Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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EeU of the Werk Are Thots at the
Summer Club House.
Dys Umlt Llaka mm Tea-Is (.'tis
followed by Daaees mm Ulaaers
aad Mark Gcaatna
lie Lore Ma Not.
Tha maiden plucked a daisy
To tent love's errant shot.
Alternately pronouncing
"He loves me loves me not."
And now In consternation
I question much, alack:
How could so white a petal
proclaim a He so black?
Hew York Tribune.
Social Calendar.
BUNDAT-Mr. Lee McBhane, supper at ths
Country club.
MONDAY Mra. Harry Cumminas, bridge
party at the Country club.
TUraUAY-Mr. and Mr. W. B. Meikle,
dance at Country club: Mr. Herman
Kountie, luncheon or Mrs. Chrlstlancy;
Mrs. H. T. lemlet, aolf contest.
WPDNE8DAT Luncheon dinner and dance
.at Field club; luncheon at Country club;
Mrs. Z. T. Undsey, luncheon.
THL'RBDAY Mra. Zallnski, bridge luncheon
at Country club; Miss Henrietta Rets.
' lawn party for Miss Manrld.
FRIDAY Mrs. B.m Bums, brids club.
BATl'RDA Y Dinner and dance at Field
club; dinner and dance at Country club.
Moat of the events for the coming week
will be given at tha Country club, and, as
the calendar shows a large bridge party,
dance and bridge luncheon, together with
tha many luncheons and dinners which are
not announced until the last minute, that
popular place will be the scene of much
' gayety. Outside of tha affairs given at
tha Country and Field clubs, there la
scarcely anything going on In society. The
coming week will probably be a gay one
at the Field club also, as the tennis tour
nament for the city championship will be
In progress all week and will attract many
visitors and tennis ' enthusiasts. Another
visitor waa added to the list of popular
young women yesterday, when Miss Wallln
arrived, to be the guest of Miss Julia HU
glnson. Miss 'Wallin has visited In Omaha
before and, has many friends, and as Miss
ilgglnson Is a general favorite, there will
undoubtedly . be much entertaining lor her
"While the cat's away the . mice will
play" wag cleverly demonstrated last week
when three, lonely men whose wives are
away decided to entertain their friends at
a dinner. In which no one was to have a
hand but themselves. After Inviting their
guests, they put their three heads together
and carefully planned tha - dinner, which
waa cooked entirely by two of tha hosts,
while the third arranged the artistic cen
terpiece and laid the table. Those who were
present say they never sat down to a bet'
ter dinner and declare that the chief rook
and his assistant, who are prominent mem
bers of the Hanscom Park Dancing dub
and Field club, missed their calling when
they didn't become chefs, while the third
would have no difficulty In obtaining a
position With a catering establishment on
account of hla artistic ability and taste.
i At the Country club Mast evening there
were few large dinners, "most of them be
ing Informal parties of four and less,
tnsny of them being coui who dine
at the club often. In prefer .... " to a din'
ner at home. Tha. largest dinner waa
that given by Qeneral and Mrs. J.
Cowln. Their guests were Senator Mil
lard, Miss Millard, Mrs. John Horbach,
Mrs. Bourke, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Yatei
Mr. and Mra. O. E. Prltchett. Major anl
Mrs. Zallnski, Colonel and Mrs. Hoff, Mr. 1
and Mrs. John I. Kennedy and Mrs.. Lu
ther Drake. ,
; At on of tha tables was a merry party,
composed of Misses Gwendoline White,
Marlon Uugbea, Elizabeth Congdon,
Messrs, WUlard Butler, Junius Brown,
George Bedlck and John Redlck.
In honor of Mrs. Charles Marple of
Manila, who Is the guest of her mother,
Mrs. Balcombe, Miss Daisy Doane gave a
delightful dinner. Covers were laid for
Mrs. Marple, Miss Balcombe, Miss Belle
Dewey, Mtsa Doane, Messrs. Charles Saun
ders, A. J. Dove, Earl Gannett, Captain
Doane and Mr. and Mra. W. E. Martin.
Mr. Harry E. O'Neill's guests were Mlas
Flora Webster, Mrs. Elizabeth Hlgglns
BulUvan of Chicago and, Mr. Joseph Bald
tig. Miss Gertrude Moorehead entertained
at dinner for her sister. Miss Ruth Moore
Deformity Braces,
- Trasses,
! Supporters,
We have oar own factory
Expert Fitting
- Quality and
the best
II. J. Penlold & Co.
" 1408 Farnam St., Omaha '
Mineral Water
We hare Just received a shipment
of Waukesha Sprints Water direct
from the springs In 10-gallon cans
price 12.50, delivered to your real
jence, put up In neat 10-gallon cans
with faucet. Cans loaned to you.
