Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 7

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VoTMiMt en Toot tot, Premises Protaotioa
from Exactions Kxt Ttr.
Ertdeare at Ha 4 Wkfafc Pre
eaeer Things a t Haw
tha Laval Market la
Maalpalateal. ,
Whether Cbunty Attorney Biabsuirh et
re or wot In discovering thai sue a
thine; as an lea trnst ealsfe la Omaha., I
popular movement has bran at In motion
whlen promises to aire Omaha relief In
another year from exactions that people
generally havt decided ar unjust and un
Evidence la ee.ld to aalat that a aplrlt
of mutiny prevails among; the Ire wagon
drivers for Ilia 4a centpaulaa. The other
day a woman paid her Ice bill and bought
a nenf book. Her book fort her tl more
than the one aha had before and the two
Were duplicates. Bh reir.arked that It
seemed a ahame for people; to be "hold
Up ' Ilk that by the Ice Companies. "If U
a ahame," rapllad the driver, "but," he
a fl iled, "It will ba different nait year
Ha T)d riot ep!aln how the difference
would come rftxmf, but It ta understood
from other siMireee fht a movement la
bow w foot that promltea- ta bring about
the organisation f a "oiflaana tee com
tfany," through which the consumers may
experi and secure ralaf from tha Arbitrary
jrlc fhay are being com palled to pay
thli year Just baraaee tha lea barons want
to charge; exorbitant price and kave tha
alafcaaak Plata Xatklag.
No proeif of an lea traat hi Omaha hat
been secured by County Attorney fflabaugh
by hf fnoHrr fnt th subject, but H hti
been hreught rnt that little companies
Can Sy lea from tha big ones for ft U a
ton, notwithstanding (he common retail
price of 110 a ton, delivered. Information
to this effect Waa give by" Charles Boy
of WW North Seventeenth street, the I
proprietor of the Crystal Ice company,
which hat two wagons in operation. Mr.
Boyd aald he procured hi supply front
the People's lee and Coal company ex
clusively, but that ha kad no contract of
any kind with this Arm and no agreement
waa exacted as ,to what bla retail price
should be.
Last year Mr. Boyd aald ha had bought
tee for M M a ton and soid it for tt and M
a ton. Ma waa preeaeyj for an explanation
aa to why tha ratio between tha buying and
selling-, price bad bean increased, and re
plied that It waa due to the fact that tha
tea thla year la much poorer In quality to
that of laat year-. Ha ea II mated the shrink
age at SO par cant and declared It seemed
that the Ire waa no sooner In the wagon
than it melted. Laat year, ha declared, the
' product could be hauled around all day
and provd good lea tha next morning.
Cosa'parallva Caev ef Delivery.
Tba coat of delivering lea In Kansna City,
according to the dealera' testimony, is
about UH a ton. Figuring on thla basia
tha profit of tha man who has to buy his
fee from tha eompAnlaa 'hat do tha great
bulk of the local business la tha neat llttlo
margin of P a ton, or X par cent of tha
price the coneumer has to shall out,
'T think we" nve" demonstrated thae ex-f
orbltant prlcea are charged, although we
have not smoked out the lea trust," aald
County Attorney'h. "We are still
working on the matter and want all the
assistance we can get from the public and
the'wfcppefraV.- We" have 'no- power to
aubooeae, wttneaaea or to compel them to
testify or to give teettmorty under oath, and
we must rely largely upon volunteer evi
dence.'.' ; Acting1 upon the orders of Mayor Tahl
mao Inapeetor of Welghta aud Meaaurea
Pcgff got busy Sunday and tested seven
teen ice wagon scales used by the Omaha
Ice and Cold Storage company, the biggest
lea .concern in town. Tha Inapeetor found
eight out of aeventeen scales short and
condemned And confiscated them. One' of
thtee scalee weighed ten pounds abort out
of twenty pounds.
All lea Ba Welched.
Tne mayor has announced his Intention to
ask the council to paaa an ordinance re
quiring all Ice deliveries to be weighed.
