10 HIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1906. The Omaha Daily Bee. .- KOSBWATEH.- EDITOR. Entered at Omaha Postofflce as second . nnutr. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Ree (without Sunday), on year .14 09 I mlly Res and Bunds r, ona year J riundar Bee. on year J J rialurdsy Ilea, ona year - DELIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Boa (including Sunday), per wefc..l7c Daily Bee (with. nil Sunday), per w..IIo Itvenlng Bee (without Sunday), prr weeks. So Kvening Fa (with Sunday). per week..l03 Sunday Bee. per ropy se Address complaints of Irregularities In de livery to city circulation Department. OFFICEB. rmha-The Ree Building. South Omaha Clly Hall Building. Council Bluff-1A Pearl Street. Chlcaao-is) Unltv Building. . New York-iv Home Ufa Ina. Building. Wsshlngtonfln Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communteatlon relstlng to newa and edi torial matter ahnuld 1 adlressed; Omaha. Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payame. to The Bee Publishing i wr""; Only 2-eent uttmrl received aa payment or mall accounts. Personal Mierks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. a.' i t u via vr i i nrnn, iiiuma " - C. C. Roaewaler, general manager Jr The Hee publishing Company, being duly worn, ssya that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The Dnlly. Morning, Evening and SundHy Hee printed during the month of June. 1909. was as follow: . . 1 21.790 II 33,460 1..... n.eio 1 30,750 4 31.S30 1 31,880 1 33,070 IT. ao.800 It 81.880 It. IJB0 10 afioo 33,010 31,600 33,410 .. 30,880 33,300 31330 31,810 31330 31370 21..;. 12.... is..:. 24.... 2..l. 24..,. 17... . 21. ... 29.... SO.... 31340 81.850 33.3T0 30340 31.V30 31.8O0 31304 Sl.TtO 31,700 8S3B0 xoRM Bftotry$ root rntEXDs In the preliminary rsmpatKtrfor the I'D I ted State senstorship The Bee has accorded most considerate treatment to- Attorney General Norrls Brown In his quest for the nomination. It has credited him with all that he has done that Is creditable and given him every opportunity to exploit his achieve ments In the defense of the railway tax cases, which constitute hit principal asset and claim fof popular support. But Mr. Brown's newspaper organs and his Indiscreet supporters do not seem to appreciate the generous treat ment he has received from this paper. They are resorting to the most malig nant abuse and downright falsification In their real to (ear down Mr. Brown's leading competitor In the senatorial race. Instead of contenting themselves with lauding the virtue and achieve ments of their preferred candidate, which they certainly have 8 right to do, they are assaulting and berating Edward Rosewater for all sorts of Imaginary offenses and accusing him of being allied with the railroads, al though he has been fighting railroad, domination all his life and would have been senator year ago had ha been willing to barter the popular confi dence reposed In him and abandon the cause of the people. If Mr. Brown Is Inspiring. these at tacks In hit press bureau newspapers be Is showing very poor gratitude for hat The Bee -and it editor have done for him and very little political sagac lty. If he la not able to control his champions, he should pray to be saved rom his fool friends before It Is too late. Taint ............ f.uss untold copies. .854,150 . 1D.4M Not total -sales ...843,804 Dally average 81,465 C. C. ROSEWATER, . . OrneraJ Manager, Stibacrlbed In mt presence and sworn to before ma this 30th dny of June. 1908. . tfceal.) M. B. HI NGATE, Notary Publfe. WHEN OtJT Or TOWS. Sebeerlbere leaving; the city tem porarily ehoald have The Baa mailed to these. ' Address Trill b changed aa often aa repaired. That famous "sting of ingratitude" evidently still rankles. That Panama officer' who subdued rioters with a riding whip must have studied police methods from a Russian expert Tom Taggart'a dense Ignorance of v hat takes place under his eyes should win him a large salary as president of a "trust." With the Baptist convention In ses sion here, the weather man would ' have been derelict had he not contrl buted the rain. , By Ignoring the campaign of 1904 Colonel Bryan's - Interviews - are- not Well calculated to win Judge Parker to the "forgive and forget" program. Judging by their resolutions there Is nothing wrong with the "stalwart" republicans of North Dakota, although the "prbgresslves" were inclined to Question thetr sdundhess. Boston I to' investigate charges of Illegal actions by corporations. Is it possible' that Massachusetts laws were also passed to be ignored, and the "puritan conscious" Is a myth? , Without affirming