White Rock Mth Water.
We are still agents for the famous
euarta White Rock Water (case) . .W.$0
ISO Dts.- White Rock Water (case) . .glQ.60
100 splits White Rock Water (cage).. (9.60
tWe allow $1.00 per case on bottles on
tha above.)
1 doa. -gallon Plain. Whits Rock (no
gas) per case 96-00
(iOo per cane on all H-gal. bottles.)
White Rock, Ginger Ale. A IH-Iightful
I-qt. Whits Rock Ginger Ale -Be
1 doa qta. White Kock Ginger Ale.,.ga.00
J rase 64 qts. White Kork Uinger Ale, 14.50
(We allow tl 00 pT cane on White Rock
Ginger Ale bottles.)
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
ICUi and Farnam Sts.
p. 8. Telephone us your orders for alt
hinds of Mineral Water, aa ws art direct
buyers from the springs.
4 . I
head. The other guests were Miss Bessie
Monrehesd and Msrs. Edward Crelghton,
Joe Byrne. Elmer Redlrk, Arthur Iewls
and Hugh McWhorter.
Miss Julia Hirglnson's guests at din
ner were Miss Wallln of Orand Rapids,
Mirh.; Mr. Harry Tukey and Mr. Elmer
A. Cope.
Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Barkalow entertained
Miss Carolyn Barkalow. Miss Helen Da
vis, Mr. George Van Brunt of Council
Bluffs and Mr. Denlse Barkalow.
Others giving dinners were Mr. Moshler
Colpstzer, who had twelve guests; Mr. W.
B. Roberts, eight guests: Messrs. C. N.
Robinson, T. C. Byrne, Harry Cummlngs
and D. A. Baum.
At the Field dub last evening there
were not many large dinners, either, most
of them being dinners of only four or six
covers. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Updike gave
a dinner of ten covers anu i. . imi
had seven guests. Others giving dinners
were Messrs. E. J. Mahoney, H. D. Porter
field, C. C. Wright. J. B. Clarke, J. D.
Foster and F. P. Loomis.
Comlnsr Event".
Mrs. Samuel Burns. Jr., will entertain the
Bridgi- club Friday afternoon.
Mr. Iee McBhane will give a supper et
the Country club this evening.
Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey will give a luncheon
Wednesday at the Country club.
Mrs. Herman Kountze win give a luncn-
eofl Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Chrlstlancy.
Mrs. M. Gray Zalinskl will give a large
bridge luneheon at the Country club on
Mrs. Harry Cummlngs will rive a large
bridge party at the Country club tomorrow
Miss Henrietta Revs will give a lawn
party Thursday afternoon In honor of Miss
Ines Manrld of Chicago.
The golf contest to have been held last
Thursday, and which was postponed on
account of the rain, will be held on Tues
day. Mrs. H. T. Lemlst will be the hostess
at this event.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Meikle and Mies
Julia Hlgglnson will give a dance at the
Country club Tuesday evening In honor of
Miss Wallln. who la their guest. Miss Piatt
and Mies Whiting.
The Meddlng of Mr. Alexander Cameron
Atewart and Mies Margaret Eloise Balrd
will take place Monday evening at 8 o'clock
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. T,
Patton, 2413 Bristol street. Mr. and Mrs,
Stewart will leave Wednesday for Montreal
Canada, whence they will sail for Liverpool
on July 21 to spend the summer In travel,
returning to Omaha In September.
Pleasures Past.
Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Jensen entertained at
dinner at the Field club Wednesday even
Miss Mabel Stephens gave an Informal
luncheon of six covers yesterday for Miss
Van Horn end Miss Manrld.
Mrs, Chrlstlancy of New York, Miss Carrie
Millard, Miss Helen Millard. Mrs. W. B.
Millard, Miss Jessie Millard, Mr. Ezra Mil
lard and Mr. Barton Millard- were . the
guests of Senator Millard at a dinner nt
the Country club Thursday evening, In
honor of Mrs. Chrlstlancy.
Tuesday evening. In honor of her birth
day, MUs Caroline Conklln gave a unique
and enjoyable party on the electric launch
Ahamo at Cut-Off lake. The boat was dec
orated, with Japanese lanterns. .The guests
were: Misses Gretchen Emory, Helen Ma
son, Pansy Voorhees, Dora Stevens, Laura
Waterman, Lea Mandelberg, Helen How
ard, Mabel Conklln; Messrs. Arthur Biy
ant, Harry Gould. Dr. J. N. King, Hardin
Bean, Jess Rogers, Hugh Kitten and Prank
Mr. Qeprge Gibson gave an enjoyable
hay, rack party and supper last week for
his guest, Mr. Paul Lester of Columbia
Law school, his guests Including Misses
Joy Harding, Edith Gibson, Isabel Traill,
Emlla Carter, Kate Meyers, Grace Evans,
Josephine Staley, Mrs. .Barnes and Mrs,
Guyard; Messrs. Paul Lester,"- Wlllard
Meyers,' C. 8. Balrd, Dr. Cameron, Bert
Martin., H. N. Woodland, Frank Barnes
Guyard, Leo Mannerlng, G. A. Pierce and
George Gibson. -The party was diaper
oned by Mrs. Guyard.
