Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 21, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha . Daily Bee
Team Excitement Ferrades All Classes of
Booittj it St. Petersburg.
Amendmecta to Addreu to Country May
Kot &4TS Farliament.
Emperor Flcho'M Aea'm Unred to Iwne
Order of Eluolutlon. ,-
Troop Ba. planed that They Caa
Coatrel City la Case Parlia
ment Is Dissolved
- . Order at Cear.
flee Inspection of Canned Meat Mar
( ti.r Saapeaeloa of All
1 mparts.
Jndee Fruer Admite Oonfettioni of Eooi
the Nerro Coachmen.
TirtT lv ti mAa th result nf In
quiries Instituted owing to the report that HE SAYS HIS FIRST CHARGES ARE FALSE
the German government hd decided to en
force such stringent taws against American
fanned product aa to virtually exclude
them. It la learned that several recent
eeliurea of meat unfit for food made at
customs houses on the Russisn frontier
caused Inquiries to be made ty the customs
authorities and the Prussian ministry of
agriculture regarding the system of inapec-
Serle of Leeal Victories for Re-
spondent Anger Attorneys tar
Plaintiff aad Tier Maka
Olra Threats.
PITTSBURG, Pa., July 20. Charges of
Hon. It was learned that the practice had crooked methods made by both sides were
been ordinarily either not to break a pack- a feature of the sensational Hartje dl-
age or. If opened, not to cut slices of its vprce cai). during it, hearing today,
contents for examination. Changes In the hat anj ,pparenUy a ,ere of legal vie
regulations requiring a close Inspection bo- torlM fof Mrg HartJe( th, regpondent In
wr.iwon1iPii.n.m,u, ,h, ,ult algo niarhed the day.8 session
of preparation by representatives of the an(, culmlmUKl , th, oa of the
customs ana agriculture auuionues ior
submission to the Bundesrath.
Thane regulations will apply to Imports
over whatever frontier, hencs they will
cover American meats, but as these are
already mora restricted than the importa-
confesnions of Clifford Hooe, ths colored
coachman, in which lie is said to have
declared that he lied when he swore that
he had Improper relations with the re
spondent. This most Important point was
T. PETERSBURG, July 20. Bxtr'
nerveusneaa and xeltment pervaded
rlassee, owing to fear that the action t
the Iowa house of Parliament In adopting,
at I e'oleek) this morning, an addreaa to the
people may be a signal for the coup d'etat
against Parliament It is rumored that
the step has bean decided upon and the
Strang prints a rsport that an Imperial
ukase ordering the dissolution of Parlia
ment, has already best) signed.
The feeling of general alarm la Increased
by th faot that all night long guard
regiment have been marching Into the
city from the guards' camp at Kraenoye
Belo. Moreover, It Is known that th col
onels of th Bemlnovsky regiment of the
guard and of the hussar of the gnard
and the colonels ef th ismallovsky, Fav
lovsky,' Prebrajonsky and Taegerakt guard
regiment and the colonel of the horse ar
tillery of the guard wer summoned to th
headquarter of the commander of the St.
Petersburg garrison, where they received
Instructions regarding th disposition of
their troops In th case of certain eventual
ities. - An attempt was made to reassure
the public wlea this fact leaked out, with
the explanation that these wer precau
tionary disposition arranged In view of
th threatening situation among the work
men in the industrial seotlons, but the evi
dence seem conclusive that th govern
ment bas deliberately prepared for the
gravest emergency.
- Duelsloa- Hat Kaawa.
Bo far ae can be ascertained, however,
no find decision bae been taken at Peter
hof. ( The ministry, which believe it. 1
gain back In the saddle, hope to prolong
th statu quo, while th court camarilla
Insists that th sooner th Parliament, a
th center of the revolutionary' propa
ganda. hi dispersed, the better, and both
lde unit In th necessity for prepara
tions to meet the extra constitutional step
of the lower house.
'One th final decision to dlssolv Par
liament I taken, it I believed the repre
sentative of foreign power will lmmed
lately be notified and no such notification'-feeen .give. Tha question now
la. how the change in th form of th ad
dress, it Anally adopted early thi morn
ing, will effect the ettuatlon. Undoubtedly
the constitutional democrats did all they
could to amend the address, so aa to avoid
the appearance of Parliament entering
upon a revolutionary role. During th de
bat they dwelt upon th point that th
address did not summon the people to sup
port Parliament against the government,
end Instead of provoking the masses to an
uprising, It adjured them to remain quiet.
Nevertheless, they were forced, owing to
dissensions n their own ranks, to eliminate
a declaration In favor of th principle of
payment for expropriated land, thus In a
measure confirming the Idea prevalent
among the peasantry that the confiscation
of the land would be for their benefit, pur
and simple.
Mar Disrupt Democrats.
The evident desire of th constitutional
democrats to extract the teeth from ths
address drove the members of the group
of toll out of the house with the avowed
intention of Issuing their proclamation,
' This 'Is not an unmixed evil, aa It might
. open the door to a final opportunity for
an agreement between th constitutional
democrats and the government. If this
happens Immedlstely the Indications are
that the constitutional democrats as a
party will go to pieces, the radical wing
going over to the left and the conservative
wing dissppesrlng among the scattered ele
ments of th right.
