he Omaha Daily Bee EDITORIAL SECTION. PAGES 9 TO 16. ( VOL. XXXVI-XO. 23. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 14, 1006. SINGLE COPY TIIRHE CENTS. OMAHA WKATHKU I'fUlKfWST- HATt'IlllAV FAIR 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.25 WRIT ING PAPERS at 19c OX SALK HATl KIIAY. High grade writing paper in beauti ful decorated boxes, containing two, three and four quire of the finest linen and bond naicrs and new filliped envelopes. We secured all the drummer s samples from the Merlin ami Joitex Co., mid the Whiting Taper Co., of New York, and have manv boxes worth tip to 125, ALL ON SALK lfC SATl'RDAY. at Stationery Main 'loor. ART JULY CLEARANCES Get in on Our Liberal Discount Sales 20 Per Cent Discount on Picture Framing, 20 Per Cent Discount on Framed Pictures in Galleries, 20 Per Cent Discount on Framed Mirrors in Galleries. PYROGRAPHY SPECIALS 4"c Glove and Kerrhief Bqx.es 25c 25c and 30e Picture Frames.... IHc $1.40 Deep Photo Boxes . . .. 98c Hue 6x10 Panels .' , 12c Frames for the Dee Gibson rirtures 85c Art Second Floor. OMAHA FATHKU FOItFCAST -SATl'HUAY FAIR. ))L1I w 1 1 S KEEN TRADIXS STAMPS EVERY MINI L 11 II CREEK TRADIXS STAMTS EVERY TIME STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING 'TILL 10. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENING 'TILL 10. I " M ( rii in k ! 1 I 1! fllDrday . Slioe M 200 pairs Men's Tan Russia Calf Shoes and :Qxfords, the Knox Specials, Crfl $350 and $4.00 shoes, at 60 pairs Boys' Tan Russia Calf Welted Soles, stylish bluchers, $3 shoes ""ft AA :for ; 183; pairs .Ladies' Tan Russia Calf and chocolate vici-kid Dorothy Dodd oxfords, shoes ami low button $3.00 value at rpiiis '2.00 2f0 pnirs Misses' and Chil dren's chocolate vici kid blucher lace, $1.75 and $2.00 value, at pair , 1.25 "1 pairs Misses' and . Chil dren's "White Canvas Ox fords, $1.25 value, at . 98c Specials in Hard ware Saturday Cleaning l"p Hale on Screen Doors. Extra good screen door, painted green, at . 75c Extra good screen door, hard oil fin ish, at 98c Extra good screen door, fancy hard " bard oil finish, at. fL.25 SO Green Trading Stamps with each, Door. Gasoline stoves, 3-hole, regular $3 98, special 3.io Gasoline Stove, 2-hole, regular $2.98, special .112.25 1-quart tin tomato cans, special doxen 88c Sealing Wax. 6 bars for 25c Coat Hangers, y doz. for 25c Mrs. Pott's Sad Irons, regular A 8c. special 65c Best on JKarth Bad Irons, reguljar frTnlt Can Funnels, earh. 5c (O ft. length guaranteed rubber hose, complete with nozzle, Saturday tKf.83 Nicely Japanned Bread Boxes, 73c, 68c and 58c And Forty Green Trading Stamps Nicely Japanned 60 lb. flour can.. 75c And Forty Green Trading Stamps Shaker flour sifter. ..... . . .10e And 'Twenty Green Trading Stamps Extra good charcoal packed water coolers, prices up from ft 1.25 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps PAINTS Doable Green Trading Stamps on all Paint j) Saturday. Main Floor SPORTING GOODS HAMMOCKS HAMMOCKS HAMMOCKS ' Extra nlca Hammock, Navajo color., with pillow and valance . ' OVa BAX&AB TO TWO TITTY. And 50 green trading stamps with each. Extra Ana Hammock, Navajo color, with pillow and valance TWO STSHTT-riTB to BIX DOLUU And. SO green trading stamps with each. c??! .??!! 75c to $1 And' 80 'green trading aumps with each. Bennett's China. Department The Display of 3? ChirCn Will De of Interest to All Visitors Take Home a. Souvenir Pretty Choice Pieces of China Hun dreds to choose from, at 50c, . f i 25c and IUC Japanese China Salts and Peppers, new desigus, at 5c, 2 for 15c and, 1 0 each IUC Dinner Sets to Close Out $16.50 China Set at : $10.00 $19.50 White China Set at $14.00 $35.00 Haviland China Set at. . .$22.50 Other Sets at Prices to Close Quick. Dark Blue Oatmeals, Fruit Saucers, Bread and Butter C Plates, 10c articles for, each DC Pretty Thin Table Tumblers With Band, regular $1 TA a dozen, sale price, 6 for JUC Japanese China Cups and Saucers, Satsuma Red Decoration, worth 50c and $1, at 50c and Glass Vases, each 25c, 15c and , 10c Glass Water Jugs, each 75c, 60c, 50c, 25c and. ......... 