A most enjoyable and unique dinner was
given Thursday evening at the residence
of Mr., Gus Epeneter by Messrs. P. W,
Mlkesell, H. L. Porterfleld and Gus Epene
ter. The guests wrr several men and
women whose wives and husbands were out
of town, and a few others. The dinner,
which waa perfect, was prepared and Berved
entirely by Mr. Mlkesell arid Mr. Epeneter.
The table, which had a centerpiece of red
hollyhocks and ferns, was laid for Mrs.
Charles Urquhart, Mrs. J, B. Rahm, Mrs.
John Epeneter, Mrs. Brldenbecker, Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Clarke, Messrs. Dailey, Nnt
Hamilton, H. L. Porterfleld, P. W. Mlkesell
and Gus Epeneter.
Come and Ga Gossip.
Miss Nell Guild Is visiting MIbs Adeline
Fagan In Chicago.
Mrs. H. H. Fish is entertaining Miss Ras-
muKsen of Chicago.
Miss Beatrice Cole has rone to Illinois
to spend the summer.
Miss Claire Northrup Is spending; ten days
at Lake Washington, Minn.
Miss Bpratlen has returned from a trip
through the Yellowstone Park.
Mrs. 8. A. McWhorter and son, Gardner,
are spending a week In Chicago.
Miss Lucy Van Horn of Pawnee City is
the guest of Mlas Mabel Stephens.
Mrs. W. W. Morsman and Mrs. J. W.
Gannett have gone to Lake Oknbojl.
Mlas Lynn Carpenter leaves Monday for
Winona, Ind., to spend several weeks.
Mrs. Felix McBhane Is entertaining her
sister. Miss Nora O'Connor of Chicago.
Miss Blanche Unterkircher of Dubuque,
la.. Is now the guest of Miss Anna Coad.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. McGllton leave this
evening for Colorado to spend the summer.
Mrs. E. W. Arthur has gone to her old
home at Winterset, la., to spend the sum
Mrs. Alexander Polark of Chicago Is the
guest of her mother, Mrs. Wllllnm Roths
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Prultte of Kansas
City are the guests of Mr. and Mra. Bert
Mr. and Mrs. Ray C. Wagner and son
have gone to Lake OkoboJI to spend a
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kimball are rejoicing
over the birth of a daughter on Saturday,
July 14.
Miss Anna Bailey and Mr. Joy Bailey
have gone to Maleomh. . 111., to spend the
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haney will leave
this week for California to spend the
Mrs. Charles Si. Ady and children left
Thursday for northern Wisconsin for the
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. BHsh have gone to
Minnesota to spend three weeks among
j tha lakes,
Mlas Bess Noel left this morning to spend
her vacation with her Aunt. Miss L Loper
of Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hollnger and children
left yesterday for Btar Like, Wis., to spend
the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Caswell left Saturday
for Kersey. Colo., to visit their daughter,
Mrs. Spauldlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosenthal, baby and
nurae, leave today, to spend a month In
Colorado Springs. '
Mrs. A. B. Jaqulth, Mlas Eleanor Jaqulth
and Mr. Arthur Jwqulth are spending a
fortnight In Colorado.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Neely, formerly Miss
Helepe Wyman, who were married recently
In Washington. I). O . are expected the first
of the week, to spend a few days with Mr.
Henry Wyman and other friends and rela-
Ives before selling for the FhlllprtnrS on
uly n.
Mrs. AlexandT McKensIe has gone to
Burlington. Colo., to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Frank Wlnegar.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mawhinney mov-d
last week to their new home at 11S South
Thirty-seventh street.
Raymond C. Scott snd Maude L. Powe,
who were married June 20, are at home
t CT1T Charles street.
Judge and Mrs. Howard Kennedy will
leave Monday for a month's vacation at
Lake Superior resorts.
Mrs. George B. Tssrhurk snd daughter,
Miss Ruth, have gone to Portland, Ore.,
to spend several weeks.
Mrs. J. H. Thllllps Is entertaining her
mother and sister. Mrs. J. prince nnd Mrs.
H. Relnsteln of St. Louis.
Eugene L. Munn of 2715 Pewey avenue
eft for a two months' outing at Penver
and other western points.
Miss Helen Rahm has gone to Acklry.
