Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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UnUwful for BSlwy Employes to Bin
Has Been Pendln dime 1MMI
Appro I from Appanoose Connty
-Vcfnti Sned for
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
tns MOINES, July 14. (Special.) The
supreme court today sustained the con-
stltutionallty of the Temple amendment,
which declsres unlawful sny act of a rail- I
toad employe In signing away his right to
sue for a personal Injury. The case was
submitted to the court from Appanoose
county In 1903 and fnom the opinion handed
down two of the Judges dissent. The
Temple amendment has attracted wide at-
tention. The opinion holding the law con-
stltutlonal covers forty-seven typewritten
jwgrs and the dissenting opinion twenty-
two. Every phase of the question Is dls-
cusped by the Judges, but the only point I
passed upon la the constitutionality. Judge
Weaver wrote the opinion of the court and
Judse Ladd wrote the dissenting opinion,
Jt'dgc Bishop Joining with him In the con-
clui-ionF. The dissenting opinion Is based
chiefly on the claim that the law Is class
legtFlatlon. I
Given to Oareola Oraadmother.
Judge Hugh Brennan of the district court
today turned over to Mrs. LUxle BarnhlU
of Osceola, la., her grandson. Marvin Barn- I
hill, who was arrested here for stealing
some whisky from the Bob King saloon,
Two other boys were arrested with him.
The BarnhlU boy Is 12 years old. His grand-
mother explained to Judge Brennan that
the boy has never known a mother care
and she promised to devote the rest of her
life to the hoy In trying to be a mother to
him. If Judge Brennan would give him
his liberty. Tho rase was heard In Juvenile
court. The other two boys are held await-
Ing a further hearing In their case.
Towner la President.
Judge H. M. Towner of Corning Is the
Dew president of the state bar association,
The other officers elected are: Vice preal.
dent, D. D. Murphy, Elkader; secretary
C. M. Dutcher, Iowa City; treasurer, Chas.
S. Wilcox, Des Moines; executive commit
tee, Charles A. Carpenter, Columbus Junc
tion; John Dewltt, Muscatine; E. M. Can-
Manchester; J. H. MoConlogue, Mason
City; J. L. Carney, Marshalltown; W. R
Lewis, Montesuma: C. O. Lee, Ames; W.
E. Miller, Bedford; H. B. Holtsman, Outh
rle Center; Wesley Martin, Webster City;
M. M. White, Ida Grove; delegates to
American Bar association meeting, W. H
Bally, Des Moines; A. E. Swisher, Iowa
City; M. A. Walsh, Clinton.
Saea Yoemen for flRO.OOO.
J. B. Gassage arrived from San Francisco
today and says he will start suit against
the Brotherhood of American Yeomen for damages for violation of contract
While J. E. Paul was president of the
order , Gassage was given a fifteen years'
contract aa manager of the Pacific coast
division. When the new regime got hold
of things It annulled the contract on the
claim that It waa Illegally made. Gassage
-uea ,n me anrornia courts ana got a lty Mr 0.Gorman was a deVout Cath
Judgment for $88,000 on default which has ollc and ncrivti a the rltes 0f the church,
been set aside. Now that the earthquake , death waB 1. He was a mem-
w ".V1! CUrU 'n "Ute f Ch'" he ber of Mobile council of Knights of Co
has decided to start the suit over again Iumhll. ftf th Modern woodmen. Woort-
Beta Date for Hana-lngr.
Governor Cummins today set the date
for the hanging of Louis Busse for Decern
ber 14. Instead of August 10, the reprieve
being to give the attorneys for Busse
further time In getting their habeas corpus
case through the supreme court. Decem
ber 14 Is also the date on which McWIl
. " " " " , """"V
hong for an atrocious murder In which he
Mlled his wife and five children.
Father Wrenn In Enjoined
Holding; Ctanrch.
E."rx CITY. Ia.. Jury 14. (Special Tele-
grim.) Rt. Rev. Bishop P. J. Ganigan this
afternoon secured an Injunction to restrain
Rev. P. X. Wrenn, who haa been pastor
of the Catholic church at North Fonda,
from Interfering with Rev. T. B. Sullivan
In tsklng charge of the church.
Rev Father Wrenn. who at one
tsui mi .Armstrong, ia., ana wno later waa
at Fchaller. Ia., recently Was tried before
an ecclesiastical court In Sioux City and
wna round guilty of conduct unbecoming a
p-lirt. He waa ordered to surrender hla
parish. But when Rev. Father Sullivan.
fcnnerly of Akron. Ia., called on him for
the keys of the church he refused to turn
them over. Rev. Father Sullivan will make
a second effort to take possession of the
church tomorrow and thla time he will be
accompanied by an officer to protect him
In case of violent resistance on the part
of Father Wrenn.
a . ...
Haynea Meet
CLINTON. Ia.. July 14.-Harry Flaer.
aged 19 years, and George Haynen. aged
n. both of Mills, Ia., were drowned In the
...... r.v.r u.pui ron oyron. 111..
1 jruu.ia men. wno were em-
Ployed aa bridge painters for the Chicago.
Milwaukee A St. Paul railroad, were In
bathing and Slser stepped Into a deep hole.
... .v, ,,. o,.rr .na ocw the skin almost all the way down Mc
drwned, aa neither of them could swim. nermntfa hark .h- .....
rnllawa ark a wm a
STORM LAKE, la.. July 14.-(Speclal.-
Presldent E. E. Reed of Buena Vista col
lege hers baa resigned as head of that In
1 stltutlon. He will remain with the college,
however, "until September t. when Prof. G.
, N. Fracker will become acting president
until a new executive Is chosen. President
Reed has been at the head of Buena Vista
college for the last five years, coming here
from Atlantic. The board of college true-
tees In accepting his resignation yesterday
adopted a resolution highly commending
His work.
