THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, JULY 16, 190(5. SPECIAL I10TICES rlll ke takea aatll IS aa. for the veala edition ead aatll S a. aa. ta aaoralasT and liiif edHIa. Ralfi 1 l-3e ward first lasertlnn, 1 worl thereafter. Metala takea for leeo taaa SOfS far Iba 8rst laeer Itea. Taeee advert laeaaeata aaast tie raa eoaeeca lively. nt Tk Bee. Answers aa addressed will t delivered aa areeealatloa af rheclc. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SC1I00L BOYLES SCHOOL Every day la enrollment day. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy and English. Catalogue free. -Address II. B. Boyies, Pres. Hoylee, lildg , Omaha. Neb. R MjHS WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunk, autt ranee and shopping bags. Old trunks taken in exchange ; repairing. FUELING A BTE1NLE. 10 N. 16th St. 'Phone Doug. -4995. OMAHA Safe and Iron Work make a spe cialty of flra escapes, ahuttera, doors and safes. O. Andreen, prop.. 103 8. 10th Bt. R-210 SIGN FAINTING 8. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas. R 211 TRT Kelly Towel Supply. Tel. Doug.-SfSO. R 212 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning- Co., 11 Farnam. R 213 ANTI-MONOPOLT Garbage Co., CI N. 16th. Tel. Doug. -1779. Res. 'phone Doug.-7(l. R-214 ELSA88ER A BRICE. MschlnlsU, 217 South 12th Bt. Tel. 6R37. R-215 TYPEWRITERS ranted, all makes. 12 10. Fox Typewriter Co., 1222 Farnam. R M5B4 Julylt . BUSINESS CHANCES . , . ,. ... - . - -- . -- ii DoYou Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change write us. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb., or Sioux City, la. Y-M412 31 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address U 64. rare of Bee. , Y M768 PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock, Nemaha Co., southeast Nebraska: well . established; sales from 250 to 175 per day; adviso with owner; no trading stock; will require about 15,000 cash. Ad dress H 8, Bee. Y 801 21 176.00 B17Y8 confectionery, bread, cake, pie, milk depot, cigars and tobacco; laundry agency: present occupant desires to leave city. Call at 237 Ames Ave. Y Ml 16x FOR BALE at a bargain, a modern bakery and confectionery, one of the bast In southwestern lows; 4.000 population. Ad dress K 2, care Bee. Y-M994 llx TAYINO newspaper for sale In town of 600; better come and see it If you wain a bar gain. Address K 1. care of Bee. T-Mlll 17x DENTAL opening- and outfit for sale; only dentist, county seat 1,100, eastern Ne braska; 2300 cash: Is less than Invoice; want to sell at once. Address K 22, care Bee. Omaha, Neb. Y-M248 17x FOR SALE Newspaper and Job printing cm re In southeastern Nebraska county seat; can give good terms to reliable party or one or two responsible, practical printers; office completely furnished. Ad dress K 14, care Bee. Y-M246 17 FOR SALE Well paying; cigar store: must be sold at once; leaving city on account of poor health; snap If taken quick. Address tlgar more, era N. Z4W, Bouth Omana. - i I M163 If TWO LUMBER YARDS In jrood Nebraska town for sale; would take part cash. ; SALOON In good German and Bohemian locality, for sale, cash or bankable paper. U. S. SALES BUREAU, 204 Neville Block, Omaha. Y-M1M 17 INTERVIEW desired with sober man that can stand prosperity; one-half in terest In business requiring two men to Handle; ran show larger returns for Investment than any business In Ne braska: strictest Investigation solicited: 1600 and servlcos required. Address K y. Bee. M282 lx BAKERY, restaurant and lodrlns. onlv bakery In town of 1.200, for sale owing to v sickness. Address K 24, Bee. Y-M312 lx EXPERIENCED stock broker, first class telegrapher, would like to meet reliable party, witn view to forming partnership. stock brokerage bualnes. , Omaha. Ad ' dress K 37. Bee. Y M3i3 lx FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS We Must Close Out Regardless of cost, fifty square pianos, Including Stelnway, Chlckenng. , Kim ball, Decker Bros., and many others; all 1 ranging In price from 226.00 to 1100.00; i terms, 11.00 to 26.06 rash and 22.00 monthly. SCHMOLLEIt & MUELLER PIANO CO. 1311-13 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 162S. Q M27 21 SODA FOUNTAIN, any site. 1812 Farnam. : .V.- SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed pim. eherman at McConnell Drug Co., urn ha. (,217 HALL'S safes, new, td-hand. 1818 Farnam. FOR SALE Empty Ink barrels. Inquire of J. R. Campbell, tne mall room. y 643 FOR 6ALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the woria In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments, ksruna-A'luk-Ealke-Collender, 407 H luth St. -M21 WR buy everything In the furniture lint. Chicago Faruituia Co., JiiO Dodge. , ' w uo CHEAP chicken fence, loug fir timbers, white baaswood for burnt work. JX S. liith. Qm MILCH COWS, on easy terms. 