The Omaha Daily Bee OMAHA, nilDAY MOKNFNG, JULY 1.?, 1IX)G TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENin VOL.- XXXVI-NO. 22. llENNIJiCS INQUEST CoMaer1! Jury Returns Formal Verdict of Death at Own Etodi. DAUGHTER TESTIFIES AT THE RESIDENCE Youne Woman 8tyi Her rather Acted Strangely for Tw Weeki. NERVOUS SYSTEM SEEMED SHATTERED With Stern Fortitude Witnesa Eelates twy of Their Terrible Ordeal. BODY REVISED AT THE FAMILY HOME Pnafrd Will Afteraoon Be at Ba Held There Thla ad Berlal WUI Fareat Uwii Coronr Braliey held an lnqueat yeater Av afternoon Into the death of former City Treasurer. Hennings. The verdict ; f We. the Jurors, do ' ' I August H. ,r.,. In hla V. on July 11. ..A m I SA a. m.. In the Km of his city of of Ne ?ted by wrary fore R d- - a CAPTAIN DREYFUS EXONERATED III heat ,art Passes oa f aae I Omaha, county of Douglai hiaska. from a gunsnot wou Inn own hand while In I 111 . InMinity. i.-igned Hurry Wilk "V iiiam. janies 11 land, M. H. Ko, ioozcr, j. li. llumniel and Get. man. The Inquest was brief and in tiu li.' n formal character. The feature of the Inquisition u t-stlmory of Miss Kite Hennings, only thlil of the family. After hearing the evidence of W. B. Oraham at the morgue Coroner liralley took the Jury to the Hen nlng home, where the body was viewed and the testimony of Mlns Hehnlngs taken. Ab the Jury wished to hear from some member of (he family and as Mra. Hen ninas' grief Wa such aa to preclude her appenrsnee. Miss Hennings, with much womanly fortitude, coneenled to tcllof her father a actlona during the two weeks pre vious to death. She came out on the porch of the pretty home and, gave her evidence during the thunderstorm. "You may tell what you know concern ing the death of your father." said Cor oner Hrallcy, while the Jurymen and others present looked In opposite directions, let their scrutiny might add tu the grief of the young woman. Acted Klrantrl) for Two Weeka. ',My father acted atrangely for two weeks," began Miss Hennlnga. "He ap peared nervous and frequently rubbed his head with his hands. At times he waa so nervous that we would take his handa from hla head and try to console him. Turing the two weeks he had a habit of plac'ng one hand to his cheek and his Jaws would twitch. He would sit at the table, look at hla food and hardly snek a word to us. On Wednesday morning he railed me earlier thsn usual. He told me It was washday and suggested I get up. which I did. At the hreakfiat tnble he hardly ate ji- ----i rl n of em over to me, saying he had not touched them, and asked If I cared to cat them. Then he went upstairs to his room. Papa never ha a revolver. ' The revolver he used waa one I hnd when I wns out west. T had It In my room In a holsier. He often made fun .of me for having a revolver In my room, but I thought It was will to neve one about, a a there had been several rob beries and holdups In the neighborhood. Shortly after h went upstairs I heard I heard a ahot." Voansr .Woman Breaks Down. Then the young woman began to break . down. "What did you do then?" questioned tho coroner, "I went upstairs and found the door of the bath room locked. Then I rushed ont to the street and met a gentleman." added Miss llennings. "During the two weeka you spoke of did your father give any Indications of a thought to kill himself?" asked the coroner. "He did not,", replied the wltnes. The other witnesses examined were B. W. Hart and K. Miller, neighbors, who were first on the scene. Their testimony, with that of Mr. Graham's, waa not of Interest Mr, Graham Slid he met Mr. Henn'ngs Tuesday evening and" noticed the former city treasurer was rather moody, but when addressed brightened tip and apoke of hte business as progressing well. . , It was atated yesterday afternoon by friends who knew Mr. llennings well that h hud not been In the habit of. taking his family into his confidenco regarding Income or expenditures. Kuaeral Friday Afternooa. The llennings funeral will be held Friday afternoon. Rev. J. E. Humnton, pastor of Kountxe Memorial Evangelical Lutheran church, will conduct the aervlce at tbe res Idenre, 4 Iavenport street, at 2 o'clock. Burial will be al Forest Lawn cemetery. The pallbearers will be Gustavo Duke, I. L. Belsel, Teter Klewla, Fred W. Bchamel, George Thompson and Henry Grossman. Heatorea Ulan to Former Place In the French Army. FARM, July 12. The supreme court to day announced Its decision annulling the condemnation ot Dreyfus without a re trial. The effect of the decision is a complete vindication of Dreyfus, entitling him to restoration to hla rank In the army as though he hod never been accused. The decision of the court was read by President Judge M. Ballot-Reaipre, presi dent of the court of causation. Immediately on the reassembling of the court at noon today. The palace of Justice waa thronged by an eager crowd seeking admission to the court room. Among those present were Mathew Dreyfus, brother of Alfred Drey fus; Malt re Mornard, counsel for Captain Dreyfus; Jostph Ileinach, the historian of Ilia Dreyfus affair; Colonel Plcquart, lime. Zoln, and many others who have figured In various stages of the celebrated case. Cap tain Dreyfus waa not present, continuing his habitual secrecy by remaining secluded In the garret where he has hitherto been cut off from the outer world. The scene when the decision waa pro nounced was one of Impressive dignity. The court, consisting of forty-nine Judge, gowned In flowing red robes, solemnly mounted the bench. Deep silence prevailed as the presiding Judge read the lengthy de cision, minutely reviewing the aeries of sensational events of the last twelve yeara and completely exculpating Dreyfus of all wrongdoing, freeing him of tho acousatlon of being the author of the famous Incrimi nating documents on which the entire charge was founded and ordering the an RUSSIAN' CABINET RESIGNS Czar Holds Beaicraationi of Members, but Bu Not Accepted Them. LOOKS FOR OPPORTUNITY TO COMPROMISE Uraad Dake Alcholaa Teadere Resin aatloa as Commander of Gaard, bat Emperor Keeps Mint In Office. ST. PETERSBURG, July 12. Finance Minister Kokovoff has given authority for the statement that the resignation of the entire cabinet Is In the hands of the em peror. 