a THE'OMAIIA DAILY ftEE: : SATURDAY. JULY 21, 190ft IF ict: SATURDAY WILL BE A.DAY OF SPECIALLY s . . . ' Buying Interest is at the Highest And no wonder for the splendid values offered through out onr great store makes every customer a living advertisement of the won derful bargain opportunities presented Jn this great sale. Take immediate ad vantage of .these offerings;, they mean much in saving to you. .... ATTRACTIVE .BARGAIN. GIVING: COtYlE! I GOD r IT JVJl THE RELIABLE STORE Many New Stocks Brought Forward Lend added charm to the already great array of bargains. Depleted stocks are constantly renewed from our immense reserve. Nearly all goods now shown are very slightly or entirely undamaged. At the prices quoted are certainly the very best bargains yet offered. THERE WILL BE OTHER BARGAIN CHANCES HERE, BUT NONE DETTER THAN THESE. READ THEM CAREFULLY. Great Millinery Purchase Almost a complete clearanoe of not only the damaged, but undamaged portions of our stock of ladies' hats haa been effected during this great sale. But our buyer has secured the entire stock of Trimmed Summer Hats from one of the largest millinery concerns in the country at a price that enables us to sell you beautiful hats at a price of about one-third the cost of materials. Elegant Pattern Hats that would sell regularly A QO up to $20.00 and $25.00, Saturday . . . . .BZr(j Stylish' Trimmed Shapes, worth regularly up ) PA to $10.00, will go at JJ Hats; that Ln season would sell for $5.00 -choice Saturday? . . . ; . 98c Trimmings alone are worth in many cases twice the prices we.ask;, Great Hat , ':7; Clearance, Our entire Hat Stock must go and our prices will insure ' quick ' clearance. Don't . miss these bargains Saturday. . Men's and Boys' Straw Hats About 150 dozen in the" lot, worth 50c to 75c, on sale Saturday, at, choice .............. .15c HfX'n tirA Ttvtra' Torn ' il? all styles, worth from 50c to 75c at, choice. .... .25c Boys' Caps, worth up to 50c, Saturday 10c Men's1 "Telt ;; Hats,' in ;- all , styles, worth , $1,50 ' and . $2,00, choice Saturday, .,75c and 4' 60c , Greatest Trunk, Grip and Suilj Case values in Omaha. LADIES' NECKWEAR All oileJ. or. musaed Neckwear jnust Jba deposed of at once and will be placed on sale Saturday In three great lots: Lot X Neckwear worth op to . lOe.' Saturday, at 8H Lot' a Neckwear worth up to 20S Saturday, at . . fic Lot. a Neckwear Worth op to 25ct Saturday, at! 10c China Department Bargains Fancy Decorated China Cups and Saucers, Plates,' Fruits, Olive Dishes, Nut Bowls, Trays, etc., in French or German China and Japanese Ware. Many of them hand painted and worth up to $1.00 on sale Saturday in 'three lots at 15c, 10c and. ....... .5c Beautiful , Art Pottery Jar dinieres, at up from...25o Crystal Flint Vaaes Colon ial cut pattern ; you can scarcely distinguish them from genuine cut; which would sell for $10.00 to $15.00. . .These , vases on sale Saturday, at - 59o and . . ...... , . ,35c Quart , Mason Fruit Jars, per. dozen 45o Fine Thin Blown Tumblers, each 2 lao Wine Glasses, e..ch ;lc Dtug Specials BEEF, IRON AND WINS..: CHAMOIS 8KINB. each BULB 8TRINOK3, at , , BR ADELINE CLEANER, at ORIENTAL BKIN LOTION COLOATE8 TOOTH POWDER COLGATE 8 TOOTH package. .25c ;.15c ,.5c iec 15c 24c MOST DELIGHTFUL BARGAINS YET ....... ... , . . . . In Our Ladies' Suit Department Probably the most exciting bargain event of the sale will occur Saturday, when thousands of Women's Garments entirely undamaged will be shown for the first time. At Prices As Low A3 the Damaged Goods Prices. These Values Are Beyond Comparison. The Greatest Ever Offered. Women'a $6.09 Dragging ' ' PA Sacques, at JktD U Women's $5.00 Dreeelnf 1 CI C Barques, at