Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Every waist at one-half price, the most daihty Lawn, the pret
'tiest of Lingerie and the lovely China silk waists at half price.
.110 00 Waists for fc.00.' - ,
. 17 W) Waists fnr ?7V
10 for il 25.
$SM Waists fnr 12 50.
fl hv a grest many of the Is rue sites,'
such as 40, 4! and 44, as" well as the smaller
sises., : ' i. .. .
,AII the Coma at one-half price.
All the Pettlcosts at reduced prices.
Brown-' am White Check Walking Pklrt,
beautifully made ofstrlctly all" wool ma
terlsl, r t?.f9. regularly sold at 7.K.
Fecond floor.
, Special Sale of .Teneriffe
Wednesday In our basement we will sell
ajl our Teneriffe toRla at greatly reduced
.All ,th,,lic Xfnr'Tin Dolllea at only 3c
each. u t- .)
All HhdiSc Teherlffe Dolllea at only lBc
each., , ,
Alltti o Teneriffe Dolllea at only lc
each. : ".
" . Wait
I For- emr great special sale of White Toklo
Bilks and Bilk Moussellnes, Saturday, Julj
21. Goods now on display In 16th stree
wlndotsV ;
Choice Wash Goods at Reduced
' The Orat week of. special selling In our
Wash finods Department was a treat suc
aess. ' There were many who secured
favorite style and aed money. The sec
ond week we start with even greater values.
Every piece has the stamp of newness and
style. No room for trash here.
' Pretty Organdies, worth 16c, at Be a yard.
. "i ! " :, We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30.
nrr ini
(foreland Grand Jury Finds that Meged
ray menu Were Made in Chicago.
1 ' e-aasssas-sa
TaversmMt1 Attorneys'., Will : Begin
Farther Ingvlry sit b Windy
, .tlty ' ll a.'' Few
1 CLEVELAND. July 17.-T.he federal grand
Jury which has been in session Investigat
ing alleged violations ef the Interstate com
merce law and anti-rebate railroad rebate
laws adjourned this aftarnooa without
bringing any 'Indictments.' The Investiga
tion waa directed particularly toward the
Standard Oil company .and" the. Lake Shore
Railroad company, and si the result of
testimony of wlteears before the Interstate
Commerce commission hers "recently, ' In
which evidence of alleged rebating by the
Lake Shore la favor of tha Standard Oil
company waa given. The failure to return
indictmenta. It la officially atated, waa due
to the fact that the Investigation showed
that the court here waa without Jurisdiction
of the alleged offenses upon which testi
mony waa given, and all of the evidence
secured here la to be. transferred to the
federal officials at Chicago, where the cases
are to be prosecuted..
Statement by Attorney gnlllvnn.
Following the adjournment of the grand
Jury District Attorney Sullivan gava out
this statement:
On Monday Attorney General Moody and
myself met In the United States attorney's
office In New York City and reviewed the
evidence brought before the present grand
Jury relative to alleged violations of the
federal law by the Standard Oil company
In connection. with tha transportation and
storage of Ita 'products by the Lake Shore
road. We cam to the conclusion that the
viiroroua Health la the Ora.t Source) of
: Power to Inspire and Euoourag
U Women Sb.ou.ld Back It.
One of the most noted, suocesaful and
richest men of thla century. In a recent
article, haa aaid. " Whatever I am and
whatever aucoeas I hare attained in
th!a world I owe all to ray wife. From
the day I first knew her she haa been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of toy life." '
jiiAf.D esi Jfirtt fey
To be such a successful wife, to re
tain the lore and admiration of her
husband, to inspire him to make tho
most of himself, ahould be a woman'
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energ-lea
are flafrg-injr, that she (rets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
she has backache, headaches, bearing
down painsnerwoasness, irreg-ularities
or the blues, the should start at once
to build up her system by a tonic with
specitio powers; sach twa Lydia & Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Following w publish by request
letter from a young wife :
Deer Mrs. Piakbain:
" Ever star mt child waa born I have suf
fered, as I hope few womeuevar ha va, with in
Banimation, female weakness, bearing-down
'pain, backacb and wTeU-twd hoauiaches. It
alTeotiad my stonsauh so I could not an Joy my
ntaala, and half nr Unta waa spent in bed.