Bkertaae In Dea Mnlaea Coantr
BURLINGTON, la., July 14,-Expert ao-
countanta who have examined the books of
officers of Dea Moines county today re-
ported to the Board of Supervisors that dur-
' Ing the last six years the county has lost
$41,000 through alleged carelessness In the
management of tha treasurer's office. A
suit Is pending to recover the funds.
Iowa Hews Notea.
DENISON-Dlstrict No. it Knights of
Pythias, will hold a convention at Danlaon.
July 19. Lodges from six counties will be
THURM AN Dr. Cola and the hotel man
agement are In consultation with an Omaha
mm to put in a tteating plant having con
nections with tha plant now In use In the
McCartney Dioca.
THURMAN Friday morning, as Mra.
Robert Butter, residing in the Mount Zlon
neighborhood, alx miles east of town, waa
passing from one room to another, caught
one of her feet In a piece of carpet or rag
ana leu, iui"i ur irn ana near tne
WOODBINE The Boyer Valley encamo-
inent of the Independent Order of Odd Kel
lows nas recently insuueq me following:
r., w. j. oetrnwH, n. r., n. r. oav
age: e). w., j. m. ADrama; j. w.. j. g.
IeCon; scribe. O. J Hook; treasurer, W.
H. Tuttle. L W. White or Woodbine haa
beea elected grand warden of the order I ants will visit the principal clues and manu
and will be Installed at Dubuque la Oc- I facturtng districts of the aaat returning to
tooer. 7 nera were eigm cauamaien. ana
out of 190 votes emit Mr. White received
MAGNOLIA Harrison lodge No. 7H, In'
rienenrient Order of Odd Fellows. ha 111'
tailed the follnwlnsr officers: Noble grand.
k. Knight; vice
gran. R. P. Mine; secre-
son; treasurer, v. v;. lie-
well: recording secretary. R. A. Johnson
C. C. W. Squires; W.. A. Oelth; O. U E.
Mahoney; 1. O., L. I). Brown; H. B., w.
W. Pett; L. 8., William Ulrton.
"Jelgthbors Interfere with HI Efforts
to Ise Revolver oa His
The approach of the first anniversary of
their wedding was celebrated In a most
disorderly manner by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Parkier at their home, 612 South Eighteenth
gtreet early Saturday evening, and Instead
cf the usual peace, good will and exchange
of well wishes the occasion was made one
0f bloodshed, riot and threatened murder.
Incidentally the residents of the neighbor
hood, seated on their front porches enjoying
the cool of the evening, found themselves
the witnesses of an encounter between
man with a revolver and a woman, the
latter later reinforced by two other men,
Mr. and Mrs. Fackler were married July
2t 1906. but all did not go well. Saturday
evening Fackler went home about 7:30
o'clock In an Intoxicated condition, and as
related to the police by hta wife, picked
a quarrel with her. With the remark.
"Well, I might as well put a atop to this
right now," he turned to his coat, which
he had removed and hung on the wall, and
took a revolver from a pocket.
Mrs. Fackler saw the gun In her hus
band s hand and Immediately set upon lilm
to wrest It from his grasp. Being a wo
man of goodly proportions she succeeded
and then ran out of- the backdoor and
around to the front of the house, the man
after her. She threw the revolver to the
ground and It was picked up by a neigh
bor. who pummeled Fackler severely on the
head with It, inflicting a number of scalp
wound. During the fight between Fackler
and the neighbor the gun was again tnrown
to the ground and Mrs. Fackler, picking
It up. started to run back Into the house
The husband pursued, letting his male
antagonist go, when she slyly slipped the
weapon to the ground and then called to
the gathered crowd to get It. It waa picked
up and held for the police by H. 8. Muntc-
ferlng, 6224 South Nineteenth street.
Active hostilities came to an end at this
Juncture and the patrol wagon with police
men was soon on the scene. One of the
witnesses of the exciting conflict was Mrs.
Fackler's 11-year-old daughter, Edna, a
bright and pretty child, who ran back and
forth In terror at the threatened danger
to her mother at the hands of the drunken
husband. Fackler was taken to the police
station and after having his wounds
sewed up by the surgeons was locked up on
the charge of being drunk and threatening
to kill his wife.
Joseph R. O'Gornian Laid to Rest In
Holy Sepnlcher Cemetery
Joseph R. O'Gorman was laid to rest at
Holy Sepulcher cemetery on Friday. He
was up till a few months ago In apparent
robust health and his death was a treat
.nock t0 hla many friends In the commun-
men of the World and Ancient Order of
United Workmen, the Catholic Knights of
America and Ancient Order of Hibernians,
the Young Men's Institute and the St. Vin
cent De Paul society. Much of his time
was given up to the work of these fra
ternities. He" was a resident of Mobile for
the last eleven years, having gone there
from Omaha, In 1899 he took charge of the
Mobile Catholic cemetery, which post he
.... , '., ,.
was filling when overtaken by his fatal 111
ness last month. Previous to going to
Mobile he had been for five years a mem
ber of the Omaha police force, and Is well
recalled by older members of the force and
by the citizens aa a faithful and zealous
He was at one time champion
sprinter of the force. To mourn his death
n ,eft wife, a sister who is In the Poor
Claire convent In Omaha, and a sister and
brother In Canada, where he was born In
Makes a Twelve-Inch Cat
tho Baelc of Curraa
Curran McDermott, aged S2. known
'Pete" McDermott, and living at
North Eighteenth street, was taken to the
police ststlon In the patrol wagon early
Sunday morning with a slash more than
twelve Inches long down his back, which
I he received at the hands of a young man
I with a raaor at Seventeenth and Daven
port streets at 1:30 o'clock. Younar Mc
Dermott asserted he did not know who his
assailant vbi and that there wni no nrnvn.
I "
cation for the assault.
I v.n-rmnlt hart heen at riano a h.
