In tha way of really desirable Killers on saie. The trad on Deer ateers waa aiow ana dull. There were very few really desirable killers and buyers seemea to nave an tna medium klnda that they required. Hence ha offerlr.ga were hard to move, as Duyers did not seem to care for the kinds of cattle on sale, except If tney could Duy mem at a little reduction from yesterday. Tha market aa A whole might be described aa slow and. weak to 10c lower. Tha market oa cows ana neirere or gooa quality was about ateady, but tha trade waa slow even on them. With tha more common grades that is, cannera and cut tersthe demand waa very alack, buyers apparently navlng about .ill the ctttle of that aeacription on nana tnai may were needing for the week to kill, and prices In consequence were unevenly lower. 80 few stockers and feeders are com ing that It la rather difficult to quote tha market from day to day, but It Is safe to say that the few received are generally selling at steady prlcea. Representative aales: BEEF STEERS. No. II n 42 as M 71 7t 71 ta tt t II 74 4(1 Aa. . ;t ..171 ,.3 ..7 ..114 8k Tt. t M H I 40 H I 10 40 40 No. 7.... 71 ... I... 14... 70... 71... 71... 74... 07... M... I... 77... Bh. FY. .., 4 t ... I afl ... I to 0 4 41 ' ...!0 10 4 M ,..tM ... 4 40 ...141 44 4 K 110 4 t ..Ill . . . 0 ..111 .210 .t4 .124 4 M 4 40 4 40 .4 mo I to .!J1 140 4 t 44 4 M 40 4 SO .. 4 11 .. 4 tiv .. 4 It ... 4 lit ... 4 1! .144 140 4 IIV ..Jtl) 40 I tt ..it ....ltt .. ....IIT IS ....lat I tl 4 at 4 tt 4 tt 120 IDA i tt 110 140 4 tt .. 4 tt .. 4 M .. 4 M .. 4 tt .. 4 tt 40 4 tt ... 4 44 , . rr K A. rr. 1 im in it ii 3 so 1 IM I T4 44 1K14 6 14 I UI 4 It II. ... 111 I 10 t 1141 4 It 14 1111 I W 1 414 4 40 at Ull I It I lilt 4 10 10 11H I II 14 100 4 71 10. .v lltl I 41 1 1144 4 4 14 Ull 4 t 1 114 I 40 tl ..IM I 40 1 M0 3 44 It 1174 3 44 COWS. 1 M0 1 18 1 T4 8 4S 1 an 1 It 1 laa I 0 I Ret 1 I 1 40 44 1 124 1 SO 4 H'l I 14 I tat I 44 8 n 3 14 j 14 I a I not I 14 I lite 1 1 loao 1 n f 104 1 t in IH 14..., HI IS 8 114 8 4 t Ill I 4 t 111 I 4 1 HI I 14 4 M4 I 44 I la I 44 11 HI IS 1 loa I I - 1011 8 74 I u I 44 1 114 3 71 1 7M I 71 4 1170 4 14 14 all 8 II COWB AND HEITERS. II IH 3 44 HEIFERS. I M IK I 148 8 84 H 717 I U 1 MO IN 1 710 I 44 I HI I 4 1 10 I to 1 470 8 I 1 H4 1 1 3 no I 1 1 744 I 44 1 114 I 41 BULLA. I Ill 3 t 1 .It4 I 38 I in 1 7t I uaa 1 to I ISO I 40 1 1170 I 71 1 104 t at I la I 10 t 1114 I M 1 1144 I 44 I.. lie I 14 CALVES 1 IS) 3 I 1 14 I 4 1 it t 1 114 1 n 1 11 8 a 4 l I I.... IS IH I I ft 13 33 3 4 2 34 4 111 240 4 41 ..Ml 1(0 4 41 ..171 110 I 4?l ..114 120 4 42 ..271 ... 4 44 ..21 40 4 41 ..170 N 111 ..144 ... 4 41 . ll ... 4 41 44 IM 71 172 MO I 41 II n 14 141 140 I 44 74 227 47 Kt 120 4 4t 14 244 II 174 M III It 254 tl 124 IM 4 44 14 M4 II ..I0 114 4 41 41 2 74 ;,.ll ... 4 44 74... 17.. 210 140 4 41 14... 4 T'.-.tM 110 4 47 TI..'. 71 ,,.141 ... 147 It... .l.IIS4 40 4 47 M... 7b ,.t0 40 4 47 I... 14 '..117 ... 4 47 74... 44 JM 110 4 471 14... 47 ...Ill 10 47 41 Ill 40 lot 10 4 47 41 22T 44 IB'.. 147 41 244 74 2!l 200 47 71 214 44 471 40 47 42 214 4 231 10 4 47 74 Ill 2 ,..224 144 I 47 - 70 Ill 44 224 ... 4 40 ROARS. 