THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1906. 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET nheat Strong Trom Opening and Good Adrano Scored. fORE IGN NEWS BEGINS TO CUT FIGURE Cnklee Do Not Rclrrl American Df rllne of Frcvlooa Dar ta favorahl Cray Report Com from Rinla-torn Strong. OMAHA, July 11, inoi Wheat u strong trom the opening and ; jii ii-n writ iiiviiniTa nearly a com iiuiii i yesterday, losing only a littie from the top und cloning c higher. Foreign news win an Influential factor today, ine American I uecilne of yesterday wan not reflected In I the cable, and unfavorable crop reports ) tame from Husala. Primary receipts were large and the caah dernana was rjeuer. Isomestlc news was generally lavorable, tnough a few reports came of black rust In Norm Dakota. Corn was strong, showing an advance for the day of To on September. Receipts were under estimates. Caah demand was fair. A wire from Chicago said corn needs rain In Illinois. In oals there was no trading; whatever and no nominal quotations were made. Primary wheat recelpta were 685,000 bushels and shIDments 275. OKI bushels, against recelpta last year of 448,000 bushels and ahlpments of JiO.OOO bushels. Corn re relpta were $04,000 bushels and ahlpments 2A,0n bushels, against receipts last year of 47, mm bushels and ahlpments of (27,000 bushels. Clearancea were l,uu0 bushels of wheat, S.6M barrels of flour, 13.000 bushels of corn and 666 bushels of oats. Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and td lower on corn. Today s Record-Herald says: "Each dsy of declining marketa Is Increasing ths vol. time of sales of wheat for export. Yes terdays sales aggregated S20,OUO bushels of wheat. The bulk Vn durum wheat, partly c. I. f. Buffalo, a little No. 1 red and a little Manitoba. The report that 144.000 buahela of wheat had been Bold from Chi cago for export direct waa emphatically denied by the parties credited with doing the business. Seaboard exporters are tak ing a more optimistic view of the coming rsles abroad than are the foreign Importers. The Atlantic seaboard exporter Is convinced that when the quality of the preaent crop of wheat becomes known abroad It will bring In an immense business. No business waa done In hard winter wheat for export via the gulf, but bids were better and the demand expanding. New Tork exporters were bidding a little closer than foreign buyers for hard winter and lc out of line on red winter. Both were about lc out of line for export the previous day. The durum, or macaroni, wheat was- reported to have been offered very low, claimed to ba 70e c. I. f. Buffalo.1 r Local range of option: Articles ! Open. High Low. Clone. Y'y. Wheat- ji i July... 71B1 7UB 71VB 7HB 71 B Bept... ?0B 71 70B SA 70A Corn ' July... 47B 4 A 47HB 48 A 47B Bept... 47B 48 A 474.B 48 A 47V.A A asked. B bid. Omaha Caah Prlrea. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 72c; No. 3 hard. 8 0 72c; No. 4 hard, 63 a 88c; No. 3 spring, lie. CORN No. I, 48c; No. 3 484e: No. S white, 49c. OATS No. 8 mixed. c; No. yellow, 3 w hlto. fic; no. 4 wnite, sue. RVE No. I, 64c; No. 3. 63c. Carlot Recelpta. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha ........ Duluth '. St. Louis ... ...164 ....118 ... 3 .... 23 ... 89 21 15 41 48 CHICAGO GRAIN AJ(D PROVISIONS Feature- of the Trading; and Closing Price on Board of Trad. CHICAGO. July 11. Reports that for eigners are buying American wheat and the cleulm that black rust has appeared in Nurtn Dakota caused a strong tone to day in the local wheat market. At the dose wh at fur September delivery was up 1jvc. Corn was up c. Oats showed a. gain of lwlVc. Provisions, were tSfi If h jher. ' f ,;- - .'ill wheat market was strong all day and there was active demand throughout the session. Shorts were the principal buyers, although commission hnusen were also Hberal bidder. The chief bullish fac tor of the early trading was t'.ie light ac ceptances of cash bids. Later came the reports of black rust In North Dakota, and following this a statement from New York Iha; foreigners were bidding for Manitoba and Duluth spring wheat. There was also some indication of buying by foreigners In this market. The close was strong. September opened ijc higher, at 77tf 7ic, advanced to "6'u78Sc and closed at 7(ii,'(i781c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 67,000 bu Primary receipts were 6oo,0rt0 ba, compared with 448.0U) bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 239 cars, against a holiday last week and 1S7 care a year ago. The nmhablltty of continued clear hot weather In Ike corn belt strengthened the corn mafket. Cash houses leu in tne ouy Ing. which was of an Influential character Arrivals for tomorrow were estimated to be smaller than for the last few days and this stimulated the demand, snarp a ni in the Drlce of caah corn at St. l.oul and Kanaaa City were additional bullish Influence. The market closed strong with prices close to the highest point of th day. September opened 4j-C hie-har. at 62V(fi 62c. advanced to 5So and cloaed at 62o. Local recelpta were 199 cars, with 78 cars of contract grade. There waa an active general trade in ran with Diicea tending upwards strongly Reports from Illinois and New York were i)ii the, ,rnn waa belne- damaa-ed by rust. The clear, hot weather waa generally con- mt-.A am rietrtmental to the orooer ma turlng of the new crop. September opened higher, at 84c, advanced to 85'c, where 11 cioseu. " " " PrnuUinni were firm ob an active demand by shorts and local packers. At tha close September pork waa up We, at I17.67V4. Lard was up 7Hc. t .. Bibs were 3e6c higher, at $9.66. . Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat lr7 care; corn. 242 cars; oata, 180 cars; hogs, head. The leading futures ranged as follow: Articles ! Open. Hlgh. Low. Clo. T'ty Wheat) July.-.TTSS Sept...'T7Vu Dec.... 79V-fia 74 77 T74 7i 61 ta x 77V'78V'Cf"J 78v, 8V4. 79: 80 Corn 1 July...fi2H 62" 62 Sept. May, 63 63V ..l4STSH 6LHI 4iTl 61 Pork-n I I 8SS 84V ss&a! s&tT juiy...i.i-vp-y 8eut...84''H 34tfi Dec. ... SiWi 3611 87 8ev sv 37 18 60 17 42Vi 3 87 12 16 t 62V4 bi 87 May...87H'iri 3Mi ,38y Oata July.. Sept.. Lard July.. Sept., Oct... Bept,. Oct... 18 75 17 60 18 87UJ 17 6ii 07 9 2U t 2ZI 671 16 20 67 to t 80 do 80 No. t." Cash quotation were aa follow: FLOUR Steady; winter patent, $3 6OJ4.00; w. liter straights, 838tV0j7O; spring patenta, 8J Kt4.(0; aprlng straight a. $i4u3.k, bak ers. j bs 10. WHEAT No. 3 spring. 7281c; No. 3. 7T,ti7i.c; No. 3 red, fhW(r7Vc. CORN1.No. 3. 68c; lie i yellow. 68S49 SVvc. OATS No. 3. SSSc; No. 3 white, 4341c; No 3 white, Sn39c. RYE No. 1. 6c. HA.RLKY-Oo1 feeding, 40c; fair to choice malting. 460c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.0; No. 1 north western. $1.10. Prime timothy, $4.. Clover, contract grade, 8113. . opnvisinMU Short rlba side, loos. 8ao.10. Mesa pork, per bhl.. tl$-7b isrv. Lard, per HJ lbs . 88 37. Short 1.. r mA-m iWeBeHl. 