43d and Center. . if 14 SEND US your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 310 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., OroaJia. Q Ui MEDIUM slse Hall safe; good condition. H. K.. ! Farnam. y-Mou y5 00 PIANO (credit), for sale cheap. Call at ;' Dee Bldg. g a A THOROUGHBRED Jersey hull for sale I12 S. 26th Ave. Q MstsS lx TWO 20 plsnos feredit) for sale cheap, Call SI 10 8 Kth Bt. Q-130 30x PEACHES AND APPLES If you wish ctttser, write Forest Hill Fruit Farm (growers). Falls City. Neb. Q M248 16 2f,0t PIANO (credit) for sale cheap. Call at CM Bee Bldg. U 4 UPRIGHT piano, mahogany bargain. lli Davenport Bt. oase, at a Q M2S2 Us 2W0 CREDIT on Baldwin Piano Ce.. won on centeat. U1T 8. X7ih St. Q-21 lfx WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUT. SECOND HAND f t H l l i.tii, etgvcs, carpets, oluihln, and shoes. Pay the baet prlcee. Tel Deuglas-;i. N MM Ausl WANTED Te buy, 6-room all modern oot- aae, tocaiea norm; state prioe and terms. J serees J-ti, Ba. tHU lis WANTED MALE HELP WANTED Cigar mskers; 2 rollers and f Clinch breakers; will pay ine pesi ci prices to go out of town; will Send OcHets. Address H u, csre or tie. DRl'O stores boughrf and sold; drug clerks imia. r. v. jvniesi, e o.. i. B 220 00 TOI'NO MEN for firemen and brake- men; experience unneceeeary: Bremen i'x, brakemen 10 per month, with rapid pro motion to engineer or conductor. Hun dreds of positions open Call or write for particulars at once. National Railway Training Ass n., 640 Paxton Blk.. Omaha, Neb. BMSnl Augl WANTED Cigar makers. M. Anson. Css- per, wyo. a m Augix FOl'R carpenters for old railway line re construction work in Minnesota; steaay work. Ship free fare today. General rsrpenters and tinners for stsady work In factory. Sweney's Employment Co., 20 B. lith Bt. B M704 MEN with turn), to sell line of medi cines. Star Med. Co., Charles City, la. B 191 Augtx WANTED Competent operating engineer to take charge or electnc ngnt ana ice plant. Grand Island Electric Co., Grand Island, Neb. B M987 1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the advsntsges we offer save years of ap prenticeship, positions waiting: top wages; the rush for barbers never mm great; special offer now. Call or wrlto Moler Barber college, 1116 Farnam St. B Mill auglx WANTED A single man to work about house and barn. Apply to Lonara Ever ett. 12 Pearl Bt.,. Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Two galvanised Iron cornice workers. Globe cornice Yt orxs, remom, Neb. B--12S IS MEN wanted for harvest fields; 8. Dakota; special rates; ship dally Iroin ,!. Hon ery's. Ill 8. 14th Bt. Restaurant for sale on easy terms to right parties. Ed Rotnerj in 8. inn, Hrhlttl No. 2. B M 122 21x CIVIL SERVICE Want young men to prepare. See Underhlll, W20 rJortn ztn. B-M- Augl4 WANTED Good all around country prnter. Position permanent. Man wltn small family preferred. Babcock tc Johnson, Cbappell, Neb M168 17x LARGE manufacturer desires sen-Ices of first-class specialty man. Appucams must be between the ages of 26 snd 40, fair educa.tion. and selling expe.lence. must now be employed. Cheap man need not apply. Address K 36, Bee. B MS26 17x WANTED FEMALE HELP MIDDLE aged woman for general house- wors ; gooa nonie nuu iuuu c b , im- tlonallty not considered; B28 4th Bt., Coun ell Bluffs. C M946 WANTED Experienced shirt makers on power machines. Howell, Allen A Kaull, Denver, Colo C M7W)Julyl WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook: small family; large salary. Apply lfil7 Farnam Bt. C-Mi4 UNIGRAPH shorthand, 1824 Farnam Bt7, Omaha. C-M2S9 July27 DREBB CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell eyaieni. ivt remain. C M63ii A4 WANTED, a good girl for general house work, small family. Mrs. H. McClanahan, 1312 N. 40th St. C M904 WANTED A good cook. 632 8. JTth St. C--l .5 WANTED Good general housework glrli 16 per week. 2610 Dewey Ave. v C MISS i LOST Gold medal; please return and re ceive reward. Locust 602D O M13T WANTED A good cook. 2616 Farnam Bt. C M4 17 26 STRONG girls for turning bsgs; good wages; steady Work. Bern I a Omaha Bag Co C-M281 16 T.imir.H to take orders for our teas, oof fees, etc. Permanent and profitable work for reliable person In eacn town ana vil lage. Caefuf premlume given with goods, rvnnri friah nommiselons to acenta. .Write Pioneer Tea and Coffee Co., S26 Cedar Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn. f Mai is AGENTS WANTED WANTED A party to sell stock In a first class Nevada mining proposition that will bear the closest Investigation; good thing for right party; German or Bwede pre f erred. Address J 29. Bee. J-MS19 16 WANTED Ladles or gentlemen to sell ladles' embroidered ehlrtwslxt patterns and also other novelties to tne puhiic; thev e-o like hot cakes; no Investment: ran make 210 to 216 dally; ilon't tarry and lose a good thing; we answer all mail orders, inquire or i ne c. b. t.mDroioery Works, Vm S. 16th St. J M888 20x FIFTY dollars a month snd extras, I will give for a man of good character as my aa-ent. Either salesman, farmer, mer chant or banker may apply. Write lock Box 1626, Lincoln, MeD. J at 3)3 Zl IF TOU are worth 2300 per month or more we want you. Stamped addressed en- velone for retilv. H 36. Bee. J-M308 !6 WANTED SITUATIONS SITUATION wanted by compositor; time or piece work. Address, K is. Bee. A-M263 16x WANTED By cultured woman, position as housekeeper for widower witn cniidrsn and refined home. Prefer position In Omaha, but would accept right one out of city. Best references furnished. Ad- dress K 26. care Bee A 887 x FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this cniuinn. put an ma m iwi yuu win euun get It. . JJ SSi IF YOU want to trade for farm lands. Income croperty. storks of goods, dwell ings, or In fsct anything that you