Even if the present crisis Is passed with
out a surrender to the government, things
are almost sure to drift from bad to
worae, a,nd In the end the government will
be forced to disperse Parliament at the
point or ir,- oaynnei, mm urn ruia i
buffer between the government and a revo
lutton Is rapidly disappearing. Th Mlsla
nd three other newspapers of this city
were confiscated todsy.
A high-placed personage In conversation
with the correspondent of tha Associated
Press today made no effort to conceal th
gravity of the situation. He said:
"ICverrthlng may depend upon today'
Itting of th lower house of Parliament,
If no step Is tsken to avoid a conflict with
th government, th aequel may be tragic."
Peoalmlatle VeellnsT.
At ths Taurtde palace today a pessimistic
feeling was prevalent, but the leaders gen
erally did not believe that the government
would dare to attempt a dissolution of
At the opening of the lower house th
" question of the publication of the address
tlons of newly killed Russian or Austrian "ol e'nea unU1 an.r a oin.r.,
meat, they are not expected to appreciable "truggle between opposing counsel which
effect American meats, which habitually led for over an hour ana a nan ana
Inspected mor searchlngly at the ports during which Attorney Ferguson made
..-n hitherto has been the case with over- many sensational threat
imports. But a more serious move- Respondent Close Case
directed solely against American with the nfrerina- of thia confession and
m ud lard, Is being pushed by agrarian of Beverai other documents today the cas
for the respondent was practically closed,
although Attorney John Freeman, of Mrs.
Hartje' counsel, told the court that he
might have some new matter to present
later. An adjournment waa then taken
until Monday morning,
Detectives Ray and Perkins told of the
arrest of Hooe in Ohio and of his being
brought back to Pittsburg where he made
his confession. Attorney John Marron of
Mr. Hartje's counsel put both Ray and
InU with the likelihood of command
ing i ul support In the Reichstag when
the rr comes up In the autumn.
It wa rted by the so-called agricul
tural chk composed of landlords and
farmers, a . resulted In the Prussian Diet
In June adopting a resolution recommend'
Ing that the government pass a law ex
cluding absolutely all preserved meat un
accompanied by the glands and all other
parts of the carcase.
It waa obvloua tn the ehamhera that the
Importation with preserved meats of other Perkins through a rigid cross-examination
parts of the bodies waa impossible or lm- in which he tried to show that Hooe was
probable. The destruction of th American made drunk and coerced by the detectives
market and' large trade waa the objective Into making his confession. Mrs. Mary
In view. Similar or Identical resolutions Scott Hartje. the respondent, testified that
were passed by. the agricultural chambers she was present when the first deposition
of Bavaria, Saxony, Wurtemburg and other 0f the negro coachman waa taken and
German states. that what he said there was "outrageously
Dr. Max Pollacxek, editor of the Fleischer false,
4eiiung. tne organ or tn meat traae. Hard Battle of Argument
aaia me corresponaent or tne associ- wa a nrd baU,e of argument
"The demands of the agricultural cham
hers will be laid before Parliament in No
vember. I have no doubt they will be
adopted, as American meat has no de
fender In Germany. Even the opponents
of the agrarians only favor the Import of
fresh meat or live stock.
"Most of the things said against Amer
ican meat have been widely published in
when counsel for Augustus Hartje tried to
get stricken from the case the evidence
concerning Hooe given by John L. weisn
ons, Hartje's close friend, and the witnesses
who followed him.
Attorney J. Scott Ferguson led the argu
ment for Hartje and bitterly arraigned
Mrs. Hartje. Attorney John M. Freeman,
chief of counsel for Mrs. Hartje, replied
h.rniif and -mam reinforced bv written and
Germany and practically used by the agra- carefuUy prrpar(M, paper, t0 establish hi.
. " . ' ." I . . . . contention that the evidence was proper.
except uerman raisea ana siaugnteraa mm . , . .ph.rt B Vrn,r nr. the counsel
Is fit to eat." I .", fln.iiv
A specialist on th subject said today . , . virtnrj, be considered
mat .t in. m.ncan pacaers. wnen tne ana made a part of the case. Th opposing
cnatges again em were nrst mte. naa . Me, had aimculty , agreeing on
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rji y inviifa i ill urrniui rutpi la
ment to send Its own Inspectors to Judge of
the ootid! tons H would have done much
to counteract the effect of the exposure.
statement of fact to be considered upon
which the conclusions of law were based.
At the close of the day Judge Fraxer
said that the four statements mad by the
negro coachman would not be read Jnopen
court. -The Judge aakl it would not bo well
to have them made public. at thl time and
intimated that he waa acting eolety In the
Interests of publlo morals.
