HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JULY 13. 1900. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET eaaraaeaaa. Wheat Showi Wcaknen EaiIj, tnt Ej ection Beta la. ADVANCE THRU-QUARTERS CENT SCORE! More Rala la Northwest Inspires rear of Black Real aaa rrili Croa Xewa la Balllsk Cora Market Easy. Oata, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu... On lurk dairies. 1S1.B) l.nrt) 12.10B ITS. n the Produce erh.n.. ik. v....... i.,iM,l!r-, "y; t mark lZ.lu",, "'Hic; tlte, i4o; prim llc ; 1Sc- Chelae. steady. 11 YORK UEftF.RAL MARKET OMAHA. Juljr 12. IV. A'heat ihnwfii weakness early, but a re action came and price advanced to o above yeaterday. Shorts were inclined to cover by reason of fear of black ruat In the northwest, more rain having been reported. European newt waa bullish and tht eati,er in Argentina waa reported too ory. . 11.. -tilh J.mr.A - V . . 1 . I , ....... ucniaiiu m IllUC eilUIIBer and cash price were batter. The Price Current aays the yield of winter wheat la above the average and quality could not be belter. LocaJ elevator men do not report many acceptance. The first car of new wheat, grading No. I hard and weighing ill lha.. waa offered on the aampl inaxkitt at 72c Corn waa lower. Price were a fraction down at the start, due to showers In some parts of the corn belt. The market was held steady for a time by the strength In wheat, but when the forecast oama of showers for tomorrow, there was a de cline. The cloaa waa Sc below yeater day. The market 1s a matter of weather. Oat were atrong, though quotations were purely nominal. Broomhau estimates Argentina wheat shipments at 80n,0u buahala and corn ship ments at ,20O,0tt) buahels. Primary wheat receipts were 741,000 bush, els and shipments A0OO bushels. aalnst recelpta last year of 428,000 buahala and shipments of 278,000 bushels. Corn recelpta were 488.000 buahels and shipment 6W.00O huahela, againat receipt last year of 477. (J0 buehela and ahlpmenta of i,000 buahels. Clearances were 88.000 buahela of wheat, 23,Ti barrels of flour, W.000 buahela of corn and 1.26 buahela of oata. Liverpool closed d higher en wheat and d higher on corn. From the Record-Herald: "Several re port of black ruat were received, mainly from North Dakota, but none of them waa alarming or claimed that damage nad .resulted. At Duluth and Minneapolis, how ever, there was a fear of a spread, of the in feet ton all rianenrilnar. of course, on the VMthw ennttltlona. Predictions of weather favorable for rust development were made officially for northern Minnesota, wnere ma wheat area is comparatively imuwu. Local range of options: Qaotatloaa of the nay aa Tarleae Conamaa1lles. t-wWiORK- 12FLOUR-Rereipts ".'14 barrel; exports, 7,87 barrela. Zt . nir,,t a quiet and about -1. .Mnneota patenia, U 3Co4hO; Mlnne ! Pii "hers, 3 4:.fi.lS6; winter pa'enta. 14.00 t4 30; winter airalghta, U.M4.0r; winter etras, (2 nf&a 40; low grade, i vf:i.3S. Hye nour. quiet- fntr to good. 3.4oe3.v; choice to fancy. $3 864 20. ,,ol.NMEAL-Firm; nn white and yel- "', oft'0'1 a' L'0, 1 101 12; " dried, .RTJCDu11; No. t western. 6Tc f. o. b. New York. AT-Recelpta. 24.8U0 bu.; exports. .8S bu.; spot firm; No. 2 red. Mc, noml- . ririiiiii . no. A rM M.-r nnm lu r b., afloat: No. 1 northern hulmh kKlke. nominal. f. O. h aHr,af Vn 1 nnrtkarn sfamtnhe aa T 1 . i. i ' ment c ear y waa simple conjecture mr nn of the? f:h..m'2."-,- b '20".'- .J""!11 ! "" P-rt by the tracers who were follow Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Clowe. 1 Tesy Wheat July... Sept... Corn . July... Bept... Oats Sept.., 71B 7TR T1R T2B 71B 72B 71 B T2B 4B 4S4W '7A 47HA 4&B 4SSiB 47HA 4TSA ........ MB 71WB 71 HA A atA UA of the day wheat waa firm and decidedly nigner on a broadening trade, bulllah new from the nnrthweat and good foreign buy- ng. Hulls alao laid atree on a larger flour lamand. the unflvnrahl Rimatun rrnn Ar,H political new and nroanort for amall Ar gentina ahlpment. The market later weak- nea under reallting, but waa finally atrong e'n on ruat. nea, cloning c to sc net igher. May. fttiV'aWp. rlo1 at kc: iil.r r.. tu A 1 . . ... f, . 1 'J 1 tr-i '.iJmn., i-iusfu III Mc; B-uniliJr, 84,'8 l-lc, cloaed at 847tc; December. 8 e7Wo. cloaed at 7Vic. CORN Receipt. ai,400 bu.; spot steady; No. X Mc, nominal, elevator, and SOc, nom inal f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 61V,c, nom inal; No. I white. ilo. Option market opened eaaler on cooler, ahowery weather In the belt. It then rallied with wheat and on light country acreptancea, but near in cioee nroke under liquidation, cloning Ho to He net lower; July. 6iH,5'5Sc, cloaed t 6!Hc; December cloaed at 67c. OATS Recelpta. 86.60O bu.: pot market firm: mixed oata. 2 to a lh.. 4Mir; natural white. 0 to S3 lb., 43ft444c; clipped white, M to 40 lb.. 480c. FRED Steady ; rrprlng bran, 11 86 prompt ahlpment; middling, 118.00 July shipment; city, izi.onn bO. HAY Firm: ahlnnlna. B6fi6c: good to Choice, 8fri96c. HOP8 Bteadv: atate. common to choice, lf6, lOig-lic; 104, nominal; olda, nominal; Pacific coaat, 1K06, loylSc; 1904, 12c; old. nominal, HIDES-Bteadv: Galveston. 20 to lna.. 20c; California, 21 to 28 lbs., 21c; Texaa, ary, u to ) ma., isc. LEATHEH-steady ; acia. -wij.'ivic. PROVISIONS Beef steady; family. $10.00.fn0 60; mea. . 007 60. Beef ham. 121.0032 K; packet. 9.KuV.M; city exirn India men, HB.on015.K. Cut meata. firm; pickled bellle. U.25an3.00; pickled snouiu ere. $8.BO00; pickled ham. I12.00S12.W). Lard, firm: wextern orlme. 19. lOtfW. 30, nom . A aaked. B bid. 8T. LOU18. July 12. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 7Mc, nominal; trade. 7flT7e; September, T&'ec; December, 7Hc; No. 2 hard. 7R7ao. pabv vsitur lowar: caan firm: no. caah. nominal; track, 64c; September, T-.l Nn a white. 4So. MCTALS-lUad. hlsher at le.72H6.78; at IK AS. POl LTRY Steady; chickens, 10c; springs, Do- rfnrka- tUc: aeeae, (c. I TTER Firm; creamery. 1321C dairy, EOGS Steady at 12HS, caae count. Omaha Cask Sale. WHEAT No. 4, 1 car, 4o. Omaha Cask Prleea, TirTiaoK a haril. 72U72c: No. hard. H7l4e; No. 4 hard, 6306IMOI No. I spring, 71 He. . ,, CORN No. . 4He: No. t yellow, 4Se; NO. S white, 4V4c. nirs No 2 mixed. 3c: No. I whlto, Hc; No. 4 white, J5f llo. RYE No. 2, 64c; No. t, 63c. Carlet Beeetpta. .. , Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago .. ..1. Kansas City Minneapolis .110 .....204 230 11 65 123 214 10 14 8 Omaha Dulutn v. St. l.oula Chicago cnAur aud provisions 1 Fearwree it thi Tra4lasT aad Closlag; riM.a Board of Traa CHICAGO, July " -''''."J ?Tt7?lS ruat to the spring neat rop int proved demand for flour Imported "rength todav.to the local wheat market, the Sep teniber delivery cloning with a net gain of 4e. Corn waa oir ic '-- n Deaplte a alight advance at Liverpool the local market waa eaay on moderate V"" y pit traders. Prleea. however. Jl-'y lecovered and for the remainder of the day lh wheat pit waa bulllah. Rain In the Canadian northwest ana pru-i.