i 3 Annual FROM VLHINA TO D OWV oa the Ea half a mo or bridge. Has th Belangor. She well aa of grtat River front, above the big steamship la broad aa length, and 1b hr big body twelve thousand tuna of merchandise can ba atowad without linking bar to tha North Atlantis wlntar Plbnaoll mark. 8 ha vary stumpy masts, tour of tham, and thay are all made of Iron, aach Ilka a single length of tapering watar main. Tbay ara Juat cargo derrick, aach with foul short, thick booma for loading and dis charging, and tbay axa also of Iron) la fact, on looking a boat tha daoke there la not a partial of wood vlalbla. Tha dsoka thamaalvaa ara of big ! piatea, and thara la no wood an aha thing ta tha deck house, and tbalr doors ara great laavaa of matal that oraak whara tha aalt watar haa got at tha hlngaa. Not even a woodan block Is to be wan, for thla la a Braoracker ship, tha first of tha season to bring from far Cathay hun dreds of tona of imprisoned aolae where with tha Amsrloan youth wall rajoloa on lndapandanc Day. and thara must ba nothing Inflammable about tha docks of tha Selangor. There la no running rig ging, and tha a landing gear U all of wl fora and aft, tha full length f tha big ship,, thara la nothing but metal In sight. Tha Chinas and Malaya at work at tha hatehaa ara not Try wall plas.ua at tha law of tha ahJp thla voyaga, for every yellow man of tha craw, and tha faw whits onaa for that matter, had their laat smoko aboard nearly two montha ago. In Shanghai. They did oaten a Chinaman In tha galley lighting hla plpa one day, but ba did oat try It again, "We have to b ea oaraful aa if toe able ware a btoomia' arsenal." said Captain Watktns, loaning on tha larboard forward rail aa ha watched tha big c&aaa of crackers Jerked out of tha Iowa? hold by lb donkay. "Just one bit of a apark in that pUe below thara, a spank of not ashes on a fw loose grains of powder and 'twould ba all day with tha whole of us. That lower tier of case thara wa got aboard at Auioy and the) reet of tha atufi at Shanghai and Wnatupua, Of oouraa wa put It awajr deep among tha taa and anal ting, but I'm never easy till tha niurderla' powder oift of hare. It gets on a man' mind by and by, a teaming day after aay shove a aoupl hundred tons of espioexv, and whea w left tha China aaaa tha sou' west nionaoon was Just oomlneT on and I was a bit anxious to gat out of It with out a thunder storm, 1'oa coin' to take a lead of case oil back ta Yokohama, bat that's not one, two, three with fifty thou sand pound of powder under you, whan on o' thasa Bttle whtfCs of air gats at you. with a tow alec trio volt mixed up with It. I'Ta aaaa tha Jlgntntag apurt rtgtst a way over tha ky Uka burnln' qutcksllvari aye. Tr aaaa It start at the sanllh like a white not ball and burst Into little trtcklea of fire Uke malted atael that ran over tha clouda at night UU tha whole heavens glared down tike tha cracat a doom. "You oan gee how oom for table thla makaa nu.ttra In m. firecracker ship, and It a a happy man I waa whan we got out o' tha canal and up Into cooler wUur. But It's hard ta keep the men from amok- lug. Tou eee, wa have native aerangs on board, and wa aan't keep track of avary bit of miachlaf tha yellow fallowa gat Into. No, you're thlnkla' of orang-outanga A eerang lau't a monkey, it's Uva boaun Uiataad of a white oaa Tbay handle the Us.iri pretty wall and aaa talk good fcrvgUsu baaldas tha gabMa thay use to tha man. Ht Didn 't Smok Much. "ixd the oook smoke on tha voyaga? I don't know, tin tried to once that 1 know of, but ha didn't enjoy it vary much. I don't think ha found H worth while. The 'mate libera tie la standing by the door way) came on a run and dodged around the ouruer of tha galley one day la tha Strait & Suada and Jumped right on top o' the oook with a Uva ooal from tha galley Ore and a plpa In hla teeth. Not being present 1 don't Just understand wliat happened, and I haven't praaaed the oook tor details. But they aay tha pipe want orer tha stern with on ean o' the mattea snuttoa fist, and tha heatiiea ahakln' In hla --ti--1t and dodglo' behind tha op pars, Tha mate said ba (ut him In tha bight of a rope and give tow over the ktern for a kit. Wa didn't do that quite, but, wall, he'll hardly light hla pipe again at tha galley lire. - "Ar Urooraokera made la aweat abopaf How could theyT You don't know the Chi nese or you wouldn't ask that. Tha Chi nes ooolle Uvea In one way, no matter whara be la. Whatever part of the world ha happen to be la, be Uvea aa tow aa ha can; and kf a In China It s all tha worse. Ba makes five cent a day If he's good, and, ha save two and a half of It la fthang.hat or Canton. Thay talk about tha natives In India la soma o' tha muck rake