may have, write for complete list of different propositions to J. P. Fslter, Plattsmouth, Mb. X, lv 19 GOOD ouarter section of land near rail road in leuei county. rseoraKa; win trade same for good automobile. Lerew Land Co., 305 S. 13th St- Z M124 It "WELL-IMPROVED quarter section of land, near railroad. In Holt county. Ne braska: wish to trade same for stock of merchandise or livery. Lerew Land Co., 80S S. 13th St. Z M12S 16, HARDWARE or hsrdwsre and furniture stork doing a good business wanted in exchans-e for fine Sarpy county, Nebraska, farm, or fur paying rental residence prop erties In Omaha: don't .are to go higher than 2T,ofO or 26.000; stock' and business must bear the strictest investigation: any statement will be treated conrldentiaily Arldress K '0 care Bee. it-HW 1 AUTOMOBILES FIVE-PA6SENQER touring car. fully equipped, standard make, 190f. good aa new: also S-h. p. runabout. Una condition will sell fo." cash or real estste. Addrcas J 44. Bee. -Ml'79 FOR SALE No. 1 surrey type Rambler automobile, with top; engine in first-class condition. Inquire at the Kimball Oarage 21st and Farnam. M814 17 AITOMOBILE RENTAL CO. Office Nlles Mutrr, 16th and Farnam. Tel loug. u. 372 JuttOx LOST LOST Gold brooch. In shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee office. Lost-M27lx STOLEN Brown horse, blind In right eye. weight l.luO pounds new top buggy, black bed and red rufinlng gear, extra heavy rubber tlrea. BUlen from Sherman Avenue stable Baturdav night. Reward for in formation. Cat k ley Bros., 131 Nurth lttk St. Ist M324 HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALB A handsome Surrey horee. perfectly ssfe nd tentle for lad v. to drive: also a verv daairabie open aurrev; 111 sell seiwirn ily If (, .1. ill tB First eve , Council Bluffs. P-U2M) Ux Real Estate Don't delay FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS DEWEY European hotel, 12th and Farnam. Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks K i4 Thurston hotel; rooms 21.60 up per week. K. ioa FOR RENT 1 or I beautiful rooms, fur nished or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co., 618 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. K-M125 CAPITOL HOTEL, 18tlt and Capitol Ave, south front, rooms with or without ooa. E MS TO COVPLE Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. ISIS Davenport. . E M28S lfx TWO excellent modern furnished rooms. light housekeeping If desired: telephone In house. 2580 Harney. E M313 16x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-3 VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRAL; 2 rooms; bath. Tlrard, 220 N. 23d. U Mlal CENTRAL, t rooms, bath. Tliard. 220 N. 23d. u aiwfl THREE MODERN housekeeping rooms. 622 North 23d Bt. u-Mai ix FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas ibj. eenmouer Mueller Plsno Co.. 1311-1313 Farntwn. D 138 TinTTSTTH'n Prts of the city. The UUUOiOa jr. Lavis Co.. ou Bee Blog. r, ouu HOTTSITTS1" "H parts of the city. B IlUUOHiOc i-tit'Ci 4 Co.. Bee Bldg. D 4) HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker 'Bk. D THE Omaha Van ft Storage Co., pack. move and store H. H. goods: storenouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 165. .D 242 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 1496. omce, i.u weo ter St. D-24J SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. Sixteenth St. Tel. Doug. 11M. D 244 CENTRAL. 4 or fi-room fiats. Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. x JUttu AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household goods stored; dry rooms, low price 'Phone 1062. 1106 Farnam. D M338 Jul28 SEVERAL at 312 to 226. Chris Boyer. 22nd and Cuming St.; 'phone Doug. 204-1. u ot a A. H. Hennlngs. Harry G. Counsman. HKNNlNUS-COLKoMAn CO. Storare and Transfer. Best Storage House In the City. Immediate Attention Given. 1&2M11- . ibtn Bt- iei. iwui. DM3S9 July31 STORAGE MTet ugu-uS: U jkawiv Auf COTTAGE. 20 per mo. 2501 Franklin St. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMMER An elegant v-room noose in nwi r district for rent furnished for July. Au gust, September. Inquire for terms. R. C. Peters & Co Bee Bldg. D-M907 FOR RENT 6-room modern house, with large barn. 322. Location, 2618 G street Bouth Omaha; vacant now. Address R. A. Krebbs, 121 Exchango Bldg. Thone A 394. D-MS40 FOR RENT New brick flat. West Far- nam district, jusi unim iuinpir. Strlctlv first-class, oak finish, hardwood floors 'throughout, best nickel plumbing. Wm. K. Potter, 301 Brown Blk. D 12S FOR RENT 6-room house; city water and gas; 31st and Cuming Bts. Apply 606 Brown block. D Ml 41 lix FOR RENT A strictly modern house of 7 rooms. 40Z( wsmuion si. D M1S8 17x 41 8. 20th Bt.. 7 rooms modern. 322. R0. 1820 N.' 18th St., 8-room new brick. 135. 4 JOHN N. FRENZER. OPP. D'PMsj FOR RENT Single gentleman can provide t,r vnttrtw rnitnU Ave COCV rOOmS all fir- nlshed and equipped tor housekeeping for the balance of summer; close In; all mod ern; references exenangea. Bee. D M136 mnsT i-i ASH ulrht-rnnm brick house, Kountxe Place; downstairs In oak; fur nace, gas; strictly modern; newly psinted; 76 ft. porch; possession Imme diately, aw finaney bi. in. D Mo9 IS 2406 Burdette St., new 6-room cottage, 325. 