THE 0MA1IA ' SUNDAY BEE: JULY 15. lflQrt. A i Trfrpfcon JXiuUi 611. Wash Petticoats, Black Sateen Petticoats, Moreen Petticoats and Silk Petticoats, all at the following greatly reduced prices. Alt the petticoats sdverttsed are n-w garments, made thla season. Kvery gar In cut full and wide and are not td be confounded with the common kind usu ally Hold at special !. We aell nothing but the vry best. Ton never pay na uiurM for really fine Roods at Thompson, BelJin St Co. a aa In other stores. Wash pettlcoala usually sold at 310", clearing sale price 75c each. Warli petticoats usually suld at II. O, clearing sale price J5c each. Wash petticoats usually aold at 11.71. ;lenrlng aale price $1.11. Wash pettlcoata usually aold at 11.96, clearing aale price 11.25. Silk pettlcoata regularly aold at $5 00, clearing aule price $.1.50 each. Bilk petticoats regularly aold at ti'.U), clearing aalr price I486 each. eiltt pettlcoata regularly sold at JIO.50. clearing aale price i50 each. Silk pettlcoata regularly aold at 11160, clearing aale price 17.60 each. Bilk pettlcoata regularly aold at SlS.00, Clem-lug !( price each. Hlack mid white checked brllllantine pet tlcoata. regularly aold at $4.50, clearing aaio price $2 B5. ' Black lirllliantine pettlcoata, regularly aold at I4.0H, clearing aale price 2 60. Black brllllantlne pettlcoata, regularly aold at $5.00, clearing aale price $3.60. McOre adjuatahla yoke aklrt, regularly told at i W, clearing aale price $3.60. Black and white checked sateen pettl coata. regularly aold at $1 50, clearing sale price CKc. All the fine black sateen pettlcoata, regu larly aold at $1.10, clearing aale price 96c. All the vplaln black aateen pettlcoata, regularly aold at J-1 25. clearing aale price $1.46. All the plain black aateen pettlcoata, reg ularly aold at $4.60, clearing aale price 12.05. Btx Hcatherbloom petticoats. In pale blue and tlnk. which faded by being In our how window; the regular price. of theaa pettlcoata was ,$2.60 each, clearing aale price 76o each. Second floor. t Lace Curtain Specials for Mon day's Selling. Curtain chances not likely to occur again very anon. Curtalna of the desirable, 5e . pendabla sort ara to be aold at low prices Monday. $3.60 cream colored Nottingham At $1.'$ a pair. $2 to cream colored Nottingham at $123 pair. $2.16 cream colored fishnet at $1.60 a pair. $1.2 aero colored Nottingham at 98c pair. $10.00 ecru net with Battenberg cluny laoe, W.7J pair. CEZER IS UNEARTHED (Continued from Flrat Page.) board has been formed, consisting of Wishes Pasha Nubar, Birch Pasha, and M."J. A. Cattanl. Twelvs months ago Egyptian sugar was on all the. markets of to Levant. There la no reason why tbJs should not happen again, aa Egypt la aald by experts to ba peculiarly fitted for the dual crop of cotton and Sugar. NEW DEPOSITORIES NAMED . Secretary Shaw Designate Additional Banks to Hold Meaty the OoTersnest, WASHINGTON, July 14. Secretary Shaw 'ef the Treasury department on hla return today from New York sent out telegrams . to a. number of national banka throughout the country designating them as govern ment depositories and Informing them that bonds to secure such deposits as may be made with them must he placed with the .. government by the close of business next Wednesday. The secretary has called In the loan of , the government made to various financial Institutions with atate and municipal bonds , a security, claiming his Intention to have ,. the government bonds substituted as secur- ' tr. In order, however, not too seriously con tract the amount of money In the banks. , Becretary "haw will deposit with the new depositories In the neighborhood of $7,000,000 of the SlO.OOO.CtO now called In and secured ' by atate and municipal bonda. The $10,000, Ufv called In haa to be paid by July . the .. dttle of aale of the new Panama bonda. : A announced by the aecretary the treas urer will leave on deposit with the banks at least one-third of the amount realised from the sale of the Panama Issue of $30, -CO0.O00, and the probabilities are that half of the amount realised from the aale of the Infants' cotton gauze wrap per shirt, long or short sleeve far 8V. v Infants' Una wool gauze wrapper