Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1906, COMIC SECTION, Image 30

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IU8T in the mlBti oi the past la th
num ol the mun or wui It M
wunian 'I who flrst enabled th
daughlels of Kve to Bee their fair
eivea relteeled utherwiae than, Narclasu
like, by limpid mream or puilluis brook.
The uenlua that gave to the world
mirror niUHt uo "unwept, unhonored and
UiiHung," tlioiigh UcHiTvliiK of cunonlxa
tiuii by Woman every time wlnd-tomied
lock are amoothed, a hat la donned at
JiiHt the rlKht aiiKle, or a fresh young
lave rei-elv.-H the comforting avaurance,
"1 am a beauty."
hi'iure or when or how came mlrrora
none ciin nay, though Cicero haa lt we
owe th-m to that niythltui medico, Aea
culapiuH, und antiiiuarlea traoa them to
tie atontj Age. Or, perhaps, after all,
they come to un from a wruthful aun
guddeMs lured from her dark cava by
curiosity and jealousy at lirat aeeing her
auiky face irriVcted. The Japunme think
au, and lae, where reata that ttrat mir
ror given by the goddesa to her grand
tuii, the creator of the Kmpira of Japan,
wilh the command to worahlp It forever,
la to the devout eon or daughter of Ja
pan a ehrtue aa aacred aa Mecca to the
.Mohummeoan or the iloly tiepulchre to
the ('rounder, 'today, In palace and cot
tage alike, the moat precioua possession
ol the Japanese woman, the must Im
portant part of her trousseau, la her
ainuli, convex bronia mirror covered
with mythical symbol a of the Island
bjs-uu y.
We only know that mlrrora arrived
very soon In the world s history. The
aril at written records refer to the in.
Ihe ancient Peruviana had them of sli
ver, copper, brasa aud a polished opaqua
black stone; they have been found in
ir.MNplmii loiiiLa, the llrst U reeks used
smull iim- of bronxe, thinly coated
wiin xiiver, at the toilet for pur
poses of divination: while Pliny and
beneca declared It to be the object of
every foolish woman to posavaa a stiver
minor, and our foremotheia, the Cells,
Copied the Human fashion.
'i hough the first minora war of met
al, there have been found In the (Jul
lie, ituman, TJirsclan, tiyiantlna or
r'gypuan tombs gluss ones, bom of
these were simply a blown glass bubble
cut In a curve ilk a watch crystal,
with melted lead poured In the shell
which was mounted In a metal frame;
oiiiers mure elaborate hud a plaster pen
lugunal frame with a triangular piece
cut underneath, which was u lead Una
ot glasa surrounded by fragments of
guixa set in .ilaster for ornament.
'I hese lead mirrors, though reflecting
clearly, were effected by jainpneaa.
l..n now they are used In llaly, while
tht'Ke ol polished 1.1 are etui found
In i he oriel l.
It was nut until the fifteenth rentury
that lmrrts, aa moderns understand
them, were introduced by the Venetian
di-overr hat a hat glass surface could
be backed by an amalgam of mercury
and tin There quicksilver glasses held
their away until fellejcan in lva pat
ented the present process of silvered
mirrors which retlect 25 per cent, inure
lull I than I heir predecessors.
Venetian mirrors Wei very beautiful,
even from the hist. With all their won
derful carvings and a 1 cullur mat
glass, the "faer damts" of the Henais
aance were loih to give up the small,
circular plaiiuea of tolbhed gold or
upper in richly carved fraoaa of an-
Dial aad ebony which they carried at
tne girtlie to be ever ready for use.
The r'rench soon vied with the Ital
ians in mirror making, and those ot the
relgna of Louis XIV to XVI have never
been equaled for artistic workmanship
and beauty of design and color.
The original Idea of these mirrors waa
not aa a separate device, but aa a part
of the wall, and they were used In
paneling with richly carved wood
frames, glided or highly colored.
Frequently a picture adorned the top
painted by the most famous artists of
their day. lieuutlful specimens have
come down to ua from the brushes of
Watteau. Lencret, Pater and i'rangon
nard. f
One of these mlrrora, with a panel
representing the Joya of Europa, by
lioucher, la aa rich In coloring as when
It reflected the gay court dumea of
Louis XV.
