Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily : Bee
Jndr Laodii Aatessei Railroad Company
, $40,000 for Pajinr Rebates,
Tinu of $10,000 Etch Charred Acainit
John raithorn and Fred Warm.
Court Can lind No Season for AtMisinc a
' Mild Penalty.
fntenees Mm Tktif ImiMfd la
the ' Bnrllngton (iw by Jndae
Bethea of the Clreolt
CHICAGO. July 11. Judge Landle. In the States district tourt, today sen
tenced the Chicago St Alton road, which
was recently convicted of granting Illegal
if ban at Kansas City, to pay a fine of
...'.Oiio on cacti of two counts, or a totul
l . t40.OW. '
John Fait horn and Fred A. Wann,
f.Jinur officials of the road, who were also
lonvlcled. wore sentenced to pay a fine of
.M'i each on two counts, or a total of
v.i'.Crn each.
The defendants wero fined im two counts
u( an indictment containing ten count.
' The specific! charge on which they were
cunv.cted ai that they had given to the
hwai tschlld A Bulxberger company a re
bate of II per car on all shipments from
tiic Kar.sna City plant of the packing com
pany. The defendants claimed that the.
barge was niade against them by the
packing company, which had the right tu
levy It' because It owned the track near Its
Hint and therefore had the right to charge
Hie nllrosd for trackage.
i Hsteaantlnar Irmmstnnces.
Julge Landla In his Instructions prac'.l
tally directed the jury to bring in a ver
dict of guilty, and after It had been ren
dered the attorneys for the railroad and for
the Individual defendants asked until today
to show that tho rebate was public and
.iiH a secret affair.
The court In passing sentence said that
he could sea no extenuating circumstances
In the granting of the rebates. After the
entering of the sentence the defendants
gave notice of appeal.
, The fine Inflicted today by Judge Landls
Is Identical with that Imposed on the Chi
cago, Burlington tt Qulncy railroad in a
similar case bv Judse Bethra In the
Vnltel Slat's circuit court.
pn trie , or ick
Mara I Timidity nt Dealers
Farther Rata.
KANSAS CITT. July 11.-Ex-8tata Sena
tor W. r. Ions. president of the Central
company, of -tLls,clty, grava Interesting
'testimony si the Ice trust hearing here to.
day. After stating that he had started In
. business In 10 with capital of $000. had
c lea led IIS.OOO In the following year and
that he now owned a plant valued at
Jo.0n0, Mr. Lyons said that prices ought
to be even higher than they are.
Mr. Lyons told of making two advances
this season In the price of ice sold to the
peddlers. On April 1 and on May 1.
"How did you come to raise the price on
April 1." ii asked.
"I heard that the People's Ice company
was going to raise the price on that date,
so I raised It." J
"Why?" 1
"Well, I am not In the Ice business as
Jt philanthropist. I wanted to
could for my Ice."
, The first advance was from SO cents to
$1 a ton. Ijtter he made an additional
raise when he heard that the other com-
I InlAMj&l J.lln. MSI I
Mr. Lyons said he knew of no combina
tion In tha its business. "But It isn't neces
sary this year," he added.
In reply to further questioning Mr. Lyons
"If I had the making of the prices of
Ice It would he higher In the business sa!s
than It Is now. The downtown trade today
Ought to be paying ST a Ion. It ia due to
the timidity of the Ice men that the pries
Is not higher. I say timidity. 1 won't ny
clwerdlce. but It Is business timidity and
nioial timidity."
Mr. Lyons said he thought the cost of
iv.anufaiiU.Srur Ice waa about 11.75 to $1.85
. Ivn. ,
Government After Alleged Illegal
Cosililst la at. I.oals.
tt r. l-OL'19. July 11. At the hearing of the
government's suit to dissolve the alleged
combine of the Tern.lnal Railroad associa
tion today before Special Commissioner
Rnmbsvir lit ;he United States appellate I former Attorney General Crow of
M !iiuii for tfte government began a
searching Investigation into the methods by
which rales on cu'. are made and main
tained by the nUlroorls on the east side of
ti;e Mississippi river
Robert X Fraaer, chairman of the esst
bo it nil freight committee of the St. Louis,
Clmtinmil l.otiln lilt) freight committee,
sei'etarj of ttc H. Louis coal t radio bu
!'i ami J.-'tiu agent of the 9t. I-oum A
W-'iltlile fi'4'glit committee, was closely
r,ues(lo.iii. He would not acknowledge
mat rates are made by these organisations,
though the ratt-s are announced by him
iwi are uniform.
Mreckinridge Jonen. president of the Mis- j snd had been owned by him several months.
