Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1906, Page 8, Image 9

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Miatstar-DslsrsWs it OoBTtotion Preach in
j ErsocaUoal Clunshsa ii Morninr
Freelde-at Caapntaa Talke ta Teaa
Mea'e Cartatla jttmlMIa aa
SHU These witk Plow
Rrarcsly an evangelical oh or oh In Omaha
yeeterday morning hid It pairtor In Ita
pulpit to preach. Mlnistr-delatea to the
eoaewatlsn of the Baptlat Toun Peoplee
unlea filled the plaoea of tha patora, and
good alaad eonfreajatkme turned out almost
In every Inatanca. Tha vlaltlng preu;here
bad noma from far and wide. aome from
tha Pacific aoraa from tha Atlantic. othere
from tha north and othere from the aouth
and they all had laid special stress upon
tha aerrnon thay were to preach In Omaha
flunday morning. Filled lth the sea and
enthusiasm of the week'a successful con
vention tha beat In the history of the or
ganisation, according to President Chap
man these man of Ood carried the Are of
tha goepel with them Into tha atrange pul
plta and they aeemed to Infuse It Into the
hearts of their atrange congTfgatlona.
Tha Bab bath of a religious convention la
not a day of reat to the conventlonera. aave
aa any day la one of reat to a aealoua Chris
tlan when he can spend It busily doing the
work of hla Master. Such a day waa yes
terday for the Baptist delegates and their
friends In Omaha of all other churches.
President Chapman aet the example for his
minister brethren by lecturing In the after
noon at tha Toung Men's Christian associa
tion rooma. Some of tha ministers visited
and addressed tha prisoners at the county
Ward Caaraeterlses Whole
In his discourse at the Second Presby
terian church yesterday morning Rev. A.
A. Ma!nwarlngi: P"tor of the First Baptist
church of Logansport, Ind., characterised
tha mlnlstery of John the Baptist as
summed up in the word "repent." The
Indiana preacher gave an Interesting talk
on the life, work and character of Join.
"John led the morning of the early Chris
tian era. Today the full sunshine of God's
love la beaming on us. and we need mora
than aver before to repent. The conscience
of tha people of the United States Is being
aroused aa never before and we are becom
ing mora sensitive to what Is right and
To keep pace with the wonderful growth
and proBTeriry of this country Dr. Maln
warlng 'urged that the Christian church
reproduce Itself more by sending out minis
ters, as but few young men today are con
secrating themselvea to the work.
"John waa a voice. . Hla was a voice
crying to all to prepare the way of the
Ixrd, and ha brought down with fell
strokes the mighty Jewish superstition.
We, to be workers for Ood, must reduce
Ourselves to voices. John'a ministry did
not merely consist of sound, as he power
fully aroused tha sleeping consciencea of
hla hearers and disturbed their latent
forces. John waa not tha product of his
own age, but rather the Incarnation of tha
deep thoughts of many agea and of Ood."
Drs Main waring declared the outlook for
a general repentance throughout the coun
try waa never brighter, the aoftenlng of tha
denominational lines being a happy move
, In that direction.
. Rev. Newman Hall Burdlck, D. D., pastor
of the Second Presbyterian church, occupied
the pulpit with the visiting minister. Prof.
Hsrry l Ms x well, a prominent singing
evangelist, had charge of the choir and
tang "Open ' My Eyes That I May See."
Prof. Maxwell's sweet tenor voice added
much to the Inspiration of the service.
Keepe Jfaa Oat of Fellowship, Sara
Rev. W. R. Howell.
Rev. W. R. Howell of Detroit occupied
the pulpit of tha Diets Memorial Methodlat
church yeaterday morning, taking "Fellow
ship" aa tha tople of hla sermon. His text
waa from I John 1:3: "That which we har
aeen and heard declare wa unto you, that
ye also may have fellowship with us; and
truly our 'fellowship la with tha Father
and with hla son, Jesus Christ." In part,
ha said: "
"The one thing that keeps men out of
fellowship la aln, the one thing that breaks
up homea 1a sin, the one thing that divides
husband' and wife, that plunges nations
Into war and corrupts municipalities la aln.
It la ha desire of Ood that wa should live
together In" fellowship.
"Wa are told that fellowship la a matter
mm m
One and a quarter million acres to be
' opened to settlement on the
Dates of registration July 16th to 31st.