shirt, a perfect summer" wool garment, alxeg 1 to S, up . from 3tk Infants' fine silk lisle game Kuben shirt, sizes 1 to 6, ft 5c up ' Stork Pasts for Babies . ytork' absorbent oiapers. the i ;r " moat, ronj fort aide a well aa the raost economical cloth diaper ' made, come In S aties, V daaon . In an antlseptlcally sealed box,' prices TSc, l)c, f 1 per 4 dozen yyow pzfs ill : , . i IN THE STORK SECTION BENSON tSfTHORRES A - j ii s m m ISIS DOUGLAS STItKLT. rite for Illustrated Catalogue. '.y 1 lm . Our Semi-Annual Sale of Petticoats Commences Monday Morning at 9 A. ML Trlcea on white Nottingham lace cur talna greatly reduced. Bonne Femme luce curtalna almost given away. $2.nn Hwlxa curtain $1.00 a pair. Iluffled flwlsa very cheap. In baaement. Special Wash Goods Sale Monday. When choice, clean and perfect Wash Ma terials can be had as cheap aa these. -there la no eitcuse for you buying trashy, soiled or Imperfect goods. Wash Goods Special at 6c per yard, In cluding 16o Batistes. 16c Olnghams, lie Madras, 2flc Organdies, etc. Wash Goods Special at 10c yer yard 60c Im. Bilk Rajah. 40c Novelties, 6nc Zephyrs, 40e French Organdies. 4ic Silk Organdies. Wash Goods Special at 19c a yard, In cluding fine Silk Organdies, 60c Swisses, 460 Embroidered Walstlngs. etc. Wash Goods Special at 25c yard 60c Silk Zephyra, 75e Swlseea, &oc Imported Zephyra, fc French Pongelree, etc. In Basement. Monday in the Children's Wear Department. In Basement. Thia will be an Important day. as w will sell all our Children's Colored Dresses at greatly reduced prlcea. All well made, per fect garments not the damaged or Imper fect kind that are usually offered by some atores at reduced prices. Children's Gingham Dresses, pink, blue and ox-blood, made In bishop style, sites 1 and t yeara, regular price 60c, now 85c. Children'a Gingham Dresses, In pink and blue, with embroidery Insertion, pin tucked yoke, good fast colors, slses 1 and t years; regular price, 76c; now EOc. Children'a Pereate Dressea, In pink and blue, tucks to form yokes, neck and sleeves, lace trimmed; regular price, $1.00; now 70c. Children's Gingham Dresses, pink and blue, made with feather-stitched braid, ages 1 and-1 years; regular price, $1.26; now 85a. Buster Brown dresses for children, made of linen, madras, gingham and percale, agea from I to 8 yeara. $3.60 linen dresses for $2.50. $3.00 linen dresses for $2.00. $2.60 gingham dresses for $1.60. $1.80 gingham dressea for 98c. $1.65 gingham dresses for $1.10. A beautiful ahowlng of Buater Brown dresses. In white linen, pique and lawn, from 1 to 4 yeara, prlcea $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3 00, $3.60 each. Pretty wash hata, In plain or fancy styles, 60c, 86c. $1.00, $1.60. $2.00. $2.60, $2.76, $6.00 each. Mala floor. We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 9:30. Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth. Panama issue and perhapa a little more will be left with the banka. At leaat until after crop moving time. DOUBLE MURDER IN ST. LOUIS Mrs. 1.1111c Kern and Mra. Anna Lots Instantly Killed by Divorced . Husband of Former. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. July 14-Mra. Llllie Kern and her mother, Mrs. Anna Luti, wera shot and Instantly killed tonight by Ooorge Kern, the divorced huaband of the former. Kern fled and. after a pursuit of several mllea, during which detectlvea Impressed a railroad engine Into service for a wild dash across the Merchants bridge, the fugitive disappeared In the deaerted bottoms on tha Illinnla aide of the Mississippi river. Mrs. Kern and her mother were sitting on the rear porch of their home In the northern part of the city when Kern, ap parently under the Influence of liquor, ap proached and without warning opened fire. Mrs. Kern was shot in the breast and fore head. Mra. Luti waa ahot only once. Both women died almoat Instantly.