" Lydia K. PinkUanr's Vegntabla Compound
aiad m a wall woman, and 1 feel so grateful
ftia I am (Lad ta wta and tell you of mj
feiarveloua recovery. It brought nie haalth.
new life and vlUltty ." Mra. BesM Aineley,
eil Houth 10th BtrMt. Taonrua. Wash.
What Lydia K. Finkham's VegeUbU
Compound did' for Mrs. Alnsley it will
do for every sick and ailing woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkhsm.
daughVr-in-law of Lydia E Finkjiam
at J-ynn, Mass. ller ad rice is free ant
always telpM.
r"'pt1an Tissues, Checked Mulls and'
Orajanfllea, worth up to 40c. at 10c a yard.
Ginghams. Dimities .and Kruson Bilks,
worth up to 6oc, at lite a yard.. .
Novelty ' Suiting. Bilk Zephy.ra. rrd Im
ported Swiss, worth up to- 9o,- at 2iic a
yard. In basement.
French Embroidered Piques,
Low Priced for Wednesday.
These goods are light weight and are
especially suitable for coats, suits or Sep-'
Rrate skirts.
All the 11.00 Embroidered Piques, 60c per
All the &c Embroidered Piques, 42c per
All the 75c Embroidered Plquea, STHc per
Main floor.
Special One Day Sale of Towels
Wednesday will be towel day In our
bsaenient. We have taken two of our reg
ular lines and marked "them at' a very
low price for Wednesday" selling only.
If you are going to have use for soma
towels, buy them tomorrow.
All the 16c Cream Bleached Turkish
Towela, 8V&C each.
All the 16c Cream Bleached ' Turkirli
i'owels, 10c each.
Special News from the Men's
The season fur pU-nly of underwear and
shirts is here, special lines mentioned for
Wednesday's selling that should be of in
terest to you.
"Crepe knit" underwear, very light In
weight, shirts and drawers well made,
color white, regular price 60c REDUCED
Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth.
aforesaid testimony fixed the legal Jurls
dicti.m for Indictment and prosecution else
is here than In the Jurisdiction of the North
ern district of Ohio snd Special Counsel
Oliver K. Pagin confirms our Joint opinion
In this respect, and thus confined the In
quiry before the present grand Jury to an
Investigation of allotted violations of law
as tbey might be the subject of prosecu
tion in other Jurisdictions.
Valnable Evidence Collected.
Evidence valuable to the government In
any prosecution which may lie commenced
elsewhere has been adduced before the
grand Jury and probabty will be at once
put Into use in the proper Jurisdiction
probably Chicago by the attorney general.
The attorney general has directed that
the summing up of the evidence taken be
fore the present grand Jury, the preparation
of the case and the conduct of the trial In
Chicago be assumed by myself, with the
help of a specially appointed assistant at
torney general and tiie United States at
torney in Chicago.
It appearing from this statement that
from under the facts aa they now appear
there Is no lawful Jurisdiction in this par
ticular Judicial district, the grand Jury
did not vote upon the Jurisdiction of In
dictments at all. but the sitting of that
body f kth present time was important In
pot onirf1-, developing whem the prosecution
of UjeJ leged offenses should be had, but
also hpight out Important testimony that
can be-effectively used s.11. along the. line,
according to the program adopted by the
attorney general In his earnest and vigor
ous campaign against corporate and Indi
vidual violatora of the Elkins law and the
act to regulate commerce among the states.
Captain Grmramer'a Statement, .
The dismissal of the grand Jury came Im
mediately following the testimony of Cap
tain O. J. Orammer, vlee -prealdent of the
Ike Shore fk Michigan Southern Railway
company, who wai in the grand Jury room
about an hour.
Questioned concerning the alleged cancel
lation of storage charges against the Stand
ard Oil company at Chicago, Orammer
sweepingly denied that any charges had
been cancelled. He Insisted that no storage
voucher had ever been sent from Chicago
to the auditor' department In thla city to
be. marked paid and that testimony to that
effect by M. C. Tully before the Interstate
Commerce commission had been put Into
Tully' mouth by Judge Prouty of the
commission. Captain Orammer waa elated
following the dismissal of the grand Jury.
"Because I knew to an absolute certainty
that there wan no foundation for the
charge that the Lake Shore & Michigan
Southern had extended favors to the Stand
ard Oil company to the detriment of com
petltora, I anticipated the reault of the
deliberation of the grand Jury," aald Cap
tain Orammer.
(Continued from First Page.)