Japan's intention Of "closing the door" of Manchuria occidental traders' seem to think the door will be made so small as to per mit only an oriental to. enter. The more people think of the Drey fus rase the greater Is the Inclination to believe in the theory that emotional Insanity is sometimes epidemic; and France Is showing signs of recovery. The Missouri, supreme court - has formally decided that residents of the old soldiers' home are not to be classed with paupers and have a right to vote. That republican victory, last year is atlll bearing fruit. the fundamental grouud on which the president's opponents fought his pol icy, and no doctrine was ever more thoroughly discredited by public Judg ment and accomplished facts. Judge Parker'a criticism is entitled to attention only because It fore shadows the partisan effort which will be made In the coming campaign to depredate the memorable reforms that have been accomplished by the republican party under President Roosevelt's leadership. While the specific results have been so notable, as in the prosecutions of the Northern Securities, Tobacco, Paper, Beef and many other trusts. In rebate and con spiracy cases, In ttve Beef, Coal and Oil trust Investigations and In the legis lative field, the supreme feat of the administration haa been the far more difficult one of bringing public senti ment to bear triumphantly on one of the greatest problems that has been before the country since the civil war. Thus all the reactionary forces, repre sented by Judge Parker, which had been able to paralyse the power of the government In dealing with the great question of the time, have now been broken down and the way opened wide for the speedy and unquestioned supremacy of public authority over gigantic corporation confederations and conspiracies prejudicial to public good and Incompatible with equal rights. with quarters In the city hall. Tils will be as great a satisfaction to the public as It Is a disappointment to the local democratic organ, which has such a bad case of Flnk-o-phobla that to obstruct the plans of the republican treasurer It would gladly Inconven ience the people who have taxes to pay or warrants to cash. PLKDOB LEGISLATIVE CANDIDATES The republican conventions that are now beginning to be held in the va rious counties throughout Nebraska are for the roost part called not only to select delegates to state, congres sional and district conventions, but also to nominate local tickets, includ ing members of the legislature. It fs highly important that in all these county conventions resolutions be adopted pledging the legislative candidates to support and vote for the nominee of the state convention for United States senator. This applies equally to the float representative and senatorial conventlona, which will nominate legislative - candidates for districts that include more than one county. In each case it should be distinctly understood In advance that the candidate for representative or for state senator will, if elected, cast his vote next winter for senator for the party leader who represents the choice of the republicans of the entire state as voiced In their state convention. A good form for such a resolution would read as follows: ... Resolved, That this convention hereby pledgea Ita legislative nominees to support and vote for the candidate for United States 'senator who shall be endorsed- by the republican state convention. The people of Nebraska have reached the point where they will tolerate no more senatorial deadlocks and no more dark horses. They will want to know where every candidate for the legislature stands upon the question of United States senator and any candidate who avoids or evades a pledge to support the nominee of the party will be in great Jeopardy of his own election. Under present conditions, the only way for Nebraska republicans to make sure of controllng the next legislature, and electing a United States senator is to take the people Into their confidence and each candidate assuring the people beyond question that be Is for the party nominee. FUTILE REBATE KVASlOXS. The United States district court at Chicago, by overruling the application for a new trial of the Chicago & Alton Railroad company and two of Its chief officials, convicted under the Elklns' law of granting rebates, sweeps away technical evasions and sticks to the sub stance of things. The court holds that the Alton cases are identical with those In which the Burlington road and two go-betweens were recently duly con victed and sentenced, the offense being In purpose and effect clearly a viola tlon of the federal law forbidding