89.87WT10.O0. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were; Receipt. Shipment. Flour, bbl 168O0 12.S0O What, bu 144 000 loi.t-o Corn, bu 47.J 94.9U0 Oata. bu &30 64,100 Re. bu 8.0OT Uarley. bu 8i.0uO 3,100 On (he Produce exchange today the butter market wa steady: creameries, lS4aac dairies. 15$ : Ac; egga steady at mark, case Included. UtJHV, firsts, 14c; pnme first, lac; extra,. lsc; cneese, steady, iuhtu'c Oil mm moala. NEW YORK, July 11 OILS Cottonseed oil. steady; prima crude, f. o. . b. mills. 2.6, nominal, new crop; yellow, (,i;ao. 18 76 18 90 I 17 60 17 0TV t 02H 10 17vJ 8 26 t 20 ZTH 70 70 66 t 60 t 80 I t 8ZH Petroleum, Brm; refined new Tork. 7 86; Philadelphia ana l.iltimnre, IT... primp, m bulk, 14 H6. Turpentine, quiet; r'- ROSIN Firm; str.ilued, common to good, 4 09. SAVANNAH, July 1 1 OIL Turpen tine, firm; 67 He. ROoTN Firm. Quote: A. B. C, 18.10, D. 830; E. 14.10; F. 34 064 415; . $4 1"; H. 34 80Q 4 35; I, 14 40; K, 14 45; M, 4.0; N, 14. 76; WO, 14 60; WW, 14.10. KKW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations f the Dar Varloaa Commodities. NEW TORK. Julr 11 -FLOCR-Recelpt. 14.110 bbls.; export, bbls.; sales. 8,200 pkgs. The market was quiet and about stendv. Mlnneenta natenta. 64 8O04.6O: Mlnne- I snta bakers. 33.4.V03 86; winter patenta. 34 i0 I 64 80; winter straights. M.SKBK; winter extras, 2)tfj3 40; low grades, 12 Kye finur, quiet; fair to good. 3.45iS.!0 cnoiee 10 fancy. 4X964X4 30. roilNMK! firm: fine white and rel- nw n orpl.26; coarae, $1. 1031.12; kiln dried, i,i w RYE bull; No. 1 western, 870 f. o. b. New York WHEAT Recelnts. 4.00 bu.: exports, 17.WS bu.: nle.. isnnrtoo bu. futures; spot, steady; No. 1 red, R3Sc. elevator and 84V! f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth, 87So f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Mani toba, Mc f. o. b. afloat. The wheat market was more active and firmer today. Its main bull factors were steady cables, foreign buying, unfavorable northwest crop news, outside bttvlnr. bullish 'Russian or on news and rumors of export demand. l-t prices represented 4c to tyr net advance. May, W1jVc, closed at 8Sc; July. 83'SMSc, cloned at Wiijc: September. S3 15-16'a4Sc, cloeod at 84Vc; December, (WV0Sc. closed at lHc. CORN Receipts. 42.700 bu.: exports. 129.248 bu.; sales, 20,0no bu.' futures. The spot mar. ket wsa firm; No. 2. 60c. nominal, elevstor, and 60', nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yel low, 6tHc, nominal; No. 2 white, Rio, nom inal. The option market was decidedly stronger, closing (&lc net higher. Shorts were active buyers on light country ac ceptances, dry hot westher in the belt and a good cash demsnd. July closed at 6Vfcc; September, 59"f&A9Hc, closed at KVc; De cember, M 6-1ci6Ho, closed at BaHc. OATS Receipts, 90.000 bu.; exports, 650 bu. The spot market was firm; mixed oats, W to 33 lbs., 42Vyf-Oo; natural white. SO to 33 lbs . 42V343c; clipped white, 38 to 40 lbs., 47Vavy.. FEED Steady; spring bran. 118.85 prompt shipment; middlings. $19.00 July shipment; city, $L1.00723.60. HAY Firm; shipping, 6i 5o ; , good to choice, 86i1c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, lsos, W43"14c; 1M04. nominal; olds, nominal; Pacific coast, 19H6, lOtfliic; isx4. 12c; olds, nominal. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 26 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 25 lbs.. 21c; Texas, dry, 24 to 30 lbs , 19o. LEATHER Steady ; add, 2Sfl27H?- PROVISIONS Reef steady: family. I10.oiv-ai0.sii; mess. $8.00ffi8.K). Beef hams, $21.(1022 60; packet. $9.009.60; city extra India mess. S15.fltiii 15.60. Cut meats, firm; pickled bellies, tll.2.Va'13.00; pickled should ers. 68.60ft9.00; pickled hams. $12.0ii4U.SO. lrd, firm; western prime, 39.00tr9.10, nom inal; refined, steady; continent, $9.60; South America, $9.t; compound, $. 7.;xi. Pork, firm; family, $19 40; short clear, $1S.7&C17.60; mess, $18.00ra 18.25. TALLOW juiet; city, 8c; country, 66c. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 3H tifie. POULTRY Alive, steady; springs, 22c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, lK(i12c. Dressed, quiet; western spring chickens. Virile; turkeys, ll'rrlXc; fowls. 6-3130. BITTTF.K Steady; . street rlce, extra creamery, 2'ir:tc; oinclal prices, cream ery, ' common to extra, 161 .ic ; reno vated, common to extra, 12(lM4c; western J factory, common to firsts, lJ'olic; western imitation creamery, extras, isc; mate, lboUHe- CHEESE Steady; new state full cream, large, fancy, lie, state fair to good, lOWi HHkc; new stale, small, fancy, 11c; new state fair to good, 10iBloy4c; new state in ferior, 8ttfoVi. EGGS Firm ; state, Pennsylvania ana nearby fancy selected white, 23c; state choice, 21$ 22c; state mixed, extra, 2021c; western nrsts, loxvci wesimu kiuuui, lodjlOc; southern, 14315HC. . St. Loots General Market. 8T. LOUIS, Mo., July 11. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red, caah, elevator, 751c; track, 76 M 076 toe; September. ibc; De cember, 77Tc; No. 2 red. 77 '1790. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. bic; track. 64c; September, 8262c; December, 48c bid. OATS Mlgner; iso. i casn, c, nomr nal; track, 89c; September, S54Jo'c; Derember. 3ic bid; No. 2 white. 4Sc. V-I.DITR Steadv: red winter patents, $4.36 (240; fxtra-lanpy an4. straight, $3.754.30; clear, liu3.28. ' . SKED Timotny, steaay; CORNMEAL Steady ; $2.60. BRAN Dull; sucked, east track. 76-8770. HAY-Bteady; timothy, U3.6oa 17.00; prairie. " - IRON lUTlun lino-l.vw. B AGO I NO 8Sc HEMP TWINE 7HC. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, I17.27V4- Lard, higher; prime steam. 8.7. Dry salt meats, steaay; doi enr inyni, $9.75; clear riba, $9.87V4j: short clears, 10.ou. Bacon, ateaay; ooxea exir innnn,, clear ribs, $10.24; short clear. $10.76. POULTRI nrm; cnicaene, u. springs. He; turkeys, 11 Wc; ducks, 8c; geese 6c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 160 31c: Amirv 11011a. EOQS Steady; 13 He. case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbU.a. .000 4.000 Wheat, bu 89.000 4,000 Corn, bu..... ,..-48,ooo a. ooo Kanaaa City Grain and Provision. KAN8A8 CITY, July ll.-WHEAT-l'n-changed to He higher; July, 70e; Septem ber, TOHe; December, 720 ; cash. No. I hard, 71MIT2c: No. 8. 70Vr7; No. 3 red. 12flTAc; No. 3, 70V4(S71c. CORN Unchanged; July, IBc; Septem ber, 49Hc: December, 4H4C; cash, No. 3 mixed. 6262Vc; No. 3 white, 63Vc; No. 'OATS-Unchanged: No. 3 white. 40Hc. RYE Steady ; 64ft4c. HAY Steady; choice timothy, tU.0D8211.t0; choice prairie, $9.26fi.60. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 1 whltewood casea Included, 16c; caa count, 16c; cases returned, tf less. BUTTER Unchanged; creamery,. Mc; packing, 17c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu ....lOT.onO 80.000 Corn bu !.' ." Oat, bu i- 3.000 Mlnnoanolla ravaln Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 11. FLOU R First atents, 84.16r4.26; second patenta, 84 Out 10; first clear. t$-364J,846; second clears, $2 6vfM0. PKA.N-lll DUIK, U.0(J'H.n. (Superior Board of Trade quotation fo Mlnneapclia and Chicago delivery.) The mi of prices, as reportea oy m. v. umr Co.. 110-111 Board of Trad. wal Article. I Open. Hlh. Low. Cloa. Tes-y. Wheat I Msy...81SSI 82 81 4 7l 83 76V so7 76 '6Sr T7V4 1 11 1 09 July..., Sept... Dec... TSHSi 77 7b. a VI 77SI 76 770 H 771 78 I I 77jV8JH Flsx- july... Sept... Oct 1 11 l lis l n 1 111 1 12 1 101 1 11V 1 091 1 10 1 10 1 0i 1 10a Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 1L BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 81c; extra nearby printa, 23c. EGUS Steaay; nearoy iresn ana western fresh. lc at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full cream, choice, llo; fair to good, lollc. Mllwanke Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 11. WHEAT Mar ket, steady; No. 1 northern. 8Sh4c; No. 3 northern, 814183c: September. 7ac asked. RYE Lower; ino. l. nhow. BARLEY Dull; sample. 4ue64e. CORN-Higher; No. 3 cash. fclQKVc; Sep tember, 620. I.lvroal Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. July ll.-WHEAT-Spot. nominal; future, steady; July, 6 6d; September, e s,d; December, 4s 8d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, old, 4a lud: futures, steady; July. 4a 7d; Sep tember, 4s d. Peoria Markot. PEORIA. July 11 CORN Higher; No. I yellow, 62c: No. 3. 62c; No. 4. 61 o; no grade. 4SMc. OATB-Hlgher; No. 3 whit. 38c; No. 4 whit. rWCJ87e. W Hie hi V On lh basU of 31.18. DnJnln Grain Markot. PCXUTH. July U-WHEAT To and on track. No. 1 northern, 78c; 7 northern. 77c; July. 78c; September, ' December, 7740. OATS To arrive, on track and July, Tldo Seed Markot. TOLEDO. July 1 1 SEED Cash clover, 38 80; October, 36.70. Prim timothy, t 68: August glsika. 37 16. RIB No- I, 81)0, nominal, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Hill, St. Paul and Beadinc Adranc 81iehtly Earl) In tha Daj. GENERAL TORPOR OF MARKET UNRELIEVED Increase Is oon Lost Owing; lo Inability of Professionals o Interest Ontela Bayer. NEW TORK. July 11.- Tha torpor of the stock market waa unrelieved today In "P" of the small Increase In the volume of the day dealings due to the selling of the final hour. The professional element at tempted to Inaugurate an upward move ment of niicea. The attempt was based upon the evidence yesterday that pressure; waa off the market and on the assumption that a considerable uncovered short Interest must exist which could be made to sub serve a purpoee to advance prices by driv ing them to cover. The various rumor which were advanced to help on the up ward, movement showed no novelty In con ception, having served their purpose many times already. The revival of the subject of the Great Northern ore lands deal wss effected by a cabled rumor from London quoting an anonymous director of the United States Steel corporation aa posi tively asserting that the project had been completed. The volatile Hill stocks were the only ones to show muoh effect. Bt. Paul moved unW the Influence of sep arste reports In connection with the sup posed plans of financing the company's Pa. clflo coast extension. The road s showing of a decrease of net earnlnga for May did not hold It bark, as the free outlay In oper ating expenses which brought it about was believed to be connected with Immediate outlays on the extension, which might thus defer the necessity of offering securities In the present unpropltlous conditions. The addition of Reading about completes the list of stocks to show any effect from the abortive effort to control the prices. The advances were Indifferently held for a time and then gave way with a re versal of the market position of the pro fessional element when they saw the futility of the attempt to lift prices. The easier conditions in the money market normal to the early part of July were maln- ; talned, but no confidence waa felt In their I permanency. The statement of the sub- treasury operations showed an absorption from the banks for the day of $2.2M.0i0. principally due to the return of government deposits. The loss of the bsnks to the government since the last bank statement amounts to $4,246,000. It Is noticeable also the New York exchange at Interior points are ruling an a discount indicating a cur rent In the cash movement away from New York. The $12,600,000 New York City bond offering was brought to attention by the official circular fixing July 26 for the closing of bids. The withdrawal of gov ernment deposits, the Panama bond sub scriptions and other requirements which are to be met In the money market this morning were brought Into consideration. A deposit at the subtreasury for transfer to Ban Francisco waa a reminoer mat tne meeting of Insurance losses there continues to be an element In the money market. The show of strength In the grain mar keta was hardly an Influence on stocks, as it was attributed to damage to foreign crops rather than our own. Some atten tion was given to reports of further cut ting of grain rates by western railroads, which could not be argued to be of ad vantage to values of stocks. Weakness of the market for copper In Iondon helped to depress the copper group In the stock market. The breik In Colorado Fuel was Interpreted as pool liquidation and helped to the reversal of the earlier movement In the general list. The final hour's transac tions proved the largest of the day and tne closing waa weak at substantial net declines. i Bonds were heavy; total sales, par value, $1,895,000. United State bonda were un changed on coll. The following are Stock exchange: the quotations on the galas. High. Lev. Cleae. Adams Kipress Amalgamated Cepper Americas C. at F Amerlran C. a T. pfd Amartran Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Amortcaa Expreaa American H. A L. ptd Amarlcas Ire, securities.. Amartcan Ltnsead Oil Am. Unaced Oil ptd Amartcan locomotlva .... Am. Locomotive pfd Amartcan 8. aV R Amarlcan 8. Jc R. pfd African Sugar Raftnlng. rfn. Tobacco pfd ctfa Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoo Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore A Ohio Bal. Ohio pfd Brooklrn Rapid Tranalt.. Canadian Pacific Canlral of Naw Jars?.... Chaaapaske A Ohio Chicago Great Weatern... Chicago 4V North waatars. Chicago. Mil. St. Paul Me 1.100 40 rx too 4 104. WH In 4 120 n 67 1,400 CT II 14 44 1.100 llti 44 111 H.S00 400 1.400 J00 tl.jno I. loo 208 1444 114 ln lav, too iV 114 ,m 80 224 IT 100 14:14 134S4 S714 81414 eT 14 1131, 11444 1.400 114V, 114 n 71 1M no 1,1) loa 400 400 4on 44.400 74 lit Mti 1' 7IS 1114a 11! 