Minn., to spend the summer with Pr. Myrta
A. Wells, at her summer home.
Mr. Albert Shanke, advertising manager
for Crews, Begga Co. of Pueblo, Colo.,
a visiting his parents In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Joslyn and children
of Minneapolis are visiting Mrs. . Joslyn's
parents', Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Rich.
Mrs. Chrlstlancy will leave Friday for
New Tork. where she will Join Mr. Chrls
tlancy and sail for a tHp to Europe.
Mr. snd Mrs. Ralph E. Hayward and
Miss May Weaver left Friday night for
new Tork, Boston and Atlantic City.
Van B. Lady, wife and daughter, An
nettes, leave Tuesday afternoon Mr Colo
rado points to be gone a few weeks.
Judge and Mrs. J. N. Baldwin have rented
the residence of the late Judge Woolworth
and expect to occupy It in September. ,
Miss Ola Belle Hervey has returned from
visit of ten days with Miss Marela
Perkins of Fremont, formerly of, Omaha.
Pr. and Mrs. Robert P. Jensen have
moved from Twenty-sixth and Harney
streets to 1U South Thirty-eighth street.
Mr. Joseph Morsman. who has been the
guest of Mrs. E.' M. Morsman for several
weeks, will return home on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond Sawyer,
who have been visiting relatives and friends
here, have returned home to Kansas City.
Mr. end Mrs. Fred Clark and daughter,
Miss Katherlne. and Miss Porothy Wetter
have gone to Chase, Colo., to spend some
Mrs. F. E. Loomis has returned from a
six weeks' trip out west, visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Stockdale of Seattle, former Omaha
Mrs. Richard Wearne and daughter, Mrs
William J. Creedon, leave this evening for
a three weeks' sojourn at Colorado Springs
and Mnnltou.
Mr. Gus Epeneter has gone to Penver to
join Mrs. Epeneter, who Is visiting Mrs
Conn. They will remain there about three
weeks longer. '
Mr. and Mrs. Swan and Miss Swan. of
Blloxl, Miss., who were the guests of Mrs.
Z. T. Llndsey, have gone to Steamboat
Springs, Colo.
Mrs. Phil Aarons has received a cable
message from her husband announcing his
safe arrival In Paris .with the parly of
Brandcls' buyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaso Carpenter have had
as their guest this week Rev. William Os
good and Rev. 8. E. Wilcox and Miss Wil
cox of Pes Moines. i
Mrs. R 8. Allen of 219 Pavenport street
la entertaining Miss Grace RIdenour of
Cincinnati, who was a resident of Omaha
about ten years ago,
Mrs, A. Mandelberg and three children,
Walter, Sidney and RosIna, leave today
to spend three weeks In Penver, Colorado
Springs and Manltou.
Mr. Ward Burgess Is. expected home from
New Tork today. Mrs. Burgess and chil
dren have gone to a ranch near Big Horn,
Wyo., to spend the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Cowles West have
returned from their wedding trip and art
at the residence of Mrs. West's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bartlett.
Miss Louise Lord will have as her guests
for the next two weeks Misses Alice and
Jessie Trowbridge of Evanston, 111., and
Miss Ruth Smith of Plxon, III.
Miss Lillian Rogers, who for the last few
months has been the guest of her uncle
and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn, re
turned Sunday to her home In New Tork
Mine Amy Molse of Pawtucket, R. I., a
delegate to the Baptist Young People's
union convention. Is a guest of her cousins,
Mrs. H. K. Burket and Miss Annls E.
Mrs. J. W. Crumpacker, wife of the
associate Justice of New Mexico, who Is vis
iting Miss Hart ell, was the guest of Judge
and Mrs. Benjamin S. Baker the first of
the week. .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Praper Smith have
returned from their wedding trip and have
taken the residence of Mr. and Mra. C. C.
Montgomery until the completion of their
new home.
Mrs. J. M. Weldensall has returned to
Omaha after two years' absence, In which
time she has spent several months In Ger
many. She is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
F. D. Wead.
H. M. Waring, wife and son, Roy, left
yesterday for Penver to attend the wedding
of Miss Jessie Falkenburg, daughter of the
late Fred Falkenburg. It will take place
Monday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cohn and sons,
Loyal and Walter, left last Sunday even
lug for an extended summer trip. They
will visit most of the principal summer
resorts of the east.
Mr. Clinton B. Stuht. son. of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Stuht of this city, returned
from Pullman, Wash., this week, where he
completed a course In geology at the Wash'
lngton State university.
.Mrs. Charles Marple and small daughter,
Josephine, arrived on Wednesday from At
lantic City to visit Mra Marple's mother,
Mrs. St. A. P. Balcombe. Mr. Marple will
Join his family later on.
