Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Tim Omaha Daily Bel.
Fntered lit
claaa mutter.
Not to be outdone by Colonel
Bryan, William It. Hearst has come
.... flllt W,j, s public statement to the er-
foMofflce second fe(l thmt u ; Un(jidate for the
J democratic presidential nomination in
TKKi8 OF .P8;ription ,,08 tbis denial being elicited by the
Pally Bee mlt'mut Pun'tai i. one r.M 1 ,
laiiy iv-f and Htin.Uy. one rar '." reference to himself, anions others, as
WMViV:;-::::V.:V": . Ui the interview given out
DEI.IVKKKD rtY CAiiKltR- j by Mr. Fir) an In London.
Ptir (in.tuiii) jr k. i7c There Is no question that Hearst
laiiy He mltn.ui Kun.myi. per weeK.i.c
Evening ne (wiitiout H m.m . per week. c j has presidential aspirations, as was
f-.venin M-e iwnn Bunuavi.
Bunday He. r-r cipy 60
Address rntniilHltita of trrr Ktilar.tles in de
livery to City ftna.lHtlon Department.
Omaha The B Building.
South Omaha-t'lty Hall tt:l!dine.
Council Ruin's 10 Pearl Htreet.
Chicago lhtn I'nltv Kullriinx.
New ork-lH .one Ute ins. Building.
Washington i1 Fourteenth Htreet.
Communication relating to news and edt
toHal matter should be B(liresed: Omaha
lie, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order
evidenced by the strenuous canvass to
secure the nomination In the demo
cratic national contention in 1804, in
which he really, attained the position
of a formidable candidate, notwith
standing the easy victory of the Parker
forces. In that convention. In which
Mr. Bryan was a delegate, the Ne
braskan seconded the nomination of
Senator F'ranfls M. Cockrell of Mis
souri, but in doing so threw a few ora-
would be valid. Other Intricate ana
knotty legal problems are also pre
sented that will require untangling by
the courts.
This Is precisely what the special
attorneys of the Water board and at-
vldea mhpewna -proof cottages for the un
fortunate rich their suffering will be in
tense before the summer la over.
da Aeran tne Sea."
Philadelphia Press.
The German emperoi a first grandson
Waa hnrn rtn th rAHh nf 7 1 1 1 v Thla
torneys of the water company haveiou,h, ,0 bflp f,,rthf,r l0 ptrengthen the
been laboring and hoping for. In the friendly relations between Potsdam and
meantime the taxpayer of Omaha
must foot the bills, thanks to the
Howell compulsory water works pur
chase bill, which promised to put the
people of Omaha in possession of the
works within six months, with the as-
Oyeter Bay.
tkaf ftoea with intooee.
St. I.ouJa Republic.
Hamlet, In an'erlng-' old Polonlua. prob
ably had In mind the Fifty-ninth congress.
With a total of ro.onj.uro words In the.
surance that the hydrant rental and , tapn m,KM M wrl,..n. ..Won)s. words.
consumer s rate would be cut in me i words.
middle and still leave an annual sur
plus In the city treasury.
payable, to The we publishing Company j torcai bouquets at Mr. Hearst, which
Only 2-ccnt stamp received ai payment of
mall siwiiinri Praonjll rherk. rxcept on
Uiwiha or eastern exchanges, not accented.
Btata of Nehraaks. DonsUa Oottnty. sat
C. C. RiMiewatcr. snerl inaniiscr or
Tha Bee Publishing Company. t-ltig duly
worn, aaya that the b'-iuh. numlier of full
and complete copies of The lMlly. Morning.
Evening and 8unda l'-ee printed during
tha month of June. 1H, waa aa follows
1 31,730 16
1 33,410 IT
ness as assurances that he would have
the support of Colonel Bryan on some
other occasion.
Mr. Hearst's spectacular campaign
as an Independent candidate for mayor
of New York and the present discus
sion of his name for governor of New
i York state are all regarded as but pre-
t 30,760
4 31.980
t 31,880
( 33,070
7 38,010
1 31,300
10 30,380
11 33,300
12 31,830
It 31,810
14 3130
If 31,870
Total 364,150
Leas unaold copies 10,493
ao.noo :
Si.BfcO Umlnary to his quest of the presidency
3l,tloj a quest Interrupted, but not ended
33,000 hy tne nomination of Parker at St.
Louis. The prefect attitude of Mr.
