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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
TILE OMAJIA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. JULY 17, IDOrt. Telephone Doiiflnvl 8. Ik m Trm. itmi ' Bee. July 16. 1J6. MORE BEAUTIFUL WASH GOODS The Prices Tell the Economy Story You" IdoK frir price concretions in Julv ns a matter of coursc.nowadavs, but you also expect to find 5omt' Tf'tlie rhoicest and daintiest patferns rnissing; you are willing to be satisfied because they are hri.'VTliis i Vo lialf-vi y offering. t deniauda no sucli beauty sacrifice. The, patterns and colTiiig.T'n all that could be wished for.' Today we mention: " at ecUTvAnn. ' Snen'al Sa.1a of Whita Embroi. Sr.fHn1 Rule of Children's HoSe. 16c orfmyjl-. ' AprfiA nhlfTnn flloth. i Children's Ire Lisle Hom, black, bmwn - IIT VJJ A 1 AH Li. ie it ...... A.-' .i...... r. ..n. Reduced prices on till beautiful sheer i&c orgsn'liHr . AT fc A 'TXRD. 28e ginghams', 2oc dimities, Me Kurjnn silks. ' Iat' 1!C A TARD. alio organelle, 35c silk mulls, 4fic linen suiting. ! j AT A YA RD. ' V novel, watering. 60c silk tephyrs, 0c orgsndlearHY Imported Rwlss. It bsse"fient. , - ' - Special Sale ibf Sheer Vhite Embroidered Linen3. : ; Tuesday we will plare on stile sheer white embroidered linens at the fol lowing reduced prices: All the sheer embroidered linens 6oc per yard. All the $f.50 sheer embroidered linens 76c per ysrd. r All the U.75 sheer embroidered linens 4710 per yard. nd white, sllovrr lsre or lace boot pat terns. The line of iiizes Is broken, thst K Reduced prices on this beautiful white fnbrle should Intrreat msnv. Tuesrtsv we will nlare them on ssle st I 'ml' slses In esrh pattern are missing. the following reduced prices: AH the $l.;s sheer white embroidered chiffon cloth (52140 per yard. All the $126 sheer plaid chiffon cloth :V per yard. Redfern Whalebone Corsets. THE. CORSKT BRAUTIFt'I. MAKES THE PEAl TIFt L FIGl'RE. We have facilities for fitting rapidly and conveniently, apd earnestly iope"that you will avail yourself of our services. There are no better materials than those found In "Redfero" models, which . are supple and kldllkf. nwlna- to the rare nualltv of alt our j Arctic whalebone. There are many but the qualities sre exceptionally good; our regular 50c and 35c hose. . TUESDAY, KC FEU TAIR. Women's Black Silk Lisle Hose, with co ton sole, double soles, heels and toes, spe cial good value, 36c per pair, or 3 pairs for Main floor. La Grecque Tailored Drawers. THE MOPT PERFECT F1TTIN1 ANP COMFORTABLE GARMENT MADE. En ables a large figure to walk or sit com fortably and will never work up. They are reinforced and will outwear three ordinary garments. They are so designed that the modela to choose from. Visit our model corset department on second floor. i T . . . , those supporters do not Interfere with the'.r j;ree ijessons Art Embroidery i hanging smoothly. Their shapely yoke rts t ome and Join our art embroidery class smoothly over hips and back. Exo,'HFltcly on second floor. Learn the new stltche. Miss Pteenstrup, expert needle artist, gives free lessons every day from 2 to 5 p. m. Materials muat be purchased here. tailored and have soft, fiat-felled seams and darts. Ask to aee this beautiful gur-v ment at our Muslin Underwear Department, second floor. We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. i 1 1 1 1 .vii 1 1 1 1 ij v jii ii 1 1 1 i i i j j 1 1 11 i i vs i i 1 1 MRS. THAW TAKES CflARGl rritoner'i Mother Again Emploji Attoraeji Dischareed by Her Eon. LONG TAI& WITH BOY IN TOMBS, Probability Baaed o that Defense Will lie i Plea ot Insanity Isi&f Mao Has Kotblaa; to Say. NEW YOflK, July Hi.-Immedlately fol lowing her interview with her son, liarry K. Thaw, nr the Tombs today, Mrs. Wil liam Thaw, (inumijd full charge of the defense inl s-raiged to retain tua service as coun fvl. firm of 'Black, OJcott, QrubtT aiii totinge, which was dismissed by yosng Tliif". few days ago. This action ls,f,knvto5fnean that Harry Thaw's desires aijd, opJUlpns regarding-the defenae will be Ignored' and that reliance will be placed on the plea of insanity. Insistence on which by Mr. Olcott resulted in the rup ture between himself and ' his cHent. Whethera n -appj.lca.tlon wfllbs made for the appointment. of ya commission' on lunacy to determine young.' Thaw's fuental condi tion wjlll, f rtvbabiyyjjo tleternjlneft, at