Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Eeristrntion for Land Glairoi in Wind
Hirer Beservation Teeint.
Offices Opened for Horaeteekere at Shoehoni,
Lander, Tbtrmopolii and Worland.
Retiitration Will End July 31 and Draw
ing! Begin Anenit 4.
Wrk Canals Mar Enable Entry
mil Lire a U4 Darlnc
Winter anil Maka
CHEYENNE, Wyo., J'' . -Upward of
l.S"0 registrations for la. he Shos
hone Indian reservation wi1 before
the bookii closed at o'cioci . Of
thru 609 were made at Bhos. "V ' at
Worland. 300 at Lander and ab t
Thermopolis. There was
no troi
ported anywhere.
Piano for Irrigation.
SHOSHONI. Wyo., July W.-Today
registration lor land In the Bhoahone or
Vtmd.lUver Indian reservation begun at
Shoshone, Lander. Thermopolla and Wor
land. Large crowds are arriving and offi
cial a of the general land office estimate
that lully 40,0t persona will register for
homes. The registration began at I o'clock
toilay and will close at p. m. on July L
The drawing will begin on August 1 and
will continue until August 15. when the
reservation will be formally opened.
There are about l.OOO.ono acres In the tract
to be opened and according to eurveya made
by the atate. under permit from the De
purtment of the Interior, from ,000 to
aou.lOU acies will be capable of reclama
tion h irrigation.
The i'ian adopted by the state promleca to
inuki- !ne opening of the Bhoahone reserva
tion the most successful of recent western
Indian land openings. The atate engineer
has pit pared a complete series of maps
ui.d specifications for a comprehensive Ir
rigation aysu-m. and the water rights to
the 4iitlre tract, which are vested In the
state, will be conferred upon the company
which will contract to furnish water to the
settlers at tha lowest cost per acre, tho
entire system to eventually become the
properly of the settlers. It la estimated
that water In thla manner can be put upon
over aiO.COO acres of land at a smaller cost
to the settler than If he built his own
dHin and ditchea.
The bids will be opened on August 1, and
H 1h expected that the company getting the
contract will Immediately atart operations
on a sufficiently large scale to enable many
of the settlers to mova on their landa and
ohtata.turiployment thla winter. There aro
about 4,000 gockl agricultural claims on the
reservation, and government reporta ahow
valuable mlnerala In the Owl Creek moun
tains. There were about 600 people In line for
the opening of the registry list for tha
Shoshone reservation here today. Three
hundred and fifty registered up to noon.
tl'iflr i were no disorders. The first per
ilous' ' register was Mattle Fuhrman of
monir. The first man to reglstor waa
u'mutid Burke of Lost Cabin. The bulk
of tho registration will be here, aa few
of H)ef be gna'4's are going further.
i hl ho manuger w'VUid ji-anaer.
dltlon of affairs to ex' Reservation.
ford to. We faltuly 16.-A dispatch to
chicken that had'Ulngs. Mont., aaya: Tha
"In my opI iOcal land office opened thla
packing he the filing of the land on the
finest In-rvatton, drawing for which took
rrwnts a.' In thla city July I. S and I. Of
long arnamea slated for entry today only
rrtdltl -eight appeared to take advantage
u..r chance to get a homestead. Thia
wily a small fraction over 0 per cent.
a IS a mucn smaller numoer inin waa
.'efllctod by even the most conservative,
if m
The first man to file waa Owen B. Wil
liams, who drew No. 1 and he made his
entry on a quarter section a ahort distance
east of Custer, the place where he resides.
No. 2, Henry Johnson of Sheridan, Wyo.,
filed on a tract In the Bandera townslta.
No. I, John Swartx of Chicago, located
near Huntley, a small place twelve miles
rsst of this city.
Trial Board Meads Battleship Over
Vnshon Island Coarse Poor
teen Times.
SEATTLE. Wash., July 16 -The battle
ahip Nebraska, under direction of the gov
ernnient trial board, today went over tha
course off Vashon Island . thirteen timea.
The vessel developed greet speed between
the stake flags and all conditions were fa
vorable for the trial. The contract with
the Moran Bros, company calls for a eped
Of nineteen knots.
The standardisation trial developed ttie
fact that the vessel will have no trouble
In making the apeed of nineteen knota re
quired by the contract. Thirteen runa wera
mad over the measured mile course and
in highest speed developed was 11.81 knots I suited In a verdict today that the derall
an hour. The average speed for five of the ! nient of the train was' due to the high
fastest runa was 19.237 knots. The main
engines made 1X35 revolutions per minute,
as against 11SH5 revolutions required for a
speed of nineteen knots. Thoae aboard the
vessel during the trial declare that It per
formed In a highly satisfactory manner. Of
the four sister ships built by the govern'
ment only one, the Georgia, has equalled
the performance of the Nebraska. Tbe
official contract trial will take place Tues
day, when a four-hour run will be made
at sea. During the trial the vaeael must
maintain an average apeed of nineteen
knots for a per'cd of four hours.
