(hi: TIIE MIA SUNDAY REE: JULY 15. 100C. IT I2 u RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET What Rul.i 8Ua to Btrooc Thresh th Begsion. BULLISH rttLING HARD , TO UNDERSTAND leeaa that lAnslderahl tree U Laid oa rorla Bltaatlan for Densest! nmm rivtri Bear. 4m', Llttln Eultt. .. OMAHA. July 14. WOt. hT . l y." tTom Bteady 10 strong on th friendly attitude of trailer. helped by nn1.c''! ?' "hrts. Just why snii 51 I f ''"'"" Httla dlfflcua to tin arraland, barring features In the foreign position on whlcn sum operator are lay ing considerable stress 'ine domestic sit uation continue bearish . Tha weather la favorable in tha northwem. Acceptance were fairly liberal and tha demand Is still inadequate. Thou looking abroad for news point out tha relative small amount on paaaage, tha unfavorable weather for har vesting In Russia and tha small estimates of I,000 bushels for world s shipments thls- last week. Hhowers were general throughout the belt the last twenty-four boura, with further precipitation predicted for tha Mississippi valley. Tha pressure waa chiefly on the May, but tha selling of September y cash nous was taken ' as Indicative of freer country offerings. The market steadied to ward, tha close. - Cash prices were a half cent lower and tb demand Is unsatisfac tory . Tha market In oats wraa nominal. There has been little disposition among local trader to do business In oats for some time. , I'rlmary wheat receipt were 656,000 bush els and shipments 24000 bushels, against receipts last year of 637.0UO bushels and shipments of 413.000 bushels. Corn receipts wera ftio.flou bushels and shipments 22t.oOO bushels, against receipts last year of 491.000 bushels and shipments of 264.I0 busnels. Clearances were 12R,onO bushels wheat. 19,348 barrels flour, J9,0o bushels corn and 2UW bushels oats. Liverpool closed H3d lower on wheat and V4kd lower on corn. With reference to the black rusl, re ported In Minnesota, Van Dussn of Minne apolis 'said: "Black, rust report have no foundation In fact. Just talked with the professor of botany of the University of Minnesota, who has examined sample from all part of the northwest dally, and says he found no Indication of black ruBt, Loral range of -options: , , Articles.) Opn. Hlgh. Low. Close ! Ye'y. Wheat-) juiy. .Sept. Dec. Corn July. Sept. Oat Sopt. A asked. B bid. Omaha Cask Sales. WHEAT No. S hard, 1 car, 70c; 1 Car, He; 1 car. Vc; 1 car (new), Tie. CORN-No. 4, 1 car, i;e. Omaha Casn I'rtees. WHKAT-No. J hard, TlH'a'Tlc; hard, feTlc; No. 4 hard. 65ijc; No. No. CORN No". 3, 4Rc; No. S yellow, 48c; No., I white, 49c. OATS-No. S mixed. 3445 3nc; No. I white, 8SWc; No. 4 white, SSc. RYE No. J. Mc; No. I. 53c. tsrlal RccelDll. . , . Wheat Corn. Osts. Chicago Ksnsas City Minneapolis , Omaha ...... T.'uluth Bt. Louis . .. 817 2 ..251 t 47 274 177 28 12 14 47 62 CHICAGO GRdX SSO PROVl8tO!8 Featnrea of the Trading; and Closing; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July 14.-Profit-taklng by the local longs caused an easy tone at the cloee ik. kn. market tmiav. the final quota tions on tha September delivery being off c. Corn was down iWKic.i ui inni loas of tfVfcc-. I'rovlslons were a Shad to Hist tnwer. The selling pressura on the wheat market developed lute in tho day and resulted In eiiani avennea at ma tiunr. wimi"ii tha nit-was Inclined to be bullish. Addl- iinnai revkoete rn-nr received - todav from tha- northwsii claiming damage, by black rtrsr.i b-ut.tne errect or tnese buvjuss was partial IV Jn set by several (reports denying that, h crop iad been Injured by rust. The- weather bureau reported catter"d hnmiers thi-ouahout the northwest and till ncouraaed the buying of wheat here. An other factor that exerted considerable weight was tha continued rsln In Southern Russia, which Is said to be Interfering with harvesting. July closed easy. September pwhed a shads lower at 78V,o, sold at Tto and then advanoed to 78jWc. The oloaa was at 78V3rac. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to 214,000 bu.- Primary receipts were DM.uuu du.. againti bu., I or mi sems way ui fwi, jnunmvnw, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 623 car against M car last weea ana i.o cars'ona vaar ago.. Bace.ua of rain throughout tha corn belt the oora market waa weak an aay, local lonaa being moderate teller. . Trading In ganerai waa light. Tha market closed weak siul near tha lowest Dolnt of tha day Beptember opened a ahade to 34c lower at 62o to (24c, sold between HHc and ia y$lo and closed at t9. Loial receipt tere 174 cars, with 188 cars of contract i -a de- Oats were weak becausa of persistent sell ing by long. Weather condition war mora favorable to the new crop and there were fewer complaints of damage by dry weather. Beptember opened Hao to HGt-Wo lower at 8fo to 86440, held within the open ing range and dosed at 86c Local receipts were Its cars. Provisions were quiet and easy." Some of the smaller packers were moderate seller of lard and rib and there wa some profit-taking In pork.' At tha cloaa BeDtember Dork waa off 10a at 117. tu. Lard waa a ahade lower at 83.10. Bib were own tvio at ss.tu. Estimated receipt for Monday: Wheat, t2 car; corn, SiA can; oat, 13b car; hogs Cl.ouw bead. The leading future ranged as follows: 'ArUols. Open. I High. I X-ow. CTos Ys y. Wheat July... Sept... Ikeo... Sept.. . , ..l 1-1 1 11 T T1U 1 1 M n ilO II D lliS" ..ls 71HB 71 T1J,A 71J j 73"B 73:U 4-'S4s 47SB 47HB 47SB 47S 4JsA 47HA 47VA .A 4iHB ..,,..'..... ...J.. I3A 83iA 77 r8as BU May... Oats ' Bept... .' I0. May. Sept. Lard- 18 78 17 40 July... 00 oept.. 1 Sept.. Oot... 12H 47U 42V a No. 1. l ash ouotatlon were fellow ' FLOUR Easy : winter patents. $loO4 00 winter straight. 83.8ou8.7u; soring patents. il.iotj.oo: spring siraigms, u.txU4.ott; tiak .e.rs HJiMiJ.io. ' ' WHEAT No. I spring. 7Hfilc; No. 8. 7t7Mc: No. 8 red. 78V?7fc. , CORN Ne, 8. it42Hc; No. I ysllow, 3i4e. DATS No. 1, 8kc; No. I white, ay,e; No, I white, tofjoWTfC RYK- No. 1 5t BARLKY Oood feeding, 8&840c; fair to choice malting. 4MKoc. BKED4 No. 1 northwestern. 81.08; prim timothy. 84.S6;, clover, contract grade, ' ll St. . ; rH.OVI8JONS Short rib side (loose), 9 4oti 46: mess pork, per bbl.. $1$ 2U; lard. ,1-er H") ioa,a ; suori clear siuee vtooea; ' $V .gH. Following were th receipt and ship ments nf flour and araln: rifceipis. paipnirnt, 'Flour. bHs ... fboat, bu.... Corn., bu exits, ' bu. 'Rye. bu... ll fi.) J 21 00 ....EU.PO ....h6 ....Vl '0 .... to ltu.bo 840.1UO Barley, bu 11) 6.T08 On lha Jroduc exchange today th butter market wss stesdy; ereamertea, lOffilSHct dairies, 46010. . Eg, flrni. at jnark. case itu-IUiled, 1.0l4Sc; first. I4c; prime nrst. ltic: extra, ljo. Choeee. gtrong; (inaiTk. ' r Mllwanke Grala Market. Mll.WArKKE. July 14 WHEAT-Dull: No. 1 nnrtheru, Ri'.-Mc; No. 8 northern, 81 tfc; steptember. 