Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone Douglas 618.
Is eonvrnientty located in the heart of the retail renter, one block vrept of Auditorium. "We are
well prejVared for this great convention Treek, nnd welcome all visitors to our store. Make use
of our co rest rooms on third floor with, comfortable chairs,' writing desks and stationery tele
phone and directory, a good place to meet-your friends. All hand baggage checked free of
charge. Come and look through our modern store, even if you haven't the slightest idea of buy
ing. Any information cheerfully given.
Interesting . Gown Special for
It In espy-enough to buy a good gown
at the regular price, but when you can
buy a good own at a reduced price ft
should be n extra Inducement for you to
Painty Oowns of Img Cloth, with round
neck ami short sleeves, pretty vslenclenn-s
edging, regular prlca. 12.25; Friday's special
price. 11.25 each.
Other pretty styles of rjnwns In Nain
sook, with., rdund neck and short sleeves,
prettily tl-lmmed with embroidery and
tucka, all slses, regular price 11.50 each;
Friday's special price, ,11.00 each.
Second floor. ..'".-.'"
Special VS'ale . of Children's
Dresses. "'.
Moat garments for hlldren are usually
made with less caro than la bestowed upon
the clothe of older folka, but not with up.
Mother will he glad to aee that all our
garments for little onea are aa carefully
made aa If they .made the garment theia
aelvra. ' " '
On then pretty.-Chlldrena presses should
mnke them, of unusual Interest fo you.
The newesT'noveltlea In Infanta and chil
dren's wear to be seen hero ot economical
Children'' Olngham Presses, In pink, blue
and oxblood, made In bliihop atyle, slse 1
Hnd 1 yeara, regular price. SOc; now, S6c
Chlldren'a Gingham DreiSes, In pink and
blue, wlfhrmrvhroldery Inaertlun, In-tucked
yokea, (rood fast colora, sites 1 and 2 yeara,
' regular prle 0e;'' now. 5V.
Chlldren'a Percale Dresses. In pink nnfl
blue, tucka to form yokes, neck and sleeves
lace trimnied, regular price $1.00; now, 7c.
Chlldren'a Olngham Dresses, pink and
blue, made" with tucka and feather stitched
'f .
responded to the address of welcome. H
said In part:
"Mr. Chairman, Df. ConVey and All the
Baptist Hosts of Omaha and the West:
We have surely received a warm welcome
and I verily believe that there will be a
hot time In this town today. I am glad of
the honor to respond to this welcome It
has been my province heretofore to deliver
tha, address, of.' welcome, and. thla Is the
second opportunity I, have , had to respond
to .audi, an -address. , Our organisation la
looking' out 'for better things, and we
lookrdwe$tr .The International , character
istic of our organization lm strikingly Illus
trated here, 4n that we have the leading
active member of two nations engaged
In ".rje'one (treat wprk.or, th betterment
ot the. world. Your , Gats City has today
opened Ifjl portals and thrown away the
key. and j;ou have strewn roaes and myrtle
In .ou'r way. We re'hnppy -to come to
your .beautiful city and find so royal a
wesfir,. welcome to four churches and
your homes. We trust that you will do us
good and that- we shall do you good in
ieturrv ,We Iwlll not Increase your police
bill for protection. We hope that you may
feel that .are entertaining angels un
aware, and we trust that our coming
here may' benefit ytiii In many ways. In
behalf of the board of mnnagera and all
the Baptist young people I again thank
you for thla cordial welcome."
- Permanent Committees.
Prayer .was then delivered by Rev. Q. T.
Holt of' Minneapolis, after which these
permanent committees were announced:
Important Topics Chairman, Rev. A. K.
1 Illois. 'Ph. U.. L.U P.; Rev. C. A.
Hlbbs, I). P., Wisconsin; Rev. O. W. Van
Osdel, p U.. Washington ; Rev. George F.
Holt. T). P., Minnesota: Rev. S. J. Farmer,
Ontario: Rev. II. K Trable, Ph. D.. Mis
souri; Rev. M. P. Eubank. M. P.. China;
Mr. A. R. Pollock, Ohio; Rev. J. B. Smith.
Hrt. Wllladaaa Talis How She Tried Lydla
E. PlnkhanTa Comptiad Jatt
inTJmtv ... "
Mrs. T. C WHladaen, of Manning,
Iowa, writes to Sirs. Pinkham:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham :
" I can truly say that you have saved my
life; and I cannot express mj gratitude to
you in words.
Before, i wrote to you, tolling yon how I
felt. I had doctored forover two years steady
and spnt kts of money on medicines besides,
but it all failed to help me My monthly pe
riods rtarl ceased and I suffered Diuch pain,
with, fainting speils, .headache, backache and
bearing-down paina. and I was so weak I
could "nardiT keep around. As a last resort
I decided to writ yea and try Lydia E. l"iuk
ham's Vegetable Compound, and I am so .
thankful tLat I did, fur af tor following your
Instruction,, which you sent ma free of all
charge, I -became regular and in perfect
health. Had it not been for yoa I would be.
In mv grave Uvaay.'
i sincerely trust-that this letter may lead
vary suffering woman ia the country to
writ you for help as I did."
When women gra- troubled with ir
regular or painful periods, weakness,
dUplacementor ulceration of an organ,
that beartnjr-down feeling-, inflamma
tion, backache, flatulence, general de
bility, Indigestion or nervous prostra
tion, they should remember there ia
one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Ptnkhain'a Vegetable Compound atone
removes such troubles.
bio other female medicine in the world
hae radeived aueb widespread and un
qua,lUoi endorsement. Befuse all aub
atitutea. for ts yeara Mr. Pink ham, daughter
in Jaw of Lydia K. Pinkham, baa under
net. direction ,an4 since her decease,
been advising sW-U women (re e
aarg. Addreaa, Lynn, Mas.