Less than one fare for the round trip,
daily July 12th to 29th via
I' K m
GEO. F. WEST, Gsnsrsl Asent,
Calc k Nerth-Wetter Ry. Omaha. Nek,
Please sand to my addreaa pamphleta, map and Infor
mation concerning tha opening of Uta Shoshone or Wind
Rive reservation to settlement.
of the beart, but that tha mind has rognla
ance of It. It la a matter of common con
viction, of agreement In service. It mum
aide by side toll. It la also a matter of
spirituality and depends on regeneration.
Jeeiia said we are not to be born again, to be
transformed; John eaya our fellowship la
with the Father and If we eay we have
fellowship In Ood and walk In darkness
wa lie. It is also a matter of accommoda
tion. We may developa It. Wa should be
able to rejoice with those that rejoice and
weep with those that weep. What the
world needs Is sympathy. We ought help
bear tha burdena of others and carry out
tha teachings of Christ.
"Fellowship Is a matter of support. It Is
one of the sustaining factors of the Chris
tian Ufa. Paul worked with hla companions.
That la what tha world nreds today, to
hare men and women who are willing to be
used In common. We grow weary at times,
but to us cornea the refreshing thought that
wa have companionship and It glvae Us
spirit to work and die for Jesus."
Maalfestarloa of Spiritual Power la
Hot Fall Enoaga.
Rev. Oeorge T. Webb of Illinois, Inter
national secretary of the Bsptlst Toung
People's union of America, preached at St.
Mary'a Avenue Congregational church Sun
day morning on "Power."
"There never wss a time In the history
of the Christian church when we talked so
much about power as we do now," said he.
"But there Is not the full manifestation
of spiritual power there should be consid
ering the numbT of words spoken about It.
There has never been so large a literature
on the subject as during the last fifteen
years, nor, have we been so rich In aongs
of praise and hymns of power as In recent
"To a large extent there Is a misconcep
tion of the whole subject. Spiritual power
Is too much thought of as something re
lated to spiritual ecstasy. We have set it
apart In the cloister while we have been
out In the busy world. If power Is In the
cloister and the Christian Is In the world
then the Christian is without the power
he ought to have to adequately represent
Jesus Christ. The world today, out of all
Ita confusion, distress, agony and unsatis
fied longing, cries out In a cry that It does
not understand itself, 'We would see
"Jesus would manifest Himself to the
needy world through His body, which Is
His church, whether It be In Corinth, at
Ephesus, In Oalacla or In Omaha. There Is
only one way In which He makea Himself
manifest, and that Is through His church.
"Power Is the real manifestation of Jeaua
Christ In the lives of men and women. The
gift whereby the spirit is received is the
gift of all. Ood has endowed every one
of us for some particular service In His
church, but this gift of the spirit Is pos
sible to all. N
"Power lies In the exercise of glftj and
the full development of the talents with
which we have been endowed. The church,
to become the church of greatest power,
should have every member discover what
his or her gift Is and use it according to
God's plan. There Is not an Indispensable
member In the church of Jesus Christ any
where. Your position may be obscure and
your gift small, but there Is no on whom
the church does not need Find out your
place and serve."
Rev. Brace Kinney Deprecates Lack
, of Peraoaal Responsibility.
"In this day of peculiar economic, In
dustrial and social conditions, we have no
longer any great sense of personal responsi
bility," said Rev. Bruce Kinney of t'tali,
preaching Sunday morning at the First
Christian church. "All things are special
ised now, aftd a man Is only a small part of
a great whole, losing to a great extent
his sense of personal Identity. Not many
years ago a shoe factory consisted of g
shoemaker, a little shop and tools. Today
the factory la a great lnatltutlon. Than
tha man himself waa tha factory: today
he Is only a wheel, or perhaps even a tiny
cog. In tha great aystam of machinery.
"The same conditions run through all of
our Industrial and economic life. We see
corporations doing things the Individual
would not dare do and take the responsi
bility In the sight of Ood and man. He
may have voted for it In directore' meeting,
but It waa the corporation did It. Labor
unlona do thlnga which the lndlvldu-'
laborer would not think of doing, for fear
of the responsibility It entails. The cttixen
votes for a measure, but to eacape the re
sponsibility for the tesults of the vote ha
hides behind the cloak of his party.
"Too many men lead lives of convenience.
Instead of lives of conviction, though if
there is anything the church needs today
it la men of conviction.