Joseph Jefferson Loaves Hla Favorite
Fishing Reel to tho Former
CHICAGO. .July 16. Joseph Jefferson and
urover t. leveiana went on many a nsning
trip together and the dead actor when ha
had hla will drawn up made It plain that he
desired those hsppy bygone daya to be
rememtwrea by me former president of tbe
United Statea on any future fishing excur
aions. Mr. Jefferson's will, dated October
17. lgto. waa filed hero today In the record
er's office. A rodiell attached to the will
and dated five years later la aa follows:
"To my friend, the Hon. Grover I "leva-
land. I bequeath my beat Kentucky reel."
Ta those who knew Joseph Jefferson In
life thoae few words mean that Grover
Cleveland waa the recipient of one of the
4aa4 actor moat treasured possession.
Factories Sell to People's Company
la Kirrai nf Contracts at
lw Prlev.
KANSAS CITY. J'lly 11 During the In
vestigation of witnesses at the hearing In.
stltnted by County Prosecutor I. B. Klm
brell to determine whether or not there Is
an lr combine In this city, which was re
sumed todav, the fart was developed that
two large Ice making plants have delivered
thl! season to the People- Ice. Storage and
Fuel company nearly 4.000 tons more Ice
than their contracts called for. It was also
shown that the People's company, despite
the alleged shortage of Ice, has recently
shipped Irn to other places In carload lots.
The Ice delivered to the People's company
In excess of the amount contracted for waa
sold at 12 per ion, although. at the time the
market price to retail sellers of Ice waa ad
vancing, and laono tons of Ice went to the
People a company when it would have
brought 15 per ton on the market In Kan
sas City.
Frank Ieeper, bookkeeper and scale
keeper for the Helm Brewing company,
testified that between February 2b and
July 11 of this year the Helm plant made
J.65S tons of Ice, 5.401 tons of which were
sold to the People's company. The contract
between the Helm and People's companies
called for l.A3 ton a
" How did you happen to deliver to them
1.6io tnna more than your contract called
' 'or 7"
'We had the Ice and they wanted It."
12 a lonT' ''
"'How did you hsppen to charge some
buyera more than others?"
After we had supplied the Val Blati
brewery and the Green Tree brewery, tha
Feople'a company "wanted Ice and we
thought the weather was warm enough to
advance the price."
The defense at this Juncture showed that
much of the Ice made by Helm's for the
People's company had been shipped away
from Kansas City. The prosecution asked
why tha Ice waa shipped out of town when
the testimony thus far had Indicated that
there Is not enough Ice here to supply the
demand at home. The defense objected
to the question and It waa ruled out as
calling for a conclusion from the witness.
O. 8. Llnds, bookkeeper for the Van
Derslyee-Lynda Ice company, testified that
his company had sold to the People's com
pany 2,027 tons more Ice than that com
pany had contracted for. The hearing will
be resumed tomorrow.
JACKSONVILLE. Fla.. July 1.-Ice deal
ers tried on the charge of combining to
raise the price of Ice today were found not
guilty of criminal Intent to defraud. It
was proved that of .the alx Ice planta In
Jacksonville, five are not in operation. The
other sells exclusively to the Jacksonville
Ice Delivery company at 12.60 per ton.
The delivery company sella to the large
consumera for $6 a ton, to small con
sumers for IS a ton and to housekeepers
at from til to J18 a ton. It was also proved
that Ice can be manufactured here and
sold at a profit at CIO a ton.
Richest Man la London. Interested In
TraasTaal, Dlea After Long
LONDON. July 16.-Alfred Belt, the well
known South Afrlcsn financier, died today
He had been In 111 health for some time.
Mr. Belt waa born In 13 at Hamburg,
He waa a life governor of the De Beera
consolidated mines, a partner In the firm
of Wernher. Belt It Co., and a director o
the Rand mines, Rhodesia railways
Beuchuaaaland railway, trust, consolidated
company, Bultfonteln mine and British
Chartered South African company. Ha
waa reported to have been Implicated In
the Jameson raid. Later a suit waa brought
against Mr. Belt on the ground of com
pllclty In the rsld and his prosecution waa
demanded by Dr. Leyd. the repreaentatlve
of the Transvaal In Europe, and In 1896
his resignation from the board of directors
of tha British Chartered South African
company waa accepted. When Cecil
Rhodes died In 1902 It waa found that Mr,
Belt was sppolnted one of the executors
and Mr. Belt thereupon returned to tha
board of directors of the British Chartered
South African company.
Early in 1901 Mr. Belt had an apopoletlo
stroke while at Johannesburg, and It ap
peara that he never fully regained his
health. Since that time he haa lived In
Mr. Belt, who la aald to have been the
richest man In London and who controlled
the output of gold In South Africa, waa a
one time alleged to be forming a "gold
trust" In which names of prominent Amer
lean financiers were mentioned. He gave
large sums of money to the Red Cross and
other institutions and revently donated
1600,000 to found a university at Hamburg
Coroner's Jnry Blames Railroad an
Engine Drlve-r for Disaster at
Sallabnry, England.