19.. j
21.... M0
on ai.ato
23 33,370 1 Hearst Is explained In New York by
24 30,340 I conservative democrats on the ground
28 3i,30 j tnat tne Hearst support and the Bryan
25 31,800 I
S1 3i,8&0 I vo,es must come from the same source
2g 31.7.0 and that the projection of a Bryan
29 31,700
10 33,360
Nat total salea.
Dally average ...
Oaneral Manager.
Buhscrlbed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 30th dy of June. Ham.
(Heal.) M. B. 1U NOATK,
Notary Public.
Sabarrlbera leaylajo: the city tem
porarlly should have The Dee
mailed to them. Addreaa will be
ekaaged ats often aa required.
All things come to him who waits.
It was thus with the appraisement of
the water works.
Hunger of Russian peasants may
give the crar an opportunity to recover
popularity by furnishing them food.
The renewal of duels growing out
of the Dreyfus ' case indicates that
Franc la again becoming Interested.
Senator La Follette should not make
the mistake of condemning the rate
bill before Its operation , can be ob
boom at this stage makes it practically
Impossible for Mr. Hearst to get a foot
hold or gain any headway against It.
Mr. Hearst has likewise to contend
against the opposition of Tammany
hall, which ha8aby no means forgiven
his opposition to Mayor McClellan, as
the regular Tammany nominee, and
which Is sure to enlist in the Bryan
column, taking its chances upon recog
Ition from the nominee should a dem
ocratic president ever reach the White
It must, therefore, be a rather em
barrassing position In which Mr.
Hearst finds himself, but he Is cleverly
doing the only thing left for him to do
n declaring that he Is not to be con
sldered a candidate and catering In
this manner to the Bryan elemenC In
so doing he Is without question ani
mated by the Idea that he may yet be
the heir apparent and successor if by
any realignment of circumstances Col
onel Bryan should drop out of the
race at ' any time before the critical
moment. It is a safe assumption that
Mr. Hearst will watch Colonel Bryan
with a solicitous eye and Colonel
Bryan will do well to keep his optics
upon Mr. Hearst.
Did you notice that The Bee got
ahead of all others by twenty-four
hours with the figures of the water
works appraisement? '
The Russian aristocracy Is willing to
sacrifice the property of the church to
satisfy the landless. Their develop
ment is evidently along English lines
If the presence of an American
training ship on the great lakes is dls
pleasing to Canada, there must have
been some foundation for the remarks
of Bishop Potter.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the
president's bodyguard paid bis fine for
assaulting a photographer before Sen
ator Tillman could make the case a
senatorial Incident.
The announcement that John D.
Rockefeller will not allow law suits to
Interfere with his vacation goes with
out saying, since American subpoenas
do not run in Europe.
It will be several days before officers
of the transport Thomas will know
whether they are to be court-martialed
for stranding the ship, or to get
medal for saving It uninjured.
Bines Charles A. Towne became
pillar of Tammany Hall, the sugges
tlon that he be Bryan's running mate
a second time may cause some of hi
former supporters to think twice.
An automobile collision in the heart
of Omaha suggests that the enforce
ment of the speed limit has agat
been allowed to go by default. Eter
Hal vigilance is the price of safety.
Count on the Water board lawyers
to figure out some plan to geX the
water works appraisement In court
and pile up another mountain of attor
neys' fees for the taxpayers to pay.
Now that th Salvadorean govern
ment has promised to grant a railroad
concession to American promoters as
soon ss the rebellion ends the belliger
ents will be more likely to come to
Emperor William's desire for
friendly feeling between Germany snd
Great Britain will be accepted with a
grain of salt at London until the em
peror sacrifices a German market to
John Bull.
It father-in-law had only been able
to get a single delegate out of the
primary It would have been proclaimed
as "the voice of Douglas county" by
son-ln-law's democratic organ. Since
the voir spoke against father-in-law,
son-in-law refutes to recognise it.
The holdups seem to be getting
bold sgaln on Omaha streets and high
ways notwithstanding the severe pen
alties meted out to members of the
fraternity In the criminal court at its
last session. When the holdup men
at brought to justice they will have
no claim, to leclsuc or msrey.
