Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Page 4, Image 5

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Tiie Omaha Daily Dee.
Kntered st Omthi Fostofflee aa second
claas matter.
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Address complaints of Irregularities In de
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Omaha The Bee Bulldlnf.
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Stnte of Nebraska, Douglaa County, aa:
C. C. Rose water, general manager of
The Bee Publishing Company, being duly
sworn, enys that the actual number of full
and complete copies of The Daily, Morning,
Eening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of June, lac, waa aa follows:
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General Manager.
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Subscribers leaving; h city tem
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chanced aa of tern as required.
Indiana's corporation laws seem to
have been drawn with the special ob
ject of giving work to lawyers.
When the Russian soldiers under
take to make their new labor union
international In character the end of
war may be In sight.
With Brazil spending more than
$15,000,000 for warships this year,
another "world power" ni&y be dawn
ing upon the earth.
When the rice crop is ready for
reapers and the cotton Is white. Lake
Charles may sigh for the negro labor
ers it has been deporting,
The democratic., city council has
been in possession of the city hall now
for nearly two months, but those plat
form pledges are still In cold storage.
Harry Thaw intimates that he
stands in greater need of a lawyer
than of a press censor, and it seems
difficult to secure one without the
With the United States pressing its
claims against Venezuela, President
Castro may find more congenial work
fcr thoae revolutionists recently re
leased from prison.
In the light of the work of Bunau
Varilla In the Dreyfus case he may be
forgiven his activity In Panama even
If the big ditch costs more than he es
timated. If Mayor Dahlman receives a few
more letters from Colonel Bryan be
er! nnlng "Dear Dahlman," the antl
Dahlman bunch may refuse to play on
the reception committee.
. Since the toelf-lncrlrolnatlng confes
sion of a Russian sailor the women of
Russia cannot be accused of the death
of Admiral Chouknln. and thus does
history destroy romance.
In offering an inducement to new
settlers In the form of work on lrrlga
tldn canals as well as a cheap home,
Wyoming has set a pace other "seml-
arld" states will do well to follow.
At all events, the Baptists fared bet
ter at the hands of the weather man
than did the Methodists at their
memorable meeting In Omaha, when It
rained every day during the month of
Spokane gets the Baptist Young
People's union with Its next conven
tion, to be held In 108. All that can
be wished for Spokane Is that it may
have as successful a meeting as that
Just closed In Omaha.
Bourke Cockran may have thrown
light on the reason why Mayor Mc
Clellan did not visit Mr. Bryan In Lon
don when he says some democrat may
step from the New York governor's
chair to the White House.
When Jamaican negroes die as re
sult of the "sanitary homes In which
they are placed by the Panama Canal
commission experts should realise that
habit has much to do with longevity
something they failed to take Into ac
count while laying down rules tor the
American Indian.
An attempt la made to explain the
opposition of the Interstate association
of sheriffs to the Juvenile court ma
chinery on the ground that It diverts
fees from the sheriff's office. That
might also explain why the Juvenile
court officers are its ardent and en
thusiastic champions. But why not
give credit tor some unselfish motives
to both aides oi the argument t
me competition roT proxies.
The approaching election of trus
tees and officers for the big life Insur
ance companies of New York, subject
to the laws passed by the last legisla
ture of that state, has precipitated a
llvejy competition for proxies. The
tompetltlon promises to outdo any
thing of that nature that was devel
oped during the house-cleaning period
of last year.
Already committees are being
formed to represent various Interests
with a view to organizing policy hold
ers into compact bodies to throw their
votes solidly for one slate or another.
At the same time the officers who hap
pen to be In the saddle and want to
make sure that they are not unhorsed
ore arranging to have the proxies of
their friends and those whom they
might influence sent to some accepta
ble agency or committee so that the
rotes may be recorded for trustees
who may be counted on to uphold the
present regime.
Ail the proxies that were given last
year are dead, but those who had
them then will doubtless undertake to
resurrect them by sending out blanks
with appeals for renewal of the confi
dence formerly bestowed. Tom Law
son has not been heard from very
noisily of late, but he will surely get
Into the thick of the melee before the
gong sounds.
