Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Page 3, Image 4

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No Seal Work AooomplliM on looonnt of
Bomo Delayed Baturna,
Jnly 33 Set Data for Taking? l
tha Donglas Coanty Valnntlon
Fear Coanty Assessors Attend
tha Marllac
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 16. (Special. )-Th State
Board of Equalisation held Ita 11 rut session
of tha year thla morning and adjourned to
meet again when the three counties now
out have reported abstracts of their as
sessments. There counties are Franklin.
Nance and Kimball. The county assessors
preaent at the session were J. O. Burresa of
Johnson county, Richard Turner of Web
ster. Julea Haumo.unt of Custer and Harry
Reed of Douglas. Mr. Reed came down, he
said, to answer any questions asked by the
board and to get a date set for the con
sideration of Douglas county. He explained
the decrease In the ' acreage of Douglas
county by saying the river had cut off a
number of sores, and other parts of the
county had been platted Into town lots. The
board announced no-action will be taken
In regard to the Douglas assessment until
July 23, at which time Mr. Reed will be
notified to appear. The other three asses
sors merely said they were here to answer
any questions the board cared to ask and
request that no Increase be made In their
Treasurer Mortensen and Secretary of
8tate Onlusha were both absent from the
meeting, being out of town, though Mr,
Mortensen returned this afternoon.
Money from Forest Reserves.
Governor Mickey Is In receipt of a com
munication from the Department of AgrV
culture that Nebraska will shortly receive
from therevenue of the forest leserves lo
cated In this state the sum of 1790.36, which
Is 10 per cent of the amount derived from
this source. . The government derives a
total of 17.903.65, made up a follows: Ni
obrara, 11.482 95; Dismal River, $6.35, and
from North Flatte 15.724.3.
Teachers Invite Beverldare.
President Stephens of the State Teachers'
association haa invited Senator Beverldge
of Indiana to address the melting to be
held here In December. The executive com
mittee at .this time Is considering the ad
visability of Inviting William Jennings
Bryan to speak one evening, but the Invita
tion has; not yet been extended to the Ne
braakan, A number of the teachers have
rnmenrted to-tbe executive committee
tlv an effort be made to secure Mr. Bryan,
ant jit is not unlikely the Invitation will be I
extended. Senator Beverldge haa not yet
replied to- the invitation sent to him.
Profit la OH Inspection.
During the last month State Oil Inspector
Church has put $709.77 In the state treas
ury. He and his deputies spent during the
nonth 11,030.53 making the total receipts
)f the department fl.74t.30.
Packing; Hosts Stories Denied.
Dr. Peters of the state farm, who has
nen :n CI 1 ago sjs sting In the In vest Ig it on
' if the O'hUaao packing houses, said today
the published accounts of the conditions of
:he packing houses had been greatly exag
(erated. The Investigation, he said, proved
:onoluslvely the stories afloat were abso falae. -
"Tils talk about the managers selling
;attle that had died enroute to Chicago
for people to eat," said Dr. Peters, "Is ab- I
olutely false In every , particular. .We In-,
vestuft lethal ItharOaghly. WJven ja. steer
dies enroufV'to' the packing house It Is sent
to the fertiliser department and made Into
"The stories of rats running over meat
and gnawing '11' is absolutely false. In the
first place the meat Is hung out of the way
of rata and It would be Impossible for them
to get at the .meat unless they hang by
tlirlr talis."- Another thing, the packing
house owners are In the business for the
money they can make out of It. The man
ager of every deportment Is trying to make
his department pay. Should a choice piece
of beef be gnawed by rats it would ruin It
and no manuger would permit such a con
dition of affairs to exist. He couldn't af
ford to. We failed to find any canned
chicken that had been spoiled.
"In my opinion, within a few years the
packing houses , in Chicago will be 'the
finest, In the world. Gradually Improve
ments are being made, and It will not be
long until they will be In almost perfect
' Wife -"Asks Husband's Pardon.
Mrs. Morgan, wife of a convict at the
penitentiary, called upon Governor Mickey
this morning and asked for executive clem,
ency. She told the governor that at the
time of her husband's arrest In New York
after securing $1,100 on a fraudulent draft
in Worth Platte, he offered to pay back $800
- If tils sentence would be lightened.
Farewell to Dr. Greene.
