THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY H, 1906. ; i. i5 4. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertlseaseafe far thee erolaaae will be ttkfi aatll 13 aa. far the vealac edltlaa aa aatll t f. as. far the maralaar aa4 Baadar e-dltloa. Ron 1 1-Ze wl flrat laeertlaa, le wori thereafter. a4hlsT takes far lese tkaa anv far the flrat laser ttoa. Theaa advert leetaeata aneet be raa eaaaeeatlvelr. Advertisers, by reaeatlaat a ere check, raa have aaawera ad dressed ta a a am be re letter la ear m n . . Lmmmm mm addressed will ba delivered aa preaeatatlaa af J eheek. MISCELLANEOUS SUMMER SCHOOL BOYLES SCHOOL Every day enrollment day. Business, Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy and English. Catalogue free. Address H. H. Boyles, Prea., Boyles Bldg!. Omaha. Neb. R Mob WHERE TRUNKS ARE MADE. Trunks, suit cases and shopping bags. Ola trunk taken In exchange; repairing. FRELINO at 8TE1NLE. 419 N. 16th St. Phone Doug.-4996. OMAHA Bafa and Iron Worka make a spe cialty of nre escapes, snuiiers, ao aafea. O. Andreen. Arop.. 101 8. KMh St. r a SION PA1NTINO-8. H. Cole. 1301 Douglas. NOTICE TO GRAD , INGCONJRAC l TORS $5,000 yards earth to be removed at once to shape up property. For Information see UEOKOE k CO., 1901 Farnam St. R 925 14 TRY Kelly's Towel Supply. Tel. Doug.-3630. R 212 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co., 1919 Farnam. R 213 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. Doug.-1779. Res. phone Doug.-70H1. R 214 EL8A88ER & BRTCE, , Machinists, 317 South 12th St. Tel. BS37. R-215 XA1j IVCjlOg J4th et xeL Douf laa 2674. R M47 j'llyli TYPEWRITERS rented, all makes. 12 10. Sox Typewriter Co., 1822 Farnam. R M584 Julyl BUSINESS CHANCES DoYou Wish to Make a Change ' It you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to aell or ex- change m-rlte ua. GLOBE LAND AND INVESTMENT CO, Omaha, Neb., or Stoux City, la. Y M413 81 10-ROOM rooming house, full of roomers; good location. Address U 64. -care of Bee. V M758 PRIVATE sale of up-to-date drug stock, Nemaha Co., southeast Nebraska; well established; enlea from 150 to $75 per day; advlee with owner: - no trading stock;- will require about 66.000 cash. Ad- Bee. x ui 21 BALE A nobby restaurant In best southern iseb., doing a tine liusl- wani to move away. Address Y M706"l5x FOR BALE Physician's practice for price of office fixtures. In fine irrigated county, under government canal, in western rse braaka; good reasons. Address J 38, care Bee. . . Y M957 14x y areaa xi a. ' iitown. In . I ness, but y ' PARTT with well equipped office and es- tahllahed business, short time loans, etc.. KT a-ould sell or admit partner, who may be : . aiiiv or Siieni. Auaresa v.- O; wox tm, i : umuna. I M.b 16 INVESTMENT We have good Investment for small or large amount; good proposl r tlon tor man who can devote part of his time to Omaha office. N. P. Dodge tt ' Co., 1714 Farnam 8t, Y 9M8 13 ' FOR BALE at a bargain, a modern bakery - and confettionery, one of the best In , southwestern Iowa; 4,000 population. Ad drea K 2. care Bee. Y M!94 I6x , .PAYING newspaper for aale In town of .s s eo(t; bftter come and aee it lr you wain v; a bargain. AddreBa K 19. care of Bee. v: Y Mil lix A FINE ' opening for a general atock; building rente ror lis per month; excel lent crops. Address J 35, Bee. Y Mill 15 I HAVE some cah and want to buy a small grocery business. Address K 18, rare Bee. Y M127 15 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SODA FOUNTAIN, any slxe. 1818 Farnam W i!l ' '8HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO., best mixed pumt. Sherman et McCoitnell Drug Co. ' Omaha. w Ul HALL'S safes, new, 2d-band. 1818 Farnam FOR. SALE Empty ink barrels. Inquire of j. k. (Jampot at, me man room. y ou FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables; we lead the world In cheap bar natures; easy payments. Uruns rwK'k-tiaiK-uoiienaer, tu, 0. iviu hi. .... -M219 AVE buy everything ' In the furniture line Chicago Furniture Co., 'lo lodge. g-220 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir tlmbera, white basawood lor burnt work. 9a N 16th. Q 221 MILCH COWS. on easy terms. 43d and Center. W a-at BEND L'S your mall orders for drugs freight paid on 110 lots. Uyers-DiMuu Drug Co., Uinalia, W 2U REACHES 10.000 farmers; on 100 R. D. routes for aale. Rural Directory Co. Portland, Ore. Q fee Jyl4x MEDIUM size Hull safe; good condition li. ac K.. lauyH arnam. y-Mw CL'RKANTS and cherriea for sale. L. llvtn, aid and Military Ave. 