Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Page 9, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA' DAILY BKEt TTKNDAY, .11 LY 17. lpnfi.
Sanction that Unpar sd Fortioo of Street
in Ceater Be Parked.
Cowacll Aaeoaat of Ahit
. Iran City Twt Mrnbtri
' f Ceaaaattte.
Te ' snake boulevard out of West
Sratdwir w 1 suggestion advanced by
Meyer KMria at tha meeting of th
city 'council Uit night, and tha Idea wan
favorwMy- received by the councilman
preaant. with Tha exception of Walla'rw
epd Heedrlx. Tha cltT has recently
paved a atrip oh eech aide of (ha street
from Trdrtaanlh. to Twentieth and the
problem of caring for tha unimproved
apace ta the center has been worrying
the ;eJtjr etrfhorltles.' Mayor Macrae's
plan ta to enak a grass plot out of the
center 'end plant trees . along It. Tha
matter u discussed at length, but no
actlrrw, teken. . although tha .councilman
favor tha plan aa being the cheapest
way to dispose -of tha problem. Wallace
opposed ' tha plan, contending that the
city bad no right to make a boulevard
out of what he aald waa the main
thoroughfare, between Council Bluffs and
The eotmeU eu ear-red with notice of
two suits lied. In the dletrlct court
by Charles T.-Stewart and the other ex
ecvtdra of tha Blewsrt estste. In one
suit th city I asked to pay t5.m for
tha .damage sustained by the Stewart
property opposite the high echool build
Ing by reaaori of the eurface water flow
Ing from Bluff street tend Fifth avenue
on It. .The. other ault la to require the
city to restore the eurfaee grade of Bluff
street from Willow avenue to Blxth are-
nu ana or rifth avenue rrom Third to
Fourth etreet to the established grade
and . to reconstruct the paving on the
portlone of these streets In such a man
ner as to prevent the surface water from
flowing en the property of the Stewart
Brldce Meteor Dtseoaaed.
The queatlon of removing the bridge over
Indian creek at North Eighth street to
replace theone at Benton street and con
structing a new on at the former place,
wae brought tap and discussed at length.
City Engineer Etnyre favored changing
the present bridge on Eighth street eo as
n seen re two and a half feat more water-
I way end building a new bridge et Benton
itreet. JThls, he eald, would be lea costly
than, moving , tha .Eighth street, bridge.
Mayor Macrae Spoke In favor, of erecting
the new.. bridge en cement abutments, but
waa.. opposed In this by the city engineer.
The (natter .was disposed of for the time
being by the city engineer being Instructed
to prepare estimates of the coat of remodel
ing the -Eighth street structure, of removing
the bridge to Benton street and of the cost
of a pew bridge on cement abutments for
either Eighth, street or Benton street. The
committee on - bridges was authorised to
raise- the .bridges at Ninth and Twelfth
A resolution reducing the width of Tenth
street from Broadway tj First avenue,
which le about to be paved, to thirty feet,
was adopted."' "i '
Treasurer True and Auditor MeAaneny
were Instructed to prepare the special as
sessment books at a remuneration of 1100
each.' '""'
I When Councilman Flaming of the- com
mittee on fire and light reported that ow
ing to tha absence of the other members
of the committee, Councflmen Tounkerman
and MaJoney, the proposed contract with
the Cltlaene' One and Electric company
would not he presented to the council until
tha regular meeting next month. Mayor
Macrae u greeted that in the meantime the
city council -should secure data as to the
cost of street lighting In other cities. He
tated that he had learned that in Omaha
the coat of aro lights on an all night
schedule Was only 171 per light per year,
while the company asked IBS in Council
Bluffs, As the Omaha company furnished
the electric current for the lights in Council
Bluffs he said he could not see why this
city should, be asked to pay more than
Does Kot 'ittesapt to Fix Iteapeos.-
, . . .Ulty for His DMlk
At the -Inquest bald yesterday afternoon
by Justice K. B. Qardiaer, In tha absence
of Coroner Trsynoa from the city, ever
Olat Jensen, the young man who w
drowned fund ay evening at Laike Manawa
while-: making a. balloon ascension, .the
verdict of tba Jury waa a mere finding of
fact and waa that Jensen came to his death
by drowning la the lake 00 the evening of
July. la. Freeaoan U Read, James N. Caa-
ady, jr and Patrick Ounnoude composed
1 the Jury.
The witnesses examined were Thomas
Andrews, the professional aeronaut who
has the contract for the balloon ascensions
at the lake resort; John Bottomley end
W. 1. Relate, companions of young Jen
sen, add Otto Schneider and Charles Wood
' ward, employes of the Manawa Amusement
company. William , Hall, an employe at
the lake who recovered the body, was sun-
! poena ed but did not appear until the
Inquest waa ovsr.
Nothing but What has already been pub
lished was developed by the testimony ex
rpt that Jeneen wae unable to swim and
.that hi a two oompanlone. Bottomley and
I Relnta, had endeavored to dissuade him
from attempting to make the ascension.
