Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1906, Image 1
The Omaha, Daily Bee VOL. XXXVI -XO. If. OMAHA, TUESDAY MOUSING, .UTLY 10, 190(5-TEX PAGES. SIXCJLK COPY TIIUKK CKXTS. DUMA .STRIKES BACK!.,?:,..! Lower EonM Aiki Cur to Explain Procla mation to Peasanta. PARLIAMENT PUT IN FALSE LIGHT People Told That Member. Are Withhold in k ImperoT'i Bounty. CROWDS ARE DISPERSED BY THE POLICE feriow fieht Between Mobs and Oowacke Near Moscow Station. SIX MORE NEWSPAPERS CONFISCATED I. literal In Doubt ai lute Conversion Trepoff to to Meaning: ' ' of tienernl Farlla- mentnry Plan. t r. c r . , . I,,!,. (1 TV Ir.l'isl bi. iLir-m - I steps toward tne auopnon ... - " , in ipfl i.j lilt - ptfsslon the government comn.u'iW at ions with regntd to the settlement of the agrar ian oupstinn arc making amonp t'i" entry were taken In the lower he "f PMiliHiucnt today when an Inter!. ' .. . i .- v. was Introduced asking r an expr-. of the dlwiniiuitluti or the govcinrm r;. pruclnmatlon to the peasants. This proclamation accompanied 'he puw Ic-ntlon in the official Messenger of the jyivt rnment's ssinrUn bill and set forth the emperor s const mt solicitude for the peasant welfare and denied that the gov- rnnient wh opposing expropriation In the Interest of the landlord, concluding w'.tlt an expression of the vital necessity of maintaining the right or property as tw ine the foundation of the state. The Intel pellatlon was referred to a com mission which In expected to recommend the Issuance of a counter appeal setting forth the views and Intentions of Parlia ment. Prof. Kusmln-KaravaiefT. the legal expert of parliament has developed the theory that the action of the administration in spreading view directly opposed to the ex pressed policy of the legislative branch was an Illegal encroachment on the privileges of parliament. Proclamation Handicaps House. Count Mukhan. president of the house agrarian commission, dilated on how the law which the communion wa now elab orating was handicapped by the circula tion of the emperor's proclamation. New tactic had been necessitated by alarming news from various sections as to the effect produced by the proclamation. The slow progress of Parliament was contrasted with the government's fair sounding promise of the distribution of all arable state land and other measures to relieve the land hunger of the peasant. Count Mukan off added that the report wa being spread in many parts of the country that the em peror had ordered the dltrlbutlon of land to the peasants but that . Parliament, like th .wicked fairies 4iv old stories. ws witn holdlng the "little fathers'' gift from his Children. The house made slight progress today with the debate on the Hlnlystok report. The principal new contribution was Deputy Vlniivcr's assertion thHt anti-Semitic pamph lets aro still being printed In the offlce of the prefecture of police at St. Peters burg, the' deputy giving the title of the pamphlet and the name of its author. The discussion will be continued tomorrow. M. Roditcheff. in an earnest speech which approved by nil wctlons of the house, described the policy of the government a be ns full of falsehoods, which are lead ing the country Into unheard of danger. The ministers have refused to resign or to listen to the voice of the nation and have turned a deaf ear to the murmurs of the coming storm. Already, M. Roditch rff said, there sre rumblings which will unite In a terrible thunderclap and up heaval of the country. When the govern ment, fearing the exloslon, decides to re sign It wUl a ls IBM. 1at Loyalty nf Cossacks. Dispatches received here today from Nova Tcherkaak. which is In the center of the Pnn Cossack district, show that the au thorities are extremely apprehensive as to the effect of the speeches delivered in the lower house of Parliament in the re rent debate on the Cossack question and which are palpably Intended to undermine the loyalty of the Cossack levies engaged on police duty. Regular meeting of con stitutional democrats at which the report of the debate wa to have been read were dispersed and the ipers have been terri fied into omitting reports of the speeches. Police Disperse Meetings. Political demonstrations, during which the crowds carried red flags and sang revolu tionary' songs, occurred In many places In St. Petersburg yesterday afternoon and night, necessitating the Interference of po lice and nillitaiy patrols. Street cars were held up and their occupants compelled to uncover and salute the red flag. The most serious affair happened near the Moscow railroad station, where an officer later Iden tified as Lieutenant Tom made a revolu tionary speech to a crowd of 2.000 people. A detachment of police atempted to dis perse the sssemblsge, but the people armed themselves with stones dug up from the streets and beat off the police and a squad ron of Cossacks. Kventually the Cossacks were reinforced and Bred a blank volley In the air, whereupon the rioters fled to neigh boring courts. Only a few persons were slightly injured. IJeutenant Tom was ar rested and taken into a fortress. A meeting which wss addressed by ora tors from a window of the Constitutional Democrat club was dispersed by mounted gendarmes, during which several persons were wounded with sabers and a per formance at the people's palsre was broken up, the audience singing the "Marselllalsa" as they dispersed. kewspag.ra Issltrsled. The guards on the mail wagons ar now i mtd with rifles