8o far as can be learned, however, his majesty Is not yet ready to charge the constitutional democrats with the task of forming a ministry and Is atlll seeking to compromise the Issue by forming a coali tion composed of the more solid of the conservative and liberal elements In the lower and upper houses of Parliament un der the leadership of Count Hey den and M. Slakovlch. There were rumors In the corridors of the lower house of Parliament today that a split had developed among the constitu tional democrata over the question of ac cepting office In a coalition ministry. The Russ today says the country la not yet iipe for the acceptance of the principle of a responsible ministry. Grand Duke Nicholas Nlcholalvttch. commander of the Guards corpa and the troops In the military district of St. Peters burg, has tendered his resignation to the emperor on account of the Probrajensky nullment of the Judgment of the Rennes affair, but hla majesty declined to accept It. rourt-martlaJ, with the publication of the I The police have-not found any' trace of final announcement of his Innocence In tho men who robbed Assistant casnier fifty newspapers to be cnosen by Captain Gashlrovltch of the admiralty In broad day light yesterday, but there Is reason to be lieve tnat they were former workmen from Port Arthur, who turned revolutionists on account of the treatment to which they were subjected there. Jewi Flee from Warsaw. WARSAW. Russian Poland, July 12. It is estimated that no less than 4U.O0O Jews, old men, women and children, fled from Warsaw yesterday. Most of the able-bodied male Jews remained to pro tect their property. Many of the Jewish shops are closed today and the houses of the Jews are empty. Intense depression prevails in the Jewfth quarter, where the inhabitants have organized a system of self-defense. Armed guards are posted at the gates of all the houses and patrols parade the streets. The authorities havq taken precautions against an anti-Jewish uotbreak and the police have authorized the newspapers to issue extra editions with the view of allaying the panic ureyrua. The reading of the decision lasted an hour and It waa only at the close that the spec tators realized the sweeping nature of the vindication. As the final determination was announced there was a buzz of excited comment and some acclamations of ap proval, which the court officers sternly re pressed. Mathew Dreyfus hastily dis patched a meesenger to bear the good news to Captain Dreyfus and Mine. Dreyfus. Outside the court the crowds received the decision without making any demon stration. Tonight the ministers held a protracted specisl session at the F.lysee palace under President Fallierca and determined upon the government's course in carrying out the derision. The text of two bills was formulated, which will be Introduced In the Chamber of Deputies tomorrow, concern ing respectively Dreyfus and Colonel Plc quart, with the. object of restoring both to the ranks they would have held If tMey hod continuously served In the army. Drey fua consequently will be nominated a ma jor .with eventual early promotion to a lieutenant colonelshlp Plcquart will Im mediately became a brigadier general. Drey fus' name will also be Inscribed on the list for the legion of honor, but he will not be directly nominated to that distinction, though probably a decree placing him on the list will ahortly appear. Discussion of the bills will be taken Im mediately and the ministers will endeavor t;5 t:STe them res- roi-h honaee In the course of the day, the cabinet 'desiring to aettle the matter before the parliamentary vacation In order to avoid a recurrence of the agitation of the country. In the course of an Interview today, after the announcement of the supreme court's decision In hla favor, Dreyfus aald: "This has been a long, terrible ordeal. I began to feel It would never end. It Is clear that the decision restores me to my old plare In the army, but I am not aware of the Intentlona of the government con cerning my advancement In rank. "I have nothing to eay against my ac cusers. Being again an officer, I nm obliged to obey the army regulations of alienee and I am Inexpressibly thankful to those who have assisted In the maintenance of truth." OMAHA WOMAN ON WRECK Mr. II. F. Tarty Win niamoad Jo l.laer Which Strikes andbnr Seas; Winona. i WINONA. Minn.. July 11 The stenmer Qulney of the Diamond Jo line of sleamers Ilea grounded near Trempealrau on the Wisconsin side of the river. The earlier report of the accident were rather ex aggerated. There was no loss of life, neither was tMere any fire on the vessel. A few of the passengers were taken to La Crosse last night, but most of them wsre brought to Winona by a special train on the Burlington road and transferred here to regular northbound trains this morning