Another, a carved mirror of the period
of Louis XIV, of Italian workmanship,
la richly tinted in different thadea of
soft greens, with a brown beading and
inlaid designs ot black. An ecclesiastic,
mirror In brocaded frame is equally
An Interesting I.ouls XVI mirror, with
an la bora .e gilt scroll on a while
ground, has a quaint old painting in
grisaille (black and while).
It was not until the eighteenth cen
tury that the detached mlrrora rnd those
above bureaus, dressing tables and
shaving alanda were Introduced, chiefly
by the ICnglish.
In France, during ' the Kmplre, the
vanity of "little Nap'' evidently was
contagious, for mlrrora lined every Inner
door of a house on both aldca of the
. panel.
The sedan chair ot the eighteenth cen
tury even carried a mirror on the out
side, perhaps, forsooth, that the Beau
The Girl Who is
IT down, the next time you plan to
go a -visaing, and make out a list
of the ever) day necessary things
vou mean to take with run. Then.
before you lock your trunk, run over
the list, and sea If you've forgoueu any
ot them.
No matter how dearly your hostess
may love uu, a visitor who Is contin
ually borrowing all aorta and condi
tions of things, from pine and aewltig
utensils to lounging robea and fiesn
blouses, is to put It mildly, a nuisance,
who has literally worn out her welcome.
Una long-suffering hostess, whose
lounging robes were the envy of her
numorous vlaitora, waa the most gener
ous mortal alive, until she realised to
what lengths some women, those who
ought to know better, will go for tne
sake of wearing pretty, effective clothes.
Every one of her lovely rooea waa bor
rowed and worn to trail around tha
house In. or to look languorously at
tractive In at breakfast time. Vet, two
or three of them hud cost between one
and two hundred dollars apiece; and not
one of the women who wore them so
carelessly iioesessed a single robe of
that class. One pale blue bea-ity crepe
tie chine embroidered in the same pule
shade in a design of heaey-btaded chry
. .) Vn-
Brummel of tha day might take a peep
at hla finery before seeking his luir
inamorata within, while she. to run no
risk of beauty patch awry, had a hand
mirror stowed away In the curtains In
side. There are quaint old sewing boxes of
Inlaid wood lined with numerous mir
rors. To the late Georgian period belong
the heavy balls and beaded trimmings or
flat carved frames covered In gold leaf,
which have known such a marked re
vival of late under the name of colonial
mirrors. Fortunate Is the woman who
owns one of them ua an heirloom, anu
thrloa blessed if It happena to be a trlpla
"The modern mirror la worthy of note
for artistic workmanship, though there
seems to be no special originality of
design. Instead, we aee close copies or
the Colonial period, especially ol me
triple mirror, with a leaning toward sim
plicity and away from the vulgar or
nateness of a few decades ago. even in
the cheap lacquer frame.
In many of the more recent onea we
see a return to the French d,Jl''J?
art. with carved emblems (niacl. ' ""r
generally), pictures ol the Amu a, or
prlnte of old-time belles and beaux
Most of the frames are gilded, but marty
are of mahogany or rosewood, with gay
PrAnfaclnatlng copy of a French mirror
of the Empire is about ten Inches
covered with exquisite gold leaf an
carvel with the Napoleou.o eaglo una
laurol-WTeath. .
By the way, there la a great difference
in gold leaf, and it in rare to find the
lovely soft, dull effects of the earlier
generation. In having old mirrors re
burr'shed It la well to Insist on the dull
told. This is gained by applying -ha
Going Visiting
santhemums was almost ruined by tha
thoughtWaa or worse treatment it re-
Your own kimono, your own sewing
utensils, all tha little personal things
should be among those you take with
When you eave, be aa punctilious
about collecting your various trillns
not like the gui who left her thimble
In one room, a dress In the closet of an
other, and almost every other room
honored I') by soma one of her posses
ale n a.
l.ook over everything you pack; you
don l want to carry off aotne trifling
thing of your hostess by luiaiske. And
If your riHim u full of them, the error
b easily made.
The whole thing In a nutshell la: re
member Ihe rare distinction between
"mine and thine." and remember 11 par
tHLiarly when you are visiting.
Uncurled Ostiich Feathers.
THAT new trick of fashion leaving
ostrich feathers uncurled is a
boon to the women who buve had to
taboo feathers because tha liurl would
come out.
leaf with an oil slxe; tha shiny onas ara
sized with clay.