He haa received many complaints that Ice
man do not weigh tha Ice at all, but simply
guesa at the quantity. One of theaa com
plaints came from a man who declared he
had discovered an alleged 10O-pound chunk
of ice to weigh only aeventy-two pounds
when put on a acala.
That Ice men are still princes of labor
waa tha aubatanca of Proprietor Boyd
testimony when he remarked that ha bad
to pay tea a month to hie assistants and
buy them their lunches. Hla small com
pany, It appears, is backed financially by
C. H. Isard, a borarehoer and relative. Mr.
leard detailed a conversation he had held
a. 1th the offloerft of the People s Ice and
Coal company early In the year from which
he obtained the opinion that a feeling of
hostility existed among the big local Ice
companies, tie naa no anowieage or any
lea trust or combination.
The most Interesting part of Mr. Isard's
testimony was given when he asserted
that he had been told "by a party who
aeeroa to be relied upon," that the Dally
News man had gone to an Ice company and
said If tho company would furnish "them
with the Ice for the office and hla reaidence
"he would rut out all the talk about this
Ira trust In his paper." Mr. Isard abso
lutely refused to go Into particulars, but
his source of Information has stated that
tha ice company refused the temptation
t -
1 '
Tooth Talk No. 50
"FA I I. ft a'' DEJTIflTIIT
I suppose that fear of pain keeps
mora people from giving their teeth
proper attention 'than any other
rauee. And Indeed they are not to be
blamed especially those of a neryoiig
temperament whoae teeth are hyper
sensitive. Methods have been unusually
Improved during the past few years,
and today tha dentist who utilises
tha moat recent development of
ectence can. If he ba skillfull, operate
Without pain In aim oat all casee.
With a practical working know
ledge of the profeaalons most recant
discoveries, and with the skill which
naturally comes from constant, care
ful practice and close study of Indi
vidual cases, 1 feel Justified In stat
ing tnat I can operate without any
patn In most cases and with very
little pain In ALL cases.
Consultation costs nothing.
I make a specialty of Crown and
Bridge work.
DR. FICKES, IN-at 1st. 83S Bee Hid.
'Phone Douglas 637.
and told" the tempter that if ba wanted ice
he would have to pay for It.
Caaaellaaea abed jr Light.
Councilman Johnson, McOovern, Sheldon,
Snicker and Elsasaar were examined, but
were unable to shed, any illumination In
tha dark quest for the trust.
City Inspector of Weights and Measures
John O. Pegg offered testimony which
earned to Indicate that tha practice had
been to teat about two lea wagon scales
per weak. ?
William H. Huntington, at present cashier
of trfe Alfalfa Feed company, a former
cashier of the Talbot Ice company, was
rather disappointing in bla testimony, aa
It waa expected he would tall what he
knew. If ha knew any-thin. About an Ice
trust. Ba left that business last December,
and said , there waa no combination laat
year, although tha Talbot Ice company,
which la now merged into the Doe concern,
worked hamonlously with the Lamereanx
Ira company. Crystal company, Omaha
Distilled Water lee company and tha South
Omaha Ice and Coal company. He aald
that th People'a Ice and the Keirle Ice
companlee were competitors than. He aald
that what knowledge he had of tha condi
tions thla year were that they ware virtu
ally the same as last year. - He thought
tha increased price waa due to the shortage
of local production laat winter, which waa
only one-half the naual crop. He declared
the Ice companies lost money last year.
Price la I'nlform.
C. J. Keirle of the Kelrle Ice company
of Florence, testified that his concern ran
but two wagons, not caring to peddle ice
because It la more profitable to ship It.
Me said he shipped Ice to South Omaha
and sold It to the Union Pacific. The
company has Ice houses at Florence and
Walnut HIU. Asked 'to give a list of the
ice companlee In the city ha mentioned
tha Omaha lea and Cold Storage com
pany, commonly known as the Doe com
pany, Kelrle Ice company. West Omaha
Ice company, East Omaha Ice company,
Pries' Lake lee company and Ryan Ice
company. He admitted that they all
charged about the same price. He aald
he had no agreement with any one about
prlcea, nor had there been any aa he know
of and that, the companies had tried to
agree heretofore, but -could not.