'Phone Ben son 404. lix $85.00 PIANO (credit). Call at C Bee Bldg. for aale cheap, vl m FOR SALE An 885 Baldwin piano ,credit check won In contest; will 1 ell at bargHin. Address K 3. care Bee. Q 890 13 A THOROUGHBRED Jersey bull for aale. 2U8l 85thAve. ftr.M?!!?!9J? AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted to sell our popular poli ties, covering all accidents, disease and occupations, .something entirely new and Issu-rUby thia society only; easily under stood and eoaily aold; coat but k par annum each; large commissions paid Im mediately and .exclusive territory al lowed. Address National Accident So ciety, 820 Broadway, New Vora. Estab lished twenty years. J WANTED Hustlers for Nebraska corpora tion to vlait business men, road work, position permanent, bond and reference, avlf-addreesed stamped envelope for re ply, good pay, address H 35, Be. ' J-191 2 FIFTY dollars a month and extras; I will give for a man of good character aa my agent. Ult her salesman, farmer, mer chant or bauker may apply. Write Lock Box 15. Lincoln, Neb. J M743 14 WANTED A party to sell stock in a flrat class Nevada mining proposition that will bear the closest Investigation; good thing for right party; "erinan or oweoe pre (erred. A irese J 19. Bee. J-.M91 It I WANTED Ladles or gentlemen to sell ladies' embroidered shirtwaist patterns and also other novelties to the public; they ga like hot cakes; no investment: ran make $10 10 !15 dslly; don't tarry and lose a good thir.g; we answer all mail orders. Inquire of The U. 8. Embroidery . vVwtks. 8liih 81. J-Mjs x WANTED MALE HELP WANTBD-Clttr makers; I rollers and bunch breskers; lll psy the best of prices to go out of Win: will e'nd tickets Addresi II 12, care of Bee. B-MM5 WANTED Three men of good personal appearance; outside position; steady em ployment. C. F. Adams Co.. 1619 Howard St. B-X39 DRUQ stores bought and sold; drug clerk lnud. F. V. Kniest, 24 N. T. L B-Qn, WANTED Men to lesrn barber trade: 11 positions for every graduate. Top wages paid. Few weeks completes.' Course In cludes toola and positions. Can pearly pain expenses before completing, iiu or write Moler Barber College. Jl 16 Farnnm et. B M3S9 Julio 600 YOU NO MEN for firemen and brake- men; experience unnecessary: firemen 8KV, brakemen $) per month, with rapid pro motion to engineer or conductor. Hun dred of poaltlona open. Call or writ for particulars at once. National Railway Training Act n., 640 Paxton Blk.. Omaha., Neb. B-MS01 Augl WANTED Cigar makers. M. Anson. Caa B 564 Auglx per. yo. FOt'R carpentera for old railway line re construction work in Minnesota, sieaay work. Ship free fare today. General carpentera and tinners for ateady work In factory. Bweney's - Employment Co., 209 8. Uih St. B M704 TINNERS wanted. F. A. Spencer. 158 B 888 14 Broadway, Council Bluffs. MEN with teams, to sell line of medi cine. Star Med. Co., Charles City, la. B 9KAug8x WANTED A wideawake man to travel for large western firm; experience not neces sary, but must be sober, reliable and fur nish good references; poelrJon permanent with an assured good Income. Address, stating where laat employed. J 38. Ba office. BM965 15x WANTED Experienced man stenographer. Apply A. V. Brandeis, Boston store. B M969 14 WANTED Competent operating engineer to lane cnarge oi electric ngnt ana ice flant. Grand Island Electric tV.. Grand aland. Neb. B-M917 1 POSITION. FOR YOU Call and see us or write for partlculara. We are placing competent men and women In hlgn grade positions dally. WESTERN HBK. BOND ASS'N. INC. Dept. 840-41-42. N. Y. Life Bldg. B 120 14 WANTED Men to learn barber trade; the advantagea we offer save years of ap prenticeship; positions -waiting; top wagea; the ruali for barbera never so great; special offer now. Call or wrltu Moler Barber college. 111 Farnam Ht. B Mil 8 aug8x WANTED Steady, reliable young man. about 18, for city bookkeeper, wholesale house; answer In own handwriting, stat ing qualifications,, experience and salary wanted; references required. Address K 1. Bee.- . B M 115 16x WANTED A single man to work about house and barn. Applv to Ieonard Ever ett. 18 Pearl Bt., Council Bluffs, WANTED FEMALE HELP MIDDLE aged woman for general house work; good home and good wages; na tionality not considered; 613 4th St., Coun cil Bluffs. C-M946 WANTED Experienced shirt makers on power machines. Howell, Allen & Kauil, Denver. Colo . C M730 Julyl WANTED First girl, who Is a good cook: small family; large salary. Apply 1M7 Farnam St. . C-M974 UN1GRAPH shorthand, .1824 Farnsm - St., Omaha. C MZW juiyzj DRESS CUTTING and dressmaking taught by McDowell system. 1623 rarnam. . C M436 A4 . WANT experienced overall makers; steady empioyment, gooa wages. Aaartu un derhlll Mfg. Co., Denver, Colo. C 91 lJx WANTED Good girl for general house work. Mrs. C. H. Morton, im -ixortn n Bt. r-M843 14 WANTED Experienced trimmers. Apply Mrs. Bincmir. Millinery iiept,, j. j-eiran dels &. Sons. C M370 14' WANTED, a good girl for general house work, small family. Mrs. n. MCi-iananan, 1812 N. 40th St. C M4 WANTED Ladles' clothea lroners and ma. chine gins, city oieara iaunnry, in e. 11th. C MJ93 14 LADIES to represent us in each town and village, bulla up promaDie tea ana cones business: we trust you; write for par tlculara. Pioneer Tea and Coffee Co., Kb vedar Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. C 992 II WANTED Girls to learn to operate mi' chine. Puritan Laundry. 