Thirtieth representative district, composed
of Jefferson and Thayar counllea. No
resolution were Introduced, consequently
the convention waa a quiet and harmonious
on. A full delegation from both counties
attended the convention snd the work waa
aoon over.
Brown t'onnty Convention Dates.
AINS WORTH, Neb., July 17. (Special.)
The- Brown county republican central
committee met thla afternoon and set Au
gust 15, at 3 p. m., In the court houae, aa
the time and place to elect delegates to
atate, congressional, senatorial and repre
sentative conventlona and to nominate
candidates for aurveyor, county attorney,
one commissioner tor the First and Third
districts, and attend to such other busi
ness as may come before the convention.
The democrats ' met last Saturday and
went through the a&me prfoi-maaoe, P.
N. Murphy of Alnsworth was chairman
and Ervln Osboru of Alnsworth waa sec
retary. The democrats set August 4 lor
their convention. '.
Proaeeator at Seattle File Ultras-
tlon Agnlnat F.sther Mitchell and
Mrs. Mand Crernrld.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 17. Eather atch-
ell and Mrs. Maude CrerTleld wer formally
charged with murder In the first degree
for the killing of George Mitchell, Esther's
brother, by Information flled today by Pros
ecuting Attorney Mackintosh.
The women wer charged Jointly, only
one information being flled, and It is prob
able that they wiH consent to have a
single Jury determine their fates, as the
evident In the bands of the prosecuting
attorney la aa Incriminating against one aa
tha other. . . .
Deputy Prosecuting Attorney M'Her yes
terday received a letter from O. V. Hurt,
the father of Mra Creffield. In which he
saya ha feels la duty bound to sid both
Foresters t.leet Osneere.
MADISON. Wis.. July 17. The T nited
F"orrira today . ejacld SL C , hsirid, I stoosevrlt will spsak at the deln anon ..
Ch sko, supreme ranger sn1 V". . u- """ ni eaoltol building si Usjtli
411. -at. Louis, supreme secretary. sure Octeber j
BEE, JULT 17, 1106.
Egyptian gauss lisle- ribbed underwear,
very soft and elastic. Just tha right weight
for now, regular price 60r REDUCED TO
35C, OR THREE FOR .1.00.
The selling in our shirt department bat
been brisk, but there are still many de
sirable patterns to be had.
All shirts that sold at $1.75, $2.00 and
$2.25, reduced to $1.50 each.
Our assortment at $1,00 Is exceptionally
strong, prrtty patterns, in either light or
dark colors, some have cuffs attached, oth
ers have not. Main floor.
Necessary Notions at Little
loo-ysrd spool silk, black and colora, at
5o a spool. '
An extra good pearl button, one doaen
on card, at Be a card.
A good pearl button, two doten on card,
at Br a card.
Fine quality of fish-eye pearl button, two
dozen on card, at '10c a card.
Stockinet shields at 10c per pair.
In basement.
This Customers' Deposit Ac
count Department
Is a department you should know about.
The plan Is a simple one. It Is this: Tou
may deposit as small a sum as often or
seldom as you wish, then when making a
purchase you have it charged to the money
you have on deposit; the unspent balance
earns 4 pfr cent interest, compounded
every three months. Tou may withdraw
your money at a moment's notice. Doesn't
this appeal to you? We do no banking
business. Come in the store and let us
tell you more about It.
We close evening at f o'clock except
Saturdays at 9:30.
State Board of Health Finds Indescribable
Condition at Slaughter Home.
Batchers Are .filven . Five Days
to Clean Hoaae , or Mast
Then Knee Arrest and
TOPEKA, Kan., July 17. A meat slaught
ering house near Wellington, inspected by
order of the State Board of Health, ha
been found to be in such filthy condition
that Dr. J. S. Crumbtne, secretary 6f the
board, haa sent notices to the county com
missioners of every county In the state
directing them to , examine' the slaughter
houses In their districts, and If not found
to be In a sanitary condition, to allow Ave
day for cleaning up aa permitted by law
If the order Is not complied with In the
time specified arreat and prosecution may
"It Is Impossible for- me to describe the
actual condition aa I found them." said
Dr. Crumbine. "No person who hasn't seen
the place, can conceive the mthlneas of it.
It waa so bad that I cannot see how tha
place can be cleaned in five day or fifty
day. It's my opinion that the burning of
the house will be the only means of eradi
cating the disease germ.
"There may be other slaughter house In
almost a bad a condition, none can be a
bad, and I hope by sending notices to all
county commissioners there may be a gen
eral cleaning up."