SALISBURY. England. July 16.-The
coroner's Inquest Into the cause of the
wreck of the Plymouth steamer express
whereby twenty-one Uvea were lost, re
speed at which It waa running and con'
trary to the company'a orders.
In a rider tu the verdict It la declared
that drivers of trains not stopping at Sails
bury should have their attention drawn to
' ''? regulations, which waa not done In
this rase. The Jury declined to allow the
verdict to be recorded as one of accidental
death, saying they considered that a cer
tain amount of blame attached to the com
pany as well as to the engine driver.
There la no Improvement ln the condition
of Robert 8. Crltrhell of Chicago, who waa
aeriuusly injured In the wreck.
K. H. Harrlman Hna Control
f Bond.
j RHVOL1TE. Nevada. July 16 -8enstor W.
A. Ciark and brother. J. Ross Clark, are
here today inspecting the new railroad line
j now building from Las Vegae to thla camp.
I ln an Interview today Ber.ator Clark said:
"I desire to state that the report rela
tive to K. H. Harrlman owning the con
trol of tha San Pedro, Salt Lake Lo
Angeles Is absolutely without foundation.
In fact, I own the control Individually and
always have. There haa been no change
whatever III the management and moreover
the branch from Las Vegas to Tonopah will
maintain a separata existence. It la also
my individual enterprise barring a email
holding of stocks among my frlcnda.
Geaeral Koilov Killed by Revolutionist
Who Took Him for General TrepofT.
Assassin Carefallr Com par s Victim
with Miotocraph of TTepoBl
Resemblance Between
Men It Grent.
ST. PETERSBURG, July l.-Additlonnl
etails of the assassination of General
Koilov of the headquarters staff in the
park at Peterhof, on Saturday, proved be-
ond question that the murderer believed
he was killing General TrepofT. The trag
edy occurred at 1:20 In the evening In the
presence of several thousand people who
were listening to the music In the Kngllfh
park below the grand chateau, adjoining
the park of Alexander palace, where the
mperlal family and General Trepoft re
A young man, dressed In the clothes of
a workman, seeing Grneral Koslov. who
resembles General Trcpoff, gaxd long nnd
earnestly at the general's face, and then
took a photograph from his pocket to com
pare It with Koxlov's features, as if to
make sure of his Identity.
Koslor Dies Instantly.
The man then drew a pistol and fired four
shots point blank at Koilov, who fell mor
tally wounded and died on the spot. The
nsassln started to flee, out Prince An-
dromiroff seized hlni and turned him over
to the police, who thronged the park.
The crowd shouted, "Lynch him," but the
prisoner wss conducted safetly to police
headquarters. When he waa searched Tre
poff'e photograph waa found In his pocket,
leaving no doubt regarding the Identity of
the person he Intended to kill. The assas
sin refused to give his name, although he
openly avowed that he waa a member of
the social revolutionary organization, and
the police Have not yet been able to find
out his name.
General Koilov waa not Involved In poli
tics. He married a grauddaughter of the
famous field marshal, Count Alexander
Tronble In Capital
Sunday night witnessed the usual col
lision between workmen and police and
gendarmerie in the Industrial quarters of
the capital. The most serious affair oc
curred on the Sclhesselburg road, where a
crowd of 1,000 persona attacked a steam
street car. which ran over a drunken sol
dier. The crowd stopped the car with the
Ir.tentJcr. of !yr.chlng the engineer and con
ductor, hut were finally dissuaded by the
pacific counsel of a workman.
The noblea having large estates have
formed an organisation for the mutual pro
tection of their properties, both against
expropriation by law and despoliation by
the peasants.
No Record In Dnmn.
The different groups In Parliament are
systematically wending members Into the
country, campaigning in favor of the pres
tige of Parliament. From the very be'
ginning by tactic understanding M roll
calls have been taken at the sessions of '
tha lower house, so the government will
have no records of the votes with which to
prosecute members should reaction again
get the upper hand.
Representatives In Parliament of the va
rious regions of the empire are uniting.
Irrespective of party affiliation, for the ad
vancement of their local Interests. This
movement shows plainly a drift toward
decentralization and indlcatea the natural
tendency toward the disintegration of the
vast empire, once the grip of the central
authority la broken.
Membera of the court party. Including,
among other prominent persons. General
Count Ignatieff and Prince Tcherbatoff,
held a meeting yesterday and organized
a union or the House-owning Gentry,
electing Prince Kasaatklne Rostkovskl
president. Each member agreed to con
tribute one-tenth of 1 iper cent of his In
vested capital to form a guard for the
protection of property belonging to mem
bera of tha union.
Cabinet Situation Inrhanged.
There are no developments In the cab
inet situation. The murder of General
Koilov Is reported to have made an ex
ceedingly bad impression on tha emperor,
and tbe Novoe Vremya denlea that the
cabinet had resigned. The hesitation at
Peterhof haa undoubtedly raised hopes Jn
the minds of some of. Premier Ooremy
kin's colleagues that he can hold on even
In the face of the adverse vote In the up
per house of Parliament on Saturday.