Mr. Kelrle atated that the big companies
started out by fixing the price and the
othera followed accordingly, which was
the course adopted by hla company this
year. It developed during hla statement
and those of othera that the butchers and
the grocers bargain through their associa
tion and obtain lower prices than the pub
lic by contract each season with a single
company. Mr. Kelrle said the Doe company
had the butchers' contract last year. This
year, he said. Ice Is sold to butchers at
W a ton, but he thought the People's Ice
and Coal company la selling at $5 a ton
this class of trade.
He declared the Ice crop waa short last
winter and believed that the shortage Is
responsible for the high prices. The Doe
company, he aald. got about 7.000 tons of
Ice last winter. He said It cost this com
pany $2,000 a year to run Ita reservoirs, and
that It coat Just as much to put up one
third a the full amount of Ice. It will not
be long, he asserted, before the Ice put up
last winter will be gone and a new aupply
will have to be shipped. Four yeara ago,
Mr. Kelrle aald, his company lost tl.ono In
six week -because they ran out of Ice In
tha fall and had to ship it in from the
north. In his opinion tha Doe company
would not make enough profit thla year to
pay for Its loss last year, when It sold Ice
for ft a ton. The witness declared a hos
tile feeling existed among the varloua com.
Best Medicine In the IV arid tor Colle
ad Diarrhoea..
"I And Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to be tha best remedy
In the world." says Mr. C. L. Carter of
Eklrum, Ala. "I am subject to col to and
diarrhoea. Last spring It seemed aa though
I would die and I think I would it I
hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colls, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been
troubled with It alnca until this week, when
I had a very aevere attack and took half
a bottle of the 25-nt slae of tnls remedy,
and this morning I feel like a new man "
Silverware Frenxer, 15th and Dodge 8ta.
He that knows, and knows that
he knows is wise Follow him.
He that knows
Uneeda Biscuit
and knows that he knows
UJoieeda Biscuit
is well fed. Dine with him.
. . i
Eeception at tha
Den left
Co Far.
of the
All Jala la Sarin kat Oaaab aad
Hearwak Are Jnet Brertaala
ta Realise aa Great
Last evening aaaalon at the Ak-Sar-Ben
dan waa voted the Jolllest and beat
of the preaent season. It was thought the
Initiation two weeks ago would eclipse them
all. but tha program last evening proved
to be a hummer from every standpoint.
The crowd was Immense and enthusiastic,
the Initiation full of ginger and the special
program replete with reason and wit. The
offlre of grand mufti was gracefully filled
for tha evening by Wltllam Kennedy, W. R.
Bennett wishing to take an evening oft
front active participation, although ha sal
on the speakers stand and said a few
words. Whir there waa a goodly number
of out-of-town eandldtee tha local Interest
waa keen. A bunch of B1ks en route to
Denver visited the dan as guests of Omaha
friends. A deleaatlon of Sheridan Coal
company men from Dleta, Wyo., waa on
Oasabai ta grew.
Congressman John I Kennedy spoke of
the pleasure of returning home after seven
months spent In the national capital. He
declared that Omahan and Nebraskans
can not have a true conception of the real
Importance of their city and state until
they travel and are able to make fair
comparisone which, when made, redound to
tha credit of Omaha and Nebraska.
"If we ara alive to our opportunltlea we
will have a great territory paying toll to
tha Gate City of tha west." said Congrese
man Kennedy. Referring to the denaturlaed
alcohol act, ha opined that the new law
will have a revolutionary effect on the quea
tlons of light, heat and power and work to
the benefit of Nebraska' material Interests
Edward B. Thompson and Carl Relter en.
tertained with dialect aelectlOna.