1413 North !9lh St., 10-room. 226.00. SAMPSON. SONS. Phone Douglas 3880. Pee Bldg. D Malm 16 FOR RENT T-room house, 160 North 22d St. I'JO.on. i.' "i-" FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26th St., bouth Omaha. Apply to manager. 1134 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlxard, 220 N. 23d. I-M STORE ROOM for rent, 406 8. ISth. Or pheum Theater Bldg. Dyball. 1518 Doug las. I-i4 SUITABLE for retail, wholesale or manu facturing; 22x100; 8 floors and basement; 1006 Farnam. Inquire 814 First Nat. Bank Bldg. I -248 1105 N. 18TH ST.. til per month. Bemls. paxton Block. ;-983 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGE8. registered attorney; pat ents; trade marks, copyrights; no fee un lets successful. 617 N. T. Life. Omaha. .-U4 r. J. LARSON ft CO., patent lawyers; patent book free. Bee Bl dg., Omaha. Neb. SHARPE MACHINE WORKS Patents procured, Inventions developed, drawings, Satterns, castings, machine work. 6U4-612 . loth St. 226 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na tional Inveetment Co.. st Douglas Blk. US10 Aug CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER, til First Nat. Bank. Power plants, asanufacturlng proceasee. Ice plants, tests. Inspection, reports. M1T74 All CLAIRVOYANTS K1IB. ' BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. Ill South leth St., upstairs. Keeoltful prediction absolutely given. 8227 PASTURE FINE blua grass, good water and shsde. Inquire H. T. Clarke. Her Grend. or 'phone South OmafcA. Black Ms. LU 30 is goinggoinggoing up, in making your purchase, FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FIVE ACRE TRACT We offer a beautiful l-acre tract i mile from car line at tl.700; 2:60 cash and 810 per month. This Is less than 1360 per acre. Ixits within H mile of this tract are selling at two per lot. It us show you this property. Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. Y. t Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE-M1S3 17 Eight-Room Modern House, Large lot, south front, permanent walks, barn. 3300 cash, easy payments; 2X 760. National Investment Co., Douglas Block. RE M306 18 EAST front lot on 88th, close to Farnam, for sale cheap to any one who will build nice home. STRINGER, 631 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 4327. RE-201 SAMPSON & SONS, 608 Be Bldg. 'Phone Douglas &60. BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. RE-M962 TRACKAGE A fine piece of trackage property, 147x221, on f. P. track, at lib and Jones 8ta, 112,000 will take It for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRKNNAN, Room 1. New Verk Life Bid. ' hbi (St 22.500. Eight-room residence, good repair,' modern except furnace; paved street; nice, quiet neighborhood; specials paid. 1B24 South 26th St. RE M561 lfix 500 Lots for 300 Each In beautiful Grammercy park. 1 mile this side of Coun try club, on Benson car line, 225 cash and IS per month. -No Interest. They are snaps and are going fast. - . Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE-M161 17 LOOK AT THESE FINE SIGHTLY LOTS Grammercy Park, at 48th and Military Ave., on the way to the Country club. We are exclusive agents for a 'number of lots In this , addition and can sell them at 2300 each; 226 down and 25 a month without Interest. . On a ; paved street and car line and with city water fcpnnection. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. 1st Fl. N. T. L. Bldg. , Tel. Doug, 1781. i. i-'. , RE 110 19 STOP PAYING RENT Six-room cottage, . entirely new, . modern plumbing, gas, cemented cellar under en tire house, permanent walk, all complete, Nos. 246 or 947 N. J7th Ave. Part cash, balance monthly 2.260. . . O. C. OLSEN, Main Floor, Southeast CmvlTth and Dodge Sts. RE M265 17 DO YOU WANT A 5-ACRE HOME? If so, ws have It, high and sightly, beautiful view, I I seres, only 21.700: 2260 cash and tlO per month. Why pay rent downtown and' have nothing to show for your money at ths end of I years? Payne Investment Co., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. - RE-M162 IT i WE HAVE SEVERAL CUSTOMERS FOR COTTAGE HOMES FROM $3,000 TO $4,000. LIST YOUR PROPER TY WITH US. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1ST FLOOR N. Y. LIFE BLDO., TEL. DOUO. 1781. RE M 16lt Two Fine Lots Each 48x128. located at northwest corner of 30th and Cass streets. They He very nlcelv mil . r. In an Avlltit nlfctvirtiftoA Price. tBOO for both lots. J. M. Rose, 1020 Harney Bt. RE 941 16x Land for a House and Lot We have a customer with 240 acres of splendid hay land In the Platte valley, worth in cash 226 an acre. He wants to trade for a house and lot or two houses In Omaha. Payne . Investment Co., First Floor N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE-M160 16 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has over 10.000 copies of titles, which en ables it to figure lower thsn sny other abstract company In Omaha and turn out work quickly. Tel. Douglaa-829 or call at office, 1714 Farnam. RE-M327 It MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. 