Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Page 6, Image 8
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 17. lontl RGUREE'SMEStARE ANOTHER Pneblo Hiti ths Eall Freelj, but Unable to Cub Tbem to AdfnUie. OMAHA GETS VALUE FOR ALL ITS 8UMPS tolleaoorf Bent la by Poehlo la th Fnirtk, bat Wn t naal ta Hold the Omaha Mri fraai Scoria v. , f't BBLO, Colo.. July 1.-Inblllty to hit McNeeley whfn hits meant run gave to day's contest to Omaha. Keurot u pent in for Pueblo hut not In form and after two run had been made In the fourth Vollendorf was substituted. He pitched a good, game but the Indiana could not over take the visitors. Cook Mingled In the first Inning followed by Howard's error and a three darker by Melchlor nave the Incala two runa. (Hnaha tied the ax-ore In the thlrr! nn tn-n t wo hMB?fra hv Runkle and Howard and h single by Gonding. Three singles and a 'steal gave them two more In the next Inning. In the sixth the visitors added another on Bassey's homer td left field The acore: OMAHA. AH. H H PO. A. K 0 0 0 0 till 0 14 0 14 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 11 7 0 12 0 0 .0.01 0 1 V 14 1 . H. TO. A. E. 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 3 0 0 3 3 10 0 3 2 0 2 4 10 0 4 4 0 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 27 8 1 Carter', rf Howard, 2b.... Perrlng, Jb Welch, rf Bassey, If..'.... Rogers, c Runkle, as Oondlng. lb.... .McNeeley, p... .4 Totala ...i .34 , PUEBLO. AR. R Cook. If F , 1 Mfllvray. lb 4 0 Bhugart. 2b 4 . 1 Melchlor, rf.! 4 1 Klwert, Sh.. 4 1 Messltt. c. 4 0 Flake, a 4 0 Parier. cf 4 0 Faurot p.: '. ,...t 0 Vollendorf, p 3 0 Total i ;.3T' Omaha .....0 0 2 2 0 1 0 0 18 Pueblo 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 04 Stolen baaea: Carter. MeOllvray, Runkle. Two baae hlta: Runkle, Howard, Meaeltt, Onndlng. Vollendorf. Three bade hlta: Melchior. Home runa: Basaey. Baaea on balla: Of Vollendorf. 1. Strurk out: Hy Faurot, 1: by McNeeley. 4. Hit by pitched ball: McNeeley. Paaaed balla: Rogere. Left on baaea: Pueblo, 7; Omaha, ft. Time, 1:40. Umpire, McCarthy.' Attendance 3U0. Dearer tiowa Off for Elk. DENVER, Colo.. July 16. In a clean rut game, errorleaa on Pyenvcr'a part and featured oy the pitching of .Adama. the 9rlsllee today ahowed their proweaa to the Kike, who were preaent In goodly num bera, by winning from the Ltncolnlte by a acor of 1 to 0. The game remained" pitcher' battle throughout, with the honor at all tlmea going to the lank' re cruit of the I)enver team. Beven men were etruck out by Adama and only one waa allowed to touch flrat on ball, and the hlta came one at a time when there waa no danger of a run reaultlng. The (core: " DENVER. AB. R. H. O. A. McHale. lb I 0 0 12 0 T. Smith, 2b 4 0 11 6 Randall, rf .......... I 0 1 2 0 Russell,, cf 4 0 0 2 0 ZaJusky, c 4 12 8 0 . Redtllck. 3b, 2 0 0 0 3 Helden. If ., 2 0 10 0 J. Smith, aa 4 0 0,2 2 Adame, p 3 1 10 4 Total ,'.:....'.28 2 ' LINCOLN. . AB. R. H 4 0 1 27 14 o. 0 0 1 8 'J b i 0 A. E. 0 0 nrii ii'.'iii. v k Barton, . WUlllln. 3h . MuKay. lb . , 3 4 ........ 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 I 0 o I 4 V . 4 .. Wolfe, l-.., ,.v.... 3,t 0 Fcnlon, rf ........ .4 , o '. : 0 klnran, c ...i. ...... Jimia, y I....' : ' , Total'' ,1 Stiver J..,...... t : 3 0 o ,....31 0 6 24 11 I ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 -2 ..0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 . i.iiwuin ..... i Btolen baaea: Randall. Belden. Two-base Jill ei . Zaluaky. Jonea. -Three-baae hit: Ran dall. Kueea on balla: Off Adama, 1: off; Jones, 4. Struck, out:. By Adama, 7. Sac rifice. Wts: Randall C!, McHale. Barton. Left , n basrs: . Denver. 8; . Lincoln, S. Baaea on errors':- Denver, 3, Time: 1:30. I'm olrc; Keete. (ante Postponed. At Ies Moines Iea Moinea-Bloux City laiiie pcidtjio'ned, rain. , Maadlng of the Team. Played. Won . Loat Pet I"S Moines 72 t0 mah V. 7- 40 O 1 32 .R9t .550 J Oliver 74 3' ii rtou-rity 72 32 40 Lii.roln 7:1 .1t 4.1 I uoblo 73 2S 45 .834 1 James today: Omaha at Pueblo. Lin coln at Denver, Sioux City at De Moinea. Ryder Admit Mistake. OMAHA.-July l.-Sporting Editor The Bee: In order to preerv the entente cor dial at preaent exiatlng between the county and city baae ball exemplars, permit me to acknowledge that a mistake haa been made In the report of Saturday' game. I pre sume It occurred through what printer call a transposition. The manager of tha court houae team waa really trying to hyp notize hi men Into making aome auch acore a IS to 2. but the thought transference Grandfather's Cure for Constipation . REAT medicine, the Sawbuck. (I p- . Two hours a day sawing wood V ( wlD "eP anyone's Bo we la Na-U repilar. No need of pills, Cathartics, Castor OH, nor "Physle." If you'll only work the Saw buck regularly. a ' Exejrcfse is Nature'a Cure (or Constipa tion and, a Ten-Mile walk will do, If you