Unfortunately the modern lova ot get
ting tha most show for tha money leads
faw of us to pay the coat of framea In
pur gold leaf such as our grandfathers
owned, which would laat for half a
century or mora. French gilt really
bronxe la largely employed In combina
tion with it. , ,
Keally, though, this la not surprising
when It la remembered that the gold leal
In sheets three Inches square uiuat ba
applied entirely by hand.
The lacquer frames ara of silver i'
rubbed down till Hut, and then lac
quered. This has the merit of being eas
ily kept clean with a damp cloth, while,
unfurtunutely. nothing Is of use to re
tain the lustre of gold leaf but reban
ishing. .
A word or two should be said on tha
tare of fine mirrors. Firstly and fore
mobtiy. never let them bang where the
sun strikes the glass, or It will streak
without fail. Sudden changes of temper
ature frequently have the same effect.
Ftir this reason never keep candies or a
lamp near a mirror, aa ao many women
are apt to do on their drensing tables.
Be careful in washing the glass never
to let water touch the sides, as no mat
ter how good the gold it will be spoiled.
Flyspecks may, however, be washed
olT with a very sort cloth, wrung out of
warm water.
Many housekeepers clean the glnsa of'
their mlrrora with krrosene, rubbing It
to brilliancy with a s ft cloth, followed
by chamois or tissue paper.
When the paper (which Is pasted over
the back of most mirrors) wears off, re
place It aa Boon an possible, for dust has
an ualy way of sifting through the tine
crocks about the edgea, In time dullliiK
the glass. Use felt paper and dampen It
before applying the paste. Then stretch
smoothly over the back.
With care a good gold-leaf mirror
should last a generatltin. It la well,
though unsightly, to shroud the framea
in netting In summer, though some
connoisseurs claim It is unnecessary.
Lavender Pillows
SINCE those extra little pillows
have become so frequently met as u part of bed-I urnlshlngs,
pine and lavender pillows have both
become more popular.
Both of them, when made for a bed,
are Incased in strong muslin covrs,"
over which the pretty little white slip
Is drawn.
For couches, of course, darker and
more serviceable materials are used,
often for pine pillows a deep yellow,
embroidered. in a aiiuple outline stitch.
In brown or deep bronae greens. For
lavender a light lavender, embroider
ed In a darker shade, or one of the
pretty while cretonnes, covered with
blosaoms and stripes of lavender, makes
an attractive covering.
If you are going away, and can
squeeae Just one more thing Into your
trunk, tuck one of the regular baby
pillowa In. The pillows wheie you are
staying may be stuffy or hard, and
that little pillow Is just the thing lor
a hammock or for the nap that you
take In the old orchard, stretched out
upon rug or steamer blunket.
And, by the way, if there Is boating
where you are goinir, take a couple of
gay pillow cases along strong ones
to atuft with hay. Nothing can hurt
them, even a good drenching only
makes you unbutton them and reuil
them with fresh, sweet hay.
your savinir at the beginning
of the week, you who live upon
allowances, or. what la the
seine, au far aa this counla. upon
The extra expensea which often
come upon you unexpectedly In the
latter part of the week may be easily
nu t if you've been husbanding your
resources u little. Instead of spending
up to the last cent.
A good plan is to allow yourself so
much for little expenses for a given
length of time, and then to keep with
in daily bounds, saving even a bit
from that. If possible Then, It it Is
not called upon by some Hi lie emer
gency, either put It away or use It to
ward some definite purpose, such as
subscribing to a good in.igHSine, get
ting a good book or seeirg a good
play, all of which should be consid
ered as mental investoisuta.
FRENCHWOMEN have taken
American styles and colors for
Inspiration In tha matter of
designing bathing suits, contenting
themselves with their own wonder
ful. Inimitable charm of cut and
of trimming. And that . one strik
ing bit of color, which Is played about
In so subtla a way with all fashions
alike this summer, finds its expres
sion In the bathing cap, which still
remains thoroughly French one
might almost say aggressively so.
fcicarlet or the brightest of blue, pals
filnk or violet or white are all worn
n bathing caps, with, moat popular of
all, Scotch plaids, draped Into the
moat becoming little bonnet imagi
nable, not wonderfully serviceable,
but almost dramatic In Its coquettish
"bcotch plaid" la rather a misnomer
for the plaids that all Furls la In lovs
with at present, for the tartan plaids
are, in tha main, rather quiet, if you
except two or three, while the French
veralona riot over the whole rainbow
ot colore. With the .Scotch plaids,
very color added haa ita own par
ticular meaning; with the French
onea, colora are heaped on colors, dar
ing combinations made, and the only
meaning 'attempted and expressed
with true French genlua la beauty.