6 and ik per cent loans on real estate, no delay. W-362 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Inveetment Co. W-264 WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnara Smith . Co., UJ0 Farnam bt. w-ta BUILDING per cent. loans on residence property; I W. B. Meikle, Ramgs Blk. W-3M LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-3e7 PRIVATE MONET F. D. Weed. U20 Doug. W tsk ll.00C.0fl0 TO LOAN en business and resi dence property la Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brennan. K. 1, N . I. Life. W-Jss WANTED City loans. R- C. Pstsrs Co. W-376 City farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y.U w-m LOANS en Improved city property. W. H. Thomas, eu First National Bank JyJ. PERSONAL PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION-ALL kinds of plies cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or itching piles. A guarantee given In every case treated by Dr. Max well, who has had twenty-five years' ex perience In treating piles. Hundreds of testimonials given on application. 624 Bes bldg., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 1424. U-M40V J31 FAIR, healthy, satin skin bestowed ty Satin sain cream a nd Satin skin powder. ac.t C- ANY POOR GIRL In need ot a friend call c-r write to the matron of the Salvation Array home for women at 3824 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. U-M100 TRY KisLLT'8 Laundry. 2620. 'Phone Douglas U-276 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. I V S, 150S Far nam. U 278 PRIVATE confinement home: Mrs. Dr. King. 3011 N. Zlst Bt. Tel. Doug. 27 PI F A T I N C ButtonsRuFhl'nf. 1 LLn 1 111VJ Embroidering, Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink Ing, only 6c per ysrd. Send for price list and sample. OOLMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1931 U-279 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 2M. 211 8. 11th St. U-2S0 PRIVATE home during conllnement. Mrs. Garden. 2216 Charles. Tel. Doug. 5311 U-281 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collec'tlng to the worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. V 511 FREE medical and surg-tcai treatment At Crelghton Medical College, 14th ftnd Davenport Sts. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su- Csrvlsed by college professors. 'Phone oug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. MAGNETIC Osteology, female weak- tenhouse, 410 N. 16th St., room 2, 2d floor. U-Matfl Jyl6 THE City Garbage Co. Orflce. 14th and Leavenworth Sts. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-28? PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies sdopted. The Good Samaritan San itarium. 728 First Ave., Council Hlufla, la, TeL 774. U-3?2 SURVEYING, Bltckensderfer. 312 Bee Bldg. U-283 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U-284 M AONETTf! treatment bath Mme. U MSM AuglOX SYRINGE8, rubber goods, by mall: cut 6 rices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Ullon Drug Co.. Omaha. U 285 WE RENT sewing machines at tl rwr week: we sell second-hand machines 25 up. neorssKS cycle to., corner loth and Harney. Tel. Douglas 1663. . U 26 Ornv ITfl.ietop, to lu youthful color . n- floss. We use no dyes CT lotions. 211 N. aa. u Mane ig MAGNETIC . 412 n. i6th st.. room U-MH9 Jy25 MARCEL' WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage. Lutle Bryant, 816 Bee Bldg. U M148 JySS CHIROPODIST MJck Halrdresslng, , manicuring, massaging, Open Sundays. 'Phone Douglas 6170. U-M471 Juiytt LADIES. If despondent or In trouble are given sympatny, counsel and aid. Room x, to. bo. l&tn hi., omaha. Neb. U M9 ASx MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve rooo r-uis i dox, postpaid, eherman 4k jucuonneu Drug Co., umana. K7 DR. PRIES. Wlthnell Blk.. 15th and liar ney. room 2. Treats successfully diseases and Irregularities o women, recent or long stsnaing. uoug. X76g 649 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEY! EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this Is ths place to come and get It. Don't let money stand In the way of en joying yourself when it can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, etc. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. W have a good proposition to offer those who wish money to tide them over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 807-308 Paxton Block. X-M270 21 OUR LOANS Our employes are well informed and courteous and we are always uitsasud to explain our manner of loans, wo tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and if you conclude that it will now pay you to borrow, there is no harm done. W loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and to salaried peopiw upon their own agreement to pay. We ofler you rates as low as you will find and our facilities lor quick and con fidential service are unsurpassed. We are the oldest concern in our line in the city, and we always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE COMPANY LOAN 11 Board of Trade Bldg. . 'Phone Doug. 2U6. MONEY loaned on piano, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Keed, Jlu a lth. ' JC 4 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money on chattels vr salary. Easy to get no red tape. You get money same uy asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. X.ZA CHATTEL and salary loans. Phoenix Credit Co.. 632 Paxton Blk. XJoi EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, acommodat ing; all business confidential, uoi Doug. X-tti DR. PRIBENOWS PRIVATE MONEY losned on furniture, pianos, salary, horste, etc., in any amount, at leas than half the rate; no red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 314 Karbach Blk., M 8. 