a conference to' be held by Mrs. Thaw and the counsel tomorrow. i . . ' . The meeting -between Mrs! Thiw and her 'itwat the Tornba was .an affecting one. Aftn;lh rst grextifig- they were Teft slope together to converse-. . through the bar of he. cell for Tialt. an hour. , DuVlfig tne interview tne prisoner s wire stood tn sflepce.ln the corridor a few feet away from the cpllj, door,., waiting .her turn Jo speak with her husband. t No words were ex changed between ' Mrs. Thaw and her tUxigtiteMn-taw. t ' A From t)t4 Tombs' .'Mrs. Thaw was driven dltiftly to- the' office of Lewis L.' Dels feld, where arrangements' were ' made fp" Oltftttt' Arm ot lawyers to ' resifme charge of the case.' When a note was anc tri HaVry Thaw this afternoon asking whether He concurred : In ' the new" af rangements the rely returned was. "Mr Thaw; hasn't anything t say." ThM evening-' Mrs. , Thaw, accompanied by; her;.ai)f' Joslab '.aod.'her'- son-ln-Iaw, George ,1. Carnegie, .-went to the latter'a cmmtrjA serfe at'Roslyn, Long Island. ' ' Mrs. Thaw Itti Hr Hoi, Mrs. WBllam;Thaw of Plttsburt paid avliit to her'' son, Harry K. Thaw, In th': ToVtibs pMsVrt '-tpday. wheVe' hi ' Is prjaon!". aecusej of the murder of Stan ford White. Mr. Tbaw, .'-who arrived from Europe Saturday, - was 'unable to tislt her "Hon ' on Saturday, wfht ; to . the prison; .accompanied by Joslah" C: Thaw nd' A, .-R, Peabocty, mile' of Thaw's cotin- at s.y ': ;', ; Wrt. jfh'aw's arrival' at the Tomb's 'wat preoeo ky tthat, of.. Harry Thaw's wife, Evelyn, but tha fatter upon ascertaining tlfatfMra: WHliam:Thaw had not yet vis ited theAomba, declared thht she; desired her huetyaniTs mother to have 'the . first opportunity of seeing . the prisoner; The yqunger J Mrs. Thaw then 'retired to the banaultliig rootn to await Mrs. Thaw's ar Ttt al. , : ' . s ' ;leforeTMs. William Thaw reached the pMeon her son's new couh'sel, Clifford W. HHrttidge, railed on Krsncls 3. i.anfry. the cmmlsBipner of correcttona. and 'endeav ored to fnake arrangements so that Mrs. Thaw coit1 rriet ie son In fh consulting rooftrit the Tombs Instead of talking with 'htm through the bars Of the cell, but Mr. Lantry Intrwttettltaa -warden thai he could make. Mb exception to the prison rules In Mrs. Thaw's case. :owd had gathered about the entrance to le prison. When the cab stopped at the or the bystanders pressed forward so I'jsely that the pollca had difficulty in mak ing a line through them to permit Mrs. Thaw to pass Into the prison,. Mrs. Thaw was met at the door by the prison warden, who told her that it would he necessary for, her to comply, with the prison rule that, al ' visitors muat be searched. Mrs. Thaw than retired to the room of the Tombs matron. JoslaU W. Thaw and Mr. Pea body escorted her to the. corridor In which Harry-Thaw's cell, is lo cated and then withdrew after she had thanked them. Mrs. Thaw-then .made her way alone to" cell. No. 220' and greeted' her son for the first time since ha shot Stanford White. As Mrs. Thaw reached the cell of her eon It was seen that her dausrher-in-law had left the consulting room and gone to the cVll of her' husband. When the young wife saw t the mother approaching she slowly backed away front the cell to a spot some fifteen feet down the corridor. There was no sign of recognition between ' the two. On the mother's arrival at the celf Keeper John Smith saw that she was somewhat feeble and opened the door of Thaw's eell to get the stool on which she might sit during the Interview with her son. The mother, not knowing the rules of the prison, EXPERT TO. CHECK ACCOUNTS At Bihiman'i Solicitation Oounoil Ames to Implojr Skilled Book Id an. ZIMMAN OPPOSES THE PROPOSITION Insists that Comptroller Loherk'a . ttnallflratlona tall for' Snob Work aad He Hhonld Do It.