Rabbi Max Merrltt of Bvanevtlla. Ind.,
brother of Adolph Merrltt of thla city,
offered a happy mixture of the serious and
humorous In a short talk which created
much enthusiasm. He aald. among other
thtnga, thst Nebraekan are Just beginning
to fully reallie tha possibilities of their
state. W. 8. Summers, T. W. Blackburn
Mayor Dahlman and W. W. Ames of Tren
ton. N. J., made short talka. .
Boost for the Eagles.
W. R. Bennett announced that the
Knlghta of Ak-Sar-Ben bad decided to bonai
the Engle plcnlo at Bennington on July 79
In consideration for past and promised aup.
port of Ak-Sar-Ben by the Eaglea. It la
expected an Eagle night will ba given at
the den In the near future.
July an will be editors' night at the den
Editors' night will be boosted for all
la worth and a large gathering of the Ne.
bra ska newspaper men will be looked for
on that occasion. Stmson la sanding lnvl
tatlona to every editor In tha state to attend
the den a week from next Monday evening.
Tha total paid membership la 684.
leads Cheek foraSSOO to Relief Faad
foe Work Dane mi tha
Crelffhton Hone.
At a meeting of the Board Of Fire and
Police commissioners Monday evening let
ter was read from John A. Crelghton . in
which he tendered for the benefit of th
flremena' relief fund, a check for $300. The
letter stated the check was In . recognition
of the services of the firemen at the lire
which destroyed the Crelghton home, Twen
tleth and Chicago street. The board ac
cepted the sum for the fund.
The meeting closed after the transaction
of little other business, In which was In
cluded the receipt of a report from Fir
Chief Salter stating that he had appointed
John J. Galllgan, nephew of former Chief
Galllgan, to the reserve list of the fire de
partment. Annual Eienraloa to Dnlath,
Via Great Northern line will leave Sioux
City at : p. m. Tueeday, August 2, ar
riving Duluth Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August i. Round trip fare only
15. " Special through trains will ba run
consisting of tourist ' sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth In sleeping car II
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable points for a few
daya outing. Boat trips may be made to
many places of Interest In Lake Superior
at amall cost.
Persona desiring bertha ahould make
reaervatlone aa early aa poaalbla In order
to Insure getting accommodations. Apply
to Agent Great Northern railway, Sioux
City, or to Archibald Gray, Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Agent, Sioux City, la.
f7.SK ta Mlaaeapolla and (t. Paal and
Rttira froaa Omaha Via ChU
ago Great Weetera Railway.
Account O. A. R. National Encampment
at Minneapolis, August 13th to 18'. h. Tick
ets on sale August 11th to lJth. Return limit
August nst, with extension privilege.
For further Information apply to H. H.
Churchill, O. A., 1513 Farnam St., Omaha.
Coae.rt at Andltorlaaa.
About l.OnO persona, men, women and chil
dren, attended the concert given at the
Auditorium Monday evening bv the Baptist
convention chorus and orchestra under the
direction of Leader Dr. D. B. Towner who
conducted the music during the Baptist
Young People'a union convention. Songs
were aetectad largely from the Convention
aong hook. The eolotsta were Harry N.
Maxwell or hlrago. ir. r eiiman 01 umnna
nd lr. Towrner. Harry Msxwen ana it.
Towner ela sang several duets.
Jual rror the cioee or tne concert ev.
Mr. Fellman, on behalf of the chorus,
preeented lir. Towner with a handsome
silver pltrhaa-, appropriately Inscribed. Pr.
Tnwna feelingly expressed his apprecla-
lon for tNe tlioughtfulnrss of tha choir
and stated 'that he would forever treasure
the testimonial becsuae of lt pleasing aeeo
rlattnns wllh one of tha best choruses ha
had aver directed In the whole thirty yean
of chorus work.
Police, However. Are lacllaed to
Doaht the Correctness of
Their Theory.