1 ITS ... 8 TI 1 Ml ... 4 4 1 114 ... 4 04 1 421 ... 4 00 8HEEP Receipts this morning were very small, there being only three fresh cars reported In In addition to a few carried over from yesterday. The market as- a whole was very alow and dull, and It took a longer time to dispose of tha few loads In sight than Is required to sell ten times the number on a good market. The aheep market thla week haa been carried down rapidly by the big break at Chicago. Aa noted yesterday aheep during tne nrst nsn or the week sold at tins point higher than they did at Chicago, ana as that fact became noised about among buy ers they naturally began lowering their bide. At the same time Chicago broke badly, which made it still worse here. Tha result ia that tha market at thla point is 2&(fti0o lower on wethers and yearlings than It was one week ago and 26c lower on spring lambs. Sellers are calling attention to the fact that buyers are making a greater distinc tion in quality than was the casn a week or ten daya ago. Hence It la that common half-fat sheep that would have aold very rapidly to the packera a short time ago would have to go to the feedera at tha present time. Quotations: Good to choice spring lambs, 8. iot(j7.60; fair to good spring lamba, tfi.33 4 76; gootl to choice yearlings, 86.756A.16; fair to good yearlings 3fi.6l2l6.76; good to choice wether. 34.7Stj6.10; fair to good wethers, tt .50(34.75; good to choice ewes. 34.7&1J6.00; fair to good ewea, 34 fM 76. St. Joseph 1,1 va Stack Market. ST. JOSEPH, July 30. CATTLE ReceiptA, 1.640 head; market slow to steady; natlvea, 34.fiooj8.10; cows and helfera, 11.7626.08; stockers and feeders, 33.0OgM.00. HOGS-Hccolpts, 4,877 head; market weak; light. 86.65&V.67H; medium and heavy, tft.ie SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, none. Stock 1st Sight. Recelpta of live stock at tha six prln- South Omaha f loux City . . . Kansas City , Bt. Joseph . . . Ht. Louis ... Chicago ..... Total Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 1.200 10.300 728 .. 400 8,600 .... .. 1.800 6.400 1.800 .. 1,640 4.377 .. 2,000 4,000 800 .. 1,000. 13.000 1,000 .. 8.740 44.07T 8.120 No. 244 Wyoming wether feeders.. 224 Wyoming wether feeders.. 302 Wyoming wether feeders.. 44 Montana wethers yHt Montana wether 2S6 Montana wethers 386 Montana wethers Av. . 83 . 2 . 96 . 123 . 122 . 123 . m Pr. 4 no 4 66 4 85 6 00 6 00 100 i 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady Hoes Steady to m Shade Higher. CHICAGO. July 20. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market steady: common to prime. 84.25G8.40; cows, 2. 754.60; heif ers. 12.7666.25; bulls. 2.60?4 26; calves. 3S.767. 00; stockers And feeders, $10 434.26. HOOS Recelpta, 13.000 head; market ateady to shade higher; choice to prima heavy, 6 800 3.80; medium to good heavy, 16.6606.66; butcher weights, 8 80O8.86; good to choice heavy mixed, 6.i6w6.65; packing. 6. 0036. 65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta. 6,000 head; market dull; aheep, 34.26 96.(0; yearlings, 34. 76436. 