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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1906)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, JULY 17, NEW BOOKKEEPING METHODS lUf rmi Ara Propowd kj Ur to tha County Board. WANTS YEARS' TO BE MAOE THE SAME Talnke Bl . to Ha Cs aad rnU,r Fiscal Periods (nrrfM-Claims aad Warrant la aeries. Chairman T"re nf the finance ommltt'e of the county board hss submitted a plan for a revision of the method of bookkeeping In us In connection with the clalma and warrants departments. On of the prin cipal reforms advocated Is a change In the county fiscal year, which now runa from the time of making the levy In Aurust until Just before the following levy. Mr. 1're'a sustention la that the county year rorreppond with the f commissioner year, which bnjrlns early In January, when the crmmlwlnners take office. In addition to this he would have all clalma and warranta run In aerlea by year and have claim and warrant reglatera for each commissioner year. Thla method, ha contend, would enable each county board to be checked up easily aa to expenditures and would make It easy to determine at any time just how much the board had ex pended for current expenses. The present eyatem la aald to be ao complicated It la hard to separate the expenditures of differ. ent boarda. The overlapping of the floral and the commissioner yeara also compll . catea matter. The scheme haa been sub mltted to a committee, Including the county 'clerk, auditor and county attorney. Other Routine Matter. Delegates from the Weat Leavenworth Improvement club called on the board Mon- day and asked that a part of the perma nent road fund derived from the Inheritance tax be expended on Ieavenworth afreet to Klmwood park. They point out thla would make a beautiful drive down Leavenworth to the park and back by the way of Dodge street. F. A. Naah of the electric light company haa renewed hie demand for a aettlement rf hla claim of $7. for electricity fur nished the county In A controversy between the board and the company fol lowed the expiration, of a three-year con tract for a light at the county hospital. The old contract culled for a 20-cent rata, but this expired In 1901. Then the company put In a 16-cent rate, allowing a 10-cent dis count. The county now haa an 8-cent rate and has allowed warranta for the 1904 bills on the 8-cent baala. The company took the . warrants, but denies It Intended to accept them in" full of the account. County Audi tor Smith asserts the company waa allow ing 30 and 40 per cent discount at the time It was allowing the county only 10 per cent. ' Borne of the members of the board were of the opinion the acceptance of the warranta ' will prevent the company from making . any further claim and the matter haa been referred to the county attorney for an opinion. Bids for Coal Bapply. The county commissioners at the after noon meeting let bids for the year's suuply of coal on all Items except for the Indigent poor and the county hospital. Bids on these two ttetna were rejected and new ones will be received July 23, at noon. In the opinion of the board the specifications were not broad enough on these items to Include all brands of coal. The new bids will be for "0 cars of soft coal In quarter, half and ton lota and thirty cars of soft coal deliv ered on the county hospital switch. The bids accepted were as follows: Court house and Jail, C. B. Havens com pany, Cherokee nut, 12.86; Cherokee steam, $2.8R; Missouri mine run, KM; Iowa mine run. $3 06. Detention school. C. W. Hull & Co., Trenton lump, 14. M; anthracite, 60; Union Fuel company, Sheridan, 15.75. County Clerk Haverly asked the board to Increase the salary of Deputy Frank Dewey to $125. The rVqueat waa referred .to the committee of the whole. The committee on con-t house and Jnll waa commissioned to mnke arrangements with the city author ities rcgxrdlng rental for the space occu pied In the city hall by Treasurer Fink. The board allowed the claims of the Judges and clerks at