haven't got a wood-pile. But, If you will take your Exercise In an Easy Chair, there only one way to do that, because, there's only one kind of Artificial Eiercisa for the Bowels and ifs nam la CASCARETS." ' . , . Cascarets af e the only means to exercise the Bowel Muscles without work. ; -rr .They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset your Stomach,"' because they don't act like "Physics." They don't flush out your Bowels and Intestines, with a costly waste of Digestive Juice, aa Salts. Castor Oil,' Calomel, Jalap, or Aperient Watera alwaya do. No Cascarets strengthen and stimulate the Bowel. Muscles, that line the Food passagea and- that tighten up when food touches them, thus driving the food to its finish. - . A Cascaret acts on your Bowel Muscles as If you had ust sawed a cord of wood, or walked ten miles. , Cascarets tnevt the Food Naturally, digesting tt without waste of tomorrow's Gastric Juice. ( The thin, flat, TerHCent Box la made , (a fit ybuf Vest pocket, or "My Lady's" Purse. Druggists 10 Cents a Box. Carry It constantly; with you and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need one. Ba very careful to get the genuine made only by tha Sterling Remedy Com pany, and never sold in bulk. Every at Ut siamp4 "CC ' tm THE- SHOES that have placed ffiitirn Shtu at tKe head of the Good Shoe product of the country. For U.n For Womin. all styles-all leathers $3.oa to $5.00 AT ALL DEALERS jssK went inatead to the pre box. probably because of long aaaoclatlon on my part.- The genial mayor underatudlea did win that game by grand playing. Beside that, 1 am almost ready to alDdavy that some one gave our lad a leepy potion. They were oppreaaively and beatlflcally lomno lent after the flrt lnirlng. It-may hav been the drinking water. However they are aJI alive today, hoping for better luck next time and confident that no teanvrtotild have beaten that captained, by the two Pane Butler and Whitney on Hnrurday. Regretfully. ' JOHN -RYDER, Manager Cliff - Dweller. GAMES I AMERICA?! ASSOCIATION Indianapolis Defeat Kansas City Twice. by Superior FleMlngr. KANSAS CITY. July 16 Inillanapoll won two games today from Kansas City. Both Fonannon and i nitcner pucnea en-eciiveiy. but they were given poor aupport. Score, flrdt game: INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS CITY. n.H.O.A.E. . , B.H.O.A.R. n,inln. rf. t S 0 I'rrto. SS...4 113 1 Athtrton. 9b. 4 0 1 0 0 Wilrtron. rf. . 4 OttO Him-. cf....l 0 1 0 9 Cuudr, If... 4 0 4 0 I ( rr. lb : 0 I S 0 Hill, cf 4 0 19 0 WtllUmd. M. 4 t 4 J Phrl. lb 4 1 T 1 1 Prrry. If 1 0 0 0 n T. Rurke, lb. 4 0 1 I 1 M'tvan. lb... 1 0 14 0 Sullivan, lb . 4 17 10 Khoe. c 4 1 4 0 llHhr, ..:.. I I 4 U Kfllum. p.... 4 0 1 0 0 Rohanaen, p. S 1 0 I Toult 31 1 17 II 1 TsUli......l4 1 17 15 4 Indlananolla 0 0 8 0 0 1 01 0 & Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-2 Two-haae hlta: Perrlne. Kahoe. Home run: Bohannon. Flrat baae on balls: By Bo hannon, 3; hy Kellum, 5. Sacrifice hlta: Perrv. Marcan. Stolon baae: William: Double play: Williama to Marcan to Carr; Barker to Phyle to Sullivan. Hit by pitched bull: Carr. Wild pitch! Kellum. Time: 1:32. i mpire: Kane. , Score, aecond game: INDIANAPOLIS. KANSAS C1TT. B.H.U.A.E. B.U.O.X.E. DunlMvr, rf. 4 11 0 UFranti. n....l 10 10 Attierton. lb . 4 0 0 1 0 Parrtnc. n:.. 1 0 0 0 0 HImH, cf.... S 110 UW.Mron. rf.. I 1 M 1 r.rr, lb 4 110 0 Ii'nulr, If... 4 0 1 4 t Wllllami, Mil 14 0 Hill, cf 4 1 1 0 0 Porrr. If 4 0 10 0 Phyla. 2b 4 1 I I tt Marcan. lb... 4 0 1 0 Hurke, lb I 1 I 0 1 0 Hnhannon .. 1 1 0 U 0 Holmoa, c... 4 0 I yiahar, p I 10 1 0 Sullivan, lb.. I 0 14 0 0 Lhx. c 114 11 Totals M 117 14 0 Crutcher, p... 1 0 0 I 0 Totals...... 12 7 17 II 3 Batted for Sullivan In ninth. - Indianapolis 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1 0-5 Kansas City ..." 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hlta: Wllllcms, Waldron, Dun leavy. Three-base hits: Fisher, Leahy. Stolen bases: Hill, Hlme. Carr. Sacrifice hit: Hlme. Frrsf baae on balls: Off Flaher, I. Struck out: By Crurcher, ; by Flaher, 2. Double play: William to Carr. .Hit by pitched ball: Williama, Burke. Wild, pitch: Fisher. Left on baaea: Kansa City. 7; In dianapolis. 6. Time: 1:30. ..Umpire: vane. Colombo WIbs In Eighth. MILWAUKEE. ' July' ' 16.-oWtaille pitched a magnificent game'of ball today, holding the home team to two hit, one of whlclj was a acratch. Hulawttt won the ?;ame for the visitors In the eighth, when he ined out a triple, driving In two runs. Score: . ', COLTMBfS. MILWAl'KEK.-" B.H.O.A.S. ' B.H O.A.E. Plrkcrlni. rf. 4 1 0 0 4 Bnblnaon.' aa. 1 I 1 0 Wrlslar. lb.. 5 0 0 t 'ttlron, rf I 010 Hlnrhman. rf I 1 0 0 0 MTheana?, cf 4 0 t 1 4 Coulter, If.... 4 110 0 Katcman, lb.. I oil o 0 14 1 0 Hynaa, It 4 0 1 0 til OKolh. c 10110 114 0 Bavllla, c... 1 0 4 0 0 1 I 1 1 (.larks, lb.... 4 1 1 I 1 Kihm. lb I Frlal. lb 4 Hulawltt, aa. 4 Blue, c I hobertallla. p 3 3 I I 1 Mn'ona k, lb 1 0 1 4 0 : Cunla. p I 0 1 S ft Totals 14 10 17 17 I'HoKTphlll ... 