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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1906)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BKE: SATURDAY, JULY 21, 190G. Telephone Douglas 618. Bee, July SO, ltOS. ONDIT10NS ON CANAL ZONE BRUTAL MURDER IN CHICAGO w j-m r rrrtrr ttpk ttv n ttt ti rr TTtvT tttt Td fl ITTI T" TTTT TTPl n fT ody of. Mis ICaorked Isessirlssi Admiral EodiooU Betoni from Trip to r FlaM Kicked lata tho River. Fanamt with Commission. ftWilllMUV liiunws, saw.". ;jjs 't -T..I V. " ... .... i This" vVill be a great event in the history of our white goods department Never before have youT Had the opportunity to purchase such beautiful fabrics at such a low price. 'Tolilo allk ed -slik mouaeellnes sre ths Ideal material- fh party or evening gowns, whim UT )fi:tfrf -season. Don't mlM tfcl1 eajfaordiVjiry Vrtl,rturilty of securing a n free pfuti;'.Ti price should be a 'nutr' brlees nl thei rle;le per r.0'4" these dainty white fab- BAsURPa ALoHa AS THEY LAST, J RibboiV .Sale Saturday. If. you art- going1 i need rlbbtfns for any pjirpose wtaxeoer Saturday will be the oar to huythertV 111 silk taffeta ribbon In stripes, rerSiass arid floral designs, tour to five; Inrlies 'wide. Suitable for belte, girdles a'n'lif hair ribbons,'' Kogular prices, 36c and 'e ipt-r yard.1- ' SATURDAY 15C PER YARD. Main floor."' Women's Cotton Vests. SATURDAY IOC KACIt, THREE TOR SC. You should "lay" in a supply at' this low price.; Women s' fine ribbed cotton vests, luw neck and sleeveless. Regular price lie, and good value at lliuU . SATURDAYS I'RICE MC BACH. THREE. ... FOR C. . Main floor. Special Sale of Silk Hosiery. 'We have a small line of women's pure thread silk hose, three pairs blacK lace, three pairs black, embroidered In "colers, Hnd a few pairs of plain colored silk' hose; colors red, green, brown and tan, that have gold for $2 In, 12 76. gi.M and $6 per pair. SATURDAY'S SPECIAL PRICE, 11. W PER PAIR, . . .... t Special sale of women's colored lisle hose.I brown, tan and champagne, lace, embroi dered or checked. 60c, Mo and 11.26 quali ties, at 8&e' pef 'palr,-or three pairs for 1. Main floor. ' Embroidery Sale. . With the summer season not more than half over these prices should be of special significance. A few more 'Swiss embroidery edgings, from four to twelve Inches wide, that range In price from 88o to a yard. 'on pale at one-half pric saturj DAY. , See our remnant basket of . embroidery, i : Odds and ends. Main floor. ' BASEMENT EMBROIDERY SALE. At our basement embroidery and laee de- ' partmenf we will place on sale on, small - lot of Bwlas embroidery edging from four tT nine Inches wide that are good vslue at $so a yard.; . ' SATURDAY YOtTR CHOICE AT 13 A " ' 5 YARD."" Veilings. i. Our veiling department -Is very replete wiin new inn vp-iiH eiyiee in mi ulnae df volllnaf FtVIn arfd fancy TelUruj. mallne. aewtngr sin veiling? chiffon and barege or wool Telling, auio veua, laos-bordarea Veua, bridal Illusion, and. In fact, everything that Mats oX valla. Main floor. INSULAR SAVINGS BANKS Philippfhe Government Establishes Postal Bjitem for ths Entire Archipeleco. . START IS MADE IN THE LARGER CITIES Taaey, Dcaaetta ky Peeple WU1 Re r . lsTt(U Is Approved Seearl. . ttes Interest Will Be . Paid Deaoalters. WA8jllkaTQN.' July ' -The Philippine commission has established In the Islands postal savings bank, system In the bureau of poets., under the direction of the bureau of commerce And labor.. Its act of May 14, 1M, Wf.lch was received In the bureau of Insular .flairs of theWar department here, directs the Immediate, creation of postal savings ybaplis at,' the cities of Manila, Itotlo, 'Cebu, ' and the rapid extension ' of the aystep) to 'the other cltiea and towns ana TH.Ise-ee, . . .. trie three classes. of bsnks authorised, . the ftret rnsy . receive deposits In eny a an