car riers from deviating, no matter under what form of rebate device, from equal charges to shippers. As in the Burlington cases, so in 'the Alton cases fines of $20,000 against the company and of $10,000 against each of the Indicted officials render rebating a dangerous and costly busi ness to the offenders. Now that the courts . are refusing to be diverted from the main point by evasive rebate devices on which to base technical de fences, the carriers are confronted by the stern but salutary fact that it is more profitable, as a pure matter of business, to observe the law in good faith, .and stand for equal shippers' rights than to incur the perils involved in Illegal practices." Tennessee republicans became as wildly excited In their State convert tlon as though something were really at. Issue. Secretary Taft's remarks aoent federal office holding In the south may yet be Justified. The report of appraisers of the John A. McCall estate shows that it is not safe to estimate the wealth of an in dividual until he turns his property Over to the probate court. Even Rocke feller ami Carnegie may disappoint expectations. The secretary of the Omaha Grain exchange announces receipt of coplea of the new Interstate commerce law for inspection by those Interested.' It Is safe to say that "the section relating to the Issue of free 'passes will inter est as many If not more than any other section. PARKER'S IRRELEVANT REPLY. Judge Parker'a reply utterly misses the point made by Secretary Taft when the latter claimed credit for the Roosevelt administration on the score of progressive anti-corporation legls latlon and the enforcement of the laws and succeeds only In showing how far he is out of touch with dominant pub lic sentiment. Nothing, Indeed, , could be more Irrelevant than his assertion that "not one of the prosecutions to which the existing administration is now entitled to credit Is based on any new statute," as an argument against the efficacy of the new legislation for curbing corporations, or against the wisdom and necessity of providing modernised legal weaprns for the use of public authority. It Js a waste of time to split hairs on a point which Is settled In the deliberate and profound conviction of the American people, and which was In fact established and certified by the overwhelming defeat of Judge Parker as the democratic presidential candl date two years ago. Tor he then de clared In a notable campaign pronun clawento that the ee-rurnoa law pro vlded sufficient remedies against the abuses of concentrated wealth In the form of corporations, trusts and com blnations. That declaration was re garded as an appeal ror the support of the very corporation Interests which were hostile to the positive stand of President Roosevelt for enforcement Secretary Wilson returned to Waaa .Id J ton from Chicago Instead of com ing around to Omaha to Inspect the j of the then existing law, common and meat packing establishments hero. statute, and for additional statutes to That should be taken as a compliment to the packing bouses at South Omaha, whose condition must have been re tarded so good as to Justify the secre tary In passing them by. The home coming from Europe of W. H. Thompson of Grand Island Is chronicled, giving the "little glaijt" ample time to engage in the preltmU narlea of the democratic state conven tion. If tae democrats nominate a candidate for United States senator Mr. Thompson will have to be reck oned with, aod will be on the jrond U kA after his Interwet. meet the new conditions of corporation injustice and monopoly with whlcA executive authority has to deal Judge Parker, It he could see things aa they are. had his answer long ago In the election returns which made Theodore Rooaevelt president by the roost emphatic vote ever cast In a na tlonal election and In the resistless popular demand which haa moved con gresa to enact into stronger law the policy for which the president stood against Judge Parker. In the legls latlve struggle to bring about this re sult the position taken, by the latter aod uo reaffirmed by .him U yi aciaely Instead of clarifying, the Norfolk asylum situation Seems to be getting more complicated. It is greatly to be deplored that any state Institution should become the "subject of conten tion among those who are In charge of It and responsible for Its manage ment, while the helpless Inmates are likely to suffer through no fault of their own. This experience, coupled with' others of similar character, may be expected to bring Increased pres sure on the next legislature to enact some kind of a measure upon the plan of Iowa's board of control to give