- NO PEACE PROGRAM FORMED Central American Brlllarerente Will Bo Given Ckssri to Vse America) as Mediator, OYSTER BAY, July 14. In extending the good offices of the United States in con Junction with Mexico to end the dispute between Guatemala and Salvador, President Roosevelt has no program of action out lined. The United Statea will follow the suggestion of tha contending two govern ments If they Indicate a dealrs to accept tha mediation offered. No auggestion aa to tha mods of pro cedure to be followed win come from the United States, it Is announced here today, unless the suggeatlon ahould be made by Guatemala or Salvador. Stork -water proof pants. S sizes, Btnall, medium and large, Soc each . r- ' . 1 The "Arnold" Knit Night Drawers. . (Summer weight.) With or without feet. The little tota will persist In throwing aside the bed cover ing, hence the advantage of these. summer weight sleeping garments. Ther oo not over heat even on the warmest night, and afford ample protection against chills and colds from sudden changes In temperature. fabrics are of light textuie. ' Prlcea from floe upward. XT. ' D?r JnjVK, !(. Our Customers' Deposit Ac count Department. - lias been a grcst success, and right well II should be. The conveniences of having an account In our customers' deposit ac count department are many. You may de posit as email a aum aa you wish aa often or as seldom as you car to, then when making a purchase you have the smcAint charged to your deposit account. A very safe and satisfactory plan, all tba ad vantages of a credit plan on a caeh basis; the unspent balance of your account earns 4 per cent Interest, compounded every three months. Tour money la not tied up. It may be withdrawn at a moment's notice. Reports showing the condition of your ac count mailed monthly. We do no banking business. Thla department la located In balcony at rear of main floor. Come and learn mora about It. Tou are sure to lfke It. Manicuring In connection with our pretty rest room on third floor, we have opened up a room for manicuring. Expert manicurist In charge; strictly sanitary methods ara used. A Word About Our Men's Department. Wa want the men to know that thla popular department is conveniently located on main Jpor. south aisle, handy trom either Howard or lth street entrance. Shirts, collars, cuffs, neckwear, sus penders, pyjamaa, night ahlrta and all the little things that men wear, buttons, studs, garters, etc. A Complete Store in Itself Everything Is bought or mado with an eye to exclusivenesS, originality and satis faction. Our buyer gats the beat to be had. ' v '' ' Our neckwear freshens constantly. Our collar and cuff stock la always com plete with slses. Our dollar shlrta ara the beat to be had. Our underwear and hoalery stock repre sents the best makera, MEN! Do you know thia department aa you should? Just Received, New Novelty Combs. Ask to see the new (novelty back combs right from the east. Beautiful new ef fecta In light and dark shell and amber colors. A trifle larger than those shown heretofore, "but -strictly new. V TTS3 T t f I'lS" tonio Martini, recalls to mind how In the middle agea tha Latin language, was, em ployed. In public acta, for the relations concerning princes and 'atXtes, and that the Catholic church continues to use Latin In the drawing up of Its documents. - ELKS GATHERING AT DENVER Headquarters Opened for Forty Second Session - of Grand Lodge of Order. 1 , DENVER,. July lf-r "Hello, you're a. mile high," was the greeting at the Union depot hera tpday by members of the local, re ception committee ' to thousands of Elks. who ara gathering In this . city for tho forty-second grand lodge session and twentieth annual reunion of . their order. Fifteen special tralna bearing Elks arrived during the night and sbout fifty mors are enroute. The city haa been lavlahly dec orated and will be brilliantly . Illuminated at night In honor of tha visitors. Robert W. Brown of Louisville, Ky grana exauea ruler, .and Fred C. Robin son of Dubuque, , la., grand secretary. opened their headquarters today. They are enthUBlaetlc regarding tha preparations tnat have been made for the reunion, which, they say, promises at least to equal any heretofore held. "The grand lodge Is In fine shrape' said Mr. Koulnspn. "It numbers 1.041 lodges, with a total membership of 224.80. showing an increase of over i'4,w members the last year." JOINT KEEPERS HELD UP Kaaaas City, Kaaaas, Offiulals Whi .Lev-ted Tribal a Illegal Salooas to Be Proaaeated. JCaadAS