- - . v.i ..,kr m h nrin- wheat ter rltorv of this country, together with hlarhor rrlces for wheat ' at Minneapolis, tended to advance price here. The atrength M he ixoithweatein market seems to connrm the lenorts of damage by rust In th whut KHh Dakota. Bt. Louis and i.- n. rim oi.lm fetr salea of flour fo v. h tbl added to the firmness ,r,n fvnrA the bulla. ... nnriMl that the crop In aouthern 1 - V.. .1 Kn k.hiv damared by ral .-a .1.., a ...ntirni vxoorta had declined The market cloaed atrong. September pcnd unchanged to MTV: lower at 75 n 7m,ir7sc, advanced to 78'i'tr79,4e and -loed at 7Kfi79c. Clearances of wheat and Hour were equal to 204.800 bu. '"TT iiatvtt hu . aaralnat 428.000 bu r .m. '. MlnneSDolla. Duluth and iki.... .miui rrlrita of 385 car, U.inlV SM cara last week and 122 cars The corn market was tinder heavy selling preeaure all day and a wean tone pre .... n-t ih,mmhiii A nredlctlon of thun in K larrrr Dart of the corn belt waa reeponalble for the weakness. The market cloaed weak. Pm"rSr Jl i changed to Wc lower at 6262c. aold K.imn 8J4.C and 6Jc and cloaed at 62V- Local receipts were B4 cars with 82 care jf contract grade. The oats market was steady becauae of freah reporta of damage by dry weather. Commission houaea and cash Intereate were active bidder all day and selling was chiefly by longa. Aeceptancee of blda were raid to be very email. September opened unchanged to Vc lower at 36c to Sitfcc. aold up to S0c and cloaed at Soc. Local rrcelpta were 124 cars. - Provision wejre rather weak on selling by local packera, but trading was light. A 6c decline In the price of live hogs was a weakening Influence. At the close September pork waa off 15c at 17.I7H. J.ro wa off 7ic at $.M24. Rlba were 7Vc lower at 39 47. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 158 care; corn, 21 care; oata. IS cara; hogs, 17 000 head. ' The leading futures ranged aa follows: Art)ela. Open I Hlh. Iw. Don Tea y. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Vtrknt ia Lower oa Bellinc by Bean to Takt Profit, NEW LOW RECORD FOR THE MOVEMENT tatemeat That Capltallats Are Pre parlasT aa Object lio to EaTeet Lelslaloa ea laveataaeata. NEW TORK. July 12 Speculators who opposed a decline In prices rather ruefully prone unced today'a stock market "defenc ie." and so far as It Implied an entire ahaence of buying power the term wna accurate. The only buying In evidence we an ocraalonal covering movement by me uccstul bear trader, who were aatlVfl to take Inviting protita on the decline In that way. What paaaed for news about the Stork exchange In explanation of the move ment cleaxly waa Imple conjecture lor me Increased 726 0f: government securities, decreased .Sl.eio.raiO. The proportion of the bank a reaerve to liability thla week la 4 46 per cent, aa compared with 41 a per cent la at week. PAPBR 13 nal; refined, ateady; continent, 9.o; South lea, $9 tt; compound, IH.k, I'orK, A marina firm; family. 119.60; short clear, iis.iwBii.w; meaa, 11. 00511. 25. TALLOW Eaay; city (2.oo per pKg.j. 416-16c; country, 4'v66i4c, pkga. free. RICE Steady; domestic, lair to extra, a S'ic. BUTTEK- Bteaqy; street pnee, extra creamery, SHrV-lc; omciai prices, cream ery, common to extra, 16Vi'j'JVfcC ; reno vated, common t" extra, 12.1 lKc; western factory, common to first, l&jjnc; western Imitation creamery, extras, j&v,c; nrsta. 16H'ftl7Ho. HEEBE Steady: new atate full cream, large, fancy, 11c; atate fair to good, 10c; new atate, small, fancy, 11c; new state fair to good, lOlOHc; new state In ferior, 8HSVto. EGOS Firm; atate, Pennsylvania and nearby fancy aelected white, 23c; choice, 21 '22c; mixed extra, ic; western nrets, 17Vc; western seconds, l&iylttVtc; southerns. 14HW16S4C. . POULTRY Alive, nrm; spring cnickena. 22c; fowla, 14c; turkeys, ll12c. Dreased, firm; western spring chickens, lSQ22c; tur keys, U(313c; fowla, 10ra13c. St. loola Oeaerat Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo.. July 12. WHEAT Higher: No. 2 red. caah, elevator, 76Hc, nominal; track, 76".4877c; September, 76'ac; December, 76Hc; No. 2 hard, 76g78c. CORN iruturea lower; casn nrm; ino. 1 caah, 66Hc nominal; track, 64c; September, 37c; December, 86Hc; No. 3 white, 43v. FLOUR Steady; red winter patent, 4.60; extra fancy and straight. (3.7&S4.30; cleat-, S2.7&&3.26. SEED Tlmotny, steady; w.wwjw. CORNMEAL Steady; 2.en. BRAN Dull; aacked, eaat track. . 731?T6c. IIAT-Stssdy: timothy. tiS.MWrrn.flO; prairie. I9.0(Hai2.00. iron turiun ii.o i.vw. BAGOINO aHc HEMP TWINE To. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; lobbing. 217.12H. Lard, lower; prime steam, 68.72!. Dry salt meata, steady; boxed extra shorts, 39.76; clear rlba, (9.87; short clears. 310.00. Baoon, steady; boxed .extra short. 110.60; clear ribs, 310.62H; short clear, 310.76. rOluTKl - oteaay; cnicaen. i"c; Bprlnge, 18c; turkeye, 11 He; ducks, 8a; geese, 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, ' lttlc; dalrv. 14 18c. UUd ttteaoy; iivtr, cus Reoeipts, Ing the movement without knowing where lame supply of stocks came from thnt poured Into the market. The volume of the dealings had risen by noon to nearly the figure for the day's total of the day before. The quick effect of the revival of the activity In forcing down prices is evidence of the prevailing disposition to sell on the part of those who make their appear ance In the market at all. Tradera laid atresa on the continued absence In .the far weat of the president of the Oreat Northern as discrediting the rumors of jasterday that the terma of the Gre.t Northern ore lands deal waa to be promp'ly announced. Aa a matter of fact, the weight of professional opinion la that thla and other reporta which have been the only available means of causing prices to ad vance, are much more effective while left in the realm of surmise than they would be aa officially confirmed. It la feared that the formal announcement would lead to selling to realise, aa In the case of othr favorable development recently. Another favorite supposition of the tradera waa thnt lately returning tourists from Europe hav ing cloae relatione with great capitalist have brought back a definitely formulated policy of liquidation and the countenancing of a decline In price. The difference be tween Income return on securities at the ' present level of values and on money lonn Is one alloted motive for this policy, mil the desire of affording an "object lesson" of the timidity of capital and the damage to flow from the governmental and popular attitude toward corporations nnda an even more prominent place In the asslgnel causes for this altered nollcv A violent decline In the Ixmdon price of copper and a response In New York and the further falling off In June production of Iron reported by a leading authority were cause of weaknea that seemed more substantial. A a matter of fact the move m-nt of the market was traceable largely to technical conditions. The decreasing de mand for stocka on the recent rallv served aa a warning that no substantial buying waa coming In at the prevailing