2s tn and Far nam. CJ0 1 WANTED A good cook. 632 B. 87th Bt. t 1UO I.ADIF.S to take orders for our teas, coffees, etc.; permanent ana prontaoie work for reliable peraona In each town and village: useful premiums giv.n with goods; good cash commissions to agenta. , Write Pioneer Tea and Coffee Co.. S26 Cedar Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. u 11( i WANTED At once, two waltresaea at Metropolitan restaurant, lizi vougias Bt. ; good wages; come at once. C 114 14x GIRL or woman for general housework In refined family, with few boarders; 85.00 per week. 2087 Harney tst: - C--MlSl 15x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Two good sollcltora; prefer thoae who have had experience selling' stereoscopic views: must ne sober, re liable and rood business getters; refer ences required; permanent position, good Inrome. Call room 6u3, Bee Bldg., from 2 to 4 p. iu L M968 16x WANTED Several first-class salesmen having established trade in Pennsylvania, Ohio. Illlnoi". Iowa, Nebraska. Montana Black Hills and the entire south, to sell Fleur De Us shirtwaists and shirtwaist suits. Apply Bronner Mfg. CO., Z20 w, Washington St., Syracuse, N. T.. WIW 14 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do. not find what you want In thli column, put an ad in and you will soon get it. Z-433 w 1 240 ACRES, improved, one mile from Buck- lin. Mo. , 208 acres, Pottawattamie county. Iowa. ISs acres, Pottawattamie county, Iowa. li0 acres, Pottawattamie county. Iowa. M acrea, Pottawattamie county, Iowa. For Merchandise. U. 8. SALES BUREAU. 304 Neville Block, Omaha. I Z-897 15 IF YOU wsnt to trsde for fsrm lsnds, Income property, stocks of goods, dwell ings, or In fact anything that you may have, write fir complete list of different propositions to J. P. Falter, Plattsmouth, Neb. Si M99 19 GOOD quarter aection of land near rail road in Deuel county, Nebraska; will trad same for good automobile. Lerew Land Co.. 205 S. 18th St. Z M124 1 WF.LL-IMPROVED quarter aection of land, near railroad, in Holt county, Ne braska: wish to trade aame for stock of merchandise or livery. .Lerew Land Co.. 305 S. 18th St. 7. M125 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE 85-room hoel. located in best southern Iowa county seat town of 8.000; price. 810.400; one third cash, balance long time, at 6 per cent; will trade for land; present owner not a hotel man. For complete descrip tion address K IT, care Bee. Z MU 15 LA ROE 8-story brick building, located tn good Iowa town, best corner in loan, renting for $2,780 annually, worth 44. 000. but will sell for $85,000 and take half In land, weatern preferred. Ad dresa K II. care of B-e Z Ml 21 16 LAW & COLLECTIONS t. W. Macfarland. N. Y. Doug. I Bldg. Tel. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, Doug. Idb. 41$ N. Y. I Tel 8M Do You Suppose The Its And The FOR RENTFURNISHED ROOMS DEWET European hotel, 18th and Farnam. E-2J3 Doilg. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks B-ai Thurston hotel; rooms tJ.60 up per week. E 235 FOR RENT I or I beautiful rooms, fur nished . or unfurnished, very central. Woodjard Art Co.. 618 Broad wsy.' Co.' Hluff a. E M125 CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave.. soutn riont, rooms with or without oonra. e Mm FINE front room, walking distance, r!1 modern; gentleman preferred. 823 N. lDli. E-51rt 14 I -NICELY furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. . E-2 13 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Doug. 611 0. M. E. Haul Trunks F-34 VIENNA taotet; private dining rooms, cafe. F ssi UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT CENTRA!.; 8 rooms; bath. TUard. 220 N. no. U-MUl CENTRAL, t rooms, bath. Tlaard, 22) N. I3d. U M608 FOR RENT HOUSES WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 162. Bchmoller at Mueller Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam. D 38 TTHTTKiTK'n 'l parts of the city. The IlUUOMy, F. Davis Co., but Bee Blag. ilUUOHOc pete7; Co.. Bee Bldg. u zw HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Bk. THE Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack. move and store H. H. goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 1668. D 842 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. Doug. 14M. umce, ins wen ter Bt. . D 243 SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west. we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. fat N. Sixteenth Bt Tel. Doug. 1195. D-244 CENTRAL, 4 or 6-room flats. Tlzard. 220 IS. TM. vaui AMERICAN TRANSFER CO., household goods stored; dry rooms, low prices. rPhone 1052. 1106 Farnam. . D M338 Jul28 SEVERAL at 818 to 826. Cbrls Boyer. 22nd and Cuming St.; 'phone Doug. 204'). is A.'. H. Hennlngs. Harry O. Counsman. HENNiriOB-COLMIMAn K-J. Storage and Transfer. Beet Storage House In' the City. Immediate Attention Given. 1628-H-M N. 16th BU xei. uoug. ai. D M389 JulyJl FOR RENT -room apartment In the Al bion Flats, strictly modern, janitor Ice. 132.50. ... 