The order applies to some of the big
packing houses at Kansas City, whose
plant are located on the Kansas aide.
Jtew YorW C
Mll -tml, lllnola CentrnI and
Said to Wast
CHICAGO, July 17. The Evening
Journal today aays the New York Central
road haa made a bid of (18,000,000 for
the two railroads owned -by John R
Walsh, , the former president of the de
funct Chicago National bank.
The two roada owned by Mr. Walsh are
the Southern .Indiana and the Chicago
Southern, both of them being located in
Indiana. . .
According to the Journal the Illinois
Central and the Chicago, Milwaukee & St
Paul are aald to be anxioua to buy th5
roads, but have not as yet gone to the ex
tent ..which it is declared the New York
Central has.
John R. Walsh denied that he had re
celved an offer of Sls.000.0u0 from the New
York Central for hia railroads.
NEW YORK. July lti.-At the offices of
the New York Central In this city today it
was avid that no statement would be made
concerning the reported bid of tl8.uuu.00O by
the New York Central for the Indiana
Southern and Chicago Southern railwaya.
Banks MaklaaT Parehnaea May Hrtalu
One-Third of Money on
WASHINGTON, July 17.-Th aecretary
of the treasury authorlzea this statement
A large number of banks have asked tp
be designated depositor les of public money.
To theee the secretary has made the uni
versal offer to leave the bank one-third of
the proceeds of any Panama bonds it may
buv under bid direct from the government.
taking purchased bonds at par aa security
therefor. These off its have been, in the
main, to email banks. He now makes the
offer general, but limits the amount of
inch depoHlta to any on bank to t6.uoO.90
The secretary sails attention to tha cir
culnr Invltatioa for bids wherein the gov
eminent reserves the right to permit bid
dera offering the highest prices to Increase
the amount of their purchases. This reser
vsttnn. the secretary says, was made to
avoid the possibility of a combination be
tween bidders and will not be exercised to
the prejudice of anyone who haa bid above
t hnrrh at Fairmont.
FAIRMONT. Neb.. July 17. (Special.)
Fire partially destroyed the Method! it
Episcopal church this morning at 1:10
o'clock. Prompt . service saved the buftil
lng, but quite a bit of damage occurred
The building waa fully lnaured. The fire
was probably caused by matches and i"
I'HILADELPHIA. July 17 Preslrt
District Attorney Restrained from Taking.
Farther Eyidenoi Before Grand Jurj.
Attorneys Allege thnt Prfendnnt Has
Right to Be Represented at
Taking of All Testimony
t nder Oath.
NEW YORK, July i;.The defense in the
case of Harry K. Thaw, accused of the
murder of Stanford White, made an unusual I
and unexpected move today when a writ
of prohibition was secured from Justice
Blsnchard In the supreme court restraining
the district attorney and the July grand
Jury from taking further evidence under
oath against the prisoner. The application
for the writ was made, by John Gleason of
counsel for Thaw and the order to show
cause why It should not be continued was
made returnable tomorrow. It was said to
night that the district attorney's office will
equest an adjournment of the matter be
cause of the absence from the city of Dis
trict Attorney Jerome and his assistant,
Mr. Garvan.
Detrimental to Prisoner's Interest.
Counsel for Thaw allege that through the
illegal use of grand jury subpoenas the
district attorned is summoning all possible
wltnessea lh the caso to hi office, putting
them' tender1 oath there and tawing deposi
tion which may be detrimental to the pris
oner's Interest. It Is further alleged that as
Thaw Is already under Indictment and no
new Indictment for the murder of White
Is contemplated, the district attorney has
no right to use the grand Jury aa a cloak
for his own Inquisition. Almost every per
son who can appear as a witness In the
rase, forty-Seven of them so far, have been
sworn by the district . attorney. It I as
serted, and depositions made for use at the
trial, and at all of this counsel for the
defense has not been allowed to be present.
Mrs. Thaw visited her husband In the
Tombs today and afterwards went to the
office of Judge Olcott'tt law Arm, which haa
been re-engaged by Thaw' mother.
It was reported today that Thaw has
been under the close scrutiny of an alien
ist, disguised aa a prison attendant, ever
since the possibility wrs raised of an In
sanity plea being urged.
Allegations In Complaint.
