Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tim omaita daily bek: Saturday, july 21, 1903.
iyd nm a nnvj vtm(ni 'rnjimnmr Saturday bargains
Use Very Essence of Onr Jolj Ocarina Sale-200 Ladies' Wash Dresses at less Than Hall Price
Plain and battnX Swrtaa Vrmntu, Flgorrd and Flow
etrd Organdy Drew. White Ratiatr trlth dainty
Mark figure, Kmhrolde-re-d Ltnoo I i w, Lr
Trbnmd Lijig-r1e yresaca. Black Madraa, Lawn and
flne Hatrf-n Dretovs.
TbM drea were sold at 14.50, $4.96, $5.50 And
$5.95 aU will be on aale Hatnrdar, IOC
LadieV Flack Walking KklrU, opened yesterday.
Three new style, regular and extra sizes, 0 00
price $12.60 and ZJ,J3
Eton and Bolero JarVrtn almost Rlren away, f "7 C
Price $2.15, $2.25 and 1.1 D
Oar entire stock of Parasol must be i uld. Satur
day we will close out our stock war below cost.
20 White Linen Parasols that Bold for $1.00 1 Cn
each, on sale Saturday, each I JC
22 Embroidery Trimmed Whit Linen Parasols, that
sold for $2.00 each, on sale Saturday, 1 1Q
' each .' .' Itjmf
5 Linen Colored Pongee Parasols, that Bold f TQ
for $2.25 each, on sale Saturday, each lJJ
11 Fancy Colored Silk Parasols, some slightly soiled.
sold for $2.00 up to $3.50, on sale,
14 Fancy Colored Silk Parasols, slightly Imperfect,
sold for J3.50 to $6.85, on sale, QQ
Fancy embroidered, warranted washable, regular 69c
value, clearing price, T r
each JDC
Ladies' Short Cloves, extra heavy silk, with war
ranted double finger tips, in white and black, that
eold all season for $1.25 a pair special 1 OA
Saturday, a pair l.Uil
Black 12-Button TAlk Mitts.-and Black and White
lr.-Button Mercerized Lisle littT-ale
price, a pair,. '.
Lcfls 12-button length washable Chamois
Gloves, cream white special, a pair...
Odd lot of broken sIzps of Berlin Lisle Cloven for
ladles and children 25c value Saturday
only, a. pair ..........................
Made of fine mercerized threads, Joane mesh. It
button length, in while and black IOC
special, a pair... .JL D
This lot of Lingerie and Neckwear consists v
of fine lace half sleeves, fancy trimmed)
Batiste Chemisettes, the new Peter Panf
Collars, embroidered Turnover Collar
and Cuff Sets, Chemisette and Cuff Sets!
and a big line of fancy stock bem)
quality and well made
50c Lace Half Sleeves special, a
25c Batlat Chemisettes special,
25c fancy Embroidered Stocks special,
15c and 10c Lawn Turnovers special, h
each 10c and OC
Only a few dress patterns left In those fine f Q
Eilk Organdies, that we are selling, at, yd UC
All of onr Lawns, Batistes, Swisses and Suitings, that
Bold up to 3oc a yard all go at one price
Saturday, yard
All of onr Dress Lawns and Organdies, that
sold to 12c for Saturday only, yard..
Now is the time to lay In your supply of Linen
during our July Clearing Sale.
All our Bleached and Unbleached Table Linen, that
old to $1.25 a yard for Saturday only, Ofl
yard . OVC
Fine Mercerlred Table Damask, floral patterns, worth
to 60c for Saturday only,
yard...1.... fJ.&
Linen Finish Sheets, 81x90, that sold at 80c
each this sale only, each
Fine quality Domestic Ginghams, worth Ql
12c yard for Saturday only, yard . .O3C
O'Donahoe-Redmond Co, SiSiTK
Engineer Fred Richard of North
Piatt In the Vnloa Pa
cific Yards.
COLUMBUS. Neb., July 39. (Special Tel
egram.) Engineer Fred Richards of North
Platte was killed In the Union Pacific yards
here this morning.
During a fog about 6 30 o'clock a double,
header freight train of aeventy-flve cars
ran Into a switch engine on the main line
Immediately west of the coal chutes. Six
cars were derailed and the engineer killed.
Tronic was diltyel for a time.