Bep, Julr 12. 106.
Omaha's Modern
Dry Goods Stored
braid, ages 1 and 2 yeara, regular pries
tl.2f; now, Kftc.
Buster Brown presses for children, made
of linen, madras, gingham and nercal",
ages from 2 to i years.
CM IJncn Dresses for I2..V.
fj 00' IJnen Dresses for COO.
K.M Olngham Dresses, 11.50.
11.50 Olngham Dresrea for 8Se.
11.65 Gingham Dressea for 11.10.
A beautiful showing of Buster Brown
Dresses, In white linen, pique and lawn,
from 1 to 4 years, prlcea, 11.75, 12.00, $2.50.
$3 00 and $.1 60 each.
Pretty Wash Hata, In plnln or fancy
styles, 60c. Kc, $1.00, $1.60, $2.00, $2 50. $2.7$,
$500 each.
Main floor. '
Wash Goods Specials in Our
Clearing Sale.
You may Inspect these goods at your
pleasure. It will pay you to come and buy
for this) season or next. Never have the
prices been as low aa now. The gooda are
all perfect and the styles the choicest after
a busy season's selling.
15c La Belle Organdie 6c a yard.
26o Egyptian Tissue at 10c a yard.
18c and 20c Zephyr Ginghams at 10c a
25c Shadow Check Silk Organdie 10c a
40c Bilk Spot Eollenne at 19c a yard.
60c 811k Imitation Rajah at ltc a yard.
40o Silk Check Organdies at 19c a yard.
Our 60c, 76c noveltlea at 26c a yard.
25c Mercerlaed Taffeta at 16c a yard.
80c, 35c, 40c French Organdies at 13c a
25o Vlcerlne Suiting, Meroerlied Panama
at 15c a yard In Basement.
Special Sale of Umbrellas Sat
urday. It Is not unusual for stores to get any
We close evenings at 5 o'clock, except Saturday at 0:30.
Howard Street, Corner Sixteenth.
Iowa; Rev. W. A. Klntle, Vermont; Rev.
0. M. Freeman, Baxkatchewan; Dr. E. F.
Jordan, Bouth Dakota; George M. White
carver, West Virginia; Rev. J. P. 8prlna
ston. Kansas; Rev. Hackett. Oregon; W.
B. Ridmar, Michigan: Rev. P. B. Rrehar
son, Colorado; Rev.- C. M. Bancroft, Ne
btaska, C. H. McDowell, Indiana.
Nominations Chairman. John Nuveen,
Illinois; Horace K. Uambvlll. Maryland; J.
K. Hounsman, Ontario; Rev. B. H. Moore,
Wisconsin; Rev. H. B. Steelman. Iowa; F.
P. Huggard, Massachusetts; U. R. Rich
ards. Ohio: J. M. Uurley, Kansas; C. V.
Jackson, Vermont; F. IS. R. Miller, North
Dakota; Q. Morphy, 8outh Pakota; Charles
E. Oriffln, West Virginia; W. J. William
son, P. P., Missouri; George W. Grtffln,
Oregon; Alfred Reynolds, Saskatchewan;
Rev. R. M. West, Minnesota; pavld Brown,
Michigan; Rev. W. E. Sawyer, Colorado;
Hev. VV. A. Pltaoldt, Montana; Rev. W. H.
Bowler, Idaho; Rev. C. W. Welden,, Ne
brftslra; A. P. Berry, Indiana.- '
Resolutions Chairman, Rav. J. I.. Hugh
son. Ontario: George Miller, Maryland;
Rev. T. C. Johnson, West Virginia; Pr.
Robert H. Ralston, Ohio; Howard P. Smith,
Missouri; George H. Norton, Illinois; Rev.
Clarence Heal v. Iowa; H. C. Miller, Wis
consin; Rev. II. R. Best, South Dakota;
Rev. W. R. Howell. Michigan; George W.
Wagner, Saskatchewan; Rev. W. H. Katon,
Kansas; Mr. Hall, Oregon; Rev. Joshua
Graven, Colorado; Rev. E. J. Vlmer, Ne
braska, Report of Managers.
The report of the board Of managers
waa then aubmitted by Chairman L. L.
Her.sen, which waa followed by the re
port of the treasurer, both reporta uing
furnlshed the delegates in printed furm.
The reporta were both referred to the com
mittee on Important toplca.
The following greeting from the Ne
braska Christian Endeavor union waa read
by the secretary:
President J. H. Chapman, Baptist young
Peoples I'nion, In Convention Assembled:
Greeting Ten thousand Christian Endoav
orers in Omaha and Nebraska welcome you
to our midst. Take the city for Christ.
Invade the state with your host of y;iung
people. In up! re cltlaens of this city and
commonwealth to seek higher and better
things. May His presence, like the pillar
of cloud by day and the pillar of lire by
night, go before you and be your only
fuide and may the blessings of Our
leuvenly Father be and abide with you.
Sincerely yours. ARTHUR CH ASK,
President Omaha and Nebraska Christian
Br.deavor I'nion.
A telegram waa received from Rev. El
mer E. Bryan of Indiana, atatlng that he
would be unable to be present at the con
vention at this time and his address had
consequently to be omitted.