Mr. and Mrs. "Jack" Matthews gave
a , farewell dinner Saturday evening at
' o'clock In honor of Dr. J. L. Greene and
Mrs. Greene, who left this morning for
Kankakee, III., where Dr. Greens' aasumea
charge of the hospital for the Insane at
mat place. Mr. and Mrs. Mathews' guest
list Included Dr. Greene and Mrs. Greene,
Governor Mickey and Mrs.' Mickey. Mr. and
Mrs. R- O. Caatle, Mrs. King Of Martinsville,
ILounds .Them -..Out
Three years' experience with one food is a severe test.
- What can be done when it is the proper food, Grape-Nuts, Is proved by
the statement of a woman who says:
"Up to three years ago I had sick headaches every week, and although
I had heard and read about how food affected one I never thought that could
have anything to do with my trouble until one day a friend came in and found
me suffering from a frightful headache and suggested that it might be the food,
telling ma. I should change my food for breakfast at least.
" 'Breakfast,' I said, 'why, I never have any appetite for breakfast,
there's nothing I would relish' She said, 'Did you ever try Grape-Nuts? We
ua Urn food every morning and find it Just what we relish and we know our
health is better since we have eaten it.'
"This was news to me, so that very day I got two packages and ate only
Grape-Nuts, and cream or milk for two weeks at breakfast and became so fond
of the food I soon found myself eating it for supper also. The result was my
headaches lessened quickly and finally disappeared, and for the past two years
1 have only had a couple and I have gained about 30 pounds in weight. I
can't get along without my Grape-Nuts and cream for breakfast at least.
"My husband is Just as fond of the food as I am, and he makes his en
tire breakfast on it, and today I. looked over our old grocery orders Just for
fun and found we have nsed 611 packages of Grape-Nuts food since we began
eating it three years ago. My husband's health has improved wonderfully,
for he used to be a frail little man as white ss a ghost, but now he has fine
appetite, good color, and has rounded out in flesh nicely."
' Made by Poet urn Co., Battle Creek, Mich.
Ind.. who la Mr. Orwi'i mother, Miss
Neeley. Miss Marie Mickey and Miss Dslsy
Greene. Dr. Greene left tonight for Kan
Denaty Game Warden Heslajns.
Frank W. Cannon of Hebron, special
game warden. has resigned his office upon
tha demand of Chief Game Warden George
L. Carter. Soma time ago seversl men
were arrested for Illegal fishing at Hebron
and at their trial mated that they bor
rowed Cannon- seine. Mr. Carter Immedi
ately demanded an 'explanation from Mr.
Cannon and a satisfactory one. was not
forthcoming. The depdtys resignation waa
aaked and (ranted.
Towns and Country Dotted with Sew
, Ralldlfias.
ARAPAHOE, Neb., July l.-(8peelal
As Indicative of the prosperity of south
western Nebrasks, Is evinced by the bu'.ldy
Ing of residences and dwelling houses In th
towns and also by the farmers. As ascer
tained, within a radius of ten mllea, tblrty
alx buildings on outlying farms, at an esti
mated cost of 145.000, have been erected
during the last eighteen months, as dwell
ings, not Including many substantial barns,
gralnerles, etc. In the corporate limlta of
Arapahoe, during the same period, fifty
seven residences have been built, at an
aggregate cost of $6.n00. This showing for
Arapahoe Is undoubtedly nearly equaled
by Cambridge, Beaver City and Oxford,
while the smaller towns In Furnas county,
especially Holbrook, Edison snd Wllsonvllle,
show a larger Increase proportionately. In
the way of public Improvements, a net
work of telephone lines have been erected
In towns with rural connections, at a low
estimated valuation of 135.000. Arapahoe
has rebuilt a school building. In place of
the one burned, at a cost of $24,000. Beaver
City haa now In courae of construction a
new $20,000 building. At Cambridge they
have the first electric light plant In the
county and have voted bonds for water
works, aa haa Oxford, and also bonds for
an electric light plant, as well as Arapahoe.
The concrete sidewalk erase Is manifest
In every town in the county and miles upon
miles have already been laid and many
more are being constructed. There are
nearly $1,500,000 on deposit In the banks of
this county and but little demand for loans,
even at the low rate of interest asked.
Pleads Gnllty to 'Theft, Kills Himself,
Leaving; Letter Denying? Gnllt.
