THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1JHV. 11 etmtk end ut and Imbedded Itself several Inches Into the concrete of the first floor. BRYAS FITS LINCOLN FIRST ( lily OeariDKBB I 1ct9 Writes to Vsjor Pahlmsn About that Reception on Eii Arrival. HOME CITY MUST HAVE PRIOR CLAIM FIVE MILLIOS INCREASE Advance in Real tod Personal Property ia Douelu ' County. REED REPORTS TO THE STATE BOARD Tetal Aaeoaat Over Ob Ht area Million, Bproftl Lota BrlsuclnsT Vp the ittrrtKt, .1. 'J f An increase of IS.40t.t4S In the valuation of Douglas county real and pergonal property la shown by the report of County Assessor H. D. Reed to the State Board of Equalisation, which he has Just com Vpleted. The total -valuation of real estate In the county la 1100,829,346, which la an In crease of more than I2.non.000 over last year, when It Was IW.a2.2ao. The raise In values comri entirely In the Item of Im proved lots, the Increase there being about l-.iOO.ono. This le decreased In the total by the two Items of unplatted lands and unimproved Isnde, both of which naturally how a falling off. This la due to the fact that considerable land from these two classes has been transferred to the Im proved class. The (roes figures follow: If IK. I nplatted lands $ ll.7Hl.IiR ll.hwluOS Improved lots 71.2ai.198 74.42.0't unimproved lots 15.2n7.7H 4,euo.ZP6 ( CITY AFTER THAT GAS TANK Connctl Wtiti Ordinance 1 Cobb ael feasaif to SIoto ta Talag. At the request of councilman and a num ber of ritlsens the city attorney's office has prepared an ordinance to require the Omaha Oas company to move Its manu facturing and storage plant from Ita pres ent location at Twentieth and Center atreets. As prepared the measure would oust the plant from all residence neighbor hoods and fix a slta along the liver bot toms or elsewhere o ia to be a long dis tance away from much habltated districts. What the plana are about Introducing the ordinance In the council are not known. It Is the culmination of a fight property owners adjacent to the gas tanks have been making for years. They claim to have been damaged In many ways and thet their lives and property are constantly menaced nd Injured. The gas company has now gone Into court to secure a mandamus to compel the city to permit the building of a new gas tank holder at the present location. Totals $ IW.l32.23n Personal 49,030.710 62.&37.530 Grand Totals.... tl47.2W.Mr 1B2.W.S75 The Increase In personal property shown by the table la a little over 13,600.000. The Itemised statement shows an increase In most of the Items of property. Dogs, pri vate car lines and Ice show a falling off, the latter belnff reduced both In numler aad value. Horses are reduced In number, but are Increased In valuation. There are Just fourteen more chickens In the county this year than last. It Is suspected from , the figures that some fancier raised an extra brood this year. Some of the 1m- , portant items In the table follow: No. 1906. No. " ISO. . Merchandise f 8,871.(170 tlO,47.H17 Ice Dogs 406 Automobiles Horses 12020 Cattle ....... 16741 Sheep &"M Hogs 144U9 Wheat, bu... 22427 Corn, bu ;:l Osta. bu 42TWO Chickens .... MW7 Frsnchlsed Corporations ... Express A Tele phone Cos Railroads Pullman cara ..... Private Car lines are . 117S4 21,) i.M 8S.9&0 672,560 . 409.416 1797 23.1 IfiNM 105,900 18.915 222I0 -102.960 310233 18.0(0 62719 17.890 64981 18.a4O.00O ?T6, 7W 7,008.750 17,896 ..... 16.715 lft.630 2.018 80,920 797.443 616.MS .148 226,686 18.017 C9.994 18.260 20,382 14.77a 880 LOW. 405 7.126. 110 18,(26 . 14.600 ... HOUSES ON CIRCUS GROUNDS Cottages Will Be Erected 01 Old 'Lots Where Big Shawl Have Performed. - Goodby. circus grounds at Twenty-first and Paul streeta. The hallowed precincts are to be broken up and devoted to the erection of small dwellings by the Hor- bach estate, and In 'a few short months no circus of any also can show where this - ' . kind of entertainment haa been held In s ' Dmaha for many years. Adults and children have learned to re gard the vacant lota at Twenty-flrat and Paul atreeta aa the official show ground la the city. Advance men for olrcuaes never thought of renting a location any place else,' and every succeeding summer fixed the spot more definitely In the public, m4nd. . ., . - ' ,The desecration haa already begun and permits have been Issued by. the building department for the flrat two cottagea. Other permits Issued are as follows: . Fred Burnett. 