20c Table Tumblers, any price, up from, a dozen. .... ... 1 . .25c Pretty Colonial, a dozen, at .$1.00 Colonial Iced Tea, a dozen, at $1.50 Fruit Jars, Jelly Tumblers, Rubbers Lowest Prices. Last Day of Big Tea Pot Sale Best Eng lish Rock Teapots, all go Satur day at 50c, 45c, 38c, 29c and -JC Special Table Cut Glass $1.79 Finest cuttings and best shapes Including trays, va6es, bon TQ bon dishes, spoon trays, etc., etc., choice. Beautiful Ahrenfeldt China Dinner Set Best grade of French China, pretty, neat decorations and nice treatment of gold, a $35 value two patterns to select from Saturday, a set. Omaha's Biggest Grocery Saturday's List ot Specials Extra Clerks, Extra Deliver) men Pride of Rennett's Flour 4 ff per sack l.OU And -forty green trading stamps. Java and Mocha Coffee. f f)0 throe pounds for Sew And fifty green trading stamps. Diamond "8'' Fruits, assorted, per can "' And thirty groen trading stamps. Pickling Eplee, whole, per Sp pound And ton green trading stamps. Diamond "8" Chill Sauce, pint E. bottle SmUSt, And ten green trading stamps. Cocoa Velvet Toilet Soap, TC- M J V six enkes for .. CHEESE. CHKESK. Special offer for Saturday New 7Cic York Full Cream Cheese, pound .. And thirty green trading stamps. Uneoda Biscuit, four packages Jgg And ton green trading stamps.. Jell-O, assorted, ..hreo packages 25C And ten green trading stamps. Kippered Herring. 2flf" per can mrt And ten green trading stamps. Red Cross Cream, two large Olc cans '-' And ten green trading stamps. Bennett'a Capitol Lemon Extract, bottle IOC And twenty green trading stamps. BUTTER. Received Daily from Best Dairies. Good Country Butter, .per Ofir pound And five green trading stamps. 25c 24.00 WALL PAPER CLEARANCE SALE PRICES CUT UNMERCIFULLY WHOLE STOCK THROUGH. Tapers formerly sold 4c to 45c per roll, a roll at 20c down to. . . .2Hc Remnants for Small Rooms a room lot from -65c down to. 23c Odd Rolls Papers for Pantries, Closets, Ceilings, etc., 1,000 - rolls, per roll, at J.C Third Floor. Cooking Butter, per fr pound Bennett's Capitol Creamery, pound rtAn brick, full weight aS-v New laid Eggs, special, tt dozen , Bulk Picklessour pickles, lOr" per quart And ten green trading stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, per jC quart SOW And ten green trading stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, per Oftr quart 4mJG And ten green trading stamps.. Worcester Tabls Salt, two sacks Ivlw . And ten green trading stamps. Jaran Rice, two pounds 14c And ten green trading' stamps! Schepp's Cocoanut,' pound ' package 4a OC And ten green tradmg' etsirtpe. ' .' Palace Car Jams, assorted, per 'Cr pound can IOC Bottlo Bayles Cider Vinegar, Q. quart bottle lOC And' ten green trading stamps. Bayles cider Vinegar, pint 4i bottle IUC . And five green trading stamps. Pure Honey, per ji glass 1.2 g"C And ten green trading stamps. Bennett's Capitol Baking Powder, syA pound can C And twenty green trading stamps. California Ripe Olives, n. two bottles aiUC And ten groen trading stamps. Mount Klneo, Maine, Corn, OSr two cans i3Vi And ten green trading stamps. California Lemons, Ofin dozen "UW Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart Peanut Butter, jar 10c Bayles' Boneless Herring, Jar 10c Imported Sardines, can 10c Preserves, assorted, Jar loo California Ripe Olives, bottle 10c Sunnyslde Tomato Soup, 2 lb. can loo Durka's Salad Dressing, bottle '.10c Bayles Cyclone Relish, bottle 10c 5c GLOTHING HALF PRICE SALE N Blue Strge and all Other CoUr Coats and Trousers , $15 Coats and Trouser3. $7-w $12.50 Coats and Trousers '. $6-25 $10 Coats and Trousers. $5-00 $7.50 Coats and Trousers $375 $5.00 Coats and Trousers...' $2.b0 $4.00 Coats and Trousers. .$2.00 $3.00 Coats and Trousers 51-50 ' . Men's, boys' and youth's sizes, 28 to 42. Short Trousers, 8 to 16 years $7.50 Coats and Trousers $3.75 $4.95 Coats and Trousers .