2408 Emmet St., 7 rooms, strictly modern, nice large yard- and Darn tn connecuun. tan . . i 2201 Locust St., 7 rooms, modern except JCur- nace, nice, large corner lot, .., PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor. N. Y. T-. Bldg. STORAGE d" ."?.5-iSS D M669 Aug5 COTTAGE. 830 per mo. 2501 Franklin St. D 708 FOR, RENT 8-room modern house on 28th St., near jackaon. uooo conumun. "c" 837.50. Will be vacant about August lt. M. J. Kennard & Co., 3u-W .jl; FURNISHED HOUSE FOR SUMMER An elegant 8-room house in West arna m district ror rent mrawnu mi - - guat, September, inquire lor i-""f; R. C. Pctera at Co Bee Biag. D M907 FOR RENT 6-room modern house, with large barn. 822. Location, 2618 G street. South Omaha; vacant now. Address R. A. Krebbe, 121 Exchange Bldg. 'Phone A 894. P-MW 2581 Harney. 6-room flat, new, all modern, 836 per month and water rent. Haatlnga Heyden, 1704 Farnam St FOR RENT 8-R. house, moaern ex. iur.. him. fine snape; s:flo ji 011 1- cv., m ro r line immeuiaie punmw'i .tso New -R. strictly modern house; finished Aug. 1; 28th. near Parker; $2... 6-R cottage, modern ex. fur.; 25th and Parker; July 25; $18.00. r ' W. G. SHRIVE R, 102$ New York Life Bldg D M11S15 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT Deak room In Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 8tn St., eoum uraara. Apply to manager. I 184 NO EQUAL, laundry, drug store. Tlsard, 220 N. 23d. I-MH09 STORE ROOM for rent, 408 8. 15th, Or- pheum Theater uiag. uyoau, uu iu laa. I-4 SUITABLE for retail, wholeaale or manu facturing; 22x100; 3 floors and basement; 10 Farnam. Inquire 814 First Nat. Bank Bldg. 1105 N. 18TH ST., $16 per month. Bemls, Paxton Block. 1-983 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room with board, for man and wife. In private family. Address K 10, Bee. K-M104 14x FOR SALE FARMS FINE FARMS AND RANCH LANDS, UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. ht closing out Its lands in western Ne braska. Colorado and Wyoming. From $8.00 to $5.00 per acre. Take advantage of the low prices and easy terms offered, the opportunity will soon be gone. Special excursion rates to the lands. For further information apply to UNION PACIFIC LAND AGENCY, $18 South 16th St., Omaha, Neb. H 589 14 1.800-ACRE Wyoming ranch, 800 acrea Irri gated, good Improvemecta, near markets, plenty water, cheap for cash. U; B. SALES BUREAU. 804 Neville Block, Omaha. H-800 IS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming; low prlcea; ten years 11 me. una ijp l V. P. R- k. Omaba. Neb.. Dept. "A." H 4S HORSES 'AND WAGONS FOR SALE ONE nalr fine matched -vear-olda, weicht also smaller horses. Apply 'CJ Nicholas. P-UW 14 TWO spring wagons. Apply 808 No. 16th. J-M4 14 I Bee Could Keep Advertisers Unless It Gave Good Results? Bee Has Accounts That Have Run for Years. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE Acres for Sale Why not buy a few acres near Omaha while prices are one-halt to one-fourth what they were fifteen years ago? Florence Heights The high, sightly, beautiful hills in the north part of the city of Florence, about seven blocks north of the end of the street car line, have been sub-divided and are now be- ; Ing offered in tracts contain ing from two to five acres at from CSn to 1300 per acre, cash, balance easy, terms to ult purchaser at C per cent. . Eight of these small tracts are already sold. Several beautiful homes will be built , tn Flor-. ence Heights. Plats with . prices and full information can be had at our office. Benson This Is one of Omaha's most thrifty suburbs, and has now about 2,000 population. We offer 20 acres Joining Benson on the north with small house for $160 per acre. Also 80 acres for 8126 per acre. Irvington Farm 156-acre farm near Irvington, about 10 miles .northwest of Omsha. 8100 per acre. West Dodge St 480 acres on West Dodge; macadam road runs through land. Many ' high, sightly beautiful places on land for ' building country homes. Owner refused 8300 per acre over twelve years ago. Our price now 8150 per acre. Terms fav ' orable. SO acres high and fine on Dodge at., 8150 per acre. ' 80 ( acres not far , out on Dodge. $360 aet acre. On Center. St. Road 84 acres with improvements that cost over $4,000, Including water system, large reser voir, etc.; fine. young orchard, about IS acres alfalfa, about; 4',-i miles out; $200 per sere. 30 acres on'. Center. 8t., a little further out, 8126 per acre. ' South Omaha. , Tracts containing from 1 to 5 acres . southwest of South Omaha; $150 to $300 nr acre. For further- Information re garding acre property, near . Omaha call on or address , , GEORGE eV CO., . '. . W01 rarnam St. . , - ,r--' ' . RE 102 18 ACREAGE We have two very beautiful 6-acre tracts' Inside the' city limits, mile from the "car line, within 44 of a mile from where lots have just sold for $300 a lot, which we are offer ing for $350 an acre, or $1,700 for 5 acres; $250 cash and $10 per month, with Interest at, the rate of per cent. - These are bargains 'and . will go quick. , Payne Investment Company, 1st Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg., Tel. Douglas 181. RE-M871 14 SIGHTLY IiOTS JUST WEST OF FORT OMAHA. NEAR AMES AVE. CAR LINK $S0 TO $160; $10 DOWN. $s PER MONTH; NO INTEREST, NO TAXES. FREB DEED TO YOUR HEIRS IN CASE OF DEATH. WILL 8HOW YOU ANY TIME. U. 8. SALES BUREAU. 