11,600 frame dwelling at Thirty-sixth and Grand avenue; Mrs. Anna P. Sypes, 12.600 frame dwelling at 8421 La fayette avenue; 8. E. Dutcher, 82,600 frame dwelling at 683 South Twenty-sixth; John W. Haskell, $4,000 frame dwelling at Thirty- fifth and Woolworth avenues; Bhlmer A Chase, $2,600 frame dwelling at Seventeenth and Laird; Thora S. Mlchaelsen, $2,600 frame dwelling at Sixteenth and Ijithrop. NOTICE TO CUT THE WEEDS Warning Served ea Cltlseaa by Three Mea Appointed by City Officiate. Health Commissioner Connell, after re ceiving assurance from the city council that It would approve his bills, haa put three men to work serving notices on prop- rty owners, occupants and agenta to cut weeda. Five daya are given for obeying the mandate. If the notices are not compiled with the commissioner will, file police court complaints charging the maintenance of a nuisance. He has taken this course rather than taxing the costs of weed cutting to abut ting property, as he finds the rJty hna no funds to do the work. He has secured the co-operation of real eatate men and agenta for large estates and believe that he can accomplish more by $300 or $300 for serving notices than spending the annual allotment of $2,000 for Indiscriminate cutting. HIa ef fort has taJien a business-like shape and he aays he Is perfectly willing to cross arms In police court with anyone who thlnka he la running a Muff. ( BIG CROWD F0RBLACK HILLS One II n -id red People Will Re Ready to Start with the Com mercial Club. "More men have signified their Intention of going on the Black Hills trade excursion than we have aver had at the very start,' sild President F. W. Judson of the Com mercial club, "and I am confident we will hsve 100 at least. Though the trip will be . a long one--four daya and five nights the weather will be cool up In the hills, and we will have Idrnr stop St Belle Foufche, Deadwood and Hot Springs. " "It used to be that Omaha Jobbers con sidered the Black Hills theirs without atruggle. Now the Milwaukee la about to complete a Una .Into. Rapid .City, and the Northwestern Is following, so that Mlnne apolis and St. Paul will soon be able to give Omaha hot competition. Then, too penver. Jobbers made a trip Into the hill last year and are making a strong effort for the trade. I believe the Omaha people are awake to the aituatlon and moat of them will go." The excursion will be made July 25, 26, 17 and tt. A schedule haa been arranged and will be given to the Jobbers Saturday Owing to the short time the- Jobbers are requested to hand in their names and their money and not wait to be asked personally. 'J: WORKMAN HAS CLOSE CALL Mil la Redsaond-O'Doaahae ' Balld las Barely Missed 'by 1 Heavy Timber. - An unusual accident occurred Friday morning at the new Redmond-O'Donahue w building-, Sixteenth and TToward atreets, where a twenty-foot plank fell from the roof to the main floor, through an elevator v I shaft, narrowly eacaplng three workmen The big atick was twenty feet long, three i Inches thick and nearly a foot In width. A workman was moving It from the roof and let It fall when he could no longor keep It In tow. The timber went down with a deafening; crash, ripping two lad tiers In twain in the deacent. On the sec ond floor Charles Qulnche. a steamfltter, nd his helper had Just left one of li ladders which waa struck by the plank. On the main floor the plank landed within two feet of George Bo wen. a Chicago elee trlelsn working on the building. The plank CBOIERA MORBUS Diarrhoea, Dysentery. Flux. Cholera In. fan turn. aw., can be quickly cured by Wakefield's . Bla.cIsberryBa.lsam Every home should have a supply of this rallabla remedy an hand. $0 years sU surea. Ail arutiy jell (, Will Re Pleased te Come te Omaha Afterward and Mayer Thlaka that la All Right. William J. Bryan will give first aid to the ome-comlng reception planned for him at Lincoln and will do what he can for Omaha's proposed reception later on. Thla la the aubetance of Mr. Bryan a de cision aa expressed In a letter from hlrrrre- celved by Mayor Dahlman Friday morning. The mayor, several