"Let ua break away from tha tendency
resulting from twentieth century conditions,
and be men and women. Tha only fish
Round trip from Omaha,
over the only all rail route
from Omaha to Shoshoni,
Wy o. , the reservation border.
which floats with Uta current to a dead Bsh.
and he's so dead he etlnka. I tell you If
some people don't waka up and Irve accara-
Inr tn conviction anil not bv convenience
there II be aome smells around here by and
Crlala af Falta Then of Rev. R. M.
West's Seriaoa.
Hundreds were turned away after all tha
aisles, the choir loft and standing room
were filled when Rev., R. M. West of St.
Paul waa the speaker at tha First Baptlat
church Sunday morning, filling tha pulpit
of Rev. J. W. Conley, who waa pastor of
the First Baptist church In St. Paul for
five years before Mr. West went there.
The "Crisis of Faith" waa the theme of a
sermon, the text of which was, "But I
have prayed for thee that thy faith fall
not and when thou art converted,
strengthen thy brethren."
"Faith Is a matter of considerable im
portance in life and Jesus had a way of
going right to the core of tha matter."
said Mr. West. "He brushed aalde all
small queetions and kept to the main Issue,
as wss illustrated In tha caae of Peter a
faith. The Brooklyn bridge atanda out
formidably In relief with four cablea of
galvanised email steel wlrea holding up the
whole structure. The cablea are not the
moat Imposing part of the atructure, yet
they carry all the burden. Ufa haa tre
mendoua loads to carry In varloua linea,
but faith, anchored to Ood. will carry ua
through. We should determine to build
our lines on the carrying power of faith
and determine that our power In life shall
be gathered from faith In Ood.
"The life of Jesus Christ waa human and
the principal crisis came when man wished
him to be king. He pondered long and
late Into the night and met tha situation
by faith. The people were chafing under
the Roman rule and held hatred against
that government and were ready to make
any sacrifice for deliverance. They believed
they saw In Jesus Christ the right man to
lead them against the armies of Rome.
They would do His will If Ho would but
consent to lead them. Hla decision waa,
'I will do the work which my Father baa
planned for Me.' He realised Ood had
sent Him Into the world for tha whole
human race and not almply for ona little
"We are allured from tha plan of Ood
Into schemes of commerce and say we have
not the time for God'a work. In the mean,
while God's plans move with a less sweep
and you stand by building Indestructible
temples while God Is building the inde
structible without your help. This Is the
crisis of faith and we must settle the
question of whether our time and re
sources shall be used for God or mammon;
not to slop the roads of commerce, but to
so live as to not let your life be side
tracked. In many places human genlua
Is landing a little fish and letting a big
craft go down to destruction. Lay your
selves subject to God'a plana. They tried
to get Him to denounce Hla Father, but He
aw His faith must rest In Ood. They al
ways win who side with Ood. The man who
in his faith holds with Ood Is sura to
triumph. Men argue wrongly for tha
divinity of things temporary. Life is a
noble thing and Is divine as well aa hu
t'aable to Agree oa Verdict After
Being Oat Twenty-roar
After being out twenty-four hours, the
Jury in the case of Robert Sandburg
against the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street
Railway company was discharged by Judge
Katelle without having arrived at a, verdict.
ThlB was the fourth trial of the case, two
disagreements having preceded this one.
At tha first trial one of the Jurors broke hla
arm and the egsa was stopped.
Sandburg Is a boy. About two yeare ago
ha waa severely Injured by being struck
by a street car near Tenth and Hickory
streets. The company asserted tha acci
dent waa due to his own carelessness. The
vote In the Jury room on the question of
the liability of the company is said to have
atood at first at 7 to t in favor of the boy,
and later at 10 to 2.
Shosaoa Reservation ta Ba Opeaed
to Settlenseat.
Announcea Round-Trip Excursion Rates
from All Polnta July 12 to St.
Leas than one fare for tha round trip
to Bhoehonl, Wyo., tha reservation border.
The only all-rail route to tha reservation
Datea of registration, July 1( to SI, at
Sbosuonl and Lander. Reached only by
this Una.
Write for pamphleta telling how to take
up one of these attractive homeataada.
Information, maps and pamphleta free on
request at City Office. 101-8 Farnam St.,
or addreaa 8. F. Miller, A.- O. F. ft T. A.,
1201' Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb.
Automobile Rental Co. Office Nilea &
Moaer, Sixteenth and Farnam. Tel. Doug
las 1996.
WATCHES Frenxer, lith and Dodge Bis.
gammer Toara.
The Wabash haa Issued a beautiful
SEA." Those planning a summer trip
ahould ask for one. Wabash City Office,
leoi Farnam St., or address Harry E.
