TITE OMAHA DAILY REE: SATTTtDAY, JtTLY 14. 100(1 ) i.mi' inn Ttir r.nriT nnnn l,nl'' revolutionary ' f UK r. HIT.! ..imlnMmor. rc': R1DKC WHIP FOR RIOTERS Ihsfc T Affairo at Wuhineton Eajt Ko Discrimination in Alia. NATURAL ADVANTAGES FAVOR ISLANDERS Hotter Kaorrteaaa of als Aim II rips Japaaraa to foalral Tra4 of Maarharla, Whirls ta Valuable. il i ' I pi I .-. fLmrui In nr.lfr In consult With ir" . .., .a.. . . - , tbrn on ths h-t mrthnds of meeting the SUCM tl ISDim IDS i artOBUIJ W popular movrment, nl whiia a constitu-1 Preserr Order t Election. tkin had not born sranted, vn on paper, I the nnwrrful inullaha wrs Dressing th odvantss-os they had alreadr sained and MAG00N PROBES EVIDENCE OF FRAUD wcrs hopeful of attaining their enda. Charges of Liberals (hat Policemen Vat Illegally Foaad ta Ba Graaatfleaa bjr Got trier ol Eeaa. SENTELL DYING IN HOSPITAL a" WASHINGTON. July W.-Compliilnt" ahlrh hava hern made recently against Hm supposed discrimination on the part of the, Japanese rnllilnry authorities In Man rhiirla In fnvor of Jepm auhlecta In nllow lii(t thrm trade sdvantnes denied to mer- rl:ant fmm other countries were answered to-lny In a r'atement hy rn"n,or Mlysoks. row In clinrgo of the Japinesa emhassy here. "We nre anxious to leara of aperino cass of surh unfair play." declared Mr. Mlyaoka. "A rooU deal was heard recently shout the Irredeemable war notes with which tha Japnnese army had flooded the 90untry. making .trade difficult for the. forelgnera. but when the matter was Investigated It was found that these notes wer above par. That some of the porta have, not been opened sooner Is because, as at Palny, the embarkation of troops was continuing. It la a fair privilege for the army to per form these military operation unhampered by the presence of ordinary trading obsta cles. But whenever a town, such as Muk den, waa opened to civilian merchants at all it was opened on equ?l footing to the whole world. The Janxnese provision mer chants who have followed the 'army have not been licensed to trade with tha native population. Japanese Favored by Jlatnre. "The trade of Manchuria Is a prise worth possessing, however, and the Japanese merchants are certain to do their best to capture It. They havo too many natural advantages to need any unfair favors from the government. The lower cost of pro duction and the lower charge for trans portation from the home markets would be sufficient advantages. In addition the Japal ncse. merchants have a better knowledge of the needs and the ways of the people with whom they trade. They do not estab lish themselves In trenty ports in resldenoet and maintain a manner of. living wholly above that of their cuatomers, but they push out Into the country on foot, without ostentation, urging their wares In every possible way. The same tremendous ac V tlvlty Is going on In southern China. The r Japanese people have a heavy war debt to pay; .tney must prosper commercially in order to pay It. The energy with which military operations were prosecuted la now transferred to the peaceful pursuit of trade , and Industry. In that pursuit we are con fident of a fair share of success. Tha l maraet is close to us; we nave tne nrst ' call upon it; we ought to be able to win It. V. Will Keep Door Opea. "In this commercial rivalry with all comers, nevertheless, the imperial Japa nese government cannot and will not In- . terfere to the detriment of the policies of the open door. In which we are at one with the United States. No exclusive privileges can be granted to Japanese trade without undermining the principles of the open doo No such privileges have been or will be granted. Japan is unalterably committed to the group of nations opposing such ex clusive privileges. It Is possible that in the course of time a soltvereln may be ne gotiated between Japan . and Core. At present Japanese goods enter the country undvr the C'orean tariff on the same terms with all other goods." . ,' . MULLAHS ARE RESTLESS Religions Leaders of Persia Demamd Reforms