804 NEVILLE- RE 89 16 Two Fine Lots Each 48x128, located at northwest corner of 36th and Cass streets. They lie very nicely and are In an excellent neighborhood. Price, 81.1(0 for both lots. J. M. Rose, 2020 Harney St. RE 941 lSx , NORTH END Two blocks from 24th St. car. 'nearly new. o-room cottage; tnree rooms and hsll on first floor, 2 rooms and bath on second; best of plumbing; full sired cementod baaemant; In good neighborhood, and a bargain at $2,400. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1320 Farnam. RE M901 14 TRACKAGE aV fine piece of trackage property, 147x28V on U. P. track, at 6th and Jones S'a $12,000 will take it for Immediate sale. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Ufa Bldg. Rg -469 SAMPSON & SONS, 608 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 2S&0. BUY, SELL, AND RENT PROPERTY. , RE-MMS EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Large lot, south front, permanent walks, barn. - $300 cash, easy payments; $2.750. . , NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO., Douglas Block. ' RE M938 14 EAST front lot on 86th, close to Fsrnsm, for sale cheap to any one who will build nice home. STRINGER. 41 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglaa 4327. RE-901 THE MIDLAND GUARANTEE AND TRUST COMPANY Has the reputation of making the beat abatracta in Omaha. Always get figures from them before ordering. Cell st our ofhee. 1714 Farnam St., or telephone Douglas-Si. N. P. DODGE. JR.. Prealdent. PETER J ESSEN, Secretary. RE-997 13 LOT on 24th St., Just north ot Vinton; been asMni $650; owner is In city j for few days and want an offer. V. H. GATES. , R 617. N Y. Life. RE 101 II FLAYS $300: on 8th save., jast south of 8 prague. cash or terms. Kendis, ft Na. Uta. RE-M100 Ui FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOOK AT THESE FINE SIGHTLY LOTS Grsmmercy Park, at 4Mh and Military Ave., on the wsy to the Country club. We are exclusive a genie: for a number of lots In this addition and can sell them at t.'i'"0 )Hh; -ICS down and $." a month without Interest. On a paved street and car line and with city water connection. PATNB INVESTMENT COMPANT. 1st Fl. N. Y. 1 Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781. RE 110 10 NEW 8-ROOM KOUNTZE PLACE HOME No. 119 tjithrop St., hss 4 bedrooms and bathroom on second floor and 8 large rooma and reception hall on first floor, finished In oak. full cellar, strictly all modern, paved street, close to car, ready to move Into. Hastings & Heyden . 174 Farnam St., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. R-107 13 2 5-ACRE TRACTS i miles from csr line, worth $S00 per acre; we offer them for a few days at only $359 per acre, or $1,700 for 6 seres; $0 cash and $10 payments; snap;' first come get tlrst choice. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. 1st Floor N. Y. Life Dldg. Tel. Douglas 1781. RE him 15 FOR SALE--room, all modern, large south front lot. 2424 Maple. RE M923 15 rHK J. FRED KERR COMPANY'S AB STRACTS OF TITLE are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when jrou buy a "Kerr" abstract. 100 N. Y. Ufa Bids. 'Phone Doug. 2244. CHOICE LOCATION TO BUILD A HOME $750 Full size lot adjoining on the west of 4232 Farnam; only vacant lot In block facing south; nice homes on either side; a rare opportunity; don't miss it. THOS. F. PAYTON SOLE AGENT . 410 BEE BLDG. RE 119 14 Physicians and Surgeons rVe have for sale at a sacrifice a fine old home in a thickly-settled part of Omaha and good-neighborhood that is just the place for office and home combined. J. H. Dumont & Son, 72 N. Y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 12(9. RE 112 14 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS VACATION MONEYI EVERYBODY NEEDS IT. And this is the place to come and get It Don't let money stand In the way of en joying yourself when It can be so easily obtained at this office on HOUSEHOLD GOODS, PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS, etc. SPECIAL RATES ON SALARY LOANS. We have a good proposition to offer those wno wisn money to tide tnem over vaca tion period. Call and be convinced. RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 307-308 Pazton Block. X-MS11 14 OUR LOANS our employes are well Informed and courteous and we are always pleased to explain our manner ot loans. We tell you to the cent what the cost will be, and If you conclude that It will now pay you to borrow, there is no harm done. We loan on furniture, pianos, live stock and other chattels and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. We offer you rates as low as you will nnd and our facilities for quick ana con fidential services are unsurpassed. We are the oldeat concern iu our line In the city, and we always, try to please our patrons. OMAIIA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY 119 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2136. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, cows, etc. . neea, o. imn. Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., Advances private money ou chattels o salary. Easy to gel no red tape. You get money asked for at email cost, open evenings tut i. jl iub CHATTEL and salary loans. Credit Co.. w3 Paxton Blk. Phoenix EAGLE Loan Omce, reliable, acommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug, X-S57 DR. PRIBENOWS PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary horses, etc.. In any amount, at less than half the rate; uo red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In cuae ol sickness or out of employment. Room Zlt Karbacn Blk., M b. 14th St. X O MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy uy ' ments. Offices in 58 principal cities. Toi man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. X-26S FURNITURE, Live Duff Green Loan Blk. Stock. Salary Loans. Co., room 8, baikcr X-2 CHATTELS, salary end jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam Bt. X-.til PATENTS H. A. BTUROE8. registered attorney; pat enta; trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less luccewim. 011 i-t.. i. aiv, wumiiu. -224 V. J. TjkRSOK A CO.. Detent lawyers patent book free. Bee Blilg., Omaha, Neb. EHARPR MACHINE WORKS Patents Drocured. inventions developed, drawings patterns, castings, machine work. 04-&3 B. 10th Bt. -Z2 PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Na tional Investment Co., 53 Douglaa Blk. Hilt Aug5 FENCING I WIRE end Iron Fencing. Hitching Posts, -1 - Wire Trellis. Omaha Wire and Iron Works. 07 Bee Bldg. Tel. Red-t a. M91 A ANCHOR and Tron Fencing: Wire Tencing ec per foot. 205 N. 17th St. Tel Red Ui -M978 All PERSONAL PILES CL'RfcD WITHOUT AN OPERATION ALL kinds of piles cured Internal, external, blind, bleeding or itching plica. A guarantee glten in every case treated by Dr. Max well, who haa had twenty-live yeata' ex perience in treating pllea Hundreds of t'silmonlsls given on application. &.'4 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 1 hone Douglas HI4. U-M4-J0 FAIR, healthy, satin skin beat skin cream and Satin akin pn rtmrMtl f.V HiltlA powder. D6o. i ANY POOR GIRL In need ot a friend call cr write to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3S24 N. :'lth St., Omaha, Neb. U-MM0 TRY Ka.LLY'8 2520. tundry. 'Phone Douglas DR. ROY, Chiropody. R. 1 3. 1505 Far nam. U i PRIVATE confinement home; Mrs. Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st St. Tel. Doug. PI F A T I N f"i BuuHucWtii,' t Lbn 1 IHVJ Knibrolderlng, Dyeing and Cleaning, Sponging and Shrink ing, only per yard. Send lor price list and sample. OOLMAN PLEATING CO.. SCO Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas U-Z79 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM. Tel. Doug. 264. 211 B. lltb Si. U-280 PRIVATE home during confinement. Mrs. uaracn, gm inaries. lei. t'oug. wii U-2S1 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off clothing; in fact, anything Tou do not need. We collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call Phone Doug. 4135 and wagon will call. U 611 RUPTURE CURED Our new ELECTRO HAUAMU treatment cures rupture in SO to HO days without pHln or detention from business. Our "Homo Treatment," after one visit to our offices, enables you to cure yourself at hotm-. Write fpr free booklet or call at ' our offices. The QUICK CURE RUPTURE CO., 611 Wood men of the World building. U FREB medical and surgical treatment at (jrelgnton Medical College, 14th nn.1 Davenport Sta. Special attention paid to confinement cases. All treatment su pervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 Af AlTNFrTf! Osteology, female weak JAAUl11 x ness treated. Mrs. Rlt- tenhouse, 410 N. 16th 8t., room 2, 2d floor. U MNd jyie THE City Garbage Co. Office. 14th and Leavenworth sta. Tel. Douglas 1387. U-J82 PRIVATE home during confinement; ha- Dies aaoptea. ine Good Samaritan san itarium. 728 First Ave., Council RlurTs, Aa. lei. v4. u ta SURVEYING, Blickensderfer, $12 Bee Bldg. OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 284 Af AiTW-TTn treatment A bath. Mine. aAaa vjs a 1 -a a A Smith, 118 N. 15. id floor, U M938 AuglOX SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall: cut prices. Bend for free cstalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co., Omaba. U 286 WE RENT sewing machines at $1 cer w?ea: wo sen aecona-nana macmnes 90 up. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner 16th and Harney, iti. uougias itxs. u 2s DR8. VOGEL, private hospital for women ana ror laaies Derore and during confine ment, aiv a. lain bi.. umana, Neb. U M466 Jy firs-V TTair1"011 10 youthful color r.f ltljla na XT ',A TT UU 4m MAGNETIC Massage, 41$ N. 16th St, second floor, room t. tT M149 Jy25 , MARCEL WAVE, manicuring, facial mas sage, iutie tiryant, sis tsee 4ldg. U M148 Jy26 CHIROPODIST S:nf Halrdresslhg, manicuring, massaging. We use exclusively latest appliances. U M371 July$9 LADIES, If despondent or in trouble are given sympathy, counsel and aid." Room z, to. so. lath St., Omaha, Neb. U MSP AX MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men. "Grey's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, postpaid. Sherman & Mcuonnen Drug Co., omana. 887 DR. PRIES. Wlthnell Blk.. 16th and Har ney. room z. 1 reats successfully diseases and Irregularities o women, recent or long standing. Doug. 3768 643 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam, 6 and 1 per cent loans on real estate; no delay. TT Q MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W a4 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co., ItM Farnam St. W-286 BUILDING loans on residence property; $ ner en W. R. MolUle Haimra HIW W-26 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-2J7 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1520 Doug. w ton 81.000.000 TO LOAN on business and real dence property In Omaha; lowest rates: no delay. 1 nomas tsrtnnan, R. 1, N. X. Life. w ti WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co, W-270 City & farm loans. O. F. Carson Co., N.Y L w m LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. ' W 27 PRINTING LTNfiSTAD High Grade 1907 Calendars. innvf B- E corner 16th St. and k. tfumu, capltol Ave. 248 ENGRAVING and printing. Kotera Co., 1510 Howard. Tel. Douglas 2U07. -28 TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS. CENTRAL PRINTING CO., 110 8. 17TH. 51 All) CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEAPINO PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South lath Bt.. upatairs. Reaultful prediction absolutely given. 8227 MRS. FAUST, reliable palmist; honest advice on all affairs; ladlea. 60c: gentle men, $1. 108 Cuming. Tel. Douglas 41?J S MLT1 15X PLUMBING BUY plumbing supplies direct. Wholesale prices. Save on every article. Only first class goods handled. Prompt attention to every order. Send for catalogue. B. F. Karol, Z3o Harrison bi . t-nicugo. 111. -M987J CONSULTING ENGINEERS L. H. GARDNER. 611 Flrat Nat. Bank. Power planta. manufacturing proceases, - Ice plants, tests, Inspection, reports. -M9C4 All WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY. SECOND HAND FURNITURE, atovea. carpets, -clothing and shoes. Pay the oesi prices. Tel. Douglas-3971. N MM8 Aug6 LOST LOST Gold brooch. In shape of a knot. Reward on return to Bee office. Loat-Mrrx MONUMENTS Great Western Granite Co. Douglas 4W1. -118 JyM DEATH NOTICES ANDERSON-MARY. Julv 12. 1. at th family home. .91 Oak street, heloxed wife rf Chsrles J. Anderson. Funrral Saturday at 9 a m.. July 14 from Salem Lutheran church. Twenty third and Vinton streets. Interment laurel Hill Cemetery. Friends Invited. LEWIS-James W.. Julv 13. 1W, aged 71 years 4 months, of apoplexy. Funeral Sunday afternoon et 8 50 o'clock from the residence of hla son, Charles A. Lewis. st. Mary's avenue. Interment, Forest l,n. AUTOMOBILES FIVE-PASSENGEP. touring car. fully equipped, standard make. 190ft, good aa new; also l-h. p. runnhout. fine condition; will sell ft,." lash or real estate. Address J 44, Bee. M!79 AUTOMOHILER for rent. Tel. Red i22. Stand Myers-DHlon. 16th ind rarnam 372 JulySOx DRESSMAKING Woodruff A Arnold. 318-14 Neville blov . M753 JyTO M'DOWELL SCHOOL DRE8SMAKING. e.,vt 1 'itB - r b i iiniii, m v: j y TICKET BROKERS CUT-RATE railway tk-keta everywhere. f. H. 1 niioin. imt rarnam. i-none Iioug. 784. 231 FLORISTS L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. Doug. -2!0 12&8. GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR- tlllery Horses Chief Quartermaster Offloe. Omaha, Neb., July 14, lS.-8ealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m., central stand ard time, July 2. icon, and then opened. Ir the presence of attending bidders, for onr hundred and one 41011 Cavalry Horses, and forty-nine 14P) Artillery Horses, for delivery at Omaha, Nebraska, or other prominent railroad points. The animals to conform to specifications for cavalry and artillery horses. 