Moorea, O. A. P. D.. Omaha, Nab.
Aaaaal Exearsloa to Dalath.
Via Great Northern Una will leave Sioux
City at P- m. Tueaday. Auguat 2. ar
riving Duluth Friday morning. Return
ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday
afternoon, August 6. Round trip fare only
15. Special through tralna will ba run
consisting of tourist sleepers and day
coaches. Double berth in sleeping car $1
each way. Duluth and vicinity comprise
one of the most enjoyable polnta for a few
j days outing. Boat trlpa may ba made to
: many placea of Interest In Lake Superior
ii small coet.
iersons desiring berths should make
tA'rvatlons aa early aa possible In order
. Insure getting accommodations. Apply
. Agent Great Northern railway, Sioux
v'iiy. or to Archibald Gray, Aaelatant Gen
eral Passenger Agent. Sioux City, la.
DIAMONDS Ed holm, lata and Barney.
I 11.M ta St. Paw wa auaaaapell
sf netara
From Omaha, via Chicago Oreat West era
Railway. Tickets on aala dally after Mtl
tl to September Ml Final retura limit,
October XL Equally low rata to other
points In Minnesota. North Dakota, Wiscon
sin and lower MlcUlgaa. For further In
formation apply to H. H. Churchill, gaoeraj
agent. 16U Farnam street. Oman.
Ona af taa Laesl Strateaea at
Doable Trsak la taa World
under tna management la that of the
Grand Trunk Railway System from Chi
cs go to Montreal and to Niagara Falls.
Tha Gsand fsuak-Lehigh Valley Double
Track Route v4a Niagara Fail reaches
from CSacago to New Tork.
Descriptive literature, time tables, eta.
will bo mailed free oa application to Geo,
W. Vans. A. O. P. ft T. ., Grand Trunk
Railway System, lit Adams St. Chicago.
DLisMOXPfl-rrenaer, nth gad. Qstff sis
Omaha Wtloomas Largs Delegations of
Order Fassinc Thronch.
Mayor Daklmaa as Bill Caaada Lead
la G recti as; the Visiters Who Ara
Aeearded Moat Hospitable
Elks galore passed through Omaha, the
gateway to the west, Sundsy morning,
afternoon and evening en route to Denver,
where the grand lodge meeting will be held
July IS to tl. Union station never had more
Jolly crowds In one day and waa constantly
the acene of some tralnlond of Elka and
their families and friends, either alighting
from the cars and being welcomed by the
local lodge officers and Mayor Dahlman In
behalf of the city or of some tralnload
which was leaving with many regrets.
Mayor Dahlman was on hand and as the
crowd would alight he would make a char
acteristic apeech of welcome, giving the
travelers the prlvllegea of the city, and
promising them the beat the town afforded
aa long aa they would remain within the
gatea. W. T. Canada, exalted ruler. In
behalf of tha local lodge of Elks, would
follow with a warm speech of welcome.
Inviting all to take a trolley ride and to
use tha club rooms to tha fullest extont.
Many of the trains were held over in
Omaha while the members of the various
parties accepted tha invitation of the local
Elks and viewed tie city from special
trolley cars and from automobiles which
were kept on the move all day.
Opea Howee at CInb.
The Elks club rooma were gaily decorated
for the occasion and the larder waa well
filled from which all were Invited to par
take without cost. The rooms were well
filled all day and : the large number of
women was a noticeable feature of the
tourists. A majority of the travelera seemed
to have their wives and daughters, and
special provision was made for the enter
tainment of these.
At tha station Oeorge West for the North
western, W. H. Murray, Dave Lincoln and
officers of the operating departments for
tha Union Pacific, City Passenger Agent
Rowe and Fred Rutherford, division pas
senger agent of the Rock Island, Art An
derson of the Milwaukee, Will Davidson
of the Great Western and Sam Norlh of
tha Illinois Central were present all day.
looking after the comfort of the passengers
on tha numerous tralna which were con
stantly pouring their cargoes of living
freight Into the Union station. W. H.
Cundey, traveling passenger agent of the
Denver ft Rio Grande for this district, was
on hand to give the Elka copies of the
official program which had been prepared
by his road.
Several trains arrived during the night
and these went right on through, aa most
of the men and women were asleep In their
berths, but with the coming of the sun the
local committee waa on hand and all were
Induoad to look over Omaha. Oeorge P.