1 0 0 0 0 I loiaia zv i wi la a Totala. i 'Batted ror curti in nintn. Columbus 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2. 04 Milwaukee 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 02 Three-base hit: Friel. Hulawltt. Stolen base: Coulter. Baae on balla: Off Rober tallle. 7. Hit by pitched ball: By Curtis, 2. Taaaed ball: Blue. Struck out: By Rober taille, 5; by Curtis, 2. Sacrifice hit: Rober tallle. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 7; Colum bus, 9. Time: 1:46. Umpires: Egan and Sullivan. .,, Saint Win from Distillers. ST. PAUL. July 1.-St. Paul batted Dunkle for four runs In the second inning, while Ixiulaville hit Buchanan hard in the same Inning for three runa. Parkina re lieved Buchanan In the aeconJ with no body out and held the visitors safe through out the rest of the game. Score: ST. PAI L. LOI'ISVILLS). B.H.O.A.R. B.H. O.A.E Geler, rf I 110 1 llallman. If.. 1 0 I Drill, c I VanZandt, rf. Frt.k, If 4 Wheeler, lb.. 4 Rork'teld. aa. 1 Fadrirn, :b... I Noidyke. lb.. 1 Ruf-haoan. p. I famine, p.... I lit' atovall. cf ... 101 0-3 0 9 Hraehear, lb. 4 0 4 19 0 1 SMIivan, lb.. 4 1 12 0 1 1 P Kerwln, rf... 4 1 0 1111 Woodruff, lb. 4 1 1 114 0 Dinner, c I 1 I 1 14 j 0 Puttman 1 0 0 I 0 I OQuhilan, aa... 4 1 1 ItS 4Punkle, p.... 4 1 ft Totala :i I 17 It I Totala IS l 14 Puttmann batted tor Stoner In rrlnth. St. Paul 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 Louisville ..0 S 0 0 0.0 0 0 03 Two-base hit: Frisk, Nordvke. Parkina, Dunkle. Stolen baae:, Hockenfteid, Stovali. Woodruff. Double plays: Woodruff to Qulnhin; Qulnlau, Brushear to Sullivan. Hits: off Buchanan, 3 In one Inning; off Parkins, 3 In eight Innings. Baaes on balls; Off Buchanan. 1; off Parkins, 2; off Dunkle, i. Struck out: By Dunkle, I; by Parkins, 2. Wild pitch: Parkina. Sacrifice hits: Drill. Vanzant, Stovali. Left on baaea: St. Paul. 4; Louisville,. ts . Time: 1;S0. Um pire; Owen. Miller la Third Place. MINNKAPOL18. July lfi. Chech wu hit for a ho, lie rug, three, double and two singles toibiy-and ibi teU h story of To. ledo's third ilefrat. M.innapoil went Into third place jwni-Tias won -aine-, straight a'aiuea. Si-or;i v .. , ; MINNEAPOLIS - - . TOLEDO. B.H.O.A.B. B.H.O.A.B. liavia. cf I .4 1 . ('lln(maa. aa. 4 1 1 I I Urhrtng, cf ftj. larae. if. 4 .1 . 4 e 4 aulllvan, rf . I Kreeman, lb. 4 Uremlnger, lb 4 Han. II 4 ler. aa I (iraham. lb. . 4 Shannon, e. . 4 1 adwai'dcr. p 1 OOd.ell. cf ... 4 4 Nance, rf . . . . I 1 !emont, rf . .. 1 0 Kruecer, lb.. I OKnaba. !b a.. 4 W. Clarke, lb I Abbott, a 4 iheeti, p 4 Totala .... II I 17 II I Totala 41 I 14 li 4 Miniifupolls 0 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 4 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Home run: Sullivan. Two-base hit: Greinlnger. Cad walladrr. Sullivan. Struck out: By Chech. 4; by Cadwalluder. 4. Baaea on balls: off Chech, 1; off . Cad wallader, 1. Hit by pitcher: By Cadwallader. 1. Wild pitch: Cadwallader. Double play: Chech. Abbott. Krueger and Knahe. Sacrifice hlta Davl. Oyler. Stolen baae: Davia. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 4. Toledo. S. Time: 1:30 I'mpire: Langley. landtag; of la Team. Played KK ..... hi S7 .... M 4 & M fa Won. Loat. Pet. 64 tt .414 47 IT .n 47 4t ' .641 44 s .6o0 43 41 .612 47 .447 84 60 . 406 U- '61 .sm Colunibua ,, Milwaukee . Minneapolis To i IxiUiavllle .. kaiifaa City Si. Paul .... ludianapolla Game todav; Columbus at yilwatiVaa Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Kanaaa City, Louisville at St. PauL latlerly Gael to Toronto. KANSAS CITY. July UJack 8ltterly, iKj haa bean catching and playing- tlral baa wnb tha Kansas City American aaao 1 1-1 io i lent, i. haa been aold to Toronto and aiU ;ow ih Canadian Immadiauly. CHICAGO WINS ON ERRORS Three Hit and Tbrs Blunder! bj Quaker Vet tube Three Bunt. PFEISTER IN BOX FOR WINDY CITY TEAM Foraner Oasaha. Pitcher Allow Rat rive Hit. Strikes Oat F.lckt Mea aad Giro Oae Baa os Ball. CHICAGO, July l.-Chleago made only three singles off Dugglehy today, but the visitors piled .up three mieplay. which cored all of Chicago's three runa. Perfect fielding held the Philadelphia down to one run. although they hit Pfelater for two Ingle, two double and a triple. Catcher Dooln waa put out of the game In the fifth or kicking on a called strike. Score: CHIOAOO. PHILADELPHIA. - - B H O A B H.H.O.A.K. la!, cf ... 4 1 1 0 OThnmat. rf .. I 1 1 n o Rhaekart. It.. I 4 0 4 IniMaon. :b..4 1110 Brhull. rf... 1 110 OTItuw. rf 4 1 I 0 f, Cbancc, lb . 1 0 I Dcourtnay. lb. 4 0 0 1 0 StelaUldt. lb I Tinker, M. ... I 0 111' Mis. If 4 0 1 0 0 0 14 0 Ioolln, .... 