V THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. JUT A" 13. 1906. DODGE GOES CP IN MNTfl Ailar Pitchinc Snprb Ball Denrer Jampi on Him for Fair. TWO BAD ERRORS HELP THINGS ALONG Neither Dntrr Nor Omaha Scored I n til the Klahlh, Whu Omaha He. eared Oar, hat Flrrnorki Started la Math. DF.NTER, Colo., July Il-Denver de feated Omaha by securing four runs in the In it of the ninth. A couple of hit, a pan, steal, an Infield hit and a hit "bat ter win the disastrous combination which defeated the visitors at a time when they apparently had the game won 3 to 0. Man ner Iong chased Dodge from the. box whan the big fellow got unsteady In the ninth. A Tea leaguer bit by Reddlck and two rank errora by "erring then threw away the game to the delight of the crowd. PerrlnaTa errors were the dropping of an eaay pop foul and a wllJ throw to first, both with two out. It was a pitcher"' bat tle. Dodge having the sliade until the ninth. The score: DENVER. Afi. R. H. PO. A. E MeHale. cf 3 1 A 3 0 1 T. Smith, 2b , 3 0 0 0 2 1 Wright 1 0 0 0 0 0 Rnndall. rf 4 1 2 3 0 0 Zaluskv. 1b 4 0 1 0 Reddlck. 3b 4 12 110 Belden. If 4.0-0 2 0 o J. Bmltti, sa J O 0 2 3 0 "Welgardt, c 3 0 0 0 0 .Adams, p 2 0 0 1 1 0 Russell 0 1 0 0 0 0 tam. The local fans authorise the rnrr epondertt to nay that they are wllllr.g to mwt Fremont without any side rnon'-y crnislderatlona, or. If l--eiriont Insists, wli,i stu h eide considers! Ion. for a series of five game, two to tie played at Krenton', two in tlrnnd Island and one nn neu:ial grounds. Ihetr only condition being t tit. t a fair and capable umpire, one of experience, be secured for all Ave game. It la as serted here that every lenm that has played at Fremont this year complain of the umpiring deals received In that etiy. GAMRH 1 THE ttlKRI( A l.BAIil K Ilea Allocs Waahlngton hoi Knar lilt and fthnte Them Oat. WASHINGTON. July 11 Hess allowed lh Washington team but four hi t a today, two of which were of I be scratch order, and Cleveland won easily,- i to a. Score: ILKVEI.ANP wasiiimitii.. HOAR, n H.U.A s. 2 0 0 0 A It lT. ... 1 1 1 0 1 0 Stanie. rf... 4 1 1 A I 0 Mil. rf 4 1 1 0 2 4 0 Crn"'. Jb I 1 J 2 17 0 1 ArdrrVoo. If. I I 0 0 0 0 S.haHr. 2b... I I 2 0 A 4 0 ftaht. lb I s 1 1 t 0 KlltrwUa. a. 4 I 10 1 (i I 0 0 Kalkentorg. p t 1 1 I 1 t t t ' Totsla. 4 St 10 I 7 17 17 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 ll 0 0. 0 0 0-0 hits: Rossiuan. Clark. Stolen Totala. Carter, rf Howard, in... Herring, 3b... Welch, cf Paasey, if Gonrilng, c... Runklr. lb . Iing. as Dodge, p.- McNeeley, p.. 31 OMAHA. AH. R. 0 4 n 8 H. I'O. A. 1 2 0 0 2 1 o 6 4 10 1 o o K. 0 Fink, rf.... Rav. rf Tornar, aa.. linte. 2b... Ronmia, lb Jarkon, If . Bradley, lb. Clarke, c..,. Hualow, c. . .. t Mesa, p 4 Total! 37 Cleveland ... Washington TWO-brtM' h-ij.es: Flick. Hay. Rorshmn c.'i. Jackson. Left on hass- Washington.-:!; Cl"Vcliind. X. linai.s on balls: Off Kalkenherg, S. ' Struck out: Jlv I-'silkenberg, ; bv (less. ft. 1'asscil iiall: Klttrrdge. Wild pitch: Ka I ken berg. Time: 1:40. I m pi re: liutst, , evr York Wins from Chicago. NEW TORK. Jtiy 12 The local Amer icans won out today, 4 .to 3, by hitting Smith in the seventh and ninth Innings. Chase batted. In three ol the- winning runs and the fielding on both aides was fast. Score: NEW TOBK. CH1CA0O Kesltr, rf.... Cha, lb Conrrty, sa..., Laports, lb.., Williams. 2h. I 11 1 t Pelehanty, If. 4 Hoffman, cf . . 3 K Ifflnnw, c. .. 3 Orth. p 4 B H O.A.B i t 1 0 Hahtl, if.... 1 Jones, cf.,., t Iaball, 2b... ODa.la. aa... 0 Dononu. lb. soNail, rf... 0 Sullivan, cf OTannehlll, 0 Smith, V B.H.O A E J U 4 ft t 10 1 3b 3 0 2' ...3 10 Totals 3H J 8 Z6 7 I Ratted for T. Hmltl. In ninth. Ratted for Adama In ninth. Two out when winning run was made. Denver ...'..'. 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 44 Omaha .., 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 Two-base hits: Randall. Reddlck; Per rlng. Stolen bases: Zalusky (2). Russell, Lung. Base on balls: Off Dodge, 1. Struck out: Ry Adams, 7; by Dodge. 4. lilt by pitched ball: Russell. First latae on er rors: Denver, 2. Left on bases: Denver, 4; Omaha, 6. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Keefe. Champa Win In Thirteenth. BIOUX CITT. Ia., July 12-.The ttrat extra Inning contest on the local grounds this aeanon ended In the thirteenth wtlh a vic tory for Des Moines by a acore of 4 to 3. The game throughout was a superb pitch ing battle between, Clcotte Hnd Jackson and the fielding behind both men was fast. The game would have been Sioux City s nt the end of the ninth had not catcher Kreese thrown the ball away at third In the sixth inning, allowing Hogriver to loaf home after two others had scored. There was nothing more doing for Des Moines until the thirteenth inning, when the winning run was made. Score: DES MOINES. AR. R. H. PO. A. E. ,.4 0 4 1 Caffyn, If. ...... Schlpke, 3b. Welday, cf. Andrea a, lb.