26; lambs, 36.764)8.00. Kanaaa City l ive Stock Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. July 20. CATTLE Receipts, 2,600 head, Including 1.800 aouthern; market ateady; western weak to 10c lower. Choice export and dreased beef steers, 35, 604)6. 20; fair to good, 14.0043 6.40; weatarn fed ateers, 13.76(4 6.80: stockers and feeders, 83.50434. 60; southern steers, 31.7606.00; aouthern rows. It 004? 8.64; natlva eowa, 32.00 0 4.40; native helfera, 112543 6 68; bulls, 12.4004 00; calves, 11 6806.16. H003 Receipts, 6.100 head: market steady to 2 He higher. Top. 16.70; bulk of aalea, II 62 H 0 6 66; heavy. 11 6606.70; packera, 14.400 6 61; pigs and lights. 14 00 04 70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.600 head; market ateady. Lambs, 6.607 60; fed sheep and yearlings. 14.7606.00; Texaa And Arlsona fed yearlings, IS.6O0 6 16: Texas and Arlsona clipped aheep, 14.600 6.80; Texaa goats. 12.7601.69; stockers And feeders, 11.600 6.00. Slaaa City Live Slock Market. SIOUX CITT, Ia.. July 20. (Special Tele gram.) C ATTIRE Receipts, 40u head; mar ket steady; beeve. 84.6045 76; cows, bulls and mixed, I2.60A4 76; atockers and feedera, 3.2ftT4 0O; caivea and yearlings. 13. 098 86. HOOS Recelpta, 6.600 head; market Sr lower, selling at I4.3&066O; bulk of sales, 6l7fc04.4. St. I.oals Live Stack Market. BT. LOVIS. July 20 CATTLE Receipts, 2i0 head. Including 1 A Texan Market stesdy: native shipping and export steers. 4f'6 ?6: dressed Veef snd butcher steers. 3iM3 70. steera under l.taiO pounds. 33 tt 4o. slackers and feedera. 82 0U43-4 26: cows and heifers, 2.1O06.2; cannars. Lul2.ut, OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa of Trade mad (AaotatloBS mm Staple ssd Faaey Prodaee. EOOa Receipts, liberal ; fresh stock, lHa LIVE POULTRY Hans. 10c; rooatera, 6c; turkeys, 12018c; ducks, 7c; spring chick en t a. lrq'M per lb. BUTTER Packing atock, 144c: .choice fancy dairy, lie; creamery, 210Z1HC HAT Prlcea quoted by Omaha Feed com pany: Choice upland, 33.60; medium, 8V.00; coatae, iB.nmbaUti. .Rye straw, Ib.iOiB't.OA i BRAN Per ton, 116.00. ,n.iitnm, nt wai IjuuaiAouiiia, TOMATOES Illinois, per orate of 20 lba,. IOo. WAX BEANS Par market basket of about 15 lba., 60c. ' STRING BEANS Per market basket of About 16 lbs., 600. . . Per doa bunches, 26c. LEAK LETTUCE Hothouse, per doa. heads, 20c. 50c; Texas. -per bu. bom, 12.00. ONIOINB noma grown, -ttj a"" Texas, In cratea. white, 11.76. OREEN ONIONS Per doa bunches. 300. RADISHES Per doa. bunchea, 16c. C A U LI FIX W ER Per dos. heads, 760. OREEN PEAS-Par bu., M-OO. ;, NEVV POTATOES Per bu. 10a OLD VEOETABLE8. POTATOES Home grown, pr bu., 6tji ttNAVy BEANS Per W. $1.86; No. t, .7t ' LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 6C. TROPICAL FRUITS. - DATES Per box ot 30-lb. pkgs., 13.00. Halloween. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c, Bayers, per lb., 4o; walnut stuffed l-lo, pkgs. $100 per doa.; 8-1 b. boxes, 11.00. ORANQEfr-Callfornla. eatra fancy nav els, large else. H26800; Mediterranean sweats, sll sixes, 34.OJ04.5O; Valanclaa. all aises, 85.0005.50. .: ; LEMONS-Umonlera. Blse, 36.00; 300 to 860 also,, A8-604J7 00; Other brsnds, 81.00 lass. , FlOS California, per 10-lb. -earton, 7&p 85c; Imported Bmyrna. three-crown, lie, six-crown. 