OMAHA DAILY JULY iror. REE: FRIDAY, Store f Closes I . Wiek I Ston Closes 10 p. m. 9 Welcome to Visiting Baptists Make yourselves at home in our store at all times. Our Waiting Rooms are convenient places to meet your friends. Visit Our Great Tunnel Under the Street Connects Main Building With Annex. One of the Most Interesting Sights in Omaha I ALL THE REMNANTS I And Odds and Ends From Our i ! GRAND CLEARING SALES I OMAHA WEATHER rXlKECAST Friday, 1 lr FTTS 8 Specials in the Basement B.V Dress Voiles at lic Yard Ws will clear away finest Mercerized and Grecian Voiles large range of styles, yard 6V2C Washable Voiles sirable plain H to 7-yard lenitths, yard Iress Gingham, and dress at per yard nil de shades, n wh 1st engths 8!c Scotch and Chamhray (llnghams, regular quality at-rer - QC yard w-w perfect abort lengths fine Olngham and Mndras Cloth, worth 25c "11 off the bolt. Z.-C at yard ' Remnants of light and dark 3ri-lnch Percales irood quality at per yard White and Swisses, with dots at a yard - only 5c Printed woven 3ic chedi Tsuc;:;a sumps eyest time Close Every Evening 'eept Saturday at 5 Visiting Baptists Arc Heartily Invited to Visit Us and Make Our Store Their Headquarters. All modern conveniences for visitors and the glad hand always out. a n Half Wool Cream Colored Danish Cloth regularly worth fifteen at Kid Special at 1:30 In the "afternoon. Kegular 25c quality Fancy f Art Ticking. In mill j( lengths yard ! Balance of flna mer cerized table damask, mill remnants, 50c value; Friday C at, yard I JC Drummers' sample pieces of table dam ask, for tray cloths, napkins, etc., at, each 1C All the hemmed- all linen napkins, from sample pieces table damask, each ALLOVER. LACES Point de Paris, fancy and Irish crochet effects white," cream, ecru and black, to 1 yard in remnant at, 1 C each JC SAMPLE STRIPS LACES Odds and ends of French and Nor mandy Vals, torchons, cluny and fancy laces and insertions, worth up to 12 Mc yard; base ment clearing price, yard. , 2c REMNANTS OF SILK Thousands of pieces lVa yards, 1 yard, yard, yard and V4 yard long, every imaginable quality, suitable for neckwear, trim- Bennett's Big Grocery SIGHT TO TBI riOXI BAlfX I XT THE OIOOIIT BUSINESS. OOLDEN SANTOS COFFEE OfkC pound SUW And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. BASKET FIRED JAPAN TEA-4Q,, pound ,OW And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. PICKLINO SPICE Whole- OSr pound SiOk And Ten Green Trading- Stamps. BENNETT'S CAPITOL LEMON Q. EXTRACT bottle , IOC And Twenty Unen Trading Stamps. DIAMOND S CHILI SAUCE pint bottle . And Twenty Green Trading BENNETTS CAPITOL P.AK LNG POWDER pound can. And Twenty Green Trading NEW YORK FI LL CREAM CM EES E pound And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. T ! A I.' ,'t I TIL XTCI - I SI IX 111' I 1 I .. 1. 25c Stamps. :...24c Stamp. 20c three largo cans. 25c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. UAMfUK.MA LEMONS dozen aUC PEANUT BUTTER yt two Jars UC And Ten Green Trading Stamps i.U(uk.ia RIPE OLIVES Or two hottlcs aaUC And Ten Green Trading Stamps E OO SPECIAL dozen IOC Hardware Specials for Friday Forty green trading stamps with Asbestos Sad Irons, 75 per set t J Choice of Trays, slightly damaked, whle they e laat, each Ov Ten Green Trading stamps with Two Coat Hangers ...IOC Twenty green trading stamps tCir with Shaker Flour Sifter ....'" Thirty green trading stamps with Coffee Mills, O" up from OOl Fruit Funnels. Bl each, only OC Tomato Cans, rjor a dozen OOW Thirty green trading stamps with Doubled Bread Pans, rtBLr round UOW Twenty green trading stamps Ifto with Heavy Soup Strainers JO Jell Cnke Tins, very shallow, fy Friday only Potato icEf, Rlcers IOv Extra pood Galvanized Wash fi t Tub 78c and OtC And forty green trading stamps. Your daily walk made pleasant when yoi wear On i mod Shoes No pleasure Is complete without comfortable shoes. Oniniod Shoes give both pleaa nre and satisfaction pleasure 1m rause they are so cauy on the feet satisfaction because they look so well and wear so long. , From Maker to Wearer Highest Value Lowest Price The Bench-made Onlmods give pleas ure, and satisfaction to the dressy man. They fulfill all of his require ments. Prices, f4 to W. The $3.60 Onimods please the econom ical man better than any other $3.50 shoe. eaem IThoe Regent LXSHOE (s 20s' S.ISST. DAHLMAN TO INSERT PROBE Mayor Calls Council to Aid Him in Investi gation at City Hall. !iU. EXAMINE RECORDS YEARS BACK Wo Suspicion of Wriin in Hnlng' Career or Any Other Par ticular, Only Wants Satisfaction. I I V PIIDDCUT