TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: JULY 15, 1906. 4 SPOKANE CEIS CONVENTION Washington Citj Will EnterUlfl Baptist Ttaoc FtopU in 190& DELEGATES WILL BE BUSY SUNiAY Meetings to Be Held at the Aedl torlase asdatatlos) of the Viae a Pretty Exerelae. ' (Continued from Flrt Page.) matters for Ood's glory aa rood stewards or the manifold grace of Ood. Personal Work There Is today an un precedented need and opportunity for evangelism that la not being adequately met. There ta an apparently Increasing danger that the work be left to pastors and professed evangelists, who alone are not sufficient to do all that should be done. There la lying In the young people of the churches tremendoua aplritual power that la largely undeveloped and unuaed. We commend the fart that a Christian culture courae on evangelm haa been established by the union. But we wish, furthermore, to urgn upon ail our young people not only the need of study method, but alao the Importance of entering personally upon the active work of eoul-wlnnlng. Hospitality We are moved with a pro found aenae of gratitude for the hospitable manner In which we have been received and entertained In thin convention. Not only haa this cordiality been expn-aaed by the Daptlst hosts of Omaha, South Omaha and Council niulTs and the atate of Nebraska, but by the pastors, churches and young people's eocletlea of other denominations. Alao the press, hotels, railroads, business placea and the citizens In general of three cities have united to contribute to our com fort We wish to recognlie the splendid spirit manifested by the Commercial club and city council in the financial and other courtesies extended that made possible, among other things, the use of the spacious Auditorium. We wish to make mention of the efficient chorus choir, ably led by Prof. D. B. Towner and assisted by other slngera and musicians. The entertaining host has been ably led by Rev. J. W. Conley. D. D., who hns been untiring In hla effort!, backed bv efficient organisation In committees and subcommittees. The elaborate decorations of the Auditorium and the city have added arently to our delight. We pray God's richest blessing upon all who have con tributed to auch royal entertainment. One woman urged that an effort be made to get the boy Into the Sunday school by treating him aa a man, and not talk to hlra aa If he was a girl. Another thought that a good whittling club In the Sunday school would b a good thing. Praise the boy. brag en Mm. be honest with the boy, win him by confidence In htm. The meeting throughout was full of Inter est and some of the answers to the ques tions were extremely good and full of prac tical suggestions. Owing to the absence of Rev. Lett O. Broughton. the devotional hour waa dis pensed with. JllMORS HOLD MASS MEETING Interesting: Exercises and Some Prises Are Glrea Oat. One of the most Interesting and Im pressive features of the entire convention waa the Junior mass meeting at the Audi torium Saturday, beginning at S:30. The services were under the charge of Mra. C. E. Lathrop of Omaha, who waa greeted with the Chautauqua salute a ahe took charge. After a ahort song aervlce, a pro gram of oral addresaes waa delivered by the Juniors. The first waa on " Bible Reader Courae," by Jamea Borenson of Calvary Baptist church. "The Junior and the Bible" waa the subjeot of Catherine Vlckery's addresa of Grace Baptist church. Two little glrla then sang a very pretty song entitled "Springtime." Music by Prof. Oerstwelt and words by Dr. Chapman. Nora George of Emmanuel Baptist church talked on "Scriptural Literature" and waa followed by an essay on "Heroes of the raat," written by one of the Juniors of the First Baptist church and read by Miss Davis of Chicago. Charles Curry of Calvary BapUst church spoke on the "Missionary Charge of Christ." Mlsaes Georgia and Grace Van Winkle of South Omaha told of the Ban Francisco earthquake and the lessons taught by It of Christian charity, and the opportunity foT missionary work there through the constant Incoming of foreigners to that port. The presentation of the Junior prlxe banners then followed. Rev. H. W. Reed of Rock Ialand making the preaentatlon address. He feelingly