weeks ago, proposed a big welcome home for Bryan when he en tered Nebraska from the east after his cir cuit of the globe, and immediately wrote Mr. Brjan aeking his sanction. Lincoln Immediately expressed energetlo ealnu-y of Omaha a presumption and an nounced It would give the only genuine Nebranka reception to Ita cltlsen, who, fter hobnobbing with kings, waa worthy of such an honor. Spurred by the fear that Omaha might get In first, Lincoln cabled Bryan. Mayor Dahlman merely wrote. Hence Mr. Bryan concluded Lincoln had flrat claim and therefore, aa a Just referee, awarded the verdict to the capital, his home city. Mr. Bryan wrote July 4 from Hotel Cecil, London1, whither Mayor Dahlman's missive wbb addressed. He said: Dear Dahlman: Tour letter received. Of course I ahall be pleased to come to Omaha and mt my friends there, but the Lin coln people started their reception first, and that is my home. I think there they are entitled to the first day, ao will allow them to arrange the reception for my ar rival, and will come to Chnsha within a week, if tt is desired, and see Omaha a pew mayor and his constituents. Mayor Dahlman thinks the Omaha recep tion ought to be held Just the same a few daya after they get through fellcitlng at Lincoln, where Mr. Bryan'a next-door neighbors once boasted that they voted agalnet him and didn't deem him any better than anyone else. There ia more to the letter than the part quoted, but the mayor saya It Is personal and does not refer to politics or the next democratic preaidentlal nomination. VICTIM OF HIS OWN SUCCESS Saloonman Wins Pair ef Goats at Raffle aad la Sorry ef It. Ollle Kaneft. a genial dlapenser of the cooling highball at Twenty-eighth and Far nam atreeta. Is wondering If the loser In a raffle la not' better off than the winner. The other night a neighboring saloon man raffled off a pair of goats and Kaneft took chance. He won and for a few hon waa greatly pleased. Then personal and telephone Inquiries began to pour In re gardlng an alleged goat farm which he was suspected of being about to start. Inasmuch aa his goats "have whiskers longer thsn any buck ever wore, - Kaneft ' got a trifle tired of the chaffing. But the trouble has increased and applications for Jobs on the goat farm are now contained In every mall. It haa already coat Kaneft eighteen times the worth of the goats In real drinks and the end Is not In sight. To Correct False Reports. The report being circulated that Hayden Bros, are using the depositors', money In their business Is absolutely untrue, . The deposits in Hayden Bros', bank are loaned on the beet and moat available se curlty for the safety - ef the deposits. Not only that, but Hayden Bros', bank has more solid wealth and caah resource for IU liabilities than any other bank we know of, either in this state or elsewhere. There la no mortgage or Incumbrance of any kind on Hayden Bros', property; It Is all clear to strengthen and support the bank aaaete In case of panlo or adverse conditions of any kind. It might be well to think of these facts when making your savings deposits. Hayden Bros', bank will pay 4 per cent Interest from July 1 on all deposits made before July IS; no notloe required to with' draw your money. HATDBN BROS., BANKERS. HEW BOMBS IK THE WEST. Shoshone Reservation to Be Opened to Settlement. CHICAGO ft NORTHWESTERN 1 RT Announces Round-Trip Excursion Rates from All Polnta July U to Jl Leas than one fare for the round trip 10 unoenoni, wyo., tne reservation border, The only all-rail route to the reservation border. Datea of registration, July If to XL at Shoshont and Lander. Reached only by this 11ns. Write for pamphlets telling how to take up one of these attractive homesteads. Information, maps and pamphlets free en request at City Office, 1401-1 Farnam St., or address S. F. Miller. A. Q. F. T. U01 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. Annnal Bxenralon To Dalath. .Via Great Northern line will leave Bloux City at :.) p. m. Thursday, August 1, ar rtvlng Duluth Friday morning. Return Ing will leave Duluth at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon August I. Round trip fare only 15. Special .through tralna will be run consisting of tourist sleepers and day coacnea. Double berth In