M. Rodlt chert", leader of the constitu
tional democrats, will head the deputation
of the Russian Parliament to the confer
ence of the Interparliamentary union In
London, which assembles July 23, M. Al
ladin repreaenting the Group of Toil.
There waa an Incipient mutiny in the
fortress of St. Peter and St. Paul today.
Two soldiers refused to obey orders of
their commander and when threatened with
arrest the whole of tbe regiment to which
the men belonged came to their support.
A court of Inquiry will be instituted to
ascertain all the facta In the case.
Jadao Groaaenp Grnnta Slay of
Execution Pending; Appenl to
Higher Conrt.
CHICAGO. July 16.-Judge Peter 8 Gross
cup in the United States circuit court to
day granted the Chicago eV Alton Railroad
company, John N. Fait horn and Fred A.
Wann, wrlta of supersedeas staying the
execution of a fine aggregating !i0,0u0 as
. inBt the tnree d,.fendanU a ,hort
time ago by Judge I-andls in the United
Statea district court on charges of granting
illegal rebatea to the Schwarzchild & Sulz
berger packing corporation. At the same
time a bond of la.(X'0 covering the fine
pending an appeal of the case to the United
States circuit court of appeals, waa filed
by the defendants. This is practically a
friendly proceeding, because both sides of
tha case ara desirous of having a decision
of the higher courts on the' rebate question.
Three Pooplo Killed and Twenty In
Jnred no Resnlt f na Ea.
ASHLAND. Wia., July It A powder mill
several miles from thia city blew up today,
killing threo men. Twenty were Injured!
Tha dead are:
J. L. PIERCE, superintendent of the mill
The neutralizing plant was totally de
stroyed The mill waa owned by tbe Atlantic Dyna.
mite company, and there wera about tweny.
five buildings ln tha group.
Tbe shock wsa terrlrto and broke many
windows IC Ashland.
SngsTestlon of Gnntemnln Revolotlon
! Anent Arbitration ot Taken
Seriously at Washington.
OT8TER BAT. N. T.. July 11-Peace
negotiations between Guatemala and "M
mdor are being arranged today by Presi
dent Roosevelt and Acting Secretary of
State Bacon at Sagamore Hill. The ques
tion not yet settled Is whether Honduras
will become a party to the negotiations at
this time. It Is reasoned here that it would
hardly be fair to compel Guatemala to
face two former foes In a peace conference
at one time. Honduras will probably agree
to the settlement arranged by the two
states primarily Involved. The negotia
tions, It is stated, will doubtless be held
on bosrd the Amertcsn cruiser Marblehe id.
now In Guatemalan waters. The srbltra
tors on behalf of the V'nited Statea and
Mexico will be the Mexican minister to
Central America. Messrs. Combs and Merry,
t'nlted States ministers to Guatemala and
Salvador, reapectlvely. .The date and de
tails of the proceedings beyond this have
not been arranged.
The suggestion of Guatemala revolution
ists that they will be willing to accept
any president for that country who may
be agreed upon by President Dlaa and
President Roosevelt is not considered se
riously by the State department. Revolu
tionists have no International standing and
It would be Impossible for the presidents
of Mexico and the I'nlted States to recog-
nlxe the Insurgents In any way unless they
should completely overthiow the govern
ment of Guatemala.
President Roosevelt's sctlvlly In the Cen
tral American dispute has been misunder
stood In some quarters, according to State
department officials. It would be highly
Improper, It Is stated, for the president to
offer his services as an arbltrater and he
haa not done so. He merely suggested to
the warring republics that he will exert
his good offices to assist them In settling
their difficulties.
Honduras Is willing to disarm and submit
Its grievances to arbitration as soon as
Guatemala and Salvador agree to do like
wise. A dispstrh announcing Honduras'
willingness to arbitrate was received today
by the State department from Philip K.
Brown, the American charge, who Is look
ing after the Interests of the I'nlted Btstes
In Honduras and Guatemala during the ab
sence of Leslie Combs, the American min
ister to those countries, who waa on his
way to the I'nlted States when the war
broke out and has not yet been able to
get back to his post at Guatemala City.
Mr. Merry, the American minister to fnl
vador, advised the department today that
he Is still negotiating with the Salvadorean
authorities, trying to get them to agree
to disarm and meet Guatemalan envoys
In Washington, or elsewhere, to arrange
for a settlement of the difficulties. .
NEW YORK, July 16.-The Associated
Press has received the following telegram
from the president of the republic of Hon.
dura s : ,
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras. July 1. .
Honduras has not declared war. Guate
maia. without Justification or reason, has
Invaded the territory of li1s country ami
the whole country hss cor-e to the national
defense. (Signed) MANy JEL.-BONILLA
TEGUCIGALPA. ' Honmiraa. July K.
According to ' an agreement signed at
Corlnto, alx months ago, the republics of
San Salvador and Honduras became allies
for defensive purposes.
Mrs. I.n Barer, Whose Hnsbnnd Wna
Killed In Persln, Protests Aaalnst
Collection of Indemnity.