Which Were Promised In January. TEHERAN. Persia. July IS. There is a recrudescence of political unrest among the Mullahs and divinity students which was noticed early in the year and it is exciting great uneasiness in governmental circle. The divinity student broke out Into active opposition to the authorities sterclay and forcibly released a professor who had been Imprisoned on the charge of using seditious language. In an affray a student was killed and two were wounded. Tha heads of clergy Immediately assem bled In the great mosque and Issued In sistent demands for the immediate grant ing of the reform previously promised In ' January. All the shops, except the butcher and S bilkers, are closed, the city Is patrolled by troops and the grand vizier and other mln , IMers who were in the country have hastity returned to their posts. Constant con ' ferenres of the authorities are taking place, . but the situation remains very strained snd nothing thus for has been done to ; satisfy the demands of the malcontents. according to dispatches from St. Peters- birg. January 22, a movement was on foot - in Persia to obtain a constitutional gov errment. A thousand merchants and mul lah suddenly left Teheran, the capital, as a protest against the government of the v shah and In a neighboring' Village took eteps to establish a representative, to he known as the "House of Justice.' over which the shah was to preside. The oiem- bei of this assembly wer to be elected i by the mullahs, merchants and land own ers: It wss to exercise administrative and legislative power and the equality of all . before the law waa to be proclaimed. On ; February I a dispatch from Bt. Petersburg English Railway Wreck May Clals Two Mar Victims from tailed States. WASHINGTON. July 1.-The recent elec flAL,I8Rl.RT. Englsnd. July 11 The bul- In Panama brought a new hero to the letln posted at the Inflrmsry here this attention of the IsUunus snd advsnced Al- morning announced thst Edward W. Pen- ca1o Lon Francisco de I.a Oesa to a post tell of Brooklyn. N. Y.. on of the pas- ,,f" scarcely less distinguished than that sengers Injured In the railway dissster of Governor Msgoon, who ws a coworker of July 1. was slowly sinking. "' ltn the alcalde of Panama In checking Robert 8. Crttehell of Chicago, 111., an- ,n election rlota. other of the Injured nassencers. Is not so Ak-ade de La Ossa'a conduct I de well as yesterday. Ill temperature roe scribed by a Panama paper thus durinr tha niaht. Orfly the ceaseless efforts of the alcsde ,-vrniru srrinus rioting. V lin course end uiesence of mind he rode In among the surging, struggling pack, clear ing a pa i ii py aid of his riding crop, ana Id Wilfred, eagerly. "They've got a nlrhname for me already." Mrs. Hosford shuddered and th Hon. Wilfred looked tern. "Do you mean to siy you enjoy being called 'Willy' or BUI?' " he asked. In his deepeet tones. "Oh, they've got a better name than those," said the boy, with a broad grin. "The smartest fellow In the class, Psndy I -sue, thought It up almost right off as suon as he hesrd my name. They're going to call me 'Sew Hoss'." Cleveland I-eder. Ifaastrker Leaves Steel Corporation. LONDON. July W.-Colonel Millard Hun s cker has resigned the management fit the " ver,llln failed to separate . . 0., two desperate nhters he would be able to Europesn agency of the tnlted States Steel get th)m Bpart by tb(, mlmplr bM mo,t corporation. It is understood that there effective device of riding between them hns been friction between Colonel Hun- perhaps i a compliment from nis rming a a is tl ia.i l' f-n-UII tTTI lUHlHlll. 