level ot prices. Yesterday's late reaction brought prices near to the low level of the move ment touched laat week. Todny those prices were broken through In a large number of stocks, although some or the principal market lenders are exceptions. The effect waa to encronch on margins and uncover Btop-loss orders which escaped at the pre vious decline. There la no preaent pressure on borrower of stocks, but It Is suspect cd that loarra on time to some of the stock market poola are running to their maturity and difficulty Is found in satisfactory re newals. The money market was tranquil and lh presence of the secretary of the treasury In the city was the occasfon for an Im pression that the proceeds of hankers subscriptions to the forthcoming Panama canal bonds will be left on deposit with the banks and thus guard againat an upset money market as a consequence of the subscriptions In connection wtlh the current withdrawal of 310,000.000 of government de posits. Intimation of a purchase by the government of silver bullion for mintage were alao calculated to suggest a meana of release of government funds to the mar ket. These suggestions of clearing condi tions in the money condition were given some credit for the late recovery from the recent extreme decllnea, although the tak ing of the day's profits on the short side played an important part. The closing wa rather feverish, but with most of the rally held. Bonda were weak. Total aales, par value, 32.003,000. United States 2s advanced ft per cent on can Hew Tork icier Market. NEW TORK. July 12,-MONET-On call, steady, 2r? per cent; mllng rate. 2H per rent; last loan. 2'- per cant; closing bid. J4 per cent; offered at 24 par cent; time loan, strong; sixty day. 4$4H pe eent; ninety day. 44l6 per rent; sis months, 64 iAV Mr rant. PRIME MERCANTILE ner cent. STERLING F.XCHANCJE-F.asv. with ac tual business In bankers' bills at 34 lij 4 4ffi for demand and at 14 81o34 for Ixty-day bill; posted rates, 34.K2Va4 3M4; commercial bills, 64 MS- SILVER Bar, 6Mc; Mexican dollars, 60VC BONDS Government. firm; railroad, weak. Quotations on New fork bonds today were as follows: I', s. rat. Is, rag 1M,jb e. M attN... do coupon o 4 ttta . l"i as 4m m ..10JV do la tartea. ..Kxtkll.. A H. wal. 4a... .IU WM. t. I 4a ..!')! Mm (antral 4a... ..UW let Ik .. 17!. Mln. A St. L. 4. . .llin.a . K A T. 4a... . .1'lv,) no la .. . N R. ft. M. , .. S N. Y. C. f. ... ..1..1,N. J. C. f. aa .. MWN. Parlfte 4a. ... ItU 00 It ...HIVN. A W. r. 4 ..II IO. t. U rtos. 4a.. ... t rmi. mqy. aa... ,.. M Raaitlnc n. a... rnaa. A onto 4wa....li,.V St. L A 1. M. c. I Chicago A. 71 Kt. U f. f(. C, 8 A Q. n. 4t.... vt m. L. w c 4a.. C JC. I. a P. 4a.... 7iV"-a board A. U 4 in ral. ta v BO. racist 4a II. 8. la. do coupon V. s. ai 4a. ra.. do coupon C B. naw 4a. rag. do coupoa Am. Tobacco 4a.... do Aa Atrhtsan ae. 4.. da adl. a Atlantic C L 4a.. Bal. A Ohio 4a.... do I'M Bra K. T. c. .. Central of O. at.. no lat Inc do Id Inc do yi Inc ... e ... II ...ieM ...lain ...14 ...II ... M4, ... ... 4a. ait ... ...ltt .''l ... 71 ...too 14 ... ... , ... l ... IT mu UK STOCl MARIET CUl tt tt HirhMt Foist Toachad ia tersral Month. HOGS Sta SOME LOWER ON AVERAGE hee m La atb Arrive at Tare Late, bat teaaaaaad Geo Prleea Wkea Oace Of ' fere fee Bale, ' SOtTH OMAHA. Jury 12. lo. with speculstnre wanttrg a few good to choice hearv beg for mlrlng purpoca. snd h few Inaoa watch found favor In their eves brougat prices that ware steady tn a little higher. They pa.d aa high as for the best .heavy peg. which waa 6c higher than anvthtng brmiaht jesterdiy. Packera. how-.r, vtarted cut bld'Ung lower and thev bought the mwi of their hogs lvs lower, the market closing 6c lower than yeeterday general maraet. In other orda. the bulk of the hog sold at :hk I as. a against Is SHV yetetday. The popular price tdv wa la art. wher eterday over half of all the nog aold at f W. Representative aaies: Receipts were: OtiiCI Monday ... Official Tuesday ... Offlnlai Wednesday Official Thursday . Cattle, nog. Sneep. .42 6;6 . l.4 4aol l.oSl i.il a,.a.' 1.044 LiA 6.4- rxv. lolo. A St. U a. 4. .lul Ind. aa. a-r. A. II do aenea b.. Colorado Mi. 4a... roto. a 8a. Ctina la D. A H. o. 4a Ulatlllara' See. It.. Er.a p. I. 4a do ia. 4a Honk,ua Val. 4ta. Jaaa aa .. .. Ill .. 4 .1" do let 4a nil.. Bo. Rail war la... Iiui A r. la ... T , St. U A W. t'ntan faISe 4a.. I . . Staal Id la. Four days this week. ..13.607 2.65 19 442 Same days laat week.... 7.11a Si.tfO .' Same two weeks ago. .. .12, 41.411 6.4n0 Same three wees ego...l.m Wi."4 4,(i Same four weeks ago. ...14.111 e.7 ?.4 Same deye lat year lb-JU M.fcW I1,aa KKCElPiS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. in lollowlng tabie i.Ow the receipt of cattle. hna and aheep at South Omaha for the year to date, com pa real with last 4a.. Wahath la . n do dab. B .104 Wcatarn Md . Hi w. A L B. 4a ,lult 'U. Cantral 4a. year: Ik). 1906. Inc Cattle 47.107 462.421 4VW Htt 1.M44S7 l.t,7.7l4 14.0, Hh-p Tal.toS 742.46J S1.610 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinoa of cattle on the ttoutn Omaha market! Good to choice corn-fed steers 3.StJS.0O Fair to good corn-fed steers, eon.w4.36 I mramn. . .t a ImaiII 1 liood to choice cows and lieifers.. i64 ku ralr to good cowa and heifers tibii! ' Common to fair cowa and heifers.. l.04!.Tt Good to choice stockers A feeders.. J 76U4 10 Fair to good stockera feeders.... I 'fS.7l Common to fair stockers . Urn. SI bulls, stags, etc 2.7014 10 Veal calves 4.00toe.SO The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several day a. with comparisons: ..1114. ..in i.. ii ..! .. 17 ..in .. ti .. ! .. .. Boston Stock aaa Bond. BOSTON. July 12,-Call loana, i36 per cent; time loana, tnjtifcv per cent, ufflcial closing on ucki ana u. nai: M 'orth Butt .11 ivs.atin common . 75 jAdvcntar . Allouat II Sa Amalgamated Atchlaon adj. 4a... do 4a Mea. rentral 4a... Atchlaon do pld 'Bnaton A Albtnr. Hoatoa A Malna.. Boatoti Kiavated .. Kllrhbur pld Max. LautraJ N. Y., N. H. A I Para llarquatte .. t'nlon Pacifle Amir. Aria. Cham. do ptd A mar. Pnau. Tuba A mar. Sucar do pfd Ann. I. A T Amer. Woolen .... do pfd ..I4 ..111 ..lii ...Ut i. I . . Ill ... IS Amar.can Klnc Atlantic biOham (al. A Heel., t intaunlal .... Coppar haos . titly Wcat . -,.klin . M . l . 11 III (raaby isla tnyala .. Maaa. Mining Mirmaan Mohawk Kdlaoa K.ac. Maaa. Rlactrle do pfd Maaa. Uaa tnitad Irult t'nltcd 8ho Mach. do pfd V. S. Hteal do ptd Bid. "Aaked. 1U I mwi. i. A , u Old Dominion ..lcvVOaceoia lllu..a4( ...... H Parrot umcr . ... lamaraok MM Trinity ..10iW .. Ilv, V. 8. Mining. run irtorla Vinona Voiverla .... 4.1 . 71 . li . ws, . I . 11 . it in , li . t. . .it , li 4j . II , 1 I" . It Vi . . 34 . M . U 4 . 14 . MM . 1 . 4 .1W Date. 110. l06.ill04.l9.ll02. 1W1. 