It Is theae French veralona French
Scotch plaids . (aa we have French
Irish lace, now that Paria haa taken
up the exquisite creation of French
peaaanta and taught them their own
art anew) which la belle Varlslenne
usea for her cap when ahe goes to
AS THE desire for cour.try life
grows In this country, more and
more are we adopting the long
established custom of our Eng
lish cousins of giving week-end parties.
The time was, and not so very long
ago cither, when It would have been
considered a positive breach of nos
pltullty to limit a guest's visit In an
Now, however, as life grows yearly
more conventional, a hoaless has no
hesitancy in telling even her nearest and
dearest friend Just how long she will
be welcome.
This method Is not merely mors satis
factory to the guest, who can place
other visits accordingly (not to mention
packing her trunk with much greater
ease, since she knows Just how many
gowns will be required), but It Is abso
lutely essential to the comfort of a
hostess, especially to one who enter
tains constantly, to know that one set
ot guest will not overlap another.
Therefore, when a young woman or
man receives an Invitation to visit at
some country home over Sunday, it
means Juat that, and It is a great mla
take to allow oneself to be persuaded
into a longer stay.even though a hosteaa
mav aeem urgent. Of course, there aro
limea la permissible to lengthen
one's visit, but generally a ilgld ad
herence to the limits of un invitation Is
Occasionally a hoatesa Invltea a house
party for a week, a furtnlghl or eveu
a month, but by far the mual common
Just now is the week-end party from
Friday or tiulurday to Monday.
There are good and aulticient reaauna
for this. In ,ne first place, the average
hostess, unless the resources of her
country home are rather apeclal In the
way of providing amusements, finds
somewhat formidable the task of keep
ing things keyed up to a high pitch of
enjoyment for a longer tune. Then,
again moat men find It Inipoaslble to
get away from business during tha
week, and a house party with the pre
ponderance of women of the proverbial
summer hotel la not apt to be gay.
The first essential of a successful week
end parly is, aa every experienced host
ess knowa. a wise selection of guest a.
They simply must be congenial. Juat
une man or woman who forma a dis
cordant element la enough to throw a
damper on Ihe crowd of young people.
The personalities, keen-edged Jests and
even the occasional praulical Joke,
which the camaiadene of a Well-chosen
hot.aeful of guU muke ao enjoyable,
aeem childish, trifling and even imperil
nent in the piesence of the outsider. And
that outsider In turn la very apt to feel
uncomfortably de trop.
Again, the successful hostess Is the
easy one. Now. this Is an arl thai is
not by any means common. The woman
who does not fuss over her guests, who
can smile when things go wrong and
can carry off even tin Ill-cooked din
ner. Is sure to have her inaises sung as
a gracious enlei twiner; while she who is
over-soliullous of her friends comlorl.
a-hd wlui lU tb ouus of bar position
rex ? jn,- i '
' : --fa.
A if
I EATIilMG . .
1 " 1 j '. n ji '
bathe in the sea at Trouvllle.
Plainer caps there are a-plenty,
some with real service lit them In the
way they protect the hair from tha
ravages of salt water, trimmed, per
haps, with waah-tapea looped on like
narrow ribbons wash ribbons used
II Pi ml
II III v n
Sis-.-- - TZfA-'
Week-End Entertaining . in the
w.:,h npo:. her, la very apt not to
"muke good" aa a hoatesa.
Naturally, a wumun. unless she haa
competent servants, does not undertake
the burden of a week-end party In the
accepted meaning of that term; ahe will
doubtless often have a few friends out
to spend Sunday, but that Is quite a
different proposition. Eveu so It la Im
portant to be systematic In arrange
ment. Plan each met and give tha orders
written out for the enUn visit to the
cook severul days before, so that no pos
sible mistake can occur. Fur It must be
remembered that most young people
have hearty appetites at the best (nor
doea much laughter diminish them), and
the country la not ihe happiest spot in
which to find .some Important food sup
ply haa suddenly run short.
Kooms muat be carefully assigned. If
there la any doubling up to do, let It be
among the women, for man aa a rule
la more fussy about a room to himself.