-ss. Doyle, lb , Dexter, c Hogrlever, rf . , Towne, lb.-c. . 0'tea.ry, ss. .... Magoon, 2b. ... Cicotte, p ToUlg 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 1 1 6 2 Campbell, If. Sueehaa, rtV Nuiiili, c. .. Weed, 2b, ... Meyera, lb. . Newton, as. . Froat, lb. ... KYeeae, c. s.. Jackson, p. t Jarrott Totals .SIOUX CITY. . . AR, R. H. PO. 1 1 6 39 15 9 it 1 1 1 0: o 1 o 1 . 1 18 10 1 0 A. 2 E Totala 3 II 27 15 3 Totals 3! 72 It 1 Two out wiicn winning run was scored. Nw York...- 0 0 0 0 -0 0 2 0-2-4 Chhago 1 0 0 0' t t 0 '6 3 First b.ise on errors: 'Chicago, 2. IWt on bases: New York. S: Chicago, 5. 'First base on balls: Off OHh; 2: off Smith, i. Struck out: Ry Orth, 3; by Smith-,' 2. Yhrcer base hit: Chose. Two-base' httr: Davis. Sacrifice hits: Klclnow, Tinnehill. Stolen bases: Chase, C'onroy, Hoffman, Hahu, Iouhle -plavs: Conn-.r M Ijipone, H.-thn t Isbell. Time: 1:50. I'mplre: SheridAn. t. f.oals Wlna from Boalos.. - ROSTt)N, July 12.-St. Iiufa- long hit ting nnd Boston's poor fielding determined Ihe result of-today's game in favor of the visitors. Score: r ST. LOl'19. BOSTON ;' ' '' B.H.O.A E. B H O A lt l J u ni-arent. SO.V; . 4 - J- 1 j 0 11 0 OStahl, rf.v..' 4 .' 1 14 u 0 1 o v uniipv, 11,.,,., 1 m 8 0 0 Frri, b...p4 Irl 3 flOodwIii, b.. ,-4 3 3' 1 1 0 Hayden, rf.,.3 A .0 t 3 0 Freeman, lb.. 3 3 ' t 0 0(Mrrin. .. 3 0 1 0 3 Oblneen, p..,, I j, i NUM. rf. Jnnra, 1h. St on, if. Hemphill 4 3 3 cf. 3 Wallace, aa... 4 O'Hrlen. 2b.. 4 Hart-ell, lb. . 3 O'Connor. 0. . 4 PeweM, p.... 4 0- J 2' 0 a v 0 0 2 1 1 .1 3,0 CHICAGO WINS BOTH GAMES Cubi Defeat Begnnten by Superior Work on the Slab. PFEISTER PITCHES IN SECOND GAME Kor-mer Omaha Man Holds Visitors fin it n to Sis Scattered Hits aad Strikes Oat ea Men. CHIOAflO. July 12-Chlcago fx.k two easy games from Boston today, playing bo:h without an error, anil both Chicago pitchers doing much the bettr work. Undamnn. besides being wild, was ba'ted all over the field In the opening Innlntrs of the second contest. Score, firrt gome: CHICAGO. BOSTON. SMtsI. If 4 Hnimap, rf. .. 4 9-hulle, rf . .. 4 Chanra. lb... 3 Ptrlnfeiat. 3b 4 Tinker, sa. . . 2 trrs. 2h .2 Kilns, c 1 Uruffit, p 2 B.H.O A G. 0 3 il 1 10 2 1 1 1 0 4 U ' 1 1 1 0 Rrldwrll, aa. 0 Tenner, lb. , 0 Hratn, Jb. ... 0 liatas, cf 0 Hoard. If., 0 l.iilan. rf 0 O'Neill, c... t Flnilw-l. ib.. t Youitg, p B.H.O.A B. 4 O S 0 i 14 1 3 1 0 2 f Totala 2S i 17 i7 0 Totala S2 7 24 14 1 Clilcngo 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 Koaton it 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Ift on liases: Chicago, 4; Boston, 5. Two-base hits: Chance, O'Neill.' Sacrifice bit: Kvets. Stolen bases : Clunce (Zt Ptrtick out: Ky Brown. 7; bv Young ' 1 Passed ball: O'Neill. First base on ball?: Off. Brown. 1: off Young, 3. Time: 1:35. Umpire: O'Day. . Score, second game: CH1CAOO. BOSTON. ' 5! Attteifli! Something for You WE ARE CLOSING OUT Preparatory to moving to our now location, onr entire stock of PORCH AND LAWN FURNITURE. This stock consists of the largest, best assorted and most up-to-date stock ever placed on the OMAHA MARKET Settees, Chairs and Rockers. Made in the latest finishes, such as weathered oak, forest green, verniillion, satin walnut, light maple and silver gray. A grand assortment of the best of everything known to the furniture world. This is not the end of the season . stock, there are hundreds of pie5es to select from. To give the many visitors now attending the B. Y. P. U. Convention nn opoprtunity to participate in these great value savings we have decided to start this sale Friday morning at eight (8) o'clock, giving them the first choice of the many great bargains. ' 1 ' PORCH AND LAWN FURNITURE. glasla. If Hofm's, cf-lb 1 aVhaiUs. rf... 4 I'hanre. lb... 1 Stelnffldt. 3b 3 Tinker. Evera. 2b... Moran, c. . . PlleMer, p. Otfiieier, cf. B.H.O.A B. - B.H.O.A. B. i o BrlUwell, aa.. 3 0 Tennejr. lb. .. 4 4 Brain, 3b 1 0 Hates, nf 4 0 Howard, rf... 3 0 Dolan. rf-p. . . 4 0 Hrown. v 8 Strnbel. 2b... 4 V l.in'man. p-rf 2 0 Pleffer, rf 1 Totals 82 ( 27 13 0 Totala;.. '...30 I 17 14: 5 St. r,ouls 0 0 0. 2 0"1 0 10-4 B"on ; 0 0 1 S 0 0 0 0 0-1 Two-base hits: Hartzell, Stall!-. ,'J'hiee. base hit: Hemphill. Hacriiice hits: (Jarrl gHii Jones. Stolon bases: Nlles, O'Hrien, a ace. - Doubly plays : O'Brien atfrt 3ones'. JVallace Hnd Jones. First on balls: Oft Oineen. S; off Powell, 1. Struck out:. fly Howell 2. Time: 1:38. Umpires: O'Lough Im and t.vans. ' . Philadelphia , Defeats Detroit.-' . PHILADELPHIA, July 12 Phldelphi? defeated Detroit today In a game that was a battle of the pitchers from start to finish, r lank and Donovan allowed each side. only two hits. Score: .. . . PHILADBLPHIA. B HO A E rurtaei, ir. . Lord, cf Karla. lb... Seybold, rf.. Murphy. 