Hooe has made four statements, the first
accusing Mrs. Hartje and the other three,
LONDON. July .-Owtng to premature made later, declaring the first to be false,
Piaaaetev . Lesvn Over Twelve Mil-
lloas Besides Large Legacies to
Relatives aad) Frleada.
statements, regarding the will of the late
Alfred Belt, the South African financier,
the executore of Mr. Belt's estate this
Defendant oa Stand
The defendant, Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje,
was called to tne stana to aeny mat sne
Crowds at All Realtratlon 1'olats far I
tha Shoshone Mvserva I
tlaa. I
WORLAND, Vtyo., July J0.-(Bperial
I .est evening's train In something
over Jon passengers for toly's registration.
Two lectures were delivered on the reserves
on the Wyoming and Shoshone, reservation
by Messrs, Mercer and .?. (". Argishlmer,
who will talk to the people here each even.
Ing during the registration period, People
rom the east are eiiry-ised to find a 8-
month-old town with streets graded, side
walks and crossings. Main street waa
lighted up with arc lights for the first
time last night. Police protection Is per
fect snd the best of onter prevails. Prices
for meals and lodging are reasonable and
the town Is prepared to care tor l.iKH) people
at any time. Commissioner Richards Is at
his ranch, forty-five mile east of here and
s keeping in close toti-h with sll registra
tion points. He reports w-rythlng moving
along In a satisfactory Kwtnner, with pros
pects of a continued increase In the num
ber who come to register until th closing
day. Large numbers leave here daily for
Thermopolis by stage, lured thither by the
enticing prospects of mineral claims to be
located In the Owl Creek mountains after
the settlers draw their agricultural claims.
SHOSHONI, Wyo., July . (Special.)
Two hundred returning liomcseekers spent
last night at Okla, removing the debris of
wrecked material trnln from the track
In order to clear the way that their train
might proceed. The nutarnlng passenger
waa, fortunately, flashed in time to prevent
a . serious accident.- -The- material train
westbound. Jumped the track about 10:30
laat night. The passenKera continued their
Journey eastward this Vnornlng.
The matter of where the drawing for
homeetends on the 8hoshone, or Wind River
reservation, ehall be held has been definitely
decided and Bhoshonf eIll be the point.
This comes authoritatively from Commis
sioner Richards, who lias decided that It
will be Impossible for the people to get to
Lander. The sure-thlag gamblers have all
been closed up end It is the Intention to
keep the lid on. The registration to dat
at this point Is between l.SOO and 1,400. Ac
commodations are ample for the sleeping
and feeding of 2.GC0 people here dally and
meals and beds can be hnd at S5 cents
for the former and 60 cents per night for the
Intense excitement prevails here since It
became known this morning that rich gold
and copper strikes bavi been made In the
Copper mountains, north of here, in the
last few days. The first news of the dis
coveries emanated from . Mayor Quintal's
office today. An extensive and rich copper
vein has been discovered on the Johnson
property, fifteen miles north of here, and
on the edge of the : aservatlon. An old
prospector named White brought Into the
mayor's office yesterday a piece of quarts
of the richest quality supposed to have been
dlaooVered near the Hoie property, eighteen
miles northeast from nere.
Justine afanhall of Supreme Court Aiki
Favor of Insurance. Compenj.
Jartst Reqaeated that Ha Be Allowed
Canamtselaa oa His Aaaaal Pre
snlaaa tar Remitting
IM reet.
ft a. m
fl a. ni . .
T a. nt. .
a a. m . .
It a, m . .
IO a. tn . ,
It a. m. .
I'i Bl . , ,
Independents Alias that Rates. Tary
.' for Same DUtaV -e la Different
. v , .. Part ? 'State,';' ' .
evening gave out the exact terms of the had been Intimate with Hooe. Her denial
public bequest, without, however, dlsclos- was complete and her eyes Mateo aa she
Ing the amount of the fortune left, which scornfully said that the deposition made by
it Is believed it will tske a considerable I Hooe wa maliciously false. Mrs. Hartje
time to estimate, owing to the fluctuation said that she was present when the Hooe
In the pric of shares owned by Mr. Belt- deposition wa taken. Bhe wa not cross
As forecasted, th document I very Inter- examined to any extent by the attorneys
eating, lacking little of th remarkable for her husband, they reserving the right to
qualities which gossip attributed to the be- I cross-examine her .later.
quests. The sums enumerated make the Then Edgar Ray. the detective who had
vast total of $9,87S,O0O, not Including the arrested Hooe. at East Liverpool, O., waa
value of the estate bequeathed to his native placed on the stand, and It wa realised
city of Hamburg, or the art treasure be- that all bar were down In the case and
stowed on the national gallery and th that the plaintiff will be compelled to go
museums In Hamburg It Is believed that through with his original allegations.
the aggregate will not be far short of The first eutement by Hooe. which was
$12.6nfl,000. I the one made In Mre. Hartje'e- presence,
The most notable provision of the will Is contained such charges that it . was believd
that In which a body of trustees get con- they would not be pressed.
trol of W.000.000 to be used In the develop- The second statement recalled what Hooe
ment and construction of means of com- had said before, and It was regarding this
munlcatlon, tranamisslon by railway, tele- deposition that Detective Ray was called
graphs and wireless telegraphy and tele- to th stand.
phone lines In Rhodesia and upon the Cape The witness testified that Hooe said he
to Cairo railway, which, with other be- wanted to make a confession. It wa the
quest for South Africa, demonstrate that first peaceful day, Hooe said, he had had
Mr. Belt s interest In the welfare of the tor four months. His wife and mother
country In which his fortune was made Is scolded him; the persons who had em
equal to that of his old associate, Cecil ployed him had not don what wa right
Rhode. by him, - and every time he came to Pitts-
Mr. Beit left large sum to relatives, num- burg he was sent away again. He felt,
eroua legacies to friends and gifts to clerks h said, that he should have had his head
end servants. The residue of his estate, cut off for talking against the woman.
real and personal. Is bequeathed to his
brother. Otto Belt, absolutely.