- Urged by Mayor Uahlman, the general council committee yesterday afieriwon agreed to employ an expert accountant to check over .the fiscal affairs of the city during the terms of the last incumbents.. Councilman Zlmnuui opposed the rnove on the ground that the comptroller is de fined as an expert accountant. by the char ter and should be competent both to de viae proper systems of auditing and to execute tbem. He said he was willing to endorse, any improvements that could be made, but did not believe It proper to hire outside assistance until the comptroller had signified tbat he was unable to do tile upon seeing trie door opened rushed for-i work. Even if the comptroller, personally. ward to. her son. In an Instant both her arms were Hasped around the heck of her son while he with bent head clasped his .mother, to his breast. Tears streamed"fvrora the eyes pf bofh mother, and son. There ensued a few minutes' silence, bro'keai'o'nly by the mother's cry, "My boy, my boy." ' Visit Lasts Thirty Mlnatra. Keeper Smith' stood wtth his back turned for a short time, and then Informed Mrs. Thaw that the prison rules allowed vis itors to tslk to prisoners only with bars separating them. The mother stepped out of the cell, while Smith shut the door and turned the Key once mora on Thaw. - A small stool was then placed in front of the cell and Mrs. Thaw took her seat on it and continued talking ' to her son for about half an hour. She then kissed her son through the Iron bars and was taken down Btalrs, where she was Joined by Josiah C. Thaw, who had been waiting for her in the consulting' room. ' v The largest crowd since Thaw was first taken to the Tombs had assembled In the street outside and the police" made a nar row passage way through it for Mrs. Thaw to reach her carriage. Her driver was com pelled to force a way through the crowd, which fairly blocked the street. While the "elder Mrs. Thaw was In con versation with her son, his wife, Evelyn, remained seated in - the corridor, about fifteen feet away from the cell, whereHhe could see -mother and eon without being seen. ' After the mother's departure young Mrs.' ThAw spent a few mlnutea with her hue band and then hurried to the office of Mr. Hart ridge, where a council was held. Mrs. Harry K. Thaw returned to the Tombs later, accompanied by Mr. Hart ridge,' and called'oh her husband.' The at torney remained only a short time, but Mrs. Thaw remained at the cell about an hour. Thaw today declined an Invitation by the warden to exercise In the prison yard. He 'said 'to the warden: did not have he, ability .to do the work properly, Zlmman said he had authority to employ men who were capable, Besides checking Up the books of all departments handling money, tha expert la to help devise better checking schemes, except that for the treasurer's ofllce, which Is supposed to be as nearly perfect as Is possible to devise. Mayor Uahlman wishes to hire his old friend, J. M. Gil christ, as the expert. Others of various pursuits and callings also would like the billet. No definite arrangements were made towards selecting the man. Rather Delicate Matter. It was a delicate matter for Mayor Dahl man and the democratic councllmen to ex plain why an expert was needed and at the same time not display lack of confi dence in the ability of their political as sociate. Comptroller Lobeck. Councilman McOovern, at one time, in response to Zlmman's arguments, called attention to the fact that the comptroller's office had approved th police court rec ords June 1, when a shortage of $284 ex tended back over that period to the first of the year. Zlmman replied that the comp troller at all times had authority to Im prove the auditing system and make sure It was handled properly. The mayor said it was clear the police court books had not been properly checked. - At the end of the conference Mayor Dahl man asked what had been done towards securing 1 gas. He was told that the gas company In substance had declined to make the concession. The mayor urged action, declaring that 1f the company would not agree to the price another plant must be built which would. TAGCART WlNSjlRST ROUND Judes Bmkitk holds that Etite ii Not Entitled to Injunction. HOTEL COMPANY'S DEMURRER SUSTAINED Attorney General . Miller .at One erves otlce of aa -Appeal to the aapreme ' Court. PAOM, Ind., July l't-Judge Thomas Bus klik, In the Orange county court today sus tained the third settin M the demurrer of the French Kick Springs and West Baden Hotel companies against the- petition In u,tio warranto of the state for a temporary receiver and temporary Injunction against gambling at the resorts. In this third section the hotel companies set up that the allegations of the state In Its complaint do not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action against them. He overruled the two sections of the de murrer In which they assort the prosecut ing attorney was not the proper relator for the slate In such proceedings and the state has not