mint, but sums' In excess of 1.000 pecoe or KM shall not ' bear Interest. Various Saturday to Es a Day of Saturday's sptcfal cvents'will interest early and late buyers. You are invited to get an early selection. Open Till 10 Saturday. Boys' tl arid It. SO Blouses. . .TSe Boys' $3 an J fults tt.Ss) Uuys' !0 and $7.i 8ult..4TS Boys' Wash t-uiis. and.aljy Hats anu i'ai. jJc mil . Chtldrena 07 Pique Haia. with corded brim ' and toullon on crown ' Olrls' Continental Straw Hat , ri.iO. II aud 1 qualities, now '7o and o M of Saon Ox07 te a Ouatosaeri k Sic Fllk lca. ...IJo . . CI lit 1 .A P.l SO .V- .v..- i.. Ida 10c I0i- Ato-' wnne iJout Ioltshe l- Polishes " DEHSON a I 151 4 DO I' G 1 Write for VWtrtel CatalotTuC Commences the nreat clearlna sale of . ; ...... : . - After Supper The following specials go on title Mussed and Soiled Hand Embroidered Doilies and Centre '. Pieces Half Price. v. 'These dainty pieces will be on sale at Linen Department Saturday evening at 7:30: All 60c mussed and soiled hand embroidered doilies 26c each. . All 75c mussed and soiled hand embroidered doilies 37 Ho eachJ - All $1.00 mussed and soiled hand embroidered dollies 6l)c each. All $1.25 mussed and soiled hand embroidered centre pieces 62Vo each.. . - - . All $1.50 mussed and soiled hand embroidered centre pieces 76c each. . All $1.75 mussed and soiled hand embroidered tray pieces 87 Via each. ' All $2.00 mussed and soiled hand embroidered centre pieces $1.00 each. All $2.60 mussed and soiled hand embroidered centre pieces $1.26 each. Mussed and Soiled Renaissance Pieces on Sale Saturday Evening at 7:30 All $2.50 mussed and soiled Renaissance pieces $1.26 each. All $1.50 mussed and soiled Renaissance pieces 76c each. All 76c mussed and soiled Renaissance pieces 37 o each.. All 10c mussed and soiled Tenerlffe doilies 6c each. All 35c mussed and soiled drawn work doilies 17 Vic each. ' All 40c mussed and soiled drawn work dollies 20c each. Main Floor Danderine Hair Tonic. Low Priced for Saturday Evening Danderlne scalp tonic keeps the scalp fresh, clean and wholesome, Invigorates and increases the growth of hair. Beginning at 7:30 Sat urday evening. Special Price 16c a, Hot tie. Main Floor. Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts 69c Each Sale begins at 7:30 Saturday evening. An odd lot of high grade Madras skirts, mostly all sizes, regular, price $1.00 and $1.50 each. Saturday Evening 60c each. i Men's 75c Shirts at 35c Each. Just a few odd skirts, in dark colors, mostly large sizes. Saturday evening to close out the lot. Choice 85c each. Main Floor. Special in Economy Basement Sale begins Saturday evening. Women's black cotton hose, embroidered In colors, 10c per pair or three pairs for 2 5c. Children's fine ribbed cotton hose double knees, heels and toes, reg ular 26c quality, all sizes except 8V4 and 9. 16c per pair. Saturday Evening at 7:30 Great Special Remnant Sale of Fine Wash Goods Another one of those rare opportunities to buy choice wash mater ials at a small fraction of their former prices. "Remnants from one to twelve yards of ginghams, organdies, tissues, mercerized fabrics, madras, zephyrs, in fact some of every kind of wash goods that have accumulated the last week. . Goods worth up to 60o per yard go on sale Saturday evening at 5c per yard. Special Lace Curtain Sale, Saturday Evening at 7:30 .To .close out a few remaining odd lots we make the following reduced prices: . . Our regular $7.00 Battenburg Curtain at $2.43. Our regular'$4.50 Cable Net Curtain at $1.73. : -'We will also have on sate onr regular $7.00 Point De Esprit Cur tain at $5.00 per pair. - Regular $6.00 Cluny Lace Curtain In Ecru at $4.29 per pair. - Regular $4.60 Nottingham Lace Curtain, two toned, at $2.23 per pair. ' 5 ' ' ,. ' Regular $$. 60, Nottingham Lace Ourtain. two toned, at $1.73 per pair Regular .