owing to th Increasing number of attacks maie upon these vehi cles. Six more newspapers of this city have been confiscated provinces w here Landlords from the agrarian disorders are occurring are flock ing Into Moscow and St. Petersburg appeal ing for troop to protect their property, ' without which they declare it Is Impossible for them to liva on their estates, riome of the papers regard General Trepoff's pro nouncement In favor of a ministry com posed of constitutional democrats as a sham death bed repentance designed to give the emperor and court a breathing spell, while others consider It to be a confirmation of Ihe report that Trepoff has fallen from favor and Is trimming his sails to ths pre vailing broears. Th holy synod has lasued strict Instructions forbkldir the printing 4CooUaa4 on second Pag.) I nlon SAN J LAN. P. R.. July 9. Entiu Root, the American ecretary of state, who ar rived here yesterday on board the cruiser Charleston on hi voyage to Rio Janeiro a t lie representative of the American government, at the Pan-American ion gress, wan entertained at luncheon today hy George Cabot Ward at the Vnlon club. Others present Included tnlted states and liiKiiIar officers, the naval officer of Porto ( Rico and several Spanish merchants and banker. Auditor Hyde of Torto Rico proposed the toast to President Roosevelt. In re sronilins Mr. Root said he fully apprv." , .. ... . . H1I,. i I.ind s adjustment to the new coiidlt Ions, I resulting, from Its separation from Spain and the seveiance of relations between cliurch and state. The I ntted states, Mr. Root said, was greatly Interested In tlM welfare of the Island, and In holding: it I friendship, and strongly desired fur Porto l Rico the utmost prosperity and happiness. I Mr. Root avoided all reference to in- ular problem, such as the question of citizenship, the coffee Browing Industry I1(J ,he presence of troops on. the Is- Iti nd. The arrival of Secretary Root here yes terday laused a laughable Incident at the expense, of the captain of the Italian ciuiser l.inbiia. 'J'ho wireless telegraph reported that the Vnlted Slates cruiser ( hniieston with Mr. jot en board was due to arrive here at yesterday. At that hour the I ntted revenue cutter Algonquin entered -bor from the Island of rfl. Thomas, L Ice. boats ot fcC lieutena with postmaster Land! and Col 'uatoin Catistens of Kan Juan on iriubiia thereupon fl'ed a aluti guns, but. afterward tent a on board the Algonquin explam- lng that the commander of the l.mbrla thought the Algonquin was the Charleston. The firing of the salute by the l.'mbria caused a rush of spectators to the water front. STEERAGE RATES REDUCED Prospect of n War Hrtners Ham. bora-American and .North Oerniaa I.lod Lines. BRK.MEN, July 9. The North German Lloyd Steamship company today reduced the steerage rate to New York $2. SO. HAMBl RG. July 9. The reduction In em igrant passage rates' announced I y the North German Lloyd Steamship company is that company's answer to the Hamburg American line's cut of the same amount last week, which la Its second recent re duction. The situation begins to look ex tremely like a rate war between the Ham burg American and North German Lloyd lines in the emigrant business. It I explained In the Hamburg news paper that the Hamburg-American com pany's reduction was designed lo give Ham burg Ita proper share of the emigrant traffic, which latterly has been declining, the emigrants departing from this port In June numbering only 9,011, a compared with 17.899 In May. Foth Austria and Rus sia sent In June 'less than half the number of emigrants that departed from those countries In May. DREYFUS DECISION DELAYED Champion of Accused Captain Refuses to Shoot at Man Who Challrntres. PARIS. July . The supreme court held a lengthy secret session today and ad journed without announcing Its decision In the Dreyfu cae. .It is generally expected that the decision of the Rennes court martial will be annulled, but the court is understood to be divided upon the question of quashing the verdict entirely or order ing a new trial. The Dreyfu case 1 reawakening intense bitterness and ha already resulted in one duel. General Gonne, former aaalstant chief of the general staff, who I opposed to Dreyfu claim, challenged Colonel Plc quart, former head of the intelligence de partment of the French army, who 1 a strong supporter of Dreyfus, to a hostile meeting. An encounter with platol at twenty-five paces was arranged for today, with the result that the general fired and missed hi adversary. The colonel refused to fire. NEW ABYSSINIAN TREATY Urrst Brit fcew iln, France and Italy Make Arrangement with African Kuler." BERLIN. July 9. The Italian government has confidentially notified the German For eign office of the contents of the treaty negotiated between Great Britain, France and Italy on the one hand and Abyssinia ou th other. The main feature of the Anglo-French-Italian treaty with Abyssinia. It was an nounced from Paris July 5. are a guarantee of the Integrity of the Abyssinian empire, the open door and commercial equality for all countries and the continuation by th French of the construction of th railway connecting Aodis Ababa, the capital of Abyssinia, with the other coast, and giving Great Britain and Italian mining represen tatives on the railroad directorate. Bryan Returns to London. LONDON. July 9 William J. Bryan and Mr. Bryan returned to London to- day from Vret Park, the country resi- donee of Ambassador Whltelaw Reld. Later Mr. Bryan visited Premier Camp- ttell-Bannerman at his official residence In Downing street and spent an hour witn him. C. A. Pearson, the publisher, will give a dinner to Mr. and Mrs. iiryan to night. FUhlaa Schooner Lost. NORTH SYDNEY, C. B., July . Word j was received here today that the fishing hoonrr Stanley George had been lost. j wi, , on board, near Grand Forks during a terrific storm. No details of the wreck ,v. t.n learned The vessel waa owned j in Rnmena, New Foundland. .