7hc. . RYE lwer: No. 1. tHUtlnae. RARI.F.Y No-1 tiiV; sample, lfjc, CORN-I ower; No. 8 cash. 6)Sb2c; oop- lember, 61C. - Dalata Grata Market. DULT'TH. Julr 14 WH EAT To rrtv and on track, No. 1 northern. ijC; No. 77STT rts 77V 78V4 T1. 78V, 784 7 v. W 8vH ' 7! H 81 82H 8144 (1 MfleZH t 81 V 6lt 8 60 4V 48pi 4 8H Ji4 $8 88 S5S6V 86W 86 M J M MV 8B4 8B J74'3S 8 r,V 87V 18 (0 18 t2H ! 80 18 82H 17 86 IT 86 17 80 17 80 lr ' 874 IfTVi I87H 10 I $0 10 10 47 t 47H 42H H ti2t 42 ( 87 40 20 20 17V 17 rwrthernt . TTHc; . July. TV:; September, "V; lecemler, 7Hc OATS To arrive and on track and July. 3T,'c. SSW YORK F.KRL MARKET Qaetatlon f tha lr Caasnaodltle. a Varloas NEW YORK. July 14-FLOrR-Receipts, tt,UI bbls.; exports. S.tW hhl.; dull but stesdv. Minnesota natents. 14 )34 HO: Minne sota bakers. S3 4.5.15; winter patents. 84 .00 t4.30; winter straights, t3.'(4 ); winter extras, U WjjS 40, low grades, . "UJ 35. Kye flour, dull; fair to good. 83 .4VaJ ; choice to rancr. fK Ht 20. CORNMEAI Hteadv: fine white and yel low, i .ptyi.zo; coarse, 1 Hegl.U. kiln dried, 19t1(iO RYE Dull; No. 1 western, 7vc, f. o. b.. jsew lork. WHEAT Receipts, 36.nrm bu.; expor t, w: i c . . j mA sit.,. elevstor. and Mc. f o. b.. aflontr No. t northern, Duluth, c, f. o. b.. afloat. Further renorts of rust In the northwent todsy gave wheat a stronger tone and moderate advance, shorta providing the de mand. Other Influences wore prospective ma.'ler world shipments and bullish Hus slsn harvesting n'. The market closed steady and 'uc net higher, as follivrs: Msy. M'sc: July, Wc; September, CORN-Receipt. OT.67 bti.; export. M.40? bn. Foot, bsrely steady; No. 2. WVc, ntnl nal, elevstor, and 6910. nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. I yellow, SiV. nominal; No. I white. Sic. nominal.. Th" ontloi vrUet was qult and easier on Improve! wovher news, closing net uw. r as roiiovvs; July, RSc; Beptember. RS'M"; December, 67c. OATS-Recefpts, 67.500 bu. ; exports. 1.&50 bu. Spot, steady: mixed oats. 2 to 32 lbs.. lafff-WV-jo; nStural white. 3o to U lbs . 4.19 44ir; clipped white. 3S to 40 lbs.. Wuidc. t BED Steady; spring bran, 118X3 prompt shipment; middlings, $19.00 July shipment; city, IJl.nor.f33. 60. llAY-F"lrm; shipping. 66'S6c; good to Choice. HOPS Steady: state, common to cholre, life crop, livdlftc; 1P04 crop, nominal; olds, nominal; Pacific coast, 1R05 crop, 10jflSc; iwh crop, Kc; olds, nominal. HIUl-;t-Hl(.dv: Oalveston. 20 to 5B lbs. 20c; California. Zl to 25 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs.. 19c. LKATH tcRSteadV: SCld. ZliWfiViC. PRflVIBIONB tt'eef steady: family, tlO.OfvfrlOWi; mess. JK.OrtfrH.W. Beef hams. 821.00022 60: packet. I.tXKfi9.B0: city exlm India mess, 15.(va lS.Brt. Cut meats, firm nirkled Wllles til .2.Vhl.r00: nick ed should ers. . 8H.ImwiA.0h: pickled hams. i2iWlZ.7S. Ird. fillet; western rrlme, $!.orvj(10 00; re fined, easy; continent, iM: Bouth Amerlcs $IO.iO; compound. 87 OiW'7.2i. Pork, firm famllv. 1! W: short clears. 118 OuffllK.SIi. TAULiOW Steady; city ($2.00 per pkg.), 4 15-lOc; country ipkgs. free), 4Ttrl4c. KICK Hteady; domestic, fair to extra, sc. BL'TTKK Steady ; street price, extra xeamery, 30y"lc; offlclal prices, cream ery, common to extra, ibH'JZio: ren- vated. common to extra, loMSW!; western fsctory, common to first, llKirlic; western imitation creamery, extras, loc; nrsis, CHEESE Steadv: new stste full cream, Isrge, fancy, 11c; state fair to good, lOc ; new state, small, fancy, 11c; new state fair to good, lOfiKHrc; new tat In ferlor, hWtiVML BOOS Firm: state. Pennsylvania and nearby fsncy selected white, 28c; choice, 11 22c; bilxed extra, 21e; western firsts. IT'S l,Vrc; western seconds, l&aitHic; southerns. H'VlbxC. I Or 1.TKT 11 ve, aulet: spring cnickens, ZZc: fowls, 14c: turkeys, iiwizc. uressen, stesdy; western spring chickens, l&'iyJ2c; turkey, UfllSc; fowl. lo'ic. t. I.nnls General Market. ST. t.Ori8. Julv 14.-WHEAT-Weak: No. 3 red. csah, elevator, 75c, nominal; track, 7oSt i SHc ; Septemner, 7Btc; December, THUe! No. 2 hard. 7KUf77i4c. CORN Futures, lower: casn, tlrm: o. Z cash. 53c. nominal: track, etc; September, 61V4C hid: December. 47He. OATS Iower; No. 2 cash. 87Hc; track, jHVyc; September, aoc; Decern oer, NiC; ro. wh te. 41 fn -II HC. FIX)lTR Steady: red winter patents, 84 88 460; extra fancy and straight, 13. 7&4J4.30; clar, $2. ip'M.&O. bi-jKD Tlmothv steady, 83.00W3 .50. Ct'RNMEAL Steady, 82 80. BRAN Dull : sacked east track. 73W75C. IiAY-8teady: timothy. $12 S0jl7.00; prai rie, , iK.umriz.txi. IRON COTTON TIE9-I1.00. BAOOINO 8",e. HKMH TWINE 7c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: lobbing. 117.S0 I.ard, steady; prima steum, 8M.70. lry salt meats, steady; boxed extra short, $9.76; clear ribs, $U.87H ;short ribs, $10.00. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, $10.50; clear, ribs, iio.ti-"; snort clear, xio.76. HOL'LTKr-Uulet: chickens. 10c: springs. lio: turkey. 12Vtc: duck. 9c: geese. Bo. HlTTKK-nrm; creamery, imxzic; dairy, 14iio. ;cjus steaav-. ism. rase count. Flour, bbl.. 4.000 S.000 Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu,... .118.000 . 47,000 . 82.000 18,000 87.0. JO 87,000 Oat, bu.... Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 14-FLOUR-Flrst patents. M.lMrt .26: second DStents. $4.O0(2tt.lO: nrst clears, H.aoJ.46; second clears, $2.50 sjz.nu. . K A IS li 60Cu 117k. (BuDtrlor Hoard of Trade Quotations fos Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) Th rang of prlcee, aa reported by V. D. Day m to,, iue-iu jooara or Traae, waa: Article. Open. Hlrh. Low. Close TeTy. Wheat I May... July... Sept... Deo.... 8ff82H TJVi'O'Sl 82WSl 82 I 7714 7S 82M 77Hi V 78H t 82 57 T7H T74 1M'I 7HH Taw 784 1 13H 1 12 1 HVs Flax- I 1 1JHI 1 13h' 1 t 12U 1 U 1 111 lllffl -1 July... Bept,.. Oct... in 10tI 1 1 uvJ 1 10H Kansas City Grala aad Prevlslens, KANSAS CITY: July 14. WHEAT Julv. nnc, ssuienisr, (cwc; Leceinoer, ltc; cash. No. I hsrd, 714724c; No. 8. Wallc: No. Z red. Tialbc: No. 8. 71W2Vc. CORN July, fVae; September. 48Uc: De comber, 46c; cash, No. 1 mixed. 60c: No. 1 wnite, bjc; no. , oiHc; no. a. bi'rtc. OATS No. 1 white. 40)Hc. RYE Steady: 6642rS7V4c. HAY Strong; choice timothy. 8U.O0CiU.b: choice pralne. 89.2&US.60. bl i ibK-f irm; creamery. lc: dairy. 1.', tllU 1...... 1 J XT uuuir-nirwir. vmuuii iiu mnw , new No. t whltewooa casea Includud. 1&W-: uu cuuni, uc; caars reiurneu, -o lass. . Receipts. Shipment Wheat bu. UH.oQ 70, Oil) Corn, bu, , 17, ow) 21.000 Oat, bu . 10,000 Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 14. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 26c. EUllS ateady; western fresh. le at nark. cheese Firm; New York full creams'. 17 VUVfcO. Fearla Grata Market. orAnt i til T..l ia conu ci, . vr I a-.vh4M, .., vuf .i i-i 1 ruin, 8 yellow, &80; No. 8, 08c; No. 4, 63c; no grade, too. OATS Steady : No. I white. 88 Vc: No. 4 White, xrto. WHISKY-On the basis of $1.. Toleda Market. TOLKDO. O.. July 14.-SEKD Clover. rash. $D0; October, $6 77': August, alslke. 