THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 21, IMG. 12 m 5 w t , tori Closet 10 p. B. Sitordij GREATEST CHINA SALE EVER. HELD IN AMERICA. Branded bought at a sensational price redaction entire pample linei from leading importer in thU country I Fancy Qrina Plates J Cups aid SaeceFS t At actually about one-fourth their real value Beautifully Decorated Plates l Made of the finest China exquisitely decorated in dozens 5 of color effects the new conventional designs the pretty and unique patterns in ornamental plates, etc. thousands , ! 10e-15c-29c49c f ;. Daintiest of Cups and Saucers In coffee, tea and after dinner coffee size hundreds of new and pretty designs and dainty bargain tables W7 worth tn M-50 for 'cup and saucer. . .'. . : Olive Dishes, Bon These odd and fancy little dishes are very pret tily "decorated a wide range of .'designs and colors worth up to $1.00 each rft 1A 5 in three lots, at ; To give ample room to the thrones of buyers and make selections easy, we ; wiU devote entire basemtto this sale a ........ . uvJuvJ 1UL1 The direct route to St. Paul and Minneapolis, Su perior, Duluth and all points in southern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of jiviicnigan is via inc inorin $1 $1 175 Round trip from Omaha July 24th, 25th and 25th. Return limit July 31st, with privilege of extension until August 15th on payment of fee of 50c. Round trip from Omaha daily during the summer. Return limit October 31st. 2 50 Two fast trains per day leave Omaha 7.50 a. m. and 8.28 p. m. Splendid equipment. The night train is electric lighted throughout with buffet-smoking . . and library car, splendid Pullman sleeping cars and free recliniog chair cars. (She Tiest of Everything. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and full information apply at v ..' TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 Farnam St, Omaha, and 522 Broadway, Council Bluffs -' v t's, NO HOT NIGHTS In the Rockies.. The air Is pure without undue moisture. There' Is no excessive .', heat in summer. There are no con tinuous saturating rainfalls. IN COLORADO the summer nights are invariably cool, In . . duclng rest and refreshing sleep. Very low rates of J 1 017.50 015.00 oroorci"PAiFii i . The Popular Route to Colorado t , 7 Inquire at . CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1824 FARNAM ST. , 'Phone Douglas 834. SCHOOLS AHD AUentwortli : Ston 5 CIojii T 10 p. n. 5 Situriij t New and ArtUtlc Designs In Austrian, Royal Dresden, Imperial Crown, Bavarian and Fine French China Thousand of people have ad mired the beautiful window dis play. Hundreds have told us It Is the most elaborate showing of . decorated China ever known In Omaha. Newest designs In bread and butter plates, rail plates, wall plates, etc. Cups and saucers and trays In all sizes and shapes. colorings arranged on big 10c-15c-29c I Bon Dishes, Trays I tf V Xv V."" w ! - noicni -iuc mm In effaet SYery day to September SMh to Denver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and return. " ALSO to same points. Tickets oa sale September 19 to 21. VIA COLLEGES. PallUtary Academy BxMMlla IK ailOSIe WM. Cmmm A raat lMt. On W It n ! V. 4 SATURDAY CANDY AGAIN TODAY TODAT WB PLACE OM 8 At.E THE 7TH LOT OF BOSTON 8ATLRDAT CAN'iT." Already hundred of pec