2b. Crnaa. as.... Knl,ht. 3b.. ToUla 80 3 27 It Totala 31 24 11 3 ChlctiKO -.2 4 1 01 0 11 S Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 12 Hits: Off Llndaman in six Innings, 7; Oft Dolan in two innings, 1. Ix-ft on bas-a: I'hlcairo, 4: Boston, ti. Two-ba-se. hits t'.hai ce, Steint'eldt, Morati, Strobel. Three base hit: t'hance. Sacrifice hits: HowairX, Tinker. ' Stolen bases: Moran, I'tiester. Dotiblo plays: Brlriwell to Strobel, Tcnncy to Bridwell Struck out: Bv riiestcr. 7; by Llnilanian, 3. Passed liall: Brown. First base on balls: iff Pfleater, u; off L,induman, 6. Time: 1:40. L'niplre: O'Day. . 't York Wlna Batfeat. CINCINNATI. July 12-New York downed Cincinnati today In a game In which long hits were numerous.- Weinirr was com pelled to' retire' aft r the, Aral inning. The runs made off Pitcher Hall, whu Mulshed the game for the locals, were due largely tp errors. Score: NEW YORK.- CINCINNATI. B.H.O.A B. -B.H.O.A K. cf i 1 1 1 t Mussina. 2b.. S 2 2 3 1 3 2 0 1 Barry. If 4 1 3 1 0 1 13 1 0 Seymour, cf.. 4 0 fl 0 0 8 3 0 0 Jnde. rf...... 3 2 10 0 3 8 " 1 peal, lh 3 1 12 0 0 3 '1 3 0 Delthantr, 3b 4 3 8 4 1 1 4 4 lLohrrt, aa.... S I 0 3 1 12 1 efthlet. e 0 0 1 0 d 10 1 Livingston, 1 0 6 3 9 Wetmsr. P....0 0 0 0 0 43 II 27 16 4 Hall, p 4 ! 0 8 I Braanahan Strang, rf 4 MKiinn. lb.. 4 Mertea, It.... Dahlen, sa.... Devlin,. 3b.-... i Ollhert, 2b... 8 Bowerroan, c. 8 faylor, p.... S Total!.. j ( Powara, e. 0 ' ir 0 1 ,4 S 10 38 IS Batted for Jackson In thirteenth. Earned runa: Bloux City, 8; Des Moines," J. , Two-base hit: Freese. Double plays: Campbell to Meyers; Campbell to Weed. Left on baaea: Sioux City, 10; Des Moines, .41. Stolen bases: Welday (2). Dexter. Ho f rlever (2). 8acrnce i,us: Sheehan, Weed, 'rost. Schtpke. First base on balls: Off Jackson, ; off Clcotte, 3. Hit by pitched ball: Newton, Meyers. Struck out: By Jackson, 9; by Clcotte. 10. wild pitch: Jackson. Time: 2:35. Implre: Davis. At tendance, &60. Lincoln Earaa a Victory. PUEBMX Colo... July 12. Four errors nn the part of. the locals, all of tnem costly, and Inability to bit Pop liyler ,-tt , critical stages, lost today's game, 4 to Holmes' Cornhuskecs played errorless ball. The team had been strengthened bv Steen at second. Barton having replaced Flllman at short. Lincoln won the game in the third. After Barton had singled, FIskj booted Quillln'a offering and Barton ' arored. Thomas, went to second on Wolfe'a out, Fenlon walked and Thomas scored when Morrison misjudged Hteen's fiv to renter. Tba Indians took one in the fifth, when F.lwert tripled and scored on Mes sltfs outfield fly, and another In the fifth, when Melrhotr tallied on a hit, a will pitch and Flske'a well-placed single, hcore: LINCOLN. AB. R. H. PO. .,4.0 . . 4 1 .. .. t .. 4 .. S Steen. 2b 4 f.lnran, c 4 tyler. p 4 0 OJones, sf:.r.. 3 1 lSthafr, "Sb.iSi 1 Ot'rawford, rf 8 0 OMrlntvre. If.. 3 1 OCougiilin, Jb. 3 4 1 Linda?! lb.. 3 . 1 OO'Lsary, aa... 3 1 0 Warner, . . . , 2 2 ODonoraa, p.. I . PBTROIT. ' H.O.O. 1- i o: 8 0 2 1 8 ,4 0 ,i 0 ', 0 3 0 Totala. .....24 Irtil I TotaUv.,,,2 T.24 11.. 3. Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 Xroit , .0.0 0 0. P. 1 '". p. J Left oh bases: Detroit, 1; -PlVilaUelpbln-. 2. Sacrifice hits: Donovan, Jones.- .Struck out: By Flank. 6; by. Donovan, '5V. First ZtZZ. .nKbn"':01 Donovan,. I, Hlt;wkth pitched bail: By Donovan. 1; by Plank.-, i. rime: 1:. Umpires: Connolly and Connor. Standing; of the thbh.'""" Played. Won. Totala 41 14 27 14 4 Nff York 603020 1' 6 .0 in Cincinnati 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 1 411 Karned runs: Cincinnati, 8;- New York, 4. Two-base hits: Delehanty, Lobert. Mc G.ann. Three-base hits: Delehiiiity,. tiroa- nahan, Mertes, Devlin, Taylor.. Home runs; June, Devlin. stolen oases: otcuiiiiu. Mertes, Devlin. Struck out:, ay vteinur, 1: by Hall. 4; by Taylor. 1. First biue on halls: Oft Welmer. 1 off Hall. 7; off 'luylor. Hits: Off Welmer In one inning. 4: off Hall in eight Innings, 12. Time: i:lS. Umpires: Carpenter and Klem. Ht. I.ouls Wn la Mnth. ST. LOCIS. July 12. A batting rally In the nlntll Inning, during which three runs were scored, decided a see-saw game with Philadelphia In favor or St. Louis, ' to o. Score: -.. ST., liOt'19. ' PHILADELPHIA. - B H O A r B.H.U.A in- New York .. Philadelphia Cleveland . .. Chicago Detroit St. Louia ... Washington Boston 74 73 73 75 74 75 73 7ti 46 5... : 37. . 19 ' Lust. '-,28 .- M ". 29 33 35 . . 3 ;. 57 Pet. ..621 .616 ..6u3 . .5;o ' .6.7 ..493 .342 .260 8t. Games today: Chicago at New York Jtfuis at. Boston. Detroit .at,. 1'hlladelphia, v..i.iiu mi aBlllllgLon. GAMES IX AMERICA AKSOCIATIOS Cits' Kelchenj, cf Barton, ss , Qullltn, lh Thomas, lb Wolfe. If Fenlon, rf...... A. 0 o 0 0 0 Totals Took. If, McUllvray, lb, Morrison, cf... Melcholr, rf.., Klwert. Jb.... Messltt, c...., Klske, ss Barter, 2b..,.. Minor, p , Shugart 36 4 PUEBLO. AB. B. a 9 27 PO. 1 11 o 1 1 g 4 0 n A. 0 0 0 1 t 1 s Columbus Wins from Kansas Throntrh Timely Hlttlnar. KANSAS CITY. July 12.