1100. Ma a. SB, rr era. a Pa. T ti ... ItH tt aa 4 at . art ... i Its at l I Tt let as u h tu a i a it t't tt 4) a ?' to w at Ill aa 4 I ! IH l n m it tu ... it nt in l an i tt; i m T. .ft are aa u t.'t Tt 14 lie I a 71 im li tat n l4 K l 1 M I tit 1 I aa to 14 ... I u , n r4 ... in tt 44 i II tTl N tn t i o I s n J'T ... s tT oi aa i n Ti 4 l Tl it m w T rr Me a n. Ten an in at t' lift I 1114 Wi no f I an i it t 11 PIW ltd I IA 4 K. 141s 11 ' f T4 rl 1M Mv Tl ITI 14 I II 41 tie 4 I tn, v Jt ... lat M los M 141 n mi IK 141 Tl II IM S 71 Ill ... 4 11 n fit m i its it II tt 4 lll .', til 44 III 71 Ill tO US 71. Ill ... IM 14 la ... I US S3 Ml . . I 7S l........ra to ts 71 171 tt ins t 4 ISIS 71 147 10 I ITS 17 Mi in Ills 7T.i tot an 4 ts It lit at t Ms tl Ill 1! a r;s I aaa 1 I Its 1 Ml 10 I ITS II IM laa t is " 'I" 4 its 7 m ita tus k " 's 74 Ill ... l M Ill 144 C ITS M 19 4 II9S 41 Kl M 4 47S II Ill UO I lS 41 117 ... 17" II 141 ... 4 fit II ITI M 4 10 71 1H ... tllS II 171 140 I Tt ti in ... i js 7t fe ... i tii 47. 141 10 Ills 4e 4 10 71 141 4 t lS 41 14 as t 14 III Ml Ho ll!S 4 ..tn IM 4 1 4. ....... M1 ... Ills at Ill ... II at tf 4 . t4IS 74 HI l!0 I in w Kl 1KI tus 14 1:4 ... 7IS 1S7 40 t 41 K.4 Ill ... I 71 M 141 144 I H BOARS. 1 11 ... 4 At July July July July Jiliy July July July July Juiy July July 10... U... 12... I tt 1714 '47K Joyy 62V 6M I MS 6 26. I 26 I 2K 6 29 a I 33 I 32 6 S3 ( 12 I 111 I tt I 27 6 1D 6 1 6 Wl I 61 7 641 6 61 I 6S I l 6 3V! I 16 I 4b I I 38 I 11 I 38! 4 1 441 7 44 7 a Tii 7 76 7 Hi 7 7 63 I 76 i'73 6 7 I 13 I 64 m I M 7 771 6 Wl 4 1 I 01 "jVii I 17 U I II I II I 01 6 6 Closing Stocks. 12. Closing. quotations on Loadoa LONDON. July the btoca exchange were: Conaola, monay ..17 14-11 N. T. Central do account II l-lllNortolk A VS.. Flour, bhle.. Wheat, bu... Corn bu Oats, bu 4.000 ..122,000 .. 47.000 .. 88,000 count. Shipments. 7.000 11,000 89,000 6,000 The followins- are the huntariinn Btoca exenange: Mlaaeapolls Grata Market. ' MINNEAPOLIS, July It FLOUR First patents, 4.15434.26; second patents, 84.00 410: first clears, 33.364j3.46; second clears, $2 60S60. BRAN-In bulk. $18.60f13.75. (Superior Board of Trade quotations fo Minneapolis and Chicago delivery.) The range of prices, as reported by F. D. Day tk Co.. 110-111 Board of Trade, waa: Article. I Open. 1 Hlgh. Low. Close! Tefy. Wheat I May...tlTt?821 July... "s? i7 Sept-.. Dec... Sept.. Deo.. . 77 MTV, 113V 1 12 1 Us 7iv 78s 78V41 4 ISC 1 HWI 81 7tr . 7!l4j 1 18s 1 12VI 1 u i 78s 82 7'A 77Htl'Vj 70 1 13VI 1 13 I nC 1 1 1 11 HI 1 11 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 81c; No. 1 northern, 80c; No. 2 north ern. 7Mkc; to arrive, 78V4c; No. 3 northern. 7Vu77Hc; No. 1 durum. "74c; No. 2 durum. ouo. corn; xo. ycuuw, a-v:, iu. a 4si4o. Oatc No. ( white, Stisc; No. t, 3oc. Barley, 3745Cc. Rye, ei&j6c. Flax, tl.10'4. . juij Sept. - Deo. Corn July . Sept. May Oats : July. BepU Dec. May Pork July Sept. Lara July Sept Oct. ;ite Out. !7Ts978 78 te-s 7 I'M !60Te-ls 7aii)o ;tsus 11 I7W 17 WW 06 20 7W & 26 TJ 77 78sU 7m 78 TrA'aiiJUlft'i Ovd T vH 63 62 6J 62H 63 62H 6SS. fcTtj 61 10 60s 61 39 8 8S 8V 35 80 36 87 3'. ,'8.'Q' 88 3.' 1 r 18 87 II 87 1 7 17 U 17 16 17 (7 17 62 10 02 07 22 12 t 12 0 17 I 17 17J & I 17 I 60 I 16 17 67 46 47 t 66 26 17 20 I SO No. t "h nuotatlons ware as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 63 6014.40; v.-.ntar airmail ta. Hkiat.iV; spring Dai a n la. 31.7(4 00; (prlntT straight, I4.46u3.ai; bak- ,-ra. Il04 10. WHEAT No. I spring, 03lc: No, prlng. 7itr:8c: No. t red. 7vtf7V. CORN-No. 2. 62o: No. I rellow. 62o. OATS-No. 2. 3c; No. I while, 4vtfHlc; No. I white, s40c. nYK No. 2. jtfe. BARLEY Good feedlns. 041e; fair to choir malting, 4liic. 8Keri4 No. 1 ilea, tl 01: No. 1 north weatern, 11 10. fYlme timothy, 4.00. Clover, cootrart grade. l av PROVISIONS Short rlba. aldea. loose. 1. 40. Meaa Dork. Dr bbl.. til aVffll .:A. lrd. per V li. la. 02. Short clear aldea. boxed, .itoriu.A. Followlcf were the receipts and ship- menta of nour ana grain: Recelots. Shipment Flnar. bbl K ll.OuO Wheat, bu...... l'T 1. Cora. Imi...m al, IVI.ttx) Kaaaas City G KANSAS CITY. 70e; September. caan, no. x nam. Mo. z rea, nwuc la a eot Prevision. July 11 WHEAT July, "lsc; December, 73c; 72A72V; No. 3, 7172c; No. . TIHtTTZc CORN July, c; September, 48c; De cember, 46c; caah. No. 2 mixed. 2c; No. I white, 64c; No. 2. 63sc OATS No. z while, tuqriio. RYK Steady; 6le. HAY Steady; choice timothy, 10.609 11 00; choice prairie. .2txB9 50. BUTTEK Creamery. ic; pacKing. itsc EGOS Firm; Miaaourl and Kansaa, new No. I whltewood raaea Included, 16c; case count, lc; caaea returned. c les. neceipia. empmeni. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. . Oats. bu. . . . .224.000 . . 10.600 .. I.OOO 4.00 1000 a.uoO Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. July 11 BUT TER Firm; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearby prima, iic EOGS Steady: nearpy rreen. weetem fresh, 18o at mark. CHEESE Firm: New Xork fair lo choice. 10tJUc. 18c at mark; full creams. Peerla Market. Jtily l?-CORN-H1gher; No. I No. 8, 63c; No. 4, 62c; no grade. 30e; No. 8 Quiet on basis of 11.9 for fln- PEORIA, yellow, 63c POC. OATS Higher; No. 2 white, white, ssac; No. I whit. c. WHISKY- ished good. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, July It WH EAT Mar ket steady: No. 1 northern, Kltiftlc; No. I northern, 81063c; September. 78(tio asked. KY-rull; Ko. 1, a-5ii4o. BARLEY Dull; aampl. 428c. CORN Higher; No. I caah, KSWWc; Sep tember, 62o asked. Llverpeel Grata Market. LIVERPOOL, July l-WHEAT-Spot. Arm: future, quiet; July. 4 (d; Septem ber, 6a 4d, December. 6s ld. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old. 6a lOd: futures, quiet; July, 4s Id; Septem ber. 4s 7d- Dalalk Grata Market. DULUTH. July 11-WrtFAT-To arrive and on trark. No. 1 ncrthem. 0c; No. t northern, 78c; July, aUc; September, Tec; December, o. OATS To arrive, on track and July, 17c A4am Eaprea Amalgamated Coppar Amarican c. a V Amarlcan C. A P. pfd American Cotton Oil Am. Coiton Oil pld Amarlcan Capreaa Amarlcan H. A L. pfd Amarlca Ic. tacurllla.... Amarlca Llnaaad OH Am. Llnaaad Oil pfd Ataarlran Loromotlra Am. Locomotlva pfd Amarlcaa B. A R Amarlcan B. A R. pfd Amarlcan Bugar Raflnlng... Am. Tobacco pfd ctft Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaat Una Balltmora A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Trantlt.... Canadian Pacifta Cantral of Naw Jaraay Chaaapaake A Ohio Chicago Oreat Waatarn Chicago A Northwaataro . . . . Chicago. Mil. A 81. P Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd. oftarad C. C, C. A Bt. Loula Colorado Fual A lroa Colorado A Southara Colorado A So. lat pfd Colorado A Bo. Id pfd Conaolldatad Oa Corn Product, rfg Corn Produeta pfd, rfg Cantral Lmthar Cantral Uaathar pfd Iialawar A Hudaoa Delaware. L. A W Dsnvar A Rio Orand Danvar A R. O. pfd Ulatlllara' saaurltla Erla Erla lit pfd Erla Id pfd Oanaral Elactrlr Craat Northara pfd Hocking Vallar Illlnola Cantral Intarnatlonal Papar Intarnattonal Papar pfd.,.. Intarnatloaal Pump Intarnattonal Pump pfd low Cantral Iowa Cantral pfd Intaroorougb. Matropolllan.. Intarborouga Mat. pfd Kanaaa City Southern Kanaaa City Bo. pfd LouttTllla A Naahrtlla Max lean Cantral Mionaapolla A Bt. Loula..., M , Bt. P. A . S. M M . St. p A B. g. at. pfd. Miaaourl PrnclBa Miaaourl, Kanaaa A Tvaaa. M . K. A T. pfd National Lead National R. R. of II. pfd., Naw York Cantral Naw Tork. O. A W Norfolk A Wax era I Norfolk A W. pfd satll) American Nortbar Paclfi Pacific Mall Pannaytvaal Peopl'a Oaa P . C. C. A Bt. Loula Praaaad Staal Car Praaaad gtael Car pfd Pullman Palac Cr Raadlng Reeding lat pfd Reading Id pfd. offered ... Republic Steal Repubile Steal pfd Rock laland Co. Rock laland Co. pfd Bt. L A S P M ptd Bt. Loula Southweetara.... at. Loula 8. W. pld Souther Pacifle Bo. Pacltc pfd southern Railway Bo. Railway pfd M. Bloaa BheSlel Steal Tenueeeea Coal A lroa ... Teaaa A Pad Be Toledo, At. L. A W T . Bt. U A W. pfd t'nloa Paclfi I'ntea PaclBc pfd tolled Bute Eiprea It. S Realty, oSerad Vnttad Biataa Rubber V. B. Rubber pfd t'Blted Stale Steal V. . Blael pfd V.