The allegations on which the restraining
writ was Issued state that as Thaw had
been Indicted by the grand Jury It Is Illegal
for the district attorney to Issue grand
Jury subpoenas and to obtain further evi
dence for the' presecution through witnesses
who appear t the district attorney' office
In answer to summonses. Application for
the writ contained the following allegations:
For the purpose of nrenarina the case for
trial aiibpnenss are made by the district
attorney, addressed to witnesses, requiring
mem to appear snd testiry berore the
grand Jury in an Investigation before it.
The subpjoenas are not made for the pur
pose of procuring any new Indictments for
the killing of Stanford White, but for tho
purpose of procuring evidence to be used
against the defendant at the trial. The
witnesses are required by the district attor
ney io be sworn aa beiore the granu. jury
and the depositions are taken. The news
papers keep track of the witnesses thu
produced and undertake to state the facta
to which they have testified. The taking
of these depositions against the defendant
has .been chiefly entrusted to Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Garvao, and from time to
time Interviews purporting to come from
him nave apearea in trie purine press, ill
which the Intent to take the depositions
before the grand Jury for use against
Harry K. ' Thaw' at his trial haa been
plainly -started... i" i
Mr. Gleason served ai' copy of the order
opon Acting District1 Attorney Sym Smyth,
who said prnbablsVith district attorney
would,, ask. for 4n adjournment tomorrow.
When, the nppllcatlbuvl' returnable In the
aupreme court. 4 .
Thaw Will Be Declared Insane.
The World tomorrow will ay: "Harry
Thaw will never , Jje .placed on trial for
the murder of Stanford White. An appli
cation will be mads tor the appointment
of a commission to inquire into hla sanity.
There is no doubt that he will be declared
Inriine and rent to- the hospital for the
Criminal Insane at -Mattewan:"
District Attorney Jerome la not expected
to Interpose any serious objection to the
appointment of a commission to inquire
Into Harry Thaw'a sanity. Some of the
alienists retained by the district attorney
have reported to htm their belief that Thaw
is mentally Irresponsible.. Many-friends of
Stanford White have asked the district
attorney to consent to such a disposition
of the case rather than have the notoriety
of a trial. "
All Partlea Coneerned Strnnaers Who
Were Traveling Tbrough
MITCHELL. S. D.. July 17.-(Speclal Tel
egramsTwo- men giving their names as
E. H. Williams and Edward Vey wer
brought to Mitchell this . afternoon from
Fulton, where they were arrested under
uspicion of having murdered an unidenti
fied man In this city last night. Their ap
pearance answered the description given
offlcera by three of the men who aaw them
in the company of the murdered man
shortly before the shooting was done. Sher
iff Cook and State's Attorney Spangler put
the men In th sweatbox during the after
noon and Vey made a signed confession
charging Williams with the shooting.
The man who was killed had M cents,
which the others wanted him to give up.
and when he refused Williams shot once
or twice to frighten him. The man started
away and said lie was going to -milt the
bunch, and It was then that William made
the fatal shot. In the sweatbox Williams
refused to talk and denied the charge of
his companion, who Is a young fellow 21
years old and who but recently Joined the
crowd. Vey aald the fellows were a hard
lot and that one of them who left when the
shouting first started waa wanted for mur
der. Th examination of the men will be
held tomorrow morning.
Western Woman ea Missionary.
BIOCX FALLS. 8. D.. July 17 (Spe
cial.) Miss Ella Maithews, who durin
the past three yaara has been a teachar
in the Lowell school. In this city, will de
part from Sioux Falls on Tuesday of next
week, for southern Asia, where she will
take up the work of S missionary. She
will go' from this city to Rt. Taul anj
from St. Paul to Vancouver, British Co
lumbia, whore she will sail on July 10 on
the steamer Athenian. She expects to
arrive at her destlnstion, Singapore, on
September 6 or . Miss Matthews was
born In lows, educated lu Nebraska and
The Distingue
juiy rsaie Dargains Tor weanesqay
LADIES' WALKING SKIRTS-A complete line of the famous Star Skirts, practically at a
one-third discount black, navy and fancy colors
$10.00 Skirts QC $9.00 Skirts CQC I "..")() Skirts ' A C C
for OsasJ for :...DZD for HtJD
SALE OF LADIES' KIMONOS-Short and Long-See Window Display-Long PA
Kimonos Persian trimming; our $2.00 quality, at... ..1U
LADIES' BLACK SILK PETTICOATS-A. new shipment just in. Our specials n QC
are for large women guaranteed black tatTefa silk; at $9.90, $8.95 and '. . .