-Tfme!v hattlni won the gam for Columbua, today. Bob crtaille shut out the locals until tha ninth when a single and a douh enabled theni to svore one run. The score: ' " ,, COLVMBl'l. ' KANftAB 'rrt.Y. . . H O A K. " B H O A'E. rii-aanni. a. i l l o ) Perrine. .! 114 1 B 2-4 1-1 : i 0-H 0 2 Totals S3 Batted for Minor in the ninth. Kyler out; hit by batted ball. Lincoln '. 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 t'uehlo 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.0 Stolen bases: Zlnran, Barton. Sacrifice hits: Ketchem. Memttt. Three-base hit: F.lwert. -First base on balls: OfT Mlno.-. J. Struck out: By Miuor. 6; by Kyler 4. Wild pitch: F.yler. Hit bv pitched ball: Cook, Thomas. Double plavs: Mel rhotr to McGtlvray; Barton to Thorns i. Irt-on bases: . Pueblo. 7: Lincoln, (t. wrlgler, lb. 4 1 2 4 0 Caaaadr. If. . . I'O l o Hlnrhman. rf 4 I 0 0 oWaldroa, rf.. I 1 'i t ( nultar, 11.... 4 1 3 0 0 H Ml, rf ..,-... 4 ' t Klbm, lb 4 1 It 1 o'Uotiaanafl ..1 It-i, t rrtal. 3b...... 4 3 0 l.OHarksv, lb..: I 0 to, I Hulawltt, aa.,3 I 110 Phl..2b 4- 3 4 "' I 3 0 1 Bgrk. lb.,.. 4 1.J.3 Ilobartatlla, s4 0 3 1 Lahy. e;:..'i o'l I , Kranu, p 4 0 I I Totals 84 1137 13 1 . - . ffotata 11 4 7 iu I Batted for Hackett In ninth. ' ' Columbus 0 l'O' O o'l Kansas City .. .'..:.. ..0"0X0 0 0 0 0 Two-baae hits: Pickering. Blue. Base on mhiih: Kin r rants, is: oft Robertai le. 5 Btruck out: By Franti, 1; by Robertallle. r. Irt on bases: Columbus, 6; Kansas Ctty 7. lhnihle plavs: Hill, Hackett. Franls and H.ickett; Burke and' Hackett r- Frants Burke and Hackett; Frantx. Phyle and Hackett; Wrtgley and Klhin. Stolen baaes Perrine (21. Cassady, Wuldron, Phyle, Friel Leahy. Coulter. Sacrittce hit: Coulter jimr. j.jo. tinpire: jvune. .-, . ' Postponed Ganieav At St. Paul St. Paul.Tolc game'oat poned; rain. ,- , At Minneapolis Minneapolis-Louisville a,iii.3 jjl.b .iiu , ravin.. ,.i Brevtrrs Hasvck r Hits. MILWACKEE. Wis . Juhr 12 M,it.,.ita. nuncnea us una on narrord In the first and Fisher in the fifth and won an easy vimory by the score of 8 to 2. Goodwin ntt..hi hi suierb form, holding the visitors to thres cm ro-a una. More. , MILWAt'HEB. INDIANAPOLIS) n n u A a, B H O A E Timei 1 :40. Umpire: . icnaanoc; eoo. McCarty. Al- gtaadlag of . Played. Dea Moinea , Omaha t7 lenvtr 70 Sioux City Lincoln K Pueblo IX Ikmci today: Oinaha the Teams. Won. Lost. Pet. 49 ao .710 ' as si . .537 87 . 33 ..t 30 3 . .435 2 .421 26 43 Sba at Denver. Des Moines gt Sioux. City, Lincoln at Pueblo. " Fee aa aat ghats Oat Harvard. HARVARD, Ne.b.. Julv 12 (Special Tele gram (-Harvard and Fremont pluvrd an inlertjng game here todav and Fiumont won by a store of I to 0. Score: U.H.E. Fremont 1 0 1 0 1 0 i 0 J 7 1 Harvard ...... ..0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 ' 4 Batteries: Harvard. Miller and IJng; Fre bHint. Uradlay and Sliea. Struck out:.Bv Miller, : by Hradley. 6, First bake oh Wis: Off Miller, ; off Bradley, 1. Hit by pticlMal bail. fcy Bradley, L Umpire: Vryar. Graad lalaad Wllllag ta Play'. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 11-(Spe-cUI l-hluch amuiuiirtit, and something i f a Uttla sterner nature, was ucva stoned by tit correspond iu to the state papers from Fiemont. evidently Inspired by a state-nienus-nt from here alleging that Grand Island had one of the atrongKt mdirx-iid-vnt ball teams in the state. The Kivuiunt story-was to the effect that Grand Iflaod claimed tba iliampionslilp. wiiluh il bos lievrr claimed, and declared that the Kr ,itmn( fauia bad tnoiiay to back their ciiai Urii Uitvt Uiaoid laiand was not tba beat rtobtaaoa. aa, 4 OrM, rf 4 MiChm',. 1(4 bataman, lb. 8 Hemphill, cf. 3 Herilla. c 4 Clark, tb 3 Mri'orm k. 3b 4 Goodwia, p .. 3 Touts 33 Milwaukee .. Indianapolis Hits: Off Fisher. 4 in Mct'ormtck. 0 n .3 01 . 3. 1 , 0 ,J 2 13. K 1 1 Bnrrh. rf : 0 9 0 Thomas, cf... 3 Bennett. Jb. .. 18 1 IGleaaon. 2b.. 5 Shannon. If.. 8 0 2 0 OTItua. rf .'4 Smoot. cf 4 1 1 0 0 Courtney, '3b. 5 Noonan. Jb... 2 Oil 0 0 Mages, If . . . . 3 Hnatetter.. 3b. 4 2 0 8 I Dooltn. as a Murray, c. ...4 2 3 1 Branafteld. lb 4 McBrtds. aa., 4 1 3 4 0 Dooln, c. Reeha. a...... I 4 0 1 U Luah, p 3 Hanhail ... 1 1 0 0 0 ToUla u i 1 rTolal 34 10 27 14 f. ,. . , , , Batted for Beebe in ninth. Two out when winning run was Bcored. St. Louis-. ...i.'-.S 0 10 0OO 4-rs- Phlladelpllta 0 2 10 1 O o 1 1-4 Earned rims: St. Loula, 6; Philadelphia, Two base hitR: Murray. Three base hit: Marshall. Sacrifice hits: Shannon; Doolln. Double plav: McBrlde and Bennett. Stolen aases: Gleason, (2); Dooln, Thomas, iilua, Lush, Magee, Doolln. Hit by pitched ball: Bv Beebe, 1. Bases on cans: ure tieeoe, , off Lush, 3. Struck out: By Beeue. ; tiy Lu.'h, 5. lxrt on oases: bi. iouih, a, r-nn- adelpnla, 10. Time: 2:10. t. nipire: . jonn- stone. .' " ' 7 ' . ' - ' , Plratesr unncn . saiia. PITTSBVRG. Pa July 12 Pittsburg tied the score in the seventh Inning when thiae .,-orerl on five- hits. Brooklyn looked like a winner up to that time. Score: PITTSBCRQ. '-' ' . BKOuaurri .R.H.U.A.E. " - " . c eTSiMT.iai' R0 PER CENT DISCOUNT. 