The will Is dsted April, 4, 19B.
The witness denied that any Inducement
was offered Hooe to maks th statement.
Alderman King, , who followed Ray, said
that when the deposition was read to Hooe
at the hearing he said th statement were
true and correct. In reply to a question
Daasatalr Caa Before British Privy as to Hooe' mental condition at the time
KANSAS CITY, , Mp.', July 20. Mr.
Gardner said that since, the oil rates
had been recently fixed by statute In the
state of Kansas . the price of refined oil
had fallen 12 a barrel, or about 4 cent a
gallon, to the consumer. Tariff sheeta.
published by the railroad companies show
ing the rates between various point In
Missouri were Introduced as evidence by
the witness and tiled with the testimony
C. D. Chamberlain, secretary of th Na
tional Petroleum association and counsel
for the oil shippers, expressed regret after
the hearing had adjourned that he had not
had an opportunity to submit a summary
of the evidence to the board.
"We are pleased with the manner In
which our case has been laid before the
commissioners," said Mr. Chamberlain,
"but I waa anxious to Impress upon them
one or two points that may not be entirely
clear. I wished particularly to bring out
the fact that the railroads refuse to make
a uniform rate for equal distances In dif
ferent parts of the state. "They make one
rate for a certain distance In one locality
and or the same distance In another the
rate may be nearly again as much. Ti e
commissioners, I understand, have held that
the railroads have a right to do this,
but I contend It Is an infringement of the
law. The matter was mentioned to Rush
Lake, assistant attorney general, and he
haa promised to Investigate It."
Before the commlslsoners give an opinion
in the rata case they will examine, at the
request of the railroad companies, abstracts
of evidence heard in a former Inquiry and
will make a comparison of tariff sheet
of this and other states.
In the afternoon the board listened to
complaints from the railroad companies
concerning rates on agricultural, Imple
ment and furniture.. The companies assert
that the present schedule will not permit
of any profit being made la transporting
such merchandise.
MILWAUKEE. July 20. The proceedings
b f jto the committee of the Wisconsin legis
lature engaged .In Investigating life Insur
ance conditions In this state. State Manager
J. G. Albright of the Union Central Life
Insurance company of Cincinnati yesterday
produced correspondence showing that a
supreme court official asked that the life
agent's commission for collection of the
premium on his (the supreme court offlclal e)
policy be paid to him. The letters were
written by Chief Justice Rouget D. Mar
shall. Justice Marshall late this afternoon
vouched for the authenticity of the corre
spondence. The Justice, however, said ,he
thought there wa nothing Iregular in any
of the letters.
Letter from Jnstlee Marshall.
The original correspondence was produced
by Mr. Albright late today. The -letters
soliciting the commission for collection I
as follows:
COURT, MADISON, Wis.. Oct- 1., lvi
Union Central Life Insurance company,
Cincinnati. O. Gentlemen: 1 hold policy
No. 23;'.o In your company on whlh
there falls due the 18th day of this
month the annual premium, ttTTl 40. I
am not at present advised as to whether
I will be obliged to remit to the principal
office. Not knowing that you have any
atcent in this city and supposing that if you
have such agent he has no claims upon
you for a percentage for the collection of
my premium, 1 suggest that you send my
receipt to the First National bank of Madi
son, Wis., with a draft attached for the
tiTl.40 and Instruction to deliver the receipt
upon payment of the draft on or before
the due date of the premium, and that In
such cae you permit the bank to take the
usual agent's commission for the collection,
wun permission to pay tne same to me.
My policy came from an agent entirely
outside of my circle of business acauatnt-
ances. I see no reason, myself, why I can
not dc permitted to make the pay mem in
ine manner auggnsted. hut- If there are
reasons, of course you will write me sug
gesting where to send the money. Very
truiy yours, R. J. MARSHALL,
Reply ef General Aaent.
The above letter from Justice Marshall
was referred by the home office of the In
surance company to Stat Manager Al
bright of Wisconsin, who in turn wrote to
his superior officers as follows
MILWAUKEE, Wis., Oct. , 1902.-B. P.
Marshall. Secretary Union Central Life In
surance Company, Cincinnati, O.: Dear
Sir I am today In receipt of yours of th
3d Inclosing a letter from a judge of the
supreme court of Wisconsin. Hon. K. u.