lJD Women's $3.00 and $3.60 PA Dressing Sacqnes, at l,DJ Women's $1.00 Dressing " CCA Bacques, at. ,.JDC Women's $1.00 Dressing. Tft Sacques, at. . .t ......... . . . . JC 15.00 $40.00 Prince Baits, in white Swiss, i lingerie, batiste, etc., exquisitely de- . signed, daintily trimmed; choice Saturday Handaome White Salts,' ln princess style, regular $20.00 values; "7 C A '. Saturday I . JU 912.00 White Lown Suits, ln prettiest new styles; will go Satur- T QC day at. . . . JJD Pretty Suits, that sold regularly at $7.50; ln this sale, I QP choice. aJ OTHER SPECIAL SniBT WAIST and 'StlT BARGAINS. . Thee Goods Are Entirely Undamaged. Women's $3.00 Wash Skirts at. .91.48 Women's $5.00 Walking Skirts. .S1.00 Women's $8.00 and $10.00 Skirts , Saturday $4.05 .C7.0S Women's $12. OX) and $18.00 Skirts Saturday i . . . . -. . . . Women's $15.00 and $18.00 Tailor Suits Saturday ...$4.95 Women's $6.00 Silk Waists Sat urday : $2.4ff Women's $2.50 Waists Saturday. .Uric Women's $1.60 Waists Saturday . :fic lKKH81a BACQUES, MATINEES AND WRAPPERS. Saturday we will close out all onr fine Dressing Sacques, Matinees and Wrappers at . , LESS TIIAN HALF PRICE. These goods were delayed at the ex press office and are all clean and fresh. Women's $3.00 and $4.00 . frt Matinees Saturday... I.JU Women's $2.60 and $3.00 I -IP Lawn Wrappers, at , I t SATURDAY KVEIHQ HOUR SPECIALS. From e Till 7. P. M. $1.60 Moire Underskirts, at...... Prom 7 till 8:80 P. M $1.60 Wrappers, at.'. .'. . . .'. ..... 69c 49c From 7:30 T1U 9 P. M. $1.00 IP Dressing Sacques, at........ JDC The, Last of Our Great Yaier Damage Sale in Our Hardware Dept. Everything will be placed in one big aisle nothing to be re served. .We are going to clean the balance of this stock out regardless of cost. First come, first choice. Hundreds of bar gains to pick from. These will al be placed on tables and marked ln. plain figures. Hun dreds of these bargains were not even sprinkled with water. This will be one of the greatest jQranlteware, Hardware, Tinware, Silver Plated Ware, Enameled Ware, Aluminum Ware, Knives, Forks,. Spoons, Gaso line Stoves, etc., sale ever known ln the hlatory of Omaha; h Sale to' com mence Saturday morning. 'We have doubled our force of clerks in this. . department to ' wr.lt on you.. Don't miss it. Our loss Is your gala. Grocery Prices at Omaha's Great est Grocery Department New, Stock, Highest Quality and Lowest Prices. 21 lbs. best pure cane Granulated Sugar $1.09 10 lbs. best Granulated Cornmeal. .15c Potted Ham, Devilled Ham, Potted Tongue, Devilled Tongue or Pot ted Beef, per can. 8c The best Corn Starch, per pkg. ... 4c 8 cans Boston Baked Beans. ... :7e lAb. pkg Macaroni. 8 l-3c l'-lb. pkg Seeded Raisins ,7 He 1-lb. can fancy, Alaska Salmon. .. .10c 6-lb. pails pure fruit Jelly-. ....... 15c Large glass pure fruit Jelly 4c The best Soda Crackers, per lb ... . c Xcelo Breakfast Food,! per pkg. .'.V 5c Large bottle pure Tomato Catsup 8 1-Sc Worcester Sauce,, per .bottle. . . .7 He TEA AAD.DOFFEB SALE. Fancy B. F- Japan, or Sun Dried Japan '- Tea, nothing finer for ice tea, per lb.., .... .'V"V . 85c Fancy Santos; Coffee, per ib. . ... . .15c Fancy Marlcalbor Blend . Corree, per lb. 17Mc Fancy Porto Rico Blend Coffee. per lb 20o Fancy Tea Slftings, per lb 12H BUTTER AND CHEESE SALE SPECIAL. Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb 16e Fancy Separator. Creamery Butter, equal to anything- put up ln packages for much higher prices pe lb. , ,21c Fancy full cream N. Y. White Cheese, per lb lOo OMAHA'S GREATEST FRESH FRUIT DEPARTMENT PRICES. Fancy Elberta Freestone Peaches, per 4-basket crate ..75o Fancy Elberta Peaches, single , basket ..... , .....20c 2 measures .fresh roasted Peanuts .'