and eloquently ex pressed hla Interest In Junior work and Us great Importance to the general work of the union. The banner were handsome silk over various colors, each suitably Inscribed with gold letters and fringed with bullion. The prlxe for the "Bible Readers club" went to the society at Provo, Utah, for the fourth time, with Georgia a close second. The prise for "Miaalonary Conquests" -vent to the society at Green Bay, Wis., tor the third time. The prise for "Sacred Literature" was awarded to the society at 'ortmer. Ia. This la the second time this prlxe haa gone to Iowa, but to Lorlmer for the first time. The prlxe for "All Around Good Work" went for the second time to the South Side church of Savannah, Ga. , The bannere were given to the repre sentatives from the winning states when a member from the special society was not present. The children were then permitted to leave the stage and the remainder of the after noon was given over to an open parliament on Junior work, under the direction of Rev H. E. Trails, editor of the Central Baptist published at St. Louis. The parliament consisted of the discus ton of twenty question, coveting the en-, tlr field of Junior work and the best meth ods of Interesting the children In Bible reading, the necessity of prayer and the best methods of bringing about the conver Ion of children. Many of the anawer were full of Interest iablt-formIng Medicines. Whatever may be the fact aa to man f the) so-called patent medicines coo Seining Injurious Ingredients aa broad!) puUlehnd la some journals of more ol I ma Influence, this publicity ha certainly been of great bene, lit In arousing needed attention to this subject. It haa. In considerable measure, maul tod In the moat Intelligent poopln avoiding such foods and medicines aa may be fairly sue- Swted of containing the Injurious lnfrre eate complained, of. Rocogulzlng this fact some time ago. Dr. Ploroe, of Buffalo. N. Y., "took time by the forelock," a It were, and published broadcast all the Ingredient of which his popular medi cine are composed. Thus be ha com pletely forwetallod all harping cristas and all opposition that might otnerwtae be orged against his medicine, rmcaase they are now or mows oourvtsrrtosj. Fur thermore, from the formula printed, on evory bottle wrapper. It will be seen that those mexllotnee ooutaln no alcohol or other habit-forming drngs. Neither do they contain any narcotics or Injurious agents, their ingredients being purely vegetable, extracted from the roots of medicinal plants found growing In the ' depths of our American forests and of well recognised curative Tinned. Instead of alcohol, which even in mall portions kmg eon tinned, as In obstinate cases of davaaaes, become highly objee- Uonable front IM tendency to produce ft eravtug fur sUinulanW, Dr. Pierce em ploys ebemicaJly pure, triple refined glycerine, whien of Ifcaetf t a valuable remedy In many eases of chronic diseases, bolus a sauerv uVsnulosut, atitteepue, antifernsaui and supporting nutritive. . It euhaaotsi the curative actio of the Golden Seal root. tote root, black Cherry berk and bloodroot, eoutasnwi In "Golden siedtoal Discovery, In all bron chial, throat and lung affection attended with severe coughs. As will be seen from the writings of the eminent Drs. O rover Coe, of New York; BrUoJo-w. ot Jeffer son Medical tMlesje, Phil.; bonder, ot . Cincinnati i lUUngwood, of Chicago i , Bale, of Ofctrmgo, and others, who stan4 as leaders In their eeverl schools of ' precttoe, the foretroing agents are tfc ' eery test taffredluot that Dr. Pierce eonki have enoaen to make no his fa- mons " Discovery for the cure of not ftuir nrountiiai, t cruel ana mng an ' ) iii. bat a bo of chronic catarrh In el mm TsjriMaa wherever locate RKCRtlTS FOR MISSIOM FIELD Slaty-Two Votaateere to Eater the Foreign Service. Under the inspiration of burning words from the Up of Rev. John TV. Lowe slxtr two young men and women offered them selves a foreign missionaries at last night's session of the convention of the Baptlat Toung People's union at the Auditorium. Mr. Lowe spoke with the fire of conviction, and besides the sixty-two young men and women, thirty fathers and mothers rose and each offered