12.50 Green Arm Chair for $1.2f $4 25 Weathered Oak Arm Chair. .$2.13 U.'oO Weathered Oak rirtn Chair. .$2.25 lio.nt) M'catlicrcd Oak Platform Swing, complete for to.OO $12.60 Green Platform Swing, com plete for $6.25 33 1-3 FER CENT DISCOUNT. $3.fw Forest Green Chair for . $3.35 Forest Green Chair for ...$2.00 ...$2.24 $5.00 Foreat Green Magazine Rack. $3.34 $fi.75 Forest Green Porch Stand with reed shelf, for $3.S4 $9.t1 Forest Green Settee for $fi.00 $10.75 Forest Green Double Arm Rocker, for at $7.17 26 PER CENT DISCOUNT. $1.76 Rustic Hickory Arm Chair, , split seat, for $1.31 $2.26 Rustic Hickory Rocker, split seat, for $1.68 $3.79 Rustlo Hickory Settee, split seat, for $2.81 $1.90 Rustlo Hickory Arm Chair, split seat and back ' $1.43 $2.25 Rustic Hickory Rocker, spilt seat and back, for $1.89 $4.76 Rustic Hickory Settee, split seat and back, for .....$3.66 PORCH RUGS. Imported from Belgium. Waranteo! fast colors not effected by water or sun. $7.00 Porch Rug, 4x7 $3 60 $10.00 Porch Rug, 6x8 ..$1.50 $13.50 Porch Rug,- 6x9 $10.00 $20.00 Porch Rug, 7-6x10-6 ..' $1500 $26.00 Porch Rug, 9x12 , $19.00 LACE CURTAINS AND PORTIERES. "We are closing out many odd two and three pair lots of L&ce Curtains and single pairs of portieres, some in this sale go at One-Half Regular Price. SALE OF ROOM SIZE RUGS. Ilundreds of patterns to select from. $18.00, $22.(10, $18.78. $ tn.no, J7.M, 9x12 Brussels Rugs ...$13.60 9x12 Brussels Bug $17. W fxl2 Brussels Rug 111.50 10-5x12-8 Brussels Rug hl.bO 10-8x12-8 Brussels Rug $'2.'i0 $.'2.bO, 8-3x10-8 Wilton Bug $18.00 3.7n, 8-3x10-8 Wilton Rug $17 50 .".'txt, 8-3x10-8 Wilton Bug I8.60 $.13.(10, 10-6x11 Wilton Rug $26.50 $4500. 10-6x13-8 Royal Axminster $35.00 8-3x9-10 Royal Axminster $20.00 $-3x10-8 Royal Axminster $22.50 10-6x12-8 Royal Axminster $30.00 10-6x13-3 Royal Axminster $30.00 Bug $23.50. Rug $27.50. Rug 3VvOO, Rug $36.00, Rug Here is a list of some of the articles of house furnish ing represented in our stock. F.rnss and Iron Beds, Pillows, . . . . Mattresses, Go-Carta, Kitchen Cabinets, ' Mission Furniture, Porch Furniture, Hall Clocks, Dining Room Furniture, . Library Furniture, Parlor Furniture, Rockers, Hall Chair. . .' , Bed Room Furniture, S Offlco Desks, Sectional Bookcases, ' Filing Cabinets, Offico Tables, - . . Office Chairs, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Draperies, Screens, Porch Rugs, - Carpet Sweeper, ' Floor Veneer, Floor Finish, Cocoa Door Mats, Couch Covers, Brlo-a-Brac, Tabourcttes. te wart & lotoi 1315-17-19 Farnam SI York Nationals tonight. The price paid whs not 'given' out. Seymour led the Na tional league ill batting last season. WAHOO WISS OIT IS THE 5HTH Home Ron Hit by V'snoo Man Wins , the Game. WAHOO. Neb.. July 12. (Special Tele gram. In a ninth 'Inning rally Wahoo defeated Schuvler. 7 to 6. With the score 6 to 5 in Schuyler's favor nnd two men gone, Rltzman landed out a home run bit over the center field fence and won the game. It was one of the longest hits ever made on the grounds. Compton of Pchuylr put oni' over. the left field fence. The fea tures of the game were the hitting of both teams and the running ca'.clies of, Adams and Brown, the- latter being a one-hamled catch off Woita's bat which would other wise been good for three bases. The same teams play Friday. Srore: i t BCHIVLKR. v .WAHOO. It Biwvn. -If.... 6 Ruff. 3b 5 Jrllen, 2b I Itlchardaon.sa 4 Rlrhter. re ''1 Smith, c 4 j f r.mptrtn, -ct. . 4 imi ciiRPr, 1 u Sllltl. S 4 Totals. BH. O.A.B lai-h. ct i Oanlay, rf....$ l larka. It.... 4 Wagnar, aa... 4 Nealon, lh... 4 Shtwttan, tb. . 4 Rllrhay, 2b... 1 Phalpa, e I M'a.rland. n, 0 Mi-llvesa ....1 Phllltppa. p.. I. .2 1 I 0 1 1 J 4 I 18 It 0 0 I 0 1 4 4 1 0 0 Malonrr. 'Ct.. 4 0 1 8b 4 4 Lumler. rf . .'. 4 OAlparman, 2b. 4 4 Lawia, aa 8 0 Hummsl, It. . 4 8 R liter, lb.... 4 Bergar,' U. ... 4 OStrlcklatt, P- J OScanlon, p....'l 4'Uclnlyrs ... 1 1 t 10 Duniaavy, cf. 4 1 0 Aihertoa. 8b. t a"l Hi met lb 4 a 11 0 J. rr. f.... 1 W'lliiaisa. a. I ) 1 0 Perry, rf 4 1 '1 0 Martah. Jh...- I a ftotmea; c.-. 4 Haflnrd,. . ' l(Hi, p. .'. 18 , .- . totala..,.. 4 0 0 0 4 0 0-4) 2,0 narrorci. 0 in one Inning;- off seven innings. Two-base hit: Home run: - Williams. Stolen t.i. .".si 10 11 I Totals 8S 10 24 18 Batted for McFarland In" second. tBatted 'for 8canlon In ninth. Pittsburg 0 2 0 0 4 0"3 0 Brooklyt? 1 2.0 0 0 0 0 0-m Earned runs: Pittsburg, 6; Brooklyn. 1. Three base hits: Clarke, Nealon. Strlek lett Sacrifice hits: BUchey, Lewis. Stolen bases:. Sheehan and Bitter. Double plays: Wagner and Nealon; Cusey, Alperman and Hitter First on balls: Off Siricklett. 1; off Bcanlon. 3. Struck out: By Philllppe, 1 by Bcanlon. 1. Wild pitch:. Phlllipt.e. 1. Passed ball: Phelps. Left on bases: Pitts burg. 6; Brooklyn. 3. Hits: OfT M.:r arland, 4 In 2 innings; off Pbillippe. 