When the compulsory water works
purchase bill was .railroaded through
the legislature three years ago, under
pretext that it would expedite the ac
quisltloc of the water works, it was
pointed out by The Bee that the meas
ure was ill-advised and calculated to
retard rather than expedite the pur
chase of the water works. It was
moreover, pointed out that the com
pulsory water works purchase bill es
tabllshed a dangerous precedent by
compelling the city of Omaha to pur
chase public Improvements involving
an outlay or millions of dollars at
the dictation of a legislature and incl
dentally constituted a flagrant viola
tlon of the principle of home rule by
creating a governor-appointed board,
with almost unlimited power to Im
pose upon the taxpayers needless bur
dens before It had any water works
to supervise or operate.
Time has vindicated The Bee's po
sition. Instead of expediting the ac
quisition of the works and reducing
the burden of the taxpayers In any
particular, three years have been frit
tered away In the process of appraise
ment, and from 150.000 to 1100.000
have already been added to the burden
of Use taxpayers without giving them
any relief, except a temporary reduc
tion of water rates, which will have
to be made good by the property
owners If the decision of the appellate
court that declares the contract orig
inally made with the water company
valid and binding Is sustained by the
United States supreme court, and the
chances are 100 to 1 that It will be
At last the serious stage of the
water works issue has been reached.
Two of the three appraisers have
fixed the value of the plant at $5,614,
346.23, exclusive of South Omaha,
East Omaha, Florence and Dundee,
making the aggregate value of the
works $6,263,295.49. While the of
ficers of the water company naturally
assert thst this appraisement falls
short of their own estimate of the
value of the works and In any event
Is not excessive, competent engineers,
Including the representative of the
city on the appraisement board, pro
nounce the appraisement more than
$2,000,000 above the actual value
The question that confronts us is,
What does the Water board propose
to do about It? Will it accept the
appraisement as final and recommend
the issue of bonds to consummate the
purchase or will it reject the appraise
ment and proceed to contest It In the
courts through Its special attorneys?
That there is abundant material for
contest even apart from the question
of valuation Is apparent to anybody
familiar with, the situation. In the
first place. It is questionable whether
the city of Omaha has the right to
purchase the works situated within
sny other corporation except the plant
located in Florence,-' where the power
and settling basins are located. In
the next place. It Is questionable
whether bonds Issued before Omaha
snd South Omaha . ars , consolidated
The proposal of Congressman Bar
tholdt and his associates In the Inter-
arllamentarian union, that The
Hague conference be converted Into a
permanent body has been followed up
by a suggestion from Prof. John Bas-
sett Moore of Columbia university.
one of the highest authorities on In
ternational law, who has also served
as assistant secretary of state, and as
sisted the peace commissioners in con
cluding the treaty that ended the Span
ish-American war, that we must event
ually Improvise some sort of sn Inter
national executive. A permanent
Hague conference would make It an
International legislative body, while
our courts of arbitration must be
viewed as International Judicial bodies.
The International executive suggested
as a possibility of the future would be
body vested with authority and
power to enforce the legislative and
udlclal decrees of tribunals like The
Hague conference and arbitration commissions.
"The advocates of peace," declares
Prof. Moore, "too often Beem to as
sume that the use of force can be done
away with by plans of conciliation and
arbitration. This assumption alto
gether neglects the existence in the
world of evils that have to be repressed
with the strong hand." The great
problem confronting those who wish
to do away with war Is, as he says,
how to employ the force necessary to
the restraint or repression of evil with
out producing the legal condition of
things called a state of war, and the
most striking imperfection In our In
ternational system is the lack of a
common agency for the enforcement
of International decrees. The idea.
in homely language, Is to create a
world's police force with a big stick
that will club recalcitrant nations into
line just as a metropolitan police force
compels obstreperous individuals to
obey municipal ordinances. This, we
are told. Is a problem of the future
and perhaps of the far distant future,
but a goal toward which we must look
forward. -
If such an international executive
should ever be constructed we may be
sure that 'the United States will be
a leading factor in the movement. '
Activities of the) Folsow Sqoa.
Baltimore ,Amerl can.
The poison squad of the Agricultural
department are to start personal experi
ments on cold storsge food of compara
tively ancient date. The result Is ex
pected to be simple. If the food Is harm
less, the expert eaters survive the menu:
otherwise they will ha- for an epitaph
the Immortal remark of Horace: "It Is
sweet and glorious to die for one's country."
Cam of the ftallebary Wreck.
Bprlngflrld Republican.