114 11 0 110 l.u.h. lb I 0 1 i 1 Evtr. lb.. Moran. c Ffltr, p. ' Totals... ,11110 Dooin. c 1 1 0 1 1 lull 0 Donovan, c... t 0 i 0 4 Duiilebr. p.. I 0 0 4 16117 11' 0 ToUlt II I 14 11 I i o o i o o e x Chicago Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Chicago, 1; Philadelphia. 1 Two-bae hit: Doolln, Dooln. Three base hit: Oleason. Sacrifice hit: Sheckard. Stolen base: Tinker. Double play: Tinker and Chanca. Struck out: By Pfelater, S; by Dugrleby, 1. Base on balla: Off Pfelater. 1; off Duggleby, 2. Hit with ball: Chance. .Time: 1:40. .Umpire; Johni Inatone. Cincinnati Wins gee-Haw Game. CINCINNATI, July 16. Today's game was a see-saw affair. Brooklyn eventually tying the score In the first half of the ninth, only to be beaten in the laat half. The Brook lyn made a triple play in the seventh after the bases had been Ailed. Kelly tapped , to Alperman. who threw Barry out at sec ond. The ball then wss passed to flrat, re tiring Kelly, and on to the plate, where Hugglns waa caught after having- run from second base. Only one run scored on the play. Score: ' CINCINNATI. BROOKLYN. B.H.O.A.B. B.H. O.A.E. Huaxlns. lb.. 4 0 11 OMaloney. cf.. 4 0 0 0 0 Parrv. cf I t 1 0 0 Cater, lb I 1 0 I 0 Kail;. If.... 4 Judc. rf...'... 4 Lobert. aa I Delahanty, lb 1 1110 Lumlav. rf... 4 1 1 0 0 t'0 0 Alperman, lb. 4 I 7 1 1 0 4 11 Hummel, lb.. 4 011 10 10 lwla. a..... 4 1 S 10 Peal, lb 4 I 10' 1 0 Rltlar. ' If:... I 1 I 0 4 Sohlel. C I 0 II 1 I Berarn. C....I 1 1 0 Hall, p 4 14 10 Stiicklatt, p.. 1 1 0 1 4 Totala 11 11 17 10 1 Totala II s25 20 t One out when winning run scored. Cincinnati 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 2 1-7 Brooklyn 0 1 0 0 S 0 0 0 2 Two-base hits: Hall. Strlcklett, Casey. Three-lwse lilts: Delehanty. Deal. Sacrifice nits: Barry, Kelley, Hummel, Bergen (2). Stolen baaea: Lobert, Lumley. Double play: Alperman to Iewi to Hummel. Baae on Dans: Oft Hall. 4; off Strlcklett, s. Triple play: Alperman to Lewis to Hummel to Bergen. Struck out: By Hall. 8. Hit by pitched ball: By Hall. 2. Time: 20. Um pires: Carpenter and Klein. ew York Win la Mnth. 8T. I.OUIS. July 1. Another nlnth-ln-nlng finish enabled New York to take to day' game 3 to 1 and make a clean sweep, of the aeries. Mertea played his first game In a St. Louia uniform. Score: NEW . YORK. ST. LOIJIB. B.H.O.A.B. B.H. OA. IT. Breanahan, e. I I I S 0 Rurch.' rf..... I 110 0 Strang, rf ...I 110 0 Dannett, 2b. .. I 114 0 Shannon, If . J 110 4 Mertea, If.... 4 0 10 0 aavmnur, rf.. 4 110 Ogmoot, cf I 1 I 0 0 MrUann, lb.. 4 0 11 0 tl Ord. lb ... I 1114 Davlln. lb.... I 0 13 0 Hnatetter. lb. 4 1 1 I 0 , Dahlsn, aa...,4 110 lWMar.hll. cl 1 I 1 0 Gilbert, lb... i 1 1 J 0 McBrlde. as.. I 1111 Taylor, p 4 1 0 1 0 Egan. p 4 1 0 3 0 Murray, o.... 1 0 1 1 0 Totala II 17 IS 1 M. Marshall. 1 0 0 0 0 Totala 11 S 17 14 1 Batted for McBrlde In ninth. New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2-S St. Lout 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0-1 Earned runs: New York, 2. Two-boe hit: Seymour, Breanahan, W. Marshall, Dahlen. Sacrifice hlta: Gilbert, Orady. Double playa: McBrlde to Bennett to Grady; Breanahan to Gilbert. Stolen' bases: Shannon, Burch. Hit by-pitched ball: By Taylor, 1. Basses on balls: Off Egan, 5; off Taylor, 3. Struck out: By Taylor, 2: by Egan, 5. Left on bases: St. I-oula. 8; New York, 9. Tune: 2:14. Umpires: O'Day and Kmslle. Game Postponed.' ' At Pittsburg Pittsburg-Boston ..I game postponed; rain. fltandtnor of the Team. NBW YORK, July lB.-Harry C. Pulllam, president of the Nutlonal League of Pro fessional Base Ball Clubs, toriav gave out a statement of the official standing of the club of the league, including the games of monaay, juiy lb, as rollows: Played. Won. Loat. Pvt. Chicago New York ... Pittsburg Philadelphia . Cincinnati .... 82 6S 24 . 707 78 61 27 .664 7S 50 iS .R41 81 40 41 ,44 82 85 47 ,4 S3 31 62 .374 78 19 4ft .372 80 27 63 .338 St. IxhiIs Brooklyn Games today: Bocton at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at St. Louis, New York at Chi cago, Philadelphia' at Pittsburg. GAMES IX THE AMERICAN I.EAGIE Clereland Shot Oat Washington Fire to Nothing;. WASHINGTON, July 16. Cleveland hut out the v ashlngion team todav. to 0. Hess allowed but four hit. Score: CLEVELAND. WASHINGTON. B.H.O.A.B. B.H. O.A.E nick. rf I 1 1 0 Altlier, as... 4 0 1 I 0 Bar. cf 4 110 4 Stanley, rt... 4 0 1 0 4 ft I Stanley, rt... 4 I 1 Nlll. cf.. 4 1 Of roea. lb 4 Turner, as.... 4 I 4 Lajnle, lb.... 4 11 1110 1114 Roaaman, lb.. 1 111 II 0 Anderaos If. 4 0 4 0 Cnnsalton. If. 4 0 1 0 0 Rchaltlj. Ib. 4 14 4 0 1 0 10 1 0 Bradley, lb.. I 111 0 Stahl. lb ... Bemla, e I 0 I 1 0 Wakefield, c. I 1 I ft 4 Heaa, p 4 I 1 I 0 Huthee, p. ... I 4 0 1 0 Totala II II 17 11 1 Totala 11 (17 11 I Cleveland 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 5 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hit: Turner, Bradley. Home run: Turner, sacrifice hlta: Stahl, Tur ner, Rossman, Bemla. Double dava Hughe. Stahl and Altlier; Altlser Schalfly and Stahl. Left on base Br Washington, 4; Cleveland, 7. Flrat base on balla: Off Hughe, t. Flrat baae on error: Wash ington, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Hughe. Struck out: By Hughes, 4; hy Hess. 4. Time: 1:45. Umpires: Klttredge and Buelow. Philadelphia Defeat Detroit. PHILADELPHIA. July 1 Detroit went down to defeat before Philadelphia, today, principally tnrougn the good work of Lrgert. The visitors made their only run ot tnree errors, wnne in nome piav r scored their two on a base on balls. a sarrmi-a ana two nits. core: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. B.H.O.A K B.H.O.A.B. Hartaal. If . Lord . cf . . . . liana. 