CHILDREN'S WASH HATS-(ln Childs' Department) -Corded linen, white and PA.
colors, at
64-Inch gray mixed Panamas, gold
85c a yard
46-Inch light weight fancy Cheviots,
regular price 7 5c a yard
New gray mixed Suitings.
Plain and fancy Panamas.
Fancy checks and plaids. .
All wool Batiste Serges. .
Plain and fancy Mohairs
Henriettas and Shepherds' Checks,
Sold up to 91.00 yard.
45-Inch Cream Mohair, beautiful lustre, finished alike,
on both sides, regular price $1.26 the yard; J f
Wednesday only, the yard . . . JC
Our entire stock of Baby Irish, Batiste and heavy
Linen Bands, Edges and Appliques and Allovers all
marked at special prices. Compare our goods and
see our prices.
200 pieces of fine Val. Lace and Insertion, all broken
sets that sold 5c to 10c a yard; sale prlcer a
yard a
35 fancy Batiste Waist Patterns, with fancy embroid
ered fronts and cuffs, that sold for 75c; on Cln
sale Wednesday, each JUC
25 PtrYterns that sold for $1.00 each; on sale 1 r
Wednesday, each DC
for several ypars prior to coming to Sioux
Falls, three years ago, resided In Kansas.
The trip to Singapore will cost about
1300. The cash with which to pay Miss
Matthews' expenses on the Journey was
raised at religious services held In the
Methodist church and at s union rally
held In tho Auditorium.
Farmer Accidentally Killed.
BTl'ROTS, 8. D.. July 17.-(Hpeolal Tele
gram.) Milton V. Jackson, a farmer on
Horse creek, aged 8 years, was found dead
near the James Richards ranch on the
Cottonwood today. The body waa brought
here this afternoon. He left Sturgis this
doming with a load of lumber and was
found by a passerby with the lines around
hla neck. The lines were also fast in th
wheel of the wagon so tight the team could
not move.' The coroner's verdict was death
was caused by being accidentally strangled
by the llnea of hla team becoming entangled
around hls.neck. titer he Ivjid been thrown
or dragged' from the" wagon.' ' He'leayes a
wife and two children.
Educators In Conference.
MITCHELL. S. D.. July 17. (Special
Telegram.) Six of the committee of fif
teen educators sppointed by the South
Dakota Educational association last win
ter met here today with State Superin
tendent Ramer to formulate a plan for
the Introduction of the system of moral j
and ethical training- In the course of stuuy
of the , atate achools. What Is believed
aa a comprehensive plan .was arrange!
today and will be presented to the melius
of the county auperintendenta of the atate,
who meet here tomorrow to approve the
revision of the course of study.
Bad Wnter Causes Typhoid.
IPSWICH. 8. D., July 17. Over 100 cases
of typhoid fever have already been re
ported In this section ss the result of the
JrlnVln. nf l.THniUllr. Which WSS MTVed St
a celebration at Evarts. 8. D. The water
used to make the lemonade was taken from
an old well that had not been used for
several years.
(Continued from First Pae.)
public of Nicaragua maintains an army of
700 soldiers. Its reserves and national
guard bring up lta total on a war tooting
to 25,000 of all ages, from 30 to 66.
The only navy In Central America ia that
of Honduras. It consists of two vessels
armed with Hotchklas guns. They are the
Tatulbloo, of a displacement of 108 tons,
and the "Veoiero 2i." of a displacement
of twelve tona.
WASHINGTON, July 17. A cablegram
received at th Navy department today
from Commander Mulligan of the Marble
head announced the arrival of tbat ship at
Aosjutlu, a port on the cost of Ouatemala
nearer (he boundary between that country
and Salvador than Iji Llbertlad, where It
waa yesterday
News la Paris.
PARIS. July 17. The consul of Salvador
has communicated a note to the press con
tinuing the announcement of I ho dt iilh of
General Kelagado, leader of the revolu
tionary forces which invaded Guatemala
from Salvador, and saying that peace ia on
the point of being arranged through the
intervention of Presidents Roosevelt and
A a roe ua A rails) Ice.
BAN SALVADOR, Monday. July IS p.
m. (Delayed.) The belligerents today
agreed upon an armistice. It is claim.!
that the Guatemalans during the recent
fighting used explosive bullets, notwith
standing the fact that Guatsmala signed the
Geneva convention.