to consecrate one ot their children to work in the mission fields. The address of Rev. Mr. Lowe, which was the stirring feature of the evening, waa aa Impromptu part of the program. He and Dr. M. D. Eubank, also of the China mis sions, spoke In the place of Rev. R. J. Wllllngham, who waa unable to be present. A meeting for those who offered themselves as missionaries waa announced for this) afternoon at t o'clock In the Auditorium. The evening program was opened by a song service by the choir, under the direc tion of Prof. Towner. The musical number occupied fifteen minutes. A beat Tainted Money." The main body of the Auditorium was completely filled by the time the first speaker. Rev. John A. Earl of Waterloo, la., waa Introduced. He discussed the topic, "The Power of Ood In the Use of Wealth." He did not touch except lightly on the getting of wealth, but he declared this waa really the more Important aubject. "I think you will agree with me,' he said. "that no amount of money given to the cause of Christ will atone for the unlawful getting of money. Money tainted in the getting does not by any alchemy become changed In the ualng. "I find two great principles laid down In the Bible for the using of wealth. First, the proprietorship of Ood, and, second, the stewardship of man. Men and nations have often tried to steal the world from God, but God has rebuked their acts and they have been evicted forcibly from their lands. As stewards we find four lawa governing us In the administration of our estate, the lw of priority, the law of proportion, the law of regularity and the law of hilarity, "The law of priority demanda that we give our first fruits to God. The law of proportion that we give at least a tenth of our Income to the work of God. The law as to baptism, whloh we Baptists hold so dear, Is no more clear than the law to honor God with a tenth of our goods. Regu larity In giving is as necessary to the health of the church as regularity. In easing Is to the health of the body. And then we ahould give with Christian and hilarious sponta nlty. "The power of God cornea to ua when we use our wealth for God. When we open our hearts He will open the windows and pour out His power upon us. There Is also great power for evil In wealth and wealth undedlcated to God will sink men In wlck ednesa. What we need today Is a revival of our stewardship." Missionary Matters Dr. Eubank, a medical miaalonary from China, spoke of the "Power of Ood in Modern Missions." He made an earnest plea for more money and more help In prosecuting the work of the missionary and told of a number of touching stories to show the persistence of some of the pleneer missionaries to gain a foothold In some of the antl-forelgn cities. He de clared thousands of the Chinese died dur lng the Boxer troubles rather than re nounce their Christianity. Since 1886 he said the Christian church In China bad doubled Its numbers every seven years and so rapid had been the growth lately that It appears likely to double lta memberahlp thla time In five years. Rev. John W. Lowe of North China, whose fervor so Influenced the audience. waa formerly a missionary In the western Nebraska field. Thla announcement was made to the audience by an aged minister, who told of the success of the young mlS' slonary years ago. Mr. Lowe entertained the audience by re. peat lng a verse of scripture and singing a song In one of the Chinese dialects. "Opportunity." he said, "Is the only word that describes the condition In China today. Great trunk lines of railroad are being built opening the country to the mis slonarles. We ahould think no more of the far east, but of the near east. The field 1 at our doors. I often think of the words of the young lady who, after a rest dence of three "months In China said, re ferring to the economy of the people, There la nothing going to waate here but souls, Then he made the appeal for more mis. slonary workers whloh wss so enthusiastic. ally responded to by parents and young men and women. Part of the Yonnsj People, "The Baptlat Toung People's Union of America, a Factor In the Development of Denominational Work," waa the aubject of the addresa by Rev. H. L. Morehouse. D. D., of New York