ALBION. Neb.. July 16. (Special Tele
gram.) Saturday James McKellips, living
near town, missed a canvas stack cover
from one of his alfalfa stacks and he sus
picioned that the same had been taken by
N, S. Ayers and Herman Moore. These
men have been training a horse to trot
without a driver and were about to start
to Beatrice to exhibit him. A search war
rant was placed in the hands of the sheriff
and the missing stack, cover found In their
wagon. Both parties were arrested and
brought before Judge Riley, when each en
tered a plea of guilty, a small fine was im
posed and the parties started for Beatrice.
Creditors becoming uneasy Induced them
to return and Ayers promised to settle
with his creditors this morning. As he did
not appear search was made and he was
found dead In the house lately occupied by
him. Upon examination It was found that
he had shot himself. He left a note saying
that he had more trouble than he could
bear and was going to kill himself, also
saying that he had plead guilty to a charge
of which he was Innocent. He leaves a
brother, sister and several relatives. He
was an unmarried man about 30 years of
age and came from Shenandoah, la. The
coroner haa not yet decided whether he will
hold an Inquest.
Body Hot that of Reece.
RULO, Neb., July 16. (Special) A Coron
er's Inquest was held over the remains of
the floater that was found near Fargo,
Neb., yesterday. The Jury decided that
the body had been dead about six months.
A large crowd had. gathered from all
around. The father and mother of Recce
were present and grief stricken. They be
lieved it to be the remains of their missing
son. The coroner, however, convinced them
that It could not be possible, as the body
had been dead for about six months. The
body was taken to Falls City and burled
at the county's expanse. It was later
found out that William Reece la well and
hearty, working in the harvest fields near
Sallna, Kan.
Bad Storm Near Broken Bow.
BROKEN BOW. Neb , July lft-(Spcial Tel
egram.) A heavy storm visited this vicinity
this morning, although little rain fell In the
city. The stable of John Price to the south
west was struck by lightning and burned
to the ground. To the northwest over an
inch of water fell In an hour. Three miles
out the crops on the Alfred Sloggett farm
and others In the vicinity were cut to
pieces by hall. In other sections there
was a heavy rain.
Nearly Killed by Ball Bat.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 1. (Special
Telegram.) C. T. Johnson, while watch
ing a game of ball, west of here, was struck
on the head by a bat, which slipped from
the batter's hands, nearly killing Johnson.
He was brought to the city by Dr. Talbot,
who found It necessary to perform an oper
ation. Typothetae rt BaSalo.
BfFFALO, N. T.. July 16. The twentieth
annual convention of the I'nlted Typothetae
of America opened here today.
- Nuts
Saunders Gifes Brown Vote of Preference
Ellin Uninitrncted for Senator.
Strong: Aatl-Corporatloa Resolutions
Inanlmoualy Adopted tn Both
These Repahllcaa '
WAHOO, Neb., July 18. (Special Tele
gram.) The Saunders count republican
convention met in the court house at Wa
hoo today at 11 o'clock. All precincts were
represented but one, about !00 delegates
being present. F. E. Morrow of Mead
was made chairman and J. C. Hamilton
of Wahoo secretary. Delegates to state,
congressional and senatorial conventions
were chosen, a new central committee ap
pointed and resolutions adopted. Hon. E.
Rosewater and Attorney General Norrls
Brown were present and made able ad
dresses. The following resolutions were
adopted :
We, the republicans of Saunders county,
In convention assembled, do hereby declare
that we are proud of the political party
that has shown Itself capable of faith
fully conducting the affairs of this great
nation. We heartily endorse the admin
istration of President Roosevelt and we
heartily commend the congress of the
I'nited States and delegation In congress
from this state on the success of their en
deavors to frame and pass such laws that
shall banish graft from our country and
establish Just and fair railroad rates be
tween all shippers and for the efforts put
forth to compel the companies engaged in
tne munufaciure of food products u use
proper efforts to give the consumers cleanly
and wholesome productions.
We commend tjovernor Mickey and State
Treasurer Mortensen for the decided stand
they have taken as members of the. State
Board of Equalization toward securing a
more equitable assessment of the railroad
property of Nebraska. We believe that the
action of the Burlington and I'nlon Pa
cific Railroad companies in refusing to pay
their full and Just share of their taxes In
Nebraska is wholly unwarranted and with
out cause, and we most heartily commend
Attorney General Norrls Brown for his
untiring seal in prosecuting the cases In
court In behalf of the state against the
said railroad companies and various other
trusts and combinations that have been
fattening on the taxpayers of this state.