WASHINGTON, July 16.-ln the Persian
correspondence In the portion of the red
book on foreign relations which was made
public by the State department today is
contained a atrong protest addressed by
Mrs. Mary Schauffler I -a Baree, formerly
of Urumla. Persia, to American Minister
Richmond Pearson at Teheran, against the
exaction by the United Statea of an In
demnlty of 150,000 for the murder of her
husband. Rev. Benjamin W. La Baree, a
missionary, killed on Mount Ararat by re
llglous fanatlca. While believing that whev
an American citizen haa been murdered
because of the criminal laxness of a for
eign government those dependent on him
for support should be awarded a suitable
Indemnity, Mrs. I -a Baree made the fol
lowing declaration:
I believe that the great mission cause
to which my husband and I dedicated our
lives, and which has become dearer to me
because of the terrible sacrifice I have
been called upon to make for It, I believe
that this cause may receive serious injury
If my children and I accept an indemnity
for this murder. The matter would not
be understood by the great mass of the
people in this district, who would in
evitably know of it. as the Persian Idoa
of "blood money" is so different from our
civilized understanding of an Indemnity.
Thus serious and lasting injury might lie
done to the mission cause for which we
have already sacrificed so much, that 1 pre
fer to waive my rights aa an American
citizen, rather than to see this cause suffer.
Mrs. La Baree asked that the strongest
measures be taken by the United Suites
government to see that If any Indemnity
waa exacted In the end. It should not he
extorted by the Persian government from
the innocent people of the province where
the murder occurred
In spite of her protest 130,000 waa actually
paid to her by Persia before the thirty
days period named In the ultimatum of the
United Statea had expired. Thla sum waa
three ttmea greater than tha maximum
ever before paid by the Persian govern
ment for the murder of a private person.
All of Convicted Kansnn's Attorneys
Ask that He Be Given ew
WASHINGTON, July 1.-The petition of
Former United States Senator B;irton for
a rehearing by the supreme court of the
United Slates In the rase against him was
received by the clerk of the court today.
The petition is signed by all of Mr. Bur
ton's counxel, consisting of John F. Dillon,
F. W. Leihmann. Harry Hubbard. W. K.
Hayntss, W. H Hackney end B. P. Wag-
genr. I hey oontend that the court should
have sustained the condition that section
17R!, the siatute under which Burton wss
prosecuted, aaa unconstitutional and void
and it is urged that the opinion of the
court shos that many important consider-
ations bearing on that statute was over-
It is also urfc-ed there was no proof to
suotaiu the charge of the incident that
Burton rendered service to the Klnllo Grain
company ln thj proceeding of the United
States against it; that the offense, if any,
was committed only on and not continu-
ally every month during the term of Bur-
ton's employment at. counsel by the com
pany; that the letters of complaint sent to
tha Postoflue department vhould not have
been read to the Jury and much testimony
as admitted that should have been ex
eluded and much excluded that should have
been received.
Viai to re Welcomed to Denver hj Governor,
Mayor and Local Brother.
California Man Mas So Opposition
nnd Meat Meeting; Will Prob
ably Be Held In Philadelphia.
DENVER, July 16. The real opening of
the Elke' convention occured shortly after
I o'clock tonight when public exercises were
held at the Tabor opera house. The theater
waa packed early by Elks and their friends.
who were kept In good humor until the
exercises began by the almost constant
playing of several bands of music.
Walter Collier, exalted ruler of Denver
lodge No. T, presided and Introduced the
speakers. Oovernor Jesse McDonald, Mayor
Rolert W. Spcer, Luther M. Goddard of the
supreme court and Perry Clay, a prominent
member of the local lodge, made addresses
welcoming the visiting Elks. Robert W.
P.rown, exalted ruler of the grand lodge.
delivered an address In response and there
were several brief responses made by other
prominent visitors. The session then ad
journed until tomorrow.
This afternoon thousands of Elks visited
the University Ball park, where an exhibi
tion of broncho breaking and roping of
Eteera was given.
Melvln for Grand Rnler.
It Is generally conceded that Judge Henry
A. Melvln of Oakland, Cat., will be the
next grand exalted ruler of the Elks.
Practically all opposition to him wss re
moved today when Dr. W. H. Havlland of
Butte. Mont., absolutely refused to make
the fight for the hoWr. Thla means unless
some other candidate springs up between
now and Thursday afternoon the Call
fornian will have a clear field. Dr. Havl
land says he la a candidate to succeed him
self aa grand trustee and nothing else.
Borne of his friends, however, declare they
will nominate the Montana man and stam
pede the convention In his favor.
No concentrated oppostlon to Philadelphia
hna developed and that city will probably
win the next convention.
Toast to Absent Brothers.
At 11 o'clock one of the prettiest cere
monies of the Elks was observed In the
toast drank to the "Absent Brothers."
At the hour whistles blew and bells tolled
to remind the Elks, wherever they were.
of the time of night. The ceremony will
be observed In the same way during each
night of the week.
The annual report of Fred C. Robinson,
grand secretary of the grand lodge, made
public today, shows that on July 10 there
were 224.808 membera, an Increase of 27.597.