Marshall, asking that you grant him a re
bate upon his renewal premium. When a
Judge of the supreme court of this state
makes an appeal for a rebate and does it
direct to the home office, is it not time that
there be some elevation In the moral con
science of the DeoDle In hiah places before
we can hope for much change for the better
among the rank and file on the rebate ques
tion? This gives you an Idea of some of
the tUfftcultle we are obliged to contend
wun in mm state. Kespectrviuy yours,
'. - J. (A ALBRIGHT.
. ' - State Manager.
A Mr. Albrtgjit alao ' wrote 4 te the Justice
informing him that rebating' waa forbidden
by law In Wisconsin. The final answer of
Justice Marshall was written to-Mr. ' Al
bright as follows:
MADISON. Wis., Oct. 14, lSOS.-X G. Al
bright: Dear Sir: Here is the draft for pay
ment, 'on my policy. I am not acquainted
with the law to which vou refer. On re
flection you will probably see that there Is
nothing In the law to prevent your company
from paying to any bank anv collection
charges you may see fit. I do not take your
letter very seriously. It would not be out
of place for your company to establish an
agency outside of Milwaukee. Yours,
P. S. Send receipt to Madison, Wia.
Statement hy Jndts Marshall.
"I wrote the letters which were read
before th life Insurance investigating com
mission Thursday," said Justice R. D. Mar
shall, over the long distance telephone
from his farm In Kilbourne, lata thi aft
ernoon. The Judge continued:
-1 wrote, as the letters will show, that
the company had no local agent in Madison,
that I did not know where to send the
money for the premium and submitted to
the general office of the company the pro
pi lety of allowing me to pay the premium
Fair Sntardayi Warmer
rortloa. Sander Fair.
Temperature -nt Omaha eaterdnyt
i P.
4 p.
R p.
fl p.
T p.
Representatives of Central Republic Come
to an Arrcpment.
. ..... .
Strenuous Diftonesion Before a Conolusion
Was Beached.
Aatl-Forelgn Placards Canses Dtaa
to fall Conference of
EL PASO, Texas, July 20.-Raf,iel Tsahel.
governor of R.mora, Mex., passed through
El Paso today en route to Mexico City to
consult with President Dins and prepare
for the threatened uprising In that coun
try September 16. President Dial Is calling
all his governors Into conference. Consider
able trouble Is fenred in Sonora, as Cananea
Is lo-ated In that state and Is said to be a
revolutionary hot bed.
LAREDO, Texas. July 20 -For some time
past rumors have been rife In almost oil
the large cities In Mexico which may por
tend anything from a great strike of the
laboring element to a revolution against
the administration of President Dia.
Opinion is divided as to what the result
will be, but enough credence is placed in the
rumors to cause much uneasiness nnd steps
will be taken to meet any contingency which
may arise. Circulars have been posted In
Monterey; Baltlllo, San Luis Potosl nnd
other large cities throughout the republic
warning all foreigners to leave the country
before the lfith of September, the Independ
ence day of the republic.
The circulars are In substance:
We desire Mexico for the Mexicans nnd
warn all foreigners that If they do not
leave the country by the 16th of September
they will be ' driven into the sea.
Continuing, the circular says:
The principal industries and business of
the republic are In the hands of foreigners,
principally Americans. The railroads, al
though they apparently belong to the na
tion, are the exclusive property of Amer
icans; the Americans direct them. Thn
mining Industry is largely cdntroled by 'ho
foreign element and our nation, neretorore
independent. Is being made the servant of
roreign capital.
We are on the border of an abyss and
great catastrophe menaces us all unless
we force all foreigners out of the- country
ana give our own people a chance.
The Mexican government does not fear
any serious trouble, notwithstanding the
posting of these circular.
Resolution Eipressinc Appreciation f
President Roosevelt and Dial
Crowd So
Deaae ae to
of Prlsoacr to
Cooaell Resoite la Victory
for Appellants.
LONDON, July H.-.The Judicial commit
tee of th privy council has concluded Ifs
hearing of tha appeals of Dunsmulr against
Dunsmulr and Hopper against Dunsmulr
against the decision of the supreme court
of Csnada. Judgment was reversed.
The appeals to th supreme council are
the result of ths suit of Edna Wallace
Ifnnner in tireslr th mlll Af th. A I w
to the country, wich President Mouro.nt- i anaer Dun,mulr, h ,t.p.fathor ,n whlch
serf last night deotdrd had not been car- , brot ,.,, Dun,mulri fo
rled. owing to th. lack of a quorum. WMjml of Brltl.n Columbla w tnprllicl.
allowed to go over until Monday, when M. uu..
Moummtseff will again occupy the chair.
Without debate th house then adopted
a resolution on the subject of th Blalystob
msssacr. Aamanding tha prosecution of ths
military and police officials Involved, irre
spective of rank.
Heaelatlea oa Blalystek.
Tha resolution, which constitutes a
strorgly worded Indictment of th general
government, whkh 1 held responsible for
the secret propaganda Inciting class against
clas. says:
' Realising It powerlesanes to suppress
tlte revolutionary movement, the govern
ment attempts to suppress it by Inciting
on portion of the population against th
other, especially selecting the Jews fur vic
tims. Tn resolution conclude with another ax
freeaion of distrust of th ministry and
adopted a demand for It real gnat Ion.