'a 1M 1144 464, ' 118 171 II 84 614 44', 47 44 lllj W14 11 04 4'4 114 44 14 41 77S 47 V, 111 140 1744 174, 43 V 40 41 141, 44 111 Kw 141 114 41 1114 14 os n ii n 11 47 44 1 11 it Ui l V4 71 41 44 V til 110 so I Chicago T. A T. i Chicago T. A T. pfd, aake ! C- C- Lo' i Colorado rual A Iron asked 100 86,100 900 M 4M, MS 4SS 3 Colorado A Southar Celo. Bo. 1st pfd Colo. A Bo. id pfd Conaolldated Oaa 15IV 71 ' 804 MV4 j Corn Products, rfg Corn Products pfd, rf I Dalawara A Hsdaos poo 400 74 111 Delaware, L. A W DanTer A Rle Orande Danrer A R. O. pfd maimers' Seeuiitlts Erla Krla tat pfd Erla Id pfd General Electric Hocking Vallar llllnola Central Intarnatlonal Paper lDlornatlooal Paper pfd International Pump Intarnatlonal Pump pfd Iowa Central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa City Southern Kanaaa City So pfd Loulotllle A NaahTlll Maalca Central Minneapolis A It. Loula..., M , at. P. A a. 8. M m.. st. p. a a. a. m. ptd.. Mlaaourl Paclflo , Miaaomi. Kansas A Texas. M.. K. A T. pld National Lead N. R. R. of M. pfd Naw Tork Cantral.,.1 Naw York. O A W Norfolk A Weatars Norfolk A W. pfd North A martens Paciac Mall 1.800 14.400 700 ion 100 'iiioo 404 4714 la" 41 141 Ml T4n St 14114 mi, "s 177 It 104) 40 14114 60 V4 141 l 44 V 14 11 V, wo "ioo 400 400 171 1 MS 1.40 U 11 1.100 00 100 104 10 11014 474. 414 1 II 1114 47 1714 m II U414 Pennaylvanlg People's Oaa P.. C. CAM. Lou la.... 14.404 144 Steel Car 8tl Car pfd too 10 pullmas Palace Car Reading Reading let pfd Reading td ptd. offered.... Republic Steal Republic Steel pfd Rock I, land Co. Rock Ieland Co. pfd St. L A S P. id pfd Bt. Louis S. W St. Leuia 8. W. pfd Southern Pacific so. Pacific pfd Southern Railway So. Railway pld Teeneam C. A I Tesea A Paelflc Toledo. t. L A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd L ntoe Paclflo t'nloe Pacific pfd lolled (tale tipeeaa lulled States Realty United States Rubker V. Rubber pld United State Steel V. g. Steel pfd Va..CroJlaa Chemical .., Va. -Carolina Cham. pfd.... Wabaea 88.14 11114 1M N 14 44 MS, 41 41 0V 40 44 114-, 4 44 141 1 44 Vi 400 400 100 mo 100 44 44 81 II 41 14 4 414 .41 4.40 100 I.100 100 o to 71. 400 10 4444 114 44 1114 1414 II rt 48 144 4 44 114H S. l4 14114 M i.5 14144 444, 141 .a 14 42 10a 14 io II 1014 II 14 141 IS IV It 1114 44 1MV. M 11' 10 111, 4414 UV, 404 100 40.700 14. K0 44 " 40 100 '"ioo 10 10 4114 log I4'4 1014 41 10 MS 100 "4 41 "is" 44S iii" 144 11 1414 4414 iii" 14 17 Wabaan pfd Wella-rarg Eiprea WeetlogDoune Electric .... Weatera I a loo Wheeling A Lake Crt..., Wlaceealo Ceatral Wla. Central pfd Northern Paella Central Leather Central Leather pfd Blaaa-Chemeld (tee I ...... Greet Northern pfg Interborough Metroeellta 13.44 a ice 1.0O4 1.40 L4w 3ot II 1014 71 84 444 Iw 41 lntSi 1014 81 4 1 lotertoorougk Met. pfg Lluc 1414 Ttal aalaa of the day, 601.004 sharwa. Now York Mis In ttook. NEW TORK. July JX Closing quotation n mining stocks were: Adaaas Cca s .Ltttl Chief 4 Alio . Oatart ., 4 Brcee Bnwswtck Ce . Cometeck Taaacl Coo. Cel. A V. Hot lllear Ire Hee Lead Till Cos ... 4 .... 84 .... 14 .... 14 ...o Ophir Phoenlg Pwtcal 8TU) Sierra Herat 4taell Hoooa .. taaear Bank Clearing. OMAHA. July 11 Bank clearing for today war 81.634 004.1 and for the cor responding dat laat year 31.401.378 3. Trcaaary Statoaaont. WASHINQTON. July ll.-Today ststs mnt of the treasury balances In the cm era 1 fund, esrluaive of the tl&o.oflO.Ono aold preserve, hoa avallabl caah balaoc 174. Jb43; gold cnln and bullion. !94.7M27; gold certificates, $43.062.0!0 Aev Tork Money Market. NEW YORK. July 11. MON ET On call. Steady; highest. 8 per cent; lowest, 24 per cent; ruling rate. 2 Per cent; last loan, IH per cent; closing hid. 1 per cent; offered at ! per cent. Time loans, dull to tead ; alxty days. 4 per cent: ninety days, j per cent; six months, 6'y(fc per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-6;64j per cent. "TEHLINO EXCHANGE Easy, with slight recoverv, with eotual business In bankers' bills s $4.S4f4 4 for demand and at $4 810fr4 1S8 for slxty-dsy Mils; posted rates, $4.82iH:'kt: commercial bills, H MS'JH 81V SILVER Bar, 86; Mexican dollars, 60V.C. BONDS Government, steady: railroad, heavy. Quotations on New fork bonds today were aa follows: I'. 8. ref. ta, fg do coupon V 8. la. reg do coupon .. Japan Is. g aerlaa .. a ...10t do 4a ctfa !4 ...IN dn 44C ctra S ...l4 do III eerica Iivs ...1f? L A N. anl. 4s 100' ...11 Man. t. g 4a lO". ...Irt Mn. Central 4t 71 . . . 1 rs a ) do 1st Inc US ... TtVMinn A St L 4a.... H .. 1US.M . K A T. 4a 100 .. IPIVa do la ... It K. R R. of M t. 4a. Ut ... Jl',N. T. C. g. IV4a ...101 iS. 1. C. g. 4a Ill .,. No. Pacific 4c 104 ... J do la 7H4 ...lllVa N. W. t. 4a...... .lOOU, ... 1 O. L rfdg 4a s4 ...SO Pann ronr. v,a. SS ... M IRaadlng sen. 4a 100 ...lTal8t I.. AI M e. 6a .11414 I'. 8. old 4c. rag.. do consos V. . naw 4s, reg. do coupes Am. Tobacce 4s.... do Atchtann gen. 4a. .. so aaj. 4a Atlantic C. L 4a. . Bal. Ohio 4a.... do Itia Brk. R. T. f. 4a... Central of Oa. 4c. . do 1st Inc. do Id Ine do Id Inc Chea. A Ohio 4Hi Chicago A A. ISa C, B. A Q. n 4a. C . R. I. A P. 4a. It St. L a r. fg. 4a. H .. JT St 1.. g W .. 74 Seaboard A L. 4t. .. KS;8o. Pacific 4c I iniv, do let 4a ctfa.... A. 74 8o. Railway aa ... IC ITeiaa A P. la .... ... II IT. St L A W. 4 ... r3i Union Per I lie 4a .. . .IOC V Heal Id 4c. . . .. H4 Wahaah la . .. (4 I do deb. B . ..1" Wetern M4. 4a... ... W. A L. C 4a ... .. .10S Wis. Central 4a ... tusl .. 17 .. tan .. 4v, ..1111, . .1144. do col. la C 81. L. g Colo. Ind. fta. aer. do eerlee B Colorado Mid. 4a.. .. 1114 ..lo .. tlVi ..114H .. 114. .. K44 .. M -4 .. l Colo. A . 4a Cuba la f. A R. O. 4a Pletlllcra' See. tc. Brla p. L aa do gen. 4a Hocking Val. 4WS Japan 4a onered. Boston Stork and Bond. BOSTON. Julv HI Csll loans. 406 per cent; time loans. 4406 per cant. Official nosing on stock and bond: Atchlcon adj. 4a... . . M Adventure .101 Allonea .. TUH'Amalgamatad . . Amerlran Zinc . . Atlantic ..141 iBInghara .171 t'al. A Herla.. ..141 Centennial . 414 . II ,. M'4 . 4 . II . iT .41.4 . . II . lnH . 17 . io4 . ! ,. 7 K . 40 .. I .. 86 ..101 .. 14V, .. II do 4 Mci. Central 4c... Atchlaon do pfd Boeton A Albany. nnatoa A Maine ., Rocron KICTated .. ritchbarg pfd .11714 Copper Range . .I0H Daly Weal .... . 41 irranklln .14114 Oranby . 31 llala Roralc ... N Y., N. H. A H. Pcra Marquette ... Union Pacific Amor. Arg. Chant.. do pfd II IMaae Mining . Araer. Pneti. Tube.... 14 Michigan Amer. Sugar Ulu Mohawk do pfd HI Mont. C. A C. Amer. T. A T lit Old Dominion . Amer. Woolen II Oaeeola do pfd 101H Parrot Dominion 1. A 8... ' Qulnry Rdleon Rlec. Ill 240 .Phannon Mm Electric ll' Tamarack 41 do pfd 4i, Trinity I Maaa. Oaa M United Copper Il United Tnilt 104 ,U. 8. Mining M United Shoe Mach ... 74"4 U. 8 Oil H, do pfd ,10 Utah 1,4 North Butt IK Victoria 7 U. 8. Steel ji'Winona 4 .240 .pnannon . li'4 'Tamarack .... . golf Trinity . M Untied Copper .lot ,1. 8. Mining.. . T4Uj U. 8. OH . ,10 Utah . K Victoria . 1144'Winona .100VIWolverlQC . 14 I on pro oow wolverine 139 aratlng. common . Bid. Asked. London Closing; Stock. LONDON. July 11 Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were: Console, money .. 17 14-14 N. Y. Central ...IM ... 40 ... 44 ... 44 ... 44', ... 4 ... 41 ... ec .. 44 ... 16 ,..10!V, ... 7V ...144'4 ... ; ... s ...104 ... so ... 