87 .IS. Prim timothy, 82.10. No. 8 rye, titSto, nominal. , Waal Market. LONDON. July 14 WOOL Th offer- Inss at th wool auction sales touay amounted to 12, balea, in frood condi tion. There was a ateady demand for all trades and full rates were paid. Home ouyer aaain took tne Duia or tne orrer- Ingrs: American bou(ht small lots of greasy erossbreds. Queensland and Taa- gnantaa (reaay combings were In good re quest. Kin Cape of Oood Hope wti leady, but Inferior wa weak. Neat week 8.(00 bales will be offered. The arrivals of wool for the fifth series of sa- amount to 17.104 bale. Including (,288 balea forwarded direct to spinners. 1 no Imports thla week were l oll bale. ST. LOUIS. July 14. WOOL, Steady: meflium graaes, comoing and) clothing, 24 rtSc; llgtlt fin. lltJiSc: h 1 17c; tub washed, 82 6 88 ttc heavy flpe, 14 Saga and Helassee. NEW YORK. July 14 -SUOAR-Raw. steady; fair refining. 8 l-3e; eentrlfufrsL a tear, xs-ic: motasses sugsr, J Il-3jc refined, steady; No. T, 4-00c; No. , IKc; roo. 1". save; ro. ii, sine; ro. li, IS6C; rvo. 13. 8.74c; confectioner' A. 6.06c: rut loaf. 6 40c; crushed. 6 4oc: powdrred. 4.80c: granu. latea.' s. uc; ruoss, soc. NEW ORLEANS. July 14 -SCO Alt - Dteady; open kettle, centrifugal. Ml 7-iae: centrifugal yellow, SHftVc; sevcoads, tjlHjC. sijtv, r s&u av. " Metal Market. NEW YORK .June 14. METALS The metal markets, a usual on Saturday In the absence of London cable, were quiet ana price nominally 4inrnanaed. Tin. SJfrW 60, on spot. Lake rnp(r, 18.l7a in .o, eienmivric copper, lis. is so; cant ing. 817.76V14 0O. Lead. 85.76. Spelter. Si iH i iron wss sirany, out unrnanged ST. LOUIS. July I4.-METALA-I.ead. teaay, so mna.Te. Opeitsr, quiet, Ss 86. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS I W.ll Street Market it Dull. tftrrow, Blnr- eiih grid Isconsiittnt BANK STATEMENT MAKES GOOD SHOWING Attempt to Taka rraalt Beiaaa- - tlra Pawer TlaSe Is teady. NEW YORK. July 14. No slgnlflcance can be attached to the sluggish snd Incon stant movement of prices in todsy dull sna narrow market. a lavoranis nanK statement wss generally expected and board room traders attempted to advance prices on the prospect. No serious selling pressure was met on the small sdvsnces, but there waa no follow up to the move ment and the trsders operated only with the utmost caution, amounting to timidity. When they attempted to reallie profits on early ssles before the close they found the market as bsr of resl absorptive power as It wss of selling pressure. A con dition of profound neglect was disclosed. The tsking of profits left prices close to the level at which they left off Inst night. The bank statement showed restorstlon of rsther more than last week s loss In the surplus Item. The $14,845,000 loan contrse- tion wss attributed to the weak stocK market liquidation and the excess in the cssh gsln over the prellmlnsry estimates was credited to a correction of the die crepanc In thst item last week. Tho week s reosvments or eovernmeni depos its are shown to have amounted to fl,4ir).oo exclusive of drafts by Interior banks upon New York accounts for that purpose. The report from Washington thst $4,ooo.ono to i.w.niin government money was neing ae poslted In Interior banks wss regarded as promising an onset to tne eneci oi me cur rent withdrawal of $lrt,ooo,ooo which wifl affect nrlncinaUv the New York banks. The rise In government 2a which are thus In demsnd. as security for the government deposits, Is expected to help the msrketlng of the new Panama canal bonds. Large arrlvsls of South African gold were re ported In F.na-lanri snd there was some discussion of the possibility of a part of It being obtained for New York, nut nana- mrm tnnriA no Lnnnn ocemen I on ine sunjeci The market closed steady. Total sales of bonds, psr value, $fi07,0d0. The following are tne quotations on in Stock exchange: stlra. Hlgn. uw. ie. Adams Repress il.ioi too Amalgamated Copper .... n 4 t 144 0 IM 17 M 11 . 3 I HI 12'4 IS M II 11J It 72 1M tl If- ino US 1 1J 173 II II 1 44 It 4 47 114 m 77 r"6 ioo 11 11 MS l 71 -45S 111 IM 14 ' 176 II 42 1V4 II . 74 tK 44 American C. A F 84 IS American C. A F. pfd.... American Cotton Oil Am. Cotton oil pfd American Rlpress American II, ft b. pfd... Americas lc, securities.. Amerlcsn Llnssed OH Americas Unseed Oil BJ4 aoo n inn 2 M's t,(4 Amart-sn IocomotlTS I4.sn0 ".m II4 46 Vk itJ4 14IH Am. Locomotlvs pf4 Amarlcan 8. A It ,.. American 8. A R. pfd.... American Susar Refining. Am. Tnnscco pfd etfa Anacnnds , Mining Co Atchlnon Atchison pfd Atlsntlc Coast Una Pal. Ohio pfd ..: Broohlrn Rapid Transit... "i'no 'iii' son :4j i. inn ts " iiio itst i' i 10.O0 71 MO 1HH it lv iiss J 71 1MH Canadian Parlflc Central of New Jarsay Central Leather , Cantral leather pfd 40 (00 mm lot 4H Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago Oreat West am Chicago A Northwest an... Chlcaso. Mil. St. r Chicago T. A T.....1 Chicago T. A T. pfd C, c., C. A St. L Colorado Fuel A Iron Colorado A Bouthorn Colorado A Bo. 1st pfd Colorado A Bo. 24 pfd 1,100 174 171 inn 4M l.inn "ino inn ft 47 "ii II 44H "ii" m 4 'ti " 4M M14 Consolidated Gas Corn Producta, rfg Corn Products pfd, rfg Delaware A Hudson Delaware, L A W Donvar A Rio Grands D. A R. O. pfd 40S 77 n f tv l4 Plstlllsrs' Securities Erie i st" pfd '. '. '. Erie 24 pfd 1.100 1.400 l,4on 100 ra 744 ' 7 4 Oenarsl Elactiic Great Northern pfd 1,100 HI (II Hocking Valley Illinois Cantral International Papsr International Paper pfd.... International Pump International. Pump pfd.,.., Intorborough Metropolitan.. Intorborough Mat. pfd.....'. lows Central 400 too 100 'ino 14 74 444 'iili 7.144 1444 'iii. 4H4 14014 'iii, 160 'ii" 1114 '71" M4 121 4 4 'iiii 117 iitii Iowa Cantral pfd .-. Kansas City Bouthorn 18 41 140 It 44 111 111 M Kanaas City Bo. pfd LoulaYllls A Nashvlll Mexican Central ion 48 4 toeNso Minneapolis A St. Louis.... M.. Bt. P. A 8 B. M M . St. P. A 8. 8. M. pfd.. Missouri Pactfto no 100 4514 160 no -. loo. MS 1114 71s II (4 Missouri, Ksnsss A Taxss. . 41 4 M , K. A T. pfd National Laa4 too 71 M lit - 44 National R. R. of St. t. pfd. 100 Now York Cantral l,n in 00 44 100 4 "'iso 'iiii l.tOO-'liSVs 'iiioi itsi. ...... x- Now York. O A W. ....... Norfolk A Wasters. Norfolk A W. pfd..... North Amsrtcsn ........... Nurthers PaclBe Pad no Mall Pennsylvania 86 n 117 It 1244 rsoples Uaa P.. C. C. A Bt. L Pressed Steal Car Proassd 8. C. pfd ....... Pullman Palsoa Car Handing Reading 1st pfd............ Heading Id pfd..; 1.500 4444 44 44 M lit It. 300 111 117 111 100 100 M 4 M Republic Steal Republic Steel pfd Rock Island Co 14S4 'isii 41 14 l-.'S loft 100 Rock laland Co. sfd . 41 41 81. L. A 8. F. Id pfd St. Louia Southweatara.... 0 St. Louis 8. W. pfd 41 Boulaarn PaclBe I. M0 100 s 44 11444 U 44 8!ota-Sheffls!4 Staol t Bo. PaclBo pfd Soathera Railway 100 11(4. 