Th Bourse Qasttt ay that an ex
traordinary council la altting thl afternoon
at Peterhof with General Count Ignatleff,
the noted reactionary; M. Pvbedonostsefr.
former procurator general of th holy
synod; Gsneul Trepoff. commandant of
th palace; M.Vtlchlnrky, minister of agri
culture, snd other tn attendance, dlscus-
CConilnued on Btoond Paga)
pal legatee
The suit Is based on the allegation that
James Dunsmulr unduly Influenced his
brother to procure the latter's fortune for
himself. Ignoring the lights of other rela
tives. The defendant's mother Joined In
tbe attempt to upset the will. .
No Evidence of Crime la Praasla
Against Anguat Hoaenberg
front Seattle.
ALTONA, Prussia. July. 10. August
Rosenberg, formerly of Seattle, Wash.. Was
arrested her July I on th charge of being
ngaged In an anarchist conspiracy nnd
has been released.
The Judge who Investigated th rase de
rided the testimony against th prisoner
was Inadequate and said that no suspicion
remained in the rnlnds of th authorities
against htm.
th statement waa read to him th witness
said b seemed to b sober and sensible.
Kidaapere After Hartje Childrea.
Telegram received by th police tonight
Indicate a plot to kidnap the two Hartje
children. Th telegram wa ent by Super
intendent Taylor of th Philadelphia police
department and read:
Rumor here plot completed abduction one
or both Hartje children. Three men re.
ported left here thte morning for Plttaburg.
No description.
A a result, two special officers are on
guard about the home of John F, Scott,
father of Mrs. Hartje, and where Mrs.
Hartje is now living.
I.atheraa ta Katabllah follecea.
HAMILTON, O, July Ju. The national
convention of th Lutheran nod of Ohio,
Indiana and Illinois voted tixluy In favor
of establishing a Lutheran Oulleg In th
tat of VN aabuigton.
Attorneys far J- B. Gaaugt File
Nolle of Petition and Bait
for 91BOHJO Da mages.
DES MOINES, July . Attorneys for J.
B. Gosaage of Ban Francisco today served
notice of application In the district court
for receiver tor th Brotherhood of Ainerl
can Yeomen, a fraternal Insurance order
covering many western states, with head
quarters in Des Moines. They also served
notice of suits for I1GO.OO0 which Oossage
claims to be due him in damage for can
celation of bla agent' contract and for
commissions on new members secared
through his agency. Th application for
receiver la the outgrowth of factional
trouble In the order which resulted In ths
ousting of the administration a little more
than a year ago and ,the installation of
new officers. Gossuge hold his contract, a
lucrative one under th old management,
and It was set aside at the time the new
offtrera took hold. H had th Pacific
coast agency and did a large business for
ths order In organising lodge and secur
ing member.
Many ttaeatloas Maat Bo Decided
Before Its fleope Caa Be
WASHINGTON, July 20. The executive
officer of the various departments have al
ready found themselves confronted with
much difficulty In the application of th
president's order to report violations of the
eight-hour law by government contractors.
The subject Is a very complex one and it
Is apparent that the attorney general will
be called upon to pass many opinions on
the application of law to the different
classes of employes.
The question has been raised as to
whether the decision affects work on naval
vessels In private yards. The contractor
Insist the law docs not operate outside of
a government reservation and that the
ship Is their own property until It Is turned
over to the government. The Navy de
partment officials appear to believe that as
the government pays installments of money
for the ship as the work progresses upon
them It Is the actual owner of the vessels.
This matter Is so Important that a test case
Is certain to follow.
NEW YORK. July '20.-When Mrs. Harry
K. Thsw reached the Tomb prison today
and made her dally 4x3b through a lan
In a crowd of curious person one man In
th crowd pushed forward so roughly that
he bumped against Mrs. Thaw and she
wa knocked down. Mrs. . Thaw wa not
Injured and continued on her visit to her
husband, after which she went to the office
of MK-Hartrldg,.Tila. l(,orney.'; " "
" W. M. K. Olcott, the. lawyer who wae
dismissed by Harry K.'Thaw, will have
until Monday to decide whether he shall
surrender all the papers tn the Thaw case
to Clifford W. Hartridge, Thaw new
counsel. Although a large quantity of pa
pers have been surrendered by Mr. Olcott,
Mr. Hartridge asked Justice McLean today
for an order directing the delivery of all
those remaining in Mr. Olcott's possession.
In an argument In court Terence J. Me-
Manus, of the firm of which Mr. Olcott is
a member, asked for postponement. He
."Th only papers which we are not ready
to deliver at once Is a bundle of letters
Until we can consult the writers of these
letters, which we shall do as speedily a
possible, we shall not be able to decide
whether w ought to glv them up."
Judge Vaadevanter Grant Order
Taking Hearing to United
j State Baprem Coort.
ST. PAUL, July JO. Judge Vandeventer
of th United State circuit court of ap
peals today granted the request of C. C.