Bleeping car $1 each way. Duluth and vlclnty comprise one of the most enjoyable polnta for a few daya outing. Boat trips may be made to many places of Interest In Lake Superior at small coat. Persons desiring berths should make reservations as early as possible In order to Insure getting accommodations. Apply to Agent Great Northern railway. Sioux City, or to Archibald Gray, . Assistant General Passenger Agent, Sioux City. Ia. Side Trip. BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION to LAKES OKOBJI AND SPIRIT LAKE via the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RAILWAY ROUND TRIP-$. Tickets on stle Puly 14 and 17; return limit July a. Folders snd full Information at CITT TICKET OFFICE, 1S34 Farnam 8tret. Omaha. Sammev Tonrs. The Wabash has Issued a beautiful pamihlet. "MOUNTAIN. LAKE AND SEA." Those planning a summer trip should ask for one. Wabash City Office. 1001 Farnam St., or address Harry Moorea, G. A. P. D.. Omaha. Neb. E. Row York and Philadelphia cannot be more pleasantly er conveniently reached than by the Grand Trunk-Lahlah Valley Double Track Route via Niagara Falls. Solid through trains, magnificent scenery. S7.M te M!naeailla aad Retnra Yla Cbleago Great Weatera Railway. Account ef G. A. R. Eneampment, August 11th to ltth. Tickets on sale after August 11th. For further Information apply to H Best Medicine In the World foe Collo nd Diarrhoea. I And Chamberlaln'B Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy to be the best remedy In the world." says Mr. C. L. Carter of Bklrum, Ala. "I am subject to colic and diarrhoea. Last spring It seemed as though would die, and I think I would If I hadn't taken Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I haven't been troubled with it since until this week, when I had a very severe attsck and took halt a bottle of the 26-cent alse of this remedy. and thla morning I feel like a new man.1 MAN BALKS AT WHOLE FAMILY Husband Refuses to Snpport All Wife's Relatives and Dlvoree Salt Follows. The refusal of Frank Wllle to support his wife's relatives waa one of the prln clpal reasons they could not get along to gether, according to Mr. Wllle's petition for divorce from Florence Wllle, filed In district court Friday. They were married October 28, 1906, at Council Bluffs. He charges her with having "foolish snd ex travagant habits"- and with calling him bad names." Finally,' when he refused to allow her relatives to come and live with them at his expense, he says, his wife scolded him so It was impossible for him to live with her any longer. He also says she made threats of personal violence. Howard W. Bloodgood secured a decree of divorce from Amor D, Bloodgood on the grounds of desertion. RECESS FIRST OF AUGUST District Coart Will Saw Off Until Middle of Next Month. Then At a meeting of the Judges of the dls trlct court Friday afternoon It was de elded to take a recess about August 1 until September 17, when the work of the present term of court will be taken up again and continued until October 1, when the regular October- term will begin. Judge Button said he might call a Jury In September to try criminal cases If an unusual number of cases go on the docket during the summer. Aanoaneements of the Theaters. The new Bijou theater, with Its attrac.. tlve summer garden, has sprung into pop ular favor quickly thla week. Crowded houses have been the rule and the capital vaudeville program won much praise at each performance, The Lockhart Blatera, who have proved one of the big hlta of the bill, are making their debut In vaudeville this a son. They have been with musical come dies heretofore, having appeared In Omaha In "The Burgomelster" and "His Highness, the Bey." The musical act of Lopes and Lopes la accompanied ' by a brilliant tleo tiical stage setting, which la In Itself some thing to see. The Berger Brothers perform some wonderful feats of hand to hand balancing. Others on the program are Jack Caasln, with hla aongs and funny stories the BIJou Stock company, presenting "In Honor Bound;" Pauline Courtney, the popular singer, and a series of sensatlorAl motion pictures which are quite out of the ordinary. An orchestral concert la given each evening in the summer garden at 7:46. The performance beglna at 8:14 sharp. A