47 00 account sr 1-1 Norfolk A W. Anaconda 151 do pfd Atrhlinn do pfd Baltimore, A Ohio. Canadian Pacific . nee. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C. M. A Bt. P.... DeBecra D. A K. O do pfd Eric do 1st pfd do Id pfd llllnola Central ... Loularllle A Naah M., K. A T o Ontario A ,.101 Pcnnarlranla Hand Mlnea Reading do let pfd do Id pfd Southern Railway do pfd southern Pacific , iiulon Pacific .... do pfd I'. 8. Steel do pfd .Vabaah do pfd panl h 4a , ..1104, 144S ,. 4Vt ,.14 ..140 V .. 17 ,. 4Uj .. rr .. 41 ..41 .. 7 ..1U ,.14V Il.. SILVER Bar, a e A 1 . v . OrilA r,e AtinM i..,.-. c a ier cent. , , The rate of discount' In the open market months bills, 3 per cent. ,. , Wool Maria;. . EOSTON. July 11. WOOL The market la moderately active' with deep Interert from all classes of the trade. Naturally the attention of the trade Is turned toward tha new clip. Prices are held firm. Traders are remembering In connection srlth the In creased demand for wool that the coming Australian wool clip I reported as the largest ever shown in that continent Ter ritory wools are taken ateadlly. Pulled wools are In constsnt demand. Foreign grades are neglected. : Prices run about s follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania YY mr .ki.. Jg34c; X. 311t82c; No. L 37&3Sc; No. S. 37ft 88c; fine unwashed, 26itj2?c; quarter-blood, unwashed, 32433c; three-elghths-blood, J3c: nair-bloori, 3c; unwauhed delaln. 2.2Sc; fine unwashed delaine, 86&8c. Michigan fine unwashed. 24tEi5o; quarter-blood, un waahed. 81iij32c; three-elghths-blood, 31W 32e; half-blood, 32UWe; unwashed delaln. 27328c. Kentucky. Indiana, etc. thru. eighths and quarter-blood, 3?S3c. Terri tory, Idaho fine, 232,24c; heavy fine, lfcga c; fine medium. 23i624c; medium, 27fc28c; low medium, 26 27c: Wyoming fine, 226133; heavy fine. l820c: ine medium. 2.-a.'8c; medium, 2728c; lowmedlum, 27ti28c. Utah and Nevada fine. 2aL5c; heavy fine, 192oc; fine medium, 2326c; medium, 27628c; low medium. 212c. Dakota fine, 2223c; fine medium, 21613c; medium, 37t8c; low medium, 27(&28c. Montana fine, choice. 24j 26c; fine average, 28T24c; fine medium, choice, 24&2Sc; average. 23i&24c; staple. 271& 28c; medium choice, 27(i28c; average, 28S27c. LONDON, July 11. The offerlnga at the wool auction sales amounted to 12,800 bales, all in rood condition. The rlnmanil waa quiet and prices favored buyers. Low ' sorts were weak. Americans purchuseed a niooerate quantity or tine crossbred. Withdrawals were frequent. Following are the aales: New South Wales, 1,100 bales; secured, 1 tttdQls lid; greasy, ftdt Is 2d. Queensland. 1.000 bales; scoured. Is fVkd; greasy, lOHdgls Id. Vlctorls, 1.300 bales; scoured, Is 3dls lie.; greasy, 3dls 3d. South Australia, 100 halee; scoured. Is 8dls 8d. Wt Australia. 100 bales; greasy, 7dl 7. Tasmania, 100 bales- greasy, Is Id. New Zealand, 8,300 bales; acoured, Is d G 2s; greasy, Sd&ls -Sd. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 200 bales; greasy, 6Nd HHd. Falkland Islands, 300 balea; greasy, Sdftlld. ST. LOL'IS. July 11. WOOL Steady: medium grades, combing and clothing. '7 0 28c: light fine. 18itT22c: heavy fine. 14A il7c; tub washed, 32 42c. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July ll.-COTTON-Snot cloaed ateady; middling upland, 10.80c; mld dlln s-ulf. 11.06c. Sales. l.ftO bales. LIVF.RPOOL. July ll.-COTTON-Spnt. dull, with price 6 points higher; American middling fair. 6S6d; good middling. 6 86d: middling. lbVI; low middling. 5Sd: good ordinary. 6.78d; ordlnarv, 6.6Sd. The atlcs'lj til inn ut wrrp e.t.wj uan , 111 Willi n ev were for speculation and esport. and In cluded 3.8nr American. Receipts were 3,000 bales. Including 200 American. ST. LOC18. July ll.-COTTON-Steartv; middling. 1016-lec; aales. 222 hales: no re. celpts; shipments. 160 bales; stock. 37.408 bales. NEW ORLEANS. July 11 -COTTON-8 pot. quiet and easy: sales, sno balea: low ordinary, 7c, nominal: ordinary. 8V nnml. nal; good ordlnarv. 6 7-1e; low mlddfng. 10ic: middling. llc: good middling, llVac: middling fair, l!c. nominal; fair. 12c. n-iml-nal; recelpta, 688 bales; stork, 49.K80 holes. agar and Molasses. NEW TORK. Julv ll.-SVOAR-Ra-firm; fair refining. 8 7-lle; centrifugal. 81 test. 3 13-32c; molasses sugar. 2 11-83. ; refined, quiet; No. 8. 4 fV:; No. 7. 4 He No. 8. 4 10c; No. 8. 4.06c; No. 10. 4 00c; No. 11. 3 6c; No. 13. 3 60c: No. 13. 3 8Se; No. 1. 8 85c; confectioners' A. 4 TS -; mould A. 8 06c- cut lof. 6. tie; cruahl, 6.40c; powdered, .80c; granulated, 4.70c; cubes. 4 6e. MOLASSES Steady: New Orleans kettle, good to choice. Sfpmc. open NEW ORLEANS. Julv H.-BT'OAR-Steady; onen kettle centrifugal, tejfl 7-1V: centrifugal yellow, SS'tH'.r; seconds. i 8Vtc STRVP-iM130c. CoaTea Market. NEW TORK. July 11 COFFEE Mar ket for coffee futurea onened steaiN si unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points in response to steady E uopean cables and continued light receipts at Rio and Santos. Trading was quiet and partly In the way of eiehangea from 8. tember to later months, but the market held th initial gain. The close was quiet, net unchanged to 6 point higher. Sales were reported of 14.600 base. Inrlud I September at 3 8c; December. do 1 March I6c; June. T ic. Bunt Ra - j stsady; ecc. No. 7 invoice, 7lc mk L1YE STOCl M1RLET Djiirabl lillina: Oattla letirt and Tally Tan CanU Eighar. HOGS OPEN ABOUT TEN CENTS HIGHER keen la Terr Goo Denaaaa, wltk Trad Active and Prleee Strong; to Ton Cents Higher Than Teeterday. SOUTH OMAHA, July U. 10. Receipt were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3842 6,067 2.SM) Official Tuesday , Official Wednesday .... Three days this week Same days last week... Same two weeks ago., Sam trtree weeks sgo. Same four weeks sgo.. Same day last year.. RANGE OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs Omaha Chicago Kanaaa City St. Louis Sioux City RECEIPTS FOR THE $1.0036.84 $.6i'g.7U l.a.u16 6.8U 7 0U 1. Tons 00 tU we.'JO 8.Ut(.;6 6.60 'flo6 YEAR TO DATE. The following table hows the receipt nt cattle hoi, and aheeo at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with laai year: 1. 1 Inc. Cattle 4!5.4o7 44K.0J8 b.4S Hogs 1.6.810 l,8oa.4 14i.11 Sheep 780.66 ;ti.8J 28,707 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. The following will show the price paid for the different kinos ot cattle on the Uoutn Omana market: Oood to choice corn-fed steers 88.3OJ6.0 Kair to good corn-fed steers 6.flOigtV30 1-ntr.nw.n fair rarn.ltl steers' Uood to choice cows snd heifer.. 3.7-eH-u Fair to good cows and qeltera Common to fair cowa and hetfere. Good to choice stockers ft feeders., Fair to good stockers ft feeders... Common to fair atocker Bulls, stsgs, etc Veal calves The follnerlnar tahle ahowa the 2.ibV-' l.fcu2.76 8 7o'a.10 3r4. 3.7(eg4.10 4.md6.W aveiage price of hogs at Soutn Omaha for th laat several aays, with comparisons Date. I 1808. 11806.11804. u13.1902. 1801. 11800. July July July July juiy July Juiy July July Jmy July I. ... 3..., 3.... 