CUTY, Mo., July H. c, w. Trlckett, assistant attorney general, who recently closed tha saloons at, Kansas City, Kan., said today: 'Proceedings will be nicd against two members, of the police department, and probably against a higher city official, for levying tribute on 'Joint keepers' by at j tempting to guarantee them Immunity from 1 arrest and prosecution. Not only 150 waa collected .from .each 'Joint keVpar' In Uiv j and 1100 fron each in June, but for months j prior to that time a 'campaign' fund of ili .a monm waa collected rrora each 'Joint keeper.' ' , , "I expect to have 190 affidavits from (hat number of 'joint keepers' who have been forced to pay. these large sums of money to a certain official In tha employ of the before Attorney General Trlckett began his crusade there were about 130 saloons In Ksnsss City, Kan., and Us suburbs. DEATH RECORD. Joka Itts. ' WOODBINK. Ia.. July H.-Opectal.)-The funeral of John Shane occurred here re cently with Interment in' the local ceme tery. Rev. C. J. W. Trlem preached the funeral address. Th deceased waa born In Beaver county. Pennsylvania, on November 27, 1N63. and was married to Lois C. Pools January t, 186S. at Mansfield. O. He wss a railroad man and had resided here three yeara. .Mra. rarella Fleet. Mra. Carolina Fleet, II yeara of age, 1 died Saturday morning at tha horns of hat j daughter, Mrs. F. W. Coleman. 1111 Ssuth 1 Eleventh street. Services will be held at . the Coleman residence at 1:41 o'clock 8un ! day afternoon. The burial will b at I Lamooi. Is. ITALIAN 0UEEN TALKS (Continued from Flrat Page.) THAW DISMISSES ATT0B5ETS Pit Ub nicer Disaereei wits Hii'Lswjsri About Plan of Defense. WttL NOT . STAND FOR INSANITY PLEA Prls.fai.T's Karoaa Mather RUt'" " Ha-om Bark to Defend . Hot Son. NlW ' VQHK, July .14 -Mrs. William Thaw'.njnther of. Harry, K. Thawgccused at 4he, tmirder -of Stanford White, returned ttt New Vrk today rm the steamer Kalserln Atiguate Ylctis-la. The passengers did not land until pearly 5 o'clock this afternoon and It -was.' then too late for Mra. Thaw to Visit hjr son in the Tombs. Tomorrow being Sunday nowleltors are allowed In the city prison, except, by a special permla slon. So far, the young mini wife haa been unable to secure this special privilege from the commissioner of correetlona. Whather the mother will attempt to reach the Tomba tomorrow la not known. 8h may be compelled to wait until Monday before seeing the boy upon whom she has lavished $80,000 a year from her own In come. . . Realising that she would perhapa arrive too lata to, sea the prisoner todsy, Mrs. Thaw sent a wireless telegrsm which was delivered to Thaw early In the day. The rnessage seemed to cheer him greatly. Mra. Thaw was saM today to be In fair health, .haying stood the voyage home remarkably well. J. B. Gleaaon of counsel for Thaw and Chaplain Wade of the Tombs prison went out on the that met the vessel today and came up the bay on the Kalserln with Mr. TTJaw.i k . Thaw. Dismisses Attorneys. It wss stated tonight that Harry Thaw haa dismissed the taw firm of Black, Olcott, Oruber A Bonygne In a fit of anger and that the firm of -which former Governor Frank 8. Black la the head, will not defend the yo ting Pittsburger In his trial for the killing of White. The dlsmlasal tame, It was aald, as the culmination of a number of arguments Thaw haa had with various meCxbers of the law firm -ox-er, the question of a de fense. Judge tMf'dtt, who haa been the ac tive member pf th0 firm In connection with the cnar, has. ajl Along insisted that in sanity be made the chief point in the de fense, .itt is- believed, wmle Thaw hug In sisted, with quaJ,vir not greater emphasis, tlml hn) would, no.t stand for the Insanity plea.' " While there have been numerous argu ments pevweeq Thaw and Judge Olcott on this .question, there waa no open 'break. It fa "aald, until Friday afternoon. Then, ac coraing stny is batwltll can en cording to the authority upon which the based. Tha""?, during a verbal com- lth Judge Olcott In the Tombs, be- enragsd 'and wound up a tirade by tellliTjr hla lawyer flatly that me firm of Black.. Olcott, Gruber 4 Bonygne ho longer was hip counsel. , i ' tauee of Disagreement. 