What will come out of all this Is de
cidedly problematic. The chances are
that the big Insurance companies will
And a heterogeneous assortment of
trustees thrust upon them. Imbued
with ail sorts of ideas as to what their
mission should be. A great deal of the
reorganization of the boards will be
experimental, and Incidentally a lot
of misfits who are sure to work them
selves in will have to be sorted out
afterwards or shelved until they can
be Induced to make way for more use
ful successors.
To get all the new boards syste
matized into good working order may
take considerable time, but there is
consolation In the knowledge that all
the big insurance companies that with
stood the fire of . investigation have
proved themselves to be on such a
sound basis that no change of official
guardianship is likely to affect them
Advices from Washington, where
the republican campaign managers
have, been receiving reports from all
parts' of the country, are of a charac
ter to encourage the expectation that
the next congress, like the present
congress, win nave a safe republican
It will be admitted that for a while
previous to adjournment, when most
of the important measures were being
held up in commute or between the
two houses, the republican! leaders
were Inclined to be' somewhat dubious
about the , party withstanding x demo
cratic assaults during the campaign
and coming out successfully at the
polls this tall. The fine record made
by congress at the wlndup In coming
to agreement upon disputed legisla
tion and even passing some much de
manded bills whose enactment had
been despaired of has put a new face
on the -"situation. The overconfident
talk of the democrats about capturing
the next house has largely subsided,
although it is still urgent that the
republicans be careful to make no
mistakes If they are to hold their own
In the contested districts.
This does not mean that there will
not be a hard fight all along the line,
but unless the situation is again ma
terially changed the republicans will
have the best of It and the democrats
be at a disadvantage. This, at any rate,
is be consensus of opinion of those
who are in position to observe Intelli
gently and form reasonably unbiased
One of the most deplorable conse
quences of the San' Francisco earth
quake and conflagration la the pitiable
plight In which It has left the school
children of that city. Thirty-three
school houses were burned, and as If
that were' not bad enough, the chil
dren who attended their classes In
these school houses were for the most
part victims of the fire, losing every
thing In the nature of clothing, books,
toys and conveniences.
One of the school superintendents
of San Francisco, writing to a friend
in the east, describes the situation by
saying that at present 900 children
are being taught In Golden Gate Park
under his direction, divided Into thirty
classes, located at intervals of over
two miles and a half of territory
Twenty teachers conduct these classes
In tents, two In barracks, while eight
have no shelter whatever from wind
or weather. School text books, story
books and literature In general and
writing materials are recollections of
the past and much complaint la made
against the favoritism and careless
ness In the distribution of supplies, so
that while personal cleanliness Is In
ststed upon by the teacher, "It Is un
der such conditions aa ene would natu
rally encounter upon learning that i
child possesses no change cf under
clothing whatever and no outside gar
ment not already In use." A special
plea Is made for assistance for the
school children who, above all others
are unable to help themselves, and
who. In the Interval, besides suffering
bodily discomfort, are In danger of
losing their opportunities tor educa
tion and mental and moral develop
The altuatlon must bs Indeed men
aclng to the future usefulness of San
Francisco school children, and It the
movement for relief is hereafter dl
r acted toward supplying the children's
needs rather than those of the grown
people, it will undoubtedly produce
the most beneficial and lasting results.
a pertinent question.
In a letter to The Bee J. H. Dumont
asks thlg pertinent question with ref
erence to the recent report of the
water works appraisers: "What does
the representative of the city say the
Omaha plant is worth?"
Mr. Dumont points out that so far
as appears the city's representative
has made no report, although he has
been paid liberally for making an ex
pert study of the works, and if he does
not agree with the other two apprais
ers be should at least give his employ
ers, who in this case are the taxpayers
of Omaha, the benefit of the conclu
sions he has reached.
The valuation of the water works
plant is the basic matter for several
problems. The city cannot buy out
the owners of the water plant except
on an agreed valuation, but more than
that, it cannot establish a new
schedule of rates to private water con
sumers without some idea as a starting
point of the amount of revenue neces
sary to take care of the fixed charges
which of course must bear a propor
tionate relation to the value of the
If the city Is to contest the finding
of the majority of the appraisement
board it will doubtless have to show
wherein that finding Is excessive and
mistaken, and to do that will have to
have the testimony of its own expert as
to wherein he disagrees. We surely
should have a minority report from the
third member of the appraisement
board, who has refused to join with
the others so as to be able to tell, as
Mr. Dumont suggests, whether there
Is any difference big enough to fight
about or whether an adjustment of the
two figures could not be reached by
further negotiations. If we could
once reach such a figure we would be
In better position to decide as to the
next step.