pi. know bow delicious and pure this candy la and eome each Saturday for one two or three boxes of It. Iaat Saturday noma were dis appointed a tha randy waa all Bold some time before closing our Store. TO THOSE) WHO t0 NOT ALREADY KNOW. It's I-eagett's Saturday Candy. Its sold Saturday only and for 2Pc. It's equal to or better than any OMs Candv you aver ate Wa Irare this to yqu. It a Bold Ih OCR STORE ONLY. It's mada In Boston and shipped by faat refrigerator freight to only one store. In every principal city of the 1'nlted States. Try It and you will coma for more as others do. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go. THE REXALL DRUGGISTi Corner 16th and Dodge OMAHA. NEB. See America First Learn something of the Great West; see the Rocky Mountains COME TO COLORADO m The Wonderland of our continent The Grandest Scenery The Most Perfect Climate The Colorado & Southern Ry. has issued a series of beauti fully illustrated booklets, de scriptive of this fascinating country. Send six ' cents in stamps to cover postage. T. B. FISHER, General Passenger Agent, 632 Cooper Building, Denver Colo. BawSBkBSaV 10c HOFFMAN DOUSE CIGARS 5c One box (60) .82.30 IOc Republic Cigars Ac One box (25) 91.23 IOc El Weldo 5c One box (25) .' 8125 We have just received a very large ship ment Vpf the above brands, which are all manufactured by the Hlllson company, fac tory Ne. 1, Third district, state of New York. They are alt in good condition and will be on sale at the above prices as Ions as they last. Domestic smokers will oo well to take advantage of this sale. Myers-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farnam Sis. CUT RATE CIGAR DEALERS "Follow the FU.' LOW RATKS SOLD CART 111 JUKE. JULY 18, AUG. I AND 22, SEPT. 5 AKD 19 Ask WABASH CITY OPPICI, 1001 Farnam SC. or address BARRY B. MOORE8, G. A. 1. TX, Wabash B K, Nebraska Ma CMieMseTtsj-a snLieM VAa7c - rg ml. a.; .r fi a. tm kaii. Ti7ili uli n 8mV ta Bn(l. CU.kW Ckjaaifsl C, iSaVREUEF FOR LADIES aW Ml DnLEWIS TABLETS! 7 aMl1alFaBh.rUiMtraakkM. Im.4I.u B A la lUaia4t cum itKf til lM Ulli. i Tka anlr bm IrtitonM ibasUitlF tclUtU. V F Ml all lakarieM, mm ketlia Ubm aa Bnacr R P . I, ...I- Llcent SkIiIIm, c sr" 71 tuuHiik. t r. I I" t ? 1 : fclr J BtaMlcaeiatmttl Call Us by 'Phone Whenrrar yxn waat somethtof call Thons t38 and make ft known tbxeasjk a Be Want Ad. SCBOOUS AID COLLEOBI. DELLEVUC COLLEGE COLLBOE-Clasalcal, acUntmc, ptlloao- pblcal eoureee. ACADEMY An accredited Hlsh SchooL Praparea for bellevua or any other ouj lei or university. NORMAL SCHOOL Elementary and ad vanced courses. OrtlflVatea granted. CONSERVATORY Theory of tnuate, fj. ano voire, violin, elocution and art. CON N EOT I ON 8 with Omaha; Electrto line and Burlington Kallway. Fall aemeater opens September II. Address Frestdtut VSaiwerto, Utvut, KtU . . - . . - r SGCI(llS Men's Shirts worth up to $1.25, your choice Men's Suits worth up to $12.50, your choice mien's Pants worth up to $2.50. -your choice SUSPEI1DERS worth up to 75c, your choice 2 Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Douglas. $4 and $5 i I. j Women's Tan biiocs 200 pairs Women's Chocolate Brown Tan Lace Shoes In turns and welts. In - broken sizes, but still a good assortment left; these are all $4.00 and $5.00 high grade shoes, at, one "A price , ... . . . i I.JU CO pairs of Hanan's Russia Calf Welt Oxfords, regu- 1 fill lar $4.60, now a.UU 100 pairs Zelgler Bros. Court Ties, cut in half, 1 Afl $4.00. now .UU 100 pairs Armstrong's Russia Calf Oxford's $4.00 2 00 100 pairs Women's Tan Oxfords, turns and welts, $3 and Prt $3.60 goods, now i,DVJ 200 pairs Women's Shoes, broken sizes, $3.50 and $4 7C Shoes i DC 100 pairs Women's Black and Tan Oxfords, $3 and $4 .values . 