$2.50 Nottingham Lace Curtain, two toned, at $1.23 per n i r Kn T 1 . m . VQ At we have but supply advise you to be on hand when they We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, limitations are Imposed upon the sums and amounts of deposits and withdrawals in the second and third classes -of banks. In the third class deposits' are to be made entirely through the nullum of postal savings bank stamps, Issued in denomina tions of I, 10 and ao-centavos, (one-half a cent), so aa to extend - the privileges of the system to' the least pecunloua com munities. ' , Uncancelled postage stamps may be re deemed at their face value in postal stamps. The commission has made sev eral exceptions In favor of charitable and benevolent Institutions. Deposits in the savings bsnks will not be subject to taxa tion, by the Insular government. They-will be Invested through the Insular treasurer In securities determined by a special board. Until practical experience shall demon strate that a higher rate can be maintained the rate of Interest on deposlta will be tt per cent. ' ' , Lad roars Barreadev. v The buresu Of insular affaire has received the following cablegram from the governor of the Philippine: Msraiio Sakav and Francisco Carreon, self -styled president and vice president of the Filipino .republic-, Leon VilUafuerte, lieutenant general, belni lsdrones hereto fore, investing Rtsal and Laguna, Generate Julian Montalon. LurU Devega and Benito Natlvldad and their important subordinates have surrendered; now In custody at Ma- Jare Bargain Giving sxoss. saoss. aliases' I-ow 8hoes. ail styles, sixes 11S to 2. oar 1 1.25. li st aud Li specials, at l-0 CfcUdrea's v White S rases a, French and ttussian styles, values to 11, at ChUdrea's Waits Serge aad Mokais Keefers ul White sii Bask meefsre. for sges to ' tears, reduced from ! and 14 to 3.0 and .; Sack Coats, In all white or with de tachable collar of red or blue, far .' lirr.r airls. I to It years. r duced from ii to Tli ORIJE3 LA 3 STBEET. all our Toklo Silks and Silk . Specials Saturday evening at 7iJ0: TI Aai. of these curtains and bed sets we go on sale. Remember, 7:30. Corner Sixteenth. promises otherwise have been made, except fair trial. Ureatest credit due ilarry u for his prudence and skill In D. Bandholts In conducting the very difficult matter. He utilized Dom Inator Gomes, but no promises as to his litigation have been authorised or made. In Cebu, Governor Osmena, by the great, est effort and self -sacrifice, has secured the surrender of all remaining outlaw leaders and all guns. Expect complete pence now throughout lAison, except as to Ftllpe Salvador and his fanatical followers. Prospects of getting him are encouarglng. - 1 HIBERNIANS WORK ALL NIGHT Natloaal Coarestlea Holds Contlu aoaa Session to Flalsh Year'a s Baslaeas. BARATOOA, N. Y., July 20. The national convention of the Ancient Order of Hi bernians tonight elected Matthew Cum mlngs of Boston as president. Mr. Cum mlngs beat James E. Dolan of Syracuse, who sought re-election, by Ave votes. The remainder of the ticket was not announced, the convention remaining In session. The national convention of .the Ladies' Auxil iary to the Ancient Order of Hibernians elected Miss Amca. Mat la of Bcranton, Pa, president. It Is not Improbable that the national con vention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians may hold a continuous all night session In order to elect officers and dispose of the remainder of business. The national presi dent was today empowered to prepare a national plan of Insurance for submission to the next annual convention. The report of the Ladles' Auxiliary con tained a complete plan for the conduct of the auxiliary under Its own national offi cers. The supreme authority, however. Is still vested In the national president The auditing committee's report was favorably considered. The report