S!!ppt Valley Trust company, told of the : He told the attorneys this morning that
of "the Wlgsina Ferry company in I Sheriff Callihan had given It to him. The
I'?. He said that his trust company rep. other defendants helped to defend him In
resented seven railroads which desired to ! his previous trial. He did not know, but
prevent the Rock Island from getting con- I thought they hud pjld his attorney fees,
md of the property. All of the roads which i He suddenly lost hit n.i niory at the most
he named are Terminal association rouds crucial moment and could tell nothing of
anl the purchasers of the Wiggins Ferry ' n,a or White s action preceding or following contacted the negotiations through ! ,h murd.r. Jeti did not remember seeing
the sttornfy of the Termiual association. ' White lu the court houxe al all. and as
i fr as he Is concerned White is perfectly
CARRIE NATION ARRESTED lnoc'n, That h hd marvels
I change of heart is apparent, but the reason
aiaaner t.les oad te. Aaawrr I mv l found In the statement of the
i HAMmnaaalth'a allArnau tk-fct.. .N
t liarae
Walla. '
DALLAS. Tex . July 11 -Mrs Carrie Na
tion was arrested st Clebourne this after
noon by a deputy I'nlted States marshal on
a warrant charging her with having mis
used the malls. She waa brought to Dallas
snd after s hearing before United States
Comrrlaalener A. W. May was released on
bond In. the supi of 12.V0. The examinlnu
trial If set for July 31. The warrants come
from Guthrie, Okl., and aperlttes that she
deposited In the poet office s publication
rortalnlng sn Improper article hsaded "An
knaortant Talk to Boys."
Cleveland firand Jarf May Have to
Take Rereaa t'atll Proeest
la Served.
CLEVELAND, July 11. There were
only two witnesses on hand today when
the federal grand Jury resumed the In
vestigation of allegations of violation of
Interstate commerce laws by the Lake
Phore road and the Standard Oil company.
District Attorney Sullivan said that un
less additional witnesses appeared during
the day the grand Jury would probably
take an adjournment until next Monday.
A number of subpoenaa have been issued
for witnesses, among them belni one for
M. O. Vilas, secretary and auditor of the
Standard Oil company.
A deputy marshal who was sent out
with a subpoena for Mr. Vilas reported
this morning that ho had been unable to
locate the latter, The witnesses examined
by the grand Jury thla mornitiK wers
J. F. Clark, general western freight agent
of the Lake Shore road at Chicago, and
H. J. Merrick, superintendent of freight
transportation of the Lake Shore In thU
Attorney Bulllvan said tonight
thK- -. 8iulres. vice president of the
Start company of Ohio, had today
that c
hat M. O. Vllaa, treasurer of
r f whom deputies have been
- n as a witness, will be pro-
try'np. to,
d tired hi
On thla ass.
V grand Jury reconvenes.
t is understood no fur
iade this week to lo-
I her effort i
cate Vilas.
t wits slsn a d tonight that O
C. Pagin. special A. .in"! of the Department
of Justice, had been summoned to Cleve
land and will assist District Attorney Sul
livan here through the remainder of the
grand Jury Investigation.
JAMESTOWN, N. Y., July 11. Investiga
tion into the charges of violations of the
Interstate commerce laws by the Standard
Oil company and by the Pennsylvania rail
road relative to rebates nt Olean began
yesterday afternoon before Judge Hazel
and a Jury In the United States district
court. According to the findings of Com
missioner of Ijibor and Commerce Garfield,
the Standard Oil company saved $115.0X1 In
1904 by Its rebates from the Pennsylvania
railroad for oil shipped from the refineries
at Olean to Rochester. The Standard Oil
company got a rate of 9 cents a barrel,
while Independent companies In the same
territory had to pay 38 cents a barrel.
Refuses to Be Examined t nder Oatli
aa to Conditions at
FRENCH LICK, lnd., July 11. Thomas
Taggart, president of the French Lick
8prlngs Hotel company, acting on advice
of his attorneys today refused to be exam
ined under oath by the auditor of atate
and attorney general. He took the position
that while the law permitted the state offi
cers to examine the books of the hotel
companies it did not authorise a forced ex
amination of officers of a corporation under
The-utate officers today began asi'xnrt
natlon of the books" of the French Lick
Springs and West Baden Hotel companies.
It Is desired by them to make clear the
exact relations of the hotel companies and
the casinos which were raided by the state
officers last week to stop alleged gambling.
The examination of the books Is prelimi
nary to the trial of the quo warranto pro
ceedings of the state against the hotel com
panies, which will be held at Paoll Friday.
At this trial Mr. Taggart of the French
Lick Springs Hotel company and Mr. Lee,
Sinclair of trie West Baden Hotel company
will lie placed on the stand. Mr. Taggart
was subjected to considerable questioning
by Attorney General Miller today, notwith
standing his refusal to be placed under
get all I j oath. He made the statement that the con
j tract of the hotel company with "Al"
Brown for the casino privileges two or
three yeara ago was $15,000 a year. What
I the rental of the cas:no has been under the
last lcaae was not brought out.
Mr. Taggart said today the action of
the court at Paoll yesterday In rendering
Judgment in favor of the hotel companies,
cancelling the leases' of the casinos and
aecuring for the hotel companies possession
of the casinos was n accomplishment for
which the hotel companies had been striving
ever since It had been discovered by them
that the lessees of the casinos were per
mitting gambling.
Attorney General Miller learned today
that Ed Ballard, charged with, operating
the casinos -at French Lick and West
Baden, was In the county and Immediately
caused warrants for his arrest to be Issued.
He also had a subpoena issued for Ballard
requiring him to testify In the case to for
feit the charters of the hotel companies,
which comes up for consideration Friday.
A number of officers are looking for Bullard
Keaturblnn fta ra Ha Killed Mnreasn
aad Ha Aloae fa Responsible
for Death.
BEATTYVILLE. Ky.. July 11-Curtls
Jett. at the afternoon trial of Judge Har
gis for murder, took the witness stand,
admitted the assassination of Marcum and
told the manner in which the crime was
committed. "Mr. Marcum had prosecuted
me In several cases and was ruy blttr
enemy and I am the man who killed him,"
Md Jett. He then told of the assassins-
tlon, tallying with the description given
by B J. Kwen. Jett suld he had not con
ferred with White In reatard to the killing.
The pistol he used lie mid was hla own
Jeti had ln drinking and another attempt
tomorrow will ba made to hava h'.m repeat
Tom White followed Jett on the stand
and asked Attorney Byrd to excuse him.
as he did not want to answer any ques
tions. Hs was asked if he was in Jackson
the day Marcum was killed, but declined
to answer. White refused to answer after
1 being told to by the court,
I ordered the witness to Jail.
Judge Dorsry
W. B Johnson said Tom White told him
Just a fw weeks before Marcum was killed
that Hargls wsnted him to do tha fighting
for him. This testimony was excluded
yesltida), but was admitted today.
Commander of Bo Mian Black Sea Fleet
Fatally Wounded by Sailor.
Act Da t Severity of Discipline
and Hla Part la Trial aad Ex
ecution of Lieutenant
SEVASTOPOL. July Jl.-An attempt was
made at 1 o'clock this sfternoon to sssas
slnate Vice Admiral Chouknln, commander
of the Black set fleet. The admiral was
wounded and taken to a hospital.
Vice Admiral Chouknln has been blamed
for hla severity and It was to his treat
ment of the crews of the ships under his
rommsnd that the mutiny on the battleship
Knlai Potemkirin In June and July last
year was attributed. The admiral dis
played considerable activity in attempting
to capture the mutineers at that time and
In suppressing the sailors' mutiny at
Sevastopol In November last.
The would-be assassin la s sailor, who hid
In the bushes and shot at the admiral as
he waa walking In the garden of hla villa.
The culprit has not been apprehended.
Admiral Chouknln's condition is ex
tremely serious. The bullet lodged In his
lung, making breathing difficult. The doc
tors hold out ho hope of his recovery.
The admiral's assailant la thought to be
one of the suIIoih of the battleship Otcha-
koff, and his act Is supposed to have been
in revenge for the execution of Lieutenant
Schmidt, the revolutionary leader.
1 nlversally Hated by Sallora.
Admiral Chouknln was universally hated
by his sailors and at the time of the exe
cution of timid t the revolutionists con
demned him to death, inn of their number
pledglrik themaelves to carry out the sen
tence. This Is the second attempt since
Schmidt's execution on March IS of this
year. The first attempt was made by a
woman and after her effort had failed Ad
miral Chouknln ordered her to be killed
on the spot and his orderlies brutally car
ried out the sentence in the courtyard. For
this the admiral was again condemned to
death by the revolutionists. His name was
never mentioned among his sailors unless
It wns accompanied by curses on account
of his overbearing and severe manner.
Second Attempt on Life.
An attempt was made on the life of the
admiral February 9 last. A woman ap
peared at hla official residence during the
afternoon of that day and sent in her card,
saying she was the daughter of a rear
admiral at St. Petersburg who was an old
acquaintance of Chouknln. Cm entering Hie
admiral's office the woman drew a rapid
fire pistol and fired four shots at him, each
bullet reaching the mark. Aa she turned
to escape the woman was killed by the
orderly on duty at Chouknln's door.
The crime, beyond doubt, waa political.
When the sentences Imposed on the sailors
for the Kniai Potemkine mutinies were
before the admiral for review formal notice
was served on him that If he approved the
death sentences hs would share the same
fate, Chouknln," however, approved" 'the"
sentences and severs! Intimations afterward
reached him to the effect that the terrorists
were merely watting for a favorable oppor
tunity to kill him. Some time elapsed be
fore the police were able to establish the
Identity of the woman who attempted Ad
mlral Chouknln's life, but it finally became
known that she was a Hebrew named
Cecelia Shabad, 26 years old and a former
member of the Hebrew bund of Minsk
where her father was a well-to-do mer
Admiral Chouknin has had a good del
of active service and for a time was be
lieved to be under orders to take to the far
east during the war with Japan, the Second
Paclflo squadron relieving Vice Admiral
Rojestvensky. Chouknln was port aUmlral
at Vladivostok from 1X96 to 1901. Later he
was appointed director of the naval col
lege, which post he held until he took
command of the Black sea fleet. While
Chouknin was recovering from the wounds
inflicted upon him by Cecelia Shabad It was
reported that he had been offered and had
declined to accept the post of minister ot
marine to succeed Admiral Avellan.
Preparlaar to Defend Cities.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 1.-1.40 a. m.-
The preparations which the War office ha
been making at all the principal cities to
meet an armed revolutionary movement
prove to have been very elabornte. The
plans for the defence of Riga have fallen
into the hands of the revolutionary paper
Misla, which this morning publishes the
entire plan of defence. As given, the garri
son Is divided Into three divisions of two
battalions of Infantry, half a company of
Cossacks and three machine guns each, to
prevent the Invasion of the city from hs
three open sides; namely, the cnnal, the
dam and the river Duna. Two battalions
of infantry, 200 Cossacks and four machine
guns constitute the reserve. The com
mander. In framing the plan of defence,
even designated his successor In the event
of himself being killed or Incapacitated.
Blmilar plans, tt Is understood, have been
drawn up by every commander of a garri
son or city. In addition, special troop
trains, equipped with mschlne and field
guns, are In constant readiness at St.
Petersburg, Moscow, Kiev, Warsaw and
other strategic points.
The emperor. In his speech to the de
tachment of fortress srtlljfry recently,
brought to Peterhof from Cronstadt, told
them that as guardians of the entrance
I of the capital they must show
n example
ot loyslty and fidelity to Russia.
, Defends Death Penalty.
One of the curious features of the debate
In the upper house of Parliament yester
day on the bill of the lower house provid
ing for the abolition of the death penalty,
was a speecb made by Father Butkavtch,
a priest elected by the orthodox clergy, In
which he seriously defended the death pen
alty on the ground thst It was Justified
both by Ood end Christ, citing the laws
of Moses and Christ's ststement before
Pilate ss recognition of the right to Im
pose punishment.
The Rech today declares thst the tone
of the debste In the upper house yester
day leaves little hope that this "assembly
of bureaucrats, land and commercial mag
nates and representatives of the reaction
ary nobility snd clergy, with a small
leaven of liberals, will ever be able to
work in harmony with the progressive
ideas represented In Parllsment."
The Novoe Vremys. on tha contrary, da
fends ths conservative spirit of the upper
house and appeals to the emperor not to
entrust powsr to ths constitutional demo
crats of the lower house, who, the psper
Insists, are "augumentlng the danger of
an explosion by their cowardly refusal
either to clasp hands with the right or
break with the left."
As Aasistsnt Cashier Oosperovltch
was leaving the office of the pay-
(Contrmed on Second Page.)
Qalary of Diamond Jo l.lae Wrecked
Sear Trempealean. Uta. One
Passenger Drnsened.
IA CROSSK. Wis., July 12 The steamer
Qulncy of the Diamond Jo line strurk a
bank In the dark near Trempealeau. Wis.,
at 10: last night, turned halt over and
then caught Are. It is believed that the
majority of the J passengers on board
were saved and only -one drowning Is
definitely known, that of an Infant which
was washed from Its mother's arms.
At 1:20 o'clock this morning a belated
train brought sixty pasaengers who were
on the boat to this city: Accoun's given
by them of the disaster do not Include
positive statements as to drownings, but
It le believed comparatively few met death.
All communication with the village of
Trempealeau Is cut off and Information
relative to the accident l only obtained
from the stories of paricnars and reports
received at the railroad fifrlce.
About 10:30 o'clock, the steamer plying
up the river struck a bnk. At the time.
t Is said, the boat carried no searchlight.
One passenger says he saw a babe washed
overboard from Its mother's srnia. The
boat waa sinking, though not In deep water.
The palatial steamer caught fire Immedi
ately sfter the collision with the bank.
The life boats were gotten out and the
passengers were taken off before the flames
gained any considerable headway.
Rescue work was effectively done by the
colored roustabouts of the craft. When It
became apparent that the boat would have
been absndoned, the steamer was forced
on to the bank by the powerful engines.
the prow literally creeping up the steep
bank. Tied to a tree the burning steamer
was held while the roustabouts took people
off the stern In hosts. Others Jumped off
Into the dark, and It was not until half
the people were off that the powerful
searchlight was put - In running order,
throwing the scene Int bright light. For
the reason that part of the. passengers res
cued stayed at Trempealeau and some went
to Winona, Minn., and. others came to La
Crosse, It was Impossible to say whether
any were missing. v
Five Persons Killed and n Score
Injured In Cm a anon Kear
UnsTslo. ' .
BITFALO. N. Y., July ll.-A train of two
trolley cars westbound from Ixickport on
the lines of the International Railway
company tonight ran Into an open switch at
a riding just east of ' Martinsville and
crashed into a trolley freight motor and
a train of seven freight cars; which were
lying on the siding watting for the passen
ger train to go by. Five passengers were
killed outright and a score- Injured, some
of whom may ' die. The psfeuenger cars
were going at a high -ra e of speed when
the accident occurred e,U'l the shock was
terrific. The foiemoat ear L wss utterly
demolished. The wpflgesiiapetf end of the
motor cut it In half and the iear car com
pleted the work of destruction1. " The fear
car was badly stove' tn hi frotit. but. re
mained on the tracks: Tf.e switch Into the
siding ,asbt1bW:o.' TlerTntlhtW
cars took the turn and crashed-Aipon the
freight engine. 'There were about forty
persons on the two care and most of them
were killed or injured. The motorman of
the first passenger roach was . killed and
late tonight his body was still in the
wreckage. All the Injured will probably re
cover .with the exception of Motorman
The dead:
JOHN BILTMAN. motorman. Lockport
N. Y.
I-ovkport. N. Y.
MRS. HKNRV KRTEI.t., Buffalo.
Henry Brtell.
I'N IDENTIFIED GIRL, 18 years old.
The moat seriously Injured are:
Theodore Nestman, head and arms In
jured. Dr. B. A. Wetland. Buffalo, head Injured,
hand crushed, head cut and arm b.nken.
Mrs. Emma K. Maloney, Buffalo, Internal
Mrs. Virginia Sanderson, Buffalo, Internal
Mrs. J. D. Heath, Niagara Falls, Internal
I F.. Johnson, motorman, both legs
crushed: probably will die.
British Cabinet Divided Orer Propo
sition of. Rnlldlng Big
LONDON, July 12. The Express this
morning says the cabinet Is In the throe
of a serious crisis, "split in twain on the
vital question whether the navy shall be
maintained In a condition of invulnerable
efficiency or shall be weakened consider
ably and rival nations permitted to out
distance us In the race for naval su
premacy." The paper points out that some days ago
thes cabinet decided to reduce this year's
shipbuilding program, abandoning one of
the two battleships of the Dreudnaught
class, which tt was originally Intended to
lay down the coming autumn. Three or
four members of the cabinet. It la asserted,
expressed themselves ss opposed to "this
dangerous economy." Then came protests
from the Board of Admtralty experts. In
cluding Sir John Fisher, admiral of the
fleet, all of whom threatened to resign If
the cabinet persisted.
At the cabinet meeting on Tuesday there
was a prolonged discussion, but the ma-
Jorlty stood steadfast for the reduction,
The protest, however, had the effect of
postponing consideration of the naval es
timates to July 'il.
Vic President's Car Slightly Injnrea
Man Kear Danville,
DANVILLE. III.. July ll.-The automobile
bearing Vice President Fairbanks snd party
from this city to Champaign late this sfter
noon trashed Into a buggy driven by Jo
seph M. Dougherty, a prominent demo
cratic politician. Mr. Dougherty was
thrown out and painfully bruised. When
the injured man had regained his feet
the vice president's psrty alighted. Mr.
Fairbanks approached his victim, smiling,
and apologised.
Mr. Dousherty said: "You are Vice Pres
ident Fairbanks, 1 believe. My name is
Vice President Fairbanks grasped the
outstretched hand, shook It wsrmly, and
said: "Mr. Dougherty, I am very glad to
meet you."
Mr. Douajherty expressed his pies sure at
the meeting also, but said he would have
been better pleased If It had taken place
under slightly different circumstances.
After this friendly colloquy the vice presi
dent resumed his journey, Dougherty's In
juries are aot sellout
Head of Agricultural Department Will
Beach Omaha This Mornin?.
Inspectors Will Be Withdrawn from
All riaats Where Sanitary
Conditions Are'tnaat
lafartory. CHICAGO, July ll.-8ecretary of Agri
culture Wilson, having today finished his
work in Chicago, stated that he was sat
isfied that the packers of Chicsgo are
making every effort to put their plants in
sanitary shspe end that the department
will put the revised regulations Into ef
fect August 1. "I have met the Inspectors
In charge cf federal reconstruction Irom
the different cities of the country,'' said
the secretery. "They report that condi
tions are improving everywhere. I told
them that inspection under the new law
will be established immediately In thotte
houses where the ssnitary conditions which
affect the food product Justify It. I also
told them that no Inspection would ' be
given to establishments where the sanitary
conditions which affect the food product
are rot perfect
"1'iactlcally all ot the slaughtering and
packing establishments in Chicago are on
the way to sanitary conditions- which will
Justify Inspection under the new taw. lu
some oases Improvements of a permanent
character will take place. I am satifled
that the packers of Chicago are using
every effort to put their plants In sanitary
shape. The department will be prepared
wit haddltlonal men and revised regula
tions on August 1. I shall expect the Chi
cago plants to be ready at that time. Those
who are ready will get the Inspection;
others cannot expect It."
The secretary Iste In the day left for
Omaha, where he will make a personal In
spection of the conditions In the packing
houses in that city.
Canned Meats Adnlternted.
BOSTON, July 11. The State Board of
Health today made public the result of Its
Investigation of canned meats. The board
examined nearly 160 different kinds of
canned meat from every possible source,
as well ss the canned meat establishments.
In a general way the results of the In
vestigation are favorable to the manufac
turers In the east and In the west, but It
was found that many of the preparations
contained a large amount of foreign matter.
Of one brand of potted ham, prepared by
a western firm, the report states:
"This was found to. consist ot a small
amount of normal muscle, considerable
epidermis In large pieces, numerous blood
vessels and nerves and the salivary glands,
ground Into a paste. Quality poor, the ma
terial being largely scraps."
Of another western potted ham the re
port says:
"Abundant muscle fiber, considerable epi
dermis, much granule!1 debris, some fat
and cornnieal. Quality fair, but inasmuch
aa there appears to be no excuse for the
presence 'of cornnieal It must be regarded
as adulterated."
, An,t.eastern potted ham Is described as
"Appearance good, muscular fibre abun
dant: contains neither epIJermls nor sali
vary gland. Quality excellent."
Cornnieal In Deviled Ham.
A number of the other products the
Board of Health states, contain cornmeal.
The board says: "Devilled ham Is pr
should be ham to which seasoning has
been added. The majority of devilled hams
In the market, however, contain sdded ma
terlal which In no way can contribute to
sharp taste, or Indeed to sny taste. Corn
meal, for example, adds nothing to the
flavor, but It Is cheap, and enables a mrat
product to carry considerable additional
8everal brands of prepared meat were
found to contain either boraclc acid or
borax as a preservative. One western
"chicken loaf" Is thus described:
"Very little muscular fibre; much con
nective tissue and cornmeal. It is pre
served with either borscln acid or borax.
The label states that the material is of
superior quality, "having been carefully se
lected snd inspected sccordlng to the law
enacted by congress Msrch S. 1K1, relating
to the question of meats.' "
The report says regarding conditions in
this state:
"The large establishments were found to
he conducted In all particulars In a scrupu
lously neat snd clean manner. Of twenty
five smaller estsbllshments. only five were
found to be entitled to grade excellent.
Intpnre Meats Condemned.
PHILADELPHIA. July 11. Inspectors of
the bureau of health today concluded the
j condemnation and destruction of S3.000
pounds of Impure meats fmind in he cold
storage plsnt of the Delaware Freezing;
company. The stuff was carted away from
the cold storage plant as fast as It was
condemned and turned over to a fertiliser
' ' "The loss falls hesvlly on the persons
who owned the meat," said Dr. Abbott,
chief of the health bureau, "but the sooner
they learn ths folly of paying money to
hsve kept on Ice whst Is nothing less than
fertilizer the better off they will be."
The crusade against Impure meat and
unsanitary slaughter houses Is being pushed
vigorously by the health bureau.
British Slsoahter Hoaaes Cwrlean.
BRI8TOU July 11. At the sanitary In-
j electors' conference here today a delegate
j named Bottomley said that If the British
j public only knew a quarter of what was
going on In the slaughter houses of this
country the Chicago scare would become
Insignificant by comparison. He knew, he
said, of a cow suffering from pulmonary
consumption that was sold for $15. killed
and eaten.
LONDON. July 11. In June of last year
there arrived st the Albert docks from
Boston snd New Orlesns 2T,oofi cases of
tinned meats. In June of thl yesr the
receipts were only 4.000 cases. In July. l!t5,
14.000 esses were received, but thus far this
month no tinned meats have been received
from the I'nlted States.
r.rorera Dlscass Mrnt t'ontrnets,
SHEFFIELD, England, July ll.-The
question of contrscts with American pack
ers was again brought up today in the sn-
nual coaference of the Grocers' federation,
which Is in session here, when the reeolu-
tlon pledging the members not to stock
wtth Amerlesn csnned meats until the
packers have Initiated necesssry reforms
was withdrawn from ths smsll committee
to which It wa referred yesterdsy and
referred to ths general purpose committee
with power to art. It was decided that
every member of an affiliated association
having difficulty with respect to any con
tract msde before the present season should
lay the matter before the federation offi
cers ss early ss possible. It also was de
cided to ask President Bums of the local
government board to publish the result of
the board s Inquiries as to the qualities) of
coAAed meats sold In this country.
Showers Tharadari Cooler In gnnlh
Friday Fair.
Temperatnre at Omaha Vrsterdnyt
.. Tl
. . TO
. . T
. . T5
. . TT
. . H'J
. . :
, . H4
1 P.
2 p.
.1 p.
It p.
T p.
H p.
ft p.
A a. m . ,
On. m . ,
T a. tn , ,
at n. m . .
ft a. m . ,
10 a. an . ,
11 a. ni . .
tJ m
Contract Let for Bnlldlna; nt the
Indian Hrknnl at Rnpld
iFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 11. (Special Tele
gram.) Messrs. Garland and Burgh of
Rapid City, S. D., were the only biddeis
fo:1 the construction of the hospital for tli
Indian school at Rapid City. Their bid was
6,8W and they agree to complete the build
ing on or before November 1, The
department has at Its disposal about $fi,W
for this building.
Mr. and Mrs. (). C. Zinn and son of
Hastings, Neb., who have been visiting
friends in the east, are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Andrews.
R. A. McC'aulry of Ames and J. P. Mc
Clure of Manon City, la., have been ap
pointed taggers: E. A. Drake of Beaver, 8.
D., and C. G. Cole ot Ames, la., have been
appointed asslsiant Inspectors In the bureau
of animal Industry.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Akron,
route 1. Carl O. Mann carrier. Charles A.
Zamands substitute. South Dakota Ar
mour, route 3, James P. Strain carrier,
William r. Strain substitute; Flandreau,
route 5. James V. Ooodsell currier, Lillian
Ooodeell substitute.
Rlst Posse of Rallrond Men Searching
for Searro Who Murdered
Henry Kvnns.
PITTSBCRO. July 11 Shadows of dark
ness put an end to a chase after a negro
murderer of Henry Evans, foreman of a
corps of Inspectors of the Pittsburg &
Western Railroad company, at Wilton
Grove tonight. Evans waa shot by the
negro, whose name Is unknown, while the
latter was trying to rob s camp Car. The
negro made his escape, but soon a posse
of county detectives. Citlsens and railroad
men were Informed and look up the pur
suit. The negro made for the country dls
trlcts about Mllvale, nine miles from this
city and throughout the day he was pur
sued, being sighted from time to time by
the various searching parties. Just before
dusk lie was run Into a woods and shots
were exchanged, but because of the dark
ness he could not be accurately located. A
picket was posted about his hiding place
and at midnight campfltes were burning
and the guard, mostly railroad men re
fused to leave the place until the negro
was brought out dead or alive.
Two New Positions Created to Relieve
Pressnre on the Rnaclneerlna;
CHICAGO. July 11. President Hughltt of
the Chicago ft Northwestern railway today
announced the creation of two new posi
tions on that system. W. J. Towne to be
engineer of maintenance of lines east of
the Missouri river and A. A. Schenlck to
serve in the same capacity west of the
Missouri river. This change In the organl
ration' was made because of the many new
linos which the company Is constructing
snd to relieve the chief engineer and to
lend greater assistance to the president In
charge of operation and maintenance.
ST. PAUL, July 11. Clarence B. Stone,
general passenger sgent of the Oreat
Northern railroad, has severed his con
nectlon with that company. Mr. Stone re
signed sometime ago, but his resignation
was not accepted until today. Hla suc
cessor has not yet been appointed. Mr.
Stone will fh future devote his entire time
to his western land interests.
Tea Men Who Were Stealing: Hide
Relieved of tUMM by Masked
BILLINGS, Mont, July 11. At Iura. a
small town sixteen miles wept of here,
early this morning, ten men who were
riding in a box car Were held up and
robbed of nearly $200 by five masked men,
who entered the car while the train stoppod
at a water tank. After being relieved of
their money and valuables the ten men
were compelled to He on their faces until
the train had proceeded several miles,
when the robbers left the train. When the
train reached Rapids the news of the
holdup was telegraphed to Columbus, forty
miles west, and when the next train reached
that point a search was made for the
robbers. One of them, Ed Johnson, was
killed In sn sttempt to escape, and two
other men, believed to he members of the
gang, were arrested and placed in Jail.
One State at lime
Be In Camp Tilth the
JUNCTION CITY. Kan.. July ll.-(Spe-clal.)
According to orders from the War
department troops from but one state at
ja time' will be stationed at Fort Riley dur
ing the maneuvers with regulars. It hav
ing been found difficult to properly care
for troops when more militia are present.
The Nebraska state troops will be first i "L'ro" 1 "irt -inn u sir. eet, at am, north,
to go Into camp this year. Arkansas will l-P' '"1! at the window of the dlnlng
follow. snd then in order will come K,n. room, where the family waa gathered at
sss, Missouri, Iowa.
South Dakota and
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jnly II.
I At New York Arrived : Barlarosa, from
Bremen; Ban mo, from Nuples; oceanic.
irom i.ivprjxHii. naiina: aisjhih'. lor
jerpool; niaiendam. for 'Rotterdam; Ma-
! donna, for Marseilles
Al Llvei pool -Arrived: Kensington, from
Montreal; ijeimsniH. Trout jew loin.
Balled: Marlon, for PlilladelrhlM : Teuton...
for p.ew York.
At Naplen Arrived : Nord America, from Bsxonls. for Bos-
ton. Arrived: Bultlc. from
New York;
Noordland. from Philadelphia
At Bremen Arrived hhrln
more; Kron I'rins Wlthelip
from Bsltl
from New
At Dover Arrived ; Graf Walderoee, from
New York.
At Montreal Arrived : Numidtan. from
Glasgow. Balled: Pretorlan. for Glasgow;
M'intesiima. for London
At Philadelphia Arrived: City Vienna,
frara tiisarfirw -
'ormer City Treasurer Taket Life With
Pistol at Bit Home,
Leatea Letter to Wife and Danchtar
Taking All Blame Himself.
AooonnU a Pnblio Official Straight and
HaiSome Private Resources.
Maa Ineo me frnn, l . j
ood Business, nnd Apparently
o Heavy Financial tlbll.
gallons Pressing.
OMAHA. Xeh.. .tnlv 10 ions T i.r.n
wif and best of daughters: TftVi-e was
in. my oui or my tluuhlu. I Hied hs r 1
IioukIi A- von know ll Whm - n,i..
fort! in for us-that I went Into politics.
ou will get along better without me. I
was a Millstone aroumi vonr no.-w I mm
alone to blame! You. dosr wifn 1IH not
know what you algned. The 600. with
n0. Interest must be redemmod hfni- k.i
days - from Slrbert Khn. The hnma
is your homestead & cannot be taken awav.
My debts you cannot pay. You will see
belter days: Can write no more. Tour
unhappy husband & father, AUGUST.