matinee will be given Saturday at 1:30 and bargain prices will prevail. The elephants have made a sensation at Krug Park this week and have drawn many thouaands of people to witneas the marvelous performance that they-give. It Is wonderful to witness the high degree o training theae immenae animals have at talned. Everyone who haa wltneaaed thel performance will aay that it ia well worth a vlatt to Krug Park. The elephant ea gagement will cloae Saturday night. Mr. inompeon naa an engagement a Winona Lake, Ind., for next week. Opening Sunday, Banford Dodge and hla profesalonal dramatic company will give an open air production of "Ingomar," the first dramatic event of Its kind at Krug Park or In Omaha. Amateurs have given fresco performancea In thla city, but thla 1b the flrat profesalonal open air engage roent In thla city, and it will be both pleaaure and a novelty. It la believed that Omaha will show appreciation of Man ager Cole's enterprise In securing this un usually high grade attraction by a largely Increased attendance at Krug Park during the coming week. The Passion Play Imported motion pic turea on the new Biosphere will be pre sented Friday and Baturday eveninga. In response to a very general request for the special entertainment of the Baptist Young People's union, row in session in Omaha. 7ATCHE8 evenser, lsth and Dodge Sta, Third Papple Overflows. Word hss reached the county eommta aionera that the rreek known as the Third H. Churchill. O. A., lill rarnam at Papple nar Millard overflowed Its ban. 1 Burin in. Omaha rainstorm Friday and In some I places was (00 feet wide. More or less Today $75 for Suits Worth up to $13.50 Prices have been reduced to nearly half, give quick rerponte to the initial announcement of thi sale This clearance of Mens Suits, comprising some eight hundred garments, is but the natural sequence of the broa d-0uged lv8ine8 methods idititified icith this house and a determined effort to dispose of all odds and tnds of Mens S uits in teascn, regardless of the original wholesale cost. The scope for selection 19 great. The varieties of fabrics, tho 75 FOR UP TO $13.50 SUITS many nobby styles and the wide divergence of patterns and colors will appeal quickly to men of discriminating taste; this fact in conjunction with the extraordinary price reduction, gives unusual significance to this sale. :: :: :: :: :: 75 FOR UP TO $13.50 SUITS Bou& Wash Suits Reduced Today we will offer nil our high grade wash Suits for boys, that sold up to $2.95, choice, in AA sizes 3 to 7, only. . ,IUU Wash Pants, that sold up to 40c on sale' C today at UC All Wool Knee Pants Some have double teat Tf and knee values up It w e v Prices on Straw Hats Dave Been Reduced Today You Can Buy Straw Oats at Great Reductions Men's Straw Hats that sold for .60, $4.00, $3.60, choice il.ftO Men's Straw Hats that sold for $3.50 and $3.00, choice S2.00 Men's Straw Hats that sold for $2.50 and $2.00, choice l.ftO Men's Straw Hats that sold for $2.00 and $1.75, choice,. fl.oo Men's Straw Hats that sold for $1.50 and $1.25, choice 7ftc Men's Straw Hats that sold for $1.25 and $1.00, choice BOc Men's Straw Hats that sold for $1.00 and 75c, choice 8c Men's Straw Hats that sold for 75c and 60c. choice 21)c Boys' Straw Hats that sold for $1.25 and $1.00, choice "5c Boys' Straw Hats that sold for $1.00 and 75c, choice Oc Boys Straw Hats that sold for 50c, choice 20c PANAMA HATS ALL AT REDUCED PRICKS. $8.75 Panama Hats reduced to $YPO $5.00 and $5.90 Panama Hats reduced to 9.1.90 $4.50 and $3.90 Panama Hats reduced to $2.90 Men5 Pants RoduGod Today you can buy men's odd pants at a great saving. 920 pairs of pants that orig inally sold for $3 and $4 your choice to- J? A day for jStD3 Included in this lot are 260 pair of pants taken from high grada suits that sold for $t5.00. All in one lot today $2.60. H I tn 7K tndav H I II El I II II C 1 Terv O'clock. yk'X' fe - - , .TT ' Ten O'clock. (fll BHEcSnsBflBBBBsffl&sV :TO: 0) VIA U)K1DK FDFB THE OFFICIAL ROUTE OF L2)n ITn muiw TO ANNUAL GRAND LODGE MEETING Leaving Omaha July 16th, (Monday) 4:00 p. m. Arrive Denver July 17th, (Tuesday) 7:50 a. m. Equipped with Pullman palace sleeping cars, Pullman Tourist sleeping . cars. Buffet, Smoking and Library cars, free Reclining Chair cars and Dining cars meals a la carte; Tickets on Sale Every Day to July 16th at FOR THE ROUND TRIP Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone Douglas 334 damage to crops and roads was reported. It was also reported that there was a damaging hailstorm west of Millard. 