-Carolla Chemical .... a. -Carolina Cbas. ptd.,., Wabaah Wabaah pfd WelU-Fargo Eipnaaa Weatingtiouaa Kleaui .... a'eatern t'nle Wbeeliag A Lake Erta Wlacoaain Ceslral wia. laatiml pfd on the Bale. High. Lew. Clce. lll.mo l.on 100 6.704 104 lS 1S tl M4 II 1,104 44 4.1K 100 I.M 14 K0 10, I'M 104 100 1.100 40,'ino l.tt 'i!io 1.404 100 41.100 141S 11F 11 iio" II s ins 111 "lis IMS 'iis 114 IM 114 '4 l"4 MS MS MS l II "u 141 S HIS 127S lis'" M s 1.11s 111 'ii-' tsi 'lis 14S mi 171 400 M.tx4 lot 'iiioo 4,400 600 400 1,000 10 1,100 t.iit 'iiint 14,100 00 1,4000 100 l.io i'tn too 100 100 wo 'ran 400 I'lO 1 too 1.400 400 KlO 1S 4" S MS 44S IMS IIS IIS 11 101 "ms "ii" M IIS 47 S MIS let 17444 ii 'ii" 14 'is'' ns MS 40J4 141 MS 44 1 44S us 41 ins 11 11 M loi s 104 "lis ins 11s 14S aa in M4 tiis its lS 1 14 '4S IIS us 41 44S Anaconda Atrhmon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian Pacific ... (Tiee. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A 8t. P DeBeer D. A R. O do pfd .1 Erla . do lat pfd do Id pfd Illlnola Cantral Louis. A Naah at., K. A T Ex-dlvldend. SILVER Bar, MONEY 1U2 usi do pfd IIS Ontario A W lua Irannayiranl HIS Rind Mine IKS 'Heading . 17 ao lal pfd , IV do Id pfd .ltiOjt Southern Hallway . lis no pfd , 40 4onthern Pact do . , lis iJnlon Pacific .... . 40 do pfd , H'S I'. 8. Staal . 10 do pld II. 'anaah .14t. do pfd . 4 tianlib 4 ..IMS .. es .. 14 .. 41 .. 44 .. IS .. IIS .. 44 .. 41 .. 14 ..101s .. MS ..141 .. 11 .. 14 ..IMS .. 1 .. 44S .. 13 firm, per ttd per ounce. cent. The rate 01 discount in the open market for short bills la 3 1-16 per cent; for three montna Dill, is per cent. New York MlaintC Stocks. NEW YORK. July 12-Clos!r.g quotation on mining stock were: 'Sunday . RANGE OF PR1CE8. Cattle. Hog. Omaha tl 76b 00 I6.bv.76 Chicago 1 26.0 K 47.0B Kat aas City t.vxu 10 6.&0 4jb. St. Louis 1.7ou00 4 76 7 t6 Sioux City 10ljA 78 .66 ,7I WEDNESDAY S SHIPMENTS. The following snowa arte number of cars of Blockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. Fred Haas, Marengo, la. R. 1 3 J. W. Benson. Clara, la. I. C. J A. McLaughlin, Woodbine, la. N. W 1 O. P. Moorheed. Woodbine, la. N. W 1 The official ' number of cars of stock brought in today by each road waa: 4Jattle.Hoga.Sheep.HT see. C. M. 4V St. P. Ry.. 1 abash 2 Mo, P. Ry 12 U. P. system ., it C. N. W (east) .. .. C at N. W. (west) .. 14 C, St. P.. M. A O C, B. tt Q. least I ... 6 C, B. ft W- (weat) .. 34 C, R. I. P. (eaat).. 7 C H. 1." A If. (west). .. Illinois Central Chicago tit. Western, .. 4 1 3 II 4. 7 4 2 1 t 122 Queensland sold well. Following are th snips In l-ti: New South Wales, i hale: avotirod. lOiiDla lt,d . gresv. 7iH Is M (jti euslaml. l. lles: si-uitred. If l.11:s. grassy, 1l.lils 1.1. Victoria. I. bslrs; sci.ured. lsol 11: gresv. Inula M Smith AuetMl'H. Iwlee; s-otirad. U Jrlal'VI; greaav. iilMla VI Weat Australia, i Kilrs: grr-asy. 7Si1lJlJld. Tasmania, hslea; grensv. Ilvl. .New Zealand, I hiles; scptir.'d. Is l.lMls lil. gieasy. Wl Is Td. Cie of Oivd lliipe and Natal, hales; sonuird. 1 bi1iils W; gresy. 6d Jt'vd. ST. LOUIS. Mo . July V -WOOf -Steedy; medium grade cnmhli-g and tlothlna. 2',l 2c; light fine. lMl'c: heavy tine, 14S17c; tub washed, e.'tlt.c. dcta. lb.; 30C SHEEP Reeelpts Of sheep this morning Were quite liberal, the only trouble being that the trains were o late (hat It was time for everything to be sold b'fore the receipts were In the yard. As a rciult It wa much later than usual before a clear ance waa effected. The mark't aa a whola waa In very satisfactory condition, the most of the arrivals changing hands quite read ily. The Lee Spaeth A Co wethers brought 16.60 a againat 86.15 yesterday and 5C.:6 the day before. Some rretly decent spring lamb aold up to 37 60. Quotation: Good to cholce.enrlng lamb. I7.60Q7.7S: fair to good spring lamb. l-',.2f'r 7. no; good to choice yearlings. i.76tl.lls; fair to good yearling. 15.50iJi5.75. good to choice wethers, Ii.25tj6.no: fair lo good wether, 34 8C5o-25; good to choice ewea, 14 .HOnjS.aS; fair to good ewes, 34 (004.90. Representative salea: No. 2u Idaho eeea, culls 11 Idaho bucka, mile 1 Idaho buck, cull 21 Idaho ewes 2t'l Idaho ewes 18 leaning, culia 650 Wyoming wether iu ye-ii.uga 20 Idaho lamb, cull 106 Idaho yearlings It4 Idaho yearling 1 loaho ye.trlin Idaho lambs SO Wyoming wetners 20 12 'i it Totals receipts ... 86 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purcnastng tn oum- ier 01 neaa inaicatea; Cattle.HogaBh'p. 4.404 100 ano I, too 100 l.aoo 1,100 ut '"Hi . 14.400 mo 0.100 l.KM 'iiioo 100 100 114.404 II M 11 17 111 47 II 'ii, in MS 134 M M 111 111 11 11 11 17 121 44 MS 'ii 114 II Ul MS ' M iir 1 TeleAa Market. TOLETX). O.. July 11 SEtTO-Clover. caah. M6; October, 14 17: August allk. 7 14, prim timothy, U uO, No. 1 r . sue. 1.10 II 14 oa M it l.io 11 11 00 11 40 04 II 41 ioo 'en" I.I04 M 11 '.ioo 11 "nl 10 M M l.im 1 at 604 141 141 1' tn at I. 14 M 40 44 44 M.eul 111 Ut 10 lS 40 T1.4U4 14. 104 to It 41 101 11 100 M 104 U 44 41 M : to 120 17 MS 11 11 4 111 14 111 i: M 127 4 M IM 1U S 7 114 111 11 14 111 171 11 11 41 41 1 MS 44S IMS ! 14 MS 101 l4S IM M M MS 10 Ml 114 111 17 41 41 11 M IS M 71 II 41 144 US M IM 14 M li 15 S 72 17 S 12 10 1 1M tl 121 M 71 44 14 til 111 10 M 14 - M 40 40 'S 41 U HIS 11 M M 141 MS ltc M 111 It 40 Adaat Con Alice Braeee Brunawlc Con .. Cometork Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn gllrer .... Iron fillvar Laadallia Coa .... O flared. M .2M . M . lu . II . 10 jot .140 . 1 Utile Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Fhoeals Potoal iSavag 1 Sierra Narad email Hope .. Standard . I .til .110 . I . 10 . 40 . 17 ,. M ..140 -4uo ll-i l.tel 24 1.M4 7ti ) i.4,7 ia Ui 1,14a - as 71 . ..... 1 a 30L 7 118 II 24 247 m 17 2e 1038 , 8,771 8.1W u 104 M u2 MS M iojJ 11 104 11 tl 41 11 ne 4S M 44 M 11 11 44 ;n 1M us Total aaiaa lor ta lay. IM.Iet aharea. iaiiah, juir li. lia m.11. ..... rnent of the Bank of England ahows the following chajtgee: Total reaerre. de- ""a auivwi, uuuion, increeuaeil aaa). aud uiner awcurmee. aecreaced a7.Las.uaYi: nthmm Torelara Plaaaelak LONDON. July 12.