Cronk, ex-grand exalted ruler of the order,
waa also on hand to extend a greeting to
hla old aasoctatea. The lunch room at the
station did a great business all day and one
of the waitresses waa Just $18 ahead from
the tips she had received from those who
had lunched there.
Prise Trala from Lowell.
The largest train of 'the day waa that
from Lowell, Mass., which came over the
Great Western from .Chicago and which
waa In charge of W. tfc. polan, dlvlalon
passenger agent of tha ,Qrea Weatern for
the New England state), tThe train, which
carried over S00 people In eleven cars, made
a fine run from Chicago,. reaving there at
6 o'clock Sunday morning and arriving at
Omaha before ( o'clock In tha evening.
The crowd which seemed to be having
the beat time of any was that which came
on tha Rock Island frorn Davenport at 6
p. m. and left over the Rock Island at
7:30. This bunch carried Its own band
and a novel feature waa that the large
number of women who accompanied their
husbands and brothers wore long purple
silk coats, purple and white being the
Elks' colors. The train was In charge of
C. C. Gardner, traveling passenger agent
of the Rock Island at Davenport, and
membero will aurely let people know when
they arrive tn Denver with their band
and blue coata and other decorations. The
badge of thia crowd was half an ear
of popcorn dyed purple on a white ribbon,
which waa very striking.
Reception Committee Basy,
The reception committee did Ita work In
a thorough manner and waa appreciated
by all. Responses were made to the wel
comes of Mayor Dahlman and Exalted
Ruler Canada by leading Elks from the
different sections of the country. E. C.
Page and Arthur Wakelcy also helped out
with the speechmaklng and assisted in
making the visitors welcome..
The local lodge Is not content with wel
coming and. ahowing a good time to those
going to Denver, but will repeat the per
formance when the return movement Is on.
Many will return through Omaha who went
to Denver via some other route.
Tha Burlington trains were also filled
with people going . to Denver, but that
road carried but one organised party during
the day. The reception committee trans
ferred operationa to the Burlington depot
while that train waa in town.
Partlaa expected today are the Camden,
N. J., Elka at T:30 thla .norning, the Syra
cuse and Albany Elks at 8, the Jersey
City, Brooklyn, Hoboken and Haselton
'Elka on the Milwaukee at 10:80 this morn
ing, and tha Nebraska Elka leave at 4
o'clock thla afternoon on the Union Pacific.
Beat Medlelaa la tbe World for Colla
aad Diarrhoea.
"I find Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy
In tha world," aaye Mr. C. L. Carter of
8 id rum, Ala. "I am subject to collo and
diarrhoea. Last spring it seemed as though
I would die, and I think I would if I
hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't bean
troubled with it alnce until una week, when
I had a very severe attack and took halt
a bottle of the 26-cent alze of tnls remedy,
and this morning I feel like a new man."
. Slda Trip.
via the
Tickets oa a&le Puly If and 17; return
limit July 21. Folders and full Information
153t Farnam Street, Omaha.
9T.SS ta Mlaaeapalla aad St. Pmal aad
Rata r a from Omaha Tla Cbl
easra Oraat Waatera Railway.
Account G. A. R. National Encampment
St Minneapolis, Auguat ltth to 18th. Tick
ets on aala August 11th to llth. Return limit
Auguat Cat, with extension privilege.
For further Information apply to H. H.
Churchill., Q. A.. l&U Farnam St.. Omaha.
Raw lark mm taa lal-h.
Doable track eoenio highway. Connects
at Buffalo or Niagara Fails with ail Unas
from tha west.
Write paaaangar aeparUneat, Leadgh Vat.
tot It sVj u South curk Vj JvWeata, jm,
If the Bijou continues on Its prevent
course Its success In Omaha Ib assured.
Its second week opens with an even better
bill than that which attracted so much at
tention and drew such favorable comment
for a starter, and the performance waa
smooth and satisfactory In all regards.
Okura, tha Japanese Juggler, was compelled
to go through hla act alone owing to tha
sudden Illness of his wife, who assists him.
She Is under care of a physician with pros
pects of being out early In the week and
able to assume her share In the perform
ance. Okura does Some very clever things
In the line of Juggling and tumbling. His
work with an umbrella, which he manages
with hla feet. Is marvelous. Soma good
work on a bicycle la dona by IO Fevra,
who ta a graceful and agile gymnast.
Bandy and Wilson are good dancers and
the Racketts have a turn In which they
introduce a little of everything. Thlr bal
lad singing is high class. Pauline Court
ney, who Is a fixture, made her customary
hit with her Illustrated songs.