1 nlted Statea reserves right to ac cept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Partlculara and blanks for proposals will be furnished on application. Envelopes containing proposals to be In dorsed "Proposals for Horses," and ad dressed to Major M. GRAY ZALIN8KI, Chief Quartermaater. J14-14-M-27 HOT SPRINGS, SO. DAK., JULY U, lflOO. Pealed proposals will be received at office of Treasurer. Bnttle Mountnlh Sani tarium, N.'H. D. V. 8.. Hot Springs. So. Dk., until 12 o'clock m.. August 4. IfOfi, and then opened, for furnishing and deliv ery of coal in accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank propoaala and other information, may he had upon application to W, A. TUCKER, Treasurer. RAILWAY TIME CARD tmiOlf STATION TBHTH AHD MABICY. Oaloa Paella. Leave. Overland Limited a t:40 am The China and Japan . Fast Mall t 4:11 pm Colo. A Calif. Ex a 4:18 pm California Ore. Ex.. .a 4:26 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all Jo am Fast Mall a 1:65 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 am North Platte Local a g:10 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm Chicago areas Weetavs. St. Paul Minneapolis. $40 pm Arrive. :11pm a 1:1 pra a 9 80 am a 6.10 pm a!0:46 pra a 8 80 png a 1:44 ara a 4 M pra b 8:00 pm TU0 an UN pm M am 11:50 pra 8:89 pm St. Paul Minneapolis. t:46 am Chicago Limited - :40 pm cnicago express i:a am Chicago Express 1:80 pm Cities go at NaraWOTaeterau Local Cedar Rapids ....a T:06 am Chicago Daylight a 8.00 am Chicago Limited Jt 8:88 pm Carroll Local a 4:32 pm St. Paul Fast Mall Sioux C. eV St. P. Local, b 8:00 pm Fast Mall a 8:0 ore" U.80 pm i:U am :50 am 7:05 ara a : am i:o pm Chicago Express a 6:5tr pin -a 7:30 am Chlcaao Limited all:00 Dm U:Uam MorfoiK at uonesteei ....a 7:eu am 10:86 am ' 10:86 am 6:06 pra . : pra I. -08 pm bU:40 pm 8:46 pa Lincoln Long tne ..a 7:40 am Caaper e Wyomlnig ....a 8:0ft pm Dead w cod aV Lincoln ...a 8:01 pm Hastings aV Albion b :0 pm Fremont-Albion b 4:02 pm Chicago Local all:80 am Chicago, Bilwaskts Chi. eV Colo. Special... at- PaaL 1:66 am a T:80 am California Ore. Ix...a l:4s p a 8:10 Dm Overland Limited a :- cm a 9:80 am Marlon tt Cedar R Loc.b 6:45 am bil:00 put Chloaga, Raelc Islaael aV Paolna. EAST. aeave. Chicago Limited a l.Jb am Iowa Ivocal a 7:00 am Chicago Mall a 8:16 am loa Local blj:lto pm Chicago (Eastern Exp ). a 4:05 pm Chicago Uowa Limited). a 4.46 ym tVESl. Rocky Mountain Llm..a 7:20 am Colo. St Cal. Express... a 2:01 pm Okl. & Tuxas Exp a 4:40 pm Colorado Fast Mail ...al0:10 pm Arrlva a uo ara a AM pm alO:io pm b 8:66 pa a 1:46 pm aU.lo pm a 3:1 am a 8:55 pm 11:06 pm a 1 jm am a dally, b daily except Sunday. Illtaala CeatraA. Chicago Express a 8:00 am Chicago Limited a :00 pm WnMia, St. Louis Express a ( SO pm St. Loula Local (from a $:6 pm a 7 J0 am a 8:4 am alO.aO pm bU JO am Council BluSsj a :i am (from ......b 6:00 pm Stanberrjr Local Council Bluffs) MUaoarl fl St. Louis kxprese .a 8:00 am K. C. tfc flu L. Avxpieaa.aU :15 pm a J0 pm a t:09 pa SHJRLINCTOM STATIOn tVTU a HA SO 18 Barllagtea. Denver St California. Black HllU Northwest Special.... Northwest KxDreas.. Leave. .a 4:io pm .a 4:10 pm a 4:10 pra Arrive, a 8:80 pm a : pm a 9:0 am - t -M pm a 1:40 pm ,at:iu pn Nebraska Expreaa Nebraska Local ,a :io .a 8:00 an Lincoln Local Lincoln Fast Mall , Ft. Crook 4k Piattsm'b a 9:05 am al$:M pm bl0:i am a s:30 am a 740 am a 8:80 am I M pm a 7:2 am 3:56 pm 7Jam 10:5 pro ell JO am a 41 am a :u pa .b 8:00 pm b 3:60 pm .a 1:6l pm '.a t M am .a 9:10 am A 1-Jm mm .a 8:46 p- .a pm .s 8:1 an. BeUevue 4k r latum n. Denver LltUtea Belle vue a Pae. June.. BeUevue Pao. Juno.. Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa Local St. Louis Express Kansas City-St Joe... Kansas Cliy-bt. Joe... Kansas City-Bt. Joe... a 4:4 pn a!0:4 pm a 9:15 ara a 4.46 pm WEB1TKR DEPOT 10TH a WIBITER Chlaagra. t. Paal. BUaaeaaells a tlsaaaa. , Leave. Arriva. Twtn City Passenger.. .b 4 80 am b 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger... a 3:00 pia aU:20 sm Emerson Local b :20 pm b 9:10 am Emerson Local e :4t am a 1:50 pm Mlasoarl Paelfla. Nebraska Local. eia Weeping Water t 3 JO pm 61IJI pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 4 Deity except Saturday, e Sunday only. Dalit except M-jnday. OCBAN ITEAHEHI ANCtfnn ukb tr. a Man, rraUMSittM. KCW YORK. LONOONDgagT AND OI.ASOO. Ngw loka. rALus o HArui ucrier acr nSinns, uosiual tms. Tae salon ei ssawucsrs ssntollr B" er reea4-tii tlcaele lame fcstwssa " Ikoue. gi.s'lsk. iruk u all pri.-ipl elljs- fteiau at altnctlee ntw Si lr el lea Y tisaeta er ssl lalraMa swlj ImsI agsst e( taa An.o Ui, te ktaHOaaaual feHOe , oa'l assau. CSiuas. IU- lalllal Railroad Wreck. BASIN, Wyo.. July 18. (Special.) Bsslnites witnessed the unusual spectacle of a railroad wreck for the first time yes terday. The railroad was completed to Basin a few days ago and almost the first train that came In was wrecked In the yards. Conductor Jsmes Conslandlne re celved a broken rib. Engine No. 137 and a pilediiver were demolished. , Mortality -tit 1st Ira. The following births end deaths have been reported to the Board of Healt h" during the ta-enty-fpur houre ending at noon Friday: Rlrths Charles A. Brush. Maoderson, bov; f Ox Carlson. 861 Chicago, girl; Wil liam ( hnstlanaon. 333 Parker, girl; Wil liam J. Dolsn. ?9 Lindsay avenue, girl; Martin J. McEroy. S7'l Msnderson. girl. Ieaths- August II Hennlngs. 3)4 Daven port, 4; Mary Anderson, Oak. 85: Mary Schrneder, 1M0 North Seventeenth. 0; LIs sie Smith, Z217 Pacific, 44; June LeVaugta, 11 SauLb TwenUr-AfiA, I month. - K y vi 4) & J ,