IITCD1TIIDC - bunntni uitusiuiiki ' , iiniiimii in nm nTgimai LOVELY KODAK DAYS No. 1. IJownie Cnmcra Eastman rotary shutter, won derfully accurate and reliable little Instrument. Makers say that only an immense manu factured quantity of these make . their low price, we believe em. Our price. . . No. 2 llrownle Cnmera Similar to No. 1. but larger ca pacity, child can take a good picture with either of these little machines. Price of our No. 2 IJrownie. . No. 2 Fouling Ilrownle Has same features of equipment usually found on high priced cameras this little thing is "almost a Kodak" our price , No. 2 llullscye Kodak Leader among box form cameras, very simple in operation; has all the features for se curing best pictures; gives good results; is prettily made our price w . . No. 2 Flexo Kodak Probably the best .instrument for be ginners it is very reliable and is handsomely finished with fine black grain leather our price. .' . . . . f ill II II I II ill II Mailt ipfiUIWJIIH mumum uaues.'iiiw.wjuuwgaptf 1J0I 2.00 5.00 8.00 5.00 Mayorhaahlman has asked the members of the council to meet him as a general committee in his office at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon to take up the matter of order ing a thorough Investigation or all Uvj financial records and accounts in ll btanches of the city government buck for a term of years extending over the period of the last incumbent. It is the inten tion both of the mayor and some of the councilman to employ expert accountants to work with the comptroller's office. At the same meeting it Is Intended to start planning for an improved system of au diting and checking. The mayor says lie does not believe it necessary to go back more than two years lr. the accounts of former City Treasurer Hennlngs. as he is satisfied an lnvostlga. tlon 'made by a -bond company at that time is conclusive In showing affairs to be in proper condition. . "The new council Intended to make a thorough check as now outlined." said Councilman Brucker. "The expose of tho methods used in thu police court simply brought the matter to development a lit tle Quicker than would have been case otherwise. It is proposed to go ovur the. record involving the expenditure of luuney for all purposes. nrasnn to Suspect Fraud. 'We have no reason to believe anything Is wrong, but we wish to satisfy ourselves that affairs are right." Deputy Comptroller Cosgrove and an as slslsnt are still checking over police eourt accounts, but have not reached a stage to show results Miyor Dahlman resents the report that he tins failed to sign pardons for city prisoners, ile explains that the system employed requires his signature after the prisoner lias been released from the city Jail by verbnl orders through the chief of police, and the reoord has been made Complete at the police court. When the proper blanks are filled out they are re turned to the mayor who signs them, makes a permanent record and returns the documents to the clerk of the police court for fling. Acoording to the mayor the deputy comptroller merely got hold of , snme psrdnns not yet properly executed and which were to be sent to his office for signature. With 1 the county Jail the procedure Is different towards city prisoners incsreersted there. The executive signs the pardon first and the clerical work Is attended to later. Charles M. Pepper, a distinguished news paper man, who has traveled extensively, especially in the Latin-American republics, and who Is a member of the permanent pan-American railway committee, is the author of a valuable book on the canal and Its results under the title "Panama to Patagonia." Analysis is made of national tendencies, political Institutions and gov ernmental policies, natural recourses and their lines of development, existing popu lations and bases of immigration and llscal systems. While presenting exact and de tailed information for those who may travel or settle In Panama and South America, the author's aim is to put the very much larger number of people who re main at home In sympathetic touch' with places, scenes and conditions, so that they may follow with Intelligent Interest all the phases of the canal's Influence and devel opment. The economic effect of the Panama canal is discussed with special reference to the commercial and Industrial influence on the west coast countries, at South America. Comment is made on the response of those countries to the action of the United States In undertaking the construction of the waterway. In an analysis of the geographical radius of the canal the opinion Is