Why not have a little more ener
getic enforcement of the ordinance de
signed to prevent wagons loaded with
earth or refuse from spilling their con
tents on the pavements? In no other
city of Omr.ha's size and pretentions
do the authorities tolerate the use for
this purpose of wagon boxes that are
nothing but sieves. .No one wants to
put unnecessary obstructions in the
way of building improvements, but
reasonable precautions that would
save the pavements are Imperatively
Any one observing the spasms of the
local democratic organ would imagine
that it. was exceedingly distressed for
fear the republicans might name some
one for United States senator who was
sure to be defeated. In the mean
time Its. interest in the democratic
state convention consists In prevailing
on the democrats to Shuf the people
out of all voice in the matter by mak
ing no senatorial nomination.
Assurance is given that the city has
the legal right to abate the weed
nuisance and tax the coat of cutting
the weeds against the property neg
lected by the owneis. The difficulty
comes In collecting the tax in case all
the legal forms are not strictly ob
served. What Is needed Is quick ac
tion with certainty of reimbursement
without too much red tape.
Every legislative nominee who ex
pects to be elected as a republican
should be pledged by the convention
that nominates him to support and
vote for the candidate for United
States senator who shall be endorsed
In the republican state convention.
The people of Nebraska are In no mood
for legislative repudiation of their ex
pressed will.
Some of our Lancaster county
friends are inclined to complain be
cause the assessment return for Doug
las county does not show a still bigger
Increase. Perhaps Douglas county
was not undervalued so much as the
others In the first place.
The action of the British Railway
company assuming full responsibility
for the Salisbury wreck will make
American railway managers wonder
whether the legal departments of Brit
ish companies are on the regular pay
A Neglected Kick.
Washington Post.
So far the republican party's imperialistic,
policy has not been blamed for the out
break of cholera In the Philippines. Is It
possible that the antl-impcrlallsta have
fallen asleep at tha bureau of complaints?
niarht In His Line.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Eugene Zimmerman, tha Cincinnati mil
lionaire, has taken his son-in-law, the
duka of Manchester, Into partnership, and
It Is announced that they will spend many
thousands of dollars In tha exploitation of
Ireland's railroad opportunities. Spending
money la a Job the duka can hold.
What at Spectacle!
New Tork Sun.
Tha spectacle of the chairman of tha
democratic national committee refusing on
tha witness stand to answer questions In a
suit brought by the state of Indiana to
close a gambling place for which ha, ss
lessor of tha premises unlawfully uaed, pre
tests that be waa not responsible, would
be a national acandal If the witness were
tha chairman of tha republican committee.
.Tha Natiaa'a life Carrant.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Tha outlook la for tha biggest winter
wheat crop on record. Splendid news. In
deed. Wheat Is, after all. king. It Is
America's step? ertk-ls of food. It gives
brain, brawn, muscle, tingh, endurance
and flexibility. With corn, as a good see
ond. It Is a race builder and every harveet
of both Is godaend. veritable and everlast
ing, to mankind. Tha abundant crops of
wheat and corn now promised put ua all In
good humor. Tha farmer Is pleased. Tt
means to him a horns well supplied with
food, tha best to be had en earth, an en
larged bank account or a deliverance from
debt. It will to many mean Improved home
surteundipga, added Improvements and Is-
creased comforts. It will send many de
serving boys and girls to good schools and
colleges. It will spread books and news
papers, learning and culture broadcast in
tha land.
Do aa a lite aer.
Chicago Chronicle.
The man who enld the more he saw of
men the better he thought of dogs must
have been greatly pleased to read the
story about the Newfoundland dog that
swam out to where two boya were drown
ing a day or two ago and. letting each of
them take hold of his collar on one side,
swam with them to shore, nearly perishing
himself before he accomplished It.
"Crankiness" that Conats.
Philadelphia Record.
Because Secretary of the Interior Hitch
cock has tracked down about tvt land rob
bers In about twenty different statea he Is
called a "childish crank" by the land
thieves of Oregon and their political friends.
It would be money In the pockets of the
people If alt other high officlala of govern
ment were smitten with the same disease.