The report also shows that the order Is
In the -most satisfactory financial condi
tion aa well as showing an Immense
amount of relief work done during the
Secretary Taft Visits Hint to Settle
Question of Brigade Posts
In Army.
OTSTER BAT, N. T.. July 16.-Presldent
Roosevelt begins thla week with the busiest
day he haa had at Sagamore Hill this sen
son. First, he will conclude the question
ot establishing brigade army posts besides
many other matters with Secretary Taft,
who arrived at Oyster Bay on the morning
The secretsry is to go to Canada for a
two months' rest, and this visit to the
president Is for the purpose of settling all
mattera requiring executive action and
which are possible of conclusion at thla
time. Assistant Secretary of State Racon
will reach Sagamore Hill aome time during
the day.
General Theodore Bingham, police com
mlanioner of New York, and P. F. Dunne
(Mr. Dooley) are expected ' on the noon
train. General Bingham waa formerly au-
perlntendent of public buildings and
grounds at Washington, In which position
he had general supervision, and hla call
with Mr. Dunne la social.
F. W. Whltredge, special ambassador for
the United Statea to the wedding of King
Alfonso of Spain, will be a visitor to
Sagamore Hill today also. Mr. Whltredge
will maka a report of his mission to Madrid
direct to the president.
Secretary Taft aald that aa a reault of
hla visit to Sagamore Hill four brigade
army posts will be established this year.
Although It la decided that seven such
posts should be established, the appropria
tion this year Is not sufficient for the
others. The posts decided on are Fort
Riley, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.; Fort D.
A. Russell and Sam Houston, Tex. Be
tween 1200,000 and 1300,000 will be ex
pended at each poat this year out of OTe
current appropriation. These posts will
be put In command of brigadier generals.
WASHINGTON. July 16-Concernlng the
subject under discussion at Oyster Bay to
day between the president and Secretary
Taft, 1t was stated at the War department
today that pending the settlement of the
Question of sufficient water supply at Fort
Bill a tentative survey of that reservation
has been ordered with a view to de
termining what can be done ln the way of
erection of a brigade post there. With re
srect to the brigade post ln the eastern
states and one on the Pacific coast, the
I questions must await the action of congress.
The allotments will carry about 1500.000,
to be divided between Fort Riley and Fort
Leavenworth, and about a similar sum to
Fort D. A. Russell and something larger
to Fort Sam Houston and about Isno.OOO
to Fort Robinson.
Considerable Property Da ma a e H e-
portrd nt Sororro, Son Mnrrlal
and Albnqnerqae.
SANTA FK. N. M.. July IS. -Considerable
i property damage was done this afternoon
Socorro. San Martial, and nearby aettle-
mi nts bv an earthquake shock, which n.
I it,. ..vorxt nf the two hundred shocks that
j have occurred ln that part of New Mexico
(during the past two years. The shocks are
1 local and are caused by earth slides In the
Magdalena mountains.
ALBUQUERQUK. N. M . July 11 -Thla
section of New Mexico experienced anothei
slight earthquake at noon today. Objects
moved perceptibly and a dull, sickening
I sensation nas experienced. No serious
j damage has been reported. People In the
Armltajo building, thinking that the build-
Ing was about to collapse, ran out Into the
Tones to the south of Albuquerque also
; Mt the shock and residents of Socorro and
u . u..,. ml ur In slate nf alxriti Th.
. . , a, .-a ,i, .,.
adobe bulldlpgs at Socorro and other etruo
turea built ot mud, were badly damaged.
Pale Tneaday and Wednesday and
Wnrmrr In Enst Portion.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterdnyt
1 p. m .
1 p. m .
J p. m.
4 p. m .
.1 p. m .
H p. m.
T p. m.
N p. m .
a p. tu .
ft n. m .
tl n. m.
T n. m .
M a. m .
ft a. m .
to n. m ,
II n. nt
13 m
Jndge Frasrr Charges Attorneya for
Roth aides with Sharp
PITTSBURG, July l.Replete wl'h
sensations, as It has been from the start,
the climax of sensationalism In the Hartje
divorce case was reached today, when an
attempt was made to resume the case be
fore Judge Fraser. When the case was ad
journed last Friday It was expected that
It would be resumed this morning, but It
was contingent upon the turning over of
the famous forty letters, which are exhibits
in the case, to Mrs. Ilartje's connsel, by
counsel for Mr. Hartje. Just previous to
adjournment on Friday, there was smie
controversy between counsel and Judge
Frnxer announced that If Mrs. Hnrtje's
counsel could not secure the letters the case
would be adjourned until Tuesday morning.
The understanding, however, was that Mrs.
Hartje'a counsel would have the letters
and the case would proceed this morning.