' Dr. Williamson's Address. -
The principal address of the morning;
aesslon was that of Rev. W. J. William
son, D. D.. pastor of the Third church,
St. Louts, Mo. The subject of Dr. Will
iamson's address was "The Price avid Com
pensation of Spiritual Power." He aaid
in part:
"Power romes to ua at the moment of
action. Men who have conquered the
world have come down from the hills.
The great victories of the World have
been won by men who have forgotten
themselves. The question of the hour
Is the evangelisation of our home land.
The price of power is the surrender of
life, the completion Of the life beautiful.
May we go forward from this place nlld
with the power of God to do, to seek for
the betterment of mankind everywhere
Let ua forget self in the evangelisation
of the world. What we want la workers
for God's cause, and more workers. The
field ia vast, the harvest Is ripe and work
ers are wanted. There la no nobler vo
cation than that of working for Christ,
working for the betterment of your .fellow
men. It is an inspiration to do great
and better things and the reward is In
calculable. It Ilea with you young people
to do much. To you ia entruated the
great work of the future. God will give
yon the power, and He wanta you to en
list in Ills cause, that mankind may be
come better and your mission be fulfilled.'
Prof. Towner Bang a solo. "Here Am I,"
after "which the benediction waa pro
nounced by Rev. Mr. Oelselwest of Chi
cago. During the early afternoon atate.
provincial and territorial rallies were held
at the varloua churches. The genersl
session resumed at I K) at the auditorium.
Tower of Goal.
Rev. O. W. Van Osdel of Spokane waa
the principal speaker. Ills subject waa:
"The Baptist Young People and the Power
of God." He said:
"The title of my address ts a statement
of fact almply and la In reality a firm
name. It la a marvelous thing what God
has been doing during the past fifteen
year with the Baptist Toung People's
union. Greater things are yet to come
from our experience la the past. Numeric
ally there are enough of ua to take the
world. We are also Ineffably strong, In
tellectually, socially and Hnam-lally. as
Ui s Uud s loci iailuu sues, lie ia ahla
sort of f mbrellaa and offer them at spe
cial prices, on the theory that anything
will do for a special sale. Iook out for
that kind of a store. The Umbrellas we
are going to sell Saturday are good, durable
Silk Umbrellas, best of Paragon Ixx k
frames used, colora blue, brown, red and a
few novelty blacks, regular $4.00 and $5.00
Umbrellas. Saturday's price $2.4S each.
WAIT for our Great Special
Clearing Sale of Swiss Em
broideries Saturday, July 14.
A special sale that all our customers
look forward to. All our high-grade Swiss
Kmbrolderles will be offered at very spe
cial prlres. Read Friday night's paper for
Special Bargains in Our Cloak
Department, Second Floor.
All the Fine Tailor-Made Suits at just
half our regular low prices.
$30.00 Suits at $15.00.
$41.00 Suite at $20.00.
All the pretty China Silk Waists, Lawn
Waists, Chiffon Waists, Taffeta Walata and
Lingerie Waists at half of the regular
$5.00 Waists for $2.50.
$7.60 Walsta for $.175.
$10.00 Walsta for $5.00.
$12.60 Waists for $ 28.
Special in Separate Skirts.
We have two patterns In the stylish
brown and white checks, a dice pattern and
the small check, a gored skirt with straps
a perfect fitting garment, made of strictly
all-wool cloth. This skirt Is a regular $7.25
$2.5$ EACH.
All the Wash Skirts at half price.
Nowhere are there such bargalna shown
In really fine clothing for women aa you
can get during this great clearing sale.
to conquer the world through us. There
are enough young people In this gathering
to help the Baptist Young People's union
out of Its present financial atralts. There
has been too much of our holding meetings
In the east heretofore. I Want you to ac
cept the invitation to meet with us at
Spokane next year, and then I am going
to mnke a motion to change the name of
the the organisation to the Baptist Young
People's I'nion of the World. Whatever
our future may be, we must be dependent
upon God. We must hold on to the power
of God, which Is easy to obtain. So long
as that power la unhindered It is omnipo
tent. If we would succeed we' must ex
amine ourselves and remove the obstaclea
out of the way ot God's power, that It may
prevail. Hla power has been shown In the
paat by the martyrs -who had convictions,
believed things, and died for them. Christ
said:' T am the wsy, the life; no man
cometh to the Father but tHrough Me.'
A multitude of people are living too much
on the margin of tojjay."
Klowa Indian Quartet.
Rev. H. H. Clouse, miaslonary to thi
Kiowa Indians, at Mountain View, Okl.,
waa Introduced and presented four Klowa
IndUns, three men and one woman, con
verts of that mission. They sang a song
in the Indian language entitled, "Whj.n
Pld the Father Bend Down to Save ua?"
The song waa extremely Interesting be
cause of Its slow musical cadence that Is
so weirdly characteristic of the Indian
music. These Indiana will sing frequently
throughout the convention.
A telegram was read from Rev. Len O.
Broughton of Atlanta, stating that he had.
missed his train connections and would be
unable to reach Omaha for the afternoon
meetin. Rev. Mr. Celselwest of Chicago
waa then designated to take charge ot the
afternoon devotional meeting. He spoke
from the text Psalma 84:11. He aaid In
part: "Too many people take the Bible, as
a book of magic. There is a vast, differ
ence In asking of God a thing, rather than
telling Him ot It. We aOhere too much to
the kindergarten experience In religion. The
apirtt knowa that we cannot pray right be
cause of our Infirmities. Let no man say
that 'I am kinder than my heavenly
father.' Let your prayer be, 'Lord, he
whom Thou lovest Is sick.' God simply
wanta to be told. There la too much of
this clamoring for what we call the bless
ing of God. What we want is a closjr
communion with God. Do not storm God
out with yuur petitions, Just afck Him, and
He will answer our needs as we need
With the close of Pr. Geiselwest'a address
the afternoon meeting adjourned.