6 in 7 innings; off 6trlckletl, 6 In 6 I'.inlnss; off Scanlon. i in 3. innings. Time: 1:45, Umpires: Con wsy and Lnislie. gtaading of the Teams. Plaved. Won, l-oat. Pet. .... 70 65 24 .rWti .... 74 47 27 .635 .... 7 48 28 .h32 78 4i 38 .613 .... 78 3 2 46 . 410 .... 7D 31 48 .3C2 .... 74 28 46 .37 78 27 " 51 .848 Games todav: Boston at Pittsburg. Brook. Ivn at Cincinnati. New ork at bi. luls, Philadelphia at Chicago. Chicago New Vork .. Pittsburg ... Philadelphia Cincinnati .. St. Louis ... Brooklyn Boston at 8:414-1 OiO . 8 ft 0 -0.01 base: liemohlll. Bases on balla: OfT ford. 2; off Fisher, 3; off Goodwin. 1, Struck oul: By (aoodwin, 4: by Fisher, 4 Double plays: Hemphill to Bateman, Fisher to Williams to i limes Left on bases:. Mil. waukee. 6; Indianapolis, 4. empire: Kgan Time: 1:40. v ' . ', Booae Drops Oat at l.eagae. vf a rii ai.i.TOWN. Ia.. July 12. (Spe . ixi.i Teleirrain.l Boone tolay forfeited iti i franchise m the low State league on ac count of financial continuum i""-u "j .tindunce. President peckliam went to Clinton this afternoon and expected, to htvc tha franchise transferred, to that city within a day. In case the- transfer to Clln or some other city is not made m. tlie bague will carry the Boone team lem poranly. Results: Burlington. 1; Ottumwa, 0, ttakaliHisa. 2; Keokuk, 1. Waterloo, 2; Fort Dodge, 1. No game at Boone, rain. H.O.A.i: 2 110 Esitth, lb.. 4 ,4 2 1-4.1 A.ti, ....-. 4 4 1 0 8PimciAnea, ft! 1 8 ohirrhman, m. 5 0 1 T'vroti'.- .... ft- 1 1 10 1 J ltiuman. If., i I 10O 'P".tlinon. 3b 2 0 0 4 0 r 7.TntitiPoni rf i 0 1 1 4 : Arleraon. p.. 4 1 -- 'Cook 1 0 84 13! H'l S . r-i-.-- Totall 11 ZT 13 I Two out when winning run was scored. Batted for Jofinson In :he eighth.. ' Wal.oo i 0 .- 0 0 0 0 0 6 7 Schuyler 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 16 Karned runs: Schuyler, 3; Wahoo, 2. Left on bases: Schuyler, ; wunoo, . r irat base on balls; off. Still. .1. Struck out: Bv Anderson, 6; by Stiltz, . Wild pitch; Stiltz. Passed balls: Wolta. Smith. Hit with pitched ball: By Stilt j, 4. Home runs: Bltzman. femitn 01 Schuyler. 1 wo-uaae bits: AdHtpa, Jcllen. Stolen bases: Coinp. ton (2). Time; 2:03. Umpire: Coqk. Scorer: Koydele.' ' HAlS OS THE ;AllB5 RACES While Track Is Hlow Errata Are ' Polled Off Per fchedole. Al"BLRN,!:b.. July 12. (Special Tele- gra.ii.l 'Ihe third day of the Auburn sum mer races was a good one, considering ine weather. A slow rain set in here at noon and lasted all afternoon. Tuts made a heavy track and - incunvenienced the ra cing. However, the three races were gooa. in the a-jear-oia pace, mere were six en tries with four starting., volo, ownea oy B. G. Thomas. Waterloo. Ia.. and driven by him, winning; Shade On, Jr., owned tiy G. A. . Pecaunt of Sioux City, la., and driven by Harrison. kcCoikI, and Pacy D., owned by N. L. Dava of Central City, Neb., -and driven by liim. tiiird. This waa a four heat race.' ilcL.ttine, 2:1914. In the 2:27 trot theri-'wete eight entries, all starting, but on account of an accident before getting off between Pony Sorg and Genuine, Pony Bnrg was drawn. F. C. B., owned by J. G. Tnomas of Waterloo, la., and driven by him, won; Ralph, owned by S. H Newman, Algonia. Wis., and driven by him, second; WagtWing, owned by J. J. Gardner of Valley Falls and driven by him, third, and Genuine, owned by . Clear Moore of Omaha and driven by him, fourth. Best time. .2:2H. Thla was also a four heat race and a goqd one. In the three-quarter mil dash there were six entries, all, starting. Illuminate, rode by Johnson, carrying 117 pounds, won; Irish Swede, rode by McNabl), Hit pounds, sec ond, and Unlock, rode by Mead, 119 pounds, third. Plckena. one of the starters, waa left at the post. 'Plme, 1:17H. The 2:17 trot, which was on the card for today, was postoned until tomorrow on ac count of the condition of the track. Thla will make four good races for tomorrow and all efforts will be made to beat all previous records on. tha Auburn half mile track. , ' Miss Sutton Wins. NEWPORT, England, July It In the Welsh ladles tennis games today. May Sutton of California, beat Mrs. Ra Ikes by a score of ;1. Mrs. Raik retired after thl'n the women's open doubles Mrs. Sterry and Miss Sutton beat Miss E. Longhurst and Miss Hudd, 6-1. 