1 .... Hal bold, rt. Murphr, tb Rchrark, .. Croaa. as . . . 114 0 Jnitaa. rf 4 4 1 t 1 4 aehaasr. lb . i i a 4 4 II 1 1 afc.rd. rf. 4 4 1 4 4 0 MVlntyrs, If.. J 1 I J D 4 FCoushlln. Sb. I I 1 1 0 4 Llndaar, lb.. I 4 4 1 4 1 I llXuri, aa. . t 4 t I 0 1 4 Ikhmldt. t .. I 1 t t 4 4 Doaokua, a . I a I 1 S It I 1 I I 4 1 Knight. Ib... 11 DTfjrt. p a Totala 14 4 17 It I Toula 10 I 14 14 I Philadelphia 00000300 J Detroit 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Ift on baaea: Detroit. 4; Philadelphia, 4. Earned run: Philadelphia Stolen baaea: Mclntyre. Lord. Tw-o-baa hit: Schmidt, Mclntyre. Murphy, Srhreck. Sac rifice hit: Lord, Seybold. Double plays: Mclntyre and O'Leary; Murphy. Cross and Dvl I). Struck out: By Dygert. 4; ny Donohue, 6. First baae on ball: Off Dy gert, 2: off Donohue, 1. Time: 1:20. "Um pire: Sheridan. Bt. I.oal Make It Fair Straight. BOSTON, July II. St. Loui made It four atralght today by defeating Boaton In a well-played gam. 2 to 0. Superlot batting at critical momenta gave the vis itor the victory. Olade pitched mag nificently, Boston registering only two hits, and but three other ball were driven out of the InfWd by th horn team. Score: IT. LOl'II BOSTON B.H O A B. B.H O A B. Kllaa. I I I 4 Paftat. aa.... 4 141 Joatl, Ik I I II 4 4 Siahl, of 14 114 lona. It 4 I 4 4 4 Hoar, It I 4 4 1 HaaspkUI. rt. 4 1,1 Fairta. tb....l I t Wallara, aa., 4 4 4 1 God. In. Jb .. I 1 a Koablar. lb . 4 1 4 4 Martoa. If ... I 1 1 4 Hanaall. Ik.. 4 111 Praanaa. Ik . III 4 O Ooaaoe. .. I 1 araibruatar, l 4 i i a Claaa, I I I OOlaaa. I Tatala at I II 14 1 Totala M I If 14 "l St. Loui.,,,... ..1 0 A I 0 0.4) 03 Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' iKiuhla play: Ferrta. Parent and Fro mia. tlri omo oa baia. OS Ol, 1. Ptruck out: Sv Olase, I, tv Olade. 1. Passed ball: Armbruster. Time: 1:28. Umpires: Krana and Connolly. rhleaao la from Jew York. NEW YORK. July IS Th Chicago American broke even In the aerlea with the New Torks by winning today'a game, which went to ten Innlnga. The ai-ore: CHICAOO. NEW TORK. D.H.O A K. R H O A K. Hihn If I I I 0 (Keeler. rf ...4 1 0 0 Jnndt, . cf I 1 1 IpXoII. rf I 1 I Pivls. M 4 I I Ttmnbii. lb.. I I II 4 KM, lb ... 4 1 II 0 aronroT. as. ... 4 I 1 I Import, lb . .. 4 I MMorarlir. lb.. 4 I Wllltama. zb. I 1 Delrhantr. If. 4 I a Hoffman, cf . . I I Yaer 1 Roh. lb I 1 1 1 I a 0 1 0 0 Sulllnn. c . Tannehlll, lb i Own, p 1 White, p I 0 Kletnn. ... 4 wton, p Totals 41 14 0 !! orht.ri. p IThomaa . Tolala II I It) IS 1 Batted for Hoffman In tenth. Batted for Chesbro In tenth. Chicago H 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 T New York 1 U300o000 04 !-eft on bases: New Y'ork, 2; Chicago, 3. Baae on ball: Off Newton. 2; off Owen, 1. Struck, out: By Newton. 1: by White. 5. Home run; Conrov. Two-base hlta: Con roy, Iipi rte, Sullivan. Double play: New. ton. Laporte and t'haae. Paaaed ball: Kiel, now. Hits: off Newton 12 In W Innings; off Chreebro, 2 In Htnnlngs; ofT Owen. 4 In 8 Innlnga; off White. 1 In T Innings, em pires: O Luughlin and Hurst. Time: 1;50. Slandlna of the Team. Played. Won. Lost. Pet Philadelphia New York. . Cleveland . . Chicago . . , Detroit St. Louis. . . Washington Boaton .... 47 47 44 44 40 40 it 19 2 30 31 34 37 33 61 SO .613 610 8S7 563 tl 513 241 7 77 7 77 U Game today Chicago at Washington. St. Louis at Philadelphia, Detroit at Bos ton, Cleveland at New York. Sterling; Wis On. After the Sterlings were defeated at the Duffy park by the Joe Diiffy by the score of 1 to 0 Sunday, thev hiked over to the' Jetter park and won from the Gold Tops by the core of . J to S. . Fletcher, who worked on the slab for the Sterling, pitched gooo nan, striking out eleven men and auowing oniy nve hits. Bcore: k.h.k. Sterlings 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 0 17 11 2 Gold Tops 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 a 4 Batteries: Sterllnas. Fletcher and Roche- ford; Gold Tops. Collier and Finley. Dnoghertr Mast Pay Fine. CINCINNATI. Jnlv 16-Plaver P. A. Dougherty of the New York and Chicago American League clubs will be reinstated on the payment by hltn of a tine of Ilfxi and by the New York club of one of 2:5. accord ing