Banners Awarded and Addreasea
Madg- at Aodllorlom.
At the evening aesslon ot the convention
the Auditorium waa comfortably filled.
The program embraced three featurea of
unuaual Interest, a strong addreaa by Rev.
R. M. West of St. Paul, Minn.; the annual
address of the president, John H. Chap
man, and the presentation of the Interna
tional prise banners for efficiency In work
outlined for the Baptist Young People's
I'nion of America.
The session opened at T SO with a praise
service. In which the chorus took the prom
inent part, singing the songs of the new
Alexander-Towner book. The choir proved
to be a great attraction, and later, at th
cloae of the meeting, when Prof. Towner
sang "Evening Bella" and the- Immense
choir hummed the refrain, the audience
seemed enraptured with the melody.
After the praise service the chairman of
the evening, Rev. George A. Miller of
Baltimore, created no little amusement, and
moved many hundrede of women to action,
by asking them to remove their hats.
Nebraska Wine a Banner.
Rev. E. B. Chlvers. D. P., of New York
read a passage of scripture. Then followed
the presentation of the International ban
ners by Prof. Ira M. Price of Chicago,
chairman of the executive committee of
the union. The sacred literature banner
went to the province of Ontario and Que
bec and became their permanent property,
as this makes the fourth time they have
won It. The conquest mission banner waa
awarded to Nebraska and for the third time
to the society at Grand Island collage.
At the name of Nebraska the voice of the
apVakar waa drowned la the cheer of the
multitude, and when Grand Island was
named, a group of student from that col
lets rose In the balcony and gave their
college yell. The Bible reader's banner was
given to Alabama, and for the sccund time
Lha oUsty at geliua unlveislty. I mak
ing the presentation Prof. Price spoke on
"Thoughta," hla point being thst If the
minds of men sre occupied with high Ideals
the success of the plans -of Uod la reson
ably assured. There followed a olo,
"Only a Sinner," by t Prof. 'Towner.
Dr. West's Address.'
Then came the principal address of the
evening on ' I'ses of a Life of Power." by
Rev. R. M. West. p. p., 0f St. Paul. Minn.,
who sld:
' The home of Philip, the evangelist, wn
once the scene of a tragic event. Paul
and Ms sttendants were going up to Jeru
salem and stopped n few days to virlt
Philip st Caesarea. While they wee the'o
the prophet Agahus came from Jerusalem.
He knew well the disposition of the Jews
at Jerusalem towards Paul, that It w:is
bitter. Taking Pauls girdle he bound his
own hsnds and feet. While the whole
company watched him In wonder he ex
plained his conduct: go 'shall the Jews
at Jerusalem hind the man that owncth
this girdle and shall deliver him into the
hands of the Gentiles." Not doubting the
accuracy nf the Information of Agnhus, sll
at once commenced to dlii!tl Paul from
his purposed vlstt to Jerusnlrm, but he
silencing them said: "What do ye weeping
and breaking my heart? For 1 im readv
Jot to be hound onlv, hut aleo to die at
eruaalem for the name of the Lord Jesu."
He was tnking a look at life from the
fiolnt of view of a servint of Jesus Christ,
lis viewpoint did not niter the things which
awaited him In life, but it altered his atti
tude toward them, saving him from tears
and cowardice, snd. better still, making
him the master rather thnn the creature
of circumstance. Because Paul entered Into
his career as a Christian to do the will of
od therefore he was able ss he looked
Into the future 0 say, "None of these
things move me." and. Is he looked bnck
upon his career completed to sav. "I have
fought a good fight; l j,nve finished my
course; I have kept the faith."
affords ua a splendid Illustration of
the life of power put to appropriate, uses.
He explained his active ministry Ss the
result of God working In him mightily and
derlared that the grace of God Was not
bestowed upon him In vain, for he labored
more abundantly than they all,
Pnnl gent foe n Purpose.
One historian writing of Paul sftvs: "It
Is Impossible to studv the life of Paul with
out receiving the impression thst he was
ent Into the world to do a work required
by the Juncture of history on which he
fell. At the moment of Paul's appearance
upon, the stage the Christian movement
was In the utmost need of a man of extra
ordinary endowments, who, becoming pos
sessed with its genius, should incorporate
it with the general hlntoy of the world."
I want to help -you realise tonight that
America Is at a Juncture 6f hlstorv which
calls for men nnd women possessed with
the genius of Christianity who shall meet
and master the problem of the time In the
spirit and power of Jesus Christ. From
the position of young Christians I wsnt you
lo look Into life and consider the problems
presented In ita stream of events upon the
solution of which depends the weal or woe
of America and mankind. In the matters
to which I shall direct your attention to
night life will compel you to tako a par',
nnd Christ depends upon you . to take the
part which is dear to Him.
The part In life which you may perform
requlrea that you he filled with might br
Hla spirit in the Inner life, that you put
on the whole armor of God and having
done all things stand in Hla strength.
In International affairs there are two
movements that are progressing side br
side. There are the provisions for war
manifest In the standing armies and bris
llng navies of the nations. There are the
provisions for peace manifest in the fre
quent resort to arbitration, to tiie advocacy
Of which many keen minds are devoted.