and continued on their lourney to St. Paul. The steamer ran onto a sandbar about 10:30 last night, the exact reason for this being unknown. Jack Rechtman and Jim Rechtman, two of the best pilots on, the Mississippi, were In charge of the pilot house. The shock caused the hull to sprbui a leak. Tho Qulnry was quickly backed off the bar, but It was seen It waa settling and It. was headed for the Wisconsin shore. Before ,thls was reported the lights went out, causing some consternation, but the boat was pushed close to snore and by placing a yawl on the shore aide passen gers were able to ba taken off over the gangplank. A number of the passengers brought to Winona were Interviewed prior to leaving for St. Paul this piorniru; and all speak highly of the conduit of the boat's officers. The ladles were taken off the steamer first and then, when it Jvas seen there was no danger of the Qiilnr' settling further, moat of tho remaining aengers remained on board until the relief train arrived, a few being brought to Wlnnna by launches. The steamer Fountain City responded to a tele phone call sent to- La Crosse and brought the baggage and some of the crew to Winona early this morning. Captain Mor ris Kllleen remained with the boat and will make arrangements for having It raised and repaired as soori as possible. Efforts made last night to atop the leak with tar paulin when the vessel was sinking proved unavailing. All the baggage was saved, but practic ally all the freight Is under water. Includ ing a heavy touring automobile. The only life lost was that lof a big blooded dog being shipped north. Mrs. H. F. Cady of Omaha was one of the passengers. She Is at Winona. MR. BRYAN DISCUSSES ISSUES Nebrukan Eaji Prinoipal Qneition is the Proper Control of Corporations. HE STILL BELIEVES IN BIMETALLISM Iaerraae In tolome of Money Has Temporarily Sent Free Coin age of Silver tm the Rear. NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Friday. Warmer ntnrday, Fair. In F.aat Portl.ini Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Honr It a. m . . , a. m . . , 7 a. i . . , Ha. m. . , It a. m . . , l a. m. . , It a. m... 13 m Drs. , . rn , . T , . n , . Hit Hoar. 1 p. m . S p. til . H p. m, 4 p. m M p. m . l p, m i T p. m, M p. m , R p. aii near. . . Mf . . . . . . Tl . . Ttt . . m TO VICE ADMIRAL (IIUlhMN IS DEAD C'onmmaader of Black Men Fleet Does Sot Recover I onscloasneaa. SEVASTOPOL, July 12.- Vice Admiral Chouknln, commander of the Black sea fleet, who was shot yesterday, supposedly by a sailor of the battleship Otchakoff, died this morning without having regained consciousness. Mrs. Robinson, a daughter of Mrs. Cady, received a telegra m ' f rom her Thursday morning saying that ahe and the entire party with her were safe. None of those with her were from Omaha. TAGGART TALKS OF GAMBLING WESTERN MATTERS AT CAPITAL Bid Reeelred far laalaa School Ralldlaa; at Pierre, Soatte. Dakota. From a Staff Correapondent.) WASHINGTON. July 12.-(Special Tele gram.! Hlds were opened today at the In dian bureau for the construction of tho new bliek. school building at Pierre, 8. D. There were two biddera. Potter A Mark, Pierre, fU.fUO, and W. D. Iivell, Maine-ai-oht, 11JX Miss Pearl K. McCoy baa been appointed postmaster at Minwl. Boyd county. Neb., vice A. J. Uraley, resigned. Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska Bennett, route 1. Harry W. McGllllver, carrier; Wesley II. McGllllver, substitute.'son, route !, Seth J. Arnot, carrier; Kate B. Arnot, substitute. Iowa In wood, route 1, Henry W. Fry. carrier; Harry E. linker, buostitute. The application of G. W. Phillips, Patrick E. MrKlllip. 11. 8. Elliott. J. W. Blems and i Theodoie Friedhof to organise the Germau National bank of Columbus, Neb., with lU.CCi) capital, has been approved by the comptroller of the currency. WITNESS D0ESN0T APPEAR Woman Wanted In Thaw Case is III and la Belnr Watched. NEW TORK, July 11-Mra. M. P. Schwarta, who la expected to be one of the Important wltneesea In the Thaw-White murder case, did not appear at the district attorney's oTlce today In anawer to a auhpoena which was served upon her yes terday. Instead her attorney called upon Assistant District Attorney Garvan and told him that Mra. Schwartt waa ill. Mr. Garvan sent a deetctive sergeant to the Plerrepont, whorf Mrs.' Schwarta Uvea, to remain on duty until further notice. It bad been planned to have Mrs. Schwartx go before the grand Jury today, to be questioned about a story to the effect that Harry Thaw, while a guest at a din ner In her apartments eighteen months ago, flourished a revolver and declared that he would shoot White with It. Another atory of this dinner was that Thaw also threat ened to kill hla wife. Mra., Thaw made her usual dally visit Vi her huaband In prison today, remaining with him about an hour and a half. Trom the prison she went to Judge Olcott'a office, where she remained In conference with the attorneys for mora than an hour. Then she called her cab and directed her coach man to drive to the Tombs as quickly ai possible. "I have good news fer liarry," she said She remained in the Tombs about ten minutes and as she was leaving a news paper man aald to her: "You look particu larly, happy today?" She replied with smile: "Today 1 am happier than 1 have been for aome time." District Attorney Jerome returned to New York today from his summer homeln l.ake- vllle, Conn., and plunged Into the Thaw murder rase. With .Assistant District At torney Garvan he spent several hours up town and it Is aald the