to a decision announced by the Na tional Base Bail commission today. Dough erty waa carried on the New York reserve Hat, but refuaed to report for duty and waa later released to Chicago, although not at the time actually with New York a requirea by the rule. Achate Beat Antler. The Antlers were defeated bv the Royal Achate Sunday at the race track. Twen tieth and Sprague, by a score of 4 to 2. Wlthey of the Antlers pitched fine ball, but he had poor support. The Antlers de- reaiea fiattsmouth Saturday 7 to i. score: R. H. E. Achate 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2-4 S 1 Antler 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-2 11 7 ' Batteries: Antlers. Wlthey and Ogden; Royal Achate, Hansen and Dad sen. Rradshaw Defeats Strorasbara. BRADSHAW. Neb.. Julv 1 (Soeclal.l Riadshaw gained another victory todav bv defeating Stromsburg's picked nine. Brad shaw has not been defeated thia season. Bcore: R.H.E. Bradahaw 10 2 Stromsburg 2 3 ( Batteries: Yoder and Allen. Brown and Myers. Struck out; By Yoder, 9; by Brown, 3. ... , . . Fort Calhoon Beat Deaoto. FORT CALHOt'N. Neb.. July 16 (Spe cial.) DeSoto. with Lonnie Brunner man ager, and his band of ball players came over yeaterday to show Fort Calhoun how to play ball. The game resulted: R.H.E. Fort Calhoun, .6 2 6 0 0 0 0 6 0-19 22 6 DeSoto 0 I 1 0 1 0 0 1 2- 7 18 6 Batteries: Fort Calhoun, W. Custon and Mathews DeSoto,1 Jensen and Smith. Um pire: H. Jlpp. , . . . Welsbrod Wins Own Game. - ' ' GRAND ISLAcTD,''Neh., July 16.-Speciat Telegram.) Weisbrod' two-base hit in the tenth inning on tie game for Kearney to day. Score: n R.H.E. Kearney 1 00 0 00000 1-2 3 i Grand Island. 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 6' 4 Battertea: Keartiey. Welsbrod and Za hlsky; Grand Island, Coykendall and Town send. ' Iowa I.eaarae Heanlts. MARSHALLTOWN, la.. July 16 ISpecial Telegram.) Following are the results in the Iowa league: ' ' Marshalltown. Bi Fort Dodge, 0. Keokuk, 8; Oakaloosa, 2. Waterloo, 1R; Clinton, 8. Burlington, 9; Ottumwa. 4. Game la Three-! Leaarne. J t Decatur, 111. Springfield. 4: Decatur. 3. At Rock Island-Cedar Rapids, 3; Rock Island, 2. At Bloomlngton Bloomington, 2; Peoria. 0. At Dubuque Davenport, 10; Dubuque, 6. Elk Range the Ball Field. WF.BSTF.R CITY. la.. July l.-(Speela! Telegram. )-The Webster City Elks' ball team thia afternoon defeated the Fort Dodge Elks 5 to 4 In a even-lnnlng game in this city. , E VESTS OS THE RINJUXQ TRACKS J. C. Core Mix the Atlantic Selling; Stake at Brighton Beach. vir.w YORK. Julv 18-J. C. Core, backed down from to 5 to 7 to 1ft. won the At lantic selling take in a drive at Brighton Beach today. Royal Breeie made the run ning to the atretch. when Miller brought J. C. Core tip and won from the former hy three-quarters of a length. The betting contingent had a good day a four heavily played favorite were returned winners, while the other two race were won by a second choice and a long snoi. ncsuns: First race, mile and a sixteenth: Yoik- ahlre Lad won. Suffice second, Lady Ellison third. Time: 1:4S. Second raee steeplechase, about two miles: Kassll won. utna i unity second Follow On third. Time: 4:22. Third race, five and one-half furlongs: Oeorge 8. Davia won. Annio second. Alethno third. Time: 1:0S. Fourth race, the Atlantic stake, five and one-half furlongs: J. C . Core won, Royal Breeie aecond, Yorklat third. Time: 1 :r7iv Fifth race, mile and a alxteenth: Garnish won. Agile second. Orly II third. Time: 1:46. Sixth race, six furlongs: Suffrage won, Tipping second, Miss Ogden third. Time: l:15v CINCINNATI. July 16,-Reult at La tonla: First race. lx furlongs: Banpnaal won. Mint Boy aecond, Laron third. Time: 1:1a. Se.-ond race, mile: Mae Lynch won, Peatman second, Cambridge third. Time: 1:42. Third race. mll: John Carroll won, Th Klnka aecond. Major T. J. Carson third. Timei i:a. -Fourth race, free handicap steeplechase clubhouse course: Stoddard won, Slgmund second. Pier neat third. Time: 3:2Wv Fifth race, five furlongs: Moselle won. Dainty name aecond. fair ragot third Time: 1:01. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: Stroud won, FlorUel second. Docile third. Time: 1:4. Seventh race, mile: Millsong won. Dr. McCIuer second. Matthew Gault third. Time: 1:41V Tennl Player Head for Holdree HOLDREGE. Neb, July IS (Special.) Considerable enthusiasm is being manifested over the tennis tournament to be held here Friday and Saturday. July 1T7 and 2S. Word ha been received from Suberlor nd Arap ahoe that their clube w-ill be repreaented by a number of playera. It la expected that thia tournament will the greatest number of tenuis players ever gotten to gether in western Nehiasaa. i ne nne court WAKEFIELD'S Blackberry to u4 bai been for 0 year a prompt aad rollabl car for Dtarrbooa, Dy ea tery. Flnx. Cholera Infantum, ate. Aa thaaa dlaeaaes oftan coma In tha nljbt. arery