of the committee oa Irish names recommended that the va rious states and counties appoint commit tees to take up the matter locally and recommended that efforts be made to fur ther the use of names of Irish saints, mar tyrs and patriots. The report of the ritual committee endorsed the recoroemndutioa of the advisory board that a new ritual be provided. The report of the committee on Irish history recommended that the sup port of the Hibernians be withdrawn from those publications that caricature and vilify the Irish race. Addresses were made by Rev. Father Qulnn of Sibley, la., and Rev. Thomas Harty of County , Kerry. Ireland. p be half of the O'Connall Memorial church In Ireland. FIRE RECORD. Ahordoea la Bar Hit. ABERDEEN, S. V.. July . tSpeciaJ Tel egram.) A big fire ts rasing: Id this city and threatens to wipe out one socUon of the wast aide. It started to tho warehouse of the E. F. , Coleman Implement oorupajny snd spread raptdly to adjoining tulldmgs snd hooses. Delay of the fire departrnant Is responsible for tho rapid spread ttt the names. When it did arrtvo It was power less to oopo with the firs. Three horses were burned to death la ths first few mla. Moussclincs at half orlce. Saturday in tho Men's Dept. Right In the midst of vacation time come these economical opportunities. Fancy vests and underwear are offered at reduced prices for Saturday. FANCY VESTS LOW PRICED. Vests are a prime factor in men's dress. In this, as welt as in all lines, we provide only those that have proved to be the satisfactory 'forts. Saturday every vest In the house at reduced prices. Road them, then come early Saturday morning and buy one or two, you will need them later on. " - $1.26 and I1.S0 vests reduced to O 00 each. 12.00, $2.3 and I2.&0 Vesta reduced to SLM each. t2.7 and HOO vests reduced to LTt each. M 26 vests reduced to 00 each. AN UNDERWEAR OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN. Right whea most needed we have taken three of our. regular lines of underwear and marked them at low price for Satur day. No. 1 porosknlt," the new weave, that lets your body breathe. - Shirts and drawers extra well made, regular prioe 60c. Satur day 5o a garment, or three for $1.00. No. 2 "Crepe Knit," another weave, white In color, with crinkled effect, all sises In shirts and drawers, regular price toe, Saturday J5c a garment, or three for 11.00. No. -"Egyptiaa Lisle Ribbed," ecru color; every one knows what this garment la and will quickly recognise it as one of our best toe numbers. Saturday Ko a garment, or three for $1.00.. See window display on Howard street. Men's department, main floor, south aisle. Ladies' Dainty Waists, One Half Price. There are pretty Lawns, dainty China Silks, Black Taffetas, Lace Waists, Net Waists, the production of the finest manu facturers, all at one-half the regular prices. Women can at all times buy bet ter waists for less money at Our store than In any place In Omaha, as we sell nothing but the best. . $10.00 Waists (or 95.00. . 8.00 Waists for S2.60. $l.SO Waists for TBo. Petticoats all at reduced prices. Coats all one-half price. Tailor-made Suits all at half price. Special bargain in separate skirts. Brown and white check, all wool, at $2.69, worth $7.25. The first of the new Fall Skirts 'are be ginning to arrive. Women's Gown Special. Second Floor. There will be a. rapid selling at this price, as this is one of our best styles. Made of fine quality of Jong cloth, square neck and short sleeves, with all-over yoke. Regular priced $2.85. f i Saturday's 'Special rioe, $1.35 ewoh. . Orie other atyWofgown with lace edg Ing and embroidery .Insertion in yoke, and short sleeves. Regular price, $2.16. ..Saturday's Special Frloe, SLaS seek. utes and feed barns In the vicinity are In ruins. The. entire city Is out fighting the flames In the effort to prevent their spread to adjoining blocks. The loss at 11 o'clock tonight Is estimated at 150,00. Present indications point to the most dis astrous fire In this section of the country. Batte Klac Mills. BUTTB, Mont., July 20.