The dead youth was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. John Jensen, former resldsnts of
Council Bluffs. The father la one of the
Janitors employed at the Vnlon Paclflo rail
road headquarters In Omaha. Several
year ago Mr and Mra. Jensen were
divorced and the boy's mother, now Mrs.
M. C. Chrlstensen. resides In Underwood,
la., where young Jensen made hie home
until about three years ago when he re
turned to this city and secured employ
ment "at "Hans Peterson's grocery. His
brother, Hans Jensen, la employed In the
grocery store of Counctlmsn John Olson.
A stater, Mr. Chris ' Peterson, resides at
Twenty-fourth and Cuming streets, Omshs.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Povibr
Cleanses sjid' beautifies the
teeth jad pvurlnea the breath.
Used for jveople of refinement
tbx over a quirt ex of century.
- ' Oonrenlent Tor tourlsta.;
- '." v, '-. fnieagio SY .... ,
her husband being a brother of Park Com
missioner Frank Peterson of this city.
If the Kureaal. where the catastrophe re
sulting In the drowning of sis persons oc
curred on the Fourth of July is In Sarpy
county, so must the portion of the lske
where young Jensen drowned be. but fol
lowing the precedent set by Coroner Trey,
nor. Justice Gardiner decided to hold sn
Inquest leaving It to the authorities of
Bsrpy cear.ty t9 hold another If they se
fit to do so.
Mrs. Chrlstensen. the. mother of jrmmg
Jensen, arrived In the city yesterday morn
ing from t'nderwond and Is stopping at
the home of her son, Hsns Chsrls Jen
sen; the hoy's fsther, wss also over from
Omaha. That young OUf, who was but 1
years of age. hsd ever expressed a desire
to make a balloon ascension was news to
his brother. Hans.
The funeral will he held this sfternoon
st I o'clock from the Danish Lutheran
church at Ninth street and Avenue. A and
interment will be In Walnut Hill cemetery.
child is bhttlly whippf.i
Tied a ad Lambed with . Strao by
Snsa Brother.
' Stripped of her clothing, with her hands
tied behind her back snd whipped with a
leather strap by her brother, a man of
S years of age. was a sample of the cruel
treatment which little Christina Romeo, a
child of 11 years, had undergone, aa brought
ont In the hearing before Judge Wheeler
yesterday morning In the Juvenile division
of the district court.
Neighbors had complained to Rev. Henry
Deling, court probation officer, of the
treatment which the child, It was alleged,
received at the hands of her parents and
other members of the family, and he had
the girl brought Into ceurt.
"If you were berore meass a prisoner and
not aa a witness I should feel prompted
to send you to Jail for thirty days." said
Judge Wheeler to the brother, when the
story of the whipping waa detailed. The
brother,' In excuse for his treatment of his
little sister, testified that the girl waa In
corrigible and persisted In Staying out with
companions of the other sex, contrary to
he orders of her father and mother. There
was no evidence, however, to substantiate
this charge against the child, and neigh
bors declared it false.
It developed during the hearing that little
Christina, although not IS years of age,
was compelled to get up at 4 or I o'clock
in the morning. Work In the garden and do
the washing of the entire family without
assistance. After . the whipping by the
brother Christina fled to the home of a
neighbor, Mrs. Peters, who iestlfled to the
girl's body, arms and legs being covered
with big welte from the blowe of the strep
and that the marks on her wrists showed
plainly where her hands .hsd been tied
with a rope while the whipping waa being
When Judge Wheeler decided that; It
would be best for the girl to send her to
the State Industrial school at Mltehelt
Vllle the parents broke out Into a loud
walling and begged te be permitted to take
their daughter back home with them, prom
ising to treat her differently In the .future.
The court, however, declined to change his
The Romeo family came to Council Bluffs
last October from Omaha and reside on
Elliott street. Neither can speak English
and Samuel Mancuao of Omaha acted as
Ooveransent Having Troable . to
' Becare Jary to Try Hoge, Miller
. ... si tut Klacart, , ' ..,
. . -..-V . ' I
PORTlwAND, ors., July le.-Ustenlng to
excuses pf the . special venire of talesmen
summoned to try the land fraud cases
consumed a large part of tha time today
in the federal district court. When the
case of the government against Attorney
M. A. Hoge of Medford,.H. W. Miller,
Frank E. Klncart and Charles Nlckell of
Jacksonville waa called, two of the de
fendants failed to put In an appearance.
M. A. Hoge la aald Hi be sick abed at his
home. Miller le thought to be In this city
and It la believed that he will appear to
morrow, to which time the case was con
tlnued.- The prosecution Is experiencing
considerable difficulty In rounding up the
different defendants In the case. Beside
Hoge, State Senator F. P. Mayes is do
clared to be at his home In eastern Ore
gon, too 111 to stand the trip.
In a large number of Instancea defend
ants were present and these entered pleaa
of not guilty. Indictments against B. A.
D. Puter, H. O. Mch'lnley. D. W. TarpUy
T. W. Potter and others already convicted
In connection with the la:S Irauda were
nollled by Prosecutor Haney on the ground
of former Jeopardy. Two other indict
menta were dismissed against defendants
who have died since Indictment.
Robert Ht.tot.