'if am the awiss," Thaw la said , to have declared after Judge Olcott had given It as. "'his ultimatum that Thaw should place himself : absolutely in the handa of Ills counsel, aa .. patient in the hands of hit. physician, and submit entirely to the judg ment' of the law firm ai to the beat man ner of conducting the defense. "And I will not stand for the Insanity plea," the prisoner added. Judge Olcott then left the prison, it Is said, gnd oday.. received a letterj accord ing to the story, 7rbm Thaw, In which the young man 'put th writing his dismissal of the firm. A member of Judge Olcott's firm, when questioned about the matter tonlgty), said: Our Arm was not engaged by Harry Thaw, but by the law Arm pt Delafield & Longfellow, who are .counsel for -Harry Thaw's mother and were counsel. for Harry Thaw's father auHrUT iH f Wer . Thaw'i lifetime. They retained us1 to taks' charge of the criminal end of tUrry Thaw's caae. We have been obliged. In making our plans for the defense of yoting Thaw, to go along lines In defiance of his wishes. Far ther than' that I do not care to talk just now.' It is' said that another cause for' dla agreement 'between' young Thaw and his counsel arose oilVOf the payment of certain billa Thaw contracted In the Tombs after hla arrival'there aa a prisoner. ' ' . : The flrat noticeable disagreement between Thaw and Judge Olcott's Jlrip cams one day last week when .Thaw Issued a written statement to the ' newspapers with Judge Olcott's consent denying that hs was In sane and declaring that Insanity would not be tha defense when hit ease cams 'to trial Judge Olcott, in speakmg of the statement. said: . "Yes. t permitted Harry to msks the statement. - He pestered me so much I had tO.'V i . . I . ; Young Thaw waa angry when hs "heard of this and the next day called in the re porters and made a verbal and still stronger statement along- the same . Unas without Judge Olcott's consent or even knowledge. It waa Judge Olcott's tura' to be angry when he saw this second statement In the newspapers and it was as a result ef that statement that hs laid down the law to young 'Thaw Friday afternoon and ac cording to the' story received' his dismissal as Thaw's legal representative In eon- rhectlbn with the murder trial. Inciter, etary is Denied. Platrlct Attorney Jerome, accompanied by two .of his assistants, Messrs. Gprvan and Vandlver. left fo.r the south tonight to be gone ten daya. H waa reported today that the district attorney wanted to Inter view Joseph Letter of Chicago as to some details. of a dinner dance at Which Thaw was present, but thla wws later denied by Mr. Oarvan. A atatement from Mr. Letter who Is In Chicago, says he wss not present st the dinner in question and that he is not scqualnted with any ef tha parties to the Thaw case. Harry Thaw's lettrr or diamlsaal to his counsel la as follows: NEW YORK. July 14, 19u6.-Messrs. Black Uluott, uruber ft Bonygne jutar fl rs After careful conslderstion I have, on- eluded to make a change In my attorneya and while I have1 no possible criticism to make ot your conduct or my caae, my de cision ia such that 1 have concluded to no longer retain you as my attorneya. You will therefore reaard your connection with my case aa finished, and will please deliver all papera In my case to Clifford W. Hart- riage. 1 have sent a copy of this letter to Mr, Hsrtiidge, and as you to communicate with hint at once. Yours truly, .... .HARRY K. THAW . Mr. . Hartrldg has heretofore acted as personal counsel to young Thaw. Mrs. Thaw Will -Defeat Sea. Mrs. Wltllsm W. TAaw'waa accompanied on her .trip from JCpgland by her aon-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Carnegie- She. was met on 'the pier by. her son. Josiah Thaw. The. party was driven to the Hotel Lorraine. ..where Mrs. Thaw was soon cloaeted with Mrs. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw, wife of tha prisoner.' Their meet tng was aald 40 be most cordial. Speaking for hla mother-in-law, Mr. Car negie'-'aaid' to newspaper representatives today: 'Mrs. Thaw is ao nearly prostrated over thla terrible affair that aha cannot posslWy see yen. 6 ha haaabsolutely no etatamenl to make. If she has anything to aav, will be communicated through- her lawyers sometime later possibly Monday er Tust day probably pot st all-"- . As shs was leaving her stateroom Mrs Carngl reused long anoagh to ss y o the reporters: ."Mother aaks me to say that she has re turned to America to defend her eon. She Is naturtlly not conversant with 111 the details of t'ie caae. . All the Information we have received la from the newspaper and personal cables, supplemented by wire less reports aboard the boat." ' SENSATIONS IN HARTJE CASE sister of Pefendaat Says he Wrote Letter on Whlcn nivoreo Snlt la Based. riTTSBl'RG. Pa., July 14. Postponement until Wednesday. July IS. Waa the result of the hearing of the charges of consptraev against Augustus llarlje, who now has pending In the courts a sensational suit for divorce; his friend, John K Welshons, and Clifford Hooe, a negro and former coachman, who Is In Jail awaiting trial on the charges of perjury, brought against him n connection with the divorce case. The charges of conspiracy against these- men were taken up by Assistant District At torney Robb last week and the hearing waa aet for today. Despite the strenuous opposition of counsel for Hartje, Alderman King granted the postponement. The trial of the divorce case will be re sumed Monday or Tuesday, but in the meantime there are Indications that the sensational disclosure are at an end. It was said tonight that Miss Ida Scott, sister of Mrs. Mary Scott Hartje, would go on the witness stand next week and would swear that she wrote exhibit No. $4, the envelope which was directed to "Thnmas Madlne, care of Schulenberg'a stahle." It was one of Mr. llnrtje's strong cards, as he a lie ires rris wife wrote It. " She will "also swear that she wrote exhibits Nos.'M fcnd 64. She will tell why she wrote to MacHne and what business she had with him. It waa learned late tonight that threaten ing letters have been written to witnesses for Mra. Hartje. As a result Mra. Alex- arder W. Slocum, who Is to b Mrs. Hartje's closest woman friend, Is con stantly attended by a physician and also guarded by two private detectives. Aarly In the Hartje rase Mrs. loMim was called to the aland to testify aa to Mrs. Hartje's habits and character, and since her testimony she has been Mra. Hartje's constant attendant. Today Mrs. Slocum received a letter Com. mandlng her to leave Pittsburg, retract her testimony given In favor of Mrs. Hartje or she would be ahot. Mr. Slocum took the letter to Mi Hartje and both women went immediately to the office of Mr. Freeman of counsel for Mra. Hartje. It waa in Mr. Freeman's office that Mra. Slocum broke down from the nervous strain and tension to which she had been atibjected. The letters were shown to the county officials and to District Attorney Robert E. Stewart, but no copy of the contents would be given out. WILLIAMS ON CANDIDATES Democratic Hons Leader gays He Thlaka Roosevelt Can Be Forced to Ran. NEW YORK. 'July 14 -Befors sailing to day for London, where he goes as a dele gate to the International ' Parliamentary congress, John Sharp Williams,' minority leader In the house, gave It as Ms opinion that President Roosevelt would consent to run again. 'I think," aald Mr. Williams "that ths president Is planning It so thst he will be forced to make the race. The president rather reminds me of ths old lsdy of Ssra- gosaa,' who hung about, asking when tha gentlemen were going to begin kissing,, as she wanted to be there." '.'.'"' The minority-leader declared that "W. J, Bryan Is the logical candidate of the demo cratic party.'' r '" .- Mr. Williams .did not say whether he In tended to meet. Mr. Brysn In Europe: He denied a report that he had - refuaed to serve rn ths reception committee, which will - welcome Bryan In New York nest month, , . . OYSTER BAY. July U.-When the- Inter view of John Sharp Williams was shown to Mr. Loeb, secretary to the president, 'te day, Mr. Loeb said:. "Ths president meant exactly what hs said on the night of his election, that.hs would not be a candidate again for tha presidency; that atatement is irrevocable." ARGUE HOTEL MEN'S DEMURRER lasloa of. fact Baised aa to r Pleading's lit ae 'at , ' Paoli. PAOLI. Ind.; July H.