-Money was In In creaaed demand In the market today for stock exchange payments, but supplies were abundant. Discount were firm. Businea on the stock exchange continued to grad ually Improve, the favorable bank state ment proving a elrengthenlng Influence, j Consols after easing temporarily closed firm. Home rail improved on Investment purchasing. Foreigners were dull In sym pathy with Parts. Kaffirs were Inclined to eaae owing to the native troubles and the postponement of the promulgation of a constitution for South Africa. Copper shares weskened In sympathy with the metal. Americans experienced a dull morn ing only moving rrscnonany to over par ity, the Wall street decline checking oper ations. Later New York advices caused a heavlnes and trading cloeed dull with stocks at about tn loweat quotatlona of the day. Japan Imperial 6a of 1804 cloaed at 102. BERLIN, July 12. Trading on the Bourse today waa Irregular. The general tendency was toward weaker prleea.' PARIS, July 12. Prleea on the Bourae to day were heavy on the news from Russia. Russian bonda of 1904 cloaed at 4S&.00. Baak of France Statement. PARIS, July It The weekly etatement of the Bank of France ahowa the following changea: Notea In circulation, decreased 62.7liO.O0O francs; traaaury depoalta, in creased ll.OiO.OOO franc; general deposits, decreaaed 48.826.000 franc; gold In hand, de. creased 10.H7&.000 franca; allver In hand, decreaaed 676 000 franca; bill discounted, decreased 6,697.000 francs: advances, de creaaed 22,676,000 francs. Treaanry Statement. WASHINOTONj July II. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the 1 general fund, exclusive of the 160,00i.- 000 gold reeerve, ahowa: A val lab I cah balance, $173,270,601; gold coin and b . lion, 115, 614,700; gold certificate, 46,- 788.230. Baak Clrarlaaa. OMAHA. July 12 Bank clearing for to-1 day were tl.C86.14l. 60 and for the correep3nd. Ing date last year i,zi,ui.m. . Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 11 M ETALS There waa a further decline In the London tin market, chiefly in the quotation for fu ture. Spot wa quoted av 164 17s Id and futures at 1M 2s d. Locally the market waa dull with apot quoted at 86. 760 34. 26, or about 6 point lower on the average. Copper had a aharp break In the London market with spot quoted at 7 6a and future at 73 16a. Locally the market was more or less nominal at lower prleea Lake la quoted at 111 I7(fj'18.76; electrolytic at 18.1J"tf 18 f; caatlng at 117.76(8 18.00. Lead waa unchanged at 1 Is Id In London. Locally prices were lower on lot out of store end the market waa quoted at 36.76. Bpelter declined 6e to 31 loe In London. Locally the market waa dull and un changed with spot quoted at 6.8C'oi.7. Iron was Id to ld lower In the Kngllan market with standard foundry quoted at 4s fid and Cleveland warrant at 60s. Lo cally the market was unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern la quoted at 118.254318 76: No. 3 northern. HI 76-518 26; No. 1 foundry southern st 117 0u; No. 2 foundry southern. (17.00. 17.60. . ST. LOUIS, Mo., July II -MET A I Jl Lead. higher at 6.T:'s6.;6; spcllar, stsady at 1686, Oils aa Koala. NEW TORK. July 11 OIL Cotton seed, barely steady; prim crud. f. o . b., mill, 27c; early new crop, prime yellow, 17 He. ROSIN Firm; - strained, common to tood. 1116. SAVANNAH, July 11 OIL Turpn tine, firm; I7c. ROSIN Firm Quote: A, B. C. IS 1" Cllt; D. I8.7I63.60; E. tlt!04O6; F, Ill74e. O. I4 02410; i, (4 17 45 4 10; I, (4 26; K. 14.40; M. (4 46; N. (4 660 4 66; WO. 14.12 . I ll; WW, (I Tl4 19. OIL CITY, Pa.. July II. OIL Credtr balances, 1144. Shipmenta. II 111 bbl.; average, 14.171 bbl a. Huna. 2,37 bbU. average, I 141 pote. cnipment. 1.1 ma Omaha Packing Co Uwitt and Company ... Cudahy Packing CO Armour A Co Cudahy fkg. Co., K. C. Armour at Co., K. C... Hill Ac Son Hamilton Rothschild,. Kingan A Co. Wolf Lejghton A Co. J. ti. Hoot A Co Independent Pkg. Co. ., Krey Packing CO Halatead - Other buyers Totals CATTLE For a Thursday tb receipts were very light, less than luu cars being re ported In all told. Of this number a con siderable proportion consisted of corn-fed steers and, aa waa the eaae yesterday, there were a good many very wen finished cauls on sale. The market for a while waa in satisfactory condition. Beef steers were In very fair demand again thla morning, especially those of de sirable quality, and buyers wert out much earlier than usual, ao that pretty much everything In sight waa cleaned up before 10 o'clolck in the morning. As to prices both se ers and buyers wtre generally quoting the market as strong, or to cut it another way. It was a good, strong, active market. The Graham cattle, which might ha taken aa a very fair Index of the mar ket, brought 36.86, which was 6c higher than they sold lor vestsraay, ana 11 anyimng tha otialltv waa not quite a good today. The Olnadale cattle brought 84. which was the highest price paid on thla market since last November, when a bunch ot Christmas beeves was weigna up si to-nv. Cow and heifers were In very light sap niw and aa a rule the quality of the offer (ngni waa not very good. There waa a fair i,mend and the offerings were pretty much cleaned up tn good seaaon In the morning at prices that were not quotably different from those which prevailed yesterday. Bulls were also Just about steady, there being no noteworthy change In the msrket. There, wore no stockers or feeders of any consequence In sight and there Is nothing to be said regarding cattle or that Kind. Representative sales: CHICAGO LIVK STOCK Cattle Steady la Strangr. Hog Steady to Fire Cente Loner. CHICAGO. July 12.-CATTLK-Ree Inta. 6,01X1 head. Market steady to strong, com mon to prime steers. H.t0Jjb.i; ruws, i.76 64 60; heifers, 4.i6'i6.a; mm, 2.in(4..'o; calves, 8.bvue 78, stockers and leeuers, 2.0u 43-4 0. ' HOGS Receipts, 19.000 head. Market steady to 6e lower; choice to prime heavy, to.ti0j.,; medium to good heavy. eH.bua1 80: butcher weights, 40.MUii.uu; gooa tu choice heavy, tamM ; pacalng, 8o.untiti.76. bhblvF AMU lAMBa-tltCtipil, ll.UUtf head. Market weak to 16c tower; sheep, 4.(r-2; yearlings, 66.40-to.i6. iambs, lo.'Ai a 11 1 1 II II 4 41 41 24... I.... 41.... II.... I.... K... 44 ... I.... II.... II.... I. ... t.... 1.... I... I.... I.... 4.... I.... 4.... I.... II. .. I.... !.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... I ... 4.... I.... I.... I.... I ... M.... 4.... I.... 4.... ... 1.... 14..., 1..., 1.... I.... I.... 1... I.... U... 1... 1..., I... I... I... I... 4... I... I... I... I... 1... ... .'.'. 1... I... I... Av. Pt 111 a 40 M0 4 40 4 It 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M 4 M I 14 I 14 I II I 10 M I M I M I M t II I M I M . ..ItaO ... Ml ... M0 ... Ml ...10M ...110 ...1141 ...HIT ... M4 ...not ...1M4 ...lMt ...Hut ...till ...1171 ...UM ...1111 ... ... no ... M4 ...1040 111 104 Ml Ml . Ml ....leu .... no .... no .... 141 ....111 ....100 .... Ml .... 