Robert Huston, t-year-old eon of Wlllard
J. Huston, died Sunday night at the Oen
eral hospital, where an operation for sp
pendicles waa performed on the child. The
body will be kept at the Lieelle Mace
undertaking establishment until Monday
evening, when It will be sent to Ida drove
la., for burial.
Detectives Ferris and Dunn have arrested
fid Morley on the charge of having stolen
four bars or pig lean iront a oox car a
tha smelter. Jack t'ompton, ssld to have
been Morlry'e accomplice, made his escspe.
The office of the circuit court clerk
being given a dressing of paint and varnish
preparatory 10 tne opening or me iuii lerm
of the federal courts. The south court
room la slso being renovated, the ceilings
revarnlshed and otherwise cleaned up for
the approaching court terms.
The Omaha branch of the Sixth division
railway mall service haa taken possession
of tta new quartere recently vacated1 by
tha Omaha division rural free delivery.
The railway mall force now nas six capa
cious rooms devoted trgits uses, Including
private offices, examination and file rooms.
VArtlcles of Incorporation of the Nebraska
Transfer company have been filed with the
county clerk. The authorised capital stock
Is l&.Oflft, divided Into aharea of II each, and
IT.buu of the capital la to be paid up. The
incorporators are E V. Magaret. presi
dent, and A. W. Rlemer. secretary
I.. H. snd May Dewey were arrested
Monday morning st 1124 lavenport street
by Detectives Kerris and Dunn and charged
at tha city Jail with being auspicious char
acters. In the effects of the prisoners wire
three dosen spoons Identified aa being the
property of the I'olted States restaurant.
The Deweye declared they walked from
Chicago to Omaha.
H. H. Hall hae been arrested at' Kansas
City on advice irom Chief of Police Don
ahue, who will send for the prisoner. Hall
will be rhsrged In tbe Omaha pollc court
with obtaining toft at the Murray hotel
under falee pretenses. Hall Is said to have
presented a check on the "Jackson Trust
snd Bavlnga company of Chicago.'' which
document waa returned aa worthless.
Meanwhile Hail had left tha city. K
Suit for V damagea was begun Monday
sfternoon sgalnst tne I'nton Pacific by
Joseph Mdleneahan. who lives near Val
ey. The plaintiff asserts the railroad com
pany stopped up a natural waterway, caus
ing Ms land to overflow about two years
s-o, damsglng his corn snd hsy crop to
tha amount of tTilX. Tbe Union Feci fie and
the- county authorities are now working
on a plan to reopen the waterway.
president Andrew Slbert of Waterloo, of
the Doualas County Veteran association,
authnrtsea tha statement that the annual
encampment, which la to be held at Wa
terloo, August W. so end tl. Is going to be
lbs beat reunion ever held in Douglas
county. The Waterloo people are making
every preparation for the event end every
old soldier of ftongtas county will be cor.
dtaily welcomed aud made le feel perfectly
1 at homo.
Endoeer Enbmita Estimate of the Cwt of
Proposed Bewer System.
Board of Kdacatloa Flies the School
Levy at Mills, Which la a Re
daction of 8 Mills from
Last Vaar.
Items of Interest before the city council
last night Were chiefly the estimates of the
city engineer on the general sewer system.
These were presented In his reports In de
tail. The totals of his estimates on the !x
sectldns of the sewer are as follows:
Estimated cost of the Mud creek malr
sewer. $H7. "; funds apportioned nnd
svsllahle. IMsaiO.
Jetter creek sewer, estimated cost, e.t,
111; funds available,
Highland park sewer, estimsted cost, 111.
147. e; funds available, fio.nnn.
N Street msln eewr. estimated cost, ftt,
T1 fin; funds available. S&.nnn.
North branch of N street main sewer,
estimated cost, tUYOflO; funda available,
Twenty. flrst street main sewer, estimsted
cost, .17, : .
From this It will be seen that the estl-
mstes exreed the available funds by f".-
e.15. It Is not likely, however, that the
bids will come up to the estimates. It mny
be there will be several thhusand dollars
saved on the contracts. These contracts
are to be let separately. The estimates.
plans and specifications were approved hs
submitted by the city engineer. The clerk
was Instructed to advertise for bids to be
received up to July 30 st S p. m., covering
all branches of the contracts.
W. C. iJimbert, acting for the city In the
suit pending regarding the paving of Mis
souri avenue, made a brief stntement of the
present status of the suit. He said there
was In fact no Injunction Issued; that the
object of the suit waa to Invalidate the
action of the city council, with, a prayer
that the injunction be afterward granted
Contractor Murphy might go on with the
work If he chose without Incurring con
tempt. He said he believed Murphy did
not want to go on with the work. He also
stated that, aa counsel for the city, he was
doing all in his power to advance-the case
to a hearing In this term of court.
Grading Bonds Defective.
Dan Hannon, the grading contractor, re'
ported to the city council that he could
not dispose of the district Improvement
bonds issued to pay the cost of grading
various streets, for the reason that thelr
form did hot make them ' technically a
general obllgntion of the city. Hannon had
been, compelled to purchase these bonds
from the city in lieu of cash, lie desired
that amendatory ordinances be at once
passed correcting the defect of the bonds.