After some minor cases had been dis
posed of In the court, the Hartje case was
called and Mr. Free of Mrs. Hartje a coun
sel explained thst he had been unable,
to get the letters and was therefore unable
to go on. Judge Frazer thereupon took
the counsel for both sides to task and
charged them with sharp dealing. Ho
severely censured both sides, and especially
charged the attorneys for Mr. Hartje for
trying their case in the newspapers and
with giving out Interviews regarding the
case for publication. Judge Fraaer further
stated that It was a disgrace the way the
case had been carried on and that he had
particularly noticed that what questions
appeared In the papers were taken tip
by the attorneys the following day, as
though they were- briefs at law. Judge
Fraier further said that this had gone to
such an extent that If continued further he
would be compelled to exclude all reporters
from the court room. Such an effect has
thla had upon the publication of anything
pertaining to the Hartje case that Pitts
burg papers tomorrow morning will print
no speculative stories regarding the case
and further leaks from detective agencies,
handwriting experts and associate counsel
are expected to be rather few.
The case will be resumed tomorrow, as
the exhibits were turned over tot Mrs
Hartje's counsel today, at the command of
Judge Frazer, who emphatically stated that
the exhibits were the property of the court
and not of any counsel.
WrerU on Colorado Southern Cnnses
Dentb. of Engineer nnd
Fireman's Injnry.
. TRINIDAD. Colo., July 16.-Paasenger
train No. 7 on the Colorado ic Southern
railway, carrying hundreds of Texas Elks
to the convention ln Denver, waa wrecked
three miles north of Forbes Junction, early
today. Engineer Martin J. Cullom waa
killed and Fireman Charlca T. Garrell
badly hurt.
That the whole train was not carried into
the deep arroya, resulting ln serious loss
of life, is probably due to the fact that It
was running alowly on account of the re
cent heavy raina.
The train ran Into a landslide while
rounding a curve and the engine rolled off.
carrying tbe two baggage cara with It.
None of the passenger coachea left the
track. Cullen was caught under the loco
motive and hla body crushed to a pulp.
Fireman Garrell Jumped, thua escaping
d-ath. Though aeverely Injured he walked
three miles to Forbes and notified the offi
cials here.
Two special tralna from the aouth, car
rying Elks to the Denver convention, are
held here on account of the wreck.
Appointments In Postnl and Weather
Service In Nebraska, Iowa
and Dakota,
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 16.-(Spedal Tele
gram.) Minnie Hendershot hna been ap
pointed postmaster at McCnnn, Cherry
county, Nebraska, vice E. Brenklander, re
signed. Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Grinnell,
route 6, William Wortman, carrier; Llda B.
Wortman, aubstltute. Westfleld, route 1,
Archer A. Lilly, carrier; Alonzo Lilly, sub
stitute. Whiting, route 1. James Kinsley,
carrier; Grace Kinsley, substitute.
The application of Ed. F. Gallagher. Webb
Kellogg, W. A. Morgan. E. E. Ellis, M.
Flannlgan and T. F. Birmingham to or
ganize the Firat National bank of Allen.
Neb., with t2,000 capital haa been approved
by the comptroller of the currency.
Civil ' service examination will be held
July 28 at Yankton, 8. D., for clerk and
carrier in the postofflce service.
Paul Hess of Yankton, 8. D., haa been
appointed assistant observer in connection
with the weather bureau.
W. R. Johnson Expires While Open
Ing Letter Telling Him of
Legacy of S20.000.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July 1.-Whlle open
Ing a letter from his sister which con
tained the information that he had fallen
I heir to 12O.0U0. W. R. Johnson, a switch
j man, 4 yean old, died today from the
rupture of an artery near his heart. The
Mter was from Mrs. W. J. Hammer in
Greensburg, Pa.
' Movements of Oeenn Vessels Jnly 111
i At New York-Arrived: Moltke, from
j GA't Gla ig" w-A I rH edT Prt'lan.
At Ixndon Arrived :
New York.
At Plymouth Arrived
Miunetonka, from
Kaiser Wllhelm
der Groes from New York
At Bremen Arrived:
Grouse, from New York
Friedrlch der
At Genoa Arrived: Nord Amrrika., from
New York.
At Hamburg Arrived: Anierlka. from
New York.
At Antwerp Arrived: Colonian, from
New York.
At Boulogne Sailed: Potsdam, for New
At Phllad Iphia Sailed: City of Vienna.
for Gliig' ; Allnneitou, lor lndon.
I At Gibraltar Arii-.ed: Konig Albert,
from New York
I At Montreal Arrived : Ijike Manitoba,
i from UvtrpooU Sailed: Montreal, for Lon:
j (ion.
Government Findi New Evidence .Aftinit
tha Standard Combine.
Grand Jnrj at Cleveland Will Keeume
Investigation Today,
Lake Shore Cffioial 8eem Pleued that He
it Not to Be a Scapecoat.
District Attorney Snlllvan Expects ta
Find Ont Today fame's of Oil
Officials Who Mad Re
bating Contracts.