these Institutions disinterested supervision that will keep them out of political turmoil. , The checking of the city cash books till be utilized as warrant for the employment of one or more expert ac countants to relieve the pressure on the democratic municipal pie counter. What Is the matter with the city comp troller and his office force doing the checking work? They are supposed to be experienced and reliable ac countants and. the comptroller Is a democrat Into the bargain. The superintendent of the detention home under the juvenile court law has made a report showing a formidable number of children entertained there as guests. This may be a "good" re port from one point of view, but It would be a better report if it showed that there were fewer children In Omaha who required detention home treatment. Proof of Prosperity. Washington Post. The country broke all records last year In the Importation Of diamonds' snd precious stones, and- even at that saved money.enough J,q ,jy . extortionate price for Ice. And Congress Seeds Are Booming, Washington Post. Since the adjournment of congress the poor, down-trodden farmer la busy hiring hands, feeding thetn on spring chicken and hot-footing It to the local bank with large wads of the long green. 1 Pitchfork l.olllnar Under Palmetto. New York Tribune. Senator Tillman is not resting In the shade of the palmetto these July days with a fan and a mint Julep to assuage the heat. From Sandy Flat he has sent forth an alphabetical list of South Carolina legisla tors who should be left at home. The South Carolina senator is a fighter all the year through. OAK CREDIT MARK. When a man commits a blunder It is always to his credit if he makes amends and endeavors to correct his mistake. This is also true of public bodies, including the Omaha water board.' When the appellate court de cided some weeks ago that board had no right to reduce water rates the board issued a manifesto to water consumers advising them against pay lng the full rates until final adjudica tion by the supreme court of the United States. The effect of this advice would have been to make the city responsible for the difference between the regular water rates and the reduced rates in case the supreme court should affirm the decision of the appellate court. This might have involved the city in loss of from $10,000 to $20,000 a year, possibly even more. It Is, there fore, to the credit of the board that It haa revised its first advice to water consumers and recommended that they pay their future water bills and the amounts deducted from them hereto fore under protest, thus reserving the right to collect from the water com- pany the excess in case the supreme court should reverse the appellate court. Good Line to Pall On. . Baltimore American. Philadelphia la going to arrest the head of a big Ice company and haa arrested a number of butchers for selling bad meat, the pure food campaign of the Quaker City is proceeding on the most practical kinds of lines and with a swiftness which some of the critics of its habitual slow ness would da well to Imitate. OTHER LANDS TH OtRS. Germany la enjoying a period of wonder ful prosperity. The percentage of unem ployed In the empire Is low. The revenues derived from the Income tax are greater than ever before. The deposits In tha savlnga hanka, representing the surplus earnings of the working Hnd middle classes, have reamed t-.'IK'.OOA.OOO In the last twenty-five years. German capitalists have Invested large sums In foreign enterprises. The foreign commerce of the nation la already great and constantly growing. At ths time of the war between China and Japan the annual tonnage of Gorman ves sels engaged in the eastern trade was 25n,w. whereas now it la SOO.OOu. Explaining the progress the German em pire has made In the last quarter century. Dr. lxitils Elklnd. In an article In the Forntlghtly Review, declares that the de velopment Of patriotism In the Individual haa been the most Important factor. Its Influence cannot be measured by a foot rule or expressed In statistical form, but Its effect has been to bring the people of the nation together into a "nrm snd united organization," the activity , of one class reacting favorably on the others, and the substitution of a national feeling for locM pride has resulted In the development of high ambition for the whole country. In Dr. Elklnd s opinion the Industrial and grlcultural clRswea are not seriously sep rated In their alms, but work together, each "assisting the other aa far as possi ble," because they know it la for their common udvantagn that 'Germany should flourish, both industrially and agricul