Crelirhton hall with several
-nA w.. r,turnln home when the n.rtv
met two other young men, one of whom
waa intoxicated. No words were passed
lr 1. ..rtert . . kr.. ,j .
the two newcomers drew a raxor and. after
mawtn o niimin.r. ,... .hih i
plwwl the coat, gave a slash which cut
1 " B'lUi I U IB I H III C
Shower Strikes Them Fortieth
Street Between Bnrt and
According to complaints made to the po-
!lc 8turla' -venlng. automoboll.t. rid-
lie vii r ui linn Burn, wrrn null inu
Cuming, were made the victims of parties
who annoyed them by throwing eggs as
they passed. The throwing was always
done after the automobiles had passed the
"P01 th parties lay hidden, so they
I wer practically safe from detection,
Passengers on street cars have also made
complaint of Omaha boys whose bringing
u" h" been such that they consider It en-
"rely proper as a means of amusement to
throw missiles at passing cars. Dried mud
1 'nd other articles were thrown at Leaven
worth street cars, between Twenty-second
and Twenty-third, Friday evening and In
one Instance a little girl was atruck. while
many had narrow escapes from serious In
Miss Llllle Meltxer of New York City Is
in umana vixiung wiin ner relatives, Mr,
and Mrs. Bralvtroff.
Miss Tobltt. librarian, and Miss O'Brien.
assistant, have srone for a vacation ant
Mine Blanche Herman will have charge of
me i-udiic iiDrary in tneir absence.
I T. P. Redmond of rTonahua.RetmnnH
I Co. started on hla nurrhmlnr trin laa
- I aceomoanled bv John W. Murray, who will
manage the basements departments. J. V
- 1 Connolly ana i. Mi. Mimoe wno will select
the men s furnishings stock and Miss Mar
caret Buttln. who selects the laces and
I trlmmlnaa. Mr. Redmond and hla aaalat-
I umana aooui Aligusi 1.
The Water Boar Appraisal.
OMAHA, July 14. To the Editor of The
Bee: The reports recently published how
that two of the Board of Appraisera have
agreed upon S8,!63,0tO aa the value of the
entire plant.
This Is an id to be msde up of the follow
ing Items (round figures):
Omaha and that part of Florence
water works necessary to the
Omaha water supply system 5.fi14.SV!
South Omaha 44,;!R
East Omaha. .. 21.a
Dundee 19 W
Florence (pipe lines, etc.) 13.W1
Total t6.11S.449
Tha difference between this amount and
the total award Is said to be material on
It Is for the court to say whether or not
the city must purchase the pipe lines of
the small cltlea now supplied by the Omaha
system, and that question Is one of the
Issues now pending In the United States
court. It Is not a material Issue, however,
as the Income from those cities can be made
to cover Interest, repairs and betterments
and possibly a profit.
The 16.2fi3.0OO includes an allowance of
1502.712 for "going value" an Item which
the court directed the appraisers to return
separately, and which the court may or
may not allow to stand. Of this "going
value" $373,700 Is In Omaha and the re
mainder attaches to other parts of the sys
tem. A little figuring, therefore, will show
that eliminating the material on hand,
which la certainly worth approximately
what It la appraised for, and the "going
value," the appraisement of the Omaha
works with the Florence pump station,
reservoirs, settling basins, river work, etc.,
Is Jo.235.G4.
It Is well to remember when comparisons
are made that the city engineer and others
who have claimed that the value of the
works was, say. 13,600,000, did not Include
the plants In the outside cities, or any
"going value," also that their figures were
mad a loag time ago when prices were
much lower than now, and that some addi
tions to the plant have since, been made.
Now, what does the representative of
the city. Mr. Alvord, ssy the Omaha plant
Is worth?
It appears that he has made no report.
The city has paid him liberally for making
an expert study of these works, and he
should be required to make a detailed re
port, or at least a careful analysis and criti
cism of the report filed by the other ap
praisers while the facta are fresh In
his mind.
Buch Information would be of vast Im
portance to the city, and of great interest
to the tax payers. They would then know
what the actual "bone of contention" Is.
To those who have not carefully considered
the subject, It would appear that the amount
Involved Is more than $2,500,000, whlch cer
tainly Is far In excess of the actual amount.
If Mr. Alvord's figures should show that
the actual difference la between $500,000 and
$1,000,000, which is altogether probable, the
city should face the question now whether
It Is not better to compromise this differ
ence, or even pay what appears to be an
excessive award, than to continue the ex
pensive legal battle now In progress, with
no assurance of lower figures In the end
and let the people go on paying the present
excessive water rates. J. H. Dl'MONT,
Dr. Conavray'a Candidacy.
YORK, Neb., July 14. To the Editor of
The Bee: A state paper, the editor of
which can boast of no great acquaintance
with Old Man Honesty, and to whom Fair
ness Is a total stranger, has been upon
Senator J. B. Conaway's trail ever since
the latter became a candidate for gov
An Interstate liar who has a headquarters
In Lincoln started the mud-throwing about
the time Senator Conaway became an ac
tive candidate. Note the sly, subtle In
sinuation In the first attack. It could not
be said .that this writer lied, because he
charged nothing direct, only gave an undue
and Improper significance to a very simple
fact. He did not say that Senator Conaway
had been brought out by railroad Interests;
he would have been convicted as a com
mon liar had he said that. 80 he Just
twisted it around Into this shape:
"The candidacy of Dr. Conaway was
known In Lincoln before It was announced
at York."
Heavens, what a conspiracy! To think
thla man's candidacy should be known In
Lincoln before It Is announced In York.
True, the fact that Senator Conaway had
aspirations was "known" In Fillmpre
county, for Instance, more than two weeks
before the day when this astute politician
professional platform-maker and official
candidate-Inspector down at Lincoln re
ceived any hint of It, but does that alter
the fact that there Is something wrong
with a candidate who feels the sentiment
at home and abroad before announcing
To come right to the point. I make the
fiat statement that the man who honestly
believes that Senator Conaway represents
corporate Interests has been misled Into
serious error; the man who statea that to
be a fact true to his own knowledge, is
nothing more or less than a common pre
varicator of the most contemptible variety.