114 M l.suo ti so. naiiwar pfd Tsnnsssss Coal A tros.... Texas A Pacific ,, Toledo, Bt. L. A W....... T . St. U A W. pfd t'nlon Pacific , I'nlon Pact So pfd 1 141 400 400 400 II, son 100 $ 4 44 141 IS M M 141 2 44S 14S 1 I OHM Slates Eipraas t'sttsd Siaiaa Raaltr I nllod Stataa Rubber in 71 too 200 it 44 101 log 18 100 II MS I 8. Rubber pfd 10s t'nlted SUUaa Btaal.. 11 V. B. Steal pfd Vs. -Carolina Chemical ... Va -Carolina Cham, pfd.., Wabash , Wabash pfd Wslla-Fsrgo Enprass .... 4,11 loo 10 li loo 11 iue 11 44 loo 171 171 zso 1(4 II wastlngbouas glsotlio ... Waatom trnlon , Wheeling Lake Brie... 1 n w laconaln Central Wis. Central pfd 1M 44 44 Total aalas tor th dar, In. loo shares. Boston Stocks and Boast. uobton, July 14. -Call loans, tm per veni. iinie loans. rer rent. omcia closint oa stock and. bondt: A tab I son adj. 4a .. 14 ..141 .. II .. M .. M ..141 ..no ..ISO ..14 ..lid Advsnturs Altouas Amalgasistad so 4a T -.11 Mag. (.'antral 4s.... Atchison American sing ., Atlantic Bingham do pfd Boston A Albany.. "Boston A Main. . . 14 Cat. A Heels.... fWI 1 II . 48 Boston Elavstad ... Oentannlal Copper Range ... Daly Wast Frsnklls tlranbr Isle Kerala Masa. Mining ... Michigan 'mchburg pfd ... N. T.. N. H. A H. Colon Partao .161 ..141 asser. Args. Chain. .. SO .. si ,.. II ..111 ..111 ..It .. it . 10 4o sfd : is Assr. Pnsu. Tuba. Ainar. Sugar 4s pfd Mohawk Mout. C. A C... Old Paaslnloa ... Osceola ,.' IB .. I .. 14 Amor. T. A T Amer. Woo Ian do pfd ..ut ,. li ,.;i Dominion I. A 8 MSiPsrrtrt adlson Else. Illu..t40 Qulncr ,. 40 Kleetrtc . II Soaanos Tamarack .... Trtnltv 1. I Pf4 .. S3 Maaa. Uaa Called milt . M .. 1 .. 43 I t'nlted Copper tnlUMI Shoe Mack.. . 14 . M . II t . 8 Mining. .. II Pf4 I'. B. Oil .. S .. 41 .. 4 ..1M North Hallo I. B. Stool flak Vletorls . Wloons .. Wolverine . II .luKW . 1 o sfd Wasting, eoataioa . Bid. Asked. "ew Tarlc Mining ttaek. NEW YORK. July 14. Closlne annt.iinn. en mining stock were- Adsass Cant M ' Ltula Cki. a A Ilea . Brusowlak Cos .. .m Onlarls Ophlr Phoenix Potaal Bavag Sierra Nevada, Small Hopa .. ua4sr Braeo I II Caanalark Tsnssl . 14 . U . .iii . tea. Cal. A Vs... 'Horn Silver .... Iron 81 Ivor Leadvills ran .... t Ottered. Kxaert aad la i gort a. NEW YORK. Julv 14 Imiuin. of mer- rhandise and dry gooda at lha aort of New York for the week ending today were vaiueu ii sia.on.aja; iocsi import of specie 846.68 sliver and I5ISJ m gold. Total ex. ports of specie were 8o0lB36 silver ni In . 8U gold. ' . Clenrlngt Hense Averages. NEW YORK. July 14 The statement of the clearing house banks for this week ehowe that the banks hold 81I.S86.6O0 over th legal reserve requirement. Tblq 1 n Increase of $ $. T?S as compared with lasf w eek. Tfl statement folows: lxans. 1.n.l,:3x.40: ncrf, in. 344. 00. Ieposlts, $t. 02$. 82,00(i: decrease, $12 411.700 Circulation, 84.65$.Bnn; In crease. 8110,900. Legal tender. 8sr,.x72. 800: increase, $1,807,600 Specie. $li,- 41800; Increase, $1. MO. 300. Reserve. $2S. 81 8.800; Incresse. $J.!l2.8O0. Reserve requlren, - i:bs.sj,"": oecrease, iu"i,. t$. Surplus, $1J.JO,00. Increase, $.8S.718. Kx-l nltert mates deposits, !.- 247,000; increase, is.sas.iia. Raw York loaey Market. NKW TORK. July 14.-MONEY-ON call, nomlnsl; no losns; time money easier; sixty days. 4'4 per cent: ninety days, 41 per cent; six months. fl4j per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE FAPER-trW per cent. BTF.RMNO EXOHANOE-Stesdy. with actual business In bankers' b'lls at $4 M60 4 (,41V i for demand snd at $4 $1 7VjJ4 81 6 for 60-day bills; posted rates. $4 2'Tti4 85; commercial bills, 84 81VfJ4 H. SILVER Bsr, 6BVtc; Mexican dollar. B0V.C. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, heavy. (Quotations on New tork bond today were a follow: It. S. rf. is. wf i.-IM Jtpun So coiipoa i.Jrsn M, M psr.m. .. ex ...in iit ...lf!! e tvta nit ...ICS V cu - fenea l ...in t,. A N. unl. 4s tH4 U. . . re 4o coupon ...... V. . old 4a re. so eoupoa C S. now 4s. r so roupnn Am. TobScoo 4(.. do Atrhloon son. 4t. sdj Atlantic C. L. 4. Man. f s. 4t I0IH ...m4Mei. (ontral 4t 74 ... 77 do 1st Ine HH ...11IS Minn. St. I, 4l... t ...If'H' M.. K. A T. 4 IW-t ... tft do ti W4 WH N. k. R of M c. 4s. Bl. a Ohio 4 13 N V. C. (. IS...". rS"4 do JVii Brk. R. T. c. 4... (nlrl of 0. is. do 1st ine do 34 ine F44 M. J ( S 1M : i ns. Pscino 4 ii 1I1V in 1 7t4 IN. A W. r. 4s inn U o. S. L. rrdg 4s ' 87 Penn. ronr. SWs do (4 ine f'h. A Ohio 4(4s... 1074a Res'llns (n 4s ! Chlraso A. IV.... n St. !,. I. M. e. SS..114 C, B A Q. S. 4s... V St. I., ft 8. F. t. 4s. ? C, R I. P. 40.... 7S St. 1,. H. W. e. 4s... 1W do Ool. SS K Seshnsrd A. U 4a.... ST CVt SI. U g. 4s. .10OV So. rarlfln 4s - 1V Coin. Ind. lis, sor. A. 7tilAo. Hsllwsr (s llSSsj, dn ssrtss U... 7?S Tsias P. li. ...IIS rnlorado Mid. 4s. Colo, a Bo. 4s..., Cuba 6s , P. R. O. 4S... IXstlllors' 8er. is Brl p. I. 4s....'., dn sen. 4s .. 71 .. MV, ..loss ..lonvi .. . . lW'S. . . IM T., 8t. L. A W. Cnlon PsrIAc 4s.., - 8. Btesl 24 is. Wsbssh Is do deb. B e(.teni Xd. 4a... A . U K 4s... A'ls. (,ntrtl 4s.. l.i. K2 ...101 ... 7 ...114 ... 77 ... KU ... US, ... M Hocklns Vsl. 4s.,..10i! Turrercd. 7 London Closing Storks. LONDON. July 14. Closing quotation on the Stock exchange were: Consols, money ..17 11-14, N. Y. Ontnl ..Ill .. ,. 14 .. 17 .. 14 .. I .. 40 .. 44 .. 46 .. 14 ..12 .. 41 ..141 .. 17 .. 14 ..103 .. .. 41 do account 17 Norfolk AW.. naconds Lchlson . 77 do pfd . 19 Onlsrlo A W .103 ; Pennsylvsnla ,.11 Rsnd Mines ,.lf Reading .., .. fji do 1st pfd ..17 do 2d pfd ,.17 Southern Hallway .. 17' do pfd .. ?9 Southern PaclBo . .. 17 ll'nion Paclno .. 401 do pfd do pfd aitlmors A Ohio.. anadtan Pacific ... Chca. A Ohio , Chicago Ot. W M St. P.... DeUeera . A R. O do pfd Erie do 1st pfd dn Id pfd .. " I'. 8. eteel... do pfd Illinois Central ... Louisville A Nash .110 Wabash . .141 do pfd .. K. A T.X.... . 121 Arm, 30 5-lfid per ounce. SI I A' ER Bar, ftiomr. i ivgi per cent. The rate ot discount In the ooen market for short bills Is 8 per cent; for three month' bills, &31-16 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 14. Money was plenti ful at easy rates in the market today, but he demand was poor. Discounts were weak. Trading on the Stock exchange was moderately active. There was suin uneasiness early In the day owing to feara that another firm was in difficulties, but when it was ascertained that the (lit flcultlej had been adjusted a general fm provement set in and prices closed steady. Foreigners were quiet in the anance of Paris support. Americans were fla best section. United States Steel, Union Pa cific and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa received the most attention. Japanese Imperial ns of 1904 closed at 103. - BKRiuiN. juiy 14. Trading on tne Bourse today was stagnant. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trade and ttootatloa oa Staple aad Fancy Prodace. EOOS Receipts, liberal; fresh stock, 144c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, imiiiluc; roosters. Dc; turkeys, 12iil3e; ducks, 7c; spring chick ens, lHifiOc per lb. BUTTER Packing stock, 14V4c; choice fancy dairy, 16c; creamery, 2'uilhic If A i Price quoted by umana r eea com pany: Choice upland, .00; medium, (.io; coarse, tS.OMin.BO. Rye straw, o.Uil'7.00. brain rer ton, wo.oo. i TOMATOES Illinois, per crate ot 20 lb. J 80c. WAX BKANS Per market basket of about IS lbs., fioc: STRING BEANS Per market basket 01 about 15 lhs., 60c. , TURNIPS. BEETS AND CARROTS Per dos. bunches, 25c. LEAF LETTUCE Hothouae, per oo. heads, 20c. CLCUMBKKo liome grown, per aoa., 60c; Ttxas, per bu. box, 82.00. ' ONIONS Home grown, 2Ho per lb.; Texas, In crates, white, 8176. GREEN ONIONS Per doz. buncoes, ZOe. RADISHES Per doB. bunche. 16c. CABBAGE Horn grown, 2c per. lb. -CAULIFLOWER Per dox. head, 75c. GREEN PEAS-Per bu., 81.00. NEW POTATOES-Per bu., 80c. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Horn grown, per bu., 60 66c. NAVY TtEANS Per bu .; no. j, xt.io. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 6S4c. TROPICAL FRLITS. DATES Per box of 30-lb. pkg., $2 00; Hallowe'en, In TO-lb. tjoxes, per lb., 6c; Bayers, per lb.. 4c; walnut bluffed, 1-lb. pkgs., 82.00 per dos.; 8-lb. boxes, 11.00. UKAMita v.ailtornia, extra rancy nar- ela. larae alxe. S4.tfu.00: Mediterranean sweets, all slaves, S4.0maH.60; . VaJenclaa, all alien' IS (yri&.fiO. LEMONS-Umonlfri, extra rancy. o ise, 86.00; 300 to 300 else, 8.60tl7.UO; other brands 8100 less. FlUa California, per iit-in. canon, ing 8oc; imported Smyrna, three-crown, 11c; six-crown, 18c. BANANAS Per mecmim-siita puncn. 8a.7Hi2.26; jumbos, S2.50U3.00 PINEAPPLES Florioa, vise 4. oo ana I, 83.00. FRUITS. CHERRIES California, 12) per 8-lb. box; our cherries, 24-qt. crate, ll.oo. GOOSEBERRIES fer crat oc qi., 82.00. . FKACHKB Hale eHriy. gi.oo yeuow iree- tone, 81.26: Texas Elbertas, per 4-baskt crate, isxujl.ou. PLUMS California. S1.50MT.7B. BLACK BERK I E8 Per 24-ql. crate, 82 36. RASPBERRIES Red. per 24-pt. crate, S2.U0: black, per 24-qt. crat. 63.00. AFKit u rn rer i-Dassei crate, ii.to CURRANTS Home-grown, white and red. per 24-qts., 1.60. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb., lVc. or about S03o each. CANTELOUPES California, per crate, standard, 84.26; ponies, 83.00; Texas, per crate, about 46 melons, 3.oo; ponies, li.OO. CUT MEAT PRICES. Rib, No. 1, 12c; No. t. 10c; No. 3. Sc. Icoln. No. L 16c: No. 2. 12V4C; No. 8. Ho Chuck, No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 6c; No. 8, 4c. Round, No. 1, V: No. z. bc; No. 3, lc Plate. No. 1, 3c; No. i, 3c; No. 3, 2Vc MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg, S3.7i, per bbl.. 8675. HONEY New, oer 24 lbs.. 13.60. CHEESE-wlss, new. 16c; Wisconsin brick, 12c; Wisconsin llmberger, 12c; twins UM; young America!, loc. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1. soft shells, nei crop, per lb., 16Vc; hard shells, per lb. 13V4C. Pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small per lb., 12c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12&13HC, Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hsrd shells, per lb., 16c,. Cocoa nuts, 84 per Back or luo. SUGAR Granulated cane. In bbl. 85.16; granulated cane. In sack, 15.11; gran uietea tet, in sacks, to.ui. SYRUP In bbls.. 27c per gal.: in cases, 10-16. cans. 31.70; cases 11 5-lb. cans. 8180 cases 24 2-id. cars, li so. COFFEE Roasted. No. S5r 26Hc per lb. ino. a), yf,a per id.; ino. b, ibj per it. No. 30. 154c per lb.; No. 21. 12ic per lb. ci Ktu FISH Family whltenah, per quarter ooi.. ksi ids., m w; iNorway mack t-rel. No. 1, 828 00: No. i. MOO; No. 3. t-'OOO Irish. No. 2. SISurt; herring, In bbl., 200 lbs eecn, Norway, 4k, Sl-oo; Norway, Sk, 818.00 Holland, mixed.- Ill 00; Holland herring, in kegs, milkers, 0c; kegs, mixed, 70c. CAIN in bi) GOODS Corn, standard west rn, 6otT; Maine. 811s. Tomatoes, t-lb, cans, ii.Z5ii.bo: 2-lb.. 7Uc(utl.uu. Pines i. pies, grated, 2-lb., 82 064.'. 30; sliced, 81 W MP. gallon spples. fancy. 83 90: California apricot. tl.40tjl.OO; pears. tjl. 754180; reeehe. fancy, 1.7dj2.40; H. C. peaehe. k!Oui2 60. Alaska aimon, red, 8125; fancy Chinook, T., 13. lo; fsncy sockevs, F.. 81 86; ardlne. oil. 62-50. mustard. 82 &i3 10. Sweet potatoes, 81 167'1,26; sauerkraut, 1) 00; pumpkins. 0cjl.U); wax besns, 2-lb., "s'a 9-c; lima beans, 2-lb., 75C&S1 86; spinach S1S6; cheap peas, Mb., 60c, extra, 755aic; fancy, 8l.86ttl 78. HIDES AND TOLLOW-Green salted. No. 1. USc; No. J. ll"c; full hides, SSo.Wc; green hides. No. 1. loc; No I, t-c; horse, tl.froatat; sheep pells. 60c$l.tt. Tallow. No. 1. 4c; No. 2. Sc. . WOOL-per lb, IsCSt-a. 8MADA L1YE STOCi MlltlET rt Cattle Ehow Doidd Improfement fr th Week. HOGS TEN CENTS HIGHER FOR WEEK llealrable Fat hea tiros All th Week, with a Teadeaey Te- , warn Low Price ea th Clese. SOUTH OMAHA. July 14. I Receipt were: Omclsl Mnndsy .... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Cattle. Hog. Sneep. ... 8.M3 4.S6I .t ... $.0T 8.W1 $.4 ... 8.SIW 7 1 i.8i ... 8.0 8.7B7 8.4 ... 1.2e 8.il4 umrii t riaay . Official Saturday 10 4o( This week L.ast week , Two weeks ago. Three week ago Kour week atjo Same week last vear .18.171 . .oa .1S.fl7 .le.cno .17.7M 47.&S1 42. X3 S8.827 78.715 78.1.4 .1899 13,767 13.1H 8.5S4 7,hJ .1H.378 49,141 17,o:9 RECEIPTS FOR TUB YEAR TO DATE. The following table show th receipts of cattle, hog and sheep s-t South On, aha lor the year to date, compared witn last year; l(k. 1"&. inc. 4M.771 4f7,;i5 i.1'i'8 1.53H.SSI 1 1,SS3.4"5 14B.!Ui 7W.ic.i 771, 97 :4.t48 CATTLE UUOTATION8. Cattle Mors . Sheep The following will show the prices paid for the dim-rent kinds of cattle on the South Omaha mar kit: Uood to choice coin-fed steer $S 40fi 00 Fair to good corn-fed steers fj.Atvao.TO Common to fair corn-fed steers.... 4.6"u tiO Oood to choice cow and nelfers., t-alr to good cows and lisllrrs. . . .. , Common to fair cows and heifers., Oood to choice Blockers A 1 cede vs. Fair to good Blockers A feeders..., Common to fair stock rs Mulis, stsgs, etc Veal calves The follnwlna? tshle shows th 8,7.u1.40 k.7b'u,t.7l 1.6oi2.76 it. 7t '44. 10 3.'.'ji!.76 2'tu3.26 , ii.7ou4.10 4(RXi6.M aveiage price of hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Pat. 1906. 11806. il804.li3. 1902. 1801. ilKI. July 1.... July 8 ... July 1.... July 4.... July b.... July .... July 7.... July 8.... July .... Juiy 10... July 11... July 12... July IS... Juiy 14... 6 281 6 U 5 60 7 44 a 11 6 Mi 1 84 r lj 4 82 I 76 8 81 47VU ( 2S 8 61 7 61 47. 8 2fti 6 26 6 8fc 6 27 6 2b 8 18 8 88 6 V 6 16 6 83 6 32 6 11 7 84 7 78 7 82 T 80: 6 73 1 6 I t 6 79 ( 17 I 6 11 t 83 , 42J I 88 4!e. 8 (2! b 48 6 39 8 46 8 83 6 88 1 6 Ml t IS 8 t 7 83 6 81 6 IS 7 791 6 3 S 01 7 77 8 .6: 8 61 8 044. 64, 6 23 4 89, 6 68! 