-Attorney General Miller today argued In support of the state's .suits against the French Lick Sprlrgs and West Baden Hotel companies, replying to the arguments made yesterday by former 'Attorney General Alonso G. Smith in- suport of a demurrer to the com plaint. -,'. The stats demands a temporary receiver for the hotel properties. . - In closing . his argument the attorney general said; ' "These corporations admit that they have permitted gambling and tha .breaking of the laws. The -state of -Indiana demands by Its laws protection for its cjtlxens and for us good name." John W. Kern replied to Attorney Gen eral Miller on behalf of the hotel com panies. He said emphatically that the de fense did not admit the charges mads by ths state, aa stated by tho attorney gen eral, but, on the contrary, denied team. . At the conclusion of ths arguments this afternoon Judge Busklrk . announced that he would render a decision Monday.. BUSINESS MEN ARE INVITED Commercial Travelers Take Stess to -Clot Crowd at the Bryan Reception. NEW YORK. July 14. The committee headed by Mayor Joha F. Fitzgerald of Boston, which was appointed yesterday by the plan snd scope commutes of the Commercial Travelers' Anti-Trust league to secure tha co-operation of the business Interests of the country in the reception to ba tendered William ' J. Bryan at Square Garden pon hla return from Europe pn August - 80. today - issued a - call to all persona snd organisations, Irrespective of party or faction, interested in the fight against truata and monopolies, to' join with out further invitation and lav their own way, in. the welcome home to Mr. Bryan. The Nebraska o Is referred to 1n the call as "the foremost and most trusted leader of an aggreaalve opposition to all trusts and monopolies. - - MISS GRACE M'KINLEY.TO WED Sire- ot Dead Prestdeat Will Be Mar. ' rled ta Regalar Army Taatala. NEW YORK, July 14 -Cards have reached thla city announcing the coming wedding of Captain Qrayaon Vlllard Heldls of the Fifteenth cavalry to Mlaa Grace Howe MeKlnley, a nlecs of President Mc Klnley and for a time mistress of the Whits House. The wedding will be st Fort Pes Moines, Is., nest Wednesday. Captain Hsldle cornea from Atlanta, Oa., and has four brothers In the srmy. He graduated from Wsat Point In ISM. Miss McKtnley has bsea teaching at Mount Holyoke. HONDURAS DECLARES WAR Bepublio Keienta AlWtd IuTaeion ef Boil bj Troop of Onattmala. objection' PURSUIT OF . RLBCLS Hevolatlonlsta In liiilfmalt Have Keen riaanlaax for tears to Overthrow Freetdent, Cabrera, PANAMA. July 14 A telegram received here from Ran Salvador ' says that Hon duras declared war against Utiatrmala today. According to this same message the fol lowing proclamation had been circulated In Salvador: Clenerel Ronilla. commanding the Salva dorean army has repellerl the Guatemalan forces at Matapan. In Salvador, ten miles east of the Oiiatemalin frontier. Tho vic torious army of Salvador retained the posltlona raptured from the enemy. The declaration of war- by Honduras upon Guatemala brlnga a third state ac tively Into the Central American trotible which has been progressing with more or less severe fighting and bloodshed for a month or more. Honduras and' Salvador are now arrayed against their neighbor on the west. Nicaragua and Costa Rica tre the only two countries still passive, and It haa been said- that the former is about to takfe part In the fighting. L'p to today Honduras has seemingly taken no part In the controversy between Its nelghhois. Recent reports. hoPver, declared Its territory had been Invaded by Ouatemalan troops In pursuit of fugi tives from the afmy of Oeneral Regalado, the Salvadorean commander1, who waa killed In the fighting at Jlcaro. History of Trouble. The present trouble, in Central America has Veen brewing for a long time. For the past five years the revolutionists In that country have. been planning, Intriguing and preparing for the overthrow of President Cabrera, and In their efforts to this end they have not failed to appeal for support to certain elements In Honduras nd Sal vador, working on the national jealousies for first place among the several states forming Central America. President Cabrera has been harshly criti cised' by his enemies. They declare he rules with extreme despotism, that, nti man's life is safe under his administration and that the country morally and econom ically la going to the doga under his unwise and Ill-advised course. On the other hand President Cabrera has declared thla revolutionary movement to be Inconsequential and that the government wduld prqomptly put It down. President Cabrera's term of office In fact expired In lflOS. He haa Insisted, however, on holding office. Cabrera'a army Is said to have no faith In him. The pay of the soldiers has often been in.arreara. The fighting men of the stitea of Central America are little more than automatona. to be led Into battle, told to charge and be killed at the command of their offlcera. The army of Guatemala Is In fairly good shape. There ars some 7.000 professional soldiers In the 'republic. with M.O00 sblebodied men of service age. Ths reserves amount to sbout 80.000 men. It ws's reported thst Guatemala had 60.000 men under' arms near the Salvador bound ary line. The trouble between Salvador and Guate mala la an outcome of the progress of tha revolutionists in their efforts to oust Ca brera. , Stale Department Acta. The State deDSrtment t Washington ha been trying to preventnn actual claah he. tweeh Guatemala and Salvador nrt in. structiona have been sent to Minister Merry st San Salvador and to Minister Combs at. Guatemala City te rise their good offlcea The Official Route of , . - 1 OEVJAHA B. P. O. ELKS to Annual Grand Lodge. Meeting. Leaving Omaha July' 16th (Monday) 4:00 P. M. Arrive in Denver July 17th (Tuesday) 7:50 A. M. ;: Equipped with Pullman Palace sleeping care. Pullman Tourist, .' sleeping cars, 3uffet, Smoking and Library cars, free reclining Chair.1, cars and DlnlBg cars meals a la carte. - - . ' Tickets on Sale J uly 15th and 16th at ' .",' . $15.00 - ' for the Round Trip. .-" - Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 Farnam Street. Phone Douglas 83 K You Are Wasting Money Address Spratjue Foundry & Mfg. Co. Council Pluffs, Iowa . ALEXANDER MUKKOE; 1697 with he .govemmenla to. ithlch, thejr,,sre srcrcdlted in bring about a peareful settle ment of the difficulty. In sddltlftn, the State department has been In correspond ence with Ambassador Thompson St the City of Mexico, and he has enlisted the actlve'Vnppnrt of ilie Mexican government. Salvador's alleged assistance of revolu tionists. In Guatemala caused Guatemala to protest bllterly to the I'nited States 'anil Mexico, and resulted In the efforts of the I'nlted States to avoid serious hostilities.' The Navy department haa ordered the cruiser Marbtehcnd to proceed Immediately to I .a IJberta. on the coast' of Salvador, to safeguard American Interests. It was st Panama and should arrive at La Ll bertad not later than July 15. There Is no other American warship within 1800 mPes of the scene of trouble. There are Said to be a number of Americans ajdlng with th'e Guatemalan revolutionists. Adventurer were enlisted at San Francisco and else where snd the dispatches have made men tion of a contingent of 180 Americans under General Toledo. HYMENEAL Mlllard-Vona Wear. Martin. V. Millard and Miss Ixmlse V6m Weg were married at" the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra. William Vom Weg, 2123 Ieavenworth street. ' Thursday evening. Many friends were,' present rt"d the reremony was performed by Rev." O. A. Luce, pastor of Pearl Memorial Methodist church. ' ' ' when fishing- ii yoa ara . . f supplied ' ' I v with,-; ; -:' OPTIMO Cigara The "waits- won't b nearly so monotonous, nor the "bites" so (ar between. Don't forget this sug-gestion. A. S ANT AELL A fc CO., Makers , Tampa, Pla. . Peregoy a Moore ' Co., . Distributers, Omaha and Council Bluffs, Don't Wait! Hare your OVERCOAT cleaned - and pressed - for (and ;".,a..$1.00 this ticket) . . . On Monday and Tuesday Only. , . 16(h St. Dye Works. 414 North I6ik Street . ; V : , , TeL. Boug-lea-lSTS. "'TV-? MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED. ' via r by not using the Western Underfeed Furnace j Our catalogue will convince you- Daycnport Street. Dmahi A.ent .- - Flies f$-?L" amnmsMK EES