two' prosecutors had Interviews with Important witnesses. Neither Mr. Jeroms nor his assistant would discuss their conference when they re turned to the criminal courts building, but It was rumored that Important develop ments soon are expected. Saya He Has No Kno-wlertare of - At tempt to Compromise Cases Affecting; Ills Hotel. FRENCH LICK, July 12. Thomaa Tag- gart, president of the French Lick Hotel company tonight, denied the existence of an arrangement with the state whereby the French Lick and West Baden gambling cases are to be compromised. "I have endeavored to suppress gambling at French Llrk," said Mr. Taggart, "aim feel that having done my duty 1 have noth ing to compromise." Mr. Taggart denied that he was going to send John W. Kern to Europe to hold a conference with William J. Bryan regard Ing tho French Lick gambling developments and the effect on Mr. Taggart's availability for the national chairmanship. When asked if he would-go to meet Mr. Bryan when the latter returned to New York Mr. Taggart aald: 'Some time ago I wrote that I would be there to welcome Mr. Bryan, and provided that my engagements were such that I could get away from Indiana. 1 will keep the promise." The case of the state against the hotel companies will be called tomorrow morn ing. ACCUSED MAN ENDS LIFE N. M. Kiss Arrested on Charge of Mardrr Seada Ballet Through His Head. MINNEAPOLIS. July 12.-A search by tho police of the house of N. M. Ricgs, who killed, himself at Elroy, Wis., last night after being arrested for the murder of Millie Ellison In Minneapolis, haa supplied enough evidence to convict him of the crime even had he not acknowledged It by hla own act Rlggs waa so well thought of at Elroy, Wis., that the village authorities hesitated to arrest him when requested to do so by the Minneapolis police. After he waa nom inally placed under arrest he waa allowed to go several miles out in the country to visit his wife and daughter, who were stay ing at a frlend'a. He returned to Elroy with them and waa being kept at the hofel, when he requested to go to a toilet room. It has now been established that, knowing the premises thoroughly, he searched aeV MRS. HARTJE DENIES LETTER Testimony of Defendant In Divorce Case Canara Consternation Anions; Atloraeya. PJTTSBUnO, July It-Mary Scott Hartje, who Is contesting a suit for divorce brought by her husband, Augustus Hartje, the mil lionaire paper manufa, turer, waa the atar witness when the casv- was taken up today after a week'a adjournment to allow counsel for both sides to examine handwriting with experts. In the letfy. Mra. Hart Je la al leged -to- hav wrltuA. nd which figure prominently In the case, -Mrs. Hartje threw the counsel for her husband Into somewhat of a disconcerted attitude when she flatly contradicted her testimony of laet week and denied that she ever wrote the Susie Wagner letter, known as exhibit No. 6. This letter is one of the "standards" In the case and formed a large part of the premise In the case from which the handwriting experts for her husband argued that she wrote the famous forty letters alleged to have been written by her to "Tom" Ma- dine, the coachman co-respondent In the case. The sensation thue produced waa further heightened when David N. Car- valho, the handwriting expert, waa called for Mrs. Hartje and declared on the stand that the torn and mutilated exhibit No. 30, on which the case la In part baaed, was a "forged and mutilated document." He said he had noted three distinct hand writings In the exhibit. Mr. Hartje'a lawyers asked for an ad journment that they might determine their course. An adjournment was refused, but a recess was taken. When the case was resumed at 2 o'clock Mr. Carvalho went on the stand and re Iterated his testimony. Mr. Marshall D. Ewell, the Chicago handwriting expert, fol lowed Carvalho on the stand and cor roborated him. Both said the letters they had examined were In the same handwriting as the Wagner letter. Court adjourned for the day with Mr. Ewell on the stand. Both Carvalho and Ewell will be called to the stand again tomorrow when the court resumes and each of the forty letters will be taken up separately. LONDON, July 12 William J. Bryan, having had the opportunity of readlnK American newspapers, consented today to discuss some of the questions whic'i have been raised since he has again be come prominent as a presidential possi bility. He said: I notice that I sni now described by some as conservative, and In order th-it there may be no misunderstanding on that subject permit me to say tnat in sone sense I have always been a onsevatlvc. The democratic policies are "onservatlve, in that they embody old principles applle-l to new conditions. There was notninif new In principle in cither of the platforms on which I stood. We were accused of attacking property, when. In fact. the democratic parly is the defender of prop erty, because It endeavors to draw the line between honest accumulation by hon est methods on the one side and predatory wealth and immoral methods on the other. It is to the Interests of every honest man that dishonesty should ' be exposed and punished; ot tier wise the deserving are apt to suffer for the undeserving. If, how ever, by the word conservative they mean that 1 have changed my position on any public, question or moderated my oppo sition to corporate aggrandizement thy nave a surprise awaiting for them. I am more radical than I was In 1S9S and have nothing lo withdraw on economic ques tions which have been under