15th St. X 266 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; 'eay pay ments. Offlcee In 63 principal cities. Tol men. room 714 New York Life Bldg. X-2U FURNITURE, Live Stock. Salary Loans. Duff Green Loan Co, room t, Baikcr Blk. x-a CHATTELS, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co . isru Farnam Bt. X -tfl FENCINQ WIRE and Iron Fencing, Hitching Posts, Wire Trellie. Omaha Wire and Iron Works. u7 Bee Bldg. TeL Med-s. Ml At ANCHOR snd Iron Fencing; Wire Fencing Ic per tool M N. 17th SU Tel. Red tii. -m; aii FOR SALE FARMS PLEASE SELL OUR LAND PLEASE SELL OUR LAND We have large blocks of land In South Da kota. North 1'skots, Mlnnesma snd Canada, bright literature and local salesmen for each point. Rig commissions to good agenta. Write today. Get busy for the Autumn Im migration. Write us for terms. El wood Land Co. (Inc.) Cap. $100,000 71t GUARANTY BUILDING. MINNEAPOLIS MINN. H-M1S0 tlx Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.. Omaba. Neb., Dept. "A H 4t FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. Is closing out Its lsnds In western Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. From 23.00 to 25.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. For further Information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, )18 South 16th St. Omaha. Neb. H-M328 XI PRINTING LYNOSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars, a Tnrtrc S. E. corner 16th St. and & JORVb, Capitol Ave. 282 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera 4 Co., 1610 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2007. -28t TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., 110 8. 17TH. 51 Ais PLUMBING BUT plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices.- Save on every article. Only first class goods handled. Prompt sttentlon to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, 233 Harrison St.. Chicago, 111. . -M987X TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phi I bin. 1506 Farnam. 'Phone Doug. 784. 231 MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 6821. 1S .Tv?t FLORISTS L. HENDERSON. 151t Farnam. Tel. Dong. 1268. -2 DRESSMAKING Woodruff Arnold, 313-14 Neville blot . MTU Jy20 M'DOWELL 8CHOOL 1623 Farnam. DRESSMAKING. M822 Jy22 LAW & COLLECTIONS J. M. Macfarland, tot N. Y. I Bldg. Tel. Doug. 6858. . 2J OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute. 41S N. Y. L. TeL Doug. 1664. -281 RAILWAY TIME CARD CBJIOJI TATION TENTH AKD MABCY t'nloa Paelfl. ' Leave. Arrive.'- Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:12 pm The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:16 pm a 8:10 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a :lt pm a 1:80 am California at Ore. Ex. ..a 4:26 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all :M am al0:46 pra Fast Mall a 1:66 pm a 1:10 pm Colorado 8neclal a 7:46 am a 7.-44 am North Platte Local a s:10 sm a 4:60 pm Beatrice Local b 1:15 li b 1:00 prj Chicago Great Weaterau St. Paul Minneapolis. 8:20 pm 7:10 am St. Paul A Minneapolis. 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Limited 1:40 pm 1:00 am Chicago Express 7:46 am 11:60 pm Chicago Express 1:30 pm t:W pra Ckleaao ItertSi wester. Local Cedar Rapid ....a 7:06 am a 6:06 pm Chicago Day I it in a k:uo am 11:30 pm Chicago Limited a 1:38 pm :16 am Carroll Local a 4:32 pm 8:60 an) 6t. Paul Fast Mali ....a 1:26 pin 7,06 am Sioux C. & St. P. Local, b 1:00 pm a 1:36 am Fast Mall 3:80 pm Chicago Express a 6:61 pin a 7:30 am Chicago Limited ell:00pra U:ll am Norfolk & Boneeteel ....a 7 : it. am 10:16 am Lincoln Long Pine ..a 7:40 am 10:16 am Casper 4k Wyoming ....a 1:00 pm a 6:06 pm Deadwcod at Lincoln ...a 1:00 pm 1:08 pm Hastings & Albion b 1:06 pm 6:06 pm Fremont-Albion b 1:02 pm bli.U pm Chicago I. ril all:) am . i Shoahoni Express al2:10 am a 6:00 am Chicago, Utlwaalt) aft mU Vmmi. Chi. AY Colo. Special.. ..a 1M am a 7:10 an California at Ore. Ex. ..a S;4 pie a 1:10 pro Overland Limited a : im a t:30 am Marlon eV Cedar R. Loc.b 6:45 am pm Chicago, Rook Island V r-aeia. KAST. v . . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited a 126 am a 7:16 ant Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Mall a 1:16 am al0:10 pro Iowa Local bl2:lb pm b 8:5 pro Chicago (Eastern Exp.). a 4:06 pm a 1:46 pm Chicago now Limited!. a t:a pm au;la yt vVEST. Rocky Mounts'o Lira. .a 7:20 am a t it am Colo. A Cel. Express. ..a 2:01 pm a 1:66 pm OkI. & Texas Exp a. 4:40 pm 1X2:06 put Colorado Fast Mall ...ai0:10 pm slJisa) a dally, b dally ' exoepi uudy. Illlaela CaatreO. Chicago Express a 1:00 am a I H pa Clucagt.- Limited i s:00 pm a f .at am WaMsaw St. Louis Express .....a 6:83 pm a t:4t era Bt. Loula Local (from i Council BluOsj ' a :lt am al0:M pro Stanuciry Local (from Council Bluffs) b 1.00 pm bU.M ant Mlaaoarl FaalSa Su Louis Lkw ......a .0O am a 6:30 pis K. C. 6 Ut L Expiess.all:16 pm a 6:0) pm URLIKUTOa UTATIO tOTU a 81803 Darllagtaa. Leave. Denver & California.... a i to pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwest Special a 4:10 pra Northwest Express aJl:10 pi Nebraaka Expreaa a :i0 an Nebraska Local a .