11 ) M a ll'Hiwu sicaer ana james a. rarreu, presmeni oi tn.t wn.ev,r th() lckg ,nd brickbats the 1'nlted States . Steel Export company, were thickest he was present and his for ome time. Once before. It I stated. Mwieiy intervention nipped many a serious the colonel handed In his resignation for h bu'1 , . the eame reason and that W. E. Corey, ,uDr' Pab Arosemena. vice president of president of the Vnlted States Steel cor- th "pvbHc. who I. opposed to the con- ,, ....j.j , i. stltutlonal party now In power. Is credited poratlon, persuaded nim to withdraw It. .,. , . , , . ... But, In consequence of a further renewal 1 . ...v. -f.h.n..,rMrn.n.. in.i-v.r hi. vlng made violent speeche which In- of the disagreements, Hunslcker cabled his resignation, which this time waa accepted, flamed the liberals and were responsible for riot which resulted In three death and the serious Injury of eleven persons. Crooked Work Alleged. He charged that the name of 1.G00 lib. Dinner (or Bryaa. LONDON, July lS.-Becretary Rldgeley Carter of the American embassy and Mr. Carter aave a luncheon today In honor of I erals had been erased from the voting lists William J. Bryan and Mr. Bryan. Those and that duplicate votes were cast by the present Included James Bryce, the chief police. When these charge were laid he- secretary for Ireland, and Mr. Bryce: I fore Governor Magoon he went to Don Chancellor of the Exchequer Asqulth and Rlcardo Aras, the secretary of state, and Mrs. Asqulth, Henry White, the American the two official immediately called the en ambassador to Italy; John Morley, the tire police force together and questioned secretary of state for India, and Dr. Nan- the officer without finding evidence of sen, tb Arctio explorer, fraud. All day Governor Magoon moved among Freneh Dnellst Wonaded. the crowds, according to the newspaper PARIS, July 13. Lieutenant Andre, son I account, and wa greeted everywhere by of the general of that name, who was cries ot "viva" from the liberals. Late formerly minister of war, and Paul de In the afternoon after the voting was Cassagnac, fought a duel with swords this ended charge were made upon voting morning as a result of General Andre' booth by mobs, which tried to seise the nubllshed attacks on M. Caaaaanao. Lieu, ballot boxes and Invalidate the elections. tenant Andra was wounded In the right but wer baffled, and. according to reports of the riots, adopted the motto, "ll you see a head, hit It." Clubs and knives figured In the riots, which the policemen were unable to quell until after 6 In the evening. A policeman, overcome by his joy at the success of the constitutional party, finally cleared Central o'clock at the northeast corner of the main avenue, rushing through It at full speed, hall. Mr. H." G. Baldwin of Cleveland. O.. shouting, "Viva El Coblenno," and firing representing the Baptist Young Peo- a revolver In support of his cheering. t.1..' union north nn tha eTArntlva committee of the general society. ABSENT TREATMENT FOR FAKIR The conference took the form of an In formal discussion concerning questions of Baltimore Care-All, Convicted of D SEARCH F0RAGIANT FOSSIL Yale "Professor lias Small Piece aad Wants to geenro the Remainder. MEETEETSE. Wyo , July 13. (Pneclal.) With but the fragment or a fossil, picked up by a visiting easterner near the mouth of Grey Bgll river to guide him. Prof. J. I. Wortman. for many years field rurstor of Tale, Is exploring the valley of that stream In the hope of finding what he be lieves to be the largest specimen of the long extinct dlnosnrus. Several months ago a visitor from the national capital found what he thought was a peculiar stone on the bank of the river. He carried It home with him and Prof. Wortman saw It. Mar.y of the be-t specimens of prehistoric mammoths now In Central park museum were dlscoverod by Prof. Wortman, and the easterner's find caused him to Immediately outfit for a search for the burled remnins of this monster. With a force of men he Is now exploring the escarpments along the river In hopes of finding the huge fossil. "From the -size of the fragment," ald Prof. Wortman, "I am confident that tho discovery of the fossil from which It came would bring to light a much larger speci men of the dlnosarus than any yet taken from the fossil beds. Of course, our search may not bo successful, but the Grey Bull valley Is one of the richest fossil field- and the trip is sure to be a profitable one Many year