13e. , BAN ANAS Per medlurn-wlsed Btinch, $1762.25; Jumbos. 82.6003.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, slsaa 24, 30 and 36. 33.00. ' FRUITS. t. . CHERRIES California, J3.00 per A-lb. boa; our . cherries, 24-qt. crate UOODr.De.xtrtiiirO x-r nai i , WPEACHEB-Ha!es early. $1.00; yellow free stone. 2126; Texaa Elbertaa, par 4-basket trate, 8tx 4)1.00. PLUMS-Uallfomta, $L6O01.7S. BLACKBERRIES Per 34-qt. cratA, 33.26. RASPBERRIES Red, per -Pt. Crato, $2.00; black, per 34-qt- crate. $3.00.. . APRICOfS-Per 4-baaket crate, 11.75. CURRANTS Home-grown, whlta an fed. per 24-qta, 31 WATERMELONS Per lb., lttc dV about ttxashc each. iCANTELOUPES-CAllfornla. pr crate, standard. $4.36; ponlea, $3.00; Taxaa. par crate, about 46 nylon, $3 00; ponlea, $3.00. ' MI8cIuANEOUo. CIDER Per keg, $3 75; per bbl., $47. HON E Y New, par 24 lba.. $3 60. CHEESE Swiss, new. 10c; Wlsoonala brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, 13ts; twine, JJWc; young America, 15o. NUTS Walnuta, No. 1, soft shell, new crop, per lb., 15Vc; hard ohallo. per !b., 13Vc. Pecans, large, per lb., lie; small, per lb., 12o. Chill walnuta, per lb.. 12013HO. Almonda, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. Cocoanuta, $4 per aacJ Of 100 - SUGAR Granulated can. in bbla.. $6.16; granulated cane. In sacks, 34.11; gran ulated beat. In sack 35 01. BTRUP-ln bbls., $7o per gal; to eaaee, 10-lb. cans. $170; cases 11 6-lb. cams, $1 80; oaeea 34 2-lb. can. 31.86. COFFEE Roaated, No. 86. 36H Pf lb.; No. 20, 20Vo par lb.; No. 26, 18o par lb.; No. 20, V per lb. ; No. B, 12Vc per lb. CURED FISH-Famlly wMteflsh, por quarter bbl., 100 lba., $4.00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, M OO; No. i M00; No. 8, l0 0; Irish,. No. 3, $16.00; herrlug, In bbla.. 204 lba. each, Norway, 4k. $12 00; Norway, Ik. $18.00; Holland, mixed. $11.00; Holland herring. In kega, milkers. 80c; kaga, mlxd, Too. CAN N I'D GOODS Corn, standard west ern, 56vaaV; Mala, Hit .Tomatoes, c-lb. cans, $1.360160; 3-lb . TVcU.0u. Flnaap pies, grated, 3-lb.. $3.0ta.aO: alload. 31 ImJ 1.20; gallon apples, facoy, $3 80; Caltfomia apricots, $i.4u02OO; pears. $L7iVla0; peaches, fancy, $1.76020; H. C. poachaa. 82.0004 60. Alaska salmon, red, 1X26: fancy t iiinooK, v., ea.iv; lancy socaeya, a., un; , , i . -.it en. a 4 Cwaa ,a. aaruiiiva, t vii, - . Ta " " v. , a-ua-.v. paaat puiaioaa, e'.aaaj-aa, aauantraai, eaavj pumpkins, 8Oc'31.00; wax beans 3-lb., 7V9 bw: lima beana. 3-lb.. Tic 0X1 At; spinach. ax.a, yvfim, a-iw., wv, vvuai. lancr, (i.wui.io.. HIDES AND TAIJOW Oreen eel tad. No. 1. 12jo; No. t HVic; full hides. PmOo; freen h Idea, No. 1. 10c; No. I, 8c; horse, i kj A ax. . i ac np.t, ai(KF.aw, iw. waaf.a. niivw, No. 1. 4c; No. I, 8c. WOOL Per lb., It6e. BEEF CUT PRICES. No. 1 ribs. 12c; No. 1 rlba. 10c; No. I rlba, 6o; No. 1 krtn. 16o; No. 1 loin, 12He; No. $ loin, 8c; No. 1 chuck, (lac; No. i chock, lo; No. 3 chuck. 4c; No. 1 round. 8c; No. I round, 8c; No. 8 round. AV4jr; No. 1 plate. e: No. 2. plate. lc; No. I plate. 2c. Il Prlea Blaher. NEW TORK. July 20 All gradea of re Bned sugar were advaactd W pulnts 34kT bundrod (K'uadA toAa, 1 TT