4... 6.... 6... 7..., 8.... .... 10.. II. . ( 231 e 6 1JI 6 18 8 801 7 M ( 66 7 84 6 61 J 61 3.0 ( a wi 76; 4 2 6 01 471 6 2 6 26 6 M t W 8 H "411 7M 6 73 4 t8 6 17 3 48 6 271 8 68 6 181 6 4! 6 171 6 8l 6 16 6 46 S 79 7 76 I k 11 62! 7 821 3 Ml 7 80. 3 84, 5 13 7 831 6 Ml t 13 7 7 t 88! 6 04 6 66 6 33 6 32j I Hi 6 281 Sunday . TESTERDAT'S SHIPMENTS. The following shows tie number of cara of stockers and feeders shipped to the country and their points of destination: CATTLE. Car. C. .Hauff, Orln Junotlon, Wyo. F. E.... 1 HN. Way, Ruser Siding, Neb. Mo. P.. 1 F. Karo, Norfolk, Neb.-F. K 1 George Meyera, Ames, la. N. W 3 C. T. Stafltn, Calhoun. Nab M. ft O.... 3 L. E. Wellman Scluiyler. Neb. Q 1 John McCrachen, Manilla, la. Mil 1 The official number of cara of tnck brought In today by each road wa: Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.H"ses. C. M. ft St. P 3 Wabash Missouri Pacific 18 r. P. System 22 C. ft N. W.. east.... 8 C. ft N. W., west.... 88 U., 8t. P.. M. ft O.... 16 C, B. ft Q., east 8 C, B. ft Q , west 26 C, R. 1. ft P., east.... 6 C. R. I. 4 P.. west.. .. Illinois Central Total receipt 1S5 4. oft 7 .2 U.M 14.J i.61 1.6S6 ..11.867 v.m U.I.M .. 4 il 24.H.U 1.V48 .. 1.611 2o.J02 6.144 ..11, 43 46.62 1.7 J ..11.V41 42.6:1 4.IW6 ..1J.881 26.181 7,410 27 'i 'i 40 'i 7 e 1 7 4B m iii 1 The disposition of the day' recelpta wa a follow, each buyer purchasing; the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. Hogs.Bh'p. Omaha Packing Co..., Swift and Company.., Cudahy Packing Co. Armour ft Co Armour ft Co.. K. C. Vansant ft Co Hill Klngan Sol Degan J. B. Root S. ft 8 Boden Halsted Other buyers 104 798 782 ' .. 769 .. 673 ..1.278 .. 72 .. .. 43 "t .. 7 1.633 1.786 3,012 887 478 881 384 246 Total CATTLE The 3.086 8.210 1.684 receipts of cattle today Wednesday, although con v-ere light for siderably heavier than two weeks ago. Last Wednesday wa a holiday. The qual ity of the cattle wa very good, there being a large proportion of right good cattle on sale. Fortunately the demand for good cattle was quite brisk this morning and the mar. ket became active and generally 10c higher than yesterday. Practically everything In the way of desirable killer sold In good season in the morning. In some caees cattle which did not happen to find favor In buy ers' eyes were Inclined to drag and the forenoon was well advanced before all of them were disposed of. Cows and helfera did not show any very freat change. The good kinds sold quite rcelv, but the common grassers were not especially sought after and atlll they were no lower than the weak price which pre vailed yesterday. The fact la the oow mar ket at the present time la a little uncer tain, cattle of about the same quality sell ing at quite a wide range, veal calve were In fair demand at about ateady price, right good one selling at 36. 60. Good fat bulla sell a well a any time, bringing 84, or a little better, but grasser are alow, no one being very anxious for that kind. Blockers and feeder were In light sup- f'ly and the trade without noteworthy fea ures. Representative ssles: BEEF STEERS. Ke. 1 1 I I II 8 11 II 1 N 40 JI 411 II II 14 11 1 11 II 17 1 14 At. ... IM ... 740 ... 710 ... 470 ... MO ... 117 ... 44 ...1110 ...1111 ... 171 ...1017 ... 711 ... 444 ... Tec ... 44 ...1041 ...144 ...1144 ...1010 ...1144 ...1100 ...1141 ...1740 ...1144 ...ini ...llel ...1411 .. .110 ...1111 ...1141 Pr. I M I 40 t 74 8 14 I 4 I 74 4 U 4 40 4 40 4 40 4 4 4 70 4 74 4 4 4 40 4 M 6 40 4 40 I 00 I m 4 10 6 IS 4 14 I 14 t 14 t 14 I M 6 to 4 44 6 14 C 1 rt 1 44 1 44 I 40 I 40 8 o a 11 I 44 I 14 I 14 1 n 1 44 I 40 I 40 I 40 . I 40 I 4 I 40 I 40 t 41 N. At. Pr t 1111 I 14 t 1447 4 44 14 1101 I II I.e. 1110 4 44 14. .. 1114 4 40 II 1141 4 M II lilt I II III 11(1 4 40 II 1114 44 14 1111 4 40 10 114 I 44 I 1100 I 44 40 1IS4 1 44 17 Ill I 44 41 11-74 4 40 40 1141 4 44 4 1404 44 47 1474 4 44 II 1474 4 4 14 1413 4 40 41 114 4 40 it ini 1 75 41 1111 1 74 14 14il 6 71 44 lilt I 40 II 1111 4 40 44 144 I 44 41 1441 44 Ml 1444 I U II 1741 I 40 JWB. 4 440 t 44 4 M0 IN I IM I 44 1 104 I 44 1 40 4 04 1 1170 10 L. 1000 1 11 11 107 8 1 4 1010 I I 1 1100 6 10 1 toco I n 1 1044 t 40 1 104 I 44 14 171 I 11 4 1IM I II 4 444 I 14 1 101U I 44 1 410 I M 1 100 I 40 I ' 1111 I 40 1 117 I 74 II. 411 4 74 1 1174 3 40 1 Ill 4 44 1 14 4 14 4 1117 4 40 1 144 4 44 ITERS. 1 414 6 4 44 Ml I 40 1 711 I 44 1 4M 4 4 4 464 4 04 14 Ill 4 44 1... I... 1... 1... U.'.. t... 1... I. .. ... 1... II. .. 1... I. .. I. .. 1... 1... II. ., 1 . 17... 4... 14... 1.. 1.. I ... 4... II. .. 1... 8... 1 . 1 .. I .. 1 .. . 41 . 74 . 470 ,. 441 .. 411 , . 410 , .104 .. 49 ..1040 .. 414 ..1014 .. 404 . .1UU0 .. 414 ..11 . .. 114 .. 444 .. 441 .. 444 .. 414 .1010 .1114 ..104 . .1104 . .1H . .It ..1114 .. 414 .. 14 .. 4(w .. let .. 4M I 44 I 70 t 14 I 71 I 74 t 40 I 44 I 44 HI t IS t M t 44 I 7 I 4 8 4 . 874 . 144 . 11 . 4 lire IK .1114 . 41 .104 . 11 111 . M lee .14V4 40 BULLS. t 1 I 1 t 44 t 44 I M I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 I 4 8 44 8 74 .,1414 .'.10C .104 .144 .117 .144 .140 . MC .11 144 .1714 .144 U4C .. IM .. 10 .. .. IM I 71 3 71 I M I M I 14 8 14 8 44 4 M 8 44 I M I II I M 4 4 4 71 4 71 4 81 14 I 74 CALVES. I 3 4 t 4 4 ' I 141 8.... I I I I i J 1 37 4 sa 4 l 4 4 14 4 40 4 40 I... I... I .. I ... I .. I .. AND II . rt... l 6 14 10 4 r ia IS I7 1 40 IT 1 4 IT I 14 rREDFRS. 714 14 411 I 10 14 114 tl 8TOCKERS in 1 4c tti 1 44 H0418 Ther wa onlr a moderate run of hog this morning and that fact, In con nection with the good demand and favor able outlook at other selling points caused the market to open 10c higher than yes terday. Th tratle wa fsirlv active at the early market and a very large proportion ef truj hogs sold st the edvance noted Iie fore the yards aere clesred. however, the market weekened, about one-half of the advance being lust. As will be noted from the sales below the hogs sold verv largely at 6s.62iTt 87 with a top at 8H.70. To day's advance makes a new high record 14 IMI for th year. . Representative sale: N At. Sh. rt. K. At 8h. Pe. Ht 400 4 11 II 117 0 4 44 41 IM 140 4 471, M Ml 1(0 4 44 44 144 40 4 CO 44 .14 ... 4 4.4 40 tH ... 4 CO 11 114 40 4 41 II 117 IIS 4 40 44 tfl 40 4 44 71 I441M 4 40 It Ill ire 4 44 41 187 4S 4 4" 41. ...... .iSt 40 4 lit It 104 KM 4 l 41 tit IM 4 M 47 tf.4 14 4 12 to Rl ... IH 44 ri llfl 4 U14 41 174 ... 4 14 144 MS 440 4 11 44 ?T 40 4 U 41 147 o 4 47 t til 40 4 44 41 14 i 4 41 71 114 140 I S4 14. fit 110 111 44 141 ... 4 44 41 11 1 4 l 10-1 Ill 40 4 44 44 144 110 4 41', 44 1.1 40 4 II 11 141 ... 4 111 14 1?l ... I 44 44 141 ... 4 421, M (41 80 4 44 II 1.14 ... I Hi, 71 711 ... 4 44 40 HI ... 4 41 74 14" IH 70. .141 ... I 44 71 140 140 4 44 7. 171 ... 4 44 40 IM II ill 44 IIS It 4 I-. 74 !!t SO I IS 104 40 8 44 Tt 117 40 4 46 74 f ... 4 5 74 -M 140 4 44 40 Ill ISO 4 44 47 110 1C0 4 4 71 ........ .lit 40 4 IH 70 114 11 4 45 44 174 ... 