The truth Is that there Is a conspiracy
back of Senator Conaway's candidacy, and
as I chance to be In a position to know
the details I shall lay the whole plot bare.
The conspiracy dates back to the year
1861, when Senator Conaway left his boy
hood home In Ohio, shouldered a musket
a id went to tha front. He probably had
Ills eye on the governorship In Nebraska
at that time. However, he marched and
fought and won promotion after promo
tion clear through the war, and at last
moved out here Into what then was little
better than a wilderness. During succeed
ing decades, he plodded along here at York,
attending to his duties as a successful phy
sician, and Incidentally serving the people
faithfully and efficiently In the legislature
one term In the house and one In the
On Memorial day of this year the plot
thickened perceptibly. Senator Conaway
waa Invited to deliver a memorial addreas
to a little band of his feeble old comrades
over In Fillmore county. He went, and he
delivered the addreas to such effect that
after the meeting had been brought to a
close and the wavering and broken blue
line had marched to and from the cemetery
a self-constituted committee of these vet
erans asked Senator Conaway to become
a candidate for governor.
He did so, and that Is tha whole hideous
plot naked before tha public Three weeks
later the man with his ear to the ground
or his head In the mud up at ' Lincoln
discovered that there was a "conspiracy"
to run Senator Conaway for governor.
There he la correct, and the conspiracy will
be carried out triumphantly If men who
love fairness will refuse to be misled by
men who have nothing but silly slush to
offer In opposition to a clean and able man
like Senator Conaway.
Then another ghost began to walk. It
was heralded abroad that Conaway wanted
tha York county delegation In order to
trade It In favor of a senatorial candidate.
At about the same time John Wall came to
York to do some work for himself, and,
finding that York was about to put for
ward a candidate of Its own. Immediately
withdrew and left this field clear. Just aa
any sensible man would do and Just as
any candidate for state office always does
when ha finds that he la encroaching upon
the private preserves of another candidate.
Great guns, how the candidate-maker did
hawl then. How the men who for six
years have thumbed up and thumbed down
as he beat out the time did Join In tha
chorus, not pausing for one moment to re
flect thst York connty was to have a pri
mary election this year, for the particular
purpose of settling the senatorial question
and Instructing the delegates to the state
convention how to vote on senator thus
placing them beyond the power of Sen
ator Conaway to "trade off" or even In
fluence In the slightest degree.
The result waa that the primary se
lected the man who will receive the sup
port of our delegates for senator, and
the county conventions most enthusias
tically endorsed Senator Conawny for gov
ernor. That laid the ghost that killed the
bogey man, so far as this county Is con
cerned, but now papers like the Fremont
Tribune have taken up the cry, doubtless
honestly believing the hogwash printed
by the candidate-maker down at Lincoln
some weeks before.
Senator Conaway Is now before the peo
ple with a clean record and upon a plat
form which Is but an echo of the cry of
the people for certain much-needed re
forms. He stands flatly for an elective
callway commission, an antt-pass law, the
direct primary and the eradication of the
state debt by suggested economies In the
administration of the affairs of state In
stitutions. While he does not find it nec
essary to slander and abuse the present
state officials, trusting the opposition to
do that Job thoroughly, he does say that
he Is with the people, and he has some
thing beyond empty ravings to offer as
a reason why he should be made gov
ernor. The paper which has reserved to Itself
alone the right to select issues and can
didates In Nebraska this year has put
forward a platform which contains a num
ber of good things, hut it has failed to
propose one law which would be of In
estimable benefit to the state a law
which would provide for the Instant sus
pension of a newspaper which braaenly
and deliberately slanders one candidate
in order to strengthen another of Its own
At present the paper In question Is
gleefully clipping editorials from the pens
of editors whom tt has slyly mislead, thus
parading the He twice before the people.
In this year of all years, right at a time
when the people of Nebraska are going
In earnestly for higher political Ideals
and cleaner methods. It Is a pity that
there Is no way In which such a character
assassin can be made to either cease his
japing or bring forward some slight
morsel of fact by way of excuse or Justi
fication. A "put-up-or-shut-up" law Is badly
needed In Nebraska,
With malice toward none but the con
stitutionally malicious and wltti charity
for all who understand the meaning of
the word, I am truly yours,
I Teats of Reliability of
Who A re on the Spot Wh
y Thlnfra Happen.
- J
A Swiss professor has been making some
experiments to test the reliability of the
reports of an event given by eye witnesses.
In one Instance he brought before his class
of students a man whose body was covered
with a white shroud and whose face was
masked. The man stood before the class
for ten seconds and then retired. After a
few days the professor asked the members
of tho class to pick out the mask worn by
the stranger -from among several which lay
upon the table. Only four out of two doxen
students picked the right one, although it
waa different In slxe and color from the
others. The rest either failed In the test
or frankly confessed their Inability to de
cide. From this and similar observations
the professor reached the conclustcn that
there Is a great deterioration In the powers
of observation, and that this deterioration
Is the result of the high pressure of modern
While many would doubt the value of
such tests for proving the thing desired by
the teacher, the fact Is accepted generally
that the testimony of an eye witness la not
specially valuable, despite the presumption
that one who waa present when anything
strange or unusual happened ought to have
seen what actually did occur. But eye wit
nesses often disagree so widely In their re
ports that such testimony Is easily dis
credited In court. What the eye sees Is
largely a matter of training, and the eye
memory la even more Important In the case
than the sight. The exceptional man Is the
"Sherlock Holmes," not the ordinary one.
A farmer observes many things In the
country which the city man falls to note,
while conversely the city man sees many
things in the farmer's own territory which
the eye of the latter never revealed. to hlro,.
The cowslip by the river's brim" afford
a suggestion far beyond the fields of beauty
or botany.