.Bo Large Juicy Lemons, jtar doz.". ... .20c Fancy Cooking Apples, per peck.. 20c Large heads Cabbage, each. ...... 8c Special Belt Sale 10c 10c 19c Buster Brown Belts, Saturday, at White Wash Belts, . Saturday, at ....... . 50c Silk Belts, in all colors, at ;.. EXTRA SPECIALS 75c Hair Brashes, t 25c Celluloid Combs, 17tA at........ 1aC; 85c Hand Scrub Brashes, f 7 t... 12C 25c Rubber Sponges, CM at . . . .. ...... ....C 23c Tooth Brushes j" at. th Brushes , aS Ribbon Sale s All kinds of Plain and Fancy Ribbons, worth "5c to 50c per yard, go on sale Saturday, at, yard, 2y2c, 5c, 7y2c and 19c.' Best bargains yet offered. Men's Underwear Day In Our Furnishing Goods Department. Entirely undamaged high grade Underwear will go at prices unmatchably low. Don't miss them. buy, worth .1.00 Men's . Balbrtggaa Shirts and Drawers. - all sixes, plain or fancy colors regular VC 50c values, at. .JC Men's Drawers, In fine Hsle thread, . sold regularly at $1.00, all sites, nloe clean stock, will PA go at dUC Ladies and Children's . Hose, worth up to 26, in three lots,. Saturday at 12 c, 7 He and... ..DC All Ladies', , Hosiery, Corsets and Infants' Wear priced regard less of cost. .Every thing must go. Men's Underwear, in fine silk or silk and lisle, the finest gar- ments money can $1.60 to $3.00 per garment, Saturday. . . . . .1 $1.60 Men's Negligee Shirts,- all . new, stylish patterns, in all sises, on sale Satur- Q Q day, at OC Men's $1.00 Shirts, variety of patterns, at Men's Fancy Hose, worth regularly up to 25c, ln three lota, Satur day, at. 13 Vic, 10c Qu nd U3i ln great ..50c and Boys' Balbripgan Shirts and Drawers, In all sixes, 1CA 80c values, at Big Water Damage Shoe Sale 1.00 2.00 Men's fine Shoes, regular prices $3.00, $3.60 and $6.00 1 CA made by Stetson, HuJskamp and Crossett, at. JJJ 75c ........25c Women's $8.00 and $3.60 fine Shoes, all sites, at... Women's fine Patent Colt $3.60 andr$4.00 Oxfords, at Little Gents' and Misses' $1.26 and $1.60 shoes, at Women's, Misses' and Childs' Storm Rubbers, at Childs' $1.00, $1.25 and $1.60 fine Kid and Patent Leather Cft Lace and Button Shoes, at 75c and .. vUC Women's and Men's Slippers, worth up to $1.75, at..,. ! Men's Slippers, worth up to $3.00, at $1.25 and . Women's fine Sea Island Canvas Oxfords, in blue, pink or I 'IC l,imJ 59c .1.00 .2.00 or grey, at G rover Oxforda, all sties and widths, in this sale, at....... Prices on Polish and silk ties in this sale just one-half, A great opportunity for our Grover customers as all former prices have been greatly reduced on this justly celebrated shoe that is especially made for tender feet. , .ft y .. s -i;..-v, ' . '. ' T " Handkerchief Sale We have practically closed out all the ladles' handkerchiefs that were water soaked, but have re maining a lot that have been slightly soiled or mussed during this sale. These will go Saturday at the same prices as those badly damaged. -, v. ., Lot 1 Handkerchiefs worth 5c and lOcat... 1 . choice ............ . &iC Lot 2 Handkerchiefs worth 10c and 15c, at, choice JlC Lot 8 Handkerchiefs worth 15c and 25c, at, choice t tC Omaha's Big Meat Section Saturday Is for Money Savers. Spring Chickens, Z Pp each JDC Shoulder Steak, pound Shoulder Roast, C I pound , . . '. . . . D4C Boiling Beef, , pound '. C Round Steak, pound Sirloid Steak, J f j pound 1 14C Veal Stew, .pound Mutton Stow, pound Sic 81c ......32c ...4c AFFAIRS-AT SOUTH OMAHA Tracklarintr on Bellevus Line frinn Joy ' to ths Country Club. HAtF Ifl'lLE., OF RAILS LAID FIRST DAY Inferior , at the ; Paeklas Roam Drp(U on a I alforra af Walla Dirlt i B Wara While at Tklr Work. The seyih Pople and the member of th Couotry club, with others interested, are rtjlcinf over the "prospect, of speedy connections by rtUI between Albright and Wfllvua. Tho actual work of layln the rails "was begun Thursday morning- and since thAt time hs been progreisftig rap idly, eid rails and curves have been put In temporarily .to make the connection with thrt 'Albrltrht line, while the company Is waiting for new steel curves to arrive. 