- t oart-Martlnl Verdict Tuesday. CROASlAUi. juiy . ii.s verdict of th court-martial In th trial of Admiral Rojestvensky and th officers of th tor pedo boat destroyer Bedovl. who sur rendered to the Japanese during th bat tle of the sea of Japan. Is not expected until tomorrow. British Steamer Wrecked. SHELBl RNE, N. 8 . July .-The British steamer Harlya I a wreck st Black Point, near Northwest harbor, according to dls- patchea received here today. Captain Bi- nioruis of the vessel end his crem- reached shore with thslr fleet. It ran labors la a to. Luncheon at I lab. NEW AUDIT SSTEM PUT IN Reform in Checking Police Court Account Adapted by Crawford. LEE GEIER'S RECORDS SHOW SOME ERRORS Retiring Clerk Reimburses Treasury Wkn Advised of nUcrepanclee C omptroller's Ortlee Did Sot Discover. An Investigation Instluted hy Police Juris' Crawford Into the system of accounting which has been In vogue for some time In Hie offlce of the clerk of the police court has revealed some suspicion meth- ods of and, ting. One feature of the In- ..... .. vesttgation was that Inst Friday .niernmn Ix-e Orier, who retired from the poll-: court clerkship last month, paid Into the city treasury 2M tn cover discrepancies discovered that day by Police Judge Crew ford and the present clerk of the police court. J. J. M.i honey. The $?M represented errors in Gricr's nrcounts from Jtnuray 1 ; ' . ... Inasmuch as representative of the city comptroller' office checked up Mr. Grier's net-mint frnni month to month and discov ered no errors, while the new police judire discovered $2M short for the six months checked, the matter, has nrouHcd the at tention of the lire and polee committee of the city council. Councilman McOovern ha said he will ask that Grtrr' books for hi six years as clerk of the police court be checked by experts. Men System of Acconntlua. Beginning yesterday a new sys tem of keeping account was Inaugurated at the police court and city Jail, the scheme being that inch department will have a check on the other In the matter of payment of fines, bonds, release of prisoners who have been fined and other features where money Is involved. Iee Grler was seen yesterday afternoon and questioned regarding the errors found In his accounts. "I did pay Urt Into the treasury Friday afternoon when It wa shown to me that my accounts were out tha sum," said Mr. Grier. "In explanation of the alleged error I would say that it' is possible persons have called on me at my afternoon place of busi ness and paid me the money, which I forgot to charge up on my books. There was no real shortage In my accounts, but only clerical errors. Borne of those fellow are trying lo Job me for political reasons.-' Regarding the possibility of his accounts being checked back for six years Mr. Grler said he had no misgivings on that score. Crawford with the Mack Rake. Police Judge Crawford, who has been using the muck rake In the police court accounting department, said yesterday -afternoon that he felt confident otm after he asFiimed his duties as police judge January 4 that there was great need of Improve ment in the accounting method In vogue In the police court clerk's office. "But," said the Judge yesterday after noon, "1 wa getting on to the ropes my self for awhile and thought that Inasmuch as the. city . comptroller. -wa. checkiuR up the clerk each month, the matter -might rest awhile. . But I later saw there were too many loopholes and opportunities for graft and then began an Investigation which resulted last Friday afternoon In Mr. Grler turning over $4 for flagrant error made during the time 1 have been In offlce." According to the statement of Judge Crawford some of drier' error consisted of bonds forfeited and not turned Into the city treasury. Instance where defendants In police court case fail to appear after having been released on a cash liond the police Judge marks "bond forfeited," with the amount, on the face of the complaint, which is sent to the clerk for entry and disposition in the same manner where a prisoner' fine Is noted by the judge on the complaint. Some of the errors charged against Grier were In case where pris oner paid their fine In the afternoon, for Instance, of the day they were fined, the money having been paid Grler, who Issued a "release order" to the party paying the fine and then placed the money In his pocket. Grler admitted he may have made a number of errors of that nature. osarove Admits Remedy Seeded. Deputy Comptroller Fred Cosgrove, who has many checks on the police court clerk's accounts and who Is familiar wl'h the situation, agreed that a new system of accounting was badly needed in the office of the police court clerk and added that his offlce had been working for a month or more to devise a system which would disclose errors better than the old system. In explanation ns to why the comptroller's office did not ' disci "er the i errors found by Judge Crawford last week, Mr. Cosgrove saiu in omc. had !een checking the police court docket wf(h the books and declared that the dockets did not show the facts and were not a reliable means of checking the accounts. Part of the new system of accounts at the police station is a book kept by the Jailer, showing what time each prisoner would have to serve If he or she served out the entire fine and also the exact time each prisoner Is released and under what circumstances. Prisoners are allowed K a day for serving out fines. If a man Is fined $10 and cost and only serve two day the Jailer's book will show whether the man paid the balance of hi fine or was released on a pardon from the mayor. In cases where the money is paid at the time fines are Imposed by th.