the recent primary on the basis of $ for those In the city and $4 for those In the oounty precincts. The to tal amount of the claims waa $2,182. The commissioners have ordered work to begin on county roads with seven road machines, two elevators and five graders. SECOND SUIT FOR A DIVORCE Mattla anal Basil Osear Staler Hit, Mora Marital Trouble oa Hand. For the second time In their married life of twenty years Wattle Bixler and Basil Oscar Bixler are In the divorce court to settle their marital troublea. Mrs. Bixler wants the court to annul her second mar riage to Mr. Bixler on the grounds he has failed to carry out the promises he mad her when she married him the aecond time. Judge Day, at her request, laaued a re straining order to prevent him from going to her home at 2S North Twenty-fifth street and molesting her or their three children or In any way laying his hands on them or selling their personal prop erty. Their first marriage took place Septem ber 18, 118(1, and four children were born to them. October 28. 1902, they were divorced at the request of Mrs. Bixler because of alleged cruelty and drunken ness. September 27. 1904, they were mar ried again at Kearney on his promise, she alleges, that he would quit drinking and treat the family as he should. That his .promises were shortlived Is Indicated by the charge that on October 20 of the same year he knocked her clear across the room and threatened her and their daugh ter. Once, she says, he pawned a satchel and some of her clothes for It and she bad to pay this sum to get the property back. Because of his threats to Injure the family she says she and her children kept watch of him at' night to aee that he did not carry them out. She aaya It is Impossible for her to live with him any longer and . wanfa the court to divorce them once more and give her custody of the children. Probing at t'tcvelaael. CLEVELAND. July 18.-The federal grand Jury today resumed the Inquiry In connec tion with the charges against the Lake Shore A Mli'hixan CentrHl Kullroad com pany and the Standard Oil company. In which both corporations are alleged to have violated the Interstate commerce law. A 8kln of Beauty la a Joy rorwvar D ft. T. ralls Oourood'a Oriental .. Orsstn or Magical Bauttflar. Ta, Mla Vua, m4 bkii 4 bkia trm oi tvary eiBiia la Malut, II ka Mv4 UM tMt ml 1 a4 Iw U to b tun m ocapt MSiuiu, Nit Dr. aw? ef th kni toe is taUralil - at . r Ma Will M Uk flearasf freem1 t feast saraNl of u um MonnuwMitlla CtwA tni,Ummt4 ti (21T.ttfU; fit, ntttiitiri I-jM i as. LtiFjirrn ntvirTTurnr v I VIVOS III! -mr' IIUII II . Ill III; II ." e . Creet Linen SaJe Tuesday we offer wonderful bara-alna In the $5,000 PURCHASE OF SAMPLE LINENS Hemstitched and selvage table clothe, napkins, lunch cloths, Jray cloths, doi lies, dresser and side board scarfs, hem stitched, buck and damask towels, hem stitched linen sheets, pillow cases, etc. These are all bought at 50 per cent less than cost to import. They are trav eling men's and show room samples on eale at One-Half Regular Prices. GREAT BARCJAIN SQUARES AND TABLES IN THE' BASEHENT flAKE THE SELECTIONS EASY. 5 5 TUESDAY'S EXTRA SPECIALS 2 i i 17-inch Unbleached Linen Towel ing, alwayg gold at 10c f yard, special, yard DC 8-4 and 10-4 full Bleached Irish Linen Pattern Table Cloths, 11.25 and $2.60 Qfi- f values, at, each . Zt OC'LatJ I Sale ol Sheets and Pillows Cases Some Slightly Imperfect. Sheets are made from the highest quality of muslin manu factured regular and extra size, plain hem or hemstitched borders, some have a machine spot or a dropped thread others are sound and per fect, worth as high as $1.25, at Pillow Cases All sizes, nicely hemstitched or plain borders, some slightly stained, others per- A 1 f C feet, on eale Monday at .lUC-I-C-IajC Ladles' $2 Waists at 69c These are up-to-date white waists, long and short sleeves, all new de signs, at . . . . 