-The mills of the Montana Zlno company, a New York cor poration, were totally destroyed early to day by fire that started from a defective electric wire. The plant was In the old silver mill of the Alice Mining company the oldost mill of the kind standing In ths state. The total loss Is $196,000, with In surance of 180,000. C. B. Wlaner of New York is president of the sine company. The Ore could not be fought, owing to lack of water. Marder Case to Jary. FULTON, Mo., Jsly 10. The case of Edmund Bailey, a coal miner on trial for the past three days on the charge of having murdered Jay Lawder, his em ployer, went to the jury late last nltnt. The trial of Mra. Alva Bailey, his wife, chargeM with having been an accessory to the killing of Lawder, began In the cir cuit court today. Bailey shot Lewder and gave as his reason that Lawder had been intimate with Mra. Bailey. This In timacy was fully proved In the testimony ef the case. OITDOOR LITE Will Hot Offset tho 111 Effects of Cofleo Wham oaa Caaaot Digest It. A farmer says: - ' "It was not from liquor or tobaooo that for ten years or more I suffered from dyspepsia and stomach ' trouble, they ere caused by the use of coffee until 1 got so bad I hud to give up coffee entirely and almost give up eating.. There were tlmea when 1 could eat only boiled milk and bread and when I went to the field to work I had to take some bread and butter along to. give me strength. "I doctored with doctors and took al most everything I could get for my stomach In the way of medicine, but If 1 got any better in only lasted a little while until 1 was almost a walking skeleton. "On day X read an ad for Poatum and told my wife I would try It, snd as to ths following facta I will make affidavit before any Juds-e: "I quit coffee entirely and used Post u in In Its place. I have regained my health entirely and can eat anything that is cooked to eat. I have Increased in weight until now I weigh more than I ever did; I have not taken any medicine for my stomach sines I began using Postum. Why, 1 believe Posium will almost digest an Von wedge. "My family would slick to coffee at first but they saw the effects it had on rae and when they were feeling bad they beaa to use Poatum. one at a time, until now we aU use Postum." Name given by Postura Co.. Battle Creek. Mich. Ten days' .trial of, Postum in place of coffee troves . the , truth, an easy and pleasaat way. "There's a reason." Look In pkga. fur a oopy of the famous little book. "The Rosa to WeUvlUs." SH0NTS STAYS TO MAKE INVESTIGATION Chief ef Bereaa ef Yards d Deks Pays Hlah Trlfcele tm Werk ef Celoael Oersrae. WASHINGTON, July M. -Admiral Endl- rott, a member of the Isthmian Canal com mission, has resumed his duties as chief of the bureau of yards and docks. Navy department, after a trip to Panama, where he attended a meeting of the canal com mission. Admiral Endlcott says that the work Is progressing well, though at present preparatory work Is largely being done. He spoke In high terms of Colonel Oorgas, aylng that the work this officer has ac complished In the way of sanitation Is wonderful, not only on account of the great Ifflcultles which he encountered, but espe cially because of the effectiveness of the work. He says there have been only a few eases of yellow fever there during the last year and none since last November. Chairman Shonts expects to remain on the Isthmus for about a month, making a thorough Inspection of every branch of the work, and will examine all the officers under the commission on the Isthmus, mak ing himself familiar with all features of the business. Secretary Bishop will re main with the chairman ef the commission. Admiral