Mrs. George H. Thummel and daughter
leave today for Prior Lake, Minn., where
they will be joined by Mr. Thummel In
August. Mr. George Thummel has been
there for several weeks.
Mies Ollvs Hammond left Friday for a
visit to Salt Lake City, where she will
be the guest of Pr. and Mrs. Ernest D.
Hammond. On her return she will stop for
a short visit In Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. 6. P. Barkalow and Mies
Carolyn Barkalow have returned from the
east, where they attended the Harvard
Tale boat races. Mr. Denlae Barkalow Is
coxswain of the Tale crew.
Mr. and Mra. C. W. Partridge and
children leave tonight for the Maine coast,
where Mrs. Partridge will remain for the
rest of the summer. Mr. Partridge will re
turn In a couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Wilcox received
word last evening of the birth of a daughter
to Pr; and Mra. Luther M. Lelsenrlng at
San Diego yesterday. Mrs. Lelsenrlng Is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox.
Miss Mabel Clark and Miss Frieda Ellis
of Wsyne, Neb., are guests of Mr. and Mra
E. P. Ellis. The young women went
to Red Oak, la., last Friday to attend a
house party given by Mlas Maude Heckalt
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shoemaker of Ylcks
burg. Miss., will arrive fn Omaha Wedne
day to be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Cohn, 1117 Park avenue. Mrs. Shoe'
maker waa Miss Carrie Teller, who visited
here last winter.
Mrs. Laurie Child, accompanied by M1h
Harriet Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Crittenden Smith, left Wednesday
evening for the White mountains, to spend
the remainder of the summer. Mrs. Smith
will Join Miss Harriet during the early part
of Attentat and remain east until fall. ',
Mr. and Mrs C. E. Tost left yesterday
for Chicago. From there Mrs. Tost will
go to Watklna. N, T., for several weeks.
Mr. Tost expects lo Join her in about three
weeks, when they will go to Boston and up
In the Berkshire.
Captain and Mrs. Hacker have taken up
their resldrnre with Dr. and Mrs. J. J.
McM'illen at the nrw home of the latter at
Thirty-ninth and Dewey avenue. Captain
and Mrs. Hacker have lived at the Madison
since they navy been stationed in Omaha. ..
Mrs. WlillanTJv. McKnlght and daughter.
Miss Irene, have gone to Denver while
Mr. McKnlght Is abroad with the Brandcls
party of buyers. Mrs. McKnlght has Just
received a cable message announcing her
husband's safe arrival In Paris.
Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Pineen of Washing
ton, P. C, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. J.
O'Donahoe at their home, 622 North Twenty-sixth
street. Mr. and Mrs. pineen are
on an extensive western toilr thht will cm
brace the principal cities of the Rocky
mountain district nnd the National park
before they return to Washington.
(Continued from Third Tage.)
From all Indications he had been In the
water about six months, as the clothing
would Indicate that he was drowned last
winter. There waa nothing In the clothing
or about the skeleton to Identify the man.
He had ts.63 In money, a 5 bill and some
silver, and had an open-faced, beveled case
silver watch.
The remains were brought to Falls City
and burled this morning.
Body of tnldentlfled Man la Located
. by Honads on Hirer Bank.
RULO. Neb., July 14. (Special) The body
of a desd man was found In the Missouri
river at the Bllby ranch, two and one-half
miles above Arago, Neb., yesterday.
Charles Erlick, a farmer, while walking
near the river In the morning was at
tracted by the strange actions of a dozen
of Walter Baker's hounds. He went to in
vestigate and found the body. It Is too
bady decomposed , to make identification
possible and the hounds had torn much of
the clothing off from the body and muti
lated the flesh. Part of the blue overalls
remained and the shirt was entirely gone.
Authorities at Falls City were not I lied and
an Investigation will be likely.
People generally believe It. to be the re
mains of William Rcece, who worked for
his brother, Frank Reece, near Barada.
Repulsed by a young woman he desired to
marry, he threatened to drown himself, and
has not been' seen for four weeks.
Omaha Road Aboat Ready to Begin
Building; to St. James.
PONCI Neb., July 14.-(Spec1al Tele
gram.) iVght-of-way men are closing the
deals atv.V paying for their deeds to the
rlght-of-wJf for the extension of the
Omaha roVfrom Newcastle to St. James.
The DeonSjltif Bt. James have guaranteed
J the rlgi.VoJway and the Omaha company
. -
will tfegln work vrt on the line In a short
time. , It Is generally believed the road will
not stop at St. James, but will be extended
to connect with the Bonesteel line of the
Northwestern at Niobrara. One new town
will probably be platted between Newcastle
and St. James,
Hamilton Is for Brown.