CLEVELAND, O.. July 16.-The Plain
Dealer tomorrow will say; Basing ula
opinion upon the testimony already sub
mitted to the federal grand Jury In tuts
district. Attorney General Moody believes
that the government has at last secured
the evidence which will lead to bringing Uii
Standard Oil company to Ita kneea. The
return of District Attorney Sullivan today
from an ull-day conference with the at
torney general yesterday at New York
will mark a complete change In the plana
of the government In the fight to stamp
out trade discriminations in favor of fcianl
The change of plans Includes a complete
revet sal regarding J. G. Grammer. vice
president of the Lake Shore ii Michigan
Southern railway. Grammer will not be
Indicted In thla or any other federal dis
trict. Instead he will be asked to uaelst
the government In forging a chain of evl-
deroe about the necka of aome of the big
gest Standard Oil officials In the country.
Subpoena Served on Grammer.
Acting upon the orders of District At
torney Sullivan, Assistant District At
torney Garry late yesterday afternoon 1s
aned another subpoena for the appearance
of Grammer before the grand Jury this
morning. Grammer, who happened to be
In the city yesterday, was Immediately
served with the subpoena by District Dep
uty Marshal Fanning. He seemed pleased
with the turn of events, which makes It
certain that he la not to be made the scape
goat for violations of the law on the part
of others.
The switch on the part of the government
In finally deciding to summon Grammer aa
a witness Is explained by the statement
made yesterday that the single desire of
the Department of Justice at present la
to get the Standard Oil company. A tele
gram from District Attorney Sullivan said
that nothing waa to be left undone to ac
complish thla purpose. The attorney gen
eral Is firmly of the opinion that indict
ments can ta secured here and District
Attorney Sullivan will resume work with
the grand Jury today with thia end In view.
In addition to ordering tbe Issuance of a
subpoena for Grammer, Sullivan wired to
have all the employes of the Lake Shore
railway who have testified before the grand
Jury recalled. These witnesses Include
James L. Clark, general western freight
agent, nnd C. A. Slauson, freight agent of
Chicago; M. C. Tully, R. H. Huddleston,
O. B. Wheeler and H. I Meyer, all em
ployed in the Cleveland offices.
One More Link Needed.
It Is known that the government officials
are eager to obtain one more link ln the
evidence already secured against the Stand
ard oil company.
A most determined effort will be made to
complete the chain through Grammer and
Clark. What the government officials want
particularly Is the names of the Standard
Oil company officials, through whom. It
is alleged, rebating arrangements were
made with the Lake Shore and other rail
ways. With these nsmes ln their posses
sion, the government attorneys will he
ready to strike. The attorneya are certain
that some one of the witnesses to be called
today knows the definite information ao
greatly desired. The plan is to force the
giving of the names and facta by real
sweatbox examinations before the grand
District Attorney Sullivan gave no In
timation In hla dispatch aa to the Standard
Oil company officials he will go after. That
the exact program waa mapped out, down
to the minutest detail, with the attorney
general, waa admitted here In the govern
ment building yesterday afternoon.
"The purpose behind the subpoenaing of
Grammer aa a witness shows on Its face,"
aald Assistant District Attorney Garry,
"the change In plana means that the grand
Jury will not conclude Ita Investigations
tomorrow. How long before the grand Jury
will be ready to make Ita report I cannot
M. G. Vilas, treasurer of the Standard Oil
company of Ohio, who has been sought aa
a witness, did not put In an appearance to
Attorneys and Traffic Men from All
Western Roods In Confer,
enee In Chlrag-o.
CHICAGO, July 11-Executlve offlceia and
general counsel of every railroad west of
Chicago held a conference today with a
view of determining the meaning of all of
fhe provisions of the new rate law. J. f.
Stulibs, traffic director of the Harrlman
lines, presided at the conference and out
lined the purposes of the gathering. It de
veloped, however, that there were almost
as many views regarding the Interpolation
of the statutes as there were lawyers and
traffic men present. It was derided there
fore to appoint two committees, one of
traffic men and one of legal men. The traf
fic men are to meet and arrange their plana
for carrying the law Into effect and when
ever they encounter a provision that they
are unable to solve they are to call on tha
legal committee for opinions. In the mean
time the committee of lawyers Is to hold
meetings and determine what thy conxider
the statute requires.
The committees are made up as follows:
Lloyd W. Bowers mul 1 1. R. McCullnugh.
Chicago & Northwestern road: i V. Itunn
and Darius Miller. Noitliein Pacific; Geurgn
R. Peck and J. II. Hiland. Chit sgo. Mil
waukee A St. Paul: It. M. Shaw and J. W.
Blatxin. Chicago & Alton: W. C. Osborne.
j El Pao & Southeastern; ('. M. Tradous ami
I I. . Ives. Wabash: Gardiner I.atf.ron anil
G. T Nicholson, Atchlsi n, Topekii Bant
I'e; It. A. Jackson and W. f. Middle. Hock
, Island. J W. Ulythe nnd I). Miller, 1'hi
. i ago. BuiiiiiKtoi) A- Oiiiuc : P. K Dunn
Ism! S T. Hnroule. Southern i'HClfir: J Ft
I Huhluin and J. I' HiuhhK 1'itlon Pacini-;
H '. Stirkriev. Chi. -ago Great Western; C.
Hale. Missouri, kari's AV Texss; C I..
WelllMKion. Colorado b Southern, aad j.
M. Juitttaoo, Gould Unas.