turally." The British South Africa company re ports that the Cape to Cairo railway has reached Broken Hill. This point Is I miles north of Victoria Falls and 2.1 mllea from Cape Town, and Its connection by rail with the south constitutes a further step toward the fullflllment of Mr. Rhoades' great scheme. The rails reach-d Kalomo, ninety-three miles north of the falls, on May 2. If, slnr-e which date rapid progress has been made. On July i. 19t, the further extension was begun, and the 21 miles from Kalomo to Broken Hill was constructed In 146 days. On" ninety nine, days, however, no plate laying was done, so that the rails were actually laid at the rate of more than a mile a day. On September 2s last five and three-quarter miles were put In between daylight and dark, conatltutlng a record for rapid plate laying in South Africa. Three thou sand to J.OOO nativea were constantly em ployed, and about 350 whites. "Captain Dreyfus must be written down In history as a hero," aaya the Cleveland Leader. "All the world knows his story how he was disgraced and only narrowly escaped death under a charge of treaaon prosecuted by fellow officers of the French army for the purpose of covering their own misdoings. When the truth became known he was released by pardon from the convict colony on Devil's Island, to which he had been sentenced for life. Once he was at liberty, he and hla friends demanded a vindication from the French courts. The quality of the man la Indicated by hla refusal to demand money damages, though undoubtedly he could get them. 'I have given, everything to my country,' he said, 'Including health, happiness and future. As my country gave me everything, so my country can take everything. . I k only that my honor be restored to me.' "France can well be proud of such sol diers as Captain Dreyfus. The spirit of self-sacrifice Is not so common as not to deserve recognition and honor wherever found. The prisoner of Devil's Island has supplied the beat possible climax to one of the most interesting passages In modern history." The Comforting Piano Nothing In the home ran possibly take the place of the piano. It Is almost criminal to neglect the musical Instincts and education of your children. There was a time when a good piano cost $1,000. Better pianos can now be bought for $300 and $40. And, besides, such economical, satisfactory ar rangements can be made for the payment which were never offered before. Th Hospe one price plan affords lowest cash prices to everyone. And to worthy people we give the advantage of buying upon the monthly settlement plan The extraordinary offerings we havo in new pianos, such as the Cramer al $190, the standard Kimball at $260, the Cable-Nelson at 1276 and more than a dozen other of the most reliable, best known pianos In the world at the most favorable prices found in the United States, mske It easier for you to buy a piano here than anywhere else. You are neglecting your home and your children if you have no piano and you are cheating your purse If you buy a piano anywhere but here. The Hospe oneprlce, no commission of selling saves you 150 to $160 on a plane A HOSPE O 1513 DouIqls St., OmaLaia. First-Class Tlano Toning, f2.K0. Baay Days for Experts. Chicago Chronicle. With all the Insanity "experts" retained on one side or the other of the Thaw ease, all the handwriting "experts" busy with the Hartje divorce case and all the sani tary "experts'" buzslng around the stock yards, the country would be in a bad fix If something new should break loose requlr- ng "expert" attention. The comforting thing is . that It does not take long to qualify as an "expert." In case of actual emergency an "expert" can be educated In fifteen minutes If the lawyers on the other side do not find it out. THE MEAT .VSP47CTO.V PROGRAM. If any doubt had been entertained in any quarter, Secretary Wilson by his work and declarations during his three days' stay In Chicago has made it absolutely certain that the new meat Inspection law will be vigorously en forced. Of this there is ominous em phasis In the notice given lu conclu sion that those establishments only which are In proper sanitary coadltlon by August 1 will be given Inspection. This notice Is of course equivalent to a decree that all packing houses which do not by that time comply strictly with the new law and the reg Ulatlona prescribed under It by the Department of Agriculture will be cut off from the market In other states and In foreign countries. The power conferred on the department as to sanitary requirements Is of the am plest character, and as not a pound of meat products can be legally received for shipment