maintained that the Andes are no limitation and that the grain fields of northwestern Argentina, through the pressure of population west ward and the building of Intercontinental railway spurs, will contribute to the traffic of the canal, while a measure of Amazon commerce will flow to and from the Pa cific. The proposition Is advanced that the Pacific coast trafllc, on account of the facilities afforded by the waterway. In the future will form a larger proportion In the total of South American commerce. The creation of a north and south trade current is declared to be an assured result of the canal. The diversion of traffic from Cape Morn . and the Straits of Magellan, while Important, Is given less significance than the growth of commerce which will result from the stimulus to Industrial and com mercial enterprise. This Increased com merce Is declared to be the overshadowing element In the waterway as an economic factor. THE YELLOWSTONE PARK. Plan your Pacific Coast tour so as to include this, won derland. LIVINGSTON TO MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN, $5.00. SIDE TRIP LIVINGSTON THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN Including rail and coaching fare and five and one-half days' board at the splendid Park hotels but $49.50. FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA THROUGH THE PARK AND RETURN-Including rail rates, coaching fare through the Park and five and one half davs' accommodations at the Park hotels, only $75. FROM OMAHA AND EASTERN NEBRASKA TO GARDINER (Entrance to Park) AND RETURN-Only $45.00. Beyond Gardiner you can make your own arrange ments for transportation and hotels and can stay as long as you like in that vacation land. VIA CODY, WYOMING Round trip to Cody, from Omaha, $30.10. Fifteen days' personally conducted camp ing tour from Cody through Yellowstone Park over the "Sylvan Pass Route," everything provided, only $55.00. This is an ideal way to spend one's vacation through the Park region. PUBLICATIONS-Send for the Burlington's Yel lowstone Park 1906 folder, describing all Park tours and arrangements, both via the Gardiner entrance and the 4 4 Sylvan Pass Route ' ' from Cody. J. B. Reynolds, G. P. A., 1502 Farnai Street, OMAHA, NEB. WORK ON FINK'S NEW OFFICE Preparations Have Beam a to Make Quarters for City and Count? Trensurer. Work preparing offices on the first and second floors of the city hall for the ad dition of the county treasury department and removal of the offices of the lire and police chiefs off the ground floor has been started. No one is pleased, but there is a general sentiment to submit to the council's orders. The current and special taxes will be handled from the old city treasurer's office, while the scavenger law matters and the bookkeeping will be done in the ofllt es to be vacated by the fire an! police chiefs. Buy a city lot for li no ojuwait want-ad. pm. a week. 6ea ad. "In the House of Her Friends," is a story of life In college circles admirably told by an anonymous' writer. This book is well written volume of Action, especially strong In Its subtle delineations of char acter, skilfully achieved by a masterly hand that Is guided by the power to assume different points of view. It Is not often that a writer is able to show the reader the varied opinions of individuals on their fellow characters In the dramatis personae. Wherefore this writer's accomplishment Is the more remarkable. Many of the little trials and tribulations that enter Into fac ulty life are woven into this absorbing story, and It Is most original in Its con ception as being a fresh . presentation of college life, not from the standpoint of the college student's part In things, but in gathering from the inner circles of the real college "machinery," the dean, the pro fessors, the trustees and the alumnae, the threads of interest. Tbat the book's author U no mere novice Is Immediately apparent, and It Is to be hoped the cloak of anonym ity will be thrown aside, since no idle curiosity leads one to be interested in its writer, who seems to desire the book to be received solely on Its own merits. Pub lished by Hubert (Jrler Cooke. "The Scarlet Empire." by David M. Parry, president of the National Association of Manufacturers, is his prophecy of the doom of. the socialists-' theory of .equality, lie has attempted In his story to reduce socialism to an absurdity by carrying out lis principles to their logical conclusion. In Mr. Parry's social democracy, man has luat hla Individuality entirely. UU.Ua.Uve k. hn biiitxi in him: he is a mere