The switch engine ran on the main line
ani wag not aeen until too late for the
freight to atop. Richards attempted to
lump and got tils foot and leg out of tho
cab, when he whs pinned fast and It was
five hours before the body was recovered.
The fireman alao Jumped, but wns not hurt,
(.'ars were strewn along; both sides of the
track and some . of them made Intq kindling
wocd. Tho engineer was about 23 years old
and wm married a few months ago.
Model C'onntry School.
KEARNEY. Neb.. July 20. (Special.)
A new feature , has been added to
the Interest f- well as to the practical
results to be derived by the teachers from
the Buffalo county Institute to be held at
the Normal school In August. This will
nc In the form of a model country school,
with genuine country pupils In attendance
nd taught by Miss Caldwell, one of the
Irachors of the State Normal. The pupils
will be brought In from their homes In the
country every morning, a carry-all being
sent out for the purpose of conveying
them to school. After the day at school
Is over the carry-all will again be brought
Into requisition and the pupils returned
safely to their homes. The Institute will
begin Monday, August 6, and continue for
one week.
SnrTfrO" Reach Ashland.
ASHLAND, Neb.. July 20.(Speclal.)
The engineering corps of sixteen, men that
Is running the line for what Is known as
the Omaha A Denver Short Line, from
Omaha west, reached the Platte river yes
terday and today began the survey from this
point. The engineer In charge of the party
la a man from St. Louis named Brown,
and all that he will state In regard to the
project Is that the line Is for the Omaha &
Denver Short Line and that they are run
ning an air line from Omaha through Ash
land, Seward and Hastings to Denver. Lin
coln Is not on this survey. The line starts
near the Krug brewery In South Omaha and
fqllotts the Burlington to Gretna, where' It
strikes southwest down - long valley" In
the Sarpy billn. crosses the Platte, about
three miles above the Burlington bridge
and from Ashland rutls almost due west
to Seward, following closely an old Bur
lington survey from Ashland to that town.
News of Nebraska.
BUTTE The republican convention of
Boyd county will be held at Anoka July 31.
YORK Eugene W. Hunsacker, head
electrician of the York Independent Tele
phone company, died this morning.
BEATRICE! The ball game to have been
played between the Beatrice and Plckrell
trams at Plckrell next Monday has been
declared off.
AUBURN While moving a thresher be
longing to Richard Hawley of Brock to
another locality near Brock, it broke
IF icTion S3 umber
Edith Wharton
The Bows
Kate Douglas Wim
Arthur Gosslett Smith
Henry van Dyke
Thomas Nelson Pae
F. Hopkinson Smith
Richard Watson Gilder
Oliver Ilerford E. S. Martin
Louise Belts Edwards Royal Cortissoz -
Churchill Williams W. T. Ilornaday
Julian Street John M. Phillips
Meredith Nicholson
Alonzo Kimball ' Gebrtfe Wrllht (inciter).
F. C. Yohn - V. Dalfonr-Ker
Henry McCarter Ivanowskl
ru rhatag fca tors ky
through a bridge and was badly wrecked.
The reiort is that no one was seriously
aJEATRICK The Blue Valley Association
of the I'nlted Brethren church Is holding a
camp meeting this week in Brown's grove
at Blue Springs.
BEATRICE Councilman E. W. Clancy
sprained his ankle severely yesterday bv
falling from a steplnddt-r while picking
fruit at his home.
BEATRICE The Kllpatrick Hobs com
pany met last nUht and made arrange
ments to hold its annual picnic in Graff s
grove jiorthwest of the city on next Sun
day. OGAI,AL.LA The new railroad In the
North Platte valley will reach Keystone
tomorrow, and a town lot sale will be held
on the site of the new town of Keystone
July 21.
RULO Norman Kermode was today
uwanled the contract of painting the $15,100
city school building. The work must be
completed by time school commences In
OGAUUiA-The First State banx of this
piace nas tnis Any been purchuned by J.
VV. Welnton. cashier nf the Kirhann. hunk
and It is rumored that the two banks wlii
be merged Into one.
OOAL,ALrA-ufnclentraiiMj have fallen
to keep .the crops In a thrifty growing
condition, and the small grain especially
la a, splendid prospect. There has been no
nail to do any damage.