by any Interstate carrier unless It bears the government In spectlon stamp the department Is in position to Insist on Its terms. It Is difficult to imagine a more forcible Illustration of the farreachlng Indirect power of the national govern ment, since it has no direct constitu tlonal authority for local sanitary and police regulation. Tet, practically the national Jurisdiction Is plenary with respect to all those great pack Ing Industries which must perforce de pend on the markets of other states and foreign countries. Only the smaller concerns can escape national supervision, and the public Is in some measure protected against their prod ucts if they are not inspected and properly branded. The merged city and county trees urles will after all be accommodated j self. ' The lottrvUer retired. Salfcera la tha Teat. New York flun. Right on the heels of the repudiation of Mr. Bryan by Tarn mas Tlbblea comes thn story that the austere tribune of Dedham haa refused to serve on the reception com mittee and la sulking In his tent. As the grand old man of the populists. Mr, Tib bies was not expected to leave his reserva tion to welcome Mr. Bryan; but George Fred Williams has been the personal rep resentatlve of the peerless in Massachu' aetts so long that tha newa of his dlsaffoc tlon would unman Mr. Bryan and perhaps shake him In his resolution to be safe and aane. The conservatism of the great Amir lean traveler and his commerce with crowned heads embittered Tibbies, and Wll. Hams, it Is whispered, hat been alienated by his faltering on the road to govern. ment ownership. But Mr. Bryan may have been mlsreported from the Winter palace and TrondhJom. His radical friends will find no sea change In him when hit feet lire planted on his native heath and he man give voles to the old sentiments or lose their votes. POLITICAL DRIFK. The Proctor family are marble million alrea in Vermont. The father la a atnator. The aon has been nominated for governor. Indiana has a legislative candidate whose name Is Ananias Baker. No doubt he la hopefully waiting to be struck by the lightning of popular approval. Hon. Pop Anson of Chicago progresses rapidly in politics. A year ago he was called to serve Chicago in the Office of city clerk. Now Cook county wants him for sheriff. That audacious statesman by tha eu phonious name of Lumpklns has shown dls cretlon. He has decided not to run galnat Benjamin R. Tillman for one, of South Carolina's seats in the t'nlted States senate. It Is gravely announced that the repub. Means of Arkansas will make a hard fight to defeat Jeff Davit for the L'nltad States senate. It will be about as sasy for them to do this as for the camel to pass through the eye of a needle. William P. Harrlty it tulng somebody in Philadelphia and ehargea wicked things agalrst that somebody with reference to certain atook transactions. Harrlty st i business man is a surprise to those wh remember him aa a democratic national commit teemin unidentified with political victories. Senator Murray Crane of , Massachusetts has learned how to chat with reporter without aaying anything. While at Man cheaier-by-the-8e a few days a newtpape man endeavored to Interview him. Mr. Crane waa asked what he thought of the political outlook. "On national questions. replied the senatar. slowly and gravely, "there Is a good deal to be" here a pause -."though about before one expreeaee hint, A new German statute provldea for the enlarging of an existing law against the disfiguring of landscapes by unsignuy structures, advertisements, etc. the rignt to prevent such disfigurements Is exercised by the state independent of the question whether the advertising matter or other objectionable thing It placed on public or private grounds. Under the proposed law the authorltlet of each district or wnicn there are fifty-three in Baden, correspond ing somewhat to our counties are author ised to determine what landacapea, build ings or monuments should be protected by the statute. Violations or the statute are made punishable by fine, with or without imprisonment, The statute now in force, as well as the proposed law, provides against the display of pictures, advertise- menta or other things calculatea to mar or disfigure any especially attractive land scape or detract from the artistic or aesthetic effect of any building or other structure of special Impo'tance as an his torical or artletlc monument, or be highly prejudicial to any street or part of a city whers euch building or structure is situated. In tha Fortnightly Review, Lady Qrove ..rt that English women are nana; capped "in almost every department of life." Only one the purely social plane are they on a level with men. While tne ci vorce laws are unfair to women, feminine breaches of morals are "treated witn more leniency than formerly." Unfair to women are not only the divorce laws, but those of lunacy, libel and slander. So in con tracta. A wife cannot bind her husband's property, but he can bind all hers that it not her eeparate ettate. 