Wright, attorney for the city of Omaha,
tor an appeal to th United State supreme
court from th decision or th court of
appeal In th Water board ease.
into the bank aim receive the usual agent's
collection tee DacK, suggesting tnat Uiey
so direct the bank if it seemed proper to
They evidently did not deem It proper
and 1 sent the money in full. That Is all
there is to it. I defy anyone to read into
my letter any demand or request for any
rebate or allowance other than the regular
collection fee allowed agents wno namile
premium renewal.
I submitted the question to the company
whether or not It would be prpper to allow
me such fee In the absence of an author
ised agent In the vicinity. It is as plain as
the noonday sun and no other meaning can
be placed on any sentence in any 01 niy
letters. I wrote for information and a
soon as I got It I acted upon It and re
mitted my premium In full. I added that
In my opinion the company would do well
to appoint agents at otner places than
Milwaukee with the Idea that It would
tend to convenience In collection. That 1
ail ther Is to the matter.
So Grand for Criminal Aetloa.
The disclosures were the subject of con
versation very generally today. Impeach
ment proceedings were hinted at In some
quarter, but th member of the Investi
gating committee scoffed at any uch
"The very worst construction that can
be placed on th incident." said on of tbe
committee. "1 that a Judge attempted to
find a lawful way In which th law might
be evaded, and suggested It to the agent.
There Is absolutely nothing on which any
criminal action can be based."
I Th 'legislative committee this afternoon
wrote a letter to ir. Aiunnui unuui-iuii
him to submit to the commUtee at its next
meeting the original correspondence, which,
of course, contain the signature of ths
The committee will meet again on July 31.
Justice Marshall was born In 1647 in
Nashua, N. H., and cam to Wisconsin in
lb64. He has been on the supreme bench
since August, IK.
Mayer aad Chief of Police of Kansas
City la Baprcme
TOPEKA. Kan.. July 20.-W. W. Hose,
mayor of Kansa City, Kan.,- Vernon It.
Rose, chief of police, and John F . Kolly,
captain of police of thnt city, wer yes
terday cited to appear before the state su
preme court and show cause why they
should not b punished for contempt In vio
lation of th -court's order prohibiting th
city to exsct revenue from th saloon.
Th specific accusation against th three
officials Is that In May. 1808, they exacted,
from a large number of persons t&O each,
"upon an agreement, express or Implied,"
that they should have the privilege of op
erating '.'Joints" without molestation front
the police. It also is alleged that in June,
14. (100 was exacted from each of, thee
person for th same cause.
Wntoal Life Ak . Former Supply
Agent to Retara 1,744,000
"Wronafally Expended.
NEW YORK, July 20-The complaints
were served today In th two suits hereto
fore brought by the Mutual Life Insurance
company against Andrew C. Fields, its
former superintendent of, supplies. It I
charged that Fields took from the treasury
or tne company during the last ten years
sums aggregating tl.?4S,000 by means of
fraudulent bills and vouchers.
One of the suit I an action for damages
for the full amount and Is based on the
allegation of negligence and misconduct on
th part of Fields In approving ouchers for
tationery. printing and advertising and
miscellaneous supplies at prices "grosslv
and unconstitutionally in excess of tholr
real value."
The complaint In th second action allege
th receipt by Fields of a large amount of
money belonging to the company and for
wnicn n has not accounted.
National Stock Society Will Do What
It Caa to Save Meat'
Kxpeditlon from Mnlvador Rnter
Gnatemnln to Assist Revolutionists
aad Later lloajdnra I
SAN JOSE, Guatemala, July'aO. A treaty
of pence among Guatemala, Salvador and
Honduras was signed today on board the
nited States cruiser Marbehead, on the
high seas off the Guatemalan coast.
The peace Commissioners of Guatemala
will be landed today. The commissioners
f Salvador and Honduras will be landed
at Acajutla early tomorrow. The membera
of the American legation will land at the
respective points whore they are accred
There was a strenuous discussion and
some difficulty In reaching mutually ac
ceptable conditions. The Mexican minis
ter, Srnor Uamboa, was active In assist
ing in bringing about an agreement.
The peace commissioners adopted resolu
tions thanking the presidents of the United
States and Mexico for their Intervention.
History of the Tronble.
The Central American war, which bade
air to Involve four or more republics In
addition to the two originally concerned,
Salvador and Guatemala, began In Muy
with the departure of expedition from
Salvador to ussist a Guatemalan revolution
under the leadership of General Toledo.
Engagements with varying results were
fought between the Insurrectionary forces
and these of the government of Guatemala,
until Salvador formally entered the con
flict. A little later a Guatemalan force
entered Honduras, the result being to array
that republic on the side of Salvador.
From the moment the trouble passed be
yond the phase of an Internal disturbance
the government at Washington set about
Instituting measures for the re-establish-ment
of peace. The cruiser Marblehead
was ordered from Panama to La Llbertad,
with directions to report to Leslie Combs,
American minister to Guatemala and Hon
duras, and Mr. Combs and William L.