BEATRICE The seml-snnual report of
J. A. Bwrnard, county treasurer, for the
six months ending June 30, 1aS, shows the
total collections to be $ifi7,30.55 and dls I2.S9,49. The totul amount of
funds deposited in the various county de
positories Is $91,071.70.
BEATRICE-William Ooe of this city has
passed an examination at the recruiting
!R.'??,.J, the. el,la' army in this city
and left Beatrice today for Jefferson bar
racks, Missouri, to attend a school of in
struction, after which he will bo assigned
to a regiment of light artillery.
irH.y?,VRN, Th" Southeastern Nebraska
Educational association met in this
county. Among othor questions whtch
came up was the place for the next an
nual meeting. It whs decided that Beatrice
should be the place, the same as iust
year. The date has not been sot.
YORK The recent rains, amounting to
nearly three inches, has thoroughly soaked
1 ork county, and farmers n roinuin.
over the prospects of one of the greatest
corn cro;is ever raised In York countv.
Lightning struck the wheat stacks of An
drew I'ersel, burning them to the ground.
Al'Bl'H.V Fire was discovered in the
coal beneath the Missouri Pacific railroad's
coal shutes at this place, which was
started by spontaneous combustion. It
has now burned for several days and
they have had no little trouble In putting
It out. No serious damage was done.
RULO Twelve-year-old Louis Cogsdell of
this city niled a bottle with gunpowder
and lit it with a match Just to see what It
would do. The force of the explosion
knocked him over mid nlon. . . i
glass lacerated his feet so bidly as to com
pel his comrades to carry him to town
I BEATRICE J. T. Harden of this city
came near being killed while boardtig the
excursion train at Wymore for honTe He
missed his footing ana would have rolled
under the coach had sot F. A. Harrison
instantly grabbed hold of him and pulled
him to one side, thus preventing hiin from
being run over.
AUBIRN Miss Bonnie De Wert left
yesterday for Chicago where she will Join
the Harklnson Trasee Theatrical com
pany. She will be In Chicago about two
weeks and then leave for the east. Miss
Bonnie is a talented young lady and Au
burn is very proud of her obtaining such a
good posltkm to start a theatrical career.
WEST IOINT Miss Anna CeJda, the
oldest daughter of Frank Cejda, a well
known business man of West Point, has
entered the cortvent of the Franciscan
Sisters at Manitowoc, Wis., to prepare to
take the vows of sisterhood. She has Just
graduated with hleh honors from the
musical department of St. Mary's Academy
in West Puint.
FREMONT Mrs. Irving Q. Pollock at
tempted to commit suicide this morning
i by cutting her throat, but by strenuous
efforts on the part of the doctors, who
were called a few minutes after, hsr life
was saved and she will recover. She
had been despondent for somo time and
last evening seemed much more so than
usual and threatened to kill herself hy
throwing herself In front of a railroad
train. She has a baby two weeks old
and has been mentally affected since Its
MINIEN The owners of the new elec
tric light plant. I'. A. Hlnes, J. T. Caun
sell and J. S. Smith of Chicago and Thad
Hobeson and lwls Hlnes of Mlnden,
gave a swejl reception to the people of
Mlnden In the opera house Friday even
ing. The house was beautifully decorated
with different colors of lights; on Inu
stage were seated a number of busings
men and short talks about our city and
its growth ware made. An orchestra of
eighteen pieces furnished music through
out the evening. Ice cream and cake
was served to ail. The house was packed
and tbs people of Mlnden have a good
feeling toward the owners of the new
Meter Seat a Mas th tlvspltal.
During the Spanish-American war I com
manded Company O. Ninth Illinois Infantry.
During our stay In Cuba nearly every man
In the company had diarrhoea or stomach
trouble. W never bothered sending a man
te the surgeon or hospital, but gave him a
doH or two of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy and next day he
was all right. Ws always had a dosen
bottle or more of It In our medlcln chest.
Orra HavtU. This remedy can always b
depended upon for colic and diarrhoea. And
should bi kept en band la tvery horns,
Flad a Lairs '1 mount of Property This
Tear Not AeMd Hitherto.