Endlcott says that Governor Ma- goon has an office In the city of Panama within a few blocks of the president of the republic, and that Uiere seems to be the most friendly relations existing be tween the American representatives and the people of the isthmus. Speaking of the conditions on the isthmus Admiral En dlcott says the laborers who were III came mostly from Martinique. All these island borers need a great del of attention. They do not take good care of themselves. This Is the period of heavy rains and the men are frequently wet and do not change their clothes. Under these conditions they are subject to Illness. The general health conditions the admiral considers very sat isfactory. EARTHQUAKE DAMAGE SLIGHT Haadred Slight Tremors Felt at Soeorro, New Mexico. Slaeo , Joly 8. SOCORRO. N. M., July .-The Asso ciated Press correspondent who reached this city this morning from El Paso, is the first correspondent here since the earth quake. The cltlxens estimate the earth Quake loss In Socorro st $30,000 at the out side. Since July 2 there has been over 100 slight tremors. The two most severe shocks were on July 1J snd on Monday last. The damage consists of cracked walls, mostly In adobe houses. ' About 100 houses are thus sffected. The Knights of Pythias hall snd ine couri nouse are aamaged. one school house had the plastering shaken down and lost Its chimneys. Chimneys sre also down on many residences. The women are fright ened and sleep In tents. The damage to the court house and the residence of Joseph trice, both reported destroyed, amounts to only a few hundied dollars. Several slight quakes were felt yesterday. The Colorado Telephone company's building, reported In jured. Is not damaged at all. v DEATH RECORD. Joseph Osrber, RED CLOUD. Neb., July JO. (Special.) After two years of feeble health, Joseph n a .k.. -.1 ...... . . . . J fi oi jr.r., one ok ine esny pioneers of Webster county, departed this Ufa Wednesday night. Having corns to Nebraska and this location In 1871. he homesteaded the farm north of this city on which be lived for many years. He was an old soldier and served with distinction through the rebellion. On returning home. and to thla county, he became prominent In politics. He removed to Nuckolls county, where he was elected county clerk of that county, and was a member of the consti tutional convention of Nebraska and servea with distinction throughout the proceed Ings of that Important body. Mra. Martha W. Stmeral. Mrs. Martha W. Blmeral died at her home Wednesday evening at :16 In her 8Jd year. She had lived In Omaha thirty six years. She was born In Stuebenville, O., Where she was married In 1863 to James M. Slmeral, who died four years ago. All her living relatives, consisting of heir two eons, Edward W. and William, and her niece, Miss Mary Wood, and nephew, Thomaa S. Wood of Duluth, Minn., were with her at the time of her death. Mra. Blmeral will be burled - Saturday, with services at St. John'a church. Twenty-fifth and California streets, at 8:30 a. m. Inter ment will bo at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Robert R. LIvlacBtoaa. PLATT8MOUTH, Neb., July .-(8peelal Telegram.) A telegram says Robert R, Livingstone, jr., aged 40 years, died In hospital In Lincoln thla afternoon. He was born In this city and made his home with his mother. He Is a brother of Drs. T. B, and J. 8. Livingstone. He was In good health when he went to Lincoln Wednesday, He win be brought home for barlaj. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair -radar la Nebraska. Wtn la Sooth Portloa Fair Toaaerrovr'. WA8HINQTON. July J0.