6-0. - City Tenols Toarsssiest. IndUatlons point to recom-nreaKing entry .list In the city which starts at the Field club Saturday. Kntries have been received from the Sara toga, West Famam, Country club, Young Men's Christian association and from the South Omaha Country club. It has het decided to accept entries from South On.nh.i and this will let in Potter, the crack wielder from that district. The list nlso includes Wilson of the Voting Men's Chris tian association, Redlck of the Country club. Sweet of the Saratoga, Swarti and Koch of the West Farnam. all of whom play fat tennis. Entries must be In to Will Wood by Friday at 1 p. m. H. CHAD1.ER EGA Ol'T OF MATCH tennis' tournament Golf Champion la Defeated By George 8. Lyon of Toronto. ENGLEWOOD, N J.. July 12. George 8. Lyon of- Toronto, Canada, put H. Chandler Egan of Chicago out of the amateur golf championship in the second round at match play on the Englewood Golf rjib'n course tolday. Egan vas lighting hard to retain the championship title which be had won and held during Ihe last two years, hut Lyon led him aimoat every inch of the way and finally won on the twentieth hole. There have been many upirts , in. his year's championship tournament, but the defeat of the champion by the Canadian player was the greatest surprise of all. Two years ago, however, Lyon and Egan met in the final of the Olympic championship golf contest at St. Louis and then the Canadian beat the Chlcagoan by 3 up and 2 to play. F.gan played poorly this afternoon and by missing a seemingly easy putt lost the match after he waa one up at the seven teenth hole, where by good work Lyon should have, a half. The players drove the home green, Lyon then having a treacher ous approach putt to make. F.gnn rimmed the cup on his third shot, while Lyon got down In three, making the match a tie. They played the nineteenth hole In fours and Lyon won out with a well played four on the twentieth green. Fa-an who was fnur down at one stage of the game, played good golf coming In, but ' his work on the putting greens waa not up to bis usual mark and this defeat robbed him of the chance to make a record as a triple winner. The defeat of the champion was not the only feature of the day's play, however, as Walter J. Travis, the former American and British amateur champion, made a new amateur record of 74 for the rearranged course. Travis did this In the first round of match plav in which he had Archie M. Reld of St. Andrews as an opponent. The veteran went out In thirty-seven and came home with the same figures. The first match of the day resulted In a surprise. Dr. Simon Carr of Phlladel phlo defeated Fred Herreshoff of Garden City bv 4 up and 8 to play. Dr. Carr made the run In seventy-six and Her reshoff took eighty. H. Chandler F.gan beat P. W. "Whltte more, Boston. 6 up and 5 to play. Egan won eallv, going out In thirty-six. H. R. Johnson. Boston, beat D. M. Cole, West flol.l M f wn and 8 to rvlav. W. P. Smith. Philadelphia, beat Behr, Morrlstown, N. J., ) up and P'lllis KJnowleis, Redford, N. T.. Thomas M. Sherman, New Rochelle, and S to play. . Oilman P. Tiffany, Newburgh. beat S. D. Bowers. Bridgeport, 3 up and 1 to olay. Jerome D. Travers, Nassau, beat Percy Pyrne. 2d. Princeton, 7 un and 5 to 'play. - O. H Fredericks, Oil City, beat Harold Weber." Toledo, 1 up on nineteen holes. Oeorge S. Lyon. Toronto, beat E. M. Parnea, Englewood. 2 up and 1 to plav. W. T. West. Philadelphia, beat M. Whlt llch. Montclalr. 3 up and 2 to play. Walter J. Travis. Garden City, beat A. M. Reld. Bt. Andrews. 5 un and 4 to play. J. C. Anderson beat Harold Wilcox, t up and 1 to play. Eben M. Bvers. Pittsburg, beat Dwlght Partridge, Yale. 2 up and 1 to plav. Oeorge T. Brokaw, Garden City, beat Murray Olyphant, Englewood. t up and 2 to 'b" H. Bankhart. jr.. Baltimore, beat Brlee S. Evans, Boston, t up and 1 to play- . . Archie Graham nf Paterson. N. J., de feated C. E. Vanvleck. Jr., of Montclalr by S un and 1 to play. j The results of the second round of match play follow: ... Johnstone beat Carr 4 up and S to play. Knowles beat Smith 3 up and 1 to play. Tiffany beat Fredericks, 4 up and I to play. Lyon beat Egnn, 1 un (20 holes). WeRt beat Bankhard, I up and 2 to play. Ryers beat Anderson, 3 up and 2 to play. Travis beat Brokaw, 3 up and 4 to play. Travers beat Graham, 4 up and 3 to play. Daniel Wins gTvlmmlnar Match. NOTTINGHAM, England, July 12. The 100-yard amateur swimming match for the championship of the world waa won today by C. M. Daniels, American, who went the dlNtance in 58 seconds, heating the record by two-fifths of a second. Cecil Healy, the amateur champion of Australia, was second and J. H. Derbyshire, of Manchester third. Sporting Brr-TTtlea. Leifleld lost another game for Pittsburg, although his team made the most hits. McNeeley and Gondii were the sluggers for Omaha at Grand Island, each getting two hits. The new man, Ayers, waa given a try at Grand Island Wednesday and waa touched up for eleven hlta. Perrlng did not make a hit In lho game with Grand Island Wednesaay. preferring to make his safe ones in the league gamea. In their fight for first position In the bat ting list of the American league Stuns made two hits in four times up in each game Wednesday, while Lajole made two In four In one game. The Juvenile City team challenges' any other team composed of members ranging from 15 to 20 years of age to a game of ball on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday of next week at 6 p. m. All . communica tions should be addressed to F. S3, Sher wood, Young Men's Christian association. Corns. Pa' clever southpaw, did not ac company the team on theNwestern trip, but Is staying In Omaha nursing a lame- ankle which he twisted in sliding Jnto a base In the game at Sioux City. He also wrenched his Ttnee slightly at the same time, hut neither accident is serious, and Coma aaya he expects to be able to get back Into tha game In a week or so. 1 r an N DOCTORS for flECvj " I"1 1 1 1 . t' 1 " ! A "W V'' "" v-r 1, tip?;..; -- ' ML ! . k r.. Max 3 to beat 4 up ST. Eirhaaa of Players. twirls. Mo.. July 12. Announce- Staadlagr of . tha Trami., Played. Won. Lost. Columbus , Milwaukee ... Toledo Liul.vllk. Minneapolis ,. Kudo City , St. Paul.., lpdianupolis . Game today Toledo at K4 .. 