The cause of the terrible railroad acci
dent at Salisbury, England, has not yet
been determined. There la reason to be
lieve that the long list of fatalities was
due to the construction of the cars. It Is
common thing in. this country for the
parlor car to be uninjured when the
smoker Is crushed like a paper box. and
one of the survivors of the Salisbury ac
cident speaks of the lightness of the cars
snd the completeness with which they col
lapsed. That Americans should be the
greater part of the victims of an English
accident, when England believes Its
method of railroad management to be
vastly superior to ours, Is so singular a
fact that even a London paper remarks
om it.
The next stage In the primary elec
tlon Is the canvass of the votes, which
promises to consume a week or more
before the official footings are made
and the certificates of election Issued
This laborious canvass is also trace
able directly to the court decision on
the rotation ballot and would have
been obviated largely had the names
been grouped bo as to allow of straight
voting. Inasmuch as the canvassers
are paid by the day, this wilt only add
a few dollars more to the bill that
will be presented to the county for
Paper from Coraaialka.
Chicago Chronicle.
There Is an Interesting report to the effect
that aomebody has discovered a process by
which the stalk of the cotton plant, here
tofore a waste product save as It may
be devoted to fertilising uses, can be con
verted Into waper of excellent quality by
the same processes that are now applied
to wood pulp and other materials and with
little or no modification of paper-making
plants. It Is estimated that general use
In thla way of the cotton stalk will add
tl06.000.000 annually to the product value
of the cotton states, wilt put an end to the
boll weevil, bring along with the paper
made four or five byproducts of paying
value and greatly check the destruction of
forests In paper making. If these clalms-l
shall be half justified by the event the
discoverer will deserve to be ranked among
the great benefactors of humanity.
So Superiors and rear Kejoala.
F"alrmont Chronicle trep ).
In the Douglas ciun'y primaries last
Tuesday Editor Rosewater of the Omaha
Bee gave hla enefnlea a "skinning" In the
ratio of about two to one. He will have
Douglas county's elghtr-three delegates to
the state conventoln solidly at hla bark to
assist In securing his nomination for
t'ntted States senator and will have ac
quired a neat addition of strength from 1
other counties before that time. He now j
has more than 100 pledged delegates. The
Fontanelles used the courts to force a new
and almost Impossible ballot upon the vot
ers. In the hope of securing a small part
of the delegation, but their unfetr efforts
received a stunning rebuke. In many cases
a voter required over thirty minutes to
mark his ballot. Rosewater Is not the only
At man In Nebraaka to be sent to the sen
ate, but he has no superiors and mighty
few equals, lie may not win, but his op
ponents will never forget the fight they
were forced to put up It they should suc
ceed in defeating him.
Hist Man in the Rnnnlnai.
' Fremont Herald Idem.).
Out of the farce-comedy, otherwise known
as the Douglas county primary election,
Edward Rosewater emerges with all the
glory. He won a solid delegation to the
state convention, but It must be a delega
tion not to be proud of, since several of
his delegates were so densely Ignorant that
they were compelled to swear that they
could not read the English language, and
had to call upon a Judge of election to
mark their ballots for them. The victory
In Douglas gives Rosewater eighty-three
delegates, and these, with his Cedar county
following, places him high man In the run
ning up to date.
Looks for Little Opposition.
Wlsner Free Press (rep.).
The primary election In Douglas county
resulted In a solid delegatoln for Edward
Rosewater tor United States senator.
There will be very little opposition to his
endorsement by the state convention In all
Superintendent Greene of tbs stats
Insane asylum at Lincoln has under
advisement an offer of the superlnten-
dency of the Illinois insane asylum at
Kankakee. Needless to say that Illinois
would not want his services if his
standing and reputation In his line of
work did not merit such recognition.
Should Nebraska lose him the small
bore partisan critics who have been
faultfinding on every possible pretext
will doubtless' rejoice, athough we
may have to substitute Inferior talent
In his place.
The Joint debate between Edgar
Howard and G. M. Hitchcock on the
shortcomings of Douglas county de
mocracy Is no more Interesting than It
is fruitful. Douglas county democrats
never have any trouble In swallowing
platform phrases so long as they are
not expected to carry them out.
Record of Congress Rotable for Va
riety and Importance.
Portland Oregonlan.
The labors of the session of congross
Just adjourned have been heavy. Few con
gresses have exceeded its sum total of Im
portant achievement, and none has enacted
a greater variety of. Interesting and far
reaching legislation. The record Includes
the following great measures:
The railroad rate bill.