6k i s Wash Laces Vals, Torchons and Cluny Laces and Inser tions, in a variety of widths, worth Z t C 7 1 up to 15c a yard, at, yard oC 'FRISCO RATE IS STILL IN Grain Tariff that Was Outlawed Continue! to HaT Its Effeot. TAKES TRADE OUT OF OMAHA SOUTH Local Grain Eiehssgt Which' Oace Knocked Oat Schedule Docs Not Slcnlfr What It Will Do Kow. . Railroad men report that train Is still moving from southern Nebraska to Kansas City and thence south on the 'Frisco on the old rate which the 'Frisco was supposed to , have been compelled to cancel. The Omana Grain exchange went after the 'Frisco for putting In the rate, which was placed In effect for the special benefit of Kansas City. The rate waa knocked out on techni cal grounds. In that it waa not drawn In proper form, because It simply stated that the 'Frisco would cut the existing rate and did not state what the new rate waa. The law requires the road to state specifically what the rate Is. It could not be learned whether the Oraln exchange would go after the 'Frisco again or not. Elk Bates Draw Crowds. Burlington trains through Omaha Buaday were run In two and three sections to ac commodate the large number of people going to Colorado to take advantage of the low rates put In effect because of the Elks' convention. Train No. S Sunday afternoon waa run In three sections, train No. 1 wa run In two sections, the second section be ing an exact duplicate of the electric lighted fast Chicago-Denver train,- and No. IS was run In two sections. "On occajfbns like the big convention at Denver," said Ii. W. Wakeley, general passenger ayent of the Burlington, "we do not try for the special trains and organised business, but prefer to maintain an exact achedule and take care of our regular patrona and those wishing to use our road. We have found we can utilise all our equipment on regular trains and sections of regular trains, and can give satisfaction to more people - by hustling them through on the schedule time. The first section of the Burlington's No. I Sunday afternoon consisted of nine heavy Pullman cars and waa pulled from the station and up the hill without the aid of a pusher by "one of the new Baldwin Pa clAo type engines which the Burlington has recently received for Its regular service. Law la Hard to Obey. Gerrlt Fort, assistant general passenger sgent of the fnlon Pacinc. has returned from Chicago, where he has been fof sev eral weeks attending various meetings of the Installation of new rates and other pas senger business. t "The principal thing which Is worrying traffic officials at present Is to figure out some way to live up to the new laws aa re cently enacted by congress," said Mr. Fort, "It will be no easy matter to obey the law strictly, for It Is very complex and has many bad features. For Instance a strict compliance with the law would compel a railroad company to quote apeclflc rates from all points on Its lines to all other points In the country and this would be nearly impossible. It Is supposed the Inter state Commerce commission will not be un reasonable. The head officials of our road have Issued instructions to follow the law and o keep within Its exact meaning." Broader Field for Bldwell. George F. Bldwell. formerly manager of the Nebraska and Wyoming divisions of the Northwestern road, has been promoted to be general manager of the company's Hues west of the Missouri, with his head quarters still at Omaha. The order, signed by W. A. Gardner, vice' president, and ap proved by Marvin Hughltt. la made effect ive at once. Big Job of Plowing. Mace Moore of Ravenna has taken con tract to plow Are guards along each ade of the Burlington ralirosd from Anselmo weat lor a distance of M suite. Hi con 6 I ? I I I I I A 5. p. n. Till Sipt. tit Silver bleached all linen Table Damask, the BOc quality, for tills aale, at, per yard 29c 2 yards wide full bleached soft finished Table Damask, Q . $1.25 quality, at, yard...OOC items uiicuvu 49c Ladles' $3.50 Waists at 95c Sheer white waists, lin gerie effects, embroidery and lace trim med, go at, 95c tract calls for the plowing of five furrows along each 'side of the right-of-way. The Job Is equivalent to plowing five furrows 6C0 miles long. Mr. Moore left for Anselmo last week and has six teams engaged In the work. Hallway Notes nnd Personals. General Manager Bldwell of the North western has gone to Chlcugo. C. K. Bpens' general indent of the Burling ton, has returned from Denver. ' F. B. Southard, ticket auditor of the Lnlon Pacific, has gone to Chicago. 