koma should ba praoarad to check tham without delay by baring a Bnpply cf this axcellent rasad oa band. VU 4ra(clau aaU it of the HoMrrge Golf and Tennis club re being put Into line condition for the meet. O'RRIEM AMI BKRGKR FIGHT tiameaeas of (nltfnrnlan Surprises the "aerlaliire. PHILADKLPHIA. July Iti-Sam Brrgcr. the California mnateui h'-nvywelaht. to night gave Philadelphia Jnck O Brien the hardest sl-roiind battle of hi career. Not withstanding that O'Brien continually sent, his left to the chin and wind. Brrgcr came beck and forced the fighting In every round. O Brlen hail nil the advantage In tlie open ing round and landed almost at will. H' foot work aeemed to dazzle Berger, but as the fight progressed the Callfornian Im proved. In the second round Bcrger opened up deep gash over O'Brien's left eye and the Phlladclphlnn had Bcrger bleeding from the nose. Both were covered with blood as they went to their corners. The third round was one of the fastest ever witnessed in this city between heavy weights. O'Brien wns forced to u-e nil his cunning to avoid Bcrger s rushes and the latter again opened up O'Brien s dam aged eye with a vicious right. Just at the close of the round. O'Brien's short arm Jolt to Berger's Jaw made the latter knees knock together. Both men were tired when they went to their corners. The fourth round was a repetition of the third. It was give and take from the time the men faced each other until the goug sounded. O'Brien did the greater part of the leading in this round as in the previous ones, but his blows did not have the force of Berger's. Berger had the Phlladelphlan decidedly worried In the two closing rounds. W hen O'Brien led he would Invariably jump Into the air and swing his left arm around Bcrg er neck, the evident intention being to scare his heavy antagonist. When the fight ended both men were covered with hi. Mid and the referee's shirt was crimson from hia effort fo aeparate them. When thev ruahed to the clinch It was sveral seconds before the referee could make them break clean. The men entered the ring In perfect con dition and as they had agreed to flght at catch weights, no announcement wns mad of their respective weights. Berger's manager saM that the Callfornian weight. 1 about 2iO pounds, while O'Brien weighed closn to 175. No decision is allowed In the bouts In this city, but it seemed to he the consensus of opinion that O'Brien had a slight advantage. Berger. however, sur prises tne sp. '. tutors hv his clcvernee. an. I also his ganieness. He always came back' nrter me elusive Phllailelphinn. no matter when O'Brien aent his left to Berger's law. RATIOS AL TESMS TO! RSAMKXT Ma atclirs nt htraao r.nd I.onanood. with Final Rt pn-mrl. BOSTON". Julv If! The nrnrram tl,e 1 national chamninnshlns nnrlnt rim aiiat.lf.rN of the I'nlted States National Lawn Ten- its association ror the present vear w innounoed officially tonight. The cham ilonslitp In doubles will be contested hi wo sections the first at Chicago, July :1. and the second at Longwood. Julv i':i. o player will be allowed to enter both rurnaments. The winner at CIiIchk i cill play the winners at LotiRWood, nt Newport, probably, on August 21, and the vinners of this last match will he callcl IDOn tn nlnv Messrs 1 lol.wtrv, I... U'anl u.,,1 Beal C. Wrlsrht for the c hunmlnimhln nt ' Newport, probably on August 22. I The singlea tournament will be held at Newport August 21 and following da vs. and the winner of this will be called on to nlav Reals l" Wrltrhf for the chn..,. plonahip. The winner of the several lnterscholas- If i n ET 1 a3 l tiiitnDmAnl aa-tlt alu., . . I Newport for the chamtilonshlD about the same time. Wymore to Hove Good Race. WYMORE. Neb.. July 1R (Special. )-The race meeting billed to occur at Arbor State park Is one of the leading events of Ne braska. Already 145 horses are entered in harness events and $5,000 is hung up in guaranteed purses to he paid from the Judges' stand on t lie completion of each race. Anout-aw harness horses and run ner are here to participate in these race. Athletic Meet In St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. July 16.