The provision for peace Is alo manifest In
the Interparliamentary union with Its more
than 2.000 members, representing the parlia
mentary bodies of the lenrilnv nations
Manifestly these two forces cannot con
tinuously act side by aide, one or the other
must predominate.
MoTlaar Toward Ideal.
War Is not yet over. More blood will
doubtless yet -be shed In deciding by force
questions concerning the Justice of which
Informed snd thinking men will be per
fectly clear at the beginning. But we are
moving toward Tennyaon's ideal:
"When the war drums beat no longer and
' the battle flags sre furled, , . -
In. the parliament of -men, the federation
of the world."
: We have found It possib'e to maintain
personal honor without a duel; to entabllsh
justice between man ad man without the
nip pocket pistol; to st'ttle difficulties be
tween state and state,. without recourse to
war. We shall yet doObtless find the way
to settle International .difficulties without
the terrors of war. This will be achieved
when tiie nation. Ml ,rrie Mate and . (h
Individual, turns from war to the lees cruel
and expensive arbitrament of reason
"When the common sense of most shall
hold the fretful realm In' swe. '
And the kindly earth, shall slumber lapt In
universal law."
There Is no doubt as to which Idea will
ultlmstely survive, force or reason; but.
Christian young people, during your career
the better cause will be struggling to the
top. Be sure to get on the right sldo of
that question.
II Matters pertaining to our national life.
There are certain matters pertaining o
cur American life which are presenting
Crohloms, a solution to which will doubtless
e found, must be found, during the half
century of active life which Is before ydxt.
Materialism nn Issne.
1. The question of msterlalism. Our gov
ernment has passed successfully the diffi
culties arising In the time of construction.
We have a constitution which binds a vast
territory and a numerous people, a credit
which permits large and successful com
merce with the world. Constitution, credit
and union all have been menaced and all
stand unscathed. The reasonableness of
our constitution, the stability of our credit,
the Inseparabieness of our union, theso are
matters which are well established; but a
new and greater trial awaits the American
people, the trial of materialism. In no
other country has woslth developed so
rapidly and to such an extent, and probahly
nowhere ese does vast wealth fluctunte
so rapidly. We make and unmake million
aires in a day. The dream of wealth Hits
across every pillow, and In hope of Its
realisation some are already risking honor,
reputation, conscience and everything ele
In earth and heaven. We have been made
to realise that the problem of municipal
reform la not so hard pressed by any other
consideration aa by that of the "ledger."
The majority of people know that the
existing condltlona In ninny cities are evil
and unjust, unlawful, hut the conditions
bring profit to many. They would rather
see the Iniquity and Injustice than lose
their profit. Many others do not. gain by
the system, but they would lose If thev
staunchly advocated a chnnge. They would
rather see the conditions continue than
suffer material loss consequent upon the
change. If the question of reform could
be separated from that of profit and loss
the reforma would soon come. Reforms
In finance. In municipal and state govern
ment must come or disasier will. Whether
mammon or righteousness shall have the
' if
Brains Are
Built I
From Certain Kind of FOOD. ,
I Grap e-N u t s
I Furnish It.
1 si
How to .Make Nervous People.
"America has become a land of nervous
emotionalists, largely owing to our sins
against the dirtlc health lawa of nature.
"Only outdoor exercise in a cold climate
would enable vigorous Individuals of our
species to digest the vlanda forced upon
alimentary organs enfeebled by sedentary
occupations," writes Pr. Felix Oswald.
Brain workera must have different food
than day laborers, because brain work uses
up parte of the brain and nerve centers,
while physical labor uses up Other parts
of the body. A food for brain worker haa
been prepared by scientific food maker and
called Grape-Nuts. It I, a pur, natural
food mad from selected parts of field
grains known to contain tha natural phos
phate of potash and other element used
by the system In rebuilding and repairing
the brain and nerv centers. This food I
skillfully cooked at the factory and Is
ready to be served Instantly, either cold
with cream or aa a hot breakfast dish with
hot milk or cream poured over It. All first
claaa grocera sell Grap-Nuu- and the
Postum ('. at Battle Creek, Mich..
make 1U
(Oonahoe - Redmond Co. Friday Bargains
In box font and cton styles. In plain tailored
and fancy effects all go In this sale.
$12.50 Suits now
$9.90 Suits now 4.03
$7.95 Sells now f,$:.08
Coats thru were $6.60 now $-1.2.1
Coats that were $3.50 now fl.73
Just as a sample of our big reductions In this depart
ment, we will quote for Friday a fine, sheer India
llnrtn Suit, box pleated front waist with lace collar
and cuffs, has rows of lace Insertion forming V
ahaped effect down front of walat and aklrt, very
full pleated skirt, a regular $3.60 Suit J AQ
Friday, at '. l.aJO
This Will gurely B Bargain Day In This Department.
All our white organdy and India linon Dresses that
have sold at $3.60, $4.26, $4.60 and $5.00 1 no
Friday, at .JO
About 160 Girls' Dresses, la odds and ends, that were
sold up to $1.75, In blotrse, sailor and suspender
effects, In percales, ginghams and duck all CQ
go In one lot Friday, at OtJO
We have selected from our own stock a large assort
ment of those neat, small designs In taffetas and
mescalines Just the thing for smart suits and
walsta. Every yard perfect and sold up to Qp
89c a yard; frlday only, yard . . aC
One Pattern to a Customer.