num ber in a machine' run by Inspectors, and inspectors of Inspectors, and inspectors ui inspectors of innpectors. It is the aim of each number in the working body to do as little work as possible, since there Is no reward for Industry ; "consequently the dis cipline of the labor supervisors Is that of the chain gang. The daily ration is In sufficient for big men, too large for small ones; this to produce uniformity of stature and strength. For the same reason ugly men are mated with beautiful women, and vice versa. Over it all rests a deadly monotony of existence. Published by the Uobb-Merrill Co. "The Four Million," by O. Henry, is a New York story. Coney Island, Wall street. Fifth avenue and the Bowery that's where the author finds the types or charac ter that he reproduces with Inimitable drollery in this collection- of twenty-five tales of city life. The achievement of the collection us a whole Is a humor thoroughly Americun; a racy exuberance of the slangy city spirit almost Parisian, and an Inex haustible variety of Invention that makes It a veritable "Arabian Nights of New York." Published by McClure, Phillips A Co. The greatest modern obstacle to belief in a persons! God has been the spectacle of the apparent wholesale cruelty Involved In the struggle for existence In brute crea tlon. In his book. 'The Religion of Na ture," Mr. K. Ky Robinson has made an attempt to overcome this obstacle, which must be of the highest Importance to thousand whose, humanitarian Instinct la Mousy Saved on Drugs IF YOU ARE A CUSTOMER AT OUR STORR YOU ARK SUTtr. OF GETTING WHAT YOU WANT AND ALSO OF MAKING A SUBSTAN TIAL PAVING IN THE PRICK. 6O0 Foisonl'a Powder for 38o BOo Bromo Seltzer for 4ao 11.00 Mnnyon's Paw-Faw, $1.00 Munyon'a Inhaler, $3.00; we sell both for 790 91.00 Baker's Barley Malt Whisky for 750 Full doien case for 98.(0 (This is the purest and bst malt whisky on the market.) 50o Clothes Brnsh for 13c Small Bottle Apeota Water for. . . 100 THE PKKSCKIPTION ni'HlNKSS. This Is a subject of prime inter est In this store, and, to the end that this may be done propyl I v, this department Is separaied from the salesroom und the entire tiuu of fonr or five pharmacists la given exclusively to this work. 1-lb. Box Pure Boras for Ho 91.00 Bottle Burnham's Sarsapa- rllla for 89o 91.00 X.XQUOZOHB for o 500 X.IQUOZONE for 45o (We Redeem l, Coupons). 91.00 MEBBO'R BEKFZCIDB for. 89o 91.00 Aysr s Hair Vigor for 89o We pay freight to any part of west, between Mississippi river and Rockies on mall orders of $10.00 and over. BOo Soclstle Xyglenlqne Soap for... 8So SOo Rtnd's Honey Almond Cream. . 89o B5o Kirk's Juvenile Soap for lOo 85o 4711 White Boss Soap for. . . . 13 o GIT.LF.TT SAFETY RAZOR, with ,10 extra blades, sent (f postpaid for DON'T FORGET THE SATURDAY CANDY. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Corner lflth and Podge, Omaha. THE REXALL DRUG STORE. Phenomenal Bargains Chances Friday In See Large Ad On Page Five iiilMu y mis THE RELIABLE ST9RE See latge Ad On Page Five GREAT WATER DAMAGE SALE New bargains are brought forward from our tremendous reserve stock, lines which have been shown are replenished. Never before has such a bargain Friday been known in Omaha. Don't miss it. Our Fruit Department Offers for Saturday a Special Sale On PERCHES1 PEACHESU PERCHES!!! FANCY ELBERTA TEXAS FREE STONE PEACHES, we have Just received one car of the delicious fruit. The Klberta peaches are th richest flavored peach that grows tomorrow Friday wo will open this car and place them on sale, at per, four , QC. , . . kW :" 25c basket crate Single Basket, each Special Hardware Sale Friday Nothing to be reserved, all goods must he sold In this department. A few of the many bargains to commence with; Ktanilaril Hir.iler Twine, per lb fcoc T.awii Sprinklers for ZT.c Lawn Sprinklers fur Ro Tack Hammers fur 2f.c Thermometers for Potts Nickel and Irons, per set ?! Ice Hatchets Conner Wire (Vint arid Hat Hook for.. j ea j'ots .lne j .25c i ,1.1c R-Ct. . .2e i .Hie ..10o l)c Call openers for. 11.50 Pet Family Scales, 13 to ?4, for.. 10c Phoe Pruehes for loo Stove ltrushes Gra.ilte Wash Husln for Granite Tea Kettle for Inm Wagons for the boys, each... Rill Posters' Tacks, per lb Cut Tacks, per lb Poultry Netting Staples, per lb..., DON'T MISS IT, THE BALE MENCFS FRIDAY MORNING. 