- Judge the items will be cheeked back each morning by the police Judge or court sergeant, who keeps the police court docket sheet and j the clerk who keeps record of everv rlne. sentence or discharge. By this careful and dally check Judge Crawford feels confi dent errors will be eliminated and chances for graft expunged. INVESTIGATING LAWS OF ALIENS Board Assembles at Washlaarton to Prepnra Report for Is of Congress. WASHINGTON. July l.-Carrylng out a suggestion mad by th house committee on foreign affairs a board assembled at th 6lte department to Inquire into th laws and practice regarding cltl th I'nited States, expatriation. nahlp of ind pro- I tectlon abroad and to report recommenda tion to d laio. oeror congress nest session. Th primary purpose la to devls means of checking ths abuses of American naturalisation by persons who take out papers with the deliberate purpose of re turning Immediately to their native coun tries, where they have given much trouble I to Ihe State department by clalmina lm- munity from all the obligation of th native to tbelr own government, thereby causing great discontent and leading to I much (UylocuaUo cerrespoudsBcwt SHOSHONE LAND REGISTRATION Clerks from tirnernl .and Office to Have t aarae of the Work. (From Staff Correspondent. 1 WASHINGTON, Juty . (Special Tele gram. ) The eommls!o'f r of the general land office and hi corps of clerks will be nt Lander, Wyo . on July 1.1 to superintend tr registration for the drawing of land to be opened to settlement Iti the Shoshone or Wind river reservation. The method of nro cedure will be the same as prevailed at the Crow creek opening, nninely, bv registration and subsequent drawing for choice parcels. Drawings will commence August 15 There are something like inoH'mo acres to be thrown open to settlement. , Officials at the general land office predict heavy mineral derjosiiR or vaet value will be discovered when'li ,':s country I opened and prospector have chance to look It over. It I generally b.-lleved that there are large deposits of gold and copper In the Owl mountains located within the acreage to be occupied by the white man. The secretary of the interior has restored to settlement the I'tthweet quarter of the southwest quarter t hftlf aoutl-.west quarter, and south?"- qusrter of the southeast quarter. i- 2o. township SI north, range 77 west,, in Wyoming. Th'a hind was withdrawn: S'l 1MB In connection with the North rtaf? 'irrlgillon project. It now ap)iear that tiit.lend Is valuable for II minerals and is:' Ibis action will not Interfere with the i'sa'lon project It ha been restored, to vl dement. The trnct will not be subject t entry until ninety days after tho notle( such publication as may be prescribed .y' the department. Frank A. Riley has , ' t p. appointed regu lar and William Riley ;tiutTS rural car tier for route 1, at f 'ksun, Neb. R. C. Newne of ir.i.iha has been ap pointed clerk at Panama. The application of F. I'. McElhlnney, W. R. and G. II. Jaruejion. W. J. French, C. II. White and II. G. Hupp to organise the Citizens' Nattoual bank of, .Waterloo, la., with J100.000 capital , has' been approved by the comptroller of the Currency. Roy A. Kellnms Ot Haoord, William U Cummins, , Clinton: Vere W.' Okey. Rock Valley; Frank IS. Eby, Weit Liberty; Fred Updike. Charlton; William J. O'Neil, Coun cil Bluffs; P. T. Vaughaa, Algona; H. N. Eller, Greenwood; George Classen, Clinton, la., have been - appointed, railway mall clerks. ' . . . CITY CLOSES DRY GOODS STORE Chicago Official Takes Itraatto Meas ure to Enforce Building; Ordl . nanro of Muhclpallty. CHICAGO, July . -The retail dry goods store of Marshall Field fc, Co. was closnd to the public today by Building Commls sloner Bartsen because the management of the store had not complied with certain regulations to which Its attention had been called by the commissioner- . For several days the management and the commissioner ' have been fn conference regarding the placing of red, -light In the store for the purpose of marking" exits and stairways. .' This morning, JwheSy the com missioner became awaro tbiit IB work had not .been. dun jgvaf Mvi-.jy, ' bmjMiUttOr l lice officers to be stationed at all doors of the place and allowed nobody but employes to enter. Manager Simpson, as soon as he was aware that all the customers were being turned back at the entrances, hastened to the building commissioner, who informed him that he "ought to be In jail." "I have repeatedly called . attention to this matter, and If you are not man enough to protect the lives of your patron you ought to be In jail," said the commissioner. Mr. Simmons then called attention to mayor, who said that the building com missioner had been too drastic and he should have proceeded against the man ager of the store through the courts. The tore was allowed to open and Commis sioner Bartsen declared he would take out warrants lor Its managers, loiter In the afternoon Commissioner Bartzen awore out a warrant for the ar- rest of James Simpson, manager of the Field retail store, charging six violations of the building law. After accepting service of the warrant to night Mr. Simpson appeared In Justice Hurley's court and gave bond amounting to $200 for hi appearance In court to de fend himself against the charges made by the building commissioner. The case was set for hearing July 17. BREWERS AGRET0 BE GOOD Kansas City Companies WUl til re Bond to Obey Knnsns Law If Property Is Released. KANSAS CITY. July 9. The brewers who control the Joints in Kansas City, Kan., admitted defeat in their effort to keep their places open In defiance of the law when they announced tonight that they will agree never to sell liquor to the Joints In Kansas City, Kan., again and promlaed to give bond a a guarantee of good faith. The Helm, Rochester and Imperial Brew lng companies, which own and control 160 Joint In Kansas City, Kan., will make ap- pllcatlon this week in the court of com mon pleas for the releae of their property, which by order of court is locked up and held by the authorities. The brewers agree to give a bond of H.OOO for each building they own In which they have fixtures as a guarantee that they will not again violate i , .p Ancor,rTV ? h """""T" I Daniel . Mead and G. H. Benzenberg. the liquor law. j B(.ing as appraiser, were in fact, misled Where the building sre leased by he 1 and deceived by the said plane, diagrams brewer the property owners will have to : T1 1'""'''," statements and by reason of . . . ' t. ; the same were Induced to. and In fact B. iwuu wiuio win oe re- moved from the doors. Eleven Jolntlsts were cited for contempt by the court of common pleas today for violating the court's order by selling liquor yesterday. FORGERY, SAYS MRS. HARTJE She Charge Letters tn Coachman Bearing; Her Same Were Mot Written by Her. PITTSBCRG. Pa., July .-Dvid N. Car- . . . .. . . . valhoe. the handariting expert who ha oeen engaged in many ramoua cases ot :ne country, among them the trials of Roland d , ,, . . . . B. Mollneaux arrived here from New York today. He ha been called here to testify for Mr. Hartje In tne divorce rase brought by Augustus J. Hartje, the millionaire paper manufacturer. In the previous hear ings of the case appeared about forty let ter, It la alleged. Mr. Hartje wrote to the family coachman, Tom Madlne, and which have been declared a forgery by Mrs Hartje and her counsel . It Is upon these letters that Mr. Canal hoe went to work soon after he arrived. The Hartje case will be resumed tomor row morning and it is expected that th result of Mr. Carvalhoe's work, in part at leant, will be mad known. Th letter have been greatly enlarged, some of ths Luluaia Lalng aU inch la Jwlfbb BOARD REJECTS APPRAISAL SeU Ont Sumerom Reasons Why it ii Hot Binding on the Citj. WATER COMPANY DEMANDS PURCHASE Kites Rill In Federal Court to Require City to Pay 0er Price Klsed hy Appraisers and Take the Work. Fraud Is charged In a resolution adopted by tho Wster board at an adjourned meet ing last night rejecting the report of the majority of the appraisers fixing the value of the water plant at KiW,'-95.l9. A reso lution arranging for the appointment of a new appraiser In older thst another appraisement may be had wa adopted also. Formal action wa taken unanimously after a long secret meeting of the board members and Attorney John L. Webster and Carl C. Wright in Mr. Webster's office. The resolution rejecting the ap praisment is a long one and give In de tail a number of reasons. Among these are that the report 1 not unanimous; that Irregular and unauthorised methods of procedure have been followed in arriving at a valuation; that the finding of Ap prslsers Mead and Hensenberg are o ex cessive a to be Irregular, wrongful and ! fraudulent; that the two appraiser acted upon deceptive and misleading evidence furnished hy the water company; that the two appralrerf permlttd the company to Introduce evidence secretly, which the Water board's representative were not al lowed to see and that many other errois were committed. The board adjourned to meet again to night to discuss further plans for resist ing the enforcement of the appraisement returned and to transact any other busi ness. Including the election of a member to fill the vacancy caused by the death of James K. Boyd. Reject the Appraisement. The long resolution to reject the report was introduced by Member Howell, after preparation by the lawyers, and the reso lution looking to a second appraisement was presented by Member Coad. The first named apparently sets forth all the objections of the Water board as to th report and Its processes and Is ss fol lows: Whereas, Pursuant to certain proceed ing heretofore had between the city of Omaha and the Omaha Water company, under and pursuant to section 14 of ordi nance No. 43 and subsequent proceedings ot the city council of the city of Omaha relating thereto, three engineers, John "vV. Alvord, G. H. Bensenberg and Daniel W. Mead, were selected to ascertain the ap praised valuation of the waterworks, under and by virtue of section 14 of said ordi nance No. 423, and, Whereas, Said engineer have thl day submitted to the Water board of the city of Omaha a report, and