8. F. Miller, asxistant gc nrral freight agent of the Northwestern, is in Chicago. George S: MacRae of St. Paul assistant general pasnenger agent of he Omaha road, in In Omaha. ..H- J; Pne'pa. division passenger agent of tliti Illinois Central at Duhuque,. caine in with a party of Klks and remalnea over Monday. Eugene Duval, assistant general agent of the Milwaukee, has returned from a visit of a couple of weeks in Montreal and other points. F. Montgomery, asistant general freight agent of the Burlington, haa gone to Chi cago to attend a meeting of the transconti nental freight association. O. A. Griswold. city passenger agent of the Northwestern at Chicago, was In Uniaha Sunday and Monday, coming over with a train load of Elks bound for Denver. The Burlington's wool warehouse burned Saturday with aWt.OOO pounds of wool which waa stored there. The railroad nrntecta tho shippers on this business, so the wool was fully Insured. Conductor Ade of the Northwestern hss been placed In charge of the trains of the Northwestern for the Shoshone reservation opening at umana. and Council Bluffs dur Ing the rush period. Charles J. Ud. first assistant general freight agent of the I'nion Pacltic, received a wireless message Monday morning from J. A. Munroe. The message was sent from the ship while 600 miles from New York and stated the weather was fine, the sea aura ana an wen. Commissioner J. M. Guild of the Com mercial club haa lont to Frankfort. Mich to attend the semi-annual meeting of the western classification committee, which will begin Tuesday and con.lnue two or three days. Mr. Guild represents Omaha Jobbers, wnu aesire 10 prevent certain changes In freight classification and to have others mnuguraiea. Mortality gtntlstlrs. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon Monday: Births Peter Peterson, Park avenue and Iyeaven worth, boy; Victor Johnson, 124 onuin j weniy-nrtn, gin; a. a. Rushton, uijuin inineenin, ooy; jonn it. Tren ery, 222 Caldwell boy. Deaths Aanes Mares. 196t Bouth Thlr. teenth, 6 months; Robert Huston. 412 Pierce, Bnlldlas; Permits. The city has issued the fnllowlnr btilldlna permits: Hastings Heyden. $4,000 frame double dwelling at Thirtieth street and Cap Itpl avenue; B. Kuchs, $1,600 frame dwelling at Twentieth and 8prlng; C. Rvder, tl.oUO frame dwelling at Twenty-fifth avenue and Brown; J. 8. Innes. tl.&O frame dwelling ai i wniyrinuui ana fori; r.., j. James USUI frame dwelling: at Thlrtr-rirth nrt Poppl-ton avenue; Mrs. C. A. Rector, !2,6uo irume aweinng at vi Bewara. WATCHES Frenser, Uth and Dodge Sts, DO YOU KNOW THAT under our roof you will find displayed the handsomest array of. BLACK and BLUE SERGES In the city? . Do you know that we will Include an eitra pair of trouaer with every suit ordered during July? WILLIAM JERRCMS' 80N8. SOB-Jl Bo. IMh 8U OMATIA WEATHER FORECAST Tueartny, Eelr and Warmer, riW N Close Every Evening 'cept Saturday at 5 OMAHA'S BIGGEST GROCERY" BIO VALVES 1'HOMIT AMI CAHKKl L NEK VICE MAKE! THIS DEPARTMENT rorVLAR. TEA rSCXAZi COBSXCAJT IUID TOM ICS TBA Ponnl 4Se v And rifty Green Trading Stamps. Worcester labia Salt, two sacks And Ten Green Salmon, fancy, pound can And Ten Green BIG SALE...... Graoiteware Thirty Green Trading Stamps With Any Piece Selling for 26c or More Big Sale Continues on Screen Doors SPECIAL PRICES TUESDAY-$1.25, $1.00 QQ and... '.. ,'.'.'.,.. .-.v. !OC And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps With Each. mrTT mr r a w--m a -nvj-va - jjn;1UMATU CAW Fer LAKE TAHOE , '' Situated 15 miles from Truckee f' on Main Line of "The Overland Route" . IN THE HEART OF THE SIERRAS Stop-overs permitted on Railroad and Pullman Tickets. Connections made with the famous . r Union Pacinc train. "THE OVERLAND LIMITED" and other Through Trains. THE PLACE TO REST ;f , 'Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 FARNAM ST. 