He will Surrender the securities he holds
on the perfected bonds being substituted.
Mayor Hoc tor sent a message to the
council reporting a conference with the
county commissioners snd the Burlington
railroad yesterday sfternoon. The .rail
rosa agrees to build a steel viaduct over
Its tracks at Forty-fourth and Q streets
provided the city pays for the east ap
proach and the county for the west ap
proach and furnishes the road a waiver of
damagea . to property owners who might
be Injured by such a viaduct.
Among .Items of lesser Interest. T. C. Mc
Donald and 8. B. Rlchart filed -objections
to the damages allowed by the appraisers
to lots In the grading of the alley between
I and J and Twenty-second and Twenty
third streets, on the grounds that there
wgs a former appraisement still in force.
Charles FOsplsll reported that the grad
Ing of 'IT street at Twenty-second had
shut off the wster supply from his tenants
since July . He asked that the same be
restored at once.
J. T. Coatsworth announced his Inten
tion of sppeallng from, the action of the
council to the district court for flamages
to the amount of 130.009. He demanded 1
transcript of the council proceedings de
nylng his claim.
The clerk of the district court sent In
a ststement of fees due by the city
amounting to 13.139.46.
It was voted that the South Omaha coun
cil challenge the Omaha council for a game
of base ball to be played at Vinton street
park for the benefit of the South Omaha
hospital fund, the game to be arranged
by Mayors Dahlman and Hoctor.
It Wae voted to cloae the city hall until
noon today out of respect to Street Com
mlssloner Richard Dervln, whose wife Is
to be burled at 1:10 o'clock this morning
under the auspices of the Independent
Order of Foresters. The council then ad
Journed to meet Thursday at 8 p. m., to
give the - five amendatory ordinances the
second reading and thus, expedite the!
Cwttlng Affray at Cadahy's.
A amall cutting affray occurred at th
Cudahy Packing plant yeaterday afternoon
Aa a result James Cavanaugh la In till
and H. Sherwood has a stab wound In hi
back. Just over the region of the kidney
It is said that James Cavanaugh was the
aggressor and waa at the time under the
Influence of liquor. About i p. m. the
engaged In an argument on the killing floor
and resorted to knives In settlement. Th
cut In Sherwood's back was made wtth
narrow-bladed knife and was of such
nsture that the physicians dared not probe
It. It Is evident that the wound did not
pentrate very deeply Into the abdominal
cavity, for the man continued at work dur
ing the afternoon. He IS ssld to be of th
Christian science . faith and would allow
only the1 moat superficial dressing of the
injury. Cavanaugh waa arrested by Special
Officer John Sexton after he had resisted
The "Quality" .
of Pabst Bee
The Beet Material and the Clean et
Proreoa Makea It Most Popular
Pabet's process of brewing Is exclusive
all the way through and that la the "
aon why" Pabst beer Is today the most
popular brand of beer In the world.
People know when they drink Pabst Blu
Ribbon Beer that It Is the cleanest beer in
the world because It never Is touched by
hnntiN In tg errr p'-s f n
People know when they drink t-auat lu
Ribbon Beer that it is ths richest beer in
tha world, because It is made from tha ex
clusive Pabst eight-day malt, which Is ths
only malt In tha world that retains all of
ths richness of the barley.
People know when they drink Pabst Blue
Ribbon Beer that they are drinking a beer
that is fully aged, because it Is aged by the
exclusive Pabst process and Is never mixed
with "young" beer to give It head or body.
. People know that for tha past Mxty
years Pabet has been foremost to the
msnufacture of a superior beer because he
haa spent millions to brew a beer that la
perfect In Age, Purity snd Strength, and
Pabst's Blue Ribbon atands today without
an equal as a clean, pure, wholesome re
freshing beverage.-
1S7 Leave we rth Btreet, Oaaaha, Reb.
Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer
vn OROsaino aik re a rABrt
ntll clubbed into submission. Ills Scalp
was washed at th Jail, where he lay down
on a bench and immediately went to sleep.
rhonl Levy Te.ltf Mills.
The Board of Education met lest n!ght
I the South Omsha High school building
and passed on a number of Important
measures. One of the most vital was the
xlng of the levy for the coming year at
mills on the valustlon of property tsx-
ble for school purposes. The levy last
ear was about 15 mills. The school yenr
was lengthened from nine to nine and one-
nlf months and divided Into semesters of
wrnty and eighteen Weeks respectively.
It being Impossible to purchase property
t a special meeting of the board, the bids
for a st liool site were not opened, but re
ferred to the proper committee to sw.Vt
he action of the regular session. Four bids
were received offering school sites In the
nrtheast section of the city.
The assignment of teachers 1s still In
the hhnds of the teacher's committee, but
is likely they wilt be announced before
the close of the present week.
Card of Thanks.
To our neighbors, friends and members
of fraternal orders: With grateful hearts.
we wish to extend out hesrtfelt thanks for
your many acts of kindness and considera
tion extended us In the last days of our
daughter's illness, and in our hour of be
reavement. . - .