We believe that a free pasa Is a bribe and
we favor the enactment of state and na
tional laws thut will prohibit any railroad
or oilier corporation from transporting free
the property or person of any public official
or any other person except It be an employe
of said corporation in their actual service.
We favor the udoptlon of the proposed
amendment to the state constitution pro
viding for an elective state railroad com
mission duly empowered to prohibit rebates,
discriminations and special rates to privi
leged corporations, persons or localities.
Three Denounced.
The following resolution was Introduced
by A. B. Fuller, delegate from Ashland, and
was adopted by the convention:
Whereas, The 8tate Board of Equalisation
fixed the valuation of railroad property Irs
Nebraska for the purpose of taxation for
the year 1906 at the same sum as was placed
upon it In 1915. notwithstanding the fact
that the reports of the railroads themselves
showed a large Increase In their earnings,
large amounts expended for the better
ment of their tangible property and an in
crease In their stocks and bonds during the
year, and
Whereas, This Injustice to the taxpayers
of Nebraska was brought about by the
vote of the state auditor, secretary of
state and commissioner of public lands and
buildings, despite the protest of the gov
ernor and state treasurer, and
Whereas, The said auditor, secretary of
state and commissioner of public lands and
buildings are seeking a renominatlon to
the offices which they hold in the coming
state convention, therefore be It
Resolved. By the county convention of
Saunders county, that the delegates to the
state convention from this county be and
are hereby Instructed to do all In their
power by voice and vote to defeat their
The delegates to the Fourth congressional
district convention were Instructed for Hon.
E. H. Hlnshaw.
Upon the request of the two candidates
present for United States senator, a vote
was taken by the convention as to the
preference for candidate for United States
senator, resulting In 123 votes for Norrls
Brown and 61 votes for E. Rosewater.
It was the wish of Hon. W. J. Harmon,
candidate for railroad commissioner, that
no delegaton be Instructed for htm.
Delegates to the State Convention A.
Porter, C. L. Waltn. J. S. Walin. Peter
Relmers, F. J. Polak, Norrls Hancock, Nrls
Olson, Peter Wolfe, James Schols. T. T.
Young. H. M. Clark, tewls Tlnebaug,
Charles Perky, W. PoUik, V. L. Hawthorne,
H. E. Bruce, Alexander Laverty.
Delegates to Congressional Convention J.
C. Humelka, Frank Lukas. Fred Haskell, W.
Polak, H. E. Good, H. D. Mackprang, T. J.
Pickett. Joe Erlckson, John Jeppson, Dean
Sperman, W. A. Burbrldge, Mike Golllglce,
E. J. Rose. P. J. Hall, George Christian,
W. J. Harmon.
Delegates to Senatorial Convention Burt
Cook, Oscar Anderson, Thomas Madogan,
A G. Larson. Walter Fleming. M. Ras-
mussen, B. E. Hendricks, J. H. kinder,
Samuel Llpplncott, J. Willey, B. N. Jessen,
t'laus Peters, J. N. Moon, Arthur Glbbs,
Henry Mays, George F. Staats.
Saline County's Session,
WILBER, Neb., July 16. (Special Tele
gram.) In the republican county conven
tion today the main struggle was over the
method of selecting delegates to the state
convention. Finally each precinct selected
Its own delegates. A resolution Instructing
the state delegation! for Rosewater for
senator was tabled, 85 to 41.
Delegates to the State Convention O. M.
Murphy, Anton Dredla. A. B. Kenyon, Will
iam urener. ft. m. rrotmnt. A. W. Hovt,
C. B. Anderson. J. C. Dewitt. John .
Spirk, George Shirey, J. T. Richards, Rob
ert turner, u. a. waiter ana waiter I
Eight or nine of the delegates are known
to be friendly to Rosewater.
Frank J. Sadilek was unanimously en
dorsed as candidate for railroad commis
sioner. Dr. P. F. Dodaon of Wilber was
nominated for state senator, Fred G. John
son of Dorchester and J. J. Rohrer of
Friend for representatives, J. B. Chapman
commissioner and Dr. C. H. Culdlce of De
Witt was given the privilege of selecting
the delegates to the float representative
convention for Saline and Gage.
The congressional delegation was unin-
structrd, but favors Hlnshaw.