"Leva and War," a dainty little comedy,
waa presented with excellent effect by the
stock company. Mr. Van Dyke, Mr. Trues
dell, Mr. Fenner, Miss May and Mlsa Court
ney had the characters. Tha motion pic
tures that close the ahow are good. The
theater was comfortably filled and tha
audlenre most appreciative.
New Trala ta Shaahoal.
Via "Tha Northwestern Line."
Leavea Omaha 12:30 a. m.. dally, arriving
at the reservation 7:30 a. m., with coaches
only. This In addition to t p. m. daily train.
City offices. 1401-1408 Farnam street.
Silverware Frenser, 15th and Dodge Sts.
Diamonds (of own Import), watchea and
Jewelry at 20 per cent below price at A, H.
Hubermann's. southeast corner 13th and
Douglas. Pays no rent and buys for cash.
Fifth Flro Within Few Weeks.
NEW YORK, July 16-The fifth fire with
in a few weeks In the American Cotton
Dock & Trust company's plant at Tomp
kinsvllle broke out today . from an un
known cause and destroyed the remaining
atore house with Its contents of about 6.000
hales of cotton. The loss of IrtO.fltW) will fall
on the company, aa the underwritera some
time ago cancelled all policies on cdtton
owing to the recent frequent fires.
Used by
Qnaiptln wits tse Pnre
' FoodLwaof aTrr State.,
"Follow tha FU.'
AKO 22, SEPT. 5 AKD It
: Ak
1601 Farnam St
or addraas
Wabash R. R,
Omaha, Nebraska
wf!I 'appear If you use tha proper rant
adles to dear your ayetera of Irnpurltlaa.
119 U DH. WaaTMAk'S
SCO Post Paid. 16ih Dodge Step
Write quick for ' copy of special folder, 44 With
the Elks," containing full information, rates,
description of principal Colorado points of in
terest and how; to '. reach them, also list of
hotels and boarding houses.
Very low rates all summer, if jtou can't ro with the Elks.
Let me tell you about them. A postal will do.
1323 Farnam Street,
Can Dc Cured In 5 Days
V y j vjiuii-mi
ta ' gaaraataa
saeaey. This means we have .enftdenoe In eur
ability ta eura and that In taking our treatment I costs nethlng for our aarv
lcea unless wa cure your Varicocele, your Hydrocele, your Hemorrholda or any
disease that wo guarantee to eura. Our prefeaslanal feee are reasonable aad not
mora than you will be pleased ta pay to obtain our expert aervlcaa. Personal
Interview at oar offices absolutely required before commencing treatment
Several hours' or days' personal actentlflo treatment may add health aad
years to your life.
Tha Off lelal Rout of
To Annual Qrand Lodga Maatlng
Leaving Omaha Today at 4:00 P. M.
Arrive Denver Tomorrow at 7:50 P. M.
This train will be equipped wtth Pullman Pslace Sleeping Cars, Pull
man Tourist Sleeping; Cars, Buffet, Smoking and Library Cars, ... .
Free Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Cars Meals a la carta. , ,
Tickets on Sale Today Onlj at
Inquire at
'Phone Douglas 884.
k-Jr'ar mm .' r
Spend your
h it '
It $12.50 to St Paul or
susta 1
Cat s sopy ol ths "Guide
H. H. CHURCHILL. Canarsl Af ant.'
mi iinna airnr.
July 10 to 16.
Round trip from OMAIIA to Den
ver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo.
.Final return limit, August 20.
To yea whe are afflloted wtth T AaroOCmxa,
TToni.a. armaia, wsuaasTwaaiA, io-
V, a Invite you to oome to our thoroughly equipped
medical office. Wa will with pleaaure aaplaln new
wa cure dlaeaaaa af ear epeclelty. Wa ara dealr
aue of seeing obstinate and ohronlo naaee that
have been discharged and disheartened. Wa will
cheerfully explain and demonstrate to your satis
faction how wa ean cure you qulrkly and perma
nently. A Free Diagnosing Consultation and Ex
amination wa give to every man.
Certainty of Cure HrH
4U4VM. All our yri of tDrinc nj effl4
eiw aai p-wui ipuurai, aw sj alli Bf lv-ea aa,
ta ware Bpeetail Blaeaaee or rafaad
vacation in
Minneapolis and back via l
VtTar?-rr-rar '"Ii
3 a-eJ I LHI1 . t ' V
' V . . .'.
ta Guide BooM-Frse.
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