1 p to the present time over a half mile of raj Is hava been. laid.,. The work wUl be pushed as rspidly as possible. It Is hoped that the fracK w6uld be completed as far is the club grounds by Sunday. This. how. ever, may not be accomplished. Shoulif it be done It I Hkly that a 'stub" car may be. put on t accommodate the people who ainh So vlatt the club Sunday. The grading to Fort Crook haa not been completed and It may be some time before the military post Is accommodated.' Saaltary Inspector Has Smallpox. The city sanitary Inspector. W. A. Mc Cllntock, has taken the smallpox. He has been exposed several times since his in duction Into office. The last exposure was when attending the case of Mrs. Hall at 2114 N street, some ten days ago. He vu taken with what appeared malarial fever aboit four days ago,, but it has since de veloped he was suffering, from the early stages of smallpox. When taken sick he appointed his brother-in-law, J. W. Parsley, to attend the duties In his stead, and yesterday morning It fell to the lot of the brother-in-law to place the Inspector under quarantine. The Inspector lives rufar Thir teenth and J streets and his house now bears the glaring yellow sign. The city hall was thoroughly fumigated and It Is thought there Is little danger of Infection from that source, though he has been in and out many times ln his work. Work for ltr Council. The next meeting of the city council will have to do with several new Items, the preliminaries of which have already been filed with the city clerk or referred to the proper committee of tha council. Among the llrst is the project of grading Fifteenth from Missouri avenue north to J street and of Twenty-third from N to W street The grading of F street from Twenty sixth to the I'nlon Pacific right-of-way Is also to come up, though the preliminaries have progressed farther ln that case. Ap- KILLS THE GERMS 0 OF SCROFULA f 'The laws of nature and heredity are fixed and invariable. Parents who are. related by the ties of blood, or who have a consumptive tendency, or family blood taint, are sure to transmit.it to their children in the form of Scrofula. Swollen glands, brittle bones, weak eyes, hip dUease, pale, waxy complexions, emaciated bodies, running sores and ulcers, and general weak constitutions axe the principal ways in which the disease is manifested. Those who have inherited this blighting trouble may succeed in holding it i a theck during young, vigorous life; but aitcr a spell of sickness, or when the system has begun to weaken and lce its natural vitality, the ravages of the disease will become manliest and sometimes run . into Consumption; S. S. S. roes down into the circulation and forces out the scrofulous deposits. kills the germs and completely cures the disease. It changes the quality of the blood by removing all impurities and poisons and supplying this vital fluid with rich, health-sustaining qualities. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable medicine and is especially adapted to systems which have .been weakened and poorly nourished by scrofulous blood. Literature on ocrolula and medical tJvice Irw- , : , ' jpf pyrin SftCiHG CO; A TIAM7A, QA praisers will likely be appointed for all of the grading .propositions. The council will consider resolutions In accord with pe titions for the opening of T and Z streets across the Rock Island tracks and the opening of Twenty-fifth from U street south, as well as the opening of lower N street to a point opposite the west end of the O street viaduct, and from there In a devloua course through the stock yards. The council will also have to consider the appeals of three parties with alleged griev ances over the decision of the board of appraisers of streets graded In Brown park. These parties are Matilda Pallk, John Kavan, John Kadlec and Sophia Carlston. Inspeetprs Dlacasa Work. The Inspectors of the' local bureau of animal mausiry neia a meeting last ntgm In the postoffice building for the- purpose of adopting a'unlfortn style of dress fur use on the floors of the packing honses. It is understood that the majority of the inspectors favor a fair quality of white duck made up In military style with cuffs and braid. The nature of the work makes It necessary that the uniforms be of ma teiial which can be washed. Some of the clothes of the Inspectors are subject to daily contact with the blood of the ktlllng floors. These uniforms will only be worn In the plants, and will be a means of dis tinguishing the Inspectors. The matter of the uniforms Is purely voluntary on the part of the local Inspectors, there being no requirement of the department for any thing of tha kind. Mrs. John Hart Dies Saddenly. Mrs. John Hurt, wife of the former emergency house manager of 0outh Omaha, died suddenly in Omaha ycaterday. She went to the.city yesterdsy yesterday feeling more than usually well, though she has been mora or less confined during the spring by illness.-" During the afternoon she com plained of feeling ill and her mother se cured a room where she could lie down( suspecting a relapse of a severe attack of sinking, which had occorred a few days ago. Her condition appeared to be made much worse by the heat of the afternoon and she grew rapidly worse and died about 4 o'clock. Improvesneat Clak Meeting. City Engineer E. H. Rohrbaugh attended tha meeting of the Highland Park Improve, ment club last Thursday evening and ex plained to the club why the petition to grade F street from Twenty-sixth to the Union Pacific right-of-way was faulty. On his recommendation, a new petition was started yesterday. He also explained to the club the present status of the sewer question so far as It affected the Highland Park-district, aesurtng the members that f'lll and, equitable appropriation had been made fur Inal district with lbs oiLcrs. The city council will be' asked to put a stop to the flllng, of holes in wooden sidewalks with yellow clay, and to order new walkr, where such walks are needed. The club also' expressed Itself foreeably on the weed : nuisance. An election of officers completed I the business of the 'club. The following' are the officers for the ensuing- year: C. .V. Miller, president; A. U Hunter, vice presi dent: Frunk Sevtck. secretary; John Kltwtt. treasurer. Executive board, J. T. Sullivan, T. J. Inghram, Thomaa Vaughn, S. N. Mc Cold, Thomaa Parker. Sunday Services. Rev. -Kalph W. Ltvers will be Installed pastor of the First English Lutheran church next Sunday mortilrig at, 11 o'clock. Rev. Millard V. Troxell, D.i E. president of Mid land college, Atchison. Kan., will be pres ent to deliver the address to the congrega tion, while Rev. James A. Ixtwe, Ph. D., will deliver the charge to the pastor. Rev. Mr. Lowe will have charge of the solemn rite of installation. Friends have been ex tended an Invitation 'to this service, and the ceneral public te also welcome. Rev. J. A. Ix)we, the president of the Nebraska synod and pastor at Beatrice; Neb., is an old pastor of Rev. Mr.rLivers