() am Llncoiu Local Lincoln Fast Mall b 8 00 pm Ft. Crook Plattam'b b 2:60 pm Bellevue 4k Pumsiu n..a J.b, pm Denver Ll-nltea Bellevue Fee Juno. ..a I.U am bellevue c Pao. June. ..a t.10 am Chicago Special 14m Chicago Expreas a 2:46 p Chicago Flyer a - pen Iowa Locai 1:16 an. St. Louis Exprees a 4:41 pin Kansas Clty-Bt Joe....al0.4i pm Kansaa Clty-fct. Joe... .a t :1s am kauea CHy-b'- Joe. ...a 4.45 pm Arrive, a . p pm a 6:20 pm a t:ot am 6:60 pin a 1:40 pro a t:06 am al3:20 im bi0:2t aro a :20 am a 7:10 aa a 1.10 ara a 1 .50 pni a 1M am 1:5ft pm 7:23 am 10:68 pre all:0 am a 6 6 aro a t:u pa WEBITER DEPOT 1BTH ak WIRITIR Chleaga. Oiaska. t. Paal. Itlaaeaaalli Leave, .b 6 0 am .a 2:00 pin .b 6:20 pm .. 1:41 am Arrive. 1 pm all:r0 aro b 1:10 aro e 6:66 pro Twin City Paasenger, Sioux City Passenger Emerson Local Emerson Local........ MUsaurl Pacts). Nebraska Local. via Weeping Water., b 1:10 pm bU:M pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, d Pally except Saturday. Buaday only. Daily except Mnday. OCBAH ITIiMIRl aarcHo uxi v. a Han, misiHtn kw roax. ixjNDONDaaar aho fiUAsoo MBir toaa. rJ-aaa -mo siaruia spanet sicisaiaiesiigs, aacellsat causa. Tas eseaart ai auas"s srailu; aair4. Slt. er m4 Jt Ucsms lsw4 aatesaa N Vark sa4 a gusiisk. Irlak a4 all snswesl milsiaial huh at UUMlle sw4 tar Uumm m ta I r Uaaau ar aaasrsl klwaiim seek s Imsi iiui sc iae ihw Lie. t asvaasv GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSAI." FOR CAVALRY AND AR- tlllery llors-s -Chi-f uuartermaster't Omce. Omaha. NVh . July 14. 1) -Sealed propossls, In triplicate. be receivfd at this otTice until 12 o'clock m.. central stand ard time. July M. !!,. snd thn opened. In the Presence of attending bidders, for one hundred and one noli Cnvalrv Horses, and forty-nine tJ Artillery llorson, for delivery st Omsha. Nebrsska. or other prominent railroad points. The animals to conform to srxrlflcstlona for cavalry and artillery horses. I'nlted Ptatcs reserve right to ac cept or relect any or all proposals or any part thereof Particulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes rontslnlnx proposals to be In dorsed "Propossls for Horses." snd ad dressed to Major M. GRAY .AI.IMM. Chief Quartermaster. J14-l6.26-:7 NEWS FROM THE ARMY POSTS Fort Riley. FORT RILEY. Kan.. July 14.-Spec1al.) ActlriK tinilf-r telegraphic, orders from de partment rti'is, practically the en tire garrison, with the txcrption of the Twenty-fifth field hattory, will leave the post tomorrow in irnlna to participate in the preliminaries of the maneuver to b held here this summer. The second squad, ron of the Second cavalry will go Into camp on Pawnee (1 its, being the first troops to encamp at Fort Riley. The rest or the garrison will start on a 2oO-nill practice march. The main column, consisting of the headquarters, band, the first squadron of the Ninth cavalry, the first squadron of the Thirteenth cavalry, the two horse bat teries of artillery and a detachment of the hospital corpe, all under the command of Colonel E. 8. Godfrey. Ninth cavalry, will proceed westward, going ss far as Ella worth. Kan. The other column, coniposed of the Seventh, Sixteenth tsicgel and Twenty-second listterles. under the command of Major E. 1. Hoyle, artillery corpe. will march eastward aa far lis Topeka. where it will be Joined by the organizations en route from Fort Leavenworth and the march will then be continued by a circui tous route to Kansas Falls, where the two columns will be consolidated, and on Au gust 1 the entire column, forming an army of between S.WO and 4.000 men, will march from Kansas Falls through Junction City to the post and go Into camp on Pawnee flats to participate in the maneuvers. The returning column will be several miles long and will contain representatives of every arm of the service. The Twenty-fifth battery, field artillery, will not go on the long practice march to morrow, us It has Just returned from a march of equal distance to and from Seneca, Kan., where It went to participate with the cltixens in the celebration of In dependence day. Captain F. S. Armstrong. Ninth cavalry, will remain in commaad of the post during the absence of the organizations for the remainder of the month. From tomorrow until August 1 there will be a smaller num ber of soldiers at Fort Riley than at any time since the war of 1898. A statement showing the order In which the state troops will oome to the maneuvers has been published. Those of Nebraska will come first. They are to be here from August 5 to 12. The Kansas troops will come next, followed In order by Missouri. Iowa snd Oklahoma. This plan will keep about 2.000 militiamen In the camp con tinuously, in addition to about 7,0o0 regu lars. . After several months of agitation of the subject, a telegraph office has been opened In the post administration building, and all official telegrams will hereafter be handled -by Signal Sergeant Kerrigan, who Is In charge of the office. The telegraphlo busi ness at the post has been so heavy of late as to make It necessary to keep an orderly constantly on duty carrying messagea to and from the railroad station. Announcement la niade of the Engage ment of Miss Clare Randolph Sell man to Second Lieutenant L. U. McKlnlay of the artillery corps. Miss Bellman la a niece of Captain T. Bentley Mott. I Jen tenant Mc Klnlay la on duty with the Second field battery at this post. The gunnera' examining hoard completed it work here and the members left the