1 A Bastalnlnst Diet. These are the enervating daya when,, as somebody hss said, men drop by the sun stroke as If the Day of Fire had dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poorly sustained; and this leads us to say. In the Interest of the less robust of our readers, that the full ef fect of Hood's Parsaparilla Is such as to suggest the propriety of calling this medi cine something besides a blood purifier and tonle aay, a sustaining diet. It makes It much easier to bear the heat, assures re freshing sleep and will without any doubt avert much sickness at this time of year. Railway Tlotvs rnd Personals. Oeorge Horn of Cedar Creek Is at the Merchants. H. H Churchill, general agent of th flrest Western, returned from St. Taul Friday. A. H. Hansen, passenger traffic manager of the Illinois Central. H. J. Phelps. .11 vlslon passenger agent at Dubuque, were In the city Thursday. The Omaha Mannerchor will leave here July ;& on the Great Western n ttnd ths Rangerfest at St. Paul. Jt has char tered a special Pullman., Additional organised 'parties of Elks which the t'njon Pacific will handle out of Omaha are the New Tork State Elks July 14. the New Tork, New Jersey and Pansvlvanla Elks, with ISO people, July 1&; Camden. July U, Syracuse and Albany, with aeventv-flvs neonle. July 1I: Tampa. Fla., through Kansas City, and Albany and Syracuse July la. A special train of nine cars with Bos ton Kiks will arrive Kunday morning it 7:45 on the fireat Western. A commit tee of local Elka will meet the delega tion. George F. West of the Northwestern has reiurnfd from Chicago, where he. was In attendance at a meeting of the general agenta of the road. About seventy were In Chhsgo as the guests of the company. The Thirtieth battery of light artillery from Fort Snelllng, consisting of four of ficers, ICS men, ninety-five horses, four teen mules and artillery and other prop, erty. will arrive on the Illinois Central Monday at a. m. They are en routti to Fort Riley. Travel Is heavy In all directions at present and especially through the Omaha stations, where the delegates to the Baptist conventions are pouring In. The trains lor Denver siso are well filled and run in extra sections to accommodate the Elks and the movement to the Hhoshone opening alo has grown to large proportions. The speclsl parties of Elks coming en the Milwaukee are one special train witn delegations from Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hnboken and New York, arriving at Omaha at 10 30 a. m , July 16. Philadel phia tiki will arrive at Omaha at 7:S0 a. m. July 1. The K.tena lodge from Pittsburg will arrive In Omaha on the morning of July 15. A special train frm New York stste will arrive at 7:3u a. m, July 1. A train from PhiUdelphia will arrive at Omaha at 2 a. m.. July IS. Two anerlal sleepers from Milwaukee will ar- I rive at I H p. m , July IS. Two sleepers from Yankton. B. L.. win arrive at Omaha at 11:1 p. m., July 14, (PIIIPI? MIsTO Our Methods Insure Every Man a Lifelong Cura for Blood Poison, Skin Diseases, Varloose and Pro static Troubles. Constriotlons and Obstructions, Nerro-Vital Debility, Acute and Chronic Dis charges, Bores, Uloers, Swollen Glands, Ulcers in the Mouth or on the Tongue, Kidney, Bladder and Viinary Troubles, Piles, Fistula, aad all Chronle and Special Diseases. Nervo-Vilal Debility There Is not a ease of weakness In existence that we cannot rebuild and strengthen with our TWOROUOH TREATMENT. PAY US FOR CURES I V Vf I O'ir cure Is a thorough and scientific course of I --X I trejsnnent. which acts At once upon the nerve , I force, stopping the drain and replacing the worn out ana run-aown tissues, it gives sirengm ana fresh vitality, building up ths entire system and transforming the sufferer Into a type of perfect nyanhood. We oover the entire field cf Chronic, Nervous and Special, Deep-Seated and Complicated Diseases. NORTHWESTERN MEDICAL AND SURGICAL INSTITUTE Northwest Oar. 13th and Farnam Sts., Omaha, Neb. 1 7