Physical and Sartorial.
New Tork Tribune.
The expert English sartorial opinion that
the American soldier la the best looking
In the world will be accepted with com
placency, as judicious, accurate and con
clusive. It may he possible, of course, to Im
prove the fit of his clothes In some micro
scopic details, hut after all It Is not the
clothes, but the man Insldea the clothes
that really counts, In looks as well aa in
Hysteria Takes !esr Torn.
Chicago Chronicle.
It was a Frenchmen himself who said
that the French people surpassed all other
nations In esprit snd fell below all others
In the matter of common sense. The dic
tum Is emphasised by the attitude of the
French people toward Dreyfus. Ten years
ago they execrated him. today they make
a hero of him. Tet Dreyfus whs Just as
Innocent then as he Is now. Tt Is only the
hysteria of the French nation thst has
taken a new turn.
Primed for All Occasions.
St. I.ouis Olobe-Democrat.
One of Mr. Bryan's close friends at Lin
coln. Neb., says the speeches of Bryan on
his return "will be opposed to extreme and
radical Ideas like those of Mr. LaFollctte.
and he will be moderate In his expressions
as compared with Mr. Roosevelt." That
depends on his nudience. Mr. Bryan will
roar as gently as a sucking dove when
talking to conservatives, and tear passion
to tatters when a delegation of radicals
lines up on his lawn.
Wanted A Reapportionment.
Wayne Herald (rep.).
How long will this part of Nebraska be
fllmfiammed out of the representation It
deserves In the state legislature? The laat
apportionment took place In 1SS5. more than
twenty years ago. and since then northern
Nebraska has done most of Its growing.
Southern Nebraska was favored by earlier
settlement, but has grown less In recent
years. As a consequence the South Platte
country gets about the representation It
deserves, while It Indifferently Ignores
the merits of a greatly Increased popula
tion In thla part of the state. For ten years
Wayne county has been entitled to a repre
sentative, whereas It Is compelled to share
with Stanton county, which latter also
deserves more consideration than It re
celves. Worse yet, Knox. Boyd, Cedar and
Pierce counties must be content with one
representative. In the senate we also fall
short of sufficient numbers. Nine populous
and prosperous enmities Wayne, Madison
Pierce, Stanlon,' Dxon, Cedar, Dakota!
Knox and TrmrstonV-wiggle along with
only two members tin the senate. - Aa a
result, thla section of the state exercises
less strength In the matter of approrla
tlons. passage of laws and creation of
United States senators than .properly be
longs to It. We should like to see -north
Nebraska representatives unite tn a de
termlned effort to secure a reapportionment
and shall hope and pray that tha south
Platte country will get out of the public
trough long enough to give fair considera
tion and yield to a'Just demand.
Ambassador Thompson and President
Dlaa Exchanae Greeting-.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
The Americans In the City of Mexico en
gineered a Fourth of July celebration of
a high order. There were no firecrackers
discharged, but there was much open-air
merry making, with dlgnlfled, formal exer
cises, which Included speeches and tha
reading of the Declaration of Independ
rnce. The American colony gathered at
Tlvoll park and were complimented by
the presence of President Dial, members
of his cabinet, tha representatives of for
elgn governments Snd leadjng cltlsens of
the city. The address waa delivered by
t'nited States Ambassador Thompson, who
embodied in his talk much gracious com
pllment to Mexico and Its president, say
Ing among other thinks:
"In extolling the greatness of our native
country, let us not forget the kindly con
slderatlon and the privileges accorded us by
the government of Mexico, on whose soil
we have assembled, snd whose Illustrious
president and wise counselors of state gra
ciously honor us by their presence. Two
flags greet us today; both are embleme of
liberty; under each, by the blessing of
heaven, the hopes and aspirations of a free
people have been realised. It may be
doubted If any land In the world, outaide of
our own country, contains so many pros
peroua Americans as does this beautiful
Mexico. While great rewards for Industry
are offered at home, the Industrial develop
ment and enterprise of our sister republl
have tempted here many thousands of
active, talented Amerirsns. The activities
of these colonists are adding to tha national
wealth of Mexico, and prosperity and plenty
reward the efforts of all earnest, honest.