6 8s, 6 03; 6 2R 6 841 6 13 t 47 1 8 13 6 Ml 7n I 6 08 Sunday . YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows the number of car of etocker and feeder shipped to the country and their points of Destination: 1.1111 M. Waif. Albion. Neb., F. E C. W. VVhltney. Iowa Fall, la, N. W George Dlnsdale, Palmer, Neb., W..... E. E. Reed. 1-a Platte, Neb., M. f.... W. Coll, Dow City, la., I. C Oeorge Arnott. Craig. Mo.. Q RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hog. 88 6011 6 7vQ6.i5 8 Wfan.KO 86i0.& 6 4ixo.00 Omaha Chlcafc-o .... Kansas City St. louls... Sioux City.. .fl.i6tj.7S I (11 io I (1V) IB i.0g.10 I.7d'u.00 i.it'U 75 The official numwr of car. or hook brought In today by each road was Seattle. Hogs. Sne p. H'r'. c. M. A St. P 13 Wabash Union Pacific system 2 29 6 40 i - 4 17 10 1 4 8 A N. W east C. A N. W.. west C. St., M. A O C, B. A Q .east C, B. A Q .west C, R. I. A P.. east.... C-. R. I. A P., west... Illinois Central Chicago O. W 10 cr..l ....olnta 4 137 IT ti.. 1..11100 of the day's receipt was aa follows, each buyer purchalng the num ber of head lnalc 1 cattle. Omaha Packing Co Hogs. Sheep. 1,158 1.998 8.017 2,606 tm 437 228 116 Swift and Company 216 udahy Packing Co Armour A Co......... Klngan A CO .... St. Louts D. B. Co. Borden Lauer Other buyer 10,000 216 CATTLEIt i bardlly 'necessary to tat Totals. that the market was Dare oi supim. a that 1 the condition every Saturday The receipt this week, have been almost double what they were. lat week. The ar- rival have consisted nimuwv native or fed stock, not enough graBS rang er having arrived to cyt any figure on th mTheeupply of fat cattle has been fairly liberal during the week, a considerable pro portion of the total receiota consl.tlng of that kind. A usual, this fate W the season the cattle coming are of good quality a a rule. The market on ail desirable aT"" J fat beevea nas sieauny luisn 'f the close of the week It Is safe to quote It lOCuc higher than one week ago. There has been a very good buying demand and the cattle on nearly every day sold readily at current prices. A nigh as 36.00 wa. paid, which make a new high record for Cowhand heifer brok badly during th first part of the week, but have gradually firmed up until the loe haa been pretty much recovered, so that th market la now about where It was at th close of last week Oood feed bulls commended very fair prices all the week, dui anymm wisw in that line wa low and-considerably lower. Veal calves of good quality have old aa high a 86.60, tht being the top on mo day, while less desirable grade nave soia on down. Th.r. ! never very much doing In the feeder division in July and tbe present week has furnished no excepuun io niw imt. uw fact I that very few cattle of that descrip tion have arrived, and there ha been very little demand for them on the part of coun try buyer. Such cattle aa have come in have sold quite resdily at about steady prices to speculators ana ysra iisavre. HOOS The market opened this morning with good light hogs In active demand at i,iv lirlc.s. In other words the light hogs oia very iriy sum vtimiymu t in b The heavier hogs and mixed load also opened about .steady, aelltng freely at 86 67, OUt tnere were wvaa eyuta m uiv trade on that kind when It waa Impossible to get teady price. Rough heavy hogs on the pacaing oraer sum uhwii m 14 63V The bulk of all the hogs sold at 86 b74o eu. The receipt of hog have not been overly large thla week, although slightly in xces of th week before. The market as a whole has been in very saiisiaciory condi tion tn tha extent of that prices have been gradually Arming up, so that the high point ot the year wui rcnnicu, uu w runrDusy, when all the hoga In the yards averaged S6.64SC. On Thursday and Friday there was an easier lenuency 40 vaiurs, uui slui t the close of the week the market 1 10 hlKher than one week ago. Reuresentative sales: 14a. a. Av Bn. r N II... 74.. 74.., 71.. 44.. I . II . Av. tit 131 .144 , ,l ..141 ..IM ,.144 HI h. rr. IM 1 n II 4 17 IM I'H 144 4 IT. ... 4 HH 40 4 47 V4 44 4 17 0 I II 400 I 47 IM 4 I7 ... I IT'S) IM 4 17 ItO 4 17 10 W It H SI 4f (4 M M 11...... II 40 II 71 44 It 44 4 te TI II 44 17 7T II TJ li 17 U 0 II 71 44 40 TO ,r7T I 14 tal . 10 t4 ..111 0 I SO 40 4 14 M I 54 140 4 M . .141 III IM .144 ... 4 M' . .151 40 4 tiVs . .144 M IH . ill M I 44 II. to., .147 II Ill ..111 140 4 14 44. .171 ,..114 4 44 41.. Tl.. Tl.. 41 . 40.. 14.. 11.. Tl.. TO.. 41 . TT . . 41.. Tl.. II.. 11.. 44.. . 71 . IT.. 4-0.. 40 . 14 . 4.. U . It.. 41 . 41.. Tl.. II.. TO . 44, . 14.. Tl., Tl.. TT. . II.. II.. 4 . 47.. II. . M . 41 , U) . ...ttl ...1)4 .... ...14 ...JC1 ...in ..til ...114 ...III ...141 ...1.1 .,.141 .. .141 ...MT ..Mi ...tit ...lit ...161 ...IM ...tn ..114 ...111 ..tot ..14 ...171 ...111 ...1,1 ...111 ..111 ... IM ...IK. ....! ,...140 st 44 I 14 10 4 44 IS I 14 4 4 44 120 4 M 40 4 44 M 904 4 II 1 M I M ... 4 64 . .ton .'..141 ..144 . 141 ...7 ...! .. tl ...141 ..141 ...mi ..in .. .1SR ...Ml ...!! ...tn ...171 ...111 ..Ml ...III .. r,t .. MO .. It ' ..140 .. 144 ...MT .. H4 .. WT ...Ml ...ri ..Ml ...Ml ...104 ..in ...114 ...Ml ...It! .. M7 .. Ill .. IM .. IT! I li t 4 41 4 17 Z 4 M 4 M 8 44 IN , 4 4 I M 4 40 I 40 ' M I M 4 M I M M 4 M so Pal S4 114 4 44 4 IT4, 4 4 II so 40 .. g gTVg M I US .. 4H-4 44 4 41V, I IT 40 I 41 - .. I I1S4 40 4 474 , . M 40 ... 4 4.- ik in M 4 M M 4 M 40 4 M M 4 40 ... 4 M IM I M 4 4 44 IM I M 44 4 M ... M ... 4 M 104 6 M 40 t M 40 I M I I7 4 H I H 4 I7 I Hit 4 IKi 4 lit It I.... j Va" 1 J " IT," lag I m "' 41 .. 41... In... '4 .. ( !' ' , I,' j la " It" J, " j tl .. 114 M IM ... I l7, 104 I ITS ... 4I'4 14 ill IM 4 4' ... IH4 14 I IT , ... fl'vs 40 t 171 40 I I" no IM 9 M , III M .M4 ... 4 M . IN 14 4 M 14 4 M M 4 41 .. 6 fi .. 6 41 4 4 41' ; 144 ..Ml .111 .K .111 . 4 I 1 1 4 41 s-w .. M4 SO T TM 44 J4 71 1-J II., rM ss ph 14 17 ... 4 17 40 (7 ... 144 .v. r ....IM Ill lie i ti ISO 4 4- 140 I 'a ... I 47 tt IS I IT SIIK.KI Two cars of sheep were reported In today, a wind-up of the larn-e. bunch of Montana which have been coming In all the week. The receipt of sheep this week have been very liberal, there being a decided gain In the total as compared with the week be fore and also a considerable gain over tha corresponding week a year ago. This week witnessed the opening of the range season and the receipts have cniialsted very largely of thst kind, there being only a very Tew scattering loads of fed stock. Tbe market a a whole haa been In a very fair condition, but ss Is very apt to be the case at the beginning of a scsson It has been a llttl uncertain. In other words there hsve been both tips snd downs, so that while soma sheep sold higher toward the end of tha week than they did st t lie) beginning, other, on the contrsry. sold off. The gen eral 'tendency of the market was higher on th good kinds and a considerable ad vance was made, especially on the year lings. If there were sny spring lambs here ther would undoubtedly have to sell lower, judging from the conditions prevailing at other n-.srket points. All common and hajf fat sheep were slow and weak on the close and shippers would be sctlng wisely In keeping that kind st home as they are not wanted st flie nreaent time. The flooding of th msrket with Inferior stock at the present' time would be very apt to breaa vslues., The fact that eastern markets have oecjir.ed ehsrply within the last two or three days places the market Is a position to be readily affected bv a surplus of com mon stuff. Oiioistlnns: Oood to choice spring lambs. Wi,Vg7.V; fair to good spring Ismbs, 31 2ifl t 75; good to choice yrsrlingn,, 3(v7iVfv ; fair to good yesrllnss, 8 .BOfJit. 