-Forecast of ths weather lor Saturday and Sunday For Nebraska Fair Saturday, warmer in south portion; Sunday, fair. For Iowa-Fair Saturday, warmer In ex treme southwest portion: Sunday, fair. For Missouri Fair and Warmer Saturday, except showers in extreme south portion Sundsy, fair, warmer In aoutheast portion ror Colorado, Wyoming, Montana an South Dakota-Fair Saturday snd Sunday, Local Record. OFFICE OP THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. July 20. Official record of tern! perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three iT"-" . 1M. 16. 14. Vtut. Maximum temperature .. M M 01 VI Minimum- temperature ... Ii6 9 66 M Mean temperature 76 T 73 7 Precipitation T .00 .62 00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March L and comparison with the last two years: Normal temperature 7j Total deficiency since March 1 !"lti6 Normal precipitation 18 Inch Iefti lency for the day u nch Total rainfall since March 1 1.r7 Inches Deficiency since March 1 I a Inches peflf ency for cor. period In 1. 7.02lnchee Deficiency for cor. period In 19ut. 3.M Inches Reports (roas 11811000 at T P. M. Station and Stats Temp. Msx. Raln- of Weather. T n m r.n riiimrci, parr ciouay 8 M . neyenne, clear n CUUmso, part cloudy u Davenport, clear fc8 Ienver, clear M Havre, part cloudy r M M W HO M W W H M ttt K) M M M M Helena, clar M Huron, clear M Kansas city, clear North Platte, clear .... Omaha, cloudy Rapid City, clear bt. Louis, clear St. Paul, clear , Salt Lake City, cloudy Valentine, clear M M 8K ) M . M N T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WUBH, Local Forecaster. CHICAGO, July i-Albert tVepel was beaten by Adojph Adams today until he wss unconscious and then kicked Into the ver and drowned. The two men, esch of horn was driving a team, met at the foot of La Salle street and after some words commenced to fight. Purine; their struKgles they came close lo the edg-! o( the river, where Wegel, who wss the smaller men. ss knocked unconscious." Adams kicked Im repeatedly, the last kick hurllmr Wegrl IT the dock Into the river. Adams was ar rested after he hsd made a hard tight against three policemen. RUSSIA IS NERVOUS (Continued from First Page.) ing the advisability of the immediate dlsso. lutlon of Parliament. Rassia Kxplalas. The Rossla today explained that Its In formation regarding' the possibility of Aus. trla-Oerman Intervention In Russia in the event of a revolution was not official, but was based on articles on the subject pub lished In the foreign press. The Bourse was on the verge of panio to day. In spite of some efforts to support the market Imperial 4s fell half a point to 1H. the lowest point touched since the October rising. . Imperial Is closed at Utt. ysran la Rains. 8AMAKA, Russia, July 30. The latest news from Bysran Is that the city Is In a heap of ruins. Hundreds of persona lost their lives in the flames snd several men suspected of Incendiarism wera lynched. Food for the 'starving Inhabitants of 6yxian Is being sent from here and from Sara toff. Strikers Ordered to Work. ODESSA, July to. Governor General Kaulbars has Issued an order that all striking workmen In the city must re sume work by July 23 without fall; other wise they and all those who support them will be sent Into exile by administrative order, and every attempt to prolong trlkes will be mercilessly crushed by force of arma. The strikers are Incensed by the orders. which. It Is feared, may provoke outbreaks. LID STAYS ON IN ST. JOSEPH Jadse Rich Holds that ' Geaeral So ads y CI os I a sr U Applies to that City. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 20.--Judge John . Rich, who sat in the criminal oourt to try the case of a dramshop keeper arrested for selling liquor a week ago Inst Sunday rendered a decision against the saloon keepers today. He held that the general Sunday closing statute applies to cities of hat asaWiftnst ntaeS 1 " This is In sccord with the position taken 1 by Governor Folk when he ordered the ' police to close the saloons on Sunday and prosecute their keepers under the general ' Sunday closing law. The attorneys for the saloon keepers gave notice of appeal. SHIRTS ant given first piece. They wearar. In whits sad color-fut fabric 1.00 AND S1.2S CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. latst MiSm at OjU aJShlrti si a WU ATHLETES - TO KEEP IN . GOOD TRIM. MUST LOOK WELL TO THS CONDITION OF THE .SKIN. TO THIS END THE BATH SHOULD BE TAKEN WITH HAND S A POLIO Alt Orocert mod Druggitt AMlsEMICNTs. Harney and 19th Sts. 