Rataraa kw that Farmers R4 Mah
Moto IVhastt sst Crat Ha4
April 1 Thaa at
Tlat lt Year.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July ii tbpecjai.) Th
Stat Beard of idealisation ha come l
th conclusion that the various county
assessors have done a good job at digging
up property which has heretofore escaped
taxation. A comparison of some of the
Items this year aod last shows the In
crease Is duo to a creat extent to new
property dug up by the assessor and not
to any material increase on. properly as
aessed last year.
Without having analysed aU of the re
turns made the stats board is of the
opinion the county assessors have don
mighty good work. Some of the Items
have been reduced from last year, but
the assessors have dug up so much more
property of the same character the totals
are greatly in excess of last year.
The averag assessment for wheat per
bushel this year Is .114 cents, while last
year It was .14 cents, a reduction of I
cents a bushel or an actual reduction this
year of IS cents a bushel The wheat on
hand last ear amounted to 2. 908, 62S
bushels assessed at $425,198, while this
year there was on hand April 1, 4,457,290
bushels, valued at $509,125.
Corn last yeaf was assessed at an aver
age value of .0625 cents a bushel and this
year at .0571 cents a bushel. The corn
last year on hand, April 1, amounted to
49,849,941 bushels, assessed at, $3,115,976,
while this year the corn on hand amounted
to 58,365,576 bushel,- assessed at $3,334,
938. The Increase In wheat on hand amounts
to 1,661,962 bushels, at an assessed value
of $74,127, while the Increase In corn
amounted to 8,605,614 buchels, at an as
sessed value of $218,962.
Land was returned this year at an In
creased acreage of 206,392, at a valuation
of $1,784,410; Increase on lots and Im
provements amounted to $1,617,622;. In
crease on mone returned amounted to
$765,465, and th Increase on merchandise
amounted to $547,269. These Items make
a total Increase of $4,714,666. This year
there was returned an Increase In cattle
of 25,000 head, though the total assess
ment of cattle Is reduced $454,470.
Omaha Overlooks Chance.
If Omaha wants the corn contest to be
held In December It had better get busy.
Lincoln and Fremont are both trying to
get It, and so far Omaha has not even
made a request that It be held In that city,
thougR the Commercial club of the big
town haa been advised that the place will
be named shortly. The com contest 'will
bring to the city In which It Is held at
least 1,000 people and possibly twice that
number. Lest year it was held In Lincoln.
It looks as though Omaha could get thl
event with little trouble. If It wants It. A
number of letters hav been received by
Deputy Superintendent Bishop from cltlxens
of Lincoln and Fremont and some Indi
viduals In Omaha have also written him,
but no organization In Omaha has made ap
plication for the meeting.
Fish Exhibit at State Fair.
Fish Commissioner O'Brien Is ' preparing
a fine exhibit of Bfhj.for .the state fair
this year to show thepepnle of Nebraska
that under his control, of .the waters of the
state nnd the things therein everything Ib
in a prosperous condition. Among the pets
he will place 011 exhibition Is a catfish
weighing eighty-seven pounds. This In
habitant of the waters was caught at the
mouth of the Platte with an ordinary fish
hook. After being snared a rope was
slipped around the fish behind the gills
and he was tugged ashore. O'Brien was
notified and at once made the twenty-mile
trip down the river and annexed th catch
at 20 cents a pound.
The slime which abounds on the catfish
was rubbed oft where the rope touched It
and quite an abrasion resulted. This haa
to be treated with carbolic acid to prevent
a fungus growth, and Mr. O'Brien each
day from now until the state fair will
bathe Mr. Fish In a carbolic acid solution.
Secretary Mellor received some yellow
colored signs this morning advertising the
fair and these will be stuck up all over
the state and the United States.
State House Briefs.
John M. Stewart, attorney for the state,
who has already been paid $217 for mak
ing a couple of trips to Norfolk to take
testimony In the Norfolk asylum case. Is
now preparing to file quo warranto pro
ceedings to oust Dr. Alden and Dr. Nich
olson. Governor Mickey Is confined to tils bed.
Found on
the Skin.;
5 Phosphate
Direct irom tne
We know that active brain work throws
out tho phosphats of potash, for this pro
duct is found on the skin after excessive
brain work, therefore, brain workers, In
order to keep well, must have proper food
containing phosphate of pctash to quickly
and surely rebuild the ufted-up tissue. That
one can obtain such food has been proven
In thousands of casus among users of Pos
ture Food Coffee and Grape-Nuts.