$2.48 Trousers Summer AVeights Men's, youth's, etc.; 28 to 41 -waists $5.00 Trousers .$2.50 Bargain Square New shirts, mohair, white and linen shirts, ,50c And Ten Greeu Trading Stamps 50c and 75c Balbriggan meshed, porous knit and lisle, at 35c' Coat Front Shirts, worth $1.00, at 59c Boys' Wash Suits White and colors, worth and sold up to $2.95, , 'sizes 8 to 16 years, at. -95c Furnishing Goods Department Comfort and golf wear shirts, collars attached or separate, sum mer weight flannels, mohairs, silk, crepe, linen, sosiette, crash anything in shirts you may ask for largest line in the city. Some new patterns and styles just received for this hot weather at cool prices-$3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00 Special $1.50 shirts, left-overs, new black and whites 75c Men's Panamas, $10 values $6.50 Men's Leghorns, $5 values.! $3.95 Other $3.50 values at .$2.50 Men's and young men's Pan Dips, Telescopes, tourists and sailors, all grades, $2.50, $2.00, . $1.50, $1.00 and . . .50c Odds and ends in straw hats, worth up to 50c, at........... 19c Mi'.;V' wll imi '-sit .A Union Suits Anything in cotton, wool, silk finish, suit at $3.00, $2.50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1 New ones received for hot weather. White Vests New ones for summer and evening wear, up from! $1.00 Special Boys' 75c Union Suits, at .50c Special Men's fancy 25c hose, at, each 15c, 2 for..... '....25c Bennetfs Candy Section Saturday Special Offer of Chocolate Frappe . Finest mde, apri cot, peach, cherry, raspberry, straw- . berry and other, fla vors, pound QCfi box 03t And 20 Green Trading Stamps CIGARS! CIGARS! Saturday Sales Z,a Clnora, an Imported ' r 2 for 2o Cigar, each....c' Fifty for S3-B0 At Faaoa, a good cigar, ier for rJl - And 5 green trading stamps. A Genuine Trench Briar Pip, straight or bent stem, Ocr each AOW And 30 green trading stamps. Lola, a good cigar for 4 if the money, 60 for vv T. t. Borf Mlxtura, q a blg.lbc sack for ow Com In sad fft ear- box prloas ob Imported and domes tlo cigars. Meats! Meats! Everything the best on the market. Nome Saturday Specials: Pork Shoulder Roast, pound. 0c Leaf Lard, 11 pounds for $1.00 Choice Mutton Legs, pound '....10c Veal Shoulder Roast, 4 pounds 25c Veal Stew, 6 pounds 25c Choice Rolled Rib Roast (all bones out), pound, -12V4c and 10c Rib Boiling Beef, 10 pounds 25c LARD SALE. Bennett's Special Pure Kettle Ren dered Lard, in 5-pound palls ' And Thirty Green Trading Stamps 63c I BBHSajj' DRINKS WITH A FOAMY FIZZ Oricin and Derslopment of an American Hot Weather Tipple. S00A COCKTAILS FOLLOW THE FLAG Blt of Soda Foaatataa Aroand the Wvrld Secrets of the Trade Variety of Flavoring' Ex tracts ta Caa. " V Soda water Is an American Institution. Uka the constitution and the cocktail it follows the flag. In fact It seems to flour ish only under the stars and stripes and while one may aecure a poor sort of soda water In certain placa In Europe it Is vended solely for the sweet tooth of the tourists. ' Baying that soda water is an American Institution is not saying that America la Ita birthplace. On the contrary, England Is entitled to that credit although, apparently, not very anxious to claim It. VJa water, or purified water charged with fr' iwim dioxide Ell that adrla the Azk In wna la so long ago In Kngland that the t nory vz iiw muni x,. ac o. arinaer run ' I . . k ..... . 1 HOI w mini.iy, ni.iury gon ; tall when brandy and soda became ' ular In England; hut the soda end of . ..at revivifying combination was plain soda water. And It is plain soda water today. The affluent rounder, calling for his B. A 8. in the cold, gray dawn of the morning after, apecifles English soda. He knows tt ts the thing berauie It costs more than the plebeian siphon aoda of domestic make and because It la served In a bottle with a round bottom, which presents the problem of the king's Egg until the waiter produces "tha four- pronged silver holder. The shape of tha bottle and tha fact (hat it is an English product make the aoda better -to tha thirsty customer, but the fact is he Is paying for tariff, transportation and a name. It la Imported all right, but nowise different from the sparkling product of the commonest American aoda fountain. In this form and as a necessary part of a proper B 8. aoda water Is popular In England put not otherwise. Boston sent the first soda water mission ary to Great Britain when. In the 70s, the O. W. lowi Co., soda water fountain manufacturers, established a branch in London, expecting to rescue England from tha blighting curse of the pale-faced ale. tha inspired lemon equash and the Insid ious 'arf and 'arf. Too American reprt- tlves found tfcs full otrongth ot tha bulwark of British conservatism In the matter of soft drinks and the branch was such a failure that It bankrupted the American tree. Within the last few years another firm set up In London and tried to induce John Bull to take soda water. but there was little more success than In the effort of thirty years previous. In cidentally, Boston Is the greatest aoda m-ater city In America, population consid ered. Whether there is some occult con nection between "physical" and "finical" culture, or whether New England's no. torious preponderance of female oyer male population Is to blame or climate, or what not It la an accepted fact that the home of John L. Sullivan leads the world In the per capita consumption of soft, cold drinks. Soda Water" a Misnomer. Uke almost everything else soda water Is misnamed. No one expects to And soda In soda water. What Is known to the trade asMhe English method of soda water mak ing consisted of mixing sulphuric acid with marble dust an ominous sounding combina tion. The result was the liberation of the carbon dioxide gaa which was used to charge the .water. Neither the sulphuric acid nor the marble dust entered Into the composition of the water. The by-product of this process was plaster of parts, which represented the rewldue,abut which, like the i acid and the marble dust, did not enter at ' all Into the flnlhed product. Improvement of Industrial methods brought a change In the process, however. The manufacturers learned that aoda water could be made as cheaply and a more valn- lable by-product be secured by the combina ; tion of bicarbonate of soda with sulphuric arid. The rrsldue was the sulphate of soda. a much more valuable product thin plsster of parls. Bo this hss crime to be the ac cepted method of manufacture in the larger establishments. Tha carbonic acid gas Is Introduced Into tanks containing purified water at least It should be purified If It Is not and the com bination agitated to aecure perfect charg ing. Then the charged watrr Is drawn off Into steel tanks containing from ten to fourteen gallon's each and capable of re sisting pressure of about ltJB pounds to the square Inch. In former days the soda fountain explosion was usually one of the stock Items of news In the summer time, like the pistol that wasn't loaded, but the scientists carefully worked out the causes and the means to prevent them, and the deadlinesa baa been successfully extracted from the aoda fountain. Explosions are no longer heard of except In the back counties, there the druggist adheres to the old-fash toned sppliances. Formerly druggists and confectioners tnaauf acturod their own soda water, but the vast Improvements in tVie methods have rendered it cheaper and more satisfactory to buy the water from the big manufac turers. The tanks are delivered daily, or when wanted, like milk or Ice, at a cost much lower than the contents could be made for on the premises. The tanUs usually ara stored in the basement of the drug store or confectionery store, or. when this Is not feasible,' In the bottom part of the fountain. The water is carried to the faucet through a small pipe, which usually Is encased In ice and issues gurgling and frothing over the syrup aiid Ice cream. The Initial investment in the soda