Miss Mary Wenehofei Sertoasly
mm Possibly Fatally
Miss Msry Wenshofer, sged shout 25
years and employed at the Merchants' rea
m-rant, Sixteenth and Dodge streets,
Jumped from a fast-innving street car at
Sixteenth and William streets shortly be
fore 12 o'clock Monday nlKlit, fell, and
struck the pavement on the back of tn
heed. It Is thought she Is severely injured.
Miss Wenshofer rooms with mother girl
employed at the same plnce, at the home
of Mrs. John Kraus, 12'.2 8011th Sixteenth
treet, and waa returning home with her
roommate after visiting sn aunt In Sheeley.
As tha car approached William street where
hey were to get oft, neither girl remem
bered to signal the condntor to stop. In
plte of the car's speed Miss Wenshofer
Jumped to the street. Seeing her fall tn
conductor stopped the car to Investigate het
injuries. She was conveyed to the home or
Dr. Ixuls Swoboda, 1508 William street,
where Dr. Van Camp made a' alight ex
amination and the police were notified.
The patrol wagon with roll re Surgeon
Elmore was sent to get the Injured Woman
and she was taken to the Omaha' Oeneral
hospital. There were lndlcn-tlons of a frac
ture of the skull and Internal Injuries.
Soldiers from Fort Snelllna; March
to Scene of Sanimer -and
' Autumn Maneuvers.
The Tenth and Thirtieth batteries, I'nlted
States light artillery, with iOO men, arrived
In Omaha Monday morning over the North
Western from Snelllng, ;Minn., enroute to
Fort Riley to participate In the summer
and autumn maneuvers there. The bat
tallon la under command of Major Samuel
Allen. The officers with the Tenth battery
are Captain W. 8. Over.ton.. Lieutenants
N. J. Shelton. C. Q. Morttmer and N. E.
Margetts, and Veterinarian" Ix)uls Diemer;
and with the Thirtieth battery, Captain
Oscsr V. Straub, Lieutenants F. H. Smith
and D., C. Cubblson, anL Veterinarian J. H
Gould. One of the batteries is a three-gun
battery and the other d' four-gun battery
The battalion will -'march' overland from
Omaha to Fort Riley. It -left here at noon
Monday. The command Is fully equipped
with all artillery paraphernalia and will
make its first camp at Kurt Crook Monday
night. i :
The command marched -through the
streets of Omaha from the Webster street
depot and attracted considerable attention.
Get Jo for. Erecting .ew Building
of th Carpenter Paper
The Carpenter Paptr company has let the
coiittact 'for the erection bf Its building at
the southeast corner of Ninth and Harney
streets. The contract went to an out-of-town
concern, whose name the Carpenters
decline to give. It Is thought by local
contractors that It was let on a per cent
basis, the owners to buy all material and
the contractors lo erect the building for
certain fraction of the entire coat. This
belief grows out ot the fact that the Car
penters have been figuring closely on brick.
lumber and other material since bids wete
submitted by various builders about
month ago. At that time a number of
local concerna entered bids, but the figures
were evidently considered high, for the con
tract waa not let. - The Omaha men were
not asked to reflgure.
Work will be begun on the building
within two or three days knd the contract
calls tor Its completion January.!. It will
be sevon stories In height and 110x130 feet.
Contract for Grading Lot ' for ew
Balldlng to Be Let This
Members of the board of directors of the
Rest Estste Exchange Building rempany
expect to let the contract this week
ths grading of ths company's lot at
southwest corner of Eighteenth and Far
nam streets. Tha two frame houses on
the lot, which were sold-lo T. J. Hook
and Police Bergeant Kentfrow, are to be
moved by the middle of the week. The
number of stories of the proposed bulldjn
hss not been definitely decided, but it
thought It will be five, se at first planned
Rough plans for a five-story structure have
been prepared.
Kalghts of the Urlw Will Hold
Their Aaaaal Oatlag
July ItH.
The traveling men of Omaha will hold
their annual picnic at Manawa July 2.
Oeorge Rogers, chairman pf the entertain
ment committee of Post A, Travelers' Pro
tective association, hss sppointed about
fifteen additional members of the commit
tee, and a good program of sports and
other entertainment haa been arranged.
Tha women's auxiliary of the post will
take part in the picnic, and the women
promise to All msny baskets with good
things to eat. Invitations will be posted
in sll the hotels ssking all traveling men
pf the city and all vurftlng travelers to be
Marrlag Licenses. - r-
The following marriage license has been
Issued: ,
Name and Residence. A
Wlllard Ivan KavsOniaba j
May tn Kingsley. Kendall. Mich IS
Alexander C Stewart. Omaha ,.'...J4
Margaret E. Balrd, Omaha ft
Lawrence B. Tlerney,' South Omaha St
Annie Cattle, South Omaha tl
Vleldr Rose. Oinaha SO
Maggie Harlan. Omaha.'..'. t. ...... M
Ferris R. Stewart. Omsha .' 2R
Edith F. Arnold. Omaha 1
Joseph Murphy. Virginia City. Ner. .......
Latnnie Uavla, Grand Island 'A
PIAJroifpft-E4hoim. irb aad Uaxaey.