which said report, purporting to be an appraisement of the waterworks, 1 not tne report oi tne saia three engineers and la not an appraised valuation estimated by the said three en gineers, and. Whereas, Said report. In the manner and form as made. Is unauthorised, Illegal and void, and, Wherea. It appear upon the face of said report that one of the engineers so selected.. John V. Alvord. did not . ouoeur In said report, nor In the values fixed it said report, a appears upon the face thereof, and by reason whereof the said report does not repreent an appraised valuation ascertained by the estimate of the aald three engineer, a required by the aid section 14 of said ordinance No. 4-3, and. Irregularities ( barged. Whereas, The said engineers, Daniel W. Mead and G. H. Benzenberg, in arriving at their said valuations have pursued It regular and unauthorized methods of pro cedure, and have In many particular acted In violation of law and ot tneir auiy in the premles, and, Whvreas, The valuation aareed upon by aald engineer. Daniel W. Mead and G. 1 1. Bensenberg. are so greatly above the real value of the property, and so excessive as to be evidence that the same are Irregu lar, wrongful and fraudulent, and, Whereas. Said engineer, Daniel . Mead and George H. Bensenberg. sitting a ap praisers, did not act. upon their own judg ment a to valuations, but upon evidence presented to them by the Omaha Water , ng 'Bnd- dp,.,.ptlve. and by reason whereof, Hi., said engineers. Daniel W. Mead and G. H. Benzenberg. acting as appraisers, were misled and deceived, and induced to give the said property valuation which were above their real value, which ald evidence the said engineer were with out authority to receive, and which wa mo received over the objection of tne city of Omaha, and over the objection of the Water board of the city of Omaha: and the pur pose and object of which said evidence wa to give to the water work a fictltlou val uation over and above it real value, and, Whereaa, The said engluuera, Daniel W. Mead and G. H. Benxerberg. acting a ap praiser. In violation of their duty, and against the continued protest and objec tion of the city of Omaha and of the Water board of the city of Omaha, did, hy con tinuance and accommodations, and other wise grant and extend to the Omaha Water company a period of nearly one year and a half of time, o a to enable the offi cers, agent and representative of the Omaha Water company to prepare maps, plana, diagiama and other detailed forms of evidence, some of which did not. In fact, represent existing properties, and ninny of which maps, plans, diagrams and de tailed statements purported io represent properties, construction work and materials which were not within the personal knowl edge or observation of the persons who prepared the said maps, plans, diagrams and detailed statements, and which In truth and In fact, were not proper or coin neient evidence of the properties, construe j tion work and materials which they pur- ported to represent, and which were mis leading and deceptive to the said engineer, and yet were received and accepted and acted upon by the said engineers, Daniel W. Mead and G. H. Bensenberg. and with out original investigation on their part to know whether the aald map, plans, dia gram and aetauea statement were cor. i ,,i glvp to the properties of the Omaha Water company, on account thereof, valu- ations far In excess of the real values of the propertie ho estimated, and. Whereas, the said engineer. Daniel W. Mead and G. II. Benzenberg, acting a ap praisers, permitieo- the officers and agent of the Omaha Water company to present to the said engineers In secret. In tne city of Cincinnati, in the state of Ohio, at a meeting there held by tha said engineers, book and other documentary evidences of ha mri water comoanv. over the wrltian t protest and oDJertion or tne Water board of the cliy of Omaha, and which eciet evi(t.nre. consisting- of book and reonrriu Iva presented to the said engineers bv the I officers and representative ot the Oinahn Water company, and was received - hhk pnKlnP.ri,. Daniel W. Mead and G. II. Hen ; senberc. and consiaereu dv mem. notwlth- I standing the protet of the Water hoard.' and wJilch evidence so submitted to the "I i ,h i.. rA i, ... " ,y anrt representative were refused per - mission to see. ana mucii nroeeening was SO grossly iin-numr mm lu renner null and void the action of the said engineer. Daniel w . Mead and G. H Bensenberg. in arriving at their valuation, and lo the great wrong and prejudice of the city of Omaha, and Valuation Held Fraudulent. Wherea. the eaid engineer. Daniel W. Mead and G If. Bensenberg, acting a ap prauter. either consented to sahl b.x.ks and documents of the Omaha Water com pany being transmitted, or caused mni.l book and document to be tiansinitle,) from Ihe city of Cincinnati to the city of Chicago, to be thereafter further ex amined or considered by the aald engineer. Daniel W. Mead and G. H. Bensenberg. and .. 'Continued, ea Second Pajs.