discussion. The only question we discussed In lfW, upon which there has been any apparent change, was the silver question, and that haa not been a change in the advocates of bimetallism, but In condltlona. We con tended for more money and urged the free coinage of silver as the only means then In sight of securing it. The inrressed pro duction of gold has brought In part the benefit we expected to secure from the restoration of silver. The per capita vol ume of money in the Cnlted' States Is M per cent greater now than It was In 18IW and the beneilts brought by this Increase have not only vindicated the quantative theory of money, but have proven the ben efits of the larger amount of money. No advocate of the gold standard can claim the triumph of his logic. Money Question Xot an Isaae. I believe In bimetallism and 1 believe that the restoration of silver would bring still further prosperity, besides restoring par In exchange between gold and silver using countries; but I recognize, as do nil other blmetallists whom I have met abroad, that the unexpected and unprece dented Increase In gold production has for the present removed the silver question aa an issue. While the money question has waned In Importance other questions have been for ging to the front, and to these questions we must apply the same principles we ap plied to the money question and seek to secure the greatest good to the greatest number bv legislation which conforms to the doctrine of equal rights for all and Bt'eclal privileges for none. On tne new questions many win aci mm us who were against us on the money question, for notwithstanding the discussion of that question millions did not understand sn-ind were frightened Into opposition. We cannot expect the support of any one who la interested In taking advantage of the people either through trusts or through uny other Illegitimate forrn of business. Our efforts should be to distinguish be tween those corporations which are legiti mate -and -those-aggregations of wealth which are organized for purposes of public plunder.' an appeal for aupport to those onlv who are willing to have the govern ment protect each person In the enjoyment of his own earnings - Worklaar for Rerralta. The newspapers have been trying to cre ate friction between wbat they call "old friends" and "new friends" in pohtlca. Those are friends who are working toward a common end. and each campaign brings to seme extent a new alignment. In 1K the party lost many democrats and was recruited by a great mat y who had been republicans up to that time and we wel comed them. In 190U some came back who were against us in 18!i, and we did not shut the door against them. I have no Idea that the party will require tickets of admission In the coming. Usually parties are so anxious to secure recruits that past differences are not emphasized if there Is a sincere agreement on present Is sues. I do not know that we can find a honor nlnn than the Bible plan, which ad mits the eleventh hour coiner to a place In the vineyard and to snare tne rewara with those who began earliei. 1 think this is sound politics as well as sound religion, provided the new recruit comes to work and not to interfere with the other labor ers. But, of course, when an overseer has to be selected, experience cannot be left out of consideration. The worker who came late, if honest, would be too modest to assume an atltude of superiority over those who have toiled during the earlier hours. While the question Is one of purpose, a man who recognises the dangers that threaten our country and Is. anxious to avert them will not find It difficult to establish friendly relations with those who saw the dangers at an earlier date. If the differences between the sincere and the pretended friends of reform cannot be discovered before, they will become ap parent when the platform is written, for, if present Indications count for anything, that platform Is likely to be so plain that no one can mistake It and so strong that no enemv of democratic principles will be drawn to the party SEVEN CHILDREN DROWNED filrla at Tlcnlc at Cedar Rapids .Wade Into Deep Hole la Cedar River. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., July 12. Seven children, at a picnic on a river bank only three blocks from home went wading in1. afternoon. The smallest one slipped Into a deep bole in the river and In trying to rescue the child six others were drowned. The dead: l.t.'Cl LLE SWEEPING, aged 7 years. HAZEL SWEEPING, aged 14 years. GLAPYS SWEEPING, aged 10 years. Jot-IK SWEEPING, aged 12 yeara. Rl'TH COYLE, aged 11 years, Sioux City. CORA COYLE. aged ! years. Sioux City. CLARA CSMER, aged 16 years. Ruth Klersey, the only survivor, said they were wading when Uttlo Lucill" Sweedlng sUPPed off a shelf In the river bottom into a deep hole. Hazel Sweedlng rushed after her, slipped Into a hole; then the next girl rushed after her. and so they kept trying to save each other until all the girls except Ruth Klersey bad been drowned. She then ran home and gav the alarm. Four bodies were quickly re moved from the water, but It was too late to resuscitate them. At 4 o'clock all of the bodies had been recovered except that of Clara Vsher. The children had gone to the river with Mrs. 1'sher, who took her baby. The baby fretted and Mrs. Vsher went home with it. The children. Immediately went wading In the river. Ruth Klersey went to the end of a long sandbar,' and. seeing that the water was deep at the end of the bar, warned the other children. Iiiicllle