Bidden Will Be Asked to Submit
C fieri to Oommittee.
Mewibera Call Attention Fact that
't'oaaty tiets Lower Rates aad
All Bids Are Thrown
Owing to efforts of Sunderland Brothers
snd Coutant Squires to have their coal
bids withdrawn because of alleged clerical
errora, tha Board of Education Inst night
ordered the committee on supplies to pro-
ure new bids to be opened and consid
ered at a special meeting next Monflay
nlghl. The committee had reported In
favor bf permitting the two Arms to take
down their offers cm three classes of coal,
to reject the proposals of the Victor White
company and the Coal Hill company on
ccount of Infractions of technicalities and
o award tf.e soft coal to the C. B. Havens
company at the following prices: Nut,
13.H3; lump, 14.13; steam, 12. 68, and anthra
cite to the C. W. Hull company for 19.55.
The bid of Coutant Squires on anthrft-
Ite was 19 and that of Sunderland Bros.
on lump coal 13.74. The former declared an
error of $1 had been made In addition; the
latter that the price of 14.14 for lump nnd
13.74 for nut had become transposed by mis
Cnnnty Bids (taoted.
Member Lindsay vnlred the first objection
lo accepting the report. He said the county
had Just obtained a price of t:.ffS for nut
coal and that the usual margin on lump
coal was only 40 cents more, making it
seem thnt Sunderland Bros., who made the
county hid, could furnish lump coal for
13.38 and still make money. Member Kee-
nlg pointed out that the Havens company
had bid :.R5 for nut roal to the county and
13.tl3 to the board, and that steam coal had
been offered to the county lower also.
It took the members a long time and with
considerable talk to determine what to do,
but the plan of getting new bids Anally was
s greed to.
Printing, stationary and Janitors' sup- ;
plies were apportioned among various bid
ders according to the lowest bids. j
rettlbono Brothers Manufacturing com
pany of Cincinnati again submitted the low.
est bid for cadet uniforms complete. HfS5.
There were four other bidders and the pro
posals were referred to the supplies com-
E. A. Zartment was elected head Of the
commercial department at the High school
at a salary of 1110 a month.
Fifth Ward Fire House.
Member Lindsay found cause for appre
hension ot danger to children that would
be Incurred by the location of the new
Fifth ward engine house near the Lake
school at Nineteenth and Lake streets. On
his suggestion the board decided to ask
the city to keep the station as far away
from the school as possible.
The following applicants were placed on
the assigned list of grade teachers: Jo
hanna Anderson, Mary Beecher, Gertrude
Bllger, Jessie Carey,. Pearl Coakley. Melvla
Danlelson. Clyde Dunlap, Ida Gordon, Min
nie Harder. Roberta Hattenhauer, Anna
Healey, Alice Henntnger. Edith Kinsman,
Florence McAllister, Marie Matthews, Anne
C. Nielsen, Nellie O'Connor, Emily Peter
sen, Maud Petersen, Filberts Williams.
These were put on the kindergarten as
signed list: Frances Ehler, Nell Guild,
Alice Hayes, Edna Hillls. Eloise Ulllls,
Georgia Patterson, .Laura Wllhelmy.
Balance Sheet for Vear.
Secretary Burgess submitted his annual
fiscal report for the school year ending
June SO, showing a cash balance of 15,600.19.
Interest on funds In tressury
t 1.491.2!
Llo.uor licenses -..
Miscellaneous licenses
Nonresident tnltlon
Police court lines,
4.998 K7
; ' 1. 2119.00
State apportionment 43,n2.55
Tax collections : Ju2.031.S3
Lobs snd damage to books and
property w. 2"9.7z
Sale of furniture, Junk, etc 192.06
Sale of high school supplies 7!.8
Sewer connection 60.00
Electric hunts, assembly room.... 11 Its
Appraisers' fee refunded 25.W
Miscellaneous sources 71.00
Total receintsl tr15.38.lS
Cash In treasury July L 1906 138.52S.67
Totiil genera,! fund resources' t35,16.85
Architects' services
614 16
10.K89 41
1104 to
Hooks :
Census enumeration ........
Drawing supplies
Election expense
Electric power
Examining committee
Express and freight
Furniture and fixtures
Insurance premiums
Interest and exchange
pure, l he critical eraeai inrougn wnicn tne expectant motner muii
pan, however, it ao fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thoughrof it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangerous. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares tha system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
of women through
the trying crisis without suffering..
Send for free bek resuming IsforsiaUoa
of pnotlett valss to M expcotaol mothers.
The Breeze Regv.'siar Cs.. Atlaata, ta.
High Grade Treatment
(If responsible, you may pay when cured.)
If rou have a disease or weakness peculiar te
the Palvle region, your condition calls promptly
for the best treatment tha medical profession
affords. Of tola fact you must be thoroughly
convinced whan you atop to consider how maaf
different doctors yeu have consulted, and haw
many bottles of worthless medicines you hare)
taken. We have no fault to And with the ma
who employs such Inferior treatment, for that
la his privilege, but the money be thus expense
would go far toward securing for blm a cure
that is aafe, rapid and permanent. Wt hare
long studied and thoroughly mastered Inifml
tlea of this character male pal vie diseases.