4 4f 41 1,1 ... IH 40 140 40 44 41 10 40 4 4714 44 Ill 1C0 4 M 71 144 SO 4 4714 41 114 40 4 44 114 IM 10 4 17 14 II 140 140 4 14 K 144 10 4 4714 71 H4 40 4 44 47 141 ... 1171, II til ... II) 41 11 140 14714 71 114 40 I 44 71 in 120 4 471, 74 114 ... I 4S 71 141 40 4 47V, 71 It 400 M 40 !4 ... 4 471, 44 IM IOO 4 44 47 171 110 4 474 II 140 44 4 44 44 144 SO 4 171, 10 in ... I as 4 10 40 4 471, 40 IM ... 4 as 44 117 40 4 70 41 . ro4 ... 4 44 40 Ill ... I 70 17 Ill 40 I 44 8HBF.P-The receipts of sheep this morn ing looked small as compared with yester day and dsy Itefore. onlv fresh csrs being reported In In the morning. Aside from one car they were all range wethers. The market was In a good healthy condi tion and everything chnnged hands very rspidly at price that were strong to 10c higher than esterday. The Lee Spaeth ft Co. wether from Gillette. Wyo., sold at 16.36, which was 10c more than they brought yesterday, and four double decks of Mon tana wethers sold at 35.26. A little bunch of native spring lambs sold a high aa 37.60, with native ewe at 85. All these prices were satisfactory to owner. The feeling nn the market 1 very good. Quotations: Good to choice spring lambs, 7.0i67.76; fair to good spring lambs, $! 253' 7.00; good to choice yearlings, 36.76fri.t,i; fair to good yearlings, I1.504j5.76; good to choice wethers, 35. 25456. 86: fslr to good wethers, 84 86S6.26; good to choice ewes, 34 tKn5.36; fair to goqd ewes, 34. 60J4. 80. Representative ssles: No. 10 native cull ewes 89 native ewes , 660 Wyoming wethers 33 native spring lambeT... h Montana wethers Av. . 80 . t9 . Ml . 1.4 . 103 Pr. 4 00 6 00 6 35 7 60 6 25 CHICAfiO LIVE STOCK MARKKT Cattle Steady Hoar Tea Cents Higher Sheep Strong. CHICAGO. July ll.-CATTLE Receipts, 21,00 head; market steady; common to prime steers. 34.flfKffH 26; cows, 33.OOfi4.50; heifers, 82.764i.26; bulls, 32.7n.26; calves, 3 .60 60; Blocker and feeders, 32.7rWU-4.6U HOGS Receipts, 23.000 heed; market 10c higher; choice to prime heavy, I8.lsl(a'.97; medium to good heavy, 3.8O"p'.90; butcher weights. 16 9iytj7.00; good to choice heavy mixed, 86.oO-fM.80; packers, 86.00nj.7S. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 18,000 head; market strong to 10c higher; sheep, 4.2oj.i6; yearlings, 36.401.7.00; lamba, 35.40 3.50. Mew York Lire Stork Market. NEW YORK. July 11.-BEEVE8-14 celpts. 1,266 head;bee4-es. ete.dy anI firm; fat bulls and choice fa,. 10 . h. 10c higher; other gradea steady; bologna cowa Slow; common to cnoice eiccra, . ,. 1 6 86; bulls, 33.00i94.26; cows. 316-ft 4.26. Liverpool and l-ondon rattle mar kets slow. Exports today, 2,800 quartet' of beef. CALVES Receipts. 8,170 head; val market strong to 26c higher; hutti milk. 26 0 60c higher; veals, 36.508.00; grassers and buttermilks, 31.00tf4.uT; Ted calves. 14.76; dressed calves higher; cuy dressed veals, 8 012c per pound; country oressea, iwioo. HOGS Receipts. 6 .650 head: market ! Arm: state hogs, 37.26 0 7.40. SHEEP AND LAMB.-!-Receipts. 3.823 head; good sheep firm; others stea .j ; good lamb opened Arm at 1045 15c higher and closed weak; sheen. 13 606 6.60; culls, 81.50(83.00; lambs. 1 1 .76 9.60; one car, 39.60; culls, 34 6006.00. Kanaaa City Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,600 head. Including 3,000 southerns: stendy to strong; top. 36.00; choice export and dressed beef steers, 35.6O7T4I.10: fair to good, 84.250.40; western fed steers, 83.751? 6.75; stockers and feeders. 32.50ffjl.30; south ern steers. 32.66tj-5.0O: southern cows, 82.0Cij' 8.60; native cows. 82 .00fJ-4.00; native heifers. 33.006 36; bulls, 32.494.00; calves. ?.!S5.5n HOGS Receipts. 8.600 head: market 7Ar 10c higher: closed weak: ton. 86 87: bulk of aales, 88.75682; heavy, ll.80tfiA.S7: packers. 36 75H6.55; pigs and lights. 35.90 6.S5. SHEEP AND LA MB9 Receipts. 4.000 htad; strong to 10c higher; lambs. 8H0O 8.00; fed sheep and yearlings. $4 6Vtrnr; Texas and Arlsona yearlings. 85.60ih.60: Texas and Arlsona sheep, 34.26Tirj.OO; Texas goats, w.ouaa .50: atocker and feeder. 83.50 435.00. t. I.anle Live Sleek Market. BT. LOUIS. July 11. CATTLE Recelnts. 4.6u0 head. Including Z,2aM) Texans; market strong: native shipping and export steers. 34.704j6.0O; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.10t)6.4t; steers under 1.000 lbs., 83 76&4.60; stockers and feeders, 32.00fl4.0'); cows and heifers. I2.KKS5 25; canners. 81.00iff2.0O: hulls. 32.404j)4.60; calves. 3S.Ofi43M.OO; Texas and In dian steers, 33.354.60; cowa and heifers, 31.759.36. HtXiS Receipts. 8.000 head: market loc higher; pigs and lights. 86 6xh 90; Dackers. 86 5oti 6; butcher and host heavy, 36.75 8.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. Kino head; market strong; native muttons. 13.00 6600; lamba. 64.00&00'. culls and bucks. e3.0Ojj2i.6o; atocker. M. 755 25. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. BT. JO8EPH. July 11. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1.979 head; market steady: natives. I4 6'I00; cows and heifers. 81. 76073.00: stockers snd feeders. 88.00fi3 75. HOG 8 Receipts. 6.250 hesd; msrket 7Uff 10c higher: lights, a.7rr880; medium ond heavy. 86 76(ff.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. 1KS head: steady to 10c hlaher: vearllnac 86 in- lamba. IS.OO; wether. 35 60. Slonx City Live gtoek Mnrket. 6IOUX CITY, Is, July II (Special Telegram. ) CATTLE Receipts. " 1 head; steady to 10c lower; stockers. slow; beeves. 34 26426 76; cows, bull ami mled. 32.76t4.60; stockers and feeders, 33.0010 4.00; calves and yearlings, 3.uou 3.9. HOGS Receplts, 8,uO head; .ii .rket higher; selling at 3 .5006.66; bulk of salea, 36 .66 j 8.67 . Stock In Sight. Receipt of live stock at the six principal western market yesterday were: Cattle, iloia. Sheen nouin t imnna z.ft 7.6M 1.6-6 Sioux City 6.6") 8 tXO 6.2.0 6,0rj 23.000 Kansas f'tty St. Joseph ... St. lyouls Chicago Total .... .... 8.B110 .... 1.978 .... 4.600 ....31,t00 4.(1 I.9W 4.000 Ktl .89.5:9 58 101 27,678 Metal Market. NEW TORK, July 11 METALS Ther 1 wa a aenatlonal break In the London tin market today, spot closing at il&. or 16 lower, while future declined it 16 to 113 6s; locally ths msrket was week In sympalay with spot, quoted at 336. 00O 38.10. Copper was also lower In London. with spot cloning at tlO 10s and futures I at 79 16s; locally no change 01 Ini- 1 nortanc was reported, with urices mora or less nominal: lake Is quoted at 8. . 4 ft 1 TT i If 8 f 13 00, electrolytic .at 313 1261182 A K I V L,l I and casting at 1 1 1 00 4j 1 1 : 1-adwaslls U LicigVll Vk. WUll nun ana uncnangea, at 4 i,su in it local market, and wa lo unchanged at , 114 6 3d In London. Spelter declined 31 6d to 126 IS In London, but rma!,',l dull, at 85 62435.97 In th New York market. Iron wa lower In the Enllh market, with standard foundry rloalnp at 49 lOd and Cleveland warranl at f0 ld: locally no change waa reported; No. 1 foundry northern I quoted at III JSC' 18.7; No. 3 foundry northern, 3)1 7.76 tj 18 33; No. 1 foundry tout hern, 11.f It 00; No. 3 foundry southern, 3J 1 T.rlfl 17 60. i. LOt'let,' J-uly 1 1. M KT Al.S Lead, lower. 