City, corresponding secretary of the American Baptist Home Missionary society, Mr. Morehouse first compared the dlmtrtw sions of the denomination and of the Union In the north he said about one church In ten has a local Union and In the south one In fifteen. The average for the entire country Is one In ten. About one-third of the TTO.OOO or 800,000 young people In the church are affiliated with the Union. "The Union," he aald, "Is a yeasty power within the church. The denomination was a power before there was a Union and would continue to be If the Union were abolished. The Union Is one factor ta the church and the denomination Is enhanced by It. It carries about the same relation ship to the Sunday school aa the high school does to the common school." Ths educational factor of the Union he declared to be especially good especially In its culture courses. As a result many young people have become students for ths ministry. He also declared It to be a unt fylng factor In the denomination tending to blend the different sections Into one rart. He denounced Influences which hs said tended to destroy the unity of the organisa tion and urged the young people Joyfully to Keep together. Pro rasa for liatay UAD WtX'.l t Into the Place and Secret of Power ' in meetings are mis mori hall. Conducted by Rev. George F. Hoi . iwum 111 Ills churches. . AFTERNOON. I SO Praise aervlce. so introduction of missionaries lng Uon Jt. city reading of greetings from missionaries and en BIT WHAT 11 THERE IS A MAMEt user Re Bar to Trowels al Chare Dinner. n ooauy or tne papusi Toung People's Union convention Is to be observed on North Fourteenth street In front of a build ing the womea of the Plymouth church rave uaeo as a aining room. It happens that the alructure recently was vacated by THOS. KILPATRICK & CO. ft!? mu Enters upon its second week after six.dayi of S marvelous selling. The urgent need of crowding I Vvcw two montn's business into two weens, wuuc vc 3rnnlnl'(, u U u u u u va ' V2wi u fira ,,nr,mr,-r-H hv a. construction cans, haa forced prices for Monday lower than ever. To our city's visitors, the attendants upon the BAPTIST YOUNO PEOPLES' CONVENTION, we wish to especially emphasise the advantages of this sale. Spend Monday with us and in addition to, we trust, pleasant impressions of Omaha take home with you substantial benefits in our saving prices. I BASEMENT. To clean up a big accumulation of small pieces we have prepared a lot of dress lengths of materials worth up to 18c per yard none less than 10 yards Monday 59c for the pattern. 32-in. Madras, splendid for shirt ing or shirt waist suits, good value at 15c Monday 5c a yard. An entire square of dress materials . batiste, organdy, madras, suiting of linen and cotton wash goods of all sorts, worth up to 35c, at 10c yard. All of Our China on Sale at absolute clearing prices, no room for break ables during alterations. The unique ness and high character of our selec tions is well known by all critics. LOT 1 18c each Japanese Havi land and Austrian tableware, plates, cups and saucers and real Imura bowls articles worth up to 50c. LOT 2 33c each Royal Copenha gen, French and Austrian plates, cups and saucers and fancy articles, usually attractive and sold up to 75c. LOT 3 53c each Fine Karlsbad hand-painted plates, cups, ramikins; also Haviland ware, in various pieces worth up to $1.15. LOT 4 98c each Fancy bowls, fancy Karlsbad plates, cake plates and large pieces, worth ip to $1.75. LOT 5 $1.95 each Haviland pud- Vling dishes, handsome vases, choco late pots, etc. The pieces which al ways cost so much. Many of these were $5.00 each. All Cut Glass and fine Imported Bo hemian gold glass, will be sold at a discount of 20 per cent. Imported Etched Tumblers, doz,79c. MAIN FLOOR. All of our fine Imported Wash Ma terials at radical closing prices: LOT 1 Mercerized pongee in white ground, dainty figures, embroidered voiles, silk warp jacquard, mercerized checks goods worth up to 35o, 18c yd. LOT 2 Novelty plaids, Scotch Swisses, silk chiffon, evening costume, Broderie, American, etc., worth up to 50c, at 23c. LOT 3 Imported Swisses, silk warp pongee, silk coin spot, French novel ties, plain linen, etc., worth up to 75c, at 35c