That the body of a man lies at the bottom
of what Is known as "Cat Tail pool," near
Thirteenth and Nicholas atreets, wsa tlte
startling announcement made to Patrol
man Hudson and Captnln Jaarks of Engine
company No. A, 1101 North Sixteenth street,
by a number of boys, who had been bathing
In the little body of wster shortly before
dark Monday evening. Badly frightened.
the boys rushed out of the water to give
the alarm after three of them had dived
Into the pool and satisfied themselves the
object on the bottom was the body of a
A little boy living at North Seven
teenth street nl the first to make the
gruesome discovery and Frank Morris, aged
15, and another companion made Investiga
tions, each reaching the same conclusion.
The matter was reported to the police sta
tion, but a it was then dark, and no
report of missing persons had been re
ceived, no action was taken by the au
thorities. The police are Inclined to doubt
the accuracy of the. boys' story.
Some Qneatloa A boat the Identity of
lajared Man ' Who gave Ha
LI re a In Omaha.
A man whose name was given aa Me-
Orady, aged about 86 yeara, fell undrr a
freight train which he attempted to board
at Elk horn. Neb., at J. 30 o'clock Monday
forenoon, the wheels passing over his foot.
The member was amputated and dressed
by Dr. L. Richardson, after which the
man was brought to Omaha and taken to
tha St. Joseph hospital. The unfortunate
victim had been employed by J. H. L. Wil
llama on grading work three miles south
east of Elkhorn.
At Elkhorn the man said his home was
on California street, Omaha, and that he
la a brother of the Omaha plumbing In
spector. Inspector Harry W. McVea said
early thla morning he has a brother about
the age of the Injured man, but that be
haa received no word of any harm to him.
It la possible the name McGrady wae a
misunderstanding and that the man's name
Is McVea and the brother of Plumbiug In
spector McVea.
C.nvteted Ba-Poatmaater Aaka for a
, New Hearing In Federal
Attorney a for Joseph Crow filed a motion
for a new trial in hla case in the United
Statea district, court late Monday after
noon. Tho motion alleges twenty-six alle
gations of error. The chief of these are
that the Judge erred In his instructions to
the jury, and also In sending the jury back
after It had once come Into the court room
and atated that It did ,not think it would
be able to agree. .Other, averments of
error are the admlsstqn of Irrelevant testi
mony and the Invasion-a( the sacredness of
the grand Jury room and the right of jurors
to discuss orally the merira or demerits
of a bill. It la further alleged that no
evidence was produced to ahow that the de
fendant. Joseph Crow, had given any of the
Jurors passes or that he had In any manner
sought to Influence jurors by requesting
transportation favors for them. The date
for the argument on the motion for a new
trial haa not yet been fixed.
gteaniee Baaan.
The two trips which the steamer Susan
made up the river to Florence and return
Sunday waa enjoyed by a large crowd of
care-free voyagers. That a boat ride is
cooling, refreshing and invigorating Is
vouched for by all who. were on board.
The drawbridge, aa usual, excited the
curiosity and attention of the passengers
as it quietly swung around to open the
way for the Suran and as gently closed up
after tha big boat was through.
. Listless, Indeed, was tha passenger who
failed to ba thrllkd with enjoyment by
the orchestra music, dancing, and the gen
tle tossing of the boat as it plowed Its way
through the water. . -
The open dance floor afforded delightful
amusement for those who dance. While
along the railing was grouped family cir
cles end friends, seated In tha cool and
refreshing breeze, listening to the strains
of dance music and watching the merry
dancers aa they glided to and fro over the
The steamer Susan makes regular trips
up the river every evening this week ex
cepting Friday, leaving at the foot' of
Douglas street at t p. m.
ew Train to Bhoahoal.
Via "The Northwestern Line."
Leavea Omaha 12:30 a. m., daily, arriving
at the reservation 7:30 a. tn., with coaches
only. This In addition to 3 p. m. dally train.
City offices, 1401-1403 Farnam street.
a newly discovered region, rich in sliver
and other metala. Is conveniently reached
by tha Grand Trunk Railway System.