and . his com, ing will be appreciated by the people of South' Omaha, Mr. Troxell Is also known here. . ; ; "The Power of the Gospel" will be tht subject f Rev. George Van Winkle's ser mon Sunday morning. The young people will hold an "Echo"- meeting of the recent convention. The regular services are an nounced for the. evenkig. Rev. W. D. Stamhaugh's Sunday. morning sermon win" 'consider 'Growth In Grace," 1! .Peter 1118. The evening sen ice wUl be on the text, "Out of Zlon. the .Perfection of Beauty, God Hath Shined." Tha Epworth league social of Thursday evening was a pronounced success. "Modern Infidelity" will be Dr. Wheeler's topld Sunday morning. The evening sermon will be along evangelical lines, Mrs. E. B. Shugart will sing a solo In the morning and her fine voice should be heard by all rreabyteriana. The young women of the King's J)aughters enjoyed a fine picnic at Rivervlew park yesterday afternoon. Maale City Goaslav It la said that C. F. Oliver has left South Omaha tor good. Hs has been connected AX OLD and VK LL-TIU E D REMEDY. rOR OVER SIXTT TBASS. kxs. wra slows looraua rrmtrp. tu bma tr em fcJXTY TEARS r MILLIONS o( MOTHKKs ur tlMtr I HlLDRtK WHILE TKK1H 1.NO. WITH PERFECT kl vrfcSS. IT ouTBfcS LH (HILU. fcOFTKNS tlx OUUg. ALLAYS All PAIN; Cl BbS Winn COUc . us 1 U M nmtit lot MAhKHotA. si br ttiMsius U nr srt Hi world S ar 'and (or - MRS. HINSLOWs SOUTHING SYRCP with the Arm of Oliver A White . of the Omaha Advertising company. J. J. Gillln Is expected home this evening from his trip to Illinois. Mrs. P. D. Olivet and son - from Salis bury, Mo., are visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Wright. It Is reported that a lot. Jut next to the city hall site for which 116. WO or so was paid, can now- be bought lor 12,000. Mrs. A. L. Duff reports the loss of a coat belonging to her little boy. She thinks she knows who. took the garment. Dr. R. L. Wheeler will accompany Harry McCandless, who has been an invalid for over a year, to Lake Manawa Sunday afternoon. He will be placed in the house of H. M. Wells for a time. Behind the word "suspicion" placed after the name of Charles Hahn, a man of a family and married, and - a resident of Omaha in the vicinity of Cass and Seven teenth, there is an unprintable story so gross that If he lived on the frontier he might expect to be hung. He was ar rested by Captain Turnqulot In the act of assaulting a 6-year-old girl ln a closet of the Mahoney block. Samuel Winters heard the child's pitiful cries and the police were summoned. OUR LETTER BOX. Water Rates. OMAHA. July au.-To the Editor of The Ece: I want to add something to wnat i said In The Bee yesterday on the water works question by way of post script. ' Systematic war on the Omaha Water com pany has been waged for years on account of the rates. These rates, according to a decision of the United States circut court, are contract rates. I never heard anybody complain of the rates to private consumers until certain gentlemen discovered that the people were being robbed by the water company. I always thought and think now that, considering the conditions of rank barbs Hem ln respect to Omaha's water sop ply existing twenty years ago, "ratea to private consumers were cheaper than com mon dirt, and that they have never been ex orbitant at any time since. But It la said that the hydrant ratea ara eating up the town. Omaha agreed to pay the rata by solemn contract, didn't It? Omaha pavs. tSO.OOO per year, aa I remember, hydrant rentals. Tha water company pays Into the treaaury of this city 171. WD a year la taxes. Hew stands the account In hydractsT Twenty years ago Omaha was a straggling wooden village, unpaved, unkempt, burled