9he cannot get the relief of the bankruptcy acta In re spect of an ante-nuptlal debt, even If she has srpsrate property, and on her ' hut band't dtath she Is liable to the extent of her property for pre-nuptlal debts. A woman deserted by her husband hss to oh. tain from a police magistrate an order pro tectlng her earnings or property acquired since desertion. In some cases the benefit of pre-nuptlal contracts made by the wife vests In the husband at marriage. She connot sue In the high court without giving security; a man can. If she applies for tharea In a atock company, the directors may require that her husbnnd.ahall be a Joint holder, although the money Is her. In university degrees she does not receive equal recognition for performancea equal to thoae of candldatea In trousers. The whole system of eduestton Is "In the boy't favor." When he esrna a living she finds that she haa to work harder than men and for much less pay. In fact, working women have to do two elaases of work, for their employera and household, st half what men get for doing the former. From many elassea of labor they are excluded solely on account of aex. Belgium Is a land of great smokers, but not all Belgians use the weed. Thia threat ana to disrupt the Belgian labor pnrty. The famoue Maison du Peuple at Bruss'-ls is at present rent by a discussion mo-e violent than any about mere polltlca could ever produce to smoke or not to smo!i. At the great meetings continually being held st the House uf the People the work men are In the habit of roinmunlng with their pipes while listening to tho fervid utterancea of their socialist orators. Un fortunately, one of the most prominent of their leaders. M Vandervelde. Is an ardent nnnsmoker. and, after having addressed two meetings at the Maison du Peupls, waa ao overcome with the fumes of nico tine there Inhaled at to be confined to bed for two days. Thle Instance of msrtyrdom stiffened the backs ef her anti-tobacco, r, sad tbty threaten tools is eeces. tlon. NEBRASKA SENATORIAL CAMPAIfl Unmitigated Meanness. Ashland Gasette (rep ). About asytnarked a case of unmitigated meanness as we have noticed lately la de veloped In the attitude of the Omaha World-Herald toward Edward Rosewater, editor of The Omaha Bee and candidate for United Slates senator from Nebraska. It was planned by Mr. nosewater's frlenda to give him a reception on the occasion of his return from Rome, where he has been for a number of weeks In the service Of the Washington authorities In the Inter national Poatal congress. There were sev eral receptions planned smong different classes of people who constitute Mr. Rose water's friends, among the rest the Bo hemian citizens of the city. Thla Is nothing unusual; In fact. It Is Just the proper thing when distinguished cltlxens who have been abroad return. It was desired that the Lyra club, one of the foremost musical cluba In the city, be present at the reception, which was given at Turner hall, for the purpose of enliven ing the occasion with their Inimitable music. The movement was intended to be and ought to have been entirely non partisan, but such a thing could not be tolerated among the smooth political manipulators who are always luring the republican majority of the population with the siren song of nonpartlsanshlp, and many of them managing to slip Into office occasionally on this specious plea. In commenting upon the caee the World Herald says: "This has greatly angered the members. who object to having the aoclety used for political purposes. While the reception la being advertised as nonpartisan and demo crats are asked to take part, the purpose la to boom Mr. Rosewater for the senate. A similar line of work is going on among the Hebrews of Omaha with the expects, tton of making them solid for Mr. Rose water on primary day." What would the World-Herald say If re publicans should assume such an attitude of meanness toward William J. Bryan on his return, not from pubHc service, but from a pleasure trip around the world T What would these bland "nonpartisans" In general say? Yet the fact Is perfectly patent to every one that tho object of fhe proposed demon strations is to boom Bryan for the presi dency. Republicans are asked and ex pected to participate In the honors to