working Americans In this republic. Let
ua make due acknowledgment to the eoun
try offering us so much and to the admin
istration and government that has brought
about such happy conditions and mad
such prosperity of the American colonists
Luncheon was served, at which President
Dlas waa the guest of honor. There will
be Interesting reading what ha said In re
sponse to the very complimentary toaat
"The entrance of your country Into the
concert of free peoples marked an event of
universal Importance, an event worthy of
undying commemoration among the bright
est and most solemn anniversaries of hu
man annuals, not only for you, but for us
Mexicans and all nations which cultivate
with yours relations of friendship and com
mere. This Is why we take part In your
festivities today and offer you our eon
gratulattons In the absence of any othe
way of evincing to you more tangibly how
fully we share In your rejoicings This
Is why we drink to the prosperity of the
land of Washington snd to the health of
Mr. Roosevelt, who now worthily guides
Its destinies. I cannot conclude wrhout
thanking most sincerely the chairmen of
the executive committee for the extreme
kindness with which he bs been pleased
to characterise as beneficial my work as
ruler! ' But In truth a hat I have been abl
to accomplish Is simply due to the Indus
try. the patriotism and good sense of the
Mexican people."
Tt will bo seen that the president of Mex
tco Is not wanting In tact, aa his clostn
words of tnbuts to tba Mexican fopl
demons trata.
Admire a Fighter.
Kearney Democrat tlnd ).
Mr. Rosewater won a magnificent victory
In Omsha and Douglas county at the pri
mary elections last week. While everybody
In Buffalo county Is for Norrts Rrown. yet
they admire a man who can lick his ad
versaries at home where everybody ought
to be loyal to a home candidate.
Xnt Mneh After All.
Humboldt lieader (rep).
The Fonlanelle club did not do much to
Edward Rosewater after all.
5o Moonshine Business.
Center Register (rp..
The republlran county convention in thl
roiintv bns not vet heen railed, but a move
ment Is now under way In the committee
to have It called In the nenr future. It
seems to be the general sent'ment of lead
ers of the party that the convention should
send the delegates to Lincoln Instructed to
ote for Edward Rosewater for T'nited
States senator and this will undoubtedly be
one. Mr. Rosewater should have been In
the senate years ago and the people at
large will fix it this year so the legislature
will be monkeying with a swiftly running
bussaw If It attempts any of the moon-
hlne business Incident to previous ses
As It Looks to an Observer.
Sutherland Free Lance (rep.).
This, evidently, is Rosewater's year.
Ko Apprenticeship Required.
Plattsmouth Journal (dem.V
If F.dward Rosewater was elected to the
senate he would need no Introduction to
those with whom he would be associated.
He would not have to stand around for six
years, as Brown would, to get acquainted.
He Is known, and knows. He would drop
right Into the bringing about of the meas
ures that he has advocated for years, while
Brown would be hanging about the com
mittee rooms trying to get appointments
for some of his friends. If the next sen-
tor Is to be a republican, these are rea
sons why the Journal wants to se Edward
Rosewater elected.
Looks Like a Sore Winner.
Butte Oaxette (re;0.
Rosewater will go to the state convention
with numerous pledged delegates and he
will undoubtedly have the newspaper fra
ternity backing him; these facta, together
with his ability as a fighter, makes him a
sure winner, senator Rose'sater sounds
O. K.
Senatorshlp or Nothing-.
Lincoln Politician (rep.).
The Douglaa county delegation to the
state convention has declared that it is
first, last and all of the time for Edward
Rosewater for United States senator. The
claims of no other candidate for state office
In Douglas will be listened to by the mem
bers of the delegation and any candidate
outside of Douglaa desiring the support of
the delegation will be expected to deliver
what support they have to the editor. The
action of the delegation la entirely proper
and one which the home county delegations
of other candidates should emulate.
Readlnar the Slarn.
Blue Springs Sentinel (rep.).
It begins to look aa though tha entire
northeast corner of the state would be solid
for Rosewater for United States senator at
the coming state convention.
First In This Field.
Tork Times (rep.).
The telegram sent by Mr. Rosewater to
tna Times naa provoaea considers oie com
ment. No one challenges his claim to be
lng the original antt-rallroad man in Ne
braska. He was first In tha field, as every
body knows, and has stayed there regard
less of all opposition. His claim that It
waa his efforts and the activity of Tha Bee
Bea that influenced the state board to put
the railroad assessment so high that they
would not submit to It Is disputed by some.