50c All of our white Misses' and Chil dren's White Canvas Shoes, misses' sizes, 11 to 1 and Children's sizes, 8 1-2 to 11 .1.00 On all men's high and low cut tan shoes Hanan's, Clapp and Boyden's make. " Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street You Can't Afford TO OVERLOOK Nlcoll's tempting of fer to Include , an extra pair of trousers with every suit ordered dup ing July . Think it over and then come in and see how great the opportunity really is. Reduced prices in effect on the en tire stock during July. WILUAM JEBRKMO SONS. " 200-11 Bo. 15th" St. " TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER est raraa Tm. m Year. , . . t t Addraas, Oasaka, gab. for Saturday t s . . Women's , Patent Colt and . Gun Metal Oxfords $2.50. Worth $3.25. Fry Shoe Co., 16th and Douglas Sfs. ' NEW ELEVATOR 'While the Masons put In' their new elevstor we have to tear everything out of our back room. Money takes less room than goods, hence these prices: 10c ROOT BRER Rc EXTRACT....... JW 15c MAJOR'S ' Oc CEMENT.. aw 10c WILLIAMS' SHAVINO R- SOAP . 25c WILLIAMS' SHAVINO SC STICK c,w 40c POUND BAR COLGATE'B OSr SHAVINO SOAP-8 Be cakes."-"" 25c COLGATE'S SHAVING QC STICK sw 60c QUART BOTTLE CV7 C GRAPE JUICE .Jaw A BIO LOT OF" 10c AND 15o vr SOAPS Cake "w $1.00 BATH fific SPRAY UUW 25c DERMA LINE SKIN SOAP-Efc three cakes cvrw $1.00 DUFFIELD S PURE flton MALT WHISKY, $1.00 RUBBER 7Sr GLOVES aT tJV $4.00 "RUBBER (f SPONGE iJO'vU 25c COLGATE'S TOOTH POWDER, with cake of Cashmere 1 S, Boquet Soap ItJW $3.00 CAPITAL LADIES' 1 HQ SYRINGE qI.yO TBc S-QUA RT FOUNTAIN A l SYRINGE OQ $1 00 4-QI-ART FOUNTAIN C SYRINGE UllC LOT OF WATER BOTTLES Worth from $1 to $175 each.AVC 50c PERFUMES - Per ounce A.OC AND STACKS AND STACKS OF ' OTHER GOODS. liOWELL DRUG CO., 16th St. and Capitol Avenue. NEW FALL SHOES WALK -OVER Styles Sixty Says Ahead of the " Averafa Baasoa. Ton eaa sat tha paoa la Omaha for faabionabla footwear If you bay the V1W X, A T . Twenty-ona caaea now on sale of the awellest atylea and finest grade workmanship ever put together in a Una of ahoea to aell for $3.50 and $4.00 (No odds and ends or has-beens.) BEE OUR WINDOWS at tha Walk-Over Shss Store, 1521 Farnam St. S. Thompson, the Walkover Han. HOTELS. HOTEL KUPPER. Kaasas City, mm This masniflrent hotel hss 300 beau tiful rooms and Is located at 11th and McGee atreeta In the shopping dialrlt-l. Only half a lilork from Ine E4iiury, Bird. Thayer dry gooda atore; near all the theaters. 