the legal capacity To "sue. Attorney General Miller served notice of appeal to the supreme court. Should the supreme court reverse his decision the state's Information will be sent back to Judge Busklrk's court for trial. Should the supreme court affirm the decision the case will be thrown out of court. Judge lluaklrk'a Decision. In this decision Judge Busklrk snys: Injunction IS asked for In this case, hut onlv as an Incident to the main action, which is for a fnrfeltuie of the corporate franchise. An Injunction may. be granted to restrain acts or proceedings until the further order of the court, but to entitle the party, state or Individual for the state has no greater rlKht as a litigant than the humblest individual a complaint or affidavit asking for such Injunction must allege that such nets complained of will produce great inuiry to the plaintiff or that they are In violation of the plalntlfT s rights. There are no such averments In the information filed in this cae. To the lay mind the recital of the great, serious, . repreoensihle charges aliened In the information, and which also have brought the state into reproach and dis grace, may portend great injury to the state and violate its rights, but that will not excuse the ahsence of those warrants in the Information, without which the state is not entitled to the extraordinary remedy afked for. In their absence we cannot rend these into the information, nor can we -supply them by Inference. Again Injunc tions will enly lie to prevent sudden or anticipated acts and not when the act has been cuinsumruated. . . v.,- Jio .Need of Injunction. The' conditions that would warrant In junction muj-t exist at this time, when thro'lirh the medium of the miblic Dress. from the public Interviews with counsel for both plaintiff, ttnd defendant and, If I may be pardoned, front the trial of this cause by counsel In the columns of the dally cress. we all know the whole coun try knows that the casinos of club houses described In th information were raided by the officers of the law prior to the tiling of this Information their gambling appar atus seized, agreed that it ia now In the custody of the auditor awaiting orders for its destruction and that the casinos or club houses are not opon... Again, while this oourt 'cannot take Ju dlclal notice of its records In other cases, we, and the whole country, know that from the same source has been' stated thnt at this term of court suits against these de fendants, against the lessees of the ca slnos, for concellatlon of lease or possession of the premises were tried and resulted In such - cancellation and recovery of possession-- True, these suits have been de nounced as Jokes, hut be that as It may they have crystallized Into judgments re corded In this -court, with all the force and effect of other! Judgim-nts. ; Taataart Talks of Decision. Thomas Taggart, In discussing the de cision: of Judge "jSuSfitrk, said; .. . The decision of Judge Busklrk Is In line. with kit other decisions of the courts In similar instances. The state officials knew very well that I was trying to get posses slon of the casino, where gambling was carried on aaainst my will, and that I was 4n earnest in trying to uproot gambling there. Knowing that i naa instiiutea suim for this purpose they undertook, by a sensa tional raid and an ill-advised low suit, to take away the cerdlt that they were aware would be due me If I succeeded In my undertaking. I think I may be pardoned if I sav they "butted in. Just to make it appear as If they were doing something. Attorney General Miller left tonight for Indianapolis. He said before starting that the case had been appealed to the supreme court. The transcript, he snid, would be filed with the clerk ot the supreme court inside of a week. Pallee Clear RaaWI. Tfia mother reached the. prison - shortly befbtp noon. In the meantime ka large itreet Car Transfers. . onsioeraoie argument was spent over the ordinance defining the points at which street car transfers are to be made and conditions. A bare majority favored the I ordinance in opposition to. that of Bridge, "U seems o ho cooler In bore r, Ir ""' iinpiy dllu universal iranS- doesn't make any difference I would nnt i fera Hnd mHk(,t no "Plications. Bridges, care to be mixed up with that company." ! Z,mman' J'kn. Johnson and Hansen con i tended that if the plan the traction com pany was willing to agree to really granted Troable for. Jank Dealers. transfers at all Intersections there was ro riEKKK. 