Short lengths (1 to 7 yards) ot Serges, Panamas,
Ifenrlettas, Voiles, checks and plaids, plain and
fancy Mohairs, Crash Suitings Shadow and Over
plald Suitings. Batiste, Nun's Veilings, Sicilians,
Rainproof Suitings and Cheviots. All legitimate
remnants not manufactured for the occasion
worth up to $2.00 a yard; In one lot Frl- OK
day, only, the yard UV,
Remnants of colored and white Wash Goods,
worth to 25c a yard; Friday only, yard. . . .
Remnants of our fine Dimities, Chiffon Llsse and Silk
Tissues, worth to 35c a yard; Friday only, JC)(
IUss w
Wash Batiste, In the latest designs, worth 1 t;
c a yard; Friday only, yard xy-
O'Donahoe-lLedmond Co.
Owners ol Dry Goods
supreme consideration in matters of finance
and government will be decided during the
half century In which you are actively
engaged in life. Your career la sure to
Influence the decision of this matter. If
the decision goes to the side of materialism,
inevitable wreck will follow hard upon. If
It goes to the side of righteousness, at any
cost, success and stability will be Insured,
though its coming may be a long and tedi
ous process.
. Shall the great gianta. capital and
trades union come to conflict or co-operation
Two Giant Combinations.
There are two very conspicuous features
In our industrial life today. First, there
Is the great combination of capital. In
whluh the wealth ot the many has learned
to act as a unit. In which the word of a
single man determines the Industrlnl move
ment not of a few thousand or hundreds
of thousands of dollars, but of hundreds
of millions, even billions of dollars. It Is
conservatively estimated that nine billions
of capital is directed in the United States
bv one little group of flnanclera wliow
center Is in New York. This concentration
of wealth represents a power more vast
than that held by ancient klngB. Just what
its' Influence will b depends n9t upon
wealth aa an abstraction nor upon .wealth
as a concretion of value, but upon the
character of the men who control it. The
presence of this kingly power of money Jn
society would present a problem sufflcientiy
serious if It stood alone, but this power
does not stand alone. Over against this
tinllath of capital stsnds the Uolleth of
lubor, the tradea union. These are the two
heavyweights of Industry. Shall they pre
sent to us co-operation or combat? That
Is the question. If these two giants Join
in mortal combat anything from a man td
a nation may perish. Whether they will
each exercise toward each the cardinal
virtues with God, Justice, mercy and truth
or cast aside all restraint nnd fiv at each
other's throat, is not yet positively settled.
It will be, however. In the next (Hty years
of tlme You will be a factor in that set
tlement. What you say and do will tend
to cool or heat the passions of men on one
side or the other of this question.
The doctrine of the Trinity has ita place
In theology, and any unsoundness on that
subject is looked upon with alarm. It Is
not at all a difficult matter to And men
whose belief In the Trinity is sll right,
but their practice of fraternity is all wrong.
How long shall we believe that God la
more concerned with creed than wtlh con
duct? It is entirely possible thst the sig
nificant and spectsl message of God to oitr
day Is. "1 will have mercy and not creeds.
let It be the purpose of yur lives of power
to make merciful and fraternal the eco
nomic relations of men.
8. The sanctity of the home. '
The home is quite generally considered
the unit of society by sociologists. If a
nation be looked upon as an organic whole,
then a home mav be regarded ns a life
cell. Cpon the purity and healthfulness
of these life cells depend the vigor anil
permanence of the natlunal life. It Is an
alarming fact that the American home Is
menaced by the evil of divorce. Plvorccs
sre more numerous In the t'nltcd States
than in anv other country where record
are kept, and the number of divorces Is
on the Increase. In 1870 3 B-10 per cent of
the marriages ended In divorce. In I"
the marriages ended In divorce. In 1X90
the percentage of divorces to marriaaes
waa one-half of 1 per cent. In lf It was
seven-tenths of 1 per cent. Desertion of
wife and children by the husbnnd, and of
the husband and children by the wife Is
becoming a Common crime with which the
charity officials of our cities hsve to deal.
This, too, Is the most frequent and the
must easily sbused legal ground for divorce.
Bevond any doubt the sanctity of the
home In America Is menaced by the spirit
In marriage which fosters and makes possi
ble divorce. The union, the home and Its
sanctitv, becomes of greHter vr!ue than
either party In the marriage relation. Many,
however, regard the relation as a conveni
ence to the individual to be thrown aside
like a garment when the tsate changes.
This spirit must be met and defeated or
everything that is good and pure In earth
will be struck with blight. In the followers
of Jesus Christ this divorce evil must find
its strongest opponents.
Fstsre of Christianity.
4. Shall the next epoch In the affairs of
ChrlMlanlty be sscendant or decsdent?
There are condltlona existing in the
realm of Christianity which none of us
can overlook. The attitude of the common
mind toward the Bible snd the church Is
not Jut what It used to be half n century
ago. Bcriptural utterances which were re
cently unchallenged are quite seriously
challenged now. There sr those who fed
that the authority of the Klble la gone.
There are others who believe thst it re
mains Just what it alwavs was. There are
still others mho believe that If the Bible
Is to retain its due snd valuable authority
over the minds and consciences of men
there will be need of change In some direc
tions. The Bible Is not the only reality
with which men hsve to deal. They have
to deal with the material worlj and the
facta concerning it which science is bring
ing more and more Into the strong llsht
of the foreground. They have to deal with
the facta of experience as they are pre
sented to us In the accredited history of
the past and as they appear before us In
the palpable events of today. Whether the
Plhle shall be repudisted by the best edu
cated and best trained minds of our land
for non-ennformlty to fsct and well-tes'l-fisd
eiperlence. or whether Its deathless
truths shall be regnant lit the advancing
order of things, will denend largely on the
wsy in which those who love this Plhle
present It and represent' It In ths next fl'ty
yeara. There are theories about the Bible
ahich men have established snd rlrrulsted.