of this sort of work has satis- fled me, but the exhibition of the fragment ary evidence of the biggest one yet set my blood to courslr.g faster, and I could not withstand the attraction." BAPTISTS RE-ELECT OFFICERS (Continued from Fifth Page. ) organisation in tho general union, as well as . aesocIaUonal, state, national and In ternatlonal, and the relations of each to the local secretary. The regular convention session was re sumed at I o'clock. The session waa pre- fraadlngr Cripples, Seat Tp (or Three Years. "Dr." Theodoro Whit of Baltimore ha been landed behind the bars of the Mary- ceded with an enjoyable praise and song nd "t8 Pltnttarjr. where hla trial service, during which Prof. Towner and proved beyond question that he belong. Mr. Maxwell sang most beautifully a duet. Considering the number of people that he iooieu ana uturauueu, aim in. vii.rui. of some of hi fraudulent practices, the "Speak Just a Word for Jesus," the con srgDat(nn 4iirtlnsT In the rhnrna Th .ervlce. -were opened with prayer three-year sentence and fl.BOO fine seem by Rev. H. B. Steelman of Osage, la. t0 be remembered that the tv ft ' J F.rmee of Brantford. o'nt.. speclflo charge on which he was tried was delivered the first addresa of tho after- the use of the United States malls In con- noon. Dr. Farmer is pastor of tho First nctlon with a cheme to defraud. The n.nti. hrrh of .hat eit and l. th. punishment meted out to him is for this Canadian representative on tha Interna- IO0 offen. The man', moral character tlonal Board of Manager. The men appear to be outnumbered 1 or lack of character the false hope that lie raised in the mlnda of . the Incurable .tw-., in. nn. M .nlfln .onnnnr t.ripj.1-.. wim ' I'swn as ha. been kept of the relative attendance tT' .,th' ' 1 2 influence of his of both sexes. Everywhere tho ey. is publications, the blasphemous combination u... th. wnm.n t h., t ridiculous Jargon with the names of the R8 PKODIC1SQ NEW BREED OF CATTLE Colonel Torrey geeks lailtatlon of the Buffalo Pelt. MEETEETSE, Wyo., July 13.-(Speclal.)-An entirely new breed of hornless cattle, known as "Butt'tories," Is attracting the attention of live stock men In th: county. The "Bufftory" is the creation of Colonel J. L. Torrey of Rough Rider fame, who has been quietly experimenting in the production of the new breed for several years and now announces the real object of hi endeavor the creation of an animal bearing a hide and hair closely resembling that of the now almost extinct buffalo. The herd of "Bufftorrles" now at the Embar ranch Is the result of crossing thor oughbred Polled Angus with the Bhorthorn breed, producing an animal with a dull, curly brown-colored coat that when taken from the "Buflftory" and tanned cannot bo told from a genuine buffalo robe. Several years have been required to produce this new breed. At first only a small percentage of the crosses were colored brown, and theae were separated from the others. Re cently three "Bufftorrles" have dropped calves all of the desired color and' the colonel Is now confident he has solved the problem of raising buffalo hides along with the usual amount of range beef. "This fali," said Colonel Torrey, " as soon ss the hides are prime, I expect to kill one of the animals and have the hide made into an overcoat for President Rooaevelt. It will be the first and only coat of Its kind, but within a few year "Bufftory" overcoats will be as common as the old buffalo ones were twenty years ago." cast. much mora in evidence than the men. The alumni and students of Grand Is Deity In his so-called seals and charms. were all brought out In the trial. "Not one land college held a brief Informal reunion Y1" f"?"0' PP"-' " the .. ,K. 11.. hnn.h th. ... .,1 e ut-i-ri.u.iii. . -fuusc oiuiiu urn III north corridor. Aside from the happy- greetings exchanged by old and present schoolmates, nothing of importance . was done. All who were present seemed very much delighted In meeting one another. At the conclusion of the meeting members of the college passed