8. Ii., July !. tSpeclal Tele- reed for the Brucker ordinance. The latter gram.l Sheriff l.ogan Is. In the eastern finally was approved by the maturity. Ob part of the county looking for a party j Jections to It were found In the fact that Accidents In Cass County. ATLANTIC, la., July 16. Special.) Three serious accidents have Just been reported from the little town of Lewis, south of this place. Charles Manke, sr., ran the tine of a pitchfork In his foot, making a very ser ious wound, in which blood poison has de veloped and he Is In a serious condition. John Donohue fell from the haymow, a dls- tsnce of twenty feet, alighting on his side In the manger and was seriously Injured, is not thought there are any internal injuries. And C. C. Weaver has very sore hand on account ot a bee sting that may develop Info blood poison. An other accident due to the Fourth of July has just come to light, though It was late. Frank Smith, living near Grlswold, . at- t mpted to Ark his surplus of firecrackers left over from the Fourth of July, when one of them, went off in "his hand and badly burned his face anil hand, lacerating two of his fingers until amputation may be necessary. Robert Reed, living near the same town. Is laid up with two broken ribs, the result of being kicked by a horse that he was tending to. THE MASSACHUSETTS STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Endorses WM. UNDERWOOD CO.'S PRODUCTS! The report made public bv the State Hoard of Health, tlirouifh the press, declares "Underwood's LITTLE UED DEVIL HHAXD OF DEVILED HAM, TONGUE, CHICKEN and TLHKEV almost whollv muscular-fibre (meat), with ppice, (QUAL ITY EXCELLENT." ' " . ..-.-.-(..' A distinction accorded Wm. Underwood Co. 's DEVILED (iOODS ALONE. The report shows their ABSOLUTE PUIUTY and freedom from improper adulterants and preservatives. '' ' ' . . ; Underwood's Goods Are Absolutely Pure and Honestly Labeled . ..' The report recommends the Wm. Underwood Co. 'a CANNING PLANTS as MOnJ. ELS to bo copied by others in the same business. - For fifty years their poods have been used by people who KNOW that they are" deliciously appetizing and nourishing. A bright college girl said of Underwood's Deviled Ham: "Branded with the Devil, but Fit for the Gods" Sold by all first-class dealers. If your grocer does not sell it, for his name -raid 15c in stamps, wo'will send you Vi pound can. . - " . Keprints of this report as mado will be mailed by us postpaid upon application., Wm. Underwood Co., Boston, Mass. (Established 1822.) SANITATION RILLS NEGROES West Indian Laborers Uaable to Stand American Standard of Livine. SPANIARDS MAKE THE BEST WORKMEN European Laborers Bring; Their Families to Canal Xone and Lire Well While Dirt- . Ulna the BIsT Ditch. WASHINGTON, July 16.-r-erfeet ssnltn tlon and cleanliness are proving fatal tn the West Indian negroes employed on the Panama canal. Although Colonel Gorges and his assistants have banished yellow fever and other tropical fevers which nindrt the canal sone one large burying ground for the FTench canal builders, they have found that sanitary precautions taken In the quarters occupied by workmen make the Jamaican negroes especially, suscepti ble to pneumonia and other throat and lung troubles. West Indians are not accustomed tn tin abundance of fresh air and well ventilated, cleanly quarters. I,lving for generations In small huts, where large families crowd Into rooms tightly closed against the night air, the negroes from Jamaica and other tropical Islands have developed lungs with cramped capacity and especially susceptible to changes of temperature. The officers In chsrge have found thnt the .West Indian laborers cannot be In duced to eat sufficient wholesome food to keep them In good health, even when sup plies are furnished to them at cost price and meals are made attractive at great expense to the canal commission. Chief Engineer Stevens of the canal com mission, Governor Magoon and other men Identified with the work on the Isthmus have agreed that lack of lung capacity nnri Insufficient nourishment, rather than lazi ness; are responsible for the Inability of the West Indians to perform an amount I of work equal to that done by white la- I borers from Spain. ' Hnnnlsh Labor Beat. I The negroes