The Swiss professor says that. In hla
opinion, not one person in nine can give a
correct description of a man looked at for
ten seconds, and thla, too, even whin such
Inspection Is for the express purpose of
furnishing material for a report. That
would not be astonishing. Many people
have defective eyesight. They fail to
recognize features because they never see
them clearly. Or, If eyesight be unim
paired, eye memory may be lacking, so
that the impressions distinct at the time
of observation are forgotten soon and can
not . be recalled on demand. The chances
are, therefore, that It Is not the high pres
sure of modern life which makes the pow
ers of observation less effective, although
people live fast, move fast, read fast and
sklm things in every field of observation.
Rather, the present conditions are Just like
those always operative. It Is more likely
the lack of definite training of the eye, the
lack of cultivation of eye memory, or the
extremely common faults of eyesight,
recognised by the individual or not, which
discredit the reports which eye witnesses
bring of an event. Chicago Tribune.
I'nlqne Cane.
A Holland house patron Is the possessor
of a walking cane that Is unique In one
respect. Its hollow silver handle Is shaped
like a doorknob, the top opening and
closing on a hinge. A sliver tube faatened
to the base of the knob extends about four
Inches Inside the cane. This receptacle Is
for holding cigar ah.
"It Is an Invention of my own," said
the owner. "I find it a mighty useful thing
when traveling. Cigar ash, you know, can't
be beaten as a tooth powder. It both pre
serves the teeth and keepa them white.
As I smoke on an average six cigars a day,
I thought It a pity to throw away so val
uable a constituent aa the ash. Every
time I am smoking a cigar and have my
cane handy I open the handle and drop the
ash In." New York Globe.
Reflections of a Bachelor.
' A roan can have a very peaceful horns
by not trying to run It.
A hammock ia a very nice thing not to
have room enough for tiro unless It's a
A boy can Inherit all his father's bad
habits even when the old man hasn't got
The politician who Is always praising
the plain people Is mighty mad If you
class h!m with them.
There are two kinds of women that
don't seem to think it necessary to wear
any clothes at all those lowest down In
civilisation ( and thosa highest' up. New
York Press.
Story of Mentennnt Who Became
Dissipated to Fnlnll a Deli
cate Mission.
"I require of you," said the chief of the
tsff. In polished Japanese, "that you
should leave your present mode of living
and become, on the contrary, dissipated.
You must leave your studies and your
books, and Instead have for your haunts
tea houses and your companions geisha."
The young lieutenant was sad, for he wns
healthy-minded and detested dissipation,
but being a Japanese devoted to his coun
try, he set his teeth and obeyed orders.
He was to become dissipated In order to
prosecute some secret service mission, the
nature and object of which he could not
At first he found that It Is not so easy for
the good to fall. He neither liked the gay
costumed girls nor the warm sake they
naively served to the accompsnlment of
many sweet smiles.
At last the day of evil came; the lieu
tenant, after all, was human, not of ada
mant. He actually fell head over heels In
love with a geisha.
From that day he ceased to be sombre
and silent', and went boisterously to the
devil. His superiors at headquarters dis
missed him from the service and wl'h
Ignominy. His father forbade him the
house, his relatives politely declined to see
him and his acqunlntances, many of them
themselves military men, knew him not.
He was an outcast.
"Now," said the chief of staff.'' you have
reached the condition that I earnestly de
aired and you will receive your reward. I
am about to send you on a mission of high
Importance to the state. Tonight, telling
nobody not even your father you will pro
ceed to Nagasaki. There you will open the
box which I will give yov. tt Is of lacquer
and Inside are complete Instructions as to
your future."
Those Instructions were that he wss to
go to a certain country, where a flrst-elnss
power was at war with the natives. Here
he Joined the staff of the native chief, and
his bravery, no less than his military ge
nius, soon acquired for him a fame not
altogether unmlngled with notoriety. As a
matter of fact, his presence counted 90
much in the campaign that the flrst-clnss
power opened diplomatic negotiations with
Japan, contending seriously that a military
officer was serving In a high position on
the rebel chiefs staff. Of course, the Japa
nese government knew nothing about tho
matter, nor was It likely to, seeing that
no military officer had been officially dis
patched on such a curious mission. He wot
nominally a rebel under the rebels' banner.
In this way he secured the needed and
valuable Information about the topography
of the country, the enemy's . plnn and
scheme of operations, his tactics and his
strategy, his fortifications and his defense
works, all of which were cf the utmost
value to Japan.
Then the young officer, after many ad
ventures, made his way back to Japan,
only to find that the chief of the staff wns
dead and another occupied his place.
He was disowned by the army, but told
privately that work like that he had Just
accomplished would be found for him In
Manchuria. Possibly 4ie thought he had
done enough for his country, however. He
has disappeared, and, strangely enough, the
geisha with whom he fell In love has dis
appeared also. Together., far from the
madding crowd, the young lieutenant and
the beauty of the tea shop are living
happy ever after. London Telegraph.
How Turret Captain Koester Died
After the Explosion on the
The story of the death of a hero, nn en
listed man of the navy who. although
mortally Injured, wanted to go to the as
sistance of perishing comrades, and whose
delirium during the period between the
time he was Injured and the time he died
waa confined solely to carrying out his
duties, has Just reached Washington
through the naval officers who witnessed
it. It was on the battleship Kearsargo, in
Mansanlllo bay, in April, when two or
three hundred pounds of smokeless powder
became Ignited with the forward 13-inch
gun turret, killing nine men. There were
many heroes that day, both among tho dead
and living, but the case of Turret Ciptaln
Julius A. Koester stood out in bolder relief
to those who saw.
Target practice for that day had been
finished and the crew of the forward turret
were cleaning things up. Koester was
directing the extraction of unexploded
powder of an undischarged shell from the
breech of the gun. Three aectlons of pow
der were on the floor. A pair of Iron shell
tongs struck an exposed electric, switch
There was a "short circuit"' of a powerful
current, a fusing of metal, and molten bits
of fire dropped on the exposed powder.
Koester was badly burned. Somehow he
managed to get out of the turret, but no
sooner was he outside than he wanted to
go back In to help those who were still
there. An ensign ran forward. His first
words to Koester, standing there sightless
and dying, with clothes and flesh burned
away, were: "Don't touch yourself."