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Pair Tuesday, Warmer In uonthwrst Portion. Wednesday Fair. Temperature nt Omaha yesterday! Hour. Dear. Hour. Den. . m H4 I p. m K-1 e) n. m...... p. m H.1 T a. m n p. m P-4 Tl 4 p. m n. n Til It p. m MS ' n. m th H p. m M m Nl 7 p. m K IK m m N p. m ftt O p. m TH POLICY HOLDERS IN SESSION Olnry Head Movement to Overthrow Manaarment of Two Mutual . Compnnle. NEW YORK. July 9. The International Policyholder' committee organised to over throw the present management of the New York Life Insurance company and the Mu tual Life Insurance company of New York effected a permanent organization at a meeting' here today by the election of th following officcis: Chairman, Richard Olney of Massachu setts: vice chairman, Governor J. Frank Hnnly of Indiana: executive committee, Alton R. Parker of New York, Governor J. D. Johnston of Minnesota. Charles Emory Smith of Pennsylvania. Harlow N. Higglnhntliam of Illinois. A. M. Shook of Tennessee. Governor Henry Roberts of ConncM lent . George Samuel l'ciinypaeker of Pennsylvania ; finance conunllle. Thomas R Wanamaker of Penns Ivania, F. G. Neldrlnghaiis of Missouri. Samuel Newhouse of 1'tah, Samuel I'littrmyer nt New York (of counsel), Seymour Eaton tsecretaryi, G. R. Scrugham (organizer). The general committee formally added tn the list of Its member the name of Lord St. Oswald and Uarmood Rnnnard. M. P., to represent .he English policyholder. After the meeting the committee Issued un address to policyholders In explaining the Inception of the committee and out lining its plan of action. Reciting that the voting power ha gradually been transferred from the policy holders to a few of the executive officer centered In New Y'ork, the address says that It I necessary for the 1.2(10.000 policy holder to organize without delay, a thl year under the law recently enacted af fords the policyholder their only oppor tunity to obtain complete control In one election, while hereafter only half the di rectors can be chosen 'n any one election. ONE INSURANCE CONTEST Wllllamilisrs Fire Company Will Admit o Liability. aylnr F.arthquake Caused Fire. NEW YORK. July 9. The position fit the Williamsburg Fire Insurance com pany with reference to claims growing out of the San Francisco disaster was outlined today by President Marahall H. Drlggs of the company. Mr. Drlggs' statement wa called forth by the an nouncement that San Franciaco policy holders had organized to sue his company for their recent losses. "It 1 true that the earthquake clauae was added only two years ago." said Mr. Driggs, "and that some of the policy holders may qot have noticed It, but. If they did not read their. policies tha.t la not our-tau ;t.V --y-; y- 'r "Of course, the ground will tie taken that the earthquake clause does not ap ply because It was not earthquake, but fire that caused the damage," said he. 'We are advised by our counsel, how ever, that a long a the earthquake was the primary cause we are not liable." ROSE GRANTED WRIT OF ERROR Federal Court Stay J ort anient of Knnsaa Supreme Tribunal In Case of Ouster. KANSAS CITY, July 9.-W. W. Rose, mayor of Kansas City, Kan., wa tonight granted a writ of error by David J. Brewer. Justice of the t'nlted State su preme court, which reveree the decision of the Kansas supreme court and stay j the Judgment of that body In fining Mayor Rose 11.000 and demanding that ho relln qulah tils offlce. John H. Atwood of Leav enworth, Rose's attorney, sent a telegram to Mayor Rose from Hot Springs. Ark., notifying the mayor of Justice Brewer's action. Mayor Roe will continue to perform hi official dutie until the cae I acted up.m by the I'nited States supreme court and It Is believed his term of offlce will ex pire before that tribunal decides the case. FOLK MAY USE MILITIA Governor of Missouri Determines to Close SI. Joseph Saloon on Monday. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., July t. Gov ernor Folk today issued instructions to St. Joseph, Mo., police commissioners to arrest all saloon keepers of St. Joseph who keep open next Sunday, and If after ar rests they yet refuse to close up to take charge of all their stock and ;lace It in a safe place for evidence against them. The governor declares the state law must be enforced and If the police cannot do It they must give way to others who can. There Is an Intimation that the governor will send the state militia. St. oJseph saloon keepers refuse to closo because of the decision of the Kansas City court of appeals that a city ordinance al lowing them to sell on Sunday In that city is valid. PRESIDENT'S GUARD GUILTY Chief of Personal Secret Service Corpa Pnya Fine for As saulting Photographer. OYSTER BAY', L. I., July .-J. B. Sloan, Jr., chief of the president's secret service corps, pleaded guilty and wa fined HO today on a charge of assault In the third degree preferred by Clarence LeGendee a New xora iuiusiainici, " j fne. I 1 Movement of Ocean Vessels, July ft. At New York Arrived: I'nited States, from Copenhagen; Nicola! II. from Copen hagen: Zealand, from Antwerp: Ryndan, from Rotterdam: Mmnomlnee. from Ant werp. Sailed: Ivernla, for Liverpool. At Oueenstown Arrived; litonia. from J New York. i ai 1 rsew iviK, ..uuwi,, -rw York At Liverpool Bailed : Athenla, for Mont real. At Olaagow Sailed: City of Bombay, for St. John, N. F. : Mongolian, for Montreal. Arrived: Caledonia, from New York. At Cherbourg tialled: Bremen, for New York. At Gibraltar Balled: Prinzes Irene, for New York. Arrived: Canopic, from Bos ton. New At Genoa Arrived : Sicllia, from York. At Plymouth Arrived: Kron Prins Wll- helm, from New oi k At Naples Balled: Carp Una, for New YArtk" Pbllad.lphlaArriysdi JTrlssUaa. from Llvsrvvok FIGHTING THE FLOOD Southern Paci6o Making Btrenuou Efforts to Bare Southern California Tracks. FORTY MILES OF MAIN LINE THREATENED Water Pourin Into Ealton Sent from the Colorado