'Phone Douglas-334. HAND V 4 . - 5 SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH Flagar roughened by needlework' catch every stain, and look hopelessW dirty. Hand Sapolio removes not only the dirt, but also the loosened. Injured cuticle, and restore! tb fingers to their omturmi bekuty. ALL GKOCEKS AND DRUOCI9T ALL TAN SHOES AND OXFORDS ON SALE AT - J 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT W sr. doslnz tham out. all our Mn a. Women's. Misses', Child ren s arxl Boys'. Tsn Shoes and Ox fords In this special sale. MEN'S Clapp's Russia Calf Oxfords, resilar prlre ta.ft, sal. . 4 n price ' Tlapp's ' Imported Russia Calf Ox fords, regular prli-e $.. A KO sale arm 4OU Hanan's Kussla Calf Oxfords, regu lar price o.0o. sale '1 7C price... O.aT O Boyden's Russia Calf Oxfords, regular prlo. .(, sale - "Tfii price..-. W''0 Russia Calf Blucher Oxfords, regnilar prl;e 13.50. sale O 7 price. O WOMEN'S Hanan's Imported Rimfls Calf and Iark Tan Kid Oxfords, regular price $4 6i, sale T f!6 price cf.tJ ZelBler Bros.' Russia Calf Oxfords, regular price HO"'. al. . Ck ff price KJ.XJKJ Imported Russia Calf Oxfords, reru lar price U. sale f price u.yjyj Dark Tan Kid Button Oxfords. rem lar rlpe W.50. sal. 2.50 price, Dark Tan KM Oafords. reu- 2 2R lar prk. ftuu. sale price. Drexel Shoe Co. 141 Faroam Street. : When Yon Write to Advertiser remember u takes only aa extra stroke or two of the pea to sajr jreu aa lb ad U Tae Bee, I LHI TRAC:.W.3 SUMPS EYUT TiSiE Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, pound can B4e And Ten Green Trading Stamps. ( . Kippered Herring (Free Aberdeen Awa), can. .. 100 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assorted, three packages..... tSo And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Japan Rice, fine, two pounds.' .'..' lea And Ten Green Trsdlng Stamps. VXW TOBBT TTU OBBAM OKZIII, In. And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. aoe Schepp's Cocoanut, pound package 8 Be And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Lemon Extract, bottle. ...... . Ho And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Baked Beans, three large rans 96e And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Bargain Soap, ten bars BSe 10a Trading Stamps. .1 .ISVia Trading Stamps. i dozen. RELIfF FOR LADIES HBflr e AloJiiti7 tafa. rlUkl MrfuLtaw i it.?- H Ak""n(.fs.nUaktsrHslalw. Imedi. U a.ii X'TIV""1' "' y ...... .., .... acma lux an amy p- CraMllttisa f rs prick aa.oo tofflr a. k N..1I O.ILL HOTEL!. HOTEL KUPPER cttw UlMOUt eit rair: '. jm)'ii,f - nlM'.aMr" -f 1 t. -"-fW sl - m i k r aU I r -m skal I full BM i r . - J ? ! r.ii 1 'Jiill''fJ. Ma. Thla manlfloeat kot.l haa tt beaa tlful rooms and Is located at 11th and McOee streets In the shopping district. Only half a block from the Emory, Bird. Thay.r dry goods store; bear all the t healers. IW rrtoast laakk Islrfssaa si U tesssa. let sad CeM laakks Water la Ivsry Bessa, VacsetUed Cast, rerteal Caala. dak resklsaki as4 TaMs 'Ms kav en Unai tm Cass, Istas II sy aad OswarC aneeaartsa. Reservations may ka mads hy tele graph at our expense. KVPFER - HKXSON HOTEL CO. r. A. BCkgOif, Maeaer. The Evans Hotel Hot Springs, Oo. Dak. Beautifully situated In the vale of Min nrkahta. The health and pleasure resort of the nordiwest. Only a inajht s ride from Omaha. Oolf. tennis, swimming, coaching, horse hack and burro rides end other amuse ments. Kxcellent orchestra In attendance. Visit womlerful wind cave. Exceptionally low rates on both C. m. N. V. and Burlington. For rates and Information, address: KOV M. HCXTT. Manager. SUMMER BOARD Beilevue College Dormitories July 7 to September 7. Addreaa 15KI.I.KVI K t'OI.I.KGE, I'bone Ked 12, feto. Omaha. rt ' i i a 38c I F E Great Wafer Buying Interest as Great as Ever 111 THE RELIABLE STARK A Few Special Are Here Mentioned. Hundreds Await