Koester was doing his best to keep on with
his work.
"I'm hurt bad," said he. "but I'm rot
saying anything."
Butter and lard were brought up from
below and applied to Ms awful wounds.
Koester was taken to the sick bay and
laid on a cot. He became delirious and it
was evident that he was going to die. The
attendants, busy with other wounded
listened to him.
With voice' Just as clear and sharp aa It
had been a few minutes before when the
Kearsarge went bounding through Man
sanlllo bay, with the big 13-Inch gun blax
ing away at the target, Koester was put
ting hla crew through target practice.
"Bull's eye a beauty," he called as his
dellrloua brain saw a shell hit the distant
target. "Bull's eye," he sang out. again
"Bully work." One by one Koester counted
many hits. He reached nineteen "bull's
eyes, and added a word of encourage
"Twenty shots and twenty hits. Hurrah
for the Kearsarge!" and Koester threw up
nis arms ana died. New York Sun.
Appointments hy the President.
OYSTER BAY. L. I.. July 14.-David
Luktn of Stockton, Cel., was today op-
pointea a memoer or me permanent com
mittee of the International Institute of Ag
riculture with headquarters at Rome, Italy.
Eugene O. Hasklll or L'etroit, Mich , waa
todar appointed by President Roosevelt aa
a member of the International waterways
committee o succeea ueorga wiener, a
The executive committee of the local as
sembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew
hss called a meeting of the assembly for
Wednesday at 8 p. m., at Trinity Parish
Under the auspices of the Canadian club
and ex-Brltlah subjects a basket picnic will
be held at Lake Manawa Tuesday. Supper
will be served at e:90.
While alighting from a car at Twenty.
third and Cuming streets. Mrs. Miner, &J6
Burdette street, fell to the street and suf
fered slight Injuries. Fhe wns tnkrn to
Schmidt's drun t ic. '!'w. .- -I
funitna- ftre'" "
Alexander, after which she was taken home.
1 ne auciaeai vecuned utie Bluxuy avail
Mrs. Reed and children of Idaho are the
guests of Mrs. R. C. Peters.
S. R. Rush Is out of town on a short
vacation and fishing excursion.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Baird left during"
the week for a trip to Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Smith hsve left for
a visit to the Massachusetts coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Speed of Vlcksburg, Miss.,
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. 11.
A. T. Klopp left during the week for
Buffalo, to attend the annual meeting of
the National Typothetae.
Mrs. H. U. Van Olrson of Bridgeport,
Conn., was the guest during part of the
week of Mrs. Henry C. Van Gleson.
Mrs. W. 8. Wedge of Benson, formerly
of Dundee, fell on alighting from a West
Farnam street car last week and sustained
painful, but It Is thought not dangerous,
In the severe electrical storm that passed
over Dundee Thursday afternoon llgntnlng
struck the house of H. C. Balrd at 60U
Cass street and tore off several yards of
Mrs. P. J. Barr has na her gutsts her
mother, Mrs. C. W. Curtis of Dexter, Me.,
and also Miss Lucy Thurston of Taylors
ville, N. C , and the Misses Sarah and Ada
Viele of Salisbury, N. C.
Ward Palmer entertained his mother's
guests, Mr. anil Mrs. bpeed of Vicksburg.
Miss., nt dinner at the Kieid club Wednes
day evening. The other guests were Mr.
and Mrs. A. H. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. L.
belby and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrotte.
Mrs. Willard of Galesburg. III.. Is stopping
with Henry and Willard umpe until the
return of Dr. Lampe and William from
the eimt, where th.' went to place the
remains of the wife and mother, Mrs.
Emma A. Lampe. In Greenwood cemetery.
Mr. N. O. Buck was killed by lightning
on Friday at Toledo, O., where he and Mrs.
Muck were attending a family reunion. A
tree under which the party were collected
woe struck and five other people Injured.
Mr. R. C. Peters, who Is a cousin of Mrs.
Luck, and her father, Mr. John Peters, left
Immediately for Toledo on receipt of the
The funeral of Mrs. Emma A. Ijtmpe.
who died Sunday morning, was held at the
ramlly residence, VC4 Davenport street, on
Tuesday. Dr. Iuiie of the Prrsbyterlnn
Theological seminary officiating. Dr. Hunter
of the Dundee Presbyterian church, of
which the deceased was a devoted member
made some upproprlate remarks, and a
quartet, comprising Mrs. W. L. Selby and
Mrs. Jfcjmersun uodds ana tne Messrs.
Dodds. sang some favorite selections. Dr.
Lampe and son William accompanied the
remains to i.rooKiyn, in. 1., lor ouriai.
The Christian church Sunday school will
give an Ice cream social at the city hall
on the evening of July 19.
MIfs Zella Kennarthy and Miss Emma
King of South Omaha visited Miss King's
parents Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. 8. P. Wallace and children of Free
port, Hi., spent Sunday last the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. King.
Mrs. Thomaa Fulk and children, who have
been here the past month visiting relatives,
left Tuesday for their home at Luverne,
Misses Gertie and Lena Gielen were the
guests of Miss Roslter at her horn on
f'inkney street, Omaha, one day the past
Mr. Arthur Estill has moved his family
from Omnha to the residence which he has
Just finished mar Bluff street and will
make this place his home.
Miss Bertha Anderson Is making a visit
with relatives at Wausa, Neb., and will
probably remain during the summer until
the commencement of school.
Drs. B. M. Tlley, A. C. Condon, Flti
gerald, P. Ellis and R. Rlx, all of Omaha,
were in town this week calling on and In
consultation with Dr. A. B. Adams.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Wilson received word
Thursday of the drath by drowning of a
little son of Josh Watklns, Mrs. Watklns
being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.
Rose Rebekah lodge No. 139 Installed
officers Tuesday night, Miss Prudence
Tracy, D. D. G. M., did the installing.