There are Interpretations which hsve been
humanly and faillbly made, some of which
theories and Interpretations stand In rro
tesque rontradtctlon to established facts
of science and history. The effort to main
tain thst contradiction Is hopeless effort.
The truths of the Bible ran easily maintain
themselves against the enmity of men, but
theories and interpretations cannot main
tain themselves agslnst the undenled and
undeniable fsrts either ot sclsnc or his
tory. Any thsory and any luttruretatiua
1,500 yards of fine
broidery Kdges,
insertions to mstch, worth Sic to s0o
yard: sale price Friday, yard
taped top, sold
they last, each . .
Odd lot of plain and fancy Embroidered Wash
Belts, worth to 25c each, slightly soiled from C
handling: sale Friday, 9 to 10 a. m.. each JW
Two dozen Hooks and Kyes on a card for 1c
Hair Pins, a paper ......Ic
Wire Hair Pin Cabinets, full count, a box 2Mc
Tooth Brushes, worth to 15c, each, only Be
300 Pins on a sheet, for lc
Full count Dressmakers' Pins, a paper 2c
Big lot of Salt Water Pearl Buttons, only, card. . . .Rc
Coin Purses, good leather, only, each. 8o
Many Other Small Item on Bargain Square Friday.
Department in the Bennett Department Store
which men have claimed to be a part of
the Bible, If found In contradiction to fact
will have to be carefully Investigated. The
Bible, rightly understood and rightly in
terpreted, cannot possibly be out of hnr
motiy with the ordered universe nor with
the course of humsn events as seen in the
past. Your service to the epoch which shall
follow you will be a great one ff you shall
succeed in co-ordinating the deathless
truths of Uod'a word with the undeniable
faots of-'flod's world of matter and of
events In this sge of science and history.
Conclusion Here In relation to these mnt
tera which humanity will have to struggle
wltliMn the next fifty years, you. young
Christians, will And your life work. It
cannot be performed In weakness, It ran
only be performed In power.- He who de
votes himself -simply to a mercantile or
professional career and turn his mind
away from these matters and leaves them
to take their course Is abandoning the
purposes for which God put him Into his
tory. The right thing In International re
lations, the right thing In the Industrial
world, the right thing In economy, the
right thing wtih respect to home and re
ligion, must be done. '
There are two soenes In history which will
help us to appreciate this matter. One Is
the burning if Rome, ,the sight of which
Nero chartled his hwn compositions to an
accompaniment -upon !t!s lyre - The ether
Is the crnclflxion of Jesus Christ, bencnth
whose dripping blood the soldiers snt and
cast dice for Hla garments. In both incl
dents the great event, full of world e!gn!fi
cance, was. absolutely forgotten by those
who groveled Ignobly In the consideration
of less worthy things. Not less Ignoble Is
the man who allows the desire for personal
wealth or honor or power to become his
ruling passion while he lives In a society
In which principles of Justice, mercy and
truth are yet to be wrought out and ap
plied. May It come to pass In your genera
tion that the full God-given power of 'e.
deemed lives shall be brought to bear upod
the questions which are disturbing the
national, municipal and social life. Mo will
you usher In the kingdom for which nine
teen centuries have praved Thy kingdom
come, Thy will be done, In earth aa it Is in
( haotanqua Satate for Chapman.
President John H. Chapman waa Intro
duced as "the optJmlRt of .the, society." he
was greeted by the fluttering of many
handkerchiefs In a Chautauqua salute, and
he responded With the same salute to his
audience. His address waa of a denomina
tional nature, dwelling on the spirit of the
Baptist church and' Its power to do, and
especially on the possibilities of the Baptist
Young People's union. Since each conven
tion has the key word,' he sMd, t was not
out of place td. suggest ia. motto, and quoted
for the convention' motto the word of
the spirit to fcerubabbel. 'Not by might,
nor by power, but by my spirit, salth the
Lord of Hosts." Then he told some of the
things that had been done by the church
with the help ot .the spirit. There never
was a time, he said,- wheji loyalty to the
truth was aa necessary as now, when the
nations ot the. earth are assuming new
political relations to. each . other, and it Is
the duty of the Baptist young people to be
loyal to the truth. I'nlty of state Is an
assured fact in America; the next thing
ought to be the tinlty of purpose of Chris
tian young men and women. .
Program for Today.
Following Is the program for today:
:80 "Into., the, Place and x Secret of
The convention hall. ' Conducted by the
Hev. George F. Holt, pastor Fourth church,
Minneapolis, Minn.
South -Omaha. First Baptist church.
Twenty-fifth and H streets. Conducted by
the Rev. II. C. Miller, pastor First church,
Fond du tc, Wla.
Council Bluffs. First Baptist church.
First avenue and Sixth street. Conducted
by the Rev. J- Marion Gurley, pastor
Edgerton Place. church. Ksnxas City, Kan.
:30-:a y)partmental aesslons, as fol
lows: , .
Prayer meeting and Bible readers' depart
ment, to be held in the First Presbyterian
church, corner Seventeenth and liodge
streets. Conducted by the Rev. V. Kirk
Bryce, pastor Fourth church, Chicago.
Missionary aad evangellcsl department,
to be held in the First Christian church,
corner Nineteenth , snd Farnam streets.
Conducted by the Rev. F. P. Haggard,
Boston, corresponding secretary of the
American Baptist Missionary union.