Recently ws bavs treated scores of stubbora eases,
and not a single failure or anpleaaaat raanit
has beea reported te us. Other physicians may
treat man, but w cure, there, curs them te ra
main il and thla fact wa are Dreoared ta
prove te tha entire aatlafactloa of ay naa ala
cerely Interested. Our fea are aa lew as they caa
grade treatment. -r
Me (irett anrf self swnWl are car H rests!: nrtd, VAKICOCIU, VflTHKAL
oBSTKuaio. srecific hooo foisqh. Mtiuo.m ai oesurr. pkostatic.
ILADDtt 4 HIDHIY freuWei. satf at UfdiH 4lunt$m4 wtaieeiset, srftl
fser reflet teeeicJHoe.
Northwestern Medical
& Surgical Institute Ml
Janitors JM?n??
Kindergarten supplies U94
l-tsl expenses MM
Light and f iel gss '.. 4 7'.'
Maps, rlisrts snd 1,435 73
Messenger service 3j 7f
Mutc supplies Sn SV
liflicers snd clerks 13.9!"
1 service sum
IVstsge ?"
Printing 1 l.rtf.1.7
I'lsno rent snd tuning ll.iVo
Kent l'.Sn
r.cpstrV general 1 7;T.74
Repairs to heating 2 Ass fti
Rensiis to plunililng 1..V.4
Stationery I,W(9
Supplies 4.7M 4f.
Special tsxes ".IW??
Tenchers ; 3X1'1; 71!
Telephones 230. M
Typewriter rent 75 00
Premium on tressurer's bond 2.I'00
Military supplies 4:t 7
Oardener. hish school 4j:.00
Moving store from 1J1 Jackson to
915 Iwrlflr street 14300
Miscellaneous Items of expense.... 3K7 .4:
Rond redemption fund.
Insurance fund
.!o M
. i.( 41.000 On
Total expenditures. Inrhitllng the
amounts transferred to other
funds t.V.7.S?S ss
Warrants outstanding July 1. IS.. 90.4:11. T
Total general fund llshllity t.i.llli; .
Cash In treasury July 1, 1906 sis, &:'.
Received during year M.V.isx.lS
Total l i"J.91ii Rii
Warrants outstanding July 1, 1905.1 9" 410 ;
Warrants issued during vear ulK.Si'i.SR
Transferrer from genernl fund
without warrant
Balance July 1, 190H,
ti;4S.31ti M
In excess of
R.ajiO 39
Cssh In treasury July 1, 19o .11.n9 ;:S
Oenersl fund warrants outstanding
July 1. 190S r.tsv99
Bhlance $.Vii..t
Pals nee in fund July 1. 190;, K.tws2 :,rt
Proceeds sale west side site fti.OI
Proceeds sale Heals school, frame
building .'.woo
Total 110.1,12.30
Balance paid on additional site.
Vinton $ M.tfO
Purchase lot 9, block 11, Parker's
addition, additional site, 1-ong
school l.i!.tXi
Balance In fund July 1, 1906
Total $lo.4:i2 0
Ralsnce In' fund July 1. 1905 II.21B 3S
Construction l,Mo.6
Balance In fund July 1. 1005 tls.f;!3.!1
Transfer from general fund .oun.OO
Interest accrued during year 7,44b.ou
Premium and Interest paid on
bonds Dtircnssea
1 754.70
Balance. In fund July t, lfcM
Balance In fund July 1, 1905......
Transfer from general fund.
Interest accrued during year.
Balance In fund July 1, 190B..
Fake Interview Vrlth Miss Wheeler Is
I'tterly Repudiated by that
What Is good for a man once accused
of murder has proven bad for a tinhorn
yellow paper convicted of unadulterated
James Dlggs, the negro who was charged
with the murder of Frank Wheeler, but
was discharged aome time ago, as no evi
dence could be found against him, prob
ably will be tried on a charge of robbing
Wheeler'a house sometime before the mur
der, on which charge he was arrested Sat
urday. County Attorney Slabaugh de
clares he haa evidence that Dlggs did the
work and he feels confident he can secure
a conviction. f
County Attorney Slabaugh as ye the ar
rest of Dlggs the second time has no con
nection with ths murder case, nor with
the visit to Omaha of Miss Wheeler, sister
of the murdered man. Miss Wheeler called
at the county attorney's office Monday and
repudiated statements Imputed to her In
a sensational evening paper that seeks to
Justify one of Its characteristic fakes. Un
less new evidence conies to light Dlggs
probafbly will not be tried on the murder
charge, as an acquittal would make it Im
possible to try him In the future should
new evidence turn up.
Fishing and Camping Rates to Clear
Lake, la,, Via Chicago Great
Western Railway.