If :t was his efforts that Induced the board
to make the high assessment the rest of
tha proposition stands unchallenged. Had
the high assessment not been made there
would have been no appeal to the
courts and consequently no occasion for
the testimony of Charles Weston and the
prosecution by Norris Brown. How far
Mr. Rosewster Influenced the state board
It Is of course Impossible to state, but he
waa the only one, so far as we know, who
took up the tight and virtually constituted
himself plslntlff In the caae. Members of
the board have told us frankly that his
efforts did have effect, though of course
none of them would be expected to ssy
the result was materially changed by It.
There Is no doubt In our mind that the
assessment of the railroads Is higher than
It would have been had Mr. Rosewater
been as Indifferent as every other clttxen
of the state seemed to be. His arguments
and the showing made by him could not
fsll to have aome Influence with Intelligent,
fair men. who were seklng facts and rea
sons. He Is at least entitled to credit
for doing much more In that direction
than any other man In the state and that
without any special obligation or duty ex
cept that of good citlxenshlp. While pub
lic officers did their duty honestly snd
fairly how many of them would have butted
In on behalf of the people, aa Edward
Rosewater did, without any official obliga
tion? .
Mr. Rockefeller does not see any partic
lar reason for visiting Ohio, anyhow.
A portrait of the late Thomas B. Reed
has been hung In the rotunda of the state
house, Augusta, Ma, presented to the state
br Mrs. Reed.
Senator Tillman has abandoned the pl'.ch
fork and the trusts and for the next few
montha will give his attention to the peace,
ful pursuits of the farm. At bis home In
South Carolina Tillman Is famois as
In commemoration of Prof. Charles E
Carman's twenty-fifth year as teacher of
philosophy at Amherst thirteen of his
former students presented him u volume
of essays they have written called "Studies
In Philosophy and Psychology."
Dr. Hugh de Vriea of the University t
Amsterdam, who Is giving a course of lec
tures at the University of Calrornla on
the "Biological Principles of Selection In
Plants." hss become a close friend of
Luther Burbank and spends mucii time a
the latter'a plant breeding farm.
General Lula Terraxas, whoae Health Is
conservatively estimated at (100.000.000,
celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of
his birth at home In Chihuahua. Mexico,
few days ago. Terrs ta a Is ssld to be the
largest Individual land owner In the world.
his estates In western Mexico apptoximat
Ina more than li.000,000 acres. He .owns
several hundred thousand head of cattle
horses, sheep and goats.
The French philosopher, M. Le Bon. com
mentlng on the motto of the revolution,
'Liberty, equality and fraternity," declared
that the real difference between the French
and the British Isy In tha fact that the
French were enamored of equality and
cared little for liberty, while the British
Insisted on liberty and never gave a thought
to equality. And when some one quoted
this to Rudyard Klpllr.g he Instantly addad
his own comment to tha effect that what
the American really preferred was fra
ternity. ''Ha Is a good fellow If and
bs expects you to be one.'
J . f '
Carrent Events (ileaned from the
Army and lav? ftentater.
There are now fifty-four arpllr11ons with
the surgeon general of the srmy from
young men, graduates of medlcsl colleges,
who are anxious to be examined on July
SI for appointment aa first lleutensnt and
assistant surgeon In the army. There will
rrtbably he ten or fifteen more during the
rest of the present month snd It Is ex
pected that at least sixty candidates will
be permitted to appear before the exam
ining experts, which will meet on July SI
In different parts of the country at places
convenient to those who wish to be examined.
Arrangements hsve been made to send
out 1,170 emergency rations for special trial
by Infantry of a device designed by fie
ordnance department for carrying the ra
tion on the belt of the soldier. An effort
was made to have the fixtures applied bv
a firm under contract, but the expense In-
nlved was so great that the speclnl at-
achmcnt has heen made at the Rock
arsenal. These rations will be shlpred at
once to Forts Torter. Sheridan. McPherson.