are paid only SO cents a day, I while the white men from Spain and Cuba are paid twice that amont, and many of the bosses on the canal work are of the opinion that the white men really do much more than twice as much as the colored laborers. The Spaniards- have been found to be thrifty and cleanly In "their habits. They take their families to the ' Isthmus ' and maintain homes In which wholesome condi tions prevail and good food IS served. Most of the Spaniards now employed on i he Isthmus went there from Cuba, but thry are natives of Spain, who had ob tained employment In Cut. It Is ex pected that Spain wliL grant the commis sion permission to take large numbers of Spanlwh laborers to ths Isthmus. To abandon negro labor, according to the commission, - would be practically Impossi ble. But Chairman Shonta and other mem bers of the commission feel that It Is unsafe to depend on any one class of labor, and because of the unsatisfactory results -with negro labor are not only taming to the Spaniards, but jvUL-ftrobably try Chinese labor, as it.ts npt belleved-ttiat .aufflclent Spaniards can be had to meet the demands when the canal work becomes more ad vanced. . . - .... ., Bodies Found in Cblraao. CHICAGO, July 16. Edward F. Kloss and his wife, who conducted a small millinery store, were fonnd dead today In the room above the store. The throats of Kloss and Ills wife had been cut, they both. had been shot through the head and Mo6d was spat tered on the floor and on the furniture. A rvolver was found beside the body of Kloss and the police believe he, committed the crime. AN OLD and WELL-TRIED REMEDY. FOR OVER SIXTY TEARS. MSB. WIiriLOW'l OOTKIJTOr ITKTTr. has been Ul"-1 tor over SIXTY YEARS br MILLIONS ot MOTHERS tor their CHILDREN WHILE TEETH INO WITH PERFECT SUCCESS.' IT SOOTHES tho CHILD, SOFTENS th GUMS, ALLAYS all PAIW; Cl'RKS WIND t'OUC, and la th bait run-Kir (or DIARRHOEA. Sol4 by DruiKlita to afar part ot tha worlil B aura and aak (or MRS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING 8YRCP And uii aa other kind. Ii cants s tottls. 3C PURITY-EXCELLENCE el Junk dealers, who this morning are alleged to have enticed Dan Swallow, a small boy. from the government Indian school to Join them and left for the east. The penalty for the offense Is a peniten tiary sentence. j .- iiii . , e K Tw J f 5. if Lrf 1 I RED. RAVEN is like a good revolver, 'wherTyou heed it, you need it badly. There fore keep it in the house or have a place located where they do keep it. RED RAVEN . protects against sick headache, constipation, indigestion ana nausea, and does it in a plea sant and natural way. RED RAVEN is a sparkling water in half pint bottles, one of which is a dose. . ..FOR SALE" - EVERYWHERE PRICE, 15V 'I 1 tt rniikes hard and fast rules as to routes that must be used and Is likely to cause confusion and the dissipation of extra nickels thereby, 'it limits one transfer to a fare, except for stub lines, and the trans fer must be called for when the fare Is paid. As an offshoot to this, Z'mnmn tried tg have action taken on his orJlnance calling tor twenty-flve tickets for tl. He made a talk repeating arguments he has midc In the past, but nothing was done. Zlmman's ordinance to bar fakirs and vendors of medicines, novelties, patent articles and various other species of mountebanks and gmfters from the streets, and prescribing a 10 a day penalty for licenses for such affairs on private nron- 'y was Hgi'ceJ to. Councllmen Brucker MJHllH fir- ro'ce that they pro posed to introduce ia rjlrjnc to put downtown auction rooms out ot liiitlctr These establlHlunenta they characterised fa simply flimflam games . for the luckless greenhorn. Prlaoarr Attempts Suicide. ET.K rOINT. S. D., July 16 (Special.) A man by the nsme of Ham Mofflt. who Is In Jail here charged with committing an assault on a young boy at Ueresford. attempted suicide by cutting the large facial artery, but, missing it, ke cut a branch of the temporal, making a very bad wound. When found by the Jailer he had bled very much. After a great deal of persuasion he finally permitted a surgeon to stitch the wound. Metealf Starts Home. WASHINGTON', July 1.-Seiretary .t calf of the Lwptrtment of Commerce an.d .Latoij tomorrow will' leave for his liof.i. In Oakland. Cal. II experts to spend a law day in Oakland and San rraacisco, I'rarl Bryan's Home Fonnd. ATLANTIC. Ia., July l.