'Phone Douglas 81& Tonignt st :ls. uarden concert 7:46. MATINEE SATURDAY J;2O-0c, JUo. TAR VAUDEVILLE With the RIJou Stock Co. Presenting mqvjs And war," Evening Price 10c oc, too. bsSbbbI I In &oj when tvottt- (f M i MlJo- AND BUY 4 LOT FOR $1.00 A WEEK ; HALF ACRES 2.50 A W'EKK, ACRES $3.00 A' WKKK. p. 9 PERFECT TITLE, WARRANTY DEED, FREE ABSTRACT. y MILITARY ADDITION Platted only six weeks, already sold 94 out of 133 lots. We now offer ten 1-acre lots, ten H-acre lots and twenty-flee city lots.' It la an Ideal location. Just north of King's 1'ark and two blocks north of Country Club and Military Avenue car line, on dlrect'car line to Benson. 'o change of cars, twenty-five minutes ride to Sixteenth and Farnam; graded streets, trees set out and seeded to lawn grass. , V PRICED AND TERMS V ;, Fifty-foot city lots $100 to $ 160. $10 down and $1 a week,. Half acres (equal to thrpe 40-foot city lots) $250 to $360, $25 down and $2.60 a week. ,' Acres (equal to six 40-foot city lots') $400 to $550, $50 down and $3 a week. j s v Good discount for all cash. Don't miss (his opportunity to get lot, half acre1 or acre. - t No matter tow small your Income, these small pfcyments won't be noticed by you and before the property is paid for It will be worth, double the price asked now. . , Salesman on the ground all day Haturdsy. - ' Take Ucnson rar and get off at oast or west sid of K rug's Fark and walk two blocks nortlwou can't uiiss It. Only two blocks from car, line and paved street. Remember the data. . Saturday this week Come early. . Call or write for plats and Information. ' .-: u f l!astings"& Hey den, 1?04 Y'ainsjn HU' Gronnd Floor Bm BIdg. p SCHMOLLER & MUELLER'S Great Special Sale of Litjle Used Pianos at $1 Per Week Sensation of thi Week In Plana Selling 140 Standard High Grade Pianos, practically good a , newr prices ranging from $65 to $25. Krrry Instrrsmrnt fully, guaranteed. $125 $148 $165 French Walnut cas., Worth $1130, DAVIS & SONS Fancy mahogany Worth $2fl. 1VEKS & POND-. Ebony art. .......... Worth $310. LESTER $185 e $135 $158 $175 $225 Fancy walnut ....... ir. . Worth $363. STERLING ' Cabinet grand Worth $2?. VOSE & SONS . Full size I CIIICKERING Rosewood case.' Worth $SO. EMERSON- Fancy mahogany". , .'. Worth $400. " DEXTFR BQUARHJ 1B CHICK ER1NO SQUA RB. .' . ;$2fl BTE1NWAY SfcCARfiV. .., . $50 On our stock of new Stelnway k Sons, Stogef "and "Sotisi Kihr son, A. B. Chase, Hardraan. Mc Phall, Kurtsman and many others we are offering from 2tf to 8 ter rent discount during this special ealo. ' ' SCnMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO. The Oldest, largsst aad Most sto. liable Flano Honse la the West," Established '1S6. OPERATING FIVE STORKS AND1 A FACTORY. 13111313 Fxrnam St. Omaha Senator LaFollette AT HASTINGS CHAUTAUQUA Sunday, July 22 At 2:30 P. M. REDUCED RATES ON ALL ROADS AMfSEMEJSTS. AUDITOMM THE FAMOUS ROYAL HAWAIIAN RAN P ONE WEEK. JULY 23d to 28th TWO CONCERTS DAILY Reserved seats now on sale it tho Audi torium. " - Prices SS cents and 60 bents, 'general ad mission tt cents.' Book tickets now on snle at the Auditorium, and at Myers, A Dillon's, Sherman & McConnell's, lieaton's, 0.D. Klpllnger's, Bennett's and Thompson & Belden. , v BASE BALL VINTON STREET PARK Omaha vs Pueblo July 20, 21, 22; 22. r FRIDAY JULY ' 20,' LADIES' DJLT. ST.C;S Two Gaines GAMES CALLElt :45. E" R 17. ' or Oar virftos 'lMlTaraam St. ,1 l uder U. 8. Nat l Bank.