AURORA, Neb:, July 14. (Special Tele
gram.-The Hamilton county republican
convention was held In the court house to
day. T. A. McKay was elected chairman
and James Schoonover secretary of the
convention. W. I. Farley of Aurora and
William Hagemelster of Farmer's Valley
precinct were nominated for representa
tives; for county attorney, M. F. Stanley;
for county commissioner, Lars Eskildsen.
The convention Instructed the dehgates
to the state convention for Norrls Brown
for United States senator.
The delegates elected are as follows;
State J. A. Whitmore. O. F. Washburn.
J. m. uox. Alex L,yon. A. T. Parris. A. v
Cunningham. C. I. Krlckhaum. R. M.
'Rankin, . C7. Hockenbary. James Schoon
over, j w. rye, u. J. Anderson.
t on gresslonal M. F. Stanley,. J. a. Alden
D. Hamilton. C. I. Krtokbaum. C. A
Coats, Charles Peterson, M. Premier, P. C,
Culver, A. D. Travis, P. Jacoby, Paul Holm
wuuam riagemeiater.
Senatorial J. M. Cox R. L. Ahara. h. P.
Maasen, A. o. Hartquest. G. H. Washburn
J. N. Caseell. P. L. Jacobv. M. H. Madsen
Ferdinand Grosshans, J. W. Hobbs, W. W,
run, wi i. raney.
Float Convention Is Called.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 14. -(Special Tele
gram.) The central committee of the
thirty-third float representative district,
which includes the counties oC Gage and
Saline, niet here today and decided to hold
the convention In Beatrice on August 6.
News of Nebraska.
HARRISON Sioux county republicans
win noia tnetr convention Saturday, au
gust 4.
BEATRICE This section was visited bv
a splendid rain Saturday afternoon.. The
moisture win neip corn.
BEATRICE Mrs. Mary Hagey was se
verely burned about the arms us a result
or a gasoline explosion.
TORK Roy Allen, a Tork bov attending
scnooi in i nicagn, son of won. J. a. Allen,
is sick with typhoid fever.
PONCA-Hon. J. J. McCarthy arrived
home today. Since congress adjourned he
hub oeen viauing in Wisconsin.
BEATRICE The Union Pacific put
force of men to work ballasting the road
bed between here and Lincoln yesterday
BEATRICE Mrs. J. K. Ohlman sliDDed
and fell at her home. One of her ribs was
broken and sue was severely bruised abou
me Doay.
HICKMAN Cyrus Black, editor of the
KicKman tiiterprlne. announces mmsei
as a candidate for the republican nomlnv
lion icr state aenator.
PONGA Ponca was favored with a fine
rain on Saturday morning which has lm
proved the crop conditions. The prospects
are unuauauy origin this season.
BEATRICE John Roelfs had his han
badly crushed In the cogs of a threshni
machine while at work near Ulller. i
waa found necessary to amputate three
COLUMBUS Cards have been received
from Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Morse of Osceola
announcing the marriage of their daugh
ter, Mildred May, to J. Llndlle Heald, on
Wednesday, July , at their home:
TORK The Stromsburg-Sutton Burling
ton freight train thla morning backed into
rorepauan at Slls Brothers train, doin
considerable damage, throwing men, anl
mals and circus things around promiscu
TORK Before the Derformance In Tork
on Friday the entire mammoth shows of
Forepaugh & Bells Brothers Dassed Into th
hands of Rlngllng Brothers. Nearly all of
the large shows on the road now belong
to mis nrm.
BEATRICE B. K. Forbes of Fort Lar
amis, Wyo., who is with the geological
survey in the Black Hills country, is 1
the city, In company with hi wife, visit
lng with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
roroes. Tiiey will visit in Wisconsin be
fore returning to Wyoming.
BEATRICE George Rice delivered th
first new wheat to the Central Elevato
company at Udell. The grain yield
thirty bushels to the acre and teste
sixty pounds to the bushel. Vencll Bhalla
living five miles east of Odeli, reports
yield of forty-four bUBhels to the acre.
BEATRICE W. Z. Warner, who left
Beatrice several years ago lo eug-go i
the pump and windmill business at Co
tereats there and will locate In Beatrice
about August 1. Me was formerly em
ployed with the Dempster plant at this
filace, Mrs. Warner arrived In Beatrice
ast evening.
BEATRICE Hurveyors have been work
ing in the vicinity of Plymouth. Neb., the
laat few days, hlrh it-ads many to '
lleve that the Missouri Parltlc is maklnf
plana to build Its Una from Virginia to
this place and on farther went. The lln.)
between Virginia and Beatrice was sur
veyed several years ago and It is believed
that If the company extends its line west
from Virginia it will make Grand I'lanil
the terminus and eventually build to len
vcr BEATRICE C. M. McNeill, who has
bi-en manager of the Home Telephone nn
panv In this city for the last four yeai.
yesterday resigned his position and ex-
pert to locate In Walla walla, wash.