In preparing for the smuaeineut of a
house party, so much depends 011 Ita
character, the tasla of the guests and
Ihe ability of the hostess to gratify
them that It la difficult to lay down any
hard -a nd. fa st rules.
It the young people are athletic, and
the place a fiords facilities lor gulf, ten
nis, canoeing, bathing or long trumps,
the question of quickly and pleasantly
passed days Is solved. Indeed, nothing
Is more charming ufter dinner In the
evening than a pull on stream or lake.
Sailing at night, unfortunately, has lis
drawbacks lit unexpected calms.
Then a long drive for part of a day at
leuat ia aure to prove enjoyable, if it
ia turned Into a half picnic and the
whole prty goea on horseback or In
carriage to take lunch or afternoon tea
at some picturesque spot In the neigh
borhood, all the better.
Bui one thing la important for the
hoatesa to remember. Let her not sur
feit her gueata with pleasure, (live them
an occasional breathing apace when the
literary can look Into a book and the
laxy or easily fatigued can simply loaf.
Who has not. In a house party, been
rushed with feverish haste from one
form of amusement to another, the hoat
Working Gloves
KEEP the IhBide of the old gloves
you wear around the house fur
the rough work clean. It they are
alloweU to become begrimed with the
dual and dirt of Ihe work, they are al
most as hard on your ha .ds us ths
work would be.
Uasoline will clean almost any sort of
glove, although with ine heavy onea
the castoffs of the men of Ihe famny,
which, being loose and strong, are the
best to work in the cleansing fluid
sometimes aeema to take out the nat
ural oil, Inavlng them dry and harsh to
tile touch.
Wit-it Hist occurs rub a little puis
vaseline Inlo them Just a little, au aa
not to wake them greasy.
Pi j id
. 1 1
aa often.
However she may be content to
dress herself, In the soberest of blues
or browns or black, her cap must be
as effective and as becoming as, ths
,iats for which she is so justly fa
mous. Country
esa deeming herself a lamentable fail
ure unleaa every one waa on tha go
every minute? Did you enjoy It? No,
of course, you didn't I Many a time you
were almply dying for the rest which a
mistaken aenae of hospitality forbade.
Aa a rule, it Is better to have dinner
late, ao aa not to ba shut In tna house
during the delightful twilight houra.
But, by all meana. allow your guests,
especially the girls, autllclent time to
throw themselves on couch or bed for
a short time before dressing for din
ner. The evening will be all Ihe gayer
If every one gets a rest after the violent
exercise of the day.
How to si. end the evening depends
largely on the weather. If tha nlghia
are cool enough to slay indoora, calua,
dancing. Impromptu theatrlcala or even
an occasional romping game, dear to
childhood, are all In order.
But moat of our summer weather
makes it much pleasnnter to remain
out on the porches. This Is often the
pleusantest of all, lust to idly sit In the
soft air, singing occasionally lo twang
ing guitars aud mandolins, Joking, tell
ing stories or even playing a silly round
game or two such aa "Twenty uuea
ll'ins," "My Minister's Cut," "I l.ova
My Love W ith au A" or "Uolng to Mar
ket." Sunday, as a ruie, even In tha least
religious household. Is more quietly
spent than the first two days. But It is
none the less enjoyable for tfMt. often
a long drive to some quaint cvutury-iild
church makes the morning hours pass
pleusantlv. while the afternoon and
evening fly all too rapidly for the party
that is to reluctantly separate In tha
One tiling about that departure. It Is
the usual thing for each guest before
leaving to fee the servants, who have
been put to much extra service. This
should be done ns uuubtruslvely as pos
sible, lest there may be some In the
party made uncomfortable Who simply
cannot afford to express thalr appiecla
lion In this way. Sometimes a host or
hostess objects decidedly to this tipping,
and where such a feeling Is known It
should always be respected.
Stains in Flower Vases
rAOU the stains which often mark
i deep vases w hen they are In con
stunt use. the same treatment a
that fur water buttles should be fol
lowed. Put potato parings Into the vase,
with water enough to cover the staina,
leaving them ll.cie over night. Thes)
empty them oul and wash In ths
usual way. Itepeat. If necessary.
A cleaning pad may be made by cut
ting u groove around a lung stick,
near one end, and tying secuiely, by
means of the groove, a bit of cloth,
doubled up. so that It makea a round,
ball-like covering to the tip. Wltsl
tins all sorts of uatly stains can be got
at which would otherwise be luwooessl-lble.
j 1