oonveraasloaee. Why, tha Hindoos Uva Uka oook a too alongside a Chinaman, a. Hindoo aoolla picks up two dollars and a half a week if he's eound and kind, about six times aa much aa tha Chink. "But what's that about tha crackers? Wall' we've every breed aboard aver grown In tha country. There's tha lady firecrack er, the alae of a pigeon's quill and half an laoa hong. And there's the giant mandarin, two feat high and as big as your calf, with a pound powder In hla tough hid. Between tbata are a dwaea sixes. Thara' a tha oommoa fla-aarackars. over her. Wa'v M.000 oases 9 that sis, four boxes to a oaa. Oily packs gee la a os. You can oall It a good bit over two hundred mill ion oraokara that left China In tha Be langor this trip. - Whara do thay gat such tough paper T Soma of It comes from America, Tie tha good will ' the V. byiarlaa salaatonartes. Blblt CtacUtu "Oorae alongside and belay your tackles and 1'il give it to you how they aaa turn out in stus xor tour dollars a thay eall for la thaa United aHata. 'Tie a cousin I have in 'sVUoo that let ova la, Ha'i a bit of a goapal Joas hlmaalf. but they gave him a Jolt a while ago that near dis masted him. Twa his Uttl boy, a lad of twelve, that hailed tha old man one day, 'fop,' h aaya, 'look what I found on a piece of paper,' says the kid. Th parson takes tha bit o' paper and reada : 'Happy la tha man that Hndevh wisdom.' "Bounds mighty like tha Proverb,' aays. tha old "whss did you gat this, sonny T' 'On a dead Araoraoker, pop,' ba aays. Look, here' soma mora of It.' And tha parson picks up a bunoh 0' them and rips em up and place out a good bit ' the eeoond chapter a aVovarte. And than ha goes out and ba a long walk. "The Chinks fill la the stuffing a' tha oravekars with an ans thin lbl paper In thaa day a" plasty, stick a tilt red tlesu aa tha outa-id and let her go, Thy get tha paper free; the only thing that (figm toe 3&& wot k ifW fWB j haa j t 1 II ) rrari.W lVWJk 1IIJU .1 VS. yttoUtl I. i VA1 ft. I.V wml'JU.m II HI I I ,1' - ' "'"S Taking or a Cargo oF Firecrackers ia bhe Harbor. Shanghai T costs U tha labor, that si moat fraa, and a U',y kT,"d th "tuft 'J?. ?u.t bou' powder tha,'. about th. ' .l- .r" have water enough akmgeMe the plars a a' Ih fska aapphlres yeu'n parvelva on wllh .he nngere of the mata Aden eve us aun or powder tnat a auout tha aaaia . . - - - r aeai, waer mey nave a neavy uew Cast youTuaad upon 0-w.Wr' U w, ( Th. next por, ralB unu ,vry WlrM yT.. l ear "'' t It Rtnixpvr. hr. w. f.t t f,w then on up through tha Had aW. .a. th. big atanshlp. Ught.r ev.ryJ T.U. .r" ! w "- -W -mat.m,. out la Chinese porta. Thay don't u Colomoo. a her a. hLTt T .TZ ! nT. '"V "..7. " I Sues, with th extra rudder clamped to the little better thaa tha mummies acroaa In pier, a r you T look sharp for th paooea, uld on so sha'U handle quicker In the Africa. What finishes them altogether Is' , . v A. . 7? turnouts U aha canal, and then down golthe nor'tir we usually OnU lo lheM" " ' ' . "f a1"" wa in Hatteraa m.t Brlv .11 .,n " -ei in Issuer to the Ore room, and 'Us only north ard o1 tunger drlvea 'em on deck again. The but they generally thaw out klvdiietranaau. that aeema so fine and day or so under the ahads arm to us, fair thicks up their blood, snj docks. ay the Mia we He up at Uiu they're "Well, I must ba gula'. Cumin i bit after a here In the the tea and spice ship discharge ara gray with pepper, and every team stirs It Up Uka dust, phew! There It la aow. Coat up the 'along before It Uke a-holt o' your Be" Ventilated and Steam Heated Tents for Consumptives. M history af'array of theae substantial teat, oavaradjaiaaas heated onte la th world Thay are! ,ith. ail avion bean wit th best double filled army oaavaa. 11 lusted on a beautiful Ua overlooking 1 diet iT, Usaaa con- which 1 not adeoled ty enow, rain or the famous Hka a feak and adjaceut aau EVkUt before la the America ha more attention VSAU to Hl WWB IliHM vmw- w iuw im ww " - ' ' - 1 - euu SUjaveufc ..!. umpoon, Ta taai irsauitsnt oriiuo, is a preny mum tmmmm w w mw uwmain raouuura mat are cetiie there la a tendency upward. The raw agga, milk and roast or boiled Other foods are added aa tha ap- lncreese and there ta be:er clr- A Few Facts About Cognac Brandy. THERE has been and still sxlst soma mg diatlnoUona ara made:- 'often sold unmixed ana u w coufustoa in tha Lilted aUatee wltn a-au-de-vle (U vln elw,, understood ua- mark.r a rtn, V?JfiW . . - . . 4 . . .. , . . . . r .t 1m . i.ih.,M., -. . . i m i . . ... .. . ... - voanao Jrlne. end a 1 iard to the meaning of the word , 'ess otherwise susclfled.1 brandy. ta Kau- "1ua atxi ieJ lo suirnuous we-ie iruu ueaenra. ch-rn-a. c t.ca ... Champagne." wognao rina," and 1 franca paopl.