75; good to choice wethers. STj.2568 66: fslr to good wethers, 11 Mli! 25; good to rlmice ewes, S4.!nR.SB; rnir to good ewes, 34.6t'o4.90. itrpresentative sales: No. Av. Pr. Sit full wether 92 6 62i CHICAGO 1.1 YK STOCK MARKKT Cattle Ktradr Unas steady to IMrona sheep and Ijimba Hteady. CHICAGO, July 14. CATTLM Receipts. 700 head; market steady; beeves. Sl.l&W 6. ."6: cows and heifers, SLSOuA-lo; stin kers and feeders. 2.ica4.40; calves, S5.0fro0.75. HOGS Receipts, 18,000 head; e.itiinated JI.Ti'ii x'j. x" !";ong: snd ouirMiers. 8n 6o& . Jo ; good heavy, Sd.T.Vif .2H; rough heavy, i.an'tt.45; light, Pi.Wi f 2Vi pigs, Sn.7Ou6'.40; bulk of sales, SO.WKff . I i BftEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.mo j neao; market steadv; sheep, S3 3i(fl.l0; yearlings, Si TCtvti.oO; lambs. 8o.004tS.O0. . Kansas City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 14.-CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 hesd, Including 60 southerns. Market steady; choice export and dresaed beef steers, S6.40nt.10; fair to good, SI.(H" 8.40; western fed steers. 3.75'96.i5; stockcrs snd feeders, S2. 75 4.25; southern steers, S--75 I16.OO; southern cows, S2.sii3.aO; native cuwa, fJ.ftoiJ4.50; native heifers, S300'yvi.; bulls, 82404.00; calves. S2.5(Vfl6.00. Receipts for the week, 47,4i head. HOGS Receipts. 8 500 head. Market steady to weak; top, S; bulk, t5.7i.7b; heavy, Sf.70j75; packers. SH.7troM.8i; pigs and lights, 86 90g.76. Receipt for tbe week. 44,500 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 800 head. Market nominally ateady. Receipts for the week, 23,300 head. . St. ftala Live Stork Market. BT. LOUIS, Mo., July 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 head; no Texans. Market steady: native shipping and export steers, 81 tMr 6 00; dressed beef and butcher steers, 84 10 fqfi 40; steers under 1.000 pounds, 83.7634.60: Blockers and feeder, .Wfc4.0O; cow and heifers, S2.10W6.26; canners, 81.0062-00; .bulla, 82604.75; calves. 83 00(16.00; Texas and In dian steers, S2.3Vfj4.6iJ. cows and heifers, II. 764S 26. HOGS Receipts, l.Rno head. Market 6c higher; pigs Snd lights, In.5tr416.no; packers, 8lii.90; butchers and best heavy, SS.o&f- 6.96. No sheep on aale. ew York LIto Stork Market. NEW YORK, July 14.-REEVE8-Re- ceipts. 400 head. Market steady; dressed beef quiet, 7f(T9c ; cables unchanged. Ex ports, 694 head cattle and 6,800 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 9 head. Market was weak; dressed in light supply; city dressed veals. 8frl2c; countrw dressed, 6tillc, HOGS Receipts, 2.857 head. Market waa feeling a trifle easier. SHEEP AND liAlUHs-neceipts, m,i head. Market steady: sheep steady at 83.00 63 26, choir 85.60; lambs, 6.00&8.12tt; gen eral sales, S6.6tV38.00. St. Joseph I. It Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July 14. CATTLE Receipt, 116 head. Market steady ; natives, S4.60jS.00; cow and heifer, 1.7o!o6.00; tocker and feeder, 13.0083.75. wns Reorlnts. 6.960 head. Msrket steady; light. 86.70ti-6.80; medium and heavy, S.ti6'ui.76; nulK or sales, en.iuiav.io. SHEEP Receipt, none. Slooa City Live Stork Market. 8IOUX CITY. Ia.L July 14. (Special Telehram.) CATTLE Receipts. 100 head; market steady; beeves. 84.26ff B7j; cow, bulls and mixed, 82.26- 4.80; stock ers and feeders, 13.2604.00; calves and yearlings, 83.00S.85. HOOS Receipts, 5.300 head; market weak: elling at 8S.46f 6.60; bulk of ales, l6.50tJ6.62H. Stock la Sight. Receipt of live dock at th six principal western maraeis yesirruay Cattle. Sheep. 468 300 South Omaha.... Sioux City Kansas City Bt. foseph Bt. Louis Chicago 10 100 100 116 loo 700 2.000 "i768 Total 1.138 40.131 Oil and Roala. NEW YORK, July 14. OILS Cotton eed, barely ateady; prime crude, f. o. b. mills, ile; early new crop. 86 4a & 87 c. Petroleum, steady; refined. New York, 87.80: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.76; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, 14.65. Turpentine, quiet; 69 60 "AC. ROSIN Oulet; strained, common to good. 3 90 1.85. OIL CITY. Pa.. July 14. OIL Credit balances, 81. 64. Shipments, 61.040 bhls.; a veraae 66,047 tltllS. KUnS, YV.S4.1 DOIS. ?rVh?.US0Vver.ae. rfoo bbl "l ma run, 46,790 DDI.; average, unii. SAVANNAH. July 14 OI L Turpentine, quiet. 67"4c ROBIN Firm: quote: A. B. C. S33f7j356; D . 3.7sH; B.. UfeVs: P.. 14.00: H.. 14.15; 1.. 84 80; K., 84.40: M.. 14.60; N., 84.60; W. O., 84 65; W. W 14.75. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 14. COTTON Spot, closed dull; middling uplsnds, 10.90c; mid dling gulf. 11 16c; no sales. ST. LOUIS. Mo., July 14 COTTON Bteedy; middling, lie; no sales; receipt. 12 bale; shipment, 267 bale; stock, 27,031 bales. NEW ORLEANS. July 14.-COTTON- Spot, quiet, sales, 35 bales; ordinary 8c nom inal; good ordinary, o-ic; low miaanng, 10c: middling, lie; good middling, 11 '-,(; middling, fair, ll7c. nominal; fxlr, 12Sc non-lnaf Receipts. 1.113; stock 46.425. LIVERPOOL. July 14 COTTON-Bpot. quiet; prices unchanged; American mid dling, 6 12d. The sales of the day were 6.000 bales, all of which 600 were for specu lation and export and Included 6.600 Ameri can. Receipts, 6.UG bales, including 400 American. ETaoerated Apple and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. July 14. EVA PORATED APPLES Market Arm on reports that present supplies will be entirely exhausted before the new crop arrives. Prime, 11 lie: choice. uffjii4.c: rsncy, 12c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes In fair Jobbing demand st 7'&o. the outside prices being nomlnsl In th sence of supplies of th lower grade rlcot carce and firm: cholre. 13c; choice. 13Vc; fancy, 13fTl4Vc Peaches. in light supply; cholc. loffllc; extra choice, im, nie: fancy, 114ht12c: . extra fancy, 114le. Raisins, firm: loose Mus csiel. ',fr7c; seeded rslslns, 64tj7c; Lon don layers, SI. 46. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. July 14 Rank clearing for teday were 11,441.076 41 and for the cor responding dat last year 81,460,491.79. 1904. 1906. Monday . . Tuesdsy . . Wednesday Thursday . Friday .... Saturday ,. .11,810.651 88 . 1.489.0M 64 . 1.634.004 89 . 1,4(4 148 60 , 1.440 8 96 . 1,463.676 46 tl. 868.444 67 1.841, 406.47 1.409 347 14 1 171,1462 fj 1. 603. 144 54 1.480.491.73 near Frlees Lower. NEW YORK, July 14.