Resolutions were adopted that the republi
cans of Saline county are unalterably op
posea to tne nomination of railroads In
politics, state and cpunty, and favor an
elective railroad commission to regulate
rates. Recognising the Iniquity, Injustice
and pernicious effect of free passes and
other forms of free transportation, the rep
resentatives in the legislature are instructed
to support an anti-pass law, also a direct
primary law.
Srenree a Majority of the Delegates
In the Lincoln C'anenses.
LINCOLN, July 1. -(Special Telegram.)
Republican caucuses tonight In Lincoln se
lected delegates to the county convention fa
vorable to the candidacy of L. p. Ludden
for lieutenant governor. At midnight the
returns from all the precincts showed Lud
den had 178 delegates and Wlnnett eighty
two. Contests have already been filed by
Wlnnett In Precinct B of the Third ward.
D of the Third. C of the Fourth, D of the
Fourth and A of the Fifth, while Ludden
haa filed a contest In B of the Sixth. The
result means the success of the Ludden
ticket In the city, so for as the caucuses
are concerned. The country is claimed by
both sides and tha caucuses will not be held
there until tomorrow. In the country there
ere 177 delegates.
The Journal and News waged a bitter
fight In the city for Wlnnett.
Edward Rosewater, who spoke at Wahoo
this afternoon, came through Lincoln en
route home, upon the Invitation of Norrls
Brown, who also spoke at Wahoo, and will
go to Omaha on the early morning train
cannot cause biliousness.
Tell him that every bottle is Pasteurized
after it is sealed. He will say that such beer
must be germless.
Ask your doctor what these virtues mean
Ask for the Brewery Bottling. t0 yOU-
Common beer is sometimes substituted for Schlitz.
To avoid being imposed upon, see that tJie cork or crown is branded
That. Made M
Mr. Rosewater had many' callers at the Lin
coln hotel, where he stopped, but he said
he was taking no part In the Lancaster
Fnrnas County Gets a Rain.
BEAVER CITY, Neb., July 16. (Special
Telegram.) The drouth of two months was
broken today by a rain amounting to 1.61
inches. North and south of town hall fell
to considerable extent, but the benefit to
crops offsets the damage of this kind. The
wheat crop, which is now practically
harvested, is of unusual quality and the
corn Is In excellent condition.
Kews of Nebraska.
TEKAMAH A light rain visited this
place this morning.
PIiATTSMOUTH A fine shower visited
this vicinity this afternoon.
WEST POINT A fine new pipe organ
was installed in the Catholic church In this
TEKAMAH The funeral of Mrs. Charles
E. Baker was held at this place today.
Company E, National Guards, of which
Mrs. Baker's son is captain, was in atten
WEST POINT Fred Clattenhoff and Miss
Meta Meier were married at the home of
the bride north of West Point on Thurs
dey evening by Rev. Ollenburg. pastor of
the church. The groom Is a well known
LEIGH The cornerstone for the new
German Lutheran church was laid yester
day. A large congregation was present
and Impressive services were held. The
new structure will cost about M.uuu when
LINWOOD The wheat harvest Is all
done. Some threshing Is being done. The
argest yield so far reported Is from the
farm of Frank Walla, adjoining town, who
threshed 2.346 buslitls off forty-six acres,
making Just fifty-one bushels to the acre
The wheat tested sixty-three and sixty-
Woman's Trials.
The bitter frail In a woman's life Is to
be childlrs.-.. Who can fill how hard the
struggle mar have been ere she learnt to
msign herself to her lonely lot ? The ab
sence of this link to bind marital Ufa
together, the absence of this one pledge
to mutual affection Is a common disap
pointment. Many unfortunate coudIos
Wome estranged' thereby. Even If they
do not drift apart, one may read tbc whole
eitent of thoir 1sapnoiiitment In thee.yoi
of such a childless couple when they reel
on the children of others. To them the
largost family does not seem too numerous.
In mant cases of barrenmva or chlki
lrifSTic the Gttacln to cbiUl-t ouring Is
easily removod by the enre of weak new od
tho part of tho woman. Dr. PlercVs Fa
Torite Proscription has twn the means of
restoring health and fmltftilnesii to many
a barren woman, to the i;reat Joy of the
household. In other, but rare canoe, tha
onstrnction to tho hearing of children has
boeu foil ad to on of a Surgical character,
bat easily removable bt imiuleas operative
treatorwiTtt at the Invalids' Hotel and Sur- .