along the corridors, giving the college yell Rev. A. W. Lamar, D. D.. of Nashville. Tenru, who fifteen years ago was pastor of tha First Runt 1st church of this r.lt-r I " . , .. . , I Their, disclosures on is in ini vity, eiuppins wia Aior urana. Dr. Lamar will ba pleased to meet his many Omaha friends at the hotel.' passing sentence. But the judge, neverthe less, could consider only the one aspect of the case the fact that he was guilty of having compelled the United States malls to serve as an accomplice In his scheme to defraud. In many respects the trial was one of the most unique that has ever taken' place in Baltimore. The 186 witnesses summoned from north, east, south and west repre sented thirty-seven states of the union. the witness stand proved the "doctor's" scheme to have been one of the most colossal swindles ever at. tempted In this country. The man's own business records, showlna? an .nniimui MISSOURI AFTER GAMBLERS ot between 14.00O and ,000 persons in the courses of bis fake college of science, were Excelsior Springs Mea Iadleted for Rsaslag Games at a Health Resort. stop. 1 Indicative of the easy gullibility of a large proportion ,of the American people.' But It was not only the astonishing reve lations of widespread superstitious beliefs and human credulity that wer. mnrf. LIBERTY, Mo., July 11. A special grsnd after ris th.t h. .-li ,.' Jury her has Indicted several keepers of significance. It was the revelation, rather nmhllnr kniic. villi h.v. n...t . I ..... . . . . .1 mil was muae 01 tne possibilities of the the wstering resort at Excelsior Springs, mental and moral demoralise .inn .h.. and ths prosecuting attorney has notified bo brought about through the operations Governor Folk, at whose Instigation the of such a cheat and fakir as "Dr." Theodore ai.itu JU17 n.. vaiicu, ius inert i 1 white. ufficlent evidence to send a number of The most nltlful .tnrt.. tnM d..rin. those Indicted to the penitentiary. trta, wer. thol)a of th ln(Mlratll Following th holding of ths democ ratio whos l.n.. h. h.n r.i .. k... convention at Excelsior Spring. In Ma, m,.r,r h. had aecu'red' when he last tne existence of gambling was brought knew It waa bevond his HO WAT in Ks.lv, (ham tlmated to th. county officials that It must and women whose home, were wrecked through the agency ot the man', schemes, bis unattainable promises, among them his prediction of the presence of burled treas ures. There was that one, for Instance, of the home that was broken up down In southern Illinois through the wife's belief in tne doctor's "burled treasure" promises. But sad and tragic as these stories were! the revelation which other testimony gave of th Insidlousneas of the man's appeal to th baser instinct wer even mors appall-ing. The trial was an unusually rnaiiv .n. The government is credited with having spent nearly 28.000 In Us prosecution. But It was money well spent. It has not only cut short an exceedingly clever and equally Insidious scheme and landed the swindler In Jail, but It is likely to serve aa an .hi... leason also to all others who are mixed up In such practices. Baltimore American. Hie Klekaaaac. It hat been said that a boy who aoaa through school and college without a nick name must have lacked aom of th ele ments of popularity. The Hon, Wilfred uosrora ana m wire, however, did not be. Uevs In nicknames, nor did,-they Intend their boy to have one If they could pre. vent It. I was aaver knowa aa Will' or WMy said Mr. Hosford, with dignity, "and I see no reason why my son, Wilfred Bawtell ttoaford, should raceiv either of thosa runes or ths still mora objectionable on of Bill.'" Wilfred Bawtell Hosford was delicate for th first ten years of his life, and received his education at ths hands at a grava young tutor, we grew atrongsr as time went on. and at the ags ot U entered ths public school. On hi returning front th first seasloa he wss solemnly questioned by his par. ant a Tt boys ax going to tick id, I guess, " New Hospital for Yankton. YANKTON, July IS. (Special. )-.