1 .... Ill Na M...e.. 14 M 40 II It M ta M 1 4 II II II M II 14 It Av. ..1114 ..lilt ..1121 ..1101 ..lM ..IM ..lilt ..till . .124 ..124 ..lilt ..mi ..1411 .1442 ..ino ..1M4 .1111 .1171 Pr. I M I 44 I 4 I M I M I M I U I M at I 14 1 14 I 71 I 74 1 m I M I M at I M It MI . Ml , Ml IM IM 10 .IM .. 144 ..114 .114 . 14M ..1114 1 Tl 1 to I M I 00 I M I II I 14 I 1 I K I M I M I M I II I 14 I M I 14 I M I H I M I 14 I M I II I 4 I M I II I M 1 M I M I M I M I t COWH. 1... 4.... 1..., I ... It... I... 4.... ... l'" I... I. .. 14... ... I... 1... I... It... 1... 1... II. .. I... I... 4 .. I... I... I... 1 .. I .. I... I HEIFERS. I M I M I 1 I 14 I M I 0 drpoall. decreaaed lennn) rx.KIi i. Iliiti KM. - .veraa-a. 61 lis kKi m,..' powia. decieaeed 4.jb,uw; reoiee reserve, I Lima, (1.47 bbl.; average, 11,3.1 I M I M ii. I 14 t 14 I W I II I M ( M 4 M 4 M 4 M M M M IK f, "0 STOCKERS let 1 M IM I li I BULLS. l. 1 . 14 tat 144 . IM IM CALVES. ...MO .. lot ...teat ,..1M ... Ill ...1041 ... M4 ...1071 ...1041 . .100 ...10M ... IM ...11M ,..lla ...1114 ...net ...14-4 ...111 ...14M ...111 ..JIM ...1244 ...10 ...Wet ...UJ ...llfl ...IM ...Hit ...ltot .. 0M ...net IM , in ill 144 14 T lit ...IM0 IM UM 114 tit Ut Ml Ml . 114 . lit . IM . IM I M I M I t I 40 I 04 I 14 I I 16 I M I M t 21 I M M M I M I M I M M I 71 I M I M M M I M 4 fat 4 04 4 M I 1 4 II 4 M 4 44 I M I H I 14 I Tt I 14 4 M I II I 14 I M I U Jit 4 M I M I o I M u I M I M I M I 64 Av. Pr. 96 i;i ,( 4 W Hu 4 ) ,87 6 (W 6 00 , .Vi 6 10 , UM 6 V Ml 6 "16 , 61 6 () ,60 8 26 ,64 I 23 . ti iA , 4 7 , lul 6 2d MAftjKKT New Yark Lira Slack Market. NEW YORK. July l'.-BEEVE9-Re- celpta, 299 head; all lor alaughtera except tnre cara. isotning ooing; leeung mrauj, dressed beet, steady to firm at i8c per pound: extra beef, He. Liverpool and Lon don cablea quoted live cattle selling at 10 illc per pound dreaaed welgiit; refriger ator beef. )c per pound. tJAL.Vfcjo rteceipta, to neau; lliamri steady; trade limited fur lack of stock. Veal. o.Mme-uu; ouns, eo.w, ornm iaivce, firm; city dressed veals, &anc per puunu; country dressed. tVllc. SHE.tSr AINU wiBB-r.criiiia, e.ioo head: sheep, msrket steady; choice lanio. low but about steady; other ioiac low.. Sheep, 43.60ti6.60; culls, t-t.OVU S.uO; lantba, li.zeajlavi neral aalea, ..oo.(; culi. ..... HUOS Kecetpts, l.ui nmu, una- mi mi weatern on ale and sola at market higher. Stale hoga would Bell at ;.867.0. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 12. OATTLE R- celpts. 6,000 head. Including 1,600 head of Texan; market atrong; native ehlppmg and export teer, 4.o6.oo; atesseo beef and butcher steers. nwv", steers under 1,000 pound. Il.76u43; stockars and feeder, I2.00IJ4.00; cow and heifers, (2.1086.26; canners, 11.00'.- 2.00; bulls, 2-vtJW a.uu; eaivoa, ae-ww 6.00; Tsaaa and Indian' teer. 12.36 tj 4.60; onmtm an4 halfera. 11.1645. 26. HOGS Receipt, t.ouu neaa; maraei inn higher; pigs ana ugnis, packers, lt.tnvi.uij; ouunrr heavy, (6.86O7.06. t SHKKP AM u iiAaaus necetptn, a.ouv head; market steady; native muttons. (3.00OI.00; lambs, 4.O0ji8.OO; culls and bucka, 12.00!. 60; Blocker. (4.O0U6.6O. OMAHA WllOl.F.S tl.K M4RKKT. Coatlltloa at Trad aad Qnotatloa an ataple aad Faacy Pradaee. KGOS-Recelpls. liberal; frh stork, 14V- 1.1 VB POI l.i HY- liens, !.!! HV; roosters. f.e: ttii'krvs. I;iil.t'! ducks, 7c; spr.ng chick ens. lS'fiStV per lb. HUTTKR Pai-klna slock. 14c; choice fanov dslrv. ISc; creamery, 21a. 1. HAY Price ruiiilril by titnaha Kecd C"in panv. Chi. lie upland. I.O"; medium, (7.60; ooarw. j.t.. ... Hye strsw. lo.iayn 7.00. UK AN-Per ton, lltlOiV lX.MATOLS-Illl"iis. prr crate of 30 lbs., VAX BRA NS Per market basket f about 15 lbs., fee. STKlNtl MEANS Per market basket of ah ut 1 Ihs., 6(c. TUnNlPS. BEETS ANfl CARROTS P.r An l.tiriihes. Sc. LEAK LLi'TLCt Hothouse, per' heads, liV. CrUM13Er.S--HotTte grown, per rt0i 6iV; Texns. per bu. box. 6.0". ONIONS Home grown. itc- per Texaa, In crates, while, II. v. GREEN ON IONS-Per cos bunches. a a titsu vs - ivr do, hunches. 16C. CABBAUK-Home grown. Jc rer lb. CACI.IFI.OWKK-I'ef dos. heads, iSC GREEN PEAS - Per bu . 11.00 NEW lOTATOKS-Pr hu.. 80c. OlA VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, per bu., 6XKW dfic NAVY BEANS Per bu.. It .86; No. 1 (1.7&. LIMA BEAM -Per lb.. 5c. TROPICAL FRl ITS PATES Per box of StMb. pkg., (200: Halloween. In 70-lb. boxe. per In.. 6o; Savers per lh.. 4c; walnut attiffed, 1-lb. pkg-s . 6-'rt P"- do.; 8-lh. Itoxea, 11.00. ORANGES-Uallfnrnla. extra fancy nav els large slxe. 14 2M 00; Mediterranean sweets, all sites, 4-if't.60; VaJenclaa. all sixes. IS I nil 6. 60. . . I.EMt NS 1 Jmonlers. extra fancy, 74 Site, (H.Oft; ;o 3H) alxe, (t.0j7.is); other brands 11.00 less. 1,-KJS-Callfornln. per 10-lb. carton. 761i Sic; imported Smyrna, three-crown, He; six-crown. 13c. . . BANANAS Per medltim-slied buncn, (1.7KH2 26: Jtimlios, I2.60l3.00. PINEAPPLES Florida, sixes X 30 and 36. (3.00. . FRUITS. CHERRIES California, 52 00 per 8-lb. box; amir ,-lipi i-lfx. 24-nt. crate. II 60. GOOSEBERRIES Per ciate of 24 qts., 12 0. PEACHES Hales early. 11.00; yellow free stone, 11.26; Texas Eibertas, per l-basket ciate. ett1.00. PLUMS California. (1.601.75. BLACK BEHRI KS Per 24-qt. crate. (2 26. RASPBERRIES Red. per 24-pt. crate, I2.WI; black, per 24-qt. crate, 3.(W. APRICOTS Per 4-basket crate, tl. iS. CURRANTS Home-grown, white and red, per 24-qts., I1.5U. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb.. 1C, or about 80) 36c each. CA NT ELOUPES California, per crate, standard, (4 26; ponlea. 13.00; Texaa, per crate, about 45 melons. (3. HO; ponlea, 82.00. CUT MEAT PRICES. Ribs, No. 1. 12c; No. 2. !'; No. 1 8c. liln. No. 1. 15c; No. 2, 12c; No. 3, 11c. Chuck, No. 1, 6e; No. 2, 6c; No. (. 4o. Round. No. 1, c; No. 2, 8c; No. 8, 7o. Plate, No. 1. 3c; No. 2. Ic; No. 3, 2C. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Per keg. 8H.75; per bbl., (41.75. HONEY New. per 24 lbs., 13.50. CHEESE" fwla. new, 16c; Wisconsin brick. 12c; Wisconsin llmherger, 12c; twins. 13e; young Americas, loc. NUTS Wnlnuts, No. 1, soft shells, new crop, per lb., lc; hard sheila, per lb., 13e. Pecans, large, per lh.. 14c; small, per lb.. 12c. Chill wnlnuts, per lb.. 12tfl3c. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; hsrd sheila, per lb., 15c. Cocoanuts, (4 per sack of 100. SUGAR Granulated cane. in tinis,. 85.16; granulated cane, In sacka, (6.11; gran. ulnted beet. In sacks, lo.Ol. . SYRUP In bbls.. 270 per gal.; In cases, 10-lb. cans, (1.70; case 11 (-lb. cans, (1.80; caaea 24 2-lb. cara. (1 85. COFFEE Roasted. No. 86. 26o par No. 20. 2c per lb.; No. 26. 