Sacred literature and advanced study de-
Delicious Sweets
Monte ChrlMto Chocolate are the
most delicious manufactured. Ouce
tried, you will have no others. Phone
In your orders. We deliver free to a if
parts of Omaha.
Monte Chrlsto Chocolates, per
pound 80c
Lowney's Chocolates, per
pound . 60c
Alllgretti'a Chocolates, per
pound eoc
Maieppa Chocolates, per
pound .Oo
Beaton Drurj Co.
Howie ol Omaha' Famous
A real delmonleo, our latest creation.
It a winner.
'1,000 yards of blenched and unbleached Table Linen,
- In 2. 24 and 3-yard lengths, worth 40c a ;.0Cj
yard : Friday only, yard ........... i ... . ..... "X
Remnants of Crash Toweling Friday tar belcw manu
facturers' cost.
Fringed and Hemmed Red Spreads, full slxe, extra
hravy Quality, worth $1.65; for Friday' OK
only - . - . , i i
- . DOMESTICS.' '. '
Fine Dress Percales, In dark colors, worth 11c ft'ft
a yard; Friday only, yard .a
Curtain Swiss, In large and small designs, worth tt'p
12 He a yard: Friday onlv, yard ".i
Full size Sheets, in a good heavy muslin, flQn
worth 76c each; Friday only, each. tv
Rig odd lot of Laces and Bands and Embroidery
Edges, all widths and kinds, worth to 25c. a yard;
two to 6-yard lengths; Friday, 10 to 12 Op
a. m., a yard J-'
- tlons, in the square and round mesh, worth O'p
to 10c a yard; on sale Friday, a yard ...'y
Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Em
from I to 10 inches wide
Clearing out of the stock for new goods offers big bar
gains at small prices odd lot of fancy and plain
Wash Stocks, Collars and Turnovers that sold for
" 25c and 35c, slightly mussed from handling 1 f
all go, each r XKJKj
25 dozen Summer Gauze Vests, low neck, no sleeves,
regular 10c each; Friday, while crn
partment, to be held In the First Congre
gational church, corner Eighteenth and
Ijavenport streets. , Conducted . by I.. L
Hanson D. 11.. . pastor Cranston Street
church. Providence, R. I.
Junior workers' department, to be held
In the lecture room of the First Preshy
r?X,n churcr. corner Seventeenth and
H,'rwl- Conducted by Mrs. Harriet
Hill, Chicago, writer of the Junior sacred
literature course lor l!m-7. .
At Convention Hall.
10:00 Praise service.
10:10 Report of the homlriatlng commit
tee. 10:30 Report of the committee on Impor
tant topics.
11:00 "By prayer and supplication, with
thanksgiving, let your requests be mad
known to God." The Rev. Joseph T. Walls.
Ioulsvllle, Ky., corresponding secretary of
the Baptist Young People union of .Ken
tucky. ll:lf-Address. "The Culture of the Mf
Of Power Through Prayer and the Bible.-'
Dr. Hughsnn of Windsor, Ont.
tt--'losing exercises and adjournment.
2:00 Conferences. (These conference will
convene In the convention hall.)
Pastors' conference, to be held on the
chorus platform. Chairman, thp Rev. It.
M. Vaughan,' pastor Baptist church, Janes
vllle. Wis. - .
State and aasoclational officers' confer
ence, to be held in the northeast corner
of the main floor. Chairman, Mr. H. O.
Baldwin, Cleveland, O., representative of
B. Y. P. V. north on the executive com
mittee of the Baptist Young People' Union
of Amerlci
Junior workera" conference, to be held
In the southeast corner of the main floor.
Chairman. Mrs. Harriet Hill, Chicago.
Afternoon session In convention hall.
3:00 Prsise and prayer.
3:15 Address, "Our Future, Power," the
Rev. S. J. Farmer, pastor First church.
Brentford. Ont.
3:45 Address, "The Development of Power
by Service." the Rev. F. P. Haggard, Bos
ton, corresponding secretary of the Ameri
can Baptist Missionary union.
t:15 Devotional hour. Conducted by the
Rev. I,en G. Broughton, D.D., paatdr Bap
tist tabernacle, Atlanta, Ga.
6:00 Adjournment.
EVENINO.'r" , ? r ''
7:30 Praise service. ' "
7:fx Address, "The Power of God In
Evangelism," Charles A. Eaton, D.D., pas
tor Euclid Avenue church, Cleveland. O. 1
:20 Music. ....' v .
8:30 Address, "Secrets of Power In Per-,
sonal Service," J. Q. A. Henry. D. t..
evsngelist. New York City. -:0i
Adjournment. ,
Note of the Convention '! (
for Information call up Douglas 3701,,
Vp to the opening of th convention
Thursday morning aboiA l.soo delegates had
registered. Th noon tralna . brought In
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
19th and
'rhons, Songlas-SlS.
The Place
to Spend
The Evening.
Star Vaudeville
Concert in Illuminated Gar
den at 7:45.
Performs nr ft :15.
Prices, 10c, 20c, 30c.
The greatest of all Musical Artist will
play Ned ' Mitchell's new song, . "Boy
Say," on that peculiar lustrum,' tjl
"TosBblsroBtcoa.'' Copies f this oeatitlful
ballad now on sale at A. Ho:e Co.j
Double Daily Excursions By
Leave foot of Dnnglas Street 2ita
o. m. 8:15 p. to. Music and Dancing,
L Baking S
Powder f
a-,.. II OV 00 will be viwa for ajni
J fnr sutaMsna isjuiiuos lo "
"-"t,k 4 1 til '-! iiiJfr
L. I