-Thls city Is to have a new up-to-date hospital, to cost 160,000, as the result of a recent busi ness meeting here In which Bishop O'Gor man outlined his plans for the chartering of a company and the issuing of bonds' to the amount given, the same to be taken up by Tankton citizens at a low rate of Interest. This city has maintained Sacred Heart hospital on Mount Marty for a num ber of years, and the building, which wa constructed for the use of the Benedictine sister and not for a hospital, has not been satisfactory. A new and commanding sit overlooking the river has been selected 'and work on the new building will be started aa soon as the business end has been put Into shape. The Institution will be made a state hospital and the Reriedlctine Home will be made the mother building of the state, which will mean the consolidation of the different branches over the state and will bring several hundred Benedictine sisters to this city. Why Refer to Doctors Because we make medicines for them. They know all about Ayers Cherry Pectoral, so they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak lungs, consump tion. They trust it Then you can afford to trust it Consult your doctor about it, anyway. Sold for 60 years. ---B-nwRBBsM.nawawawaaBW - Wc have no secrets Wc publish the formulas of all our medicines. aWaaaBaawaasassSMBaassBjsa Xaae hy tne . 0. Aye C... leweU, ataea. AUe SmSinim t aTTi'S lira nooi-r th hair. ATgg'g ruLS-Psr asarttsattea. AYSKS aABSAPAaULLA-Fer ths Moo. ATIg'g aOES CCEa-far awlana sad afia lovra Man Elndea Officers. BASIN. Wyo., July 13. (Special.) Harry Schard, cook at one of the Bur lington camp, who wa supposed to have drowned In tho Big Horn river three week ago, I alive and well, and it develop that the supposed drowning was but the part of a clever game of Schard to hide him self from Iowa officers, who have been on his trail for some time. Schard Is the son of a wealthy Iowa banker, and a year ago committed a crime in his native town. He Hcd and came to Wyoming. Thinking the officers were close upon hint he made a spectacular attempt at drown ing at dusk one evening. As several com panions saw him Jump into the stream, and as lie was not again seen. It was sup. posed he had drowned. He was seen a few day ago In Iowa. Postmaster la Jail, Office Closed. LANDER, Wyo., July IS (Special.) The patrons of the Bruce (Fremont county) postofflce are in a sore predica ment, being unable to get their mail be cause Postmaster W. W. Ehler Is in prison awaittng trial on the charge of murder In the -first degree, having killed T. J. rltorm, a sheepherder. Storm's body was literally filled with lead. No one can be secured to take charge of the postofflce, as there seems to bs an ill omen cast over tha place. The ranchers have appealed to the Postofflce department at Washington In vain for relief. alt Against Borsea. CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July IS. (Special.) The Wyoming agent of the Asmus Boy sen Mining company was today served with s subpoena citing hint to appear In the United States circuit court here on August 6 and make answer to the com plaint of William J. Broatch. Harry T. Clarke, Jacob E. House. Robert C. Wertx, Thomas Coughlln and Charles Wooffhurst, plaintiffs. In a suit Instituted soma time ago against the company. The point In volved is title to valuable mineral lands In the Shoshone Indian reservation upon which Boysen filed recently. WASHINGTON, July 13.