Merry, minister to Costa ,Rlca, Nicaragua
and Salvador, were Instructed to use their
best endeavors with the belligerents to
bring the war to an end. As the same 'time
David E. Thompson, American ambassa
dor to Mexico, was Instructed to mak
such representations o th Mexican gov
ernment a might enlist It effort for th
me cno, jaexico oeair . tor peace oe
tween - It-neighbor 'being well-' known,'
Mexico entered heartily Into the project.
and it diplomatic representative In Guate- '
mala and-Salvador -were Instructed to co
operate with MinlBters Merry and Combs.
Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras agreed
to an armistice beginning at 6 o'clock tha
morning of July 18, In order that repre
sentative of these governments might
meet with the American and Mexican diplo- -mats
on board the cruiser Marblehead to
consider terms for a treaty of peace. The
conference began July 19, the cruiser being
then on the high seas off the coast of
Guatemala, the Marblehead being prac
tically neutral territory. The negotiation
proceeded expeditiously with the result that
terms mutually acceptable to the three re
publics were arranged July 20.
President Hears New.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. July 20. President
Roosevelt was unofficially Informed tonight
of the signing of the treaty of peace be
tween Guatemala, Salvador and Honduras
today on board the American cruiser Mar
blehead. The news waa very gratifying.
but it was said no statement would be
given out by the president until word of
the successful culmination of th negotia
tions undertaken by the United States and
Mexico reaches Sagamor Hill through offi
cial channels. This will probably be to
morrow. '
W. W. Flatt and Charles McDonnell
Fined and Seat to Jail for
TwentyFonr Hoars.
CHICAGO. July 20.-The National Live
Stock exchange decided today to stand byl
tne pacxers ana make every effort to prove
that their meat Is all the manufacturers
claim.. It was decided also to request Sec
retary Wilson to meet a committee to dis
cuss the new Inspection order.
Wllhelrri Lacomeso, a South African army
contractor, declared that Chicago beof han
dled during the Boer war Was entirely sat
isfactory, with the exception of one ship
ment which had been allowed to remain
on a dock for four months, exposed to a
temperature of 110 degrees.
J. C. Swift of Kansas City was elected
president of the exchange for the ensuing
year. ,
MoTemeata of Goran Vessels Jaly 20.
At New York Arrived: I .a Provence
from Havre; Patricia, from Hamburg
.At Havre-Arrived: 1 Lorraine. ' from
New ork.
At Naple Arrived: Koenlg Albert, from
New i'ork.
At Leghorn Arrived: Calabria, from New
York, via Naples.
At Liverpool Arrivede: Empress of Ire
land, from Quebec;.
At Movllle Arrived: Tunisian, from Mon
treal. Sailed: Virginian, for Montreal.
Al Genoa Arrived: Lorn bard la, from New
At Brow Head Celtic, from New York
for Queenstown and Liverpool, was 17o
miles west of Hrowhead St b.'ti p. m ; will
arrive at Queenstown at noon Saturday.
At Philadelphia-Balled: Westernlami, for
At Boston Sailed : Rostonian, for Man
chester: 1-aurenliHli, for tilaxgow.
At Trieste Arrived: Sofia iiohrnherg,
from New York.
At Glasgow tialled: Parisian, for Boston,
HELENA, Mont , July SO.-W. W. Flatt
of Smith Bros. Sheep company pleadM
guilty In the United Slates court today
to Illegally fencing publlo lands In Meagher
county and wa fined 1600 and sentenced
to the county Jail for twenty-four hour
by Judge Wolverton. The indictment
against J. M. and N. B. Smith, member
of the same firm, was dismissed. Flatt
assumed all blame. The Jury after delib
erating seventeen hours failed to agree In
the case of the United State against
Joseph T, Carroll. a Butte lumberman,
charged with Illegal fencing near Butte, and
he was discharged.
ST. PAUL. July 20.-A special to tha
Pioneer-Press from Helena, Mont, says:
State eenator Charles McDonnell of Sweet
Grass county was sentenced today by Jus
tice Wolverton, In the United State courr,
to spend twenty-four hours In the Lewis
and Clark county Jail here and to pay a
fine of for Illegal fencing of public, land
In the Sweet Grass country, In connection
with his sheep business. His partner, Ed
ward Veaxey, received a similar aentnu
and fine. Both pleaded guilty.
Rural farrier and Postmaster
.Namrd for Nebraska. Iowa
aad South Dakota.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 20.-(8peclkl Tele
gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Ne
braska, Poole, route 1, Erford A. Reynolds,
carrier; Charles Hanna, substitute. Wol
bach, route 1, Chsrles A. Terry, carrier;
Bert C. Kellogg, substitute. Iowa, Burt,
route 2, John M. Hartgrove, carrier;
Uldlan L. Hartgrove. substitute. South
Dakota. White Roek, route 1, R. H. Carver,
carrier; Frank Murray, substitute.
Postmasters apjolnted: Iowa, Tains se.
Union reunty, Frank It. Thompson, Vlc.j
.William Chapman resigned. South Da
kola, Henled, Campbell county, Rmanuel
Brocket, vice C. H. Mewing, resigned. Wy
oming. Flxh ("reek, Iirumle county, Au
gustus L. Hoffman, vine M. E. Hall, re-lgued-
Rambler. Carbon county. Cecal u
Peterson, vice A. Slothowar, :