-(Spectal.) The county officials are Tn receipt of a letter from the sheriff of Hull county. Nebraska', that definitely settles i ie plare of residence of Pearl Bryan, the dope fiend, who has been shipped back and forth between this place and Nebraska, and has hern in the county jail here, as Hall county reports. wher she was sent to the asylum, where they must take care of her. " Iowa Keats lores. MISSOt'Rf VACI.KT-Hon. Robert M U Follette will speak at the opera houne here on July 24. MIRSOI Rr VAIXKY-The Missouri Val ley begins Friday, iuiy Z7, and continues until August a. MiaBOl'RI VALLKY-Tlie streets of MiFitourl Valley were rlioded this morning by a severe rain that lasted about thirty minutes. The rain was accompanied by some hail, but not enojgh to damage the crops to any great extent. The home of John Caly was struck I'V lightning, which fore s large hole In the roof and split a few rafters. The tire that resulted was put out by a neighbor before any damage aJ done; Traiser Mllnsakae Tried. 8AN FRANCISCO. July 1 The newly constructed cruiser Milwaukee left Its dock at the I'nlon Iron works today to be given Its builders' trial trip. i I lla,iirw -. jr --1 ill! if ; ri i . - - f ' mmm ''"in i mmn' . SCHOOLS. National Cathedral r School &. : Ml St Albas, Washiogtva. D. C ' Combines 'the best features of the College- Preparatory' and Finishing ik-hooi.' Unrivalled advantages in Music afad Art. Certltta.t admits to any college, rpeclsl Courses. Fire proof BaUdlag. Pitrk of 4r acres kt- &' X. T. A, s. s. LI. C resident Board of IrMtati, For catalogue apply to Mrs. BABBOUB WAXJCBB, at. A. rrlaolpai. v PL'T II IX SPLITS, PINTS AND yCARTS. HOLD AT ALL SODA FOUNTAINS, IHU O STOKES AMI GROCERIES. 3C SCHOOLS AND COI.I.KGfCH. Western Military Academy Upper Allora. IlllaoU 28th year. Ideal locition near St. Louii. 8ix modem building! in beautN ful park. Thret fire proof barracks. Large drill hall, with gymnasium nd bowling alley. Strong faculty of 16. Army officer and military eauipmrnt furni.hdby WsrDept. Tuition J450. Cspintyl50. Waiting list last year. Immediate application adviiable for boys of good character abovt 6th gride. COL. AI nr.RT M. JACKOrV. A. M., Superintendent Lindenwood College for Women sT. cm'a r Lt s mo' 18511906 Piamond Jubilee College of the West. Academic, bemlnary and College Courses. Music, Elocution, Art and LHmestie Economy. Physical and Strategic Location. Accessibility to a great city. Kelect patronage. Limited number of boarders. Every room taken during last school year. B-autlful location. Elaetrto ears to Bt. Louis. Catalogue on applloat.on. Ba. Oeogs Vreasrlo Arras, Fa. B, Vras. 13 lfiif-B-L Military Academy Vf I lDflTlflll T II l-eslsstaa, Ms. OlUeMaud li(M MUiuur rA. lj If ST. I I I I I I I I III K lmiu, Mi.l.lliWw. Clua'A'lT r-ol Of Slighty Damagl Wall Paper ' Now going on. Over 2,nno.OCO rolls of paper to select from. This stock niust. be. closed out at once. ' Prices 'rom 2c. per roll up. ,, : Odd rolls of. fine .gilt at le pen roll. FREE CEltlNG PAPER - fV -. - '.: i If you purchase the border and the "vapVp for the side wsils of your -. onmS from us we will glye you free (.lis veiling .paper, to match. FREE estimates for painting and paper hanging. : - i ' The lowest prices on all work. We guar antee first-class work In every respect. 119 N. 12th. Phone Doug. 3818 See America First Larn eomethST West; see tt Mountaiub COME TO COLORAD KV I The Wonderland of our continent . The Grandest Scenery The Most Perfect Climate X I The Colorado & Southern Ry. has Issued a series of beauti-" fully Illustrated booklets, de scriptive or this "fascinating' country. Send six cents In , tamps to cover postage. r,, T. n. FisnEiL " General Passenger Agent, 03a Cooper Building, " ' Denver Colo. . Wnen You Write-to Advertisers. ' remember It only takes an ejtra stroke or two of tha fien to mention th fact that you saw tba ad. Id Tba Baa. . , - -'-i Raspberry Shortcake with Whipped Cream TUESDAY DINNER aJ &f)e CaJumtt AMI'IEMEXTI, Double Daily Excursions By BV TUB tSTEAMKfV " y- a" r Ifkl TP TT! sTPfa IX. Va. VJVJH .. JL- I V Leaves foot of Iouglaa Street 2:15 pi ni. :15 p. m.' MuIC ahd naunng. Harney and IBth fits, i'lionn lnug aid. Tonight at 115; OaMea Concert 7H5. -v STAR VAUbtVILLI ' with the Bijou Btock Co., presenting "LOVI AND WA" a great play, finely staged and acted. Popular i'rioae 10--aO cents.