Army Officer at Boise Barracks Has
Skull r'rartured by tall
froas Hers.
BOT8E, Idaho, July 17. Captain William
A. Yatra, Troop A, Fourteenth tavaliy,
ranking captain at Boise barracks, waa
probably fatally hurt this morning by br
ing thrown froVii his horse un tiie drill
ground while engagi d In drilling a bunch of
raw recruits. During the drill he saw that
tha horse of one of the recruits had bolud
and spurred his own steed into its path.
When the two animals came together the
captain waa thrown ta the ground and was
carried unconscious to the barracks hos
pital. There the post surgeon pronounced
hla Injury to he a fracture of the skull,
with practically no hope of his recovery.
Cspialn Tstes graiusted from West Point
with IA cUtt of ISii. Hs has bn S cap-
To Close
at only
New Batiste, in
worth 18c a yard;
Ill our Lawns, Organdies and Batiste that sold
to 15c yard; special for Wednesday only, yard.
the yard
German Dress Linens, all colors, worth 2ftc a
yard; Wednesday only, a yard
Our 12Vic value;
special, each
for money on deposit. Secured by
farm mortgages and. municipal bonds
and warrants.
Surplus and Profits
General Assets
Oldest and Largest and Strongest
Savings Bank in Nebraska,.
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets.
tkWj 'Jap Rose'
V jy jR (Trade Mark)
MfT SoaP
"I$ S manufacture insure its
t not niu"nS baby's deli-
yf I Y cate cuticle. '
IV tfl ill F0r to'?' an bath.
I I I 1 1 IJy James S. Kirk & Co.
f2lSiJ. 'L-akm-iMllliajiailsllLasilSl rsni lSssllWr '
tain since 19hl. tie won honors aa a sharp
shooter. He Is X years of age.
Artlua at Request of Kmueror William
tv Allow, Kxasulaaliou uf
1'hi KaUrlea.
AIX LA CHAPKLLK, Prussia. July 17 -The
sarcophagus of Charlemange waa
opened tody at Ku.peror William's wish
and in thu presence of high dignitaries of
t lie Catholic clftirch and provincial officials
for the purpose of examining two precious
cloths These and other relics were found
to be in good condition. The older of the
two fabrics dates tuck to the second half
of the tenth century and contains flitures
of four elephants. The other is of the
twellf'i century. The fabrics will be taken
to Uerlin. with Curdlnal Fischer's perniis
Mon, bv Prof. Lessing. director of the royal
mjeum of Industrial art, will be photo
graphed and. then returned and placed
within ttje s4rco.husk Krnprnr William
tnck a 'lively Interest In having the cloths
rmovs4 fur Ixucctiua
... VUV
Dotted and flowered Swiss, worth 18c a yard; C
special Wednesday, a yard. . Uw
dots, ingrained neat patterns, f
special Wednesday, yard.
Mercerized Table Damask that sold at 85c a . Q
yard; for Wednesday only, a yard. , 0C
Curtain Swiss, plain white and fancy designs, fi t
worth 12 Vie a yard; Wednesday only, a yard. . O3C
Light and dark colored Percales, worth 12 Vic a
yard; for Wednesday only, a yard...,..... OjO
25 dozen of white Canvas Washable Hand Bags, fancy
embroidery, tbat sold for 69c. each; to reduce our
stock, we will place them on sale W'ednes- r r
day, each , .JJC
Medium size, leather handles, worth 35c each; f f? '
sale price Wednesday, each , jC
Our stock must be reduced by August 1, therefore, we
will sell at cost price Ladles Sleeveless Low f f
Neck Vests that sold for 15c each; special ea lUC
yi Our 10c value;
2C I special, each.
Owners ol Dry Goods and Cloak and Soil
Departments in The Bennett Company Store
.....$ .100,000 '
Tonight at :la. Oarasa Concert 7:45.
I Randy & Wilson, premier singers
j snd dancers; two Rackets, ve-tatlls
I novlty srtlsts; Okuia. wonderful
i JuKgll'iff Japs; lli; Great I.eKevere
king of the wheel; . I' Courtney,
with her popular songi.
a great p'av of war times bv the
UIJou Stock Co.
Mat. Wed. St 8rtJ0. Frtce 10-800.
Evening prices 10-80-300.
Double Daily Excursions By
. .. j . -
leaves foot of Douglas fitreef 2:15
. ui. ai; IS y. u. Music ftud Uaatiiub