Missoula, Leavenworth, Files and Douglss,
Vancouver Barracka and the Presidio of
San Francisco, at each of which garrisons
wo companies of Infantry will he equipped
with the device, which will be worn by the
troops In the field. The officers In command
of the companies will take special mesns
of observing the value of these attach
ments and report, as well, the merits of
this type of personal transportation of the
The status of bandsmen, musicians and
similar enlisted men of the srmy as to
target practice has been the subject of con
sideration at the War department. A ques
tion arose as to the construction of various
paragraphs of the small arms firing reguls-
tlons In regard to these classes of enlisted
men, as to whether a band Is to have an
individual figure of merit; Whether trumpet-
era and musicians are to be Included In
making up the Individual figure of merit of
their organisations; whether the band
should be reported as an organisation for
pistol practice; And whether the post non
commissioned staff Is to be Included In
making up the Individual figure of merit
of a post. The affirmative was decided
upon In the first three points, and on the
fourth point It was decided that only such
members should be Included aa actually fire.
The session of the Army Signal Corps
school at Fort Leavenworth closed on June
SO with seven graduates Major Charles
McK. Saltsman. Signal corps, honor grad
uate; Lieutenant O. A. Wiecsorek, Seven
teenth Infantry, distinguished graduate;
IJeutenant Olney Place, Sixth cavalry, dis
tinguished graduate; Lieutenant O. C.
Lewis, First Infantry, distinguished grad
uate; Lieutenant P. W. Beck. Fifth In
fantry, distinguished graduate; Lieutenant
C. L. Wlllard, Twenty-ninth infantry, dis
tinguished graduate, and Lieutenant IS. D.
Warfleld, Thirtieth Infantry, graduate. The
next session of the school wilt begin about
September I, with Major O. O. fiquler, Sig
nal corps, as assistant -commandant. Tha
student officers of the Signal corps who
will attend Include Captain William
Mitchell, Lieutenant E. E. Jeunet and Lieu
tenant John E. Hemphill, who will return
from Alaska by that time. There will also
be In attendance Company A of tha Signal
corps, under Captain L. D. Wlldman and
Lieutenant George E. Kumpe. It la also
proposed to send to the school a larger
number of Una officers than were present
in the session Just ended.
A' very unusual case In regard to post
exchanges, which, although presenting some
difficulties, will probably rarely occur, has
bcenfcrought to, tha attention of the War
department. A hospital corps detachment
at an army post brought Into the post ex
change at that post on a basis of twelve
men to the detachment. - The number of
men has now been reduced to six, and the
dividends of the exchange era 'distributed
to the detachment on the basis of that
number. The post surgeon asked what the
remedy Is for that condition. The War de
partment replied that the post exchange
regulations provide that the amount to be
paid by an incoming organisation shall be
determined by the per capita membership
of the organisation, and therefore In the
case In question the purchase price waa
properly fixed on the basis of a detachment
of twelve men. It la clearly the Intent of
the regulations that, while membership In
an exchange shall be by organisation, tba
slse of the organisation shall be considered,
and the same rule applies to the distribu
tion of dividends, except that the slxe o
the organisation at Joining la taken from
the number of men present at the time of
Joining, whereas the proportion of divi
dends due to an organisation Is calculated
on the basis of the whole number of men
who have been present with the organlsa-
Browning, Ming Ml Co
Cfotiiitf a!ic3
This is the season when everyone is bidding for
your trade.
Some will offer fair goods and honest values,
while with others it will be ;,- . .
Well, we won't name it.
At this CLOTHING SALE of our you can get
the best clothing the country affords at a very low
price. ; .
This clothing is OUE OWN MANUFACTURE.
,No auction or special suit gotten up for express sale
purposes. . .-
But "top-notch" garments in every respect
that carries our guarantee for style quality and
wear, and a look will convince any one of trust
worthy bargains. '
$25 Suits $22.50 Suits, $20 Suits, $15 Suits
$18 $16L $15 $10
ETC. ' ;."!
$1.60 Soft fihJrU. 91.00 Bolt Shirt , Boys 91 Soft Shirt,'.
$1.15 85c 65c
Fifteenth and
Douglas Sis.
way ad te fttrnef sVTW
lion during tlie period covered by th dis
tribution. This method of determining the
amount of s dividend seems entirely equita
ble and fairly meets the ordinary variation
In strength which brganlx stlons may un
dergo from day td day.- It does not, how
ever, contemplate the permanent reduction
or an organisation to the half of Its orig
inal site.