In the near future with W. . Francis,
also until lately connected with the com
pany here as secretary.
t'OM'MBI'R-The comptroller of the cur-
ency ha approved the application of O. W.
hllllpe. f'atrick K McKllllp. H 8. F.lllott.
" . Merna nnd rneonore r nodnor to or
ganise the German National bank at Colum
ns with a capital of IVl.uiO. The bank will
e In the new three-story Friedhof Thll-
ps ntiiiding on tne corner of jnriieentn
nd riatte streets and will be ready for
nslness August 1.
BEATRICE Monday evening at 7:ii0
'clock the Christian people will hold
brief services, after which the women of
he church will proceed to remove the
rst board from the old building, which
111 be torn down to make room for the
ew one at the corner of Ella and Pevehtn
treets. It will probablv take about two
weeks to , wreck the building and about
Ix months to build the new edifice, which
111 cost 125.000.
FREMONT In the district court this
morning Judge Hollenbeck sustained the
emurrer or the defendants in an action
brought by a number of residents of Bcrlb.
er lo nave the boundaries or the corpora-
Ion reduced, placing them buck In Cuming
township. The plaintiffs were given leave
to amend their petition and the case will
come tip later on the merits. The property
necteei consists or Shout forty seres or
farming land which the owners claim re
ceives no benefit from village taxes.
FREMONT A postponed wedding has
tint come to light In which Fremont peo
ple are Interested. The affair was set for
January 1, but was postponed to Juno- 1.
On that date the bride was ready, her
wedding trousseau prepared end the Inti
mate friend, who were to be the only
guests, were notified to oe present; put tne
groom, who Is quite prominent In educa-
mnai circles, aid not put in an appearance.
The young woman is prominent In Hooper
society. Whether the wedding is off or
postponed Is a question.
BEATRICE The Plckrell and Beatrice
base ball teams played a fast game at
Piikrell last evening, which ended in a
row. with the score 2 to 1 In favor or
Plckrell, Samsel, for Beatrice, knocked a
ong fly over first In the first half of tho
ninth Inning and scored. Samuel Blvens,
who was umpiring the bases, called It a
fair ball, while F. L. Pothast of PlckrCU,
who was looking after the balls and
trikes, called it a foul. As neither side
ould agree, and as Plckrell refused to
continue the game, Umpire Blvens decided
n favor of Beatrice by a score of V to 0.
"he feature of the game was the pltclilng
f Burget for Plckrell. who struck out
fourteen men. A large amount of money
changed hands on results.
A Tom Sublime to
those who take
Fltsk roes see Teaie
They arc ..otter than anv llauld prpara-
tlon. They fill shrunken parts develop
t 1 1 Vill.t " ..... ...1 Annatf... n
'- i i, i , , i . ii i , . a noiuiai r 1 1 . .... , w
dtico restful sleep and clear complexion.
it you are careworn and run aown ir n
and note their wonderful effect. ,
Fnffnrcrl hy physicians, noted authorl
LMUUiatU tle8 on beauty culture, editors
of beauty columns of leading publica
tions, and the Chicago Health Journal, the
great , medical authority. Three. weeK
treatment $1.00. Six boxes, S.
tablets equals two bottles liquid.
contains no injurious drugs, tsena xor
booklet, also frte sample ot our Melrmie
Beauty Cream, the perfect massage and
skin rood. Be sure our name is on the
box you buy.
WILLAHl) WHITE CO., Chicago., III.
Sold by Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Cor. I6th
and Farnam.
Bath Caps and Other
Summer Wants.
75c Bath Caps 5Uc
$1.00 Bath Caps 75c
75c Rubber Traveling Bags 40c
$1.00 Rubber Traveling Bags 65c
25c Palmers Traveling Soap (each
cake in metal box) lAc
$2.50 Traveling Bags (for ladles and
gentlemen), silk cover 91.75
$2.00 Traveling Outfit Bags. . . . .91.50
$1.50 Traveling Cases, mpty. . .91.00
The most convenient and necessary
article when traveling is a traveling
case, as you can keep your toilet arti
cles together in a compact place.
Drug to.
The Accurate
15th and Farnam
Drug Store.
Evans Hotel
Hot Springs, 60. Dak.
Beautifully situated In the vale of Mln-
The health and pleasure resort of the
northwest. Only a night's ride from Omaha.
Golf, tennis, swimming, coaching, horse
back and burro Tides and other amuse
ments. Excellent orchestra In attendance
Visit wonderful wind cave.
Exceptionally low rates on both C. & N.
W. and Burlington. -
For rates and Information, address:
ROY M. SCOTT, Manager.