A well prepared booklet descriptive of the
section will be mailed on application to
Geo. W. Vaua, A. G. P. dt T. A.. Orand
Trunk Railway System, IS Adame Bt.,
Law Ratea ta Usabalk anal Spirit Lake
Via Cblcaso, Mllwaakee A at.
Paal Railway.
Round Trip from maha.
SO, on sale Friday or Saturday, good
returning Monday.
K.O0, on sale dally, return' limit 30 daya
ft.K. on aale dally, return limit Oct. list
An Ideal spot to spend a summer vaca
tion. Write for OkoboJI folder.
r. A. NABII, Gen'l Western Agent.
U2t Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Leak Oat I
For the Eaglea" stupendous annual picnic
at Bennington park. Thursday, July 2. vlt
The Northwestern Line.'' Danulng. amuse
ments of all kinds, refreshments. The pub
lic Invited. Tickets. i.1U; for sale by the
committee or at Union station. Special
tram, 10:S0 a. m.
gammer Toara.
The Wabaan has issued a beautiful
SEA." Thoaa planning a summer trip
should ask for one. Wabash City Oface,
1601 Farnam St., or address Harry K.
Uoorea. G. A. P. P., Omaha, Neb.
A Maw Traia tor Fart Dadce.
Tha Chicago Great Weatarn railway Is
now running a train leaving Omaha union
station at 1:39 p. m., Council Bluffs at
I 10 p. ro . arriving at Fort Dodge at 7:14
p. m. An excellent train for Mlnden. Har
lan, Manning, Carroll. IvOhrvlIle. Bomera.
Fort Dodge and Intermediate statlona. For
full Information apply to II. II. Churchill,
general agent, 1I1J raruam t., Otuaba.
Every lady in Omaha should be alive to the fact
that our July clearing sale of up to-date dry goods and ladies'
and children's clothing is now on, sales, nol profit, is the
orders. Come and secure some of the bargains.
Black, blue, brown, green and fancy, sold before this
sale at $12.50, $14.50, $16.50 and $18.60-(J (kQ
Diaroant Kalee on l,dHV Waah Suit and Coats, 2.1
per rent off, HO of crnt off.
Ladles Sateen rHIIcoats Regular dollar Cfl
styles, Tuesday, at JUC
Imported Net Oriental Allover Laces.
In creams and whites-
-worth 76c
Sale prtfe, a yard
Antique, Taraguay, Normandr, Cluny and Torchon
Lace Bands, Appllquts and Trimming, Ueea f
worth to 35c yard all go at, a yard DC
100 dozen pieces of fancy wash stocks, collar and
turnovers, plain and fancy embroidered, worth
10c to 35c each sale price, IC C
each laJC-lUCOC
A well made summer net corset with non-rustable
steels, hose supporters attached, white only M O
worth 75c each on sale Tuesday, each. . T OC
MUSLINS. LOT 1 Lot of ladles' fine muslin gowns, drawers,
knee and long skirts, corset covers and chemise,
lace and embroidered trimmed worth 75c JA
each sale price, each JUC
LOT 2 Fifteen dozen of linen finish muslin gowns,
drawers, long skirts, corset covers and chemise
prettily trimmed In laces and embroideries, this
lot worth $1.00 and $1.25 a garment 7C
Sale price, a garment S DC
LOCATION In Northwest Wyoming, adjoining the Big Horn Basin southeast of Yellowstone
Park Forest Reserve, and reached by the Burlington's new line to Worland, Wyo.
PLACES FOR REGISTRATION Worland and Thennopolis, Wyo.; Worland is directly
reached by the Burlington; Thennopolis by a stage journey of 32 miles south of Worland.
CHARACTER OF LANDS Of the 1,150,000 acres of lands to be opened for settlement, about
400,000 acres are agricultural lands to be drawn for. Such lands can be finely irrigated, accord
ing to surveys already made.
EXCURSION RATES From points on the Burlington west of the Missouri River the excur
sion rate to AV'orland is but one fare for the round trip, with a maximum of $20.00 from Omaha,
Lincoln and Nebraska territory. This unusually low rate gives everybody a chance to draw for
these lands.