Hirer. WILL BUILD A GREAT DAM AT INTAKE Spur Nine Hilei Lone: Will Be Constructed to Haul Material. RIVER TO BE TURNED INTO OLD BED Flow of Water Decreased and It Is F.sprcted All llanarr Will Re Alerted hy the Middle of September. SALTON. Cat., July 9. Confronted with a final washout within tho next six week by the rapidly advancing waters of the Salton sea, ihe Southern Pacific company Is now making every effort possible to turn the Colorado river back Into its old chan nel which lends Into tho Gulf of California. Forty miles of the company's trsnscontl nental Hue is affected. Large gangs of men with teams and grader have been sent to Pilot Knob, a few mile this slda of Yuma, and the construction of a nlne mllo spur track branching from the main line at Pilot Knob leading down through Mexico and ending at the famous intake ha been commenced. Thl track will bs used for the transportation of material re quired to dam the flood at the Intake. The work of checking the flow at the In take where the Colorado river I rushing from It old channel into the Salton sink ha been handicapped by Its Isolation from the railroad. Machinery and material needed to construct the dam and head gate hsd to be hauled nine miles by wagon or floated down the Colorado from Tuma. It Is proposed to run tralnloads of rock, from the quarries near Pilot Knob and dump them Into the Intake, thus con structing the dsm. which Is intended to check the flow of the river In its rush into the Salton ea and to turn It back Into the gulf. The opening to be closed I over 400 feet wide and a dam or a mile In length will be necessary. With these transportation facilities those In charge of the work feel confident that they will be able td avoid another move of the South ern Pacific's tracks. Their time I hort. however. In which to accomplish this feat. IMPERIAU Cal., July .Ths waters of the Colorado river at Yuma have fallen to twenty-two feet, red icing the discharge about 60 per cent. About ten days ago the new river had ceased cutting the chan nel toward ihe Colorado and has almost stopped cutting at C'alexlco and Mexlcalla, where no further damage Is expected. It is practically certain thst the river will be ttirned to the gulf by the middle of Sep tember, . - ' -. J , A. f . ' . , - , t WfLSCN ; ; CONSULTS ; BACKERS Secretary gays Chlrasro Meat Have Agreed to Comply with it Law. Men CHICAGO, July 9. Socretary of Agri culture Wilson and the chiefs of the pack ing establishments at the stock yards held a meeting today. When the con ference adjourned. In the afternoon, none of the packer would aay a word regard ing what had occurred In th confer ence. Secretary Wilson eaid: "The meeting was not a formal affair. The Washington authorities naked me to meet the packers at the time und place considered the most convenient. I havtt nothing to say regarding what transpired. The public must wait until my work I finished before I say anything. I am here today to listen. I am a good listener. The packers have done the talk ing today. My mission here Is to explain the new law to the government Inspectors. I do not expect to make a detailed In spection of the stock yards, but will In form the public, of the result of my labors while here just as soon as I can." "I found the general condition at th stock yards to be good." ald Secretary Wilson tonight, "and everything was evi dently being hurried to place the entire yard in first-class condition and an evi dent desire upon the part of all those In authority to comply with the law fully, "Tomorrow I will confer with ome thirty government inspectors from various cities having packing IndiiKtrles. They come to Chicago at iny request to receive Informa tion regarding ihe operations of the new Inspection law and to receive from me their Instructions as to Its enforcement. The packers have agreed to comply with the law. I will lso confer with the packers a to the time of putting the law Into ef fect. They will have to make some rhange In their operation to do this, and I am willing to grant them time In which to get ready. Thl should not require longer than two or three weeks, however. OCEANIC COMPANY DEFAULTS Steamship Company Full to Meet In teres! on Deht and Cred itor May Art. SAN FRANCISCO, July . The Oceania Stesmahlp company ha failed to pay th July semi-annual Interest ot V.i per cent on Ita t2.406.ono debt. Thl is the culmina tion of the company's financial trembles, which have extended over a period of about three years, and the holder of th bonds sre now In a poettlon to take legal action to foreclose their mortgage on the prop erty of the company, which consist of five steamers. Three of these vessels are In the Australian trade, one run to Tahiti and the fifth between here and Honolulu. The firm of J. D. Spreekel sV Rrother company 1 the chief creditor, having ad vanced about L'.oofi.Ourt to the company to meet It annual deficits. FEUD FIGHT IN TERRITORY Two Men KJIIrd nnd One Fatally I a jured In Pitched Buttle Near Westvllle. Ml'BKOGEE. I. T.. July .- Earnest and Pleas Hubbard are dead and Reuben Klrby fatally Injured as the result of a pitched battle near Wcslvllle, I. T., today between meinbet of the Hubbard and Klrby fam- Hies, which nave wen Keeping alive a ! (,.u,i of several months Rifle and pistols uete uscci iiy is. tn ta'-iions. in a recent ,Lht one of the Klrbys wa shot by Will ftev.s. a friend of the Hubbard. A deputy ln,,M m,"'h" J" froEtt 1 U the aceua of th batCa,