The pure food law.
Meat Inspection law, "
Naturalisation law :.-
Denatured alcohol tax law (repealed).
Lock canal at Pawtnar - -
Consular service f efarm. t - -
Appropriation bill .reform. .
Largest battelahlp authorised.
Employers' liability bin. ,
The extraordinary feature of the cours
of legislation has been the direct personal
effort of the president to secure enactment
of great measures which he especially
favored. The whole session was marked by
a sensational series of struggles between
congress on the one hand and the executive
on the other. The president told congress
plainly and directly what he wanted, and
congress gave It because It knew that what
the president demanded was what the
country demanded. This Is not to say that
congress Is hostile to the best interests of
the country, or that It would not have en
acted legislation for the common good In
response to the loud and continuous tot-
mand for drastic Industrial and social re
form: but It Is to say that the executive
waa the avenue through which public sen
tlment reached congress and the executive
waa the Instrument by which these re
forms were achieved hy congress. A very
Influential minority In congress, besides,
was strongly opposed, first, to legislation
directed at the railroads and the trusts;
and second, to Interference in the legisla
tive function by the president himself,
But even thla minority was not able to
withstand .he persistent sentiment for
change In the official attitude of the gov
ernment toward the corporations and mo-
yielded as gracefully and as easily as It
The record of congress Is a monument to
the courage, tenacity. Independence, vigor
nd statesmanship of the president himself
and the patriotism and sagacity of con
greas Itself. It all makes for the squar
Nebraska assessors have been un
able to locate any patent rights of suf
flclent value to be taxable. It is safe
to say that there are thousands of
patents taken out by Nebraska people
who expect each to make millions out
of them. But patents are delusive
Recognition of Pre-Emlnent Fitness.
Wlsner Chronicle (Ind.).
Rosewater repulsed the Fontanelles 111
the Douglas county primaries Tuesday In
an overwhelming manner and has eighty
three bloody scalp locks dangling at his
belt. It was an exciting contest and
watched with the greatest Interest through
out the state. The result demonstrates that
the veteran editor is still a vigorous fighter.
It also proves that the republicans of his
home county recognize his pre-eminent fit
ness for the Important office of United
States senator, which, to say the least. Is
decidedly to their credit.
And We Hope that It la.
Arcadia Champion (rep.).
Edward Rosewater wiped up the earth
with those who are opposing his candt
dacy for the United States senate in Omaha
at the primary election on last Tuesday,
electing his delegation to the state con
vention by a vote of nearly two to one,
With Douglas county at his back the
aim of a worthy man is In a fair way to be
accomplished. And we hope that it la.
No Mistake Will Be Made.
Florence Items (ind.).
The big vote for Rosewater in Florence
precinct surely shows up- well for him for
senator. Although there are a good many
who do not like him personally, they laid
this aside and gave him a handsome vote,
and there can be no mistake made if he
Is aent to the senate. Nebraska will be
ably represented as well, if not better
than. It ever was.' Some of Rosewater's
enemies admit that, and they are the ones
that axe against him body and soul.
Meets Approval of Repnblleaaa.
Stanton Picket (rep.).
The chances of Edward Rosewater for
United States senator were given a boost
last Tuesday, when an entire Rosewater
delegation was elected to the republican
state convention from Douglas county,
Mr. Rosewater's candidacy has met with
the approval of a large number of repub-
llcans, and our opinion is that Rosewater
stock is on the boom.
Something to Be Frond Of.
Rushvllle Recorder (rep.).
Rosewater having secured the solid
Douglas county delegation, eighty-three
votes, he may fairly claim to have his sen
atorial affairs well in hand. That he se
cured. Its unanimous support, in spite of
the work of his numerous enemies, Is some
thing to be proud of.
Aa Wo Have Predicted.
Fremont Tribune (rep.).
The republican primaries In Douglas
county resulted In a rousing victory for
Mr. Rosewater for senator. He carried the
day by a vote of two to one. This ellml
nates Mr. Crounse from the contest, as we
have predicted. Mr. urounse had no
chance. He was the last expedient. He
had some friends among the old guard in
Dodge county, because of former affilia
tions, but It Is plainly evident to these now
that ha Is out of the running. The nominee
of the state convention will be either Mr.
Rosewater or Mr. Brown.