For parties of ten or more one fare and
one-third for the round trip, good for ten
days. Tickets on sals dally until Septem.
ber'lO. For further Information apply to
H. H. Churchill, G. A., 1512 Farnam St.
Miss Alice Danforth was married Tues
day tdJ. R. Wright of Rexburg, Idaho, at
lier father's home, 1611 South Twenty
eighth street, Omaha, Rev. T. J. Mackay
fflcistlng. -'
No woman's nappl. -ne
can be complete
without children ; it
ta ber nature to lore
and want them
03f at much so at
a 11 ia to love tne
' beautiful and
Northwest Corner
13th and Parnara 3tJ
'satesf sate
IF rStEsodoU
be consistent with high I
Suffered Tremendous Itching Over
Whole Body Scratched Until
Bled - Worse at Night, With
Soreness and Excruciating Pains
A Western Lady's
"Last year at this t!r I suffered
with a tremendous itching; on my
back, which grew wore and wrtrso, un
til it spread over the whole body, and
only my fnre and tands wero free.
For four months or o-I suffered tho
torment of the damned, and I hnd to
scratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled.
At night when I went tobed thirtus
(rot worse, and I had at times to n't
tip end scratch my bodv all over, until
1 was ns sore ns could ne, and unt il I
S'ifTored excrticiatinn pins. 1 did .tot
know what it waa, and resorted to a
number of blood purifier, tlsirg at
times also Cuticurft Soap. They told
me then that I wss suffering frortj
ecrenih. Then 1 rnd up my mhd
thst I would slso tie Cuticura Ont.
mcnt sod t'utit'tira Hesolvrrrt. I med
t Item eTord'ne, to inrtrtirlions, and ver
soon indeed 1 was greatly relieved.. I
continued until well, and now 1 am
ready lo recommend theOuticura Item
ed ins to any one who suffers as did yon
obedient, servant. Mrs. Mary Mot rer
Sweetwater, OUa., June 28, 1!X)3."
Humors, Eczemas, and Itchings
Cured by Cuticura
The sRoniztnn itchmA nnd Inirnfnfe
of the skin, a in pcxema; the frightful
seftling. as in psoriasis; the loss of hair
and critstinjt of scalp, as In scslled
head all demand a rrmrdy of almrt
superhuman virtues to e'ticrMsftilly
cope with them. That Cuticura Soap,
Ointmentt and Tills are such et finds
proven beyond all doubt.
Snte ffireurtinut tli otlg. Outrun Sosf . Nr., OtBK.
mnt, Kkc., KwilTftil, Ms, its fftrm of Clclsto Cmta
Pills, tv. pT tal nt a, t lit st til Siwrftwit a
lni i r. Poltvr Inig bdA Cfarm. t Sais
lni,., Hnttan. Wul.
- mr Msli Vim, " Hew Is Can Sake BsaMri,"
fTlHE Ingredients of;
-- Ktora I leer are thej
best obtainable. Barley
malt made from the
choicest frraln frown lii
the west.t llottemlaTi
hops Imported direct at
three times tha cant of
American hops. Arte
sian wat er,' pure and
sparkling, from a 1.400
foot Vell.( ' The high
quality of these Ingre
dients greatly Increases
the cost " of making
Stors Keer. Yt you pay
no more roe It than for
common beer.' Always
order btora.Beer. Get
quality., dot yoyr
money's worth, .
Stors Brew Ing Co.,
'Omaha. . B3
. . ABK . : 4 j.
1001 Farnam St,
or address.-
. . Webaeh R. R.. .
Omsha, ' Hebrsaks
Diseases of r.len
Cured for $5.00
Pay what you can and begin treatment now.
Dr. McGrew
Is and always hae
been ths pioneer of
low c h a r g a a t(,t
treatment and fair
dealing with' man.
Over Thirty Thous
snd Cured Cssss ot
all forms of Llo-'
eases and Plsordere
Of Men guarantee
thla 'fact Thirty
years experience.
Over SO years prc
tic right here la
Omaha and throughout the 'Wast
A Guaranteed Cure
practically assuiod fur only' 16.00. Consul
tat. on and advice FKEK.
Treatment by mail Call or write. Bog
! T66. Offices 216 South Fourteenth atreet,
Omaha, Nsb. .
Every Vomai?
inwresua ana snoaia
M Am L Vhlrlio J'sarSy
Tea new Tatta Srrtea.
IMWSS4 burht. kaaa-gsf
eafr-Mat recanianl,
Sdk vest srwsM sir a.
If b cannuiaiipplj ths
ssasi Hi., krerr ae
othr. (nil send aiamp foe
llliiatralea booh mj.s. ft
full usxtieulara and 'lirftrtmr.. i
vsluabia to laiiiea. 1 SI SI, .. C-
a s. asa.r.. a aw IttsatT
Fol Sale of , . .
14th and Dodge ate.
H. Cor. lath ana Farnam eta.
T aj
' y-VtaxaX 1 Oaa tar UMUnl
a ....rJ Irrttaueaa leoe
-t fl fi. t-il i swiatsaa. aa4 a aearta.
VZ.nmtMMttommi Cs. geas 1
V S. a. a. . i ee seat pMa wSfa,
JW nssa. -'. ws
gl aa Mt kh as rv
euOaia aaat aw aaaaaas
1 assist ji II ' UJ? " a,
laterests the Whole rasatlg.