water business is largely In the fountain. Tnere are two reasons why this expense s so heavy, the first being that the outside ma terial always Is of an expensive kind and the other that the workmanship has to be first class. In the first days of the modern fountain white Italian marble represented the climax of beauty and taste, but with the Introduction of numerous syrups white marble was found to show stains and soon become anything but cleanly looking.' Then colored marbles were used, and still are to a great extent. But strictly present day taste dictates that the fountain of high clara shall be onyx, which is more service able and prnate. In the eloquent words of the catalogue poet: "Onyx appeals not only to the eye, but to the Imagination. Fanciful shapes of castles crowned summits, of wind swept forests, of rugged canyon and gently sloping river valleys seem pictured In its surface; clouds set in all the varied hues of the sunset ap pear photographed in its depths; as If its pearly transparency were really due to a far off liquid state during the existence of which all things and lights and colors be tween It and heaven were reflected In its depths and held fast after its transforma tion Into a aolld. Aitee and Toltec con structed with it the altars of their gods, and the older, long vanished racea have left many specimens of it wrought and chiseled among the ruins of their half burled cities and temples." All of which, however true, probab'jr nevsr Induced a man to buy a soda fountain. Onyx Is expensive owing not only to the market price, but to the great waste made necessary by the Irregularity of the seams. Most of it conies from Mexico, but a great amount of what looke like the real Mexican article Is made of paste In America, and is such a good Imitation that the uninitiated are readily taken In. The cheapest thing offered In the line of onyx fountains costs tO and the price ranges from that to any figure you wish to contract to pay. The flneet of fountains In ordinary use ooat not to exceed 13.000 or 14.000. Ths soda fountain is tha tug-heat typo of refrigerator known. Exclusive ft the orna mental features, It is nothing rrfre nor less than a refrigerator. To accomplish the 1 greatest efficiency of refrigeration the workmanship must be careful and propor tionately expensive. The materials used In piping, faucets and other fixtures must be not only well put together, but of block or pure tin linings. This Is made necessary by the danger to the consumer In the use of other metals. Of late years much of the beer drawn In the large cities Is forced from the barrels by gas sold in tanks and delivered to the saloon like the soda water tanks. In the saloon apparatus copper Is used In the pipes, and it requires but a comparatively small amount of neglect or uncleanllness for the gas to cause a corro sion that, lntrodjced Into the beer means as certain death as a Mauser bullet. Not only Is this the theory, but many deaths from poisoned beer consumed In the cheap and filthy saloons have been reported. This danger Is entirely averted In the soda foun tain by the use of pure tin, which ts im pregnable to the action of the gas. This tin costs 45 cents a pound, and is an 'Im portant Item of -expense In a soda foun tain. With his rented tanks of carbonic acid water. Installed In his basement and . the fontaln placil temptingly In his store, the soda water merchant finds It smooth sail ing and Inexpensive. The glases cost from fl to J1.50 a dozen, the Herman silver hold ers' about $15 and the long spoons about S a dozen. Then comes the supply of sirups and Ice cream. Nothing Illustrates the enormous spread of the business better than the Increase In the trade In simps. One firm in this city does a business of about $p0.000 a year In fruit Juices and sirups for soda fountain use alone. Re cently most of the grocery houses and can ning firms have gone Into the business, so great has become the market for this class of goods. The