-AH grades of re fined sugar from Nos. 1 to 18 were reduced 16 cent per 100 pound today. CasTeo Market. . NBW YORK. July 14.-4OFFEM-Market future ruled steady to unchanged In keep. Ing with featureless rsbles. There was some scattered selling, but Importers were Duyers. ine cine ws quiet, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Hale. V) 500 hage. 1n pludlruf September, 6 3b; August 6 80o; De- eember, 8 Ron. Spot mark, teadyi If aw f Rick Invoice.. ?V. . . s .. , TWO TRAGEDIES MUCH ALIKE Striking; similarity Betweea tee Tfcaw Case anal the Fassen Illseoek Trageay. A l" Jwy the cs when .sensa tional murder takes plsce Ilk th shooting of Stanford White by Harry K. Thaw on the roof of Madison Srmsr Warden, the public at once draw on th pr.st for the purpose of comparing the tragedy with some similar occurrence. It would be diffi cult to conceive of ft more remarkable similarity, In almost every detail, thsn that which exists between the killing of Whit and th assassination of I Harris Hlscock In the lobby of Stnnwlx hall, at Albany, on January 4, ISt'w. Al'hotigh pearly half a century has elapsed since the Hlscock murder, and the pnajorlty of the participants In the case have passed away. It would seem that If Major Oenersl Oeorge W. Cols, the layr of Hlscock. and Harry K. Thaw, th Blayar I of White, had together discussed their do mestlc troubles and had planned the nmi method of ridding themkelve of what they believed were the rsusck thereof, they could hsve com no nearer to duplicating cac-h other's sensational arts. The Blmi larlty of the two Cases Is all the more re-' mnrkahle In view of 1he fact thst the ssnvs. defense thst was put forth In Cole's behalf will he offered to save the nttsburg mil lionaire from the electric chair., Htscork, llke'Whlte. was a msn of broad Intelligence. As an orator' he won national i fame. Like White, he moved In the most 'exclusive society circles,. and his, msgnlfl- j cent home. In flyracuso was the scene of i many an ultrnfashlonahle gathering. lis, ! was a patron of the arts. He rsma Of an excellent family. His brother was Frsnk ,,, , . Hlscock, afterward I nited Slate cnator. ' Hlscock, like White, adore,,! women, and ' gallantry and willingness to spend lav- , ,, . . , , , . . . , ' ,sllIr hl" fpm"ln companion made hi ' attention all the more acceptable. He was a realy wit, an Intrepid lover. The Hlscock murder, like the While tragedy, waa the greatest sensation of tta time. The historic old Delavan House and Stanwlx Hall, In Albany, were ,the start ing points of the tragedy. It was during the Chrlstmss holiday and Just after the legislature had begun the winter's ses sion. The two famous hostelrles were filled with soma of the nation's most prominent people. The War had come to an end and th coh stlti'itional convention, with Hlscock Bs It most prominent member, ws In session In the city. The state and country had not yet tired of paying homage to the soldier who had helped to preserve the union. Among the honored ones none we mora distinguished than Major Geperal Col,. who rose from the ranks to be one of the first soldiers of the land. His name wa a syn- -onym for bravery. With Mrs. Cole, he wss quartered at the Delavan House. Hlscock had rooms at the Stanwlx. On the evening of the tragedy Hlscock: wss lounging carelessly against a pillar Jn the rotunda of Stanwlx ha!!.' faultlessly attired, and enjoying hi after-dinner cigar. Two friend were listening to his always Interesting views on some topic of the day. While the three were in conversation Gen eral Cole entered the lobby of Stanwlx hall from Maiden lane. and. advancing directly lo where Hlscock was standing, pulled A revolver. Without a moment's hesitation . he held the weapon against Hlscock 'B ear and fired. Hlscock fell dead at his feet "What did you do this forT" shouted' one of the dead man's friends. "He ha betrayed my wlfel I was' at the war; the evidence is clear; I have the proof!" shouted General Cole above th commotion that ensued following the shoot ing. It will be recalled that after Thaw killed White he turned to the witnesses of hi act and said: "He ruined my wife, and I got him." Cole was tried twice for the crime, th defense in both cases being emotional In- sanity. The first trial, begun on April & and ended on May 7, 1868, waa before Jus tice Ingraham, lr the court of oyer and terminer. The result was a disagreement. The second trial wag ended December 7, of the same year, and resulted In the acquittal of Cole. No case of recent' years haa held public Interest like the Hlscock case. Dur ing both trial extraordinary effort were made to get seats In the court room. The railroads carried thousands of passenger to the city on the day the cas went to the Jurjr. and when the verdict of "Not guilty" wa announced the scene in the court room and outside the building wag Indescribable. The cheering could be heard for several blocks, and it wag In vain that th court endeavored to restore order. Sympathy was strongly in favor of Cple, and h re celved many letter commending him for the manner In which he had disposed of Hiscocjt.. General Cole died at Mara, New Mexico, on December 11, 1875, of pneumonia. His wife Joined the Sisterhood of the Episcopal church and died several year ago. Nw York World. Colombo Man Die In Panama, COLUMBUS. Neb.. July 14.-(gpclaJ.)t-A j message ws received here by the friend 1 Ernest Smith conveying the aad news that, Mr. Smith had died at Panama. Mr. Smith wa In th employ of the government a a aurveyor; wa taken sick with appendicitis, underwent an opera, tion and died. He wa about SS years old, wa born- In Columbu and llvd here most of hi lifetime.. He wa the son of Samuel C. Smith, an old-timer of Columbus, who now Uvea In California. He leaves a sister here, wife of Judge John G. Reeder Of thg district court. ' HEAL E1TA1K Tit ANSFKFIS. Addle D. Heyrt.an and husband to Olive P. Tillotson, eH lots 1 and - 2, block KO. fc'iuth Omaha I L"M W.' L. Selby. trustee, and wife, to W. C. and Mi Wyrlck, lot 16, block 4, W. ,L. SclSjy'g first add B. M Delanry to John 11. Potter, lot 24, block 8. Ames Place ,,. 175 Miutha Ccrv'rixkl and husband to John Ryna j--iskl and wife, lot 7, block At Ivor Place OOQ George M. I Bolt and wife to John D. Crelghtcri. lots 2 and 3. block 2; lota 1. 2 ai d 3. block 1, and lota t, 2, 6 and pitrt 3 and 7, in block 4. De Bolt Place C. C. Chofa to Addle L. Bonk, lot 14. block l'J9. Pout a Omaha Total ..I.. 5iV.-Farnain Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. W offer subject to sal I'MOX 6TOCTK YARDS STOC1C. 1320 FarnamSt.. Tel. Ooug!at140B F- D. Day G. Co. Stocks, Grain, Provision Shin Year Grain ta t7s. t'hleasra aad Mlaneanelts Delivery. One-eighth oommlwlon on Drain, en. quarter on Stocks, Prompt and otrsful aiumilon given to outaid acoounta Writ 1IO-1 It Beard of Trad blag.. OMAHA, RES. for our dally Market Letter, mailed free. Main Oftlc. Lena) Ulsissa 'Phone, Tleaglaa Uts v