60c Granite See tlie special items in large ad on page four. See Sixteenth W display. :a c Pa IOC, 75c. ...i.0 ......50 5o So COM- lndow uu If! mmj Any ail pin Fish Net Underwear Just the thing for this hot weather, cool and nice, only 35c a Karment any slae. Shirts or drawers. Plenty of other styles of underwear for ladles, gents or children. Price always right. Stocking Feet We have a new lot of all sizes in all black, split sole, or white, no seams, at only 10c a pair, 3 pairs for 25c. Why darn stock ing at this price? August Pictorial Review Mag azine and Patterns now ready for delivery. JOS. F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St. Omaha Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen Ascot Park, Iowa, Sunday, July 22, '08 VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD All kinds of amusements, including good base hall game, dancing, foot races, various contests with llheml prises and all kinds of athletio sports. Don't fall to attend the best plcnlo of the season. Trains leave Union Station at 9:00 and 11:00 a. m., returning leave Ascot park at 6:30 and 8:30 p. m. Tickets tl.OO for the round trip, children half fare. Information and tickets at City Ticket Office, 1403 Famam Strt. , at war with their orthodox Christianity, While Mr. Robinson's book Is likely to arouse intense opposition in certain hu manitarian ramps. It If certain that, among thinking people everywhere. It will be wel corned as a work whose Irfluence for th good will be far-reai-!ilng. Published by McClure, Phillips A Co. "Tonlo, Bon of the Sierras," is jtlie title of General Charles King's upw story. The story has for Its central 6vj a young army girl with two lovers, brother officers and classmates. Tonlo is an Indian chief of the Chief Joseph type, honorable, in corruptible, but dragged as was Joseph, into a net of testimony snd Intrigue that nearly wrecked him. General King's fron. tier and Indian stories have proved the most popular of his writings. The illustra tions are in three coVrs. The G. W. Dil lingham company is the publisher. "The lp-to-I)ate Waitress," by Janet Mo Kenxie Hill, editor of the Boston Cooking School magaslne. Is an invaluable book for every household In which a waitress Is employed, giving the fullest and most calculable information written upon the care of the dining room, the arrangement of the table, the serving of food, preparing certain dishes, and other kindred subjects. The book Is fully lllutrated with halftone engravings. Utile, Brown & Co. are the publishers. ' MONEY ORDER CIGAR Is UD-tO-aaie .u evi-'o a. A cool. sweet and even smoke. Worth your last nickel. WM. BINDERUP Manufacturer 1822 24 St. fl iry'a Av., Omaha. Neb, 1 Business Boosters Above books st lowest . retail prices. Matthews, 122 South Fifteenth street. Try tht Want Ai Oolumng of The Ba, SCHOOLS. HILS0 COLLEGE FOR WOMEN lathe beautiful Cumberland Valley. Course leading to degrees of A.. B. and Mus. II Classtos. Mualc. Art. A most excellent fao ulty. Campus sO acres; 14 buildings; rates moderate. U. H. REA8ER. Ph. D., Prea'L PIAJtONDfr-rrauMT. 1&U and Dodge Bt. jM CoUms Avt GUAMBIC.iiMlil.lUi. fA. AND RETURN - j j 1 1 1 Every Day to July 16. inclusive I i LIMIT, AUGUST 20, 10. - OMKr. Every Day to September 30 I J Limit, October 31, 1908. 1 ( UNION PACIFIC Jj The popular route to Colorado Inquire at X CTTV TICKET OFFICK. 1S24 FARNAM ST. Jv 'Phone Douglas 334. JT S .C?t A COLLAR BAG 5, " ' ' "i. would be lust the thing to put In your satchel when vou go on your vseatlon this summer No mor mussed col. y r Ium uu ami.ll ynuce and thfV are nil rlallt Rnenrl a few minutes In our store and see them. Look For The J Name. S. W. LINDSAY, JEWELER. 1516 Douglas St. SCHOOLS. Lindenwood College for Women CHCft St.. . ST. CMAKLfcS mo I83M90S Diamond Jubilee College of the West. Academic, Seminary snd College Courses. Music. Kioeution. Art and Domestic Kconomy. Physical and Strategic Location. Accessibility to a great city, helect patronage. Limited number of iK.arders. Kvery room taken during last school year. Beautif ul Ion, Hon. Elentrlo cars to at. X.ouis. Cstalogue On application. Ksv. Oeoge rrsderlo Arr.s, Ph. V.. yr.s. Western Military Academy Upper Alloa, llllaola 28th year. Ideal location near St. Louis. Six modern buildings in beauti ful part. Thre fire-proof barracks. Large drill hall, with g)mnaium and bowling alleys. Strong (acuity of 16. Army officer and military equipment lumi.hdby War Dept. Tuition $450. Capacity 150. Waiting fiat last year. Immediate application adviiable lor boy of good character above 6th grade, COL. ALDCKT M. JACKSON, A. M., Superintendent llVentivorth Military Academy eslastea,Mo. OMrci n1 I..n MtlllTr uiaxilio tu. Middle WM Class -A hr raa imaus o4 Wm Immm, On. e t4 In XS.kl ' asaiBseMTiaeae, leg eaasiMasaMay 1 1