8lu .. 7C .. t , .: sa .. 81 .. 80 , . . 7H fcl. 47 41 42 42 87 38 33 33 , 87 40 . 44 la 51. Pet. .7 .588 .5J2 .M2 .St2 .457 .154 Columbus at Kanaaa City, Ftiul.i Indianapolis at 'Mil waukee, Louisville at-Mlnwajjoits. . - Aaaae In -Three.I l.avagaaC '.. k At Rock Island-Huclr Island. ; - Du- bimue. i..- -r ,;. f. At Blooniington Bloomlngton. 7; Spring field. . - At Decatur Decatur, 4: Poiia,-. At Cedar Rapidfr-Crdar tuplds, T; Dav eaport. 1. - x - . Bay a city ha -f.-ir tLOe a oppoalta want-ad. pV ' ' ' wu ttVe-ad. meni was made by the Louis National 1-.. ,.. that Hhsnnou and Sliay had been traded to the New York Nationals for Outfielder Mertes and Calcher Marsn .,11 ' k;-,., ,.r,..,i la that lui-ul clubs left helder. Shay plaved shurtstop last year, but whl e still under reservation by the Bt LouL-i club ha been playing this yesr with Hi" Stockton, Cal.. team, which . franchise be owns., tirncera Defeat Holdreae. HOLDREOK. Neb.. July 12.-Bpecial Telegram.) Tlie IJncoln Grocers defeated Holdrege In a one-sided game of ball today.,- Score by Innings: , RUE Llnooln 1 0 ( 0 0 0 0 0-7 14 J Holdrege 0 0 0 t 0:0 0 0 0-2 4 2 Batteries: Lincoln, Parns and Cookua; Holdr.ge. Robinson. Batibitt ' and Hayden. Two base hits: Lincoln. 5. .... . Seyaaoar Bald to rw Vark, CINCINNATI. O.. July -12 J. Bentl. y Beymoor, brth-a known as "81 " ryuiour j tbe faniQua -utr htjdcr nf the 'Hi.-liinii j National league club, u aold Ui LU tsattsj DISEASES OF MEN "We are spisclalists for diseases of men and men only. The roost stubborn and complicated cases yield quiokly to our scientific treatment. Pay Us for Cures We cure Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, Enlarged Veins, Rupture, Sores and Blood Poison, Swollen Glands, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal Diseases, and all diseases and weak- .... - IL . IA neeses of men due to lnnentanoe, exnausuon or uiw nun of specific diseases. northwestern Medical & Surgical Institute Mrvrtw.t. finmer 13th and Farnam Stsv Omana, Neb. 4V4 unvn " 3 . J r The Reliable Specialists; est Methods of Cure i We have devoted yeara of study to the best methods of curing private dis eases and weaknesses of menspending thousands of dollars In researches evolving a system of treatment which is a safe cure for skin, nervous, blood and ' private diseases and weaknesses of men. We treat every case on Its own merits and thousands today join In thanking us for the new lease of life our skill and ability has opened up for them. Coma to us and we will spare you the penal-' ties associated with private dlseaaes. weaknesses, eto. The State Medical Institute Is established for the benefit of suffering men; ' for the purpose of curing the terrrlble dlsaaaes and blighting weaknesses that destroy men's mental and physical powers, making them unfit for work, bus iness study or marriage, and depriving them of the social duties and pleasures of lire aa well as marital happiness. If you wish to be saved and restored to health and strength, with mental and physical powers complete, come to tha men's true specialists and learn your true condition. - Gee" tha right treatment 1 first and be safely and thoroughly cured. Are YOU one of the many thousands of WEAK MEN, and do you wish to t dared? Multitudes bring on themselves the horrors of a life-long ifT.iease by unnatural habits. Thousands and thnnaanili of men are prematurely old and diseased through excesses and unnatural drains, which sap the very foundation of life, destroy their health and ' strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing where to apply for a cure, many of the sufferers silently suffer on, loaded with disease, remorse and humiliation, going from bad to worse, or they experiment with too many "free Treatment" and "Quick-Cure" schemes. We cure safely and thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, ' Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to avtl habits, excesses, self abuse, or the result of specific and private dteeaaes. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION. SmS 1 ' STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb, ,f. START RIGHT FOR MINNESO Th Right Ho.d to St. P.ul Mid MlnnBolU. Jill MOVTK $12.50 There and Back. 'Cuids lo Guide books" free. TA X 1 7-