The Water board spokesman now
refers to the three engineers selected
to make the appraisement of the
plant as "expert guessers." If they
had only guessed differently they
would have been "great and wise
Once nothing was permitted to
stand In the way of money making In
Chicago, but since the United States
demands sanitary packing houses, the
city government insists on safe depart
ment stores.
The ease with which Great Britain
has preserved the secret of the con
struction of the Dreadnaught Is proof
that other nations feel themselves
competent to plan Just as strong 1
Come Into Coort.
New Tork World.
Cvngreaa has formally abolished the Ira
munlty bath Just as the hot weather is
coming on, and there are signs of In
creased activity on the part of the at
torney feneraj. ' Pales s public charity pro-
Mayor Fltsgerald of Boaton has notified
the foremen of the various city departments
that loafing must not be tolerated on city
Insurance companies that decline to pay
their San Francisco debts are getting more
advertising than they will recover from In
a long time.
John Philip Bousa, the conductor, has
been gasetted "officer de I'lnstmctlon pub
llque" of France. This distinction gives
Mr. Sousa the golden palms and rosette
of the French academy. He Is the only
American who has received thla decoration.
Justice Brewer relates. In explanation of
his opinion of Taft'a superior politeness,
that he gave hla seat tq three women in
a car. Evidently none of them wore
starched skirts. That kind can spread over
the apace vacated by seven men and a
T. P. O'Connor. M. P-. the well known
Iondon Journalist, and Edward Blake, M
P., of South Langtord, former leader of
the Canadian liberal party, will attend the
third biennial national convention of the
United Irish League of America, which
will assemble In Philadelphia on October
I and 1 next.
"Fiddling Bob" Taylor, ex-governor of
Tennesseo and now senatorial nominee
really Is not much of s fiddler. He can play
a great many airs in self-tsught fashion,
but does not pretend to any amount of
ability. But he can talk about his favorite
Inatrument In a most interesting way, hav.
Ing devoted a good deal of reading to the
One day Senator Tillman was in full
awing jawing the preeident and the rail
road bill and spoke of some one "sliding for
a base after the fashion of a foot ball
player making for a goal." Senator Clapp
protested aaainat such mixing of termin
ology, but Senator Keen observed easily:
"Oh, let htm go. Pretty soon he will be
talking about the tennis players kicking
the bail over the not and the golf players
snaking three-base bits.
Result In a Nntshell.
Waterloo Oasette (rep.).
The primary election In Douglas county
to select delegates to the state convention
resulted In a complete victory for the
Rosewater list, every .delegate pledged to
his csndidaoy for the United States sen-
torahlp being elected. The total repub
lican vote In the county Is approximately
4,000, and the Rosewater ticket leads by
from about 10 to 1,760 votes. The rota
tion ballot, while hard to vote, did not
prove an unmitigated evil, the Rosewater
ticket carrying practically every ward In
Omaha and South Omaha and nearly all
country precincts. The democratic vote In
the county waa leas than 1,000. There was
only one list of delegates and therefore no
contest In the battle. As to the socialist
vote, we have not seen sny figures.
From Democratic Viewpoint.
Howells Journal Idem ).
In the Douglas county primaries held on
Tuesdsy Edward Rosewater won out by
a decisive vote and captured eighty-three
votes to the republican state convention
to help push his candidacy for United
States senator. This we believe will put
Crounse out of the running and leaves the
fight to be fought out on the floor of the
convention between Rosewater and Brown.
It's going to be the warmest republican
scrap of recent years.
Good for Rosewater.
Lynch Journal (rep.).
Edward Rosewater won the Douglas
county delegation to the state convention
at the county primary ' election. He will
go Into the convention with eighty-three
pledged delegates. 0000 ror nosewater,
Other Coantlra Will Follow.
Lets' h Journal (rep ).
reward Rosewater received the entire
delegation of Douglas county st the pti
tnariea held In that city. This means that
ha will go Into the republican state con
vention with the unanimous endorsement of
his home county, which has eighty-three
votes. Other counties will no doubt folio
the lead Douglas has made and when the
convention meets next month there will be
but very little senatorial business to trans,
act. '
torrent Rvente Oleoned from the
Army and Naar Realater.
It Is unusual to have army officers at
tend the trial trip of a naval ship, but in
obedience td- the request of the mllltAry
authorities the Navy department will grant
permission for IJeutenant Colonel William
A. Glassford. thief signal officer of tht
Department of the Columbus, and Lieuten
ant Kenneth C. Masteller of the Thirtieth
Coast artillery, on duty at Fort Worden.