Both contain phosphate of potash in mi
nute particles, Just as ll Is furnished by
nature in the grains.
This product makes from albumen the
gray matter that builds the brain and fills
the nerve centers.
In no way can this gray matter be man
except by the a-.tion of phosphate of potash
upon a'bumen, and this mineral should b
Introduced to the body just as it comes
from nature's laboratory, and "not from
th drug store. The system Is more or Lee
fastidious about lajtlnff up the needed ele
ment, and as might be suspected. It will
favor the product of Mother Nature
rather than th product of the drug shop,
however valuable they may b for certain
Athlete lawyers, journalists, doctor,
minister, business meo and other, who
earn their living by the use of th brain,
are using both Poatum Fcod Coffee and
Grape-Nuts food. Both product are
manufactured for a reason. They wcr
originated by 'an expert, and th recne.r
attv TaJxsc of both th Poatum Coffee
and th Food baa been demonstrated ba
rer g question. . Ail first-class grcar acQ
both Post u in and Grapa-Nuta, and th
Postnm Cereal Cm-. Led, manufaexur
them at tea BatU Crrek factorlaa.
, 1 t"., I
assWsssjaw lsXavfBsqb.
is still in force and will continue until all our
surplus stock of spring and summer suits are sold.
WE IXTEXD opening our 1907 spring season with an entirely freah -ortment
of high class clothes. When we start a season you will find
among our models no suggestion of the styles In vogue the year before
we start every season with a clean stock a custom of ours Inaugu
rated when this store was In Its Infancy and rigidly adhered to since.
Outing and 3-Plccc Suit s in a varied assortment of ijr fa ijor
styles and fabrics that have sold all through tho seaten from V U vvv
2 s.0,.d.d"r:"g.tWs. $2.50 to $17.50
You get $2 worth of value for every dollar you spend her daring this sale.
Youth's Suits, sizes 13 to 20 years, at
Regular $5.00 Suits 50
Regular $6.50 Suits Z25
for J
The same startling price reduc
tions that have kept us busy In
the men's section during the pa.t
week will be extended to our
youth' dept. In order that when
another senaon rolls s round we
can show to our youthful patrons
a fresh an assortment as we do
to their elders.
Regular $10 Suita
Regular $12 Suits
Regular $7.50 Suits
Regular $18 Suits
a oo
Regular $15 Suits 750
"We have selected from our shirt stock several hundred very choice patterns of
the hest brands on sale at just ' '
"VVe are just as particular to have our
are our clothing a chance for you to save
A choice assortment of shirts
at the unusually low
price of
Berg-Swanson Special and Man
hattan Shirts, regular
$1.50 kind, for
Berg-Swanson Special, Man
hattan and Star Shirts,
regular $2 kind, for
shirt stock free from odds and ends as wo
half on something you always need.
Star Shirts the kind you pay
$2.50 for everywhere,
The best grade of Star Shirts
regular three dollar
kind, at
Pure Linen Shirts, the stand- Jt flf.
ard of shirt' elegance, regu- I 1
lar $3.50 kind, at
his trouble having developed into an ab
scess back of his right eye ball. This
afternoon the governor was resting a lit
tle easier, but'hls eye is swelled shut and
Is badly Inflamed. The trouble may be
serious, though at thl time It Is thought
Leo Schllcker, who died her a - few
day ago, will be burled by the members
of th Leather Workers' union. The
young man has a sister In Bt. Louis, but
when notified of his death she did not
order the body taken to Bt. Louis or offer
to pay the expenses of a funeral and
burial. The sister said the young man
had left Bt. Louis twelve year ago, since
which time he had not written to her.
He was a member of the union until re
cently, when he dropped out.
An affidavit was. filed with the State
Board of Health this morning by the at
torney for Dr. Palmer of Holdrege.
charged with performing a criminal oper
ation. The affidavit wa made by Miss
Hattle E. 6egren, upon whom th opera
tion is said to have been performed, and In
It the girl "aid Dr. Palmer was not
guilty. She also swore she had been In
fluenced to mke the charges against Dr.
Berae Threaten Democrats.