1el Institute. Buffalo. N. Y.. over which
I. Pierce of the Favorite Prescription
fame prealilef. In all cases where chil
dren are desired and are absent, un effort
should lie made to find out the reul causo,
since It Is generally so easily removed by
proper treatment.
In all the various weaknesses, displace
ments, prolapu. inflammation unid de
bilitating, rutitrrhftl drulns i,ni in all
cases of nervousness and debility, Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Ircriptloii Is the most
etlicient remedy thntcan iKuwiuly be used.
It has to Its credit hundred of thousands
of cure more in fuct than any other
remedy put tip for sale through drugglsta,
especially for woman's ue. The Ingredi
ents of which the Favorite Preaoription
Is compos! have received the most
positive endorsement from the leading
medical writers on Miter in .Medina of an
tho several school of practice. All lie
Ingredients are printed in ptin EnplUh
on the wrapper enclosing the bottle, ao
that any woman making use of this
famous medicine mar know exactly what
ha la taking. Dr. Pierre takes his pa
tients Into his full confidence, which hs
can afford to do as the formula after
which the Favorite Prescription" la
ade will bear the most careful ei so
lo a Lion.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet are tha
best ad safest laxative (or women.
lL lAillX IS W LxlsLL 111 Vii Vii M!yllJ
About Schlitz beer. He knows the
importance of purity.
Tell him that Schlitz beer is agsd for
months before it is marketed aged in glass
enameled steel tanks. He will say that it
i 1
four pounds at the elevator. Oats are
about all cut, are short, but will yield
better than anticipated sometime ago.
There was a good rain Saturday which was
very beneficial to corn and pastures.
PEAVER CITY-Mnlachl Peer, one of the
oldest of the pioneers of Furnas county,
expired yesterday and the funeral cere
monies will be held tomorrow. He was 83
years of age and one of the best known
residents of Furnas county.
COLL'MBl'S Company K of Columbus
Nebraska National guard, with Captain
Wagner, Lieutenants Brock and Wilson,
together with the noncommissioned olllcers,
are putting in their best licks drilling night
and day, so as to he ready to go to the
maneuvers at Fort Riley August 3.
BEAVER CITY Dyle, the 4-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Q. Downing, was at
tacked and badly lacerated by a vicious
dog while the family was visiting in the
country yesterday afternoon. The child
was bitten from ear to ear and a piece of
flesh was torn from the little fellow's lip.
WEST POINT The total assessed valua
tion of Cuming county is $o,7i3,602, accord
ing to Assessor Smith's report sent to the
secretary of the State board on Friday.
The increai- over the year 1905 is $107,064.
The assessor's returns show some curious
facts. The value of dogs in the county is
12. (HM; watches and clocks. $2,761; of dia
monds snd Jewelry, only $S38; of type
writers, $222; of firearms, $072.
SH ELTON The first threshing of the sea.
son began on fall wheat on the farm of
J. B. Hodge. Forty sere were threshed
and the average yield was a fraction over
twenty-six bushels to the acre and quality
the very finest. The product was bought
by the Slielton Milling company at B7 cents.
The largest acreage ever harvested near
Shelton is now in shock and muny fields
will yield more than thirty bushels.
PLATTSMOl'TH Sunday afternoon and
evening a large number uf the citizens of
Plattsmouth visited the grounds occupied
by the Thirtieth regiment of I'nlted States
infantry snd enjoyed watching the boys
pitch their new tents and perform the
regular duties of a soldier's camp life. The
regiment departed at 6:30 for an eighteen
mile march toward Ha destination, Fort
Riley, Kan. The weather was delightful.
I.EIGH The local order of Sons of Her
man observed the day yesterday as Memor
ial day. Public services were held at the
opera house, at which time speeches were
made by visiting members from Scrlbner
and Columbus. A beautiful banner was
also unveiled. The order, together with
their friends, were lead to the cemetery
by" the Ieigh concert band, where the
graves of the deceased members were dec
orated. On their return the members re
paired to Busse's hall, where a banquet
was held.
PLATTSMOUTH During the street fair
carnival last week two men, C. W. Perkins
uf Pacific Junction and Charles Lambert
of Council Kluffs, were arrested and ar
raigned bt-fore Police Judge M. Archer on
the charge of being drunk and conducting
themselves in a virions and offensive man
ner. Each pleaded guilty to the charge
and was by the court fined $100 and costs.
Helng unable to pay that amount each
was taken hack to the county basllle and
will work out the fine on the street at the
rate of $1.50 per day.