Wash., to go on board the Nebraska during
the trial run. which begins on July 1.
The War department la conalderlng the
adoption of a new revolver for the military
force and In the prospect of such an event
army officers will not be required to pur
chase at present the weapon aa a rrt
of tha field kit. An announcement to this
effect will be made In general orders from
the Wsr department within the next day or
two. The test which la expected to lead to
the adoption of the new revolver will begin
on September 1 at the national armory at
Springfield, Mass., under the auspices of
the chief of ordnance of the army. Already
several sample weapons have been sent In.
The surgeon general of the army Is mak
ing arrangements for tha preliminary ex
amination of candidates for appointment to
the junior grade to the medical department.
which examination will take plaee on An
guat 1. So far there are forty-two applica
tions on file and It Is expected there will
be fifteen or twenty, more by the date of
examination. Boards for the examination
of candidates will be convened In different
parts of the country at places which are
convenient to those who desire to be ex
amined. It is hoped that most. If not sll.
of the eighteen vacancies now existing In
the grade of first lieutenant and assistant
surgeon will be filled as a result of the
coming examination. -.
There is already a great desire on the
part of officers to possess the trunk lockers
and field desks which have been adopted
for the army arid for the supply of which
the quartermaster general haa made a con
tract with Topbam of Washington. The
field desks will be supplied to every com
pany, troop and battery of tha army and
possibly some of them will be ready for
use during the mobilisation period, al
though this Is doubtful. The first order
calls for 800 of those articles and they will
be sold to Individual army offloers at the
contract price of $14 each. Many appli
cations have been received for the desks
and they will be furnished as soon as avail
able. Nearly 100 orders have been received
for the trunk lockers of which ens Is
ultimately to be furnished every soldier In
the army. The deliveries under the con
tract made by General Humphrey will be
gin on July L Individual! orders for the
lockers will be filled as rapidly aa possible
at the contract price of $4.60.
The War department will soon have
ready for distribution the first of the three
volumes which will contain the reports of
the military observers who were rlth the
Rusalan and Japanese troops in Manchuria
during the recent war. The first volume Is
now In the hands of the public printer and
should be ready for Issue within the next
few weeks. It will contain edited reports
of Major J. F. Morrison, Captain Carl
Reichmann, Captain P. C. March and
Colonel W. S. Schuyler. The book will be
abundantly Illustrated from photographs
taken or obtained by these officers while
In Manchuria. A subsequent volume, the
contents of which have not been determ
ined upon, will probably contain the re
ports of Majors W. V. Judson and J. E.
Kuhn, while a third volume will probably
be devoted to the reports of the army medi
cal officers who were with the troops dur
ing the Russlsn and Japanese war, being
the comments of. Colonel Hoff, . Colonel
Havard and Major Lynch.
There Is a chance, and a very good, one
too, that canteens where beer may be sold
will be established at the camps of Instruc
tion this summer. This Is possible under
certain conditions which are likely to be
availed of by the state authorities. Tho
case in point comes up In connection with
the camp of Instruction to be established
at the state maneuver camp near Austin,
Tex., from July 2T to September 30 during
the operation of which time organisations
of the national guard will be associated
with regulars. This state maneuver
ground la In the Jurisdiction of the state of
Texas and it Is the purpose of the military
authorities of the state . to establish can
teens on the maneuver grounds where beer
hut not alcoholic liquors are to be sold.
The Idea Is an excellent one and should
prevail without hindrance from any quar
ter, not only in the Texas ramp, but elae
where. It would help the local condltiona
amaxlngly and there la no reason why It
should not be carried out everywhere In
the Interest of morality, decency and dis
cipline. It seems It has been the custom
of the national guard authorities of Texas
to permit the ssle of beer within tha limits
of their camp site, the profits to be used
for the improvement of the camp grounds.
It Is not believed this privilege la forfeited
because regular troops with whom the
national guards are associated are not
allowed a similar one. There can be no
Interference evidently with canteena estab
lished and maintained under permission of
the suthoritlea of the state of Texas for
Instance, during tha period of Joint encampment.
She Waa Told That an Operation Was
Inevitable How Bhe Eocapod It.
When a physician tells a woman suf
fering with serious feminine trouble
that an operation Is necessary, the very
thought of the knife and the operating
table strikes terror to her heart, and
our hospitals are full of women coming
for Jus such operations.