yard. Semi-mulle dresses of white mull lace insertion and handsomely em broideredwere $12.50, on sale $2.98. All hand embroidered linen robes, on sale: 15.00 ones for $5.00, $25.00 ones for $10.00, $35.00 ones for $15.00. Not many left. SPECIAL AT LINEN COUNTER. Fine hemstitched damask towels, large size, cheap at 35c Monday's sale 25c. Odd Pattern Table Cloths-About thirty in various sizes (some are mussed from showing) Just half price. White goods at half price 25c lines at 12V.C, 35c lines at 17V.0. Ribbons Beautiful fancies, never so cheap 35c qualities 15c yard; 50c qualities 21c yard. Fine one sold up to 35o yard. Women's Underwear Vests at 6VjC each, others at 10c and 15c. Pure lisle, turned or plain, 19c Unusual value in lisle vests, plain tape or with lace, 25c. Special lot of 50c imported lisle and Vega silk, at 37c $1 union suits, 69c. $1.50 fine suits at 98c. AH Parasols on Sale, $1.19 for white embroidery trimmed, plain black and some colors, all at one price They have sold up to $3.00. $2.98 for all the fine ones regardless of former price Some were $6.50 hand painted, hand embroidered and black silk. Solid Back Hair Brushes, worth $1.25, sale, each, 49c. 1 Buttermilk Soap, regularly 10c, 5c. (Toilet goods section just east of main floor.). Second Floor Bargains in waists, kimonos, skirts, etc. White Poplin Prince Chap Coats, value $5, sale, each, $3.00. Linen Coats, were $(5.00, $7.50 and $8.00, sale, each, $4.98. NOTICE THESE SUIT PRICES. White dotted swiss and lawn shirt waist suits, our $5 line, for $1.98. Pure silk shirt waist suits, blacks, navys and greens, worth to $15, $4.98. German Linen Suits, nobby bolero styles, $12, $15 and $18 suits, ea. $6.93. We have just 15 stylish suits in pas tel shades, the finest tailoring, the choicest models. These have sold at $35 and $40, one Cherry Bite, each, $15 Our great Muslin Underwear Sale finds us with even the sale lots broken. Monday we will make a clean-up of all the small lots and all garmeuts that have been mussed or soiled in show ing. Gowns, skirts, corset covers, drawers, chemise, all at Half Price. DRAPERY DEPARTMENT. All our Rope Portieres reduced be low cost. Here are a few prices: $9.00 rope at $5.98. $6.75 leather rope at $4.50, $5.00 rope at $3.98, $4.50 rope at $3.25, etc, A few of odd and end pairs curtains left: One lot at 69c pair, and another at $1.59 pair. All swiss sold at 15c, now lOo yard. ThsD wholesale ltauor firm. On the awnlna above- the entrance large letters spread to public gaze the reputed merits of a certain brand of , rye whisky. On the sidewalk a large placard tells people that the place Is tne dining room of the Plymouth church women. Despite the Incongruity a arood business haa been done, whether because of or in spite of the sign Is not stated. BEST CONVENT-IOW EVER HELD Bach la President Chapman's State ment of Omaha Meeting Omaha has done its best to give the visit ing Baptists a cordial welcome, a g6od en tertainment and to send them home feel ing It was well to have been here. And from expressions of President Chapman and other leaders Omaha has not failed in Its undertaking. . President John H. Chapman of Chicago, In speaking of the convention and the city. said; "This Is the best convention ever held since the birth of the movement. The day sessions are more largely attended than they have been in the paat five years. The spirit and the atmosphere of the whole con vention is full of life snd energy. How ever, the delegation is smaller than we had hoped. Albeit,, the conferences are well attended and more real work la being ac compllahed than ever before. The results sought for sre being realised, even beyond our expectations. One of the main rea sons why the convention Is perhsps not as well attended as before Is that the laat meeting of the convention was omitted, thus causing a break in the direction of concentrated effort. It must also be borne in mind that this is . the time of year when countless summer assemblies draw many of our people away to places of quiet and rest. We shall endeavor to have our convention so adjusted In the future so as not to conflict with ths summer assemblies. Omaha Is highly to be congratulated upon the success of this