You. Men's Neckwear Sale Tuesday For the flrat time during thla aale we will show our complete line ot Men' and Boya' Neckwear, and the Trices Mean (Juick Clearance. Most of thla line of goods waa entirely undamaged, but the boxes being wet we were forced to remove them. The prices for Tuesday mean Having of Fully Half to You. . Fine Ties, worth regularly up to $1.00, Jn light or dark' colors, newest ; shapes, most up-to-date patterns choice Tuesday, 60c 35c and Men's Hose, worth '10c to 80c per pair, in plain or fancy colors, all slies great anap, at, pair, 25c, 10c and 5c Three Tuesday Morning Specials Don't fail to take advantage of these splendid offers. Come early Tuesday. AH Kinds of Wash Goods, worth up to 10c per yard, on bargain square, f (new building), at, yard ( All Kinds of Wash Ooods, worth up to 16c per yard, on bargain square, (basement new building), at, yard Q All Kinds of Wash Goods, worth up to 25c per yard, on bargain square, r (basement new building), at, yard ....JC Peaches Peaches Peaches Now la the time to can this delicions fruit. We have Just received a car ot extra fancy Elberta, Texas, Freestone Peaches. Theee are the finest that grow; the richest in flavor; Juicy and sweet, and nothing finer for canning. ' Tomorrow" we will place thla car on aale at per four-basket ay crates, 3 per crate ....aJC Single baskets, , each . r . , 'JZDC No dealers or commission houses supplied at these prices. 21 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Hugar t a a i for;....... I.UU fo) r ) U D liL Li uJuJliinjLr v-lia The direct route to St. Paul and Minneapolis, Su perior, Duluth and all points in southern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is via The North-Western Line ?1075 Round trip from Return limit July until August 15th 12 SO Round trip from Return limit October 31st Two fast trains per day leave Omaha 7.50 a.m. and 8.28 p. m. Splendid equipment. The night train is electric lighted throughout with buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars. 6fe Best of Everything. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and full information apply t TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 Farnam St., Omaha, end 522 Broadway, Council Bluffs A TWELVE SIZE Thin model watch Is the proper sis for .f8"111"8'" use. We have the mln olJ filled, 116 00, 118.00. 120.00. same In aollrt cold $6.00 to around 150.00. These are tasty, desirable, reliable, watches. Bpend a few minutes in our store, look for the Hams. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1818 Douglaa St. YQU WILL KNJOY THE ALWAYS THE SAME. ALWAVS THE REST. F. R. RICE MERCANTILE CIOAR CO., Manufacturer. ST. LOCIS. MOTEL VICTORIA Dro.dway, Fifth Ave. and 27th St, NEW YORK Tft lr kUl la iaUahattaa fraatlac aa Broadway aad Flith Avaaae. Damage Sale The Very Best of the Bargains Now Offered Tuesday Items of Others Fully as Interesting Men's Tie that sold up to 50c, in newest patterns Four-in-Handa, TeckB, Strings or Bowa, will ' go Tuesday, at, 2 He, 10c and DC Men'a l'ntlTwear, worth up to $1.50 per garment, come in 811k and Lisle, Pure Lisle, finest colors, will go at 69c, 60c "1 C nl ZDC La Omaha July 24th, 25th and 26th. 31st, with privilege of extension on payment of fee of 50c Omaha daily during the summer. 20 DISCOUNT ON Traveling Dae, Suit Canes and Japanese Matting Hult Casea thla mouth. Largest stock and greatest range of prices In the went. We are sole agents for the Barnum Wardrobe Trunks. We carry everything in Traveling Baga, Trunks and Sample Caaea. OMAHA TRUNK FACTORY Salesroom and Factory, 1200 Farnam Street, Omuha, Neb. DELK 1Q18 FRAGRANCE OF A 5? ( HOTBLI. IN THE CENTER OF THE SHOPPING DISTRICT A Modarn Ftrst-Clase Hot.L Complets la ail Its appolntmsnta. Kurnlshlncs and deo orations entirely nW tlirouchouC Act om nia) iuijS for 60 s;iiosts. ISO sult.s with baths. Rooms, a 1 to dsy up; with baths, t.iO up. Hot and i old water and telephone In every room. Cuialna une ceUed. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF i