13 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE : JULY IS, 100. r" :"- !T-- iflOWfi- -Tf ;3 .1 . '4-if if H ... i f' , " -4 i 3 . jt . i ' ; ft -i VV11 1 k:r r i.. . t tin ' r iv - . : Ta na ub:u d . u u vis f n i - v vi -i r r . -1 r :j r.' . . i ? ui,;; t.j iiv i xrru a rvJk,x r. jw m j x , k - i imron, a hi i r. . , I t' 9 I . -TrV 9' i 1 . 1. 11 m V Ml A II L I 1 1 1 SET" HI... II I ' ' I ' I If ! OMAHA, . " W r VT" -HtN V- - ' ' : 8 I " BRANDEIS NW STORE !6fN OOUCkAS TS., OMAHA. T r r -1 '-fry j?si5E Mil lilBBnitP tUflU 1 ataa u.iiAkHl I rvv "inwi nwmn, rnni 9. J5.i ii m - - hi m IG"-DOUCLAS-irsTS OMAHA Brandeis Enterprise, Connects Omaha With the Markets of the World The Spirit of Progress Defies Distance and Difficulties. From Paris to New York' by boat from New York to Omaha by rail. Thus Omaha is constantly in direct touch with the leading markets of each hemisphere. In both Paris and New York the firm of J. L. Bran dels & Sons conducts its own buying office in charge of capable resident buyers who are constantly on the alert to secure for Brandeis the best trade advantages these great markets offer. A GRAM) COMPLETE CLEARANCE LADES' FM SUITS, WASHCOSTO Oj 0. 7J' in i-. '0O ion IG"-DOUCUS-irsTS OMAHA A Corps of Brandeis Buyers is Now in Paris to Buy Goods for the Largest, Most Modern Store in All the West. Brandeis is the first western house that ever sent a party of buyers abroad. Our representatives will visit every important trade center in England and the conti nent and will ship direct in bond to Omaha. On their re turn in August, they meet another corps of Brandeis buy ers and conduct their purchasing campaign from Amer ica's metropolis. This insures the assemblage of a superb stock of imported goods, personally selected and freed of all middlemen's charges, to be shown at the opening of our new store in October. mm m smje mm $5,000 PURCHASE OF SAMPLE LINENS CLEARING SALE SPECIALS 1 FineWashiTrimmingLaces H 2 Pretty French and German Vals., Normandie Vals., Point de Paris, Torchon and Clnny Laces and Insertions, various dresses, summer coats, etc. I On Sale Monday al l Regular Prices 1 "ttch' wort1 r 150 rard Tin This clearance includes all our finest and most elaborate af floP- b- A 1 iLnn r y- c t r 1 tvtvAit 4 Vi A ATI 4" 1 T0 mm m. mW L. M MM L. A j a Xl .. x J' L1 J - 1' vuaoVA 1UI CpUl aiSll it L ,)J I ICUt L11CVU tUOl IU lllJUUi t. .LL cuniv M . f M MMMMMa W mod tnrvat n tri t n mir mnct rlOQi ta ha onn nrant i o 1. 1 1 7 wash costumes, all greatly underpriced I1S5 TiM Battenberg Costume at.69 ( $60 Fine Net Dregseii at. j30 Net Dresses at W.98 1182.60 811k thlrt Waist Suits at $i 4.B5 K6 Radiant Silk Princess Gown t $25 $35 Gray Albatross Princess Gown at .910 $76 Pine White Mull Princess Gown at .$.15 ts i r : 4 1 1 :wk o w a $100 Imported Net Princess Qown at. .$30 $26 Embroidered White Shirt Waist Suits at $13.85 $19 Silk Shirt Waist Suits at $9.98 $36 Silk Eton Suits at $14.83 $15 Embroidered White Shirt Waist Suits at $6.98 $10 Wash Jacket Sultts at $4.98 h Shirt Waist Suits at. .... . ,$j.H We have just purchased for spot cash at 50 per ilne of samples used by the traveling men of the largest and most celebrated linen house in the world. THE BIO $5,000 PURCHASE COMPRISES HEMSTITCHED AND SELVEGE TABLE CLOTHS - NAPKINS - LUNCH CLOTHS - TRAY CLOTHS DOI LIES, DRESSER AND SIDEBOARD SCARFS-HEMSTITCHED HUCK AND DAMASK TOWELS FINE HEMSTITCHED LINEN SHEETS Pillow Cases, Etc. As this frcat linen house employs dozens of 'traveling men, and each one carries a sample of every kind, size and quality 'of everything sold, you can readily see how immense and superb the assortment is. To make selections easy and selling rapid, we will use our entire BEST VALUES OF THE SEASON IN FINE SWISS, NAINSOOK andj CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES Deep flouncing for skirts and children's dresses, in English eyn let and shadow effects, extra wide corset cover widths with MAIN LINEN DEPARBIENT ALSO 4 BIG BARGAIN SQUARES AND 22 TABLES beading edges, elegant insertions, wide bands, scalloped edge This grand lot of linens has been on display in windows. Will be on sale Monday at just 5 galloons and headings, many to match and worth up to 85c a half ji rice. , 1 varci on bargain squares, Silk Lined Voile Suits at .$2A a EXTRA SPECIALS FROM THE BIG LINEN SALE at, a yard . I9c-25c-39c M Voile Alice Blue Suit at nama Suit at 14.8.1 $36 Pa $40 Alice Broadcloth Suits at. . .$14.8.1 $30 White Wool Suits at.. $14.83 $20 Black Silk Eton Jackets at 9.98 $10 Black Silk Eton Jackets at 4.98 $15 Mixture Three-quarter Coats at $B.9s $10 Lace and White Serge Coats at $4.98 fiilvpr bleached all linen table damnik, the 6c quality for this Bale, 2J(J 2 yard .wide full bleached noft finished table damask, regular 1.2S AS quality, yard Dinner napkin, actually worth aa high aa $4.fl0 dozen, for this sale f QO at, dozen l.0 8-4 and 10-4 full bleached Irlah linen pattern table cloths, J1.75 and $2.5( values, for this sale, O0i each, $1.26 and f3C 8-4 and 10-4 all pure linen pattern tbl cloths, fine quality, actually worth 13 and $3.80, for this sale 1 cfl I L,npn Dollies and center pieces, scarfs each. $1.88 and I.9U j etc., worth up to 26c each, JQg 8-4 and 10-4 all linen elegant quality. s'VfsInd' VauaVeV ' worth' up ' ' HE pattern table cloths, actually wor. h i" rf?0J farh t 25C "eTch" iW l ,h'" S"le' 1.98 BoVrff. sc ares and ' " cenier' " pieces. each $J.B0 and worth up to 75c, JQ- Napkins to match all the above cloths at each at about one-half regular price... j T.unch cloths and scarfs, worth 4Q 17-lnch 'unbleached linen always sold at 10c yard, for this aale, yard ,5c Turkish wash cloths, at, each Linen Dollies, worth 10c and 15c, at, each 5c toweling, I up to $2.00, at each, 98c, 69c and k.l Itegular J.oc nuca toweis, tft, ! nanU Regular 20c huck towels, iQg each ,A Regular 30c all linen towels, JJJg each FINE CAMBRIC EMBROIDERIES These are all extra fine embroideries and insertions, splendid'y , suited for trimming fine underwear, etc., g A neat patterns, all with fast edges, worth f if&'of up to 15c a yard, at, yard vV J 4j M ..5c $11.60 Black Voile Skirts at $4.98 ks Wolf KM Fr.tzl Sc.TJ $35 Sl.k Lined VoUe Skirts at...,9 Bolts, la our Jewelery $18.60 Blue and Pray Skirts at. .$.V98 ctlon. at Girls' $16ancy Coats at 7o8 T7HITE WASU BELTS Girls' $7.50 Covert Coats at . . . .:t.98 All the new 6ye82 lrlw' 7 6(- VVnlle Ureaaes at. .$.1.98 & GTrTsTVagTTresTpsTtTwc i m SPECIAL BARGAINS in the BASEMENT for MONDAY MANUFACTURER'S STOCK OF SLIGHTLY IMPERFECT SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES AT LESS THAN ONE-HALF THE REGULAR PRICES Sheets made from highest quality muslin, manufac tured, regular and extra large size, with plain hem or hemstitched borders, some have machine spots or have dropped thread, others are sound and perfect, you will find values up to $1.26, all go at AQa one price Monday, each.. "7l 10 to 20 yard lengths 36-inch bleached muslins, they are the finest grades of the Brandeis brands, better than Londale or Fruit of the Loom, sale Monday, yard Various grades of white and black India llnon, Victoria lawn, values up to 15c, for yard.... TWO SILK SPECIALS 26-inch Black Chefu Pongee for entire dresses, worth 85c a vd., at.ZJC Choice silks In taffetas, peau de soles, satin (foulards, etc., worth up to $1.25 07 m JDC 6ic 5c The pillow cases are In all sizes, with nicely hem stitched or plain borders, some are slightly stained, many are entirely perfect, they go on sale Monday, eth..... 10e-121c-15c BOO full bolts bookfold nainsook, a quality you will IMPORTED OR.GANDIES Monday we will sell our entire stock of Imported organdies, which we have been selling up to 60c a yard, at, a yard 10c be pleased to buy at 19c, sale Monday at, yard Wool finished challls, white and cream grounds, with neat stripes and checks, will make up splendidly, nothing better made to wash, 1fl at, yard lVt 7'c 2 THREE JEWELRY SPECIALS roR Monday Ladles' fine stick pins, a hundred designs, worth 75c, at, each 25c Ladles' bead dog col lars, a big fad this yae"'. 69c Ladies' pearl collar sup ports, a special bar gain, Monday, V r fr 1 1 j w II v, WILL SAIL TOR PARIS IN AUGU4T T I y--. jmi " "-';i.N-' r ; . . ' ; . .7 N fr BRAX 0E I S1 EUROPtAN iBUYt : R .J ww.c.mcknight (mrsXouTseJTncl Q. l.danfoMTQ CTi7R5dYtT7 ) mm. Si r. -r X, 9 BRANDEIS CORPS OF BUYERS NOW IN EUROPE