15.70. spelter, unlet, .i .siV OM4.IIA WIIOI.K..! 44 111 h KF.T. Condition of Trade and tlnotatlnna on Staple and Fancy I'rodoce. KOOS-He.-elpts IILeial; frean ttit k. lie. 14 VK lUl l.lRl - Hens. 1-1, iott.r. 6c. turkeys, l.ui.ic, dutks, us spring citl.k ena. le per lb. HI'TTKR - Packing stork. 14V-: choice fancy dairy. 16c; creamery, ntiivic HAT Price united hy timana treed com pany: Choice upland, K; iii.dlum,; coarae, 8s tn-us ,V. Rve straw, n.vt I.iM. BRAN-Per ton. lib 00. iti.vtA TUr.S lexas, per crate of 20 lbs.. 6(isCc. WAX BEANS Ter msrket basket of about IS I h , 6'"c. STRING B KAN 8 Per market basket of gbnut 1.4 II'., 6W. TIRNIPS. HKET3 AND CARROTS Per d". bunches. ;ic. LEAK L ET T L' C E 11 o t ho use, per do. hra1, J(H'. CL't. I'MBFRS Hume-groan, per do., 60c; Texas, per bu. box. 3.ti. ONIONS Csilfmnla, -'! per lb.; Ttui, In crates, white, 4175; vellow, I.S6. GREEN ONIONS Ter doi. hunches, 20c KADI SUES-Per d.. bunches. 16c, CABBAGE Home-grown, ic per lb CAIT.1KLOWKR Per dot heads, .60. GRKKN I'KAH -Per bu . 81.00 NEW POTATOES Per bu.. 60c. OLD VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home-grown, per bu., SO-fr TV; South Dakota, per iu., ibfjeuc; Colorado, HOC per bu. NAVY BEANS-Per bu.. 31 S6; No. 2. IL76. LIMA BEANS Per lb.. 3S,e. TROPICAL FKL1T8. DATES Per box of Su-lb. pkgs., 82.00; Hallowe'en, in 'ii)-lh. boxes, per bog, 6c; Havers, per lb., 4c; walnut stuffed, 1-lb. pegs., 42.W per do.; 8-lb. boxes, 3100. OHANUk'.B California, extra fancy nav els, large slse, 8l.:jyoiX; Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, 34.0uu4.6u; alt-ncia. all sizes, 46 (-Ol)6.0, LEMONS Llnionlers, extra fancy, 840 slge, 86.i; 300 to 3ot slxe, 87. 26. F1US California, per 10-111. carton, 76'J 85c; Imported Smyrna, three-crown. 11c; six-crown. 13o. ,, , BANANAS Per niedium-slted bunch, 11 7MT-- J: Jumbos, 2.t33.00. FINKAFPLKS-Flortua, slse 34, 30 and 30, 33.00. FR11T8. CHERRIES-Callfornla, 3100 per 3-lh. box; stnir cherlcs. i4-qt. crate, 31 bu. GOOSEBERRIES 1'er crate of 24 Qt., 32.14'. PEACHES California, 81.10 per bu. PLl'MS California. 81 6041.76. BLACKBERRIES Per 34-qt. crat. 32 3B. RASP BERRIES Red, per 24-pl. crate, 32.60; hlack. per i4-ot. crgle, 32.60. APRICOTS Per 4-basket crate, 81.76. CL'RlANTS Home-grown, whit and red, per 24 qt., 31.60. MELONS. WATERMELONS Per lb., lc. or about Vkq.c each. CANTELOUPES California, per crate, bout 46 melons, 43 (xii 4 uu, 'lexaa, per crate, aoout 40 melons, n w. CUT MEAT PRICES. Ribs, No. 1, 12c; No. 2, 10c; No. 3, 8c Loin. No. L l&c; No. 3, 12c; No. 3, Uc Chuck, No. 1, 6,c; No. i, oc; No. 3. 4.o. Hound, No. 1. 8Vc: No. 3, 8Vc; No. 8. iq. plate, No. 1, 3c; No. X, 3c; No. 3, 2Vo. MISCELLANEOUS. CIDER Pr ktg, 33.76; per bbl., 36.76. liONis.1 New, per i4 lbs., 33.60. Cl-iiiKdE Swiss, new, 16c; Wisconsin bricK, lie; Wisconsin llinburger, lc; twin, ldc; toung America, loc. as uTB v alnula, No. 1 soft shells, new crup, per lb., ls.gc; hard shells, per lb., L,u. pecans, huge, per Id., lc; small, pei- ib., Uc. peanuts, per lb., Vc; roasted, per lb. lc. Chill wainuls, per 10., lal3Vc. Aimunda, son shells, per lb., 17c; hard snells, per lb., l&c. Cocoanuts, 34 per ack u( lui). SUGAR Granulated cane. In bblx, (6.1b, granulated cane, in sck.i, 36.11; granu lated beet, in sacks, 46.0I. SIRUP In bbls., i,c per gal.; In cases, 6 10-lb, cans, II. "u; cases U 5-lb. can. 61.80; cases 24 2-lb. cans, 81.86. COKFEh. Koaated, No. 35, 25c per lb.; No. 6V, W per lb.; No 26, 18Vo per lb.; No. M, 160 per lb.: No. a. Llc per lb. CURED FISH Family whiteflsh, per quarter bbl., 100 lbs., 6400; Norway mack erel, No. 1, lh; No. 2, 8; No. 3. 4-0; irlari No. 2. 316: herring. In bbls., 200 lbs. each. "rw,ay',.4KV,1,V 0l iK; "011n' i Lxe.1i,1i """lef'""' ln mih' I CANNED GOODH-Corn. standard west. ern, HiQtiOc: Maine, 81. 16. Tomatoes, 8-lb.. cans, 31.164Il.6u; 2-lb. 7c?i'31. Pineapple, grated, 2-lb 2.0ft4i.'.30; nllced,; Gallon apples, fancy, 33.90; California apri cots, 81-4ofr2 00; pears, 31.7663.60; peaches, fancy, 61.162.40; 11. C. peaches, 33.uuii2.0. Alaska salmon, red, 31.26; fancy Chlnooat, F., 32.10; fancy sockeye, F. 81. 96; aardlnss, oil, 33.60; mustard, II.5CgS.10. Sweet potatoes, lW15'iil.25; sauerkraut, 81; pump kins, wc'flu w; wax oeana, 2-id., j64i8ic; lima beans, 2-lb., 76ctj31.So; spinach, 31. 36; cheap peas, 2-lb., 60c; extra, ',st4k; fancy, 81.651.76. 1 Evaporated ABplea and Dried Frnlta. NEW YORK. July 11. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continued steady on spot, with prime quoted at lltfllVJc; choice, 11 H 4? 11 Hr; fancy, 12c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are pretty closely cleaned up on spot an . quotations are more or less nominal, ranging from 7tov84c. according to six-, grade, etc. Apricots are sesree. wl'h ot ters from the coast very light; rho'c-, 18c; extra t-holre, 13c; fancy, lS14c. I"eaches for future shipment are essie-. but spot remalna unchanged; choice. 104 (Bile: extra choice, HVillc; fanc, ll12c; extra fancy. i;l!Hc. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Henrietta K. White and huabaud to, Elisabeth M. bnahan, wuu leti 01 . 11 V of lot 8, biock 1, r'arrf Piai e, .3 960 Atlantic Keaity association to lieu-s of J. H. cteabrooae, 101 8, repiat of block ti, be 111 is 1-ark 460 Mary G. Larson and husband 10 Amelia J. Anderson, lot 1, block V, BuruliHni fmn 60U D. V. bholcs company to Rose O. , English, part 01 Iota 16, 17 and 18, block 6. 1st sub of Griffen 6 Smith's add (60 Hastings t neyuen to C. Ryder, lots 23 and 23, block 2, Hastings A Heyden's add 600 Philadelphia Mortgage and Truat company to Hldney 8. Montgom ery, lot 11, block 33, KounUe Place , 8,301 Alberto E. Anderson and wife to Margaret K. Murphy, lot 10, block , Spring Lake Park 6,400 John E. George to Susan V. Hoyt, lot 2. block 7, sub of J. I. Red-. ' ick's add 7.000 P. J. Firestone and wife to Ida -B. Ongs, lots 4 and 6, KUtatuiiQ Park ' 1,900 F. A. Thompson and wife to th Pavne Inveatment company, lot "' 4. block 8, and lot 27. block 2, Briggs' Place, and other lots.... 360 Rollensford Savings bank to E. R. Hume, suhlot 12 of taxlot 29, 4-15-13 ' Joseph Ecker to Anna Eoker, e of n of lot 6, block 1, Park Place t Ferdinand Klausehles and wife to Theodore Thollnlohann. part of lot 18. block 446. Orandvlew 25 Teresa Herdzlna to John and Jacob Herdxina. lot 6. block 41. South Omaha 100 M. R. Hoewlll et al. to W. B. Fuller, rart of lot 10. block 1, Park Place 700 Marv L. Jansen to the Orove-Whar-ton Construetlon company, block 4. Halveon He ghts 1,E0 Luther Drake et al. to August Padruwelt. lot I, block 42, South Omaha 040 Rome Miller to same, part of lots 11 and 12, block 2, Rush A Sel by's 800 Total for July 11, 1908. . . .323,073 INVESTORS Our circular descriptive of Bonds yielding: 3.50 per cent, to 5 per cent, will be mailed to you upon request. Formerly . F ARSON, LEACH & CO., NEW YORK. CHICAGO BO MON PHILADELPHIA