In dust or mud, without either drainage or sewers or adequate . protection from fire. Its water works consisted of wells and cisterns more or less foul, with pumps and buckets and hand engines for fire protec tion, and disesse factoiiea la tha way of cesspools for sewage. No healthful and luivixlous and modern improvemanti were In the Omaha home In those days, and yet, it could not have raised $100,010 of Its own money to. build even an excuse for an adequate water system. But a stranger came within Our gates and put down mil lions to build as fine a .water plant as thl country ever saw. He stsked his money on the future Omaha. These water works have been and now are an unmixed boon and blessing to every man, woman and child within its limits. Next to the Union Pacific railroad no single agency has con tributed so much to the heslth. prosperity and progress of Omaha as these water works have done. Why should this prosper ous, powerful and progressive young city wage war upon the water company? Is It not utterly foolish, when we come to think about ltT I shall never doubt that fair, friendly and open dealing would have been better tor us all. DR. GEORGE L. MILLER. Stationary Enaxloeers Talk Electricity Local No. 1. National Associstlon of Sta tlonnry Engineers, held Its regular meeting at Washington hall Frlnny evening with a good attendance of leading stationary en gineers present. The subject of discussion was "What Amount of Electricity Will Produce Death." An invitation was received from Inter national union No. M for Omaha No. I to convene with them in an open meeting at their lodge rooms at Labor temple July CS. All members are requested to meet at the new nostoffice at i .) a. m. body to Labor temple hall. and go In u, STATIONARY FIREMEN COMING International Brotherhood Will Hold Its Convention In Omaha 1 In Asgsat, The annual convention of tha Interna tional Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen will be held in Omaha from August 12 ti ill. In all probability the sessions will be , held at Labor temple. Delegates will ba; here from sll parts of the t'nltd States, Canada. Mexico and Alaska. About '250 will be In attendance. The brotherhood now has 270 local unions in the I'nlted States. The local committee consists of Ie Bertch, T. P. Shirley and J. J. Del, hanty. Sterling silver Frenser, 16th and Dodga. Kentncky to Greet Drynn. LOUISVILLE. Ky., July 10 William J. Bryan will be given o public reception and welcome home by the democrats of 1-ouis-vllle soon sfter the esstern democrsts get '.hrough welcoming him. fc1 r i At M - Our Methods Insure Every Maa a Lifelong Cure for Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Varicose and Fro static Troubles. Constrictions and Obstructions. Karvo-Vltal Debility, Acuta and Chronlo Dis charges. Sores, fleers. Swollen Glands, Ulcers !n the Mouth or on the Tongue, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Troubles. PI las. Fistula, and all Chronlg and Special Diseases. Ncrvo.Vital Debility Thero la aet a oasa of weakness In existence , t&at ws cannot rebuild and strengthen with our TfciOROUGH TREATMENT. PAY US FOR CURES Our evra Is a thorough and scleetlflc coulee of trsJKnent. which acts At once upon tha nerve .foros, stopping tha drain and replacing the worn, out and run-down tissues. It gives strength and fresh vitality, building up tha entire aystem snd transforming tha suffers lota a typa of perfect manhood. We eer tha entire field ef Chronlo. Nervous and Bpaolai. Daop.Saatad aad Complicated Diseases. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL UNO SURGICAL INSTITUTE Northweet Cor. 13th and Fanuun SU, Omaha, Neb. , 1 V 1 I . m easts a twuia f