100 Frlvate Batbs. Telephones la All Soomi. Hot aad Cold Aaaalag Water la Bvery Boom. TJaaxcalled Cafe. Verfeot Collins. Club Breakfaets and Table B'Bote Dlaaars Served La Cafe. Bates 1 a Zay aad Upward. . Buropeaa Vlaa Reserve tlona may be made by tele graph at our expenae. KirPKR-HKNKO.V HOTEL OO. V. A. BBSTSOsT, Kaaagat. Poasax nissourl saciisssi?r frF-SS!fca mm Great Water BARGAIN . SURPRlStS IN ALL DEPART-MENTS THE RELIABL.K IT9RI Greatest Clothing Val- ues Ever urn i. t r '-is mMmm U $10 to $18 Cravenette Coats Newest styles and best pat terns ou special sale prices, Saturday at $10-7L-$5 1 !HIAYOt5Lx3 BR i M A r CommeLnds A i ie i t to n Because of Its purity, healthfulness and unsur passed flavor. what could be weather is hot foam-oreasted Gold We will send t h JetterBrewingGo. Tel. Do. 8, feouth Omaha. Sr-" HOUSEKEEPERS should remember that quality Is our first consideration and that all our food supplies are fresh, pure and wholesome. We don't handle the trashy grades. Remember we always HAVK VQt' MUNKY, , . MEAT DEPARTMENT Good Htpsk. per pmmd "'io Round Steak, per pound 9Vv Porter Houm Steak, per pound 1 c Sirloin Bleak, per pound Boiling Mat. per pou"d Roast Meat,- per pound No. 1 Hams, per pound ..10o ..120 GROCERY PEPARTMENT. 39 lbs. pure Cane Granulated Sugar. n 48 lb. sack Purity Hour, the Lange Grocery Co. best, every sack miara-n-teed or your money cheerfully re funded, per sack -. U-M TOE LANGE GROCERY '; . .. , ' Telephone: 1580 TWO MIII1IEAP0LIS VIA , ILLIHOIS CEI1TRAL RAILROAD , 7 . ' . k .'4, Leave Omaha 8:00 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. ' Round trip Summer Tourist Tickets ($12.50) on sale .daily. Special round trip rate ($10.75) in effect July 24, ' 25, 26. . Ilomefleekers' tickets on sale every Tuesday to points in Minnesota, North and South Dakota and the Canadian Northwest. , Information- and tickets at City Ticket Office, H02 Farnam street, Omaha. R. NORTIL District Passenarer Acrent.' 1 Damage Sale SEE LARGE AD ON PAGE 8. Offered Our entire reserve stock of Highest Grade Clothing has been brought forward for Satur day's selling. These suits are perfect in every respect, " t Men's Suits Made up in tlie latest styles your choice of serges, cheviots, worsteds, cassimeres, etc., etc Splendid values at $15.00 and $18.00, sale CIA 750 prices Saturday. II ..Superior to any offered' in Omaha at the prices. See dis play in 16th street window. Men's Outing Suits The hottest weather yet to como. Now, just the time you need them most. You can't afford to miss the comfort when you can ' J v. v v., fitting high grade suis in thia sale, at 750 C C suit i miJ r Ammmm i Xl 1.A iL 3 1 1 1 f xuiv ouib in vue iuu wuna aouDJe. Children's Knee Pants Suits In double breasted Norfolk and Russian hlonso ntvlM. i" I , . s f all newest materials, splendid to $5.00 150 195 15 i values, at.... afai "I T . .. I The Perfect Eeei The lady with a casa of QOUD TOP la al ways prepared for unexpeoted guosta, for more welcome when th" than a glass of cool sparkling Top. a case to your home. Omaha Ha adquarters, HUGO F. BILZ. 14th and Douglas, Tel. Doug. ISC Co. Bluffs Headquarters. LEE MITCHELL. 1011 Main Street, Tel. SO, it Grape Nuta. per pkg. IOC EuK-O-See. ner ckr TUo PKg 8lireddl Wheat Biscuits, per pkg luc Bromangelnn. 10c pkg TW3 Premium Chocolate, per in no Cucumbers, home grown, each SWo Iced Tea, per lb oo V. C. Soap, Beat 'Em All and Lenox, 10 bars for 24 Fresh Country Butter, per lb...... .am Fresh Eggs, per dosen loo PEACHES. PEACHES. Fancy large Elberta Peaches. 4 basket orate 76c, single, basket Wo CO., 24th & Cuming St. Douglas 8Z2S. 1Z FAST TRAINS - TO AND ST. PAUL s 1 ;. 6 k tut H