first of the week for their proper ststlons. I. H. Masters Is spending the summer st the post in the employ of the post exchange. Mr. Masters for some time was local secre tary of the Young Men's Christian associa tion here, and is now working his way through college. About the last piece of work done by Captain M. 8. Murray, commissary, before he went on sick leave this spring was the Invention snd perfection of a folding canvas bread trough. This trough has received the enthusiastic approval . of. the commie v ' ' department, th. officers expressing.. the be lief that It will revolutionise bread-making in the . field. It can be used for various purposes, such as washing dishes, watering horses, washing clothes, or even ns a bath tub. When not In use it can be folded Into ' a compact bundle and several of them can be transported on a pack mule. Captain Slgworth came tip from Kansas City Tuesday and on Wednesday paid the enlisted men of this command. The old 12-pound bronze field gun. which has done service ss sunset gun at this post for many years and which has been dis carded for a more modern piece, has been presented to the town of Junction City, br virtue of an act of congress passed at Its last session. The gun will be taken to Junction City soon and placed In the city park. Nine carloads of horses were received at the post Monday from Seattle, Wash. These horses are to fill the shortages In the troops and batteries stationed here, and also for use during the maneuvers. On Tueer' n stampede occurred among them an Jn ihelr frenzy of fright many of them broke'out of the corral. A number of the horses swam the Kansas river and escaped across the prairie, but most of them were recaptured by . a detail of mounted soldiers. Dentsl Surgeon F. F. Wing went to Fort D. A. Russell. Yfyo.. this week, where ha Is to take station. - It la announced that the secretary of war will visit this post In October to familiarize himself with the conditions here before the plan for making Fort Riley a brigade post is finally Hpproved. During the maneuvers the Seventh and Twentieth horse batteries of artillery will be organised into a horse battalion, which will form a part of the cavalry command. The Second, Tenth, Twenty-second. Twenty-fifth, Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth bat teries will tie organized Into a provisional regiment of field artillery, while the two siege batteries will form a separate batta lion. Colonel E. 8. Orlmea will command the provisional replment. Two special trains arrived at the post from Fort Ies venworth yesterday, carrying the pontoon outfit, telegraph nd telephone equipment of the battalion of engineers snd signal corps detachment.' Company IC of the englmer battalion accompanied the trains and will remain In charge of tha property until the maneuvers begin. Fort Mobrara. FORT NIORRARA. Neb.. July 16.-Bpe-elal.) Captains Michael J. 1-nlhsn and J. D. llteh left Sunday morning for Austin. Tex., to report to General McCoskey for duty during tly maneuvers there. Captain Lenlhan was accompanied by his wife and two daughters. The Third battalion defeated the First battalion In a bull game Sunday by a score of t to 4. An Impromptu party given by the officers and women of the First battalion on Fri day evening proved an enjoyable and unique affair. Invitations were issued for a "roof garden party" at 9 o'clock on the parade ground. Bright moonlight prevailed, so no other lights acre needed. Tahles and chairs were placed facing a platform that did duty for a stage, upon which a de light fill program waa rendered by various men of the companies. Dancing, singing, club swinging and other "stunts'' were th order of the evnlng. Refreshments consist. Ing of beer, ginger ale and sandwiches were served througiiout the evening Saturday evening a hop conipllmentsry to Captain and Mrs. (Shattuck waa given st Gordon hsll. Captsin Bliattu-k has Just been detailed for duty In the ijuanermas ter's depsrtment and will report for duty In Washington. Lieutenant HlgKlns has hen sxslgned f Companv K for duty at present. Colonel and Mrs. R. W. Iloyt left Satur. day for Geneva, N. Y The rolonel has been granted a four months' i k leavw and alii take a course of treatment at the tentorium at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Lyon, wife of Csptaln Lyon, left for Kansas f'ltv Tuesday morning with her two children. She will mike a short visit with hr parents snd then Join Csptaln Lvon on his wav to Texas with the troops. Mrs. Penrose, mother of Major Penrose, left Saturday for Fort Wayne, Mich., for a visit with her son stationed there, Cap tain Penrose. A telgrain received by Colonel Hovt Sunday morning brought ihe good news that ihe Twenty-fifth infantry would not take part in the summer maneuvers at Aus tin, Tex., but would prrs-eed direct to the posts assigned to the trooju. Lieutenant F. W. Hughee return.-. from Ksnsas tliy Tueeduy morning. A blind evangelist lectured on the parade ground Monday nlaht on "The lst Days of Russia." lie 1rew a good crowd and proved an Interesllng speaker Captain and Mrs Atios H HlmlttK'k and three children left for Washington .Wednes day morning, were served ll evening. Csptaln M. J Ionlhan. Twenty-nfth In fantry, has been selected for a 4UU11 a the genttal staff of th afmj. It i V