Arrest Woman Who Haa Big Volume
of Articles at Her
Mrs. Toney Renlsh of 1311 South Third
street and Mrs. Notobl of 1217 South
Fourth street were arrested Monday after
noon at the Hayden Bros', department store
and charged at the city Jail with shop
lifting. The prisoners had with them a
device consisting of a dummy package,
which, when pressed at the ends, opens In
the middle. Articles were deftly Inserted
in the dummy package by the women. A
clerk of the store first noticed the women
and the detectives followed them until they
saw them place a piece of cloth Into the
dummy package. Quite a lot of plunder
was recovered from the women. Detectives
went to her house and got at least $300
worth of plunder. Tha police pronounce
her a veteran shoplifter.
I'nlted States Bays Gold.
LONDON. July 16. After strong camps
tltion the United States secured In ths
open market today about tl.600,000 of this
week's gold arrivals, tha price, T7a lOHd,
being a penny advance.
Phone 818
Jos. Schiltz Brewing Co.
719 So. 8th St., Omaha
wa u Im I
L. M. Taylor Arretted in Kentucky Btyi
Ea Shot Hen Here.
Frank Thomas and John BfcAleer
Are Said to Have Been tha
Victims of Prisoner's
LEXINGTON, Ky.. July 16. (Special
Telegram.) Lllllard M. Taylor, who was
arrested here last night while trying to
dispose of a lot of silverware which it
was believed he had stolen, today confessed
that he is wanted for shooting two men In
When arrested he had in his pocket a
diary of crimes he says he has committed.
Two of the entries are as follows:
I shot Frank Thomas in Omaha, Neb.,
May 23, 103.
I shot John McAleer March i, 1M6, at
Omaha, Neb.
Another entry told of cutting Sam Jones
in Cincinnati, another was a shooting In
Stearos, Ky., and the last told of Tuylor
having been cut two times and shot three
At first he denied that he had made the
entries In the diary, and even denied that
the book belonged to him, but after being
put through the third degree In the sweat
box he owned up. He says he does not
know whether Frank Thomas, shot in
Omaha In 19c a, died or not. but he does
know that McAleer recovered.
Taylor had In his pocket a letter from a
woman In Omaha, whose name the police
are keeping from the public. Asked why
he had shot Thomas, Taylor refused to
say why he shot him.
No record can be found of Frank Thomas
or John McAleer having been shot In
Yes., -ioo,ooo times each day. Does
it send out good blood or bad blood?
You know, for good blood is good
health; bad blood, bad health. Ask
your own doctor about taking Ayers
Sarsaparilla for thin, impure blood.
He knows all about this medicine.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines,
' , ,
Isaac y the . e. Arm Oe.. Leweu, Km. . '
aim auUMium r
TH ' KAT TIOOI-Pw the hair. A TIB'S PILLS Fet eeastlmttaa.
am ys.
Omaha. The name of Lllllard M. ttaylo)
does not appear on tha local poltca records.
Pair Today and Tnsnorrow la' Ko
braska Warmer In the East
WASHINGTON, July l6.-Forecaat of tha
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska Fair Tuesday and Wednes
day, wanner In east portion.
For Iowa Partly cloudy Tuesday; fair
and warmer Wednesday.
For South Dakota Fair and warmer
Tuesday; Wednesday, fair, warmer In east
I.oenI Record.
OMAHA, July 16. Official record Of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 1M. 1MB. 1104. l0t.
Maximum temperature.... 76 96 ft tl
Minimum temperature.... It 76 76 j$
Mean temperature 68 06 64 f
Precipitation 26 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two .years:
Normal temperature , n
Deficiency for the day
Total deficiency since March 1, 1906 16)
Normal precipitation 16 Inch
Excess for the day io Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 14.36 Inches
Deficiency since March 1, 1.61 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period Wb.... t. it Inches
Deficiency for cor. period 1604.... 3.71 Inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Mag. Raln-
or weatner. ip,m. Temp.
Bismarck, clesr 66
Cheyenne, clear 70
Chicago, clear ,. 68
Davenport, pt. cloudy 76
Denver, pt. cloudy 76
Havre, clear 66
Helena, pt. cloudy $2
Huron, pt. cloudy 64
Kansas City, clear 80
North Platte, clear Ml
Omaha, clear 70
Rapid City, clear 74
fait Lake City, clear DO
Valentine, clear 74
Indicates trace ef precipitation.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.