Big Drug Sale
We shall have a very busy day in our
Drug Store Monday, but our force of 28
Yesterday's sale of Haturday Candy waa a
great success EVERY POIND WAS
BOLD several hours before closing time.
Monday Drug prices:
50c PoEzonl's Powder for 26c
26c Mistletoe Cream for luc
26c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder for l'Jo
!5c Lyons' Tooth Powder for 14c
Full line of the Famous REXALL
REMEDIES and at lowest cut prices.
Ific William's Shaving Sticks for 13c
6oe Socletle Hygirneque Boap 29c
$1.00 Pe-ru-na, nvw formula 89c
$1.00 Raker's Rurley-Malt for 76c
$1.00 Burnham's Karsaparllla for ic
2fic Bartenders' Friend Polish 14c
i&c Silver Bait Polish 14c
1 lb. Mule Team Borax.. 14c
2oc Putzlne (cltans wall paper) 12c
2fin Deborah Ginger Ale, quarts, t for 2fe
6c Deborah Root Beer, quarts, I for.. Sue
Stors Mult Extract, I fur 26c
Special attention . given to Prescription
work This department being separated
from the salesroom of our store.
Write or call for catalogue.
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go.
Corner ltith and Dodge
for R.ent...
Telephone Bs4 733 S
II. K. Wheelock,
TAW B Myers-DUloa Corner, lath
-a rmmua. seuaeaos, aaa rime
Bf lipiujii fa- !i Jiu
" 1 '
find this same instrument.
Jt Is the Ideal Piano of the civilised world today, because
anyone can play It artistically with faultless technique and accord
ing to the composer's own Ideas of expression.
After the hours for work have ceased for the day the weary
and worried business man can Instantly relieve the tension by
playing himself, any kind of music he wants, and entertain ' the
family and friends at the same time.
What conld be better recreation than this?
A full line of these pianos in our parlors at all times; demon
strations take place every day. We will accept your old instru
ment at its real value as a part payment. Easy terms can be had
for the balance.
A large line of new and used Pianolas to select from (for those
who do not want to dispose of their old piano) at prices from $125
to 1250, on easy payments.
Pay a visit to the Aeolian Department and convince yourself
that you want one of these Pianos or Players, at the .
SelimoIIer & Mueller
Piano Co.
1311-1313 Farnam St. Tel.
t'e ' A tr hrimZ T .1 14
to find your Silverware, Jewelry and
Valuable Papers if they are kept in your
home. Come and see the
under the Omaha National
Phone Douglas 230
Can We Interest
A better selection of elegant gems has never be
fore been shown than we are now ottering fine
regular cut, blue white diamonds from to -karats
fine Marquise diamond, $5,000 beautiful
Canary, also blue white heart -shape diamonds.
Take a look at them.
s- riAWlllNfltY 6c CYAIM UUw
DYBALL'S, 1518 Douglas Street
Moisten the Lair, moustache or wbier?
with Sunlipht Hair Ton ic betore retiring,
the hair will be tie proper eolor in the
morning. Kasily applied, entirely harm
less; won't rul oif nor stain ths linen. One
liquid, no sediment, no smell, no sticki
nes. New iH)arat ion. Sold by druggists,,
wholesale und retail. Large size '0 tents,
or express prepaid, thirty Vc.f stamps.
Agents wanted. $5.00 reluaded If I lalit.
aeeo J elode Atvnae, M. Lmis, Ma.
2024 FhrndmJSL Qmibt
3 fIJ I
BBU'g l-WH
It's all
Before You
In One Case
The above cut Is a rlcluro
of the Pianola Manorecently
purchased by Emperor Will
iam, also of Sir Thomas Lin
ton's Wedding Present to the
neV Vuof,n ' Spain.
In many of the homes in
and around Omaha you will
Douglas 1625
Saucers and Spoons Free
With Each Order.
Come in and get one of our little
barrels of Ice creams, put it in
your pocket and take It along with
you to eat later In your office. It Is
packed so that It will keep hard for
two hours. Each barrel contains
three flavors of Ice cream and we
supply you free little paper saucers
and tin spoons, so that It will be con
venient for you to serve. , .
Quart size (sufficient for eight ' "
persons) 40o
Pint size (sufficient for four
Pbone Douglas 711.
1S20 Faraaa S.
Bank, 210 So. 13th Street.
:: :: Trifling Expense
You la Diamonds
The Generous Kind
"When you once tryt Dyball'a
Ice Cream, Soda you don't have
to be told that it is good yout
know it. It is made from puro
and sweet syrups and with a big,
generous amount of rich ice
cream and - the choicest and best
fruits. '
The nex time you are down
town come in you will enjoy a
drink from our fountain.
We mix all the new and
popular drinks.
1001 Fanm St.
or address
W-JtMMh K. SL.
Omaha, . XebraaJLa
i '