Members from two Omaha lodges were
Rev. Henry Erck, sr., of Oshkosh, Wis.,"
Is spending a few days here attending the
wedding of his son, Kev. Henry Erck, Jr.,
who has charge, of St. John's church at
Ponca Hill.
E. E. Hlnekman, with the Historical so
ciety at Lincoln, was here on Tuesday look
ing after some relics pertaining to Ne
braska. Several specimens have been found
near Florence.
Miss May Oaks, who Is attending the
State Normal school at Pern, surprised her
folks the Fourth of July by coming home.
Sho remained home over Sunday, returning
Monday morning.
James Barret had hla Up badly cut Tues.
day by being thrown from a platform on
which he was working at tho Deerlng Har
vester company warehouse, Omaha. It
It took several stitches to close the split.
The pulnlt of the Christian church will
be occupied Sunday by one of the visiting
delegates of the Baptist Young People's
Union, who nre holding a convention In
Omaha. The hcrvices will be at 8 p. m.
About seventy Omaha Deople held a Dlcnle
at the beautiful country home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Drabek last Sunday. Spolek Lira,
a singing society, entertained the crowd
with their splendid singing and recitations
by the members.
Henry McDonald of the sheriff's office
carried off the honors at the shoot of the
Florence Gun club recently, his score run
ning 22 and 2X out of 25. George W. Craig,
assistant engineer, of umaha waa a close
second. James Craig and W. A. Morse,
of Omaha, were close behind them.
Misses Blanche and Amy Taylor, daugh
ters of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Taylor, left Fri
day for a two weeks' vacation with friends
at Hay Springs, Neb., and while In the
west will visit the Black Hills. They are
both employed by Omaha firms as stenog
raphers and are on their annual vacations.
W. S. Mayne of Council Bluffs. R. H.
Olmsted. Frank L. McCoy and W. R. Wall
made a trip across the river Tuesday In the
new -ivnty ooai ior tne purpose or laying
out two roads on the Iowa side to and
from the ferry. Mr. Mayne, who owns all
tne in nd directly on the lowa side from
Florence, gave the ground across his land
for the two roads. This will give the peo
plo across the river a direct route to the
ferry, and as Mr. Mayne allowed the com
mittee, the best uround for the roads, thev
can be made high and dry and can be used
at all times of the year except In the tlm
01 me extreme nign water.
West Ambler.
Frank Potter had a teleDhone out Into
his home the last of the week.
Mr. Carlson had a large crop of oats
which he cut for hay the last of the week.
Mark Morton of Colorado haa been a
guest of old neighbors and friends here
tne last week.
Clarence Darling haa been assisting F.
Potter in paper hanging for Mr. Johnson in
East Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. William Zarp entertained
their mother and brother from Canton
street the first of tha; week.
Albert Faverty was on the sick list
Thursday and had to quit work on tha
new Chicago & Northwestern hotel.
Mr. Shearer of East Ambler Is breaking
In the horse which he recently purchased
and will soon have a fine roadster.
The Electric Light company haa In
stalled arc llghis across Forty-eighth
street to Lawrence from Center street.
Marlon Favtrty. Jr., has completed his
work out on Mr. Anthony's farm and Is
tackling the corn and potato crop at homo.
Congratulations are In order over the
wedding of John Mcllvalne to Miss Isabel
Nichols, which occurred Thursday, July li.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace and son
Merrill were guests of Mrs. Wallace s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Syas, Monday and
attended the social.
Edward Parrotte or Park avenue at
tended the Ire cream social Monday even
ing and lent harmony to the singing by
his ricu tenor voice.
The city bridge gang has lumber on the
ground to build a new bridge on Forty
sixth and Frinrls street, where the big
washout was caused by the heavy rain .a
(ew weeks ago.
Mrs. J. E. Aughe entertained her
West Point friends, Mr. and Mrs. tu
Krause, Wednesday. They are en
Tur-vt who snffor frm hxdhe. will find a mt mud ffie&tmt
rmT trvb front Woiila4uti ittxt drpretuiuu Aiuga ,
Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient
teg . u.
It rvr. tut rfr-he hf TrnfTiif th cam It tsttt the trininafh,
livr ittMlt .
tfrtle tTorvaont drink. Children, enjoy tt,.
M ,mr daii t h mUfr.m THE
to arend their summer vam-tloii at thel'
old home In Philadelphia, Ta.
Mr. and Mrs. Aughe attended the let
cresm lawn social at Commander Ren
wick s In South Omaha Tuesday evening,
which wss given by the Relief Corps fot
the benefit of Phil Kearney Grand Armj
of the Republic Post,
The ladles' Aid society will meet at the
home of Mrs. Ormahv, Fifty-fifth and Con
ter streets, on Thursday, July is. to quilt
all day. The hosteea will lie assisted by
her committee. Mrs. Henderson. Mra.
Shamfy and Mrs. V. Ronewlti.
Mrs. M. Emory and daughter. Miss Ethel,
arrived from New Jersey on Wednesday
to spend the summer with her parents.
Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Henderson, and sis
ter. Mrs. Nelson Prati. Mrs. Kmory will
be remembered here by many friends, aa
she visited here four years ago.
The Ire cream social given by the Indies'
Aid society at Woodman hall Monday even
ing was a decided success, socially as well
as financially. Over 10 friends were gath
ered and a short patriotic program wss
rendered. Little Florence ( avender of Vin
ton street gave "The Gallant Grand Army
of the Republic" In a pleasing manner;
Rev. Mr. Htnmbaugh of South Omaha gave
"The Ladles' Aid and Mrs. Btambnuuh
"The Soldier Asleep at Picket" In her
pleasing manner. The proceeds for toe
cream and cake were about m.
-The new Oravert elevator Is finished.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fuller of Ashland axa
visiting with relatives In Benson.
Helen, Oarskv of Blair Is a guest
Miss Mary Hiliaeter tor a few uays.