sirup Is Just what its name Jmpliea. made .of about eight pounds of sugar to a gallon of water. Tha flavora are so numerous and well known that they need not be enumerated, but the principal onea are . vanilla, chocolate, lemon and orange. None of tha vanilla extract used In soda fountains ever came Into cloae contact with a real vanilla bean, but Is made of "vanillin," a product which originated in the analyzing of the vanilla bean and Its reproduction by artificial means. In short, vanillin Is artificial vanilla, and it la claimed for It that It ts no more Injurious than the product of nature. The high -4t of the vanilla bean precludes Its use In flavoring ex tract a to any great extent, and thers Is mors of tt used In the manufacture of per. f urn as t&aa la lbs miking of .flavorinc ex tracts, whether they be used in soda foun tains or for domestic purposes. The chocolate extract, also, Is a delusion and a snare, so far as Ha genuineness goes, for It Is cocoa, substantially the same as Is served hot at the breakfast table. While It is not chocolate. It Is not Injurious. The lemon flavoring Is aiade from the peel of the lemon and tartaric acid, and, ac cording to the manufacturers, Is no more Injurious than would be the pure Juice of the lemon. The orange extracts UHcd are said to be exactly what they purport to be. The crushed fruits that have become so popular of late years are made In the same way the ordinary table preserves are made, except In the Isolated cases In which the soda fountain man uses the perfectly fresh fruits crushed before the eyes of the con sumer. .Attracts Notice of Las. The enormous spread of the soda foun tain business haa caused the authorities of several states to pass laws dealing with the syrupa and fruits used In the making of the delightful Ice cream soda, and It la probable that similar legislation will be enacted in Illinois. At present the pure food commis sion may seize materials of questionable character at aoda fountains under Its gen eral power only when It finds something being served that plainly Is a menace to public health. No system of Inspection Is provided for. Commissioner Jones said the other day that special legislation on this point wea badly needed, not that there was reason to believe wholeesle and Injurious adulteration was being practiced, but be cause with the growth of the business to such a volume there is certain to be adul teration If the manufacturers are not watched and certain standards established. The laws passed by some states regulating tha manufacture of fruit syrups have brought a howl from the manufacturers. In the eary part of the year the firms en gaged in the business met In New Tork and formed a national association to put through amendments to pure food laws which prevent their products from being kept longer than a certain time. They de clared they must be allowed to add a harm less preservative or they would withdraw their products from those states In which such lawa had been passed. The Pennsyl vania dealers took the same step. . The total average cost of an Ire cream soda to the retailer is 4 cents that is, for tha full-sized, pure' enda that sells for 10 cents. The manager of one of the largest chains of confectionery stores in the coun try Is authority for tha statement that purity cannot be guaranteed, the quantity of materials being the same, if the Ice cream soda la retailed for lees than 10 cents. The aoda tbat Is retailed for s cant con tains a much smaller amount of Ice cream, less fruit syrup or crushed fruit and soda water of a cheaper grade. Low grade of soda water, it should be explained, is not adulterated water, but water containing less gas, or of a lower degree of efferves cence. This estimate of 4z cents per glass Includes the cost of all materials. Ice, rent, service and such minor Items as enter Into the business directly or indirectly. Orlala of Word "Sundae." A soda fountain manufacturer was asked the origin of the Vord "sundae." "I've been in the business about all my life,"', he said, "and have tried hard to run the word down, but without success. As nearly as I can trace It, the word was coined by the University of Chicago stu dents during the world's fatr. As to Its derivation I never could make any progress In my Investigations. But despite the mys tery of Its origin, the aundae Is "with us to stay." For the summer thirst 'of I'ncle Sam and Aunt Columbia and the children there Is an astonishing variety of soda water drinks, almost all of them with the plain soda water as Its base. One catalogue lists be vent y flavoring extracts in common use. The list of drinks prepared for the selection of the public at the soda foun tains Is logger than the wine lint at a first class hotel or the menu at a Chicago res taurant. The possible combinations of soda water, Ice cream, fruits, sirups, nuts, phos phates and other materials make one dizzy to calculate. Mixing has become a fine art and the professional summer drink mixer haa become a bartender of distinction. The requirements In the first class saloons have become so onerous that many bar keepers have deserted their places for the marble and onyx of the soda fountain. With them they have carried many of the tricks of the adept mixer to their new call ing, auch as the long-range pouring from the fhaker into the glass., which a few years ago was the accomplishment of the cocktail mixer solely. The soft drink' bar tender has a fixed occupation. Chicago Record-Herald. Ho Was Real Indastrlons. Two Washington . negroes meeting In the street tell Into a discussion of the pecu liarities of a mutual friend. Eald one: "What kind o' a punson la dat man, any how" 8eems to me he never do no work." "Oh, he Is Industrious, all right," promptly responded the ke.nd negro, "even If he don't do nothln' hisself. Why, only la' week dat man spent two whole days tryln" to git his wife a Job!" Success Magazine. If you have anything to trade advertise Bee Want Ad page. WALTZING AT ARMS' LENGTH Dasclng Masters' Decree Calculated to Rob the Giddy Whirl of Ita Charm. The Chicago dancing masters are In re bellion. The United Professional Masters of Trancing of America have declared for the "squeezeless" waltz, and the local mas ters will have none of It. "What's that?" queried I. Woods, as hs was asked for an expression. "The squeezeless waltz." "Beg pardon, but I don't quits under stand." There was astonishment in the voice. ' "You hold your partner at arm's length." "How?" Mr. Woods has been teaching dancing for many years, but hs couldn't quite comprehend. "You hold your partner at arm's length." "Oh. I see. You catch her right hand In your left and you hold her left hand In your right. Then you shove her away from you" "Something like that." "Hay, It would never do to whirl j rapidly at the turns, would It?" "Why?" "Ever play crack the whip when were a boy? Ever serve as the tiill? member the sensation?" It certainly would be uncomfortable if It happened more than a dozen times in .me evening. "Couldn't squeeze her hand, either, could you?". Why not ?" "You'd be looking straight Into her eves. She might be a demure maid. Bhe might drop them." "And then?" "Well, only a mountain goat is surefooted when they can't see." "You don't seem to think much of the dance." "Not In It with the Chicago waits. Oh. the idea:' and Mr. Woods was much dis gusted. "You know the proper way to hold a young lady when you waltz? Place your right arm about her waist lrmly. but not too tightly. Not In the middle of ii,-r u,-, lui unoui ner waist. ion I bear-hug. It Isn't only Impolite, but It's, uncomfortable for the girl. Many novel ists hsve told of the short breaths. It Isn't love a I way. Sometimes the glii'a breathing apparatus Is cut off." An attempt was made to nee A. F Bur nlque. He wasn't In the clly. but fine of his aaslMants was. "Would the new way of dancing fee graceful?" nhe was a?ked. "Is a kangaroo?" she queried Chica too y-u Re-