DATES OF SALE July 12th to 29th. Final limit, August 15th. x .
TRAIN SERVICE Two daily through trains during the registration from the .Southeast to
Worland, Wyo. Go into that country over the Burlington through the Big Horn Basin along the
Big Horn River, passing thousands of acres of irrigated lands under cultivation; you will get au
object lesson in irrigation and its possibilites.
Burlington Agents will be supplied with rate circulars and special folders descriptive of the
Agency, the method of drawing, etc.
John VerMebern t'hoaea for Mayor
and a Fall tlty Ticket
After un exciting political conleet. lull
ing from 4 o'clock until 3 o'clock Monduy
evening at Juvenile City, Twentieth and
Harney streets, the following complete mu
nicipal ticket was fleeted for the ensuing
year: Mayor, John VerMehern; city clerk,
KlooJ Brlstow; city treasurer. Jack Nel
son; chief of police, Theodore Iiiigaton;
police Judge, Art Binlley; councilmen, Claud
Bailey, Bud Davis, John IMUrance, louls
Dudds, Arthur 8. Lundy, Clarence Pulton,
Hubert VerMehern.
The constitutional amendment reducliig
the number of councilmen from seven to
three was lost, the vole standing 44 In favor
of the reduction and M against. Not a
constitutional majority of two-thiid voting
in favor of the piopulllon. It was declared
loHt. The conxtHultniial amendment giving
the girls a right to vole was defeated by
a vote of IS to M.
Ninety votes were cast during the elec
tion. The competing candidates for the
office of mayor were Will Rose and John
VerMehern. VerMehern reoelved 48 vutea
to Rose's 41. There was no opposition for
clerk, treasurer or councilmen. For police
judge Clarence Psgels received 19 votea to
64 for Art Bmiley. The contestants for
chief of police were Thedore Langston, 41
votes; Ronald McDonald, 7, and Jack P.
VYhltaker, 39.
George B. Sherwood and Frank Heller
acted aa Judges and George Bugartnau, the
retiring mayor, as clerk of election. The
Inauguration of the new officials wilt take
place August 1. Juvenile City now has a
population estimated at about tun.
The grounds have been materially Im
proved this year. A shower bath haa been
added and several other attractions dear to
tha heart of the Juveniles. The city coun
cil holds regular weekly meetings, and the
Our enormous stock of umbrellas Is too heavy;
we will offer great reductions In our clearing sale.
L)T 1 200 special taffeta, rorola silk and linen cov
ered umbrellas, 26-lnch, plain and fancy pearl han
dles, 28-Inch plain wood handles that sold 1 Oft
$1.25 and $1.50 all go, each I.UU
1A1T 2 Big lot of 26-lnch umbrellas, with plain and
fancy nickel handles, and 28-lnch plain wood Qn
handles, our 98c value all go, each 0J
i.iit st sn rinzen nlain wood handle umbrellas. In
IS Inches wide.
24 and 26 inch,
good cotton cover, regular 75c value COa
all go, each
Silk Organdies and Tissues that never sold for Q
less than 35c yard special for Tuesday .... J
Embroidery 8wlss with small neat designs, fast col
ors worth 18c per yard special 1fl
for Tuesday onlv 1U15
Fine India Llnon, white and black worth
20c yard special for Tuesday only . . . .
A fine dress linen, light weight, regular price
45c yard special for Tuesday only, yd. . ; . aw v
100 good heavy full
$1.85 each, for
6 pieces of pure Irish Linen Damask worth CQn
$1.25 yard special for Tuesday only, yd. . . 0V
Napkins to match worth $$.25 dozen spe- P
clal for Tuesday only, docen t,)J
Good quality dress Ginghams, neat patterns Q I
worth 11c yard special for Tuesday only,. . . OjC
36-Inch Percales in light and dark colors worth
15c per ard special for Tuesday
' only, perNyard ajC
Co. Owners ol Dry Goods
L W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
officials appoint a regular police force that
looks after the morals of the grounds
Twice a week the grounds are given over
exclusively to the girls for the day. Tli
boys have the use of the grounds at all
other times up to t o'clock at night.