There are cases where an operation
Is the only resource, but when one con
siders the great number of cases of
menacing female troubles cured by
Lydia K, Pinkham's Vegetable Com
'pound after physiclsns have advied
operations, no woman should submit to
one without first trying the Vegetable
Compound and writing Mrs. Pinkham,
Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is free.
Miss Margret Merkley, of 375 Third
Street, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
Dear Mrs. Finkbam:
Loss of strength, extreme nervousness,
hooting pains throur' tbs pelvio organs,
bearing down pains and cramps compelled
tne to seek medical advice. The doctor, after
making an examination, said I bad a female
trouble and ulceration and advised an opera
tion. To this I strongly objected and decided
to try Lyola E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. Tbo ulceration quickly healed, all
the bad symptoms disappeared and I am
00c more strong, rigorous and wall."
Female troubles are steadily on the
Increase among women. If the month
ly periods are very painful, or too fre
quent and excessive if yon have pain
or swelling low down in the left side,
bearing-down pains, don't neglect your
self : try Lvdia . Pinkham's Vegetable
From Pastorc to rnrkage."
New Tork Tribune.
Secretary Wilson's "from pasture to
package" la the moat comprehensive defi
nition yet given of the powers of the new
meat Inspection law. It is to be hoped
that the thoroughness of the Inspection
will be aa complete as the definition. .
Mae I notice she doesn't sign her name
"Mayme" any more.
Orayce No. her steady kidded her out o"
that. He had some cards engraved with
his own name spelled "Jaymes. Cleveland
"How doea it happen," asked the portly
dowager on the overland express, "that yon
have managed to keep the same cook for
thirty years."
"I married one," answered the chance ac
quaintance, shrugging ber ample shoulders.
Chicago Tribune.
"See here!" cried Ooodley, na he caunht
the bum entering a saloon, "when I save
you that dime you said you needed some
thing to eat."
"Quite so," replied the Intelligent hobo.
"I needed something to eat. but a drink Is
what I wanted." Phlledalphla Press.
Reporter How did you happen to sus
pect that the alleged woman was a man?
Detective I tried to Interest her In a
bit of gossip about another woman snd
she didn't: care to Heart Ih-Cleveland ;
"He waa knocked down by an automobile,
you know, and he got $2,000 damages from
the fellow."
"Goodness! I wonder what he'll do
the money?"
"Oh. he's spent It; bought the fellow's au
tomobile with It." Philadelphia Ledger.
"Judging from Miss Thumnerton's treat
ment of the organ," sarcastically remarked
the choir master, who objected to the nw
organist engaged by the rector, "you prefer
to buy your music by the pound "
"Well,1' replied the rector, quietly. "It
Isn't always supplied by tho choir." Cuth
ollc Standard and Times.
Milwaukee Sentinel.
Tinkling bells of the Long Ago, where ht
your music gone?
Why does your melody grow faint as th?
years go creeping on?
Where Is the hush of vesper time, when
across the twilight gray
Ws heard your cry for souls to come lost
souls to come and pray?
Where are the bells'that pealed to Oo-
when fair was the woNd and young
Era the tide of life had ebbed so far and
tha sorrows were still unsung?
Where are the olden, golden hells thst
guided the straying feet.
And tolled In the evening afterglow like a
benediction sweet? - ,
Thro' the mesh of years there come the
dreams of your echoing, swelling
And there gleams the sheen on life's great
tide of an olden summertime;
The path winds smooth to the distant
world thro' the sweets of a fragrant
And the hope In the heart Is strong ani
beats with your melody In tune.
Tinkling bells of the Long Ago, laden with
dust and mould.
Ring again for those who've strayed from
the hearthstone's true enfold:
Ring again for the onea whoae feet the
atony patha have trod
Bring them back to the fold again and
show tbem the way to Clod!
Tm Growing
Old Fast
And you know why, too. Don't you
know that Ayer's Hair Vigor restores
color to gray hair? Well, it does.
And it never fails, either. It stops
falling hair also, and keeps the scalp
clean and healthy. Do not grow old
so fast! No need of it.
The best kind of a testimonial
V Sold for over sixty years."
Kaae y ska . O. Ays Ce., lewell. Mass,
atsa atasiaMrera sr
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ATKaVS CaJUtkT fkC TOKAL Fat seagas. ATSB'SAOUSCU a vol uiua M aras.