Ft 1.1. S ATinl. n tSKF.T,
t'nrlvalled Ttecord of Material De-
New York Sun.
All present signs Indicate that there will
bo a good Increase In the contents of tho
national basket this year. Wheat, corn,
cotton,, tobacco, all promised khtindant yield.
There is activity In all lines of Industry.
Wages are high and show a tendency to
rls rather than fall. The sun of prosper
ity continues to shine with unlescened
radiance. Out of this abundance many
will get much and all will gt something.
Unless supply snd production be curtailed
by some unforeseen disaster, the United
States will raise more foodstuffs then It
can consume and more rsw materials than
it can minufucture, and turn out of lis
mills and factories more wares than It
needs. In addltinn to w-hat will be re
quired for the enormous home demand,
there Is now every reason to expect a sur
plus output, the value of which for the
fiscal year Just beginning will be" not far
short of $:,onn,ono,ocr).
No lonaer ago than 170 the total value
of the farm products of the country for
the year was a trlflle less than $2,flno.(no,.
000. For this year It will probably be "not
far from IT.ono.ono.ono. The value of man
ufactured products In WTO Is given by the
census return as 4.:32,S2M2. For the
present year it will be about llS.nnn.nnn.nno.
Tha cottbn crop of 170 was S.IH.VOi bales.
The crop of this year Is reported as prom
ising a yield In excess of 11.000,000 hales.
The corn crop of 170 a little exceeded
1,000,000.00(1 bushels. The Indicated crop for
thla year is 1.700.000.000 bushels. The
whest crop of 1R70 was 29,0OO,OPO bushels.
The Indlested crop for this year exceeds
700.000,000 bushels. Since 1870 Imports have
been multiplied by three and exports by
four. The export of manufactures has In
creased from 68,ooo.ono to
This ta an astounding record of material
development within a single generation.
Along with this material growth has gone
a parallel gain In physical comfort and
convenience not to be estimated In fig.
ures, either actual or comparative. What
is somewhat loosely called the "standard
of living" has been raised for wjige' earner,
farmer, clerk and millionaire. ' By wage
earner as well as by millionaire many of
the luxuries of 1870 are regarded as neces
sities today.
Sllllcus-Do you - believe the igood die
young? - . .
CynicuaWell, it's a problem to know
whether they die young or outgrow It.
Philadelphia Record.
Tou admit you were at fault In that in
vestigation ?'
"Oreatly at fault," anawered the trust
magnate. "I see now where I could have
taken far better precautions for conceal
ment." Washington Btax.
Mamma No, dear,' the Atlantic ocean
never freasaa over, i '
Elsie Oh, but it must! I heard papa
telling Mr. Gay ley tha. t when he was com
ing across from Europe the last time he
had his skates on -aU the time. Philadel
phia Ledger.
"That young- Jenks' Is a useful fellow to
meet in a sudden shower, for bo alwaya
carries an Umbrella."
"Yes; the girls all oaTl him their rain
beau." Baltimore American..
Lawyer My wife bought this rug In my
office at an. suction aala, - ,-
Client She paid a bur,prtoe for It, took, .
' Lawyer Hew- do yoil knowf- r1
Client I . aoid It to her. Detroit Free
Press. .,..,.. ., , .,
"Look out fob. pride," aid TJne.le Eben.
"It's generally when a man is braggin' to
hlsse'f 'bout what a good card player he
la dat he gets ketched off his guard and
loses all de mos Important tricks." Wash
ington Star,
"lent It awful," remarked Growella,
looking over bis gas bill for the last quar
ter, "isn't it surprising how gas bills run
1'Not so surprising," replied Kidder, "con
sidering how many thousand (eel they
have," Philadelphia Press.
Dwlght Anderson In the Bohemian,
The young man kissed the maiden fair '
And she did not resist, ,
Nor any protest offer aa
She twice and thrice was kissed.
But when ha smacked her once again
With a resounding pop,- . ..
She stamped her pretty foot and cried,
"Don'tr "Stop!'
The young man was chagrined to be
So frigidly repelled; , ,
He mutely drew his head away
And freed the hand he held.
De?p silence reigned one rotgnt have heard
A tiny hairpin drop . , ,
Until at last the maiden, lisped, .
"Don't Stop!"
W YOBkt facwy. pagae ftej