August H. Hennlngs, city treasurer of
Omaha from 1900 to 180H, treasurer of the
state republican committee and unsuccess
ful candidate for the republican nomina
tion for mayor last spring, shot and killed
himself In the bath room of his home, S3(U
Davenport afreet, Wednesday at T:3S .
m. He gave no warning whatever that ha
contemplated ending his life.
The letter which appears above was
found In Mr. Hennlngs' coat pocket. It
was written on Paxton hotel stationery,
dated July 10, and sealed In a Paxton ho
tel envelope and addressed " to Anna Hen
nlngs, my wife."
I'ntil the finding of this letter there
waa no definite clue to a cause for the sui
cide, nor any Intimation that the deed
was premeditated. This letter bears out
the theory of some friends thst financial
difficulties preyed on Mr. Hennlngs' mind
until he took his life. The first theory
assigned was conatant worrying over his
defeat for the nomination for mayor 'n
the spring and some of his friends yet be
lieve this had much to do with Mr. Hen
nlngs' action.
Slegbert Kahn mentioned In the letter
Is manager of the Weatern Loan company,
a chattel mortgage money loan concern
In the Neville block at Sixteenth and Har
ney streets.
Extremely Sensitive atnre.
Friends who attributed disappointment
over political failure as the cause of fha
deed recall the keen disappointment which
Mr. Hennlngs sustained by his defeat for
the mayoralty nomination. His nature was
extremely sensatlve, and up to a' short"
time before the primaries, April I, 'he
fully expected to win. Outwardly he bo.' '
his defeat cheerfully, and after retiring
from the office of city treasurer he en
tered Into a merchandise and household
goods storage and mercandise brokerage
business wtth his former chief clerk,
Harry G. Counsman. The affairs of this
company were prosperous. Some Informa
tion tended to show that Instead of beinx
In financial straits Mr. Hennlngs waa In
excellent financial condition, having a per
sonal Income of 13,000 a year from in
vestments, and was the beneficiary of a
$22,000 legacy from a Holland estate, of
which he had received $5,000. Ills haaltii
was fairly good and his domestic relations
Xo Flaw la Official Reeords.
Tlepeated examinations of the bonks and
accounts by his bonding companies of the
city treasurer's office, from which Mr.
Hennlngs retired sctlvely In April, showed
no discrepancies, but, to the contrary, that
the funds of the office had been handled
with .scrupulous fidelity. City and County
Treasurer Fink, who received tho office by
reason of the charter consolidation, says
that It was turned over In perfect condi
tion and lie cannot believe any despond
ency was caused from this source, which
reflected nothing but credit upon the ppe
vlous incumbent.
It was known that Mr. Hennlngs took
his defeat at the republican city primaries
by E. A. Benson much to heart. Iter,
when Mr. Benaon lost 'In the contest with
the democratic nominee, Mr. Hennlngs ex
pressed his conviction that the result
would have been entirely different If he
had been the nominee against Mayor Dahl
man. At the same time he appeared to
have disposed of concern In the matter.
Tuesday he was soliciting business with his
usual energy. "As Iste as 7:30 in the even
Ing he hsd a conversation about ths busi
ness of his firm for the following day with
pis partner.
Eats Breakfast with Family.
The family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs.
Hennings and their only child, Miss Har
riet Hennlngs, breakfasted as usual. Bo
fore the meal was quite finished Mr. Hen
nlngs left the table and went upstairs to
the bathroom. He locked the door, and,
fully dressed, except his coat, stood about
eight feet from a mirror, pressed a re
volver muxxle to his right temple and
fired. The bullet, a 3H-calibi-r, passed
clear through the front part of his hea L
from right to left, and lie fell face down
ward on the tilu.l flour, tho hand clasp
ing the weapon being doubled under him.
There was a profuse hemorrhage and ths
Hour was covered with blood.
The shot was heard by Mrs. and Miss
: Ht-rininga, wlio, when Mr. Hennlngs left
the table, had no cause to believe he con
I templait'd suicide. After the shot they
heard him fall. Miss Hennlngs ran lm
j mediately to tlufr-liome of W, 11. Graham,
I breakfast. She exclaimed hurriedly what
had happened. Mrs. Jlenulngs became hys
terical and the commotion aroused Alvln
Metilcr, who lives in thti house north of
the Hennlngs heme. He, Mr. Graham and
B. V. Hurt of 4304 Burdette street, who
was driving a passing buggy, entered tli4
house and found the bathroom door locked.
j Hart kicked In the panel, they opened, the
j . , i.i .j . . .
t uoor aim ..-.. ..." mu, ui air.
door and beheld I
Htniiings lying in a great quantity of
I blood. The revolver used was an ordinary
on' wnlch Mr' llen" fur
long "n-
) Coroner Tabes (barge.
Coroner Bralley, II. (J. 'oiinmnan and
I. L. BcIs.jI, deputy i tt y treasurer, and oc
cupying Ihat position under Mr. tt. iiuliigs
for three years, with others, were sum
moned. A search made by tha coroner
found nothing In the nature of a QiuU
communicaUuu wr exlaxiatioa