As a piatter of reward for good conduct
children from the Detention home ar per
milted to visit the grounds and mix with
the players occasionally.
Democratic Mayor Pardane Kor
Tines aa Many Prlaoaera aa
Did Mayor Mourea.
Records at the county jail show that
since he has been In office Mayor Dahlman
has made industrious uae of the pardoning
power vested in him. During the two
months he has been in office he haa re
leased by pardon thirty-two petty criminals
sent up to the county Jail by Police Judge
Crawford. During the entire year of li,
according to the same record, Major
Moores released only fifty-one prisoners by
Persons who are familiar with the sit
uation declare that the number of pardons
during the last year of Mayor Moores was
larger than usual, as he wss 111 a large
part of the time and left many details of
thn offlre to others. Ths Increase In tin.
number of pardons has caused comment et
the court house. According to the figures
Mayor Dahlman haa been releasing four
times as many prisoners a hionth aa Mayor
Moores did.
Ten of tha prisoners releaaed by the
mayor were sent up on charges of. vag
rancy, eight were drunks and six were wo
men charged with brearhea of the moral
coda. Three were charged with aaaault and
battery, three with disturbing the peace,
one with petit larceny and one with wife
beating. In one or two cases lbs same per
son has been pardoned twice in two months
for tha same offense.
It is pointed out by critics of the mayor's
and fancy handles. 26-lnch. extra
sized Bed Spreads, worlh
Tuesday only, eacn
Dept. Bennett's Store.
policy that the uae of the pardoning power
to the extent it haa been uaed lately Iirk
the effect of nullifying the attempts of the
police Judge to stamp out petty crime aa
much aa possible. In the list of those par
dons there are a number of old offenders.
W. R. C. I.awn Sorlal.
George A. Custer Woman's Relief corps
will entertain Its members and friends at
a la an party at Twentieth and Nicholas
rtreeta Thursday evening. July 19. The pro
ireiia will be devoted to the benefit of the
Hellef corpa in California. All friends and
Urand Army veterans and their families
are cordially Invited to be present.
Automobile Rental Co. Office Nlles tc
Moser, Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. Doug
is v&.
DIAMONDS Frenxer. 15th and Dodge sis
Knsign Paul Blackburn. 1'. B. N.. Is vis
iting his father, T. W. Rlackburn.
H. C. Homer of Hastings and W. E
Painter of Lincoln are at the Millard.
W. H. C. Woodhum of North Platte. F.
i. wood of Haatlnsa and . B. Bhelby of
. E. MeCune, formerly
I'-rly manager of the
iuy rws ana now or Ksntas t lty. is
penning a low nays In Omaha visiting
ormer friends and acquaintance.
W. G. itenwlck of Chicago, general au
:ilT for Kalrbanka. Morse A Co., la in
he city. He attended the Ak-Har-Reti
initiations last evening and enjoyed the
W. H. Bchnlegel of Kails Cltv. Edward
I.yncn of Rapid city. John Itnly an.l
Robert I.emley of Norfolk, M. I.. Oouemaii
of Tecuniseh, Kdward I- Grlffln of Buffalo
Gap. C. y. Jackson and inn and Bi Miller
of Big Horn City ate at the Murray.
R. H. Cantwell of Bt Paul. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank H. Cannon of Wateriown. H. IJ.; H
Iv. Goold. It. I.. Dagger! of Ogalalla; f.
Hock, W. I.. Ayer, of Iienver; M. R. Hope
well of Tekamah. Wllford Btanfllford of
Naper. Joelah Conniba of Spencer, t. H
Pharpe of K.Ik City. J V. Wallace of
Gretna, Mis Thomas Mortlrrer of Madi
son. J. G. Albers. J E. Chsdwick. h. p.
Wilber. A. A. Craig and J. L Hunt ut
Cook are at the Uercki(