most stupendous snd splendid enterprise." Mlas Coral Davis, essoctste editor of the Junior missionary courae. Is the young woman who suggested the motto of the convention, "Power," which Is to be seen continually over the speaker's stand. In speaking of the city and Its people, ahe aald: "Omaha haa been very kind and the press most generous In Its support of the convention." Rev. George T. Webb, general field sec retary of the union, said: "This conven tion Is not as large as our lsrgest, but It Is better thsn our best." Rev. B. J. Farmer of Brentford. Ont.. spoke of the convention In terms of pro 1st: "There seems to be a serious purpose per meating the convention. Much seems to be accomplished In every direction" In speaking of the city Dr. Farmer aald: "I wss most pleaaantly surprised In the "city. Upon making a tour of the city I was de lighted to see so many splendid publlo buildings. I was especially struck by the architectural beauty of the high school and postofnee." Dr. Farmer halls from Brant, ford, which In point of Importance ranks third aa a manufacturing city In ths Do minion of Canada. aloha These have utilised the occasion to look ver furniture, dry goods, clothing and' Ikher stocks snd to buy whst they neede WELSH, WEATHER AND BAPTISTS Arbiter of the Elements Esplalne His Qneer Comdact. Weatherman Welsh, when asked why he had dealt so strangely with Omaha during ths first two days of the Baptist conven tion, merely remarked that he supposed Christians had ths fortitude to abstain from profanity merely because the sun was hot snd the atmosphere torrid. After ths convention Is over, namely, by Bundny night Colonel Welsh thinks he will ease off somewhat and let Omaha get back to Its normal temperature. In fact, Saturday he had been so plessed with the meek snd bumbls manner In which ths Baptists ac cepted the heat snd humidity that he shifted ths mercury up several notches. Ons ssplent response of Mr. Welsh to a qnestlon about when would the air bs cleared of an undue amount of humidity deserves perpetuation to show he Is truly a greater weatherman. "The humidity will lessen." said he. "when It quits raining so much." Ia other words, ths moisture will depart when it no longer cornea. isltora at the Churches. 1 Baptist ministers will occupy the loal p'j;lts Sunday. The following speak ers ha been assigned to the various -ba-tficT; BAPTIST CHURCH E8. First, Twenty-Ninth and Harney Rev. R. M. West, St. Paul, Minn. Calvary, Twenty-nfth and Hamilton Rev. A. K. DeBlols, D. D., Chicago. III. Immanuel, Twenty-fourth and Blnney Rev. B. H. Moore, Wisconsin. Grace, Tenth and Arbor Rev. A. W. La mar, D. D., Holt, 8. D. First Swedish, 1S North Eighteenth Rev. A. Wester. Missouri. Olivet, Thirty-eighth and Grand Avenue Rev. J. M. Gurkey, Kansas. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES. First, Nineteenth and Davenport Rev. W. H. Gelstwelt. D. D.. Illinois. St. Mary's Avenue, Twenty-seventh and St. Mary's Avenue Rev. George T. Webb, Illinois. . Plymouth, Twentieth and Spencer Rev. George F. Hall, Minnesota. Cherry Hill, Forty-aecond and Saratoga Rev. J. Y. Montague, Kansas. Hillside, Thirtieth and Ohio Rev. H. C. Miller. Wisconsin. CHRISTIAN CHURCHES First, - Nineteenth and Farnam Rev. Bruce Kinney, Utah. North Bide. Twenty-sixth and Grant Rev. C. A. Hobbs. D. D., Wisconsin. METHODIST CHURCHES. Trinity, Twenty-second snd Blnney Rev. H. Hanson. D. D., Iowa. Beward Street, Twenty-first and Seward Rev. S. B. Hudson. Han scorn Park Twenty-ninth and Wool worth Rer. W. Klrke Bryce, Illlnole. Hirst Memorial, Thirty-fourth and Larl more Rev. A. C. Blackman, Iowa. Delta Memorial, Tentn and pierce Rev. W. R. Howell. Mlchlrsn. Walnut Hill. 4037 Charles-Rev. Fred T. Berry, Iowa. First Swedish, Nineteenth and Burt Rev. P. Hallln, Nebraska. LUTHERAN CHURCHES. Kountse Memorial, Twenty-sixth snd Farnam Rev. S. J. Farmer. Grace. Twenty-alxth. Ret ween Ponnleton and Woolworth Avenues Rev. 8. J. Miner, Kansas. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. Flrat, Seventeenth and Dodge J. M. Moore, Illinois. Second, Twenty-fourth and Nicholas Rev. A. A. Mainwarlng, D. D., Indiana. Castellar, Sixteenth and Caatellar Rev. Fred Palmer, Iowa. Lowe Avenue, Fortieth and Nlcholaa Rev. L. A. Garrisaon, D. D.. 10 w. Knox. Nineteenth and Ohio Rev. C. J. Hughson, Canada. Dundee, Fiftieth and Underwood Rev. F. E. R. Miller. North Dakota. Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh and Pratt Rev. George D. Knlghta. Illlnole. Clifton Hill. 4340 Grant Rev. A. LeGrand, Iowa. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES. First. Twenty-first and Emmet Rev. A. W. Atkinson, Kansas. Central. Twenty-fourth snd Dodge Rev. L. D. Osbourn, Ph. D., Iowa. EVANGELICAL CHURCHES. First United, Twentv-fourth and Frank linRev F. M. Archer, Iowa. SOUTH OMAHA CHURCHES. First Baptist, Twenty-fifth and II Rev. J. A. Earl, D. D., Iowa. First Presbyterian, Twenty-fifth and J Rev. B. P. Richardson, Colorado. United Preebyterian, Twenty-third and L Rev. M. D. Eubank. M. D.. China. 8wedlsh Baptist. 7u North Twenty-second Rev. Eric Carlson, Illinois. First Methodist. Twenty-third and N Rev. W. A. Elliott, Kansas. COUNCIL BLUFFS CHURCHES. First Baptist, First Avenue and Sixth Street Rev. J. Gravett, Colorado. Swedish Baptist, Williama Street Rev. C. Haaaelblad, Nebraska. Y. M. C. A. Rev. R. N. Martin, Minnesota. COUNTY JAIL. 11:16 p. m. Speakers unasalgned as yet. OTHER CHURCHES. People's, 616 North Eighteenth Rev, C. H. Bancroft. Nebraska. "Uncle Boston Bmlth," manager of the chapel cars of ths American Baptlat Pub. llcatlon society and the friend of the boys and girls, will address the Calvary Baptist Sunday school at U m. Notes of tne Convention. Rev. A. W. Lamar, D. D., la among tho delegates to the International Baptist Young People's convention. Dr. Lamar Is residing In Nashville, Tenn., where he haa been located for seven years.. He has been on a lecturing tour to ths chautauquas In North and South Dakota. Dr. Lamar was for five years pastor of the old First Bap tist church in Omaha, from 1S87 to 1851 The Baptist Young People's Union of America was born In his study here in Omaha in 1899 Harry L. Maxwell will sing Sunday morning at the Second Presbyterian church, corner Twenty-fourth and Nich olas streets. Prof. D. . B. Towner will sing Sunday morning at Trinity Methodlat church. Twenty-first and Blnney streets. All of the visiting miaalonarles will be present at the Sunday afternoon meeting at the Auditorium. Among other notable present st the con vention Is "Uncle Boston," officially known as Boston W. Smith of Minneapolis, one of the pioneers of the chapel car work in the west. Rev. H. C. Miller In responding to the standard greeting for Wisconsin said: "We come from a state made famous by beer, not Baptists, but the beer is going down, not down the Baptists." The mistake caught the audience at once and It was soms moments before Dr. Miller could be heard to qualify the remark that he meant the beer trade was going down and that the Badger stste was for Christ. Mllford Rlggs In responding for Missouri said: "The Baptist Young People's Union of our state wss born the same yesr Its mother was. Missouri Is the greatest mule market In the world and we are ready for war or peace, as we have 200,000 Baptists there, too. Borne are black.' some white snd some green and have to be shown, but we come here with seventy delegates to show you a little, too.'1 By request the choir of 400 voices will give a sscred song concert Monday night In the auditorium at which a small admis sion fes will be charged. The entire even ing will be devoted to eongs and many musical numbers the choir has been ssked to sing will be rendered at that time'. Ths slumnl of Des Moines college held a banquet at ths Young Women's Chris tian association rooms last night. About fifty-four former students of ths collebe as sembled st ths college booth and went to the association rooms. Rev. John A. Esrl of Waterloo presided. Impromptu toasts were responded to by a number of alumni and by Rev. L. D. Osborn, president of the college. A Bible in possession of H. T. CIsrke at tracted considerable attention from friends of his who happened to come to the Baptist convention. The Bible was left to Mr. Clarke by his father. It contalna the fam ily record from 1641. John Clarke waa the flrat Baptlat elder In America at Newport. 