18c per Jb. No. 20, 15c per lb.; No. 21, 12c per Ik. CURED FISH-Famlly whltefish, per quhrter bbl., ion lba (4.00; Norway mickt erel, No. 1. (28.00; No. 2. (28.00; No. (, (20.00; Irish, No. 2. (16.00; herring. In bbl., Jf lb, each. Norway, 4k, (12 00; Norway, 3k, (13.00; Holland, mixed. IU. 00; Holland herring, In kegs, milkers, 80c; kegs, mixed, 70c- . CANNED GOODS Corn, standard weat ern, blAl". Maine, (1.16. Tomatoes, 3-lb. cans, tl.264jl.60; 2-llt., 7ch(l.U0. Pineap ple, grated, 2-lb., C.Onif2.30; sliced. l.ui9 2.20; gallon apples, fancy, (39u; California apricots, (1.4tU2.O0; pears, (1.754S2.6n; peaches, fancy, (1.7MJ2.40; H. C. peaches, l2Svfi2 W. Alaska salmon, red, (16; fancy Chinook, F (2.10; fancy sockeye, F., ().M; sardines. oil, (2.60; mustard, (InOalQ. Sweet notatoea. l.lfyS1.26; sauerkraut, (1.00; pumpkins, ftOctjll.OO; wax beans, 2-lb., 7541 tVic; lima beans, 2-lh 76c(h(1.36: aplnacle, 11.36: cheap peaa, f-lb., 60c; extra, 75ji90c; fancy, I.36QI.7(. HIDES AND TOLTOW-Green salted. No. 1, 12c; No. 2. llc; full hides, 8te; green hldea. No. 1. 10c; No. 2. 9c; horae, 1.60t(f3.a.; sheep pelts, 50ctr11.26. Tallow, No. I. 4c; No.' 2. 3c. WOOL Per lb.. 18fc26c. ' ft, Joseph Live Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH. July 11 CATVLE Re ceipts, 1,111 head; market strong; natives, 14. 604074. vu; cow ana nriirri, a i . i o v n.wv stockers and feeders, 11.004.1. HOGS Receipts, 7. lis neaa; maraoi strong to 6c higher; light. lt.l&..a,; medium and heavy, (1.701)6.12. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, Z.U1I had; market 106 26c lower; lambs, (i.io; yearlings, (6.00; wethers, ((.46. Stoaz City Lira Itock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 12. -(Special Tela. train.) CATTLE Recelpta, 400 head; mar et strong, stockers steady:- beeves, 14 2;-a 6 70; cowa, bulls and mixed, (2 604 60; stockers snd feeders, (3.25$4.30; calves and yearlings. UOOa.isi. H046S Receipts, 4 000 head; market 6c higher, selling at 86.frMj6.76, bulk of aje. Hl.ai8A&2. ' tock la light. Receipts of live stock at the els principal western markets yesterday were: cattle, nogs. Bfieep Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 12.-COTTON-Snot cloaed steady, 10 points higher: inlddlina? 16 ,iul (! I uplands, lAMx:; middling gulf. 11.16c; aaleg, k.-.' ' bales. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. July ll-COTTON Steady; middling, 1015-lfto; sales, 648 bales; recelpta, 41 bales; Blilpment, 100 bale; toek. 27.350 bales. N NEW ORLEANS, I.a.. July 12. COTTON Spot clnsAtl uulet and eaay. Salea, 476 balea. Low ordinary, 7 8-1 6c, nominal; ordi nary, 8 11-lHe, nominal; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 10 3-10c; middling. 11 1-lflc; good middling, 11 8-ltle; middling fair, 1115-18C, nominal: fair, 12-lc; recelpta, 76ii bales: stock. 49,86 bales. LIVERPOOL. July 12.-COTTON-8pot market dull; prices t points lower; Ameri can middling fair, 8ti6tl; good middling, i; middling, 8 lOd; low middling, 6 (t.d; good ordinary. I.72d; ordinary, 6.5:'d. Th sale of the day were 4,000 hale, of which l.bno were for speculation and export and Included 3.700 American. Receipts, LOU) Itales, all American. South Omaha Rloux City .... Kanaaa city . 84. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Totals 1.640 6.4 , 1 9i , 6.a 6.UU0 8,767 4.000 .( 7.183 4. 5. l 11.000 1.4J8 I.OfiO 2.C3 1.6-10 14.UU0 :...20.r (2,440 22,021 lagar and Molassee. NEW YORK. July 12.-SUOA R-Rsw, firm; fair refining. 3 7-32c; centrifugal, II teat. I 13-2c; molasses sugar, U-IJo; refined, quiet; No. 6. 4.20c; No. 7. 615c: No. I, 4.1 Or; No. . 4.06c; No. 10. 4.00c; No. 11, 6c; No. 12, 3 90c; No. 1. ( .85c; No. 14, 365c; confectioners' A, 4.38j; mould A, 6.06c; ciit loaf, 6.40e; crushed, 6.40c; pondered, 4.80c; granulated, 4.76c; cube, 4.86c. MOLASSES Steady; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, SofcStlc. NEW ORLEANS. Iji.. July 11 SUGAR Steady; open kettle centrlfugsl, 81j3 7-16c: centrifugal yellow, 3'u3,c, seconds, &4 3c. MOLASSES Firm; syrup, 2630c. FEEDBRI. M cows. AND I.. l . WESTERNS-WTOMINO ... to 140 0 steers.. ..141 li I 4 I M I HOOS The market open Hub (norftlof Waal Market. BOSTON. July 12-WOOL-The market la moderately active with deep Interest from all rlaaaea of the trade. Naturally the attention of the trade 1 turned toward tha new clln. Price are held Arm. Tradera are remembering In connection with the In creared demand for wool that the coming Australian wool clip is reported as tho largest ever shown In that continent. Ter ritory wools are taken steadily. Pulled wools are In oonstsnt demand. Foreign grade are neglected. Price run about a follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above. 3ltc: X. 31fi2c; No. 1. marc: No. 2. V.i 3c; fins unwashed. 2641 26c; ouarter-blood. unwaahed. 8783c; thre-elghth-hlood. He; half-blood. 3Se; unwaahed d-lalne. ITe'e; fine unwashed retain. VtV. Michigan fin unwsshed. WtTbc: qurter-blood. un- I washed. ll-JJ.'c; three-etghthe-hlood. Ili t?c: half-blood. H33;c: unwashed delaine 176 !3c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three, eighth and qusrtar-blood. "t31c. T rrl tory. Idtho fine. Itfrftc; heavy fine. 1902 c; fine medium. !324c; medium, VtlVf. Iiy medium, iwic: Wyoming nne. vtt3; heavy fin. iMlSV: fin madlni J'tT"-: medium. f7?2c; lew medium. r77e. I"a't snd Nevada fir. ?&:6c: heavy fln. !Sfl2"c fin medium. 23Bc: meolnm. 57wrc meillum. J7r. Dakota fine. ,c; f)n medium, ?4roc; medium. l"t'tc: low medium, tTtirae. Motii fine, choice 244 6e; fin average. 2I124-: fire medium, choice. 24426c: averaee. 3;4c; ataple. V3 28c; medium choice. VtMr: averts. ItWc. LONDON. July 13.-WOOI A ao-d selec tion amounting to UJJ6 balea was ofTered at the wool auction sale today. There was a large attendance. The home trade bought freely and American took a few lota of West Australian combing at 1 Kid and eew-eral parcel of light greasy crna bred at unchanged, prices. New clip Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 12. COFFEB Market for future opened steady at unchanged price lo a decline of 6 point in aplte of fairly ateady Kurnpeen cable and ruled generally easy under liquidation of the fall and winter month, whlnn waa largely In the way of twitching, large Interior Santos receipt and selling for European account. The market closed steady, but at a net de cline of 6'BIO points. Sale were reported of oi.fyO bug, Including 36.0n0 bag which were exchangee. The bualnea Included September at 4.30ti.3oc: December, 6 663 ItKic; January. 4i6c; March. 460tf86c; June, 7 00c; spot Rio. steady; No. T In voice, 7c RKAI ESTATE TRANSFERS. Guarantee T.tle and Trust company et al to August Schmidt, VVk acre te M4-11 1 8.000 E. C. Garvin to Harry L. Mitchell, tract lot 4. block 7, Klrltwooii .1.3S0 A. J. Pteston to E. C. Garvin m.. A- G. Stein and wile to W. J. Madden, lot 19. block 6. Jerome Park 1 Eluabeili liennison to Slgnrind Arn st'in, lot 13. tlock I. Relick's sutiflv. 1 C. W. hliger to Oertiurle M. W.les, lot 4. block I. A. S. Patrick s add. .. .1 low ' Geoigo W. McCltllan ct nl lo W. R. Paul, lots I, 4, t ana , mors, i. Lowe s add '.. 1.000 John M. Hamilton and wife to Louis' Kroner, tract northwest corner w nvli 6-16-13 6.SO0 Dora Suet and husband to Dora Sue, e nw 32-15-11 1 George W. McClelltn et al to Bertha C. I'lvton Iota 1ft and 20. block 21. Walnut Hill 1.50 Charle A Palmer and wife to Mary A. Jackson, 1m t 11. block 8. Plolnvlew (00 Total amount vf transfers fl,K