Swedish Lutheran services at Town hall
today at 3 o clock by llev. Mr. Llndburg.
Mr. and Mrs. H. t). Wulff are entertalu
Ing Mrs. McKay and daughter of Blair.
Joseph McGuIre and son, Tom, attended
the racing meet held at Auburn last week.
Lena Washburn left last Friday for a
two weeks' visit with relatives In Schuyler.
Miss Ella Oravert entertained a few
friends at luncheon at her home last Sun
day. Rudolf Swanson Is recovering from tha
Injuries lie received last wiK from a.
Ella and Harry Graven returned last
week from a weeks' visit In Missouri Val
ley. Ia.
Mra H. G. Armstrong Is entertslnlng her
sister. Mrs. Lelsman, and children of Dea
The Baptists will hold no church services
today. Sunday school at the tent at lu
Mrs. H. R- Parker and daughters left last
week for Keunard, where they will spend
a week.
Mr. Chrlstlanson, who was a visitor In
Benson durlug the week, bis gone to
Miss Llzsie Soil and Will Clabaunke were
married at the bride's home on Wednesday
The Ladles' Aid society will meet at
tho church next Saturday afternon tor
Miss Cleo Pruner of Kennard visited
with Mrs. Vehls of this place during A
past week,
Mr. Meislnger waa called to Cedar Creen
last Wednesday by the serious lilnta. u,
his father.
J. N. Horton has commenced the erec
tion ef his new residence In tliv er":
part of town.
Charles B. Bennet of Benson and Martha
Nelson of Florence were married during
the past week.
Llxzle McMahon and Miss Meyers left
lest Tuesday for a two weeks' outing at
Lnke Okobojl, Ia.
Ditching for the water mains and exca
vations tor the water work's reservoir has
begun In earnest.
Mass will ' be said at St. Bernard's
church this morning at t o'clock, Re'.
Dobaon in charge.
Mrs. W. G. Hsrrlson of Blair visited a
few days of Lust week with her mother,
Mrs. John McGuire.
Rev. Mr. Hunt of Dundee will contTnCt
Presbyterian services toda yal I o'clock;
In Odd Follows' hall.
A business meeting by the English Luth
erans will tie held at the town hall Thurs
day evening. July 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Lv. Jorgenson attended tho
Independent Order of Odd Fellows' picnic
held at Pries' Lake last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Purdy or Danbury, Conn.,
were guests during the past wee at the
home of Mr. and Mra. A. Z,. Leach.
Misses Helen Gorsky and Mary Schfafrr
entertained a few of their friends at an
cutlng at Lake Manawa lout Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bloomburg entertained
last Sunday at dinner In honor of thilr
daughter, Mrs. Bcngtson of Mobile, Ala
Mrs. Herman Wulff entertained a plcnlo
party at Lake Manawa laat Friday In honor
of her guests, Mrs. McKay and daughter.
Fred Fellder and Miss Mary Gordon of
Omaha were married at the parsonage by
Rev. Mr. Leldy last Wednesday evening.
While Shlrd Qulnn and family were
away trom homo last Sunday suinoons en
tered the house and stole Uiner entrlea
were made during last week. 1
Services will be held at the Methodist
church at 11 a. m. and a p. m. Sunday
school at 10 a. in. Kpworth league at 7
p. m. Rev. Mr. Ijeldy, pastor.
Mrs. Morris Jenson and William Jacob
son were pleasantly surprised by a num
ber of their friends In honor of their
birthdays last Friday evening.
A four-room annex will be erected on
the school grounds so as to be heated by
the present furnace. It Is expected to
have it completed by the fall term.
Miss Ida Boise and Charles Burmelster,
both of Benson, were married Saturday,
July 7, by Rev. Father Dobson of Omaha.
They will make their home In Benson.
Installation of officers took place at the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows' meet
ing last Monday and reports from ofltcera
were read. Alter the business session a
repast was served In the dining hall.
The first regular meeting of the new
board was held Monday evening when the
following were elected: Moderator, E. h..
Hon man; treasurer, J. B. Jondro; director,
li. A. bteger. O. bnowden was elected aa
chairman of the building and grounus com
mittee, wltn Messrs. Jondro and Hoffman
assistants. Several reports were read, i'no
next meeting will be Monday, July 1.
Tho Gentle C'salo.
Good advice seldom profits 1
man as
much as a good scare.
A pessimist Is a man who loves himself
ror the enemies he has made.
The average man's aim In lire depends
largely on the slxe of the target.
By the time a man feels that he can af-
V 'ord to marry, he doesn't want to.
It Is quite natural that skeptic snouia
hyme with dyspeptic.
It is possibla for a man to have too many
friends, but It takes him a long time to
realise it.
Most marriages are prompted by tha
fear that some other fellow may get the
Live bait always catches the most fish.
If you are fishing ror compliments you
must bait your book with one.
Love Is blind, and It may"also be a case
of dumb lurk.
All the world a stage, and most of us
must he our own press agents.
A girl with a new engagement ring al
ways regrets thst she Isn't left handed.
If you want to flatter a woman you must
begin by telling her that you know aha
Isn't susceptible to flattery.
The Intricacies of life should have no
terrors ror a woman, when we consider
that she can comprehend the description
or a dress pattern. Philadelphia Ledger.
Stake Employes Meet.
BOSTON, July 14. The fourteenth annual
convention of tha Alliance of Theatrical
Stage Employes closed this afternoon with
the election or John Suaares or St. Louis
as president. The vice presidents chosen
included S. H. Metralf of Spokane. Wash.
Next years convention will be held at
Norfolk, Vs., In July.
Basra r froas Manila.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 1.. The British
steamer Sutherland arrived here from Ma
nila yesterday with J4.7JU bags of sugar for
a local refinery. There were lu.ial.Gu0
pounds and the sum of I146.UU0 duty was
,iaid In gold. The sugar came from Ilollo.
t. Ptf. Of.
TAIIAKT CO.. 44 HUeea L Hew Yet.