In an editorial In his paper tonight George
W Berge. demo-pop. candidate for gover
nor, savs the democratic party would set
cowsrdiy If It refused to nominate him;
that all of the democratic leaders sulked
In their tents when he was nominated and
he fought the last battle tone. He con
cludes thst If he Is turned down the party
will mske him United States senator, In
the following language:
"The collective mind csnnot be deceived
by the wiles of small men, nor the will of
the people defeated by the blundering of
the Incompetent. Therefore, If perchance
the cowsrdiy souls should dominate th
democratic state convention and deny to
the people of the slate the privilege of
electing the man of their choice to the
governorship by refusing to renominate
Mr. Berge, such action cannot fall to in
cite the people to resentment against the
treatment of their favorite and result In
his being elevated to premiership of the
party In the state and made the preferred
candidate for the United States senate."
Rotable Family Bennloa.
GORDON, Neb., July 20. (Special.)
The home-coming of Frank 8. ParRer
from his sunny home In Tennessee to en
Joy a brief vacation beneath the paternal
roof of Uncle Josh Parker of this place
was the signal for a home-gathering this
week that was of more than local pride
and Interest. Letter were sent to sTb
sent ones, far and near, bidding them
hasten to th sheltering fold of the old
home, to .'oln In th festivities and feast
on the fatted calf. Today the home circle
was complete and nine stalwart son and
daughters answered to the family roll call.
This 1 th first reunion of the family
held In thirty years. What is remarkable
Is th fact that In this large family of
nine children, aU grown to manhood and
womanhood, there has never been a va
cant chair and among mor than thirty
grand-children and great grand-children
there haa been but on death.
Wsss44 Prlar May Dl.
PAP1LLION, Neb.. July 10. (Special)
Th man Curraa who waa shot by Sheriff
McEvoy yesterday Is In a critical condi
tion. The doctor waa called to see him
today and advised taking him to Omaha
for treatment.
Identity of Man and Boy Found Dead
la Wyoming; i Estab
lished. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 20, The mys
tery of the finding of two deserted wagons
perforated with bullet holes and stained
with blood, with the mangled remains of
a man and a boy, ha been partially cleared
by the Identification of the victims as
Archie Irvine of Cestos, Okl., and hi son,
Thomas, who were traveling from Baker
City, Ore.
The murders, it la believed, were com
mitted by tramp a month or so ago. There
Is no clue to the whereabouts of the mur
derers. Mrs. Irvine, shortly before the mur
ders were committed, left the party and
went by train to Oklahoma.
Deed to Berks Its.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. July 20. -(Special.)
The elttsens of Burke, one of the new
towns In the ceded portion of the Rosebud
Indian reservation. In the Bonesteel coun
try, will In the near future receive deeds
to their lots. Although the town waa
started about two years ago, a contest
over making final proof on the townslte has
prevented deeds being Issued. Final proof
finally waa made and deeds now are being
executed preparatory to being Issued to
the lot owners. The owners of lots have
been notified to get their Improvements on
the tracts claimed by them prior to August
4, at which time County Judge Starcher,
who made final proof on th townslte. will
deliver deeds to those who legally are en
titled to them.
Government Ask Bid oa Replacing
Them with SIx-Iach
Major M. Gray Zallnskl, chief quarter
master. Department of the Missouri, has
Just received Instruction from th quarter
master general to advertise at once for bids
for a new water supply system at Fott
Omaha. The present system Is Inadequate
to the needs of the post. Th main ar at
present but three-Inch mains and It la th
Intention to replace them with. six-Inch
main and also to Install several fir hy
drants. "We ar now turning over about on
building a day to th government,' said
Major Zallnskl, "from th hands of th
Fort Omaha contractor. We expect to
hav turned over th whola number of
building within a week."
It Is not known at army headquarter
Just at this time when additional signal
corps companies will be ordered to Fort
Omaha. It Is the belief that a detachment
of 100 signal corps men now In th Philip
pines will be ordered to take station at Fort
Omaha some time during th fall.
Ask Your
If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral for your severe cough or
bronchial trouble, then take it. If he
has anything better, then take that,
only get well as soon as possible,
that's the object. Doctors have pre
scribed this medicine for sixty years.
We hace no secrets f We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
lua y a . C. Aye C, LmU, Mass.
At Msfrres f
aTBB't EATS TlOOa-rsr U kalf. aTBK'fs rTLHyor CMsttpstio.
Arut'tUtAAPaJUJaA-Isi Us TE'aa0aC"U-rrBtlriaas4sC