Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1906, Page 9, Image 9

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afany Indlartant Citizens Dcfcendon the
City Council.
wlft an Inmnany Ha.e Man Pre
pared for Kilriiahr lnifMM
anents anal Kiltrirnfuli
T the riaal.-
j IAt night-was "ritiiens
jlaht." at the
council merlin, i ne n.u 1
delegation which proceeded to comb the '
coihich ana infl Hnmuiiniraiinn up onv rKic
and down th other. Th west aide Im
prover wer out In force and. thiouan
John Kergan, aa spokesman, wanted to
know why they were not getting some re- j
turn from tn annual election iiicugca mt u
every "dang politician" had promised them
for' Ui last five years. More particularly
they wanted the I" street viaduct Immedi
ately. ' or In default of the name they de
clared' fhey WdVild tear down the railroad
fence snrl get a crossing which could be
used at that point. They called the mayor'
attention to Ida pnimle thai certain
hydranta should be removed from their
present inconvenient place to points of
utility to the rltlxens.' Then the pertinent
question W asked by " Matt Bheehan.
'Have wo gftt any streets at all In the
outhst rertlon of the city; If so. whete
arc' .they the Vlck' was that these streets
be at leant marked out so that property
owner emild, tell where they were. The
mayor answered t"ht grading machine
Would be on the ground this morning to do
the Tentiesrted work, and that if the delega
tion took the trouble ll could find some of
tha atreet force at work filling up some of
the. 'worst !?o!ca last night. As to the via
duct. Jia declared that he was trying to open
negptlatlqna with Jhe'Rock Island for the
same,, and that Jt depended on that com
pany how oop. the Improvement would be
put- In. ,x ...... ,
Followlps; tbl delegation about twenty
five) men from Mlsaoiiri avenue, through
their spokoaman. J- J- Breen, presented the
deplorable) condition of affairs on the east
Ida. The remark of Mr.- Breen were a
great deal more temperate than on tho
night of the aenslon ft week' ago. Nothing
waa added to "he knowledge of the con
dition. In answering? tha. petltlonera the
mayor stated that In the ahort time of the
rule) of fhe present administration not much
time waa given for movements of great
benefit, and tn which he realised the peoplo
on the avenue, etood In great need. He
detailed the reason of the present delay
frem the . beginning, saying th council
could not. mitknlpa-t the present legal en
tanglement. . which, would be brought to
trial, this weejk. He promised to tie all
the money tl command to benefit the
people of that section.. He said that likely
there waa) enqnigh money In th aewer fund
eutalde of, the fund for the new system
1i cara for. the water of Twenty-fourth
street which had been poured onto Missouri
avenue. .,,..,
, . CaiUMil Take Vp Hovtlne.
After the delegation had retired the
council tank up the regular order of bus)
nesa, . , .
Thome McCaUum gave ' notice of tult
for $30,600 f or Injuries to hi person Irorn a
fan on N utreet February. 1. 19. C. A
Melcher reported collections of $511 In II
ceneeat tftrrtng the-roonth of June. He alo
aent In hhf mbhthly report of the eollec-
ttoni' and. disbursement which showed a
net balance tn the treasury to date of $2$5,-
The appraisers sent In two lengthy re
ports obj damages to-property .by reason of
the grading of -lT: from Eighteenth to
Twenty-fourUtemd of S from Elgheenth to
Twentymxtb. la he farmer, lot 1. block i,
Morrison's addition, got tQ; lot 24.. block
1. got tlOO; lot U block T Brown Park got
$460., In Uu latter. street, lot 1. block 14,
Brown Park got $400.
Tha extenalon ot water main on Twenty
aUtta street from O to H was ordered.
The specifications for the new sewer sys
tem were approved as presented by the city
engineer,,., Ttteae specifications also pre
scribe the contract and the nature and de
tail of th bids, which are to be re
ceived until July . $0, when they will be
opened., X per, cent deposit I required
from aach contractor . to guarantee good
faith. Th specifications are exhaustive
and GOO copies have been printed.
. EsUaaat t Expense.
The finance committee reported the esti
mated expenses, ot the coming year In the
various departments as follow:
Balary $26,000
:hartty. .
Printing .r...a.
Jail (boarding)
tlarbage -...-...
insurance . ....i....
Miacellaneoua ...
Salary (Are) and expense
y Police depar
r lt l-'Kht
I J Water
tf j0 Library ....
Curb, and gutter
The- fifth partial estimate on the paving
of Twenty-fourth street In favor of Parks.
Johnson V Perks was approved and war
rants ordered! on the paving district for
$10,138 and on . the Intersection . fund for
UM. ... . ,
The council then edjourned to meet to
night for the purpose ot preparing the levy
Striker Baeeeeds tiatltl.
The board of" directors of the South
Omaha live fAock Exchange yesterday
fleeted A, F, Stryk'er secretary to fill the
position .left vacant by the resignation of
J. Guild. . Mr.' Striker 1 a man well
fitted for th Important position. ,H ha
been In South Omaha for sixteen yeara or
more and spent about ten years In the ser
vice of the I'nlon. Stork yards. Afterwaid
he was connected with the Til not s Central
railroad at ' thla point. Ills position pre
vloue to his election waa with tha Iowa
Cattl and Hog Powdsr company In thla
city.- '
Chief Inspector Goes t Chicago.
trtm C. Ayer of tha bureau of animal In
dustry at this point is on his way to Chi
t ag to attend a called ' meeting of the
chief tnsJclors of the' various packing
houses and other departments of th work,
Th chief will meet in a conference wltn
Becretary . Wilson tomorrow , and. perhaps
fur several daj's. On their return, ll la ex
peOUrdi that eacjh will bear full Instructions
concerning tha provlelonf pf, the new meat
Inspection laws, and pn arrival will at once
ul ' il
ll hd ha ben for $0 year a prompt
aid reliable cure) for Diarrhoea. Dysen
tery', Hut,' Cholera Infantum, etc. Aa
the) dlaeaaes often cool In th night.
vry home should be prepared to check
them without delay by having a supply
of thla excellent remedy on hand. Ail
druggist aell 1L
To llTg TO tl lMlfV.
WANTED -Double entry bookkeeper; g0
iltman prsiwied. d.i J P-
rut th m In practice. Thl. In South
Omah. will mn '.he addition of vrl
mn to the present force and perhap a
complete new minnirmrnt of th force.
Several men hiivf already been added In
amlrlpaiton. Snmf of th are th sanitary
Inspector and other ar the night men. of
which there I to be on to each plant.
Th men will look after all night loading
and wee that there no evasion under th
rover of darkne. It mut be understood
that there la no suspicion of urh a thing
In any of the South Omaha planta.
ImprnTemeate at Swift.
It la reported that wlft and Company
have nearly completed plana for entenslve
addltlnna to their plant. Thee addition!
will Include a number of new building.
among which are .a r hop., a snap factory,
ArtMrXmmnt ,, a department
embracing a number of chemical processes.
According to the tstment of Building
Inspector TrsfP all the plan will be placed
I In hi hands by the end ff another week
Th(, work of ;.... ,b nPrM,ary build-
Ings will then be begun. They are to
occupy a large tract of ground aouth of
the present plant. Beside the proposed en
lnrgcment, the company Is doing consider
able work on the buildings already erected.
Several new track are being laid.
Made ntv ftoaslp.
Mrs. M. Brennnn. Twenty-seventh snd C
streets, is recovering from a serious Illness.
Eugene A. Rose has returned from a
short visit In the western part of the
I'. A. Melcher and family have gone to
Iowa point for a visit of a week or two
with relHtives.
Rohert B. Montgomery is expected home
July 1. He has been at Durham anil Ashe-
vllle. V ".. for severs! months.
The Infnnt son of Mr. and Mrs William
Malone, 241: (' street, died Sunday night.
The funeral was held yesterday afternoon.
f rrt'l Hamlll has arrived In the city after
an extended trip tlirouch the east, Includ
ing New York, Philadelphia and Washing
ton. Th ladles- Aid society of the English
Lutheran churcii will give an ice cream
social In HighUml park Thursday even
ing. ,
J. J. Olllln will start for Dubuque. Ia.,
this morning From there h will go to
Mollne, 111. . He will be a guest of William
Jamea Bulla I enjoying hlmlf at
Vivian, B. D. He aay if the council wants
him before July 16 they will have to come
after him.
The Kxchange Hustler defeted the Day
team of the stock yard Sunday morning
In a game of base ball played in Jeltei s
park. The score wa i to 1-.
Mr. O. P. Taylor and children and Mrs.
H. D. Wsldo and children started laat Fri
day to Sheridan. Win., for a visit with
relatives. They will go on a camping trip
to the mountain.
Captain Nels Turnqulst last night cap
tured Charle Q. Well, reported to be a
deserter from the army at Kort Ieaven
worth, Kan. Hi parent live here and he
wa found at home.
The following birth were reported yes
terday: Joe Malucsjk, Twenty-ninth BJid
JC, a daughter: Charles Roote, 1514 KJ. a
daughter; Andrew Anderson, 823 ortli
Thirteenth, a daughter.
Mr. D. 1 Holme entertained a goodly
number of her friends at dinner last even
ing. The table were spread on the lAwn
In the ahado of the porcne. neiween
twenty and thirty gueat were present.
H. W. Henry of Council Bluffs wa fined
nn two elm rues tn which he read guilty
that of assault and battery on his wife
and her sister. He h been annoying his
wife, who ha left him, she esserta be
cause of hi cruelty.
A letter was received by Lew Etter from
a man Irt Mountain View. Cal., asking
for the address of several parties to whom
he owed bill. The letter la an oddity
from the fact that the man has not been
In South Omaha since isra.
Mnvor lloctor has not signed the ordl
nance relating to the time of closing of
the saloons on week day. He ha tx
pressed hi Intention of not algning it,
but allowing It to become a law y pass
ing the required time unsigned.
Mr .C. F. Oliver and her mother, Mr,
OuleleY. will leave today on a visit to
LaPorte, lnd., where Mr. Quigley lire,
The mother ha been attending her daugh
ter iturlnr a. Ions Illness this spring.
W. H. Watts was fined II and costs In
police court yesterday.
Karl (Ireen waa fined so and coat lor
aasault and battery on Klof Ntlson, Twenty-
eighth and K street, me aaun arose
over tfia uosaesalon or a uase Dan. ine
ball waa louiea inio iNiison aru ana nv
refused to give it up to the boy when
asked by Green, to tio ao and a tig in en
ued. .
The death of Con J. Riley occurred at th
Bt Inwmi hnsnlikt in Omatm Baturuajr
night. ' Me wa on of the oiaeat. reiaeni
of South Omaha. He will be burled under
the auspice of the Ancient uraer vi
Mihtraiaiii m r i m a. tn. ibi morning. The
eervicea will be in Bt. Agne church and
th burial in bt. Mary cemetery.
Thnmai and France June, whe were
i.L.n from a box car veateruay niornmv,
were found to have good connections in Oi-
tim.Ku iii Thev wera leaving nomv en
route for Denver, but bad expected to work
in the harvest held of Nebraska. Their
money wa exhausted before they reached
the hrl point In their destination. The
woman tells a sorrowful tale of cruelty at
the hands of a huslmml wnom ane naa ieu.
The co utile a dm Ued that tney were not
man aud wue
Raid loathfal Uatlawe Stimulated
by the Arrret of Jaak
Ths srrest of Joseph Spiegel, Junk dealer
at lit North Twenty-foui'ltt slreei, lias
added another chapter to the recent break
Ing up ot a gang of alx boys In North
Omaha by Detectives Kerrtft, and Dunn.
Spiegel wss charged at the elty Jail witii
failing to report to the chief of police
good bought by him. Spiegel secured his
relAass on a cash bond of lldO and will
have a trial tn the police court Wednesday
The detectives alleged Spiegel main
tained a regular fence for William Phil
lips. Harry Johnson, George Wilson, Jess
Howard, Ben Brady snd Clyde Wroth, the
six youths arrested last week by De
tective Ferrl and Dunn.
The six young outlaw hav been break
ing Into barn and vacant house for sev
eral months and stealing auch article a
harness, clotiiing, cans of paint and other
articles of merchandise. The police stated
the plunder wis aold at different time
for 1160, while the original value was
nearly 11.000.
William Phillips waa reported aa the
leader of the gang. The detectives found
a wsgon load ot plunder at th Phillips
house, the stuff having been planted under
beds. In trunks and on shelves, with full
knowledge of the boy's parents.
The Wroth boy hss been sentenced sixty
days, Phillips snd Johnson thirty days
each, Brady and Wilson turned over to
the Juvenile authorities, while Howard was
discharged on a 'promise to return to his
parents snd forsake bad companions.
Maa Solicits Fastis to Bary a Mrs.
Prteraoa iii Rakes la'
Rome Cola.
The man with the dead member of the
family to bury ta again abroad in the city.
This time he has Mrs. Peterson to re
turn to earth end has been requesting tott
hesrted person In the Omaha National
Bank building to subscribe th where
withal!. Anyone who Is requested to do
nate something- toward defraying th ex
pense of burying someone who hss Just
died would do well to call un the police
atatlon or call a policeman, otherwise be
.swindled out of a aum -of .money.
The man referred to la about 32 yeara old.
I feet ( Inches tall, weighing 130 pounds;
has a light complexion, smooth fsce snd
smooth tongue; he wore a light suit snd a
straw hst. He worked the Omaha National
Hank building from top to bottom but no
una notified the police. Thla iimn's former
gam was to solicit for the burial of a
child, but his plan, was broken up by the
newspaper so h had U get something
Toonr Woman Followed by Detective
How Wanted by Etate'i Attornsji.
Woasaa -Rays Thavr Said He WeM
hoot the Architect Secretary
of Murdered Man I
Qnest loaeri.
NEW YORK, July Tre lnvrntiatirn
of the district attorney office to discover
th motive for the killing of Stanford
White by Harry Thsw Is bringing to th
office of the prosecutor mHny young women
of the stge. The Broadway theatrical dis
trict haa been flooded with subpoena.
Many choru girl have left the city and
others remain at their homs to avoid th
subpoena servers. Two young women
whom th district attorney's office ha been
particular to Interview are Miss Pau!a
Desmond and Mis Gertie Grant. It U
alleged that these young women Were fol
lowed and annoyed by detectives who had
been employed to watch White. Paul
Desmond, whose real name Is Paulina
Kellerman, is now at her home In King
ston. N. Y., mid a representative of the
district attorney's office has krone there to
see her.
Miss Grant has been abroad for some
time,, but returned last Saturday. Detec
tives were watching all the steamships,
but the girl slipped ashore unseen and
her whereabout now Is not known.
Both Mis Grant and Mlsa liesmond
are known to have been friends of Stan
ford White. The activity of the district
attorney's office in running down all
cities in the theatrlcsl district Is largely
dun to the story told Assistant District
Attorney Garvan by F.dna McClure, a show
girl, and former friend of Mrs. Thaw.
Than Kbent 111 Will.
Miss McClure told the assistant attor
ney that, while entertaining a number of
guests In a Broadway restaurant one
night. Thaw raw Stanford White enter
the place. He began to abuse White, Mlsa
McClure ay. and said to hi wife:
"There goe that blackguard now that
owned you before I did."
Mr. Thsw reported to have
answer'd: "Stop raking up my past,
Harry. That brute over there Is re
sponsible. Go to htm about It."
"I will," Thaw said. "I will get him
Mr. McClure, mother of Kdna McClure,
w with her daughter at the district at
torney' office yesterday. In speaking of
the Thaw case today she said:
"Harry Thaw' hate for Stanford White
w like that of a maniac. He seemed
possessed of a consuming horror of
White. It ws plainly a mania with him."
The district attorney' office 1 also
enrolling for William Sturgls, a close
friend of Harry K. Thaw, who has dis
appeared since the tragedy. It 1 re
ported that Sturgla had heard Thaw mako
threats against Stanford White.
Another Thaw Valet.
A witness whose testimony may be of
considerable Importance In connection
with the Thaw-White ce was found to
day In the person of Warren Hammond,
who t one time was employed by Thaw
as a valet. Until today It had been sup
posed thst when William Bedford, Thaw's
regular valet, died the testimony of the
oniy person who had ever occupied the
position of a body servant to the young
man had been Irrevocably loet. Hammond,
however, substituted for Bedford during
three month when the latter was 111, about
three years ago. It is expected that, Ham
mond will be examined at the district at
torney's office tomorrow.
Among the persons questioned by Assist
ant District Attorney Garvan today was
Charles Harnett, who wss employed , by
Stanford White as a secretary. ' It Is under
stood that Mr. Harnett's testimony tended
to contradict the current report of much
that waa discreditable In Mr. White's pri
vate life. i
Thaw Threatened 'White.
A Mrs. Bchwartx, who lives In AVvat
Thirty-second street and who Is an Inti
mate friend of the Thaws, will be ques
tioned by Mr.. Garvan tomorrow. H Is
said that shortly after Harry Thaw and
Miss Nesblt were married Thaw threat
ened. In the presence ot Mra. Schwartz, to
shoot Stanford White, and it Is to ascer
tatln if this threat was actually made that
Mr. Garvan will interrogate Mr. 8rhwari.
Girl fteta lato Trouble Agala Be
cause of Her Mania for
For the second time Stella Uloom'i
mania for horses got her in trouble wltn
the Juvenile court authorities. ' Saturday
Stella borrowed a pony which she sail
she might want to buy. She wanted to
try It before finally buying it. This wus
about noon and at 6 o'clock the animal
had not been returned. The oflicera wero
notified and she was found still driving
It. Once before lie telephoned a livery
atable to send a horse and buggy to Thir
teenth and Parnam streets. Silo lodV
Whose Say-so Is Best?
With nearly avll medicine put up for
ale through druggists, on has to tak
the maker's say-iut alone a to their c u ra
ti ts value. Of course, such testimony la
mot that of a disinterest! party and
aornrdinglv U not to be given the same
credit as if written from disinterested
motive. Dr. Pierce' medicines, how
ever, form a single and therefore striking
eiception to this rule. Their claims to
the confidence of Invalids doe not rest
solely upon their maker' ay so or
praise. Their ingredients are matters of
public knowledge, being printed on each
separate bottle wrapier. Thus invalid
ufTereri are taken into Or. Pierre's full
coutidence. ttcunw of leading medical
men have written enough to till volumes
in praise of the rurstiv value of th
several Ingredient entering iota thee
well-known mediclnn.
Anougat tbeae writers we 8 rid such med
ical lirtiMas Prof. Flnley EUtorwoud. M D
of Beiinet Medirsl Oulleaw. ( htraro; Prut
Hala. of the uim cltr: Prof. John hi. rVud-
oer. m. isi4
Jotin KUig. M.
pr Groror One
low. of Jeff la
der. M P.. late of Cluclnnatl. Ohio: Prof.
M. ll.. isle or t inclnnail. (hkt
U of New York: Dr. Bartbo-
Medical Colltwe. of I'm.
and scores of o'hrrs equally eminent.
Pr. Pierce's Ka'orlus Prescription rare
the worst rases of female wesson, pmiap
so s. an teTernion snd reiroenttMi and corrects
trreaularitta, cures painful period, dries aa
disagreeable sad wnaknntner drains, soum
time known as pelvic rsiarrh and a multi
tude of other diseases peculiar to woroaov
bear In mind. It Is not s pcteni Dor een
secret medicine, but the Farorlte Prearrip
Wm " ot a regularly educate) physician, of
large expert mm, lu tbe core of woman's
perwllar aUnanaiM. who frankly and conAd
ln1y takes his peueou lnio hit full nm
tdnone or telling them lust whs! bis " Pre
scription Is composed of . Of do otfcer mexU
rme pwt op fur wotnsii's special malsdte
aiul sold through druggists, ran it be taut
Uiat the maker is not afraid to deal thus
frankly, opwoly sjid honorably, by letting
every paUnnt using Uie same know exactly
what she Is taklug.
ttck women are Invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, irt. All eorreftponde
aaoe ts guarded as sacredly secret and
womanly eimhdeaces are protected by
professional privacy. Address Ir. R.V.
Vlerce. Haffalo, N. Y.
How to preevrve health and beauty ia
InM in Dr. Plecoe'a Common Sense M
tral Adviser. It ts frtt. For a paper
covered copy send Dr. K. V. Pierre, Buf
falo. N. Y.. U ooe-oenl stamps to eover
mailing eswv ; In dotal blading (1 staanpa,
t I. Flare' PeUeta cut aeitsupatluo.
Charge ef It here and dd hot teturn It
until she wss found by the officers. She
ws paroled In the cuetody of Mrs." Heller
of the detention home.
James Bracken, a youth who has been
before the Juvenile uthnrfll several
time, was sentenced to the reform school
yesterday by Judge Sutton. James is
charged with stealing a horse and watch
and selling the animal to a Justice of
the peace at Arlington. He, then stole
Some blankets, which he brought bai k
to Omaha. He cried bitterly when sen
tenced and declared he would never go
to the reform school.
Varloe Ilrines and Kite Went
Hint Checked.
Harry M. Ferer has filed suit In dis
trict court for a divorce from Clara Ferer
and has secured restraining order to
prevent Mr. Ferer from In Jut Ing him or
making away with their furniture. They
were married In Omaha January 14, IPOS,
but the happiness of the honeymoon came
to an abrupt end when, he alleges. In the
presence of his sister she slnpped him In
the face June Ti. At various times after
that he declared she slapped, bit and
scratched him, threatened to take poison
and leave a note saying' he had killed her,
turn on the gas In his bedroom while he
wss asleep, and did Other things to de
stroy his pear of mind. Finally they
separated and he says she threatened to
sue him fot a divorce. He fears eh will
come back and carry their furniture away,
so he secured the restraining order.
Monday forenoon Mrs. Ferer also se
cured a restraining order to prevent her
husband molesting her or selling a type
writer she claim as her own. or any of
the household furniture. She says In her
answer hn drove her from home and ha
refused to allow her to return and has not
supported her.
Iiuise Msrle Boon was granted a di
vorce from Charles F. Poone and her
maiden name, Kle. was restored to her.
Nora Spencer ha been granted a de
cree of dlvotc from William Wallace
Spencer on th ground of nonsupport.
Lillian O. Davis has begun suit for di
vorce from Gordon I.. Davis and has se
cured a restrslning order to keep him from
molesting her or their Infnnt child. She
accuses him of using bad language toward
her and says In February, litos, he pulled
a revolver on her In the Merchant Na
tlaV4 bank building and threatened her
life. She wants lift a month alimony.
Frances M. Iasure wants a divorce and
TiOO alimony from Alvin K Leasure. She
charge him with extreme cruelty and
habitual drunkenness.
William Hose has secured a divorce from
Belle Rose on the grounds of desertion.
Koatanelle Park Improver I.lnlnat
I p Mayor and ( Ity
The Fontanelle Psrk Improvement club
gave an object lesson Wonday night to
several members of the city council and
Mayor Dahlman as to the necessity of
street car Improvements and extensions
In thai vicinity, and particularly from the
Military road at Forty-fifth street to the
Deaf and- Dumb Institute. The occasion
wa a social and smoker, . which was at
tended by about 100 persons. Including
Mayor Dahlman, .. Coiyicilmen Jackson,
Elsasser and Sheldon, "and .Assistant City
Engineer Craig and Boiler Inspector Wolf.
The meeting was held at- the Deaf and
Dumb Institute. .
Superintendent 8tewajl of the Deaf and
Dumb Institute gave ' d- 'fcrlof sketch of
the club. The special .purpose of the meet
ing ws to Incite aniijtejiest-Jn the exten
sion of the street car line from the present
terminus at Military avenue northward on
Forty-fifth street to (hs.-Deaf and Dumb
Institute. The street foar company had
given assurances to the rluh that as soon
as 300 dally patrons were assured for the
line it would be put Jiu Xurlng the mean
while the club has been busy and a guar
antee list of more thanthat number se
Cured. . . ; ' ' '.
ShorU addresses were made by Council
men' Sheldon, Jackson and Klsasser. who
promised to do', all -"they could to Induce
the street csr company to extend the line
to th institute.
Mayor Dahlman coinpllinented the club
and Its. energy and assured the members
that he would do all in his power to help
them acquire all the Improvements they
were seeking and that he would go with
them to the street car company to see
what could be-done, and If the statutes
permitted the city to . compel the street
car company to make this extension he
would se that the statutes were complied
City Coined Asked to Provide Fends
for Repair of Fire
Utile business came up for transaction
before the meeting of th Board of Fire
and Police commissioners Monday evening.
Mayor Dahlman had other matters to at
tend to and was unable to be present, as
haa been his custom since being inaug
urated Into Citflce.
Fire Chief Salter reported he hss ap
pointed Patrick Dore to' the department
vice Charles Brown resigned, on sixty days
probation. Specifications for repairs to firs
stations Nos. 5, 7, 8, 9. 10 and 11, were re
ceived by the board and were referred to
the city council with th Information that
the board has not the funds wi'h wh'ch
to make the required repairs.
The charges agalntit firemen, laid over
from the last meeting were taken up and
John I Wilson and tjeorge H. Plckrel
fined $3 each for being late, their record be
ing heretofore without blemish.
Parkin; Hons Kniploye Ahead a
MIstyFlve Dollar
An employe of one of the South Omaha
packing houses put iti an appearance at
Bdholin's Jewelry store Monday afternoon
snd asked the value of a diamond ring
he had In his possi-sylon, which he said
he recovered from the stomach of a cow
that had been slaughtered at the yard
Th ring was of th genuine Tiffany
snd the diamond wss one of rare purity,
and Mr. Fdholm placet) a value of $tio on
It. The finder of the gem did not want
to sell it. Wbere the gem came from
no one ia In s position to state, other than
it was from a cow'a atomsch, the animal
having been received st the stock yards
during the dsy.
t'nadeaanen. Man Asks AU In llav.
las Hi Case Appealed to
Bnpreine ( enrt.
Jsy O'l learn, condemned to bug for the
murder of Nela tusten, wants the county
to psy for a copy of the proceedings at
his trial for use in his sppeal to the su
preme court. He hss fljed sn affidavit in
district court declaring he 1 without
mean t pay for th transcript himself.
EzeoQtiv Ocunoil Eaa It First 8iioa
with Road'i RenreacntatiT.
Railroad Representative Alleges Ver
diet of Board Is Already .Made
I s and I Taken to Task by
(orerner tnssmlns.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINKS, July . tBpeclal.) The
executive council had not been in session
more than an hour today when politics en
tered into the discussion of fixing the rail
road assessment. Attorney J. C. Davis for
th Northwestern msde the ssserllon that
the public agitation that Is going on at this
time has Injured the railroads, and he mud
this a further excuse for something that
he said to the executive council. He ss
sertcd that it is not true that the value
of farm lands and other property in the
state has been raised more of late years
than haa that of railroad property. He
showed' that while farm lands hsd been
Increased from 14.) an acre, making the
valuation $40.28 an additional acre, th rail
roads had been Increased from IJO.IKS a mile
to l:1.T48, or an Increase of 12 per cent for
the farm land and 2.1 per cent for railroads.
He asserted that farm land ought to be
assessed at about I'M nn acre.
Mr. Crunden of the Northwestern' tax
department asserted that since he reached
the city he had heard It stated several
times that the executive council ha al
ready decided to add a very substantial in
crease to the railroad assessment. Before
he could finish saying that he did not be
lieve this to be the case, Oovernor Cummins
had Interrupted hltn to say that this was
not true, and he called Mr. Cranden to task
for making th assertion since the council
met todny for the first time thla year on the
proposition. Mr. Cranden reiterated the
statement that he had heard it several
limes and gave as one source a local news
paper. Governor Cummins told him: "If
those statements have been made they have
possibly arisen from the fact that we have
been damned from one end of this state
to the other for not raising the railroad
assessment more."
"If that Is the case I want to tak part of
the burden of the damnlmr," said Mr.
Cranden who appears annually and argues
for a low 'assessment.
"I have thought," continued the governor,
"that aome who have so persistently said
we had not done our duty should appear
here now and make good."
For the most part the representatives of
railroad, who were the only persons pres
ent, argued today on what should be the
basis for mSking railroad assessments and
no' arguments were Introduced that have
not been thoroughly discussed In other
years. .The chief discussion centered on
whether the valuation of land Is fixed high
enough. The attorneys who spoke today
maintained that Iowa farm land ought to
be valued at nearer Jffl than $40 an acre.
The executive council has gone on the
theory that the average value of land In
lows Is about $50 an acre and that .the
valuation for taxation purpose being four
fifth of the real value the railroads should
be taxed on the same basts. Governor
Cummin read from a government report
on railroad valuation whlcft fixe Iowa rail
roads at $,15,000 a mile as the real commer
cial value. On this basl the executive
council would have to add about $45,000,000
to the valuation In Iowa.
L -1 - '
Thirteen Hariri, Tvro Jack and a
' Male Incinerated In Barn on ..
Morth' Nineteenth.
A disastrous fire occurred erly Monday
morning in a barn at the rear of 2C34 North
Nineteenth street. The building and con
tents were, totally destroyed, entailing a
loss of over $4,000. The origin of the fire
was believed to have been Incendiary, al
though no theory could be offered by those
who made an investigation.
The barn was used by George Townley
as a sales stable. Thirteen horses, two
Jacks and a mule were burned to death.
Mr. Townley etlmated his loss at $3,500,
with Insurance at $2,UO0. Th building wa
owned by General John C. Cowln and was
valued at $o00. A barn across the alley
from the Cowln barn was scorched con
siderably. The, fire had gained considerable headway
when the fire department arrived.
Arrested on Complaint of Wife.
George Clark, 2915 Farnam street, waa
arrested In a house at 124 North Fif
teenth street, Monduy ev'enlng by Detec
tives Mitchell and Sheppurd, and locked
up at the city Jail aa the result of a com
plaint mad? by his wife, charging him
with abandonment. Mr. and Mrs. Clark
were married May 1 at Lincoln, where
thty set up houaekeeping. Lter Mrs. Ci.irk
went visiting a slfcter st Council Bluff
and during her abxence she charges her
husband took everything belonging to him
out of their home at Lincoln and came to
Omaha. She reported the deaertlon to the
Omaha police and Clark was ut last located
at the resort of Mrs. Montgomery on North
Fifteenth street, and taken to the station.
A. W. Slndell of Cleveland. O., is In the
fit - In the intrest of the Royal Arcanum,
visiting til present members and stirring
up Interest among those who are not now
members of the order. A meeting was held
last evening at Baright's hall at which
a large number were present and a pleasant
social evening passed. -
DIAMONDS Frener, 15th and Dodge 8t.
Charles Kane.
LARAMIE. Wyo., July .-(8pecUl.)-Charles
Kane, one of the oldest engineers
in the employ of the I'nlon Pacific, died
a few days ago In Denver. Mr. Kunu
entered the employ of the L'nlon Pacific
as engineer in 1HT3 and ran a locomotive
continuously until three years ago when
his advanced age compelled him to retire
from the road. He was employed In the
local shops of the company, and a few
months ago waa seriously Injured, the
injuries received then eventually term
inating in his death.
Mrs. J. J. I.antpe.
The wife of Rev. J. J. I.ampe, D. D., died
Sunday morning at the family residence.
424 Davenport street, sfter an Illness of
three weeks. The funeral service will be
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies tha
teeth and purifies the breath,
Used 'by people of refinement
fox over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists,
WEr-AAsO 1
however, by the uie of Mother's Friend before baby come, as this
great liniment alway prepares the body for the strain upon it, and
preserve the symmetry of her form. Mother Friend overcomes all the
danger of child-birth, and carries tbe expectant mother safely through
this critical period without pain. It ia woman's greatest blessing.
Thousands gratefully tell of the benefit and relief derived from the
tine of this wonderful
remedy. Sold by all HH
druggists at ai.ooper j yi
bottle. Oar little UvJi
book, telling all about
this liniment, will be sent free.
Til Bn.fkK RinUtir Ci. AtUiti, Cl
o Somewhere
Round Trip Summer Rates From Omaha
Canadian Destinations, Daily.
New England Destinations, July 18, Aucrt 8 mid 22.
15-day limit, one fare pins. $ 2.00
30-day limit, one fare plus - 4.00
San Francisco, Loa. Angeles, Portland and Seattle. . 60.00
One way via Shasta Route 73.50
Spokane, Wash-. ...... 55.00
Butte and Helena
Yellowstone Park Tour 75.00
Salt Lake City and Ogden 30 50
Olenwood Springs, Colo - 29.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo 17.50
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, July 10 to 16 15.00
Sheridan, Wyo . 26.4o
Deadwood and Lead, 3. D 18.75
Hot Springs, S. D 18.40
Hot Springs, Deadwood and Lead, S. D.,
July 11 to 16 15.00
Chicago, III 20.00
6t. Louis, Mo , 18.50
Reduced Rates Daily.
Better call or write and let me plan your summer
vacation for you. I can give you all the
i iiiii
I Mi
Broadway, Flllh Ave. and 27th St., Nov York ,
Is a modern, first -eta xs hotel. In th oetv
ter ot tbe shopping district. Complete ta
all It appointments and absolutely Ore
rroof. Furnishing- and deooratloti en
i rely new throughout. Accommodations
for L auaat; 1M suites with bath. Hot
and oold water and telephone la r.ry
room. European plan. Cuhrin. ones
relied. Room 1H a day up, with batn
UH on. The only hotel In Vanhaitaa
fronting loth on Broadway anal Fifth Aa.
GEO BOB W. IWEEXET - Proprietor
conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon j
at 1.30, Dr. Ixtwrle, president of the Precby-
terlan Theological seminary, officiating.
After Nie services the body will be taken
to Brooklyn for burial In Kvergreen ceme
tery, where four members of the Lamp
family were burled before Dr. I. nip cam
to Omaha ten years ago. Mrs. Ump I
survived by her husband and three sons.
One of the torn Is Rev. Henry W. Umpe,
who was graduated this year at the local
seminary. The second son, Wlllard, is on
the faculty of Knox college, while William
Is a student at that Institution.
Mrs. A. O. Rounds.
A telegram Waa received In this city
laft night from A. C. Shelley from At
lanta. Ua., stating he and Ma wife were
en route here with the body of Mrs. Shel
ley's mother, Mr. A. O. Rounds. The
funeral will be from Taflgurt's undertaking
parlors. Mr. Shelley wss for a number of
yeais connected with 'the I'nlon Pacific
headquarter In this city and Mrs. Rounds
was also a resident of Omaha.
Lincoln Man Dies anddrnly.
MNCOhN. July . Special Telegram. )-
Theodore Niter, sn employe of the Burling
ton, dropped dead this morning In the
boarding car. Heart dlnense Is supposed
to have caused his death. He was St yean
Jndgte Ueorae P. Wanly.
(iKAND RAPIDS, Ml?h.. July 9-Word
was received here this afternoon that
I'nlted Btates District Judge George P.
Wanty of Orand Rapids died today In
London, England.
Kletalor at Madrid.
MADRID, Ia., July t .-( Special. )-Ths Hn
mense elevator and cleaning plant of the
Neola Klevator company In this city burned
to the ground this forenoon, causing a Ions
of about fXS.OOO, partially covered by Insur
ance. The cause of the fire Is unknown
although It Is suppose", a spark from a
pasrlng locomotive or a fpark from the
smokestack caused It.
If you hsve anything to trade adirrtit
it In th ror Kxrhunge column of Tn
Be Want Ad pace.
Every womaa covet
haprlT, pretty ft jjur, and
fnany of them deplore tha
1oi of their rirlish forma
after marriage. The bearing
of children it often destructive
to the mother' ahapeline.
All of this can be avoided, .
fU rP
50.00 i
latert information and free descriptive Ut-erature.
1502 Farnam St Caiaha. Heb.
W -"i 1. L
Thla magnificent botl has BO beau
tiful room and la located at 11th and'
MoOe atreet In th shopping district.
Only half a block from th Emory,
Bird. Thayer dry good tor; ea ail
th theater.
fslr"ss aa teessi. 1st aad CaM taaahj
Vtr la Beery Bess. UnrMcflca Cats. ruH
Cartas. Oak Breaklasu and T.M I M Bn
Mr aarve In Cal. aaus l stay sad Deiw.
Reservations may be mad hy tale
graph at ear mpu.
r. A. BIIIOI, Ma. Merer.
It ensar an enjoyable, lnvlgo
ating bath ; tna'ae erjr port '
respond, remove d4 skin,
tart th circulation, and leave a .'
(low equal to a Turkish bath.
Interests lb Whole reaully.'
. l rrrl2 kiaidL'n - m a m
I J 1 V ' ' ''is