-Ernst E. Ben son, auditor for the Isthmian Canal com mission, sails for the Isthmus today from New York on the steamer Colon. AN OLD and TVELL-TIUKD REMEDY. rna OVER SIXTT YEAS. MRS. Wing LOWS OOTHINQ SYRUP ku btB IW for Tr SIXTT YEARS tr MILLIONS ( MOTHRM-S fnr Ih.lr C'H ILI'RKN WHIUB TfcfcTM INO. WITH rtRFECT Sl ( I'KSS. IT b6THE4 III. CHILD, SOFT ENS lb. CIS, ALLAY all PAIN TIRES WIND COUC. as Is Ua teat r.mdr lor MAHKHOEA. Sol k liruifius la wr put ol tb. .oris a. ur. an tail tor MRS. WINSLOW'S bOOTHINO HYRl'P 44 UU a tkr U wu s hull 515.00 Colorado and Back SPECIAL TRAIN TO DENVER For the accommodation of passengers from Iowa ami Eastern Nebraska tho Burlington will run a completely equipped special train, . leaving Omaha Sunday, July 15th, at 4:43 p." m., and Lincoln 6:33 p. m., arriving Denver for breakfast Mon day morning. Reserve your sleeping car berths cither in the Standard or Tourist Sleepers early on account of the heavy volume of Colorado business to move on the special $15.00 ip.xcursion rate. Standard sleepers, $3.30; Tourist sleepers, $1.73 per berth. The destination of tickets at the above rate may be Denver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo. This train will make stops for passengers only at Lincoln. If your ticket reads going and returning over the Burlington it will be honored for the return journey on the Burlington's famous electric lighted Denver-Omaha flyer, No. 6, which leaves Denver at 4:35 p. m. and arrives Omaha at 7:10 a. m. Special descriptive folder, Colorado publications, berths, tickets, nil information in connection with your Colorado excursion from J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ! Wife ) I (Miwajji IIrBltlfItllrIlrIrlrOltSfltlltrllrlOarlTlrlrlTltlltlfIlf 5 H n SOMETHING ABOUT The Greatest Pen and Ink Artist in the World "J U ia H 5 H M - n 5 n 5 CITARLES DANA GD3S0N, the man who has made himself rich in a few years with his pen, has won his place by strict perseverance. His growth was gradual up to a CERTAIN POINT, and then he suddenly became famous. "Life" discovered his GREATNESS and for years he .worked only for that publication, until his fame became 'euch that many of the reproductions of his work sold for framing for as high aa three dollars each. About four years ago, Collier's Weekly made a contract for ALL OF HIS KEW "WORK, and Gibson's fame became an assured fact. It is the best selection from the DOUBLE PAGE CARTOONS DRAWN BY GIBSON, at this time, at the pinnacle of his greatness which are being issued now each week by The Sunday Bee. THESE PICTURES REPRE SENT THE GREATEST WORKS OF TIffi GREATEST ARTIST in black and white. His last pen and ink work has been done, for he has given up an income of $60,000 a year to take up studies' in color, and he is now abroad engaged in that work. The public will watch his new departure with the greatest of interest to see if he will even EQUAL the old work in his new field. In his former field, he stood ALONE, superior to all others. Formerly these pictures were only for the few who could afford to pay high prices for them. NOW THERE IS A NEW DEVELOPMENT in the Gibson picture situation. The pictures that graced the palace and the mansion can now be secured for the cottage and the modest home. a n M 5 M n m M 2 i 2 2 ; ! : . sJHi'Hi jiM&jMrmsmr M -l ' L..-...j. .rrs.a ,-., itr.rnti,nV'fi'n-H-tn . By Prmition COLLIIt'9 WHKLYf tspyntiut lit, t. F. CslUsr k & A CASTLE IN THE AI B. HI I M U m m 5 5 M THE SUNDAY BEE is now issuing a series of them,, like the above. The first picture issued caused people to SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE. Last Sunday's waa the talk of the town. Bear in mind that the picture reproduced above is printed upon a separate sheet of fine art paper, with a tinted background, of a 6ize suitable for an easel portfolio, or for framing if you desire. Nothing extra is charged for the picture. You get ths GREAT OMAHA SUNDAY BEE AND WITH IT THE ART SUPPLEMENT, together with a descriptive article in the eamo issue, the picture completing the 'scheme. There is absolutely no extra charge. The newsdealers could not supply all the orders for the last iissue because orders were not received in advance. Better tell your newsdealer about it if you want a fine Gibson picture next Sunday. The next picture, 6hown here in miniature, is one of his most famous pieces of work-A CASTLE IN TIH AL.t A story in pen drawing, that will appeal to every heart. No need of a dcription to give its meaning. It is a living lesson of "What is" and ' What might have been." 5 t m i