Sweed lng, however, ran to the end of the bar, and, the sand yielding, slipped off Into seven feet of water. The six companion were then drowned as described. Ruth Klersey, seeing the fate of her companions, then ran down the road crying to Mrs. I'sher, overtaking her when almost home. Mrs. I'sher left her baby In the road and ran back to aid the children. She managed to get hold of the hair of two of them and pulled them out of the water, but It was too late to save tbalr Uvea. EVANS NAMED FOR GOVERNOR Forme Pension Commissioner Heads Repahllran Ticket In MITCHELL KILLED BY SISTER Oregon Man Shot In Seattle Station by Woman Whose Betrayer Ha Had Killed. SEATTLE. Wash.. July li-Esther Mit chell shot and killed her brother, George Mitchell, a short time after 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the waiting room of the Union atation. The ahot waa fired Just aa Mitchell rose to take the evening train for Oregon. The brother, who was ac quitted Tuesday of killing Franz Edmund Creffleld, the leader of the "Huiy Rollers," dropped In his tracks. Esther Mitchell was al once arrested. The Mitchells. George. Perry and Frel, eral rooms till he found a Urge revolver, i were sitting with Esther on a bench in (he with which he sent a bullet crushing lg waiting room talking together und through his head. The police regard the ! apparently on the best of terms. When the NASHVILLE, Tenn.. July 12.-Henry Clay Evans of Hamilton county, former commissioner of pensions and recently American consul general In Iondon, was tonight nominated for governor by the republican state convention. D. C. 8wab of Claiborne county waa nominated for rail toad corrmlasltjner. -Hie nomination of Evana for governor came after a nnwt ex citing session and marka the transfer of republican leadership In Tennessee from Congressman Walter P. Brownlow of the First district to Mr. Evans. Harmony was Indicated this morning, when Mr. Brownlow declared he would not oppose the Evans candidate for permanent chairman, and the temporary organization with T. Asbury Wright presiding waa quietly effected. Then came long waits for the committee en credentials and tonight the storm broke over Its report. There waa a division over some of the contested counties and the attempts of each faction to seat Its choice Boon changed the convention Into a howl ing mob. Delegates crowded the speaker's stand, ran over the press tables and threat ened to engage In fist fights. Quiet finally being restored the Evans report as a whole was finally adopted on motion of a Brown low man, the result arousing wild enthus lasm. Then the report of the committee on permanent organization, naming Con gressman Nathan W. Hale for chairman. and the remaining business of the conven tion was quickly and harmoniously dis patched. STALWART FACTION CONTROLS North Dakota Repabllrana Name Ticket Headed by E. Y. aa rlaa. JAMESTOWN, N. D., July 12. The re publican state convention here today waa dominated by the stalwart faction of the Mr. Bryan added that he would dlacuss ; party. A full state ticket was nominated, the trust, the tariff, railroad and labor questions, imperialism and other issues at length when he reached America. Bryan Meets Dlarnltarles. William J. Bryan and Mra. Bryan were the guests of Ambassador and Mra. Reld at luncheon at Dorchester house today. Among those Invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were Sir Edward Grey, the foreign secretary: the bishop of Rifcon, the Rev. Dr. William Boyd Carpenter and Mrs. Boyd Carpenter, Charles Page Bryan, D. O. Mille and Secretary RIdgeley Carter of the Amer ican embassy. case as one of the strangest on record Inasmuch as Rlggs did not need the money and waa In a position which called for steady habits and self-control. NEGRO FUGITIVE SURROUNDED rlroasi Start, an March. ari RGIS. 8. D. July lt-tSpecial Tele gram.! The troops of the Sixth cavalry of Fort Meade leave here next Sunday for Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo. They go by rail to Whitney, Neb., thirteen in Ilea west of Chadron, where they disembark and go oerland the rest of the way. It will take about fifty-iao cara to haul the command and three goods trains. The pack train and outfit, also aagoa train. Is billed to go, and will be away frora fort Meads about three maaUka. Man Who Kills rittaanrs Takes Car 'Inspector ay Soon Ba P1TT8BCRG, July 12.-The man-hunt for the slayer of Henry Evans, foreman of car Inspectors of the Pittsburg at Western rail road, waa continued throughout the night, but without success. At t o'clock this morntug the Allegheny police reported the negro fugitive hiding In a clump of woods near Stltaer's road house BIG BATTLE IN GUATEMALA Former President Reaalado of ga. vador Killed and Hla Army Defeated. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 12-Hegalado. former president of Salvador, and the leader hf the Salvadorean troops In the present connict with Guatemala tni,i . In battle today. The announcement of his ' 1Iearln ,nl he wa about to return to his Oregon train was announced George Mil chell rose and started forward. His sister stepped to his side and pressing the re volver close to his head pulled the trigger before anyone had realized what was hap pening. Esther Mitchell is the suter. to avengo whose treatment George shot Creffleld. She has refused to have anything to do with her brother since the shooting Today was the first time they had been seen together on good terms. IjitHl night Charles Mitchell, the father of the family, and his daughter. Esther, reached a reconciliation. For some days the girl had refused to see her father headed by E. Y. Searles, who waa re nominated for governor. The resolutions adopted at the afternoon session endorse President Ronaevelt, Con gressmen Oronna and Marshall, Governor Searlea and the other state officers. Sen ator McCumber In an address to the dele gates said the pressing problem of the re publican rarty In the future Is that of controlling the trusts and securing an equit able distribution of wealth. THEATERS PRIVATE PROPERTY Court Rales That Proprietors Exclude Aay Person front Play houaea. May ICE DEALERS ARE INDICTED Waahlngtoa tiraad Jary Cbaraes t un. aplracy to Advance Price of Ire at Capital. WASHINGTON, July 12. The grand Jury of the District of Columbia today re turned Indictments against the American lee company and the Chapln-Sacks Ice company and their local officers on the charge of entering Into a conspiracy to Increase the price of ice. -Charles Rurnham, a member of the Theater I going Into all the world and preach the At the request- of District Attorney . Managers' association, for excluding Met- j gospel everywhere. The time Is coming Bakr, Judge Wright immediately Issued ! calf from Burnham's theater. when not only all of America, but all the warrants for the arrest of the indicated ' j world, will be assembled under the banners mm. j Movements of Ocean Veaaela July li. i of such organlsatlona as this. Wa welcome In addition to the two companies named' At ew york Arrived : Barcelona, from you because you come with tho key-word It Is natural that civilisation NEW YORK, July 12 The manager anil proprietor of a theater haa a right to say who shall enter his place of atnuaement and who shall not, his play house being a pri vate and not a public place. Is the gixt of a decision banded down today In the appel late division tif the supreme court. The de rision dismisses the complaint of James 8. Metcalf, the dramatic critic, against Charles Rurnham, a member of the Theater BAPTISTS TAKE CITY Delecttee from Many 8tatei Come to the Fifteenth Annual Contention. OMAHA WELCOMES YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION Two Thousand People Attend Opening See ion at the Auditorium. ATTENDANCE INCREASES AT EACH MEETING Dr. Conley of First Church Deliver Elo quent Addreea of Welcome. DR. HENSEN OF PrtOVIDENCE RESPONDS Spokane Waata eat Convention sail Wants to Make Scope of the Organisation World- Ide. Fully J,non people assembled at the Audi torium yesterday morning to participate in the opening services of the fifteenth In ternational convention ot tne Baptist Young People's I'nlon of America and 1.40U of these were delegates. The convention started off under tne most auspicious clr cumsiancca, A refreshing rain tempered tile heat during the day and some one facetiously remarked, "Good Baptlet weather," and another suggested that cen Colonel Welsh had co-opoiaied toward the success of the convention; for, Indeed, the city extended a cordial welcome and the banners of the organization fluttering all over the city told In eloquent terms to the visitors who had come from east and west and north and south, that they were heartily welcome. The sessions will con tinue throughout the week. Other dele gates are arriving. The formal opening exercises were pre ceded by a abort musical program, given by the general chorus of 3U0 voices under tho leadership of Prof. D. B. Towner ot Chicago, who will have charge of the musical services during the entire con vention and who expecta to Increase the chorus to 400. A short praise service fol lowed. Rev. R. C. Lansing of Omaha gave a scripture reading from Isaiah xxxv, following it with the opening prayer. The chorus then Bang "Joy to the World" with magnificent effect. In which the great audience Joined. President John II. Chapman of Chicago then assumed the chair and said: "Friends and Convention Workora of the BaptUt Young People'a Vnlon of America: Wa are glad to meet here in thla beautiful city of Omaha. We have come here to take possession of the wild and woolly weet. We have come to testify to the beauty and hospitality of the city of Omaha and are amazed that wa have not visited you before In the fifteen yeara of our organization. Omaha, lying on the border land between the valley and the mountaina of the great west. Is the veritable meeting place of valley and mountains. Here, once, waa the home of the Indian, the wandering prospector and miner and farmer. Nearly everything haa met her exreptlng-tfr;'Oranleatlpn and - we are glad thai wa nave voiVia. Tribute to Olatlastulahed Dead. The speaker then paid a tribute to aoveral of the prominent workere of the organiza tion that had died since the last meeting of the union at Detroit, two years ago. and then formally declared the convention open and ready for business. ' The provisional program as prepared by the local committee waa then adopted by a unanimous vote ior vnu Bovi-riiiiicni. L the convention until the committee on program, yet to be appointed, had pre pared Its report. More music followed by the chorus, after which Rev. J. W. Conley of the First Baptist church of Omaha delivered the address of welcome. He aald: "Christiana, Delegatea and Friends of the Baptist Toung People'a Union of America: I am very glad to represent an institution that has had from lti beginning so worthy a representative aa lta president John H. Chapman of Chicago. It la my honor and privilege to welcome you In behalf