1638-76. He waa an eminent physician, the ologian, linguist snd statesmsn. He was ths leader of the founders of Rhode Island In the protection of liberty of conscience. Ha was ths sgent of Rhode Island who procured and probably wrote the charter of the stste grsnted by Charles II., the first constitution of a state which definitely separated church and state. The church still stsnds st Newport snd Is the oldest Baptist church In America. It Is the only church In New England to atand for over 216 years that haa not departed from Its original faith. o Somewhere Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha TO 150 CANADIAN AND NEW ENGLAND CITIES AND RESORTS. DATES OF SALE. Canadian Destinations, Daily. New England Destinations August 8 and 22. RATES " 15-day limit, one fare plus $ 2.00 3Q-day limit, one fare plus 4.00 San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle. . 60.00 One way via Shasta Route 73.50 Spokane, Wash 55.00 Butte and Helena 50.00 Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00 Salt Lake City and Ogden 30.50 Glenwood Springs, Colo 29.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 17.50 Sheridan, Wyo 26.40 Deadwood and Lead, S. D., 18.75 Hot Springs, S. D 16.40 Chicago, III 20.00 St. Louis, Mo., 18.50 n MICHIGAN AND WISCONSIN RESORTS. Reduced Rates Daily. Better call or write and let me plan your summer vacation for you. I can give you all the latert information and free descriptive lit eratnre. J. O. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St Omaha, Keb. Bee Wsnt Ads srs the dependable eeeds of success. EXPELS BAPTISTS BRING MICH BrSINESS Delegates' Peesaaee Has Stlsanlatlag E Sleet Retail Trade. Considerable -business has been brought to Omaha retail merchants by ths Baptist convention, and a number of stores put en eatra ealesmen to ears not only for the trade, bet to show visitors through their establishment. The extra business wss hardly expected, but seems to corns from lowans snd Nebrsskana. who have com In large numbers to a '.tend ths ses- o BLOOD HUMORS Itching, disfiguring eruptions, rashes, boils, etc., as' well as pimples, black-heads and rough, ecaly skins, chow the presence of some irritating humor in the blood. These acids and humors with which the blood -Is filled are being; constantly thrown off through the pores and glands, and the skin is kept in a feverish, diseased and unsightly condition. Nothing applied externally can change the condition of the blood or prevent the outflow of poisons and acids ; only constitutional treatment can do this. The countless washes, salves, lotions, etc., that are used cannot reach the humor-laden blood and are. therefore, useless, exceot for the tcmnorarv comfort and clean- J liness they afford. The acid poison in the blood, which is the cause of the trouDie, ruusi be removed btlore a cure can be effected. S. S. S. is a real biood purifier, possessing all the requirements to neutralise and remove the humor from the circulation. It completely eradicates every trace of the poison and restores this vital fluid to its natural state of purity S. S. S. cools the acid-heated blood so that instead of pouring out acrid matter on the skin it feeds and n urishes it with health-sustaining properties, and the eruptions and diseases ol the skin pass awav. Book on Skin Diseases and medical advice free 71jf SWIFT SPECtTlC CO.. A TUU1TA, OAs . i? RAnnn nrfi liVl iUL The direct route to St. Paul and Minneapolis, Su perior, Duluth and all points in southern Minnesota, northern Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan is via The North-Western Line 510 s12 Round trip from Omaha July 24th, 25th and 26th. Return limit July 31st, with privilege of extension until August 15th on payment of fee of 50c. 50 Round trip from Omaha daily during the summer. Return limit October 31st. Two fast trains per day leave Omaha 7.50 a. m. and 8.28 p.m. Splendid equipment. The night train is electric lighted throughout with buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pullman deeping cars ana free reclining chair cars. T5he 'Best of Everything. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and full information apply at TICKET OFFICES: 1401-03 Farnam St., Omaha, and 622 Broadway, Council Eluffi ms. I