Bryan and they will do so. Edward Rosewater Is the peer of W. J. Bryan any day. He wes prominent in public affairs In Nebraska years before Bryan was thought of. The above Is only a fair sample of the unmitigated meanness with which Hitch cock rewards Rosewater for that seat he gave him in the lower house of congress a few years ago. No Uncertainty Abont Him. Ord Quit (rep.). Editor Rosewater is the right man for Nebraska to send to the senate this win ter. There will be no uncertainty as to what course he will pursue on all public matters, for his convictions are well known and, be it further said, he has proved him self to be generally right. Season for "Klalptlon" Fits. Calloway Queen (rep.). When Edward Rosewater's name was mentioned for United Statea senator, the State Journal was seised with a "klnlp tion" fit. Now, since the name of F. M. Currle has been mentioned for the plaoe, the Journal accuses him of holding secret meetings In order to beat the Journal's pet, Norrls Brown. This old world Is treat ing the State Journal awfully, aw full; mean. Some Pertinent Qnestlona. South Omaha Cltlxen. What man haa done more for Nebraska than Mr. Edward Rosewater? What man has always had the Interest of Omaha st heart and haa always mad It a point to put self behind, when there was anything to be gain4T for Nebraska 1 What man la there In Nebraska that II better qualified for the place than Mr. Rosewater? Where will you find a more representa tive man to repreeent you at Washlngtonl WJiere will you find a man who Is more thoroughly acquainted with the affairs of our state than Mr. Rosewater? Where will you And a man that stsndi so high In the esteem of the general pub lic as Mr. Edward Rosewater? If Rosewater Is senator we need nevet fear but what Nebraska will be well taken care of while he haa that honorable peti tion. KnrrowlntT Down the List, Wayne Herald (rep ). The United States senatnrshlp in Ne- Drasaa nas narrowed down to a contest between Edward Rosewater and Norrls Brown. Others with senatorial aspiration! have been overshadowed. id sing 'When the Cows Miss Mllkywelgh?" no sne eiaouiateo " MERRY JINGLES. "Oee, ain't that woman ugly?" "Not so ugly aa the one standing by her." 9 "Oh, I don't know-who la aha?" "My wife." "The other one's mine." Cleveland Leader. Yeast I see postage stamps have Just been dealgned and printed In Greece to commemorate the Olympic gamea of 19(W, st which the Americans came out vic torloua. Crlmsonbeak Well, the Greeka want to be sure of licking something. Yonkera Statesman. Mr. City Boarder was being entertained by hla rural aweetheart. "Do you play and sing 'When the Cows Are in tne uorn,' Miss MIlkyweighT" iMra Diets you, n get the dogs and cha w eeaiy. "Huh! What do you know about war? Did you ever hurl yourself Into the 'Immi nent, deadly breach' or 'aeek the bubble reputation, even In the cannon's mouth?' " "Well, no; not exactly. Not to any no ticeable extent. But I hriYe taken home unexpected company o dinner." Puck. "An actor should put his whole heart into his work, shouldn't he?" "Yes," snswered Mr. Stormlngton Barnea, "and even that ian't enough. Ha must find a man willing to put hla whole pocket book into it." Waahlngton Star. . .. THIS STAY-AT-HOME. T. A. Daly in Cathollo Standard and Times. Let others go For pomp and show Where ocean beata or mountain towers. I'm glad I got A homelike spot To rest in after working hours. My wife and I Contented,, sigh For nothing that the haunts of pleasure By aea or lake Could add to make Our Joy in lite of greater measure. Good food to eat, (Despite the heat I love my meals, and so does Kitty), And not a csre What clothes to wear! We're quite contented In tha city. Although to stick Where walls of brick Encompass one In all directions fa hard, we've got . A cinch. Thafa what! We're sponging on my wife's connections' Browning, King & Co OIIGINATORS AND SOLE MAKEIS Of IALP SIZES IN Ct 0TB IN ft. Some Saturday Specials In our men's department you can find: $25.00 Suits reduced to $18.00. $20.00 Suits reduced to $15.00. $18.00 Suits reduced to $12.50. $15.00 Suits reduced to $10.00. All of our $1.50 soft shirts (except white, $1.15. All of our $1.00 soft shirts (except white), 85o In our juvenile department you can find: Boys' Wue cheviot single breasted suita, worth $10.00, for $5.00. Boys' $1.00 summer shirts for 65c. $1.50 Star blouses are now $1.00. $1.00 Star blouses are now 75c. Nearly all of our stock has received some sort of a reduction and you should consider this stord if you are looking for a bargain. Flitcenth and Douglas Sts. haxaurata Si tm rrvvVYORK OMAIIA NEIL rsnry, Caapef Ssjeware v