-The annual athletic championship meet of the western division of the Amateur Athletic union was tonight awarded to the Amateur Athletic association of St. Loui. Secretary Smith of the latter organization salcr that the meet will be held during the nrst week in September, probably on the grounds of the Delmar race track. -'" Rain' Stop Tennis. i Rain Interfered with the city tennis tour nament at the Field club last night. Play will be resumed this evening; If the courts dry out sufficiently. Sporting; Brevities. Play In the city tennis tournament will begin at 6 this evening. . Baseey lost the second game at Pueblo Sunday by dropping a fly he had. In hi hands. Neariv all the Western league team re coming to the fore with new pitchers ex cept Omaha. FtahlnaT and Cam Din a Rate to Ma ill. on Lake, Watervlllo and Elyalan, Minn., Via Chicago Great Western. For parties of ten or more, one far and one-third for the round trip, good for ta days. Ticketa on sale dally until Sep tember 30. For further Information apply to ft H. Churchill. G. A.. Ibl2 Farnam St. Free with THE SUNDAY BEE, July 22d Conrriglit 11)01, Life l'ub. Co. The above picture printed on Heavy Art paper, size 10x1) inches, suitable for framing w-jw-v YT an rt iUPI'f'mPnt to 4,1'r of a serif's ai-ticles on Pen K 1 V. Mj JC and Ink Drawings. Order in advance of your newsdealer or newsboy, or telephone 897 SoSoS Whenever a sore or ulcer Is slow in healing, and showd signs of eating into the surrounding flesh, it is safe to say that the blood is infected with cancerous germs. Some old taint or poison that has lain dormant awaiting a favorable opportunity to assert itself has found an outlet on the face, arms, legs or olher part of the lxnly, and the place has become inflamed and festered, and a chronic ulcer is the result. When middle age is reached or passed, and the vital powers are naturally weaker, a hurt of any kind heals slowly, and often an insignificant scratch or bruise on warty growths, moles, pimples, etc., will begin to inflame and are soon large, eating ulcers. The cancerous germs are rooted in the blood, and while salves, plasters, lotions, etc., keep the surface clean, they are useless in affecting a cure. S. S. S. cures cancerous ulcers by going dor. n into the blood and removing the germ and poisons which produce the trouble. It cleanses the circulation of all unhealthy matter, and when the cause is removed the sore heals permanently. S. S. S. enriches and strengthens the entire blood-supply, and being purely vegetable, it is a pleasant, safe remedy for young or old. and ulcers of every kind yield promptly to its curative properties. Hook on sores and ulcers and medical advice free. . THE S WIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TIANTA, CAm DOCTORS FOR &U.EKI . . Minim ... i.u iwuaanMaana '. ;, .-V :1 1 t . ' , & " . 1 X The Reliable Specialists a physician's noblest efforts To restore a man to health, atrength and vigor and give htm hla rightful placV.moni h fellow men I. worthy of tt. noble.t effort, of a pbyalclan'. life nd every good physician work eart estly to thl end. W offer you this .M thi hein thl aasuranc of restoration, and if you will coma to ua we will" spare ouhe penaKles associated with private dl.ea. and wwak neesT. ofPmen y We will help you to escape from t lb Btoverjr tha t I. h owing vou captive and Impeding your progre. both commercially and socially. Do not deluded with the Idea that disease and weakness, of men wlU correot thTt"sVustesSrtonwo"y about the past cause after the sea. or wakna. become, once .abTi.hed. The factthat th. 'trouble now exist, make It n.o esary tht there should be no apathy, no delay, no deferring mattert unUl later on Sexual dJaeasea, or affection resulting therefrom, ahould not b tamnered with owing to the natural tendency of every dleae to Insidiously prog and i tenadou.l? fallen Itself upon the .ystem if proper ttaatmaat i not secured to bring about a prompt cure. We cure safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-SexuaT Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, 1 Kidney and and all diseases and weaknesses of a. a. . A.iaa. ah4 abuse, or in reun oi ayociuu FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. SundayaTlo'to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb. WE OU WmiSkWM IT JiUilYtL' " W WUTDlw IrMrJfti 'ifi Contracted it Tlrtii ' U. eng. I? .WtiiiWU B1 I ItUb. UliBMH. laaua avaa DBU MlaMliKB a THE THIRD F0Ty Entitled "DESIGN FOR .WALL PAPER." CURES e o CANCEROUS ULCERS .. . - f. ; -.. i . w . V . - Si !.,-'j"'. V : urinary uiseaaes. men due to evil habits, aaialarara n I lal al elf- By (be 0M ReDable DR. SC4KIXS SIAILES Established in Omaha for II rr. - Tb many UksB sand of case cured by as make ua th moat xprVa need Speclallata lp. the weat. In all dlaea ments of merv We know just what will ana our quioaiy. WE ai YOU, TIEN YOU PAY US OUR FEB W make no mlaleadlng or faia statement or nTf you cheap, worthloa treatment. Our reputation nm nam ar too favoraaly known every ca w trawl, our reputation I at atake. Tour health, Ufa and haa plnea 1 too cerlou a matter to placa In th bands of a "BaltELISI SOOTQB." Honest doctors of ablllt UH their OWaf MAMS XM TXaXB BUnZSESa. W can oflaot for everyone a life-long CVll for Waaa Nertttti Men, Varfcocelo troubles, Nervou Deblilty, T 1 A nlaAM Dmat.H. , HM.hl. ITIAnSiV. U l.AU m r . r , t H w , i.iuwiyi..i, , v.. . . . , . - -a BiaaajSkin, nyorocaie, tnronio uisaa Iiaa. Stomach and Skin Dlaeaa, Jtxamlnauon ana jnuiuutra. nni Rvmr,tm Rlr.k far Kama TrMtaaatL Do mala Straarla, Buki. Mm,