of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs, the Trl-cltles of the west. For we have tried and tried again to aecura thla con vention for Omaha, and have at last won our reward. There Is a algnlfleance in the names of these three cities; Cqnncll Bluffs, is the Council City; South Omaha, tha Magic City, and our own Omaha the Gate City of the mighty west. The gate of opportunity opens to the west at our portals with a marvelous empire extending toward the setting sun filled with possi bilities and tremendous opportunities for the enlargement of the kingdom of God. We bid you welcome to the banks of Mis souri river the Big Muddy. But this la a misnomer. It Is not mud, but Band, a fine quality of sand, predlgeeted aand, which If sent out over the country would best any breakfast fond on the market. We drink of thla water, sand and all. Do not be afraid of It. Prink It; It will do you good. Welcome to Five Million. "We hid Vu welcome, young people, aa the representatives of 60,ono churches, with a membership of 6.000.000. Our union had Its origin In a splendid purpose, a well fin ished purpose for the cause of the Master. It Is a magnificent organization, with its forces all united as a well equipped army for the cause of the gospel. Wa welcome you becauae of the breadth of your broth erhood, from our own American union and the splendid provinces of Canada, all of whom are assembled on this' platform, bringing together the two greatest nations of earth under the banners of the I'nlon Jack and the Stars and Stripes. These two flags symbolize the whole world. In the west we are accustomed to large dlstancea, and thus we emphasize the command ot death reached the state department through a dispatch from Minister Merry at Ban Salvador. The dispatch atated that Regalado waa killed In the last movement of the Salvadorean trons against tha Guatemalans, but did a) indicate what the result of tha battle w.,t. NEW ORLEANS. La.. July 12. An offi cial cablegram to the Guatemalan consul here, says that the battle In which Rega- I lado waa killed was fought Wednesday at on the Butler Plank road. He waa said n;El Jirero. a place about five miles from be hemmed in on all sides by a Urge force j the frontier In the department of Jutlopa. of county and city detectives and armed Guatemala, and twenty-five miles from the rallroadera and tils capture waa regarded Pacific coast. Tha dispatch Buy a that tha Laws a, aaauer ot only, a abort time, I baUvadorsaus war defeated. home in Illinois, ahe consented to an inter view, at which all of the rest of the family except George Mlchell was present. Esther MI. hell and Mrs. Creffleld, widow , of the deceased Holy Roller, today an nounced their Intention of making Seattle their home. The two women took small apartments here, sold their witnesa cer tificates to raise funds and apparently had made up their mlnda to remain in Seattle. The three brothers were en route to Ore gon, whrre they exported to go back to work. Directly after the shooting Perry Mitchell and Fred Mitchell were arres'.sd aa ailneases. They wera found together on a bench In the depot subbing on. each iw-itcf a shwuldera. Indictment, were returned ngalnnt Samuel " i L "..,iV li.Lul 1 .1 ot Pw.r. for A. Klmberly. local manager and agent, and Trieste: Indiana, for Nanles. George F. Hoover, superintendent of routes ; At Boston A rrlved : Idaho, from Hull. of the American Ice company, and Arthur la ,RllcA-Jlnr JAvUmi . . ' , . , - ' M At LI verpool Arrived : Noordland, from A. vnapin, ii""'. w . neamono. f'hlladelnriia: Ba tic. from New Turk secretary and treasurer of the Chapln Sacks company. The proceeding Is under the Sherman anti-trust law and the In dlctmenU charge "a combination and con spiracy In restraint of trade and com merce." Later in the day the Indicted men gave bonda in the sum of W.500 each. Their trials cannot Uke place until next October. Sailed: Canada and Ionian, for Montreal. At London Arrived : Hibernian, from Montreal. . At Moville Arrived: Virginian, from Montreal. At yueensland Sailed: Merlon, fur Phil adelphia; Teutonic, for New York Ar rived: Arabic, from Boston. At Genoa Arrived : Florida, from New should move forward. Jesus said 'all power la given unto me.' Let us go forth, there fore, girded for great things for tha king dom of God. I welcome you In tha name of the business Interests of Omaha. "We bid you welcome to Nebraska sun shine, to our warm breezes, for It Is thla westher that makes we Ncbruskans smile with a smile that won't come off, because it is making Nebraska corn. Again I Wel come you, and let all go forth for York. Hailed: I-axlo. for New York; Cretlc, i larger work and more efficient work In the Huasnael Suspended frasa Practice. NEW YORK. July 13 -Abraham H. Hum mel as auspended from further pra-'.ttve at law pending the appeal aaatnst hla con viction on a charge of coobplracy in con nection with the Dodgs-Mors divorce case by a decision handed down by the appei Uta division uf the supreme court tod for New York. At Montreal Balled: pool. At Havre Arrived: New York. At Naplea Arrived : ton. Tunisan. for Llver- klngdom of God." I "Jesus llnlh the Power." La Ixirralne, from Tlie chorus then sang "Jesus Hath the Canonic, fiom Bos- I Iom rr" w,'"'h ' lo b" ,n rallying aong At Antwerp Sailed: Marquette, for Phil adelphia. At i'lymouto Arrived; Amerlk. Dura yaw I'm a. of Die convent ii n and In which the vast audience Joined with enthusiasm. Rev. L. I Henaou, D. D., Vforldanca, B i, chairman 4f tha lxvr4 f taamagai i